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Infinity Reiki

Infinite ways of Healing


P: (+61) 466 999 296
Date Channeled – 29th April 2023
Main founder: Ms. Rosy Rana

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Gratitude to Divine Forces ............................................................. xii

Dedication...................................................................................... xiv

Journey to Infinity Reiki ................................................................ xv

Letter to Ms. Rosy Rana Ji ............................................................ xvi

Tribute to Dr. Mikao Usui ............................................................ xvii

About this book ............................................................................. xix

About the Author ............................................................................ xx

Foreword........................................................................................ xxi

Introduction ..................................................................................... 1

History and Origins of Reiki ............................................................ 3

The Principles of Infinity Reiki ........................................................ 5

The Basis of Infinity Reiki ................................................................ 6

IUE – Infinite Universal Energy ......................................................8

Meaning of Infinity Symbol ........................................................... 10

What does infinity mean in the Bible? ........................................... 12

What does Hinduism say about Infinity? ...................................... 13

Infinity Symbol ............................................................................... 14

Spiritual meaning of Infinity Symbol ............................................ 16

Power of Infinity Symbol................................................................ 18

Techniques Used in Infinity Reiki Healing System ...................... 20

Use of Crystal with Infinity Reiki ................................................... 23

Using Infinity Reiki Healing System with Other Modalities ......... 25

The Role of Intuition in Infinity Reiki Healing System ................. 27

Overview of Symbols in Infinity Reiki ...........................................29

Function of Symbols in Infinity Reiki ................................. 29

Use of Symbols in Infinity Reiki ........................................ 30
Role of Symbols in Infinity Reiki ....................................... 30
List of Symbols ................................................................... 30
How to connect with Symbols ............................................. 33

How to use Infinity Reiki Symbols................................................. 35

Meditation Techniques Used in Infinity Reiki Healing System .... 36

The Role of Affirmations in Infinity Reiki Healing System...........38

Charging items with Infinity Reiki Healing System ..................... 40

Healing Relationships with Infinity Reiki Healing System ...........42

Cleansing a Room or House with Infinity Reiki Healing ..............44

Healing DNA with Infinity Reiki Healing System .........................46

Protection from Psychic attacks with Infinity Reiki Healing ....... 48

Sending Energy to Specific Place with Infinity Reiki ....................50

Healing Karmic Band with Infinity Reiki Healing System ............ 52

Self-Healing with Infinity Reiki Healing System........................... 54

Step 1: Prepare yourself ....................................................... 54

Step 2: Connect with the Infinity Reiki energy ................... 54
Step 3: Chakra balancing .................................................... 55
Step 4: Healing specific areas ............................................. 55
Step 5: Closing the session .................................................. 56

Healing Others with Infinity Reiki Healing System ...................... 57

Distant Healing with Infinity Reiki Healing System ..................... 59

How to send Infinity Reiki to Past .................................................62

How to send Infinity Reiki to Future .............................................64

Benefits of Infinity Reiki Healing System ......................................66

Levels in Infinity Reiki Healing System .........................................69

Level 1 – Awareness Level ................................................... 70

Level 2 – Release Level ....................................................... 70
Level 3 – Transformation Level .......................................... 70
Level 4 – Growth Level ....................................................... 70

My Own Experience ....................................................................... 71

How it started? .................................................................... 71

When I started working....................................................... 72
Symbols ............................................................................... 73
My First Encounter with Infinity Reiki............................... 74
Infinity Reiki and Kundalini ............................................... 75

Level 1 – Awareness Level .............................................................. 76

Understanding Energy Healing and its Benefits ................ 78

Types of Energy Healing Systems ...................................... 80
Importance of Energy Healing in Modern Times ...............82
Understanding the Human Energy System ........................84
Power of Universal Energy ..................................................86
Physical and Emotional Healing ........................................ 88
Flow of Universal Healing Energy ..................................... 90

Energy Blockages................................................................. 92
Role of Meditation and Intuition in Energy Healing.......... 94
The Role of Self-Care in Energy Healing System ...............96
Importance of Grounding in Energy Healing .....................98
Grounding using Infinity Reiki and its symbols ............... 101
Feeling Disconnected in Energy Healing .......................... 102
Healing Crisis .................................................................... 104
Type of Sensation during Energy Healing ........................ 106

Level 1 Symbols ............................................................................ 108

Infinity Symbol .................................................................. 108

Onta Symbol ....................................................................... 111

Level 2 – Release Level ................................................................ 114

Negative Energies in the Body ...........................................116

Source of Negative Energies.............................................. 118
What is Emotional Trauma? ..............................................119
What are Negative Thought Patterns? .............................. 120
How we can clear Negative Thought Patterns? .................121
Meditation – A Powerful Tool ........................................... 122
What are Chakras? ............................................................ 123
The Chakra System ............................................................ 124
God and Goddess of Chakras ............................................ 127
Chakra and their Mantra ................................................... 129
Root Chakra ........................................................................131
Sacral Chakra..................................................................... 133
Solar Plexus Chakra........................................................... 136
Heart Chakra ..................................................................... 139

Throat Chakra.....................................................................141
Third Eye Chakra............................................................... 143
Crown Chakra .................................................................... 145
Meditation for Cleansing & Balancing Chakras ................ 147
Meridian System ............................................................... 150
Nadis .................................................................................. 153
Ida nadi .............................................................................. 155
Pingala nadi ....................................................................... 157
Sushumna Nadi ................................................................. 159
Cleansing Nadis ..................................................................161
Other ways to Clean Nadis ................................................ 163
What is Aura ...................................................................... 165
Role of Aura ....................................................................... 166
What things can Disrupt Aura .......................................... 168
How to Cleanse Aura ......................................................... 169
Cleaning Aura with Infinity Reiki ...................................... 171
Negative Energies in Surrounding Environment ............ 174
Transmutation ................................................................... 175

Level 2 Symbols ............................................................................ 177

Topanda Symbol ................................................................ 177

Tripanda Symbol ............................................................... 181

Level 3 – Transformation Level ................................................... 185

What are Past Traumas ..................................................... 187

What are Limiting Beliefs ................................................. 188
What are Karmic Debts ..................................................... 189
The Role of Karma ............................................................. 190

The Law of Cause and Effect ..............................................191
God help those who help themselves ................................ 193
You will become what you will think ................................ 195
The Five Doshas ................................................................ 197
Transformation ................................................................. 199
Habits ................................................................................ 201
How to get rid of Negative Habits .................................... 203
Challenges in Energy Healing ...........................................205
Power of Prayers ................................................................207
Incorporating 5 principles of Reiki in Daily Life ............. 208
Setting New Goals ............................................................. 210
Setting Positive Intentions .................................................211
Practicing Gratitude .......................................................... 212
Bringing positivity in life ................................................... 213
The Importance of Intention............................................. 214
Optimism ........................................................................... 216

Level 3 Symbols ............................................................................ 218

Fogra Symbol ..................................................................... 218

Tafifa Symbol..................................................................... 221

Level 4 – Growth Level.................................................................224

The Importance of Self-Care .............................................226

Practices that Promote Self-care and Self-love................ 228
Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques ........................ 230
Tips for maintaining a Healthy lifestyle ........................... 232
The Importance of Grounding ..........................................234
Techniques for Grounding ................................................236

Energy Depletion and Psychic Attacks ............................ 238
Psychic Attacks ..................................................................239
Protection from Psychic Attacks using Infinity Reiki ....... 241
How to Bounce Back Psychic Attacks ...............................244
Cord Cutting ...................................................................... 245
Cord Cutting with Infinity Reiki ....................................... 247
Other ways of Cord Cutting ...............................................249
Remote Viewing and Psychic Abilities .............................. 251
Role of Spiritual Practices ................................................. 253
Achieving Inner Peace and Harmony ............................... 254
Importance of Inner Peace ................................................ 255
Cultivating a sense of Inner Peace and Harmony ............ 257
Sharing is Caring ............................................................... 259
The Importance of Openness ............................................262
Thanking God ....................................................................264
Enlightening your Inner Self .............................................266
What is Enlightenment .....................................................269
What is True Self? ............................................................. 271
Meaning of life ................................................................... 273
Life Purpose ....................................................................... 275
5 Steps toward Enlightenment .......................................... 277
Spreading Love .................................................................. 279

Level 4 Symbols ............................................................................ 281

Si-tin-da Symbol ................................................................ 281

Se-vin-da Symbol ............................................................. 284

Overview of attunements ............................................................. 287

Infinity Reiki Level 1 Attunement ............................................... 289

Infinity Reiki Level 2 Attunement .............................................. 303

Infinity Reiki Level 3 Attunement............................................... 320

Infinity Reiki Level 4 Attunement ............................................... 337

Original Symbols .......................................................................... 354

Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................ 361

About the Author .......................................................................... 365

Gratitude to Divine Forces

As I sit down to write this page, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for

the countless blessings that have been bestowed upon me by the divine
forces that surround us. To all those who have touched my life and
guided me on my journey.

First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to

Pratham Pujniye Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, for always helping
me overcome challenges and providing me with the strength to move
forward. I offer my humble thanks to Adi Shakti Durga, the mother
goddess, for her infinite love and protection.

I am indebted to Baba Bhairon and Hanuman, who have always been

my protectors and guides. To Maha Kali, Maha Laxmi, and Maha
Saraswati, I offer my gratitude for their divine grace, wisdom, and

To Shiv Shambhu, Hari Vishnu Rama, and Brahma, I express my

heartfelt thanks for their blessings and guidance on my spiritual
journey. I also offer my thanks to Indra Dev, Agni Dev, Varun Dev,
Pawan Dev, Surya Dev, Guru, Chandra, Mangal, Shukr, Budh, Shani,
Rahu, Ketu, and the 33 Koti Devi-Devta, who have helped me navigate
life's ups and downs.

I am grateful to Mother Mary and Jesus, who have always been a source
of comfort and solace in difficult times. To the Archangels and Angels,
who have provided me with guidance and protection, I offer my
heartfelt thanks.

To my spirit guides, I express my deepest gratitude for their

unwavering support and guidance. I offer my thanks to the Ten
Mahavidhyas, who have helped me unlock hidden knowledge and

I am grateful to Baba Balaknath, Baba Murad Shah Ji, Sai Laddi Shah
Ji, Kuan Yin, Tara, Lord Buddha, Archangel Michael, Archangel
Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, and Archangel Raphael, who have all played
a significant role in my spiritual journey.

To all those who have touched my life and helped me on my path, I

offer my heartfelt thanks. May the blessings of the divine always be
upon us, guiding us on our journey towards enlightenment and inner


This page is dedicated to Ms. Rosy

Rana, the main founder of our energy
healing system. Her dedication,
passion, and tireless efforts have
made it possible for us to bring the
benefits of this healing system to
countless individuals around the

Ms. Rana has been a guiding light and a source of inspiration for
all of us who have had the privilege of working with her. Her deep
knowledge, wisdom, and compassion have helped us to develop a
system of healing that is both effective and accessible to all.

We are grateful for Ms. Rana's unwavering commitment to this

healing system and to the individuals who have benefited from its use.
Her legacy will continue to inspire us and guide us as we work to bring
healing and hope to those who need it most.

Thank you, Ms. Rana, for your vision, leadership, and dedication.
Your contributions to the field of energy healing will be remembered
and celebrated for many years to come.

Journey to Infinity Reiki

Infinity Reiki by Rosy Rana and Rishi Rohit Sharma is a powerful

guidebook that explores the mystical world of Infinity Reiki healing

The book begins with Rosy Rana's encounter with an Dr. Mikao Usui
in her meditation. Dr. Ususi gifted her with eight symbols, which she
later passed on to Rishi Rohit Sharma for channelling and detailed

The authors provide a detailed account of their journey, how they

connected with the symbols, and how they learned to use them for
healing and balancing the mind, body, and spirit.

In this guidebook, the authors explain the significance of each symbol,

their properties, and how to use them in healing sessions. They also
discuss various techniques for clearing energy blockages and balancing
the chakras using Infinity Reiki symbols. The book is filled with
practical exercises, meditations, and visualizations that readers can use
to enhance their connection with the symbols and improve their
healing abilities.

The authors also share their insights into the spiritual aspects of
Infinity Reiki, and how it can help individuals on their spiritual journey.
They provide guidance on how to enhance intuition, develop a stronger
connection with the divine, and lead a more fulfilling life.

Overall, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in energy

healing, spirituality, and personal growth. The book is an excellent
resource for healers, practitioners, and individuals seeking to improve
their overall well-being and connect with the divine.

Letter to Ms. Rosy Rana Ji

Dear Ms. Rosy Rana Ji,

I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude

and appreciation towards you for discovering the incredible healing
system of Infinity Reiki. Your visionary work has changed the lives of
countless individuals, including myself, and we are forever grateful for
your dedication and hard work in bringing this divine gift to the world.

Your journey and experience of finding the eight symbols through deep
meditation is truly inspiring, and it reflects your unwavering
commitment to serving humanity through your gifts and talents. It is
your passion and dedication that have made Infinity Reiki such a
powerful and transformative healing modality.

Through your discovery, I have had the privilege of channeling these

symbols and working with them to heal myself and others. I have
personally experienced the profound effects of this system, and I am
constantly amazed by the deep level of healing and transformation that
it brings to people's lives.

As I continue to work with Infinity Reiki, I am reminded of your vision

and commitment to healing, and I am inspired to carry forward your
legacy by sharing this powerful modality with others. Your
contribution to the world of energy healing is immeasurable, and it has
touched the lives of many.

Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you for your incredible

work and dedication to the healing arts. May your journey continue to
be blessed with grace and abundance.

With deep appreciation and gratitude,

Rishi Rohit Sharma

Tribute to Dr. Mikao Usui

Dr. Mikao Usui is a name that resonates with anyone familiar with the
practice of Reiki. He was the founder of the Usui Reiki system and his
contributions to the field of energy healing have been invaluable. Today,
we pay tribute to Dr. Usui for his pioneering work in Reiki and for
guiding us to channel the powerful energy of Infinity Reiki.

Dr. Usui's story is an inspiring one. Born in Japan in 1865, he spent

many years exploring different spiritual practices and disciplines. It
was during his quest for spiritual enlightenment that he discovered the
ancient healing art of Reiki. He spent years studying and refining the

practice, eventually developing the Usui Reiki system, which is still
widely practiced today.

Through his teachings, Dr. Usui helped countless people around the
world discover the healing power of Reiki. His work in the field of
energy healing has had a profound impact on the lives of so many, and
his legacy lives on today through the countless practitioners and
teachers he inspired.

Dr. Usui's teachings and techniques formed the basis of the Infinity
Reiki system, which we have the privilege of practicing and sharing
today. Through the guidance of Dr. Usui's teachings and our own
experiences with Infinity Reiki, we have witnessed firsthand the
incredible healing power of this energy.

We are grateful to Dr. Usui for his contributions to the field of Reiki
and for guiding us to channel the powerful energy of Infinity Reiki. We
honor his memory by continuing to practice and share his teachings,
helping to spread the healing power of Reiki to all those in need.

Thank you, Dr. Usui, for your dedication, wisdom, and compassion.
Your legacy lives on through the practice of Reiki, and we are forever
grateful for the gift of healing you have given us.

About this book

The book on Infinity Reiki is a fascinating journey into the world of

energy healing and spiritual exploration. Written by Rishi Rohit
Sharma, the book takes readers on a mystical journey into the origins
and principles of Infinity Reiki.

Ms. Rosy Rana shares her personal experience of discovering Infinity

Reiki through deep meditation and her encounters with Dr. Mikao
Usui. Dr. Usui passed on eight symbols to her, which she later shared
with Rishi Rohit Sharma to channel and create a detailed manual for
Infinity Reiki. The book provides a detailed account of the symbols and
how to use them to harness the healing power of the universe.

Readers will learn how to use the symbols for aura cleansing, chakra
balancing, and healing of physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments.
The book is filled with practical exercises, meditations, and
visualization techniques that readers can use to deepen their
connection with the symbols and enhance their spiritual growth.

In addition to the symbols, the book also covers other essential aspects
of Infinity Reiki, including the power of intention, the role of the
practitioner in the healing process, and the importance of self-care.
Rishi Rohit Sharma’s writing style is engaging and easy to follow,
making the book suitable for both beginners and experienced energy

Overall, the book on Infinity Reiki is an excellent resource for anyone

interested in energy healing and spiritual growth. It is a comprehensive
guide to the powerful healing system and offers readers practical tools
and techniques for self-healing and transformation.

About the Author

Rishi Rohit Sharma is a well-known figure in the field of energy

healing, astrology, and spiritual practices. Born in India, he has been
living in Australia for many years, where he has continued his work as
a founder of many Reiki systems, a down-to-earth astrologer, and a
prolific author.

Mr. Sharma has been working in the field of Astrology, Vastu,

Occult and healing for over a decade, during which time he has
developed a number of popular Reiki systems that have helped many
individuals to improve their health and well-being. His innovative
approaches to energy healing have made him a respected figure within
the field.

In addition to his work in energy healing, Mr. Sharma is also an

accomplished astrologer. He has written many books on astrology,
which are widely read and respected for their insights and accuracy.
His ability to interpret astrological charts and offer guidance to
individuals and organizations has made him a sought-after consultant.

Despite his many accomplishments, Mr. Sharma remains a

down-to-earth and approachable figure. He is known for his kind-
heartedness and his willingness to help others, both through his work
as a healer and astrologer and in his personal life.

Through his work in energy healing, astrology, and spiritual

practices, Rishi Rohit Sharma has helped many individuals to find
greater meaning and purpose in their lives. We are honored to have
him as a respected figure in the field and as a valued member of our


It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to the Infinity Reiki

Healing book. This book is a comprehensive guide to the powerful
healing system of Reiki, which has been used for centuries to promote
physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The author of this book, whose wisdom and expertise in the field
of energy healing is truly impressive, has written this book to help
individuals harness the power of Reiki for their own healing and for the
healing of others. The Infinite Reiki Healing book is a treasure trove of
information, techniques, and guidance on how to use Reiki to promote
healing and balance in your life.

