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Problems of Indian education system ( ( (


When I compared present education system of India with our glorious Gurukuls I felt devasted with the feeling that how rotten the present education system. Ours is the land of Aryabhatta and Sushurut the great engineers and scientists the engineers and scintist who are still reversed even after thousand years of thr passing.But look at the education of present generation ,the youngsters committing suicide the criminal cases the increasing hunger for money the losing touch with our culture.Our socity was never so bad as its now.And what observe I can say we all owe this to our useless education system.The education system which takes children away from themselves and make them robots who possess an amazing capacity for storing facts and churning them out at the press of the right button. Qualities like independent thinking, problem-solving ability, initiative, leadership skills and social competence fall by the wayside as getting high grades becomes their only goal. Sadly these are the very qualities that our youth need to succeed in life. The programming starts early in life, in school itself. The ideal student is one who has the ability to sit quietly for hours, his eyes transfixed on the blackboard, never contradicting the teachers. He is one who works neatly, quietly and for long hours. This favorite of the teachers realises soon enough that this is all that he needs to excel in school. He has to become obedient and organised, and give up large chunks of his idle time. This precious time is time which every child deserves to have, time which every child uses to gradually develop his creative and social skills. When a child loiters around playing marbles, hanging out, cycling, or just doing nothing he is actually developing leadership and social skills. And when a child spends time learning extra-curricular skills like swimming, playing the sitar or simply football, he is developing So if a child aims to please his teachers, gives up what he has to, and concentrates on getting high grades, he will go on to be a topper. Intelligence may or may not be one of his qualities but he will nevertheless get the best start in life. He will procure admission in a professional college of his choice, and perhaps get a high-

paying job in a multinational firm. A few years later, he may well be surprised to see that someone whom he considers mediocre has overtaken him in the rat race. The reality is that academic brilliance does not guarantee future success. It is often the so-called average student who goes on to achieve great things. The pressure that parents exert on children to do well at school seems somewhat pointless if academic success does not always bestow a life-time of success on children. But sadly, it is very difficult to convince parents and many Indian educators as well. They are stuck with an educational formula that the west discarded ages ago. As a result, children who could blossom into artists or sportsmen are still destined to have their talents squeezed out of them by academically ambitious parents. Is it any surprise then that we have the second largest population in the world, but we produce few sportsman and rarely invent anything of creative genius?

The problems which I observed while my internship are Wrong use of Operant conditioning Psychological mortification Aimless education Defective and unbalanced curriculum Out of date teaching methods Defective examination system A system deprived of morals and values Adult education is not imparted Education system with social and political perspective is not taught . Self hate system (culture) Just teachers no more Gurus Less Education More Homework: Convent Culture School and sports activities

Education of Social Values: Creative Art and Activities: (( ))

Second topic for my Internship was

No Child Left Behind

under which My guide asked me to work upon the motivation level of students so that all can fair well in the school. The dimensions on which I worked were Curiosity level.

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