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Research Plan/Project summary

Group 7 (10 – Einstein)

Participants of Group 7:
Leader: Andojar, Keno
Bangtuan, Siroj Elis
Abrenica, Hailey
Queen, Lorraine
Abella, Laurence

A. Rationale; A Brief Synopsis

Extreme heat can make other forms of calamities more likely. Drought can be made worse by heat, and
wildfires can be sparked by hot, dry weather. The urban heat island effect is a phenomenon where
temperatures in urban centers can be 1 to 7 degrees F hotter than in outlying areas as a result of buildings,
roads, and infrastructure absorbing heat.

Not only this, but Humans experience heat stress when their bodies are unable to adequately cool down.
Sweating is normally a way for the body to cool itself, but in conditions of high humidity, perspiration
won't evaporate as rapidly, which could result in heat stroke.

We thought about creating a fan that does not require usage electricity for a few important reasons; First
being, it’s a way to be more environmentally friendly. This project will help reduce the negative impact on
our planet, in terms of usage of electricity. Using less electricity would mean less usage of fossil fuels.
Second, non-electric fans are versatile. They can be used in many situations like outdoor activities or when
the power goes out, providing comfort without needing a steady power source. This project will also let us
explore a different, eco-friendly technology, making us more self-sufficient and adaptable. In simple
terms, making a fan without electricity shows our commitment to living more sustainably, being ready for
different situations, and embracing new, helpful ideas for ourselves and others.

B. Research Question(s), Hypothesis(es), Engineering Goals, Expected Outcomes

a. Research Question(s)
 Who are the main targets of this product?
 How accessible can someone purchase the materials used in this product?
 Do you think the market will appreciate this kind of product?

b. Hypothesis(es)
The Philippines has more than 7,000 islands. Most of these islands are in remote areas and do not
have an electric supply. This innovation aims to provide people in these areas access to a cooling
system that does not depend on electricity. This project was also conducted to specifically attract
environmentalists, travelers, or any person who is concerned with and/or advocates of
environmental protection. Because of its affordability, this product may also come in handy for
the impoverished, low-income, or for the underserved; may it be students, unemployed citizens,
or underpaid workers.
The materials used in this product are accessible and low-cost, because some of them are
refurbished from other items. From small entrepreneurs to junk shops, and to commercial
hardware, an individual can easily purchase the materials needed to build the product.

If we’re basing on resourcefulness, this product surely wins. As said in the previous statements,
this product does not need electricity to function. This product can withstand disruptions, one of
which is power interruption.
c. Engineering Goals
Our main objective is to complete this project accurately and without issues so that we may
contribute to and help with even the smallest issue in our society. By the completion of this
research, we will undoubtedly inspire a new generation of determination.
d. Expected Outcomes
We expect to have garnered experience by the end of this project. We expect to have completely
and clearly addressed all the blurs in our project. And more importantly, by the end of this, we
expect to have come up with a solution to our heat crisis.

C. Describe The Following in Detail:

a. Procedures
In coming up with the design of this product, we took inspiration from the structure of a regular fan.
We sketched up references for future-basis, until we were contented to one design. We planned out
where to place certain materials for the product to function properly. To increase the reliability and
validity of our findings, us researchers frequently employ techniques in data gathering. One of which
being Social media or Web Data Collection. In the process of brainstorming the media helped us in
constructing additional knowledge, to get to know our project and its materials better. Additionally,
we spent most of our time tuning into our observational abilities.
b. Risk and Safety
Magnets can pose a danger to electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, and cameras
due to the potential for data loss or damage to the devices. When handling Neodymium magnets, it's
important to keep them away from electronic devices. Magnets can also pose a danger to magnetic
data storage devices such as hard drives and floppy disks. If a magnet comes too close to such
devices, it can damage or destroy the data stored on them. With these potential risks provided, we
must keep in mind to always handle Neodymium magnets with care. They are strong and can pose a
danger to fingers and hands if not held correctly. Always wear gloves when handling magnets. Keep
neodymium magnets away from electronic devices and other magnetic storage devices. Store them in
a safe location that is away from these devices. Since the magnets we'll be using for this project are
smaller than coins, we must be mindful of our surroundings as we work. We must find a suitable
location to put our plan into action and confirm whether there are any children nearby, because there
is a chance they could swallow, inhale, or choke on the magnets.
c. Data Analysis
Describing the procedures used in analyzing data. We start by defining the objectives of our research
and focus on the things that we want to improve using our product. For gathering data, we searched
the media for existing literatures such as relevant concepts and methodologies used other

D. Bibliograpy
 C2ES, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. Heat Waves and Climate Change.
 Lasco, G. (March 2017). From 7,107 to 7,461.
 NATIONWIDE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL. (June 2022). The Dangers of High-Powered Magnets.
 Sawai bah, H. 7NEWS.COM.AU. (March 2023). Mum’s Toy Warning After Young Son Wakes Up in
Agony with Stomach Pain After Eating Small Magnetic Beads.
Power Interruptions Rose to 10%.

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