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Rod Fricker © Ingrid Freebairn ¢ Jonathan Bygrave « Judy Copage Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gato, Harow Essex, CM20 2JE, England and Associated Companies throughout the world wr. pearsonlongman.conVucbeat (© Pearson Education Limited 2010 llrightsreserved, No part ofthis publication may be reprecuced, stored ina retrieval system, or trasmittad in any frm or by [any means, electronic, mechanical, hatacopying, racoring or otherwise without the prior wnittan permission of the copyright hotcers. “The rights of Rod Fricke, Ingrid Freebair, Jonathan Bygrave and «Judy Copage to be identtied as authors ofthis work has been ‘asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, Fst published 2010, Set 10/17pt HeWetica Neue LT Printed in Spain by Grafioas Esto, S.L ISBN 978-1-4058-8959-9 Dasigned! by Rear Design IMystrated by David Banks pages 4; 16; 23; 40; 48; 49; 60; 78; 92; 120; 129; 142; 143; 144, Dave Gaskell pages 15; 34 et; 54; 11 139, Joanna Kerr 20; 21 bottom: 33 tp left; 38 right; 41; 50: 88. like Lacey (Beshive Mustraton) page 98, Pat Muray (Graham ‘Cameron ilustration) pages 8 top; 13; 14; 25; 55 let 59,79; 85; 89, ‘Anita Romeo (Advocate liustation) pages 5; 7; 3 let 45; 55 right; +28; 192 botiom left and top right David Shenton pages 8 bottom left and right; 21 top: 30; 48; 68; 78; 80; 95; 118; 132 top lef. 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We would ’b pleased to inort the appropeate acknowledgement in any ‘subsaquent edtion ofthis publication coe Peay BE Welcome to the Language Builder! This Language Builder will give you more practice in the grammar, vocabulary, functions and skills which are in your Students’ Book. The Language Builder is divided into two parts: a Workbook and a Grammar Bank. Workbook The first part of the Language Builder is the Workbook. This contains practice of the grammar, vocabulary, functions and skills in your Students’ Book. Most of the exercises in the Workbook lessons are at two levels of difficulty: easier (se) and more difficult (4). There are also Roundup exercises which practise several language points together. In addition, there is an Extra challenge! exercise («**) in each unit, which gives you the opportunity to do a more challenging activity. Grammar Bank The second part of the Language Builder is the Grammar Bank. This contains Grammar Summary pages with examples and notes to help you remember grammar rules. These are followed by Grammar Practice exercises. You can do these exercises as a follow-up to the exercises in the Workbook, or you can use them later to help you revise. We hope that this Language Builder will help you in your English studies. Have fun and stay Upbeat! Grammar Vocabulary/Function ‘= wishiif only + past simole 7 |» Psat erp ana preset 7 Gian aes accessotee and Page 01 contiuous pats |S Sesertsinple and + Gueston fags «+ Shop for clothes |” resent conics : coat |. Stealer tgs + Prost prac seple a pas ample + Jobs ; ¢ Present perfect emo wil for ana pebromte ener pes '* Present perfect simple 3 inensitrs much, far aot a itwith |» Adjcves to dese work | winYorand sce comparative ajecves and acvrne | tenses chy fara (noi) as... as Jot, a bit with comparative iv a 10 Across cultures: Teenage ashion Bian psi reo Skills focus: Writing Writing tip: Collect and organise your ideas | ‘ 7 > Pastainpe + ahow concern and reassure |age 105 ¢ Prapotlons diving and for | Cas since 14 + Past continuous are past simple with + Phresel verbo with up eee eee erases as rete ein ‘simple with while, when, 16» Past snp and past pertet spe = + Aterlbere «gerund ng + Past simple an past = a perfect simple 78 | Guricuum lnk: History Milestones in travel nd wansport Wairoa gend Skil focus: Reading, Reading tp: Dctonary ele) (eteee 20 Futur tenses: wil gong to preset |» Foodland Kichen equpmiant Page 108 eninucus [Riu tenses: wit gong * tobe about to + infinitive | to, present continuous 32 |» Gane (rg om) as ubet + Partie jobs {efzes abt vitae '* must, need, should, ought to, have [ sxtiect (got, had bttr _______ |» mt noo shouts, ought 24 © make, let, allowed to * Invite, agcept and refuse with excuses | 0, have (got) to, had better es SS HES ral ee alowed 26 |Reakte esve: A refugee sory Skil focus: Listening” Listenin tip: Listen for ood 28» Present perfect simple with just, |* React to good and bad news. Page 112 ate), btee, never ever Jot + Prscetpartct simple + Siperatnos with ie rent perfect | vith just aon, before, sieple i eve aura 0 Present pete simple and |+ words connected winimusic _|* Supotetve wih the continuous with for and since t '* Present perfect simple and '* Present perfect simple for numbers. | continuous with for and and amounts | gince 32 + Daring and nor-defing relave” |» Pasa verb wth on + Prosnt parfct simple for Bone numbers and amounts a + Dating and non deing 3H Across cultures: Ergsh erature aetna Sil focus: Wing Weting Up: Linker a waa, not onl. but ao, nats or 36 [> Brat oonaonal wn unis, |» Landacape and natura erivonment|Page 176 provide tata: ong ae +P condlonl wth ; tess, proved ta, 22 aa |e eas Ir macul tian en CU eRe ONT he tesoonas by theme before” ansars RAE ae gta 40 |» in case + present simple ‘+ Camping equipment when, until, as soon as, by © Make and nd to the time, before é EEE ec pra rele 42 Curcumin: Goography -Glcers ‘Skills focus: Reading Reading tip: Dictionary skills (2) 44» Second conditional with would, * Transitive phrasal verbs ‘Page 119. imghe could [F Scand conatona with 46 + wish/if only + past simple '* Ask for and give advice pete ee ees unit | Page Grammer Vocabulaty/Function 48. + Verb with infinitive or gerund + Noun suffixes on, ment ily and-y |» Verb with infinitive or 50. Real-life issue: The end-of-year party ots Skills focus: Listening Listening tip: Predict key words 52 + Reported stalements and questions |» Phone messages, [Page 122 a + Reported statements and 54.» Reported speech with verbs of dosieeens reporting - + Reported speech with 56 * Clauses and Inkers of contrast * Relationship words and phrases | verbs af reporting although, in spite ofidespite, however, * Clauses and linkers of €n the other hand contrast: although, in spite | offdespite, however, on the 58 Across cultures: Communication in the 21st century | Gttier hand ‘Skills focus: Writing Writing tip: Linkers firstly, secondly and last | 60 © 50. adjective/adverb .. hat) * Adjectives of emotion Page 126 such alan + adjective + noun (tied. #50 + adjective/adverD .. ‘80 many/mmuch + noun (that) ..., vero 4 tthat)..., such a/am + +80 much that) | adjective + noun (that. | so manyfmuch + noun 62 * used to/bo used tolget used to ‘Ask for and give expianations roelhpiabarete aed. 64 * beable to 7 . ve ith i pa. ea Pen, + Used iofbe used to/get (66 Gurriculum link: Gitizenshio - Ghanty work sod to Skills focus: Roading Reading tip: Dictionary skils (3) + be able to 68+ Causative have + Parts ofa bike Page 130 + Describe and deal with problems | + Causative have : + Causes of purpose: 0, in 70 * Glauses of purpose: to, in order (nat)|+ Adjective suffixes with ful, -y -ous, |” order not to, $0 that to, so that ‘ve, -al + look, Seem, sound, feel, 72 * look, seem, sound, feel, taste, smell + |» Adjectives of texture and shape | oe ee agjectiveliko/as if | 74 Real-life issue: Work experiance Skills focus: Listening Listening tip: Listen for linkers | 76 | * should have/ought to have * Apologise for past mistakes Pater = ~ ‘= should havefought to have 78 |» mustican’timight/could for Phrasal verbs with away + must/can’timight/could for ‘deductions in the present deductions in the present : ‘ nigi “co ‘+ must have/can’t hava/ 80.» must have/can't havelmight have! Crime Mrigiisreve/ocbtd have Tor ‘could have for deductions in the past 82 Across cultures: Social customs Skills focus: Writing Writing tip: Mixed linkers on the other hand, in spite of this, consequently, because ofthis 84 |» The paselve: present simple, past__|» The media "Page 187 simple, present perfect, past perfect |= The passive: prosent : | simple, past simple, present 86 + The passive: present continuous, past| + Give opinions, agree and disagrea | De continuous and future simple Sere us ‘+ The passive: present 86 |= apap re, goed Lg Ter] Continuous, past continuous: and future simp 80 Curriculum link: Science - Nanotechnology | deductions in the past Adjective and noun formation | + The paseive: models, | gerund (ing form) and { j Skills focus: Reading Reading tip: Dictionary skills (4) infinitive ‘82. * Third conditional with would have | Verbs connected with money Page 141 ‘ 7 * Third conditional with, 94 + wish only + past perfect + Phrasal verbs with out would have ‘96 |* Third conditional with might have * wish only + past perfect * Give and accept congratulations | © Third concitional with | 98 Real-life issue: The inheritance ‘might have Skills focus: Listening Listening tip: Use the task to guide you 7] A F 0 ) — | 1A What are you doing here? Phrases 1 x Circle the correct words. Max: Excuse me, I'm looking for a present for ry girlfriend, Assistant: What are you 1 looking (@ii@/ wanting? Max ('mnot sure. 2 Something / Someone / ‘Somewhere unusual. | want to surprise her. Assistant: How about some silver bangles? Mex: Oh, yes, these are great. Oh no! Here's my girlfriend now. Laura: Max: Laura: Max: Hi, Max. How's it coming / doing / going? Laura! Hil | thought you were at home. No. | meet Sue here 4 every / each / all other Saturday. We're going shopping today. | need some new clothes for my birthday party. 