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Greetings university authorities and election community:

Throughout history, Honduras has been a country of people who thrive under adversities.
Honduras is a country filled with struggling circumstances that stress its inhabitants. This stress
has pushed me to want to better myself and help my country become a place of opportunities for
others. I am by no means a perfect person, but I use all my personal qualities to push myself.

Even before starting my journey in dentistry, I’ve longed for an opportunity to excel and study
abroad to further my knowledge, to gain experiences about other countries and cultures. I know
this program will help me become a better professional and person. I’m certain this experience
will grant me the tools and understandings to be one of the top dentists in my country regardless
of my gender. I want to inspire people that are as passionate as me in this profession and help
them feel accomplished and compelled to help further develop our country.

I graduated as a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) in December 2019. To be completely honest

this pandemic has hit us hard. If job opportunities were scarce before, after COVID they are
barren. This hasn’t stopped me from keeping my hopes and motivations high. I will always seek
for opportunities to study and, even if it is little by little, become a better professional, whether it
is by seeking certification courses, online classes, dentistry congresses and several other ways of
keeping up with my studies, I’m passionate to continue learning anything that will help become a
better professional.

Ultimately, I have no doubts that this program is where I am meant to be, where I can forge
myself a path that will allow me to help others. Having the necessary tools and knowledge will
help me achieve this. This career, this path is not only for me, but also about my family, the
people I care about, and my country. It will be an honor using your practices and expertise to help
me shape my country.

Thank you for considering my application,

Yours sincerely,
Nayding M. Romero.

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