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"When disturbed by unhelpful thoughts and feelings, the opposite should be cultivated." - Yoga Sutras 2.


Too Closed Balanced Too Open

Physical Mental Emotional Motivational Spiritual Physical Mental Emotional Motivational Spiritual Physical Mental Emotional Motivational Spiritual
Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective:
Feeling disconnected from Having a sense of Feeling emotionally Lacking a sense of purpose Feeling spiritually Feeling grounded and Having a clear Feeling emotionally stable Having a clear sense of Feeling spiritually grounded Feeling overwhelmed or Having an overactive mind, Feeling emotionally Having scattered or Feeling spiritually
the physical body, disconnection from the ungrounded or unstable, or direction in the physical disconnected from the connected to the physical understanding of one's and secure, experiencing a purpose and direction in and connected to the overstimulated by physical feeling mentally scattered overwhelmed or unstable in inconsistent motivations in ungrounded or
experiencing a lack of physical world, feeling experiencing a lack of world, feeling unmotivated Earth's energy and the body, experiencing a sense place in the physical world, sense of emotional the physical realm, feeling Earth's energy, sensations, experiencing or unfocused in the the physical realm, the physical realm, feeling disconnected from the
energy or vitality, feeling mentally scattered or emotional stability or to take action or engage physical realm, of stability and vitality, feeling mentally focused grounding and support, motivated to engage with experiencing a deep difficulty in grounding or physical realm, experiencing excessive restless or constantly physical realm,
ungrounded or unstable. spacey, experiencing a security, feeling with the physical realm, experiencing a lack of having a strong connection and present, experiencing having a strong connection practical matters and connection with the wisdom finding stability, feeling experiencing difficulty in emotional sensitivity, seeking new experiences, experiencing a lack of
lack of focus or presence. disconnected from one's experiencing a connection to the Earth's with the Earth's energy. a sense of practicality and to emotional anchors. worldly pursuits, and guidance of the excessive energy in the practical decision-making. difficulty in grounding and experiencing a lack of connection to Earth's
emotions. disconnection from worldly wisdom and grounding realism. experiencing a connection physical realm, having a body. balancing emotions. stability or commitment in energy and wisdom, feeling
Earth Star

pursuits. energy. to material endeavors. strong sense of spiritual worldly pursuits. scattered in spiritual
grounding. practices related to the
physical plane.
Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective:
Lack of physical energy Difficulty in staying focused Emotional volatility or Decreased motivation for Difficulty in accessing and Healthy physical energy Clarity of thought and Emotional stability and Strong motivation for Accessing and integrating Hyperactivity or Racing thoughts or Emotional volatility or Fluctuating motivations and Difficulty in accessing and
and stamina, difficulty in and present, feeling fluctuation, difficulty in physical endeavors, lack of integrating Earth's energy and stamina, ability to practical decision-making, balance, ability to regulate physical endeavors, drive Earth's energy into spiritual restlessness in the physical excessive mental activity hypersensitivity related to interests in practical integrating Earth's energy
grounding and connecting mentally disconnected from emotional stability and drive or ambition in into spiritual practices, ground oneself effectively, ability to stay focused and and manage emotions and ambition in practical practices, feeling spiritually body, difficulty in grounding related to the physical the physical world, matters, restlessness and into spiritual practices,
with the Earth's energy, the environment, balance, feeling practical matters, feeling feeling spiritually feeling connected and present in practical effectively, feeling matters, feeling connected connected to the physical and stabilizing physical world, difficulty in staying challenges in emotional lack of commitment in feeling disconnected from
feeling physically challenges in practical disconnected from disconnected from the disconnected from the rooted in the physical matters, feeling mentally emotionally connected to and engaged with the plane, aligning spiritual energy, feeling focused and present in grounding and stability, pursuing physical the spiritual wisdom of the
disconnected. decision-making. emotional anchors. material world. physical plane, challenges realm. connected to the physical the physical world and material world. growth with practical overwhelmed by sensory practical matters, feeling overwhelmed by endeavors, difficulty in physical realm, challenges
in finding spiritual environment. relationships. experiences and lessons. input. challenges in making emotional input. finding stable and long- in finding spiritual
grounding and alignment. grounded decisions. lasting pursuits. grounding and alignment
with practical experiences.
Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective:
Feeling physically Feeling mentally scattered Feeling emotionally Lacking a sense of purpose
Feeling spiritually Feeling grounded and Having mental clarity and Experiencing emotional Having a sense of purpose Feeling connected with Feeling overly grounded or Having excessive focus on Feeling emotionally Being overly attached to Feeling overly rooted in the
disconnected or or unfocused, having unstable or ungrounded, or direction in life, feeling
disconnected or connected with the Earth, focus, feeling grounded in stability and resilience, and direction, feeling higher spiritual realms, stuck in the physical realm, practical matters, feeling weighed down or stagnant, material possessions or physical world,
ungrounded, experiencing difficulty making practical experiencing a lack of unmotivated or ungrounded, experiencing experiencing stability and practicality, experiencing afeeling emotionally motivated and driven, experiencing a sense of experiencing heaviness or rigid in thinking, experiencing difficulty in outcomes, feeling driven by experiencing a
a lack of stability or decisions, experiencing a emotional stability, having unambitious, experiencinga lack of connection with balance in physical sense of presence and connected and grounded, experiencing passion and spiritual grounding and sluggishness in movement, experiencing difficulty in processing or releasing external validation or disconnection from higher
balance, having difficulty lack of clarity in thoughts. difficulty in managing a lack of drive or passion.
higher spiritual realms, movements, having a mindfulness. having the ability to enthusiasm towards goals. embodiment, having having difficulty in embracing imagination or emotions, having a rewards, having a lack of spiritual realms, having
connecting with the Earth. emotional reactions. having difficulty accessing sense of embodiment. regulate emotions access to spiritual experiencing lightness. abstract concepts. resistance to emotional inner motivation. difficulty accessing spiritual