The Infinite Reiki Healing book is not just for those who are new
to Reiki. Even those who are already familiar with the practice will find
new insights and techniques to deepen their practice and enhance their
healing abilities. The author has included many powerful tools and
exercises, and insights that will help you to tap into the infinite
potential of Reiki healing.

This book is truly a gift to anyone who seeks healing and


I have no doubt that the Infinite Reiki Healing book will be a

valuable resource for anyone who is seeking to harness the power of
Reiki for healing and transformation.


Ms. Rosy Rana


Infinite Ways of Healing



Infinity Reiki Healing System is an alternative healing

modality that combines traditional Reiki techniques with other
energy healing modalities to promote physical, emotional, and
spiritual wellness. This powerful form of healing was founded by
Reiki Master Ms. Rosy Rana Ji, who founded this system during her
deep meditative state.

At its core, Infinity Reiki Healing System is based on the

principle that the practitioner can channel universal energy into the
patient's body to facilitate healing and balance. The practitioner
does this by acting as a conduit for the energy, allowing it to flow
through them and into the patient. The energy works to balance and
harmonize the patient's energy system, promoting healing on all
levels - physical, emotional, and spiritual.

One of the key differences between Infinity Reiki Healing

System and other forms of Reiki is the emphasis on the infinite
nature of the universe. In this system, it is believed that the universe
is an infinite source of energy, and that by tapping into this energy,
we can promote healing and balance on a deep level. This focus on
the infinite nature of the universe means that Infinity Reiki Healing
System has a very expansive, all-encompassing energy that can be
felt by both the practitioner and the patient.

Infinity Reiki Healing System uses a variety of techniques and

symbols to facilitate healing and balance. These include traditional
Reiki techniques such as hand positions and symbols, as well as
other modalities such as crystal healing, chakra balancing, and
meditation. The use of crystals, for example, can enhance the


healing process by amplifying the energy and directing it to specific

areas of the body. The chakra balancing works to balance the seven
energy centers of the body.

One of the most powerful aspects of Infinity Reiki Healing

System is the role of intuition in the healing process. Practitioners
of Infinity Reiki Healing System are encouraged to trust their
intuition and to allow the energy to flow where it needs to go. This
means that each healing session is unique and tailored to the needs
of the individual patient. The practitioner may be guided to work on
a particular area of the body or to use a particular technique, based
on their intuition and the needs of the patient.

The benefits of Infinity Reiki Healing System are many. It can

be used to reduce stress and anxiety, promote physical healing,
enhance emotional wellbeing, and promote spiritual growth. It can
also be used to help with specific conditions such as chronic pain,
insomnia, and digestive issues. Because it works on all levels -
physical, emotional, and spiritual - Infinity Reiki Healing System is
a powerful tool for promoting overall health and wellbeing.

Whether you are looking to heal a specific condition or simply

to promote overall health and wellbeing, Infinity Reiki Healing
System can be a powerful tool for transformation and healing.


History and Origins of Reiki

Reiki is an alternative healing modality that has gained

popularity in recent years. It is based on the principle that a
practitioner can channel universal energy into a patient's body to
promote healing and balance. While Reiki is a relatively new
concept to the Western world, its origins can be traced back to
ancient Eastern healing practices.

The modern practice of Reiki can be traced back to the early

20th century in Japan, where a man named Mikao Usui developed
the technique. Usui was a Buddhist monk who was seeking a way to
help people heal on a deep level. He spent years studying ancient
texts and practicing meditation, eventually developing a system of
healing that he called Reiki.

The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words - "rei,"

which means universal, and "ki," which means life force energy.
Usui believed that by channeling this universal energy, he could
promote healing on all levels - physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Usui taught his system of Reiki to others, and it soon spread

throughout Japan. One of his students, Chujiro Hayashi, expanded
upon the techniques and developed a system of hand positions that
are still used in Reiki today. Hayashi also opened a Reiki clinic in
Tokyo, where he treated patients and trained new practitioners.

In the 1930s, a Japanese-American woman named Hawayo

Takata was traveling in Japan when she became ill. She sought out
Hayashi's Reiki clinic for treatment and was so impressed with the
results that she decided to learn Reiki herself. Takata eventually


became a Reiki Master and brought the practice back to the United
States, where it began to gain popularity in the 1970s.

Since then, Reiki has spread throughout the world and has
been adopted by many different cultures and traditions. It has also
been adapted and expanded upon by practitioners, who have
developed new techniques and incorporated other modalities such
as crystal healing and chakra balancing.

Despite its relatively recent history, Reiki is rooted in ancient

Eastern healing practices. It is based on the principle that there is a
universal life force energy that flows through all living things, and
that by tapping into this energy, we can promote healing and
balance on all levels - physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Today, Reiki is used by millions of people around the world

as a tool for promoting health and wellbeing. It is a gentle, non-
invasive form of healing that can be used in conjunction with other
medical treatments or on its own. Whether you are looking to heal
a specific condition or simply to promote overall health and
wellbeing, Reiki can be a powerful tool for transformation and



The Principles of Infinity Reiki

The principles of Infinity Reiki Healing System are similar to

those of traditional Reiki, with a focus on energy, balance, and
harmony. The principles are as follows:

1. Energy: Everything in the universe is made up of energy,

including our bodies, thoughts, and emotions.
2. Balance: Imbalances in energy can cause physical, emotional,
and spiritual ailments.
3. Harmony: Achieving balance in energy promotes health,
wellbeing, and harmony in all aspects of life.
4. Universal Connection: The universe is a source of infinite
energy that can be tapped into to promote healing and balance.
5. Intuition: intuition plays a vital role in the practice of Infinity
Reiki, allowing for a more dynamic and powerful form of energy
healing that can bring about profound transformation and

Infinity Reiki Healing System is an effective alternative

healing method that can promote physical, emotional, and spiritual
wellness. It combines traditional Reiki techniques with other
energy healing modalities to facilitate healing and balance in the
body, mind, and spirit. The techniques and principles of Infinity
Reiki Healing System can be used to enhance overall health and
wellbeing and should be used in conjunction with conventional
medicine. As with any alternative therapy, it is important to consult
with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment.



The Basis of Infinity Reiki

At the heart of Infinity Reiki Healing System is the concept of

energy. This alternative healing modality is based on the principle
that all living things are made up of energy, and that by tapping into
this energy, we can promote healing and balance on all levels -
physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Energy is a fundamental force in the universe. It is the force

that powers all living things, from the smallest cells to the largest
galaxies. In Infinity Reiki Healing System, energy is thought of as a
universal life force that flows through all living things.

This energy has different names in different cultures and

traditions. In Chinese medicine, it is called Qi or Chi. In Hinduism
and Buddhism, it is referred to as Prana or Life Force Energy. In
Infinity Reiki Healing System, it is called Infinite Universal Energy.

The concept of energy in Infinity Reiki Healing System is

based on the idea that everything in the universe is interconnected.
This means that the energy of one person can affect the energy of
another person or even the energy of an entire environment.

When a person is experiencing physical, emotional, or

spiritual discomfort or illness, it is thought to be a result of a
disruption in the flow of energy. This disruption can be caused by a
number of factors, including stress, negative emotions, trauma, and
environmental factors.


In Infinity Reiki Healing System, the practitioner works to

restore the flow of energy in the body, which in turn promotes
healing and balance. This is done through the use of hand positions
and energy transfer techniques, which are used to channel Infinite
Universal Energy into the patient's body.

The practitioner acts as a conduit for the energy, allowing it

to flow through their hands and into the patient's body. This energy
helps to remove blockages and restore balance to the body's energy
system, promoting healing and wellbeing.

One of the key benefits of Infinity Reiki Healing System is that

it is a non-invasive, gentle form of healing. It can be used in
conjunction with other medical treatments or on its own, making it
a versatile and effective healing modality.

Overall, understanding energy is essential to understanding

Infinity Reiki Healing System. By recognizing the power of Infinite
Universal Energy and its role in the healing process, we can
cultivate a deeper sense of connection and wellbeing, and promote
healing and balance in ourselves and others.



IUE – Infinite Universal Energy

Infinite Universal Energy, also known as the universal life

force energy, is the energy that flows through everything in the
universe. This energy is infinite and unlimited, and it is present in
all living and non-living things.

The concept of Infinite Universal Energy has been around for

centuries and is the foundation of many ancient healing and
spiritual practices. In recent years, this concept has gained
popularity in the Western world, particularly in the field of energy

Infinite Universal Energy is the foundation of many energy

healing practices, such as Reiki, acupuncture, and Qi Gong. It is
believed that this energy can be channeled through the body, and
used to heal physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances.

One of the key principles of Infinite Universal Energy is that

it is always present and available to us. It is not limited by time or
space, and it cannot be exhausted or depleted. This means that there
is an infinite amount of healing energy available to us at all times.

Infinite Universal Energy is also believed to be intelligent,

meaning that it has the ability to sense what is needed and where it
is needed in the body. This intelligence allows the energy to flow to
the areas of the body that require healing or balancing, and to
address any blockages or imbalances in the body's energy system.


Many people who have experienced the power of Infinite

Universal Energy describe it as a feeling of warmth, tingling, or a
sense of lightness in the body. Others report feeling a sense of calm
and relaxation, or even a sense of euphoria.

The practice of accessing and channeling Infinite Universal

Energy can be learned through various energy healing techniques,
such as Reiki or Qi Gong. These practices involve the use of specific
techniques, such as hand positions or breathwork, to help channel
the energy through the body and to the areas that require healing or

Overall, the concept of Infinite Universal Energy is a powerful

reminder of the vast and limitless potential of the universe. It is a
reminder that we are all connected, and that the energy that flows
through us is the same energy that flows through everything in the
universe. By tapping into this energy and using it to promote
healing and balance, we can experience profound transformation
and growth on all levels of our being.



Meaning of Infinity Symbol

The infinity sign, also known as the lemniscate, is a symbol

that represents an infinite quantity or infinite possibility. The
symbol is often used in mathematics to represent the concept of
infinity, but it has also been adopted by many cultures and belief
systems to represent deeper spiritual and philosophical ideas.

One of the key meanings associated with the infinity sign is

the idea of endlessness and eternity. The symbol represents
something that goes on forever, with no beginning or end. This can
be seen as a symbol of the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth, or
as a representation of the infinite possibilities that exist in the

The infinity sign is also often associated with the concept of

interconnectedness. It represents the idea that everything in the
universe is connected, and that we are all part of a larger, infinite
whole. This can be seen as a symbol of the oneness of all things, and
the idea that everything we do has an impact on the world around

In spiritual practices, the infinity sign is often used to

represent the concept of divine or universal love. It is believed that
the symbol represents the infinite and unending love that exists
within the universe, and that by tapping into this love, we can
connect with our own spiritual nature and the larger cosmic energy.


The infinity sign is also associated with the concept of infinite

potential and possibility. It represents the idea that there are no
limits to what we can achieve or become, and that we have the
power to create our own reality through our thoughts and actions.
This can be seen as a symbol of empowerment and inspiration,
encouraging us to strive for our goals and dreams without fear or

Overall, the infinity sign is a powerful symbol that represents

a range of deep and meaningful concepts. It can be seen as a symbol
of endlessness and eternity, interconnectedness, divine love, and
infinite potential. Whether used in mathematics, spirituality, or
everyday life, the infinity sign is a reminder of the infinite
possibilities that exist within ourselves and the world around us.



What does infinity mean in the


In the Bible, the concept of infinity is often associated with

the infinite nature of God. The Bible teaches that God is infinite in
his power, wisdom, and love, and that he is eternal and unchanging.

One of the most well-known verses in the Bible that

references infinity is from Psalm 147:5, which states: "Great is our
Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit." This
verse emphasizes the infinite nature of God's understanding and

Another example is found in Isaiah 40:28, which states: "Do

you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom." This verse emphasizes
the eternal and unchanging nature of God.

In addition, the Bible also emphasizes the idea of eternal life

and the afterlife. For example, John 3:16 states: "For God so loved
the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes
in him shall not perish but have eternal life." This verse emphasizes
the idea of everlasting life and the infinite nature of God's love.

Overall, the concept of infinity in the Bible emphasizes the

eternal and unchanging nature of God, as well as the idea of
everlasting life.



What does Hinduism say about


In Hinduism, the concept of infinity is deeply intertwined

with the idea of the divine and the infinite nature of the universe.
Hinduism teaches that the ultimate reality is an infinite, eternal,
and unchanging force known as Brahman.

According to Hindu philosophy, Brahman is the source of all

existence and is present in all things. It is beyond time, space, and
causation and is infinite in nature. The infinite nature of Brahman
is reflected in the Hindu concept of the universe as a cyclical and
infinite entity, which is constantly created and destroyed in an
endless cycle of creation, preservation, and dissolution.

The idea of infinity is also reflected in the Hindu concept of

the soul or atman, which is seen as an infinite and eternal entity that
is present in all living beings. The goal of Hindu spiritual practices
such as yoga and meditation is to realize the infinite nature of the
soul and to unite with Brahman, thereby achieving a state of
spiritual liberation known as moksha.

Overall, in Hinduism, the concept of infinity is closely linked

with the idea of the divine and the infinite nature of the universe. It
is seen as a fundamental aspect of the ultimate reality and is
reflected in the cyclical nature of creation, the eternal nature of the
soul, and the goal of spiritual liberation.



Infinity Symbol

The infinity symbol is a mathematical symbol that represents

the concept of infinity, which refers to something without limit,
boundless, or endless. The symbol is shaped like a sideways figure
eight (∞), and it has come to represent a variety of meanings and
concepts beyond its mathematical origins. Some of the most
common meanings associated with the infinity symbol include:

1. Eternal love: The infinity symbol is often used to represent

everlasting love, as it implies that love has no beginning or end.
2. Infinite possibilities: The symbol is also associated with
unlimited potential and infinite possibilities, as it suggests that
anything is possible and that there are no limits to what we can
3. Continuity: The infinity symbol represents continuity and
unbroken wholeness, as it suggests that things will continue on
4. Unity: The symbol can also represent unity and
interconnectedness, as it implies that everything is connected
and that there is no separation between us and the universe.
5. Perfection: The infinity symbol can also represent perfection, as
it suggests that something can be flawless and complete without
any limits or imperfections.
6. Balance: The infinity symbol can also represent balance and
harmony, as it implies that everything is in perfect equilibrium
and that there is a natural order to the universe.

Overall, the infinity symbol is a powerful and versatile symbol

that can represent a wide range of meanings and concepts,


depending on the context and interpretation. Its simplicity and

elegance make it a popular symbol in various cultures and
disciplines, from mathematics and science to spirituality and art.



Spiritual meaning of Infinity


The infinity symbol has various spiritual meanings,

depending on the context and interpretation. Some of the most
common spiritual meanings associated with the infinity symbol

1. Oneness: The infinity symbol represents the idea of oneness and

interconnectedness. It suggests that everything in the universe
is connected, and there is no separation between us and the
world around us.
2. Balance: The infinity symbol can also represent balance and
harmony. It implies that everything is in perfect equilibrium
and that there is a natural order to the universe.
3. Spiritual growth: The infinity symbol is often associated with
spiritual growth and transformation. It suggests that there is no
limit to our personal growth and that we can continue to evolve
and expand our consciousness indefinitely.
4. Eternal nature: The infinity symbol also represents the idea of
eternity and the everlasting nature of the universe. It implies
that everything is in a constant state of flux and change, yet
there is an underlying energy that is eternal and unchanging.
5. Infinite possibilities: The infinity symbol represents infinite
possibilities and potential. It suggests that anything is possible
and that there are no limits to what we can achieve.

Overall, the infinity symbol holds significant spiritual

meaning for many individuals and is often used in various spiritual


practices, including meditation, Reiki, and other forms of energy

healing. It’s simple yet powerful design and the concept of infinite
energy make it a symbol that can inspire spiritual growth and



Power of Infinity Symbol

The infinity symbol is a powerful symbol that holds a

significant meaning in various cultures and spiritual practices. It
represents the concept of infinite energy and the eternal nature of
the universe. Here are some ways in which the infinity symbol can
be used to harness its power:

1. Manifestation: The infinity symbol can be used as a tool for

manifestation. By visualizing the infinity symbol and focusing
on its meaning, individuals can tap into the energy of infinite
possibilities and manifest their desires.
2. Energy Healing: The infinity symbol is often used in energy
healing practices such as Reiki. By meditating on the symbol
and visualizing it, individuals can tap into the infinite energy of
the universe and use it for healing and spiritual growth.
3. Spiritual Growth: The infinity symbol represents the idea of
infinite potential and the eternal nature of the universe. By
meditating on the symbol, individuals can tap into this energy
and use it for spiritual growth and transformation.
4. Balance: The infinity symbol can also be used to promote
balance and harmony in various aspects of life. By meditating
on the symbol and focusing on its meaning, individuals can
bring balance to their thoughts, emotions, and actions.
5. Protection: The infinity symbol can also be used as a symbol of
protection. By visualizing the symbol and focusing on its
meaning, individuals can tap into the infinite energy of the
universe and use it to protect themselves from negative energies.


Overall, the power of the infinity symbol lies in its ability to

tap into the infinite energy of the universe and use it for various
purposes such as manifestation, healing, spiritual growth, balance,
and protection.



