Verosikas New Imp

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Verosika’s New Imp Boyfriend

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Helluva Boss (Web Series)
Relationship: Verosika Mayday/Reader, Verosika Mayday/Male Reader
Character: Verosika Mayday, Verosika Mayday's Crew, Original Imp Demon(s)
(Helluva Boss), Original Helluva Boss Character(s), Reader, Blitzo
(Helluva Boss), Wally Wackford, Real Life Character(s), Vortex (Helluva
Additional Tags: Femdom, Reader-Insert, Woman on Top, Fluff and Smut, Sex, My First
AO3 Post, First Time, Tall Woman and Short Guy, Dominant Verosika
Mayday, Boss/Employee Relationship, Face-Sitting, Evil People from
the Past in Hell, Eventual Sex, Teasing, Begging, Cruise Ships, Tex is a
badass, Hazbin Hotel References, Porn With Plot, Costumes, i don’t
know how to write romance, Action, Action & Romance, Stupid Plot
Twist, This work is bad and I’m proud, Orgy
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-10-11 Completed: 2022-03-31 Words: 49,300
Chapters: 5/5

Verosika’s New Imp Boyfriend

by orphan_account


After Verosika has a messy breakup with Blitzo, she begins to haves eyes for her tired but
loyal imp accountant (reader). But not everything about him is as it seems.
V.I.P. Access
Chapter Summary

Verosika decides to reward her employee for his service by giving him special access
to the V.I.P. rooms of a club she frequents.

(This is my first fic, don’t be too harsh)

It was an ordinary, boring day. (Y/n) was typing away, drinking whatever coffee he could get his
claws on and trying to ignore the growing bags on his eyes in the computer screen’s reflection.

As an accountant, he was going over all of the purchases of his employer, the famous pop star
Verosika Mayday. (Y/n) always thought that working for a celebrity would be more exciting, but
this job was just a constant spiral of mundane torture. She was better, he supposed, than his last

Just the same purchases every day:

Makeup: $-200.00

Outfits: $-1500.00

Beelzejuice: $-2000.00

Wally Wackford’s Equine Emporium: $-256851.17

Sex Toys: $-13.99

“Wait what?”

(Y/n) took a closer look at his screen. Only 13.99 on sex toys, he thought, that doesn’t make any-

He then noticed the amount paid at the unusual place which answered one question but raised 50

“That’s not right,” he said, pressing the icon that prints out what’s on his screen.

*Bzzzt brr brr brr brr brr*

(Y/n) grabbed the document. He then jumped down from his chair, spilling his cup of coffee in the

Ignoring the mess he made, (Y/n) started pacing through his door and into the hallway. He
mumbled to himself, “This isn’t right at all!”

(Y/n), now speed-walking to where Verosika and her Crew usually hang out, kept looking back at
the document to make sure that he wasn’t hallucinating from some of his boss’s drug runoff but
was proven right each time.
As he was nearing the communal room, he looked up just in time so that he didn’t bump into his
employer who was stomping down the hallway across from him.

Verosika had an annoyed expression on her face. She was also gripping a small plastic bag that had
the words “Saul’s Super Duper Dildos” on it.

She didn’t notice (Y/n)’s presence as she sped by and opened the pink door to the communal room.

Music blasted from inside the room and the smell of cigarette smoke drifted out.

As Verosika stepped into the room Josh called out, “Yo! Verosika’s back dudes!”

“Ooh! Ooh! Did you get it! Didja get that new model?!”, Apple chimed in.

“Ugh, no I didn’t, Apple,” replied Verosika, walking around the room and turning down the radio.
“My fucking card got declined. All I could buy was this stupid-ass vibrator for like $14.”

Verosika reached into her bag and threw the green toy, which was still in the original packaging,
onto the table. The toy slid across the table and fell off but Coco jumped in and grabbed it midair.

Ace got up from his chair and said, “Did you try-“

“That was AFTER I gave that guy a blowjob,” interrupted Verosika, causing Ace to sit back down.

Verosika let out a frustrated sigh and fell into the couch. She took a long swig from her hip flask
then she yelled at the ceiling, “What the fuck happened!? I thought we had a lot on that card to

(Y/n) cleared his throat and each of the demons except for Ace and Verosika turned to look at the
imp that was standing in the doorway.

“If I may, boss, I believe I have and inkling into the cause of this situation.”

Verosika replied by taking another swig.

Apple, who was now sitting on the table, said, “Well what is it? We didn’t have any major
purchases recently, did we?”

(Y/n) looked at the document then back at the group.

“Well, yes and no.” He turned the document around to face the other demons.

“Miss Mayday, I’m going to take a wild guess and assume that you didn’t spend over two hundred
fifty thousand bucks at-,” (Y/n) took another look at the paper as Verosika finally perked her head
up. “At Wally Wackford’s Equine Emporium.”

Verosika shot up, stepping across the table, and stomped towards (Y/n). The agitation on her face
had morphed into a cold stern look.

“Give it.” The pink demon ordered. She was twice the height of (Y/n) and towered over him.

(Y/n) felt a lot smaller than usual because of the terrible look on her face. While the rest of her face
was neutral, her yellow eyes burned with malice and wrath as she looked down upon him.

(Y/n) couldn’t help but feel a little bit aroused by this but he quickly shrugged it off and replied,
“Yes, ma’am.”
Verosika snatched the document from (Y/n)’s hands and buried her face into it.

Each of the demons waited in anticipation, except for Ace who was sitting in contemplation.

Finally, Verosika turned to (Y/n) and said, “Get your car ready. We’re going to drive over to that

(Y/n) looked up at her and asked, “Wait why me?”

“Because you figured this out and you’re going to help me fucking fix it!”, Verosika snapped with

Not wanting to piss her off any more than she already was, (Y/n) nodded and ran off to set up his

It wasn’t a long ride, but it felt like days were going by. The silence between the imp and the
succubus was deafening.

At long last (about 20 minutes), the car finally pulled up to what looked like a small ranch.

At the entrance there was a large sign that said, “Welco_e to Wall_ _ackf_rd’_ Eq_uine E___riu_”
and there were a bunch of letters on the ground with varying degrees of quality.

(Y/n) drove up to the parking lot while Verosika got down below the window.

There were a bunch of cars that looked similar to (Y/n)’s and it became obvious why Verosika
choose his car: her’s could be seen from several rings away while his could blend in more in this

(Y/n) managed to find an empty spot that allowed for clear viability of the ranch. He turned to
Verosika to say something but she was gone and his car door was open.

While Verosika was doing her thing, (Y/n) analyzed the area around him.

There was a handful of imps and what looked like a sinner couple, but what really stood out to him
were the two imps in the sand pit.

There was one that was short for an imp but had a very tall hat. He had a long curled mustache and
dressed in all white and he was talking to a taller imp on a nightmare.

“Now, I say I say, now you must remember this rule, mister! If the horsey starts actin’ up don’t, I
say, don’t squeeze your legs. If ya do then she’ll start movin’ faster then a car with a British
princess in it!”

The one on the nightmare was another well dressed imp, but this one had a darker suit. He had
large horns and appeared to have a white mark on the right side of his face.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. This isn’t my first rodeo, shit for breakfast! Now let’s get. This. Shit. Started!”

(Y/n) recognized that voice anywhere. It was Blitzo, Verosika’s bodyguard and boyfriend.

He had met Blitzo a few times in the past but never had any long conversations with him. Usually
any chats they did have ended quickly and with some rude comment from either party.
But what was he doing here, was he the one who-?

(Y/n)’s train of thought was cut off when a massive, terrifying creature jumped out from behind the

In a fright, the horse kicked the mustachioed imp into the fence, threw Blitzo on the ground, and
burst through the fence, running off.

Blitzo, dazed, sat up and screamed, “Okay what brain dead BITCH, in the name of Satan’s step
aunt, dares ruin MY fuckin horseplay!?”

“OH NOBODY,” bellowed the terrible beast. It’s familiar yellow eyes bore deep into Blitzo’s

Blitzo took a few seconds to figure out who this was, then his confidence dropped when he realized
who this was.

“Oh. Uh. Hey Verosika.” He said with an unusually shaky voice. “How’s work been treating ya?”


Verosika screamed at and scolded Blitzo for around 10 minutes, saying all kinds of insults both
common and rare.

After Verosika was done with her horrifying rant, she started to turn back into her normal form.

As she slowly turned back, she picked up Blitzo by the collar she said through clenched teeth,
“We. Are. Done.” She then threw him onto the sandy ground, causing dust to billow up.

Blitzo sat up and coughed, “Yeah I figured that out after the first 5 minutes.”

He then got up and stormed off. He said under his breath, “fucking, drunken whore.”

“Damnit! I fucking heard you, Blitzo!”

“Oh shut the fuck up!”

Verosika would’ve said more but she noticed the Wackford was starting to wake up.

“I say… I say… what in tarnation just hap-“ Verosika cut him off by grabbing him by one his
horns. “Ow, I say, OW!”, Wackford screamed in pain.

Verosika stared him down and ordered, “You. Give me everything that imp you were teaching
gave you!”

Wackford, absolutely terrified, replied, “W-w-well, I-I can do you o-o-o-one better, m-missy.” He
reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper.

He flattened it out and held it up. “This is the d-d-deed to the ranch. I hereby declare that you own
Wally Wackford’s Equine Emporium and all its properties, w-w-w-which includes that fella’s cash.
Just please put me down.”

Wackford gave a nervous smile before Verosika grabbed the paper and dropped him. She walked
away while Wackford ran off in the opposite direction, ran into the fence, then went around it.
Verosika got back into the car without exchanging a word with (Y/n).

(Y/n) didn’t need to be told that it was time to leave.

The silence between the two demons reared its head again for most of the drive back.

Eventually, the car stopped due to a red light ahead.

(Y/n) looked at his boss. She was looking out the window without saying anything.

(Y/n) felt the urge to break the awkward silence.

“Hey, boss. I’m, uh. I’m sorry for what just happened. I-“

“Don’t be,” said Verosika, her interruption lacking the usual rudeness. “You did your job well.”

She turned and looked at her accountant in the eyes. (Y/n) felt strangely comfortable with this look
of hers.

She continued, “You helped get back our funds before it got really bad. In fact.” She held up the
deed to the ranch. “We’re in a much better situation now because of you!”

The boss gave (Y/n) a strangely warm smile. Most of the tension that he felt was melting away in a
sea of uncommon but welcome kindness.

Verosika then said the one thing (Y/n) had hoped she would say for a long time.

“You know what, fuck it, you deserve a significant raise.”

At that statement, (Y/n) nearly jumped for joy but managed to compose himself. He could
practically feel the bags on his eyes fading away.

A smile broke through his face as he said, “Thanks, Miss Verosika. I appreciate it.”

“Don’t fucking worry about it,” said Verosika as she took a swig from her hip flask.

“How damn long is that red light?”

Verosika put her head through the window and screamed, “Hey! Get a fucking move on you
dickless virgin!”

“I’m just doing my job, ma’am,” said the traffic light.

“I don’t give a fuck! Fucking let us through you-“

It was a much longer drive back but eventually the car arrived back at the office building.

The two demons got out of the car and started walking towards the building.

(Y/n) took the deed from Verosika and said, “Alright, I’ll look this over and determine what sort of
financial gain we can get from this. We could turn it into private stage, perhaps? Maybe a new

“Those both sound interesting,” responded Verosika. “Oh that reminds me!”
Verosika stopped and reached into her cleavage. She pulled out what looked like a black card with
red writing on it and handed it to (Y/n).

“Here I was going to give this to Blitzo but… well you know the story.”

(Y/n), struggling to stay composed after that action, took the card and looked it over.

“V.I.P. Access, Club Absolute”

Verosika said, with a mischievous smirk, “Perhaps we’ll meet there sometime. But for now why
don’t you get to work, hm?”

(Y/n) nodded and ran off to his office, positioning the the documents to hide the growing bulge
that was forming in his pants.

He felt better than he did for a while as he practically skipped down the hall to his office.

As he opened the door to his office his mood was soured as he realized the coffee he had spilled
earlier had dried into the carpet.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that.”

About a month had passed after Verosika and Blitzo broken up.

(Y/n) had decided it would be best to get a bit more comfortable with his new salary before going
to this club.

He used his earnings to make his apartment a little more bearable to live in.

He used some of his money to get new fancy clothes. Not overly well-dressed but good enough for
the average imp.

He tidied himself in the mirror and said, “Let’s fucking so this.”

He then grabbed his keys and took off in his car to Club Absolute.

The club was a relatively large place but not too large. There was a long line as each person was let
in individually. Music and laughter emitted from the door each time it opened.

It also appeared to be attached to a furniture store which was called “Gein’s Quality Skin Sofas and
More” and had a sign that said “Bring a FULL skin and get HALF the price off!”

When (Y/n) finally got into the building, all of the flashing lights nearly blinded him.

There was a music blaring, people grinding and making out, Gein was arguing loudly with a
hellhound about what does and does not count as a full skin, and the spotlights were waving around

(Y/n) was looking around for the V.I.P. room to escape the pandemonium and got knocked over
more times than he could count on the way there.

Thankfully, (Y/n) managed to slip away before he got crushed between to very large sinners’ asses
when he noticed a line going to a red door with a large, snake-like sinner as a bouncer.

He quickly got away from the crowd and got in line with the V.I.P.s.

The snake-demon looked at each person’s cards to verify if they could get in. When they looked at
them their eyes turned blue as they scanned each card.

The demon in front of (Y/n) gave the bouncer his card but their eyes turned red with a *brrrt*

“Hey c’mon man, you gotta let me in. I’ll put in a word with-“ The demon was cut off as the
bouncer grabbed the customer with their tail and threw them into the crowd, knocking out about 4

After that display, (Y/n) walked up nervously to the bouncer and handed them his card.

The bouncer had a confused look on their face as they don’t get many imp V.I.P.s but they took the
card anyway.

The snake-demon’s eyes turned blue for a few seconds then, *ting* their eyes turned green.

The bouncer looked at the imp again, shrugged, then opened the door him.

The smell of the room hit (Y/n) like a brick. It was a mixture of cigarette smoke, alcohol, and
about a dozen smells he didn’t recognize.

However the room itself was a lot nicer than the rest of the building.

The carpet design was pleasing to the eye, the walls muffled the chaotic sounds of the rest of the
club, and it overall had a much calmer atmosphere around it.

(Y/n) decided to take a look around this area, he’d never been to a place like this before after all.

It didn’t take long for (Y/n) to realize that imps don’t usually get let in to places like this as all the
other imps there were servers and most of the other demons there gave him odd looks.

However, most of the demons there seemed to have much bigger things to attend to or got
distracted by something else.

“Hey, you! Gimme another vodka.”

(Y/n) turned to the skinny, rat-like demon behind him, looked around and said, “Are you talking to

“Yesh, I am… you fuckin-Hic- goblin,” the demon responded, drunkenly stumbling towards him.

“Oh no, I don’t wor-“

“Hey you little prick, if you don’t gimme my drink I’ma gonna-,” the rat demon was cut off by a
deep growl and deep voice that said, “You’ll what?”

Standing behind the sinner was a large dark hellhound which (Y/n) recognized as Vortex,
Verosika’s new bodyguard.
The rat demon turned, hunched over and said, “I’ll. I will… um.” The rat demon suddenly stood
up straight. “I will call a cab and go home like a -hic- reschponshible schitizen.”

As the demon hurried off, a familiar female voice game from behind (Y/n).

“Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up to the club.”

Verosika was sporting an outfit which she usually wears for performances, a tight black dress with
a leg slit and a fur coat.

“Oh hey boss,” responded (Y/n), who was starting to feel very underdressed. “Nice to see you here.
You look great!”

“Oh, please. We’re not at work! Just call me Verosika,” the pink succubus laughed. “Now c’mon,
the crew and I were just talking with some investors. I’m sure they’ll love you.”

“Alright! Sounds good, bo-I mean- sounds good, Verosika!”

(Y/n) followed the succubus over to the next room. It was a small room with couches on all sides.

Sitting on one side of the room was a variety of important-looking demons, each of which were
receiving a lap dance from a member of Verosika’s crew.

Verosika, Vortex, and (Y/n) walked into the room at the same. Verosika turned to the investors
and said, “Sorry about that everyone. Just wanted you guys to say hi to my accountant, (Y/n). He’s
the one prevented that whole, ‘horse lessons’ thing from becoming a problem.”



“My pleasure.”



Verosika sat down on the side of the room opposite of the investors and had Vortex and (Y/n) sit to
the left and right of her respectively.

Everyone in that room laughed and talked with each other about a sorts of things for a few hours. It
was the most social (Y/n) had been in a while and he had a great time with everyone.

However, there was one thing that (Y/n) just couldn’t keep his eyes off of.

Right outside of the room was a hallway with red lights with six rooms in it. Right above the
doorway was a not-so subtle sign that read “Sex Rooms” and had a neon lights shaped to look like
two demons having sex, although (Y/n) couldn’t tell what pose it was supposed to be.

Every now and then, demons would go into a room and come out at varying times. Right as they
left some imps would go into the room with new sheets and cleaning supplies to make it ready for
the next users.

(Y/n) couldn’t help but feel like maybe he could have a chance. Maybe, if he played his cards
right, he could get lucky tonight. He felt maybe it could just be with the one he had the most
feelings for at the moment.
When the investors determined that they had seen enough and decided to leave, Verosika stretched
her arms and gave a satisfied sigh.

“That went swimmingly, don’t you guys agree?”

“Hell yeah, Verosika!” yelled Milky, drinking down a bottle of whiskey.

“Yep, I agree as well. I’ve never met investors with such experience with how accounting works!”
said (Y/n), causing some of the other demons to laugh.

As the crew began to talk with one another, (Y/n) noticed two demons leaving a Sex Room. Then a
few imps ran in and started dragging the dirty sheets out.

There was movements inside the sheets and someone pleaded in a muffled voice, “Guys! Guys!
Please, for the indifference of Satan let me out! It’s so damn sticky in here!”

As the underpaid imps began to replace the sheets, (Y/n) turned to look at Verosika. She was
probably one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen and he new this could be his only chance
to do this.

He took a deep breath, stood up on the couch, and put his hand on the wall besides Verosika’s

Then, mustering all the courage his pacing little heart could squeeze out, looked the demon in her
yellow eyes and said the best thing he could come up with.

“Hey. Looks like one of those ‘special rooms’ has just become vacant. Why don’t you and I go in
there and try to, uuum, make this night just a bit more fun, hmm?”

(Y/n) couldn’t believe he just said that. This was his boss he was talking to, he shouldn’t be doing
this. His life could be ruined. He could lose everything. He could-

“Alright, why not?”

(Y/n) snapped out of his anxious thoughts and looked at Verosika’s eyes once more.

Her eyes were intense, but not with anger or arrogance.

No, her eyes looked hungry. Like a predator that had just completed a successful hunt.

Suddenly, (Y/n) felt a sudden pull on his arm as the succubus wrapped her tail around it to grab it.

Verosika turned towards the rest of her crew and said with a soft, seductive tone, “Why don’t each
of you find someone to play with? I’ll be taking care of this boy tonight so it’s only fair that you
can fuck someone as well.”

Each member of the crew stood up and raised their arms in a salute. “Yes Ma’am!”

She then got up and walked towards the sex rooms, dragging (Y/n) along with her.

The one thing that went through the imp’s mind as he was pulled along by his goddess of an
employer was, “By Lucifer’s scales that actually worked!”

The room smelled of newly sprayed refreshers and had a bed in the middle of it with a single light
hanging over head.

“Not exactly the most sexy place,” said Verosika as she locked the door behind her. “But it’ll do.”

(Y/n) stood stiff at the edge of the bed as he watched Verosika take off her fur coat and hung it on
the wall.

The succubus walked right up to him so that she could directly stare down at him.

(Y/n) felt more intimidated by her look of lust and desire than her look of malice, but he rather
liked the feeling.

“So,” said Verosika, as she moved her dress to reveal her black panties. “Shall we get started,

(Y/n) was in absolute awe so he couldn’t say anything. All he could do was nod enthusiastically.

Verosika’s face turned into a wicked smirk as she ordered, “Take them off, boy.”

Without missing a beat, the imp reached to touch her hips. He held his breath as he slowly pulled
down the silky barrier between him and the beyond.

He pulled it all the way down her long legs to Verosika’s feet when she said, “Stand up.”

Immediately, (Y/n) did as he was told and saw it: his boss’s pussy. A slit in between those perfect
thighs that was beckoning to him.

As he was transfixed on this sight, he heard Verosika’s voice say, “Well well, looks like you’re the
perfect height.”

The imp didn’t respond and Verosika noticed a bit of drool had escaped from (Y/n)’s agape mouth.

“Well don’t just stand there oogling it,” demanded Verosika with the tone she noted (Y/n) likes.
“Lick it.”

Hesitantly, (Y/n) closed his eyes and stuck out his forked tongue.

Then he got closer…

and closer…

and closer…

Finally his tongue hit something which he had never tasted before, it was almost sweet. He needed
to taste more.

He grabbed his boss’s soft, perfectly round ass to get into a better position. Then he started licking
the delicious thing in front of him.

Sounds of approval came from above (Y/n) as he licked away. A voice above him said, “Hmm, not
bad… for a virgin that is.”

That word caused (Y/n) to pause for a few seconds.

“I’m right, aren’t I?”, said the succubus in a mocking but seductive tone. Her tail brushed the back
of (Y/n)’s neck, causing his hairs to stand on end.
“If you want me to fuck you tonight I’d recommend you keep on licking,” the succubus demanded.

The imp obeyed and continued licking at the sweetness of the pink demon.

As he was doing so he found what felt like an opening. Not wasting anymore time, (Y/n) jammed
his tongue inside.

“Holy shit!”, moaned Verosika as she grabbed the imp’s horns.

(Y/n), aware that he’d just made progress, enthusiastically began going all in. He stuck his tongue
as deep as he could, tasting the walls inside Verosika’s body.

“Okay now you’ve done it!”, yelled Verosika as she pulled (Y/n) off her. Before the imp could
question what just happened, Verosika threw him onto the bed.

The bed wasn’t very comfortable, but that was because it wasn’t made for sleeping.

(Y/n) looked up, in a bit of a daze, and said, “Huh, what was-?”

“Seems like you were a good pick,” said Verosika as he licked her lips.

There was a sound of a zipper being undone and (Y/n) watched as the tight black dress fell to the

What emerged was Verosika Mayday in nothing but a black bra, and before (Y/n) could say
anything the demon suddenly leaped onto the bed.

She pushed him down by the shoulders, turned around, then sat on his face.

(Y/n) didn’t waste any time getting to work as he started sucking the succubus’ weak spot.

“Having a hard time breathing down there?”, Verosika giggled with pleasure.

In response the imp raised one hand and gave a thumbs up.

“Alright then,” said Verosika with a mischievous tone. “Then you won’t mind, this!”

Suddenly the succubus’s hips started moving back and forth. The tall demon was now humping
(Y/n)’s face.

Without needing to be told, (Y/n) started moving with her, trying to taste as much as he could.

Lots of soft moans came Verosika as she moved. “Oh, yes. Oh yeah, you’ve got it down. You’re a

Verosika was cut off when (Y/n) grabbed her thighs and shoved his tongue in once more.

“urAAAAAGH holy shit, holy shit, I think I’m gonna-”


“I’m going to-“

More vigorous

“Oh no, I might-! AaAaAaArg.”

Liquid squirted out from where (Y/n) was licked and covered him, causing him to stop.

Verosika slumped over on the other side of the bed to catch her breath.

After a few seconds Verosika mumbled something.

“W-what was that, Verosika?”, said (Y/n) who hadn’t fully processed what just happened.

“You made me cum,” replied Verosika with an agitated but not disapproving tone. “You, a virgin,
made me cum before you.”

Verosika turned and positioned herself over (Y/n), her yellow eyes burning into his soul.

“Don’t think that’ll go unpunished,” Verosika whispered into the imp’s ear.

The succubus then started moving down.

She undid (Y/n)’s belt and said, “Well I suppose this isn’t much of a punishment, but I still have to
show you who’s boss.”

She pulled down (Y/n)’s pants and threw them at the wall.

As she did that, (Y/n)’s manhood perked up, eager for attention.

Verosika’s pupils widened at this sight. “Well now. Aren’t you excited.”

She but her bottom lip and looked at (Y/n)’s face. He had a scared but curious look on his face.

Verosika gave a wicked smirk and chuckled. She then looked back at the rod in front of her,
animalistic hunger in her eyes.

“My turn.”

She then started licking it gently yet eagerly. She also gave it a few kisses and sucked at the sides.

She looked into (Y/n)’s eyes and saw them scrunching in pleasure.

She gave a little giggle, tilted her head and said in baby talk, “Aww. What’s wrong? Is this too
much for you to handle?”

When (Y/n) didn’t answer, Verosika tilted her head back and smirked.

“Or is this not enough?” she said, reverting back to a seductive and authoritative voice.

“Please,” responded (Y/n). “Please give me more.”

“Hmm, I don’t know,” said Verosika in a mocking tone. “Do you deserve it, boy?”

“Please I-I beg of you, Verosika,” said (Y/n) as he opened his eyes to look at the succubus’s
alluring glare.

Verosika gave an audible chuckle and said, “Well, if you insist, handsome.”

She opened her mouth wipe and said, “Come to mommy, aaaaah.”

(Y/n) gasped as the succubus fit his whole rod into her mouth and started sucking.
Verosika’s tongue elegantly circled around his dick as she moved up and down, covering (Y/n)’s
manhood in saliva and precum.

Verosika decided it would be fun to give (Y/n) a bit more of a show.

She pushed her bare ass up into the air and started swaying it left to right as her tail whipped about
like it had a mind of its own.

(Y/n) was absolutely mesmerized by the display he saw in front of him. He didn’t say anything,
entirely enchanted by the pleasure he was feeling and the amazing show he was observing.

After about a minute, Verosika took her mouth off the rod and sat on her knees.

“You done yet, boy?”, said Verosika with a smug tone. She knew what the answer would be.

“No, no, no. I want more!”, pleaded (Y/n), his manhood twitching with desire.

“Good boy,” said Verosika. She reached behind her back and then she pulled her bra off.

The now completely naked Verosika reached to her left and dropped it onto the floor and gave a
seductive chuckle.

Before (Y/n) could react, the succubus got down and wrapped his dick between her breasts.

Verosika moved two mounds of flesh on her chest up and down and side to side, rubbing every
inch of (Y/n)’s cock.

“Oh my goodness,” moaned (Y/n) as he scrunched his eyes shut to focus on the softness he felt.

“This… this is-“

“Nothing yet,” interrupted Verosika as she began sucking the tip of (Y/n)’s rod.

Verosika’s tits and mouth moved in harmony and she gave (Y/n) a boobjob and a blowjob at the
same time.

The combined forces of these two behemoths of pleasure was too much for (Y/n) to handle.

“I’m.. I’m gonna… I going to cu-eeerrrg.”

(Y/n) released his load right into Verosika’s mouth. He could feel each string leaving his body and
into his boss’s mouth.

(Y/n) sheepishly looked at his boss’s face, expecting her to be angry for not giving a warning in

Instead what he saw was Verosika continuing to suck with an almost determined look on her face.

After a few seconds she lifted her head up again. She sat up straight with her cheeks puffed out.
She then took a deep breath and swallowed with a loud, *glup*.

Not a single drop of (Y/n)’s seed escaped from the succubus’s wrath.

Verosika looked back down at (Y/n) who had an amazed look on his face.

She licked her lips and said, “Thanks for the meal, (Y/n).”
Verosika looked down and saw that (Y/n)’s erection hadn’t faltered.

“Well, well,” she giggled. “Looks like you could use a little more.”

Verosika crawled over to (Y/n) and positioned himself over him.

She grabbed (Y/n)’s dick and put the tip by her entrance.

She stared (Y/n) dead in the eyes and ordered, “Beg.”

(Y/n) stared back with a confused but excited look.

“I want you to beg me to take your virginity!” the succubus demanded. “Don’t make me say it

The imp nervously said the first thing that came to mind, “O-oh please, please Miss Verosika. I
beg you to- I- I beg you to do it!”

“What do you want me to do?”

(Y/n) tried again, “I- uh- I want you to- shove it- put it in, I beg of you.”

“Put what where?”

(Y/n) could tell he was getting nowhere, he had to try this differently.

“Please, I beg you to Mis-MissVerosika. Please give- give me more sexual pleasure. You’re the
unrivaled Mistress at it!”

Verosika played dumb again, “Now what could that mean?” She started to rub the tip against her
which indicated progress.

“I’ve already let you lick my clit, I’ve sat on your face, I gave you a blowjob AND a tit job, and
your delicious cum is in my belly.”

She stared back at (Y/n) with pure lust in her eyes.

“What more could I possibly give you?”

(Y/n) decided that now was the time. It was time to go all in. He took a deep breath and started
begging his soul out.

“Please! I beg you Mistress Verosika, please fuck me! Please shove my virgin cock into your
pussy! I didn’t want to lose it to anyone else other than you! Ever since I started working for you
I’ve dreamed of this moment! So please I beg you, Mistress. Please fuck me!”

There was a pause that lasted for a few seconds but felt like an enternity.

(Y/n) opened his eyes and saw that Verosika had the most wicked smirk he’d seen in person ever
since his previous boss.

“Good… Boy,” said Verosika in a slow, seductive voice.

The succubus put both of her hands on (Y/n)’s shoulders and gave him a hungry smirk.

Then she started lowering herself down.

(Y/n) resisted the urge to moan as his rod entered Verosika. It was very wet but also extremely
tight, he’d never felt something like this before.

Verosika stared (Y/n) in the eyes and pushed herself all the way down so that the imp’s dick was
completely inside of her.

As she did that, her’s and (Y/n)’s tails started to coil around each other like snakes battling to the

Verosika lifted herself up slowly then put herself back down. Both of the demons let out a sounds
each time she did this.

She repeated this process several times, each get getting faster and the moans getting louder.

No words needed to be exchanged for the two demons to share how much they were enjoying each

(Y/n) tried to match Verosika’s movements but she was a lot bigger than him and she was starting
to get very aggressive so that was impossible.

Verosika was practically slamming herself down upon (Y/n) now.

She bent over him and noticed that (Y/n) was just the right height so that she could shove her
breasts in his face

(Y/n) loved the softness of his boss’s tits on his face and decided to suck on her nipples.

As he did that, Verosika giggled and started to move even faster. Her tail grabbed (Y/n)’s tail and
pulled on and stroked it.