spiritual guidance. effectively. guidance. growth. insights or guidance.

Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective:
Frequent stumbling or Lack of mental clarity and Emotional volatility or mood Decreased motivation and Difficulty in connecting with Steady and balanced Clear and focused thinking, Emotional stability and Strong motivation and Enhanced connection with Feeling excessively rooted Overemphasis on Emotional heaviness or Excessive materialistic Feeling disconnected from
tripping, difficulty focus, difficulty in practical swings, difficulty in initiative, lack of ambition spiritual practices or physical movements, practical decision-making balance, capacity to drive, clarity of personal spiritual practices and or attached to the ground, practicality, resistance to stagnation, difficulty in motivations, seeking spiritual practices or
maintaining balance, problem-solving, emotional regulation, or enthusiasm towards experiences, feeling feeling connected to the abilities, ability to stay navigate and express aspirations and goals, experiences, feeling decreased physical imaginative or abstract processing or expressing external validation or experiences, challenges in
feeling disconnected from challenges in staying feeling emotionally goals, feeling disconnected disconnected from spiritual sensations of the feet on present and grounded in emotions in a healthy sustained passion and grounded in spiritual mobility or flexibility, thinking, challenges in emotions, challenges in rewards as the primary accessing higher spiritual
the sensation of the feet on present and grounded in disconnected or numb. from personal aspirations. energies, challenges in the ground, a sense of the physical world. manner, fostering nurturing commitment towards energies, alignment with challenges in experiencing exploring non-linear or emotional growth and driving force, limited realms, difficulty in
the ground. the physical world. finding a sense of spiritual physical stability. and stable emotional endeavors. one's spiritual path and a sense of lightness. unconventional thoughts. expansion. intrinsic motivation. receiving spiritual insights
purpose or alignment. connections. purpose. or guidance.
Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Feeling Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective:
Feeling lethargic, Experiencing a lack of Feeling fearful and Feeling unmotivated and spiritually disconnected or Feeling physically strong Feeling mentally focused Feeling emotionally stable Having a clear sense of Feeling connected to one's Feeling restless or Having scattered or racing Experiencing emotional Feeling driven by survival Feeling spiritually
experiencing a lack of focus and concentration, anxious, experiencing a uninspired, lacking a sense blocked, experiencing a and grounded, and present, experiencing and secure, experiencing a purpose and determination, inner self and higher hyperactive, experiencing thoughts, feeling mentally instability or volatility, instincts or external needs, ungrounded or
vitality, feeling physically feeling disconnected from lack of emotional stability, of purpose, experiencing a lack of grounding and experiencing a sense of clarity and groundedness in sense of emotional feeling motivated and spiritual realms, excessive physical energy overwhelmed or anxious, feeling overwhelmed by experiencing a constant disconnected, having
weak. reality, having difficulty feeling disconnected from lack of drive or ambition. stability, feeling vitality and stability, having thoughts, having a sense of grounding and balance, driven, experiencing a experiencing a sense of or sensations, having experiencing difficulty in emotions, having a sense need for security or difficulty in finding a sense
making decisions. one's emotions. disconnected from one's a healthy immune system. security and stability. having resilience in strong willpower. grounding and alignment difficulty in grounding or focusing or concentrating. of insecurity or fear. material possessions, of purpose or meaning,
inner self. managing stress. with divine energy, having finding stability. having difficulty in finding experiencing a lack of

