Actividades Unidad 3 Ciclo III - PDF Jaider

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Subject: English Foreing Language

Ciclo III

1. Dibuje en cada reloj las manecillas correspondientes a la hora indicada
2. Escriba en ingles la hora que indica cada reloj

It's twelve quarter past It's twenty-five to four it's quarter to six it's half past eleven

it's twenty-five past one it's five past nine it's ten to nine it's twenty- five past seven

3. Marque la respuesta correcta

4. De acuerdo con el cuadro responda las preguntas acerca de la rutina de Lina

What time Lina has breakfast? Lina has a breakfast at ten past six

• What time Lina studies? Lina studies at ten to eight

• What time Lina plays the guitar? Lina plays the guitar at three o'clock

• What time Lina wakes up? Lina wakes up at half past five

• What time Lina watch TV? Lina watch tv at two o'clock

• What time Lina goes to school? Lina goes to school at eight o'clock

5. Complete con was o were

• My mother was not very well yesterday

• were you ill last week?
• I was at home at the weekend
• Where were you yesterday? You were not at school
• My wife and I was at the stadium
• My son was on the beach with some friends
• My wife´s mother was at the bank
• The bus was late
• Was your son at the station? No, he was not

6. Coloque las palabras en el orden correcto, adicione la forma correcta del verbo to be
was/ were y tenga en cuenta si es afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa
• Tired/you/be You were tired

• Good/film/the? was the film good?

• Child/the/not/in/park/the the child wasn't in the parck

• Hotel/manager/the/at? was maneger at the hotel?

• Bank/the/I/at/yesterday I was at the bank yesterday

• Aunt/ill/my/last week My aunt was ill last week

• Closed/door/open/the/? was the door open closed?

• There/tourist/garden/the/in/many there are many tourists in the garden

• Very/busy/waiters/the the waiter was very busy

7. Complete la siguiente tabla

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I was I was not was I?

You were You were not were you?

He was He was not was he?

She was she was not was she?

It was it was not was it?

We were we were not were we?

You were you were not were you?

They were they were not were they?

8. Complete las oraciones con was o were

• Picasso was a Spanish painter.

• There was a mouse in the garden.
• We were playing football.
• It was a rainy day.
• The children were in the park.
• You were studying English. • I was watching television.
• Lorena and I were on the same class.
• My parents were in London.
• The Windows were closed.
• It was seven years ago.
• My grandfather was a pilot.
9. En la siguiente lectura debes completar los espacios con el verbo to be
correspondiente y responder las preguntas de comprensión lectora

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