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Chapter 2

Between the Old Country and the new lands in the
east, finds a realm that, until recent days, had
sheltered under the protection of the Weird
Wizard. Called the borderlands, this region has
become the destination for people fleeing the
uncertainty, violence, and the terror of the west
and who hope to begin new lives for themselves.
Yet what would be a refuge, a retreat reveals itself
a land filled with mystery and danger.
Often considered a backwater, a place of little
importance, and whose proximity to the new lands
did little to raise its appeal, even this reasons
would not have been barriers to eastward
expansion. But the Salt Barrens, a band of hostile
wasteland, raiding ships in the Sunrise Sea to the
north, and the ever-present threat of krakens in
the Sea of Fear made colonization at a large scale
nearly impossible for all but the most determined
people. Had the Old Country not gone up in flames,
the borderlands would have remained a footnote
in the histories, but people, with nowhere left to
turn, have braved the crossings and spill into the
borderlands as if it was promised to them.
What perils will newcomers face in the
borderlands, what peoples await their meeting,
and what lays beyond the borderlands to the east?
This chapter answers these questions by offering a
tour through the setting. A map of the borderlands
shows the region as it’s generally known and
entries reveal details about the named places it
features. This chapter also offers details on the
peoples that characters might meet, the
organizations to which they might belong, and the
gods they worship. Also, the chapter offers an
overview of the lands beyond the region, hinting at
fantastical places the characters can explore or
places from which their enemies might hail.
Players and Sages can use this chapter to learn
more about the world. For players, the entries
represent information commonly known by
people living in the borderlands and as such, this
information ought to be freely available to
characters coming from this area. For Sages, the
chapter serves as a foundation for world-building.
Sages can add more detail, create more secrets,
and develop various locations to being the setting
to life.

Peoples of the
Self-sufficiency separates many tribal groups
from other people living in the borderlands. They
can manufacture their own tools, clothing, and

other materials they need to get by. Communities
in contact with refugees, homesteaders, and
others trade and incorporate goods and materials
In spite of the hardships people face trying to into those they themselves produce. Style and
reach the borderlands, people have been coming fashion vary from tribe to tribe. Some wear little in
to these lands for thousands of years. Faeries the way of clothing, while others paint their
fleeing their enemies settled in mountain valleys, bodies, dress in elaborate costumes, or clothing
where they cut themselves off from all the world’s not unlike that worn by other peoples who live in
troubles. Ogres, burdened by ancient shame, these lands.
wander the borderlands many woodlands and
jungles, while human refugees huddle on the
region’s edges, exhausted from their trials, but Refugees
hopeful for the future. The borderlands belong to a As the Old Country tears itself apart, more and
diverse group of peoples that include all the more people brave the myriad dangers to find the
ancestries in the game, as well centaurs, goblins, relative safety in the new lands. They come by
fomorians, and others. boat, contending with the Sea of Fear and its
krakens, pirates, and other hideous monsters or
they cross the Salt Barrens, a blighted expanse in
Social Groups which nothing can live for long. If they aren’t
All borderlanders belong to one of the following drowned, succumbed to deprivation, abducted by
social groups, each of which describes, in broad raiders or pirates, perished from disease, or from
terms, their living arrangements, social fabric, and any number of other hardships, they find
communities. themselves in a land free from all the comforts
civilization affords, a realm crawling with
monsters, bandits, opportunists, and strange,
Tribes unidentifiable things, and without much in the
Many peoples belong to larger tribal or clannish way of provisions, shelter, or anything else. But to
community comprised of one or more extended live through the Salt Barrens, to come across the
families. Examples include the Horselords of the Sea of Fear with body and mind intact, takes
Wilderlands, the Khazud peoples north of the toughness, determination, and a will to live, traits
Dragon’s Teeth, as well as the Wandering Folk. the surviving refugees all have.
Tribes might be of a single ancestry, as in the case Most refugees live in makeshift communities
of the Horselords, all of whom are centaurs, or within a stone’s throw of the Salt Barrens. Some,
diverse. Halflings make up most of the Wandering more permanent settlements, such as New Town,
Folk, but they welcome anyone who accepts their welcome the newcomers and give them a place to
ways into their ranks. recover from their hardships until they show
Many tribespeople live nomadic lives, following themselves ready to settle somewhere else on a
their herds or just traveling from place to place, permanent basis. Refugees comes from nearly all
sustaining themselves by hunting and foraging. A ancestries, though clockworks enter the
few tribes might have settlements, but these borderlands from the east rather than the west.
places differ from the townies’ communities in The also speak a variety of regional dialects,
that they lack permanence; the people can have customs and cultures familiar and strange,
dismantle their shelters and move off if the worship a wide range of gods, and have all kinds of
situation requires it. opinions on governance, politics, ethics, and
Membership in a tribe contributes to and often survival. A fractious lot made up of hardened
determines an individual’s identity. Belonging to a survivors, they face the next step of finding a home
tribe means keeping to similar values, beliefs, and for themselves in the wilds or making the journey
language. Most members worship the same god or to one of the towns or city-states, where they
gods, adhere to the same customs, and work might find a place if they have something to offer.
within the social structure for the betterment of Refugees enter the borderlands with whatever
their community. Individuality might arise from they bring with themselves. Most find themselves
personality quirks, but the tribe’s expectations ill-prepared for the climate, burdened with
and needs come first.

clothing made for cooler lands. As a result, many degree of modesty. If homesteaders bother with
refugees look a bit out of place, dressed in ornamentation, they might wear wreathes of
whatever happened to be the fashion of their woven flowers or fanciful hats made from straw.
homelands. Life on the frontier breeds strong religious
views. Nearly all homesteaders worship the gods
Homesteaders of the Old Faith, though a few might have settled
here after holding heretical beliefs that put them
For over a century, the promise of “free” land lured
at odds with the High One. Many homesteader
peoples from the Old Country to stake a claim
communities benefit from the help of a local witch,
somewhere in the borderlands free from
whose magic can keep faeries at bay and whose
persecution, tyranny, and corruption in their
knowledge of the healing arts aids in birthing
lands. These homesteaders live on land they hold
children, setting bones, and curing whatever ills
through force of arms and will, that they cultivated
that might befall a family.
for growing crops and for grazing their livestock. A
homestead’s people include the family, their hired
hands, servants, and, more recently, refugees who Villagers
trade labor for food and shelter. Many people live in the villages and towns dotting
Homesteading is a human enterprise and nearly the landscape in the west, south, and eastern
all homesteads found in the west belong to human regions of the borderlands. Most communities of
peoples, some recently arrived from the Old these kinds grew from trading posts, places where
Country, but most having been here for several homesteaders and tribespeople gather to trade
generations. Several homesteads in the same news, conduct religious ceremonies, or sorted out
general region might form a loose society and disputes. Many formed when people of different
cooperate with one another, trading goods and skills and abilities realized they stood a better
news, but many more are isolated, on the fringes chance at surviving by cooperating than going it
of the settled lands, where they must be self- alone.
reliant if they would survive the various Villagers adopt any political system. A council
hardships. made up village elders might lead one, while
As with the borderlands’ tribes, members of a another has a feudal system, in which everyone
particular homestead outweigh the interests of the works for a regent who protects the people in
family and the steading ahead of their own return. Another town might elect their leaders,
desires. Life, for them, can be quite difficult, while a village just a few miles away could have a
especially when mischievous faeries steal the religious leader in charge.
plough horse, when brigands kill the elder and Danger in the borderlands makes proper
make off with all the food for the season, or a wild defenses a requirement and thus almost every
monsters comes barreling out of the wilderness, town and village has an outer wall and a central
slaughtering the livestock and infecting the meat fortified structure such as a keep or tower to
with plague. Considering the hardships, shelter the community if they come under attack.
homesteaders are understandably wary around Each villager must contribute to the community’s
strangers. Rather than find open arms and protection, so able-bodied people spend some
welcome, most travelers find closed door and hard amount of time each month as part of the militia.
words. Villagers collect people of varying trades, so
A typical steading appears as a tiny village, with they can be self-sufficient. There’s someone
a main house, barn, silo, coop, shrine, watchtower working at a forge, enough farmers to grow crops
and other outbuildings, all surrounded by a and raise livestock, weavers, tailors, wheelwrights,
wooden or stone wall. Outside the wall are fields coopers, cobblers, and just about any other trade
for grazing and growing. When in the fields, imaginable. Smaller communities might have
someone always stands in the tower and raises the individuals with experience in several trades,
alarm if they see someone approach, at which while larger settlements have specialists who
point, everyone withdraws inside the steading and excel in their craft.
take up arms. Humans, being a numerous people, have the
Homesteaders wear homemade garments of largest numbers in most villages and towns,
lightweight materials such as linen or cotton, though most communities have members of other
undyed, with long tunics being the favored style to ancestries as well. One can find changelings in
help them tolerate with the heat and retain some disguise, a dragonet or two, and maybe one family

has even been adopted by a hobgoblin. Living One has yet to secure a foothold anywhere but in
among larger numbers of peoples often makes Four Towers, where they coexist with other faiths,
people friendlier and more welcoming to for now.
strangers, especially if those strangers bring news
or luxuries for sale or trade.
Villagers lack the numbers to support multiple
As much of the borderlands remains unspoiled,
competing faiths. Older, established communities
untouched by civilization, the region attracts
follow the old faith, while newer settlements in the
outcasts, hermits, and loners who pride
west belong to the High One’s flock, with a church
themselves in their self-reliance and want little to
at the town’s center. People speak the same
nothing to do with settlements. Loners come from
language—Common, though the language comes
all ancestries, though members of certain
with its own idioms and dialectical quirks.
ancestries are more likely to live alone—archons,
cambions, ogre, revenants, for example. As much
Urbanites as loners would live apart, most must have some
The borderlands has five urban centers. Asylum contact with others. Food, supplies, tools, items
and Four Towers have populations large enough to that cannot be grown, foraged, or made in the wild
be considered genuine cities, while the large force them to trading posts and settlements.
towns of Eastport and Westport have more
modest populations. Finally, Sea Hold has a
population more suited to a typical town, but the Societies and
community’s diversity gives it the atmosphere of a
city. Borderlanders refer to these places as city- Institutions
states. People belong to their communities, if they have
The city-states feature populations made up of them, but they can also belong to any of the many
all manner of people, from the familiar humans to societies, institutions, and organizations at large in
dwarfs and dragonets, and also people from the borderlands. The following examples
faraway lands, such as sphinxes and marids. City- represent to most important and notable factions
states house even more exotic peoples: dhampir, in the region.
for example, have a thriving community in Asylum.
Urbanites barely register differences between
themselves and their neighbors, so accustomed Bards
have they become to the broad range of peoples Dismissing bards as common musicians and
inhabiting this world. storytellers does a disservice to the great tradition
Urbanites often blend their cultural ideals with of these itinerant entertainers, for there have been
the predominant ones in the city. The foods they bards for almost as long as there have been
eat, clothes they way, the manner and languages in people. The bards were among the first to
which they communicate might all come from the preserve the music of antiquity, to chronicle the
places in which they lived before settling in a city, great events in history, and safeguard all they have
but, in time, they begin to adopt the mores of the learned against the enemies of civilization. The
fellow urbanites. Cuisines mingle to create arrival of a bard is often cause for great
something new, while fashions might incorporate celebration, for the bards’ performances have no
ideas from other cultures until they become their match. Not all know about the bards, but after
own. In this way, the people in the city-states come meeting one, they never forget and they are
to adopt their own identity that makes the almost certain to speak of the encounter for years
community distinct. to come.
Population makes it possible for city-states to The bards form a loose society of historians,
have several different religions. Unlike social musicians, storytellers, actors, and other
customs, which might relax to accommodate entertainers. It’s believed they came from a land
others, religious views, especially when they lost in the Great Cataclysm that flooded much of
purport exclusivity can create fissures in the world, and the knowledge they preserved from
communities, whereby some subscribe to one set their once-mighty civilization enabled the Empire
of beliefs, while others choose a different set. Most to form in the north, though, sadly, they failed to
city-states in the borderlands, though, follow the impart the wisdom to use this knowledge
gods of the old faith, and the Church of the High responsibly. The descendants of the bards spread

into the Old Country and beyond, become fixtures these ends by assault, arson, and murder. Various
in the lands they inhabit. cells operate throughout the Plains of Pendarm,
A few bards travel the borderlands. Famous though the largest group comes out of Edgewood,
figures, they include Alyce Sweetsong, whose voice not that anyone there would admit belonging to
brought momentary joy to the Prince of Tears, such a murderous mob. Blackhearts keep their
Byron Clubfoot, who enjoys the patronage of the identities secret; they communicate using secret
entire town of Edgewood, where he resides in signs in the places where they live. When on the
luxurious accommodations, Wandering Wren who hunt, they don burlap sacks with holes cut for
roams the Wyvern Wood in search of none other their eyes, and then steal into refugee
than Grandfather Tree. encampments where they beat the people they
find, take their supplies, and sometimes kidnap
Bartleby, Kris, and Company people they think might have some value.
Anonymity makes these brutes bold and lets them
The most powerful economic force in the
act with impunity.
borderlands, the banking consortium known as
Bartleby, Kris, and Company saw a need in Four
Towers and moved in to fill it, but offering loans to Druids
the tower guilds so they could prepare the tower No more than a half dozen druids live in the
depths for excavation. From the interest earned on borderlands, but they have considerable influence
these loans, and the percentage of the treasure over developments here, as they do throughout
recovered from every expedition, the bank grew, the Dawn Lands. The druids pursue a secret
spreading its tendrils into the city-states and into agenda and make incremental advances by
many nations of the Old Country. With untold throwing their support behind various peoples
resources, the bank can use its economic might to and figures, only to abandon them when they have
manipulate political circumstances to suit its fulfilled their purpose. To what ends the druids
interests. Since the bank has yet to intervene in work, no one but the druids know, and, even then,
the troubles in the west, clearly the Bartleby, Kris, only the highest-ranking druids have a clear
and Company see a profit from all the uncertainty. picture of the ultimate aim.
And why not? Nations in peril need gold to pay The hooded, black cloaks worn by all druids
soldiers, build defenses, and feed their people. The make them distinctive and they never go abroad
bank has gold a plenty and is more than happy to without them, believing, and rightly so, that
loan it to those in need, but each loan gives the people will not interfere with them or their
institution more control and control appears to be mission. Druids might carry weapons—swords or
what the bank craves most. staffs, or not. The sometimes keep the company of
Each city-state, even Sea Hold, has a Bartleby, seekers, specially trained warriors who act as
Kris, and Company office and conducts business their spies, agents, and saboteurs.
there. The bank has discretionary funding enough Few have kind words for druids. People see
to hire mercenaries to prop up their own military them as meddlers, intriguers, manipulators, every
units. The organization has made bargains with deed done at a price. People might make the sign
marid merchants to fund trade expeditions across of the evil eye when they see a druid on the same
the ocean to the Four Kingdoms. And if someone path, and quiet descends in any room a druid
crosses them, they have the contacts necessary to enters.
eliminate them. Druids go and do what they please; opposing
them produces bad ends for those in their way.
Blackhearts Their reputation opens doors that would
otherwise be closed to them. One druid has the ear
When most people find life a struggle, when
of the Princess of Asylum, while another has been
everyone shares similar hardships, it’s especially
spotted accompanying the Red Axe Company into
dispiriting to find those who would rather punish
the dungeons below the Tower of Strife during
the innocent than join together for common cause.
their last mission. Another has settled in
But some people need an enemy to blame for their
Edgewood, where she keeps the company of
woes, someone to scapegoat as a way of explaining
several young people whom locals believe she
away all the misfortunes they must endure. Such
grooms for some hidden agenda. Rumor holds
are the people who belong to the Blackhearts.
there’s one in the entourage of the Prince of Tears.
Barely a coherent organization, the Blackhearts
seek to drive refugees off their lands and achieve

The mightiest and best-known druid in the they might receive a full standing in the company
borderlands is Kalaman the Black, so named for or part ways.
his thick black beard that hangs down to his navel. Some famous companies still active include the
Legend holds he once counted himself among the War Brothers, which are three brothers and their
Weird Wizard’s companions, tutored Arnox, the Elf trusted henchman, who have survived five
Lord, in the secrets of magic, and personally slew expeditions. The Galleon League gained notoriety
the demon prince, Malboziak, on the Griefings after retrieving the largest diamond ever found,
Bridge. His whereabouts are currently unknown. while the Red Axe Company, led by Prince Betrem
Doomhammer, last heir to lost Caer Dolnak, has
Free Companies survived the most missions—thirteen.
The Four Towers of the eponymous city-state
stand atop level after level of sprawling dungeons Lightfoot Caravan
burrowing so deep into the ground that no one The Lightfoot Caravan has passed through the
knows how far they descend. What is known is borderlands for hundreds of years and has the
that the dungeons contain fabulous riches, magical distinction of being the only nomadic band to earn
items, and secrets that could change how people the Weird Wizard’s permission to cross into the
understand the world. The community that has new lands. A lively company, the Lightfoot Caravan
grown around these structures realized that finds welcome wherever they travel and people
letting others face the dangers from venturing into come from miles around to watch their
the depths would provide them with the easiest performances, to dance to their music, and listen
and most reliable method for extracting the to their poetic recitals. The Lightfoot Caravan also
treasures. The authorities invited anyone and does brisk trade, since they count many tinkers
everyone to brave the darkness provided they and peddlers among their numbers. From the
formed a company and registered their company caravan come all manner of exotic goods, carried
with the guilds who controlled the towers and from one side of the world to the other to grace
access to them. Thus were the Free Companies of someone’s mantle and amaze all who lay eyes
Four Tower introduced to the borderlands. upon the bauble.
For nearly thirty years, companies have formed No one knows where the caravan will appear
to find riches in the dark, free to keep almost next. People who follow the caravan either join up
anything they find, after, of course, they pay the or fall behind. The caravan never takes the same
fees to the guilds. In this time, hundreds of path twice and the elders claim they will wander
companies have made the effort, but few survive the borderlands until they have walked every inch
for long. The deeper reaches hold dangers beyond of it, as they have roamed the Old Country and
description and entire companions vanish in the lands beyond. And once they finish here, perhaps
darkness, devoured by the strange things living they’ll venture into the new lands or maybe across
there. Others, having lost companions, emerge, the Sea of Fear to explore the Southlands and its
shaken, broken by their experiences, vowing never many wonders.
to go again. One might think the stories would be The Lightfoot Caravan began when several clans
enough to deter others from making the attempt, of halflings came together in some distant place
but there’s always someone certain they will get and decides to travel. Over the years, they have
rich from attempt, find fame, glory, and fortune in allowed others to join them, picking up strays just
the darkness, and thus Four Towers sees no about everywhere they go. As a result, the caravan
shortage of adventurers going boldly to their features members of most ancestries known
dooms. including a few unusual folks such as Bengamen
Word of the Four Towers has reached even the the Centaur, Horomor, a haren nursed back to
Old Country and companies make the crossing health by the Anya, one of the elders.
into the borderlands by foot or by boat to test Newcomers can join the caravan provided they
their mettle in the dark. Typically, companies are of able body, have a trade they need, and
operate in and around Four Towers, but many accept their liberal attitude to the sharing of
make forays into the surrounding areas to recruit goods. The caravan lets no one go hungry,
talented individuals to join them in their unclothed, or without a safe place to sleep. Food,
endeavors. Often, newcomers receive a smaller drink, clothing: all freely shared between the
share of the loot until after an expedition, when members based on their individual needs. In
return, everyone contributes to the caravan,

