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PHYSICS __ hts yo 6. ‘sq (E+ (0X BY Force on charged particle in Lorentz force simultaneous Electric and magnetic fields 7. Fei(lx B F = Magnetic force on a current _| To find force acting ona el : ) carrying conductor of length | current carrying conductor F=BILSin® B = magnetic field. in a magnetic field. 8. Fovohk £ = Force per unit length between | Force per unit length ("der two parallel current carrying |, between two parallel and I, r = distance between the current carrying conductors. conductors. 9. |T=BINASine T= torque experienced by a magnetic field due to a current loop of area A in straight conductor of magnetic field B infinite length N = Number of turns of coil. |= current an is S=shuntrequired, Conversion fo G = Galvanometer Resistance, | Galvanometer ig = maximum current through | into Ammeter. galvanometer (0-i) = range of ammeter R = high resistance in series Conversion fo I |R= (Wig) -G Galvanometer into Voltmeter tome |= 7% r= radius of circular path in To find the radius of y Bq magnetic field circular path of charge’ particle moving perpendicular to the magnetic field. 2 13, |= Cyclotron frequency To find the frequency of cyclotron. [eases —_}- ———— Unit-4 : ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION AND ALTERNATING CURRENT S.No, FORMULAE SYMBOLS APPLICATION 1. ao induced emf. Faraday's law of dt electromagnetic induction : 2 e=-Bly magnetic field Motional emf ‘locity | = metal rod of length 3. V=%Bwl? V = emf developed To find emf developed between the ends of the rod. | between the end of the rod = angular velocity rotating in the magnetic field. | = length of the rod 4. @=LI © = Magnetic flux Relation between@ and L L = Self-inductance of the coil 5. | e=-Ldi/dt L = Self-inductance of the coil,| To find self-induced emf ina coil. 6. €1 =~ Miz dla/dt M,. =Coefficient of mutual Self-induced of a solenoid inductance dl/dt=Rate of charge of current in th secondary coil 7. | L=prpo nPAl Ur = Realtive permeability Ho = permeability of free space n= no of turns of the solenoid A = area of the solenoid L = length of the solenoid Equation of a.c generator 8. | e=nBAwsinut n= no of turns of the solenoid] Equation of a. c generator (w = 2nv) magnetic field rea of the solenoid v= frequency of AC 9. u=tie U = Energy stored in inductor | To find energy stored in the 2 inductor in its magnetic field. PHYSICS Unit-5 : ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES S.No. FORMULAE SYMBOLS APPLICATION 1 cis the speed of To find speed of e.m. : 1 electromagnetic wave In veCuurt = wave in vacuum Tioe permeability constant and Is the permittivity constant 2. 1 vis the speed of To find speed of v=—= electromagnetic wave in electromagnetic wave in HE material medium material medium Laws ata glance : 1. $6 R-dA=O/ 2 (Gauss's Law for electricity) 2, §BxiA=0 4 3, fxnat= SH (Gauss's Law for magnetism) (Paraday's Law) da 4, PB edd Hol + so RoE (Ampere - Maxwell Law) } Uni RAY OPTICS S.No. FORMULAE SYMBOLS APPLICATIONS 1. 111 u- object distance To find focal length of tee v-image distance, _ mirror vou f - focal length of the mirror 2. m = magnification To find magnification mis negative for real images and +ve for virtual images 3. A ppcole of prism To find refractive index n, = refractive index of prism refractive index of medium angle of minimum deviation. 4. M2 My _ Nz- | R= Radius of curvature To find Rad. of Tut R | Vz image distance, curvature of lens u= object distance PHYSICS sofa Ren or 'S. No. FORMULAE SYMBOL APPLICATION 5. Be R, = Radius of curvature Lens makers formula al length of the lens hy n, = Refractive index of medium 1 and respectively To find focal length of lens 6. aaa a f = effective focal legnth of To find effective focal 7 ft hon combination length of combination f,, f, f, = focal length of each lens in | of lenses contact. Zz, L yD m: magnifying power of a compound | To find magnifying ee microscope power of a compound fo fe {, = focal length of objective t = focal length of eyepiece L= Distance between objective lens and eye lens 8. rm magnifying power of a telescope | To find magnifyin fo cal ete of objective | power of etataceee f, focal length of eyepiece be angle subtended at the eye yy the image a = angle subtended at the eye by the object WAVE OPTICS S.No. FORMULAE SYMBOL APPLICATIONS 1. b= tan i, = relative refractive index of _ | To find refractive index the denser medium of the material = polarizing angle. 2. I= pcos? intensity of light passing To find intensity of light through the polarizer, 6 = angle between polarizer and analyzer. 3. B = fringe width To find fringe width for wavelength of light interference fringes D = distance between the slits and the screen d= distance between the lists sc SZ sel ewe ron a: (ap) = wavelength of light used, —_| To find width of central = distance between the slits} maxima for diffraction 4 and the screen fringes w= width of central maxima in diffraction 5. Imax = Max. intensity To find ratio of max. and Imin = Min. intensity min. intensity a, b = respective amplitudes UNIT 7 : DUAL NATURE OF MATTER S.No. FORMULAE SYMBOL APPLICATIONS 1. ohomh ae E = energy of photon, To find the energy of photon Bonen = Planes Ser constant, v = frequency W, = work function \, = threshold frequency dy = threshold wavelength Relation between work function and V,, A. Kpac= Maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons Voge = Maximum velocity Einstein's photoslectri¢ + equation e charge of electron stopping potential Relation between maximum. kinetic energy and stopping potential. 2 = wave length of matter wave h= Plank's constant De Broglie wavelength for matter wave. d= Ww Vimev’ mo > 6. nA E= kinetic energy Relation between a and E, V Yam Jing’ | V = accelerating potential Te h 12.27 a9) V = accelerating potential De Broglie wavelegth for electron

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