01 WW2401 SWW Characters Omega

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Chapter 1:

Creating a
You need a character to play Shadow of the Weird
Wizard. You decide the kind of character you want
to play, choosing from the options presented in
this chapter. Perhaps you will become a fighter,
maybe even one trained by a knight until you
proved yourself ready to strike out on your own.
Then again, if magic interests you, you could
become a mage, schooled in the secrets of magical
power. Other options include the priest, who
champions a god in the mortal world, or the rogue,
who relies on wits, cunning, and luck to make their
way in the world.
Whatever you want to play, this chapter helps
you create a character from scratch. You make a
few decisions, recording your choices on your
character sheet or a piece of paper. You can then
add as much or as little detail as you want until
your character matches the one you envision.
Understand, though, that a character you create
has just embarked on their grand story. It takes
time, experience, and adventure to realize their
full potential. So unless the Sage decides to use
more powerful characters, be prepared to be
challenged as you undertake your first adventure.
The process of character creation involves
making a few decisions. First, you choose a path
for your character to follow. Second, you make
decisions related to your character’s ancestry,
which is typically human, as well as determining
your professions, identity, and other details. You
complete the process by coming up with a name
and filling in any gaps remaining. If you need to
know how certain rules work, be sure to reference
chapter 2. For equipment, see chapter 3. Finally,
traditions and spells are described in chapter 4.

Novice Paths
Make Agility your high score if you want to be
light on your feet, nimble, and excel at fighting
with ranged weapons.
Creating a character involves making one big Make Intellect your high score if you want to be
choice—your novice path—and a few smaller clever, know many things, and make use of magic.
choices related to your path. The path you choose Make Will your high score if you would be brave
at the start is one of four novice paths, each of and bold, charismatic, and resolved. Will is also
which represent one of the great archetypes of important for casting certain spells.
fantasy heroes. The Novice Paths table offers
descriptions for each path.
Path Benefits
NOVICE PATHS Your path grants benefits at level 1 and additional
Path Description benefits for each level you attain. Sometimes, the
Fighter A skilled combatant, trained in the path will have you make a choice, such as what
use of all weaponry. tradition to discover or spells to learn. Each time
Mage A dedicated spellcaster with access to your group’s level increases, you gain the benefits
a wide range of different spells. from that level. Your path can grant many different
Priest A sworn servant of one or more gods.
kinds of benefits, which are described here.
Rogue A devious adventurer who relies on
cunning, skill, and luck.
Natural Defense
Your path determines your natural Defense score.
Equipment See Chapter 2 for details on Defense and Chapter 3
Your path tells you the equipment you have at the for armor and shields that raise or replace your
start of the game. If you prefer, you can forgo Defense.
taking those items and instead start with 3d6 sp.
You can spend as much or as little of this coin as Health
you like to purchase starting equipment. For Your path determines your starting Health score.
details on equipment, see Chapter 3. In addition, as your level increases, your path tells
In addition to starting equipment, you can have you the amount by which you increase your Health
additional minor possessions. You could carry score.
around a pair of gloves, a comb, or an extra pair of
underclothes, for instance. Such items rarely have Languages
an effect during play, but might be an aspect of Add the language or your choice of language to
how you want to roleplay your character. those you know how to speak, read, and write. If a
path grants you a language you already know, you
Attributes can choose a different language to learn in its
Your path presents sets of scores (and modifiers) place. The major available languages appear in
to place in your four attributes. Choose the set you chapter 2. Other languages might be available at
like most or determine the set by rolling a d6 and the Sage’s discretion.
gaining the set indicated by the number rolled. At
certain levels, your path increases two or three Bonus Damage
attribute scores. Your path enables you to deal additional damage
from the attacks you make. As you gain levels, the
Customizing Scores amount of damage increases. See Chapter 2 for
You can create your own set of scores by starting details on using attack damage.
with following: 12, 11, 10, and 10. You can
increase one score by 1 and reduce a different Traditions
score by 1. You can make this adjustment twice. Some paths enable you to discover one or more
When you finish, assign one score to each attribute traditions, which are thematic groupings of
until you have assigned all four scores. magical talents and spells. When the path
Make Strength your high score if you want to be indicates for you to discover a tradition, you can
durable and excel at fighting in hand-to-hand choose one tradition to discover or make another
combat. discovery in a tradition you have discovered
already. Each time you discover a tradition (or
make an additional discovery), you gain one talent
from that tradition. If you already have all the
magical talents from a tradition, instead learn a
novice spell from that tradition. When a path
instructs you to discover a tradition, you choose to
discover a tradition you have already discovered
to gain another magical talent from it.

Each tradition offers three tiers of spells. These
tiers are novice, expert, and master. If your path
instructs you to learn a spell of a particular tier,
choose the spell you learn from any tradition you
have discovered of the tier or a lower one.
Alternatively, you can choose a spell you have
already learned when you would learn a spell.
When you do so, you double the normal number of
castings you have for that spell.

All paths grant at least one talent at level 1 and
usually additional talents at higher levels. Talents
represent learned abilities and stay with you if you
transform into something else. A talent can modify
certain activities you perform such as attacking or
casting a spell, or they could let you use actions,
reactions, and the like in different ways.