pitching in one whatever tasks need doing—fixing people might be midwives, skilled healers,
wagon wheels, foraging, playing the drum, cooking herbalist, or genuine witches trained in the
meals, and the like. magical arts.
The Lightfoot folk believe the caravan set out
thousands of years ago in the lands of the old Wizards
empire and there it wandered those lands until it Fearing the Weird Wizard, the wizards of the west
became too unsafe to do so. They drifted into the appeared content with what they had achieved as
Old Country and wandered around, finding the preeminent magic-users of the Old Country. In
welcome as often as not, until they saw everything the Ivory Tower that stood in sight of Whitestone,
there was to see, which led to their great journey they worked to codify the proper methods for
across the wastes. The caravan keeps meticulous using magic and became the ultimate authority on
notes of the lands through which they travel and magic throughout the region to the point that
can be a great resource to travelers and explorers people who disagreed with their methods found
alike. themselves driven off, to languish in the
The caravan aims to deal fairly with people met borderlands. Now that the Great Kingdom that had
during their travels, but know how to protect long sponsored their efforts has become
themselves if they come under attack by bandits, embroiled in a bitter civil war, the wizards
orcs, or monsters. Fierce fighters, they give their scramble to control their destinies and salvage
lives to protect their own. As a result, most what remains of their dominion. Unfortunately,
civilized folk leave them to themselves and only upstarts appear everywhere, many of whom hold
the desperate and despicable raise arms against long-standing grudges against the masters and
them. will now stop at nothing to break their hegemony.
Members of the caravan can hold whatever People in the borderlands who call themselves
religious views they like and one can find devotees wizards could be authentic members of the elite
of the old gods, the High One, spirits of nature, and society and the monochromatic clothing could be
others as well. All members, though, pay homage legitimate. A great many pretenders also seize
to the Endless Road, which is something like a god, upon the opportunities that chaos in and distance
a purpose, and a set of rules for proper conduct. from the Old Country afford and masquerade as
They believe they follow the Endless Road to a authorities on magic. True wizards loathe
land promised to them and thus have no intention pretenders and, when they find them, they destroy
of stopping until they find this place. them with their superior magical abilities.
The only known true wizard to live in the
Magic-Users borderlands is Sajme the Green, who has recently
Anyone who has magical knowledge and can cast a taken residence in Four Towers. People whisper
spell qualifies as a magic-user, and the about the wizard, claiming he has come to root out
borderlands has no shortage of these talented the pretenders, but others offer that he might have
people. Although many people have the ability to some interest in what lurks under the towers and
use magic, attitudes toward magic-users vary from that he might be forming a company of his own.
place to place. Villagers in one community might
bring gifts and lend aid to the witch who watches Renegades
over them, while a wizard might find himself Sorcerers, necromancers, warlocks, demonists,
fleeing the torches and pitchforks of an angry mob and other practitioners of dark magic either began
the next town over. Even though most people have their descent into darkness in the borderlands or
had encounters with magic in one way or another, fled here after facing persecution in the west.
few comprehend its workings and too often do These renegades find few havens in the
people find it easy to fear what they cannot or will borderlands as they pursue magic dangerous to
not understand. all. They instead live in the wild, lurking in old
crumbling castles and leaning towers. Some hide
Witches in plain sight, concealing their activities behind
Outside of the cities, most people encounter magic genteel, kindly facades. Then there are those with
through the witches who live among them. Nearly axes to grind against their enemies and they
each town and village has a wise woman, someone marshal forces with which they can get the
skilled at herb craft and potions, who can be relied vengeance they so crave.
upon to ease a fever or set a broken bone. These Some of the more infamous renegades include
Philolomy the Foul, a degenerate necromancer at

large in the Briny Flats, where he uses magic to An elite society of honorable warriors, skilled in
animate the remains of dead creatures that wash woodcraft and survival, they go where others dare
up on the shores. Then, there’s Morgan, a devious not. They take the fight to those servants of evil
enchantress who haunts the Sentinel Woods, and wickedness they find, whether they are cruel
ensorcelling peasants and making them into her brigands, orcs, or fomorians. When a giant stomps
thralls. Finally, Merlas the Unclean pursues across the countryside, the rangers are often the
magical secrets regardless of the cost to himself first to respond. And when someone goes missing,
and others. He hunts other magicians, kills them, it is to the rangers that people turn to find the
and steals their souls, which he drains to gain their missing.
magical secrets. The rangers never had great numbers and their
numbers have shrunk since the founding of their
Order of the Thorn order. To further complicate matters, some
unworthy individuals claim the mantle of rangers,
When the paladins cut down the royal family of
believing they can profit from the status, but all
the Great Kingdom, seven knights spirited away
they achieve is the sullying of the society’s good
the youngest heir, the princess Nicola, and hid her
name. Genuine rangers watch for talented
somewhere until such time that she came of age
individuals and, when they find them, they might
and could reclaim Whitestone as her seat of power
offer to take them on as squires and teach them
over a restored nation. In the months after, the
what they have learned in the manner in which
corpse of each knight has been found, but with no
they themselves were taught.
signs of the missing heir.
Other noble warriors who learned of the effort
to save the princess formed the Order of the Thorn Red Banners
to find her, keep her safe, and aid her return to Red Joan, so named for her fiery hair, fought for
power. Many members believe she hides the Great Kingdom for many years, but after the
somewhere in the Old Country, but new leads paladins slew the regent and plunged the nation
point toward the borderlands, which has brought into war, Joan saw little point in selling her life to
several notable knights east in the hopes of some unworthy usurper. Thus, she, along with a
picking up the trail. small band of followers, went east, surviving the
The Thorn knights often come from wealth and wastelands and settling on a patch of land in the
status, so they have ornate full plate armor, Plains of Pendarm.
chargers, squires, pages, and other attendants. With no desire to turn her sword into a
Even though the knights have the best intentions, ploughshare, Joan and her soldiers became
they have become a disruptive presence. The mercenaries, selling their swords to whoever
longer they go without finding their charge, the could afford them. Her company, called the Red
more vexed and unpredictable they become. One Banners, has spent time working for Bartleby, Kris,
knight might bring his small army of followers into and Company, the most powerful bank in the
a town, spend a few days wreaking havoc, and borderlands, fought for Eastport, then Westport,
then leave the town in shambles after turning over and then Eastport again. She even wintered in the
every stone in hopes of finding the barest trace of shadow of Sea Hold. And she did all this in her first
the missing young woman. year.
The Red Banners appear content to be
Rangers mercenaries, but her closest advisors know she
has her sights set a bit higher. Red Joan wants a
When the Roland, first of his name, founded the
kingdom of her own and the Red Banners are key
Great Kingdom, he dispatched his most loyal
to getting what she wants. The Red Banners spend
knights to range out across the wilderness and
a fair amount of time recruiting and find many
discover the world, and, while doing so, lend aid to
eager warriors in the making in the countryside,
those in need, defend the defenseless. The rangers
people who crave lives of glory and adventure. As
traveled in all directions, at the behest of their
her army grows, Red Joan considers her next
liege, and brought understanding of the Dawn
move. Will she march on Four Towers for all the
Lands to their people. Not content with surveying
wealth it possesses? Or will she sweep in and oust
the Old Country, many rangers made the journey
the Princess of Asylum to install herself as the
east and it’s from them that the rangers of the
regent in her place? Perhaps she has designs on
borderlands descend.
returning to the Old Country and making her own

bid for the Great Kingdom’s throne. If she has Plains of Pendarm, looking for a sign to point them
decided, she has told no one yet. But it is just a in the direction they should travel next.
matter of time before the Red Banners move to
grant her greatest wish.
Gods and Religion
Redeemers The world has no shortage of gods. Small gods,
The troubles in the Old Country have people there household gods, and local gods compete with the
looking for explanations for their suffering. The larger, more dominant faiths of the Old Gods or the
various catastrophes could all point toward some High One. An examination of the major religions
apocalyptic event that will bring about the end of and their mythologies follow.
all things. Perhaps the gods have grown weary of
the faults in mortals and seek to teach them a The Old Gods
lesson as they did long ago in the Cataclysm. Other, In olden times, people across the known world
weirder ideas have made themselves known by feared and worshiped the Old Gods. The common
religious leaders, occultists, prophets, and others. person needed no proof that the gods existed for
The Redeemers, a fringe cult devoted to a these divinities walked among them. One might
bloodthirsty incarnation of the High One, believe spy Lord Death stepping through a wall to snatch
that the High One enacts the catastrophes to find the soul of the dying, or see the Fury, goddess of
the virtuous souls that have earned their places in war, in the blackbirds as they wheel in the skies
Paradise. That the High One has not yet claimed over the blood-soaked battlefield. Accounts tell of
these true believers signals that they have not yet Urbanus forming a body for himself from paver
suffered enough, and the only way to escape the stones and then using that body to explain the
prison of the flesh without violating the finer points of governance to community leaders.
prohibition against taking one’s own life is to And in ancient times, the Pale Lady would roam
suffer. So, suffer they do. the aisles between the sick and dying as the plague
Mobs of Redeemers started appearing all over she brought sped the living to the grave.
the Great Kingdom, and their wild attacks and The Old Gods held sway over mortals for a
dispensations of what they believe to be justice thousand years, but even they and all their divine
made a bad situation worse, forcing peacekeepers might could not stand against the new ways and
to turn their attention to death-obsessed cultists beliefs brought by the Redeemer, the High One
who were happy to flay themselves with whips who ousted evil from Paradise, and promised
when not smashing skulls of the nonbelievers. salvation from the oblivion of the Underworld to
After several disastrous setbacks, the Redeemers those who led unimpeachable lives. As people
turned east, to bring their message to the flocked to fill the pews and give worship to this
borderlands in the hopes of saving as many souls upstart divinity, who, by all accounts, seemed to
as they can before their swoops down and whisks come from nowhere, the old gods faded from the
them up to live in the light for eternity. Old Country. It’s been years since Urbanus offered
Brother Adolphus leads the Redeemers now, wisdom to the city leaders and the carrion eaters
after his predecessor, Father Alec lost his mind drawn to the war raging between the crumbling
due to an ailment of the flesh, possibly acquired nations feed without attracting the shadow of
while ministering to the young women in a brothel their dark and bellicose goddess. In the Old
around which the Redeemers settled and then Country, the gods of yore have become quaint
burned to ash, taking the occupants into the myths, and their holy sites arouse little more than
welcoming embrace of their god. Brother curiosity.
Adolphus believes in the truth of the mission and Imagine, then, the surprise of the refugees
he spends a portion each day mutilating himself to fleeing for the safety of the New Lands to find all
drive away any and all unclean thoughts, even if he the old specters of the ancient myths and legends
hasn’t had them yet. alive and well, active and roaming these lands as
Having lost a full third of their number to the they once did in the fallen west. Newcomers fear
Salt Barrens, the survivors stumbled out of the these beings, looking upon them in wonder, even
waste where they were met by a disbelieving as they clutch the symbols of the High One and
crowd of refugees. The Redeemers’ violent and reciting the prayers to an absent, remote god who
extremist views made them unwelcome in New has yet to show himself to the world. The clash of
Town, which forced them to wander around the religious ideologies has weakened the High One’s

church and people return to the old ways in Door positions itself in nearly every community in
droves by seeking out the priests and learning the Old Country and has temples in the
once more the rites and rituals to keep these borderlands’ city-states, and each serves the
fearsome figures appeased. community by tending to the dead, guarding the
The Old Gods form a loose pantheon of deities, places where the dead have been interred, and
some of whom came to the faith from other cults protecting these places from undead, spirits, and
and sects, and have since been ensnared by this similar threats. Priestly vestments include thick
religion and made a member, willingly or not. black robes with a white, rope belt, ends capped in
Aside from the most powerful and known beings, silver skulls. During religious ceremonies, the
whom receive some discussion below, there are priests wear black skull masks formed from
many spirits, demigods, and lesser powers who hardened leather that fit over their heads.
sometimes serve the old gods or not. No holy book Death Knights: The threat of undead and the
exists for the Old Faith, though the many stories necromancers who create them necessitated the
about the various personalities and their exploits Cult of the Last Door’s creation of a militant
have been recorded, often as literary works. branch known as the death knights. These holy
Instead, the priests keep alive the faith through the warriors scour the lands for signs of undead and
oral tradition and initiates must commit to put them down wherever they find them. Death
memory the proper ceremonies and invocations knights, wear bone white armor and helmets that
required to honor their patrons. have skull-shaped visors that make them look like
armored skeletons.
Lord Death Oblivion Adepts: The Oblivion Adepts believe
Lord Death leads the pantheon, having earned the that each time they kill, they offer a prayer to their
right by giving mortals the gift of life and by patron deity. They cling to the idea that life itself is
burdening them with the debt of death. Lord an aberration and that the flesh is a prison from
Death presides over the cycle of birth, death, and which the soul strains to escape. Their continued
rebirth, and, according to some sustains himself existence and putting off of descending into the
on the memories he consumes from the souls who Underworld show their willingness to delay the
descend in his realm, the Underworld. Lord Death gratification for the holy rewards their constant
shares his throne with Sister Moon, who descends faith ought to earn them in order to better serve
into his gloomy dominion for a few days each their god. Oblivion adepts understand that
month, when the moon is absent from the night widespread slaughter of victims serves them not,
skies. He shares his portfolio with his four so they reserve their ritualized killings for times
daughters—Hate, the Pale Lady, Want, and when they receive guidance that the execution of a
Calamity. life serves the larger goals—being hired to kill
Symbols of Lord Death include a grinning someone qualifies as a sign from Lord Death, for
human skull wearing an iron crown, a winged instance.
hourglass, and the scythe, usually presented with
an hourglass, which are the god’s accoutrements. Hate
Lord Death relies on his angels, the reapers, to Anyone who finds themselves in a fight might offer
harvest the souls of the living, though he may up a prayer to the war goddess and some military
himself come to claim the souls of mortals he units make sacrifices to her before battle, led by
deems important such as his high priests. her belligerent priests who happily join in the
Even with the rise and dominance of the Church combat. The eldest daughter of Lord Death, Hate
of the High One, Lord Death remains an important visits conflict, war, and strife to the mortal world.
and impactful figure in the Old Country. His She foments anger, sparks rash action, and closes
symbols appear in almost every graveyard, his ears to reason, all to produce the violence she so
dour priests preside over funerals, and his craves. Sometimes, she appears on battlefields
followers fight on the front lines against those who during especially bloody conflicts, where she
would pervert the natural order of things. offers encouragement to the most bloodthirsty
However, in the temples raised to the old gods, killers.
Lord Death has no altar or shrine. Instead, the Hate appears as a strong woman with long black
entire structure serves to honor the dark god of hair, bone white skin, one bright blue eye and an
endings. empty socket where the other should be, the
Cult of the Last Door: The primary religion missing eye having been torn from her skull by the
associated with Lord Death, the Cult of the Last Sky Father in one of their frequent conflicts. When

she manifests in the world, she wears a shirt of More than other gods, Want delights in visiting
mail, winged helmet, and carrying Bloodletter, a the mortal world and installs herself in rich,
longspear with a flanged blade. People associate prosperous lands so she can drain away their
her with ravens and her symbols include a resources until her victims succumb to hunger and
helmeted skull, a severed head on a crimson field, thirst. She has a large, corpulent body, sweet,
and a crossed sword and axe. laughing features. She bends mortals to her will,
The Daughters of Hate formed to carry out the making them watch with hungry eyes as she feasts
will of their goddess and sell their swords to and drinks without ever reaching satiation.
anyone who pays the paltry fees they request. That A religious experience from near starvation can
they can be had for a reasonable, even a cheap turn mortals into Want’s servants. Such
rate, ought not to tempt war leaders into making a individuals might be well-fed or reduced to skin
bargain with these fanatics. Too often, the and bones, depending on whether or not Want
Daughters of Hate lose themselves in the thrill of favors them. Regardless of their physical
battle and cut down their allies as fast as they do condition, the priests wear robes of the finest
their foes. The Daughters gouge out their right silks, peach in color, and decorate their bodies
eyes in solidarity with their patron and each with gems and jewelry.
craves a glorious end on the battlefield. Communities invest in shrines, temples, and
monuments to the goddess to appease her. If a
The Pale Lady blight strikes, the community might offer one of
When sickness spreads unchecked, when disease their own as a sacrifice to restore health to their
resists even the tried-and-true methods for crops. Want declares swine as her sacred animals
combating it, one knows the Pale Lady has arrived. and her colors are pink and black.
The Mother of Plagues, the Pale Lady moves
through the world, spreading contagion and Calamity
suffering. Her gifts strike down young and old, Who’s to blame when the dice turn against you,
strong and weak. No one escapes her attentions when some freak accident sees your home burn
once they earn it and death offers the only release down, or you slip and fall and break your arm?
from their pain. Bad luck happens, but when it happens again and
When the Pale Lady appears in the world, she again, there can be only one explanation: you’ve
adopts a form of what would be a comely woman caught Calamity’s eyes. Lord Death’s youngest
if not for the black staining her eyes, lips, and daughter has also the reputation of being the
fingertips. She dresses in the most fabulous gowns wildest, most willful, and capricious of the gods, so
and the rotting smell of flowers spreads out from much so that even Revel avoids her. She gives her
her for miles around. Her gowns bear the stains of blessings and withdraws it whenever it suits her.
sickness, the spew and spurt of those who And when someone offends her, misfortune falls
succumb to her touch. on them like rain.
Rather than temples, her places of worship Calamity can be anywhere and everywhere she
stand as monuments to her victims, their names chooses. She wears many masks, appearing as a
chiseled into the surfaces of stone monoliths black cat to some, as a young, smiling maiden with
raised to recall the tragedy she visits. People make mischief in her eyes, or as a young man, witty, yet
sacrifices to the goddess to avert her attention, to cruel. She might appear in a gambling hall,
keep her at bay. Facilitating these sacrifices and warping chance around her, or accompany her
leading the sacred prayers are the rare survivors sisters, to help them bestow their gifts or withhold
of disease who see it as their duty to serve their them, without anything to sway her one way or
mistress. They call themselves the Pale Ones and the other.
they wear little more than breechclouts so all can As all people can benefit from good luck, most
see the ravages done to them. The Pale Lady uses people say a prayer to Calamity when about to
the rat as her symbol and sacred animal. engage in some risky activity. Her priests, the
Heirs of Fortune, tend temples that act more as
Want gaming halls than places of worship. Calamity’s
Want serves her father by taking from mortals priests use three coins, one for each
what they need to survive. Crops fail with a denomination, as their symbol and wear
gesture. The Sky Father withholds rains at her vestments in gold and black.
commands. Blight, corruption, and ruin are her
gifts and mortal loathe her for them.