5 Anyway / However / Although, what have you got there? Er... nothing, |... er .. Oh, is that the time? | must go. See you later. Vocabulary: Clothes, styles, accessories and patterns 2a x Write the words. 1 bandana 2. 3t 4h b, 5b et 7s at ot t 10t s b Ws 2b x Match the adjectives (1-5) to the clothes (2-e). 1 heen a) combat trousers 2 baggy b) dress 8 striped “0) shoes 4 plain ¢) shirt 5 checked ®) jumper Grammar: Present simple and present continuous ‘3 & Circle the correct form of the verb: FACESPACE GROUP Llove cool ! (Qu: Where 1 6 you asta SoBY are you usually shopping for clothes? 21 always buy/t'm always buying my clothes from the market. They +3 sell/are selling the coolest (and cheapest) clothes. Qu: Thi ‘Qu: What 4 do you wear/are you wearing at the moment? 'mat school at the moment. 5 | wear/'m wearing a fleece. The school is really cold today so 6 { don't wear//'m not wearing cool clothes! ‘4 question for the boys! 7 Do you ever wear/Are you ‘ever wearing bangles or 8 do you think/are you thinking they are only for girls? ‘Well, 9 wear/I'm wearing some now. | wouldn't go to the shops and ‘buy them but sometimes | 10 / borrow/l'm borrowing my sister's! a Grammar: Question tags 4 & Match the beginnings (1-6) with the question tags (2-). 1 That's the new boy, — a) does he? 2.He's from Scotland, =) has he? 8 He hasn't got his school - 0) isn't it? uniform yet, d) isn't he? 4 He doesn't look fourteen, @) doesn’t he? 5 He's got a brother in Year 10, f) hasn't ne? 6 He looks cool, 5 +k Complete the dialogue with the correct question tags. Josh: Hi. You're new here, + aren't you? I'm Josh and this is Chrissie. Ewan; Hi. Yes, 1am. tts abig school, 2. I'm quite nervous. Oh, somy, my name's Ewan, Josh: Don't worry. We're here to look after you, a Chrissie? Chrissie: Yes, that's right. Do you know where you're going? You've got a timetable, 4 Z Ewan: Yes, here itis. It's a bit confusing. Lessons start in five minutes, 5 2 Chrissie: That's right and you're in room seventeen with Mr King, That's this way. Come on. Thanks. That's a cool Tshirt. Rihanna's a great singers? Ewan: Yes, she’s my favourite. | listen to her ‘songs all the time. I've got some on my MP3 player here . Josh: You haven't got an MP3 player here at school, 7 2 Quick, put it away! It's a school rule. No MPS players. Ewan: Oh, right, thanks. I'm sure there are lots of things I need to know about this school. Josh: Yes. The first thing is that Mr King hates people being late, 8 » Chrissie? Come on, quick! Use your English: Shop for clothes G & Put the dialogues in the correct order. Dialogue 1 a) Beth: Yes, please-I'm looking for a shirt. 'b) Beth: It looks good. How much is it? 6) Assistant: Can | help you? 1 d) Bett: That's a bit expensive. I leave it. ¢@) Assistant: How about this one? 4) Assistant: I's twenty-five pounds. Dialogue 2 a) Tim: Can I try the black ones on? b) Tim: Yes, please. Have you got these ‘trousers in a different colour? ©) Assistant: Of course, the changing rooms are over there. d) Assistant: Yes, we have. Black, red or brown. ©) Assistant: Do you need any help? (© Roundup 7 Complete the sentences with do, be or have in the correct form. Use short forms where necessary. 1 We aren't playing well today, are we? 2 Where you live? 3 You like football, you? 4 Who Pia talking to on the phone? 5 What you got in your bag? 6 Your mum, Int speak French, she? 7 You got two sisters, ____you? 8 Stella n't got a dog, she? Vocabulary: Jobs ‘1 & Find nine more jobs in the wordsearch. 18 He's broken twenty-four bones. 3 > Read the interview. Complete the questions and answers with the verbs in the present perfect or the past simple. @foluls{e|wl [Flex Pee (an eu acne ces [cee ole 1 Q: When did you become (become) President? A: | became (become) President on January 20, 2009. BLAM Ty YT Ue) taceeinere your mum and dad U;LIMJE;C{HIAIN]J Ifo — (meet)! | Thos etaslaeherr hele he A: They (meetin Hawai but my dad» (come) from Kenya. t[t{ei[cla[s|H[ifelR] sawn aan cia oleltlelc|tlilvlelt Firstjob in politics? = Giuilscheronchele A: Well, (wor) in ca poles along | 1 Be Be time ago when I lived in Chicago. 1 raiely[«lolpl|ilwim (work) in national politics since 1996 vholulralnialciils 4Q@ How you (meet) your | L wife Michelle? 3 A We. ___ (meet) in Chicago at work We [ Grammar: Present perfect simple and e (know) each other since 1989. past simple 5Q: — you (write) any books? ‘2 + Read the article and circle the correct A Yes, (write) two, so far | words, Barack Obama ' @a¥has been born in Hawaii in 196 He? lvedihas lived there until he was six and then his. family? movecihas moved to Indonesia, He “returned! has returned to the USA at the age of ten and + ved / has lived there since then. In November 2008, he € won / has won the US Presidential election, He 7 was / has beer the President offically since 20 January 2009. The president used / has used technology to communicate with the people since January 2009. He uses various websites to talk to people and tell then what he is doing, aan (write) Dreams From My Father in 1995 and The Audacity of Hope in 2008 6Q you ____ ee) the You Tube video of your Yes, we can speech with musi? | As Yes, of course. | ___(6e8) ita few times. | My children love it! Grammar: Present perfect simple with for and since ‘@ & Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form and then complete the sentences with for or since. 1 | (be) "ve been here for half an hour. 2 Ourmum and dad (be)__ married 20 years! 3 Mr Burns (work) in our school September. 4 Charles (have) his MP8 player last Tuesday. 5 | (dream) of being a singer fifteen years! © Roundup 5 Complete the adverts. Use the pictures and the verbs in the box. Put the verbs into the correct form. *for shave * leave © not pass * since ‘© watch * not work * work | Lwant fo be a ' beautiofan ie threejobs® _-_Ileh school in 2007. Ai the moment, [ma th | work in Toni's Salon. | «there six months. {ike my job but now I want to learn | something new. Have you gol ajob for me? Job wanted $ '*___schoolin 2003. 11 |) exams at school and i Bi eny ____ for five years. — lots of cooking programmes on |TV Itlooks easy tm sure | would be good in a q kitchen, Please | give me a chance! Extra challenge © % +x Complete the sentences with the verbs in the present perfect or the past simple form. ‘Then guess the correct answers and circle them. 1 He has been (be) an actor since 1944/1954/1964. 2 Before he became an actor, he (bela milkman, a body builder and a lorry/ taxiltrain driver. 8 Atuniversity, she {study) to become a doctor! teacher/lawyer. 4 She ___{know) Beyonce/Rhiannal Helle Berry since they were at schoo! together. | 5 She (work) for UNICEFINATO/ UNESCO since 1994, 6 She (sing) ‘Something Stupid’ with George Michael/Sting/ Robbie Willams. 7 When he was a footballer, he ——— Playyin Italy and England Spain/France. 8 He (be) a football manager since 2004/2005/2006. Gianfranco Zola 9002 © pUEIGLa 7 SWENIM @GGON S BONN BULB P JOfie} © JOMUp Mal] Z HEEL | SHOMSIY 1c It’s much more rewarding. Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe work 1 * Complete the adjectives to describe the jobs. A (ORGER BAR NEEDS WORKERS IVI PLY NOW This is a great opportunity. It's very \ \(€reative/dull/stressful as you can use your \ artistic skils to make each burger different! | You meet new people every day and the job can be very * educational/exciting/tiring ] when a famous film star or singer comes in for a burger. The green and yellow uniform —_\ is very ® glamorous/rewarding/worthwhile and the job is also * dangerous/well-paid/ educational as you will learn exactly how many fries there are in a 100g portion. It's a stressfui/badly-paid/interesting job ~ only 50p an hour! The work is * exciting/ | glamorous/dull - the same thing all day, every day. It’s also” tiring/safe/educational as you are on your feet all day, it can be ® rewarding/creative/dangerous, too - three people burnt themselves last week! ree me Grammar: Intensifiers much, far, a lot, a bit with comparative adjectives and adverbs (not) as... as 3 Circle the correct words. 