Fighter Health +6
You have the training and experience to excel in Bonus Damage +1d6
battle. You demonstrate your skill with your Combat Recovery Use an action, or a reaction when
ability to wield any weapon. You also have the you are harmed, to heal half your damage total and
impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you until the start of
toughness to take a hit and keep on fighting. In the your next turn.
thick of combat, you fight your enemies, protect Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until
your allies, and lead the way toward victory. after you rest.
Starting Equipment You have normal clothing, Fighting Style You favor a particular fighting style.
leather armor, a shield, a long sword, dagger, Choose one of the following benefits.
backpack, waterskin, provisions, 5 torches, • Brawler When you make an unarmed attack, you
tinderbox, and a pouch containing 1d6 cp. roll with 1 boon. Your unarmed strikes become
natural weapons that deal 1d6 damage. You ignore
FIGHTER STARTING ATTRIBUTE SCORES the bane imposed by making an unarmed strike.
Roll Strength Agility Intellect Will At level 5, your unarmed strikes deal an extra
1 12 11 9 11 1d6 damage when you wield no other weapon.
2 13 9 10 11 • Combat Controller When you get a success on a
3 12 10 10 11 roll to attack a creature in your reach, the creature
4 11 12 10 10 becomes marked until you use this talent again, you
5 13 10 10 10 become stunned or unconscious, or the creature
6 12 12 9 10 becomes incapacitated. A creature marked in this
way rolls to attack targets other than you with 1
d6 Battle Training At level 5, when a creature you have marked
1 You learned everything about fighting from the makes an attack that does not include you as a
battlefield. You’ve seen enough combat to target, you can use a reaction to attack that
know how to survive. creature.
2 You studied as a military institution, where you • Crack Shot You ignore banes on your roll to attack
with a ranged weapon that are imposed by
were schooled in various fighting techniques.
obscurement or partial cover.
3 A master combatant oversaw your training,
You can make free attacks using ranged weapons.
and tested your mettle, day after day until you
At level 5, you roll with 1 boon when attacking
finally defeated your teacher.
with ranged weapons.
4 You withdrew to a monastery where combat • Dual Wielder When you wield a weapon with a
training was a form of clearing your thoughts one-handed or off-handed grip and a second
of all distractions. weapon with an off-handed grip when you use an
5 You are a skilled hunter. You have honed your action to attack, you can use a reaction to attack
fighting ability by tracking down and slaying with the weapon you wield in your off-hand.
beasts. At level 5, you roll with 1 boon when you attack
6 You served as a squire to a knight, holy warrior, with the weapon you wield in your off-hand.
or someone else of a similar standing. • Raging Combatant If you are harmed during the
round, the next attack you make before the end of
LEVEL 1 FIGHTER your next turn deals an extra 1d6 damage.
Natural Defense 12 Starting Health 16 At level 5, the attack instead deals an extra 2d6
Languages You know how to speak, read, and write damage.
Common. • Shield Basher You can use a shield as a melee off-
Combat Training You ignore the requirements for hand weapon that deals 1d6 damage and has the
using armor and making use of weapon properties. Light property.
You roll to attack with 1 boon. Finally, when you get a When you get a critical success with an attack
critical success, you can roll the extra damage twice using your shield, the target also grants you 1 boon
and use the highest amount. on the next roll you make to attack it before the end
Engage the Enemy When an enemy moves to a space of your next turn.
within a number of yards of you equal to your speed, At level 5, the increase to your Defense from
you can use a reaction to move up to your speed. If wielding a shield increases to +4.
you can reach the enemy, you can attack it and, if the • Striker When your attack causes a target to
enemy takes damage from the attack, its speed drops become incapacitated, you can use a reaction to
to 0 until the start of its next turn. attack.
At level 5, increase the number of reactions you
can use each round by one.

LEVEL 3 EXPERT PATH bedroll, lantern, 2 pints of oil, tinderbox, 3
Attributes Choose two attributes and an increase the poultices, blank book, a writing kit, waterskin,
scores of each by 1. provisions, and a pouch containing 3d6 cp.
Choose a Path Choose any expert path. For a quick
option, choose veteran. Gain the level 3 benefits from MAGE STARTING ATTRIBUTE SCORES
your expert path. Roll Strength Agility Intellect Will
1 10 10 12 11
LEVEL 4 EXPERT PATH 2 10 10 11 12
Path Benefits You gain the level 4 benefits from your 3 9 10 13 11
expert path. 4 9 10 11 13
5 10 9 13 11
LEVEL 5 FIGHTER 6 9 10 12 12
Health +6
Bonus Damage +1d6 SOURCES OF MAGIC
Fighting Style You favor a particular fighting style. d6 Source
Choose an additional fighting style from the options 1 Something happened to you that awakened
presented at level 2. the gift of magic-use within you. This event
Power Strike When you deal damage to a target with an might have involved being buried alive and
attack, you deal extra damage equal to your level. receiving visions from your proximity to an
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until Ancient One, you were bitten by a magical
the start of your next turn.
striped serpent, or fox-headed faeries might
LEVEL 6 EXPERT PATH have taken you prisoner and you managed to
Path Benefits You gain the level 6 benefits from your escape by learning a spell.
expert path. 2 Something you found gave you the gift.
Perhaps you learned the rudiments from a
LEVEL 7 MASTER PATH book you found. Or you might have gained
Attributes Choose three attributes and an increase the insights after reading aloud an inscription.
scores of each by 1. 3 You apprenticed under a famous wizard or you
Choose a Path Choose any master path. For a quick attended a magical university. Then again, you
option, choose battle master. Gain the level 7 benefits might have found a magical trout who
from your master path. whispered terrible truths about the world, thus
opening a door to great magical power.
LEVEL 8 MASTER PATH 4 You made a pact with a power for your magical
Path Benefits You gain the level 8 benefits from your knowledge. Maybe a fiend whispered in your
master path. ear or the god of magic chose you to be his
LEVEL 9 EXPERT PATH 5 You broke something magical and got some on
Path Benefits You gain the level 9 benefits from your
you, a spirit of a dead magician possessed you
expert path.
for a time, or maybe you gained your ability
LEVEL 10 MASTER PATH from some quirk of birth, such as being born
Path Benefits You gain the level 10 benefits from your the seventh son of a seventh son.
master path. 6 You released a spirit from a bottle and made a
wish, you ate or drank something forbidden,

