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Making Money with Airbnb

with Christopher Matthew Spencer

Planning for Maintenance: Wear and Tear

Over the years, I’ve stayed in hundreds of accommodations of all types and I’m occasionally surprised,
sometimes stunned, at how derelict some of the places have been. This applies to even chain hotels. From
cobwebs to the toilet that won’t flush correctly and everything in between, I’ve seen it all. I’m sure you’ve
traveled and you have too.

I take pride in presenting the very best and cleanest possible accommodations for my guests. A TV
remote should never be crusty and the space behind the fridge should be periodically vacuumed. And
let’s not neglect the drip…drip…drip of that kitchen faucet. Small details matter in big ways. The little
things are noticed and will affect the guest experience, good or bad.

Managing a rental business requires a shift in your thinking. You’ll be tempted to splurge on the best.
Remember that you will be renting to a variety of people with diverse habits. Intercultural contact has the
potential for conflict because there are large groups and individual differences in how people live and
their behaviors when traveling. Planning for maintenance and wear and tear should align with the broadest
possible contingencies to help you avoid stress and disappointment.

Checking Things Out after Checkout

There are a lot of great reasons not to hire the lowest bidder in the housekeeping department. Cheaper
isn’t always cheaper. The housekeeper is as much a property manager as a cleaner and sharing glowing
guest reviews with him or her is a great way to keep motivation high. Excellent pay and a livable wage is

Develop a plan to check things out after checkout. Cleaning is a top priority, but maintenance must be
considered and because a busy rental has few down days, planning that maintenance requires precision
and thought.

Aside from obvious issues that present themselves, during checkouts that occur in the first week of the
month, accomplish the following tasks.
√√ Verify that the fire extinguisher is fully charged.

√√ Clean out debris from the sinks, drains, and tub stoppers.

√√ Fill the garbage disposal with ice and run it through to clean out any residues and then run a lemon
and hot water through to kill odors.

√√ Use an enzymatic drain cleaner to digest the gunk inside drains, such as Zep Commercial enzymatic
drain cleaner.

√√ Check the water softener salt drum and keep it full.

Making Money with Airbnb with Christopher Michael Spencer

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√√ Replace the filter on heating and air conditioning systems. For window-mounted units, remove the
reusable filter and thoroughly blow it out with forced air. Vacmaster makes a handy 2.5-gallon mini
wet-and-dry handheld vacuum that blows air and vacuums.

√√ Don a mask and blow out and then vacuum up the debris and dust from wall furnaces.

√√ Clean the grease filter on the range hood using plain vinegar in a spray bottle.

√√ Tap out any debris from faucet aerators.

√√ Test the smoke detector.

√√ Check the toilets for leaks and water run-ons.

√√ Check the washing machine for proper operation and run a cycle to make sure it’s working
properly… Many guests incorrectly place detergent in the bleach cup and that clogs it up, so use a
pipe cleaner to get the residue out or run some hot water down the cup to clear it.

√√ Vacuum the dryer duct and lint collection filter.

√√ Check for frayed electrical cords on lamps and appliances.

√√ Gently dust or vacuum out the thermostat to ensure it operates properly.

√√ Clean door and window screens. Tighten or replace any loose or damaged frames and repaint as
needed, replace broken and worn hardware, and lubricate the hinges and closers.

√√ Defrost the freezers that aren’t the frost-free type.

√√ Replace worn faucet washers when faucets are dripping.

√√ And don’t forget to dust the top shelves in cabinets. They are often forgotten!

√√ If you’ve got a septic tank, have it pumped out once a year.

√√ Hire a professional plumber to rooter out the main drain line because mature trees will creep roots
into older clay sewers.

√√ Drain tank-style water heaters to clear them of sediment for more efficient and lower-cost operation.

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The Seasons
If your accommodation is an apartment, condo, or townhouse and there’s an HOA managing the common
area maintenance, then you’ve got a few less things to consider. Otherwise, it’s good to plan a seasonal
schedule of things to inspect and maintain so that you’re property remains in tip-top shape.
√√ Clean debris out of outdoor floor and drain grates.

√√ Inspect and clean gutters and downspouts.

√√ Check for cracks or damage on chimneys.

√√ Touch up peeling and damaged paint.

√√ Wash all windows inside and outside.

√√ Clean outdoor furniture and launder or replace the cushions.

√√ Fertilize the lawn for better growth.

√√ Visually inspect the operation of all sprinkler heads especially when you see brown spots on your

√√ Prune trees and shrubs.

√√ Test the operation of your sump pump.

√√ Clean refrigerator coils.

√√ Replace the filter on your icemaker.

√√ Have the furnace and HVAC systems professionally serviced.

√√ Set rodent traps and use nontoxic products such as diatomaceous earth to kill insects.

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Cool Maintenance Hacks
I’m talking about cleaning in this maintenance chapter because the tips are more about ongoing
maintenance than just ordinary cleaning.