1 Teachers arent as bedly-paid@3/thaniike nurses. 2 Cleaners work more hardiharcer/more hardly ‘than shop assistants. 3 You should think about your work careful/more careful/more caretuily. 4 Please drive slower/mora siow/more slowiyl 5 My new job is easier/more easy/more easily than my old one, but it isn't as good-/well-/better- paid, 6 | earn fewer/worse/less than you and | work @lot/ farlmuch longer than you each day. 7 Why aren't you as happy/happily/more happy as | am? 8 I'm getting @ bit/far/a lot more money than last year, but not much. 4 &* Compare the activities using the information given. 7 much more Y abitmore a8... 68 X notas... as Backpacking/doing voluntary work 1 doing voluntary work v7 backpacking (difficult) Doing voluntary work is much more difficult than Working in a shop/being a waiter 5 being a waiter VV working in a shop (tiring) 6 being a waiter V working in a shop (glamorous) 7 working in a shop X being a waiter (stressful) 8 working in a shop = being a waiter (dull) (© Roundup 5S Complete sentences 1b-6b so that they mean the same as sentences 1a-6a. Use the words in brackets in the correct form. ‘1a My new job is far better-paid than my old one. (muctvbadly-paid) ‘1b My old job was much more badly-paid than my new one. 2a A pop star's lfe is much more exciting than a teachers iif. (a lot/dul) 2b A teacher's Ife Is > a ___. pop star's life. 3a A police officer's job is a lot safer than a backpacki ; soldier's. (much/dangerous) 2 doing voluntary work v’ backpacking (interes 3b A soldier's job is = = a police officer's. : 4a An artist is much more creative than a secretary. 3 backpacking x doing voluntary work (dangerous) (as/creative) : . 4b A secretary is = an artist. 4 backpacking = doing voluntary work (rewarding) 5a Working in a café is much more relaxing than working in a burger bar. (far/stressful) 5b Working in a burger bar is ene E acalé 6a Taxi drivers drive more carefully than lorry rivers. (as/careful) 6b Lorry drivers don’t drive | | 1 1 Across cultures 10 Teenage fashion in Britain Read 41 & Match the headings (1-5) to the correct texts (AE). 1A shopping centre. 2 Other people[_] 3 Amarket[_] 4 Jumble sales[_] 5 Charity shops| My parents are members of a local theatre group and they often organise ‘these to raise money. | always help them because, as fm sorting out the bags of clothes that people give us, | often find something for myself, Of course | always pay for them but nothing costs more than SOp! I rarely buy new clothes. These shops are great for finding unusual old jackets, trousers and shirts that people don't want anymore. They‘te really cheap and the money you spend all goes to people who need help. There are three in our main shopping street IMy friends and | usually get the bus here con Saturdays. I's great. There are 150 ‘shops, four restaurants and a cinema. ‘Some of the shops are quite expensive but there are often sales so you can usually find some good bargains. This is a great place to buy clothes. | love walking around the different stalls. there's a roof so it doesn't matter if i's raining. The only problem is that there are no changing rooms 50, if you want to ty things on, ‘everyone can see you! t's OK for jackets and jumpers but not so easy if you want to buy trousers, | don't lke shopping and | dont follow fashion. frm quite happy to wear \whatever my parents buy for me. ffl realy want something special, | ask my parents or other relatives to buy it for me for my birthday. Last year my aunt bought me a great leather jacket, well she gave me the money for it nd | bought it. | spencer New words 2 4 Match the new words (1-4) with the definitions (aa). 4 raise money 2) a large table in a public place where people sell things 2 sort out ») to collect money for people or organisations 3 stall 6) times of the year when products are sold more cheaply than usual 4 sales ¢) to organise or arrange things in a tidy way Comprehen: Write B Read the texts again and answer ‘true (1), false (F) or not enough information (NI). 1 Toxt A: The best thing about helping is that you don’t have to pay for the olothes that you find. 2 Text B: The clothes sold here are not new. 3 Text C: The girl and her friend usually go to Writing tip: Collect and organise your ideas, Remember! Before you start to write, take time to collect and organise your ideas. First make a list of all your ideas in any order. Then organise them into groups under headings. x You are going to write an article with the title ‘A friend whose fashion style | admire’. ‘the clnemé.attershopping: — Make notes of the information you want to 4 Text D: You can't try clothes on here include in your article. because there are no changing rooms. Friend's name: 5 Text E: The leather jacket was a complete His/her clothes or accessories: _ surprise for the boy. Listen 4. x (+ Listen to a girl talking about some of the people in her class. Match each person to oes the clothes she mentions. Extra information (where he/she buys his/her 1 Matt a) hats clothes; what influences his/her fashion taste, etc.): 2 Emma b) bandanas 3 Sam ©) Fshirts 4 Jack d) boots 5 Natalie @) different clothes 5 > Listen again and write where they buy their clothes. 1 Matt 2 emma _- 3 Sam Adack 5 Natalie = ‘7 ** Write the article. Use your notes from ______Exercise 6 to help you. sriend whose fashion style T “thé friend T want to write about is Bis 2a rt ® 1S =) — 7) ) —— a | didn’t recognise you. Phrases 41 + Complete the dialogues with phrases from the box. There is one extra phrase. I'd better get going * I could do with 1 Russ: I'm sorry I'm late. Tim: No problem. No one else has arrived. 2 Liz: Beth said the film was awful last night. Debi you didn't go. 2 Pete: 1'l never be able to play the guitar well. John: Don't worry. a es Just keep practising. Grammar: Past simple 2 & Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. ‘haun White ' was_ (be) born in 1986 in California. At che age of five, doctors 2 (discover) a problem wich his heart. After thar, he 3 (have) ewo successful operations. He was always interested in sport, but he * (not seart) snowboarding until hhe was thirteen years old. It? (not take) him long eo win his ficse competition, He* (win) silver in the Winter X Medals competition in 2002 bue then he 7____(not win) another silver medal ‘until 2007. Why nov? Because, from 2003 £0 2006, he* (come) first in “every competition. The only medals he (win) were gold! He also (go) to Torino for the 2006 wer Olympics and" (eeeurn) 1e with another gold medal. is now a multi-media star, There's a joke about him in the film Ocean's 13! Do you fancy * You'll get the hang of it +-Ne-preblem bet you're glad 4 Dave: What time's your train? Ed: Nineo'clock. or I'l miss it. 5 Ben: Hi, Luke. Do you want something to eat? Luke: No thanks, I'm not hungry but a glass of water. It's really hot today. 3 +x Complete the internet chat with the correct form of the verbs in the box. * ask * come * forget * go * not be * not go *not have * not watch *see * see * win Hi, Tim, = Hello, Nick. + Did you see the snowboarding last night? - No, Tdidn't.1?______all about it. 3 Shaun White 2 ~ No, he * believe that you * snowboarding. ~ L know but, 16 at home last night. ~ Really? Where ® you 2 > To the cinema. = What flim ® = A romantic comedy. = What? You hate romantic comedies. = Tknow but 1 Melanie Stevens. = No way! Tell me all about it. When » _ you her out? well second. I can't it. You fove time yesterday. 17 alone, I was with Grammar: Prepositions during and for 4 & Circle the correct words. ‘e0e Tip wwrauisona com @ue Q: Hi, Paul, When did you stert windsurfing? A: | started ' for/during)the summer holidays two years ago. My family went to Italy 2 for/during two weeks and | had lessons there. Now that it's warm, you can go windsurfing again. What did you do ® for/during the winter? Most of the time | was at school! | wanted to go somewhere warm ‘ for/during the holidays, just ° for/during a few days but it was too expensive. | went windsurfing ‘once in the sea near where I live, I did it * for/during about five minutes then | fell In the water. It was freezing! After that, | played Windsurfing 2008 on my computer in my nice, warm bedroom! A Use your English: Show concern and reassure 5 & Circle the correct words. Dialogue 1 Mum: What on + the wortaaivtne panet happened to you? Jason: | 2 fail/fell/feel oft my bike. A car went past really quickly and | lost my 3 belance/weight! wheels Mum: Did you 4 hurt/pain/damage yourself? Jason: No, don't 5 mind/hurry/worry. I'm fine, but my bike isn't Dialogue 2 Dad: Are you 6 OKiright/good? Louise: Yes. | had an accident on my skateboard, My knee hurts a bit, but it’s nothing. Dad: Can 17 dothelp/fing anything? Louise: No, I'm fine. Dad: Are you 8 real/sure/worry? Louise: Well, can you help me to the sofa? Dad: OK. No 9 surely/really/problem. © Roundup Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Put the verbs into the correct form. i, Nicole. What did you do + during the summer holidays? Nicole: | was on a summer camp 2 two ‘weeks. It was great. There was lots to do. My parents were in a quiet village in Devon. Wil: 13 you're glad youa___with them. What activities s you at the camp? Nicole: | tried horse riding. It was difficutt at frst but | was beginning to get thee __of it by the'end. I could do7_ more lessons, though! How were your holidays? Will; Not very good. 18 anything. Nioole: Why not? Will, 1 broke my leg on the first day of the holiday. Nioole: On not How 8 you in? wills 1-40 down the stairs at home ... don't laugh. Nigole: Sorry. Come on, we'd 11 get to school. 