or, you just woke one day with the ability to
work magic.
You learn real magic—not tricks and misdirection. LEVEL 1 MAGE
From your hands, you release gouts of flame. With Natural Defense 10 Starting Health 12
a word, you can cross vast distances in an instant. Traditions Two (see the random tradition table for
You can call up monsters to fight on your behalf quick determination) Spells Four novice
and consult to mind-boggling, diabolical beings. Languages You know how to speak, read, and write
Learning magic requires time and energy, forcing both Arcane and Common
you to neglect other areas of potential Mage Sense You can use an action to expand your
development, but, then, who needs to be good senses so that you can perceive the presence or
absence of magic within 5 yards for 1 minute. If a
with a sword when you can simply blast your
creature, object, or space is under the effects of magic
enemies apart speaking a few mystical words? or created by it and is within range, you know it.
Starting Equipment You have normal clothing, Magical Implement You can perform a ritual to imbue
leather armor, quarterstaff, dagger, backpack, magic into one ordinary object in reach that is neither
armor nor a weapon. When you finish, the target Choose a Path Choose any expert path and gain the
becomes your implement until you use this talent level 3 benefits from it. For a quick option, choose
again, the target is destroyed, the target leaves your arcanist expert path.
possession for 24 hours, or you exhaust the
implement of it charges. The implement holds a LEVEL 4 EXPERT PATH
number of charges equal to 1 + your level. Path Benefits You gain the level 4 benefits from your
Once you use this magical talent, you lose access to expert path.
it for 24 hours.
Use Implement You can use an action and expend 1 LEVEL 5 MAGE
charge to produce any of the following effects if you Health +2
wield or wear your implement. Spells One expert
• Mage Shield You impose 1 bane on rolls against Spell Expertise When you roll as a result of casting a
your Defense and Agility for 1 minute. spell, you roll with 1 boon. When a creature rolls to
• Mage Strike You launch a missile of magical energy resist a spell you cast, you impose 1 bane on its roll.
at one creature or object within 10 yards. Make an
Intellect or Will roll against the target’s Agility. On a LEVEL 6 EXPERT PATH
success, the target takes 2d6 damage. The target Path Benefits You gain the level 6 benefits from your
instead takes 4d6 damage at level 3, and 6d6 expert path.
damage at level 7.
RANDOM STARTING TRADITIONS Attributes Choose three attributes and an increase the
d20 Starting Traditions scores of each by 1.
1 Aeromancy or Geomancy Choose a Path Choose any master path and gain from it
2 Alchemy or Technomancy the level 7 benefits. For a quick option, choose the
3 Alteration archmage master path.
4 Animism or Spiritualism LEVEL 8 MASTER PATH
5 Astromancy or Shadowmancy
Path Benefits You gain the level 8 benefits from your
6 Chaos or Order master path.
7 Chronomancy or Teleportation
8 Conjuration or Symbolism LEVEL 9 EXPERT PATH
9 Cryomancy, Hydromancy, or Pyromancy Path Benefits You gain the level 9 benefits from your
10 Dark Arts expert path.
11 Destruction or Protection
12 Divination or Illusion LEVEL 10 MASTER PATH
13 Eldritch or Invocation Path Benefits You gain the level 10 benefits from your
14 Enchantment master path.
15 Evocation
Oneiromancy Priest
18 Primal or War The gods chose you to represent them in the
19 Psionic world, to be their champion, agent, and
20 Skullduggery representative of all their interests. You call upon
LEVEL 2 MAGE magical energies from your divine patrons to cast
Health +2 spells and imbue your strikes with power. You can
Traditions One Spells Three novice serve one god, many different gods, or no god at
Spell Recovery Use an action to heal damage equal to all, instead representing a spiritual belief or
half your damage total and regain all the castings of system of ethics.
your novice spells. Starting Equipment You have normal clothing,
At level 5, you also regain one expended casting of brigandine armor, a shield, a club, dagger,
an expert spell. backpack, waterskin, provisions, 5 torches,
At level 9, you also regain one expended casting of tinderbox, 5 sticks of incense, 1 poultice, and a
an expert or master spell.
pouch containing 2d6 cp.
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until
LEVEL 3 EXPERT PATH Roll Strength Agility Intellect Will
1 9 10 13 11
Attributes Choose two attributes and an increase the
scores of each by 1. 2 13 10 9 11
3 11 10 10 12

4 11 10 12 10 <BOXED>
5 12 9 10 12
6 11 9 10 13 Associated Traditions
Many gods have strong associations with one or
more traditions of magic. If you serve a god shown
d6 Calling
1 A vision of your god, a divine servant, or some on the following list, consider choosing a starting
other supernatural event revealed to you your tradition associated with your faith.
holy purpose.
2 You have been ordained in your faith, having
Deity Associated Tradition
completed your training at a temple,
Lord Death Destruction
monastery, or some other holy place.
Daughters of Death Chaos, Destruction, or War
3 Personal convictions led you to become an
Sun Astromancy
agent for the divine.
Sister Moon Shadowmancy
4 Some miracle transformed you into a holy
Sky Father Aeromancy
servant. You spoke to the deity in a pillar or fire
Draconus Geomancy or Oneiromancy
or were swept up in a whirlwind that carried
Oceanus Hydromancy
you to the divine realms.
Grandfather Tree Animism
5 Some tragedy or horrific experience saw you
Grandmother Spore Necromancy
turn to the gods for meaning. You might have
Horned Lord Primal
suffered from an encounter with undead,
Wild Woman Abjuration or War
encountered a spirit, or had someone close to
Urbanus Symbolism
you fall into the clutches of a diabolical fiend.
Revel Enchantment
6 Something unusual in your past explains your
Fates Chronomancy or Divination
powers. You might have drunk the blood of an
Blind Protection
angel or been the product of a virgin birth.
Abraxus Any
Maybe you climbed a mountain and saw the
Fetch Skullduggery
face of a god, or an immortal entity has
Baen Pyromancy
entered your body and taken control.
High One Invocation
Natural Defense 11 Starting Health 14
Traditions Two LEVEL 2 PRIEST
Languages You know how to speak, read, and write Health +4
Common and one other language of your choice. Bonus Damage +1d6
Holy Symbol You have a symbol of your faith, spiritual Spells Two novice
beliefs, or ethical system. If you lose this symbol, you Shared Recovery Use an action to heal half your
can fashion a new one after you rest. The symbol has damage total and enable one ally within 5 yards to
a number of charges equal to your level. You can heal half their damage total.
expend charges from the symbol to make use of the Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until
following properties. Once you expend the last after you rest.
charge, you replenish your supply of charges after you
• Holy Smite When your roll to attack results in a Attributes Choose two attributes and an increase the
success, you can expend 1 charge to deal an extra scores of each by 1.
3d6 damage. Choose a Path Choose any expert path and gain from it
• Holy Healing Use an action and expend 1 charge to the level 3 benefits. For a quick option, choose the
enable yourself or one ally within 5 yards to heal cleric expert path.
3d6 damage.
• Holy Denunciation Use an action and expend 1 LEVEL 4 EXPERT PATH
charge to present your Holy Symbol at one creature Path Benefits You gain the level 4 benefits from your
that can see you, hear you, and is within 10 yards. expert path.
Make a Will roll against the target’s Will. You roll
with 1 boon if you know the target is a demon, LEVEL 5 PRIEST
faerie, fiend, spirit, or undead. On a success, the Health +4
target becomes held (luck ends). Spells One novice
Prayer Use a reaction when you or a creature within 5 Divine Favor You make luck rolls with 1 boon.
yards makes an attribute roll to magically grant 1
boon to the roll.

LEVEL 6 EXPERT PATH 5 You have become a bon vivant and you aim to
Path Benefits You gain the level 6 benefits from your keep yourself in manner to which you have
expert path. become accustomed. You might be a gambler,
a raconteur, or someone comfortable moving
LEVEL 7 MASTER PATH through all levels of society.
Attributes Choose three attributes and an increase the 6 You failed at whatever you tried to do first, but
scores of each by 1. you learned enough to help you in your future
Choose a Path Choose any master path and gain the pursuits.
level 7 benefits from it. For a quick option, choose the
high priest master path. LEVEL 1 ROGUE
Natural Defense 13 Starting Health 14
LEVEL 8 MASTER PATH Languages You know how to speak, read, and write
Path Benefits You gain the level 8 benefits from your Common and one other language of your choice
master path. Cunning Dodge Whenever you dodge, increase the
number of boons granted to your Agility roll by 1 or
LEVEL 9 EXPERT PATH the number of banes imposed on the roll made
Path Benefits You gain the level 9 benefits from your against your Defense or Agility by 1.
expert path. Trickery When you would make an attribute roll, you
can use this talent to roll with 1 boon.
LEVEL 10 MASTER PATH Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until
Path Benefits You gain the level 10 benefits from your the start of your next turn.
master path. Advantageous Strike When you get a success on a roll
to attack and you rolled at least 1 boon, you can use

Rogue this talent to deal an extra 1d6 damage.