Mother Sun and when moonlight falls upon them, the tattoos
On a clear day, you might just spy Mother Sun shine.
unfolding her arms as she stretches light across
the dome of the world, or see her shrink back, Sky Father
retreating to allow her sister her place in the Along the southern coast facing out to sea,
heavens. Mother Sun, the goddess of light, life, and travelers sometimes find stone carvings of heads,
beauty, enjoys widespread worship throughout with wild hair, angled to peer up at the sky. Locals
the borderlands and her symbols and idols appear believe these statues were set in place to save the
in most communities. lands from the Sky Father’s wrath, to honor the
The goddess spends her time in the skies, churlish, violent deity and keep the worst of his
though she has come down to land from time to rampages at bay. The Sky Father’s bountiful anger
rime, riding in a blazing chariot drawn by four sources from being denied what he wishes most:
fiery horses. She’s always depicted as a dark- to take Mother Sun and Sister Moon as his brides.
skinned woman of unsurpassed beauty, with a Mother Sun denies him; Lord Death stole Sister
corona of golden hair waving around her head. Moon from him. So, he rages.
Temples to the Sun Goddess appear in open The Sky Father flies across the heavens in the
lands, and an aperture in the ceiling offers full center of the Forever Storm. This enormous
view of the sun so that its light always falls upon tempest boils high in the atmosphere, booming
the altar. Festivals tend to mark the passing of the with thunder, flashing with lightning, the god’s
seasons. face sometimes forming in the roiling clouds.
The sun priests wear yellow robes and keep When the Forever Storm draws near, people take
their heads covered in caps of the same color since cover, for his heralds, the four winds, visit death
they believe by doing so, they sacrifice Mother and destruction wherever he goes.
Sun’s light to those in need. During festivals and Temples to the Sky Father appear on the tops of
holy days, the priests conceal their faces behind mountains, where the priests burn offerings of on
grinning sun masks, fringed with fiery rays. The enormous pyres visible from miles away. Animal
rooster is a sacred animal to Mother Sun, for it sacrifices occur whenever the priests are called
always greets the new day, and her colors are gold upon to intercede on behalf of the people they
and white. watch over. These sacred places often have
monoliths positioned around the pedestals on
Sister Moon which the fires burn.
Mother Sun’s younger sister and bride to Lord Unlike the other gods, who care little if mortals
Death, Sister Moon takes her place in the skies to worship them or not, the Sky Father’s insecurity
watch over creation while her sister rests. Being makes him jealous and he demands his priests
separated from her sister causes Moon great grief pray to no other deities but him. Recent days have
and so she sometimes lingers in the morning or seen a sect form around the idea that the Sky
emerges in the early evening so they can be Father is the only god; all others are false. These
together again. Sister Moon claims the night and priests have come up with all manner of rules that
stars, is known as the keeper of secrets, and set them apart from their other followers of the
patron of witchcraft. Sky Father.
Sister Moon’s temples resemble those of Mother The Sky Father’s cult treats the golden eagle as
Sun and, being siblings, they might even share the its sacred animal and priests dress in purple and
same holy spaces, with the sun priests tending the gold robes, with elaborate hats covered in symbols
temple by day and the moon priests coming to sacred to their god. When depicted, the Sky Father
take their place at night. As a night goddess all her appears as a bolt of lightning, a column of fire, or
ceremonies and rites occur during the evening as an X of four arrows, with points out.
hours and are performed in secret, out of view
from the common folk who might dwell nearby, Draconus
and can be raucous affairs. The most important The priests of Draconus, who were given to the
holy day is the Black Wedding, which cult to secure favor from the god, live near geysers
commemorates Sister Moon’s marriage to Death. and geothermal vents. They spend their days
Wolves are sacred animals to Sister Moon and chanting, burning incense and herbs that cause
her colors are navy blue and silver. For her symbol, them to hallucinate or drop into a deep slumber.
priests use the crescent moon in blue. Initiation The priests stay in one place, spending their lives
requires the tattooing of the moon on their faces

performing the rites they deem necessary to keep spares those vessels that hold his servants, though
their god asleep and dreaming. the god might claim the vessel anyway and spare
Draconus’s cult claims the god winds its body the priest. The Drowned also keep krakens and
around the Ancient Ones, those horrible titans cast other creatures of Oceanus from harrying ships,
down by Lord Death at the dawn of creation, and though, again, with mixed results.
hold them fast, but only so long as the great Temples to Oceanus stand atop islands or on
dragon sleeps. As god of the earth, stone, and rocky outcroppings. The idols standing in them
wealth, the cultists have the resources to keep appear to be krakens or squid-headed humanoids.
themselves comfortable, fed, clothed, and The temple attendants depend on charity from
sheltered, but most spend the whole of their lives local peoples, who bring them a portion of their
tending to their god. Temples to Draconus display catch each day.
fabulous wealth without fear since everyone
knows that to rob the temple risks awakening the Grandfather Tree
god and thus unravel the world. Some believe Grandfather Tree grows in the heart
The cult has several sects, one of which sees of each forest. A watchful guardian, he protects the
itinerant priests wandering the world, driven by woodlands and the creatures that shelter in them
their belief that they must see the whole of their from despoilers, hunters, and woodcutters who
god’s body. From their travels, they teach others would take too much for the forest to survive.
about the god and his noble sacrifice, recruiting Belief in the ancient god keeps the woodlands
some to serve in the temples, and quelling the secure in the borderlands, but the ruins of his
tremors in the earth when they encounter them, sacred lands can be found throughout the Old
Some priests develop odd reptilian features and Country and some believe the cutting of the trees
some, if it can be believed, even transform into angered the god so much that he allowed Want to
dragons. sicken the soil and turn the growing things against
Cultists treat dragons and creatures like them as the people who eat them.
sacred. Some travel to these monsters’ dens to As one of the elder gods, people worshiped
gain wisdom from them or to offer themselves up Grandfather Tree going back to the beginning of
as sacrifices in the hopes of pleasing their deity. the world. His likeness, the Green Man, appears on
Priests wear green and brown vestments that have archeological finds predating the old empire. In
a scaled pattern. During ceremonies, the antiquity, people made sacrifices to the forests so
worshipers wear dragon masks, ingest narcotic they could gain permission to hunt and take
smoke, and behave in odd ways, growling and timber from them. The spriggans, a people who
roaring. have more in common with plants than they do
animals, believe the essence of the god lives within
Oceanus them, and many spriggans give their lives to
More violent and temperamental than the Sky protect the old growth woodlands. Finally, of all
Father, Oceanus broods in the deep waters. He the gods, only Grandfather Tree has the respect of
broods over the territory stolen from him, the dry the faerie folk and some even worship him as a
land he had been promised by Lord Death in god.
return for betraying the other Ancient Ones. He No formal priesthood to the Green Man exists.
strains against the shores, his waves crashing into Instead, people hear the call to serve or not. Those
them, threatening to wash away the parasites that who answer can commune with the deity, receive
infest his brother Draconus as he once did so long his blessings, all in service to nurturing the world.
ago. As he makes plain his hatred for mortals, his Rural peoples hold great festivals to honor the god
cult serves to appease the god, to keep the waters of green and growing things.
from flooding the world.
Followers of Oceanus call themselves the Grandmother Spore
Drowned. Initiation involves being carried out to Grandmothers Spore create the fungi that spreads
sea and held under the surface until the acolyte throughout the world. Where her mate’s creations
drowns. When the body stops moving, the priests rise up from the ground and reach toward the sun,
bring the acolyte back to shore. If the acolyte her children collect in the darkness, feeding on
coughs up the water and lives, the god has chosen decaying matter to clear the way for other living
a new priest. If not, the god accepts the sacrifice. things to live and thrive. Often overlooked,
The Drowned offer their service to ships sailing Grandmother Spore remains an important figure
on the Sea of Fear, for its believed that the sea god nevertheless.

The goddess sometimes appears to mortals, aside or tear them apart, though he might be
usually to offer aid to travelers in need. When she moved to speak a few words of wisdom.
does show herself, she appears as a short, plump Priests wear deer antlers and animal pelts, and
woman wearing a wide-brimmed hat with dirt on carry weapons made from wood, bone, and the
her hands and staining her long, flowing dress. She like. During holidays, they lead congregations all
lends aid to those who tread lightly in the world, wearing animal masks to represent the first beasts
offering healing if she feels the mortal worth the brought to life by the god. The Horned One’s
trouble. Her kindness does not, however, extend to priests use the triangle as their symbol, with the
the cruel and wicked, and she’s as likely to poison points representing air, earth, and water, and the
people who offend her as she is to help the ones central space representing the soul shared by all
who please. living things.
Like her husband, Grandmother Spore has no
organized religion. People serve her or not. She The Wild Woman
pays little attention to the affairs of mortals and All living things sprang from the Wild Woman’s
instead looks after her fungal gardens. She’s womb according to some stories. Others bind her
fiercely protective of her husband and comes to to the Horned One, making her the feminine
the defense of his creation as often as she does her aspect of primordial nature. Then, there are dark
own. tales about how the Wild Woman was once called
the Mother of Monsters and from her crawled
Horned Lord forth all the awful, terrible things that trouble the
An ancient god, one believed responsible for lands. Now, though, most see her as the goddess of
seeding creation with animals, primitive humans home and hearth, of families, unity, and inner
worshiped the god, believing the Horned Lord strength. All the different conceptions people hold
provided them with game, but also the physical about the god happen to be true: she is all these
might they needed not only to kill, but to protect things and more.
themselves against wild animals and enemy Rather than altars and shrines, rural folk keep
peoples. The Horned Lord has ever since been idols of the Wild Woman to watch over their
considered a god strength, might, and endurance, homes. These idols often depict the god as a
the one invoked before a hunt, a race, or a battle. plump woman with twelve breasts or holding a
Early humans set aside parts of their kills for the cornucopia. Other, cruder forms assemble a
god to consume by burying organs, hooves, and humanoid figure from sticks tied together with
teeth. In some lands, human sacrifice was also hair.
common. Modern worship of the Horned Lord Modern priests of the Wild Woman appear more
focuses more on responsible hunting and often in rural lands, having been all but forgotten
conservation, whereby the god provides so long as in the cities. The priests preside over weddings,
the petitioner treats the beast with honor and offering blessings to newborn babes, aid in
respect. Festivals involve mock hunts and plays in healing, midwifery, and also lead the ceremonies
which the priests recount major mythological to celebrate the harvest. The priests wear simple
events such as “The Wooing of the Wild Woman” vestments of homespun and cover their heads
and the “The Otso Bargain.” with crowns of woven wheat.
The Horned Lord’s temples and shrines remain Fringe cults in rural areas of the borderlands
as crude as they ever were, being rings of standing venerate the Wild Woman in darker form. For
stones within which the priests buried their dead. example, during their fertility rites, they select an
Many older sites have tumbled into ruin, but stone old man from their community, carve an X in his
circles remain throughout the borderlands and in chest, and turn him loose to flee for his life. The
some regions of the Old Country. In the cultists then give chase. If they find him, they kill
borderlands, people can feel the god’s presence him, dismember his body, and eat the flesh, before
among the stones and some believe they feel his finding living partners with which to mate, and the
hot breath on their necks. unions, after a successful hunt, always produce a
Like many old gods, the Horned God appears to child. If the man gets away, he rules the tribe for
mortals sometimes. He appears as an enormous one year.
man with olive skin, the antlers and lower body of
a stag, eyes shining like gold and steam blowing FAERIES AND RELIGION
Religion belongs to mortals. Faeries know that the gods
from his nostrils. He ignores mortals unless they
exist, but see worshiping them as strange, almost as if
cross his path, at which point he might bat them

they were worshiping themselves. The faeries consider a mask worn by the Adversary to lead people into
the gods to be powerful kin rather than omniscient mortal danger. The trouble with Revel is that the
beings responsible for the creation and continued god cares nothing for rules, promises, salvation.
shaping of the world. Faeries can, though, become He urges mortals to shed their responsibilities
priests as characters with other ancestries, but they along with all their troubles, to free themselves
serve their patrons rather than worship them. Faeries
fully and enjoy all that life has to offer. That some
serve prominent faeries, such as the Faerie Queen, the
of his followers take his exhortations too far does
Prince of Tears, the Queen of Air and Shadows, or the
Goblin King.
not trouble the mercurial god in the slightest;
mortals die and live again.
Revel’s exploits could fill a volume. He once
stole a kiss from Mother Sun, outdrank the Sky
Mortals owe the existence of their cities to
Father, and fathered the fauns on the Wild Woman
Urbanus, for it was he who lifted them up from
after a night of passion without the Horned Lord
barbarism and revealed a better way to live. The
every learning of the tryst. Revel roams the
god of community and cooperation, knowledge,
woodlands and gathers to him a flock of mortals to
and technology, Urbanus inspires mortals to look
keep him entertained. After days of excess, he
beyond their present and build for the future. His
wanders off to find new companions, abandoning
cult contributes to making improvements in cities
his companions to exhaustion, sickness, and even
across the Dawn Lands. They might develop new
methods for sanitation or construct schools to
The god of debauchery has the horned head and
teach the children. They gather knowledge in
legs of a goat, with human upper body. He carries
libraries and advise community leaders in good
a long pine-cone headed wand and he can cause
drunkenness and lechery with a gesture. People
Urbanus helped mortals rebuild civilization
fear him as much as they delight in his gifts.
after the collapse of the old Empire, but his star
The cult of Revel has been outlawed in most
has dimmed with the rise of the High One in the
civilized areas, often resulting from the
Old Country. Once, Urbanus would form a body
widespread ruin his celebrations create. In the
from the bricks of the city and offer instruction on
country, though, Revel retains a strong following,
the finer points of ethical philosophy. Now, his
especially during the spring festivals. During
temples stand empty, his priests dispersed, and
celebrations, people don masks and horns, fur
the great works done in his name tumble into ruin.
leggings, and cavort in the wilds.
Not all is lost, though. Urbanus’s cult maintains
No easy routes lead to Revel’s temples, and
a presence in the borderlands’ city-states, with his
paths to them take travelers through thick
largest temple standing in Four Towers. There, his
woodland to a clearing that holds an altar and idol.
priests travel to other urban centers, spreading
Animal bones cover the ground nearby, mingled
their teachings in the hopes of lifting people from
with cups, deflated wine skins, and other rubbish
the squalor and misery that so often accompanies
left from the last saturnalia. Revel’s priests hold
urban life.
the goat as the sacred animal and symbols include
The civilization god’s priests wear blue robes as
a goat head, grapes, a cornucopia, or a pine-cone
vestments with white sashes and caps with flaps
tipped rod.
that frame their faces. For symbols, they might use
the likeness of Urbanus himself, that of a tall thin
man with craggy features, long, nose, and mop of
curls on his head, or the white tower, owl, or open Lord Death gives life to mortals, but it falls to the
book. His temples serve two purposes: to host the Fates to decide the course these lives take. Three
rites he demands of his followers and to educate gods in one, the Maiden embodies the beginning,
the people in a community. the Mother produces the life line, and the Crone
decides when to snip the cord and end the life.
Many people believe they have the luxury of free
will and, perhaps, they do, to some extent, but the
The Church of the High One avoids conflict with
Fates see the entirety of each life lived, and know
rival faiths under most circumstances, preferring
the choices people make before they even realize
instead to win over converts through message and
there’s a choice to be made.
deeds, but the Church makes its position against
Each temple to the Fates has three priests, one
Revel, the Black Goat of the Woods, clear. They
for each aspect of destiny. When the crone passes,
oppose this immoral god and regard him as being
the mother takes her place, the maiden becomes

the mother, and a girl recruited from a village wooden box, ornately carved with strange
takes her place as a maiden. The priests have few symbols and hieroglyphs, washed up on the shore.
interactions with peoples, and instead perform Opening the box revealed thirteen scrolls and
rites that appease the Fates to give members of though the script was foreign to him, he
nearby communities good lives rather than lives understood what he saw. From them, he learned
fraught with pain and suffering. The priests might the fundamental truths of magic and became both
also serve as seers and prophets, revealing the first priest of Abraxus and the first mortal
glimpses of the future to petitioners in return for magician.
some service the Fates require. Lord Death had withheld the secrets of magic
Priests of the Fates wear loose, diaphanous from mortals, believing they were not to be
garments of light colors. Priests don masks that trusted with such power. Abraxus’s gift was in
give them three faces, one for each aspect, and contravention with Death’s law and thus made the
oversee rituals and chant through these masks. two bitter enemies ever since. It’s said that Lord
The Fates’ sacred animal is a three-eyed crow and Death cast Abraxus into the Netherworld, where
their colors are light gray, light blue, and lilac. he chained him to a stone and had his body
devoured by devils. The spread of dark magic
Blind reflects Abraxus’s suffering and his hatred of
In courthouses, in town squares, perched atop Death.
buildings, one finds statues of the god of justice, Abraxus finds devotees among anyone who
Blind, whose wings stretch to cover all and whose studies magic. Even secular users of magic invoke
eyes remain closed to ensure that all are equal his name when casting their spells or speaking
under the rule of law. Blind’s following grew in incantations. The god of magic also appeals to
response to the creation of a more civilized world, rebels, seekers of truth, and outcasts. Symbols
leading some to consider her as an aspect of associated with Abraxus include a stylized eye, a
Urbanus or vice versa. Even though the old gods ball of fire, a prism, and the hexagram.
have fallen out of favor in the Old Country, Blind
remains an important deity and justices invoke Fetch
her name at the start of each court proceeding. No one knows when Fetch joined the old gods, but
Even the Church of the High One recognizes her he appears in none of the old stories and has only
importance and includes her in its pantheon of recently gained a following in the larger faith.
sainted figures. Theologians suspect he infiltrated the pantheon as
Blind’s temples serve as courts and often a result of mingling with religious peoples from
holding cells for the accused that await trials. The some faraway place. Fetch remains an outsider
largest temple stands in Four Tower, but all the and his inclusion in pantheistic temples tend to be
city-states and many large towns have temples small and understated, a pair of eyes carved into a
devoted to her as well. Priests attend these holy pedestal or onto a lintel.
sites and serve as barristers, justices, and jailers. Fetch’s outsider status stems from his role as
Elsewhere, priests, called Judges, travel from the god of thieves, tricks, and mischief. He’s a
place to place, and offer their services to secretive god, stingy with his blessings, but an ally
communities who need arbitration of some kind. to anyone who lives outside the law. His temples
Judges might oversee the creation of contracts, are hidden, buried underground or in bandit
hear criminal cases, and solve disputes. More caves, and his priests collect stolen coin from
aggressive priests might see themselves as thieves who worship, tithes to keep them in their
executioners as well. god’s favor.
The merchant’s scale, owl, and manacles serve The Church of the High One considers Fetch as
as symbols for Blind. The goddess, when depicted another mask of the Adversary. Fetch’s priests
in art, always appears as a winged woman holding responded by robbing ten of the High Ones
a sword and book, and bindings cover her eyes. temples. The resulting tensions saw the entire
Judges wear gray and white vestments and iron priesthood go to ground and disperse throughout
bands around their heads. the Old Country, but this has not stopped Fetch’s
followers from causing trouble for the High One’s
Abraxus devotees.
Without Abraxus, mortals might never have People associate racoons with Fetch, which
discovered the secrets of magic. In the Age of priests reflect by painting the skin around their
Myth, a mortal named Adamalachus discovered a eyes black. Other symbols associated with the god