13 28 He was struggling. Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs with up 1 & Circle the correct verbs. Hi, Mel, Ym back, The summer camp was awful Every day was the same: we had to * stand/give up at 6 a.m., ? hurry/get/take ox immediately and tidy the bedroom. We hat 3 take/grow/pick up all the clothes from the floor and then make our beds. ‘As for meal times! Well, we always had breakfast at 7.30 then we didn’t eat again until we had lunch at 1 p.m, I was always hungry! And guess what! When the teachers came in to the dining room we all had to + stand/get/pack up until they sat down. 1H tell you about the lessons and activities when I see you. How was your holiday? Cath ae — To: Cath Hi Cath, Sorry to hear about your nightmare camp! Thad a great time. I really wanted to do something new, so I § found/looked/picked up some activities on the Internet, In the end, 1 ® worked/made/took up go-karting. I was worried that it would be very crowded but only five people ? took/came/turned up on the first day. We didn’t have to wait for a free kart. It was great! I went every day for two weeks and really enjoyed it, I'm going to be the women’s karting champion when I ° grow/come/get up! See you soon, Mel ‘Grammar: Past continuous and past simple with while, when, as 2 x Complete the text with the past continuous or the past simple form of the verbs in brackets, Stephen Bradbury was an Australian speed skater. In the 1994 Winter Olympics, he "was winning (win) ‘when another skater? (oush) him and he 3___ fall) over. Later in the seme year, he (race) in Montresl when another skater * (hi) him and ® __[cut) his leg. Stephen lost a lot of blood but he didn't give up. In 2002, his luck changed. In the Winter Olympics final, he ? (be) in last place when the other four skaters all ® (crash) into each other. While they _ (lie} on the ice, Steven “ (skate) past them. He won the gold ‘medal and became an Australian sporting hero! 3 Xx Write sentences with while, when, as and the past continuous or the past simple. Do not change the order of the words. 1 Connor / break leg / play football Connor broke his leg while/as he was playing football. * 2 Molly's phone / ring / take an exam Molly's phone 3 1/ play computer games / computer crash 1 4 Will and Dave / walk in the mountains / see a rare bird Will and Dave (© Roundup 5S Complete the text with the correct form of the words in the box. #.go grow look © make * see «sit take ‘stun * wake * when * while * win 5 Charlotte / meet some cool people / cycle in France Charlotte 4. 4x Use the prompts to complete the dialogues. Use the past continuous or the past simple and add while, when or as if necessary. Paula: Hi, Beth, We had a pretty normal day at school today but Mr Smith was really angry with us. Why? 1 We / not sit / quietly / he / come in We weren't siting quietly when he came in. 2.What / you / do /? Paula: Beth: 31/read / a book Paula: but other people weren't so quiet. 4 Tom and Mike / fight /? Yes, they were, As usuall 5 Mr Smith / come / in, some people / not hear / him Paula: The room slowly got quieter and quieter as people noticed him. Nick was looking out of the window. He was the last one to notice Mr ‘Smith. ‘she turn / round, everyone else / sit / at their desks. Beth: 7 What /he / do? Paula: He went bright red and Then... 20° asked. Your questions So, Harry, welcome to Meet the Stars, You're here today to ‘answer a few questions about your life as an actor. Here's the first question. Why did you ' take up acting? Well,? Heft school, |? to university, in ‘Cambridge. Its the most wonderful university in Britain but | hated it.Then, one day, * | was walking to a lecture, p an advert for the theatre drama group. I went to the next meeting and, amazingly, | discovered that | was good at acting and | enjoyed it Where did you® __up? Ina small, boring town called Littlefun about fifty Kilometres from London, | lived there until ! went to university. Why didn’t you” up to the Oscars last year? Ah, well, When | heard that one of my films might win, 1 * a film in Vietnam. | had to stay there until everything was finished. 1? up flights on the Internet and | booked a ticket from Vietnam to Los Angeles. We finally finished filming the night before my flight. There was a party to Celebrate the end of filming and | didn’t get to bed until 6 am.! The hotel receptionist forgot to me up. { was still asleep when my plane left. When my film " the Oscar for best film, 1 ® in the aitport. | watched the Oscars on a small TV, in Vietnamese! 15 2G He had fallen overboard. Grammar: Past simple and past perfect simple 1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. 2 When Bob arrived at the 26 station, the train had left | (eave). ‘When David got to school, the lesson (tart). By the time Mark turned up at the party, all the food —_— (90). When Paula opened her school bag, she realised that she (leave) her books at home, ‘The car crashed into the tree because the driver (fall) asleep. Phil (forget) to switch off his mobile phone before the film started, 2 x Complete the text with the past simple or the past perfect simple form of the verbs in ‘the box. * ask © catch +eome ° fly * get * give happen * make * spend * take When Samantha Lazarris booked her holiday to Costa Rica she didn't expect to arrive in Puerto Rico! When she asked a taxi driver at the airport to take her to her hotel in San José, he laughed. He told her that she 1 had come to the wrong country. How 2 it 2 Samantha's-travel agent 3 a mistake. Samantha 4 for a ticket to San José, the capital of Costa Rica. However, the travel agent 5 her a tleket to San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico. San Juan is, 1,800 kilometres from San José! ‘There are no flights from Puerto Rico to Costa Rica. Samantha 6 £800 of her own money getting to Costa Rica. First, she 7 to Miami in the USA. Then she 8 __aplane to ‘San José. The journey from San Juan to San José ° four days. Now everyone is asking the same question, How. 10 she ‘on the plane without realising that it was going to the wrong country? Grammar: After/Before + gerund ing form) ‘3 & Look at the notes and complete the sentences on page 17. LEAL EMRE EER pevesseeved cwe-day tour of Europe en oft fue = get taxi to central London L 2 oot into hotel - 90 0n the. London Eye. 3 take photes of Buckingham Palace.- get the cain to Paris 2 a E re French bread - climb the Eiffel Tower 5 ase n Rane ist the. olsun lo walk reunel Pompeii - fly 40 Greece A G hcad in Mthens - get a boat to an island f spend tu clays on the beach fy hone 1 After getting off the plane , we got a taxi to. central London. 2. Before going on the London Eye , we booked into our hotel. we got the train to Paris. we flew to Greece. if Bein a Wee ESL we got a boat to an island. we spent two days on the beach. Vocabulary: Transport and travel 4 & Circle the correct words. Dear Parent/Carer, School trip to London 14 June (On Friday, we are planning to + mi ithe early train, Please make sure your child is at the station by 8.10 am. We will? arrive/reach in London at 11 a.m. ‘After geting? offfout the train, we will go straight to the Science Museum. If your child * misses/changes the train, we can’t wait for them in London. They will ‘have to stay here and attend lessons as usual Deae Rachel, TI Bale Spal lj min and a aan reaie ‘al Tam. We gor a car from the. axport. 