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I am a Child of God… Empowered to Conquer

At this point, there shouldn't be a single person who doesn't know about

As it goes personally for me, my school was shut down. It was all new and
different for me, just as it was for millions of students worldwide. We were forced
to transfer from physically attending school, interacting with our peers and
teachers, participating in school events, and just being in a classroom setting to just
looking at each other through a computer screen; that is something that we all
could have never seen coming, it was also sudden and new.

My experience with distance learning was so stressful. I get distracted very easily
and find it hard to concentrate. Missing out on important information that was
being presented. It made me sick, and it has affected me deeply. My brain was not
working and failing miserably. I experienced fear, sadness, and loneliness.

Gratefully, many people in my life have boosted my self-confidence and taught

me the importance of conquering my fear and sadness. I have had a close
relationship with my parents all of my life. They have encouraged me to have
complete faith in God and to trust with my entire being that God has my back and
that He will help and take care of me. I have been told throughout my life that if I
have a good relationship with God, there is no contest; I am empowered to conquer.

One of my biggest goals in life is to encourage current and future generations to

be Empowered by God!

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