of thieves include an iron coin with three their symbol and brand it on their bodies as a
scratches on the face, the viper, and the hand with show of loyalty.
fingers outstretched.
Lesser Gods
Baen Finally, a whole host of lesser gods fill out the
Cyclopes murdered the god of the forge during the pantheon, one for, perhaps, everything in the
Age of Myth. Having been exploited and fed up world. Most animals have gods associated with
with the chains that bound them to the god, the their kind, such as the Goddess of Birds, Ursine,
cyclopes rose up and slew their maker before god of bears, and Magrofal the wolf lord. There are
laying siege to the Underworld. Lord Death took gods associated with the various trades, though
from them an eye and their immortality before most such deities have lost their names and have
scattering the across the Erth. As for Baen, Death only the likeness captured in idols and runic
bound his spirit to a suit of armor and condemned symbols used to invoke their blessings when
the god to eons of suffering for the cruel treatment needed. Also, people sometimes have household
of his creations and his failures to keep his own gods, which watch over the families who make
house in order. offerings to them.
Baen gifted mortals with knowledge of the arts
and crafts and through his teachings, mortals
learned the secret of fire, could forge steel from
Church of the High One
No one would have guessed that a tiny heretical
iron, and raised themselves above primitive
cult would have toppled the dominant faith and
conditions. He is credited for insights, skill, and
driven the old gods from the Great Kingdom, but
talent at making things, but he is also blamed for
that’s exactly what happened five hundred years
being stingy with his gifts, requiring students to
ago. The Church of the High One began as a small
spend years to master their crafts. He also
band of religious zealots who believed that the old
shoulders the blame for mishaps, failures, and
gods were devils and that a new god would come
disasters that artisans face.
to save the souls of all mortals by opening the
The cult of Baen persists despite the god’s
gates to Paradise. Since the Old Faith tolerated
erratic nature and involves itself in providing
other religions and more often than not absorbed
education in various trades. In large cities, the cult
them, the followers of the New God barely
places apprentices in different guilds, and helps
registered. But when the red comet returned to
manage those guilds, providing guidance for
the skies and the Princess Rena, eldest daughter to
pricing, acquisition of raw materials, and opening
the corrupt king, led an uprising against her father,
up new trading partners. The cult’s increasing
she surprised everyone by pledging her sword to
focus on commerce has added trade to Baen’s
the new god and her subsequent victory over the
portfolio. The cult’s sacred animal is the bull, its
corrupt king was seen as divine providence.
colors red and gray, and priests dress in armor as
Whether or not Rena believed in this upstart
a sign of solidarity with their suffering patron.
religion, her actions catapulted the faith onto the
main stage in the political arena and droves of
Abaddon people converted to the religion of the High One.
Few know much about Abaddon, the Destroyer in The priests of this new religion pushed out the old
the Dark, Father of Demons, Misbegotten Son of gods, laid claim to their temples and holy relics,
Lord Death himself, other than that this divinity and, within a generation, had become the official
has been prophesied to slay his maker and bring faith of the Great Kingdom. Furthermore, the
about the end of all things. Abaddon haunts the Church of the High One would come to be a major
Void, the darkness beyond the edge of reality, and political force in the Kingdom and its holdings and
there he remains, hedged out by Lord Death’s will. riches would affect the politics of the Old Country
But in the dark, the evil god broods, hates, and until the recent fall.
hungers for the end of everything. Church doctrine holds that the High One came
Nearly every civilized land forbids Abaddon- to Erth to save mortals from death, to throw open
worship. It’s one thing on which the Church of the the gates of Paradise to them so they could live
High One and followers of the Old Faith can agree. forever in the glory of their god. But, when the
Serving Abaddon carries a sentence of death, so it High One came, he found the throne of Paradise
behooves these followers to keep secret their occupied by the Adversary, a wicked being who
loyalties. Abaddon’s use an eight-pointed star for had long misled mortals into fearing death and the

false gods that sprang from the Old Faith. The High the business of leading souls into spiritual peril. To
One, with a legion of angels, cast out the Adversary no one’s surprise, most religious institutions
and bound him in chains in the depths of oppose the Adversary and his minions and the
Perdition. Church of the High One’s Inquisition exists to root
Mortals who live good and decent lives, who out the enemies of light and destroy them.
dedicate themselves to serving others, who The Adversary’s symbol is a pentagram.
tolerate no false gods, and who embrace the
teachings of the Church as truth have a chance at
attaining Paradise, to join all the other sainted
The Ancient Ones
The Church of the High One dismisses the Ancient
beings who live on in the light of the Redeemer.
Ones as being nothing more than aspects of the
Those not chosen go on to the Underworld, but
Adversary or high-ranking devils in the
will eventually be reborn so they can try again.
Netherworld. The priests of the old gods,
Those who wallow in wickedness, who become
especially those of Lord Death, have a deeper and,
slaves to their vices find Perdition, the
perhaps, correct interpretation of these beings
Netherworld, a place from which there is no
known also as the titans. The Ancient Ones might
have been gods, monsters of incredible potency, or
Since the fall of the Great Kingdom, the Church
something else that inhabited creation before the
of the High One has scrambled to defuse the
coming of Lord Death. They might have created
growing violence in the Old Country, committing
the world or have preceded creation. Whatever
holy warriors to the cause of restoring order, and
the case was, Lord Death defeated them and
sending out ranking priests to mediate disputes.
locked them away in the coils of Draconus to keep
As committed as the Church has become in
them bound until the end of time.
salvaging its influence and control, it also realizes
Opinions about the number of titans vary, for
that it must adapt and spread. The Church has
some gods who have fallen out of favor find
been providing funding and protection to refugees
themselves deemed titan while others have faded
fleeing from the Great Kingdom in the hopes of
from the world so completely that their names,
retaining these devotees and securing a foothold
spheres of interest, and histories exist only in the
in the borderlands and beyond.
pages of blasphemous tomes. Gods of fallen
Priests of the High One wear white clothing
empires, monstrous proto-deities, things that defy
festooned with a comet, the sign of the High One’s
reason and description all belong to this shunned
return. Men wear square caps, while women wear
group. What unites them is that the days of being
wimples. Although priests tend congregations and
worshiped by any real numbers of people ended
lend aid to those in need, the Church has a
long and thus they have been consigned to the
militaristic side reserved for combating significant
dustbin of theology.
threats to the faith and a great many priests take
This is not to say that titans lack power. Titans
up arms and armor to fight in the name of the High
rank as some of the most powerful beings on Erth
and have the means to challenge even the
mightiest demon from the Void or, given release
The Adversary from their prisons, could defeat the lesser gods.
According to the Church of the High One, the The chains that hold them, the prisons that trap
Adversary stole the throne of Paradise until the them grow weak when mortals resurrect the
High One returned at the head of an angelic legion, worship of these figures, having uncovered an
defeated the usurper’s fiendish minions, and cast ancient religious text or stumbled upon a
them all into the Netherworld where they remain. forgotten temple. As they cults grow their
The story might be an invention of the Church, but numbers, the titan feed on their belief, growing
even the Old Faith speaks of the dark one, Death’s stronger until, it’s believed, they can reclaim their
twin who works to steal mortal souls by place among the powers of Erth.
corrupting them, making them unfit for the A titan’s return to prominence promises chaos
Underworld. and upheaval at the very least and widespread
A divine decree keeps the Adversary and the ruin, war, plagues, the annihilation of entire
fiends trapped in the Netherworld, but they can peoples, and the reshaping of the world at the
slip free if called by a mortal. Former servants worst, it is thus in the interest of every active
make it all too easy to call them forth, and, once religion to keep these beings secret, to ensure they
loosed from their prison, the fiends get down to

remain forgotten, their names and identities must track time using sun dials or just by studying
purged from the minds of all. the sun’s position in the sky. People don’t use
calendars—paper is uncommon and expensive.

Life in the They might make notches in sticks or chalk on

slate to track the days of the year.
People grow or raise their own food in the

Borderlands countryside, trading excess for other goods. In the

cities and large towns, food producers do brisk
Although there have always been people in the business, as do restaurants, cafes, and street
borderlands, much of the region remains as it has vendors. Food quality varies, however, and what
always been: wild, free from cultivation, an might be advertised as beef or pork might in fact
unspoiled country. Trails and paths crisscross the be something less palatable.
landscape, left there by rangers, explorers, and Finally, physicians, healers, and surgeons serve
with game. In the west, agricultural efforts divide the wealthy, and provide spotty care. Most people
the plains and prairie into fields for growing crops in urban environments rely on barbers for their
and grazing ground. In the south, city-states health care, while those in the country might turn
overlook the Sea of Fear and some paved roads to a witch, an herbalist, or a peddler who just so
stretch between them, though few assume the happens to have a cure whipped up fresh that
responsibility of maintaining these routes or morning.
paying for wardens to protect them.
Lacking any kind of central governance means
the countryside remains as lawless and wild as it Climate and Weather
ever was. Any expedition into the wilderness Refugees from the Old Country find the
could bring a traveler in the path of strange borderlands’ climate oppressive. A region in the
monsters, hostile faeries, bandits, renegades, and subtropics, the borderlands has hot, humid
worse. Further, much of the land hides relics from summers and mild winters. Borderlanders almost
bygone eras, curiosities that might be as simple as never see snow, except high in the mountains, and
pottery shards or as complex as working even then, snow and ice are rare.
machinery that carries out some function for The borderland has a dry season that lasts from
which it was made by unknown designers the fourth month of the year and ends around the
thousands of year ago. With danger to all sides, eleventh, at which point rains come in from the
people avoid travel with few exceptions. Traveling south and hang around for about five months
even a mile from one’s village invites becoming across the new year. The rainy season sees a few
lost, captured, or torn apart by wild beasts. People intense storms each year, and typhoons smashing
greet strangers with suspicion, and its customary into the southern coastline once every year or so.
to expect the worst from a traveler until they Winds typically blow from southeast to the
prove otherwise. In the south, such attitudes northwest, though they never fall on the Salt
soften, though in places like Eastport and Barrens and often stall over the mountains in the
Westport, friendliness masks some ill intent, more north.
often than not. Temperatures begin warm at the year’s end and
People travel on foot, on the back of horses, or persist until the third month, at which point the
on carts and wagons drawn by beasts of burden. they begin to cool for about three months before
Sailboats and rowboats allow transit by river, lake, warming again. The warmest part of the year sees
and stream. Travel across larger bodies of water highs 90 degrees Fahrenheit and lows in the mid-
occurs as well, but most stay within sight of the seventies. Cooler months see the highs drop to the
coast, since the deeper waters hold grave dangers. high seventies and drops to the mid-sixties during
Communication between various locations the night.
occurs, but getting a message anywhere more than Sunrise and sunset follow predictable patterns
a few miles away takes time, if it even reaches its following the seasons. Summer, and the longest
destination. A few messenger companies operate days, start in the last month of the year and last
in Four Towers and Asylum. More reliable than until the third month. Winter starts on the sixth
handing a letter to a passing traveler, professionals month and lasts until the end of the ninth moth.
charge exorbitant prices. During the summer, sunrise happens as early as
The city-states all have clocktowers, some more five in the morning, and the sun sets as late as
than one, but outside these urban centers, people

eight at night. In the winter, the sun rises as late as Wyvern Wood Huge Subtropical Forest
seven and usually sets around five at night.

Asylum, City of
Exploring the Thieves
Borderlands People searching for the comforts of the Old
Country can do worse than visit Asylum. A
The borderlands describes the region of the Dawn teeming metropolis that spilled over its
Lands that extends south and east of the equator, fortifications years ago, the city’s prosperity and
bounded by the Salt Barrens in the west, the new stability attract newcomers from all over the
lands in the east, the Sunrise Ocean in the north, known world. Walking its streets, one might see a
and the Sea of Fear to the south. In the north, a dwarf bickering with a dragonet, an ogre working
mountain range stretches from one side of the alongside the other stevedores to haul cargo off
subcontinent to the other. South of the mountains, ships, dhampirs entering and leaving private clubs
the land gradually drops away until it reaches the where anything might happen, along with the
Inner Sea, an expansive freshwater lake, before the usual press of humanity, drawn from communities
elevation increases, becoming a rumpled, rolling from all over.
landscape of hills and prairies dotted with
woodlands. Descriptions of the environments History
making up the borderlands along with places of Asylum’s story begins with the Mogu, a fishing
interest in them follow. people who lived where the city-state now stands.
Of these primitive folk, only the monument of a
Environment Descriptors
monstrous, squid-headed god remains, an entity
Asylum Tiny Subtropical Urban known as He Who Slumbers. Digging out cellars
Attercop Forest Small Tropical Jungle and dredging the waters sometimes turns up bits
Briny Flats Small Subtropical Swamp of pottery, bones, and bronze weapons, but the
Broken Hills Medium Subtropical Hills Mogu and their fate remain a mystery.
Cinder Peak Island Tiny Tropical Mountain After the Mogu died out, sailors settled in the
Dark Wood Small Tropical Forest community’s ruins and proved equal to the
Dragon’s Teeth Mountains Huge Tropical Mountains storms, food shortages, and disease that befell the
Eastport Tiny Subtropical Urban first settlement until a small town formed. Asylum,
Four Towers Small Subtropical Urban at this point, was a lawless place, fought over by
Haunted Grasslands Large Subtropical Open rival gangs to the point that killings were weekly, if
Howling Dunes Medium Subtropical Open not daily events. It wasn’t until the Princess and
Inner Sea Huge Subtropical Lake and
her mute soldiers descended on the community
and claimed it that the town gained some stability.
Khazud Lands Huge Tropical Jungle
Maze Small Tropical Canyon
As one who rules by fear, the Princess has had to
Midlands Large Subtropical Open enforce the peace just once in her century-long
Plains of Pendarm Large Subtropical Open reign and locals never speak of it except to call the
Salt Barrens Huge Dry Desert event the Decimation, in which the population was
Sea Hold Tiny Subtropical Urban reduced by one in ten.
Sea of Fear Massive Subtropical Ocean About fifteen years ago, crime had spiraled out
Sentinel Woods Medium Subtropical Forest of control to the point that people feared another
Sunrise Ocean Vast Tropical Ocean Decimation. To bring crime under control, the
Swordspoint Medium Subtropical Hills gang leaders and heads of criminal syndicates
The Climb Medium Highland Hills formed the Thieves’ Guild. Burglars, thieves, and
The Great Jungle Huge Tropical Jungle killers had to register with the Guild or disappear.
The Waste Small Dry Open Now, the Guild controls how much thieving
Troll Haunts Large Tropical Mountains happens. For every theft, the thief must give the
Underside Vast Continental victim a Guild token, which protects the individual
from future thefts for a month. The Guild also sells
Vale of Sorrows Small Tropical Valley
Westport Tiny Subtropical Urban
these tokens for steep fees, but renders the rich
Wilderlands Huge Tropical Open and powerful immune to robbery. The Guild, after
enriching themselves, reinvests the excess into the

city by funding public works such as sewer most buildings at street crossings, though there’s
maintenance, paying for the standing garrison and always a helpful urchin nearby to aid newcomers
constables to patrol the streets, and keeping the with finding their destinations.
city’s walls intact. The Guild became the source of People can move freely through the city. Most
stability that Asylum so desperately needed and residences appear in the northern half of the city,
has turned the City of Thieves into the safest of the with finer homes lining the main thoroughfares,
borderlands’ city-states. and shabbier structures, some piled on top of each
Now, the largest, wealthiest, and most stable of other, or fighting for space between them. Off the
the city-states, Asylum has the envy of their peers. main routes, the city becomes more dangerous, for
Both Eastport and Westport rely on Asylum for it is in these alleys that the thieves and muggers lie
trade, while Four Towers and Sea Hold have in wait. Murder happens rarely these days, but
neither the means nor the will to threaten the city. visitors face assault and robbery if they wander off
The biggest threat to Asylum comes from the Sea the main roads.
of Fear itself. Pirates waylay merchant ships, and The city’s business districts cover the southern
terrible things crawl out of the waters to carry off side and it’s here one finds the always busy bazaar,
fisher folk. Wyverns sometimes attack the farms a riotous sea of colorful tents with vendors
north of the city, and bandits remain a problem all hawking anything and everything one could hope
year long. to find. Restaurants, cafes, and taverns line the
The Thieves’ Guild has been angling to expand bazaar, but their prices tend to be higher than
into other cities with the promise of running them those a street back. Specialty shops for tailored
with the same efficiency they do in Asylum. clothing, jewelry, weaponry, and other pricier
Governments have resisted their efforts so far. goods stand in various places throughout this
Spies, however, monitor events in the other city- area.
states, and these operatives work to shift The Palace of the Princess forbids trespassers
developments and sway opinions toward and the silent guards, dressed in full plate with
welcoming the Guild into their communities. helmets fashioned to resemble hounds, protect the
great gate that leads to the golden tiled path that
Exploring the City travels through a paradise of gardens, with
Asylum stands on a narrow strip of land on the swaying palm trees, tropical flowers, statuary,
southern coast between the Sea of Fear and the fountains, and plenty of seats to allow a wanderer
Wyvern Wood. High stone walls shelter the to appreciate the beauty. Nothing about this
inhabitants on all sides. A shantytown spread out garden is safe, though. Wild beasts prowl about
around the western gate and a large fishing village the place, and many of the plants are poisonous.
covers the ground between the southern wall and Somewhere in the garden’s center stands the
docks lining the water’s edge. Houses rise above Palace itself, with an onion dome mounted on a
the city walls, along with a few towers, atop which square, red-bricked building with two wings
fly the city’s colors—a seagull on a blue field. fronted by columns carved to look like straining
Paved roads extend to the west and east of the naked men.
city for a few miles before they become dirt paths.
Farmland lies north of the city for about two miles Local Color
before becoming empty grassland for another 15 As much as Asylum welcomes visitors, Asylumites
miles, where it ends at the Wyvern Wood. tend to be poor conversationalists. Locals value
Visitors can enter Asylum through one of four their privacy and keep to their own social circles.
gates: Seagate to the south, Wizard Gate to the Visitors note the city lacks the noise and bustle of
east, Salt Gate to the west, or Wyvern Gate to the other places, largely as result of locals keeping
north. Visitors must pay the leg fee, 1 cp per leg of their heads down and minding their own business.
the person or animal to enter. In return, the visitor People avoid shaking hands, hugs, kissing of
gains a wooden chit that they must present to cheeks. Instead, when they greet each other, they
merchants in order to buy and sell. When visitors do so by clasping their hands before them and
leave, they return the tokens. keep them that way until they part ways. As a sign
Inside, narrow streets, mostly cobbled, wind of trust and friendship, the other might raise both
through a press of stone and timber buildings, all hands, palms out before dropping them to their
of which have sharply peaked roofs, shutters over sides.
the windows, and stout doors festooned with Religion: All gods have followers here, though
locks. Placards holding street names appear on Fetch, the god of thieves, has the largest and

