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Daniel Dandi Wicaksono, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,

University of Brawijaya, July 2023, The Effect of Addition of Expanded Polyesteryne
Processed Waste in the Form of Latex Aggregate to Concrete on the Compressive Strength and
Pulse Velocity with Non-Destructive Methods, Academic Supervisor : Indra Waluyohadi dan
Desy Setyowulan.

Along with the increase in population, the production of waste generated from the
activities of the population is increasing. One of the most common wastes is Styrofoam waste.
Along with population growth, the need to build infrastructure to support community activities
has also increased. Concrete is one of the most widely used materials in infrastructure

Styrofoam or Expanded Polystyrene which when dissolved in gasoline will produce

latex. Synthetic latex is a rubber polymer made synthetically through a chemical process and
is elastic, has good strength, and has good chemical stability against water, acids, bases, and
other elements. Concrete that has been modified with the addition of fabricated latex is called
Latex Modified Concrete (LMC).

Therefore this study aims to understand the effect of adding latex derived from
Styrofoam waste on the compressive strength and pulse velocity in concrete. After testing the
specimens with varying levels of latex 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, using the hammer test and UPV
test, the compressive strength of the concrete and the pulse velocity in the concrete decreased
with the addition of polystyrene latex.

Keywords: polystyrene latex, compressive strength, pulse velocity

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