With the pleasure in his mouth, the pleasure on his tail, and the pleasure around his dick, (Y/n) was
beginning to feel something coming.

He tapped Verosika on the back to which she responded, “Oh… are you going to cum, (Y/n)? You
want to shoot your load in?”

She moved herself up so that she could stare (Y/n) in the eyes. Her glare was full of every lustful
though she’d had that night, a look of utter dominance.

“Do it, your mistress commands you,” she said as she slammed herself down.

It was too much for (Y/n) to handle, grabbing his boss’s hips he shot his load in.

Verosika could feel his seed shooting up into her.

She looked down at (Y/n).

“What a good boy you ar-“, Verosika was cut off when she noticed the (Y/n) had passed out from
the lust.

(Y/n) woke up feeling very tired and felt sore at the waist for some reason.

“Oh,” he said with disappointment. “It was a dream.”

A familiar voice came from somewhere and said, “More like a dream come true.”

(Y/n) finally noticed that he was not in his bed but in the back seat of a fancy car.

(Y/n) got up on the red cushions. He noticed that Vortex was driving the car and Verosika was
looking back at him.

“Did-did you? Did we-?”

“Yep,” said Verosika, she gave a smirk that felt unusually warm. “We fucked. Then I dressed you
back up and out you there. We’ll be at your apartment in a few minutes. Don’t worry about your
car, I’ll probably get Kat or Kiki to drive it back.”

“Um, th-thanks,” replied (Y/n). He didn’t know what to say, he almost couldn’t believe what had
just happened.

“So,” said Verosika, turning around and clapping her hands. “How was your first time, handsome?”

(Y/n) blushed heavily and looked out the window, “Oh! Well uh. I um- I can’t really put it to

“Heh, naturally,” laughed Verosika. She took a swig of her hip flask.

She then reached her arm around to the back of her seat and said, “Here, take a swig.”

(Y/n) looked at the flask in front of him.

“C’mon,” said Verosika, shaking the flask a bit. “It won’t bite you.”

“Um, okay,” replied (Y/n), taking the flask from her.

He opened the flask, looked at it for a second, then took a sip of the Beelzejuice inside.

Even in just a small amount, the drink hit like a truck. He almost immediately felt drunk as he
exclaimed, “Oh by Lucifer’s Scales!”

Verosika let out a loud laugh, “Oh I forgot that I’m more used to that stuff. Well it’s good that
you’re almost home.”

Only a few minutes passed and (Y/n) already felt hungover thanks to whatever that Beelzejuice is
made of.

The car stopped and Vortex got out to open the door for (Y/n) who stumbled out.

As (Y/n) walked over to the apartment building’s entrance, Verosika’s called out to him.

He turned around to look at the pink succubus who said, “I had a good time tonight! See you a

She blew a kiss at (Y/n) as the car drove off.

(Y/n)’s heart was racing fast and he took a deep breath to calm himself before he went back up to
his apartment.
Crazy Cruises
Chapter Summary

Verosika gets hired to perform on a cruise line and invites her accountant to come
along for the ride.

(This one is a bit longer)

It had been a week after, Verosika and (Y/n) had sex in the V.I.P. area at Club Absolute.

During that time, (Y/n) had been going to work a lot more enthusiastically.

He got up earlier, prepared himself better, and started working more efficiently.

Verosika had begun to greet (Y/n) more fondly each day instead of the cold indifference that she
had previously.

With the added a pay raise he’d achieved about 4 weeks ago now, (Y/n) felt he was living a
relatively good life for an imp.

Near the end of the week, (Y/n) was filling out his usual paperwork when his boss suddenly
walked into the room.

“Hey, (Y/n)! You got a minute?”, said the tall succubus.

(Y/n) sat up straight to look at his boss. Blushing, he replied, “Oh, y-yes I’ve got time. What is it

Verosika walked behind the desk and sat on it, crossing her legs. She positioned herself so that
(Y/n) was trapped between her legs and his desk.

(Y/n) stared at his boss’s glorious thighs for a few seconds before Verosika snapped him out of it.

“My eyes are up here,” she reminded him, not in a judgmental tone but in more of an amused tone.

(Y/n) became even more flushed as he looked back up at his boss.

“Don’t worry about it. They’re quite hypnotic aren’t they?”, Verosika laughed as she rubbed her

“Anyways, what I wanted to show you was this,” the succubus continued. She reached into her
cleavage and pulled out what looked like a ticket.

She placed it on (Y/n)’s keyboard and said, “I managed to get a gig to perform on a luxury cruise
line. I’ve taken the liberty to-eyes up here- to get you a ticket so you can come along.”

“Oh wow,” said (Y/n), picking up the ticket. “I’ve never been on a cruise before! Thank you so

“You’re welcome, (Y/n)”, replied Verosika. “There’ll be a limo at the front of the building next
morning. Don’t miss it!”

Verosika then got off the desk and walked out of the room but not before brushing her tail against
(Y/n)’s face, causing his mind to go blank for a second.

(Y/n) snapped back before his chair fell over and he managed to catch himself.

However, he failed to prevent his coffee cup from falling over, spilling the contents on the floor.

“Oh damn it.”

The next morning was just as Verosika said. There in the parking lot was a long car.

Milky and Ace were helping each other put their luggage in the back and the others were either
inside the limo or haven’t arrived yet.

(Y/n) pulled up on the opposite side of the lot. He grabbed his luggage which was a lot smaller
than the rest of the crew because he was a lot smaller than them and he didn’t have any desire to
bring anything other than the basics.

He walked up to the back and greeted the two demons by the trunk.

“Hey guys! How are you two doing?”

Milky turned to great (Y/n), dropping the suitcase she was holding onto Ace’s foot.


“Well, well you sure came early,” said Milky, completely ignoring Ace’s screams of agony. She
was a lot shorter than the rest of Verosika’s crew so (Y/n) had no trouble talking to her, although
she was still taller than him.

“You trying to get it on with the boss again, hmm?”, she said while nudging (Y/n) with a smug
look on her face. This caused (Y/n) to blush as he remembered what had happened just a week ago.

Meanwhile, Ace managed to get his foot out from under the heavy suitcase.

“Milky, the fuck is in this thing, cinder blocks?!”

“Yes,” casually replied Milky, not bothering to look at Ace.

Ace opened his mouth to object but decided to just try to put the suitcase in because he knew he
would get nowhere.

(Y/n) walked up next to Ace to put his bag in the trunk, but this car wasn’t accommodated for imps
and there was already quite a bit in there already so he couldn’t quite reach.

Ace sighed and said, “I got it, (Y/n).” He grabbed the small suitcase from (Y/n) who nodded in

Ace leaned against the limo and said, “Y’know, (Y/n), Verosika’s actually pretty picky for a
succubus. Most of us when someone’s attracted to us we just go for it. But not her.”

He turned to look at (Y/n) who was now standing in front of him. He continued, “She only really
goes for those who she actually likes.”

(Y/n) thought back. As little as he interacted with him, he did remember seeing Blitzo and
Verosika getting along relatively well.

She never really did anything too bad to him, up until the WWEE incident.

“Yeah, well she won’t be here for a bit,” Milky chimed in. “Why don’t you wait in the car for your
tall hottie to arrive?”

As (Y/n) turned to get in and opened his mouth to say something, Milky suddenly interrupted, “Not
you, Ace! The other tall hottie!”

(Y/n) waited in the limo for about 20 minutes. The cushions felt a lot more comfortable than in
most other cars in hell.

He spent most of the time watching whatever came on TV and trying to ignore the fact that Apple
and Coco were loudly making out.

Eventually, the tall, pink demon stepped into the car. She was wearing something similar to last
week, a tight dress with a leg slit, except it was white with multiple black symbols on it.

“Alright, sluts!”, she yelled, clapping her hands with authority. “Get in the car we’re leaving now!”

At that moment the rest of the crew scrambled into the car, pushing and cursing each other in the

“Hey, fuckwad! Get a move on!”

“Move your fat ass!”

“Sorry! Sorry! Not sorry. Sorry!”

“Jesus Christ! Wait can we say that?”

Eventually the rest of the demons got into the limo with minor injuries.

Verosika sat down with an annoyed look and pushed a button off to the side which signaled Vortex
to drive.

It didn’t take long for the initial awkward chaos to subside was the demons in the car were all
laughing it up now.

Music was blasting from the car speakers and alcohol was being shared around.

(Y/n) was having a great time telling completely horrible jokes that the other demons just lapped
up for some incomprehensible reason.

Additionally, he was sitting next to his beautiful boss, Verosika.

Because of his height, (Y/n)’s head was right next to where Verosika’s chest was.
Verosika was aware of this and took advantage of it by grabbing (Y/n) by the shoulder and pulling
him into her.

(Y/n) rested his head upon the softness of Verosika’s tits.

Verosika gently stroked his hair and whispered into her ear, “Tell you what, once we get more
comfortable I can show you what these legs are capable of. What do you say?”

(Y/n) responded by rubbing Verosika’s exposed thigh and saying, “That sounds… absolutely

He looked up and smiled at Verosika.

You know, he thought. I rather like getting treated like-


It had been about an hour since the limo left the elevator and things were becoming a lot more dull.

The music had grown annoying from the repetition, all of the alcohol was gone (mostly in the first
10 minutes by Kat and Milky), and nobody really had anything to talk about anymore.

Verosika was practically asleep. She stretched her arms up and said, “Well this sucks, and not in a
good way.”

She pressed a microphone button and said with a bored tone, “Hey, Tex. How much longer?”

“We’re about halfway there,” replied the hellhound which caused almost everyone to groan.

(Y/n) looked around the limo. Everyone was bored out of their minds, especially Verosika who
seemed like she was going to fall asleep at any moment.

It was then that (Y/n) realized that the TV had been off for the whole trip and the remote was right
next to him.

“How about we see what’s on TV?”, he suggested causing some of the other demons to perk up in

“Yeah sure whatever,” Verosika tiredly replied.

(Y/n) pressed a button on the remote and out from the TV came a sinister voice that sounded like it
was coming from a radio station.

“Are you washed up? Eternally tormented for your atrocities upon mankind? Do you wish you
could, I dare say, REDEEM yourself for eternal bliss?”

A second, more bubbly and upbeat voice chimed in.

“Then you should come to the Hazbin Hot-“

“Change the fucking channel,” said Verosika to which (Y/n) acted upon immediately. On the next
channel was an episode of It’s Dahm Good! where the host was currently in the process of showing
the recipe for brain smoothies.
“Now don’t get greedy. Put too much brain in and you won’t be able to taste the other ingredients.”

Some of the the other demons got more comfortable and became entranced by the cook’s abilities.

Verosika put her hand to her forehead and groaned.

“Well, Hazbin Hotel thing seems to be gaining traction,” she said with a sigh. “Seriously what the
princess is doing is worse than rehab!”

“Damn right,” said Coco whose eyes were glued to the screen as if Dahmer himself would crawl
through the TV and strangle her if she blinked.

“And that Alastor guy is really fucking creepy,” Ace added. “I can’t understand why he would
work on something like this.”

“From what I’ve heard it’s because he’s bored,” (Y/n) responded, straightening himself up in his
seat. “But let’s not forget that Charlotte Magne is his superior.”

“By like 3 ranks!”, said Josh, holding up the appropriate amount of fingers.

“Yeah, but Alastor is, like, really fucking slippery when it comes to the rules,” Kiki added, putting
her feet up on the table. “He‘ll probably do exactly as the princess says, if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, well this whole situation is going to be really interesting nonetheless,” said Verosika. The
other demons nodded in agreement.

“Also what’s up with those two goat things she has?”, inquired Apple. “All they really seem to do
is dance around and just generally serve as the princess’s cronies.”

“Oh I wouldn’t say that too loud if I were you,” (Y/n) responded, shaking his head. “Or at all.”

Apple turned her head in confusion and (Y/n) continued.

“Razzle and Dazzle serve the princess as bodyguards. They’re pretty fucking strong when
provoked. They even fucked up my previous boss.”

At that the rest of the demons turn to look at (Y/n), even Kat who’d been passed out on the floor
drunk for the past 30 minutes.

“Wait, what did you say?”, Verosika asked with a surprised look on her face. “Your previous boss
fought Razzle and Dazzle?”

“Well, I- uh,” (Y/n) said as he became flustered at all the people staring at him. “I w-wouldn’t
exactly call it a fight-“

“Okay you can’t just drop that and not explain further,” said Coco who was now rapidly snapping
her fingers. “C’mon, details! Details!”

“Alright, alright. Calm down, Coco,” said (Y/n) adjusting himself so he could sit up as straight as

He cleaned his throat and begun:

“My previous employer was some German gang leader in life.

He got shot in a standoff with the cops and wound up here.

Based on his demonic physique, he adopted the alias ‘Baron von Drachen.’”

Apple chimed in, “Oh I think I heard of this guy! He was that purple dragon guy on the news

“Don’t interrupt,” warned Verosika, glaring at the overall-wearing succubus.


“I-it’s alright, boss,” said (Y/n) who was now pacing about the car.

“And yes you are correct, he did turn into a dragon-like demon due to his avarice and wrathful

I was just trying to get by as all imps do. Because of that I offered to join the Von Drachen gang
and demonstrated my accounting skills to do so.

I was successful, and so I was tasked with keeping tabs on the Baron’s ever growing hoard.

He actually was a pretty good leader. He managed to claim a sizable territory in the Pride ring and
took advantage of that recent extermination to boost himself to Overlord status.”

“Sweet Satan’s Spine! You… worked for an Overlord?!”, gasped Ace and Josh. The rest of the
demons started mumbling. Verosika didn’t scold them because she was just as shocked.

(Y/n) continued, “Yes I did, although it was… brief.

He had more power in death than he ever did in life, and he quickly got drunk off of it.

In an act of utter brilliance, he decided to try and attack the princess to show everyone how tough
he is.

Unfortunately for him, those two small demons she hung out with are a lot tougher than they look.

Razzle and Dazzle morphed into their more powerful forms, taking Von Drachen by surprise.

And let me tell you, they beat the shit out of him… LITERALLY! It was nasty.

He got such a good ass whooping that he’s gone into hiding and hasn’t been seen since.”

(Y/n) turned to look at his audience. Each of the demons were equally enthralled by this little imp’s

Around 45 minutes and dozens of questions later, the limo finally arrived at their destination.

The massive boat could be seen in the distance with a big crowd trying to get in.

The car pulled up to an inconspicuous garage. (Y/n) could tell because of the sign that said
“Inconspicuous Garage” that hung above.

As the door rolled up, Verosika explained the situation to the rest of the crew.

“Alright everyone, we’re here on a surprise show on this cruise. Therefore we’re going to have to
wear disguises for a while until I can perform. Understood?”
The rest of the demons nodded as the car stopped.

Inside the building was a massive array of clothing, costumes, and disguises. The demons in the
car ooh-ed and ahh-ed at the things they were seeing.

The car door opened and the demons scampered out.

Walking out of the darkness was the proprietor of this establishment, a tall, red spider-demon with
a black pair of sunglasses, a jacket with a leopard pattern with a tank top underneath, cargo pants,
and carrying a different measuring tool in each of his six hands.

(Y/n) recognized this sinner has Crimson, the guy who makes a lot of Verosika’s outfits. It was
unusual for a sinner to work for a lower hellborn, but he seemed to genuinely enjoy himself for
someone in hell.

Crimson spread his arms and said, “G’day mates, welcome to my humble abode. I’ve already been
paid courtesy of (Y/n) ‘ere so knock yourselves out and come to me if you ‘ave questions.”

At that each of the demons except for (Y/n) and Vortex, who didn’t particularly need disguises
since they were unnoticeable enough as lower demons, scurried off in all directions to find a good

Vortex drove off to find a place to put the limo and (Y/n) decided to go up to Crimson and talk with

“G’day mate,” said Crimson, adjusting his coat. “How’s work treatin’ ya?”

(Y/n) blushed and replied, “Oh, it’s been treating me pretty well recently.” (Y/n) was not so subtly
looking at Verosika who was nearby looking at a fur coat.

Crimson patted (Y/n) on the back and said laughed, “Heh, I bet is, ya lucky sunnuvagun.”

The two demons spent the rest of the time at the garage walking down the halls laughing with each

“Say, Crimson, you’re a nice guy. Why’re you down here anyway?”

“Oh some basic stuff, mate: murder, armed robbery, torture, terrorism, treason, and when I went to
America never left a tip at any restaurant.”

“Heeey, we’re done dressing up.”

Each of the succubi and incubi had a different costume on and were gathered around Verosika.
Verosika herself had put on a big fur cloak and wore an Oni mask.

Crimson turned to the crew and said, “Ahh excellent! I can barely tell who any of you are! Haha!”

The spider-demon turned around and clapped each of his hands.

“Anyways, the cruise is just a 30 minute walk from here, if you leave now you’ll have enough time
to spare to talk to some of the crew. Alright, mates y’all have fun!”

Crimson had lied.

Because of the crowds it was an hour walk, everyone was excited to see who the surprise guests

After a long, horrible journey, each member of Verosika’s crew got aboard.

Not wanting to waste any more time and energy, they all hurried to were they needed to go.

They went below deck to where only they knew the other special guests would be, though they
didn’t know who they were.

The rest of the crew walked behind Verosika, mostly because she was the only one who wasn’t out
of breath.

She performed a secret knock on the wall of an obscure part of the ship, causing it to open.

Inside was a large room with lots of cushions, a fancy bar, and a handful of demons.

As some the rest of the crew went to relax, a 10 foot tall demon that had the head of a shark with a
curled mustache and a hat with a feather on it. He had a bulky frame covered by a large coat and a
large gold chain with a cross on it.

He went up to Verosika and (Y/n) and yelled out, “Ahoy maties! Welcome to the Royal Fortune
Cruiseline! I be Black Bart, captain of this ship!”

“It’s a pleasure to work with you,” said Verosika as she shook to famous pirate’s hand as she
removed the mask. She took a look around at the room. “You really went all out for this.”

“You bet yer sex life I did!”, the pirate yelled and let out a hearty laugh.

Then his tone immediately shifted to cold and ruthless. He punched his palm as he said, “We have
to in order to drill it into that arrogant prick Cortés who’s the real master of the sea around here!”

Bart shifted back to his previous self and said, “Well enjoy yer time, maties! We set sail in 30

He then ran out the door before (Y/n) could say anything to him.

(Y/n) took a look around.

He recognized the furniture, not just in this room but also in the areas passing by, to be Gein’s
work. He even noticed Gein sitting by himself, but when Josh and Kat went to try and talk to him
he said, “Your skin looks nice. I’d love to make it a curtain or a lampshade.”

(Y/n) turned to sit down at the bar but was interrupted by someone shoving something in his
mouth, frantically saying, “C’mon is this good!? I need to give it to multiple people before serving
it to everyone else!”

(Y/n) chewed on the mysterious thing and looked up. He recognized the man as the host from that
cooking show It’s Dahm Good! but he never got the guy’s name.

Before (Y/n) could give an answer, Verosika got between them and yelled, “Hey! Back off Jeffery!
Don’t go giving him anything weird you fucking lunatic!”

“You insolent pest! It is crucial that I-“

Before things could escalate, (Y/n) swallowed the food and said, “It’s good! B-best damn thing
I’ve ever had!”

Jeffery gave a sigh of relief and walked off. Verosika shivered and said, “Ugh, I hate that guy.”

Verosika turned to the imp and looked down upon him. She gave a familiar smirk and said, “30
minutes, huh? I think that’s enough time.”

(Y/n) looked up at her and said, “Yeah, there’s plenty of people to tal-“

The pink demon bent down and put a finger on (Y/n)’s lips.

She went up to his ear and whispered, “My performance will be hindered if I end up daydreaming
about dominating you the whole time. So let’s get that over with now.”

(Y/n)’s tail and hair stood on end as he gave a salute and said, “Yes, ma’am!”

Verosika let out a small chuckle and led him to her room.

Each celebrity guest was designated a room that was a mix between a dressing room and a

Immediately in front of the doorway was a desk and a mirror with lights around it. To the left there
was a fancy-looking bed with decorations of various sea monsters.

Verosika glared at (Y/n) with a hungry look in her eyes and motioned her hand towards the bed.
“Why don’t you make yourself comfortable?”

(Y/n) followed her orders, struggling to get up onto the bed that clearly wasn’t made for him.

Verosika watched the little imp trying to scale the bed like some sort of mountain climber.

Cute, she thought to herself. She leaned over a bit and examined (Y/n).

Wow, thought Verosika. He’s got a nice ass.

“I got it. I got it. Goooooot… IT!,” said the imp as he finally got up onto the mattress.

“Wonderful,” responded Verosika. She stared at him with a scary but lustful intensity. “Let’s
dance, big boy.”

At that she pressed a button on a radio.

At staticky, cheerful voice rang out, “Then you should visit the Ha-.” Verosika punched the radio,
causing the channel to change to that of slow, seductive jazz.

Moving to the rhythm, Verosika swayed her hips as she undid her dress. It fell to the floor,
revealing white, fancy undergarments with purple veils coming down from her bra that reached her

She took one step at a time as she moved towards the front of the bed. (Y/n) stared at her in awe
and the succubus stared back with bedroom eyes and a wicked smirk.

She stopped, allowing (Y/n) to take in her beautiful body. After a few seconds she turned around,
revealing that she was actually wearing a thong.
(Y/n) eyes widened as he admired the view in front of him.

Verosika responded by letting out a seductive giggle and smacking her self on the ass with her tail.
“Like what you see, big boy?”

(Y/n) responded with a slow nod. Verosika acknowledges this by placing herself next to him on the

She turned herself around, allowing (Y/n) to fully see her beautiful, round butt. She stared him right
in the eyes and beckoned, “Why don’t you give it some kisses if you love it so much?”

(Y/n) gulped loudly as he moved closer to the sexy demon in bed with him.

Hands shaking and heart racing, he grabbed the two strong thighs in front of him to steady himself.
He took a deep breath and lowered his head down to give a kiss.

Suddenly, Verosika spun around and clamped (Y/n)’s neck in between her thighs. (Y/n) let out and
audible grunt while Verosika gave a mischievous giggle.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, oh (Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n). You cute little boy,” said Verosika in a mocking tone.
“You’ve fallen right into my obvious trap.”

(Y/n) looked up to see Verosika’s evil smirk. She licked her lips and said, “I did warn you that I
would show you what these legs can do, DIDN’T I!?”

She squeezed down hard onto (Y/n)’s neck. He struggled for air, a feeling that was pretty new to

However, he rather enjoyed this knew feeling, a feeling of total relinquishment of power. What
little power he had before had abandoned him in favor of the mighty enchantress Verosika

Verosika periodically allowed (Y/n) to catch his breath just so she could take it away again.

(Y/n) felt euphoria like he never had before and he couldn’t help but laugh a bit once he could
breathe again.

After a few minutes, Verosika finally acknowledged the bulge that had been growing in (Y/n)’s

“Oh you’ve really been enjoying this, haven’t you?”

(Y/n) could only nod in response as he took heavy breaths to regain his strength.

“Well then,” said Verosika as she let go of the imp. She grabbed (Y/n) by the shoulders and pushed
him up to the pillows.

The succubus stood on her knees and commanded, “Take off all your clothes.”

(Y/n) sat up and did as he was told. He removed his shirt and threw it to the side. Then he took off
his pants and underwear at the same time and threw them on the opposite side.

Verosika smiled as she looked at the rod in front of her with lustful hunger.

“Hmm, glad to see you again,” she chuckled as she gently ran her fingers along (Y/n)’s manhood.
It twitched at her touch and (Y/n) let out a soft moan.

“Oh, you really want to be inside me don’t you?”, said Verosika as she stroked the manhood once
more. (Y/n)’s cock twitched again and the imp’s breathing got faster. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

At this point Verosika glanced at the clock. “Damn, only ten minutes left. Looks like we can’t
have me cum and put this inside me.”

Verosika reached over and grabbed a small bottle that was on her desk. As she squirted some into
her hand she said, “However, it’s nothing a little lube can’t solve.”

Verosika put her lube-covered hand around (Y/n)’s cock and started stroking. She wasn’t trying to
make it too pleasurable, but (Y/n) couldn’t help but moan a little bit.

Verosika stopped once she was content with how covered it was. She the turned around and moved
the end of her panties aside to reveal her pussy. She wasn’t wet but she didn’t seem to care.

She rubbed the tip against herself for a few minutes, causing (Y/n) to wince in anticipation. After a
few seconds of foreplay, she grabbed it and shoved it in.

The lube allowed (Y/n) in go inside the succubus easily. It felt different than last time but no less
pleasurable for the both of them.

Verosika went up and down, steadily going faster with each motion. (Y/n) let out a small moan,
holding her hips so he can watch her movements.

Suddenly, Verosika’s tail coiled around his neck like a snake. (Y/n) was surprised by this but was
not put off by it, in fact he felt immense joy. A new pleasure accompanied with a familiar pleasure
felt absolutely amazing to him.

(Y/n) was wondering how this could get any better when suddenly he heard one of Verosika’s
songs start playing from somewhere in the room.

He then heard the music stop and the demon on top of him said in a completely monotonous voice,
“Hello this is Verosika Mayday. How can I help you?”

She was having a business call while utterly dominating him. (Y/n) felt extreme pleasure at the
idea that Verosika could so easily have control over him that she could nonchalantly have a call
from work while doing it.

This intense pleasure lasted for about 5 minutes as Verosika let go of her tail slightly every few
seconds so her could breathe.

Just as Verosika was finishing up the call, (Y/n) couldn’t hold it in anymore. He grabbed her by the
tail, taking her by surprise but not breaking her composure, and shot his load right into her.

Verosika could feel the cum flowing into her as she said to the shareholder, “Alright, it was good
talking to you. Bye now!”

She looked back over to the imp beneath her. (Y/n) was gripping her tail tightly as he pushed his
hips up.

After a few seconds (Y/n) finally settled down, breathing heavily as he let go of her tail.

“That was… a-amazing,” said (Y/n) as he gathered up his clothes to put them back on. He rubbed
his neck. “I’d never experienced something like that before.”

Verosika responded with a content chuckle. She had just finished up putting her clothes back on. “I
had a feeling you’d like that.”

She brushed her hand at the door and said, “Why don’t you explore the ship. We’re bound to leave

“A-alright,” said (Y/n) as he buttoned his shirt back up. He walked up to the door but before he left
he turned to Verosika and said, “H-hey, boss. May I ask you something?”

“Ask away,” she responded as she puck her lipstick on.

(Y/n) put his back to the door. “Why me? Why would you want to… to sleep with someone like
me? I’m sure there’s better and… well… bigger people around.”

There was a pause. Verosika looked at (Y/n) through the mirror and said, “Why don’t we discuss
that over dinner?”

(Y/n)’s eyes widen. Dinner? Like a date? He gulped and said, “That sounds nice, Verosika.”

He closed the door behind him as he left.

Almost as soon as he left the room (Y/n) heard something break in the main room.

“Get away from me, I’ll turn you into a nightstand!”

“You didn’t answer my question! Is it good or not?!”

A loud horn rang out around the entire ship and Captain Bart’s voice came from a speaker.

“Ahoy, maties! We be settin’ sail in 5 minutes! Also will the two killers please stop fighting?
Enjoy yer time aboard the Royal Fortune Cruiseline!”

(Y/n) explored the ship as much as he could. There was a surprising amount of non-employee imps
running around, though despite this he was still mistaken for a worker multiple times.

There was music everywhere and LOTS of demons of varying attractiveness in revealing
swimsuits. One couldn’t spit without hitting someone in a Speedo.

Multiple demons were fighting each other, although it didn’t disturb the general fun everyone was
having. In fact, it mostly added to it since most of the people involved were pirate demons.

Additionally, if one looked to the left of the ship they could see another cruise. It had generally the
same vibe as the ship they were on. However, there was a clear tension between the two ships.

(Y/n) tried to ignore the obvious signs of the conflict that was about to occur. He went over to one
of the higher areas of the cruise and found a vacant lounge chair for him to use.

After a few hours, (Y/n) heard a loud noise coming from a fixed point on the cruise. He went up to
the railing and noticed that a large crowd was gathering around a large stage near the middle of the

“Yah ready for the main event lad?,” said a deep voice behind him. (Y/n) whipped around and saw
Black Bart standing behind him with a few other crew mates, both sinners and hellborn.

The massive demon made a heavy slap on (Y/n)’s back, knocking the wind out of him. “We’ve got
quite a roster of celebrities and stars up in here.”

Black Bart raised a finger at the cruise to the left. The demon’s voice resonated with anger and
frustration. “Look at it. The Caravel Cruise. Bah! A majority of what that Cortés did was on land
and people call HIM a pirate!? What, because he set sail to destroy the Aztec Empire!? HE SANK

The other pirates made noises of general agreement. Black Bart turned to (Y/n) and flipped a coin
into his hand. “Here. Why don’t ya use those binoculars right there so you can see Cortés’s face
when we show him who’s boss!”

The pirate let out a hearty laugh as he went back to where he steers the ship.

Over the course of half an hour multiple celebrities went up on stage to show their support for
Black Bart and perform.

(Y/n) was above the stage at a point where he could clearly see who was performing.

There were celebrities of both sinners and hellborn alike, a majority of which (Y/n) didn’t

After an in-person showing of It’s Dahm Good! in which Jeffery showed how to make haggis with
his own ingredients the a morbidly interested crowd, some spot lights came on and some music
gradually got louder.

Some smoke appeared on the stage and a familiar voice rang out, “Good evening guests of the
Royal Fortune! Are you ready for a REAL GOOD TIME!?”

The crowd boomed with cheers and screams when Verosika and her crew appeared on stage. (Y/n)
joined in by screaming at the top of his lungs and whistling loudly, which he didn’t know he could
do until now.

Verosika went through a long list of some of her popular songs. She had most of her crew as
backup dancers.

After about 45 minutes of songs things settled down a bit. Verosika said, “Alright that’s it for
tonight.” She turned around and started to walk away while the crowd look a bit disappointed.

“Unless.” Suddenly she looked back and said, “You all want to hear some BRAND NEW, NEVER

The crowd erupted in cheers, even louder than the last time.

(Y/n) decided to try something out. He started chanting out to the crowd, “Ver-o-sika! Ver-o-sika!”

An imp pirate next to him joined in, the someone down in the crowd. In a matter of seconds the
entire crowd was hypnotized into performing a chant.