richest temple. As with other parts of their lives, jungle, paths maintained by the attercops to lure
people prefer to keep their religious views to victims into their clutches.
themselves, but most light candles at shrines to
gods who might intervene on their behalf, and The Queen of Spiders
make offerings to Fetch to keep his priests’ sticky The jungle might appear wild and untamed, but it
fingers to themselves. belongs to the Queen of Spiders, a mysterious
Law and Order: The guild employs constables being who lives in a tower that rises from the
to police the streets, enforce the guild’s laws, and center of the trees and whose top can sometimes
dispense justice to the lawbreakers. People who be spied from a distance. The attercops all
break the laws must pay fines: 1 cp for spitting, 1 worship the Queen and even the giant spiders
sp for assault, death for murder. Anyone who can’t obey her commands. Some peoples believe her to
pay the fines disappears into the Tower of be an exiled highborn faerie, while others think
Reflection, where prisoners earn funds to pay she’s a witch, a demon, or a devil that escaped
their debts by suffering torture, abuse from the from the Netherworld. What is known is that the
guards, or, sometimes, dangerous labor. Queen sometimes emerges from the jungle to
The Princess: Having not aged a day since bewitch settlers, travelers, herders, and others.
coming to Asylum nearly one hundred years ago, She muddles their minds and leads them into her
the Princess she remains the beautiful person in domain, never to be seen again.
the city. Shrugging off one hundred years is no
small feat, especially for a person who looks, acts, Crescent Moon Goblins
and sounds human, and if people cared one whit Crude crescent moons mounted on wooden poles
about it, her longevity might be cause for concern. demarcate the territory controlled by a large
Some whisper about how she bathes in the blood goblin tribe. These folk exploit the jungle’s
of virgins or that she’s secretly fey or even that she reputation for protection. They raid settlements,
has divine blood. Some think she’s a vampire. caravans, and make trouble for the centaurs, but
After all, she never goes about in the city by day, always pull back to the jungle before their enemies
but she also never goes out at night, either. People can mount a proper defense. To make matter
don’t waste too much time thinking about the worse, the goblins have begun taming the giant
Princess because she makes no intrusions into spiders and use them as mounts. Crescent Moon
their daily lives. If she respects their privacy, they goblins wear yellow hats that curl forward to form
should do the same for her. a point held down by a small stone, a scorpion, or
a human hand.
Attercop Forest The Stone Giant
Strands of spider silk stretch from tree to tree Somewhere in the Attercop Forest sits a giant
throughout the Attercop Forest. In some places, carved from stone. The giant appears human
the wispy strands flutter in the wind; in others, dressed in archaic armor that recalls the
they form dense matts proof against even the protective clothing worn by soldiers of the old
sharpest swords. The silk comes from the spiders empire. The giant rests one hand on the pommel
infesting the jungle, but also from the attercops of sword, the point stuck in the ground. If the giant
who live here as well. ever moved, it must have happened some time
The threat of being snatched and drained of ago, for moss greens legs, its feet sunk into the
vital fluids keep people away from the Attercop soil.
Forest. Even setting aside the attercops and the
giant spiders that creep and crawl through the
gloom, the forest has an otherworldly quality that Briny Flats
makes it easy to become lost within its Just south of the Sentinel Wood, the ground drops
boundaries. Well-armed expeditions have entered away until it becomes tree-covered wetlands.
the jungle, but few return, and none with the same Here, ashes, elms, oaks, and birches grow in
number of people as when they entered. abundance, the lower trunks hidden in brackish
As wildlife too avoids the jungle, the denizens water, deadfall, and leaves. Fallen trees appear
feed on each other or range out from it to hunt. throughout, having been uprooted and thrown
Giant spiders venture farther and farther to vex about by the storms. The ground coverage
the homesteaders living within sight of it. Wise provides shelter for the cruel faeries, goblins, and
travelers avoid the paths through and around the the feral hogs that roam this place.

The Sea Hag in the center by some gigantic axe. Further south,
Sailors on ships passing the Briny Flats sometimes the land climbs upward, and weathered limestone
reporting seeing an old woman watching them boulders push like teeth from the hilltops, while
from shore, a crone, back bent, leaning on a spirals of basalt form spiky towers. In the clefts,
crooked staff. When she appears to sailors, they dirt walls threads with orange roots descend
pour wine in the waters or throw supplies narrowing into boggy channels and clouds of
overboard to avoid angering her; she has been bloodsucking insects. The wind rushes over this
known to curse ships and send them into the rocks land, and moans when it passes through the rifts.
that make sailing the waters around the southern The Broken Hills has few settlements and most
peninsula so dangerous. include no more than a couple of building made
The Sea Hag claims the Briny Flats and all whom from stone levered out of the earth and stacked
live in this wetland owe her fealty, even the into rounded huts. Wild goats, pigs, and sheep
goblins. She asks little from her subjects, other roam the countryside, and on them the locals
than offerings of food and wine, but if angered, her subsist. To all sides of the peninsula, except where
magic can tear their bodies apart and fling the the land slides down into the Briny Flats, the hills
remains in all directions. People believe she lives drop away in sheer cliffs. Caves dot these stone
inside a cyclopes’ skull and that she sometimes walls and sea birds make nests on their ledges.
causes it to fly through the air so she can survey
her territory. Land’s End
A village of ten stone building occupies the
The Hanged Man southern reach of the Broken Hills and affords a
The old remains of a hanged man twist slowly view of the Sea of Fear unlike anywhere except the
from a rope that has hardened to steel deep in the Sea Hold to the east. The people of Land’s End
Briny Flats. Such sights are common enough, but carved steps into the cliff face and crawl up and
these remains have been here for centuries, if the down it to fish the waters below. The people
faeries can be believed. It’s said he was once a purport to be human, but they have odd facial
great hero who crossed the Sea Hag and for features, webbing between their fingers, and
angering her, she strung him up and bound his bulging eyes. Most folks have little body hair and
soul to the remains. There he hangs and will hang they have gurgling voices. The chase off the
for one hundred years more. religious, and are grudging hosts to anyone else.
Some say the hero’s ghost can speak through the
skeletal body and might offer guidance to those The Anchorite
who bring it gifts—a sip of beer, lifting the body When Silka was a priest dedicated to the High One,
for a few minutes to relieve the pressure on the he enjoyed all the benefits of his station: fine food,
neck, or remembering to it the hero’s exploits of an estate, earnings, even a mistress or two. A crisis
old. In return, the skeleton might grant a wish, or of faith led him to abandon the excess of his post
not. and live in solitude at what he believed is the edge
of the world. Each day, Silka scrambles up a
The Crooked Path wooden pole and folds himself around the top,
On certain nights, a path appears in the Briny eyes closed, mouth moving in silent prayer. People
Flats, a road that twists and turns through the sometimes come to him for spiritual guidance,
wetlands. Some believe the path leads to a hidden prayer, or his prophecies, the latter of which are
kingdom of the faeries, fabled Tir Na Nog, but said to always come true.
others whisper that the path leads to the
Netherworld and that once you start following, Fallen Temple
you can never leave. Strange things gather to Locals tell of an old temple that once stood in the
either side, their whispers revealing a traveler’s hills, but tumbled into a chasm after a powerful
deepest shames and bitterest regrets. earthquake. When the temple still stood, people
on the peninsula avoided it, believing the place
cursed, haunted, or raised to honor the dark god
Broken Hills Abaddon. If anyone knows where the temple fell,
For miles and miles, the lands of the great they aren’t telling; people consider its destruction
southern peninsula rise and fall in series of a blessing. This hasn’t stopped a few explorers
rounded hillocks that all appear to have been split from seeking it out. Such places are bound to hold
treasures and secrets worth uncovering.

Cinder Peak Islands Dark Wood
Cinder Peak Island formed years ago after an A pall hangs over the woodland known as the Dark
earthquake shook the Khazud coastline near to Wood. A place of sinister trees, impenetrable
pieces. Lava bubbled up from the ocean depths, shadows, it has an unmistakable evil presence, a
forming into a conical mound that still belches fire foulness so strong that even the bravest centaurs
and smoke. The first visitors to the island never avoid it. Something evil lurks in the heart of this
returned, prompting a second expedition, which tangle and that evil enjoys the service of the
revealed that strange fiery humanoids wriggled hideous fomorians who dwell in its shadows.
out from the cracks and wandered the island. Who Hot, humid, and filled with biting flies, gnats,
they are, what they are, is anyone’s guess. The and mosquitoes, the atmosphere would be bad
Khazud avoid the island, now, and deem it a place enough, but there’s a sickly odor coming from the
of bad magic. corruption oozing out from the fissures in the
Cinder Peak Island was merely the first of a trees black bark. Although there’s an abundance of
chain of islands that have been forming since the giant bugs, one has no chance of finding anything
first eruption. Three more islands have breached with fur or hoof in these woods.
the surface and the waters all around steam and
boil. Every now and then, a major eruption occurs Beasts of the Forests
and the toxic smoke drifts against the wind, to The Dark Woods has become a spawning site for
sicken the lands it touches. fomorians. Over the years, fomorians tribes gather
here in ever greater numbers, despoiling the forest
with their fighting, rutting, and killing. When their
The sylphs of the Sky Islands floating above the New
Lands permit no outsiders in their communities. Isolated,
numbers grow too great to control, the shamans
xenophobic, and wanting no part with the struggles of lead them out to attack centaurs, human
the land dwellers, they deal with intruders with swift and settlements, and just about anything that moves
shocking violence: they throw them off the drifting across the Wilderlands. A disruptive presence,
islands. The one exception to this rule is the Cloud something keeps drawing these monsters back
Market, which stands atop an airborne rocky island that year after year and some believe an Ancient One
drifts over the borderlands. An elaborate system of
pulleys haul visitors up to the island and lower them Black Church
safely to the ground. Hidden away in some shadowy corner of the
The Cloud Market sells a variety of goods, from black woodland stands the Black Church, known also as
peppercorns and saffron to exquisite arms of dwarfen the Church of Lost Hope. The wooden building has
make, scrimshaw swords, the rarest vintages, magical thoroughly infested with mold that gives it its
trinkets, and so much more. So long as visitors abide by
distinctive black color. The church was built to
the law, they are permitted to stay on the Cloud Market
honor the god thrown down by the High One in
for as long as they wish. Those who break the law,
however, soon find themselves facing the ground
ancient times and the evil that exudes from the
rushing up to meet them. place has somehow kept the structure intact over
The sylphs watch over Cloud Market and thus the intervening years. It’s believed the Black
maintain a strong presence here, though they rarely Church moves through the woods, picking itself up
interact with other peoples unless it is to dispense on centipede legs to scuttle to some other place in
justice. Aside from them, peoples from all ancestries live the Dark Forest.
and work here, from exiled archons to vampires lurking
in the shadows. People mingle freely; few dare risk the
wrath of the sylphs. Dragon’s Teeth
Cloud Market focuses on commerce and nearly
everyone living here works in the business of buying and
selling. The island offers a few shrines, a theater, and
other distractions, but these all exist to part coin from
So large are the Dragon’s Teeth Mountains that
people. Such places are always maintained by outsiders one can see them as a smudge from as far away as
and cater to tourists and merchants alike. the Midlands. The Dragon’s Teeth extend out from
the main range that spreads across the north and
are said to start at the Dragon Spire. Unlike the
Troll Haunts in the west, the Dragon’s Teeth are all
naked rock, sharp, broken, and sheer.

Lost Home to feed the city. Farmers face plenty of hardships
The dwarfs of the west believe the entrance of a and their techniques tend to be wasteful, causing
lost kingdom lays somewhere in these mountains. food shortages all the time. But the people answer
Some claim it was the first nation of dwarfs, while to no one and have the freedom to do whatever
others suggest that it was excavated by a lost clan, they wish.
who parted ways from their fellows thousands of A council of seven retired pirate captains share
years ago. Old objects of obvious dwarf artistry the burden of ruling the city. Alliances shift
found in these mountains suggest there might be between them often, as do what passes for laws in
some truth to these old tales. the city. The city frowns on violence and theft, but
the punishments are light unless the aggrieved
Dragon Fist Monastery party makes a sufficient donation to the
One thousand steps climb the side of the mountain constables to see the guilty party punished.
toward the Monastery of the Dragon Fist. Justice, when dispensed, solves the trouble by
Originally founded by priests of Draconus who executing the accused, which might happen after a
settled in the mountains to worship their god and sham trial.
perform the rituals that keep the deity in a For its colors, the city uses a red, winged
sleeping state, the monks developed a fighting hourglass on a black background.
style to keep their bodies fit and minds clear, when
not performing the duties required by their faith. Guild of Executioners
Although the monastery still has a religious Aside from the Captains’ palaces and estates, the
function—it’s believed that in the chambers below, only other structure made from stone belongs to
a sacred vault contains the sacred scales on which the Guild of Executioners. This secret society
the secret truths of Draconus have been recorded, trains apprentices in the methods of dispensing
people come to the monastery to study under the lethal justice—poisoning, gassing, beheading, and
masters until they themselves become dragon the like. The masters keep the apprentice
fists. sequestered until they complete their training.
The guild recoups its investments by selling the
journeymen members to other polities,
Eastport condemning these graduates to a period of
Pirates have braved the Sea of Fear long before indentured servitude that lasts seven years.
others dared to leave sight of dry land, for fear of
being torn apart by the monsters of the deep. Joyless & Dent
When not prowling the waters for plunder, the For all that Eastport’s known as a pirate haven, the
pirates make their port of call Eastport, a place attracts bandits of a different kind:
ramshackle city that spreads across the peninsula prospectors, investors, speculators, and
that forms the southern boundary of Gauntlet Bay. entrepreneurs. The city’s steadfast commitment to
Eastport has burned to ground a dozen times, freedom attracts the profit-minded to find their
dealt with invaders, plagues that killed half the fortunes here. Joyless & Dent opened its doors as a
population in a single season, but no matter the coffee shop and tobacconist, but has become a
hardship, the city claws its way back, time and hotbed of mercantile intrigue. Here, on a great
time again. chalkboard hanging on a wall that runs the length
Eastport’s long sordid history shows in its lack of the place, one can find current commodity
of plan or organization. The buildings, many of prices, which fluctuate based on commerce
which have been built from salvage and detritus conduct here and out in the city. It’s a loud, messy
show scorch marks, old splashes of blood, stabbed place, with spilled coffee and ashes everywhere,
with arrows, and shot up with bullets and musket but for some it offers plenty of excitement,
balls. Gibbets and crow cages appear everywhere especially in matters of finance and investments.
in the city, the contents rotting until reduced to Joyless & Dent has become a popular haunt for
bones—city law disallows anyone from interfering the local marid population. The blue-skinned
with people confined in these ways. Pirates, people can be found here at all hours. Rumor has it
bandits, deserters, vagabonds, freaks, and outcasts that a rich merchant has made an off to Mister
roam the city’s crooked streets. Dent himself to buy out the place for a veritable
Farmland covers the land west of the city, where fortune.
peasants toil to grow the grains and crops needed

Augustus, Wizard and Sage they can steal, most of the labor falls to freed
He swept into Eastport like a storm, riding prisoners and refugees.
horseback down the cobbled streets, snarling and People tend to be as filthy as the city in which
zapping anyone who got in his way. He stopped in they live, everything and everyone appears coated
front of an empty lot, wiggled his fingers and said in a thin patina of grease. Clear social divisions
a few magic words, and a crooked tower popped show in dress—the wealthiest members of
into existence. Of the magician, about whom the Eastport society wear elaborate, fanciful dress as
locals know a name that might or might not be his, one might expect of aristocrats, while the rest of
no one has seen him in a few years, and his horse the city makes do in lightweight clothing—loose
vanished too, but in a puff of acrid smoke. shirts, wide leg trousers or long swirling skirts.
The so-called wizard and sage keeps to himself Richer Eastporters ornament their bodies with
in his tower, but he receives high-profile guests all gold and jewelry, while the poor might don
the time. Every member of the Captains’ Council colorful scarfs. Since sanitation remains poor,
has stopped here at least once, along with a people wear shoes with high heels and sole to
religious leader or two, some scary individuals all keep their feet out of the muck, while the poor
dressed in black, and an adventuring group. made do with wooden sandals that have wooden
People say all kinds of things about the mage— blocks for soles.
he’s the Weird Wizard himself, he’s an outcast Eastporters prize their freedom, and so long as
from the order of wizards, stripped of his robes of nothing interferes with their movements and
office, or he has designs on Eastport itself. doings, they have little reason to pay attention to
the politics of the elite. What most people fail to
Blood Cisterns understand is that there’s a great amount of
Anyone who needs a few coins in a pinch can do politicking among society’s upper ranks,
worse than signing up to fight in the fighting pits politicking that could have dire effects on ordinary
known as the Blood Cisterns. Ten fighting pits do people, even if they don’t feel those effects directly
brisk business throughout the city and a couple for some time. The rich serve their own interests
host fights each night, fights that might pit two by exploiting the lowest ranks; wealth offers no
beggars against one another, a desperate soul benefits to the citizens other than to stay out of
against a giant scorpion, or a rivals for a their way. Unless the citizens clean up their own
gentleman’s hand deciding who gets the man with streets, they’ll remain dirty. It falls to the locals to
knives. The current champion is Oulde Fassel, a deal with their own predicaments in whatever
grizzled, gray-haired man who has one cauliflower way they deem fit. All this contributes to the chaos
ear, the other missing, half a nose, and a crooked that describes a normal day in the city, with a
scar that runs through his left eye. He’s wiry, knifing happening in an alley, a slick charlatan
strong, and quicker than lightning. He’s killed selling a highly addictive substance to youngsters
twenty people and has announced retirement on the street corner, and sewage and rubbish
after he’s taken apart his twenty-fourth. heaped into piles everywhere.
Three exceptions exist to the general
Local Color lawlessness. First, a ship captain has more
In a city founded by pirates, one ought not to be freedoms than anyone who does not own and
surprised to find them living there. Eastport has operate vessel. Ship captains can do whatever they
always kept its gates open to sea bandits, as well wish in the city, expect and receive total obedience
as all manner of other scoundrels. And there’s no from their crews, and deference form the locals.
evidence the people living here want it any other Second, if the city comes under attack, everyone
way. Eastporters revel in the freedoms they enjoy, has a part to play in its defense. The council
even if that freedom comes at the cost of delegates areas of command to the ship captains
sanitation, security, or justice. present in the city and direct the efforts to repel
Raiding and pillaging might be the dominant the attackers. Anyone not doing their part is
trades in Eastport, but they aren’t the only ones. declared enemy and faces death or servitude.
Most city-dwellers have some involvement in a Third, people coming to Eastport as prisoners
trade that involves the sea, from fishing to clam must serve their captors for a period of no less
digging, net weaving to sail making. With the than seven years or until someone pays their
monied people enriching themselves with what ransom—which is at least what the Council
decides is the total value of the prisoner’s labor for
this period. After this time, the prisoner gains

freedom and the rights to live in the city. If the sought to challenge the gods. People gained access
freed prisoner opts to leave and is later recaptured to the towers and have plundered their heights, for
by pirates, the prisoner starts a new seven-year the most part, but each tower burrows hundreds
period of servitude. of feet into the ground, and have numerous levels
Eastport gets along poorly with the other populated with rooms and passages, all excavated
coastal settlements and Eastporters have no and built for some unknown purpose. From these
difficulty in expressing how they feel about them. “dungeons,” the tower keepers have derived a few
Westporters are all thieves, while Towerfolk are clues and named their respective towers for the
untrustworthy, and the Seaholders are inbred types of strangeness one finds under them. The
halfwits too dumb to realize they’re living on north tower is called the Tower of War, for much of
cursed land. Eastport receives little love in return. the chambers below seem designed as barracks,
Most people consider the city a blight, it’s people a armories, training grounds and the like. The other
dangerous pox, and its entire culture damned for towers, starting east and moving clockwise are the
its reliance on forced labor. Tower of Sorcery, the Tower of the Mysteries, and
the Tower of Death.