a deep sense of purpose intrinsic motivation. connection to higher

and meaning. realms.
Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective:
Low energy levels, Poor memory and cognitive Increased levels of stress Decreased productivity and Reduced sense of meaning Balanced energy levels, Mental clarity and focus, Emotional stability and Heightened motivation and Strong connection to Restlessness or Racing thoughts or mental Emotional turbulence or Seeking external validation Difficulty in connecting with
frequent fatigue, decreased function, decreased mental and anxiety, heightened initiative, lack of and purpose in life, feeling good physical health and ability to make decisions balance, ability to manage drive, clarity in goals and spiritual practices or rituals, hyperactivity, difficulty in overactivity, increased mood swings, heightened or security, materialistic spiritual practices or rituals,
physical stamina. clarity, difficulty in problem- sensitivity to emotional enthusiasm towards tasks disconnected from the vitality, strong immune with confidence, increased and regulate emotions aspirations, increased ability to connect with finding physical grounding anxiety or restlessness, emotional reactivity, tendencies, lack of intrinsic feeling disconnected from
solving. triggers, difficulty in and goals, decreased world around, difficulty in function. feelings of security and effectively, increased willpower and higher spiritual realms. or stability, excessive difficulty in maintaining increased feelings of motivation or inner drive. higher spiritual realms, lack
managing and expressing commitment and follow- connecting with higher stability. resilience in coping with perseverance. energy fluctuations. focus or concentration. insecurity or fear. of clarity in purpose or
emotions. through. spiritual realms. stress. spiritual alignment.
Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective:
Experiencing a lack of Feeling mentally rigid or Feeling emotionally closed Lacking motivation or drive, Feeling spiritually Feeling physically vibrant Experiencing mental Embracing a wide range of Having a clear sense of Feeling connected to the Feeling overwhelmed by Having racing or intrusive Experiencing emotional Feeling driven by external Feeling spiritually
vitality or energy, feeling blocked, experiencing a off or numb, experiencing a feeling uninspired or disconnected or blocked, and energized, flexibility and adaptability, emotions, feeling motivation and passion, sensual and energetic physical sensations or thoughts, feeling mentally volatility or instability, validation or approval, ungrounded or scattered,
physically stagnant or lack of creativity or lack of passion or joy, uninterested in activities, experiencing a lack of experiencing a healthy feeling creatively inspired emotionally balanced and feeling driven and engaged aspects of life, urges, experiencing scattered or unfocused, feeling emotionally having a constant need for experiencing challenges in
stuck, having low sexual inspiration, having difficulty having difficulty forming experiencing a lack of sensuality or connection to sexual drive and and expressive, embracing connected, experiencing in activities, experiencing a experiencing a spiritual addictive behaviors or experiencing a lack of overwhelmed or stimulation or excitement, connecting with deeper
drive or satisfaction. embracing change. intimate connections. passion or enthusiasm. pleasure, having limited satisfaction, having a change with ease. healthy and fulfilling zest for life. depth and emotional patterns, having difficulty boundaries or discernment. excessively reactive, experiencing a lack of inner emotional and energetic
access to emotional depth. sense of flow and ease in relationships. richness, embracing managing sexual energy. having challenges in motivation. realms, having difficulty
the body. pleasure and joy. emotional regulation. finding a sense of meaning

or purpose.
Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective:
Decreased physical Decreased creative Emotional detachment, Decreased motivation and Difficulty connecting with Healthy reproductive Enhanced creative thinking Emotional stability and Heightened motivation and Enhanced connection with Hyperactive or excessive Overactive mind, difficulty Emotional turbulence or Seeking constant external Difficulty accessing spiritual
stamina, low libido, expression, difficulty in limited range of emotional drive, lack of passion in spiritual aspects of system function, balanced and problem-solving, resilience, ability to express drive, enthusiasm and spiritual aspects of sexual drive, addictive in concentration and focus, mood swings, heightened validation, engaging in thrill guidance or intuition,
reproductive system generating new ideas, expression, challenges in pursuing goals, diminished sexuality, feeling sexual energy, increased openness to new ideas and and manage emotions excitement towards goals, sexuality and sensuality, behaviors or challenges in maintaining emotional sensitivity, feeling disconnected from
imbalances or issues. resistance to change or forming and maintaining excitement or engagement disconnected from sensual physical vitality and well- perspectives, adaptability effectively, nurturing and sustained engagement and deep exploration of dependencies, challenges healthy boundaries in difficulty in managing and emotional and energetic
adapting to new situations. intimate relationships. in activities. experiences, limited being. to change. fulfilling intimate productivity. emotional and energetic in managing and balancing thoughts and actions. balancing emotions. aspects of spirituality,
exploration of emotional connections. realms, alignment with the physical desires. challenges in finding a
and energetic realms. flow of life force energy. balanced sense of purpose
and meaning.
Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective:
Experiencing low energy Feeling mentally Experiencing a lack of Feeling a lack of motivation Feeling spiritually Feeling energized and Feeling self-confident and Experiencing emotional Feeling motivated and Feeling connected to Feeling restless or Having an overpowering Experiencing emotional Feeling driven by a need Feeling spiritually
levels or chronic fatigue, disempowered or lacking emotional resilience or or drive, experiencing a disconnected or lacking a vital, having a healthy empowered, having a balance and stability, driven, having clear goals personal power and inner hyperactive, experiencing ego or sense of superiority, volatility or aggression, for power or control, being disconnected or lacking
feeling physically weak or confidence, experiencing stability, feeling easily sense of disconnection sense of purpose, metabolism and digestion, positive self-image and feeling in control of and aspirations, strength, experiencing difficulty in relaxing or feeling overly competitive feeling easily angered or excessively focused on humility, being driven by
lethargic, having digestive self-doubt or low self- overwhelmed by emotions, from personal goals or experiencing a lack of experiencing a sense of self-worth, embracing one's emotions, having healthy experiencing a sense of alignment with higher resting, having an or driven by external frustrated, having a need achievement or status, ego rather than higher
issues or poor metabolism. esteem, having difficulty having a fear of rejection or aspirations, having difficulty personal power or inner physical strength and well- personal power. self-esteem and self- personal empowerment purpose, having intuitive excessive appetite or poor validation, having difficulty for constant validation or having difficulty finding guidance, having difficulty
asserting oneself. criticism. taking action. strength, having difficulty being. acceptance. and ambition. insights and guidance. eating habits. considering others' attention. contentment or satisfaction. in surrendering or trusting