You walk a crooked road, one with many twists
and turns. As a result, you have a knack for being Health +4
Rogue Technique You have developed a special
able to do a little bit of everything, whether you’re
technique. Gain one of the following benefits.
fighting in combat, casting a spell, solving puzzles, • Backstab Your melee attacks deal an extra 1d6
or running for your life. damage to targets from which you are hidden or
Starting Equipment You have normal clothing, that are within the reach of at least one of your
leather armor, small sword, dagger, sling with allies. The extra damage increases to 2d6 at level 5.
ammunition, backpack, waterskin, provisions, 5 • Beloved of the Gods You make luck rolls with 1
torches, tinderbox, lock picks, and a pouch boon.
containing 2d6 cp. Whenever you roll a 1 on the die for an attribute
roll, you can roll luck and replace the result of the
ROGUE STARTING ATTRIBUTE SCORES attribute roll with the result of the luck roll. Once
Roll Strength Agility Intellect Will you use this aspect of the talent, you lose access to
1 9 12 12 10 this talent until after you rest.
2 10 11 12 10 At level 5, once you use this aspect of the talent,
3 10 12 11 10 you lose access to it for 1 minute.
4 12 11 10 10 • Fighting Style You gain one Fighting Style
5 10 13 11 9 technique from the fighter path.
6 12 12 10 9 • Magic-Use You know how to speak, read, and write
Arcane. You discover one tradition and learn two
CROOKED ROADS novice spells.
d6 Road At level 5, you learn one expert spell.
1 You belong to a criminal organization, such as a • Mockery You can use a reaction on your turn to
Thieves or Assassins Guild, and your skills come hinder. When you hinder a creature, the target
from the training that group provides. makes a Will roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the
target becomes enraged at you (luck ends). While
2 You’re a survivor. You do what you have to in
enraged, the target makes rolls to attack targets
order to get by, even if it means stealing,
other than you with 1 bane and grants creatures 1
cheating, and killing. boon on rolls to attack it. A target that becomes
3 You study criminal techniques to bring enraged at you is immune to your further use of
lawbreakers to justice. this talent for 24 hours.
4 You received special training to become an At level 5, you can also use a reaction to hinder a
operative for a military society, an intelligence creature within 5 yards when that creature makes
organization, or religious order.

an attribute roll. In addition, your attacks against LEVEL 9 EXPERT PATH
enraged creatures deal an extra 1d6 damage. Path Benefits You gain the level 9 benefits from your
• Skirmisher Increase your Speed by 2. When you expert path.
use an action to attack, you become Slippery (see
Chapter 2) until the end of your turn. LEVEL 10 MASTER PATH
At level 5, when you use an action to run you can Path Benefits You gain the level 10 benefits from your
use this aspect of the talent to gain another action. master path.
Once you use this aspect of the talent, you lose
access to it (luck ends).
• Subterfuge You can use a reaction on your turn to
hinder. In addition, when you hinder a creature, the
target makes an Intellect roll. On a failure, the
target is weakened (luck ends). A target weakened
in this way becomes immune to your further use of
this talent for 24 hours.
At level 5, you impose 1 bane on the target’s
Intellect roll and its luck rolls to end the weakened
Swift Recovery Use an action, or a reaction when you
are harmed, to heal half your damage total and move
up to your Speed. You are Slippery (see Special
Movement in Chapter 2) for this movement.
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it until
after you rest.


Attributes Choose two attributes and an increase the
scores of each by 1.
Choose a Path Choose any expert path and gain from it
the level 3 benefits. For a quick option, choose the
thief expert path.


Path Benefits You gain the level 4 benefits from your
expert path.

Natural Defense +2 Health +4
Bonus Damage +1d6
Combat Opportunist When you get a success on a roll
in combat, you can either move up to half your speed
or cause one enemy in reach to take 1d6 damage. You
are Slippery while you move from using this talent.
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it (luck


Path Benefits You gain the level 6 benefits from your
expert path.


Attributes Choose three attributes and an increase the
scores of each by 1.
Choose a Path Choose any master path and gain from it
the level 7 benefits. For a quick option, choose the
trickster master path.


Path Benefits You gain the level 8 benefits from your
master path.

Most specialties provide a piece of equipment,

Ancestry which might be a flavorful item (such as a special

book) or an item that’s described in Chapter 3.
Some might grant knowledge of an additional
Most characters belong to the human ancestry,
which is described below. language (Chapter 2). If you would gain
The Sage might allow other ancestries for use in knowledge of a language that you already know,
the game. Such ancestries include dwarfs, elves, you can choose a different non-secret language in
goblins, clockworks, along with many others. place of the one you would gain.
Rules for these ancestries and appear in the You can choose your profession and specialty or
Secrets of the Weird Wizard rulebook. If you play a roll dice to gain a random profession. For more
character other than human, you gain the traits of information on professions, see Professional
that ancestry in place of the ones granted for being Knowledge in Chapter 2. Alternatively, if you want
human. a profession that’s not presented here, work with
the Sage to create a new profession for your
Your character is human, one of a diverse people d20 Category
spread across the whole of the world. Humans 1–2 Academic You received a formal education or
encompass so many different shapes and sizes, specialized training.
some familiar, others not so familiar, your 3–5 Criminal You learned a trade that operate
character can look like anyone you can imagine. outside or against the law.
For more information on Size and Speed, see 6–8 Entertainment You learned how to entertain
chapter 2. audiences using a particular method.
9–11 Common You come from the ranks of ordinary
Natural Defense +1 12–14 Wilderness You learned how to survive in the
Size 1 Speed 5 wild places of the world.
A Cut Above You have capabilities other humans do not. 15–16 Military You learned how to fight and survive
These capabilities might be a quirk of your heritage, in battle.
some natural ability, or the influence of some 17–18 Religious You were indoctrinated in a
supernatural agency looking after you. You gain one particular faith.
of the following traits of your choice (normal humans 19–20 Aristocratic You come from money and status.
gain none of these traits).
• You make rolls to attack with 1 boon. ACADEMIC SPECIALTIES
• You make luck rolls with 1 boon. d20 Profession
• Increase one of your attribute scores by 1. 1–2 Apothecary You learned the medicinal
• You discover one tradition of your choice. properties of herbs, roots, and other useful
• You have Keen Hearing and Keen Vision (see plants. You have either a dose of antitoxin or a
Chapter 2). dose of poison.
• When you deal damage, you can use this trait deal 3–4 Apprentice Magician You studied under a
an extra 1d6 damage, but you then lose access to magician to learn all you could of magic. You
this trait for 1 minute.
understand the principles that form the
• Increase your natural Defense and your Speed by 1.
foundation of magic and hope to learn your
• Increase your starting Health by 6.
first spell soon. You know Arcane in addition to

