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 Form 5 groups
 Each group will draw and cut a shape of a shield on a big
piece of paper (i.e. cartolina or manila paper)
 Fill up your shield with pictures (or drawings) and words
that represent preventive measures that will keep you safe
from violent actions and behaviors leading to intentional
 After finishing your shield, display it together with the
outputs of other groups.
 Then, look at all the group’s outputs and answer the guide
questions that follow.

Guide Questions
1. What preventive measures are common among all the outputs?
2. Which among the outputs do you like the most? Why?

Rubrics for Group Output

Points Excellent Good Fair Poor

Criteria (5 points) (4 points) (3 points) 2 points)
Relevance of content Informative Presents some Somewhat Lacks information
information informative
Graphics/ Graphics go well Graphics go Graphics go well Graphics do not
pictures/drawings with the text and well with the with the text, but go with the
there is a good mix text, but there there are too few accompanying
of text and are so many that and the brochure text or appear to
graphics they distract seems “text- be by chance
from the text heavy” chosen
Attractiveness & The output has The output has The output has The output’s
organization remarkably attractive well-organized formatting and
attractive formatting and information organization of
formatting and well-organized material are
well-organized information. confusing to the
information reader.
Use of Class time The group used the The group used The group used The group did not
time well during the time well the time well use the time to
each class period. during each during each class focus on the
Focused on getting class period. period. There was project or often
the project done. Usually focused some focus on distracted others.
Never distracted on getting the getting the project
others. project done and done but
did not distract occasionally
others. distracted others.

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