Four Towers Delver Halls

The city of Four Towers takes its name for the four The city set aside an entire district for the Delver
exceptionally tall and old towers that rise from the companies, groups of professional treasure
city center. A city has grown around the towers, hunters who live by what they can recover from
with some structures being thousands of years the depths, after paying a portion of their
old. Now, four guilds govern the city, each from treasures to the guilds who manage the activities.
their separate tower and fund many city works by The guilds know quite a bit about the towers and
levying taxes on those treasures unearthed from the dungeons under them, but say little to the
the dungeons below them. companies who descend, though survivors find
The other city-states on the southern coast lack themselves answering questions about their
the organization and security offered by the guilds experiences on returning from an expedition into
of Four Towers, and so the city is fast becoming a the depths.
commercial hub in the borderlands. The city’s When not exploring the dungeons, delver
marketplaces bustle with merchants from all over companies can find cheap housing in the Delver
the world, selling everything from foodstuffs to Halls, a collection of castles built by famous and
weapons, textiles to horseflesh. The largest market rich delvers who came before them. The Halls
is the Bazaar, and it makes up the entirety of the provide meals, some healing, and give
city’s southern district. opportunities for members of different companies
The city’s device—four towers arranged in a to compare information from recent expeditions.
diamond pattern—appears on the red banners, Most companies have names, heraldry, and might
flags, and surcoats worn by the guards. The towers gain sponsorship from temples, magicians, and
also appear on the city’s currency. others working in the city.
For people interested in getting in the business,
The Towers they must have a “writ of access” gained from one
Each tower has a circular foundation, exactly fifty of the guilds. The writ comes at a steep price,
yards and each rises two hundred feet into the air. usually between 10 and 50 gp depending on the
Between the towers stand four inert colossi, each number of active companies, and must be renewed
fifty feet tall and carved from solid stone to depict each year. The writ gives access to the dungeons of
posed warriors dressed in fanciful armor with a particular tower to a specific company with its
spikes, flanges, hooks, and spurs. Trees and members included in a roster. Substitutions are
gardens cover the grounds around the statues and allowed, but no more than half the roster can be
a fountain sprays water in the center. Facing away replaced before the guild masters require the
from the central area, each tower features a steep company to acquire a new writ.
stone ramp that ends at a pair of wooden doors
wrapped in bands and bristling with iron studs. Towersfolk
The towers and their secrets have been For anyone seeking riches, fame, adventure, Four
attracting people to this region since the Great Towers provides. The towers thrusting up from
Cataclysm, ten thousand years ago, when Oceanus the central hill mark entrances to deep dungeons
drowned the world in outrage of the mortals who filled with treasure, horrible monsters, and deadly

traps. Companies of adventurers form and plug their ears to deaden the noise, for it the howls
descend into the depths to learn what they can and screams one can sometimes hear voices. It
and wrest from the darkness their rewards. might just be people’s imagination, but
Much of Four Towers’ industry involves catering strangeness haunts this land. Something disturbs
to the companies who come to the city, and there’s the campsites in the dead of night and sometimes
something for almost everyone here. There are figures might appear at a distance, motionless and
palaces for the wealthy, flophouses for the poor, watching, only to vanish when anyone comes near.
gambling halls, brothels, taverns, theaters, arenas
for gladiatorial matches and sporting events, and Silver River
more, all of which cater to the adventurers and the Runoff from the Climb feeds the Silver River, a fast-
people who make it rich serving them. flowing watercourse that marks the northern edge
Four Towers attracts people from all over and of the Grasslands all the way to the Inner Sea. The
boasts the most diverse population in the river flows over broken landscape, and has no
borderlands. It’s nothing to see ghouls huddling in fewer than thirty waterfalls ranging from a few
a shadowed alley picking over the remains of a feet to drops of one hundred or more. The water’s
corpse; a lumbering ogre pushing through the roughness and the abundance of sharp rocks make
crowds; dragonets drinking wine in the rafters of a dangerous efforts to travel along it.
busy tavern. There are clockworks and sphinxes,
blue-skinned maridians, and strangers from Haven
beyond this world. Amidst a swathe of green hills and sprawling
With excavation of the dungeons under the woodlands have the people of Haven chosen to
towers being the city’s primary goal, the ruling make their home. A large town, Haven, features
guilds enforce strict laws in the city to keep the wooden homes and stone keep behind a wooden
peace and make it safe for the people living here. wall. Ruled by the old Duke Patrin, who led his
Lawbreakers receive fair trials, but face severe people out of the famine that had struck his
punishments if found guilty. Guards are never ancestral lands, the Duke and his soldiers provide
more than a few minutes away and are quick to security to the people living in the town and the
answer a cry for help. small settlements that have grown up around it.
Just about every religion sees representation The Duke is an ardent follower of the Church of
here, and the Road of Gods, which travels from the High One it is the only religion he permits to
Westgate to the city center has shrines and be practiced in Haven. The Duke has even gone so
temples dedicated to all the major faiths. In far as to instruct the gate guards to turn away
addition, one can also institutions that teach priests of “false gods” if they come calling.
magic, fighting academies, libraries, and other Haven has a population of various ancestries,
resources. though humans remain the most numerous.
Setting aside his religious intolerance, the Duke is
Haunted Grasslands fair-minded when it comes to other peoples. He
welcomes dwarfs and clockworks and others to
For hundreds of miles across the gently upward- live among his people.
sloping expanse, all that anyone can see is grass, a Locals believe the Duke has designs on founding
veritable sea of green that sways in the wind. With a new kingdom in the borderlands and he has
the grass, one finds sedge, clover, legumes, and been recruiting and training soldiers more and
thistles, but little else in the way of plant life. Here, more of late. The Duke has proven himself a fair
one finds wild herds of horses, antelope, and man, just and wise, so many of the neighboring
cattle, and the creatures that prey upon, such as villages would likely no complain too loudly about
manticores, wyverns, drakes, and hybrid bending their knee to a new monarch.
creatures. The Grasslands lack permanent
settlements, but the richness of its soil and milder
climate make it just a matter of time before Howling Dunes
settlers move beyond the Midlands. Strong southerly winds blow the sands up from
the shoreline northwards, forming rows of high
Whispers and Figures dunes that seem to roll back and forth, the tops of
The wind blows day and night, always a breeze at the heaps lifted up and blown into sprays. Ships
least and full wind with strong gusts. Halflings and wreckage lay scattered across the coastline,
traveling the lands with their caravans sometimes along with other debris spewed up from the Sea of

Fear. The more intact vessels sometimes hold regularity that some of the long-settled human
useful cargo and opportunistic scavengers pick villages have been emptied.
through the rubbish in search of treasure.
Island in the Mist
Aggressive Scavengers On certain mornings, when fog hangs heavy over
The abundance of drowned bodies attracts ghouls the Inner Sea, one might catch a glimpse of
to the Howling Dunes. They bury themselves in Palavan, a mythical faerie island that drifts in and
the sand until night falls, and then wriggle free to out of existence. The locals believe that a powerful
feed on the corpses that wash up on the beach. nymph lives on this island along with a small army
Since crustacors sometimes have the same idea, of hideous monsters. When some new terror
the two sides often come into conflict. appears in the region, locals blame its appearance
on the accursed island.
Inner Sea
Standing on the shore of the Inner Sea, the waters
seem to go on forever, as it should since this lake is
Khazud Lands
the largest source of freshwater in the Rainforest covers the northern slopes of the
borderlands. Marshes ring the waters all around, Dragon’s Teeth Mountains spreading all the way to
except for in the north, where a willow trees grow the edge of the Sunrise Ocean. The land takes its
in great numbers, their branches dipping into the name from the people who live here, a
waters. Many peoples live on the edges of the shipbuilding people who have clashed with the
Inner Sea, living in small villages in homes Great Kingdom countless times. Known also as the
perched atop stilts to keep dry. dragonmen, for their ships feature elaborate
The people of the Inner Sea comprise a great dragons as prows, the Khazud people have
many different ancestries, though humans remain reputation for being ferocious in battle and fierce
dominant. The people here have lived in the defenders of their lands.
manner they have lived for a hundred generations About a century ago, the Church of the High One
or more, have little use for outsiders, and engage dispatched missionaries to convert peoples of the
in no real trade other than with neighboring borderlands to their faith. Had the missionaries
villages. Many worship the “god in the lake,” a been all who came, perhaps the Khazud might
sinister figure some suspect might have once been have turned them back with no trouble. But the
an Ancient One—or still is. The god demands that effort masked the Great Kingdom’s expeditionary
the villagers give back something in return for the force, which under the guise of evangelism was
fish they have taken. The giving back is a human sent to search for gold. The result of this meeting
sacrifice, the lucky persons chosen by seers who ended in violence. The Great Kingdom sent other
look for their faces reflected in the waters. The expeditions to discover the fate of the first, only to
sacrifices coincide with lunar eclipses and the find those expeditions vanishing into the rain
chosen must wade into the water until something forest.
pulls it under.
The Khazud
Myriad of Monsters Most people die after encountering a Khazud
The Inner Sea attracts creatures from all across warrior, so descriptions of them tend to be sparse
the borderlands who live in the wetlands around and reflect observations—at a distance—of their
the lake or in the lake itself. One can find kelpies in warriors. Although their opponents call them
lurking in the mud near shore, bog beasts floating, dragonmen, the Khazud are human, large in body,
along with the other expected wildlife—water and with dark complexions. In battle warriors
snakes, alligators, giant crawfish (as giant forgo armor, instead paint their bodies with mud
lobsters). purported to have psychoactive properties.
The Khazud claim the rain forests that cover the
Frog People lands north of the Dragon’s Teeth Mountains and
arrange themselves in large tribes that occupy
Many pollywog tribes live on the waters’ edge.
fixed territories up and down the coast. The
Rarely peaceful, when not hunting and foraging,
smallest tribe has a few dozen members, while
they raid human settlements, carrying off captives
larger tribes might have as many as a thousand
for food, sacrifice, or, horribly, transformation into
people. Each land or territory features numerous
pollywogs. These attacks happen with enough
villages with cleared land around for agriculture—

handled, most often, by prisoners pressed into confuse visitors or lead them into danger. If
service. Shipyards near the shore feature one or offered a gift—a gemstone or bit of rare metal, a
more vessels in various states of completion or gnome might be convinced to lead the lost to
repair. safety.
Each land has two rulers: a peace leader and a
war leader. During raiding season or in times of
conflict, war leaders take charge, and relinquishes Midlands
control to the peace leader during other times. Flat, open, and blanketed with tall grasses
The tribal members elect their leaders, choosing threaded with streams and rivers carrying waters
the strongest and smartest to serve as war leaders, form the Inner Sea to enrich the prairies, there’s
and the wisest to guide them in times of peace. an openness to this land unlike any other in the
Religious leaders, priests of the old gods, borderlands. What trees there are tend to be
provide spiritual instruction, perform the enormous and gnarled, singular plants hundreds
ceremonies marking births, death, weddings, and of years old. Here and there, one finds limestone
rites of passage, and make sacrifices to the gods to boulders heaved up from the soil like teeth in a
gain their favor. Khazud’s deities resemble many of giant’s mouth.
those of the Old Faith, excepting the young gods,
who appear absent from the people’s lives. The Herders and Farmers
gods of the Khazud offer insights into older The Midland prairies offer good grazing for sheep
interpretations of these figures, before necessity and cattle. Herders lead their flocks throughout
softened their appearance and nature to these lands, especially in the north and western
accommodate the changing tastes brought about regions, where they have less to fear from drakes
by civilization’s developments. on the wing. In south, toward Four Towers, the
land becomes more cultivated, tamed, divided by

Maze low stone walls into fields for growing crops. Paths
and narrow roads follow these walls so that
Stacked stones and basalt pillars turn the rocky farmers can haul their goods to market in the
slopes below Dragon Spire into a labyrinth of southern city. Closer to Four Towers, hamlets,
narrow passage ways that twist and turn between villages, and roadside inns offer shelter to
formations hundreds of feet high. With no fewer travelers.
than thirty entrances, visitors expect to find their
way out of the Maze with little trouble, only to find Barrows
themselves turned around once they’ve gone a few Aside from being a clear and pleasant land, the
paces inside, almost as if the rocks closed off the Midlands are also known for the grassy hills that
way behind them. Branching paths lead off into rise from the flatlands alone. Treasure hunters
shadow nooks, where one finds the remains of the have dug into these mounds searching for
lost, their bodies picked over and devoured by the treasure, but aside from corroded weapons and
cliff haints who seem alone in being able to find arrowheads, they find little.
their way through this place.

Door in the Rock Plains of Pendarm

Somewhere in the maze stands a wooden door The scrublands bordering the Salt Barrens takes
about ten feet above the ground and set into the its name from the explorer who lived long enough
wall of a high stone pillar. Efforts to open or even to cross the wasteland, but who died from an
break the door have all failed, and there’s no insect sting three steps after the being stung. The
handle for opening it. There are three keyholes, open terrain covers almost a quarter of the
though, and people believe that if the three keys borderlands and features a mix of prairies of
can be found, the door will open to some wheat, rye, millet, grasses, dry mudflats, badlands,
fantastical paradise—or someplace terrifying. and scrub. The flatness and hot summers have
Opinions on this matter vary. earned this land a nickname of the anvil.
The stony soil and thick matt of roots makes the
Gnome Haven region difficult for cultivation, it is here that most
Gnomes live in a colony beneath the Maze and settlers and refugees make their homes. Now,
maintain the formations to keep enemies out. homesteads speckle the landscape, with several
Gnomes sometimes pass through the rock to smaller walled villages situated near any of its

large and small lakes, or riverbanks that carry Five Towns
snowmelt from the mountains in the north. If Old Five small towns surround the Lake of Plenty and
Country people would build a new nation for the fisheries serve as the community’s industries.
themselves, they could do worse than the Plains of Five families founded the town and originally
Pendarm. cooperated with each other, working together, but
rivalries, slights, and old grudges have turned this
Edgewood peaceful community into a warzone. Each town
A community of wooden buildings has enjoyed takes its name for founders with Bartleby in the
steady growth in recent years, and it has now north and, clockwise, Jonesberg, Peterson Point,
become a large town. The walled community rises Robertsville, and Smithton positioned around the
from the southern bank of Mud River within lake.
bowshot of the Sentinel Wood. Locals do brisk
business selling timber to settlers in the west and New Town
shipbuilders in Four Towers and Sea Hold. A large Tents, wagons, carts, along with lean-tos and other
stone keep stands at the center of the town and crude structures provide shelter to the people of
belongs to Urien Strong, whose family settled here New Town. Some of the first refugees to make it
after leaving the Great Kingdom a century ago. across the Salt Barrens founded the place to
He’s a man of the people, and spends a portion of regroup after the harrowing journey and
each day working alongside the people he rules. discovered more and more people joining them
He's still single and locals consider him the most until the place become a community of sorts.
eligible bachelor in town, despite his plain People don’t stay long in New Town; they move
appearance and the strange hours he keeps. on after a few days or a few weeks to begin the
work of starting over. As soon as a family moves
Deep Water off, two more take their place though, so New
Mud River feeds the Deep Water, but its murky Town has grown into something more than a
brown waters never taint this lake. The lake stopover. Recognizing its importance, a council has
bottom is visible around the edges, but it drops recently formed to organize the community, for
away to an unknown depth in the center. Fisher fairer distribution of resources and to help
folks have great success netting catfish, crawfish, families find other families who can work together
and they occasionally pull odd bits of colorful tile. to start new settlements in the north and east. In
Locals wear the thumb-sized stones as medallions, addition, volunteers return to the Salt Barrens to
believing they ward away bad luck. guide others through the wastes and bring them to
Black Water New Town has problems aplenty, though. Poor
Far to the west one finds the foul, reeking lake filtering allows unsavory sorts to infiltrate the
known as Black Water. Salt blown out from the community, which has sparked crime, seen the
wasteland pollutes the lake and makes it waters spread of sickness, and shortages. The security
brackish. Gnarled trees and thick reeds choke the needs push the council to take steps toward
shores of this place. Giant beetles live in the forming a force of constables to police the
shallows and haunt the shores. community.