1 catkins get * anln ox * cunlott are T hed 40 aie ve ack, Et uns realy ucomfortabe! Oy she Te we | eachedarmed a tel, my back ard gs realy hort. T have to go to Dresden next week. Please can I travel by train this time? I hate flying. T hate it when the plane * takes/gets off and I hate it when it * reaches/lands. The worst thing about fying to Dresden is that I have to change/ leave planes in Cologne and do everything twice! (© Roundup 5S Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then put the sentences into the correct order to write a postcard. Dear Steve, Were finaly here on haliday but we had a difficule journey. We decided t0 get a taxi ta the enilway station, 4) By the time the plane taok off; we had spent (spend) half of our holiday money! b) After______ (phone) for the tari, we waited outside the house. After land) in Salzburg, we waited for our bags. We waited and waited, oO A) After (Go) to our hel, we had te spend more money on clothes because we had nothing else to wear, [_] ) We phoned for a second taxi. When. we arrived at the railway station, one train {atrendy/leave). — f) Final, we found out that our bags oo to Strasbourg by mistake. 4 a) We couldn't get in the first taxi because we (take) so many bags. oO 1k) We gat the next train. and went tothe. airport. Before (Get) on the plane, Mum and Dad bought loads of presents. oO The bags should arvive tomorrow! I hape the vest af the holiday is better than the start. See you soon Natalie ne Extra challenge kx Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 1 Before setting off for schoo! this morning, | 2 After getting home from school yesterday, | 3 After last Saturday, | watched TV. 4 Before last Friday, | did my homework. 5 Before the start of this year, | had never 6 By the time | was ten years old, | had 7 20 Curriculum link: History photos (A-C) with the correct postcards. @O Dear Chris, We‘ce. in Paris. T's a beautiful city. The journey only tock tue hours. We Hravelled on the high-speed Eurostar train. Tt travels at 3006ph! the Exso tunnel between England anc France is 50km long: Twas a Git seared abot going wrcler the. sea bat Ht was fine. twas $0 quick! Tuas reacting a pamphled about the tunnel on the train arc, when T looked up, we were. in France! the rst person 0 think of the idea of a channel tnre! was Napoleon in 1602 We're going to see Napoleon's tomb at Les Tmvalicles here. in Paris later! See you soon, Jess ® Duar Purt Eileen, We're in Haly. We get’ diriven all the way here. Yesterday, France and this morning we drove A under Mont Blane, Itens anasing. ts sern Hones and gots From Chananis in France fo Com mage Th taok eight years to bil. it Mow wt're in Hosta Fee eh ch Roman remains bre ard veh real Filan pizza for lurch! Tomorrow we're going ® FFhen, no more driving for ae Lee Me! —_—_ the Fay to France and Daas Milestones in travel and transport 1 & Read the postcards (1-3) and match the we were in Chamonix in ‘ivough the road tunnel Verona. wk! Hooray! See you 320” ©) a eu We're in Coperhagen in Dermark. Ws a beautiful city. We fiets to Malmo with a. budget airline but the best part oF the journey was the train ride from Malmo to Copenhagen ‘on the Oresund bridge-tunnel. It's fantastic, From Malmo, it's a bridge. (ts fifty-seven metres above the sea. Tren, in the middle of the sea, there's an island. called. Peberholm and the bridge tums into a. tunnel. Wele going to see the Lite Mermaid. and. Tivoli Gardens today but the. bridge is the best. See. you soon. Love Danny Reading tip: Dictionary skills (1) Remember! if you need to use a dictionary, use ‘4 900d English-English dictionary. When you look up the meaning of a new word, you wil find ‘other useful information: for example, how to pronounce the word and what part of speech it. New words 2 4% Look up the highlighted words in the e posteards in a dictionary then circle the correct answers, 1 a)pamphiet is a i) noun i) adjective i) verb. ) pamphtet means | | | t \ t | t ’) a small book with a paper cover with information inside it ila large magazine with articles and photographs. 2 a) tomb is pronounced |) /tom/ i) /tu:m/. b) tomb means ’) a place where someone's body is kept after they have died ila house where a famous person spent most oftheir lives. 3 (Roman) remains a)isa noun i) adjective ii) verb. b)is pronounced 1) /rimemz/ i) /nimeins/. ojare i) shops selling Roman clothes and souvenirs i objects lett rom Roman times. 4 a} budget (airline) is pronounced D Pondsit/ i) Pondgity. b) A budget ailine company is i) cheap ij high quality. ©) In the phrase budget aifne itis a noun i) adjective. il) verb. ‘3 4x Read ihe text again and explain the numbers and places. 1. 800kph The Eurostar train travels at three ‘hundled kilometres per hour. 2 Fifty kilometres 3 France to Italy 4 Pebethoim Listen @ * © 7/ Listen to a teacher and her students and name the two boats. Use the words below. * SARK © MOTH © GIPSY © CUTTY 20 55 + Listen again and complete the information about the two boats. 1 The Gipsy Moth is metres long. Sir Francis Chichester sailed round the work 2 He left on August, 19 3 After 107 days he stopped in . Australia. 4 He retuned to England after salling for days. 5 The Cutty Sark is about 6 Iisa ‘clipper. Clippers were very boats. 7 The Cutty Sark sailed from England to China to bring back ; 8 It also brought back woo! from. years old. Write G 4% Write a three-paragraph biography about Sir Francis Chichester. Use the dates below, the information you heard in Exercise Sand the Writing bank on page 134 of the Students’ Book to help you, Write a paragraph ‘each on his life before the journey, the journey and his lite after the journey. 1901 Born: Barnstable, Devon 1918 Moved to New Zealand 1929 Left New Zealand 19303 Was a pilot and flew a plane called ‘Gipsy Moth’ 1960 Won the first single-handed | yacht race across the Atlantic, 1966 Set off on his journey round the world (27/8/66) arent Journey: Plymouth, England ~ Australia (found the bottom of Attica). 48 days rest. Australia - England (‘ound the bottom of South America) 1967 Arrived back (28/5/67) 1967 Became Sir Francis Chichester Y Continued sailing 1970 Salled 4,000 miles in 20 days 1972 Died ‘Sir Francis Chichester was born in Barnstable, Devon in 1901 .. 19 Vocabulary: Food and kitchen equipment ‘1 x Look at the pictures and complete the table. There won't be any running water. Crockery | Cutlery Kitchen utensils 3 %% Complete each dialogue with the three verbs in the correct form. Use will, going to and the present continuous in each dialogue. 41] shave *help * make 1 sieve a Grammar: Future tenses: will, going to, present continuous 2 x Circle the correct forms, Anni: Hi, Olivia. Where are you going? Olivia: 'm going shopping. I've got £20 and 17m going to bujyll buy two CDs. Annie: Which ones? Glvia: | don't know but 'm sure 2! fina'm finding something good, What about you? Annie: 3 il meetil’m meeting Kate at the market. 4 We'll go/We're going to a party next Saturday so we want to buy something nice, 8 We're going to look for/We'll look for some coo! T-shirts. I saw a great one last time | was there but | bet it isn't there today! Well, 6 you'll have/you re having fun looking round anyway. ‘Annie: Why don’t you come with us? livia: No, its OK. 7 'm not going to stay! won't stay in town long. My dad's boss and his wife ‘8 will come/are coming for dinner. tm sure my mum o will be/ls being nervous so I'm 10 heloing/going to help her with the cooking. Olivia Emily: What are you doing this afternoon, Dac? Dat: I'm going to make a cake. Emily: Why? Dad: Have you forgotten? It's your mum's birthday tomorrow and we're having a party. Emily: Oh, yest LYihelp you if you like. Dad: Thanks. You can wash the cake tin. 2| *play *stop * watch Ryan: Pm tired. | think | while and rest. Ben: | ‘the football later. Chelsea Barcelona, Let’s watch it ‘working for a together. Ryan: OK, great. 3| *be edo leave Dad: Right, we ‘on Saturday for our holidays and there's a lot to do before then. It a busy week, Your mum and | can’t do everything, Hannah: like and then | can pack the clothes. Dad: Great. What about you, Tim? the washing and ironing if you 4 jeet_* spend * not talk Mum: Callum, Dan wants to go to the cinema with you. Callum: Oh, Mumt|__my friend there, Do | have to take him? Mum: Don't be so mean. He to you or your friends. He just wants to see the film, Callum: But we want to do something after the film. We. the whole evening together. How will Dan get home? Don't worry. He can stay up fate for once. Grammar: to be about to + infinitive 4 & Match the beginnings (1-8) with the endings (a-f). Put the verbs into the correct form. Vie a) (open) 2 My dad. ) (wash) 3 My mum 4 My sister d) (eat) 5 My brother ©) (pee 6 My dog 1) (grate) © Roundup can of food, a dirty knife and fork. —¢) (boil) 'm just about to boil some water in the kettle. out of his bow. a potato. some cheese. the words for the pictures. * are going to take I'll ask I'll see * I'm going to bring * Is about to fall * is bringing +‘e-going to-bring Group leader: Hi, everyone. If you remember, last week we decided that everyone 1 is going to bring something for the camp which starts on Saturday. Has anyone thought about what to bring? Jack Yes, 've decided. 