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Kiranjeet Multani

Module 7 Multiple-Choice Questions


How many times a day is a Muslim required to perform the obligatory prayers?

A) Three times
B) Four times
C) Five times
D) Six times

MODULE Module 7: Islam

SOURCE Lesson notes Module 7 – “LIFE OF MUHAMMED AND THE

FOUNDATIONS OF ISLAM” (RELS 131, World Religions,
Religious Worlds, ONQ.


EXPLANATION OF Muslims are required to perform the obligatory prayers five times a
THE CORRECT day at specific fixed times. The notes mention, "Prayer takes place
ANSWER five times daily: dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset and after dark but
before midnight." These five daily prayers, known as Salah or Salat,
are essential in a Muslim's life and serve as a regular means of
connecting with God and seeking His guidance and blessings.

Each of the five daily prayers has specific fixed times, and they
serve as essential means of connecting with God and seeking His
guidance and blessings throughout the day. Here's a summary of the
five daily prayers:

Fajr: The pre-dawn prayer, performed before sunrise.

Zuhr: The noon prayer, performed after midday when the sun starts
to decline.
Asr: The afternoon prayer, performed in the late afternoon.
Maghrib: The evening prayer, performed just after sunset.
Isha: The night prayer, performed after twilight and before

Muslims view these prayers as acts of worship and submission to

Allah (God) and use them as a means to establish a regular
connection with their Creator and seek spiritual growth and
closeness to Him. Praying in congregation, especially for the Fajr
and Maghrib prayers, holds particular significance and fosters a
sense of community and unity among Muslims. The practice of
performing these daily prayers is one of the Five Pillars of Islam,
emphasizing the importance of right conduct and devotion in a
Muslim's life. By observing these prayers regularly, Muslims strive
to uphold their faith and strengthen their relationship with God.

What is the Quran according to Muslims?

A) A historical account of Muslim prophets

B) A compilation of moral teachings
C) A guide for humankind from Muhammad's perspective
D) The eternal, uncreated, literal word of God revealed to Muhammad

MODULE Module 7: Islam

SOURCE Required Readings Module 7 – “John Esposito, selection from

Islam: The Straight Path”(RELS 131, World Religions, Religious
Worlds, ONQ. John Esposito, selection from Islam: The Straight


EXPLANATION OF The Quran holds a central and revered position in Islam, being
THE CORRECT considered the literal word of God. According to Muslim belief, the
ANSWER Quran is not a human creation but an eternal and uncreated divine
revelation. The book explicitly states, "For Muslims, the Quran is
the Book of God. It is the eternal, uncreated, literal word of God sent
down from heaven, revealed one final time to the Prophet
Muhammad as a guide for humankind" (Esposito 17). This divine
nature of the Quran means that it is believed to be the ultimate
source of guidance and moral teachings for Muslims, providing
them with a comprehensive framework for life.

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