The chant continued for 2 minutes before the music loudly started up again.
Verosika spent the next 15 minutes playing songs that (Y/n) had overheard her practicing but never
fully got the chance to the lyrics.

The second song she played really caught him off guard because when he listened to the lyrics he
realized something. Verosika was describing the sex she and (Y/n) had in the V.I.P. rooms through
the song but directed towards general audiences.

When it clicked for him, (Y/n) put his hand on his head and screamed, “By Lucifer’s Scales!”

“I know right?”, replied the pirate next to him. “Imagine doin’ those things with a gurl like that

(Y/n) turned to look at Verosika. For a brief moment the imp and the succubus locked eyes. There
was a clear smirk on her face. He blushed and said with a laugh, “Ho, hoooo, I can picture it
pretty… vividly.”

After Verosika was finished with her performance (Y/n) went down to where the fancy tables were
to get something to eat.

The song of the next performer played in the background as he looked around. To his left he
noticed a hellhound fall on the floor dead, frothing at the mouth.

As some workers casually dragged the body away, (Y/n) shrugged and took a seat at the table. It
was near the edge of the boat so he had a pretty good look at the sea and the ominously silent rival

There he noticed a strange sight. The ship passed by two abandoned ships that were lodged into
each other. Amazingly they crashed in a way so that neither sank. (Y/n) looked at the boat that was
lodged into the bigger boat and noticed it was also called the Royal Fortune.

After a few minutes, (Y/n) noticed Ace and Josh sit at a table together, then Apple and Coco, and
the whole crew was in various tables before long.

“Hey there, (Y/n)!” called out Verosika from the area’s entrance. A handful of the paparazzi
appeared behind her, their cameras created a wall of light behind her.

Verosika turned around and yelled, “Oh damnit, Tex!”

Vortex casually walked up behind the paparazzi and grabbed all six of them by the collars. They
still took their photos and asked questions as they were being dragged off.

(Y/n) finally got to get a good look at Verosika’s outfit as she got close.

She put her hair up into a tall ponytail with a blue colored studded band keeping it up. The blue
dress she was wearing was very tight and showed off all over her curved and ended right below her
hips. She was wearing the usual short fur coat but put more on her left side. And finally her heels
looked like they could kill.

Verosika’s put both her hands on the table and learned into (Y/n)’s face. “How are you tonight?”

(Y/n) blushed hard but managed to maintain his composure. “I’m having a lot of fun, Verosika.”

Verosika smirked and sat down across from him. She crossed her legs and leaned back into her

After a few seconds (Y/n) decided to bring up the obvious. “Okay so that second song was… a

Verosika looked at (Y/n) with one eye, a wide smirk covering her face. “I knew you’d like it.”

(Y/n) took a deep breath and said, “I am shocked but not surprised. But I will admit it was pretty

The two demons made small talk for a while. They selected different foods from the menu
(specifically avoiding the “Specials” list) and listened to the other performers.

Eventually the last note played in the performances and the cheers echoed throughout the ship.
However what just happened was overshadowed by a sudden burst of music came from The

There were lots of lights coming from a stage and what sounded like rapping emanated from it.

“Looks like Cortés is retaliating,” said Verosika as she looked out to the other boat.

(Y/n) went over to a nearby pair of binoculars and used the coin he received to use it.

“Well, what do you see?”, inquired Verosika.

(Y/n) observed the figure and described what he saw.

“Let’s see… uh. He dressed in dark clothes, he’s got a white tuft coming out of his chest. Uh…
he’s got… a wig I believe. Oh, he just took off his head! He’s also got a symbol of a… I think
that’s a sun.”

“Hey let me see that,” Vortex chimed in. “I might know who that is.”

(Y/n) jumped down from the stool to allow Vortex to access the binoculars. The hellhound knelt
down and peeked through.

He looked up. “I think.” He double checked. “Yeah, I think that’s Robespierre.”

“What, Robespierre?”

“I didn’t know he could rap.”

“I thought he was exterminated back in 1915!”

“I suppose 200 years is enough time to learn a new talent.”

Noises of general shock moved across the dining area and into the rest of the ship.

Verosika and (Y/n) continued with their conversations. It continued on until Cortés celebrity
performances stopped which included Andrew Jackson with death metal, Genghis Khan with tap
dancing, and Benedict Arnold with comedy.

Once things started to calm down between the two ships and aboard the ship they were on, (Y/n)
decided to ask what had been nagging at him all night.

“Hey, uh, Verosika?,” he said to get her attention. The succubus looked at him in the eyes, causing
his heart to beat faster than it already was. “You never r-really explained what I- what y-you see in

Verosika grabbed her drink in one hand. She looked up and said, “Honestly I don’t really know.
You’re just a genuinely nice guy I suppose.”

She looked back into (Y/n)’s eyes. He looked back at her with a confused and slightly sad look.

The succubus put her elbow on the table and swirled the liquid inside her cup. “However that
doesn’t mean I’m not interested in you. It’s just that I don’t know much about you, y’know besides
the whole Von Drachen thing.”

The imp looked up at Verosika, his expression changed to that of intrigue. “Go on.”

Verosika leaned back into her chair and crossed her legs. She looked (Y/n) right in the eye and
said, “Why don’t we go on some dates? Just you and me hanging out with one another. We can
figure out what connection there is together.”

When Verosika said that first sentence (Y/n) almost screamed in joy. Instead he gasped at what
Verosika said. Him, a lowly accountant, dating Verosika Mayday, a famous pop star?

“Wait really?,” said (Y/n) with a surprised but happy tone. “You’re dead serious? On the river

Verosika leaned forward, putting her hand onto (Y/n)’s hand. She raised her glass in a toast. “By
the Styx.”

(Y/n)’s fingers naturally moved so that they were entwined with the succubus’s fingers. His eyes
bounced back and forth from the hands to Verosika. A wide smile ran across his face and he let out
a surprised laugh. “O-okay, wow. I g-guess we’re dating now.“

“Yes, yes we are.” Verosika thought for a few minutes and said, “Y’know I’m pretty sure I noticed
a pool in the advertising for this place. Why don’t you and I do that tomorrow? You can see in
person what I look like in a bikini.”

(Y/n) blushed once again and said, “That s-s-sounds… amazing… uh-babe?”

Verosika let out a small giggle and said, “Sounds like a plan… honey.”

Suddenly Josh’s voice called to them. “Hey! Just so you know water is an awful lubricant!”

“Damnit,” mumbled Verosika through clenched teeth. She looked back at (Y/n). “Well, I’m sure
we’ll be able to work this out.”

There was a pause between the two demons as they both looked at each other’s lips. They both
locked eyes with each other and both of them knew what was happening.

At the same time they both slowly started leaning into each other.

They closed their eyes and moved in to each other and slightly puckered their lips.


A loud screech rang out from the speakers causing multiple people to fall down to the floor in pain,
including (Y/n) who was gripping his ears.
As Verosika got down to help him up, the furious voice of Black Bart boomed throughout the ship.

“Listen up, maties! That goddamn motherfucker Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro Altamirano
thinks that HIS stupid RAFT is faster than the Rrrrroyal Fortune! Hold on because I’m about to

“Wait did he just say-AAAAAAAAAH!!!” The ship suddenly burst forward as extremely high
speeds, jets in the back propelled the Royal Fortune at the same time as the Caraval.

(Y/n) was flung back by the force of the ship’s movement. He hit several bolted-down tables and
crashed into the fence of the dining area. His vision became blurry from the bump on his head and
the speed of the ship.

(Y/n) could barely tell what was going on around him. What his blurry vision and bad hearing
could pick up was a blue-pink form moving closer to him. It was making noises but he couldn’t tell
what they were.

Suddenly the shape took hold of him and he was lifted into the air. The noises it made started to
become a little more intelligible.

“Are you alright?”

“Hey. Answer me!”

“(Y/n)? (Y/n)! Wake up!”

(Y/n)’s eyes got better to the point where he could see his near surroundings. He gasped when he
realized he was around 30 feet of of the air. He started squirming but who he now realized was
Verosika calmed him down.

“Hey, hey! Stop moving! It’s alright!”, she said as she held him tight to keep him from falling.

She looked at him with a horrified expression, “Oh fuck. I-I think your arm is broken!”

(Y/n) was confused with this since he couldn’t feel any pain but then he noticed that he couldn’t
move his left arm. He winced at the thought of the adrenaline wearing off.

(Y/n) looked around and saw a bunch of flying demons that got off the boat to safety in the air, a
few of which were coming closer to where he was.

He realized that these figures were some of Verosika’s crew. Verosika yelled out, “ALRIGHT

After a few seconds the succubi and incubi lined up.

“Okay 1 2 3…4 5-where the fuck are Milky and Kiki!?”

“Oh no,” said Kat as he pulled at his hair. “They said that they’re going to fuck the chefs so that
they don’t have to pay. Oh no, nonononono.”

SHIPS!?”, screamed Ace in a mix of rage and terror as they all watched the cruises take off.

“I have an idea,” (Y/n) sheepishly chimed in, causing all the demons eyes to latch onto him. “It
may sound s-s-stupid but it has work bef-“
“Just fucking tell us!”, yelled all the demons at once.”

Everyone was freaking out on the Royal Fortune: demons holding on for dear life, crewmen in
pandemonium, Black Bart laughing maniacally on the intercom, dogs and cats living together,
absolute chaos everywhere.

In the midst of this chaos was the hellhound Tex. He was making his way around the ship, trying
to avoid people and find the other members of the crew.

Suddenly he felt his phone vibrate and ring. He grabbed a nearby bolted table. Several people flew
by him as he took his phone out of his pocket, turning the spear up so he could hear it.

“Tex!”, came the voice of (Y/n) who sounded pretty winded. “Are you okay!?”

Tex noticed someone next to him get their spine broken as they slammed into a table. He struggled
against the wind to speak. “About… as well… as I can.”

“Good, listen. Those two ships won’t stop until they hit land but I know how to stop them and I
need you to do it!”, barked (Y/n) in a harsh but scared tone. “I need you to go to the captain and say

Tex listened to what the imp had to say, just barely holding on to hit when the ship hit a bump. He
responded, “Are you serious!? That sounds-“

“Dumb I know! But he did it before and it’s the only chance we-“

(Y/n)’s voice was cut off when a wave splashed onto Tex causing his phone to go haywire and
break in a flash of sparks in his hand.

“Damn,” yelled Tex as he dropped it onto the floor.

He looked around from where he was standing. There was a ladder near him that went up to the
second floor on which he saw a stair case that led directly to where the captain steers the ship.

“Welp,” sighed the hellhound. Against his better judgement Tex started marching towards the
ladder. “Here goes nothing.”

He leaped at the ladder and got all the way up in two movements.

He dug his claws into the floor to keep himself from falling. Suddenly a massive wave washed
over the boat but there was a roof above him so he avoided the brunt of it.

Tex’s relief was short lived however when he heard screeches and clawing from above and in front
of him.

Bursting through the ceiling was an 8-foot long fish monster. It looked like blue, black-striped eel
but with a set of webbed feet in the back, a set of long claws in the front, and 2 rows of sharp teeth.

The creature hissed at Tex as he noticed a lot more of them had gathered on the only way to the
mad captain.

Tex sighed, “I’m never going on another cruise again.”

Suddenly he tensed up and started growling back at the monsters. The beasts let out what seemed
like a cackle as they ran toward him teeth bared and screeching.

Tex let out a loud roar as he chomped down on the throat of the first one and threw it against the

He jumped towards the one at the base of the stairway and knocked it out in one punch.

Tex bounded up the stairs as he saw two more coming at him. He stopped and let them come to
him. When they got close enough he grabbed both of them by the necks and clonked their heads
together and threw them of opposite sides of the stairway.

When Tex managed to get halfway up the stairs a monster took him by surprise and bit him in the
left arm. He let out a roar and shook the monster off, leaving a tooth behind in his arm.

The monster, not satisfied, came up and tried to bite Tex again. However the hellhound quickly
took the tooth out and stabbed the monster in the top of the head causing it to drop back down.

Tex bounded up the stairs and noticed one more near the door.

The monster, who noticed what Tex had done and not wanting to be part of it, gave a salute and
jumped back into the water.

Tex, not having enough time to question what just happened, ran up to the door. The ship hit
something before he got there causing the door to fling open.

Inside he saw the large shark-demon laughing like a lunatic as he was beginning to overtake

Tex grabbed both ends of the door frame and yelled out, “Captain I have a message from Cortés!”

The captain didn’t turn to face Tex. He was too focused on winning. “Hah! He seeks to concede do

“No not that,” replied Tex. He winced as he knew what he was about to say was stupid but he
couldn’t do much else. “He… he said that he bets that you can’t crash your ship into his ship in
such a way that neither of them sink.”

Black Bart thought about that for a second. Then he started laughing extremely loudly. It was an
unnervingly insane cackle that he was performing.

His eyes flashed red for a second and the demon seemed to be getting bigger. “Oh ho ho, it is

The ship started to turn left a bit which prompted Tex to try and find cover.

He quickly ran down the steps to where the first monster appeared. Then bursting out out what
seemed to be a kitchen door was Kiki and Milky.

“Tex!”, yelled Milky. “We got a call from (Y/n) saying we need to go now! What’s going on!?”

“Doesn’t matter!”, Tex yelled back. “Fly away NOW!”

The two succubi not liking to take an order from a hellhound but not wanting to die flew away,
disappearing quickly as the ship speed by.
Everyone on the ship heard the captain’s mad cackling as he stared to turn the ship towards the

The ship lurched forward straight towards the rival ship. All the passengers and crew held on for
dear life as the two massive ships collided into each other sending massive amounts of water onto

However, (Y/n)’s predictions were correct. Black Bart had maneuvered his ship in a way that when
they crashed neither sank.

Tex, who had dug his claws into a nearby wall for safety, went to the railing and looked at the
crash with astonishment. “By the Bells of Mammon that actually worked!”

Suddenly, Tex heard the sound of something breaking above him.

Breaking out from the main steering room was Black Bart in his full demon form: twice as tall as
his normal form with countless sets of teeth, his dorsal fin was more prominent with additional
spikes, and his left hand turned into a canon.

The demon screamed loudly and cackled, “GYAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHO! You see me

Cortés!? I won your bet, I WIN! GYAHAHAHAHOHOHO!”

“Bart, the FUCK are you talking about!?,” yelled another demon from the other ship. He walked
up to where the Royal Fortune had crashed into the Caravel. He was a typical red-skinned, horned
demon but 10 feet tall and much more well dressed that the other demons on the ship.

“Ah Cortés, you finally show yourself,” sneered the shark-demon. “Come to admit defeat?”

“NO, you filthy parasite!”, retorted Cortés, stomping his foot in frustration. “I never made a bet
with you to do this! This desperate attempt at sabotage proves just how below me you really are!
You’re a jealous worm!”

“Well of course I am, we’re in envy dipshit!”

“Grh! Envy and jealousy are not… the…SAAAAAAME!”

Cortés screamed as he began his transformation, however he was cut short by a loud, “If I

Coming from the sky were several winged figures. Bart pointed his canon at them and yelled, “Oh
no, they’re back early! You took Blackbeard but you won’t take me!”

“Heyheyheyheyheyhey! It’s us, it’s us!”, yelled the demons. As they got closer, everyone could tell
that it was Verosika and her crew with Verosika herself holding (Y/n).

As Black Bart lowered his canon in relief, Cortés intergected, “By Leviathan’s gills, what do you

Verosika lowered (Y/n) onto where the two ships connected to each other. She whispered into his
ear, “Are you sure about this?”

“No,” sighed (Y/n) as he looked up at the two feuding demons. Verosika nodded and went to help
out her crew get themselves together.

(Y/n) cleared his throat and called out, “I have a compromise for you two!”
Both of the captains immediately laughed at this imp telling them things.

“What could you possibly offer us, imp?”, Cortés mockingly questioned.

(Y/n) ignored the conquistador’s snide tone and said, “Well I’m an accountant and I want to say
that what you two have going on isn’t smart financially for either of you.”

The two demons, their interest piqued, looked at (Y/n) with confused expressions. Bart jumped
down with a *thud* to where (Y/n) was and said, “What are you talking about?! It better be good
or I’ll blast this fucker to smithereens right here right now!”

(Y/n) gulped at the sight of the massive demon before him and said, “U-uh, w-w-well you see.
When you two do stuff like this you spend more and more in order to outdo each other. Eventually
you’ll both run out of money. And where will that leave you? Weak! Powerless! You’ll both lose
your Overlord statuses. Then next year the Exorcists will come back and you’ll have no way to
defend yourselves from eternal oblivion.”

The two demons looked at (Y/n), then at each other, then at (Y/n), then at each other. They
continued this cycle until Cortés said, “He’s got a point, Bart.”

“Yeah,” replied Bart. He reverted back to his normal form and said, “Y’know we’re both good at
this cruise stuff. Why don’t we make a business deal?”

“Ha! Sounds good buddy!”

About an hour after the crash things were starting to look better. Bart and Cortés were discussing
business, passengers on both ships started interacting, and Verosika’s crew were checking in with
each other to make sure that they’re okay.

(Y/n) got an arm cast and was sitting next to Verosika on a bench.

“Hey,” he said as he looked up at his boss. “I’m sorry for ruining this trip.”

“Eh don’t be. With all the paparazzi I probably wouldn’t have had much to do anyways,” replied
Verosika. She stretched and out her arm around (Y/n)’s shoulder she touched his chin and said,
“Perhaps later I can show you my swimsuit later but for now let’s continue what we started.”

Before (Y/n) could react their lisp had already touched. It was a soft comforting feeling between
the two of them that quickly turned to lust as Verosika shoved her tongue in (Y/n)’s mouth too
which he gladly reciprocated.

Inside a dark, rundown room a man sitting in a chair watched the news on the television.

“Two cruises crash, rivals to make an alliance” was the headline but that didn’t matter to him.
What stuck out to him was that helicopter foot of that imp with the floppy arm who was talking
with the captains.

A knock came on his door to which the figure responded, “You may enter.”

A tall, muscular moth demon walked into the room, the floor creaked while he didn’t say anything.

The figure in the chair snapped his scaled fingers and pointed at the screen right when (Y/n)
appeared. “Him. Have you you confirmed if zat one zhe final traitor?”

The moth demon gave a small bow and replied, “It is indeed, my Baron.”

“Wúnderbar,” the Baron chuckled sinisterly. “Ve shall strike vhen zey least suspect.”
Dates, Clothes, Games, and Jailbreaks
Chapter Summary

Verosika and (Y/n) spend some quality time together, try out some new outfits, play
video games with the rest of the crew, and break out of jail.

I’m going to add the parts one at a time.

Current parts (4/4)

Chapter Notes

I’m going to add the parts one at a time over the next few weeks

Current parts (4/4)

PART 1, Getting FRISKY:

(Y/n) circled around his apartment nervously, his little heart beating rapidly.

He had invited Verosika over to his apartment for dinner and she agreed to arrive at 5:45 pm.

It was 5:40 pm.

He had done everything he could to prepare: cleaned twice, cooked, set up the wine, clipped his
nails, and put on some nice clothes.

He put extra effort into making his apartment as nice as possible for his date.

After what felt like hours, (Y/n) heard a knock on his door. He walked up to the door and took a
deep breath as he grabbed the door knob.

He opened the door to reveal Verosika who’s hair was down and was wearing very casual clothing:
sweat pants, white t-shirt, black sunglasses, and a light coat.

Verosika pushed down her sunglasses as she and (Y/n) exchanged surprised looks. She gave a
small snicker and said, “We aren’t going to some fancy restaurant, (Y/n).”

“Well I-uh, y-ya see I,” responded (Y/n), scratching the back of his head. Verosika calmed him
down by shaking her head and saying, “You’re so cute when you’re flustered, you know that?”

(Y/n) looked up at the tall succubus. She had a warm but mischievous smile on her face. He took
another deep breath and moved away from the entrance. “Please come in.”

Verosika walked into the apartment and looked around. “Hm, this is actually a pretty nice place.”

“Yeah it is,” (Y/n) agreed as he shut the door behind him. “I was able to spend more on furnishings
ever since my pay raise.”

“Yup, that shows,” responded Verosika, taking her sunglasses off and putting them in her coat
pocket. The apartment was pretty small but comfortable. She looked over across the room and
noticed steam coming from the kitchen. “Oh you’re cooking? Hm, smells delicious.”

“Oh yes! I’ve been trying out some new recipes recently. I even managed to get some good wine
and spices fresh from Gluttony.” (Y/n) clapped his hands and said. “I’m almost done making that.
Please make yourself comfortable.”

“Alright, will do,” said Verosika, taking off her jacket. As she did so (Y/n) noticed that Verosika’s
shirt is one or two sizes bigger for her which caused it to slide off on one shoulder, revealing a
black bra-strap. He didn’t stare for too long before scurrying off to the kitchen because he knew
he’d get a good look at her later.

Verosika sat down at the dining table and adjusted her seat. She listened to the sounds of (Y/n)’s
cooking pondered what it would taste like.

After a few minutes (Y/n) appeared from around the wall holding two slightly steaming bowls. He
walked behind Verosika as he put her bowl in front of her. He then put his food on the table and
adjusted his chair so he could be eye-level with his girlfriend.

(Y/n) put on a smile and raised the wine bottle. “Bon appetit,” he said as he poured the contents of
the bottle into each of the glasses.

As (Y/n) began eating Verosika looked into her bowl. It was filled with a mixture of rice, sausages,
shrimp, and assorted vegetables.

She hadn’t tried something like this before, but she shrugged and put a spoonful into her mouth.

(Y/n) watched Verosika’s eyes widen as she chewed for a few seconds then swallowed.

“Holy shit,” said the succubus, putting her hand over her mouth. She looked at (Y/n) with a
surprised look on her face. “That’s really fucking good.”

(Y/n) breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Thank you, Verosika. I’m very flattered.”

Verosika eagerly devoured another mouthful. “By the wings of Beelzebub, this is good. What is
this anyway?

“Oh!,” said (Y/n), sitting up straight and grabbing his wine glass. “It’s jambalaya, I learned how to
make it pretty recently.”

“Really?,” said Verosika as she scooped up another spoonful. “Where’d you get the recipe?”

“Oh! Well it’s uh… um-“ (Y/n) hesitated for a second then said, “It-it’s the Radio Demon’s

Verosika had just opened her mouth for the food but stopped and stared at (Y/n) with wide eyes.

“Okay well y-you see.” (Y/n) stretched out his hands on the table. “I was listening to the food
channel on the radio to try some new recipes when suddenly the evil voice of Alastor overrode the
channel. I listened and he mentioned how someone made a pact with him that involved revealing
his jambalaya recipe. I switched around some of the ingredients of course.”
Verosika put her spoon back into her bowl and looked (Y/n) in the eye with a sudden seriousness.
“So let me get this straight: somebody sacrificed their freedom in the afterlife, or much worse, to
get a jambalaya recipe that they will likely never try for all eternity?”

(Y/n)’s eyes dashed between the food and Verosika. “Uh… that’s the gist of it, ye-“

Suddenly Verosika scooped an even bigger spoonful than before into her mouth. “Ish fuchin’
worsch ich.”

(Y/n) leaned back in his chair and sipped some of his wine. “Yep, I’m inclined to agree.”

Verosika went to get another bowlful while (Y/n) swirled his wine in contemplation.

“You know, speaking of sinners,” he called out to Verosika. “Don’t you think it’s weird seeing all
these sinners in other layers besides Pride? I mean people like Crimson, the pirates and celebrities,
I even saw Henry VIII in Gluttony yesterday. I thought they were all bound to Pride?”

Verosika came back with a full bowl, occasionally looking at the ceiling in thought. She sat down,
adjusted her hair and said, “If I were to take a wild guess it would be that Leviathan is fucking
around again, experimenting with a new way to defy Lucifer.”

“Really, again?!”, (Y/n) said, quickly putting his glass down in surprise causing some wine to spill
out. “That’s the third time in the past six months!”

“Sure is,” said Verosika as she finished the last of her wine. “First one was a typical army-
gathering coup and the second was… uh. What was it again?”

(Y/n) let out a big sigh. “I don’t know anything about it other than it involved a 5-leaf clover, a
laundry bin, and a CD copy of Space Chimps.”

“What the fuck was he going to do with that?”, exacerbated Verosika, taking another spoonful of
jambalaya into her mouth.

(Y/n) leaned back into his chair and said, “I think it’s best for everyone no to think about it”

(Y/n) and Verosika talked and joked for about 30 minutes. During that time Verosika managed to
finish 4 bowls of jambalaya.

Verosika leaned back and patted her stomach. “Wow that hit the spot. You sure know your stuff,

(Y/n) looked down at the meager single bowl that he finished then back at the succubus. He
noticed that her left hand was still on the table and there was still some grains of rice around her

Not wanting to waste this opportunity, (Y/n) put his hand on Verosika’s and started kissing her
where the grains of rice were. He gave Verosika a cheeky smirk and said, “Missed some spots.”

Verosika responded by returning the cheeky smirk and saying, “So did you.”

Before (Y/n) could respond, Verosika started licking (Y/n)’s face in places he didn’t even know he
had rice on. The pink demon’s tongue moved slowly an sensually, sending shivers throughout
(Y/n)’s body.

(Y/n) froze, awestruck of what just happened. He and Verosika looked at each other in the eyes,
they didn’t need to exchange words to know that they both wanted to make out.

(Y/n) acted first, but Verosika quickly took control by grabbing him on both side of his face and
pulling him in.

The two demons’ tongues wrapped around each other like two legendary warriors making their
final stands. They both tasted like that delicious jambalaya which only increased their vigor.

Their tongues dueled for 30 seconds before Verosika suddenly backed away. She had a wicked
grin on her face and seductively cooed, “My, my. Looks like someone is eager.”

(Y/n) didn’t understand at first but then he looked down and realized what just occurred. Both of
his hands were planted firmly on Verosika’s breasts. His fingers were slightly sunken into the
perfectly round orbs on his succubus girlfriend’s chest.

“I-uh. I’m sorr-“ (Y/n) began to jerk his hands away in shock but Verosika grabbed his wrists to
keep his hands in place.

“Sorry for what?”, said the succubus in an uptight but alluring tone. She licked her lips and stared
right into (Y/n)’s eyes. “You’ve touched them before, by Satan you’ve suckled them. You have
nothing to be ashamed of.”

Verosika released her grip of (Y/n) and continued, “Besides I’ve always been proud of my chest, I
honestly enjoy making other succubi jealous. So just relax and enjoy yourself.”

(Y/n)’s heart was beating very fast but nevertheless he took a deep breath and started moving his
hands around.

The succubus’s breasts felt very soft to the touch, one of the softest things (Y/n) had ever felt. It
was like holding a fluffy cloud in each hand. He felt like he could do this for hours.

However, after about a minute, Verosika noticed the bulge that was growing in (Y/n)’s pants. She
seized her opportunity by lifting (Y/n) off his chair with a hug and shoving her tongue into his

(Y/n), hands still grasping Verosika’s breasts, wrapped his legs around the succubus’s torso. He
managed to get her tongue out of his mouth for long enough to say, “My room is right behind you
by the wa-“

Verosika cut him off by shoving her tongue back in as she carried (Y/n) to the other room and
quickly slamming the door open with a hip bump.

(Y/n) had bought a new queen size bed specifically for this type of situation.

Verosika threw (Y/n) onto the soft bed and laid down next to him. She got up onto her knees and
put her hands behind her head. “Do you mind helping out of this restrictive clothing, boy?”

“Yes, ma’am!”, (Y/n) enthusiastically replied as he moved to do as he was told.

He went for Verosika’s shirt first, sensually moving his hands on her hips first. He stood up on the
bed as he grabbed the edge of the white shirt and pulled it over Verosika’s head.

When the shirt went over Verosika’s head, her breasts ended up bouncing right in front of (Y/n)’s
face. His immediate reaction was to wrap his arms around Verosika’s body and to bury his face in
her hefty bust.
Verosika giggled loudly as she directed (Y/n)’s hands to her bra strap. (Y/n) backed away so he
could undo the lock on the prison cell of Verosika’s breasts.

After a few seconds (Y/n) managed to undo the strap, allowing him to remove the black cloth
barrier between him and salvation.

(Y/n) studied his girlfriend’s chest: two large, pink spheres jutting out from her slender body with a
dark protruding nipple on each one.

(Y/n) decided to grab one of them and start sucking on the succubus’s nipple. Verosika moaned in
pleasure as the imp moved his tongue around her nipple and lightly bit it.

“Oh my, you sure love doing that,” gasped Verosika as she started rubbing herself between her
legs. “Heh, you kinda look like a baby.”

Verosika paused for a few seconds as (Y/n) looked up at her face when she said that. Suddenly, she
glared at (Y/n) and gave a mischievous chuckle. She stroked his hair and said, “I suppose that
would make me your mommy then, hmm?”

(Y/n) paused for a few seconds and let go of Verosika. After a few moments he got very flustered
and replied, “Y-yes, I would like that. I’d really love that, mo-mommy.”

Verosika gave an approving chuckle as she moved away from (Y/n). She got next to him on her
knees and elbows and moved her ass so it faced (Y/n), her tail failing around with excitement.

Verosika looked back at (Y/n) and said, “Well then, if you’re acting like this because of my boobs
then you’ll love what’s waiting for you beneath these pants.”

(Y/n) stood up on the bed and moved over towards Verosika. He got behind her, grabbed the rim
of her sweatpants, and started slowly pulling down.

His heart skipped a beat as he made his way down. When he made a it a few inches he couldn’t
handle the anticipation and pulled it down in a flash.

What (Y/n) saw prompted him to fall back in shock and amazement. Right in front of his eyes was
Verosika’s thighs and ass wrapped in fishnet stockings.

“You didn’t think I dressed completely casually did you?”, giggled Verosika as she used her tail to
fling the sweatpants to the side, revealing that the entirety of both her legs were encased in the

“Why don’t you come over here and show me what you got, handsome.” The succubus slapped
herself on the ass, prompting (Y/n) to stand up at attention.

He took off his clothes in a quick motion and moved over to put his hands on each side of
Verosika’s ass. He moved her panties over to reveal her pussy, wet with anticipation.

Verosika moved herself down a bit to give (Y/n) better access. She gently wrapped her tail around
his waist as encouragement as the imp used his manhood to feel where he should stick it in.

When he found it he slowly put it in, earning delighted moans from Verosika. Her tail began to
tighten as (Y/n) moved his hips faster.