The Pit
Not even the oldest, crustiest settler recalls who or Salt Barrens
what made the pit. Believed bottomless, it features At over one thousand miles across and creeping
a perfectly circular opening, 100 feet in diameter, north and south year after year, the Salt Barrens
set in a dry mudflat. Markings in the walls suggest have long stood as an impassible barrier, a lethal
that something dug it out from below. Odd vapors expanse dotted with dead, black trees and pools of
sometimes rise from the depths and there’s always water so corrosive a single drop can burn a hole
a spicy smell about the hole. through leather. Necessity sees more and more
people make their way out across the hard, white
Lake of Plenty flat expanse, contend with the salt blows, clouds of
All one has to do is reach in a pluck a fish from the salt blown by winds at such speed the grains can
Lake of Plenty, so abundant are the fish here. A flense skin. All across the wasteland, one can find
deep body of freshwater, the Lake of Plenty signs of failure. Supplies lay abandoned, picked
attracts all manner of wildlife and settlers alike.

over, and covered in salt. Broken carts and wagons fresh water and some greenery supplies the living
appear here and there, never far from the with foodstuffs.
desiccated remains of the beasts who pulled them When supplies grow too low, the necromancers
and the people who surrendered to despair, laid dispatch dust skiffs crewed by animated dead to
down, and died. raid caravans and travelers making their way
During the brightest times of the day, the across the desert. The skiffs look like flatbottomed
whiteness of the landscape can blind. At the end of boats mounted on rails, with masts and black sails
each hour spent during the four middle hours of to catch the wind. The sails show the sigil of bone,
each day, each sighted creature without lenses or a leering human skull with blazing red eyes.
who does not keep its eyes closed makes a luck
roll and, on a failure, becomes blinded for 3d6 ORCS
One day, people go about their business, tend to their
hours. At the end of this time, the blinded creature
chores, socialize with friends and loved ones, each living
repeats the luck roll and, on another failure, the their lives as they have always done. The next day, they
blindness becomes permanent. awaken to find many of their neighbors have been
The landscape saps moisture from creatures. A swallowed by their hatred and transformed into brutish
creature must consume twice as much water each killers known as orcs. The soul sickness responsible
day or suffer the effects of deprivation. creating orcs contributed to much of the upheaval in the
The Salt Barrens reach dangerous levels of heat Old Country, but aside from a few isolated cases, the
during the daylit hours. Unprotected creatures borderlands appear free from the orc blight.
suffer the effects of exposure while in this place. There is worry, though, that the orcs will cross the Salt
Barrens in search of people to kill and conquer. Most
Succor laugh off such concerns, knowing that it will take some
The water merchants of Succor hold power over time before the fighting in the Old Country burns out,
life and death. Opportunists who happened upon but as more people flood into the borderlands, the fears
grow. Many people fled their homeland to escape the
one of the only sources of fresh water in the Salt
orc menace and know they have nowhere left to go if
Barrens, they sell it for a fortune, a price that even
the orcs come for them.
the well-heeled find difficult to pay. When people
find out the price, they often become angry and try
to take it by force. The water merchants employ a
squad of ogres to keep order. These brutes take
Sea Hold
More fortress than settlement, the old emperor
the faces from the people they kill and stitch them
funded construction of the great fortress to serve
into cloaks.
as stronghold against hostile people and port
The exorbitant prices for water aside, Succor
where imperial settlers could disembark before
presents a colorful sight to travelers, with tents in
colonizing the borderlands and new lands. Since
riotous colors, music lifting about the wind, and
the Empire fell over two thousand years ago, Sea
the inviting cooking scents luring people into their
Hold offers testimony to the skill of its builders.
clutches. Succor sells a gallon of water for 10 gp.
The fortress has a fifty-foot-tall red stone wall
They might accept other valuables in lieu of
facing the sea with three square towers, one at
either end and a third in the middle. Emerging
from the walls are enormous bas-reliefs of horned
humanoid faces. Their mouths stretch open to gain
The Salt Barrens’ hostility toward living things
access to the chutes the defenders use to send
makes it a natural refuge for people who would
boiling oil down on besiegers.
avoid attention. Bone opens its gates to any
Side walls, at forty-feet sweep back inland and
student of the dark arts, for such individuals might
join together at a single high spire that dwarfs the
have something to offer the cabal of necromancers
rest. The spire functions as a lighthouse, and the
who rule this town. A town constructed entirely
keepers light its fires each night to be a beacon in
from bones, it features a high wall of woven rib
the dark.
bones taken from enormous beasts, towers of
Stone buildings crowd the space inside the
fused human skulls, even streets paved with
defenses. Each has between five and ten stories, so
vertebrae and mortared with bone dust. The town
that the tall towers rise above the battlements.
requires little to survive as most of its inhabitants
Gargoyles and grotesques appear on almost every
are undead slaves to the death mastrers, but a few
surface, though the most exposed embellishments
wells burrow deep enough to tap into cisterns of
have been worn down by the elements.

The Sea Lord, Marius Palak, and an army of Shattered Lands
misfits overran the fortress twenty years ago and A scattering rocky islands rise from the Sea of Fear
has since attracted more people seeking the to the east, their stony shores ribboned with
protection of the gang that runs the place. Neither seaweed and littered with driftwood. Few islands
Palak nor his cronies have much skill in offer much room for maneuvering, with most
maintaining the fortress; it has begun to crumble being a hundred yards across, steep, sharp, and
around them. crawling with crabs, worms, and the seabirds that
Sea Hold Uses a mountain for its sigil and claims eat both. The more distant isles show signs of
green and blue as its colors. ancient habitation—a couple sport towers, the
tops snapped off, while there have been sightings
Dungeons of the Hold of stairs, walls, and cube-shaped structures.
The Sea Hold stands atop a sprawling dungeon The islands offer little succor for shipwrecked
that served as storage, garrisons, and cells for people. Sailors claim to have spotted strange
prisoners. Years of neglect would make the peoples crawling about the rocks, scuttling,
dungeons unsafe already, but the queer things that lizardlike, into the caves upon spotting the ships.
creep through the shadows and the spirits of those Weird lights sometimes shine from islands as well
forgotten in the cells make the place deadly. as deep, sonorous noises that might persist for
hours before falling silent.
The Driftwood Chair
When the Sea Lord took Sea Hold, he found an The Ghost Ship
enormous chair made from driftwood that was It seems there’s always someone who spotted a
once the base of a great tree. He sits in the Chair ghost ship thrown about on the waves, some
when holding audience with petitioners from the ghastly vessel sailing out on waters from Hell to
stronghold. People whisper that the Sea Lord torment the living before a whirlpool drags them
behaves strangely when seated, his attention down or a high wave rolls over them, leaving no
drifting to the corners of the room. Sometimes he trace they were ever there.
answers questions no one has asked. One ghost ship appears proof to the sea’s
savagery. For fifty years, it has sailed the waters,
Sealed Chambers through fierce squalls and the most wicked
The two decades of the Sea Lord’s rule has not yet conditions. Every ten years or so, the tattered sails
seen the palace fully explored. Entire floors of the accursed galleon hove into view, apparently
remain barred and sealed off by heavy iron doors empty of captain or crew. The ship responds to no
strung with chains. People know enough about the hails and people who have bordered it claim to
old empire to leave such places alone unless have felt cold, chilled even, spotting terrifying
there’s some great need. Servants have discovered sights in the periphery of their vision, but no sign
just a few of the hidden stairways and passages of anyone ever having been on the boat—no
that riddle the walls of the Sea Hold’s palace. clothes, no foodstuff, not even a spoon. It’s just an
empty boat, or so people think.

Sea of Fear At night, green spectral figures can sometimes

be seen moving about the deck, and a bright green
Anyone living on the shores of the Sea of Fear glowing figure stands at the prow, tricornered hat
know that in the depths lurks the Kraken-God and on head, spyglass in hand, searching for something
thus do sailors and fishers alike make offerings to before the ship slips off into the night.
appease Oceanus, lest he come to the surface and
drag them into the deep. The presence of a god
ought to be enough to give this small ocean its Sentinel Woods
name, but the powerful storms come out of the Sentinel trees can grow up to 300 feet tall with
churning waters, scouring the coastlines and trunk diameters exceeding 40 feet and it’s these
drowning the lands with flooding. Add to this the trees that make the Sentinel Woods famous. The
presence of hostile tritons, who come up over the trees are so large, that the woodcutters in
sides of ships and kill all the crew, the crustacors Edgewood have yet to find an effective way to
that harass coastal villages, and other marine harvest them and thus the trees stand unmolested.
threats that seem endless varied in the manner in Edgewoods cutters instead harvest younger trees
which they can kill. and those found on the edges of this place.

Aside from the trees, the place is home to shrubbery. An old legend claims that the tower’s
dragonets, who live in small homes built in the top holds Baen’s forge and the god of making
canopy, ogres who protect the mighty trees from stokes the supernatural flames when called to
fire and axe, and a myriad of faeries. forge a weapon for the other gods.

Walking Trees
At least once a year, someone comes to nearby The Climb
Edgewood claiming to have seen a walking tree in Green hills upon green hills rise toward the new
the Sentinel Woods. Locals believe them to be lands of the far east. Climbing ever higher, the heat
spriggans or dryads, but every few years, devotees and humidity drain away in favor of mild
of Grandtather Tree come to the forest to conduct temperatures and gentle winds. Ash trees, all bent
strange ceremonies out of view and earshot of the and gnarled, rise from the tops of these grassy
nonbelievers. hills. Fog hangs over the Climb in the early
morning hours until burned off by the sun, only to

Sunrise Ocean return hours after nightfall to blanket this land

with silvery mist.
The Sunrise Ocean describes the body of water A wild place, with few signs of inhabitation, the
that covers over half of Erth’s northern rolling hills belong to wild cattle, golden eagles,
hemisphere reaching as far east and south until it red squirrels, deer, and wildcats. People here live
meets the Sea of Fear. The waters nearest to in tiny villages made of huts huddled together
inhabited lands have seen the most exploration around a central well. Most living by herding
and numerous islands lay scattered across the sheep, weaving fabric from their wool, and raise
expanse. People have either forgotten or have little crops of potatoes, carrots, and greens. Unfriendly
idea what peoples and places dwell on the other and suspicious of outsiders, the locals withdraw
side. when they see travelers approaching and give
grudging aid if needed.

Swordspoint Locals adhere to odd customs designed to keep

the nature spirits at bay. These spirits, faeries for
A range of stacked rock formations form a the most part, sometimes roam the hills and cause
peninsula that extends nearly one hundred miles mischief by stealing livestock, misplacing
out over the Sea of Fear. Gaps between the treasures, and tearing clothes. A bit of iron hung
formations drop to the churning waters below and over the door keeps these imps out, but most folks
vary in distance from a few feet to several tie ribbons in their trees and leave offerings of
hundred. Some who have seen Swordspoint have sheep’s milk and biscuits on their doorsteps.
suggested that it looks like an ancient crumbling The ground throughout the Climb contains the
bridge that abruptly stops, while others think it bones of giants, so many that people no longer
nothing more than a curious geological feature emit surprise when they unearth an enormous
most likely created by wind and water erosion. skull or ribcage larger enough to hold an entire
Windy conditions and exposure to storms make family. The bones have become so common that
living in this landscape difficult, but several squat many use the bones in construction.
stone houses do appear on them, sometimes
clumped together, others separated by miles. The Silent Sentinels
Many stand empty, but others have become The Climb’s ascending elevation levels off just
shelters of opportunity for refugees and settlers. before reaching the Causeway, that stretch of land
Most clusters stand on outcroppings into which that connects the borderlands to the new lands. To
steps have been cut, granting access to the waters either side of the Causeway stand 100-foot-tall
about one hundred feet below. basalt statues depicting a bearded man, features
downcast as if looking at the ground, and dressed
The Point in hooded robes. The northern statue grips a staff,
A flat-topped tower rises from the tip of while the southern statue holds a sword, point
Swordspoint. Sometimes, flames burn atop the down between its feet.
tower so that it acts as a lighthouse, though no one
seems to know who lives there or from where The Whispering Arch
comes the timber for the burning as the hills are On nights of the full moon, locals claim that
largely free from anything much taller than strange lights shine inside the Whispering Arch, a

monument raised by an unknown people found vibrant, colorful, and intense. The sun burns
somewhere in a remote patch of hills to the brighter, the moon is always full in the night sky,
northeast. A dolmen, the structure features two and the stars look like burning holes in the
thirteen-foot-tall stone slabs set in parallel to form darkness. This place, accessed by secret doors
an opening and with another slab resting on the scattered across the borderlands—crossroads, elf
top. Anyone living nearby the arch who has a mind hills, misty islands, and the occasional door found
to share stories might reveal that people have in a boulder or ancient tree, as well as wardrobes,
heard voices around the place and that poor young forgotten tunnels.
Kyl went missing after herding his flock of sheep Faeries, other than goblins and their ill-
nearby. Whenever anyone went to the arches with mannered fellows, live in the Summerlands, as do
his sheepdog, the beast would not approach and anyone else that happens to catch the faeries’
whined and barked if forced. fancy. Being a realm of the faeries, worship of the
gods does not happen here. Instead, most of the
The Keep faerie folk venerate the Faerie Queen in a manner
Rising from the hills just fifty miles from the Silent that comes close to worship.
Sentinels stands the Keep. Built by a displaced
noble many years ago and ownership passed
down to his grandson, Baron Carlyle, the place has The Waste
come to be known as the Keep at World’s Edge or, The Waste connects the Wilderlands in the west to
more simply, the Keep on the Borderlands. A small the Great Jungle in the east and is a place
farming community grew up around the keep in characterized for its near perfect flatness. Small
recent years, its people looking to the stronghold rocks and pebbles lay scattered on its scarred and
and its soldiers for protection from the various pitted surface. Then wind never blows here and
things that creep out of the new lands. the clouds seem to move around the place, making
Recently, the Keep has become an important rains so exceptionally rare that when they do fall,
stopping point for travelers bound for the the water droplets disappear on touching the
unknown lands. One can always find merchants ground. There seems to be nothing here, certainly
ready to sell rope, packs, mules, and the like to the no life, so why would anyone go here?
explorers and adventurers, and there is now a
gambling hall, two taverns, and four inns, all of The Vault
which see brisk business. As more and more At the center of the Waste there rises a square,
people travel east, the demands on the Keep grow windowless structure known as the Vault.
greater and greater, and what was once a modest Assembled from black basalt slabs, the place looks
outpost could become a thriving city. like a blot from a distance. A single door-shaped
cavity grants access to its gloomy interior. Until

The Great Jungle recently, the Vault has stood closed, but the lure of
lost treasure, of secret knowledge brought a band
Sometimes known as the Swelterwood, the Rain of adventurers to its doorstep and, foolishly, they
Trees, and the Emerald Expanse, most people in opened the door, which fell inside to release
the borderlands know this vast forest as the Jungle whatever has been sealed away. Since, people
of Za. A wild, untamable landscape, efforts to disappear from the villages on the northern
survey it have all failed. Bad water, sickness spread shores of the Inner Sea, and even the pollywogs
by biting insects, extreme heat, and oppressive have begun moving east and west.
humidity make expeditions into the Great Jungle
difficult approaching impossible. Still, rumors The Eye of God
persist of lost cities, buried treasures, ancient A lake of mercury between the Attercop Forest
artifacts, and more lure many to search for its and the Barrens, the Eye of God’s still surface
secrets. reflects with the perfection of a mirror the sky,
appearing blue by day and star speckled at night.
Summerlands In the rare times rain falls, it pools on top of the
The Summerlands of the Fair Folk coexists with liquid metal until it evaporates. The fumes from
the borderlands, but has been hidden, somewhere the mercury make the air around the lake
behind the Ephemera. Like the Spirit World, the particular toxic; evidence for this fact can be found
Summerlands’ geography resembles that of the in the bones covering the ground nearby. The Eye
mortal world, but everything appears more of God holds special religious significance for

followers of Lord Death, as the sight is believed to
be a gateway to the Underworld.
A maze of tunnels and chambers riddle the ground
Troll Haunts below the borderlands and, presumably, extend
east, under the new lands. Much of Underside
The Troll Haunts comprise the western arm of the consists of natural caverns, fissures, passages
mountain range that reaches across the shaped by the shifting of the earth, but here and
borderlands in the north. Named for the high there one finds excavated chambers. Old mines
number of trolls that live in the caves, the plunge into the depths, weird temples dedicated to
mountains have dense tree coverage, which helps alien, monstrous gods, and enclaves housing tiny
to protect the sun-fearing trolls from its light. gnome communities. Giant tubes worm through
Natural springs and waterfalls, as striking as they the rock, created by the dreaded Deep Worms,
can be, do nothing to alleviate the grim while in the deepest reaches one might find the
atmosphere of this place. Crawlers in the Dark, demons trapped in the
Hulks of old war machines manufactured in the depths long ago.
troll forges rust to powder in the forested slopes.

Vale of Sorrows
The trolls built these weapons thousands of years
ago to wipe out the elementals or faeries,
depending on whom one asks. Amidst the debris Tucked between two arms of the Dragon’s Teeth
can be seen works of artistry—heads of Mountains, mist hangs over the forested slopes
magnificent beasts assembled from metal that form Vale of Sorrows. A refuge for faeries
components, snapped and notched blades, cog displaced from the new lands, the magical mist
wheels thirty feet in diameter, and more. Most keeps the valley cool and comfortable while also
pose little danger, but some give off toxic fumes, working on mortal minds, causing them to grow
while a few machines might have a bit of life left in drowsy until they lay down and sleep, at which
them, lashing out with little warning. point faeries can carry them out of the valley or to
the elf lords and ladies who rule here. The faeries
The Troll King have used their magic to build a delicate city on
The king of the trolls, Og, lives in cave deep under the slopes, with tall spires reach above the
the Haunts and has his every need attended by the swirling mist, each connected by delicate bridges
faeries he has pressed into his service. Og dreams seemingly as delicate as spider webs.
of returning his people to their lost greatness,
lifting them up and out of their present savagery House of Lamentations
so that the world will fear them once more. The joy and beauty often associated with the
faeries seems absent from those living in the
Dragon Spire House of Lamentations, a cultural grouping of all
The Dragon Spire ascends like a crooked finger the faeries living in the Vale of Sorrows under the
above the rest of the mountains in its range and rule of the Prince of Tears. Although the struggles
marks the lair of an ancient dragon who slumbers that led to their exile to this place have all passed
in the ruins of an equally old underground city, into the most ancient of history, for the faeries
surrounding itself with a fortune in treasure. living here the memory seems fresh. Too many
Several goblin tribes have moved into the city loved ones perished in the fighting against the
offering to serve the monster, but, in truth, have elementals and trolls for there to be song or story,
been sent their by their master for some other brush or pen, unless such gifts are used to capture
purpose—perhaps to find some treasure or to and explore the sadness that infuses the
make off with as much gold as they can. The permanent mist blanketing the valley.
dragon’s great age sees it remaining in its lairs for Although the largest population of faeries found
the most part, but sometimes it hungers for meat in the borderlands, the House of Lamentations
other than goblin and flies out through the tunnels does not speak for all faeries in the known world.
to scour the slopes for wild goats, bears, elk, and Many other faeries might have lived among their
people. kind here, but eventually set aside the grief to find
joy. The faeries who remain revel in their
melancholy and have nothing but animosity for
anyone outside their lands.