The vast array of cleaning products on the market are designed to entice you with colorful liquids that
purport to offer the secret formula that you need to overcome the toughest stains or cleaning problems.
Not only do you want to avoid harsh chemicals, but you also need to keep costs down.
Try these hacks that will save you a ton of dough.

√√ Buy plenty of empty spray bottles from the dollar store so that you can mix your own cleaning
supplies. Use ordinary masking tape and a marker to label your concoctions.

√√ Buy bulk toothbrushes online to use for fine cleaning and detail work.

√√ Clean a crusty shower head by placing a plastic bag filled with full-strength vinegar over it secured
with a rubber band… Let it sit overnight and use water to rinse, and a toothbrush to polish it up.

√√ Prepare a mixture of 50% vinegar and 50% water with a generous squirt of hand soap, and use this
cleaning product to remove scum and mildew from tiles and hard surfaces.

√√ Fill a clogged drain with baking soda and pour hot vinegar down the drain to unclog it.

√√ Pour two to four cups of vinegar into the tank of your toilet to dissolve years of crust and sediment
and then after several hours in the tank, flush it down.

√√ Vinegar in the toilet bowl will kill stains and remove lime deposits.

√√ Remove hair clogs with ordinary household bleach, but not the cheap kind. Always buy double
strength brands like Clorox.

√√ Muriatic acid can be very dangerous and extreme caution must be used when cleaning with it, but
revive old tile with five parts water mixed with one part of muriatic acid and scrub using a nylon
scouring pad. It will clean off old rust stains and hard-to-remove scum from old tile. Be sure to have
a fan running and ensure there’s plenty of ventilation in the room. Use baking soda mixed with water
in a spray bottle to neutralize the acid after you’re done cleaning.

√√ Use Ronsonol lighter fluid to remove stubborn tape or label residue.

√√ Isopropyl alcohol is an excellent non-painted hard surface cleaner… and as with all flammable
cleaning solutions, use care in handling and storage of these products.

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Keeping Things Plug-N-Play
Expensive blinds don’t make sense because many guests will push down to peer out a window and over
time, this causes the blinds to bend and break. Purchase good quality blinds that are modestly priced and
easily replaced. I buy mine online and the vendor keeps the measurements in their computer and even
allows me to type in a description of each blind ordered so that I can match it to the specific apartment
and window.

And things will get broken. Expect it and plan for it. Rare and hard-to-replace furniture and housewares
are a definite no-no. Start a file so that you’re organized to keep track of those items that require ongoing
attention, where to reorder them, and the last price you paid. Housewares will need replacing, whether it’s
a badly burned pot or a chipped tumbler. It’s quite common for a glass to fall and break and you should
have a box of them stored and on-the-ready for a speedy replacement.
And a plunger on the ready would be a good idea too. The more travelers can help themselves, the
better. I even keep a bottle of drain cleaner under the bathroom sink.
Start to consider the correct price points and sources of goods you’ll need to keep your accommodation
space looking up-to-date and well-maintained.

Picasso Used a Paint Palette

Limit the number of paint colors in your accommodation to no more than four. Use stock formulas and the
best brand you can afford. You get what you pay for. It’s no bargain if you have to repaint in a couple of

Keep little plastic storage containers filled with each color and a bunch of disposable foam paint brushes
that you can use to quickly touch up deep scratches on painted surfaces.

Really Obvious Stuff That’s Rarely Considered

Here’s my list of killer time-tested maintenance tips that will have you smiling and counting those big
dollars you’ll be saving by helping yourself.

√√ I provide vanity kits for guests and they include cotton swabs. Never buy the kind with plastic shafts.
They get caught in toilets. (Yes, that’s where guests throw them!)

√√ To remove indentations in a carpet, place a few ice cubes on them and let them melt and then use a
hair dryer to dry using your fingers to work the yarn back into place.

√√ Always place the cutting board on top of the counter in plain view near the knives; otherwise guests
will use the countertop to cut vegetables.

√√ Don’t place flowerpots directly on the balcony; always use a stand. This prevents decking decay and
insects from accumulating underneath.

√√ Use Command strips to hang art when possible. They don’t damage the walls and allow you to
quickly re-decorate without having to touch up paint.

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√√ Keep essential tools in secure storage inside the accommodation. At a minimum, this means both
types of screwdrivers, a garbage disposal wrench, adjustable wrench, pliers, white glue, super glue,
and anything that may help you with a quick fix in a pinch.

√√ Keep a can of WD-40 handy to quickly resolve stiff latches and hinges.

√√ Test for leaking toilets by putting red food coloring in the tank and seeing if it seeps into the bowl.

√√ Before calling a professional plumber, try soap and boiling water. Accumulated fats and oils are the
main cause for clogs and the hot water melts clogs and the soap emulsifies the fats and oils to allow
them to exit the drain.

√√ Small scratches to painted appliances can be quickly concealed with color-matched Testors enamel
model paint. It’s durable and does a great job of covering ugly scratches.

√√ Use J-B Weld Waterweld epoxy putty to quickly fix minor plumbing leaks until you can attend to
permanent repairs.

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