accessing intuition. perspectives. the divine.

Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective:
Decreased physical vitality, Lack of self-confidence and Emotional instability or Lack of motivation and Feeling disconnected from Balanced energy levels, Self-assured and confident Emotional resilience and Strong motivation and Enhanced connection to Restlessness or Dominating or controlling Emotional outbursts or Power-driven or status- Disconnect from spiritual
digestive disorders or assertiveness, negative mood swings, heightened drive, a sense of apathy or spiritual guidance, healthy digestive system demeanor, positive self-talk stability, balanced drive, clarity in setting and personal power, alignment hyperactivity, difficulty in behavior, excessive aggression, difficulty in oriented behavior, values, ego-driven
imbalances, reduced self-talk and self-limiting sensitivity to criticism, fear disinterest in pursuing challenges in finding and function, overall physical and beliefs, assertiveness emotional responses, pursuing goals, sustained with purpose and life path, relaxation and rest, competitiveness, lack of managing anger or excessive ambition or behavior or motivations,
overall stamina and beliefs, challenges in of rejection or failure, goals, difficulty in initiating aligning with one's strength and resilience. in expressing needs and healthy self-esteem and focus and determination, heightened intuition and imbalanced appetite or empathy or consideration frustration, seeking competitiveness, challenges in surrendering
endurance. making decisions or taking difficulty in managing and and following through with purpose, difficulty desires. self-acceptance, nurturing achievement-oriented connection to spiritual eating disorders. for others' viewpoints. constant validation or challenges in finding to higher guidance and
initiative. regulating emotions. plans or projects. accessing and trusting and supportive mindset. guidance. attention from others. fulfillment and contentment. trusting the divine flow.
intuitive insights. relationships.
Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective:
Feeling physically Having difficulty trusting Feeling emotionally Lacking motivation to form
Feeling disconnected from Feeling physically Having a balanced Feeling emotionally open Feeling motivated to form Feeling connected to Feeling overwhelmed by Being overly invested in Experiencing emotional Feeling motivated by a Feeling overwhelmed by
constricted or tense in the others or forming deep disconnected or detached, meaningful connections or
universal love and balanced and at ease, perspective on and receptive, experiencing meaningful connections universal love and others' emotions or others' relationships or fusion or codependency in need for external validation the collective emotions or
chest area, experiencing connections, feeling experiencing a lack of love relationships, feeling interconnectedness, experiencing a sense of relationships and love and compassion for and relationships, having a interconnectedness, energies, experiencing emotional well-being, relationships, feeling or approval, having a fear energies, having difficulty
shallow breathing, having emotionally guarded or or compassion for oneself indifferent or apathetic
experiencing a lack of openness and relaxation in connections, feeling oneself and others, having genuine concern for others' experiencing spiritual heart palpitations or feeling emotionally overwhelmed by intense of rejection or discerning one's own
poor circulation or closed off, experiencing a and others, having difficulty towards others' needs, spiritual compassion or the chest area, having a emotionally connected and healthy boundaries in well-being, experiencing a compassion and irregular heartbeat, having drained or overwhelmed, emotions, having difficulty abandonment, spiritual path or truth,
cardiovascular issues. lack of empathy. expressing or receiving experiencing a lack of forgiveness, having healthy cardiovascular empathetic towards others, relationships. sense of purpose and forgiveness, having access difficulty maintaining having difficulty maintaining individuality experiencing difficulties in experiencing challenges in