Verosika wrapped her legs around (Y/n)’s knees as she and the imp were starting to get a good
rhythm going. She let out a moan of pleasure with each thrust.
(Y/n) put his fingers underneath the strings of Verosika’s fishnets as he gripped her ass, feeling the
soft, almost pillowy sensation bouncing on his waist. He leaned into Verosika, putting his hands
on her waist to he could stay steady while he moved faster.

“Oh wow,” moaned Verosika, gripping the sheets on the bed, nearly pulling them off. “You’ve…
hmm… learnt a lot, (Y/n).”

(Y/n) put a hand to the back of his head and gave an awkward chuckle. He wanted to say
something but was quickly cut off when he felt something rising within him.

Verosika recognized the face he was making right away and squeezed her tail even harder as a sign
of permission and demand.

Gripping Verosika’s tail, (Y/n) held his breath as he shot his load right into the pink succubus.

The imp stopped to catch his breath and started to pull out. “That was amazi-“

“Oh, did you think we’re done? Hmmm?”

Suddenly, Verosika pushed back, pinning (Y/n) to the bed underneath her. (Y/n) moaned loudly as
the succubus started slamming down on his cock, feeling extreme amounts of pleasure because of
how sensitive he was.

The imp grabbed Verosika’s thighs in a futile attempt to match the succubus’s ferocity.

Despite this, (Y/n) lasted longer than he thought he would. Although, neither of the demons
complained about that.

After a few minutes, Verosika turned herself around, causing (Y/n) to gasp in ecstasy. She stared
him in the eyes, her lustful gaze sending shivers through the imp’s body.

Verosika grabbed (Y/n) by the horns to steady herself as she continued to slam herself down upon
the imp underneath her.

(Y/n)’s face began to scrunch up a bit as he felt he was about to shoot his load.

“Gyahaha, are you going to cum soon?”, cackled Verosika as she hungrily licked her lips. “Do it. I
want it all in me, (Y/n)!”

(Y/n) once again grabbed Verosika’s thighs and pushed himself into her. “Verosika, I love you. I l-

A while after this (Y/n) and Verosika were now snuggling in bed; Verosika noticed (Y/n) was
worn out so she suggested doing this for the rest of the night.

They held each other close as they watched a movie on the TV in (Y/n)’s room and ate cookies that
they didn’t get the chance to eat earlier.

While occasionally they would touch one another in between the legs, for the most part they were
content with enjoying the other’s company.

Verosika’s body was softer than (Y/n)’s bed, causing him to want to rest on her.

As he moved to do so, he noticed that the succubus was already fast asleep. Her chest rose and fell
peacefully as she slumbered on (Y/n)’s bed.

The imp used this opportunity to wrap her arms around himself. As he did that Verosika tightened
her grasp on him and gave a warm smile. (Y/n) smiled back, gave her a kiss, and fell asleep while
being held by Verosika.


It was around noon, which meant that each member of Verosika’s crew was eating lunch in the
break room.

Josh and Ace were sharing spaghetti, Coco and Apple were gossiping over nachos, each of the
demons were present and eating. All of them except for (Y/n).

Verosika waited for a few minutes until at last (Y/n) opened the door. He looked a little disheveled
but wore a bright smile when he looked at Verosika.

“Sorry for the wait, Verosika.”, said the imp as he walked towards the table. He put a paper box
and the table and sat down. “There was this nasty glitch with the accounting program. I couldn’t
relax until it was fixed.”

“No problem,” replied the succubus as she took a bite out of the sandwich that (Y/n) had made for
her. As she did that, (Y/n) opened the box to reveal some slices of French toast.

As (Y/n) began to dig in, Verosika leaned back and said, “You know, I’ve been meaning to ask you

“Hit me,” replied (Y/n), putting the butter on one of the slices.

Verosika put both of her arms on the table. “What do you enjoy about accounting anyways? No
offense but I don’t really see it as something to be passionate about.”

(Y/n) chewed on his meal while he contemplated the answer. “Hmm, I can’t really put it to words.
Not that those words would be very interesting anyway.”

“And why is that?”, asked Verosika with a concerned look on her face.

(Y/n) looked down and scratched the back of his head, a bit of dandruff flying off. “I don’t- isn’t
the point of my job so that you don’t have to worry about all this boring stuff?”

Verosika rested her chin in her palm. “You’re pretty smart, I’m sure you can find some way to
make it interesting to me.”

(Y/n) looked back up at that statement, and noticed the cogs turning in Verosika’s head.

The succubus put her hand behind her chair and lifted her hip flask in the other. She took a swig
and said, “How about this? If you can find some way to make accounting interesting to me then I’ll
dress up in some sexy costumes for you!”

(Y/n)’s eyes widened at that, he briefly pictured what sort of cosplay she would do for him. His
eyes dashed around the room, he noticed that some of the other people in the room looked at him
with curiosity.

(Y/n) puffed his cheeks and blew out a lot of air. “I suppose I’ll have to… think of something.”
Verosika let out a chuckle and leaned forward to give (Y/n) a devilish look in the eyes. “Well,
good luck with that, handsome.”

The next day at noon Verosika again had to wait for (Y/n) to come. Some of the other members of
Verosika’s crew decided to stay for whatever (Y/n) was going to do, mostly because they were
doing nothing more important.

After a few minutes, (Y/n) burst through the door holding CD in one hand and a CD player in the
other. He had a tired, slightly crazed look in his eyes.

“Sorry for the wait everyone! I’ve got my masterpiece right here!”

“Did-did you make that in one night?”, asked a very confused and concerned Verosika.

“Time means nothing in the pursuit of art,” retorted (Y/n), making Verosika jump with the look he
gave her. “Now watch and be amazed!”

(Y/n) lurched forward, quickly plugging the player into the nearby TV and putting the CD in.

How did this imp make this film? None can say.

Did this imp make this film? Who knows?

Was it a masterpiece? Any being with an ounce of sense could understand that it was a work of art.

10 minutes of footage demonstrating the art that is accounting. It only needed 10 minutes to
capture the heart and soul of everyone who watched it.

Today those beings included the demons of lust that resided in that lunchroom. Tears were shed,
emotion ran rampant, cheers rung out, as they stood in awe of this glorious creation.

In the middle of it was the succubus known as Verosika Mayday. She had no words, she simply
stood and watched the show.

And when it was over, she turned to the imp who was beaming with pride and enthusiasm before
her. The two of them locked eyes and the needed to exchange no words to express what the two of
them were feeling.

(Y/n) simply put his hand on his stomach and gave a low bow to his audience.

…Then promptly collapsed to the floor, asleep because he neglected to do so last night.

(Y/n) awoke to the sight of a car ceiling above him and the tall succubus to the left of him. He
quickly realized that he was laying on Verosika’s lap while they rode in the car.

Verosika looked down upon (Y/n), running her fingers through his hair. “Hey are you alright,

(Y/n) admired Verosika’s smiling face and replied, “Yeah, yeah I’m alright Verosika.”

Verosika’s face and tone shifted dramatically into mad and scolding. “Why the fuck did you stay
up all night working on that!? I expected you to have that done in, like, a week, a month even!”

(Y/n) started itching all over and his face got warm. “I-I-I’m sorry, Verosika. I just-I suppose I- I
was very- I couldn’t- ugh.”

(Y/n) put his face in his hand as a sign of defeat.

Verosika let out a loud sigh. “Listen I’m happy about you being so passionate about something.”

(Y/n) looked back up at the succubus as she continued. “But since you’re my boyfriend it’s my
duty to be concerned about you. You understand?”

(Y/n) folded his hands and nodded at his girlfriend’s words. Verosika, satisfied, returned to her
usual playful stuff. “Alright get up, you.”

The two of them laughed about this and that for a few more minutes before the car parked at what
seemed like a clothing store. There were big words at the front that read, “Crimson’s Quality

“Alright, here we are.”, rang out Tex’s voice from the driver’s seat of the car.

Verosika turned to (Y/n) with her familiar mischievous grin. “Now that you’ve shown me some of
your passion, I think it’s high time I show you one of mine.”

The store the two of them walked into was fairly standard for a fancy clothes store. Dresses to the
right, suits to the left, and some shoes in the corner. In the center was the red spider-demon known
as Crimson, using all six of his hands to make some new design.

Verosika cleared her throat when Crimson didn’t notice them walk up to the desk. He looked up,
putting his goggles on his forehead. “Oh! G’day Verosika. (Y/n). Sorry ‘bout that, some Goetia
bird gal is gonna make me purse o’erflow once I get this done.”

Crimson held up what looked like the bottom half of a large white dress. “What’ya think so far,

Verosika completely ignored what was in front of her and spoke plainly. “Crimson, you know
exactly why we’re here.”

“Oh! That’s right,” replied Crimson, his enthusiasm undisturbed. “Down the hall, third door to the

“Excellent,” said the succubus as she clapped her hands once. Her mood had shifted to be a bit
more joyful. “I’ll choose the order I want to… present in. And, uh, I suppose you two can talk for a
few minutes.”

Verosika walked off, making sure to brush her tail up against (Y/n)’s face, nearly causing him to
fall forward. The succubus giggled as she moved down the hall.

The spider-demon walked around the counter and patted (Y/n) on the shoulder. “Oy, ya doin’ a
good job, mate! Keep it up!”

After that, (Y/n) talked about this and that for a few minutes. During they’re conversation, a
thought came into (Y/n)’s head.

“Hey Crimson, no offense but I couldn’t help but notice that your shop seems a bit empty. How do
you pa-“

Crimson cut off (Y/n) by suddenly giving a hearty laugh. He sniffled and said, “Ah, so you’re
figuring it out, are ya mate?”

The red spider parted his hair back and said, “Let’s just say that this isn’t my only job.”

(Y/n) immediately knew what that meant. Having worked with dead criminals in the past he knew
that they often disguised their illegal activities with legitimate businesses. But most things a human
would consider illegal are done out in the open in the Pride ring, what would he need to-?

Before he could say anything else Verosika’s singsong but authoritative voice rang out from down
the hall. “I’m all done organizing, (Y/n). Time to get over here!”

(Y/n)’s hairs and tail stood on end as he raised his arm in a salute. He yelled out “Yes ma’am!” as
he practically marched down the hall, earning a chuckle from Crimson.

The room the two of them entered was fairly small but comfortable. A warm light shined overhead
above a single chair in the middle of the room. There was a divider next to the entrance of a dark

Verosika stood next to the chair, snapped her fingers, and pointed at the chair. (Y/n) immediately
followed the order he was given.

Verosika bent down and grabbed (Y/n) by both of the shoulders. She gave a devilish smirk and
said, “Alright here’s the deal, babe. I’m gonna model some outfits for you then once I’m done you
can choose which ones I’ll buy. Sound good?”

(Y/n) couldn’t bring himself to move or say anything so he simply nodded in response, not noticing
the big smile on his face or the tent that was being pitched in his pants.

Verosika let go of (Y/n) and walked towards the dark room, but not before giving him a kiss to
excite him. She gave a mischievous glance towards (Y/n) as she moved the divider in front of her.

The room behind the divider illuminated, allowing (Y/n) to see her silhouette through it. He waited
in anticipation as he observed the shadow take off its clothes and put on new ones. Each movement
the succubus made be it her hips, her tail, her wings, her arms or whatever, was calculated to
induce the maximum amount of excitement in the imp.

After about a minute Verosika revealed her first outfit: a police officer.

She wore tight blue pants with a belt with some toys attached to it. She wore a blue buttoned up
shirt with the top ones undone to reveal her cleavage and a gold badge on the left pocket. She had
black, fingerless gloves on and spun a pair of handcuffs on one of her fingers. Her hair was in a tall
ponytail which she put through a black baseball cap that had the word “POLICE” written on it.

She looked over her sunglasses at an amazed (Y/n) and gave a smirk. “Well, well, well. I’ve finally
caught you, scoundrel!”

Verosika stomped towards the imp, her boots thumping against the floor. “You‘ve got some
information that I want so be a good boy and sell out your boss, will ya?”

(Y/n) paused for a moment, his eyes darted around the room. His thoughts began to drift to the past
but he was quickly brought back to the present when Verosika raised her foot and stomped it on his

“Not talkin’ eh? Figured as much, you criminals have no respect for the law!”

(Y/n), reminded that he was supposed to be enjoying kinky costumes, let his eyes wonder along the
officer’s long leg. He decided to play along with her. “Oh yeah? What’re you gonna do about it?”

“Oh I have a few tricks up my sleeve,” laughed the succubus, taking her foot off of (Y/n) and
moving closer. “Methods that will be sure to make you squeal.”

Verosika swiftly moved towards (Y/n), sitting on his lap with her breasts in his face. “Do you see
this badge, punk?!”

(Y/n) looked over to were the badge was then back into the pink demon’s yellow eyes. Unable to
speak the imp simply nodded in response.

“This badge means that I’m a qualified police officer and it is my duty to bring justice, no matter
the what I have to do!”

Right after Verosika said that she dropped the act, taking off her hat and backing up. “So what did
you think of that?”

“No cap,” said (Y/n), clapping his hands together. “That was extremely fucking kinky.”

“Heh heh, you haven’t seen anything yet.” Verosika got up and turned around to walk back to the
closet. “Onto the next one!”

The next one Verosika had prepared was unexpected for (Y/n) to see: a witch.

Verosika wore a large, black witch hat with a red bow in the front of it. The tops of her breasts and
the entire space of her legs were covered by fishnets while the rest of her body was covered in
black cloth. Finally, she wore a dark fur cloak that made a satisfying fluttering noise whenever she

Verosika cackled as she left the darkness. Her movements were erratic but sensual as she moved
closer towards (Y/n). She had a psychotic look in her eyes as she said, “Ah looks like I have a
visitor. Good, good you’re just in time for dinner.”

Suddenly she lurched forward, causing (Y/n) to scream in both fear and delight. The witch grabbed
at (Y/n)’s face, causing him to notice she put fake claws on her fingers. “Yes, you’ll fit nicely into
my cauldron. Although, it won’t be done for quite a while.”

Verosika gingerly moved to the right of (Y/n). She pressed her chest against his arm and sensually
moved her finger up and down his chest.

“Perhaps I have time to… play with my food.” Before (Y/n) could respond to that Verosika bit him
on the ear. He yelled out in surprise and looked at Verosika who had her usual mischievous look.

“Heh, I sure like that one.”

“I knew you would, handsome. Now let’s see what else we’ve got.”

The third one Verosika had prepared was a scientist.

It was a fairly simple design. She put her hair into a bun and wore circular glasses. Worse a lab
coat that, while not very revealing, did show off her curves a bit.

She wore a stoic expression and held a clipboard in her left hand and a pen in the right.

She glanced at (Y/n) and began to speak as she wrote stuff down. “Day 13. Subject has already
undergone all of the stimulation tests except for one: sexual stimulation.”

She walked over to (Y/n), towering over him. She continued, “Due to a lack of volunteers, I shall
perform the stimulation myself in order to properly gather results.”

A few seconds passed before Verosika’s more emotive personality resurfaced. “I see I didn’t need
to do much for that, huh (Y/n)?”

“No, no you didn’t,” said (Y/n) scratching the back of his head.

As Verosika began to turn to try out her next outfit, something clicked in (Y/n)’s head. A gut
feeling that the two of them should leave right now.

Putting his faith in his gut he said, “Y’know, Verosika. Its pretty clear that you can rock any outfit
you put on so why don’t we just buy them all? I like the surprise anyway.”

Verosika thought about it for a second then gave a chuckle. “Alright sounds good. This day has
been a bit chaotic and you should get some rest.”

Verosika gathered up of the hangers and left for the main part of the building. They found Crimson
was wearing a heat mask and using a blowtorch on the clothes he was working on for some reason
they couldn’t comprehend.

Verosika walked up to the counter as (Y/n) left the building. She slammed a wad of cash on the
counter, prompting Crimson to look up.

“We’re taking them all, Crimson. Keep the change.”

“Ah goodie, goodie, goodie!”, said the spider-demon as he grabbed the cash and smirked at
Verosika. “Pleasah doin’ business witcha!”

Crimson decided to take a short break to count the cash he had just made.

As soon as he just counted $679 two demons walked in: a bulky, one-eyed humanoid boar and a
suited-up incubus wearing a top hat and wielding a cane. They both had a tattoo of a purple dragon
on them with the incubus wearing it on his neck and the boar on his right shoulder, although
Crimson didn’t notice.

Crimson quickly removed his feet from his desk and put the on the floor. He gave a wave and said,
“G’day mates, how can I help the two of ya?”

“Yes hello,” said the incubus. He had an egotistical air surrounding him as he held his head high
and strutted with each step, a perfect customer for Crimson. “The two of us are looking for a
succubus and an imp. We’ve got word that they were here recently.”

“Oh Mayday and (Y/n) left about five minutes ago. You’ll probably have to get her autograph
another time,” replied the spider in a sorry-not sorry tone.

“Hm, so that’s vhat that verräter has been calling himself,” said the boar thug, rubbing his chin
with claws that almost never get trimmed.

Crimson, completely focused on the uptight fellow, didn’t register what the boar said. He pointed
his thumb behind himself and said, “You look pretty fancy, why don’t you check out some of the
ties. They’re %30 off today!”

The incubus smirked as he walked up to Crimson. He out of his hands on the counter and gave a
small but evil chuckle. “Actually, Mr. Crimson, I was thinking of purchasing-“

Suddenly the boar ran up and punched Crimson in the face, knocking him out instantly.

The incubus spun around and yelled, “What the fuck, Fritz!? I was gonna say something badass!”

Fritz looked at Crimson then back that the suited demon. “Do you vant me to wake ‘im up,

Hallax rubbed his right temple as he casually took the wad of cash off the counter and shoved it in
his pocket. “No, no. Jus-just take him back to the car. I’ll make sure they aren’t in the building.
We’ll take him to the Baron when we’re done.”

Hallax looked around the room and eyed one particular area.

“Huh, those ties do actually look pretty nice.”

Part 3, Succubus Gaming:

(Y/n) drank his coffee as he typed away at his keyboard. Each button he pressed appeared on the
screen as he sorted out multiple purchases throughout the day.

He glanced at the clock and noticed it was 5:30 pm, quitting time. He saved his work on the
computer and got up to leave, coffee in hand.

As he was walking down the hall he heard Verosika’s voice in front of him. “Hey, (Y/n). How’s it

(Y/n) looked up at Verosika. She was wearing a tight blue dress that only went down to the middle
of her thighs. The imp raised his paper cup in recognition. “I’m doing alright now that I see you,
babe. I was just about to check out.”

The succubus smiled at his words and walked towards him. She parted her hair with her fingers
and said, “Oh, that’s right. I wanted to suggest something to you.”

“I’m all ears,” replied (Y/n), taking a sip of his coffee.

The succubus pointed down the hall. Taking a swig of her Beelzejuice to match (Y/n)’s
movements, she said, “The others are playing some video games together, you wanna join?”

(Y/n) looked in the direction of Verosika’s finger. He could definitely hear some noises coming
from down the hall.
He turned to Verosika and shrugged. “Eh, I don’t see why not.”

The break room was overflowing with sounds of laughter, frustration, and combat from Super
Smash Brothers Ultimate.

“C’mon! He’s only got one stock left!”, yelled Josh.

“I’m fucking trying!”, Kiki yelled back, adjusting herself on the couch.

Kat cracked his neck and gave off a wicked smile. “You ain’t taking me down today, Kiki!”

At this point (Y/n) and Verosika walked into the room. (Y/n) immediately noticed Ganondorf
fighting Luigi on the TV screen as all the demons were watching intently, especially Kiki and Kat
who were staring at the screen with fierce determination.

The group didn’t notice Verosika and (Y/n) walk behind and beside the couch respectively as they
cheered on both players. It was intense since they both had high percentages and one stock each.

“Don’t let him take your crown Kiki!”, said Ace.

“C’mon, c’mon Kat. The throne is almost yours!”, egged on Coco.

“Wait, who’s Ganon again?”, asked Josh.

It was complete anarchy performing on screen, until Kiki made a fatal mistake. She had Ganondorf
dash towards Luigi just as he did his Down Taunt. Kiki realized to late and screamed, “No!
Nonono! NOOOOOOO!”

Red flashed as Ganondorf was sent flying offscreen. “Game!”

Screams of shock and celebration rang out so loud that they drowned out the announcer saying
“Luigi Wins!”

Kiki stared at the screen in shock of her defeat as Kat kicked his legs up with a smug look on his
face. “A new King has been crowned.”

“Well done, Kat,” said Verosika, causing the skinny incubus to jump in surprise.

“Oh, hey Verosika. Didn’t see you there.”

“Evidently,” replied Verosika as nonchalantly took a swig from her hip flask. “(Y/n) and I wanted
to join.”

All the the demons looked at each other briefly then at either Verosika or (Y/n). “Oh yeah, yeah,
yeah sure.”

(Y/n) placed his coffee on a small table next to the couch and he climbed up onto said couch. As
he got comfortable, Apple went up to the table and crouched down so she could stare at (Y/n)’s

“Hey (Y/n),” said the overall-wearing succubus. “What kinda coffee you got?”

(Y/n) looked at her with a look that Verosika noticed was unusually devious. “Oh that? It’s an
espresso with some caramel in it.”
Apples eyes widen as she licked her lips. “Can I have it?”

“Knock yourself out,” chuckled the imp, failing to hide an evil smirk.

Apple snatched the paper cup, scuttling away with it. She took a sip as she began to sit down, only
to immediately spit it out and rub her tongue. “Ew ew ew, what the fuck kinda es-?”

“It’s black.”

Apple stared at (Y/n) with demonic hatred at that statement. (Y/n), Verosika, and a few of the
others, on the other hand, burst with laughter at Apple’s expense.

Coco noticed Apple was beginning to shift into her monstrous form and moved to calm her down.
“Stay calm, Apple! You already used it on that heckler this morning, remember?”


“Don’t worry baby, you’ll get him back eventually. Just relax.”

Apple pouted in response but did calm down as Coco caressed her head and gave her a few kisses.

Kiki moved to the end of the couch to allow (Y/n) access to the middle as Kat left to sit on another
chair to contemplate his victory. As he moved over he noticed that Kiki was holding the back of
her neck with an awkward expression on her face.

“Agh my neck,” said Kiki, gritting her teeth slightly. “It’s been killing me for days now.”

Suddenly (Y/n) shot up and yelled “I got this!” and quickly grabbed Kiki by the head.

“Wait wha-?” *crack*. (Y/n) had turned Kiki’s head with surprising speed. Ace got up and
screamed in terror.

“Holy fuck man! You’re not in that gang anymore! What’d you do to-“

“No no, Ace. I’m alright,” interjected Kiki as she gleefully moved her head from side to side. “In
fact I’ve never felt better!”

(Y/n) started backing away. “S-sorry about that, Kiki. I shouldn’t have reacted so-“

“YOU FUCKING HEAR THAT, KAT!?”, dramatically yelled Kiki as she stood up on the couch,
nearly hitting her head on the ceiling. “The crown will be mine once more when my turn arrives
again! Beware, Kat. Your reckoning is neigh! Gyahahahahahahahahaha!”

All the demons stood in shock of both (Y/n)’s unexpected chiropractic talent and Kiki’s mad
cackling, especially Kat who nearly fell out of his chair in fright.

After a few minutes everyone calmed down and refocused their attention on the game. The next
match was between Josh and (Y/n).

Josh picked out Little Mac while (Y/n) went with Sonic. Josh turned to (Y/n) and smirked,
cracking his knuckles. “Heh, you’re goin’ down, little dude.”

(Y/n) responded by taking out a pair of glasses and saying, “We’ll see, Josh.”

(Y/n) put the glasses on when the countdown began. As he did so all the demons, except Josh who
was focused on the screen as well as Apple and Coco who were making out for the fifth time in 30
minutes, noticed that the glare from outside lights made his glasses glow white.

The game started and the chaos reinvigorated onscreen. Both player dodged and stroked each other
in order to win this match. However, Josh was struggling against (Y/n)’s strategy.

What the imp would do is make it look like he’s going to do an attack, stop, taunt, and do
something else. He did this for a while, causing Josh to get agitated.


(Y/n) ignored Josh’s annoyance and simply continued to focus on what he was doing as his
opponent began to falter. He saw an opportunity and managed to launch Little Mac off stage,
quickly defeating him.

Josh turned to (Y/n) and said, “Holy fuck, what in the name of all that is unholy was that!?”

(Y/n) replied by simply putting his glasses away, smirking at Josh and saying, “Strategic Taunting,
don’t make the mistake of letting your anger or pride or whatever get the better of you. That’s what
happened to former overlord Baron von Drachen.”

Josh, extremely intimidated but doing a good job at hiding it, scoffed. “Pfft, whatever man. GG.”

“Alright it’s our turn now!”, yelled Apple and Coco in unison, pushing (Y/n) and Josh off of the
couch. (Y/n) was caught off guard and feel pretty far but wasn’t hurt.

Verosika laughed a little but when (Y/n) fell to floor. As the two succubi on the couch were
choosing their characters, she felt a tug on one of her wings. It was Milky, who looked like
something was on her mind.

“Hey Verosika, the other girls and I have been talking,” said Milky, her voice nearly getting
drowned out by Coco criticizing Apple for picking Pichu. “Do you mind if talk in the hallway for a

“Eh sure,” said Verosika, taking a swig from her flask. The two succubi walked out the door but
stood by the doorway. “So? What’s you want to say?”

Milky had a look on her face like she was about to regret what she was about to say. “Uh, well. It’s
about your boyfriend, (Y/n). I-it’s nothing bad! It’s just that we’re thinking that maybe we

Milky looked over both of her shoulders and motioned for Verosika so move down slightly.
Verosika complied, allowing Milky to whisper into her ear. Suddenly Verosika jumped back in
shock at what she heard.

“You want to WHAT!?”

Milky jumped back in fear that she angered Verosika. However, the tall succubus’s face quickly
shifted from anger to disappointed but not disinterested.

Verosika rubbed her chin and looked at the ceiling. “Well, I suppose he would like that.”

She looked back down at Milky who was awaiting a response. “I’ll- I will think about it.”

Verosika opened the door back open and walked inside as Milky took a sigh of relief. Milky
walked in after her and found Kiki waiting for her at the door.
“Well,” said Kiki. “What’d she say?”

“She said she’ll think about it,” replied Milky, cracking her neck.

Kiki looked at (Y/n) who was commenting on the match from the arm of the couch. “How have
neither of you done any damage yet?”

Kiki turned back to Milky with a devilish smirk on her face. “Well, coming from Verosika we can
take that as a yes.”

Part 4: Still got it:

(Y/n) sat down at the main table in Verosika’s apartment. It was bigger and nicer than his place but
felt no less like a home. He was wearing a blue night robe and boxers. He was sipping his coffee
and halfway through the morning newspaper when he heard the door next to him open.

In walked Verosika who had just gotten out of bed a full hour after (Y/n). She was wearing a red
night robe that was a few sizes small which caused her cleavage and long legs to be on display. Her
long hair was all messy and she had slight bags under her eyes, which (Y/n) thought was very

The succubus gave a long yawn and stretched her arms. “Mmmrg, g’morning (Y/n).”

“Good morning, Verosika,” replied (Y/n), not hiding the fact that his eyes were rapidly moving up
and down Verosika’s body. “Did you sleep well?”

“Heh, you bet I did,” she said, arching her back and using her forearm to perk her breasts up, much
to (Y/n)’s delight. “Your performance last night really knocked the wind out of me.”

The imp leaned back in his chair and chuckled. “Oh please! You know you do most of the work!”

Verosika walked up to (Y/n) with a smirk on her face, grabbing the imp at the back of the head and
giving him a kiss. “Don’t underestimate yourself, hun.”

Verosika sat across from (Y/n) started eating the breakfast (Y/n) had prepared for her, casually
pouring some Beelzejuice into her coffee. She noticed the paper the imp was holding and asked,
“So, anything interesting with the news?”

(Y/n) turned the paper around so that it faced Verosika. The headline read “LOO LOO LAND
BURNED IN BLAZING INFERNO” and had a picture of green hellfire swallowing an amusement

“Holy fuck,” gasped Verosika, putting her hand to her mouth. “That place by Castle Magne is
destroyed?! Damn I really liked that place.”

“No that’s LuLu World,” corrected (Y/n). “Loo Loo Land is Lord Mammon’s cheap ripoff in the
Greed ring.”

“Phew, that’s a relief,” sighed the succubus as she bit into a piece of bacon. “Perhaps we could go
there sometime.”

“Perhaps,” replied (Y/n), finishing his last drop of coffee.

“Honestly, I don’t care where we go.”, said Verosika, pushing some hair away from her face. “I
just like being around you, (Y/n). You have a good… presence, for lack of a better word.”
(Y/n)’s smiling face blushed slightly and he said, “Oh stop it, Verosika…”

The two demons talked about this and that for a while until Verosika finished her breakfast. At that
moment (Y/n) noticed that she had an idea because of the smirk on her face.

The succubus leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs. “I gotta say I really like your cooking,
hun. I can’t cook very well so usually I’ll just have, fucking, cereal or something.”

“Well there’s nothing wrong with cereal,” replied (Y/n), his eyes bouncing between his girlfriend’s
legs to her eyes. “Well except maybe the really sugary stuff. Or that canned cereal they sell in

“I suppose,” replied Verosika, leaning forward to allow (Y/n) a good look at her cleavage.
“However, I’m still a bit hungry. Perhaps one more little snack will suffice.”

At that point Verosika pushed back her chair and dove underneath the table. As soon as she did she
rushed towards (Y/n) and ran her fingers up his legs. “Why don’t you cook up one more little
snack, hmm?”

(Y/n) immediately knew what she meant and pulled down his boxers, his erection hitting Verosika
in the face when he did so.

Verosika giggled as she gingerly grabbed (Y/n)’s cock and said, “Well, looks like your morning
wood is already raring to go!”

She gracefully moved her fingers up and down the imp’s manhood in order to stimulate him a
better bit more. As she started to move faster so did (Y/n)’s breathing.

(Y/n) started tapping the table and his face scrunched up in pleasure from Verosika’s expert

Acknowledging these signs, Verosika decided to move onto the next step. She wrapped her lips
around (Y/n)’s rod and moved up and down just like what she did with her fingers.

Her tongue circled around (Y/n)’s manhood which caused (Y/n) to let out some quiet moans. In
reponse, Verosika moved her tail out from under the table and formed it into the shape of a heart.