2 vee Group leader: Great. Natalie? joke pers Sisto diate nt sie aye things like plates and 6 | qh Group leader: Wonderful! Can they bring a 7 too? Gi Natalie: 8 them. Group leader: Lovely. How about you Tim? Tim! I think Tim 9 asleep. Natalia: | think he has fallen asleep. Tim, wake up! Tim: What? Yes? er... sorry, | wasn't listening. Group leader: | know. | said, can you bring anything for the camp? Tim: Er, yes, OK. I can bring some saucepans if Group leader: No, Jack 10 __ them. What about some knives and = 3B You've got to push yourself. Vocabulary: Part-time jobs 1 * Match the beginnings of the job adverts (1-8) with the endings (a-h). 1 Ifyou like animals, why not try dog - a) lawns 2 Two fit young people needed to mow Fi b) gardens for old people, 8 We need friendly, smart young people to serve in our = ) shop. 4 Local newsagent needs boys and girls for early moming newspaper. 4) decorating, 5 Have you thought about helping in ~~ e) walking 6 Help others by teaching 4) computer skis. 7 Volunteers needed to clear 4) an old people's home. 8 Just moved house? We'll do your painting and 1) deliveries. Grammar: Gerund (-ing form) as subject 2 * Complete the sentences using the gerund (-ing form) of the verb. 1 Hisn't easy to teach English 4 It's hard work to clear people's gardens. Teaching English isn't easy. people's gardens is hard work 2 It's tiring to take dogs for a walk 5 It's great to earn money by working pert-time. ___ dogs for a walk is tring, a 3 It's boring to serve customers in a shop. great. ‘customers in a shop is boring. money by working part-time is Grammar: must, need, should, ought to, have (got) to, had better ‘S & Look at the information about a part-time job and complete the sentences with should, shouldn't, have to or don’t have to. 208. 1 You don’t have to wear (wear) a uniform. - 2 You (work) inside. BYou_____—__ (getup) eary. Part-time jobs - your opinions of 4You__________(elean up) when the good, the bad and the ug! your dog makes a mess! im 5 You (be) fit. Dog walking (your rating ****) 6 You (take) more than two dogs at one time. Good #1 1. No uniform 2 Not Inside all day Bad things 3 Early starts 4 Cleaning up! t Advice 5 Make sure you're fit 6 No more than two dogs at one time! 4. Complete sentences 1b-8b so that they ‘mean the same as sentences 1a-8a. Use the words in brackets. . 208. a ‘ eb CO ‘Advice for paper rounds a It is necessary to get up early. (must) 1b You must gst up early. 2a You'll need to buy a good bike. (better) ZbYou a god ike. 3a You can have your MP3 player on because there’s no one to listen to or talk to. (don’t have to) 3b You or talk to anyone so you can have your MP3 player on. 4a My advice is to watch out for dogs in people's gardens. (ought to) 4b You a for dogs in people’s gardens. Sa It’s not a good idea to go to bed late. (shouldn't) Sb You late. 6a You can wear yourr old clothes - no one expects you to look smart. (don’t have to) 6b You _ smart. 7a Don't throw the newspapers on the ground ~ that only happens in American films. (mustn't) 7b You ‘on the ground, 8a Remember that even when it’s raining you can't stay in bed, (have to) 8b You Sb Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap. The first letter is given. Rob: Adrian: Well, you'd s b. This looks interesting. phone quickly because | know a lot of people who are looking for weekend jobs. Rob: DoyouthinkI60____totell them that 1'm going on holiday in three weeks" time? Adrian: No, you'd better 7 n_ tell them yet. ‘Wait until they've seen what a good worker you are Rob: So,whates I say? Adrian: Tell them that you love mowing your parents’ 8 ‘and really enjoy hard work. You've 10 ¢ to show them that you're the best person for the job. Rob: OK. Wish me luck. 3 Extra challenge! 6 46% Look at the signs and complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the box. even when it's raining. (© Roundup 5S@ Complete the job advert with one word in each gap. The first letter is given. Part-time ' job offer * We need people to? ¢_ gardens.You 5 th to be fit and must like working hard. You Sq have to have any special qualifications. Good money. Hours: 10 5 pm. on Saturdays and Sundays Please contact Mr Wiliams: 01493 3728 #'dbetter *don'thaveto * must » mustn't shouldn't 1 pay/ get in You don't have to pay to get in. 2 be/ over 16 to enter the park 3 cary / your money where people can see it 4 bring / food or drink into the park 5 get / to the park early if you want to enjoy your day 23 24 Phrases 4 Complete the dialogues. Jake: Mum, Paul Richard is having a party next week. Can | go? Mum: No, you can't Jake: That'sso1un fa fr. PaulsOK and his parents will be there to look after everything. ‘Mum: No, I'm sorty. You can't go. Jake: Hi, Leo. It's Jake. | can't go to Paul's party, Mum won't let me. too: Oh nol Bad 21 li’s going to be great Hello, Are you ____ there? Jake: Yes, sorry. 'm just looking at the Internet. Leo: Hey, that gives me an idea, I'll take loads of photos at the party and put them on my blog. You will be allowed to read it, won't you? Jake: Ha hal Very funny-an 1 Grammar: make, let, allowed to 2 x Choose the correct verbs. 1 My mum makes me tidy my room every Saturday. ajlets — (Bmakes) —c)allows 20m to stay up late on Fridays and Saturdays. a) let bymade allowed 8 Are pupils in your school ___to wear what they like? a) allowed) let c) made 4 Ourteacher_ Us stay late yesterday because we hadn't finished our work. p)allowed —) let 5 Will your parents __you come to the concert with us on Friday evening? ajmake 6b) et o)allow 6 Mydad__me watch TV before | do my homework but my mum doesn't. ajallows —b) lets o) makes a) made You can’t make me stay at home. ‘S %* Complete the text about Summerhill schoo! with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. ‘Summerhill schoo! was opened in Suffolk, East England in 1921. It looks like a traditional schoo! but, in many ways, itis very different. The students 1 (allow / decide) are allowed fo decide how the school should be run and what the rules should be. ‘The school 2 (let / do} ‘the students, _ whatever they want as long as they don’t hurt others. The teachers 3 (not make / go) ______the students___ to lessons, the students 4 (allow / choose) which classes they attend. ‘Students and teachers have meetings three times a week. The students 5 (allow / discuss) ‘heir ideas and are equally as important as the teachers. There are some things that the students 6 (not / allow / do) but the punishments for breaking the rules are also decided by both teachers and students. For example, they 7 (make / wait) astudent _ until last before they can got their dinner or they 8 (not /let /leave)___ a student the school when everyone else (allow /.go) out. ‘The British government does not always agree with the ideas at Summerhill and it has, in the past, tried to 10 (make / change) the schoo! _____ how it educates students. So far, the schoo! has continued to do what it thinks is best. Use your English: Invite, accept and refuse with excuses @ & Circle the correct words. Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Mia: Do you 1 Wantylike/love to go to Liam: Can you come 6 under/over'through this afternoon? the cinema tis evening? Adam: Yes, 'd7 want/loverhope to Sophie: I'd 2 want/wish/like to but I'm. liam: Good. I've got to clear my grandparents’ garden and | 8 worrled/afraid/nervous | can't. need some help. t's my mum's birthday. Adam: Oh... er. Mia; ~~ That's a shame. What Liam: What? 4 for/about/of tomorrow? Adam: Well, | don't really 8 want/iove/fancy gardening today. Sophie: Yes, that 5 sounds/looks~/feels Sorry. It's cold and starting to rain. Maybe I'll see you reat, tomorrow. Liam: Yes, OK. Enjoy yourself, Don't worry about me! (© Roundup 5 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. ‘satowed » don'tlet * fancy #let ¢ let * make * mean *not «not allowed * unfair | Mike: On our trip to North Wales, we're going to stay in a guesthouse. I've got some information here from the Internet. Look. I want us to decide where we're going to stay. Seaview sounds OK. You're 1 allowed to come in at any time before midnight and they a you use the kitchen if you want. Idon'ts___it. They 4 _ you pay for a week in advance. What if we don't Tike it? ‘They'll give us our money back, won't they? No, it says here that they won't. What, you s that if you leave after one day, you have to pay for a week. That's so6 I Lucy: Allie: Lucy: aie Lucy: Allie: We could try Rose Cottage. Lugy: No way. It says here that they 7 you do anything. You're 8 to come back after nine o'clock because they lock the doors. Well, what about the White House? Let me see ... Yes, that’s great. Mike, we want to stay at the White House. | don't think the President would 9 us stay there! Very funny ~ 10 Allie: Mike: 3D Real-life issue A refugee’s story Read 1 & Read the text about Wyclef Jean and number the paragraphs in the correct order. aL] Most ofthis cic has come through the Yéle Hit Foundation which he created in 2004 with his cousin. Yéle means ‘a cry for freedom’ and Yéle Haiti cims fo help people in Haiti with smal projecis that can provide them with work, food ‘and somewhere to live. Wyclef wants Haitians to be ble fo lve in their own country and not have fo become refugees to survive. 