love. purpose or fulfillment.difficulty accessing heart- system. experiencing a harmonious fulfillment in relationships. to heart-centered wisdom. personal boundaries. discerning one's own within relationships. setting and maintaining maintaining energetic
centered wisdom. flow of emotions. emotions from others'. personal boundaries. boundaries.
Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective:
Restricted breathing, Skepticism or mistrust Emotional withdrawal or Decreased motivation for Lack of connection to the Healthy heart rate and Balanced and Emotional openness and Motivation to engage in Deep connection to Sensitivity to others' Over-involvement in others' Emotional enmeshment or Seeking external validation Absorption of collective
tightness in the chest, towards others, difficulty in suppression, challenges in social interactions, universal love energy, blood pressure, relaxed compassionate approach receptivity, capacity for social interactions and universal love energy, emotions, increased heart affairs, emotional codependency, intense in relationships, fear of energies, challenges in
cardiovascular imbalances forming meaningful expressing emotions, indifference towards others' challenges in forgiving and chest and shoulders, to relationships, empathetic love and compassion, relationships, genuine capacity for spiritual rate or palpitations, exhaustion, challenges in emotional fluctuations, rejection or abandonment, discerning personal
or conditions. relationships, lack of limited capacity for love emotions or well-being, showing compassion, overall physical well-being. understanding of others, ability to establish and concern for others' compassion and challenges in establishing distinguishing personal challenges in maintaining a challenges in asserting spiritual path or truth,
empathy or compassion. and compassion. lack of passion or drive in difficulty accessing heart- emotional harmony and maintain healthy emotional emotions and needs, sense forgiveness, access to and maintaining healthy emotions from external sense of self within personal boundaries. difficulties in establishing
relationships or social based spiritual insights. stability. boundaries. of purpose and fulfillment in heart-centered spiritual boundaries. influences. relationships. and maintaining energetic
activities. connections. insights. boundaries.
Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective:
Feeling a lack of energy or Feeling disconnected from Feeling emotionally Feeling a lack of motivation
Feeling disconnected from Feeling a sense of energy Having clarity and focus in Feeling emotionally Feeling motivated and Feeling a strong energetic Feeling overwhelmed or Having scattered or chaotic Feeling emotionally Feeling driven by the need Feeling overwhelmed or
vitality in the hands, intuitive or healing abilities, blocked or disconnected or enthusiasm for healing
the energetic flow and flow and warmth in the energy work or healing connected and receptive enthusiastic about healing connection and flow overstimulated in the energy in energy work or overwhelmed or flooded for energetic validation or ungrounded in energetic
experiencing coldness or experiencing a lack of from emotions, having or energy work, connection with others, hands, experiencing practices, feeling confident through touch, having the and energy work, having a through the hands, hands, experiencing healing practices, feeling during healing interactions, recognition, experiencing realms, experiencing
numbness in the hands, clarity or focus in energy difficulty expressing or experiencing a disinterest
experiencing challenges in sensitivity and and connected to intuitive ability to provide nurturing desire to use hands for experiencing a sense of excessive heat or energy mentally overwhelmed or having difficulty maintaining an excessive desire to use challenges in discerning or
having difficulty sensing or work, having difficulty receiving touch and in using hands for creative
energetic exchange or responsiveness in the abilities, experiencing a and healing touch, creative or healing interconnectedness with sensations, having difficultyscattered during energy emotional boundaries hands for healing or navigating energetic
perceiving subtle energies. channeling or directing physical affection, or healing purposes, sharing healing energy hands, having a natural natural flow of energy experiencing empathy and purposes, experiencing a others through energetic controlling or grounding exchanges, experiencing through touch, energetic practices, having boundaries, having
energy through the hands. experiencing a lack of having a limited desire to
through the hands, having ability to sense subtle through the hands. sensitivity in healing natural inclination towards exchange, having a energy in the hands. difficulty in focusing or experiencing challenges in difficulty discerning healthy difficulty in maintaining
empathy or sensitivity. engage in tactile activities.
a limited sense of energetic energies. interactions. tactile activities. deepened awareness of directing energy through discerning and managing energetic boundaries in energetic balance and