Techniques Used in Infinity

Reiki Healing System

Infinity Reiki Healing System is an alternative healing

modality that uses techniques based on the principles of Infinite
universal energy and the body's natural ability to heal itself. These
techniques are designed to restore balance and harmony to the
body's energy system, promote healing and wellbeing, and enhance
the body's natural ability to heal. Infinity Reiki level 1 covers the full
spectrum of visible light and is very powerful.

One of the primary techniques used in Infinity Reiki Healing

System is the use of hand positions. The practitioner uses their
hands to channel Universal Energy into the patient's body, which
helps to remove blockages and restore balance to the body's energy
system. The hand positions are used in specific sequences, with
each position focusing on a different part of the body.

Another technique used in Infinity Reiki Healing System is

visualization. The practitioner or patient may visualize a particular
symbol, image or color, which helps to promote relaxation and
healing. Visualization can be used to promote positive emotions and
to help the patient release negative emotions and blockages.

Breathing techniques are also used in Infinity Reiki Healing

System. The practitioner may ask the patient to focus on their
breath, using deep breathing techniques to promote relaxation and
reduce stress. Breathing techniques can also be used to promote the
flow of energy through the body, helping to remove blockages and
restore balance.


Meditation is another technique used in Infinity Reiki

Healing System. The practitioner may guide the patient through a
meditation, helping them to relax and connect with their inner self.
Meditation can promote a sense of peace and calm, which can help
to reduce stress and anxiety.

Affirmations can be a powerful tool in Infinity Reiki healing.

Affirmations are positive statements that are used to reinforce
positive thoughts and beliefs. These statements can help to shift our
energy and focus towards healing, abundance, and positivity. Here
are some examples of affirmations you can use in Infinity Reiki

ü "I am open to receive the healing energy of Infinity Reiki"

ü "I am surrounded by loving and healing energy"
ü "I trust in the power of Infinity Reiki to support my
ü "I release any blocks to the flow of healing energy"
ü "I am filled with the divine energy of Infinity Reiki"
ü "I am grateful for the healing energy that is flowing
through me"
ü "I am worthy of love and healing"

Repeat these affirmations to yourself during your Infinity

Reiki healing session or meditation practice. You can also use them
as a daily mantra to reinforce positive thoughts and beliefs
throughout the day. Remember, the power of Infinity Reiki is within
you, and affirmations can help you to activate this power and bring
healing into your life.

Statements can be used in Infinity Reiki to focus and channel

the energy in a specific direction or for a specific purpose. Here are
some examples of how these statements can be used in Infinity


ü Infinity Reiki Flow

ü Infinity Reiki On
ü "Infinity Reiki, flow through me now."
ü "I open myself to the healing power of Infinity Reiki."
ü "I am a clear and open channel for Infinity Reiki to flow
through me."
ü "Infinity Reiki, activate within me and flow for the highest
ü "I invite the flow of Infinity Reiki to nourish and heal me
on all levels."
ü "May the infinite energy of Reiki flow freely and
abundantly through me."
ü "I am grateful for the gift of Infinity Reiki and welcome its
healing power."
ü "Infinity Reiki, I call upon you to bring peace, healing, and
ü "May the loving vibration of Infinity Reiki flow through
me and around me, bringing harmony and joy."
ü "I trust in the wisdom and power of Infinity Reiki to bring
healing and transformation to myself and others."

Finally, intention setting is a technique used in Infinity Reiki

Healing System. The practitioner may ask the patient to set an
intention for their healing, focusing on a particular area of their life
that they would like to improve. Intention setting can help to
promote a sense of focus and purpose, which can enhance the
healing process.

Overall, Infinity Reiki Healing System uses a variety of

techniques to promote healing and balance in the body's energy
system. These techniques are gentle, non-invasive, and effective,
making it a versatile and powerful healing modality.



Use of Crystal with Infinity


Crystal healing is a complementary healing technique that

has been used for centuries to promote physical, emotional, and
spiritual healing. In Infinity Reiki Healing System, crystals are often
used as a tool to enhance the healing process and promote balance
and harmony in the body's energy system.

Crystals are thought to have their own unique energy fields,

which can interact with the energy fields of the human body. Each
crystal is thought to have its own specific properties and benefits,
which can be used to promote healing and balance in different areas
of the body.

In Infinity Reiki Healing System, crystals are often used in

combination with other techniques, such as hand positions,
visualization, and intention setting. The practitioner may place
crystals on specific parts of the body or use them to enhance the
flow of energy during a healing session.

One of the most common ways that crystals are used in

Infinity Reiki Healing System is through the use of chakra stones.
Chakras are energy centers located throughout the body, and each
chakra is associated with a different color and specific properties.
Chakra stones are crystals that are used to balance and activate the
chakras, promoting healing and wellbeing.

For example, amethyst is a popular crystal for the crown

chakra, which is associated with spiritual connection and higher


consciousness. Rose quartz is often used for the heart chakra, which
is associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing.

During a healing session, the practitioner may place chakra

stones on the corresponding chakra points on the body or hold them
in their hands as they work with the patient's energy. The crystals
help to amplify the energy and promote balance and harmony in the

Crystal healing can be used in conjunction with other healing

modalities or on its own, making it a versatile and effective tool for
promoting healing and wellbeing. It is important to note that while
crystals can be a helpful aid in the healing process, they should not
be used as a substitute for medical treatment or advice.

Overall, crystal healing is a powerful and effective tool in

Infinity Reiki Healing System. By working with the unique energy
fields of crystals, practitioners can enhance the healing process and
promote balance and harmony in the body's energy system, leading
to improved physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.



Using Infinity Reiki Healing

System with Other Modalities

Infinity Reiki Healing System is a holistic approach to healing

that focuses on balancing the body's energy system to promote
healing and wellness. It is a versatile modality that can be used in
combination with other modalities to enhance their effectiveness
and provide more comprehensive healing. Here are some examples
of how Infinity Reiki Healing System can be used in combination
with other modalities:

1. Massage Therapy: Infinity Reiki Healing System can be used in

conjunction with massage therapy to promote deep relaxation
and stress relief. The combination of massage therapy and Reiki
can help release tension and energy blockages, promote
circulation, and boost the immune system.
2. Yoga: Infinity Reiki Healing System can be used in conjunction
with yoga to promote balance and harmony in the body, mind,
and spirit. The combination of yoga and Reiki can help release
tension, increase flexibility and range of motion, and promote
inner peace and relaxation.
3. Acupuncture: Infinity Reiki Healing System can be used in
conjunction with acupuncture to promote healing and balance
in the body's energy system. The combination of acupuncture
and Reiki can help release energy blockages and promote the
free flow of energy throughout the body.
4. Sound Healing: Infinity Reiki Healing System can be used in
conjunction with sound healing to promote deep relaxation and
healing. The combination of sound healing and Reiki can help


release tension and energy blockages, promote circulation, and

enhance the body's natural healing abilities.
5. Aromatherapy: Infinity Reiki Healing System can be used in
conjunction with aromatherapy to promote relaxation and
balance in the body, mind, and spirit. The combination of
aromatherapy and Reiki can help release tension and energy
blockages, promote emotional balance, and enhance the body's
natural healing abilities.

In conclusion, Infinity Reiki Healing System can be used in

combination with other modalities to enhance their effectiveness
and provide more comprehensive healing. By combining different
healing modalities, practitioners can provide patients with a
personalized and holistic approach to healing that addresses their
unique needs and promotes wellness on all levels.



The Role of Intuition in Infinity

Reiki Healing System

Intuition is an integral part of Infinity Reiki Healing System,

a holistic approach to healing that focuses on balancing the body's
energy system to promote healing and wellness. Intuition is the
ability to understand something immediately without the need for
conscious reasoning. It plays a significant role in the practice of
Infinity Reiki Healing System as it allows practitioners to tap into
their inner wisdom and guidance to facilitate healing.

Intuition in Infinity Reiki Healing System involves the ability

to sense and interpret energy. Practitioners use their intuitive
abilities to sense the patient's energy and identify any imbalances
or blockages. By tuning into their intuition, practitioners can
determine the most appropriate techniques and treatments to help
the patient restore balance and promote healing.

Intuition in Infinity Reiki Healing System also involves the

ability to receive intuitive messages from the patient's body, mind,
and spirit. Practitioners may receive information through various
channels, such as visions, emotions, or physical sensations. These
intuitive messages provide insight into the root cause of the
patient's imbalance and guide the practitioner in developing a
personalized healing plan.

The role of intuition in Infinity Reiki Healing System extends

beyond the practitioner's ability to sense and interpret energy. It
also involves the patient's intuition and ability to connect with their
inner wisdom and guidance. Patients are encouraged to trust their


intuition and inner guidance as they work with the practitioner to

restore balance and promote healing.

Intuition in Infinity Reiki Healing System is not limited to the

practitioner-patient relationship. It also involves the practitioner's
intuition in developing their own practice. Practitioners are
encouraged to trust their inner wisdom and guidance as they
develop their skills and knowledge in Infinity Reiki Healing System.

In conclusion, intuition plays a significant role in Infinity

Reiki Healing System. It allows practitioners to tap into their inner
wisdom and guidance to facilitate healing, identify imbalances and
blockages, and develop personalized healing plans. Patients are also
encouraged to trust their intuition and inner guidance as they work
with the practitioner to restore balance and promote healing. By
embracing intuition, practitioners and patients can work together
to promote healing and wellness on all levels.



Overview of Symbols in Infinity


Symbols are an integral part of the Infinity Reiki system. They

serve as a conduit for energy and allow the practitioner to connect
with the universal life force energy. Symbols help to amplify the
energy that flows through the practitioner, making the healing
process more effective and powerful. They also help to focus the
energy on specific areas of the body or issues that need to be

Function of Symbols in Infinity Reiki

Symbols in Infinity Reiki serve several functions. They can be
used to:

1. Connect with the Universal Life Force Energy: Symbols in

Infinity Reiki are used to connect with the universal life force
energy. They help the practitioner to tap into this energy and
allow it to flow through their body.
2. Amplify the Energy: Symbols help to amplify the energy that
flows through the practitioner. This makes the healing process
more effective and powerful.
3. Focus the Energy: Symbols can be used to focus the energy on
specific areas of the body or issues that need to be addressed.
They can help to bring balance and harmony to these areas.


Use of Symbols in Infinity Reiki

Symbols in Infinity Reiki are typically used in conjunction
with hand positions and breathwork. The practitioner will use the
symbols to connect with the universal life force energy and then
channel this energy through their hands and into the recipient's
body. The symbols are also used to focus the energy on specific
areas of the body or issues that need to be addressed.

There are several symbols that are commonly used in Infinity


Role of Symbols in Infinity Reiki

The symbols in Infinity Reiki play a crucial role in the healing
process. They allow the practitioner to connect with the universal
life force energy and amplify this energy. They also help to focus the
energy on specific areas of the body or issues that need to be
addressed. The symbols serve as a tool for the practitioner to
connect with the energy and facilitate the healing process.

List of Symbols
Here is the list of symbols that are commonly used in Infinity
Reiki, and each symbol has its own unique function and purpose.
Let's take a closer look at some of the symbols used in Infinity Reiki:

1. Infinity Symbol:

The Infinity symbol is the first symbol that practitioners learn in

Infinity Reiki. This symbol represents the infinite nature of the
universe and can be used for a wide range of healing purposes. To
use this symbol, the practitioner draws the symbol on their palms,
third eye, or heart chakra and focuses on its energy. This symbol can


be used for general healing, spiritual growth, and connecting with

the universal energy.

2. Onta Symbol:

The Onta symbol is used to activate and balance the energy centers
in the body, also known as chakras. To use this symbol, the
practitioner draws the symbol on the chakra that needs to be
balanced and focuses on its energy. This symbol can be used to heal
physical and emotional issues related to the specific chakra. This
symbol can also be used for grounding.

3. Topanda Symbol:

The Topanda symbol is used for protection and grounding. To use

this symbol, the practitioner draws the symbol on the palms of their
hands and focuses on its energy. This symbol can be used to create
a protective shield around the practitioner and to ground them in
the present moment. It is also used to promote the balance of
opposing energies, such as male and female, yin and yang, and light
and dark. This can also be used for Kundalini Awakening.

4. Tripanda Symbol:

The Tripanda symbol is used for emotional healing and releasing

negative emotions. To use this symbol, the practitioner draws the
symbol on their heart chakra or the chakra that needs emotional
healing and focuses on its energy. This symbol can be used to heal
emotional wounds and promote emotional balance. It is also used
to promote the expansion of creativity and encourage sociability
between people.


5. Fogra Symbol:

The Fogra symbol is used for physical healing and pain relief. To use
this symbol, the practitioner draws the symbol on the area of the
body that needs healing and focuses on its energy. This symbol can
be used to relieve physical pain and promote overall physical well-
being. It is also helpful in treating complex mental and physical

6. Tafifa Symbol:

The Tafifa symbol is used for success and prosperity. To use this
symbol, the practitioner draws the symbol on their palms or the
area that needs success and prosperity and focuses on its energy.
This symbol can be used to attract success, prosperity, and
abundance in one's life. It can also be used to promote personal
growth and development and encourages individuals to embrace
change and adapt to new situations. Also helps in grounding.

7. Si-tin-da Symbol:

The Si-tin-da symbol is used for nurturing and emotional stability.

To use this symbol, the practitioner draws the symbol on their heart
chakra or the chakra that needs nurturing and focuses on its energy.
This symbol can be used to promote emotional stability and provide
a sense of nurturing and support. It is also used to promote the
healing of emotional wounds and promote stability in relationships.

8. Se-vin-da Symbol:

The Se-vin-da symbol is used for spiritual growth and wisdom. To

use this symbol, the practitioner draws the symbol on their third eye
or the area that needs spiritual growth and focuses on its energy.
This symbol can be used to promote spiritual growth, increase
intuition, and connect with higher wisdom.


*I was guided to update the names of

7th and 8th symbols from what Rosy Rana
ji had given.

Each symbol is activated by the practitioner through a specific

process of visualization and intention. The practitioner will draw
the symbol in the air or visualize it in their mind's eye, and then
intend for the energy to flow through the symbol and into the
recipient's body.

Using symbols in Infinity Reiki can enhance the healing

process and promote greater spiritual growth and development. By
connecting with the universal life force energy and using the
symbols to focus and amplify the energy, the practitioner can
facilitate a powerful and transformative healing experience for the

How to connect with Symbols

Improving the connection with the symbols in Infinity Reiki
can help enhance the effectiveness of the healing practice. Here are
some ways to improve your connection with the symbols:

1. Practice visualization: Visualization is an effective technique to

enhance your connection with the symbols. Take some time to
visualize the symbol in your mind's eye, and imagine it filling
your body with healing energy.
2. Use the symbols regularly: The more you use the symbols in
your Reiki practice, the stronger your connection will become.
Make sure to use the symbols in every healing session.
3. Meditate with the symbols: You can also meditate with the
symbols to deepen your connection. Sit in a quiet place, close


your eyes, and visualize the symbol in your mind. Focus on the
energy of the symbol and allow it to flow through your body.
4. Draw the symbols: Drawing the symbols can also help improve
your connection with them. Take some time to draw the
symbols on a piece of paper or in a journal. This can help you
connect with the energy of the symbol on a deeper level.
5. Study the symbols: Learning more about the symbols and their
meanings can also improve your connection. Take some time to
read about each symbol and its properties. This can help you
understand the symbolism and the energy behind it.

Remember that everyone has a unique connection with the

symbols, and what works for one person may not work for another.
Trust your intuition and find the techniques that work best for you.



How to use Infinity Reiki


The infinity reiki symbols are a powerful tool that can be used
in energy healing to help balance and harmonize the body's energy.
Here are some ways to use the infinity reiki symbol in energy

1. Draw the symbol: You can draw the symbol on your hand, on
the body of the person you're healing, or in the air above them.
Visualize the symbol glowing with energy and rotating in a
clockwise direction.
2. Use the symbol in hand positions: Draw or visualize symbols on
your hands and put them over the area of the body that needs
healing. This can help to balance the energy flow in that area.
3. Combine the symbol with Reiki symbols: If you are a Reiki
practitioner, you can use the infinity reiki symbols in
combination with Reiki symbols to enhance your healing work.
4. Use the symbols in meditation: You can meditate on the infinity
reiki symbols to help you connect with the infinite energy of the
universe. This can help to increase your own energy and make
you more effective in your healing work.
5. Combine the infinity reiki symbols with crystals: You can place
crystals on or near the infinity reiki symbols to amplify its
energy and create a powerful healing tool.

Remember, the infinity reiki symbols are a tool to help you

tap into the infinite energy of the universe. Use it with intention and
focus to enhance your energy healing work.



Meditation Techniques Used in

Infinity Reiki Healing System

Meditation is a powerful tool that is widely used in alternative

healing modalities, including Infinity Reiki Healing System. It is a
technique that promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and improved
focus and concentration, which can lead to numerous physical and
mental health benefits.

In Infinity Reiki Healing System, meditation is used to help

patients connect with their inner selves and promote a sense of
peace and calm. The practitioner may guide the patient through a
meditation or encourage them to practice meditation on their own.

One of the most common meditation techniques used in

Infinity Reiki Healing System is mindfulness meditation. This
technique involves focusing on the present moment, paying
attention to sensations in the body, and observing thoughts and
emotions without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, patients
can learn to recognize and release negative emotions and thoughts,
promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.

Another meditation technique used in Infinity Reiki Healing

System is visualization. This technique involves visualizing a
specific image or scene, such as a peaceful beach or a serene forest.
The patient is encouraged to focus on the details of the image,
allowing their mind to become fully immersed in the visualization.
This can promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety.


Breathing techniques are also commonly used in Infinity

Reiki Healing System meditation practices. The practitioner may
guide the patient through breathing exercises, encouraging them to
take deep, slow breaths and focus on the sensation of air entering
and leaving the body. This can help to promote relaxation, reduce
stress, and improve focus and concentration.