The succubus started to get aroused by this whole situation so she moved her panties to the side
and began fingering herself. She let out some muffled moans as she reached deeper into herself.

Eventually the two demons couldn’t hold back anymore and the two of the climaxed around the
same time. Verosika’s mouth was filled with (Y/n)’s load but she quickly swallowed it up. Once
she was finished she came out from under the table just as (Y/n) was pulling up his boxers.

(Y/n) put both of his hands on the table to catch his breath, his eyes dashing around the room.
Verosika appeared right next to him, her face as smug as ever.

“Well now,” chuckled the imp, matching Verosika’s expression as they looked at each other. “I g-
guess there isn’t much that’s better than a blowjob f-first thing in the morning.”

“Heh heh heh, you can say that again!”, laughed the succubus. She moved closer towards (Y/n),
moving her messy hair out of the way to get a better look at him. She pushed her breasts against the
imp’s arm and ran her finger up and down his chest, feeling his heart beating rapidly.

“You know, (Y/n). I wouldn’t mind if you moved in with me.”, suggested Verosika, her voice
seductive but with a slight nervousness to it. (Y/n) was slightly taken aback by what she said as she
continued. “Then you’ll get a blowjob every-“

(Y/n) cut her off by putting a single finger to her lips and saying, “Listen, Verosika. I’ve actually
been thinking about that for a while. And I would be happy to move in with you, but not because of
morning blowjobs.”

Verosika became flustered at that, her tail wagged happily. Her face shifted from smug to a joyful
smile. She backed away from (Y/n) and sat back down, covering herself up with what little she

She rubbed her hair and laughed nervously but with glee. “T-thanks for that, (Y/n). That w-was
very flattering.”

“Your welcome, Verosika.” (Y/n) felt happy to see this new side of the famous succubus and at the
fact that the two of them were thinking the same thing.

He readjusted himself in his chair after a few seconds and said, “Well before I move in I think it’s a
good idea to get some extra cash from one or two gigs. I’ve already got a few at hand.”

Verosika had snapped back to reality from staring dreamily at the imp when he began. She thought
for a few seconds and said, “What do you think’ll be a good one?”

“I’m so glad you asked,” replied (Y/n). He took out his phone and showed the screen to Verosika.
“Succ Ink. They’re pretty successful, pun intended, and are making a generous offer for a freelance

Verosika showed interest in the job but wasn’t entirely sold yet. However, (Y/n) crossed his legs
and put on a smug look. He continued on. “Additionally, one of the rooms in the building is right
across from another company of interest.”

Verosika raised an eyebrow and leaned back in her chair. “What company?”

“Oh nothing,” said (Y/n), his eyes making it clear he was up to something devious. “Just a small
private business known as…”

Suddenly he leaned forward, staring Verosika right into her soul. He let out the name they were
both waiting for him to say. “The Immediate Murder Professionals. I… M… P.”

It took Verosika a few seconds to comprehend what he said, but when it hit her a big, sinister smile
broke out on her face.

(Y/n) matched Verosika’s expression as they both shared the same thoughts.

It’s time to knock that egotistical prick known as Blitzo off his high horse.

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,” mumbled (Y/n) as he was pacing about in an
alleyway, worry apparent about his whole body. He was hitting himself in the head out of regret.
“What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?”

Murphy’s law was in full effect: everything that could’ve gone wrong went wrong.

Blitzo had made a bet with Verosika to earn the parking space back. One thing led to another and
now dozens of humans are dead, there’s a massive corpse of a fish-monster on the beach, (Y/n) lost
his good tie, and each succubus and incubus involved are currently being arrested for public

(Y/n) went with them to the living world but mostly stayed out of their conflict, instead opting to
walk around in a disguised form and watch the carnage from a distance or something Verosika
would like. Additionally, he was in charge the device that let them get home: a small button that,
when pressed, turns into a portal to Hell that lasts for a few seconds.

(Y/n) looked out from his hiding spot. He watched in dismay as each member of Verosika’s posse
was shoved into a cramped police vehicle but also with confusion as the vehicle was armored for
some reason.

The imp’s heart sank and he held his breath. He should’ve stayed with the group. Maybe he
could’ve gotten them out of there.

Negative thoughts clouded his mind as he gripped the paper bag which contained a present he had
stolen for Verosika, knowing that he-

Suddenly (Y/n)’s phone rang loudly, one of Verosika’s songs booming out from it. (Y/n) jumped,
answering the phone before it drew any attention.


“That’s enough small talk,” snapped Verosika in a stoic but quiet voice as to not alert the cops.
Sounds of rubble and complete disregard for traffic laws played throughout from outside. “Listen,
it’s up to you to get us out of this situation! We don’t want to have to suck too much pig dick!”

“But how am I-?”

“I don’t know! But-.” Verosika stopped for a few moments before becoming slightly more
personable. “Listen, (Y/n). You’re the smartest guy I know. Now I know that’s not saying much-“

“Hey!”, said somebody in the truck.

“-but you’ve got this, alright!”

(Y/n) took another look at the crumbled paper bag. Imbued by Verosika’s simple but motivating
words he rose back up and stood up straight. He put on a stern face, completely masking his
confusion that the armored truck wasn’t blocked the phone signal.

“Been a while since my last jailbreak. But don’t you worry, I got this.”

Verosika, slightly more confident, replied, “Go get ‘em, tiger.”

All of the demons were sitting in a cold, cramped cell together at the police station.

Verosika was sitting next to Tex, both of them watching the others attempts to cope with their

Coco and Apple held each other close, trying to comfort one another. Ace, Josh, and Kat were
playing cards on the floor. Kiki was playing a harmonica surprisingly well. Milky was curled up in
a ball, rocking back and forth.
Kiki didn’t get to play for very long as she was squirted in the face by a clown that suddenly

“Hyug! Hyug! Hyug! Why don’t you stop that little racket there, missy!”, said the clown in a
forced dumb voice, tauntingly honking his nose.

“Oh, shut the fuck up!”, snapped Kiki, chucking the harmonica at the bars.

“Yeah, creep!”, Josh chimed in. ”Why the hell are you dressed like that anyway, huh!”

“It keeps the voices quiet,” answered the clown, staring Josh straight into his soul. The clown
honked his nose once more as he skipped away from the frightened demons.

Tex nudged Verosika, concern his prominent thought. “Hey, boss. You sure that (Y/n) can get us
out of this mess?”

Verosika let out a long sigh and replied, “I sure hope so. Otherwise we’re going to have to-“

“What the fuck, Kat!?”

Ace suddenly lifted Kat off the ground by his collar, the lanky demon’s legs kicking wildly.
Countless cards were pouring from Kay’s sleeves.

“Hey listen, Ace. I can-“

“Explain!?”, interrupted Ace. “You were cheating! Why would you-?”

Ace cut himself off when he noticed a familiar red face in the air vent. The imp put a finger to his

Ace looked at Verosika and motioned his head towards the air vent, then continued berating Kat.

Verosika stood up on the bench to look at (Y/n) in the eye, making a big sigh of relief when she
saw him. (Y/n) had something with him but Verosika couldn’t tell what it was.

“Oh you’re here, (Y/n)!”, whispered the succubus. Her voice changed to concerned but confident.
“So what’re we gonna do?”

(Y/n) looked around to assess the situation before saying, “Okay, first we need a distraction.
Something to direct attention away from this location. The bigger the better.”

Almost on queue, the clown came back and started taunting them demons again. He laughed
weirdly and squirted water in their faces. Kiki, fed up with the clown’s bullshit, grabbed the
clown’s flower and squirted it in his face. “How do you like it, no balls!? Huh?! HUH!?”

The clown didn’t respond for a few seconds, his face increasing in fear as his makeup dripped off.

Suddenly he started clawing at his face, screaming bloody murder. He dashed into the wall behind
him, smashing through it completely, causing alarms to As the clown went on a destructive
rampage he yelled at the top of his lungs.



All of the demons stood in shock of what just happened. (Y/n), however, was almost completely
unfazed. “Welp, that’ll do.”
The imp used his tail to quickly undo the vent. He jumped out into the cell, carrying a large sack
with him. He dropped it on the floor and opened it, revealing several police uniforms.

“Alright listen up everyone,” said (Y/n), trying his best to ignore the explosion that just occurred.
“This cell isn’t big enough for the gateway, so you’ll have to sneak out using these uniforms I

“This was not what I meant by police role-play,” mumbled Verosika under her breath.

(Y/n) quickly scuttled up Ace like a spider and jumped off him towards the vent, earning a
shocked scream from the incubus.

(Y/n) held onto the edge of the vent and turned towards the other demons. “I’ll meet you guys
outside, you got this.”

Each of the demons scrambled to grab a uniform as the imp crawled away. Tex managed to break
them up, handing each of them a uniform based on their sizes.

Kat, while trying on a hat, gave a snort-chuckle and said, “Heh, I guess you can say that red is-“

“Kat, if you finish that sentence I will personally break your spine in half right here, right now!,”
Ace said calmly.

As soon as the demons got their uniforms on they dashed out of the cell. The police didn’t bother
checking them since they were preoccupied with the current predicament.

The sounds of blaring alarms, stomping feet, and wanton destruction filled the entire station and
the cops yelled at each other trying to figure out what to do.

“C’mon guys! Move!”

“I have the face paint! Who has the brush!?”

“Does this mean we get the rest of the day off?”

The group made their way to the parking lot and turned towards the alleyway at the side of the
building. However, they were stopped when a young police officer walked up to them.

“HeEeEy,” said the cop in an irritating, squeaky voice. A few of the demons held their ears in
response. “Why aRen’T yoU guyz in your-“

Tired of the cop’s voice and her general situation, Verosika simply said “Tex.” On queue, the
Hellhound pushed the zit-faced police officer to the ground, somehow knocking him out.

Verosika grunted and rubbed her temples as she walked with her posse towards the back of the

Waiting for them was (Y/n), hiding in a trash can so he doesn’t draw any more attention. He
jumped out of his hiding space when he heard them arrive, startling Apple and Coco who both

“Sorry sorry,” said the imp, pressing the button and throwing it to the ground. The gate opened to
the break room of their main office building. “Let’s just get the fuck out of here!”
The police-impersonators jumped through the portal as soon as it opened, hearing echos of
somebody on the roof fighting off helicopters with a machine gun.

A wave of relief washed over the demons as they stepped through the portal and into the warm
embrace of Hell.

They instantly removed their disguises and hugged various things in the room from the floor, the
couch, the tv, and even the side-table. Meanwhile Verosika was struggling to comprehend what
just happened.

Tex slumped down on the couch, not knowing what to feel but glad he was back. He looked around
the room. Everyone seemed like they were in a slightly better mood now that they’ve left.
Everyone except for (Y/n) who seemed pretty gloomy.

“Yo (Y/n),” said the Hellhound, his face full of concern. “You alright, man?”

(Y/n) gave a big sigh and looked blankly at Tex. “No. No I’m not, Tex.”

That response caught the attention of everyone in the room. Verosika snapped out of her confused
state to look at her boyfriend with deep concern in her eyes.

“(Y/n)? What’s wrong?”

(Y/n) sorrowfully looked at the floor, hands firmly intrenched in his pockets. He let out another
sigh and said, “This is all my fault. I’m the one who suggested renting out that office just to spite

The others looked at each other, not knowing what to say? Verosika tried to ease the tension by
acting positive. “Oh c’mon, (Y/n). It’s not your fault. Blitzo was the one to instigate the-“

Verosika noticed that (Y/n) wasn’t getting more encouraged by her words so she tried something

“W-well, you were really helpful today! You really showed your hidden talents you gained from
that gang! I’d say that you still-“

“-got it?”, interrupted (Y/n), his cold look causing Verosika to jolt back. “Am I some ‘master
criminal’ or are those cops just incompetent?”

Verosika wanted to say something, but she couldn’t think of anything. All she could do way
wordlessly grab her forearm in defeat.

(Y/n) let out one more sigh, scratching himself on the back of the head. He briefly looked around
before saying, “I’m just gonna go home. It’s been a long day.”

Nobody said anything as (Y/n) walked out the door, regretting all the choices he made that day.

(Y/n) sat in his apartment, not bothering to make himself anything to eat for tonight. His stomach
hurt but he ignored it in his thoughts of regret and self-loathing.

He looked at the paper bag that he had placed on the table. He couldn’t give it to her, neither of
them were in the mood. He audibly sighed, contemplating what to do.

He went through this vicious cycle for a few hours before he felt a vibration in his pocket. He took
his phone out to see who it was. It was Crimson.

Slightly groggy, (Y/n) placed to phone on the table and answered it on speaker.

“Hello, Crimson.”

“Hey, mate.” Crimson’s voice had an uplifting but concerned tone to it. “You feelin’ alright? I
‘eard about what happened.”

“I dunno,” sighed the imp. “Just got a lot of regrets right now.”

“Yeah, I can relate to that,” replied the spider-demon.

“Hurrrng. I feel really bad right now, Crimson. I’ve done bad things before, things I wish I could
take back. And now I feel I’ve done them again. I don’t know what to do.”

Both of the demons were silent for what seemed like ages, neither knowing what to say.

Eventually Crimson spoke. “Hey mate, ‘ave ya already eaten dinner?”

“No,” (Y/n) blankly responded.

“Ah, mate. That’s not gonna help ya.” Crimson’s voice changed to a more encouraging tone.
“Whaddya say the two of us go to some nice, late-night restaurant? Cheer ya up a little bit, uh?
Then come morning, you and Verosika can make up!”

(Y/n) thought about Crimson’s request for a few seconds. He figured, since his friend was trying to
reach out and support him, that he should give him a chance.

(Y/n) sat up straight and said, “Alright that sounds good, buddy.”

“Adda, boy!”, laughed Crimson. (Y/n) heard the sound of jostling keys. “I’ll be at your place in
half an hour!”

(Y/n) went outside and waited for Crimson to arrive. After a little while a red car with the
Australian flag flying behind it pulled into the parking lot.

Crimson got out of the car and waved to the approaching imp. He ran around his car to open the
backseat door for him. “G’day, mate. Ya ready to have a good time tonight?”

“I suppose I am,” replied (Y/n) who was tired but excited. He could already feel his mood
improving. He hopped into the backseat and locked in his seatbelt.

(Y/n) turned towards Crimson who was standing in the car door. “So where are we going?”

Crimson responded in a weird way. He put on a massive evil grin and his face started to distort.
“We’re going to see zhe Baron, traitor.”

(Y/n) gasped, he recognized that voice. “O-Otto!?”, he yelled, trying in vain to undo his seatbelt.

The disguise of Crimson came off in a flash of blue, revealing a tall, burly moth-demon. Otto had
bright blue eyes and a mouth full of silver teeth. He wore a leather jacket that had the purple
dragon symbol of the Von Drachen Gang on its back.

Otto shoved his hand into the imp’s face to muffle his cries for help as he jabbed a syringe into his
shoulder as if it were a dagger.
As (Y/n) began to fall unconscious, the last thing he heard was Otto tauntingly chuckling, “Nighty
night, und don’t let zhe bedbugs bite.”
Secrets and Vengeance
Chapter Summary

The Von Drachen Gang go after Verosika’s posse and secrets are revealed about our
imp accountant.

Chapter Notes

Sorry for the wait, life is wacky.

Please read all of ch. 3 for this or some things won’t make sense.

Verosika sat in the passenger seat of her car. Tex was next to her in the driver’s seat, occasionally
glancing at his boss. Verosika was contemplating what to say to (Y/n) to make him feel better.

Verosika stared out the window, watching the buildings and people zoom past. Her chin rested in
her palm, moving down when she sighed.

Tex could feel that Verosika was feeling down again but kept his eyes on the road as he talked to
her. “Hey, boss. You good?”

Verosika let out another long sigh. “Haaaaaaag. I dunno.” She turned to look at Tex. “It’s just that
(Y/n) was pretty upset last night and I’m not sure what to do.”

“Just don’t worry about it,” replied Tex. When met with a confused look from Verosika he
continued, “First off: I doubt what happened with Blitzo will happen again. Second: I don’t think it
matters all that much to him what you say. Just show that you accept him for who he is and things
will get better.”

Verosika pondered Tex’s words for a few seconds. She straightened herself up, clearly in a better
mood. As she happily imagined (Y/n)’s reaction to some simple kind words, Tex silently felt
satisfied with himself as he continued to drive.

After a few minutes, Verosika and Tex arrived at their location. As they pulled in, Verosika
noticed a familiar imp walking through the parking lot. She got out as soon as the car stopped and
walked over to greet him.

The imp noticed Verosika approaching and put on a nervous smile. “Oh, h-hey Verosika.”

“Hey, honeybun!”, replied the succubus who was nervous but successfully managed to stay
positive. She walked up to the imp, towering over him but maintaining an approachable demeanor.

The imp rubbed his foot on the pavement and looked down in shame. His eyes occasionally darted
back up to Verosika’s face then back to the ground. “Hey… uh… I-I’m sorry for what I said
“You’re sorry!?,” scoffed Verosika in a taunting but comfortingly lighthearted tone, shaking her
head. “Oh (Y/n)! You have absolutely nothing to apologize for.”

The succubus knelt down so she could be at eye level with her boyfriend. She put her hand on his
shoulder and said, “Listen (Y/n). I love you, and nothing can change that. Especially not what
others think or what you think of yourself. You got that?”

The two demons stood in silence for a few seconds. A warm feeling radiated from both of them as
they smiled at each other. The imp breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Thanks Verosika, I really
needed that.”

Verosika smirked, quickly planting a kiss on (Y/n)’s face. The imp was left speechless for a few
seconds before (slightly) regaining his composure. “W-w-well I better get my office! Lots of work
to get done!

The imp turned to walk away but immediately turned back around and said, “Oh before I forget!
Why don’t we go over to my place for lunch today? I’ve got something special planned for you.”

Verosika jumped up and clapped her hands. “Oh that’d be great, (Y/n)! You’re so sweet, love

Verosika’s words caused the imp to lose his cool again in joy.

As the flustered imp sped away, Tex walked up to Verosika. He stood next to her, smile on his
face. “Well. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“No it wasn’t, Tex!”, replied Verosika, her face beaming. “I feel pretty good now. Thanks for the

However, what Verosika said wasn’t entirely true.

She did feel much happier now, but something seemed… off. She couldn’t quite put her finger on
it, but something just felt wrong about (Y/n) for some reason.

But that didn’t matter. What matters is that (Y/n) is completely fine now… right?

(Y/n) was jolted awake when he was splashed in the face by, what he recognized from the from the
smell, some Beelzejuice. His stomach was in pain and he had rashes on his wrists from the ropes
around them.

Laughter of multiple different pitches surrounded him, some of which he recognized. A familiar,
snobby voice right in front of him said, “C’mon. Open your eyes, dipshit.”

The imp compiled, eyes widening as a saw the face of Hallax in front of him. The incubus smirked
at the imp’s shocked look.

“Long time no see,” groaned (Y/n), trying to keep a strong face as the situation he was in dawned
on him. “How’s Fritz doing?”

Hallax stepped back, revealing several more gang members in this dank room which was mostly
made up of hellborn. The suited demon twirled and tapped his cane against the floor and said, “Oh
he’s doing alright. Just making some… preparations for you.”
(Y/n) sighed as he looked around the room. It wasn’t in the best state but it was stable. The rest of
the demons wore a variety of expressions, ranging from anger to sadism to joy, all directed at him.

(Y/n) gasped when he looked into the corner. In it was a large armchair which was embroidered
with images of dragons. He noticed a purple scaled, clawed hand emerging from behind it, holding
a wineglass filled with… something.

“Vell, it seems we have finally captured you, traitor.” The voice from behind the chair sent a chill
down the imp’s spine. A sinister, gravely voice with a reptilian drawl and a German accent.

The figure sat up and turned around to face his prey. His form was that of a tall, humanoid purple
dragon. He had tall horns and wrapped his wings around himself like a cloak. He was wearing a
sharp red suit with tails that went to the sides of his actual tail. He wore no shoes since his lizard-
like feet couldn’t be accommodated.

Baron von Drachen, his evil grin traveling from ear to ear, raised his glass in a toast and said, “To
zhe imp who cost me zhe status of Overlord!”

The rest of the demons raised whatever they had in their hands. “Cheers!”

The demons broke out into uproarious laughter, ranging from small chuckles to mad cackling. The
Baron stood silent, allowing his expression to do the talking.

(Y/n)’s heart started beating incredibly fast, but he tried to keep his composure. However, he
couldn’t hide the fear in his eyes.

The Baron reveled in his fear for a few seconds before handing his glass to a random demon. He
clapped his hands a few times before saying, “I must admit. I am quite impressed vith you.”

Von Drachen pulled up a chair and placed it in front of (Y/n). He sat down and lowered himself to
make eye contact, his breath as stagnant as the imp remembered.

“You successfully got away after betraying me. Me! Zhen after that you kept changing jobs to
cover your tracks, moving from ring to ring, evading me.”

The Baron sat back, snapping his fingers which prompted the demon to return his glass to him. He
swirled it a few times before snickering, “You even invented multiple alternative identities.
Including your current name. Zhat! Zhat is what I’m most impressed about.”

The imp felt stings throughout his entire body, Baron von Drachen had figured him out. He had
been lying about himself for a long time and now it’s all come crashing down.

The imp looked down in defeat, not knowing what to to say. Suddenly, Von Drachen grabbed his
face, his claws digging into his face. He forced the imp to look at his egotistical expression.

“Oh chin up, Xailus.” The imp twinged at the mention of his true name. The name he’d been
hiding for years. The name that he hoped he’d never have to hear again for as long as he lives.
“You’ve achieved some great things with zhat (Y/n) persona of yours. For example you
successfully courted that fair maiden… Verosika Mayday.”

Xailus’s breath shortened. The Baron was going somewhere bad with this line of dialogue. Said
demon let go of the imp’s face, causing blood to trickle down as he continued.

“It’s quite ironic,” chuckled the Baron, swirling his drink a few times. “The imp who evaded me
and my henchmen for so long. Hopping between jobs, changing identities like clothes, and
venturing throughout the rings, was brought down by mankind’s greatest veakness: love.”

Xailus’s eyes darted around the room at all the demons and their taunting expressions. Stress ran
up and down his body, causing him to shiver and itch.

“You, Xailus, would usually disappear once you got even the slightest hint that we were onto you.”
The Baron couldn’t contain his laughter, his cronies following him. “Gahaahaahaa! But you! You
fell in love, which caused you to miss us even vhen we were sloppy! Gahaahaahaa!”

The laughter erupted throughout the room, causing the imp’s ears to hurt slightly.

The Baron tried to catch his breath, taking a sip from his drink. When he was done he let out a
disingenuous sigh and said, “Y’know it’s a shame really. I really enjoy her music, honestly. But
unfortunately your love for her was both of your downfalls.”

Xailus looked up at the draconic demon in front of him with all the rage his little body could
muster. He took deep, angry breaths and his pupils shrunk. Through clenched teeth he said, “If you
lay even one of your putrid, scaled fingers on Verosika, you’ll wish I could kill you.”

“Oh ho hooo, scar-y,” mocked The Baron, putting his hands up in faux fear. “But, you do have the
capacity to kill me. Why don’t you tell me where you hid my precious angelic weapon and I’ll tell
Otto to call off his assignment. It’s a good trade: I vill gain the infamy I desire by killing Princess
Charlotte Magne and your girlfriend will only suffer psychological pain when she learns of your
horrible death.”

Baron von Drachen bent down once more to get right into the face is Xailus. He gave a wide
smirk, but before he could say anything Xailus spit in his face and retorted, “Bull-fucking-shit!
You won’t uphold your end, you never do! Because you’re nothing but a lying, petty, sadistic

The Baron leaned back. His face was very irritated and he was clearly struggling not to kill Xailus
right there. He took out a handkerchief, wiped his face, and said, “I am so flattered that you know
me so vell, Xailus.”

At this point the large, hulking figure of Fritz the boar-demon stepped in through the doorway.
“Ey’ boss! The torchah room is all ready.”

The Baron’s face lit up in sadistic glee as he rose from his chair. “Ah, wunderbar! Wunderbar!
Fritz, Hallax, why don’t you show our guest to his lodgings? Make sure to give him high-class

Hallax gave a small bow and moved to leave the room. Fritz raised his hand in a salute and said,
“Sure thing, my Baron. Oh! Before I forget-“

The boar demon pulled out lanky, red spider demon from behind him. “Where you do want me to
put ‘im?”

Xailus gasped when he recognized the face of the demon Fritz was holding. It was Crimson. His
fur was all matted together from his own blood. There were lots of fresh-looking scars on his body,
the trademark work of Fritz. What little clothes he had on were tattered and revealed his pale skin
pulled tight, like he hadn’t eaten in days.

But what disturbed Xailus the most was Crimson’s eyes. Once filled with ego and an affable
nature, now showed nothing. He sees things but doesn’t truly look at anything. His eyes saw
through everything they looked at.
The Baron waved his hand casually and said, “Oh put him wherever, we already got the info about
where the traitor here lives. I’m going to get some popcorn so I’ll be there in a bit.”

“Aight,” responded Fritz. He flung Crimson over his shoulder and walked up to Xailus, grabbing
him by the head and dragging him with.

The chair made a horrible scratching sound as Fritz moved it across the ground. Xailus was
brought into a room that had various torture devices at the ready. The stench of blood filled the air
which caused the imp to shiver as he imagined all the terrible things Fritz did to Crimson and many
other unfortunate souls.

Fritz placed Crimson in a corner and Xailus in the middle of the room. He walked over to a table to
put on a butcher’s apron and grab some tools.

“Y’know, I just don’t get it,” snorted the boar, back faced to Xailus as he sharpened his tools. “I
can’t comprehend why you and your other traitor buddies did what you did.”

Fritz turned around to reveal he had multiple different knives clutched in both of his large hands.
“But I had some good fun wit the rest of ‘em, so I really don’t care.”

“And I’ll say this,” said Hallax, moving around from behind Xailus. He gave an evil grin and
grabbed the imp by the horn. “It was an honor to hunt down the rest of your comrades. Tracking
them from ring to ring. Most fun I’ve had in years.” He sighed. “But I suppose all good things must
come to an end.”

As Fritz threateningly moved closer to Xailus, the imp noticed a figure grab a bottle from the table
and stealthily move up as well.

The figure moved out of the shadows to reveal the face of Crimson, still with a broken look in his
eyes but was nonetheless actually looking at Xailus now. He made a face like he was holding his
breath, prompting Xailus to do the same but more subtle.

Neither Hallax nor Fritz noticed the figure behind them or Xailus holding his breath. The boar
stood tall over the imp and said, “The only thing I care about is inducing pain in oth-“

Fritz was cut off when Crimson threw the bottle at his head, causing it to burst open and gas to
spread. Fritz and Hallax were thrown into coughing fits, the boar yelling obscenities in German and
stumbling around.

Crimson used this opportunity to quickly use one of Fritz’s knives to cut the ropes tying Xailus,
grabbing the imp and bolting to a nearby window.

“A-hruph! A-hruph. Hey! Stop you fucking-!” Fritz lunged at the two of them but tripped on the
chair that Xailus had been tied to. He fell on the floor, unconscious from the gas.

Hallax dashed to other way so he could get to the door and call for help. Unfortunately for the
incubus he slipped on his own cane and banged his head on the door, knocking him out cold.

Crimson and Xailus opened a nearby window and jumped out, falling a story into a filled up

Xailus immediately got the both of them out of the dumpster and said, “Dude, we need to get you
to a doctor or something-“

“No need,” replied Crimson, who was just barely able to stand. “It ain’t like ‘m gonna die from
this, mate. What we need tah do is get to Verosika n’ crew immediately. They’re -hrrrng!”

Xailus helped Crimson as he lurched in pain. He nodded and said, “Alright, I agree with you.
Otto’s a slippery fucker so we need to move!”

Crimson pointed somewhere as he held onto his stomach. Through coughs of blood he said, “Look!
There’s a parking lot o’er there! I know a short cut that can get us to her much quicker-oh my god
my shoulder hurts!”

“Alright! Alright! Just breathe, Crimson! Let’s get the fuck outta here!”

“Oh yeah!”, said Apple as she poured the contents of a red bottle with a red pepper on it into a
coffee cup. “This’ll show (Y/n) for giving me black coffee!”

“This seems a bit petty, k’now.”, said Coco who was walking down the hall with Apple.

“Petty schmetty,” replied Apple, throwing the bottle over her shoulder and putting the lid back on
the coffee cup. “It’s the principle that matters. Code of Hammurabi: an eye for an eye. Let the
punishment fit the crime, y’know?”

“Eh, I guess so,” said Coco, wondering who the hell Hammurabi is.

As the girlfriends walked down the hall towards (Y/n)’s office, they noticed Verosika walking
down the hall opposite to them. She seemed excited since it was around the time that she and (Y/n)
had planned to have lunch together.

“Oh hey, boss!”, called out Apple. “I got you that coffee you wanted to give to him!”

“Excellent,” replied Verosika, unaware that Apple was stifling a laugh as she grabbed the hot cup
from her. As she did the door opened to reveal the imp, standing straight and firm.

“Hello Verosika,” said (Y/n), with a warm smile on his face and a glint in his eye. “You ready to

“You bet I am!”, Verosika enthusiastically replied. “Oh and here’s that coffee you wanted.”

“Oh thanks,” said the imp, not noticing Apple’s cheeks puffing up and her hand covering her
mouth as he grabbed the drink from his girlfriend. “A nice cup of coffee is nice to have after a long
day of work-“

(Y/n) took a sip from the cup but immediately spat it out as the drink was extremely spicy. “Blrrk,
blrrk! Vhat the fuck is-!?”

At this point Apple practically exploded in laughter, holding onto her stomach to catch her breath.
Coco chuckled a bit as she silently admitted it was funny.

“Hah got you, (Y/n)!”, taunted Apple as (Y/n) looked at her with confusion. “That’s what you get

Apple was cut off when she noticed Verosika’s death stare, her pupils small and her face grim.
Apple held her breath as Verosika moved forward, but then (Y/n) got between them. “Hey! Calm
down, my love. Let’s not let this ruin our date.”

Verosika’s tone immediately shifted to more calm and happy at the sound of the imp’s voice.
“Alright, alright. Let’s go to your place now. I can’t wait to eat what you’ve got.

(Y/n) walked down the hall with Verosika and said, “Oh, believe me. It’s to die for.”

Apple and Coco walked off in the opposite direction and talked with one another. Coco’s eyes
shifted from up at the ceiling, down at the floor, and to her girlfriend. She pondered for a few
seconds before speaking her mind.