your other languages.
5–6 Astrologer You made a study of the stars. You
can identify the constellations, divine their
Before you started down your novice path, you meaning, and interpret the movements of
worked to keep a roof over your head and food in heavenly bodies. You have a bundle of star
your belly. Your profession describes how you charts and a writing kit. You know Old Tongue
made a living, as well as giving you an idea about in addition to your other languages.
the things you know about and can do. The game 7–8 Doctor Your studies of anatomy, medicine, and
has eight broad professions, each with a number treatment methods combine to make you a
dependable healer. You have a healer’s kit.
of specialties, each of which represents a specific
9–10 Folklorist You learn the local legends,
expression of the larger professional category.
superstitions, and customs of your community

and those found in neighboring lands. As part 2 Bartender You sold drinks to earn your pay.
of your research, you also know a bit about the You know all about beverages, alcoholic and
faeries. You know Sylvan in addition to your otherwise. You have a small cask of beer and
other languages. two bottles of spirits.
11–12 Inventor You built interesting machines in your 3 Carpenter You know how to cut wood and join
workshop. You have a tool kit and one set of pieces of it to produce just about anything
spare parts. from small chests to furniture to entire
13–14 Naturalist The life sciences dominated your dwellings. You have a tool kit.
educational pursuits, and thus you now know 4 Cook You might have been a cook in a camp,
much about animals, the natural world, and the charged with rationing provisions, or you could
weather. You have two poultices. have been a chef at a restaurant where you
15–16 Occultist You looked into the dark places to created culinary masterpieces. You have a
gain an understanding of things and concepts dagger, and a pair of knives.
that others deem forbidden. You know about 5 Exterminator You made your living by hunting
demons, the Void, fiends, the Underworld, and rats and other vermin. You have a net.
the Netherworld. You have an occultist’s kit. 6 Farmer You worked the land to produce crops
You know Fiendish in addition to your other for your family and for sale at the market. You
languages. might also have raised livestock. You have a
17–18 Philosopher You studied the nature of reality, pitchfork (treated as a spear).
space, time, and ethics, and the question of 7 Fisher You know how to pilot a small boat and
what it means to be. You know Archaic or Old how to catch fish either in fresh water or on
Tongue in addition to your other languages. the open seas. You have a fishing pole, line,
19–20 Politician You know how to navigate the ins lures, and a net.
and outs of bureaucracies. You might have held 8 Gravedigger You handled corpses for a living.
political office or aided those who did. You You could have been a digger of graves or a
have a set of superior clothing. collector of corpses for some purpose. You
have a shovel (treated as a club).
ARISTOCRAT PROFESSIONS 9 Groom You cared for horses and perhaps other
d20 Profession animals and helped train them to perform
1–4 Carouser A lesser scion of a noble house, you certain activities. You have a tool kit.
spent your days frittering away your 10 Herder You watched over a flock of sheep, a
inheritance in gambling halls and taverns. You herd of goats or cows, or another form of
have a deck of cards or a set of dice. livestock. You have either a sling or a
5–8 Dilettante You were a patron to artists, poets, quarterstaff.
and musicians; you gave funds to anyone who 11 Jeweler You made jewelry from precious
impressed you. You have a work of art created metals and stones. You can ascertain the value
by one of those under your patronage that of such things by examining them. You have a
could be worth as much as 1 gp. tool kit.
9–12 Influencer Your opinions determined which 12 Laborer You performed manual labor for
trends and fads swept through the upper whomever paid you. You could have worked as
classes. You were renowned for your a porter, a stevedore, or at some other job that
impeccable taste and often envied for your life involved moving heavy objects. You have a
of luxury. You have a set of superior clothing. club.
13–16 Landholder You owned an extensive plot of 13 Mason You worked with stone, shaping it into
land and likely had a noble title to go with your blocks and mortaring those blocks into larger
holdings. You have a sword. shapes. You have a tool kit.
17–20 Merchant You belonged to the class of the 14 Miner You dug ore out of the ground. You have
newly rich, having made your money in a pick (treated as an axe).
commerce rather than through inheritance. 15 Sailor You worked on a ship and helped keep
Your wealth opened doors for you, but you the vessel in good working order. You have a
never found acceptance among the elite. You dagger and a coil of rope.
have a cart and a pack animal to draw it. 16 Servant Maybe you waited tables in a tavern.
You could have been a scullery worker,
COMMONER PROFESSIONS washing pots and pans for a noble household.
d20 Profession You might also have served as a butler, a valet,
1 Baker You worked in a bakery and learned how
a maid, or in some other similar capacity. You
to bake breads, cakes, pies, and pastries. You
have a uniform.
have a set of kitchen utensils.

