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(Ivan Satterfield)
OGL 340: Artificial Intelligence: The Human Side
Bill Erwin

Total Word Count: 1548 words



Are we living in a state of altered reality like in the movie Matrix? Would we have to

come together as a human race to fight off the apocalypse of super-intelligent robots like

depicted in the Terminator movies? These questions have only served us solely as

entertainment rather than reality. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is suppressed in or subconscious,

leading to well-rested nights. It might be time to start thinking about the direct impact AI will

have on us all. Arthur of the book The War on Normal People Andrew Young and Arthur of the

book AI Superpowers Kai-Fue Lee raise concerns about AI and its impact on society. We all can

unanimously agree that technology has and will continue to impact our lives in some shape of


This paper will briefly cover some issues and risks associated with AI. Then will discuss

solutions related to those risks by first addressing the economic and political AI issues, then

dive into how to combat the sociological and psychological AI problems.

Addressing the Economic/Political AI Issues

With the rapid advances of AI, people are projecting massive job loss to the labor force

in the United States, affecting blue-collar and even white-collar jobs. Incentives with reduced

labor costs, increase productivity, and savings in the billions will usher in AI to replace the labor

workforce rapidly. These impacts will be felt through communities throughout the U.S.. Many

communities throughout U.S. are supported through the manufacturing and trucking industries

which are in grave danger of becoming instinct (Yang, 2018).

Governments will have to step in and navigate the AI dilemma, and governments will

have to either be proactive or reactive to the crisis with foreseen job loss. Recently China's

government has been taking a proactive approach by building entire cities around AI and

encouraging AI startups through various subsidies (Lee, 2018). Yang (2018) advocates that the

government take charge and implement a universal basic income where everyone, no matter

status, would receive a monthly stiffen around one thousand dollars that would have no strings

attached on how you spend the money.

I have worked on the front lines for my local municipality. I have witnessed the harmful

effects of illegal dumping and homeless encampments on the community, primarily the lower

income. I have seen how fragile the economy can be through pandemics and recessions.

Municipalities will have to ramp up the services, especially for the frontline workers keeping

services at a high level no matter the state of the economy through an AI displacement. I might

have a biased approach because of my line of work, but I see first-hand the effects of people

forced to live on the streets. And if there's no service to help these people, not only will they be

affected, but the whole community will suffer.

Displacement is already happening to people in the Bay Area due to the high housing

coast. A couple of years ago, when a labor dispute led to mass disruption with a City in the east

bay having frontline workers walkout on a weeklong strike, homeless encampments didn't get

serviced garbage on the streets did not get picked up. Not servicing the homeless

encampments for one week created living conditions that mimic a third-world country. The

whole community was affected by the lack of service. To combat the mass devastation to our

community that some predict from AI, I propose more resources from the local government.

The concept of universal basic income would not go to the individual but to the local

governments, calling it the Government Basic Income (GBI). The GBI will help stabilize and

provide adequate services to the community. The local governments will not have to rely on the

economy to fund essential services. There would have to be stronger oversights over politicians

and more lucrative salaries to deter self-interest decisions (Yang, 2018). People might see more

government control as a negative. Still, I see it as a critical service to keep the quality of life high

is more important to me than individuals receiving one thousand dollars monthly.

My plan to combat the AI effects on the economy is to be more conscious of AI's impact

on our everyday lives. I can do this by seeking information on AI and being aware of what's

happening not only in the U.S. but around the world. In my time working for my organization,

I've taken advantage of all training provided and even went back to school to finish my

bachelor's degree. AI hasn't been at the forefront of my decision-making, but I've always known

that I would have to advance my skill sets with the advancement of technology.

Addressing the Sociological AI Issues

In 15 years, AI will replace 40 to 50% of all jobs (Lee, 2018). Yang (2018) alludes to cities

across the U.S. that will crumble due to AI advancement. Many communities have been built

around manufacturing and trucking industries. And with AI taking over these jobs, a person's

sense of purpose will be lost. But with a (GBI), the community won't lose the government-

provided essential services, and local governments can emphasize job training and lead the way

for social reform. Local governments can shape society's identities to be more people-centric.

Yang (2018) mentions that we should have a system where people can trade work. This system

of services will not be for money but provide services in exchange for service that could lead to

stronger communities. This service concept could bring us together and help us be more

people-centric as a community. I see this concept forming small networks throughout the

community where people engage to help one another. This service will have to be funded and

overseen by the government. The GBI could fund all operations.

I would not oppose engaging in a trading services system. I have a set of skills that I'm

sure can help other people. Everyone has skills to offer that could bring people together. This

barter system could help people get tasks completed that usually takes money and may curve

some psychological issues from AI advancements.

Addressing the Psychological AI Issues

Most people's self-worth comes from their job (Lee, 2018). Suppose one loses their job

or cant find work to match their skillset. What happens to how you think about yourself. More

than 50% of Americans would be facing self-worth concerns leading to job displacement from

AI. This displacement could lead to a psychological crisis. According to Yang (2018), depression,

suicide, drug abuse, and mental illness will rise with job loss due to AI. Currently, I witness the

government reducing resources to help mental diseases in response to funding. Local

governments should invest heavily into social services with extensive training and high

compensation to encourage people to get into the psychological field as social workers or

therapists. Funding for these services will come directly from the GBI.

Technology has made it where people are becoming less social. If you go to a restaurant,

most people have their phones out, not even paying attention to their surroundings, even the

people at their table. And it always baffles me to watch basketball games on TV where people

sitting courtside don't even pay attention to the game but have their faces glued to their

phones. The false sense of reality that technology has created has got people addicted. Most

people look for the easy way out, and in-person socializing is more complex than scrolling on

Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Regular conversations with people are becoming a thing of the

past, and Universal basic income will exasperate this issue. Most people who have lost their job

or have problems with finding work will get seduced into thinking that little money is enough.

Lee (2018) sees a UBI as a pain killer for society, only masking the main issues. Local

governments need to create subsidies for people to work in field that are people driven.


It's not a matter of if, but a concern of when AI will be at the forefront of our daily lives.

No more treating AI solely as make-believe entertainment. There will be good and bad that

come from AI. AI will eliminate jobs, and people will suffer. Local governments will have to step

up and provide services to help curve this AI displacement. We cannot solely depend on the

local governments. It is our responsibility as individuals to be aware of issues that arise from AI.

We will have to adapt to changes that are sure to occur and, as a community, come together to

support one another with these changes. I look at AI to help humans focus on becoming more

creative by alleviating some of the redundant activities that burden our everyday lives. I

genuinely believe that we can still get a good night's sleep knowing AI is upon us and here to



Lee, K. (2018). AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order: Houghton Mifflin


Yang, A. (2018). The war on normal people: the truth about America's disappearing jobs and

why universal basic income is our future, Hachette Books.

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