The Prince of Tears secludes himself in a spire rumors swirl about them being infested with rats,
that reaches up over the mist and rarely stirs from ghouls, and other fell things.
his isolation. His subjects wear somber colors,
favoring gray, dark green, and black, with little Gauntlet Bay
ornamentation. All artistic expression reflects the Westport claimed Gauntlet Bay a century ago and
dour nature of this place, and one can hear the many of the city’s clashes with Eastport stem from
mourning song of wind instruments cut through this declaration. To strengthen its hold, Westport’s
the quiet. war ships patrol the waters to protect its fishing
The faeries here await their Prince to shrug off fleet from Eastport pirates, who have a history of
his misery and lead them to a brighter land. capturing fisher folk and pressing them into
Loyalty and inertia keep them here, though more service.
and more faeries abandon the Vale every decade
or so. The ones who stay cling to an almost certain Westporters
knowledge that all will be restored once their Like in Eastport, Westhold owes its origins to
master’s heart heals. pirates, but unlike its sister city, Westport has
made every effort to put its criminal past behind it
Westport and become a legitimate port city on the Sea of
Fear. Although the ruling duke has ambitions for
The city of Westport rises from the cliffs to the the city, none of those goals involve making
north that overlook Gauntlet Bay. Founded by needed improvements to the city he rules.
pirates three hundred years ago, the city has Westporters are no strangers to hardships. They
grown in fits and starts. Frequent wars with either live in crowded conditions behind the
neighboring Eastport, typhoons stomping across protection of the city walls or must look after
the Sea of Fear, disease, infighting, and countless themselves outside them, where Eastporters
other troubles have contributed to making its might come to raid the countryside or carry off the
growth uneven. people. Add to this the tropical storms that bring
High walls, topped with battlements, encircle flooding and wind each rainy season, surviving for
Westport, and have for years, though craters and long here is considered a sign of toughness and
cracks show sign of past violence. A port and competence.
attendant fishing community stand in front of the Social lines in the city are drawn between the
sea-facing walls and long docks extend out over rich and poor and the poor and really poor. The
the deep waters to accommodate merchant ships rich live well, with comfort, security, health, and
and the city’s fishing fleet. diversions. The poor represent most people in the
The people living in Westport do so in crowded city and they are variably sick, embittered,
conditions. The Duke, Rubelius, has no intention of maimed, or suffering. Trades include fishing,
expanding the walls, so citizens can either shelter sailing, and farming, though earnings tend to be
behind them or live in the shanty town outside. low. The very poor are the poor people who have
Buildings within feature stone and wood lost the ability to work and thus must depend on
construction, roofed in slate shingles, and appear the charity of others—the Church of the High One
piled on top of each other. One can explore the city operates a boardinghouse for indigents.
by its many tiny, twisting streets, but people Westport’s people all fear and worship Oceanus,
become turned around all the time, a few are the Great Kraken. His priests have great influence
never seen again. over the duke and are not subject to the city’s
Westport’s colors are gray and black and the laws. Other religions have small followings, but
city’s symbol is that of a fish. people are more likely to worship gods in addition
to Oceanus rather than instead of him.
Catacombs Fixed on Oceanus as the people are, most events
A vast catacomb spreads out below the city and and festivals focus on the god. There’s the Festival
has become the city’s weakest point, with outside of Leviathan, where locals make a giant whale out
access gained via grated pipes through which of paper mache and carry it through the streets.
drain the city’s effluvia. The city originally built There’s also the Day of Bounty, a popular holiday
the undercity as a place to store plague victims that involves eating fish stew, drinking wine, and
during the Black Fever, that ravaged the lands playing music.
years ago. They have since been abandoned and

drive them deeper into the woods. Until then, the
woods are full of foreboding, a place into people
North of the Plains of Pendarm, the ground climbs might go, but never return. For this reason, it is
to a grassy expanse dotted with lakes and also known as the Forest of Endings or Suicide
crisscrossed with rivers and streams. Far to the Wood.
north, one can see the Troll Haunts, and Dragon
Spire, and to the east the wispy Attercop Forest. A Faerie Ruins
pretty land, with a clear and unobstructed view to The trees have done their work at reclaiming the
the sky above, visitors rarely have time to land from the peoples who lived here long ago.
appreciate the beauty before the centaurs run The wreckage of temples, theaters, towers, and
them down, net them, and drag them off, never to even towns lay throughout the Wyvern Wood. It’s
be seen again. nothing to come upon a statue of an elf knight
standing in the woods, the stone spotted with
Horse Lords moss and lichen. A mile away, an arch might
Centaurs claim the Wilderlands as their own. The vanish into canopy or a staircase climb up a few
gather in large bands that follow the curlbeak dozen steps before stopping in empty air.
herds that follow a roughly counterclockwise The ruins all once belonged to the faerie as they
migratory path that travels from the shadows of lived in these lands many thousands of years ago
the Trollhaunts, south to the plains, east to the until driven north by trolls, elementals, or some
Inner Sea, and then back to the north once more. other mythical threat. Large bones of dead giants
The centaurs tend toward xenophobia and tolerate mingle with the rubble, offering a clue about the
no interlopers on their lands. They frequently violence done here. Whatever happened must
struggle with manticores, drakes, wyverns, and have been significant to live on in the memories of
other terrible threats, and might make alliances the faeries, for now the only faeries found here are
with outsiders if the need is great enough. goblins and they have dug down rather than
restore what’s on the surface.
Nine Bells
Fleeing religious persecution in the Old Country, a Gods of the Forest
heretical sect of the Church of the High One, the More than anywhere else in the borderlands do
Children of the Redeemer, settled in the the gods show themselves in the Wyvern Wood.
Wilderlands to practice their religion without fear. Many people claim to have seen the Horned King
Having survived attacks by fomorians, centaurs, and the Wild Woman, the latter chasing the former
along with monsters and plague, Nine Bells has through the trees. On certain days of the year,
grown into a large town. The community when the sky is particularly clear, one can make
welcomes human refugees, but has no love for out a massive tree growing from the center of the
nonhumans and use any excuse they can find to woods, a tree that some believe might be
cast them out. Grandfather Tree himself. The close association
The Church of the High One holds absolute with the nature gods has made the woods a sacred
power in Nine Bells and everyone who lives here is place for many practitioners of the old faith.
a believer and member of the faith. A high priest Priests conduct special ceremonies here and
rules the town and work has begun on a cathedral peasants might leave offerings at the woods’ edge.
larger and more magnificent than any that has
before been built. Goblin City
Over some quarrel long forgotten, the Faerie

Wyvern Wood
Queen exiled goblins and their king, her former
husband Oberon, from the Summerlands, and
Named for the wyverns that lair in the woods, the barred their return for a thousand, thousand
Wyvern Wood spreads hundreds of miles and the years. Oberon, calling himself the Goblin King, led
density of growth and the wild things living in a great army of goblins, monsters, and other fell
have made it a natural barrier to northward creatures into the Wyvern Wood where the settled
expansion. As more and more newcomers spill in an abandoned city in the center of the forest. He
into the lands, its expected people will conflict then constructed a labyrinth around the city to
with the reptilian monsters that live here and keep out his enemies. Oberon rules over his
either become food for these ancient terrors or dominion from a sprawling palace at the city’s

center where he’s attended by his servile shadow of the Great Kingdom, a vast, rich realm
henchmen and lackeys. who had dominated international politics for
Obviously, the most numerous people living in centuries. Resentment toward the Great
Goblin City are the goblins, but they share this Kingdom’s wealth, its lack of respect or
place with bugaboos, imps, and other faeries who consideration for its neighbors, and its decadence
belong to the shadow court. Everyone living here fed the resentment for it and many of the smaller
swears fealty to the Goblin King for they know his realms bade their time for the opportunity to
wrath when displeased and know that he is every bring an end to its dominance.
bit as eccentric and dangerous as the Wizard. Population had been growing unchecked as
The Goblin King demands much of his followers. improvements in medicine and sanitation enabled
Many attend their dread master, serving his food people to live longer and produce offspring more
and dressing him and capering before him, but the safely. Poor farming techniques in poorer nations
lucky ones are sent out to work mischief in the led to widespread famines, abetted by a string of
lands—spying, trickery, and theft. Thanks to bad droughts that left the entire continent starved
goblin mischief, Goblin City has ensnared all kinds for water. When the plague struck the coastal
of creatures, some of which count as people, but cities and spread inland, killing one in four people,
many more are dreadful things. Most visitors find the nations sealed their borders, withheld aid, and
themselves trapped in the labyrinth and wander committed atrocities to protect their own. Orcs,
its confounding corridors until the reach the city people warped into monsters by a disease of the
or run afoul of insidious tricks and traps. soul, started appearing in the countryside, forming
into bands, and overthrowing governments to

Beyond the burn everything to ash.

The Great Kingdom could have stepped in,
opened it coffers and its borders to ease the

Borderlands suffering, but the ineffective, corrupt rulers,

abetting by sycophants who sought to enrich
The borderlands occupy but a small part of the themselves by any means possible, meant the
Dawn Lands and the continent itself is but one of mightiest nation on the continent would do
many, each with peoples, nations, and histories of nothing. Any chance of the Great Kingdom shifting
their own. Typical people know little about the its position on the troubles within and without its
wider world and what they do know comes borders ended when the paladins, an order of
tainted by rumor and speculation. The following virtuous knights charged with protecting the
entries offer glimpses of what might be found crown, turned on their regent, slaying the king and
beyond the borderlands. putting to death most of the royal family, and
claims to Whitestone, the seat of the Kingdom’s

The Old Country power, came from all corners, precipitating a civil
war that rages even now.
Refugees and settlers know and refer to Allara, the Hope remains that sanity will prevail and that
lands north and west of the borderlands, as the people will come together to combat the myriad
Old Country, for it’s from this region most of them threats working to dismantle the civilized world,
were born or their ancestors were born. People but enough people have given up that they
have lived in Allara for over a thousand years and abandoned their lives for an uncertain future in
the continent takes its name for the human the borderlands. While greed and ambition have
peoples who first settled in its rich valleys, but done their parts in undermining efforts to restore
were later displaced by colonizers from the order, the people who choose to stay behind fight
Empire in the far northwest. Allara also has the for their homes, their future, and to preserve the
distinction of being the birthplace for the great land for their descendants.
dwarfen kingdoms and their mighty fortresses,
many of which now stand in ruins, can still be seen
in the mountain heights. The New Lands
The Old Country might have saved itself had it People call the lands south and east of the
not ignored the warning signs. First, the Old borderlands the new lands, for they represent an
Country boasts some forty different nations, which entirely new world, one untamed, unexplored,
one of those nations being divided into almost one utterly unknown thanks to the Weird Wizard who
hundred different polities, and all stood in the until recently declared these lands his own.

Refugees take the tyrant’s absence as an invitation and alleys branch off to grant access to crowds of
to settle in these lands, and expeditions form to buildings stacked almost atop one another. Here
blaze trails and create outposts so people can and there, the narrow streets widen into plazas
build again. What the first explorers have found dominated by fountains or incredibly lifelike
defies expectation; the Weird Wizard’s magic statues of people, animals, and monsters.
warped the landscape to make the impossible A dozen spires rise from the citadel, each
possible, and the strange seem utterly climbing at least one thousand feet in the air,
commonplace. festooned with balconies, and connected to each
Some of the stories describe places that just other with slender bridges. When the Weird
cannot exist. In the central mountain range, for Wizard dwelled in the city, he used the towers as
example, there’s a mountain so tall it reaches the living spaces, vaults for his fabulous treasures, and
stars. In another place, a rocks, dirt, and dust quarters for his many strange and sometimes
rumble across the land not unlike a river. Islands unnatural creations. The Wizard sealed the towers
covered in greenery drift through the skies, while before vanishing and since no one, not even the
liquid lightning dances in the desert surrounding legendary clockwork named the First, who holds
the dreaded Forbidden City. It is a place strange the city in his maker’s name, has been able to
and one that seems to change on its own accord. enter them. That the clue to their opening might
Some believe the Wizard made the lands unstable reside somewhere in the Forbidden City, many
and that now he is gone, the lands will right adventures have come here and scoured the city
themselves and obey the laws of nature that for answers. The few to have undertaken this
prevail most other places. pursuit have never returned from their
explorations in and under this strange place.
Forbidden City NIGHTSPIRE
Far to the east, the Forbidden City rise from A singular tower of solid black stone rises some 100 feet
behind a one-hundred-foot-high stone wall high over the Plain of Peril, the haunted lands north of
adorned with strange symbols and images of the Forbidden City. The Nightspire offers no means of
strange monsters, bizarre vistas, and the ever- ingress and not even one window pierces its exterior; it
present bearded visage of the Weird Wizard is a column of darkness that tapers to a sharp point far
himself, who created the city with a spell long ago. above the flat, dusty landscape.
Once, the Forbidden City shone with strange lights The tower connects the mortal world to the Twilight
and thunderous noise from the magic wrought by Lands and the shadow it casts as the sun and moon track
their way across the heavens also extends into this
the city’s master, but now the place has gone quiet
gloomy place, allowing shades and other beings native
but for the whir and clicks of the clockworks who
to that world to pass between the places. Many
maintain the city in their maker’s absence. One followers of the old faith believe this site to be holy and
can still spy the clockwork soldiers patrolling the pilgrims have, over the centuries, braved the many
battlements or the centauroids riding out across dangers of the new lands to behold its eerie beauty.
the dusty terrain of the Blasted Lands the Now, though, the emergence of the shades and a small
surround the metropolis, but of the Weird Wizard, settlement growing just beyond the reach of the shadow
there is no sign. the spire casts makes this place unwelcome to outsiders
The Forbidden City could house one hundred and, largely, only the shades dwell here.
thousand people and still have room to spare, but
the Weird Wizard permitted no one in the city
other than animals, particularly cats, and his Devastation
clockwork servants. Most buildings one might Even after a thousand years, magical storms
expect to find in a city of this size—houses, ravage the ruins of the old empire in the place now
tenements, cafes, shops, theaters—are home to called the Devastation. Such horrors as this land
the various animals who live here but show no births necessitated the creation of the Bulwark, a
signs of people ever living there. One notable demarcation of castles, walls, and other defenses
absence, though, shows in a lack of temples or guarded by a volunteer army funded, until
churches—the Weird Wizard famously had no use recently, by the Great Kingdom. The defenders
for gods. throw back the formorians, the changed
Four wide gates grant access to the city and descendants of the old empire, year after year, but
open onto wide streets that lead toward the with no new funds coming and the Old Country
citadel standing at the city center. Smaller roads

The Southlands
caught in catastrophe’s grip, many fear that the
enemy will overcome the defense and run amok.
The Empire’s legacy is one of magical misuse, The Southlands encompass a large continent that
devil-worship, and corruption, but it didn’t start begins at the Sea of Fear and extends all the way to
this way. The founders were survivors from the the southern pole. Of the Southlands, people know
Great Doom—a period of widespread flooding that only of the enormous rain forest expected to cover
marked the end of the Age of Myth, and who a full third of the continent. From the sphinxes
sought to rebuild their culture and civilization in who have come to the borderlands, the dying
the Dawn Lands. The fledgling nation grew lands of Aegon lay beyond the jungle, nearly
unchecked and became an empire some three swallowed by a growing desert waste.
thousand years ago.
Not content with the territory it held, the
empire pressed south, conquering the smaller Lands of Legend
states in its path, enslaving their populations, or Of other, more distant lands, people know little
wiping them out. Eventually, the imperials turned more than names, and vague notions about what
their attentions beyond the continent, throwing they signify. Across the Sunrise Ocean lays ancient
their might against Za, and eventually setting sail Kalasa, sworn enemies of the Empire and against
across the ocean to beset peoples on the other side who they fought a century-long war until it
of the world, such as the Kalasans, who had so abruptly stopped. There’s the Indigo Coast,
soundly defeated the invaders that many expected somewhere south of even Aegon, where purple-
the distant land to come and finish off the Empire, skinned humans worship strange gods and wield
but the ships never arrived. stranger magic. Every now and then, a bard will
For all its might, for all its wealth, the Empire sing about Lost Oraldia, the kingdom who
could not control the rot at its core. The emperors offended the gods so much they nearly drowned
had long been powerful sorcerers and ruled with the world. And then there are the Four Kingdoms
the support of diabolical warlocks who adopted of the Maridians, of which not even the marid say
fanciful names to keep safe knowledge of their much. The Free Cities of Pyran, the Hegemony, the
true names. So long as the emperors allowed the Sea Kingdom, and others might be real places or
warlocks to rule their territories as they saw fit, not. The only way to know for certain is to go
the emperor could sit the throne. But it was the there.
last emperor to climb the throne, a great
monstrous chair made from the skulls of regents
slain by his ancestors, who saw what the Empire
had become and sought reforms, bestowing
Beyond the Mortal
greater liberties onto the common people and
even granting independence to some far-flung
People understand places beyond what they see,
colonies. The warlocks rebelled and torn the
hear, and otherwise sense exist. Places such as the
empire apart.
Underworld, the Netherworld, and Paradise all fit
Two thousand years have not been time enough
into their conception of religion, destinations for
to abate the ruination the warlocks unleashed.
the soul after death. While most people accept
Mile high purple and lime-green clouds blot out
these places exist, they do not expect to see them
the sun and drag curtains of killing fire, white and
before they die. They are remote, divorced from
ghostly, across the ground, burning and warping
everyday experience, the realms of the gods
whatever they touch. Great stretches of land have
been turned to glass by the intense heat released
These other worlds do exist, but not as distant
by the apocalyptic spells that still crackle and
as many expect. Each deathly realm touches the
spark. But some survived this calamity, albeit
mortal world and all have access points
changed, driven insane by suffering, souls polluted
throughout the world. Such points might appear
with the memory of what was. A great wall has
as doors or gates of an ordinary kind, or might be
been raised to stanch the flood of horrors that
empty arches that fill with light on certain times of
would spill out of the Devastation, while the
the year, shimmering curtains that manifest
descendants of that land now lurk in the shadows
themselves based on the alignment of the planets,
of the Old Country, many living as pariahs for the
or portals that open with magical keys.
touch of darkness they bear in their bodies.

Spirits that cannot or will not move onto one of
the realms to which they have been destined
might become lost in the Ephemera. This spirit
world envelops completely the mortal world and
offers routes to Paradise, the Underworld, and
almost anywhere else one might wish to go.
Animal spirits go to the Ephemera in death and
persist in the ghostly wilds for a time, before their
spirits return to new bodies. With them, one finds
lost and forgotten gods, ghosts, travelers, and
things people have lost or abandoned.
The deathly realms share the cosmologically
curious nature with a great many other hidden
places. The faeries mastered the arts of creating
smaller realities within larger, with each like a
bubble floating on the surface of a pond. Faerie
realms lead to such fantastical realms as the
Goblin City, the Eternal Garden, the Palace of
Earthly Delights, the Night Market, and the
Twilight Lands. These places serve as havens for
the faeries and thus pose grave danger to mortals
who stumble into them.
Finally, all of creation, which includes Erth and
the universe that contains it, exist inside its own
reality which is itself enveloped in the endless
darkness of the Void, the birth place of demons. No
one knows from where the Void comes, its true
nature, or really much at all about it other than it
is a place all agree to be evil and that contains,
despite its apparent emptiness, a multitude of
terrors. Some have theorized it might be possible
to reach another reality by crossing the Void, but
such an idea is surely madness.


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