Guided meditations are another technique used in Infinity

Reiki Healing System. The practitioner may guide the patient
through a meditation, providing prompts and visualizations to help
the patient achieve a deeper state of relaxation and connection with
their inner selves.

Overall, meditation is a powerful and effective tool used in

Infinity Reiki Healing System to promote relaxation, reduce stress,
and promote overall wellbeing. By incorporating different
meditation techniques into their practice, practitioners can help
patients achieve a sense of peace and calm, leading to improved
physical, emotional, and spiritual health.



The Role of Affirmations in

Infinity Reiki Healing System

Affirmations are powerful tools that are commonly used in a

variety of healing modalities, including Infinity Reiki Healing
System. They are positive statements that are repeated to oneself
with the intention of creating a positive change in one's thoughts,
beliefs, and behaviors.

The role of affirmations in Infinity Reiki Healing System is to

help patients shift their mindset towards positivity, self-love, and
healing. They are often used to promote self-confidence, self-
acceptance, and overall wellbeing.

The use of affirmations in Infinity Reiki Healing System is

based on the idea that our thoughts and beliefs have a powerful
impact on our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. By
repeating positive affirmations, patients can shift their thoughts
and beliefs towards positivity, promoting healing and wellbeing.

For example, a patient who is struggling with self-esteem may

be given affirmations such as "I am worthy and deserving of love"
or "I am confident and capable". By repeating these affirmations,
the patient can start to shift their mindset towards positivity and
self-acceptance, leading to improved self-esteem and overall

In addition to promoting positive self-talk, affirmations can

also be used to manifest specific goals or intentions. The
practitioner may encourage the patient to repeat affirmations


related to their goals, such as "I am successful in my career" or "I

attract abundance and prosperity".

The use of affirmations in Infinity Reiki Healing System can

be a powerful tool for promoting positive mindset and overall

Here are some affirmations that can be used for healing in

Infinity Reiki system:

1. I am surrounded by healing energy and love.

2. I trust that my body knows how to heal itself.
3. I release any negative energy and invite in positive healing
4. I am grateful for the healing energy that flows through me.
5. I am worthy of love and healing.
6. My mind, body, and spirit are in perfect alignment.
7. I am open to receive the healing energy that the Universe has
for me.
8. I am at peace with my past and trust in my future.
9. I am strong and capable of overcoming any obstacle.
10. I am filled with the healing power of love and light.

Remember, the key to using affirmations effectively is to

repeat them often and with intention. You can incorporate these
affirmations into your daily Infinity Reiki practice by repeating
them silently to yourself during meditation or visualization



Charging items with Infinity

Reiki Healing System

The Infinity Reiki healing system offers a unique way to infuse

objects with healing energy. By using specific techniques and
symbols, practitioners of Infinity Reiki can charge items with the
universal life force energy, bringing about greater balance and

Charging items with Infinity Reiki energy is a simple process

that can be done by anyone who has been attuned to the system.
Here's how to do it:

1. Choose the item you want to charge. This could be a piece of

jewelry, a crystal, a piece of clothing, or any other object that
you feel could benefit from the healing energy.
2. Sit in a quiet, comfortable place where you won't be disturbed.
Take a few deep breaths and center yourself.
3. Draw the Infinity Reiki symbol in front of you or visualize it in
your mind's eye. This symbol represents the universal life force
energy and will be used to charge the item.
4. Hold the item in your hands and visualize it being surrounded
by a bright, glowing light. This light represents the healing
energy that you will be infusing into the item.
5. Intend for the energy to flow through your hands and into the
item. You can say a prayer or set an intention for the energy to
bring about healing and balance in the object.


6. Hold the item for a few minutes, allowing the energy to flow into
it. You may feel a tingling sensation in your hands as the energy
is transmitted.
7. When you feel that the item has been sufficiently charged, thank
the universe for the healing energy and set the item aside.
8. You can wear or use the item as usual, knowing that it has been
infused with powerful healing energy.

Charging items with Infinity Reiki energy can be a powerful

way to bring greater balance and harmony into your life. Whether
you're using it for personal healing or to help others, this technique
offers a unique way to harness the power of the universal life force
energy and bring about positive change. With practice, you can
become skilled at charging items with Infinity Reiki energy and
incorporate this technique into your daily life.



Healing Relationships with

Infinity Reiki Healing System

Relationships are a vital part of our lives, and they play a

significant role in our overall well-being. Whether it's a romantic
relationship, a friendship, or a family bond, when a relationship is
not healthy, it can lead to emotional pain and distress. The Infinity
Reiki healing system provides a powerful tool for healing
relationships and promoting positive change.

Here's how to use the Infinity Reiki healing system for healing

1. Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can relax and focus
on your healing. You can sit or lie down, whichever feels most
comfortable for you.
2. Draw the Infinity Reiki symbol in the air or visualize them in
your mind's eye.
3. Set your intention for healing the relationship. Focus on the
positive aspects of the relationship and on the healing that you
wish to promote.
4. Hold an image of the person or people you wish to heal in your
mind's eye. Visualize them surrounded by a bright, glowing light,
representing healing energy.
5. Place your hands on your heart center, and intend for the energy
to flow through you and into the relationship, supporting
healing and promoting positive change.
6. Visualize the energy flowing into the relationship, bringing
healing and light to any areas of tension or conflict. You can also


use visualization techniques to help support the energy transfer,

such as imagining the relationship surrounded by a bubble of
light, representing protection and positive energy.
7. As you focus on healing the relationship, set your intention for
releasing any negative energy that may be attached to the
relationship. You can repeat affirmations or mantras, such as "I
release all negative energy from this relationship" or "This
relationship is filled with love and positivity."
8. When you feel that the energy transfer is complete, take a few
deep breaths and thank the universe for the healing energy. You
can also repeat this process as often as needed, to continue
promoting healing and positive change in the relationship.

Healing relationships using the Infinity Reiki healing system

can be a powerful tool for promoting positive change and emotional
well-being. With practice, you can become skilled at using the
symbols and visualization techniques to support healing and release
negative energy. By incorporating this practice into your daily
routine, you can enjoy greater peace of mind and positive change in
your relationships.



Cleansing a Room or House

with Infinity Reiki Healing

Cleaning your home or premises with the Infinity Reiki

healing system is a great way to clear out negative energy and create
a peaceful, harmonious environment. By using specific symbols and
techniques, you can infuse your space with the universal life force
energy, bringing about greater balance and healing.

Here's how to clean your home or premises with the Infinity

Reiki healing system:

1. Begin by decluttering your space if you can. Clear out any

unnecessary items and make sure everything is tidy and
organized. This will help create a clear, open space for the
energy to flow. *If the property not accessible, You can also
imagine or visualize this.
2. Open all the windows and doors to let in fresh air and natural
light. This will help to clear out any stagnant energy and bring
in positive energy. *If the property not accessible you can
imagine or visualize this.
3. Draw the Infinity Reiki symbols in the air or visualize them in
your mind's eye.
4. Hold your hands out in front of you and intend for the energy to
flow through you and into your space.
5. Visualize your space being surrounded by a bright, glowing light,
and set the intention for the energy to clear out any negative
energy and bring about healing and balance.


6. Walk around your space and focus on each area individually,

using the symbols to clear out any negative energy. You can also
use a crystal or pendulum to amplify the energy and help guide
you. *Visualize or imagine for inaccessible or distant healing.
7. As you move through each area, visualize the energy flowing
through you and into your space. Intend for the energy to clear
out any negative energy and replace it with positive, healing
8. When you have finished clearing your space, take a few deep
breaths and thank the universe for the healing energy. Close any
windows or doors and set the intention for your space to remain
clear and balanced.

Cleaning your home or premises with the Infinity Reiki

healing system can be a powerful way to create a harmonious,
peaceful environment. With practice, you can become skilled at
using the symbols and techniques to clear out negative energy and
bring about healing and balance in your space. By incorporating this
practice into your daily life, you can enjoy a more balanced and
harmonious environment.



Healing DNA with Infinity Reiki

Healing System

Our DNA is the blueprint for our physical and emotional well-
being, and when it is in balance, we experience optimal health and
vitality. However, when our DNA becomes damaged or imbalanced,
it can lead to a range of health issues and imbalances. Fortunately,
the Infinity Reiki healing system offers a powerful way to heal and
balance our DNA, bringing about greater health and well-being.

Here's how to heal your DNA with the Infinity Reiki healing

1. Begin by finding a quiet, peaceful space where you can relax and
focus on your healing. You can sit or lie down, whichever feels
most comfortable for you.
2. Draw the Infinity Reiki symbols in the air or visualize them in
your mind's eye.
3. Hold your hands out in front of you and intend for the energy to
flow through you and into your DNA.
4. Visualize your DNA being surrounded by a bright, glowing light,
and set the intention for the energy to heal and balance your
5. Place your hands on your heart and take a few deep breaths,
allowing the energy to flow through you and into your DNA. You
can also place your hands directly on the area of your body that
needs healing.


6. As you focus on your DNA, visualize the energy flowing through

you and into your DNA. Intend for the energy to heal and
balance your DNA, repairing any damage or imbalances.
7. You can also use visualization techniques to help support the
healing process. For example, you can visualize your DNA as a
bright, glowing strand of light, becoming stronger and more
vibrant with each breath you take.
8. When you feel that the healing process is complete, take a few
deep breaths and thank the universe for the healing energy. You
can also repeat this process as often as needed, to continue
supporting your DNA healing and balance.

Healing your DNA with the Infinity Reiki healing system can
be a powerful way to bring about greater health and vitality. With
practice, you can become skilled at using the symbols and
techniques to heal and balance your DNA, bringing about greater
health and well-being in all areas of your life. By incorporating this
practice into your daily routine, you can enjoy optimal health and
well-being, both physically and emotionally.



Protection from Psychic attacks

with Infinity Reiki Healing

Psychic attacks can take many forms, and they can be both
intentional or unintentional. Negative energy, emotions, and
thoughts can all lead to psychic attacks, and the effects can range
from mild to severe. Fortunately, the Infinity Reiki healing system
offers a powerful way to protect yourself from psychic attacks and
their negative effects.

Here's how to get protection from psychic attacks using the

Infinity Reiki healing system:

1. Find a quiet, peaceful space where you can relax and focus on
your healing. You can sit or lie down, whichever feels most
comfortable for you.
2. Draw the Infinity Reiki symbols in the air or visualize them in
your mind's eye.
3. Hold your hands out in front of you and intend for the energy to
flow through you and create a protective shield around you.
4. Visualize a bright, glowing light surrounding you, creating a
protective shield against negative energy and psychic attacks.
5. Place your hands on your heart and take a few deep breaths,
allowing the energy to flow through you and into your protective
shield. You can also place your hands directly on the area of your
body that needs protection.
6. As you focus on your protective shield, visualize the energy
flowing through you and into your shield. Intend for the energy


to create a strong and impenetrable shield that will protect you

from all negative energy and psychic attacks.
7. You can also use visualization techniques to help support the
protective shield. For example, you can visualize a powerful
force field around you, repelling any negative energy or psychic
8. When you feel that the protection is complete, take a few deep
breaths and thank the universe for the protective energy.
9. You can also repeat this process as often as needed, to continue
supporting your protective shield.

Protecting yourself from psychic attacks with the Infinity

Reiki healing system can be a powerful way to bring about greater
peace of mind and well-being. With practice, you can become skilled
at using the symbols and techniques to create a strong and
impenetrable protective shield, bringing about greater protection
and well-being in all areas of your life. By incorporating this practice
into your daily routine, you can enjoy greater protection from
negative energy and psychic attacks, leading to a more peaceful and
harmonious life.



Sending Energy to Specific

Place with Infinity Reiki

The Infinity Reiki healing system is a powerful tool that can

be used to send energy to specific places across the globe. This
technique is known as distance healing, and it can be used to help
support healing and well-being in people, animals, plants, and even
physical spaces.

Here's how to send energy to a specific place using the Infinity

Reiki healing system:

1. Find a quiet, peaceful space where you can relax and focus on
your healing. You can sit or lie down, whichever feels most
comfortable for you.
2. Draw the Infinity Reiki symbol in the air or visualize it in your
mind's eye.
3. Hold your hands out in front of you and intend for the energy to
flow through you.
4. Visualize the energy flowing out of your hands and traveling
across time and space to the specific place you want to send
5. You can also use visualization techniques to help support the
energy transfer. For example, you can visualize a bright, glowing
light surrounding the specific place and flowing into it, bringing
healing and well-being to the area.
6. As you focus on sending energy to the specific place, visualize
the energy flowing into the area and supporting healing and


well-being. Intend for the energy to be received by the area and

bring about positive change.
7. When you feel that the energy transfer is complete, take a few
deep breaths and thank the universe for the healing energy.
8. You can also repeat this process as often as needed, to continue
sending healing energy to the specific place.

Sending energy to a specific place using the Infinity Reiki

healing system can be a powerful way to bring about positive change
and well-being. With practice, you can become skilled at using the
Distance symbol and visualization techniques to send energy to any
place in the world, supporting healing and well-being in all areas of
life. By incorporating this practice into your daily routine, you can
enjoy greater peace of mind and well-being, knowing that you are
contributing to positive change across the globe.



Healing Karmic Band with

Infinity Reiki Healing System

The karmic band is a term used in spiritual healing, referring

to the negative energy that can be attached to an individual due to
past actions or experiences. This negative energy can lead to
physical, emotional, and mental distress, and can interfere with a
person's overall well-being. The Infinity Reiki healing system offers
a powerful tool for releasing this negative energy and healing the
karmic band.

Here's how to heal the karmic band using the Infinity Reiki
healing system:

1. Begin by finding a quiet and peaceful space where you can relax
and focus on your healing. You can sit or lie down, whichever
feels most comfortable for you.
2. Draw the Infinity Reiki symbol and the Infinity Reiki Se-vin-da
symbol in the air or visualize them in your mind's eye.
3. Set your intention for healing the karmic band.
4. Focus on releasing any negative energy that may be attached to
you due to past actions or experiences.
5. Place your hands on the area where you feel the karmic band,
whether it's physical or emotional.
6. Intend for the energy to flow through you and into the karmic
band, supporting healing and releasing any negative energy.
7. Visualize the energy flowing into the karmic band, bringing
healing and light to the area.


8. You may also want to use visualization techniques to help

support the energy transfer, such as imagining a bright, glowing
light surrounding the area.
9. As you focus on healing the karmic band, set your intention for
releasing any negative energy that may be attached to you. You
can repeat affirmations or mantras, such as "I release all
negative energy from my past" or "I am free from the karmic
10. When you feel that the energy transfer is complete, take a few
deep breaths and thank the universe for the healing energy.
11. You can also repeat this process as often as needed, to continue
releasing negative energy and healing the karmic band.

Healing the karmic band using the Infinity Reiki healing

system can be a powerful tool for releasing negative energy and
promoting overall well-being. With practice, you can become skilled
at using the symbols and visualization techniques to support
healing and release negative energy. By incorporating this practice
into your daily routine, you can enjoy greater peace of mind and
well-being, knowing that you are releasing negative energy and
promoting positive change in your life.



Self-Healing with Infinity Reiki

Healing System

Self-healing is an essential aspect of any energy healing

practice, including Infinity Reiki. It allows individuals to connect
with their inner self, identify their needs, and take care of
themselves. Here we will discuss how to perform self-healing with
Infinity Reiki healing system.

Step 1: Prepare yourself

Before starting the self-healing process, it's crucial to prepare
yourself. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be
disturbed. Wear comfortable clothing and remove any jewelry or
accessories that might interfere with the healing process.

Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax. Focus on

your breath, and as you inhale, imagine positive energy entering
your body. As you exhale, imagine releasing all the negative
thoughts, emotions, and energy.

Step 2: Connect with the Infinity Reiki energy

To start the self-healing process, you need to connect with the

Infinity Reiki energy. You can do this by performing the following

1. Place your hands on your lap or heart center.

2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.


3. Imagine a bright light surrounding you, filling you with positive

4. Visualize the Infinity symbol in front of you and imagine the
energy flowing towards you.
5. Allow the energy to enter your body through the crown chakra,
and imagine it flowing through your body and out of your feet,
grounding you to the earth.

Step 3: Chakra balancing

The next step is to balance your chakras using Infinity Reiki
energy. Chakras are energy centers in your body, and when they are
blocked or unbalanced, they can cause physical and emotional

Focus on your root chakra, located at the base of your spine.

Imagine the Infinity Reiki energy flowing into your root chakra,
clearing any blockages and balancing the energy.

Move to your sacral chakra, located in your lower abdomen.

Visualize the energy flowing into your sacral chakra, balancing the
energy and clearing any blockages.

Continue to move up through each of the chakras, visualizing

the Infinity Reiki energy flowing into each one, balancing the energy,
and clearing any blockages.

Once you have balanced all your chakras, imagine the energy
flowing throughout your body, bringing harmony and balance to
your entire system.

Step 4: Healing specific areas


Now that you have balanced your chakras, you can focus on
healing specific areas of your body or emotions that need attention.
You can use the following techniques:

1. Visualization: Imagine the Infinity Reiki energy flowing towards

the area that needs healing, visualizing it as a bright light.
Imagine the energy clearing any blockages and bringing healing
to the area.
2. Hand positions: Place your hands on the area that needs healing,
allowing the Infinity Reiki energy to flow through your hands
and into the area.
3. Affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations that relate to the area
that needs healing, such as "I am healthy and vibrant," "I release
all negative thoughts and emotions," or "I am surrounded by
love and positivity."

Step 5: Closing the session

After you have completed the self-healing session, it's crucial
to close the session properly. You can do this by following these

1. Thank the Infinity Reiki energy for its assistance.

2. Visualize the energy gently withdrawing from your body and
returning to the universe.
3. Take a few deep breaths and slowly return to your physical body.
4. Open your eyes and take a few moments to ground yourself
before returning to your daily activities.