8L) Wyclef Jean was born in Haiti, a poor island in the Caribbean, in 1972, When he was nine years old, his family moved to the USA. He grew up in New Jersey where he met Pras Michel, another Haitian, and Layryn Hill, an African-American. Together, they formed group in the mid 1990s. They called their bond The * N Dyn oz Fugees, q short form of the word ‘Tefugees, because all of their families had come to the USA to look for a better life cU] WycleFhas had a oto suppor! forhis foundation from other show-business stars. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie attended the first anniversary parly for Yele Halli. Alter Huricane ike hit the island in 2008, Matt Damon went io Haiti to serve food to the people who had lost their homes in the storm, Wyclets story. shows that people who leave their own country can | somelimes ge something back to help the people who are lef behind. ol) The Fugees were hugely popular. Their second | album, The Score, sold eighteen million copies | worldwide. Wyclef went on to make solo cibums. | | | and produced songs for other ortists. He has also spent a lot of time } giving humanitarian oid to New words 2 4 Match the new words (1-5) with the definitions (ae). 1 hugely 2) for people 2 worldwide b) help humanitarian —¢) very 4aid ) the place a person was born 5 homeland @) all over the world Comprehension {3 4 Read the text again and answer the question: 1 When and where was Wyclef born? 2 Who were the three members of The Fugees? 8 Why was the band called The Fugees? 4 What does Yéle mean and how does Yéle Hal help people? 5 How did Matt Damon help Haitians after Hurricane tke? Listening tip: Listen for mood Remember! The intonation and tone of voice of a speaker can help you to understand his or her mood. This gives you clues to understanding what he or she is saying. 4. x (3) Listen to five people talking about their ‘experiences and match the speakers to how they are feeling. Speaker 1 2) confused Speaker 2 ») proud ‘Speaker 3 c) angry ‘Speaker 4 d) sad ‘Speaker 5 ¢) excited 5 4% Listen again and decide which person said each sentence. 4) I've always wanted to see the places that my grandfather told me about. b) I'd love to be able to visit them soon, ___ ©) | can’t believe how well she has done since we got here. d) Why did I believe them? @) It’s lucky that the people are so kind because couldn't do all this on my own. Write 6 & Imagine you are Speaker 2, You are now ‘on holiday in your grandfather's homeland, Jamaica. You have been there for one week. Think about these questions and'use your imagination to make notes. 1 How did you travel there? 2 What was the journey like? 3 Are any of your grandfather's family still there? Do people remember him? 4 What have you done so far? '5 What has surprised you? 6 What are your plans for the next week of your holiday? 7 &x Write a letter to a friend back in England telling them about your holiday. Use your notes from Exercise 6. Cah ? a ee here in Jamaica. Tf’s a really aisaene ian We arrived last week.The journey was ~ hae Phrases ‘1 & Match the statements (1-5) with the responses (a-e). 1 f'm not sure | can do this. ———__ a) Oh no you're not! It's my turn now. 2 Let's goto the fal. We might win something. > b) No, its dead easy, Just throw the dart at the playing card. 8 {’'m going to have another go. \c) Well, have a go. You won't know until you try. 4 I'm going to the beach. Are you up for it? __—_d) Don't get too excited. The prizes aren’t usually that great. 5 This game looks quite difficult. ©) Yos, great. Ill just go and get my swimming things. Grammar: Present perfect simple with just, already, before, never, ever, yet 2 & Write sentences. Use the present perfect simple. Do you want one? ® (What ehatwe do now? See ey 6 you / already / win / three /! we /not / try / this / yet ‘You've already won three! Come on! I/ never /be Jon it before your husband / ever/climb/a I not /see/ him before | don’t know. wall lke this / | don’t know. ‘S 4% Complete the chat with the past simple or the present perfect simple form of the verbs in brackets and the time expression in the correct place. 2098. © SG Wietomaiondoriasteon — | |" {not be / before) haven't been to London before and! I'm going to London next week and my family and | are need some ideas of fun things to do. don't want to do the going to the Globe Theatre (again!) 1* (see / already) normal touristy things. Thanks. Pete, Aged 15 three plays there, This time we're going to see Hamiet. |” read / never) _ Hemet 12 {be} toLondon several times. Last but my parents have told me what its about. hope it time 1°(go)_ to Kew Gardens. [ts eally_ doesnt rain because there's no roofl[Emma, Aged 16] interesting and it free you're under 17, |Meg. Aged 10] Hi. 1° (arve / just) in London. min an “tyou be / ever) ona real warship? My Internet café in Camden, There’ cool market here! parents (take) meto HMSBelfastlast 1 °(not buy / yet) —_ anything year. I's near Tower Bridge. Itwas great. [Mact, Aged 13] but 'm going back now for some trousers! (lee, Aged 15) rammar: Superlatives with the present perfect simple 4.x Match the beginnings (1-6) to the endings (a-f). Then put the words in brackets into the correct form. 1 What's the best (good) place 2What's (big) prize SS 3 What's (tasty) food 4 What's (g000) computer game 5 What's (boring) book 6 Who's_____ (nice) person Use your English: React to good and bad news 5 * Complete the dialogues with one letter in each gap. 1 Max: My parents have just booked a holiday in "New York for this summer. James: Wow! That's amazing! Kate: Howfantastict 2 Leo: Oh no, I've forgotten my homework. ‘anna: Oh dear! That's t_o bd. You worked all weekend on it, Sean; N____ m____d. Youcan bring it tommorrow. 3 Ellie | can't believe it! Someone's stolen my phone. Mel: That's a_ Howt e. My parents don't allow me to go to parties. during the week. Ben; Youp__rt____g. it’s Matt's party next Thursday. Sara: C____r _p.'mnotallowed to go cither. 5 Jack: Mum and Dad bought me an electric guitar for my birthday. Victoria: That's really cI! Helen: That's b___ tI When's your first concert? 6 William: | won first prize in the school essay competition. Charles: Good f_r y__u. You deserve it! Mary: W_ | d____e. You worked really hard on your essay. ®) you (ever play? b) your mum lever read)? ——¢) you ‘ve ever been to (ever be)? d) you (ever meet)? @) your sister (ever win)? f) you (ever eat)? © Roundup & Complete the text with a word or phrase from the box. Put the verbs in the past simple or the present perfect simple. * amazing * buy °do sever *haveago * just * most exciting * not leave * scratch * sell ‘start » wash * well done * yet Disa eTEEeU ITE {Meet this week's) young entrepreneurs... ipa Edwards and Jack Watson have always wanted to make money. They ' started! to make money when they were eleven years old! So, what * they They? at the age of eighteen, they are both successful young businessmen and they * school WIE AE, weet cars! Now, Today John and Jack don't wash cars.For the last year, they ‘and sold electrical equipment. We buy stuff cheaply that companies can't sell because somebody? t or damaged it said John, ‘and then sell it to other companies: This year they® already 800 TVs ‘toa company in Spain and an English university has z bought 1,000 from them, toot’ the *: thing we've " done’ they said, That's ® » boys! Maybe this story has inspired you or given you sorte ideas.So, why not * and see ifyou can make millions? Weite tous with your ideas... EL PERRET ETT PTET SSUES Ae He's been playing for ten years. Grammar: Present perfect simple and continuous with for and since ‘1 & Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect simple or continuous and for or since. __ for ___ three o'clock this afternoon. Let's co Stop and ask someone. a at {t's our anniversary. | (go out) with Emma. a yoor. "When did you meet?" ‘Oh, a Jong time ago. We (know) each other _ primary school.’ it's broken. I have) ony ik Tuesday. Where is she? We (wait) here four hours. 2 x Complete the questions and answers with the present perfect simple or continuous. Use for and since where necessary. Your questions about Miley Cyrus answered How long / Miley / sing and act /? How long has Miley been singing and acting? She / act f she was nine She / sing / about four years Her best friends are Emily Osment andl Mitchel Musso from Hannah Montana how long/ she / know them /? She / know / them / several years How long / she / go out / with Justin Gaston J ? They / not / go out / together /Iong How long / they / be/ friends ! 