connection with the world. the energetic world. the hands. energetic boundaries. healing interactions. stability.
Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective:
Reduced sensitivity or Difficulty in focusing energy Limited emotional Reduced motivation or Difficulty in sensing or Enhanced sensitivity and Clear and focused energy Expressing emotional Motivation and enthusiasm Heightened sense of Overwhelming energy Chaotic or scattered Emotional overwhelm or Seeking constant energetic Overwhelm or
responsiveness in the through the hands, expression through touch drive to engage in healing channeling energy through responsiveness in the work or healing practices, connection and receptivity for healing practices using energetic connection and sensations in the hands, energy in energy work or flood during healing validation or recognition, ungroundedness in
hands, poor circulation or challenges in harnessing or physical contact, practices using hands, lack the hands, challenges in hands, warm and effective use of intuitive through touch, providing hands, utilizing hands for flow through the hands, excessive heat or tingling, healing practices, mental interactions, challenges in excessive use of hands for energetic realms,
blood flow to the hands, intuitive or healing abilities, challenges in connecting of enthusiasm for creative energetic exchange or energized sensations in the abilities in energy-based nurturing and healing creative or healing effective energetic challenges in controlling or overwhelm or scattered maintaining emotional healing or energetic challenges in discerning or
challenges in fine motor reduced effectiveness in with others on an emotional or tactile activities, healing touch, reduced hands, heightened work, skillful channeling touch, demonstrating purposes, engaging in exchange and healing grounding energy through focus during energy boundaries through touch, practices, challenges in navigating energetic
skills or dexterity. energy-based practices. level through touch, decreased interest in using ability to connect dexterity and fine motor and directing of energy empathy and sensitivity in tactile activities with touch, expanded the hands. exchanges, challenges in difficulty in discerning and maintaining healthy boundaries, difficulties in
reduced capacity for hands for nurturing or energetically with others. skills. through the hands. healing interactions. interest and enjoyment. awareness of the energetic maintaining focus and managing energetic energetic boundaries in maintaining energetic
empathic healing touch. supportive purposes. world and its direction of energy through boundaries. healing interactions. balance and stability.
interconnectedness the hands.
Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective:
Feeling a lump or tightness Feeling a lack of Feeling inhibited or Feeling unmotivated to Feeling disconnected from Feeling a sense of ease Feeling mentally clear and Feeling emotionally Feeling inspired and Feeling connected to one's Experiencing excessive Having a restless or Experiencing emotional Being driven by the need Feeling spiritually
in the throat, experiencing confidence in expressing suppressed in expressing express oneself or share one's authentic voice or and comfort in the throat focused in expressing expressive and authentic, motivated to share ideas authentic voice and inner talking or speaking without overactive mind, oversharing or for attention or validation inungrounded or lacking
difficulty swallowing or thoughts or ideas, having emotions, having a fear of ideas, lacking inspiration in inner truth, having difficulty area, experiencing clear thoughts and ideas, experiencing healthy and express oneself, truth, experiencing spiritual purpose, having a experiencing difficulty in overexpression, feeling communication, having a discernment in
speaking, having a weak or difficulty finding the right judgment or criticism, creative or verbal pursuits, expressing spiritual insights and effortless experiencing effective assertiveness and having enthusiasm in insights and wisdom in tendency to dominate filtering or controlling overwhelmed by emotional desire to impress or gain communication,
soft voice. words, experiencing mental experiencing difficulty in experiencing a fear of or experiences, communication, having a communication skills, boundaries in creative or verbal pursuits, communication, having a conversations, feeling thoughts, feeling intensity, having difficulty in approval, feeling a constant experiencing a tendency to
blocks in communication. speaking up for oneself. rejection or failure. experiencing a lack of resonant and expressive having ease in finding the communication, having experiencing a sense of sense of spiritual alignment physically strained from overwhelmed by mental discerning appropriate need to express oneself. spiritualize or intellectualize
spiritual alignment in voice. right words. ease in expressing purpose in communication. in self-expression. excessive vocalization. chatter. emotional expression. conversations, having
communication. emotions. challenges in integrating