In conclusion, self-healing with Infinity Reiki healing system

is a powerful tool that can help individuals connect with their inner



Healing Others with Infinity

Reiki Healing System

Healing others with the Infinity Reiki Healing System is a

powerful and transformative experience. By channeling universal
energy through your hands, you can help others release blockages,
balance their energy centers, and activate their natural healing

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to perform healing on

others using the Infinity Reiki Healing System:

1. Create a sacred space: Before beginning a healing session,

create a peaceful and quiet space. You may want to light candles,
burn incense, or play soft music to create a relaxing
2. Set your intention: Begin by setting your intention for the
healing session. You can ask the universe to guide you in helping
the person to heal and to remove any blockages that may be
preventing them from achieving their highest potential.
3. Ask for permission: It is important to always ask for the person's
permission before beginning the healing session. You can
explain to them what reiki is and how it works, and ask if they
are open to receiving the energy.
4. Have the person lie down: Ask the person to lie down on a
comfortable surface, such as a massage table or a yoga mat.
Make sure they are fully supported and comfortable.
5. Begin with a grounding exercise: Before starting the actual
healing, it is important to ground yourself and the person you


are working with. You can do this by placing your hands on their
feet or on their shoulders and visualizing a white light traveling
from your hands and into their body, grounding them to the
6. Place your hands on the person: Begin the actual healing
session by placing your hands on the person's body. You can
start at the top of the head and work your way down, or you can
focus on specific areas that feel blocked or in need of healing.
7. Channel energy: Once you have placed your hands on the
person, begin channeling energy through your hands. Visualize
a white light flowing from the universe through your crown
chakra, down your arms, and out through your hands. You may
feel heat or tingling sensations in your hands as the energy flows
through you.
8. Use symbols: You can use Infinity Reiki symbols to enhance the
healing session. Draw the symbols over the person's body or
visualize them in your mind's eye as you channel energy through
your hands.
9. Trust your intuition: As you work on the person, trust your
intuition and follow your instincts. If you feel drawn to a certain
area of their body, focus your energy there. If you receive any
messages or insights, you may share them with the person.
10. Complete the healing: Once you feel that the healing is complete,
gently remove your hands from the person's body. Thank them
for allowing you to work with them and remind them to drink
plenty of water after the session to help the body release any

By following these steps and practicing regularly, you can

become a skilled Infinity Reiki healer, helping others to achieve
balance, health, and well-being. Remember to always approach the
healing process with love, compassion, and an open heart.



Distant Healing with Infinity

Reiki Healing System

Infinity Reiki is a holistic healing system that works on the

physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of a person. One of
the unique features of Infinity Reiki is its ability to perform distant
healing from the level one itself.

Distant healing is a form of energy healing where the

practitioner can send healing energy to someone who is not
physically present with them. This technique is based on the
principle that energy can be transmitted through space and time,
and can be used to treat any physical or emotional condition.

The practitioner can channel the healing energy and direct it

to the intended recipient, regardless of their location. The recipient
can receive the healing energy even if they are thousands of miles

To perform distant healing in Infinity Reiki, the practitioner

needs to have a clear intention and a focused mind. They need to
visualize the recipient and imagine sending healing energy to them.
The practitioner can use various techniques to enhance the energy
transmission, such as using symbols or calling upon higher beings
or spiritual guides for assistance.

The recipient of the distant healing can be in any location, and

they do not need to be aware of the healing session. However, it is
recommended that the recipient be open and receptive to the


healing energy, as this can enhance the effectiveness of the


Distant healing in Infinity Reiki can be used to treat any

physical, emotional, or mental condition. It can also be used to send
positive energy and blessings to a person or a situation. Distant
healing can be especially beneficial for people who are unable to
attend a physical healing session, such as those who are bedridden
or living in a different location.

Distant healing can also be used for group healing. The

practitioner can send healing energy to a group of people who are
facing a similar challenge or situation. This can be particularly
effective for healing emotional trauma or for sending positive
energy to a community in need.

Distant healing can be used for individual or group healing,

and can be especially beneficial for people who are unable to attend
a physical healing session.

Steps for distant healing in the Infinity Reiki healing system:

1. Preparation: Just like with hands-on healing, it is important to
prepare yourself for a distant healing session. Find a quiet,
comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Take a few
deep breaths and center yourself.
2. Connect with the recipient: Visualize the recipient in your
mind's eye or hold a picture of them in your hands. Take a few
moments to connect with their energy.
3. Set your intention: Focus on your intention for the healing
session. What would you like to achieve? What areas of the
recipient's life do you want to focus on? Visualize the recipient
already healed, happy, and healthy.


4. Activate the distant healing: Draw the Infinity symbol in front

of you or on a piece of paper. Visualize the symbol glowing and
radiating energy.
5. Send the healing energy: Focus your attention on the symbol
and imagine the healing energy flowing from your hands and
into the symbol. Visualize the energy flowing through time and
space and reaching the recipient.
6. Visualize the recipient receiving the energy: See the energy
flowing into the recipient's body and aura, filling them with
healing and positive energy.
7. Visualize the recipient feeling peaceful, relaxed, and
8. End the session: When you feel that the healing energy has been
sent, take a few deep breaths and release any remaining energy.
9. Thanking: Thank the universe for the healing session and
visualize the recipient feeling happy and healthy.

It is important to note that distant healing can be just as

effective as hands-on healing, but it may take some time for the
effects to be felt. It is also important to obtain the recipient's
permission before sending healing energy, as it is a form of
energetic exchange.



How to send Infinity Reiki to


In Infinity Reiki, there are different symbols that can be used

to send energy to the past. One such symbol is the Tripanda symbol.
This symbol is particularly useful for past-life regression and
healing as it helps to access and heal past-life traumas and
experiences that may be affecting one's current life.

The Onta symbol can also be used to send energy to the past.
This symbol helps to access and heal deep-seated emotional
blockages and traumas that may have been carried forward from the

Another symbol that can be used to send energy to the past is

the Si-tin-da symbol. This symbol helps to access and heal negative
energy patterns and beliefs that may have been imprinted in the
subconscious mind from past experiences.

It is important to note that sending energy to the past requires

a deep level of trust and surrender, as we are working with energies
and experiences that have already occurred. It is also important to
have a clear intention and a specific focus for the healing work, as
this will help to direct the energy and maximize its effectiveness.

Sending Infinity Reiki to the past is a technique that can be

used to heal past traumas, release negative emotions, and transform
negative patterns that are still affecting our present. Here are the
steps to send Infinity Reiki to the past:


1. Set the intention: Start by setting the intention to send Infinity

Reiki to a particular event or period in your past that needs
healing. This can be an event that you remember clearly or a
general period of your life that you feel was difficult.
2. Draw the Infinity symbol: Draw the Infinity symbol on your
palm or on a piece of paper. This symbol represents the infinite
energy of the universe, which you can use to send healing to the
3. Connect with the event or period: Close your eyes and visualize
the event or period that you want to send Infinity Reiki to. Try
to connect with the emotions and energy of that time in your life.
4. Channel Infinity Reiki: Hold the Infinity symbol in your hand
and imagine a stream of white light flowing from the symbol
into your body. Allow this light to fill you up and surround you
with its healing energy. Then, imagine this light flowing back in
time to the event or period you want to heal.
5. Visualize healing: See the white light surrounding the event or
period, and imagine it transforming any negative energy or
emotions that are present. Visualize yourself feeling lighter,
freer, and more peaceful as a result.
6. Gratitude and closure: After you have sent Infinity Reiki to the
past, take a few moments to express gratitude for the healing
and release that has taken place. You can also visualize yourself
cutting any cords or attachments to the past, and releasing it
with love and compassion.

Remember that this technique can be powerful, so be gentle

with yourself and take time to process any emotions that come up
during or after the process.



How to send Infinity Reiki to


In Infinity Reiki, the main Infinity symbol can be used to send

energy to the future. This symbol represents the infinite flow of
energy and can be programmed to send healing energy to a specific
point in time in the future. The symbol can be visualized in front of
you or drawn in the air with your hand while focusing on your
intention to send the energy. You can also add other symbols to the
main Infinity symbol to enhance the energy being sent. It is
important to set a clear intention and trust in the Universe to deliver
the energy to the intended recipient in the future.

Sending Infinity Reiki to the future can be a powerful way to

help manifest positive outcomes and to set intentions for what is to
come. Here are some steps for sending Infinity Reiki to the future:

1. Get into a quiet and meditative state: Find a peaceful place

where you will not be disturbed. Sit in a comfortable position,
close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Visualize yourself
surrounded by a bright white light, and feel yourself becoming
more relaxed and peaceful.
2. Connect with the energy of the future: Visualize the future you
want to send Infinity Reiki to. This could be a specific event or
situation, or simply a general sense of what you would like to
manifest. Focus on the positive outcomes you want to achieve.
3. Draw the Infinity Reiki symbol: Draw the Infinity Reiki symbol
in front of you or visualize it in your mind's eye. Intend for this


symbol to represent the energy of the future you want to send

Infinity Reiki to.
4. Infuse the symbol with intention: Focus your intention on the
symbol, and infuse it with the energy of the positive outcomes
you want to achieve in the future. Allow the symbol to become
charged with your intentions.
5. Send Infinity Reiki to the symbol: Place your hands over the
symbol and visualize the Infinity Reiki energy flowing through
you and into the symbol. Intend for this energy to travel to the
future and manifest the positive outcomes you desire.
6. Release the symbol: Once you feel that the symbol has been fully
infused with Infinity Reiki energy, release it into the universe.
Trust that the energy will continue to work towards manifesting
your positive intentions in the future.
7. Express gratitude: As you come out of the meditation, take a
moment to express gratitude for the opportunity to send Infinity
Reiki to the future and for the positive outcomes that will come
to fruition.



Benefits of Infinity Reiki

Healing System

Infinity Reiki is a powerful healing system that combines

traditional Reiki techniques with the infinite energy of the universe.
The system utilizes a series of symbols and techniques that are
designed to promote healing and balance in the body, mind, and
spirit. Here are just a few of the benefits of the Infinity Reiki healing

1. Promotes Relaxation and Stress Reduction

One of the most significant benefits of the Infinity Reiki

healing system is that it promotes deep relaxation and helps to
reduce stress levels. The energy transfer can calm the mind, relax
the body, and help to release tension and anxiety. This can lead to a
greater sense of well-being and a more positive outlook on life.

2. Supports Emotional Healing

The Infinity Reiki healing system can be used to support

emotional healing and promote a sense of emotional balance. The
system can help to release negative emotions, such as anger, fear,
and grief, and promote positive emotions, such as love, compassion,
and joy. The healing energy can also support the healing of
emotional wounds and traumas.

3. Promotes Physical Healing

The Infinity Reiki healing system can support physical

healing by promoting the body's natural healing processes. The


healing energy can help to relieve pain, inflammation, and other

physical symptoms, and promote faster recovery from illness or
injury. The system can also be used to support the healing of chronic
conditions, such as autoimmune disorders and chronic pain.

4. Boosts the Immune System

The Infinity Reiki healing system can help to boost the

immune system and promote overall health and wellness. The
system can help to reduce the impact of stress on the body, which
can improve immune function and support the body's ability to
fight off illness and disease.

5. Enhances Spiritual Connection

The Infinity Reiki healing system can enhance spiritual

connection by promoting a sense of unity and interconnectedness
with the universe. The system can help to promote a greater sense
of purpose and meaning in life, and help to connect individuals with
their higher selves and their spiritual path.

6. Promotes Mental Clarity and Focus

The Infinity Reiki healing system can promote mental clarity

and focus by reducing stress and promoting relaxation. This can
lead to a greater sense of mental clarity, focus, and productivity, and
can help to improve memory and cognitive function.

7. Supports Personal Growth and Development

The Infinity Reiki healing system can support personal

growth and development by promoting self-awareness and self-
healing. The system can help individuals to release negative
patterns and beliefs, and promote positive change and personal


8. Enhances Intuition and Creativity

The Infinity Reiki healing system can enhance intuition and

creativity by promoting a greater sense of inner wisdom and
inspiration. The system can help individuals to connect with their
intuition and tap into their creative potential, leading to greater
innovation and personal growth.

9. Provides a Non-Invasive and Natural Healing


The Infinity Reiki healing system provides a non-invasive and

natural approach to healing, which is free from side effects or
adverse reactions. The system utilizes the body's natural healing
processes and promotes balance and harmony in the body, mind,
and spirit.

Other Benefits:

ü Infinite Possibilities
ü Promotes Spiritual Growth
ü Enhances Relationships
ü Provides Protection
ü Encourages Mindfulness
ü Boosts Self-Confidence
ü Promotes Healing

In conclusion, the Infinity Reiki healing system provides

numerous benefits to individuals seeking healing, balance, and
growth. Whether you are looking to reduce stress and promote
relaxation, support emotional healing, promote physical health, or
enhance your spiritual connection, the Infinity Reiki healing system
can provide a powerful tool for personal transformation and well-



Levels in Infinity Reiki Healing


Infinity Reiki Healing System is a powerful healing technique

that helps to balance the body, mind, and spirit. It works by
channeling the universal energy of the universe through the
practitioner's hands to the recipient's body. This system has four
levels that are not build upon each other and rather are the part of
each other. The statement seems complex and complicated to
understand but in simple terms all the four levels are
interconnected infinitely to each other to offer a deeper
understanding of the healing process.

In other words, it’s important to note that these levels of

Infinity Reiki energy healing are interconnected and may overlap
with each other. For example, physical pain may have an emotional
or mental component that needs to be addressed, and spiritual
practices can also have physical and emotional benefits.

Additionally, different individuals may have different needs

and may require different approaches or combinations of
approaches to achieve healing.

Overall, the goal of energy healing is to restore balance and

harmony in all aspects of the individual's being, promoting overall
health and well-being.


The four Level of Infinity Reiki are:

Level 1 – Awareness Level

The first stage of energy healing is becoming aware of and
acknowledging the presence of physical, emotional, mental, or
spiritual imbalances or blockages. This requires tuning in to one's
own inner experiences and recognizing any signs or symptoms that
indicate a need for healing.

Level 2 – Release Level

The second stage involves releasing and clearing any negative
or stagnant energy that may be causing the imbalances or blockages.
This can be achieved through various techniques such as meditation,
breathwork, visualization, and energy healing modalities like Reiki
or Pranic Healing.

Level 3 – Transformation Level

The third stage involves integrating new, positive energy and

transforming old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve the
individual. This may involve working with limiting beliefs,
overcoming past traumas, and learning new coping mechanisms
and ways of being.

Level 4 – Growth Level

The final stage of involves maintaining the positive changes

achieved in the previous stages and continuing to grow and evolve.
This may include ongoing self-care practices, spiritual practices,
and seeking support from healers or therapists as needed.



My Own Experience

How it started?
The story of how this all began is quite interesting. Ms. Rosy
Rana ji gave me some symbols and even told me their names. At
first, I was skeptical because the symbols looked like something
from Karuna Ki, but they had a divine quality to them. Ms. Rosy
Rana ji had never learned Karuna Ki and was not aware of any other
symbols except Reiki, so it was strange that how and from where
these symbols originated.

When I asked Ms. Rosy Rana ji about it, she told me that
during her deep meditation, she met Dr. Usui in a small hut in the
jungle. Dr. Usui told her that it was time to change the Reiki system,
and he gave her a set of symbols to be passed on to Rishi Rohit
Sharma. Dr. Usui believed that a new Reiki system was necessary to
help people in the changing world.

As I contemplated the events that had unfolded, I found

myself grappling with two distinct thoughts. Firstly, I considered
the possibility that the symbols provided to me by Ms. Rosy Rana ji
was nothing more than her own personal musings. Perhaps,
through her dedicated practice and love for Usui Reiki, she had
internalized certain universal symbols that she believed to be
significant. At this stage I was thinking that two things can be
possible either these visuals held no inherent existence or these
symbols are divine.


Secondly, why Dr. Usui had contacted Ms. Rosy Rana ji

specifically and not myself. As I reflected on this, I began to realize
that it could be attributed to the fact that we often become
preoccupied with our daily tasks and overlook the smaller details in
life. In a similar vein, when I spend time outdoors with my children,
I often find that they point out numerous things that I had failed to
notice, as my focus during those time is usually elsewhere.

Furthermore, I concluded that innocence plays a vital role in

establishing a connection with the divine. The more astute one
becomes, the further they may stray from the divine. Conversely,
the more innocent and willing one is to surrender themselves to the
divine, the more profound the messages they may receive. As I
grappled with these thoughts, I recognized that they were integral
to understanding the genesis of this venture and the role that fate
had played in bringing it to fruition.

When I started working

On my first day working with them, I was surprised to see Dr.
Usui in my meditation. At first, I thought it could be a psychological
factor and nothing more. As an honest person, I don't use
manipulative mechanisms to draw attention to myself. Some people
may claim that they saw Dr. Usui in their meditation or dreams to
seek public attention and promote their work. But for me, the
authenticity and genuineness of my work are more important than
getting money or popularity from it.

After that initial encounter, I never saw Dr. Usui again.

However, upon completing this book, Ms. Rosy Rana ji mentioned
to me that Dr. Usui had come to her in meditation and declared that
their work is now complete, and they also blessed her.


As I delved deeper into the symbols, I discovered some
fascinating things:

Firstly, there were a total of seven symbols in addition to the

main infinity symbol. What caught my attention was the connection
between these seven symbols and the seven chakras, which sounded

Secondly, as a science student, I recognized the power of math

and symbols. Everything in the universe is based on numbers and
they play a significant role in every field. These symbols were also
based on numbers.