“Hey, Apple. Did (Y/n)’s reaction seem unexpected to you?”

“Yeah it did!,” laughed Apple, putting her hands behind her head. “He totally didn’t expect that!”

“No no no,” said Coco, shaking her head. “I mean he sorta looked like he didn’t know what you
were talking about.”

Apple rubbed her chin and looked up at the ceiling. “Well… looking back he did sorta look at me
the same way you looked at me when I mentioned Hammurabi.”

Coco looked away briefly then back at Apple and sighed. “Well I don’t think we should worry

A loud screech was heard from outside, catching the two succubi’s attention. They decided to look
out down a nearby window to see what was outside.

“Get a load of this!”, whistled Coco. “That guy is double- no -quadruple parking!”

“Yeah you’re right,” replied Apple. “I wonder what kinda asshole- oh wait he’s getting out.”

A small, oddly familiar figure jumped out of the car and made a beeline for the building.

“Wait is that-?”, inquired Coco, squinting her eyes to get a better look. “Is that (Y/n)?”

Apple used her camera app to zoom in on the figure. “Yeah it is! But didn’t we just-?”

The two demons looked at each other for a split second then started running in the direction that
Verosika and “(Y/n)” went.

Verosika and her boyfriend were walking down the hall. The imp was looking up at her admiringly
and Verosika’s eyes shifting from (Y/n) to what’s in front of her.

To (Y/n)

To the front door

To (Y/n)

To the imp sprinting at them with pure rage in his blood-shot eyes.

To (Y/n)- “What the-?”

“You!”, the two nearly identical imps yelled in unison. The (Y/n) that was running at them tackled
the one next to Verosika. The wrathful imp attempted to punch the pinned imp but was thrown
back by his opponent’s tail. The two clones started beating each other, moving deeper and deeper
into the building as they fought.

Verosika could only watch since she was too dumbfounded to move or say anything.
The rest of Verosika’s posse, Milky, Kiki, Kat, Ace, Josh, and Tex, were hanging out in the break
room. They weren’t doing anything in particular, just lounging around and occasionally talking.

“Ugh,” moaned Kat, pulling at his hair. “There’s nothing to fucking do.”

“Yeah,” agreed Kiki, nodding her head. “Today’s been pretty boring-“

As soon as those words passed her lips, loud screams pierced all their ears. Before they could
question it, two identical imps burst through the door beating each other to a pulp.

One imp fell to the floor, allowing the second to put him in a chokehold. Both of them yelled at the
very confused demons in the room.

“Guys, help me! He’s a member of the- ack!”

“Don’t listen to him! He’s a goddamn skinwalker!”

Tex managed to snap out of his confusion and swiftly moved up to the identical, fighting imps. He
grabbed both of them by the head and picked them up. “Alright! Alright! Break it up!”

The clones went after each other for a few more seconds before realizing their situation and
resorting to just staring at each other intensely.

The rest of the posse was just beginning to grasp what was in front of them.

“I stand corrected,” said Kiki with a mix of confusion and intrigue.

“I’m seeing double here!”, said Josh, rubbing his eyes. “Four (Y/n)s!”

Milky glanced worryingly back and forth from her wine bottle to the two imps.

Kat had an amused look on his face, but before he could make a clever quip Ace said, “Not a
fucking word, Kat.”

At this point Verosika arrived at the scene with Apple and Coco tailing behind her, her expression
unchanged while the demons behind her had extremely surprised faces.

“Verosika, it’s me-“

“Oh fuck off, Otto!”

“Shut it!”, Verosika yelled with authority. The room fell dead silent. She covered her eyes with her
thumb and pointing finger. “Tex, put them down.”

Tex nodded, complying with the demand. What stood in front of Verosika were two identical imps.
They had different clothes and were both bruised and bloody, but they both definitely had (Y/n)’s
face. They both looked up at her with concern.

Verosika crossed her arms and glared at the imps. She had her scary face on which nobody liked
seeing because of what’s to come. The succubus closed her eyes. She took a deep breath in, held it
for a second, and took her time in letting it out.

Her eyes opened once more and she spoke. “Okay, so we have two (Y/n)s here. Question is which
is the real one and which is the im… fake.”

Kat made a sad noise. Milky looked at her bottle once more then at the two imps, suddenly an idea
clicked inside her head.

“Well, I think we know what we have to do.”, sighed Verosika. “We have to do a series of tests to

Verosika couldn’t finish her sentence because a bottle so rudely flew onto the floor between the
two imps and made a loud crashing noise. Both of the imps pulled themselves away from the noise
and screamed in shock.

“Lucifer’s scales!”


The room fell as silent as the grave once more. Except this time all the gazes were fixed on the imp
on the left. One could try to cut the tension in the room with a knife, but it’d need to be the sharpest
one around. The two imps met eyes, the true (Y/n) with a wide grin on his face.

After a few awkward seconds, Verosika snapped her fingers and pointed at the false (Y/n). “Tex.
Throw that one against the wall, please.”

Tex did as he was told without hesitation, clutching the imp by the tail. Before “(Y/n)” could even
gasp he was flung at the wall, leaving a crack in it. When he struck the hard surface his body
shined with blue light for a few seconds before he grew into a much larger form. Otto, the moth
demon on the floor, looked around the room while holding his head. “Gottverdammt.”

Verosika yelled in terror, confusion, and anger at what she saw. “What the fuck-? How-? I’ll
fucking kill you asshole!”

Otto gave a small chuckle that he had no right to make. “Save your threats, whore. I can’t be killed
by the likes of you.”

“Maybe not,” said a voice from the doorway. The other demons gasped at the sight of a bloody and
broken Crimson, with Kiki nearly fainting and Kat nearly puking. The now more-red-than-usual
spider spat up some blood, causing Kiki and Kat to actually do what they nearly did. “But by god
can you hurt.”

All of the demons gathered in the room so they could figure out what was happening.

Otto was tied to a chair with Tex watching his hands to make sure he doesn’t do anything funny
and Verosika questioning him. Meanwhile Crimson and (Y/n) were sitting on the couch with
bandages being put on them by Ace and Josh and eating food given the them by the others. Kat and
Milky were cleaning up their respective messes. The rest of the demons were sitting around with a
variety of feelings between them.

Crimson’s face was solemn and deep in thought while (Y/n) seemed very nervous and afraid,
taking deep breaths as he fixed his gaze on Otto.

“Alright you repulsive slime!,” yelled Verosika, staring into Otto’s soul. “Why the fuck were you
disguised as my boyfriend!? To get with me?!”

“Byahahahaaa! You came onto me, slut! And why would I want to fuck a plague-rat like you?”
Otto took a deep breath, unaware of the imp staring at him with rage. The moth shook his head,
grinning wickedly. “Nein, nein, nein. I was just going to record myself torturing you, and possibly
some of the others, to death so your little boy-toy’s mind will break. I even rented a wood chipper
for the occasion.”

Every demon in the room felt a chill run up their spine at Otto’s words. Verosika was especially
shaken by this since this was the man that she had believed was her beloved not 15 minutes ago.
She put her hand to her to head as she moved to sit next to (Y/n) for some comfort.

“Wait a second,” said Tex, briefly looking up at Otto’s face. “Why were you trying to torment
(Y/n)? What’d he do?”

Otto moved his smug, punchable face to the ceiling. “Hmm. I have absolutely no idea,” he said
with sarcastically fake confusion as he looked back at the imp. “Why don’t you tell them… (Y/n).”

Each of the demons turned towards the imp except for Crimson who was deep in thought. The imp
looked at them all and sighed, putting his face into his palms. He was trying to find something,
anything to say.

“(Y/n)?,” said Verosika. The imp looked up at her sunken, worried eyes. “W-what is he talking

The imp sunk down again and let out a long sigh. “I-I’ve… I’ve been… I haven’t… been…
completely honest… with you.”

The imp waited for a few seconds, each one draining more and more of his vitality. He said what
he hoped he never had to talk about again.

“(Y/n)… is not my true name. It’s Xailus,” he said with his eyes shut tight. He heard gasps and
mumbles from the other demons and his mind became cluttered with predictions of what they’re
thinking. Nevertheless he continued his explanation.

“I already told you how I served Baron von Drachen as an accountant, but there is more to it than
that. He sought riches, yes, but his true treasure is infamy. He performed acts of evil solely to fuel
his own ego as people tremble in fear of him.

One day the exorcists came down to cull the population and they targeted my gang. Several of us
died but when it was over the angels left something behind. A blade that can be concealed in an
unassuming form.

I’m the one who brought it to him. And when his claws touched the hilt something… snapped
within his head. He started talking about all the infamy that he could gain from this single blade,
killing Overlords, the Sins, even the Royalty.

A small number of us realized that we have just put the very foundation of our society in jeopardy
and Baron von Drachen had to be taken down. So we came up with a plan. We would steal the
blade and when he tries to go after someone way more powerful than him, such as the Princess,
then he’ll be out of the picture.

I was the one to replaced the blade’s unassuming form with a regular object and kept it on me at all
times. Another group convinced Von Drachen to attack the Princess while the another group
warned her. One thing led to another and boom! Baron von Drachen was now a complete laughing
stock to the underworld.

However, the last stage of our plan never came to fruition. Instead of facing the charge of
attempted regicide the Baron managed to evade justice by going into hiding. Therefore he was still
able to command those who were still loyal to him to hunt down the traitors.
We went into hiding as well, but they still found us. Most of my friends were murdered, or worse,
when they stayed in one place for too long. I became paranoid. I constantly swapped identities and
jobs and I traveled through the rings in order to evade them.

But one day I decided to stay at a job. I was planning on leaving but then I fell in love with my
employer, and they took advantage of that. Now they’re coming to kill you all.

I-I’m s-sorry Verosika, I should’ve left when I had the chance. Now you’re in terrible danger
because of me.”

The entire room feel silent. Not a soul could find the right words to speak. Xailus heard footsteps
getting closer to him but he kept his eyes shut and his head bowed in shame. “(Y/-ugh-Xailus, look
up at me. The Baron wants you to mope around like this.”

Xailus opened his eyes and exchanged looks with Verosika who had crouched down to his level.
She had a stern, disappointed look on her face but she didn’t seem particularly angry at the
moment. She grabbed him by the shoulder. “Look, we’ll talk about this whole true identity bullshit
later. But right now we need to defeat this guy.” She raised her head and gave a small smirk. “And
knowing you, you can probably think of how to do that.”

Xailus pondered Verosika’s words for a few moments. He got off the couch, Verosika moving out
of the way. “Well firstly there’s the matter of the blade.”

The imp turned towards Otto who was in no position to smirk yet here he was. “Otto. Do you
remember that fistfight we had a few years ago?”

“Ohohoho yes I do! You cried like bitch when I knocked your tooth out!”, the moth demon
boasted. Verosika became very agitated as she wondered where Xailus was going with this.

“Good. Now do tell me Otto,” replied Xailus. He opened his mouth and pinched one of his front
teeth, pulling it out. “Was it this tooth?”

Otto’s face dropped as dread and confusion replaced all of his emotions. His breathing started to
get faster. “Wh-wa-wa-w-w-what the… n-no-no fucking way.”

“Cover your eyes everyone!” Xailus swiftly clenched the tooth in his fist and spoke the incantation,
“Ferrum!” Suddenly, white light poured out from between his fingers. It flashed but all the demons
eyes were fine, expectorant for Otto who was too surprised to avert his eyes.

When the demons opened their eyes they were treated to a very rare sight. An imp holding a long
black sword with glowing white streaks on it.

All of the demons were at a loss for words. This was the first time any of them had seen Exorcist
technology up close. They all gathered around to look at it.

“Alright enough of that,” said Xailus after a few seconds. “We need to think of other things that
could give us a leg up.”

“Well we know he’s going to be coming to us,” said Milky.

“Yeah but there’s no way we can take ‘em on in a straight fight,” said Ace, scratching his chin.

Josh snapped his fingers at Ace. “So we’re gonna have to play dirty!”

“And if push comes to shove I know a thing or two about fighting,” said Tex, cracking his
knuckles which caused Otto to whimper which brought Verosika’s attention towards him. She
whispered something in the imp’s ear.

Xailus’s face lit up. “Ooh, I like that idea Verosika!” He turned towards the tied-up demon and
smirked. “Well, Otto. Looks like you’re gonna be of some use of the first time in your existence.”

Otto only replied with another pathetic whimper.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Remember that stage we had built from that ranch!? We could use that!”, exclaimed

“Good thinking, Apple!”, replied Xailus. He turned towards the spider demon. “Crimson, you
think of anything?”

Crimson seemed surprised and slightly off put by Xailus. He grabbed his forearm in shame. “A-are
you sure you want my help, mate? I have a history of betrayals y’know.

I betrayed my country in life when I spied for the emus, I betrayed Lord Lucifer by performing
forbidden magics to move sinners through the rings, and I even betrayed you when I gave away
your location when those gangsters tortured and blackmailed me-“

“Listen, that isn’t important right now Crimson,” shouted Xailus, doing his best to ignore those
sudden revelations. “We need as much help as we can get!”

Crimson stood at attention, a regretful and weary smile on his face. “Alright, mate. I’ll-I can-Hey!
I actually have this one talent-”

A big stage stood where there once was Wally Wackford’s Equine Emporium. A grand structure
meant to cover up the awful memories Verosika had from that nasty breakup. It loomed over the
area. It had large red curtains and speakers underneath and on the sides.

Xailus stood on the roof of the structure, surveying the area. He had a walkie-talkie in his hand and
the blade in the other. His heart raced as he looked around.

Several voices came from the transceiver. “This is 2%. No sign of lizards to the north. Over.”

“Yo it’s Calico. Ain’t no fucking lizards on my side…. Oh yeah! Over!”

“This is- ugh- this is Bouba. Nothing to the west. Over.”

“This is Cerberus. No lizards to the east end. Over.”

“This is Caramel. Granny Smith, Card, Johnny, and I have made the social media posts-“

“Why the fuck’d we let Kat-I mean-Calico choose the code-?”

“Shut up, Card! Over.”

Almost on cue a large crowd started to form at the base of the stage. People cheering and waiting
for a surprise show from Verosika Mayday. According to social media posts, she was going to
unveil some new songs that everyone was excited for.

“This is Octopus. I’m in position and ready to rock! Over!”

“This is… ugh… Imp-oster- damnit Calico. I’m in position as well. S.O.S., are you prepared?”

“This is S.O.S. I’m ready,” replied Verosika. Xailus could hear the worry in her voice. The two of
them took a deep breath in unison. “And good luck. Over.”

Xailus’s heart raced with all matter of emotions as he said, “Alright, operation Baron-Breaker is a

About 3 dozen demons watched the stage at a distance from the comfort of an abandoned building.
The show had been going on for about 15 minutes at this point.

They each had a weapon in their hands and were awaiting orders from the Baron. In the meantime
they were sitting around and chatting about random stuff. Not talking with the rest of them was
Fritz who was sitting silently to himself, frustrated because the Baron severely beat him for his
failure. The rest of the gangsters knew better than to talk to Fritz when he’s upset.

Baron von Drachen was near one of the windows with Hallax, also severely battered and bruised.
They were both watching the stage and planning their next move.

Hallax could tell this was a trap, but he could also tell that his boss was too blinded by rage to see
it. He figured he could kill two birds with one stone by killing Xailus than fleeing, leaving Von
Drachen alone to meet justice.

“Well, my Baron. Looks like they don’t suspect us at all!”, lied Hallax. “They’re even comfortable
enough to run a show.”

“Ja, zhey are,” replied the Baron, a toothy grin running along his face. While his mouth was
smiling, his eyes were full of rage. “And zhere are so many people here! All here to watch me, oh
this is grea-“

Von Drachen stopped himself when he looked up and noticed a familiar impish figure standing
atop the stage. “Vell, vell. It seems our mutual acquaintance has decided to partake in viewing this
show from the very top!”

Hallax put his binoculars back on and looked up. The figure was unmistakably Xailus, overseeing
the crowd and watching for danger. He also caught a white glint coming from the imp’s hand.
Definitely the blade.

“Master,” said the incubus, grabbing the Baron by the shoulder. “Please, I beg you. Allow me to
go after the traitor. I hunted down every other one, what’s one more?”

Von Drachen made a moved his eyes from left to right in thought. Hallax continued, “Wouldn’t be
grand if you were to destroy Verosika as I force him to watch? Like how Otto planned to-“

“Alright, alright. You’ve been useful, Hallax, so I’ll give you this.”, said the Baron with a slightly
annoyed but intrigued tone. He suddenly looked the incubus in the eyes and grabbed him by the
collar, “But! Do NOT mess up again like that little stunt you pulled back there. Got it!?”

The assassin nodded profusely, causing the Baron to let go and turn to the rest of his gang. They
immediately stood up once their master looked their way. Fritz could sense the time for action had
come so he also stood up.

Baron von Drachen cleared his throat and bellowed out his orders.
“Hallax! You will deal with the treacherous snake!

Fritz! Run around zhe parameter. Find any of his friends and silence zhem.

Now everyone else! Half of you shall lurk amongst zhe crowd. Zhe rest shall go to other buildings
and take a look out!

As for me, I’ll climb to the top of this building. It’ll be a grand start for my amazing return to

The rest of the demons saluted in an unsynchronized fashion and nearly ran into each other as they
dashed to both complete their respective tasks and to avoid the Baron’s wrath.

“Holy shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”, yelled a panicked Kat into the transceiver. “This is Calico!
They’re here! I just saw the pig guy you- holy crap he’s big! Over! Over! Over!”

“This is Cerberus! Calico, 2%, Bouba, get out of here now! We’re moving onto faze two and
things are going to get messy! Over!”

The rest of the watchers didn’t respond as they quickly fled in different directions to get away from
the impending pandemonium that was about to occur.

Xailus stood up to get a better look at the crowd, but as he did he heard a flutter of wings and the
sound of metal hitting wood. He stood straight and said, “Good evening, Hallax. Have you come
to enjoy the show as well?”

“Save the manners, traitor.”, replied the suited incubus. Their eyes met with mutual hatred when
the imp turned around. Xailus stared down the man who had hunted down his friends like wild
animals. Hallax glanced at Xailus’s hand which tightly gripped the sword. “Hm. That’s a fine
blade. ‘Spose you used that to put down that cowardly whelp, huh? He was was very strong, shame
he didn’t know how to use his muscles.”

Hallax grabbed the end of his cane and twisted it, causing Xailus to ready himself. “Unlike me.”

The incubus drew his sword from his cane and dashed straight towards the imp. The clashing of
their blades drowned out by the music and cheering of the crowd.

Hallax went for the chest, but Xailus parried it away and swung back. The incubus leaped
backwards and almost immediately dash forward again.

Xailus managed to intercept the blade, but was knocked to the ground. He rolled out of the way as
Hallax tried to impale him. Hallax felt he could taunt the imp.

“Really this is embarrassing! That mediocre musician has you acting stupid!” Hallax thrust his
blade, but Xailus managed to get up and gain some distance from him. “If you didn’t pull that stunt
and let the Baron gain power you could’ve had dozens of succubi like her!”

Xailus yelled and charged at the incubus. Hallax took to opportunity to strafe left and go for
another attack. Xailus managed to get out of the way but his back stung in pain from the slash to
his back.

“And you really fucked up this time, Xailus!”, gloated Hallax, spreading his arms wide. The two
demons circled each other, trying to gauge the other’s next move. “Even if you both survive this
whole clusterfuck, do you really think that she’ll still fuck you? You can’t possibly think she’ll still
love you after this!”

Xailus paused at Hallax’s words, which left him open when the incubus charged at him and pinned
him to the ground by the throat. Xailus’s blade clanged to the side as the Hallax held his blade up

“Any last words, rat?”, hissed Hallax, a sinister grin covering his face. As he held his prey to the
ground, his eyes briefly moved towards the angelic weapon on the ground. Wait a sec, the incubus
thought. Is that covered in LED-?


Hallax never finished that thought because he suddenly found himself feeling a massive jolt of
pain as he was impaled by a blade that had seemingly just manifested into existence.

Xailus almost immediately spoke the word “Revelare!” which caused the blade to turn back into a
small object he imagined: a small black button.

Hallax couldn’t manifest any last thoughts, he was simply in shock of what happened as he bled out
and collapsed atop Xailus.

The imp pushed his defeated adversary off of himself and stepped away. He tried to brush off some
of the blood on him but his clothes were already stained. He looked at Hallax’s face. His eyes were
wide but looked at nothing and his expression was stuck in shock and confusion.

Xailus had no time to ponder on how he felt at the time. He went near the edge of the roof and look
out once more. He noticed the large figure of Fritz circling the area.

Meanwhile, Tex was heading towards where he knew Fritz would head next. Some people in the
crowd and some of the other members of the crew mentioned a suspicious looking boar-demon
prowling around the area, as if searching for something or someone.

He stood near the edge of the crowd and waited. Eventually the large, hulking figure of Fritz came
into view. He was all beat up and seemed pretty irritable. He was stomping around, looking around
and snorting as he went. He was at least two heads taller than Tex, possibly taller.

Tex waited until the demon walked past before stepping out of the crowd and clearing his throat.
“Ahem! Excuse me! What’re you doing?”

Fritz whirled around to look at the grey hellhound. A big smile filled with disgusting teeth covered
his face and he laughed. “Oh, was ist das? Tis’ a lost wittle puppy! Where’s your owner, wittle

The brute started to approach Tex, cracking his massive knuckles. Tex noticed that some of the
people behind him were getting nervous and that a few of them seemed to be approaching him with

“Sir, we’ve received complaints about you,” said Tex. He stood firm, not talking his eyes off Fritz.
“I’m going to have to ask you and your cohorts to leave immediately.”

Tex could sense the other demons behind him begin to hesitate. However Fritz simply let out a
small chuckle as he stared his one hood eye at this hellhound in front of him. “Y’know, my pal
Otto vas on that pirate ship, disguised as one of the crew. He told me about you. He said ya fought
off a buncha monsters or somethin’.” He opened his mouth to allow a lot of spit and bad breath to
come out. “So this’ll be interesting!”

A load roar came over the entire area. Atop one of the nearby buildings rose a massive pair of
leathery wings. Flying toward the stage was Baron von Drachen in his full demonic form.

He was a large dragon, 20 feet long from head to tail with a 30 foot wingspan. His mouth glowed
with green fire through his long sharp teeth. His scales were a bright violet hue. Two large horns
started near his brow and went to the back of his head and curled up.

The entire crowd looked up and screamed in a mix of fear and shock when the Baron arrived. Fritz
bellowed, “Fuck yeah, Baron! You look great!” and put his fingers in his mouth to whistle. The rest
of the gangsters looked just as nervous as the rest of the crowd.

The dragon flew towards the stage and pinned Verosika under his claws. Oddly enough, the
microphone didn’t seem to pick that up. Baron von Drachen reared his head up and cackled,
“Gaaahahahahahaaaa! I know you’re watching Xailus you Benedict Arnold! Feel despair as I burn
your love to cinders!”

“Boss! Boss! It’s me!,” coughed a weak, German accented, male voice. Von Drachen looked down
in confusion at who he thought was Verosika Mayday. He paused for a second before saying, “O-
Otto? What’re you-?”

“Pretty impressive, eh mate?!”, called a voice from above. Von Drachen looked up to see a familiar
red spider demon standing on the catwalk. Crimson had a thin rope tied to each of his wrists which
connected to different parts of Otto’s body. He untied them and let them go. “Mama always said
that my true callin’ was being a puppeteer!”

Before the Baron could even question what was happening the true Verosika’s voice started
emanating throughout the area from the speakers. “Well, well, fucking, well! It appears the guest
of honor has arrived!” The two screens to the side of the stage changed to show Verosika, perfectly
fine and healthy, in a completely different location.

She appeared to be in one of the nearby buildings. Next to her stood a large transceiver device with
a microphone attached to it to make it seem like she was singing on stage.

She was holding a camera in her hand and said microphone in the other. She wore a massive grin
on her face and continued with her speech.

“Everyone, say hello to Baron von Drachen! He wanted to fucking kill me because my amazing
boyfriend showed him how little of a man he is! As for me-” She turned to camera around to show
Ace, Josh, Apple, and Coco standing near the doorway. Six of Von Drachen’s cronies were lying
on the floor. Half on them were charmed and the other half were unconscious from Ace hitting
them over the head with a board. “We had some trouble, but things are good thanks to our
collective planning!”

Xailus felt a surge of joy at Verosika’s confidence as he listened in from the roof. Some of the
anxieties he had started to melt away.

A random guy in the crowd pointed at the dragon and yelled, “Yo! It’s that guy who shit himself
when he got clapped by the princess’s bodyguards!”

The entire crowd started screaming with laughter at that demon’s statement. Baron von Drachen
slammed his claws into the stage in anger, small tears escaping from his eyes as he stuttered. “No!
Shut up! Shut up! S-stop f-fu-fucking laughing! It’s not f-funny!”
“Wow! What a fucking loser!”

“I’M NOT LOSER!”, snapped back the Baron in his best attempt at being intimidating. Half the
crowd stopped laughing in fear while the other half started laughing even harder.

“Don’t listen to zhem, boss!”, called out Fritz. “You’re still a cool dragon!”

“Oh that reminds me!,” said Verosika as she turned the camera back to her. “There’s a bunch of his
minions with purple dragon tattoos in the crowd! Anyone who beats them gets a sideways glance
from me when I leave!”

One of the demon gangsters near Tex said, “Okay, surely nobody is that down ba-“

“I LOVE YOU VEROSIKA!,” screamed a fanboy wearing every piece of Verosika merchandise
known to man. He put on some brass knuckles and punched that demon in the face, breaking his
jaw. Everyone else in the crowd immediately started fighting each other.

Fritz attempted to grab Tex’s neck, but the hellhound ducked and punched the boar in the stomach.
Fritz scrunched up which allowed for Tex to land a blow to the face. Fritz was knocked a few steps
back but stayed on his feet.

The brute went on one knee which Tex saw as an opening. He charged at Fritz but he was scooped
up by the boar demon’s massive arms. Fritz chuckled as he began to squeeze the hellhound. Tex let
out a grunt as he felt the hug tightening and his bones about to break.

Thinking fast, Tex opened his maw and clamped it down on Fritz’s thick neck. Fritz roared as he
let go of the hellhound and punched him to get him off. Tex was sent flying about 10 feet away
and despite the pain managed to land on all fours.

Fritz looked on in a mix of rage and thrill as he saw Tex spit out a chunk of his flesh on the ground.
He grabbed his neck and chuckled. “Heh, you’re good, kleiner Welpe!” He also got on all fours
and started to grow even bigger. The two demons stared into each other’s souls. “But now I’m
gonna go Lord of the Flies on your ass!”

Fritz morphed into his demonic form: a 12 foot long boar that was six feet at the shoulder. He had
spines along his back and 5 glowing red eyes and a sixth which was dead.

“SQUEEEEAAAAAARRRG!,” roared the beast as he charged at his adversary. Tex snarled back
as he too charged at his opponent.

Meanwhile, Baron von Drachen was having trouble getting off of the stage. A horde of fans were
crawling up on him like ants. Some of them were simply grappling him while others were
employing more painful methods such as biting, scratching, or hitting him with whatever
merchandise they had in their hands.

Every time he shook one off it seemed like 3 more piled themselves on. The Baron was getting
increasingly frustrated by the wave of unkempt, odorous fans mauling him.

As Von Drachen was distracted by all the people attacking him from all directions, Xailus slowly
slinked down the side steps with the disguised blade in hand.

He got to the side of the stage and jumped in with the yelling, screaming mob attacking the dragon.
The Baron shook off a few people which allowed for Xailus to latch onto his former employer’s
scales. The imp climbed up the beast, using other demons heads to launch himself up.
He managed to get right between the Baron’s wings. He stood up, held the button in one hand and
one of the Baron’s back spikes and yelled, “FERRUM!” causing a burst of light.

This, however, turned out to be a massive error. Baron von Drachen noticed what was going on and
in that instant gained a surge of adrenaline. He shoke off everyone except for Xailus and took to
the skies with his enemy just barely holding on to the back spike he was already on. The imp’s
transeiver fell off of him and got crushed under a bigger demon’s ass.

Tex held open Fritz’s gaping maw, pushing the boar away from him. He looked up when the
dragon roared and saw the large form of Von Drachen racing through the sky with an imp just
barely holding on for dear life.

Tex reared his head back and slammed down on the side of Fritz’s head. The boar was knocked
back a few a feet and dazed. This allowed Tex to quickly grab his transceiver and say, “Cerberus to
S.O.S! Imp-oster needs assistance! Over!”

Fritz’s eyes burned with a sadistic rage as charged at his hellhound quarry once more. Tex, instead
of charging, stood his ground and put his arms out. The massive demon opened his mouth wide
and let out a roar. When Fritz got close enough, Tex acted by grabbing to boar’s massive tusks.

Tex grunted as he struggled to keep the brute back, his hands were bleeding from the sharp tusks.
Nevertheless, Tex used all his strength to hoist his enemy into the air for a brief second. He used
the opportunity to grab Fritz by wrapping his arms around his waist.

“YaaaAAAAAAH!”, roared the hellhound as he used every muscle in his body to lift the massive
demon off the ground. Tex sent Fritz crashing down behind him as he suplexed his extremely
heavy opponent.

There was a loud *thud* as Fritz hit his head on the hard ground, then another *thud* as the rest of
his body collapsed. As the boar demon lied on his back his huge bulk started to shrink. Eventually
Fritz returned to his normal form, his one good eye spinning in dizziness.

Tex stood over Fritz as he wrapped bandages around his palms to stop the bleeding. He winced as
he tightened them and looked around. Some of the Von Drachen gangsters were still fighting the
fans so he decided to try and round them all up.

“Get off me you fucking plebeian!”, screamed Von Drachen from above. He whirled around in an
attempt to get the imp off of him.

“No… fuck… you… prick!”, Xailus yelled back. He dug his claws into the dragon’s flesh as the
two of them soared through the air. He held the blade in button form between his teeth as both his
hands were full.

Xailus managed to get further along the Baron’s back by gripping the spikes one at a time. The
wind hurt his face, forcing him to keep his eyes squinted. He could feel his grip loosening and his
strength draining.

Baron von Drachen let out an evil laugh that boomed throughout the area. “You shouldn’t have
fucked with me, Witchel! Gahaahaahaa, I gained Overlord status once and I’ll do it again once I’m
though with you, Xailus!”

