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Name: Yaren De la Vega Paez

Elective course: Teaching English to children

The boy who harnessed the world

Based on the movie and any further research, answer these questions.

1.What was William´s story main problem?

I think William's main problem was the lack of money in his family which limited his
school attendance, the development of his education and that of his sister who could not go
to college because their parents could not afford it, not to mention that because their parents
did not go to school, they could not educate themselves for situations like the ones in the
2.What was people´s spirit(attitude) towards their problems?

Most people at the beginning feel discouraged at not finding a solution to the drought and
famine that the village is going through and decide to leave for other villages without
thinking of possible solutions, while other characters look for a solution as is the case of
our protagonist who investigates how to help the village with the situation it is going
3.Besides William, did any other character catch your attention?

A character that caught my attention was his sister and how in a desperate decision she
decides to leave with a school teacher without thinking about the honor of her family or the
future of her family's situation.
4.How would you describe William´s relationship with his father?

although I can't say that it was a relationship to envy, I could say that they had a stable
relationship because although Willian didn't have 100% of his father's support, you can see
that his father supported him in most of the things that were within his reach and motivated
him to study.
5.What was the school role in William’s motivation to make a change?

In my opinion, the school played a secondary role because the important thing here was
William's desire and ingenuity to get ahead and help his people; the school was only an
impetus to be better.
6.Can you spot what kind of child William was?

Willian was an ingenious, curious and persevering child eager to show the world his
potential. from the beginning of the film, he developed into a young man with a great
interest in learning how things work.
7.Like in William´s case, which quality should education try to elicit in children?

I think that an important quality that should be encouraged in children today is curiosity, we
should educate children who are able to go beyond what they are taught, who develop
critical thinking and who are able to adapt to changes in the world.
8.What similarities between William and our children at school can you find today?

From my point of view, I would say that some of the similarities between William and
today's children are that they are curious, resourceful, have an entrepreneurial spirit, are
very technological children, not to mention that they are immensely creative.
9.If you had been William’s teacher, what had you done?

I would have let him continue attending classes for his effort to want to move forward and
help his community. it would be inconsistent not to help a child who wants to learn.
10. Does William´s story somehow change or enrich your perception of children´s learning?

I would have let him continue attending classes for his effort to want to move forward and
help his community. it would be inconsistent not to help a child who wants to learn.

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