17 Shopkeeper You ran a small shop selling minor 3–4 Animal Handler You trained animals to
baubles and other curios. You have three perform tricks. You have a Tiny harmless pet of
pieces of cheap jewelry. your choice.
18 Smith You worked at a forge, pounding metal 5–6 Artist You produced works of art such as
ingots into different forms. You have a sculptures, paintings, tapestries and more. You
hammer. have a tool kit.
19 Tanner You turned raw animal hides into 7–8 Busker You performed songs, music, told
leather suitable for making clothing, gear, and jokes, and performed other acts on street
armor. You have a quarterstaff. corners. You have a musical instrument.
20 Teamster You drove a cart, wagon, carriage, or 9–10 Clown/Mime You painted up your face and
some other vehicle for commercial purposes. acted the fool. You have a disguise kit.
You have a whip. 11–12 Dancer You performed exotic and complex
dances. You have a cosmetics kit.
CRIMINAL PROFESSIONS 13–14 Fortune Teller You used cards, crystal balls,
d20 Profession and other implements of divination to foretell
1–2 Bandit You waylaid and robbed travelers to the future for those who paid. You have a deck
earn enough coin to survive. You have a bow of cards.
and arrows. 15–16 Juggler Knives, torches, bottle, balls, or fish,
3–4 Burglar You made ends meet by breaking into you can juggle just about anything. You have a
buildings and pilfered their contents. You have set of five knives.
a set of lock picks. 17–18 Singer You have a beautiful voice and can
5–6 Charlatan You know how to trick people out of move people with your songs. You have a book
their coins. You have a dagger, deck of cards, containing several common songs.
and ten phials filled with colored alcohol. 19–20 Thespian The stage is your home; you never
7–8 Constable You patrolled your community to feel more alive than when you perform in front
uphold the law and protect the citizens from of an audience. You are an actor. You have a
lawbreakers. You have a club and a badge of book that contains several common plays.
9–10 Detective You investigated crimes committed MILITARY PROFESSIONS
in your community. You could have been a d20 Profession
member of law enforcement or a private 1–2 Caravan Guard You traveled with caravans to
investigator. You have a magnifying glass. protect them from bandits and monsters. You
11–12 Forger You earned a living by making fake have a bow and arrows.
copies of official documents. You have a 3–4 Herald You delivered messages and made
writing kit. announcements for a person of power. You
13–14 Grave Robber You stole valuables from the have a uniform, a trumpet, and a sword.
dead and sold them to buy food and shelter. 5–6 House Guard You served as a guard for a noble
You might also have stolen corpses for family. You have a uniform and a spear.
interested buyers. You have a shovel (treated 7–8 Marine You helped protect ships sailing the
as a club). deep waters. You have a mace.
15–16 Jailer You watched over prisoners sentenced 9–10 Member of the Watch You belonged to your
to spend time in your dungeon. You have a club community’s watch. You helped keep the
and a lantern. peace. You have a spear and a lantern.
17–18 Mugger You threatened or roughed up people 11–12 Mercenary Soldier You sold your services to
and then took their money. You have a the highest bidder. You have an axe.
blackjack (treated as a club). 13–14 Militia Member You belonged to your
19–20 Rake You fleeced people of their valuables, community’s militia. When your ruler called for
then squandered your earnings on gambling it, you took up arms to protect your people.
and carousing. You have either a deck of cards You have a spear.
or a set of dice. 15–16 Soldier Whether conscripted or enlisted, you
joined an army and fought on battlefields. You
ENTERTAINMENT PROFESSIONS have a spear and a shield.
d20 Profession 17–18 Squire You served a knight. You have a dagger
1–2 Acrobat You jumped, tumbled, and performed and a shield.
other feats of dexterity for the crowds. You 19–20 Sworn Bodyguard You swore an oath to
have a quarterstaff. protect one or more people. You have a suit of
brigandine armor.

RELIGIOUS PROFESSIONS 9–10 Nomad You belonged to a traveling people.
d20 Profession You might have followed your herds, been
1–2 Acolyte You studied to become a priest of the performers who traveled from town to town,
High One and spent your time studying the or a people displaced from your homeland. You
holy texts. You have acolyte’s uniform. You have a quarterstaff.
know Old Tongue in addition to your other 11–12 Pilgrim You traveled to sites deemed holy by
languages. your faith. You might have visited the places
3–4 Aspirant You studied to become a priest of the where saints performed miracles, sites where
Old Faith or a particular god of the pantheon. the gods have walked among mortals, and
You have the uniform of your faith. shrines and temples believed to hold relics of
5–6 Cultist You belonged to a small religion that your faith. You have a quarterstaff.
operated on the fringes of your community. 13–14 Prospector You traveled into the wilderness
Your cult might have had good intentions or searching for signs of precious metals. You
could honored some monstrous power. You have a tool kit.
have a symbol or badge of your faith. 15–16 Recluse You retreated from the world to
7–8 Evangelist You traveled the land, attempting to contemplate the nature of divinity in isolation.
make converts to your faith. You have a book You know how to forage for provisions and
containing uncommon knowledge about your clean water. You have a quarterstaff.
faith. 17–18 Spelunker You explore caves and caverns. You
9–10 Fundamentalist You subscribe to an extremely have rope, a lantern, oil, and a tinderbox.
orthodox interpretation of your religion. You 19–20 Woodcutter You cut timber from forests. You
have a book containing uncommon knowledge have an axe.
of your religion.
11–12 Heretic You held unorthodox beliefs about an
extant religion and were an outsider among Appearance
the faithful who shared your devotion. You You start the game as an adult. You choose your
have a quarterstaff. height, weight, along with other basic details such
13–14 Missionary You traveled into unexplored lands, as your age, hair, eye and skin color, and any other
hoping to bring the message of your faith to cosmetic traits you want to include. Although
the people you met. You have a symbol of your appearance has little direct impact on game play,
it’s encouraged for you to come up with a
15–16 Minister You led a congregation of the faithful
description of what your character looks like to
and taught them to lead spiritual lives. You
have a book containing uncommon knowledge
help the other players visualize your character.
about your religion. Although the human family is incredibly large
17–18 Prophet You believe the gods spoke to you or and diverse, the differences between individuals
through you to pronounce future happenings. are what distinguishes them from other people. A
You have a quarterstaff. human can be tall or short, big and bulky, small
19–20 Scribe You made copies of sacred texts and and slight. Humans' skin tones run the gamut from
illuminated the manuscripts. You have a writing blue-black to bone white, green, blue, pink, or
kit. patterned. Typical height and weight ranges from
four to seven feet tall and from 80 to 400 pounds,
WILDERNESS PROFESSIONS though examples of shorter, taller, lighter, and
d20 Profession
heavier people abound. The differences in
1–2 Beggar You travel from place to place, living
appearance have, at times, led to enmity between
off the charity of others. You might suffer
some malady, such as leprosy, have fallen on different groups, and a tendency toward
hard times, or just want to live the hobo life. xenophobia still persists in some isolated
You have quarterstaff. communities, but over the passage of time more
3–4 Forester You worked as a game warden for a and more humans have come to appreciate their
noble’s preserve. You have a bow and arrows. common origin and similar nature, looking beyond
5–6 Gatherer You lived by gathering what you the physical qualities that make them individually
could forage from the land. You have two distinctive.
poultices. The Distinctive Features tables below provide a
7–8 Hunter You stalked game through the wild host of possibilities for physical and behavioral
places, hunting them for meat and materials. features that set your character apart from all
You have a bow and arrows. others. You can use dice to randomly determine
your character's distinctive features, or choose any
of them that appeal to you. For random DISTINCTIVE FEATURES TABLE 3
generation, roll a d6 to determine how many d20 Feature
distinctive features you have. For each one, roll a 1 Your ears have an unusual shape or size.
d6 to determine the table number and a d20 to 2 You have an uncommon number of body
produce the result. piercings.
3 You have a wart on your nose or chin.
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES TABLE 1 4 You wear an unusual hair style.
d20 Feature 5 You have a peg leg.
1 Your nose has an unusual shape or size. 6 Nothing about you stands out. Lose all
2 You have unusual eye color. distinguishing features.
3 You have halitosis. 7 You breathe through your mouth.
4 You walk with a limp. 8 You slouch all the time.
5 You keep your head shaved. 9 Your pupils have a strange shape.
6 You fidget all the time. 10 You have long fingernails.
7 One of your legs or arms is shorter than the 11 You snort when you laugh.
other. 12 You pick at your scabs.
8 You are far smaller than average. 13 You have an infectious laugh.
9 You have a high-pitched voice. 14 You have a slender body.
10 You have abundant ear and nose hair. 15 You have an attractive body.
11 You suffer from uncontrollable sweating. 16 You have long legs.
12 You sometimes spit to punctuate what you say. 17 You are gap-toothed.
13 You have thick, lustrous hair. 18 You have polychromatic eyes.
14 You appear younger than your actual age. 19 You have a thick, blocky body.
15 You scratch at yourself all the time. 20 You have a pot belly.
16 You are quite rotund.
17 You have hairy feet. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES TABLE 4
18 You have a long, pointed nose. d20 Feature
19 You are rather plain or homely. 1 You have a beauty mark on your face.
20 You have a melodious voice. 2 You have all the freckles.
3 You have a beetling brow or your eyebrows
d20 Feature 4 You are double jointed.
1 You are quite attractive. 5 You have tattoos over most or all of your body.
2 A few of your teeth have gone missing. 6 You stomp when you walk.
3 You have boils, piles, a goiter, or a nasty skin 7 You have a rattling cough.
condition that never heals. 8 You have sleepy eyes.
4 Your joints pop when you stand up. 9 You are prematurely gray.
5 You have a brand somewhere on your body. 10 You can’t seem to stay clean.
6 One of your eyes looks in a different direction. 11 You have a shrill laugh.
7 You eat with your mouth open. 12 You have an extensive scarring on your body.
8 You have a facial tic. 13 You smell of jasmine, flowers, or something
9 You have broken veins in your nose. else.
10 You smell of soup. 14 You are rather portly.
11 You have no pigment in your hair or skin. 15 You have dark circles under your eyes.
12 You are hirsute. 16 You have a stooped, hunched posture.
13 You have a pleasant smile. 17 You have different colored eyes.
14 You are somewhat short for a human. 18 You carry a considerable amount of extra
15 You have unusual physical characteristics, such weight.
as pointed ears, furred feet, or light covering of 19 You have an odd bulge somewhere on your
fur all over your body. body.
16 You are gaunt to the point of appearing 20 You have a shapely physique.
17 You have a musty smell. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES TABLE 5
18 You have an extra finger or toe. d20 Feature
19 You are a person of exceptional beauty. 1 You have one or more patches of different
20 You have wide and expressive mouth. colored skin.
2 You lost an eye, ear, or part of your nose.
3 You have incredible facial hair.