2 ‘They /be / friends / he appeared on a reality TY show in 2008 Her dad was the presenter! Grammar: Present perfect simple for numbers and amounts 3 % Complete the Quick star quiz on page 31 with the verbs in the box in the present perfect simple. appear * be smeke * produce © score » sail » win fa | Cpe 1 Q How many albums have Limp Bizkit made ? A: Five, 2. Q; How many Oscars 2 A: Two. 3.QHowmanyCDs__U2 Meryl Streep A: More than 145 million! 4 Q How many people Metallica since 2003? A: Four. 5 Q; How many episodes of Hannah Montana her father in? ‘A: Well there were three episodes that he wasn't 6 Q How many goals ? in the band David Beckham AA: I think its over 100. | know he scored 62 for Manchester United. 7. Q: How many songs _ Eminem Allot. The best was Renegade by Jay. Vocabulary: Words connected with music 4. & Complete the crossword and find the hidden word. 1 Kanye West is a rapper 2 My favourite _ album is Modem Way. 3 | think freplaceable by Beyonce is a great 4 Do you think U2 are a better than Oasis? on the first Kaiser Chiefs 5 There are ten songs on our new 6 Look! We're number one in the 7 The best selling __ sine the year 2000 is Hips Don't Lie by Shakira and Wyclef Jean. 8 Robbie Williams is a great songwriter. The to his songs are always interesting, © Roundup 5 Circle the correct words. Dialogue 1 Advi: Who's your favourite 1 songwriteSOngWritayY trackwriter? Meg. (like Amanda Ghost, She has 2 written/been writing/wrote lots of great songs. Adrian: Does she write the music and the 3 tracks/ singlesilyrics? Meg: Yes, | think so. She often writes for other people. Adrian: How long 4 has she written/alid she write/has she been writing for? ‘Meg: I'm not sure. She s sings/has sung/has been singing 6 since/from/for the year 2000. Arian: Which artists 7 have sung/have been singing/are singing her songs? Meg: Beyonce, Shakira and Jordin Sparks. Dialogue 2 Tom: How 8 manyllong/much have you been playing the guitar? David: | bought my first one when | was eight so. 9 've been playing/I'm playing/! played it for seven years, Tom: How 19 much/many/iong lessons have you had? David: ‘| have one a week so that's about 300 altogether. Do you want to be a famous musician? David: Oh yes. | want to be number one in the 411 albums/charts/tracks! 31 4c Grammar: Defining and non-defining relative clauses 1.4 Aro the relative clauses defining (D) or non- defining (ND)? 1 This is the magazine which had a photo of me on the front cover last month, () 2 Tom Hayden, wio’s fifteen on Saturday, is going to have a party at his house. 3 My aunt, whose husband is German, is moving to Bonn soon, 4 Tim looking fora book that is easy to read and has an exciting story 5 Is this the shop where you bought your cool Tshirt? 6 We're going to Alnwick Castle, which was Hogwarts Schoo! in the Harry Potter fis. 2 4% Circle the correct words. Websites for teens "Runescape’, ' thatfwhichy @ whois anontinegame juag that people can play alone oF against other players, is the most popular game forfeenagers in the UK. it ‘was created by Andrew Gower, ? who/that/whose ‘worked on it while he was studying at Cambridge Universiy. The game lakes place in Gielinor® which/what/who has different cities and countries init. Players travel to different places in Gielinor. They fight monsters o they fight other players 4 who/whose/which are in the same place. Teenagers * who/what/whose want to join a social networking site choose ‘Bebo’ more often than any other. ‘Bebo’ is a website * where/which/that teenagers can chat and design their own pages. New sections include ‘Bebo music’ and ‘Bebo books’, which/that/where you can listen to music and read new books. There are things * that/what/who all teenagers have to do and ‘one of those things is school work. The BBC, ? which/whose/ who website offers a huge range of things for all ages and interests, hos the best educational resources, Go to www. erie tea tt mttaer eet te sinrna el 32 The website everyone is talking about. 3 4k Rewrite the sentences from the dialogue using the words in brackets. Andy: I've just found a new social networking site. It's really good, (which) 4 I've just found a new social networking site which is realy good . ‘Aaron: How did you hear about it? Andy: Ryan Davies told me. His brothers in my class. (whose) 2 Ryen Davies, _ ‘Aaron: What's so special about this site? ‘Andy: There's a coo! forum. You can post anything you want there. (where) 8 There's a cool forum || was on one before. It wasn't as good as this one. (that) 4lwas _ ‘Aaron: | don't like putting my personal details on a webpage. Anyone can see them, (where) 51 don't like ‘Andy: You can stop people seeing your personal details if they aren’t your friends (who) 6 Only people ‘Aaron: How many friends have you got on it? ‘Andy: I've only got seven friends so far. It isn’t many. (which) 7 P've only got ''ve only been on it a day. Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs with on 4 & Look at the pictures and complete ‘the words. Hl answer the phone. You c your meal. Don't et it go cold. Quick! T__ on the TV! Our school is on the news today. Do you want to make your own website? Have you got. (© Roundup 5 Complete the text with the words in the box. Add commas where necessary. log * where *whieh * who ho * whose count * hold whose * which © © CF an idea ! which is going to make you rich? Well 2 ‘on! We're here to give you advice. We have been working in the web design business for m: ‘than twenty years, You can ® on us! We have more than 100 articles about starting a business * _is more than any other website. We have experts * advice is easy to read and always useful. They include our design consultant, Bob Smethurst © ‘own website won website of the year in 2007. Tim Rainer ? has helped to design over a thousand websites, runs our help section. You will find special pages * you can see what your designs will look like. If you are already a member, * ‘on with your username and password below. People * aren’t members can join by clicking here. Extra challenge! 6 kx Complete the sentences so they are true for you. 1 Will Smith , whose films | really like, is also a great singer . 2 whose music | really ike, 3 who sits next to me in Which I bought last week, 5 I don't like films which 6 I'd like to go to a place where 7 Iike people who 8 | know someone whose 33 Across cultures English literature per puns, The schoo) year is almost finished sol am writing to you about the Read English Literature Year 9 reading list for next year. All students should read these books during the summer holidays. After the holidays, we want ho ‘4. Road the letter and say wa to discuss the characters as well asthe plot in class, wrote the books (1-3). You can buy the books from Smith's Books in the High Street, The school y also has second-hand copies of Animal Farm and Journey to the River 2 Seanhich older students want to sel. Famed isa new book for his year 3 ‘So there are no second-hand copies in schoo. We have chosen these books fora number of reasons. Animal Farm is an important book inthe history of English iterature. fm sure many students have read it already. George Orwell, who wrote many important books, Used the idea of animals taking over a farm to discuss the real world Stucents can read and enjoy itas.a simple story cbout animals. During the school yar, we wil talk about he hidden message behind the story. Journey to te River Ses, which isan exciting story that both boys and Girls vill enjoy, wes written by Eva Ibbotson in 2001. itis satin 1910 and ‘ill give students useful historical information about that time, What's ‘mare, the story includes excellent descriptions of journeys and different counts which will ep students with thet own wring, Some are more equal. Frammedis @ new book for us this yea. We have chosen this not only because it as simple and intresting plot but also because the author, Frank Cottrell Boyce, is excellent at describing characters and the relationship between children and adults. Wo are sure thal both you and your child wil be happy withthe choice of books, which Im sure will motivate all students to read and enjoy reading. 'Fyou have any comments or worries, ploase contact me atthe school, Yours, Connor Peterson Connor Peterson Head of English “Tteeemerereerenieipmemnns New words 2 4x Match the new words (1-6) with the definitions (a~f). a) the real, not obvious meaning of a story 4 plot (n) bits 6) about the past 2 second-hand 3 ten ree @ ne canine that the soy taopned iden 4 setin ) what happens in a story 5 historical ©) to make someone want to do something 6 to motivate 4) not new; someone else owned it before 0

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