Xailus’s breathing started to get slower and so did his heart rate. What was he doing, a lowly imp
taking on a sinner? A sinner that’s a dragon and used to be an Overlord for crying out loud! He
caused so many problems by trying and failing to evade this monster, but what if he was destroyed
earlier? What if Von Drachen got his revenge sooner? Maybe if he lets go now he can a free from
all this worry, pain, and torment….

Xailus was just about to close his eyes and accept his fate. However a blur passed by him. A
familiar pink blur that the dragon he was riding seemingly didn’t notice but was all to clear to
Xailus what it was. Verosika Mayday, she didn’t want him to die. She didn’t want him to give up!
She loved him and he loved her and they will not be separated!

He only noticed her for a fraction of a second, but a spark is all that’s needed to create a blazing

The imp grabbed the button to his chest and gripped it tight. “Hmhmhm… Hehehehehe… Haha!
Hahahaha! GYOHAHOHAHOHAAAHOOO!” Xailus was seemingly mad from all the cackling
he was performing. The Baron became disoriented because that was the creepiest laugh he’d ever
heard. “Wha-wha-wha-what the fuck? The fu-fuck is so f-f-funny?”

“Oh it’s nothing, my Baron.” Xailus looked up and stared Von Drachen straight into his soul. His
eyes burned with more feelings than he could comprehend, with hope and determination, with
anger and hatred, with joy and relief. “It’s just that you didn’t earn your Overlord status-“

Suddenly the imp sprung forward like a wild beast pouncing on its helpless prey. He screamed
“FERRUM!” and threw the blade in front of the dragon. Baron von Drachen flew right into the
angelic weapon, causing his right wing to be cut like butter at the shoulder.

The disgraced overlord roared in pain as he started falling at an angle, spinning uncontrollably as
he desperately tried flapping away. Xailus yelled, “You got it through dumb fucking luck!” and
quickly jumped of off the dragon. As he fell he watched Baron von Drachen fall towards the stage,
taking as much pleasure as he could from his former employer’s screams of terror.

On the stage, Otto had just managed to get himself back together and stood up with pride. He
cracked his knuckles and yelled, “Alright, my Baron! I’m ready to-“ He was cut off when he saw a
massive dragon hurdling towards him at high speeds, screaming bloody murder and bleeding
profusely from one of his wings. “Sheiße-“

Baron von Drachen crashed right into the stage. The sounds of shattering wood, bending metal,
and breaking sound equipment reverberated through the air. The entire structure fell upon the two
demons, trapping them underneath as they were too weak right now to lift it up.

Before Xailus could plummet do his death, he felt a force grab him and squeeze onto him tight. He
stared up in joy at his girlfriend’s face. The two demons’ heartbeats were competing with each
other to be faster. Ignoring the fact that he was struggling to breathe, Xailus grabbed hold of
Verosika’s face and gave her a big kiss.

“Oh thank fuck you’re alive!”, yelled Verosika, tears of both overwhelming worry and elation
covering her face. She put on a big smile as she kissed Xailus back several times over. “But you did
it! You beat Baron von Drachen!”

“Yeah! Yeah I diiiIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAH!” The adrenaline wore off on Xailus’s body just as he
looked down and realized that he was approximately 250 feet off the ground and it dawned on him
how dangerous of a stunt he just pulled. Xailus squeezed Verosika tighter than she was squeezing
him. “Putmedownputmedownputmedownputmedownputmedown!”

“Yeah! Yeah! Th-th-that’s a great idea, honey! J-just stay calm and take deep breaths, alright? In…
and out. In… and out.”

Things were just beginning to calm down at the concert. The remaining members of the Von
Drachen gang had surrendered after the defeat of their master.

The stage was in ruins and there was people lying around everywhere. Despite that, the fans didn’t
seem to put off by this. They did just help out their idol after all.

The rest of Verosika’s posse began reconvening at the battle scene once they noticed that it died
down. Tex had just finished wrapping up the surrendered gangsters and looked up to see if
Verosika and Xailus were okay. He let out a big sigh of relief but also shook his head in dismay.
“I’m not paid enough for this.”

Verosika and Xailus went a distance away from the stage, atop one of the nearby buildings.
Verosika lowered herself down and let go of Xailus, however the imp kept holding on for a few
more seconds. Eventually he descended from Verosika and immediately sprawled out on the floor.

Xailus held his chest and fool massive gasps of air as he looked up at the sky. “Holy… fuck.
That… that was… terrifying. I can’t… believe… I did that.”

Verosika got on one knee and put her hand to her forehead. Her eyes were completely wide. She
had no words, just pure shock. She touched her back and winched, which caused Xailus to realize
he must’ve accidentally clawed at her when he was holding on for dear life.

“Sorry for scratching you, Versoika-“

“No! No,” replied the succubus, waving her hand and scrunching her eyes. “I don’t blame you for
that.” Verosika opened her eyes and stood up. She took out her phone and sent a message to Tex.

“Hey. Please start up the car. We’ll be leaving soon.”

“Alright,” replied Tex almost immediately.

Verosika felt that she could say more so she sent another message.

“Also, thank you. I know you think I don’t appreciate you, but I do. Honest. I’m willing to give
you a significant raise, we’ve all been through some shit recently.”

A full minute passed before Tex finally replied. “No problem, boss.”

Verosika couldn’t tell if he felt any better from that statement, but she supposed she’d find out soon

At that moment the roof door burst open. Coming out from it was a red spider-demon, face
beaming with excitement. “Mate! Mate! That was totally fuckin’ wicked!”

“Thanks, Crimson. Couldn’t’ve done it without you,” replied Xailus, raising his arm in a thumbs-
up then almost immediately putting it back down.

Crimson stood over the imp, two hands on his hips and with two crossed arms. “C’mon, fella!”, he
chuckled, squatting down to put a hand on Xailus’s shoulder. “Feel a little more pride! You’re
really brave! Wish I could be like you, mate!”

“Crimson, I appreciate it, but I’m to frazzled to experience any emotions right now,” Xailus flatly
Crimson put his hands on his stomach and let out a hearty laugh. “Bah ha ha ha ha hoh! I suppose
that’s fair!” Crimson laughed for a few more seconds before straightening himself up.

“Welp, I guess this is a good time to mention this,” said Crimson with a sudden seriousness that
jolted the two other demons. He walked up to Verosika and pulled out a card. “Here, Verosika. I
wanted to give you this.”

Verosika raised an eyebrow as she took the card from Crimson. “What’s this?”

“It’s the business card for a good tailor,” replied the spider-demon, putting his hands in his
pockets. “You’ll need it since… well… since I’m shutting down my business for the foreseeable

Xailus shot up and Verosika gasped. “You’re what!?”, the two of them yelled in unison.

Crimson let out a big sigh and hung his head. “It’s for the best. Those cowards found out what I
was doing, what with the forbidden magic and all. Had a bad time with them and I don’t wanna get
railed by the royals, y’know. So I’m shutting down.”

Crimson leaned against the roof door and crossed his arms. He looked back up at the two shocked
demons. Xailus was standing up now and Verosika had a very confused look on her face.

“But that’s not all,” said Crimson, piquing the interest of Xailus and Verosika once more. Crimson
took another deep breath. “I’m going to visit that hotel the princess is working on.”

Verosika and Xailus stared at the spider demon like he had three heads. The two of them stood
dumbfounded for a few seconds before Verosika broke the silence. “Wh-wha-what? You’re not
joking, are you?”

Crimson let out a small chuckle. “There’s lotsa rumors goin’ around about that place.” Crimson
raised his arms in the air. “‘Oh the princess is being a fucking idiot’, ‘Redemption is impossible’,
‘I bet the princess is just trying to start a coup’ and yadda yadda yadda.” Crimson put his arms back
down. “Frankly I believe in all this redemption stuff as much as everyone else. However, I figured
that if nobody tries how can we know it’s impossible?”

Xailus and Verosika exchanged looks, as if trying to find what to say from one another. They found
nothing and Crimson continued speaking as his mouth started to quiver. “Honestly, when I got
executed and ended up here, I thought it was pretty cool at first. But recently… well, you get the

After a few second pause, Xailus finally found something to say. “Crimson this… this is shocking
but not really surprising. I don’t blame you for wanting out. You’ve been through so much. All I
can really say is-“ he looked up at his friend and smiled. “-good luck. I’ll check in on you every
now and then!”

Crimson was surprised at Xailus’s positivity. Small streams of tears flowed out of his eyes. His
mouth quivered as he rubbed his eyes. “Oh man, Xailus. *sniff* I’m so, so sorry for betraying you,
mate. I thought you’d be angry at me for *sniff* seeking redemption. Oh man, I’m so fucking

Crimson fell to his knees, face buried in his hands as he started breaking down in tears. Xailus
immediately went to Crimson’s side. He patted him on the back and rubbed his shoulder. “Hey,
hey. It’s alright. Just let it all out.”

Verosika silently watched her boyfriend comfort the broken demon for a full 5 minutes. She didn’t
agree with the idea of redemption, but she couldn’t help but feel bad for Crimson. Seeing Xailus
soothing him made briefly her feel like, perhaps, there’s hope out there for everyone.

When Xailus noticed that Crimson was beginning to pull himself back together, he grabbed his
forearm to get his attention. “Hey, Crimson. Look at me.” Crimson did as he was told, his eyes full
of both happiness and sadness. “You got this, dude! You’re gonna march on down to that hotel and
you’re gonna show everyone that redemption is possible! You got that!?”

Crimson immediately jumped up and raised his arm into a salute. “Yes I fucking am!” He made a
b-line for the edge of the roof. “I’m gettin’ out of this dump! Later bitches!” Crimson performed a
twisting dive off the roof. Verosika and Xailus heard a crashing noise from below as looked over
and saw Crimson dashing off into the hypothetical sunset, running into people and trash cans along
the way.

“Well, I suppose that’s accounted for,” said Xailus casually. At that moment Verosika got a
notification on her phone from Tex.

“Oh! Looks like our ride is prepared,” said the succubus, turning towards Xailus. “Let’s get

“Y-yeah, sounds good Verosika.”

The tall and short demons took the stairs as they made their way down the building. As they
walked side by side Verosika noticed that Xailus was deep in thought and looked slightly

“Is something bothering you?”, she inquired, looking down at him.

Xailus scratched the back of his head. “Well, when I was up on the stage roof one of the Baron’s
assassins confronted me. We had a sword-fight and during that he mentioned that all this is pretty
much my fault and that you may not love-“

“Waitwaitwait,” interrupted Verosika. She stopped walking and put her thumb and pointer finger in
between her eyes. “Lemme stop you right there. Are you really taking the words of one of your
attempted murderers to heart?”

Xailus paused for a few seconds. “Well if you put it like that-“

Verosika couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. She put both of her hands on her hips. “I will
admit I am pretty upset about the whole (Y/n)-Xailus thing. In fact, it’s probably good that I’m still
processing what just happened so we can have a proper discussion about it. Besides, you weren’t
actively malicious about it.”

“I mean yeah!”, replied the imp, raising his arms in the air. “But I caused you and your friends to
be the target of a dangerous gang who were gonna kill you in the worst ways possible. That’s way
worse than anything Blitzo did to you!”

Verosika paused to think about Xailus’s words. After a few awkward moments she spoke. “And
now half of that gang is dead and the other half are captured. Besides, at least you’re actively
trying to make amends as soon as things get bad. The instant you realize your mistakes you try to
make things right. That’s what I like about you.”

Xailus paused again. He supposed that Verosika had some points but he couldn’t really
comprehend that right now. He shook his head and said, “I g-guess so. Let’s just get out of here
“Agreed,” said Verosika as she grabbed her hip flask and downed the whole thing in one go.

The entire group was gathering inside one big limousine. Tex was at the wheel waiting for
everyone to get in.

Apple and Coco leaned against the side of the car. Coco put her palm on her forehead and said,
“Wow! What a week, am I right?”

“Babe, it’s Wednesday,” replied Apple.


Josh, Milky, and Ace sat by the window behind Tex.

“Dude, Tex! That was badass!”, praised Milky.

“I got it on video!”, said Josh, holding up his phone to show the exact moment Tex slammed Fritz
to the ground. “4K! HD! you straight up folded that boar dude!”

“Josh! You need to send that to me!,” said Ace, shaking Josh by the arm. “I’m gonna post it
literally everywhere!”

“Uh, you don’t have to-“, began Tex. He stopped himself when he realized he couldn’t interfere.

Kat was near the back of the car with Kiki, explaining why he picked that code name for her. It
was only for half the reason that she thought, but the half that Kat was explaining just made her
more angry.

Apple noticed an imp and a pink succubus walking towards them. She waved and said, “Well well!
Look who’s early!”

“Oh shut up, Apple,” retorted Verosika. Xailus got into the limo while Verosika briefly stood by
the driver’s window. “Hey, Tex. Xailus suggested that I stay at his place tonight so why don’t you
drop us off there, m’kay? Oh and good job out there, you did your job wonderfully!”

Verosika got into the limo, but not before catching a glance of a smile on Tex’s face.

“Yooooo, look at this dude!”, yelled Josh, wrapping his arm around Xailus and snapping a selfie.
“It’s the fucking Dragonslayer! Let’s gooooo!”

The entire car lit up with cheers as they all praised Xailus for his adventures.

The imp scratched his head. “Oh man, thanks guys! But, uh, Baron von Drachen isn’t dead. Well
not yet at least.”

Kiki gasped, “Oh no. Do you think he’ll come back for us?”

Xailus crossed his legs and leaned back, a smug expression plastered on his face. “Oh ho, I
seriously doubt that.”

The pile of wood and metal that had once been a stage lied still in the middle of the battle scene. A
majority of the people had already left or been taken away.

Suddenly a purple scaled claw burst out from the rebel. Baron von Drachen pulled himself halfway
out from the mess he was stuck under. He spat out a piece of wood and some metal nails.

“Gottverdammt,” he mumbled to himself. Before he could pull himself out, he noticed two very
familiar figures standing in front of them. Two small, goat-like demons with forked tongues and a
vengeful glint in their eyes.

The Baron’s heart dropped and he could barely breathe. “Oh, g-g-gu-guten tag, R-R-Razzle. D-D-
Dazzle. H-how are yo-yo-yo-you?”

Razzle and Dazzle said nothing. Von Drachen looked down and noticed that Razzle was holding a
very familiar blade.

There was a long, deafening silence that was eventually broken when Baron von Drachen said one


Xailus fumbled with the keys to his door while Verosika stood behind him. He eventually got the
door open and allowed Verosika to enter first. She chuckled briefly in delight at this notion and

The first thing she noticed was a pile of cardboard boxes sitting on the couch. She couldn’t help but
ask, “Hey, why do you have so many boxes?”

Xailus shut the door behind himself and brushed his hair back. He put his hands on his hips and
smirked. “I told you two days ago, I was thinking of moving in with you. I’m gonna need boxes for
that, aren’t I?”

Verosika gasped in happiness. “Oh yeah, that right!” She rubbed the back of her head and gave an
awkward smile. “Sorry, things have been very chaotic what with the bet, the prison break, and now
this whole clusterfuck.”

Xailus reacted by bowing his head slightly and looking off to the side when Verosika mentioned
the prison break and what just happened. Right then it hit Verosika that Xailus had no idea what
she told him that morning because that one was an imposter.

Verosika knelt down and touched the imp on the shoulder. “Hey, babe. I love you. No matter what
you think of yourself. I know you have lots of regrets, but we can put that behind us. You

Xailus felt very flattered, his tail wagging like an excited puppy. However, he also squinted his
eyes at her as he smiled. “I feel like you’re paraphrasing, Verosika.”

Verosika paused for a few seconds as she was taken aback. “Uh… y-yeah, yeah. You’re right. I
said that to that… creep while he was disguised as you.”

Xailus chuckled and shook his head. “No matter. I love you as well.” He grabbed the back of
Verosika’s head and placed his lips to hers. The two of them stayed like this for a few seconds,
each one feeling delightfully longer than the last.

Verosika opened her eyes briefly on noticed a paper bag sitting in the dining table. She pointed a
finger at the bag. Not moving an inch, she spoke between kisses. “Hey, babe. What’s that?”
Xailus opened his eyes as well and looked in the direction that his girlfriend was pointing. He
pulled back slightly and said, “Oh! That’s a present for you that I stole- got! That I GOT for you
while you were performing for the spring-breakers.”

Verosika finally pulled back so she could walk up to the table and open the small, brown paper
bag. Inside was a small plastic pendant in the shape of a heart. When opened it revealed it had two
images on each side. The first was one of Verosika’s many photo shoots where she wore a black
fur jacket and large heart-shaped sunglasses. The second was of Xailus, a quick photo he took in
the mirror one day specifically for this. Both of the photos were crudely shoved in, but there was a
certain charm to it.

Verosika looked up and saw Xailus holding up a matching pendant. He seemed pretty sheepish and
was blushing heavily. “I-I um… I have a matching one. He he…”

Verosika paused for a few seconds before also blushing. She put on a large smile while putting on
the pendant. “Xailus, why do you have to be so fucking cute?”

Xailus blushed even harder and scratched his shoulder, smiling uncontrollably. “Uh well-oh! I
well- um… I g-guess it just comes naturally for me!”

Verosika let out a big hearty laugh, inexplicably snorting in the middle. “Hahahahaaa! Yeah it
does! And I’m extremely lucky that you’re my boyfriend!”

Xailus took a deep breath and smiled in turn. “And so am I, Verosika.”

Chapter Summary

Compensation for the lack of sex in the last chapter.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It had been a few days since Operation Baron-Breaker. Xailus had officially moved into Verosika’s
apartment, although the two of them didn’t do all that much. It turns out that having your life
threatened by a ruthless gang, finding out that someone close to you has been using a fake name,
and clinging for dear life on the back of a dragon tends to leave you in a state of shock.

One day the couple was sitting on the couch, enjoying each other’s company when it finally hit
Verosika that Xailus had been lying to her for their entire relationship up to this point.

What followed was a long tirade by Verosika that constantly swapped between moods:

“I cannot believe that you’ve been lying to me!”, she yelled, pointing a finger at him. “This is
fucking absurd!”

“Oh, I can’t be mad at you, Xailus!” She hugged him tight and showered him in kisses. “You were
just trying to protect yourself.”

“We got attacked by a fucking dragon! How could this happen!?,” she said as she grabbed the wall
in frustration.

“But nobody was hurt!,” she happily exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips. “Well, nobody we

“Holy shit!” She sat next to the imp and wrapped her arms around herself. “That was absolutely
terrifying! Oh my god.”

“This is crazy! Absolutely fucking crazy!”, she yelled one last time, swinging both of her arms in
one motion. She paused for a few moments before putting a hand to her chest and taking a deep
breath. “Alright… okay… I’m-I think I’m done with that.”

She looked down at Xailus who had a sympathetic and slightly dumbfounded look on his face.
Verosika scratched the back of her head and gave a nervous chuckle. “Hey, uh… h-how long was I
going off for?”

Xailus took out his phone, glanced at it, then looked back at Verosika. “Um, about 17 minutes.”

“Oh wow,” said Verosika, her expression was taken aback as her eyes darted about the room. She
started packing about. “I’m sorry for that.”

“No no no,” replied Xailus as he shook his head vigorously. He put his hands on his knees and
leaned forward. “I don’t blame you at all. You’re completely justified in making that rant just now.
Heavens, I would’ve done the same thing if I were you.”

“Thanks for that, Xai.” Verosika sighed as she dropped herself next to the imp on the couch. Xailus
was slightly surprised by this new nickname but rather liked it. The succubus grabbed her hip flask
but decided against drinking it, putting it on the arm of the couch instead.

A few awkward moments passed as the two demons sat next to each other in silence. Finally
Verosika clapped her hands together and said, “Welp, I’m bored.”

She turned to Xailus and said, “What d’you wanna do?”

The imp thought about that for a second, leaning back into the couch as he did. Suddenly a thought
came into his mind which caused the ends of his mouth to involuntarily rise. He put one arm
around his girlfriend and replied, “You?”

Verosika burst out in sudden laughter. She leaned forward and raised her hands. “Okay, I totally
walked right into that one!”

She shifted her body so that her breasts pressed up against Xailus’s chest. Her tail started whipping
the air and her wings fluttered. She grabbed the imp by back the back of the head and brought their
faces close. “It’s true we haven’t done it in a while, why don’t we compensate for that?”

Xailus smirked and replied, “Yes, ma’am.” He too grabbed his lover by the back of the head as he
shoved his tongue into her mouth. He was immediately pushed down onto the couch as the
succubus wrapped her tongue around his.

Both of the demons let out muffled moans as they enjoyed the taste of each other’s mouths.
Verosika could feel where Xailus was missing a tooth but that didn’t bother her all to much. Their
hands started to move up and down their partner’s bodies. Any and all problems they had that day
began to melt away in the burning passion between the two of them.

Xailus’s hands wandered towards Verosika’s chest and he didn’t bother resisting the urge to fondle
her breasts. He felt her nipples get slightly stiff as he groped the two soft pillows that he so

Verosika giggled as she raised herself up and pushed the imp underneath her, causing his face to be
smothered in her breasts as she went back down. She was wearing a white shirt that was one size
big for her so he could get a good feel of her smooth skin.

Xailus ran his fingers through Verosika’s silky hair as his sense of smell was taken over by his
girlfriend’s sweet perfume. Her scent was like a strawberry cake fresh out of the oven. He shook
his head which caused Verosika’s breasts to slap him on each of his cheeks.

He allowed his fingers to wander a little more and they decided to travel south. The imp’s hands
wrapped around the perfectly cushiony ass that Verosika took pride in. He slipped his fingers
underneath Verosika’s short-shorts so he could get a feel of her skin. He started kneading as if he
was grasping a lump of fresh dough.

As Xailus moved his hands around, Verosika started mimicking him by moving her hips up and
down. She started humping Xailus as his hands remained firmly attached to her posterior. The
bulge that had already began to form in the imp’s pants got even bigger as she rubbed herself up on

Xailus’s tail also decided to act on its own as it slithered up behind the succubus. Verosika gasped
as the tail hit her weak spot between her legs and started moving up and down. Xailus was also
surprised as he noticed that the succubus was already wet.

Verosika lifted herself up and stared down on her prey. Her eyes were filled with animalistic fury
as it was clear her only desire to to give in to her natural urges. “Alright, no more screwing
around,” she said between deep breaths. “I’m really fucking turned on right now, so let’s do this!”

Verosika went to take off her shirt but stopped when Xailus said, “Wait wait wait! I actually
wanted to try something out.”

Verosika was a bit impatient but was intrigued as to what her boyfriend wanted to try out. She sat
up straight with an interested expression and said, “Go on.”

Xailus twiddled his thumbs and said, “W-well, I was wondering if you could put on your human
disguise an-and maybe give me a strip tease?”

Verosika blinked once then smirked. “Alright,” she replied in a seductive tone as she hopped off
the couch. She stood in front of Xailus as he straightened himself up.

Verosika snapped her fingers and cold blue flames wrapped around her whole body. The fire
danced around her for a few seconds before dissipating. What was left behind was a Verosika in a
human form. She wore the same clothes as before but her body was very different. Her skin was
now a light tan and her hair was blonde with a red patch on the top. She had no wings or tail,
however a small nose had appeared on her face. Finally, her eyeballs where white instead of yellow
but her irises remained pink.

Verosika put her hands on the back of her head and looked down at the imp. “How do you like it,

Xailus audibly gulped and his eyes danced up and down Verosika’s body. It was slightly jarring to
see her like this but he felt he could get used to it. He leaned back and replied, “It’s different but
you’re just as beautiful and sexy as always, babe.”

“Oh you haven’t seen anything yet, honey.” With a mischievous glint in her eye, Verosika began
her private show.

She started by grabbing the bottom of her shirt and slowly pulling it up. She swayed her hips as she
revealed her stomach, lingering on it for a few seconds before pulling it over her head. Her bust
bounced once when the shirt passed over it, as per her plan. When she got it over her head she did a
dramatic head whip which caused her hair to flutter elegantly as she threw the shirt away.

Verosika winked at her one-man audience and spun around. She grabbed the edge of her pants and
began to sensually pull them off. She pushed them down by alternating between the two sides
before stopping right as her entire ass was in view. She pulled them up and down right underneath
her ass which caused it to bounce a couple times. After a few seconds she dropped them and
kicked them away, leaving her in nothing but her underwear.
Verosika took a few steps closer towards Xailus. She leaned forward and groped her own breasts,
practically hypnotizing the imp. With a smirk she reached her hands behind her back and there was
a clicking noise. She then slowly took her bra off her chest, letting it drop to the floor after a few
seconds of agonizingly teasing Xailus. The succubus once again grabbed her breasts and sensually
moved them around, leaving the imp mesmerized by the two soft orbs with a small dot on each.

Verosika slowly took a few more steps closer, her eyes completely fixed on her boyfriend’s eyes.
She put one hand by the side of his head and another by her hip. She was breathing heavily and a
thin line of saliva escaped from her mouth. She started to pull off her panties but stopped when an
idea entered her head.

She put her second hand on Xailus’s cheek and put on an ecstatic grin. “Hey Xai, would you mind
begging me again? I really l love it when you do that.”

Xailus immediately though back to the first time he and Verosika had sex at that club. This was the
first time that they were doing this since his true identity was revealed and he felt like he was
reliving that fateful moment once again.

Xailus took a deep breath and spilled his heart out. “Verosika, you’re the most beautiful woman in
existence! I’m not deserving of this at all but please, PLEASE fuck me! My one desire right now is
to be inside you and I-I love you more than anyone else and I-“

Suddenly Verosika, in one quick movement, took off her panties and swiftly wrapped them around
the imp’s head. Xailus barely had any time to react or comprehend what just happened when his
girlfriend jumped up on him, shoving his face into her chest and undoing his zipper.

“My patience has been drained,” said Verosika as she took out Xailus’s manhood and rubbed it
between her legs. “And now I’ll drain you.”

Both of the demons moaned as the imp’s rod entered the succubus. Each other them acting as
obedient puppets to their own lustful, animalistic impulses.

Xailus was overwhelmed with multiple different sensations: the combined smells of Verosika’s
perfume and her panties, the wet tightness surrounding his cock, joy as all of his regrets got washed
away by the intense passion, and a delightful feeling of terror as he was being dominated by
someone bigger and stronger than him but also by someone he loved with all his heart.

Verosika could sense all these feelings that her boyfriend was having, even with the mask that she
put on him. It made her happy that he was enjoying her so much. She swiftly rose up and down,
letting out yells as the shaft hit her sensitive parts. She grabbed his hands and planted them on her
ass, to which he reacted by immediately and sensually kneading them with glee. She held him
tighter, his face becoming completely engulfed in her cleavage. Xailus moved his face side to side
so he could completely appreciate how soft her breasts are.

Still violently riding him, Verosika pulled back the panties on Xailus’s head so that his mouth
could be freed. After he took a gasp of fresh air, Verosika put one hand on the scruff of his neck
and a second on her left breast. She shoved his head into her bare breast and the imp didn’t waste a
second as he took her nipple into his mouth and began sucking.

Xailus’s tail wrapped around Verosika’s waist as he began to pump himself up. After a few minutes
of trials and errors he finally managed to move in perfect sync with his girlfriend. The pleasure in
both of them tripled as the they moved as one, with Verosika moaning even loader.

Xailus didn’t have enough time to to give a warning as he suddenly busted a load right inside
Verosika. In response the succubus started slamming into him even faster. Verosika also couldn’t
hold it in anymore as she arched her back in an orgasm. However this didn’t stop either of the
demons, in fact it just invigorated them even more.

Verosika briefly too Xailus out of her so she could move to the end of the couch. She put her hands
on the armrest and her knees on the couch itself so that her ass faced the imp. The succubus
slapped herself on the ass and moved her hips from side to side. “Show me what you got, big boy!”

Xailus stood up straight and scrambled towards Verosika. He grabbed her hips which was a
slightly weird experience since he was used to a long tail flailing around. Nevertheless, he directed
his shaft towards his girlfriend’s opening and plunged it in.

“Oh fuck!”, gasped the two of them in unison. Xailus started out slow be he couldn’t resist moving
faster. Verosika’s moans increased in noise and frequency as the imp started to become more and
more aggressive.

Verosika’s plush butt jiggled subtly each time he slammed into her, slapped noises emanating
throughout the apartment. Xailus’s body started acting almost entirely on its own lustful volition.
He wrapped his tail around her waist and leaned forward in an attempt to grab Verosika’s horns.
When he found that he was too short, he opted to grip her blonde hair instead.

“Whoa-ho-ho!”, yelled Verosika in a surprised but not put off tone. She wanted to say something
clever and sexy but her mind was completely clouded by ecstasy. All she could think about was her
mixture of love and lust for the imp who was rapidly entering and exiting her.

Biting her lip, Verosika saw no point in resisting the oncoming orgasm. She moaned loudly as she
climaxed, but Xailus just kept on going which drew her near to another one. Before she could
however, Xailus pulled himself out before grabbing the succubus by the waist and started spinning
her around.

Verosika went with the flow as she allowed herself to be turned onto her back. She lied on the
couch, hands behind her head and legs spread wide and beckoning. Verosika braced for Xailus to
stick his cock in her once more, but to her surprise he walked up on top of her and put it between
her breasts. To add to her pleasant shock, Xailus’s tail shoved itself into her pussy.

Xailus fucked Verosika’s breasts with his rod and her pussy with his tail. Verosika moaned at the
double pleasure she was feeling, grabbing the imp by the shoulder so he could steady himself. The
tail moved in ways that a cock couldn’t, allowing it to massage weak points the Verosika didn’t
even know she had. Xailus’s shaft moved up and down in between the two pillows on her chest.
Verosika licked her lips as she saw the tip appearing and disappearing. She moved her head in
closer and allowed the tip to enter her warm, wet mouth.

Xailus started moving both of his tools of pleasure even faster, causing both of the demons to moan
in pleasure. Verosika licked the tip each time it went into her mouth which just added extra
incentive for the imp. Said imp had one hand on each of Verosika’s breast, moving them up and
down to increase the stimulation.

After a few minutes, any desire the two demons had to resist climaxing vanished into thin air. The
imp grabbed Verosika by the horns and shoved himself deeper into her mouth, unloading several
pumps of semen into her mouth. The succubus couldn’t handle all the places that Xailus’s tail was
rubbing against and orgasmed at the same time she tasted her boyfriend’s seed.