4 You crack your knuckles when idle. As a human, you might have been born and
5 You walk on the balls of your feet. raised in the borderlands or could have traveled
6 When standing, you shift your weight from one here, perhaps as one of the many troubled
foot to the other. refugees fleeing war and disease in their
7 You have a raspy voice. homelands, or as an exile, cast out from your
8 You have small hands or feet.
native land for a crime you did or did not commit.
9 You have a lined and careworn face.
You can choose your homeland from those made
10 One eye squints all the time.
11 You smile all the time.
available to you by the Sage. It might be you and
12 You wear dentures. the other characters come from the same village
13 You have a kind face. or were part of the same band of refugees, or you
14 You are tall for a human. might hail from different parts of the world,
15 You have pock marks all over your face. brought together by fate or circumstance.
16 You are shapely, voluptuous, chiseled, or

You have bad acne. Identity
18 You have webbed toes. The character you play represents a person in the
19 You have prominent teeth. world of the game, an individual who has hopes
20 You appear awkward and gangly. and dreams, fears, ambitions, a past, and a future.
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES TABLE 6 Your character's identity encompasses all these
d20 Feature aspects and helps to inform you when you decide
1 You have a nasty scar on your face. what your character does in the game and how
2 You have multiple piercings in your ears or you respond to situations that come up in your
wear gauges in your lobes. quests. You can use the tables in the following
3 You lost one or more fingertips or fingers on sections to help you determine aspects of your
one or both hands. character’s basic nature.
4 You have no hair anywhere on your body. Not every detail about your character needs to
5 You rock back and forth when sitting. be determined by these tables, and any choices
6 You are pigeon toed or duck-footed. you make at this time are not set in stone; some
7 You often rub your hands together with glee. facts about your character's personality and
8 You have a deep, sonorous voice. priorities might emerge, or evolve over time.
9 You have exotic skin color.

10 You have a few extra pounds.
11 You have smooth, babyish features.
12 You have a haggard appearance. Your character’s personality combines several
13 You have smooth and supple skin. attitudes developed from life experiences,
14 You are an older adult. connections to others or lack thereof, the
15 You move with grace and poise. satisfaction of certain needs and the yearning for
16 You have short arms. those unfulfilled. Your character can have any
17 You have scaly patches on your skin. personality you like, ranging from someone who
18 You frown all the time. acts and thinks much like you do or someone
19 You have a heavy jaw.
vastly different from you. If you like, you can use
20 You have a strange birthmark.
the tables in this section to randomly generate the
facets of your character's personality that, when
Background taken together, defines an identity you can portray
during the game.
Unless the Sage chooses another setting, your first
adventure most likely takes place in the Dependability
borderlands, a region between the old country of
Your degree of dependability speaks to how
the west and all the troubles there, and the
reliable you are, whether you follow through on
unknown lands to the east, a region long held by
your promises, and if you can make decisions that
the Weird Wizard and forbid trespassers from
recognize the needs of others.
entering his dominion. Now that the Weird Wizard
has left, people are free to explore the so called
new lands, but any journey there typically starts in
the borderlands.

DEPENDABILITY 6–8 I am something of a pessimist. I expect the
3d6 Dependability worst in almost any situation, so that I’ll never
3 You can’t depend on me for much of anything. risk being disappointed.
I almost never see things through, and I’m 9–12 Life is what it is. Anyone can be calm and
given to impulsive behavior. collected, or nervous to the point of fearful. It
4–5 I have a hard time staying organized and all depends on your situation.
putting what’s important ahead of what’s not. 13–15 I strive to be a positive, upbeat person. I look
6–8 Sometimes I get so distracted I forget what I for the good in all things and hope for the best
am supposed to be doing. of outcomes.
9–12 I try to be conscientious, but I sometimes fall 16–17 I am calm, serene, and easygoing. Little
short. bothers me.
13–15 For the most part, I do what I say I will do. I try 18 Give me enough time, and I can figure out
to stay organized and to keep my priorities anything. No task is so difficult, so complicated,
straight. or so dangerous that I’m not at least willing to
16–17 I lead an orderly, disciplined life. I almost try it.
always do what I say I will do, and people can
rely on me. Receptiveness
18 I become so focused on a task that I ignore Your receptiveness describes your willingness to
almost everything else until I finish it. You can try new things and your ability to adapt to
depend on me to do one thing at a time. changing circumstances.