Thirdly, the onta symbol had a striking resemblance to the ik-

omkar symbol in Sikhism, which piqued my interest.

Fourthly, the way the symbols were drawn was impressive.

They ended at the same point from where they started, and their
streamlined flow mirrored the energy channels that run through
our bodies. What's more, you didn't have to raise your pen while
drawing them - they could be created in one continuous,
streamlined motion.

Lastly, the names of the symbols themselves caught my

attention. They seemed to come from another world, almost
fantastical in nature. These discoveries only added to the mystique
and intrigue of these symbols.


My First Encounter with Infinity Reiki

I had an unforgettable experience when I first felt the flow of
infinity Reiki through my body. Even though I've been attuned to
various energy systems and have experienced many things, this was
simply mind-blowing.

The flow of energy came in a thick ray of light that was blue
on the left and red on the right (my left and right side). As it entered
through my crown chakra, it passed through all my chakras before
striking my root chakra. I could clearly sense it entering through the
sushmana nadi or central channel.

At the root chakra, the energy split into two. The blue energy
flowed through my ida nadi or left channel, while the red energy
flowed through my Pingala nadi or right channel. The blue energy
felt like a cold fluid, while the red energy felt like liquid fire. Both
these energies rose up, delivering energy to my whole body.

The sensation was different than what I had experienced

before. Normally, people say that Reiki flows through their palms
or hands, but I felt it flowing through my whole body. My palms and
arms felt like they were glowing with this blue or red light. It's hard
to explain, but you can imagine it as the glow of the moon and sun.
My arms felt the same way they did when I used deep heat or other
creams for muscle aches. It was like feeling both cold and hot at the
same time.

I felt a cool breeze around my arms and body. It was an

amazing experience that I cannot fully describe in words.


Infinity Reiki and Kundalini

In this stage, you may be wondering if Infinity Reiki is
equivalent to Usui Reiki or Kundalini Reiki. I want to make it clear
that I have great respect for Usui Reiki and view it as a sacred and
divine experience. Usui Reiki serves as the foundation and basis for
energy healing, and anyone entering the energy healing field should
learn it.

As for Kundalini Reiki, Infinity Reiki flows through the main

and side channels, cleansing all nadis and chakras. However, it will
not activate your Kundalini unless you use it specifically for that

In my experience, Infinity Reiki is just as powerful as any

other form of Reiki. Your intention and faith are the only
determining factors.



Level 1 – Awareness Level

The first level of Infinity Reiki healing system is based on the

awareness and acknowledgement of the infinite universal energy
that surrounds us. This level focuses on developing a strong
foundation of understanding the principles of energy healing and
the power of the universal energy to promote physical and
emotional healing.

At the first level, practitioners are introduced to the concept

of the universal life force energy, which is the energy that flows
through all living things. They are taught to acknowledge and
connect with this energy and to use it to promote healing within
themselves and others. This level also emphasizes the importance
of being grounded and centered in the present moment to facilitate
the flow of this energy.

Another important aspect of the first level of Infinity Reiki

healing system is the practice of self-care. Practitioners are taught
to take care of themselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually,
as they cannot effectively help others if they are not taking care of
themselves first. This includes developing healthy habits such as
proper nutrition, exercise, and rest, as well as engaging in self-care
practices such as meditation, journaling, and spending time in

In conclusion, the first level of Infinity Reiki healing system

lays the foundation for effective energy healing by developing an
understanding of the universal life force energy and the principles
of energy healing. It emphasizes the importance of awareness,


mindfulness, and self-care as essential components of promoting

physical and emotional healing. By mastering the skills and
techniques at this level, practitioners can effectively move on to
higher levels of the Infinity Reiki healing system to further develop
their skills and abilities.


Understanding Energy Healing and its Benefits

Energy healing is a form of alternative medicine that has been
used for thousands of years to promote healing and balance in the
body, mind, and spirit. It is based on the belief that everything in
the universe is made up of energy, and that energy can be influenced
and directed to promote health and well-being.

Energy healing can take many forms, including Reiki,

acupuncture, qigong, and many others. The basic principle is the
same: the practitioner works with the energy fields of the body to
remove blockages and restore balance. Energy healing can be used
to address physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues.

One of the main benefits of energy healing is its ability to

promote relaxation and reduce stress. When the body is in a state of
stress, it can become imbalanced and vulnerable to disease. Energy
healing can help to calm the nervous system, reduce tension, and
promote deep relaxation, which can help the body to heal and

Energy healing can also be used to address specific physical

ailments. For example, acupuncture has been shown to be effective
in treating chronic pain, while Reiki has been used to promote
healing after surgery or injury. Energy healing can also be used to
promote faster healing and recovery after illness or surgery.

Emotionally, energy healing can be helpful in addressing

issues such as anxiety, depression, and trauma. By removing energy
blockages and promoting balance, energy healing can help to calm
the mind and promote emotional well-being.

Spiritually, energy healing can be used to promote a sense of

connection and purpose. By working with the energy fields of the


body, energy healing can help to clear away old patterns and beliefs
that may be holding you back, and allow you to connect with your
higher self and purpose.

In addition to these benefits, energy healing is non-invasive,

has no side effects, and can be used in conjunction with other forms
of medical treatment. It is also a self-empowering practice, as it puts
the individual in charge of their own healing and well-being.

In summary, energy healing is a powerful and effective form

of alternative medicine that can promote physical, emotional,
mental, and spiritual well-being. It is a safe and non-invasive
practice that can be used in conjunction with other forms of medical
treatment, and can help to promote relaxation, healing, and self-


Types of Energy Healing Systems

Energy healing is a broad term that encompasses various
practices and modalities that aim to restore balance and harmony
to the body, mind, and spirit by working with the body's natural
energy systems. Here are some of the most common types of energy
healing systems:

1. Reiki: Reiki is a Japanese healing system that uses the

practitioner's hands to channel universal life force energy to the
recipient. It is based on the idea that energy flows through the
body and can be blocked, causing physical, emotional, and
spiritual imbalances.
2. Chakra Healing: Chakras are energy centers in the body that
are believed to regulate various bodily functions. Chakra healing
involves using various techniques to balance and activate these
energy centers, promoting health and well-being.
3. Pranic Healing: Pranic healing is a form of energy healing that
uses the practitioner's hands to manipulate the body's energy
fields to promote healing. It involves removing negative energy
and adding positive energy to the body's energy centers.
4. Quantum Touch: Quantum Touch is a form of energy healing
that involves using the practitioner's hands to focus and amplify
the body's natural healing energy. It is based on the idea that all
matter is made up of energy, and that by focusing and directing
this energy, the body can heal itself.
5. Healing Touch: Healing Touch is a form of energy healing that
involves using the practitioner's hands to balance and restore
the body's energy fields. It is based on the idea that energy flows
through the body, and by manipulating this energy, the body
can heal itself.
6. Crystal Healing: Crystal healing involves using various crystals
and gemstones to promote healing and balance. Different


crystals are believed to have different healing properties, and

can be used in a variety of ways, including placing them on the
body, wearing them as jewelry, or carrying them in a pocket or
7. Shamanic Healing: Shamanic healing is a spiritual practice that
involves working with the energy and spirit worlds to promote
healing and balance. It may involve various techniques, such as
journeying, soul retrieval, and energy clearing.

Each of these energy healing systems has its own unique

approach and techniques, but they all share the common goal of
restoring balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit. By
working with the body's natural energy systems, energy healing can
promote healing, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.


Importance of Energy Healing in Modern Times

In today's fast-paced and stressful world, energy healing has
become increasingly popular as a way to promote overall well-being
and balance. It is a complementary therapy that aims to heal
imbalances and blockages in the body's energy system, which can
lead to physical, emotional, and mental issues.

Energy healing works on the principle that everything in the

universe is made up of energy, and that the flow of this energy can
be influenced and directed for healing purposes. This energy is
known by various names such as Qi, Prana, or Life Force Energy.
Energy healers use various techniques to channel and manipulate
this energy to restore balance and harmony within the body.

The importance of energy healing in modern times cannot be

overstated. Here are some reasons why:

1. Stress Reduction: One of the biggest benefits of energy healing

is its ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Many
people suffer from chronic stress, which can lead to a wide range
of physical and mental health issues. Energy healing techniques
such as Reiki and Healing Touch can help to calm the mind and
relax the body, reducing stress levels and promoting a sense of
2. Pain Management: Energy healing has also been shown to be
effective in managing pain. Chronic pain can be debilitating and
difficult to manage, but energy healing techniques such as
acupuncture, acupressure, and Reiki have been shown to be
effective in reducing pain levels and improving overall quality of
3. Emotional Healing: Energy healing can also be beneficial for
emotional healing. Negative emotions such as anger, anxiety,
and depression can have a profound impact on our health and


well-being. Energy healing techniques can help to release these

negative emotions and promote feelings of peace and calm.
4. Spiritual Growth: Energy healing can also be a powerful tool for
spiritual growth and development. Many energy healing
techniques, such as Reiki and Qigong, have roots in Eastern
spirituality and philosophy. By working with energy, we can
connect with our higher selves and tap into a deeper sense of
purpose and meaning.
5. Complementary Therapy: Energy healing is also an excellent
complementary therapy to conventional medicine. It can be
used alongside traditional treatments to help manage
symptoms and promote overall healing. It is a safe and non-
invasive therapy that can be used by people of all ages and

In conclusion, energy healing has many benefits and can be a

valuable tool for promoting overall health and well-being. It is a
complementary therapy that can be used alongside conventional
medicine to help manage symptoms and promote healing. Whether
you are looking to reduce stress, manage pain, or promote spiritual
growth, energy healing may be able to help.


Understanding the Human Energy System

The human body is not just a physical entity, but it is also an
energetic entity. The human energy system is a complex network of
energy centers, pathways, and fields that work together to keep us
balanced and healthy. In order to understand how energy healing
works, it is important to have a basic understanding of the human
energy system.

The human energy system is comprised of several different

components, each of which plays a unique role in the body's overall
energy flow. These components include:

1. Chakras - Chakras are the energy centers in the body, and there
are seven primary chakras that are located along the spine. Each
chakra corresponds to a specific area of the body and is
associated with certain emotions, behaviors, and physical
2. Meridians - Meridians are the energy pathways in the body, and
they connect the chakras and other energy centers. There are 12
primary meridians in the body, and they are associated with
specific organs and systems.
3. Aura - The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the
body, and it is composed of several layers of energy. The aura is
influenced by a person's thoughts, emotions, and physical
4. Energy Centers - Energy centers are the areas of the body where
energy tends to accumulate, and they are often associated with
certain emotions or physical sensations.

The human energy system is constantly in flux, and it can

become disrupted or imbalanced by a variety of factors, including
stress, trauma, illness, and environmental factors. When the energy


system becomes disrupted, it can manifest as physical or emotional

symptoms, such as pain, anxiety, depression, or fatigue.

Energy healing works by addressing the imbalances in the

human energy system and promoting the flow of energy throughout
the body. This can be achieved through a variety of techniques,
including Reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, and other forms of
energy medicine.

Energy healing has been shown to have a number of benefits

for both physical and emotional health. Some of the potential
benefits of energy healing include:

ü Reduced stress and anxiety

ü Improved immune function
ü Increased energy and vitality
ü Improved mood and emotional well-being
ü Reduced pain and inflammation
ü Improved sleep quality
ü Enhanced spiritual growth and awareness

In modern times, there is an increasing interest in energy

healing and its potential benefits. As people become more aware of
the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit, energy healing
is becoming a popular complementary therapy for a variety of
health conditions.

Overall, understanding the human energy system is an

important part of understanding energy healing and its potential
benefits. By promoting the flow of energy throughout the body,
energy healing can help to restore balance and promote health and


Power of Universal Energy

The concept of universal energy healing has been around for
thousands of years, and it is based on the belief that all living things
are interconnected and that there is an energy that flows through
everything in the universe. This energy is often referred to as prana,
chi, or ki, and it is believed that by tapping into this energy, we can
promote healing and balance within the body and mind.

Universal energy healing can take many forms, including

Reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, and other modalities. While the
techniques may differ, they all share the same underlying principle:
that by connecting with the universal energy, we can facilitate
healing and bring balance to our lives.

One of the primary benefits of universal energy healing is that

it can promote deep relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety. When
we are stressed or anxious, our bodies produce cortisol, which can
have a negative impact on our health over time. By promoting
relaxation, universal energy healing can help to reduce cortisol
levels and improve overall wellbeing.

Another benefit of universal energy healing is that it can

improve the immune system's function. When we are in a state of
balance and harmony, our bodies are better able to fight off illness
and disease. By promoting balance and harmony through universal
energy healing, we can strengthen our immune systems and
improve our overall health.

Universal energy healing can also help to alleviate pain and

discomfort in the body. By releasing tension and promoting
relaxation, it can help to reduce inflammation and promote the
body's natural healing processes. It can be particularly effective in


treating chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, and


Perhaps one of the most significant benefits of universal

energy healing is that it can help to promote emotional healing and
balance. Many of us carry emotional pain and trauma that we may
not even be aware of, and these unresolved emotions can manifest
as physical pain or illness. By working with universal energy, we can
release these emotional blockages and promote healing and balance
within the body and mind.

In summary, the power of universal energy healing lies in its

ability to promote deep relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety,
strengthen the immune system, alleviate pain and discomfort, and
promote emotional healing and balance. By tapping into this
universal energy, we can improve our overall wellbeing and bring
greater harmony and balance to our lives.


Physical and Emotional Healing

The power of Universal Energy Healing can be transformative
when it comes to healing both physical and emotional wounds.
Universal Energy Healing is a holistic approach to healing that
recognizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of our being,
including the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. This
approach to healing understands that all aspects of our being must
be in balance in order to achieve overall well-being.

The human body is a complex network of energy centers and

pathways that make up the energetic system. When there is a
blockage or disturbance in these energy centers, it can manifest as
physical or emotional pain or discomfort. By using Universal
Energy Healing techniques, we can help to restore balance and
remove these blockages, allowing the body to heal itself.

One of the key principles of Universal Energy Healing is the

idea that the human body has its own innate ability to heal itself.
When we tap into the power of Universal Energy, we can help to
activate this healing response, which can promote physical and
emotional healing.

One technique that can be used for physical healing is known

as hands-on healing. This technique involves the practitioner
placing their hands on or near the affected area and using Universal
Energy to help stimulate the body's natural healing response. This
can be particularly effective for conditions such as pain,
inflammation, and injuries.

For emotional healing, Universal Energy Healing can be used

to help release emotional blockages that may be causing negative
feelings or behaviors. The practitioner can help the client to identify


and release these blockages, allowing them to move forward and

experience greater emotional well-being.

Another powerful aspect of Universal Energy Healing is its

ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress. When the body is in
a state of relaxation, it is better able to heal itself and maintain
overall wellness. Universal Energy Healing techniques can help to
induce a state of relaxation, which can be beneficial for those who
are experiencing chronic stress or anxiety.

In conclusion, the power of Universal Energy Healing cannot

be overstated. By tapping into the energy that surrounds us all, we
can promote physical and emotional healing, as well as relaxation
and overall well-being. Whether you are experiencing physical pain,
emotional discomfort, or simply want to promote greater overall
wellness, Universal Energy Healing can be a powerful tool to help
you achieve your goals.


Flow of Universal Healing Energy

Universal healing energy is believed to flow through the
human body in a specific manner that is related to the chakra
system. The chakra system is a concept used in traditional Indian
medicine and Ayurveda, as well as in yoga and meditation practices.
It is believed that there are seven chakras located throughout the
body, each of which is responsible for regulating a specific aspect of
our physical and emotional well-being. The flow of universal
healing energy is said to be directly connected to the chakras, and
proper alignment and balance of these energy centers is believed to
promote healing and overall health.

The first chakra, also known as the root chakra, is located at

the base of the spine and is associated with feelings of safety,
security, and grounding. It is believed that the flow of universal
healing energy enters the body through this chakra and moves
upward through the rest of the chakras. The second chakra, located
in the lower abdomen, is associated with creativity, sexuality, and
relationships. The third chakra, located in the solar plexus, is
associated with personal power and self-esteem.

The fourth chakra, also known as the heart chakra, is located

in the center of the chest and is associated with love, compassion,
and emotional balance. The fifth chakra, located in the throat, is
associated with communication and self-expression. The sixth
chakra, located in the center of the forehead, is associated with
intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight. The seventh chakra,
located at the top of the head, is associated with spiritual connection
and enlightenment.

The flow of universal healing energy through the body is

believed to be influenced by our thoughts, emotions, and actions.
Negative thoughts and emotions can create blockages or imbalances


in the chakras, which can lead to physical or emotional discomfort

and illness. By practicing techniques such as meditation, yoga, and
energy healing, we can work to clear these blockages and restore
balance to the chakras, allowing for the free flow of universal
healing energy throughout the body.

In energy healing practices such as Reiki or Infinity Reiki,

practitioners work to channel and direct this universal healing
energy to the areas of the body where it is needed most. By focusing
their intention and using specific hand positions, practitioners can
promote the flow of energy through the chakras and help to release
any blockages or imbalances. This can lead to a sense of deep
relaxation, stress relief, and improved physical and emotional well-

In summary, the flow of universal healing energy through the

human body is intimately connected to the chakra system. By
understanding the chakras and working to restore balance and
alignment, we can promote the free flow of energy and enhance our
physical and emotional health. Energy healing practices such as
Reiki and Infinity Reiki can be powerful tools for accessing and
directing this universal healing energy to promote healing and well-


Energy Blockages
Energy blockages refer to areas in our body where energy flow
is disrupted, slowed down or completely blocked. These blockages
can lead to physical, emotional or spiritual ailments. Being able to
sense energy blockages is an important aspect of energy healing, as
it allows us to identify where the energy flow is obstructed and take
steps to remove the blockage.

