2nd Reflective Essay For CAS

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2nd reflective essay for CAS


Over the past two months, I have been involved in an IB CAS project with some of my classmates. The
project involved creating a club aimed at increasing student comfort in school and providing a medium
for expressing their hobbies and talents. In my role, I helped to narrow down the club's initial topic,
created notes and presentations for our CAS class, and assisted with advertising the club. In this
reflection, I will discuss the lessons I learned from this project, including the importance of careful
planning, the need to adapt to changing circumstances, and the personal growth I experienced.

Initial Motivations and Challenges

When I first got involved in the CAS project, I was motivated by the opportunity to collaborate with my
friends and contribute to the school community. However, I soon realized that juggling the project with
other CAS activities and studying for various tests was challenging. This affected my level of engagement
with the project, as I often found myself feeling overwhelmed and distracted. Nevertheless, I tried my best
to contribute to the project and support my team.

Lessons Learned from the Planning Process

Reflecting on the planning process, I now understand the importance of taking into consideration all the
factors that might affect the success of a project. In our case, we failed to consider the timing of
after-school basketball sports for middle schoolers on Thursdays, which was the only available day for
our club meetings. As a result, not many people showed up to our meetings, which was disappointing. In
the future, I will make sure to closely examine all the factors that might affect a project or an activity we
are conducting to avoid such issues.

Lessons Learned from the Implementation Process

Despite the low turnout, we still tried to create a comfortable environment for those who did attend the
meetings. We kept the atmosphere light and humorous and played artistic games that we had planned to
help the attendees get to know each other. Reflecting on the success of the first two meetings, I realize the
importance of adapting to changing circumstances. Even when things don't go according to plan, it is
essential to remain flexible and adaptable. I believe this will be an important lesson that I will carry with
me into future projects and activities.

Personal Growth and Development

Participating in the CAS project provided me with numerous opportunities for personal growth and
development. For instance, I developed my teamwork and problem-solving skills by collaborating with
my classmates on the project. Additionally, I became more adaptable as I learned to adjust to the changing
circumstances of the project. These skills and abilities will undoubtedly come in handy in the future, both
in my academic and personal life.


In conclusion, the IB CAS project was a valuable learning experience for me. It taught me the importance
of careful planning, the need to adapt to changing circumstances, and the value of personal growth and
development. I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in this project, and I look forward to
using what I have learned to make a positive impact in the future.

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