spiritual insights into

practical communication.
Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective:
Voice hoarseness or Difficulty articulating Suppressed emotional Decreased motivation to Challenges in Clear and strong voice, Clarity and coherence in Balanced emotional Motivation and passion in Effective communication of Excessive talking or Racing thoughts or Overly intense emotional Seeking attention or Overemphasis on spiritual
weakness, frequent throat thoughts, challenges in expression, limited communicate or share communicating spiritual effective communication verbal expression, effective expression, ability to verbal expression, creative spiritual experiences and verbosity, difficulties in overthinking, difficulty in expression, difficulties in validation through or metaphysical topics in
infections or issues, verbal expression, limited emotional vulnerability, ideas, limited enthusiasm experiences or insights, skills, healthy throat and articulation of thoughts and communicate emotions inspiration in insights, integration of listening or allowing others concentration or focused emotional regulation or excessive communication, communication, difficulty in
difficulty projecting one's verbal fluency or clarity. challenges in assertiveness in creative or expressive feeling disconnected from vocal cords. ideas, ability to convey effectively, assertiveness in communication, alignment spirituality in verbal to speak, strained vocal communication, challenges boundaries, challenges in relying on external grounding spiritual insights
voice effectively. and self-expression. endeavors, hesitancy in personal truth in verbal messages with precision. self-expression while of communication with expression, alignment of cords or throat muscles. in organizing thoughts for discerning appropriate approval for motivation, into practical expression,
taking risks or sharing expression, limited respecting boundaries. personal goals and communication with higher effective expression. emotional sharing. difficulty in self-editing or challenges in connecting
opinions. integration of spirituality in purpose. spiritual values. restraining communication. spirituality with everyday
communication. conversation.
Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective:
Experiencing a lack of Feeling mentally foggy or Feeling emotionally Lacking inspiration or Feeling spiritually Having a clear and focused Experiencing mental clarity Feeling emotionally attuned Feeling inspired and driven Feeling spiritually Feeling overwhelmed by Having an overactive mind, Experiencing emotional Feeling pulled in different Feeling overwhelmed or
clarity or vision, feeling confused, experiencing a disconnected or detached, purpose, feeling disconnected or blocked, mind, experiencing and insight, feeling and connected, by a higher sense of connected and aligned, psychic or intuitive experiencing constant overwhelm or directions or overwhelmed ungrounded in spiritual
disconnected from intuition lack of insight or clarity, experiencing a lack of inner disconnected from one's experiencing a lack of enhanced intuition and connected to intuition and experiencing a deep purpose, experiencing a experiencing expanded experiences, experiencing mental chatter or racing hypersensitivity, feeling by spiritual pursuits, experiences, experiencing
or inner wisdom, having having difficulty making guidance or intuition in true passions or calling, connection to higher inner knowing, feeling inner wisdom, having a understanding and strong connection to states of consciousness sensory overload or thoughts, feeling overly reactive to emotional experiencing difficulty in difficulty in discerning
difficulty accessing higher decisions or trusting one's emotional matters, having experiencing a lack of realms or spiritual connected to subtle strong sense of acceptance of emotions, personal passions and and intuitive insights, hypersensitivity, having overwhelmed by intuitive stimuli or energy, having grounding spiritual between authentic spiritual
states of consciousness. intuition. difficulty understanding and motivation to explore guidance, having difficulty energies and higher states discernment and trust in having the ability to access spiritual growth, having a having a deep connection difficulty distinguishing information or psychic difficulty maintaining experiences into practical guidance and illusion,
processing emotions. spiritual or personal accessing expanded states of consciousness. one's decision-making. intuitive guidance in sense of alignment and to higher realms and between physical and impressions. emotional balance and action, having an having challenges in
Third Eye

growth. of consciousness. emotional matters. fulfillment. spiritual guidance. intuitive sensations. stability. ungrounded sense of maintaining a balanced
purpose or motivation. perspective in spiritual
Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective:
Poor dream recall, difficulty Lack of mental clarity or Emotional detachment or Decreased motivation or Difficulty in connecting with Enhanced dream recall Clear and focused thinking, Emotional attunement and Heightened motivation and Enhanced spiritual Heightened sensitivity to Overactive or racing Emotional volatility or Difficulty in integrating Overwhelm or confusion in
in visualizing or imagining, focus, difficulty in suppression, challenges in drive, lack of inspiration or higher spiritual realms, and vividness, heightened enhanced access to balance, enhanced drive aligned with personal connection and alignment, light, sound, or other thoughts, difficulty in hypersensitivity, spiritual insights into spiritual experiences,
challenges in perceiving accessing intuitive wisdom, understanding and direction, challenges in feeling disconnected from visualization abilities, intuitive wisdom, strong emotional intelligence and and spiritual growth, strong access to expanded states external stimuli, psychic quieting the mind or finding heightened reactivity to practical life, challenges in challenges in grounding
subtle energies or intuitive challenges in discernment managing emotions, limited finding and pursuing spiritual guidance or increased perception of discernment and decision- awareness, ability to sense of purpose and of consciousness, ability to overload or overwhelming mental stillness, challenges emotional triggers, translating spiritual spiritual insights into daily
information. and decision-making. access to intuitive guidance meaningful goals or intuition, challenges in subtle energies and making abilities. integrate intuition into inspiration, sustained integrate spiritual insights intuitive experiences, in discerning and challenges in maintaining motivation into concrete life, difficulty in discerning
in emotional experiences. aspirations. accessing and integrating intuitive information. emotional experiences. enthusiasm and dedication into daily life. challenges in grounding integrating intuitive emotional equilibrium and actions, feeling scattered or between genuine spiritual
spiritual insights. to meaningful goals. intuitive insights into the information. stability. unfocused in pursuing guidance and deceptive
physical world. spiritual or personal growth influences.
Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective:
Feeling disconnected from Experiencing narrow- Feeling emotionally Lacking a sense of purpose Feeling spiritually Feeling a sense of vitality Experiencing clarity of Feeling a sense of inner Having a clear sense of Feeling deeply connected Feeling ungrounded or Experiencing a constant Feeling emotionally Feeling driven by spiritual Feeling ungrounded in
the body and physical mindedness or rigid beliefs, disconnected or numb, or meaning, feeling disconnected or blocked, and connection to the thought and expanded peace and harmony, purpose and meaning, to spiritual realms and disconnected from the flow of thoughts or overwhelmed or experiences or seeking spiritual experiences or
reality, experiencing a lack feeling intellectually experiencing a lack of joy spiritually unfulfilled, having experiencing a lack of physical body, awareness, feeling open to experiencing deep joy and feeling driven by a higher higher guidance, physical body, information overload, overstimulated, constant spiritual highs, lacking discernment,
of vitality or energy, having stagnant or closed off to or enthusiasm, having a lack of motivation to spiritual guidance or experiencing a harmonious new ideas and contentment, having a calling or spiritual experiencing a sense of experiencing physical feeling mentally scattered experiencing a lack of having difficulty staying having difficulty integrating
a sense of heaviness or new ideas, having difficulty difficulty experiencing a explore deeper truths or connection to higher balance between physical perspectives, having a profound connection to the aspirations, being oneness and unity with all hypersensitivity or or overwhelmed, having emotional stability or grounded and focused on spiritual insights into daily
lethargy. grasping abstract concepts. sense of spiritual higher states of realms, having difficulty and spiritual aspects of life. deep sense of spiritual aspects of motivated to explore beings, having access to overstimulation, having difficulty discerning or grounding, having difficulty practical matters, lacking life, feeling disconnected