Your sociability describes how well you get along 3d6 Receptiveness
3 I’m not at all interested in breaking my routine.
with others, as well as how you regard strangers
I need order in my life.
and acquaintances.
4–5 If it’s not broken, why fix it? Be practical.
SOCIABILITY 6–8 New ideas and activities make me
3d6 Sociability uncomfortable.
3 People are the worst. I have few friends and 9–12 I’m up for trying new things, just not all the
almost no close friends. time.
4–5 I avoid interacting with strangers, and it takes a 13–15 I often think about new ways to do things and
lot to get me to open up. new activities to pursue. I might not succeed at
6–8 Some people think me aloof and reserved, but I all of them, but I’m willing to try.
simply prefer to keep to myself. 16–17 I’m willing to do something different. I am
9–12 People can be good or bad. I don’t make a eager for new experiences.
judgment about someone until I get to know 18 I crave new experiences. I’m eager to see the
them. world, to try new foods and drinks, and gain a
13–15 Sure, some people are bad, but most aren’t, better understanding of all there is to learn,
and I try to give other folks the benefit of the feel, and sense.
16–17 I like people and almost never think poorly of Affability
others who make my acquaintance. How you behave in interpersonal situations is
18 I try to help everyone I meet, sometimes even expressed by your affability. You might be a
to my detriment. solitary soul, or someone who thrives on
interaction with others.
Your outlook reflects your most prevalent state of AFFABILITY
mind—at one extreme, calm and confident; at the 3d6 Affability
other, nervous and pessimistic. 3 I am quiet around other people, preferring my
own company to that of others.
OUTLOOK 4–5 I find it hard to pay attention to what other
3d6 Outlook people say and often lose track of
3 Doom, doom, everywhere is doom. Nothing conversations.
good will ever happen to me, and the whole 6–8 I prefer to let others do the talking. I think
world is against me. about what people say and consider every
4–5 I have terribly sensitive nerves and tend to be viewpoint before offering my opinion.
anxious most of the time. 9–12 I can fend for myself in social situations, but I’m
also fine when I am alone.
13–15 I enjoy social situations and the good Baine, Bartholomew, Baylor, Bernard, Bethany, Bill,
conversation they provide. Binx, Blake, Blair, Bonnie, Bradford, Braxton,
16–17 I am outgoing and friendly, and I enjoy having Bronson, Bruce
fun with others whenever I can.
18 I am loud and boisterous in the company of Cannon, Carl, Camilla, Carina, Chandler, Charles,
others. I love being the center of attention. Christopher, Cleo, Cole, Colt, Corrine, Cristi
Daen, Daisy, Dani, Danita, Daphney, Daria, Darryn,
Religious Beliefs Derrie, Devan, Devin, Dexter, Dorris, Dory
A great many gods and powers have followers in
Easton, Edgar, Edna, Eleanor, Elisabetta, Elliot,
the borderlands and some of the major religions
Emerson, Ensley, Eugene, Evelyn, Evie
trace their origins back to the time of the Old
Country and even to the Devastation. Few people Fallon, Finley, Fiona, Florence, Franklin
today discount the existence of the gods, but the
Gemma, Gianetta, Geoffrey, Gracelyn, Gregory,
extent to which any person fears and honors them
is an individual decision. The following table
describes your degree of piety in regard to the Harold, Harven, Haven, Hayden, Heather, Henley,
religion to which you subscribe, if you happen to Henry, Hubert
do so.
Imogen, Isabell, Isen, Isolde, Isyck, Iva, Ivy, Iris
PIETY James, Jay, Jeffrey, Jenna, Jennifer, Jenson, Jewel,
3d6 Piety Johnston, Joline, John, Jon, Jordan, Josephine
3 I either don’t believe the gods exist or think
they have no influence over me or the world. Kaiden, Kaisley, Kaizer, Kara, Kavi, Keaton, Kim, Kip,
4–5 I have strong doubts about religion and Knox, Koraline, Kristin, Kristoff, Ky, Kyler
worship no gods.
6–8 I suspect the gods do exist, but I am not a Lake, Lakelyn, Landon, Lariella, Lauriann, Leeah,
religious person. Leo, Leslie, Liam, Lori
9–12 I believe in the gods and I might follow a
Maddox, Mahala, Marc, Marcus, Margaux, Marina,
particular religion.
Marla, Massimo, Max, Meadow, Meldon, Melvin,
13–15 I am follower of a particular religion.
16–17 I am a devout follower of my religion and my
Merry, Michael, Millicent, Milly, Milo, Mindy, Monte
religious views affect my outlook and behavior. Nadine, Nala, Nali, Nathaniel, Neville, Nan, Nicole
18 I am a fanatical follower of my religion. My
faith dominates my life and I have few interests Oakley, Odessa, Olaf, Olivia, Olga
outside my faith.
Paisley, Palmer, Pamela, Paula, Petal, Prentiss
RELIGIONS Quinn, Qon, Queren
3d6 Religion
3 Small cult, likely strange, possibly sinister Ragnar, Reed, Remington, River, Robert, Rodney,
4–5 Minor, regional deity Rosemary, Rowan, Rufus, Ruprecht, Ryker
6–8 One of the Old Gods
Sailor, Samyra, Sander, Shadow, Shaina, Shanna,
9–12 The Old Gods
13–15 The Church of the High One
Skylar, Slator, Sloane, Stacee, Stanton, Stephen,
16–17 Belief in all gods, but follow none. Storm, Sydney, Sylvester
18 No religion at all Tara, Taren, Tatum, Tawney, Tayden, Taylor, Tegan,
Thor, Titus, Thomas, Trenton, Troy
Name Umber, Urf, Ulysses
Any of the following names are suitable for Vera, Vex, Victor, Vivianna
characters from the borderlands or elsewhere.
Wayne, Willam, Willow, Winifred, Winston
Abigail, Adym, Adilene, Aiden, Amelia, Ami, Andrew, X, Xander, Xil, Xyllan
Angelica, Angelo, Annora, Archibald, Arthur, Asher,
Ashlyn, Autumn, Axton Yolanda, Yael, Yasmeen, Yuri, Yvette
Zaina, Zala, Zamora, Zeke, Zoella, Zone, Zypher


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