There are different ways to sense energy blockages in the body,

including physical sensations, intuitive feelings, and the use of
energy healing tools. Here are some of the ways to sense energy

1. Physical sensations: Energy blockages can manifest as physical

sensations such as tension, pain, stiffness or numbness in
certain areas of the body. For example, if you feel a tightness or
discomfort in your chest area, it could be a sign of blocked heart
chakra energy.
2. Intuitive feelings: Many energy healers use their intuition to
sense energy blockages. Intuitive feelings can include a sense of
heaviness, resistance, or a feeling of being stuck in a certain area
of the body.
3. Energy healing tools: There are various tools that can be used
to sense energy blockages, such as a pendulum, dowsing rods,
or an aura camera. These tools can help identify areas of the
body where energy flow is blocked.

Once you have identified an energy blockage, the next step is

to release it. There are different energy healing techniques that can
be used to clear energy blockages, including Reiki, acupuncture,
acupressure, chakra balancing, and crystal healing.


In Reiki, for example, the energy healer uses hand positions

on or near the affected area to channel universal life force energy
and help release the blockage. Acupuncture and acupressure use the
stimulation of specific points in the body to promote the free flow
of energy. Chakra balancing involves using various techniques to
balance the energy flow through the seven chakras, which can help
release blockages and promote overall wellbeing.

With practice and the use of different tools, you can learn to
identify areas of blocked energy in the body and take steps to clear
them. By promoting the free flow of energy, you can support
physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and maintain overall

Here are some more tips on how to sense blockages in energy


1. Use your intuition: Trust your gut instincts and listen to your
inner voice. If something feels off or not quite right, it could be
a sign of a blockage.
2. Scan the body: Use your hands or visualization techniques to
scan the body for areas of tension, discomfort, or pain. These
could be indicators of blockages.
3. Look for physical symptoms: Pay attention to physical
symptoms such as headaches, digestive issues, muscle tension,
or chronic pain. These can be signs of blockages in the
corresponding energy centers.
4. Sense emotional imbalances: Emotional imbalances such as
anxiety, depression, or anger can also be indicators of blockages
in the energy system.
5. Use energy tools: Crystals, pendulums, or other energy tools
can help detect blockages by picking up on the subtle energy


Role of Meditation and Intuition in Energy

Energy healing is a powerful way to promote physical,
emotional, and spiritual well-being. One of the key components of
effective energy healing is the use of meditation and intuition. These
two practices work together to create a deep sense of relaxation and
help the energy healer tap into their intuitive abilities to identify
and release blockages in the body's energy system.

Meditation is a practice that has been used for centuries to

promote relaxation and improve mental clarity. It involves focusing
your attention on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve
a state of deep relaxation and inner peace. During meditation, you
slow down your breathing and quiet your mind, allowing you to
access deeper levels of awareness and consciousness.

Intuition, on the other hand, is the ability to tap into your

inner knowing or higher self. It is a subtle sense that allows you to
pick up on information that is not readily apparent through your
five senses. Intuition is often described as a gut feeling or a hunch,
and it can be cultivated through regular meditation and other
mindfulness practices.

When combined, meditation and intuition can be a powerful

tool for energy healers. Here are some ways that these practices can
enhance the effectiveness of energy healing:

1. Deep Relaxation: Meditation helps to quiet the mind and

reduce stress, which can help the body to relax and release
tension. When the body is in a state of deep relaxation, it is more
receptive to healing energy.
2. Increased Awareness: Through meditation, energy healers can
develop greater awareness of their own body, thoughts, and


emotions. This heightened awareness can help them to detect

subtle changes in energy flow and identify blockages in the
body's energy system.
3. Clear Intuition: By cultivating intuition through meditation,
energy healers can tap into their inner knowing and receive
guidance on how to best approach each healing session. They
may receive insights into which areas of the body need attention,
or which techniques are most appropriate for each individual
4. Enhanced Healing: When meditation and intuition are used in
conjunction with energy healing techniques, the results can be
powerful. By tapping into the universal energy field and
directing it towards the areas of the body that need healing,
energy healers can help to promote physical, emotional, and
spiritual well-being.

In conclusion, the role of meditation and intuition in energy

healing cannot be overstated. By practicing regular meditation and
cultivating intuition, energy healers can deepen their connection to
the universal energy field and enhance their ability to promote
healing in others. Whether you are a professional energy healer or
simply interested in exploring these practices for your own personal
growth and well-being, incorporating meditation and intuition into
your daily routine can have a profound impact on your life.


The Role of Self-Care in Energy Healing System

Energy healing is a powerful tool that can help to promote
physical and emotional wellbeing. However, it is important to
remember that energy healing is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and
it should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice
or treatment. One of the most important aspects of energy healing
is self-care.

Self-care is essential for energy healers because it helps to

ensure that they are able to give their best to their clients. It is
impossible to pour from an empty cup, and energy healers need to
make sure that they are taking care of themselves in order to be
effective in their work. Here are some ways that energy healers can
practice self-care:

1. Meditation: Meditation is a powerful tool that can help energy

healers to connect with their inner selves and find inner peace.
Meditation can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression,
which can all be factors that contribute to energy blockages.
Energy healers can also use meditation to help them connect
with the universal energy and to channel it into their healing
2. Exercise: Exercise is another important aspect of self-care.
Regular exercise can help energy healers to maintain their
physical health and energy levels. Exercise can also help to
reduce stress and anxiety, which can contribute to energy
3. Nutrition: Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important for
everyone, but it is especially important for energy healers. A diet
that is high in processed foods, sugar, and caffeine can
contribute to energy blockages and make it more difficult for
energy healers to do their work effectively. Eating a diet that is


rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can

help to keep energy levels high and support the body's natural
healing processes.
4. Rest and relaxation: It is important for energy healers to take
time for rest and relaxation. This can mean taking a nap during
the day, going for a walk-in nature, or simply taking a few
minutes to meditate. Rest and relaxation help to reduce stress
and promote a sense of calm, which can make it easier for
energy healers to connect with the universal energy and to
channel it into their work.
5. Intuition: Finally, it is important for energy healers to trust their
intuition. Intuition is a powerful tool that can help energy
healers to sense energy blockages and to know how to address
them. It is important for energy healers to listen to their
intuition and to follow it, even if it seems to go against logical or
rational thought.

In conclusion, self-care is an essential aspect of energy

healing. Energy healers must take care of themselves in order to be
effective in their work. This includes practicing meditation, exercise,
nutrition, rest and relaxation, and listening to their intuition. By
prioritizing self-care, energy healers can help to ensure that they are
able to give their best to their clients and to promote physical and
emotional healing.


Importance of Grounding in Energy Healing

Grounding is a crucial aspect of energy healing that is often
overlooked, yet it plays a significant role in the overall success of
any energy healing practice. It is important to understand what
grounding is, why it is necessary, and how to effectively ground
oneself during an energy healing session.

What is Grounding?
Grounding, also known as earthing, is the process of
connecting oneself to the earth's energy, which helps to balance the
body's energy and bring about a sense of stability and calmness.
When we ground ourselves, we connect to the earth's electrical
charge, which is negatively charged, thereby neutralizing our
positively charged energy. Grounding can be done through physical
contact with the earth, such as walking barefoot, lying down, or
sitting on the ground, or by visualization techniques that connect us
to the earth's energy.

Why is Grounding Important in Energy Healing?

Grounding is essential in energy healing for several reasons.
Firstly, it helps to protect the practitioner from picking up any
negative energy or emotions from the person they are working with.
This is particularly important when dealing with clients who are
experiencing intense emotional or physical pain. Grounding allows
the practitioner to release any negative energy and emotions that
they may have absorbed during the session.

Secondly, grounding helps to enhance the energy flow

between the practitioner and the client, allowing for a deeper and
more effective healing experience. When the practitioner is
grounded, their energy is more stable and balanced, which helps to
facilitate the flow of energy to the client. Grounding also helps the


client to relax and feel more comfortable, making it easier for them
to receive the energy healing.

Thirdly, grounding helps to reduce stress and anxiety levels

in both the practitioner and the client. It promotes a sense of
calmness and inner peace, which is essential for effective energy
healing. When the body is in a state of relaxation, it is more
receptive to the energy healing, and the healing process is more

How to Effectively Ground Yourself in Energy Healing

There are several techniques that can be used to ground
oneself during an energy healing session. Here are a few of the most
effective techniques:

1. Physical Grounding: This involves making physical contact

with the earth, such as walking barefoot, sitting or lying down
on the ground, or hugging a tree. This technique helps to
connect to the earth's energy and balance the body's energy.
2. Visualization Techniques: This involves imagining oneself as a
tree with roots extending deep into the earth or visualizing
oneself being surrounded by a protective shield of grounding
energy. This technique can be done anywhere and is particularly
useful when physical grounding is not possible.
3. Breathing Exercises: This involves taking deep, slow breaths
while focusing on the sensation of the breath moving in and out
of the body. This technique helps to calm the mind and balance
the body's energy.
4. Mindfulness Exercises: This involves focusing on the present
moment and being aware of one's surroundings. This technique
can be done while walking or sitting, and it helps to promote a
sense of calmness and inner peace.


In conclusion, grounding is a critical aspect of energy healing

that should not be overlooked. It helps to protect the practitioner,
enhance the energy flow between the practitioner and the client,
and promote a sense of calmness and relaxation. By incorporating
grounding techniques into your energy healing practice, you can
enhance the effectiveness of your healing sessions and provide your
clients with a more profound and meaningful healing experience.


Grounding using Infinity Reiki and its symbols

1. Begin by finding a quiet and comfortable place where you will
not be disturbed. Sit or lie down with your feet flat on the
2. Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax.
3. Invoke the Infinity Reiki symbols that resonate with grounding,
such as Onta, Topanda, or Tripanda.
4. Imagine that you are standing in a peaceful and serene place,
such as a forest or a beach.
5. Visualize roots growing out of your feet, deep into the earth.
These roots are strong and powerful, and they connect you to
the energy of the earth.
6. As you inhale, imagine that you are drawing up energy from the
earth through your roots and into your body.
7. As you exhale, release any tension, stress, or negative energy
that you may be holding onto.
8. Continue to breathe deeply, drawing up the earth's energy and
releasing any negativity.
9. You can also place your hands on your thighs or on the ground
to enhance the grounding experience.
10. When you feel fully grounded and centered, thank the earth for
its energy and support.
11. Visualize a bright light surrounding your body, protecting you
from any negative energy or unwanted influences.
12. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and return to your
daily activities, feeling grounded, centered, and protected.

Remember to practice grounding regularly, especially when

you feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed. Grounding helps to
release tension, balance your energy, and connect you to the earth's
healing power.


Feeling Disconnected in Energy Healing

In energy healing, it is important to be fully connected to the
energy source in order to be able to heal oneself and others
effectively. However, sometimes we may experience disconnection,
which can hinder the flow of energy and affect the healing process.

Disconnection in energy healing can happen for a variety of

reasons, including physical exhaustion, emotional distress, mental
overload, or spiritual disconnection. It can also be caused by
environmental factors such as electromagnetic fields, exposure to
toxins, or geopathic stress.

Symptoms of disconnection may include feeling drained,

tired, or lethargic; difficulty focusing or concentrating; feeling
overwhelmed or anxious; and a lack of motivation or inspiration.
When we are disconnected, we may also experience physical
symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, or digestive issues.

In order to avoid disconnection in energy healing, it is

important to practice grounding and self-care. Grounding involves
connecting to the earth’s energy, which can help to balance our own
energy and maintain a sense of stability and centeredness. There
are several ways to ground, including walking barefoot on the earth,
visualizing roots growing from the soles of your feet into the earth,
or holding grounding stones such as black tourmaline or hematite.

Self-care is also essential for maintaining a strong connection

to the energy source. This includes practices such as meditation,
exercise, healthy eating, getting enough sleep, and engaging in
activities that bring joy and relaxation. When we take care of
ourselves, we are better able to channel and direct the energy for
healing purposes.


In addition to grounding and self-care, it is also important to

be mindful of our thoughts and emotions. Negative thoughts and
emotions can block the flow of energy, while positive ones can help
to increase the flow. It is important to acknowledge and address any
negative emotions, and to practice techniques such as visualization,
positive affirmations, and deep breathing to help release them.

Finally, it is important to seek support from others when we

are experiencing disconnection in energy healing. This can include
reaching out to a mentor or teacher for guidance, participating in a
support group, or simply talking to a trusted friend or family

In conclusion, disconnection in energy healing can hinder the

healing process and lead to a variety of physical and emotional
symptoms. By practicing grounding, self-care, mindfulness, and
seeking support when needed, we can maintain a strong connection
to the energy source and promote healing for ourselves and others.


Healing Crisis
Healing crisis is a term used to describe a phenomenon that
can occur during a period of intense healing or energy work,
including in Infinity Reiki. It is important to understand that this
crisis is a natural part of the healing process, and can be an
indication that the body is releasing toxins and negative energy that
have been stored within it. In this article, we will explore the nature
of the healing crisis, its potential causes, and how to manage it
effectively in the context of Infinity Reiki.

What is a Healing Crisis?

A healing crisis is a temporary state of discomfort that can
occur as a result of intense healing work, including Infinity Reiki. It
can be thought of as a process of purging negative energy and toxins
that have accumulated in the body, mind, or spirit, as a result of
long-standing emotional, mental, or physical patterns. These
patterns can include stress, trauma, or chronic illness, among

During a healing crisis, the body may experience a range of

symptoms, including fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, nausea,
dizziness, or emotional release. These symptoms can be intense, but
they are temporary and can be managed effectively with self-care
practices and support from a trained Infinity Reiki practitioner.

What Causes a Healing Crisis?

A healing crisis can be caused by a number of factors,

1. Intense healing work: When a person receives a large amount

of healing energy in a short period of time, it can cause the body
to release toxins and negative energy, leading to a healing crisis.


2. Emotional release: During Infinity Reiki sessions, a person may

experience emotional release as they process and release
negative emotions and traumas stored within their body.
3. Physical detoxification: Infinity Reiki can stimulate the body's
natural detoxification processes, leading to a release of toxins
and negative energy.
4. Spiritual awakening: Infinity Reiki can also activate spiritual
awakening, which can lead to intense periods of growth and
transformation, as well as a healing crisis.

How to Manage a Healing Crisis in Infinity Reiki?

If you are experiencing a healing crisis during Infinity Reiki,
it is important to take care of yourself and seek support from a
trained practitioner. Here are some steps you can take to manage a
healing crisis effectively:

1. Rest: Allow yourself to rest and take time off from work or other
obligations, if possible.
2. Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated can help flush out
toxins and support the body's natural healing processes.
3. Practice self-care: Take care of your physical and emotional
needs, such as getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and
engaging in activities that make you feel relaxed and happy.
4. Seek support: Reach out to a trained Infinity Reiki practitioner
for support and guidance during this process.

In conclusion, a healing crisis is a natural part of the healing

process in Infinity Reiki. It can be managed effectively with self-care
practices and support from a trained practitioner. By
understanding the nature of healing crisis and taking the necessary
steps to manage it, you can emerge from the process feeling
stronger and more balanced than ever before.


Type of Sensation during Energy Healing

During or after an Infinity Reiki session, people may
experience a range of sensations, both physical and emotional.
These sensations can vary from person to person, and some may not
feel anything at all. Below are some of the common sensations that
people may experience during or after an Infinity Reiki session:

1. Deep relaxation: One of the most common sensations during an

Infinity Reiki session is a deep sense of relaxation. Clients may
feel like they are in a meditative state or feel like they are falling
2. Tingling or warmth: Some people may feel a tingling or
warming sensation in different parts of their body during an
Infinity Reiki session. This may be due to the energy flowing
through their body.
3. Emotional release: Infinity Reiki can help release emotional
blockages, and clients may experience an emotional release
during or after the session. This can include feeling a sense of
relief, crying, or feeling a sense of happiness or joy.
4. Lightness or heaviness: Some people may feel a sense of
lightness or heaviness during an Infinity Reiki session. This can
be due to the energy clearing blockages in their body.
5. Insight or clarity: Clients may also experience a sense of insight
or clarity during or after an Infinity Reiki session. This can
include having a new perspective on a situation or feeling a
sense of direction or purpose.
6. Improved sleep: Clients may experience improved sleep after an
Infinity Reiki session. This can include feeling more rested,
having better quality sleep, or experiencing fewer sleep


7. Increased energy: Some people may feel an increase in energy

after an Infinity Reiki session. This can include feeling more
alert, focused, and motivated.

It is important to note that everyone's experience with Infinity

Reiki is unique, and there is no right or wrong way to experience it.
If you are curious about Infinity Reiki, it is best to try it out for
yourself and see what sensations and experiences you have. It is also
recommended to work with a certified Infinity Reiki practitioner
who can guide you through the session and answer any questions
you may have.



Level 1 Symbols

Infinity Symbol
This is the main symbols of Infinity Reiki. In Infinity Reiki,
the infinity symbol represents the infinite, unbounded nature of the
universe and the limitless potential for healing and growth. It also
represents the interconnectedness of all things, as the energy that
flows through the practitioner and the recipient is part of the same
universal energy. The infinity symbol is capable of sending reiki to
infinite distance and also through time and space also.