connection in daily life. consciousness. accessing higher states of understanding. emotions. deeper truths. higher states of difficulty maintaining integrating new ideas. maintaining emotional stability in motivations. from the physical world.
consciousness. consciousness. boundaries. boundaries.
Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective:
Lack of energy or Resistance to new ideas or Emotional detachment, Lack of motivation or drive Feeling disconnected from Increased energy and Clear and expansive Emotional balance and Strong motivation and drive Enhanced spiritual Feeling disoriented or Overactive mind, racing Emotional volatility or Seeking constant spiritual Difficulty grounding spiritual
motivation, decreased perspectives, difficulty in limited emotional range or towards spiritual growth, spiritual experiences, vitality, feeling connected thinking, openness to stability, heightened towards spiritual growth, experiences and ungrounded in the physical thoughts or mental chatter, instability, heightened experiences or highs, experiences into daily life,
physical vitality, feeling abstract thinking, expression, feeling feeling disconnected from difficulty accessing higher and present in the physical diverse perspectives, emotional intelligence, alignment with higher connection, access to world, physical challenges in filtering and emotional sensitivity, difficulty maintaining focus challenges in integrating
disconnected from the intellectual stagnation or disconnected from the higher purposes or levels of awareness, limited body, balanced health and enhanced ability to grasp feeling connected to the purposes and meaning, higher levels of awareness hypersensitivity or processing information. challenges in maintaining on practical tasks or spiritual insights, feeling
physical world. narrow focus. spiritual aspects of meaning, lack of connection to divine well-being. abstract concepts. spiritual dimensions of enthusiasm for exploring and consciousness, feeling discomfort, challenges in emotional balance and responsibilities, challenges disconnected from the
emotions. enthusiasm for exploring guidance or intuition. emotions. spiritual realms. aligned with divine maintaining healthy stability. in finding stability in physical and earthly
spiritual realms. guidance and intuition. boundaries. motivations. aspects of spirituality.
Subjective: Subjective: Having Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective: Subjective:
Feeling physically heavy or difficulty embracing new
Feeling emotionally Lacking a sense of purpose Feeling disconnected from Feeling a sense of Embracing new Embracing vulnerability Feeling a clear sense of Feeling connected to Feeling physically Having an overactive mind, Experiencing emotional Having scattered or Feeling ungrounded in
weighed down, perspectives, feeling guarded or closed off, or direction, feeling spiritual guidance or higher lightness and freedom in perspectives with and compassion, purpose and direction, spiritual guidance and ungrounded or scattered, feeling mentally scattered turbulence or volatility, inconsistent motivations, spiritual practices, being
experiencing a lack of resistant to change or struggling to express disconnected from one's realms, experiencing a lack movement, experiencing openness and curiosity, experiencing emotional being motivated to explore higher realms, experiencing a lack of or overwhelmed, difficulty feeling emotionally feeling unfocused or disconnected from higher
lightness or ease in growth, experiencing a lack
vulnerability or passions or desires, of connection with divine grace and ease in physical feeling mentally adaptable expansiveness and new possibilities and experiencing a sense of stability or rootedness. focusing or concentrating. overwhelmed or drained. lacking direction. guidance or intuition.
movement. of mental flexibility. compassion, experiencing experiencing a lack of energy or intuition, feeling activities. and flexible. openness. experiences. divine energy and intuition.

a lack of emotional motivation to explore new spiritually stagnant.

expansiveness. possibilities.
Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective:
Restricted range of motion Rigidity in thoughts and Difficulty connecting with Decreased drive or
in the shoulders or arms, beliefs, resistance to others on an emotional ambition, lack of
feeling physically alternative ideas or level, tendency to suppress enthusiasm or inspiration,
constricted or limited. viewpoints, difficulty or deny emotions, limited limited willingness to ta
adapting to new situations. capacity for empathy.

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