Xailus backed up slightly, leaving a trail of spit and seed behind. He put his palm to his fingertips
in a T shape. “Time out. Time out!”, he gasped, his chest heavily moving up and down. “I need a

Verosika put up one finger. She moved her chin up and there was a distinct *gulp* sound. She
licked her lips once more and said, “Yeah, I need to rest as well.”

Xailus crawled to the other side of the couch and pulled his pants back up and took Verosika’s
panties off, throwing them back to her. Verosika adjusted her hair away from her face and noticed
that the was some leftover cum on her chest. She casually scooped it up with her fingers and put it
into her mouth, causing Xailus to get excited again but he said nothing due to his lack of energy.

Verosika snapped her fingers once more and in a flash she returned to her true form. She grabbed
her panties and went to put them on when she noticed that the rest of her clothes were scattered
throughout the room. “Uh, honey?”, she said, facing Xailus. “Would you mind grabbing my
clothes for me?”

“Oh. Sure,” agreed the imp as he jumped off the couch. He went for her bra first since it was the
closest then started walking over towards her pants. “Hey, Verosika?”

“What’s up?”

Xailus picked up the pants and turned towards his girlfriend. “I actually had a question for you.
Abou-about succubi.”

Verosika raised an eyebrow as Xailus shuffled towards her shirt. She leaned back into the couch
and replied, “Hit me.”

Xailus put the shirt over his shoulder and walked up to Verosika. “Um well… is-is it true that
succubi feed off of… Y’know? Semen? I mean you never seem to have a problem with
drinking…” Xailus trailed off out of embarrassment. Verosika snorted a laugh, she almost couldn’t
believe this man was being so aggressive just a few moments ago.

She grabbed her clothes from Xailus and shook her head. “No no no, that’s a tired old stereotype.
We actually feed of the sexual stimulation.”

Xailus felt guilty for half a second, but he was now genuinely intrigued. He climbed up next to
Verosika and looked up at her. “Please explain.”

“Alright,” said Verosika as she grabbed her bra and started putting it on. “How do I put this?…
Basically when we sexually stimulate someone we get this tingly feeling, spreading all through our
bodies. The more sexual stimulation they feel, the more we get that feeling. It gives us a nutrient
that we specifically as sex demons need to survive. We need to eat actual food, of course, but we
also need to fuck to stay healthy. We don’t need to do that every day, once a week on average is
usually how it is.”

Xailus raised his eyebrows in amazement. He clasped his hands together and said, “So basically, in
addition to feeling your own pleasure you also would feel my pleasure as well. And you feed off of

“Yeah, that’s basically it,” replied the succubus, standing up so she could pull up her pants. Xailus
thought about the implications of that and suddenly something crossed his mind.

“Hey wait a minute!”, he said, putting his hands on his knees. “When we first had sex at the club,
did you-?”

“Oh yeah,” said Verosika. She scratched the back of her head and gave a weary smile. “Heh heh, I
may have gone a little overboard there. Sorry. Haaaa…”

“No, it’s okay,” replied Xailus. “I was just wondering because I didn’t feel any pain or anything.”

Verosika had just pulled her shirt back down over herself. She crossed her arms and leaned over the
imp. “Well it would be pretty counterproductive if it hurt.”

Xailus nodded his head. “Yeah that makes sense.”

Verosika giggled softly and moved in next to Xailus. She curled up, put her head on the imp’s
shoulder, and wrapped her arms around him. Her hair smelt fresh even though it was a bit messy.

Xailus put a hand on Verosika’s shoulder and brought her close. “So if you going overboard caused
me to be knocked out,” he said, adjusting himself on the couch to get more comfortable. “Does that
mean that those tales of people dying from fucking succubi true?”

“Oh yeah, those, those stories are true.” Verosika lifted her head up and swatted her hand. “But
that takes a significant amount of effort on the demon’s part, so it’s pretty much impossible for a
succubus or incubus to accidentally kill someone with it.”

Verosika looked at the ceiling briefly then rubbed her chin. “Well, unless multiple succubi or
incubi are having sex with one person. The overwhelming amount of drained energy would do it.
You’d need an endurance potion or something if you want to do that.”

Xailus’s eyes widened and his eyebrows jumped up. He looked at every nook and cranny
throughout the room and eventually made the mistake of looking Verosika right in the eyes. She
had a wicked glint in her eye and a devilish smirk upon her lips. She rubbed the imp’s chest with
one finger and said, “Did that intrigue you, Xai?”

Xailus became more red than he thought possible as he completely froze up at his girlfriend’s
words. After a brief pause, the imp spoke. “W-w-w-what? Wh-wh-wh-why are-? Y-y-you want t-t-
to-? You want m-me-me to-? Y-y-y-you’re o-o-okay with-? Uuuuuuuuuuuugh.” He shoved his
face in his hands, steam coming from his head because of how flustered he was.

Verosika ran her fingers through Xailus’s hair to help him relax. After a few minutes the imp
managed to regain his composure. He took a deep breath and leaned forward. “Okay. So what
exactly are you insinuating, Verosika?”

Verosika sat on her knees and faced Xailus. “Simple, the girls are interested in sleeping with you.
Milky told me so a while ago. I had the think about it a lot because, y’know, it’s a bunch of girls
having sex with my boyfriend. I was planning on telling you sooner but this week has been pure
pandemonium. But I considered it and I thought that it might be nice to do on a special occasion,
like your birthday-” her eyes widened in shock. “-which I just realized I don’t know the date of.”

“Yeah, I guess I never told you,” replied Xailus, leaning back into the couch. “It’s the 20th of next

“The 20th?” Verosika thought on that for a few seconds before she realized something. She took
out her phone and started vigorously swiping. She finally found out what she was looking for and
shoved the phone in the imp’s face.

Xailus grabbed the phone from her and looked at the screen. It was a calendar with 3 weeks
highlighted, which included his birthday. The marked section was titled “Hell Tour.”

Xailus looked up at Verosika’s excited face with a similar expression. “Oh yeah, that tour!”
“Yeah that’s right!”, replied Verosika. She tapped the screen a few times. “And because of that we
might be able to convince our clients to pay for some nice hotel with big rooms!”

The two demons locked eyes. They exchanged thoughts and silently agreed before they even

Xailus rolled his shoulders and took a deep breath. “Alright, I guess we’re doing this.”

Verosika crossed her arms and put on a wide smirk. She didn’t say anything, she simply giggled

That birthday will be a night to remember.

Verosika’s next Hell Tour was officially on the go. She and her posse traveled throughout the rings
to perform multiple different shows. Xailus’s role in the tour was the peddle merchandise to the
countless fans that swarmed the area wherever Verosika stepped. It was a dual-purpose role, 1: to
make more profit from the tour and 2: to keep the horny fans, viscous paparazzi, and con-artists
disguised as clients distracted.

It wasn’t all work however. In between the shows the gang found time for recreation. They bar-
hopped and made even more money by betting on Tex in arm wrestling matches. They got some
high quality meals and places to stay. The designer that Crimson recommended Verosika made a
lot of extravagant outfits that everyone loved, especially Xailus since he was the one who got first
looks and was allowed to see them up close.

About halfway through the tour the whole gang was sitting in a long limousine. The 20th day of the
month had arrived.

Xailus was typing away at his computer while Verosika watched and chatted with him about this
and that.

Josh was sitting on Ace’s lap as the two of them talked and flirted.

Kat was shaking the television screen and shouted, “Damnit, Alejandro! Luisa doesn’t fucking
love you! She only wants your cash, man! She’s a gold digger and naught else!”

“Kat, move your fat ass!” yelled Milky. She raised a bottle threateningly before Kiki reached out
and lowered her arm without prying her eyes away from her phone.

Apple was explaining the Napoleonic wars to Coco who was digesting absolutely none of it but
was happy to listen nonetheless.

“And it was around this time that Napoleon sent a letter to Josephine telling her not to bathe for the
next few months!” Apple waved her arm as if she was showing Coco the wonders of the universe.

Coco squinted at her girlfriend and said, “Y’know, Apple. I can’t help but get the feeling that you
got all this info from one source.”

Apple leaned back and put her hand on her chest, mouth agape in shock. “Dude, uncool.”

Tex was simply enjoying the fact that he didn’t have to drive at all during this trip.

“Well, Verosika.” Xailus pressed one last button on his computer. “Looks like so far we’ve made
20% profit from this whole venture!”

“Excellent!”, replied Verosika. She reached down and rubbed the imp’s hair. “You’ve made
yourself pretty useful, good job!”

“Oh stop it,” said Xailus, rubbing the back of his head and smiling at the praise. It was at this point
when the bored driver’s voice came on in the speakers. “Alright, we’re here.”

“And then you to take the Sprite and the NyQuil and you want to-“ Josh cut off his explanation
when he realized the hotel was nearby and he shoved his face into the window. The rest of the
demons, excluding Tex, followed suit.

The building was a 20-story hotel with lots of bright lights and an apparent pool on the roof.
Multiple different demons flew up and down the sides of the hotel. In the sides of the buildings
were some glass elevators that allowed one to see the view outside.

The limousine pulled up right outside of the hotel and the driver opened the door. Each of the
demons hopped out of the car one at a time and looked around. Some demons who worked there
moved towards the trunk to grab the luggage while one of them went up to the group.

“Hello and welcome to the Nixon Luxury Suite!” He had a wide smile on his face held some
pamphlets up to them. “In these you can find all the information you would need about our
splendid accommodations!”

Verosika took the pamphlets from the bellboy and handed them behind her. “Uh, thanks.”

“Oh! Could I get an autograph, Miss Verosika?” The bellboy took out an album from his back
pocket which had a picture of Verosika in a one-piece swimsuit.

Verosika quickly grabbed the album, scribbled on it with a marker, shoved it into his chest, and
started speed walking away from the bellboy along with the rest of the crew.

“And don’t worry about your luggage,” called the bellboy. “We’ll take care of it!”

“Owowow!”, yelled somebody by the limo and there was the sound of crushed bones.

“Can someone get Philip? Someone has a suitcase full of cinder blocks again.”

The crew managed to make their way to the main lobby. It was a very large area with two large
staircases near the back and multiple weird yet majestic statues.

The demons plopped down on some of the nearby couches. They breathed a collective sigh of
relief as they all sat around. However that was cut short when the bellboy appeared again with
even more albums. “Miss Verosika, I’m a huge fan and I have several more of your delightful
music for you to-“ Tex didn’t say a word. He simply grabbed the bellboy by the head, walked over
to the nearest elevator, shoved him in, and pressed the 20th floor button. When the door shut Tex
went to get the room keys from the front desk and the rest of the demons talked with one another.

“Alright gang,” said Verosika, clapping her hands once. “We’re gonna be staying here for the next
5 days, so we may as well discuss what there is to do here.”

Josh tapped on the pamphlet. “Well it looks like they’ve got an arcade.”

“Arcades?” Ace scratched his chin. “I dunno about that. Those places are pretty loud-“
“Says here they got Let’s Go Jungle: Lost on the Island of Spice.” said Apple, holding on to
Coco’s shoulder.

Ace clapped his hands and said, “Alright, Josh and I will be in the arcade.”

Kat looked behind him, arm on the top of the couch. “Looks like they got a buffet over there.
Oooh, that looks good!”

“Kat,” said Xailus, rubbing his forehead. “We ate just an hour ago.”

Kat completely ignored the imp as he stared longingly at all the food.

“That bellboy was kinda cute,” giggled Milky. “I just might have a little chat with him. Fufufu.”

“Seriously? That guy?”, asked Kiki, pointing her thumb to the elevator. “Why him? He was pretty

“Simple,” replied Milky. “If he spends enough time having sex with me he might get fired for
slacking on the job.”

Kiki raised a finger and opened her mouth but then nodded in agreement.

Tex finally came back and opened his palm to reveal several cards. “Alright here’s your keys,
everyone.” Each demon stood up and grabbed their respective cards. Tex straightened his coat and
said, “Okay, I’m going to head over to my room now. Call me if you need something.”

As the hellhound walked off, the rest of the posse went in different directions to do what they
wanted to do. The only ones who remained were Verosika and Xailus.

The imp looked up at the succubus and said, “Hey, why don’t we go to our room. Check it out
before… Y’know.”

Verosika smirked and patted Xailus on the back. “Sounds good to me, Xai.”, she laughed. She
stood up and pointed at the glass elevator. “I got a room on the 17th floor. I’ve heard that the views
from this building are grand!”

“Okay, great!” Xailus jumped off the couch and grabbed Verosika’s hand. Verosika, in turn,
locked fingers with her boyfriend. Xailus looked up and Verosika admiringly which caused her to
blush slightly.

The lovers stepped into the elevator. As the box started moving up, Xailus felt an unexpected
tightness in his chest. “Whoa, look at this view!” Xailus turned around and gasped. He couldn’t
comprehend any beauty that came from the view. The only thing on his mind was that he was
really high up and that his heart was racing.

Xailus quickly spun around, stood up straight, and scrunched up his eyes. “Nope, nope. I’m good.”

Verosika looked down and noticed that her boyfriend was shivering and clenching his fists to the
point that his knuckles were white. “Hey, are you alright?”

“No I’m not,” replied Xailus through gritted teeth. His breathing got faster and in response
Verosika went up to him. She knelt down and rubbed him on the back which calmed his nerves a

*ting* The elevator reached its destination and the door opened. Xailus stumbled out and out one
hand on a nearby wall and tigger other on his chest. Through deep inhales and exhales he said, “I
think… I may… have… gained a fear… of heights.”

“Yeah, no kidding,” Verosika sympathetically replied. She went up to put a hand on his back once
more. “You sure you’re good. If you want we could-“

“No, I’m fine.” Xailus straightened himself up and looked at Verosika. “It’s not the end of the
world. I’ll just take the stairs next time.”

Verosika nodded and the two of them walked down the hallway. Verosika occasionally looked
down at Xailus. She could tell that he was deep in thought. A memory crossed her mind and a
lightbulb on the wall conveniently lit up over her head.

“Y’know, Xai. There’s this one place I go to occasionally, it’s a flying range for winged demons.
I’m pretty sure they got straps or something so that flightless demons can ride the flying ones. If
it’s okay with you maybe we could try it out? Maybe try to alleviate your fears?”

Xailus looked up at her with a surprised expression that quickly morphed into intrigue. He nodded
with a warm smile and said, “With professional therapy added on, I would like that a lot, Verosika.
Thanks a lot!”

“Yay!” She cheered, feeling good with herself that she made Xailus feel a bit better. A feeling that
briefly faltered when she opened her eyes and realized where they were.

“Oops, we passed it.”

The room was very big, even for a luxury suite. There were couches that surrounded a table, all of
which was sunken into the floor. There was a decently sized kitchen and a sparkly clean bathroom.

However the most impressive and, of course, most relevant thing was the bedroom. The bed itself
was shaped in a massive circle and had soft, red silk sheets covering it. The lights had a color
changing feature and there were speakers with built in playlists. It was extremely obvious what the
purpose of this room is.

Verosika and Xailus were sitting on the couch. They had just finished their dinner about 30
minutes ago. The two of them were sitting around, talking about this and that.

“And then the Cherub said, ‘What? That’s not Belphegor, that’s the Pearly Gates!” Xailus burst
into roaring laughter at Verosika’s joke. His stomach hurt and he leaned forward. He took deep
breaths in a futile attempt to regain his composure.

“Lucifer’s Scales! Holy shit, that was funny! Oh man I can’t breathe! Oh man-HAHAHA!”

After a few agonizing minutes, Xailus finally managed to calm down. He sprawled out on the
couch, still taking deep breaths. Verosika simply sat there, delighted she made him laugh but
confused because she only said the punchline and forgot the setup.

A knock was heard on the door and the sounds of stifled giggles came from behind it. “Sounds like
they’re here,” said Verosika, standing up and stepping out of the pit. “You ready?”

Xailus sat up and rolled his shoulders, cracking noises emanating from him. He took a deep breath
and said, “You only live once, bring it on!”
Verosika put on massive smirk and walked towards the door. She undid the lock and was
immediately slammed in the face when a demonic tidal wave burst through. “Happy birthday,
Xailus!”, yelled the brightly dressed demons.

They were covered in various birthday accessories: Josh and Ace were holding a sizable cake with
lots of candles, Milky and Kiki held lit sparklers, Apple and Coco held a few presents in their arms
(all of which were from Verosika since they didn’t know what to get Xailus), Kat was blanketed in
party hats, and Tex was noticeably absent.

Each of the demons rushed towards the imp, patting him on the back, wishing him a happy
birthday, and uncoordinatedly sung “Happy Birthday”. Xailus wanted to go help his girlfriend but
he was being held down by the mob. As everyone was celebrating, Kat started to ask, “Hey!
Where’s Ver-?” but cut himself off when he followed the imp’s worried gaze. He noticed a pink
arm sticking out of the door, fist clenched in agitation.

Kat went up to the door and closed it, revealing Verosika who was clearly trying very hard to stay
calm. Kat sheepishly held up one of his party hats to the succubus. Verosika took a deep breath and
snatched the hat from the incubus. As soon as she put it on she changed her mood and went to join
the festivities.

With one issue resolved, Xailus turned to the next thing on his mind. “Um, where’s Tex? Did he
not want to come?”

“He’s fast asleep,” said Milky. She attempted to open a champagne bottle and kept failing.

“We tried to wake him up,” said Josh, shrugging and waving his hands. “But after 30 minutes we
gave up.”

“Yeah I can understand that,” said Xailus. He rubbed his shoulder and sighed. “This tour has been
a lot of work. Not the mention the several incidents we’ve been involved in. He deserves the rest.”

“I’m inclined to agree,” said Verosika, walking towards the group. She casually popped off the
cork in the champagne bottle and poured herself a glass. She raised her glass and said, “Time to
fucking party.

The party was a lot more fun for Xailus than he thought it would be. He nearly forgot about the
oncoming pleasurable experience in the excitement. They enjoyed the cake which said “Lawyer in
the House!” since those cakes were on sale. They watched 2001: A Space Odyssey which caused a
massive debate amongst them. They played Truth or Dare which included: stack the party hats on
your head, prank call Belphegor, “Are you a boob guy or a butt guy?”, and “Why are insurance
commercials so weird?”

After a while things started to get a little more frisky. Some music was turned on and they all
started dancing. Xailus noticed that the succubi were staring at him with lustful intent. They started
moving much more sensually, drawing attention to their curves and getting ever closer to him. The
imp, slightly intimidated, took a few steps back and bumped into someone.

When he turned around he saw that it was Verosika, looking down at him with the hungry
expression that he was very familiar with. Suddenly she scooped him up and shoved his face into
her cleavage. “Well, now seems like a good time for the real party to begin!” Xailus looked up as
his beautiful girlfriend stroked his hair. “Don’t you agree, Xai?”

“You fucking bet,” Xailus replied with enthusiasm, muffled by Verosika’s fun bags.
Now that they had full permission, the demons stormed into the nice big bedroom to enjoy their

Before Xailus knew it, he was laying down on the bed with 5 different women. He and the succubi
were all naked, their skin glistening in the red light. The imp’s heart raced as felt the weight of all
the lustful eyes upon him. He was sitting on Verosika’s lap, her breasts acting as a neck pillow.
Everything around him caused his manhood to be fully erect and in full view of the demons before

“Hmm, it’s a bit bigger than I expected,” said Kiki. Her face was right up to Xailus’s shaft and he
could feel her cold breath.

“Well he’s definitely bigger than that bellboy,” commented Milky. She bit her lip and propped her
breasts up. “And he’s 100 times cuter.”

“It’s more cute,” Apple incorrectly replied. She crossed her legs and leaned back in a seductive
pose. “Ooh, we’re being so cruel. Torturing him like this.”

Coco moved to the opposite side of the bed. She faced her ass towards the imp and waved her tail.
“Yeah, he wants to breed so badly. But aren’t letting him… yet!”

“Calm down, everyone!” Verosika’s voice caused the horny demons to follow her words, although
they were clearly losing their patience. At this point the door to the bedroom slammed open to
reveal Kat holding a strange bottle.

“Alright, ladies! I got it right here!” Kat tossed the potion to Verosika, but it landed in Xailus’s
hands. Inside the bottle was a weird liquid that shifted between blue, green, pink, and red. The label
showed the title of this drink, “Ozzie’s Energy Elixir”, and underneath the title it said “Guaranteed
to help you take on 5 succubi at once!” There was also a picture of Ozzie himself giving a thumbs

Kat went to sit with the other guys to watch the show, taking a bag of popcorn from Josh.

Xailus looked around at all the eager demons surrounding him. Each one of them had a grin on
their faces. He looked up at Verosika who gave him a wink and a nod. The imp took a deep breath
and started drinking the tasteless potion.

When he finished it he looked around briefly. “Huh. I don’t feel diff-“ Suddenly he dropped the
bottle and started clawing at his hair, eyes scrunched up tight.

“Hey are you alright?” Milky grabbed Xailus by the shoulder and shook him softly. Xailus opened
his eyes to reveal massive red hearts were his pupils once were. The succubi were taken aback and
didn’t know if the elixir worked or not.

“Hey, Xai. Hold up 4 fingers if you can understand us.” Verosika breathed a sigh of relief when the
imp followed her instructions. However he had a blank expression on his face and he started
breathing heavily.

“Well then,” said Milky, taking the rod into her hand. “Let’s get started.”

Milky opened her mouth to suck Xailus’s cock, but before it even touched her lips the imp
suddenly lunged forward. He pinned Milky to the bed and wordlessly shoved his shaft into her
Milky made some muffled groans as the imp started slamming his dick into the back of her throat.
All of the succubi were very surprised at what was happening but ecstatic that the elixir was doing
its job.

The mind of Xailus was completely taken over by the potion, the only instinct he had left was the
primal urge to reproduce and gain pleasure from doing so.

The wetness of Milky’s mouth and her lack of a gag reflex, plus the desire to fuck the other women
around him, prompted the imp to bust a load right down her throat. Gulping noises could be heard
as the imp slowly removed himself from Milky’s mouth.

“Hey Xailus,” cooed Apple. She was laying next to Coco. Apple had her legs spread wide while
Coco still had her ass pointed at the imp. “Why don’t you fuck one of us next-“

As soon as those words passed Apple’s lips the imp ran over and stuck his manhood into her
slippery slit. “Oof, you’re going kinda quick don’t ya thiiii-oooooh!”

Xailus entered and exited Apple quickly, causing her to moan in pleasure each time. She gripped
the sheets and gasped in excitement. “Oh! Oh! Oh yes! You’re really- oooh! You’re good at this!
Mmm, yes daddy. Do me harder!”

Josh put on a frustrated expression and Verosika chuckled at him in an “I told you so” tone. Josh
sighed in defeat and placed a wad of cash in Verosika’s purse. Apple was too preoccupied to notice
this. Additionally, she didn’t realize that her girlfriend had positioned herself right above her face.

Apple realized too late as Coco sat down on her face and began humping. Apple wasted no time
and stuck her tongue inside her girlfriend. Coco grabbed Xailus by the head and started making out
with him. The two demons tongues waltzed as their owners topped the helpless Apple.

Xailus bent forward slightly as he shot some of his seed into Apple. This caused her to orgasm, her
moans of pleasure muffled since Coco was on top of her. Xailus began to pull out which prompted
Coco to get back into her original position of her ass facing the imp while on her hands and knees.

Xailus lunged forward in an almost unnatural way. He grabbed Coco by the tail and shoved his rod
into her pussy. Said succubus let out a load moan and put her head down. The imp tugged on her
tail, causing her to arch her back in shock and ecstasy. “Hrrng. Oh man, I see why the boss likes
you so much!”

At that point Kiki appeared behind Xailus and wrapped her arms around him, pressing her breasts
up to his back. She whispered into her ear, “Hey, Xailus. Why don’t you fuck me next? Whaddya
say, huh?” Kiki kisses the imp a few times before shoving her tongue into his mouth. She moaned
as their tongues wrapped around each other.

Coco climaxed at this point, dropping her entire body except for her ass down. Xailus followed
suite by blasting streams of semen into her. He spun around before Kiki could say a word and
shoved his face into her breasts. He pushed her down and pierced Kiki between her legs.

Kiki attempted to get on top of Xailus, but the imp was too strong and acting so erratic so that was
out of the question. While she couldn’t get on top of him, Kiki did prop herself up and grabbed the
imp by the horns.

Kiki orgasmed which she was shocked by since it occurred so fast. Xailus confirmed to plunge
deeper into the weakened succubus. Since she was extra sensitive the moaned even louder than the
others. She scrunched up and hugged Xailus close as the two of them climaxed at the same time.
Kiki’s grasp loosened and Xailus wiggled out. He was greeted by the sight of Verosika rubbing
herself. She had been pleasuring herself the entire time, enjoying the sight of her man ravaging the
other demons. One hand rested on her pussy while the other raised a beckoning finger.

For a brief moment Xailus seemed to come back to his usual self. He started acting slightly
flustered in a way that always excited Verosika. Suddenly the potion took over again and the imp
scrambled towards her.

Xailus prepared to shove himself inside Verosika, but his girlfriend was cunning. She strafed to the
left and pinned him to the bed frame. In a quick movement Verosika upturned the current status
quo for tonight by taking the imp’s cock and shoving it into her. Like always, she was the one
calling the shots.

Xailus could do nothing as he was held down by Verosika who was savagely moving herself up
and down, letting out wicked laughter and soft moans of laughter. The bed itself is creak resistant
since the manufacturers knew what people would use it for, but Verosika was acting so aggressive
that it practically roared. The rest of the demons watched with a mix of arousal and awe.

“Even with that potion you’re no match for me, are you?” Verosika shoved Xailus’s face into her
chest as the two of them climaxed in harmony. The white liquid leaked out onto the pillows,
contrasting with the red silk.

“Alright, one more-!” Verosika reared herself up to go another round but noticed that Xailus was
inexplicably soft. She backed up which caused the imp to slump down on the bed. His eyes were
back to normal but spinning and he had a massive shit-eating grin on his face.

“Hehehehe,” he chuckled dimly, a line of drool escaping his mouth. “Girlzzz prrrrettyyyyyy.

“Damn, he’s done already!?”, said Milky, crossing her arms. She picked up the bottle as Verosika
inspected Xailus. Milky held the bottle in her hand. “Seriously, this stuff must be bust- wait a

Milky brought the bottle closer to her face and read the small words she just noticed on the label.
“Warning: Experimental potion. Not tested on imps.”

The entire room went silent. A few agonizing seconds that took way too long to pass. Verosika
finally broke the silence by saying, “Shhhiiiiit.”

Verosika threw on a robe on herself and Xailus and grabbed some of the clothes. “Okay okay. I’m
gonna- um. I’ll get something for him.” She waved her hand anxiously. “You guys just, I dunno,
fuck each other or something. Ugh, Lucifer’s Scales.”

There was an awkward pause between the demons. None of them were entirely sure what to do.

“Well, I haven’t been properly fucked yet.” Milky stared at the 3 guys with hungry eyes. “Which
one of you is up to the task.”

Without batting an eye, Ace and Josh grabbed Kat on opposite shoulders. Before Kat could react he
was pushed onto the bed with the awaiting succubi. “Oh c’mon guys-“

“Urrrrrrrrgh” Xailus awoke with a throbbing headache. Verosika’s worried face appeared above
him. “Oh good. You’re awake,” she said with a relieved tone. She helped him sit up on the couch
and handed him a mug of tea. Xailus noticed a needle on the table and a bandage on his shoulder.
He looked at Verosika with concern.

“Oh don’t worry about that… too much,” said Verosika. She leaned back into the couch and
rubbed her head. “Apparently that sex potion we gave you was experimental and hasn’t been tested
on imps. It basically turned you into a dog in heat and afterwards it left you… ugh I dunno how to
describe it.” Xailus took a sip of his tea and patiently waited for an explanation. “Ugh, you were
basically a baby and not like a cute baby. You mind was basically mush for a little while. I
managed to get an antidote which is why that needle is there.”

Xailus finished his long sip, his headache beginning to ware off. He looked up and down. “I’m
gonna be honest, Verosika. I don’t remember any of that.”

Verosika raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. “Well, what’s the last thing you remember.”

Xailus thought on that for a few seconds, drinking his tea while doing so. “Um, I’d say pretty
much everything after the truth or dare game is a blur.”

“Okaaay,” replied Verosika, eyes wide with regret and surprise. Xailus finished his drink and set it
down on the table. He looked at the clock and moved to leave the pit. “Oh man, it’s late. Shall we
get to bed-?”

“Noooooo.” Verosika violently shook her head and shivered. “Don’t go in that room. I pity the pie
soul that has to clean it.”

Xailus took the advice and sat down next to Verosika. It was at this time that he noticed what she
was wearing. Her shirt was a simple white T-shirt but she was also wearing pajama pants with
white bunny rabbits on a gray background. He looked up at her, she was clearly anxious and didn’t
know what to do.

“Hey, honey?”, asked Xailus. Verosika turned in surprise but she straightened out.

“Yes dear?”, replied Verosika. She pushed a hair away from her eye.

Xailus twiddled his thumbs and said, “I um… I was wondering if I could… I could use your lap as
a pillow?”

“Oh sure,” said Verosika who seemed to be calming down. She moved to pull her pants down but
Xailus stopped her.

“Wait! Wait! Can you keep the pajamas on please? I think they’re really cute.”

In an unexpected turn of events, Verosika turned bright red. Her breathing got faster and she put her
palms to her face. “W-w-what are you t-talking about, Xai? C-cute? M-m-me?”

Xailus was slightly taken aback but also was happy to see this side of Verosika. Said demon pulled
herself together after about a minute of gushing. “I-I’m sorry, Xai. It’s just that I don’t get called
cute that often. And when I do it’s usually from some creep. So it’s nice but it feels very strange.”

Xailus stood up and jolted Verosika with a sudden smugness. “Oh? So my cute girlfriend can dish
it out but can’t take it?”

Verosika’s face turned red once more. She patted her thigh a few times. “Just shut up and get over
Xailus walked over to lay down, but not before giving Verosika one last kiss before he went to bed.
The imp rested his head upon Verosika’s soft thighs and almost immediately fell asleep.

Verosika smiled and brush Xailus’s hair. She grabbed a nearby neck pillow and put it on.

“Cute huh?” She whispered to herself, here eyelids becoming heavier and heavier. “I like that. I
like that a lot.”

Chapter End Notes

Thank you so much for reading this all the way through! Be sure to look out for more
works in the future.

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