When working with the infinity symbol in Infinity Reiki,
practitioners focus their intention on the limitless nature of the
energy and its ability to promote healing on all levels. By channeling


this infinite energy through the body and into the recipient, the
practitioner can help to release blockages, restore balance, and
promote healing and growth in the recipient's body, mind, and

This symbol is drawn from the center and towards the left
upwards side and then completing the left circle (in anticlockwise
direction) and coming back to middle and then towards right side
from upward to down (in clockwise direction) and coming to middle

Use of Infinity symbol:

In Infinity Reiki, the infinity symbol has several uses,


1. Activation: The infinity symbol is used to activate the energy of

Infinity Reiki. Practitioners often draw the symbol in the air or


on their hands before beginning a healing session to bring in the

infinite, boundless energy of the universe.
2. Focus: The infinity symbol can be used as a focal point during
meditation or healing sessions. By gazing at the symbol or
visualizing it in the mind's eye, the practitioner can connect
more deeply with the infinite energy of the universe.
3. Balancing: The infinity symbol is used to balance and
harmonize the energy centers of the body, also known as the
chakras. By visualizing the symbol over each chakra, the
practitioner can help to clear blockages and promote balance
and flow of energy throughout the body.
4. Protection: The infinity symbol is sometimes used as a
protective symbol in Infinity Reiki. By visualizing the symbol
surrounding the body or a specific area, the practitioner can
create a protective barrier of infinite energy to shield against
negative energies or entities.
5. Manifestation: The infinity symbol can also be used as a
manifestation tool in Infinity Reiki. By visualizing the symbol
and focusing on a specific intention, the practitioner can
amplify their manifestation power and bring their desires into


Onta Symbol
Onta is a symbol in Infinity Reiki that represents the
foundation of all creation. It is based on the number one, which is
considered the number of new beginnings and potential. The Onta
symbol helps to align one's energies with the universal life force,
also known as Ki or Chi, and creates a powerful connection between
the physical and spiritual realms.

Onta is often used in Reiki healing to promote inner peace,

balance, and harmony. The symbol helps to remove energy
blockages, which are often the root cause of physical, emotional,
and spiritual imbalances. It is particularly useful for those who
struggle with anxiety, depression, and stress.

To use the Onta symbol in Reiki healing, one must first

visualize the symbol in their mind's eye. It can be helpful to draw
the symbol on paper or visualize it as a glowing energy in front of
you. Once you have a clear image of the symbol, you can begin to
focus on its energy.

As you focus on the Onta symbol, allow yourself to become

open to receiving the universal life force energy. Visualize the
energy flowing through you, filling you with a sense of peace and
harmony. This energy can then be directed to any areas of the body
that may be experiencing discomfort or imbalance.

The Onta symbol can also be used in meditation practices to

promote a sense of inner calm and connection to the divine. By
focusing on the symbol and its energy, one can quiet the mind and
create a deep sense of relaxation and inner peace. This symbol is
very powerful symbol for grounding also.


With regular use, the Onta symbol can help one to achieve a
greater sense of alignment with the universal life force energy and
the divine.

Uses of Onta symbol:

1. Self-expression: The Onta symbol can be used to promote self-
expression and individuality. By drawing the symbol over the
throat chakra, the practitioner can help to clear blockages and
promote communication, allowing individuals to express
themselves more fully and authentically.
2. Uniqueness: The Onta symbol is often used to celebrate our
unique qualities and gifts. By drawing the symbol over the heart
chakra, the practitioner can help individuals to recognize and
embrace their individuality, promoting self-confidence and self-
3. Oneness: While the Onta symbol is focused on individuality, it
is also based on the concept of oneness. By drawing the symbol
over the crown chakra, the practitioner can help individuals to


connect with the infinite, boundless energy of the universe and

recognize their place in the greater whole.
4. Manifestation: The Onta symbol can also be used as a
manifestation tool in Infinity Reiki. By focusing on a specific
intention and drawing the symbol over it, the practitioner can
amplify their manifestation power and bring their desires into
reality while staying true to their unique qualities and
5. Balance: The Onta symbol is also used to promote balance and
harmony within the body and mind. By drawing the symbol over
the third eye chakra, the practitioner can help to clear blockages
and promote clarity and insight, allowing individuals to find a
sense of balance and harmony within themselves.

The Onta symbol, which is the second symbol in Infinity Reiki,

can also be used as a tool for success. This symbol is based on the
number 1, which represents unity, wholeness, and the source of all

To use the Onta symbol for success, practitioners may draw

the symbol over a specific intention or goal, visualizing the outcome
they desire. This can help to amplify their manifestation power and
bring their desires into reality.

The Onta symbol can also be used to promote self-confidence

and self-love, which are essential for achieving success. By drawing
the symbol over the heart chakra, practitioners can help individuals
recognize and embrace their unique qualities and gifts, promoting
self-confidence and self-belief.

Overall, the Onta symbol can be a powerful tool for those

seeking success, helping to align them with the infinite energy of the
universe and their own inner wisdom and guidance.



Level 2 – Release Level

The second level of Infinity reiki energy healing system is a

crucial step in achieving a balanced and harmonious state of being.
This level of healing is focused on the release and clearing of
negative energies that may be causing imbalances or blockages in
the body, mind, and spirit.

Negative energy can come from a variety of sources, including

emotional trauma, physical illness, environmental toxins, and
negative thought patterns. These negative energies can accumulate
over time, leading to a disruption of the natural flow of energy
throughout the body.

To begin the process of releasing and clearing negative energy,

it is important to first acknowledge its presence. This can be done
through meditation, visualization, or simply by being aware of any
physical or emotional discomfort that may be present.

Once the negative energy has been acknowledged, it is

important to focus on releasing it from the body. This can be done
through various energy healing techniques, including chakra
balancing, aura cleansing, and Reiki.

Chakra balancing involves working with the seven main

energy centers in the body, known as chakras, to release any
blockages or imbalances that may be present. Each chakra is
associated with a different aspect of the body, mind, and spirit, and
working to balance these centers can help to restore the natural flow
of energy throughout the body.


Aura cleansing is another technique that can be used to

release negative energy from the body. The aura is the energy field
that surrounds the body, and it can become blocked or imbalanced
due to various factors. By using visualization and intention, it is
possible to clear and cleanse the aura, allowing for a greater flow of
positive energy.

Reiki is another powerful tool for releasing and clearing

negative energy. This energy healing technique involves the use of
hands-on healing to channel energy into the body, promoting
balance and harmony. By working with a Reiki practitioner, it is
possible to release and clear negative energy from the body,
allowing for a greater sense of well-being and vitality.

By releasing and clearing negative energy from the body,

mind, and environment, it is possible to achieve a greater sense of
balance and harmony. This second level of Infinity reiki energy
healing system provides a powerful tool for achieving this state of
well-being, and can be a transformative experience for those who
are ready to release what no longer serves them.


Negative Energies in the Body

In some belief systems, negative energies are thought to exist
within the body and can have a detrimental effect on a person's
physical, emotional, and mental well-being. These negative
energies may be caused by a variety of factors, such as emotional
trauma, stress, negative thought patterns, or unhealthy habits.

Some common signs of negative energies in the body may


ü Chronic pain or illness that is difficult to diagnose or treat.

ü Feeling constantly fatigued or drained of energy.
ü Difficulty sleeping or experiencing frequent nightmares.
ü Sudden changes in mood or emotional instability.
ü Feeling overwhelmed or anxious for no apparent reason.
ü Difficulty concentrating or experiencing mental fog.
ü Feeling a sense of heaviness or pressure in the body.
ü Experiencing unexplained feelings of fear or dread.

There are several techniques that can be used to help clear

negative energies from the body, such as:

1. Meditation: Practicing meditation can help to quiet the mind

and reduce stress, which can help to release negative energies.
2. Energy healing: Techniques such as Reiki or acupuncture can
help to balance the body's energy and promote healing.
3. Aromatherapy: Certain essential oils such as lavender,
frankincense, or peppermint may help to clear negative energies
and promote a sense of calm.
4. Crystal healing: Certain crystals such as black tourmaline, clear
quartz, or amethyst are believed to have properties that can help
to clear negative energies from the body.


5. Physical exercise: Engaging in regular physical exercise can

help to release pent-up stress and negative emotions from the

It's important to note that while negative energies in the body

are a common belief in some spiritual and alternative health
practices, there is no scientific evidence to support their existence.
However, many of the techniques used to clear negative energies
can still be beneficial in promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and
improving overall well-being.


Source of Negative Energies

In some belief systems, negative energies are thought to enter
the body, mind, and soul through various sources, including:

1. Emotional trauma: Past or current emotional trauma, such as

abuse or neglect, can leave a person with negative energies that
affect their emotional and mental well-being.
2. Stress: Chronic stress, whether from work, relationships, or
other sources, can lead to negative energies that affect both the
body and mind.
3. Unhealthy habits: Unhealthy habits such as poor diet, lack of
exercise, or substance abuse can contribute to negative energies
in the body.
4. Negative thought patterns: Persistent negative thoughts and
beliefs can create negative energies that affect a person's
emotional and mental well-being.
5. Environmental factors: Environmental factors such as
pollution, electromagnetic radiation, or negative energy fields
can contribute to negative energies in the body.
6. Spiritual factors: Some belief systems suggest that negative
energies can also come from spiritual sources, such as
malevolent spirits, curses, or negative energy from other people.

There are various techniques that can be used to clear

negative energies from the body, such as those mentioned in my
previous response. These techniques aim to promote healing and
balance in the body, mind, and soul, and help to release negative
energies that may be contributing to a person's physical, emotional,
or mental symptoms.


What is Emotional Trauma?

Emotional trauma refers to a psychological response to a
distressing or disturbing event or series of events that overwhelm
an individual's ability to cope. Traumatic events can include
experiences such as physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, neglect,
violence, natural disasters, accidents, or the sudden loss of a loved

Emotional trauma can have a profound impact on a person's

mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It can lead to a range of
symptoms, including:

1. Anxiety and depression: Trauma can trigger anxiety and

depression, making it difficult for individuals to regulate their
emotions and cope with daily life.
2. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Trauma can cause
PTSD, which can lead to intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, and
nightmares, and result in avoidance behaviors and emotional
3. Difficulty with relationships: Trauma can affect the ability to
form and maintain healthy relationships, leading to social
isolation and emotional dysregulation.
4. Physical symptoms: Trauma can lead to physical symptoms
such as chronic pain, headaches, and digestive problems.
5. Negative self-image: Trauma can affect an individual's sense of
self-worth and lead to negative self-talk and self-destructive

It's important to seek professional help if you or someone you

know is experiencing symptoms related to emotional trauma. With
proper treatment and support, individuals can learn to manage
their symptoms and improve their quality of life.


What are Negative Thought Patterns?

Negative thought patterns refer to persistent negative beliefs
or perceptions about oneself, others, or the world around them.
These negative thoughts can be automatic and ingrained, and can
have a significant impact on a person's mental health and well-
being. Some common negative thought patterns include:

1. All-or-nothing thinking: Seeing things in black and white terms,

with no middle ground or room for flexibility.
2. Catastrophizing: Assuming the worst-case scenario in any
situation, and expecting disaster to strike.
3. Overgeneralization: Drawing broad conclusions based on
limited evidence or a single negative experience.
4. Personalization: Assuming that negative events or
circumstances are a direct result of one's own actions or
5. Mental filtering: Focusing exclusively on negative aspects of a
situation, while ignoring any positive or neutral aspects.
6. Emotional reasoning: Believing that one's feelings are facts,
and allowing emotions to override reason and logic.

Negative thought patterns can contribute to a range of mental

health issues, including anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.
They can also lead to a cycle of negative self-talk and self-
destructive behavior, which can perpetuate the negative thought


How we can clear Negative Thought Patterns?

There are several techniques that can be helpful in releasing
or clearing negative thought patterns. Here are some examples:

1. Mindfulness: Mindfulness involves being fully present and non-

judgmental in the moment, observing thoughts and feelings
without getting caught up in them. Practicing mindfulness can
help individuals become more aware of negative thought
patterns and learn to observe them without getting stuck in
2. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a form of
psychotherapy that focuses on changing negative thought
patterns and behaviors. In CBT, individuals learn to identify
and challenge negative thoughts, and develop more positive and
realistic beliefs about themselves and the world around them.
3. Positive affirmations: Repeating positive affirmations to
oneself can help to counteract negative self-talk and beliefs.
Affirmations can be tailored to specific negative thought
patterns, such as "I am capable of handling challenges" for all-
or-nothing thinking or "I am worthy of love and respect" for low
4. Journaling: Writing down negative thoughts and then
challenging them with more positive and realistic counter-
thoughts can be a helpful way to release negative thought
patterns and promote a more balanced perspective.
5. Self-compassion: Practicing self-compassion involves treating
oneself with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness. By
developing self-compassion, individuals can learn to counteract
negative self-talk and beliefs and replace them with more
positive and supportive self-talk.
It's important to remember that releasing negative thought patterns
can take time and effort.


Meditation – A Powerful Tool

Meditation can be a powerful tool for releasing and clearing
negative energies and thought patterns. Here are some ways
meditation can help:

1. Increases self-awareness: Through meditation, individuals can

become more aware of their thoughts, emotions, and physical
sensations. This increased self-awareness can help individuals
identify negative thought patterns and become more mindful of
2. Promotes relaxation: Meditation can help individuals relax and
reduce stress, which can help to clear negative energies and
thoughts from the mind and body.
3. Improves emotional regulation: By practicing meditation,
individuals can learn to regulate their emotions more effectively.
This can help to prevent negative emotions from becoming
overwhelming and leading to negative thought patterns.
4. Develops a positive mindset: Through meditation, individuals
can cultivate a more positive and optimistic mindset. This can
help to counteract negative thought patterns and promote a
more positive outlook on life.
5. Enhances self-compassion: Practicing meditation can help
individuals develop self-compassion and self-love. By treating
oneself with kindness and compassion, individuals can
counteract negative self-talk and beliefs.
6. Increases focus and concentration: By practicing meditation,
individuals can improve their focus and concentration. This can
help to reduce distractions and prevent negative thought
patterns from taking hold.

Overall, meditation can be a helpful tool for releasing and

clearing negative energies and thought patterns.


What are Chakras?

Chakras are centers of energy that are believed to exist within
the human body, according to Hindu and Buddhist traditions. The
word "chakra" comes from Sanskrit, and translates to "wheel" or

There are seven primary chakras that are:

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, this
chakra is associated with grounding, stability, and security.
2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Located in the lower abdomen,
this chakra is associated with creativity, sexuality, and pleasure.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Located in the upper abdomen,
this chakra is associated with confidence, personal power, and
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Located in the center of the chest, this
chakra is associated with love, compassion, and emotional
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Located in the throat, this chakra
is associated with communication, self-expression, and
6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Located between the eyebrows, this
chakra is associated with intuition, spiritual awareness, and
inner wisdom.
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Located at the top of the head, this
chakra is associated with connection to the divine, spiritual
enlightenment, and higher consciousness.

The chakras are believed to be interconnected and to

influence one another, and are thought to play a role in physical,
emotional, and spiritual health. Practices such as yoga, meditation,
and energy healing can be used to balance and activate the chakras.


The Chakra System

The chakra system is a complex system of energy centers that
are believed to exist within the human body. According to Hindu
and Buddhist traditions, the chakras are responsible for the flow of
energy (or "prana") throughout the body, and are associated with
various physical, emotional, and spiritual characteristics.

There are seven primary chakras that are commonly referred

to, each of which is associated with a specific location, color, and set
of physical, emotional, and spiritual characteristics. In this manual,
we will explore each of these chakras in detail, along with their
associated characteristics and practices for balancing and activating

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara):

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and is
associated with grounding, stability, and security. Its color is red,
and it is associated with the element of earth. When this chakra is
balanced, individuals feel grounded, safe, and secure. Practices
such as yoga, meditation, and visualization can be used to balance
and activate the Root Chakra.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

The Sacral Chakra is located in the lower abdomen and is
associated with creativity, sexuality, and pleasure. Its color is
orange, and it is associated with the element of water. When this
chakra is balanced, individuals feel creative, sensual, and connected
to their emotions. Practices such as dance, art, and self-expression
can be used to balance and activate the Sacral Chakra.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):


The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in the upper abdomen and

is associated with confidence, personal power, and self-worth. Its
color is yellow, and it is associated with the element of fire. When
this chakra is balanced, individuals feel confident, self-assured, and
empowered. Practices such as affirmations, visualization, and
meditation can be used to balance and activate the Solar Plexus

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata):

The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest and is
associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance. Its color
is green, and it is associated with the element of air. When this
chakra is balanced, individuals feel loving, empathetic, and
connected to others. Practices such as loving-kindness meditation,
heart-opening yoga poses, and acts of kindness can be used to
balance and activate the Heart Chakra.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

The Throat Chakra is located in the throat and is associated
with communication, self-expression, and authenticity. Its color is
blue, and it is associated with the element of sound. When this
chakra is balanced, individuals feel confident in their ability to
communicate, express themselves authentically, and speak their
truth. Practices such as singing, chanting, and journaling can be
used to balance and activate the Throat Chakra.

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):

The Third Eye Chakra is located between the eyebrows and is
associated with intuition, spiritual awareness, and inner wisdom.
Its color is indigo, and it is associated with the element of light.
When this chakra is balanced, individuals feel connected to their
intuition, able to access higher states of consciousness, and in touch
with their inner wisdom. Practices such as meditation, visualization,


and dream work can be used to balance and activate the Third Eye

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and is
associated with connection to the divine, spiritual enlightenment,
and higher consciousness. Its color is violet, and it is associated with
the element of thought. When this chakra is balanced, individuals
feel connected to the divine, able to access.


God and Goddess of Chakras

In Hinduism, each chakra is associated with a particular god
or goddess, and their characteristics and symbolism correspond to
the nature of that deity. Here is a brief overview of the god and
goddess of each chakra:

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara):

This chakra is associated with Lord Ganesha, who is the
remover of obstacles and the god of beginnings. Lord Ganesha is
also known as the patron of arts and sciences and is worshipped
before starting any new venture.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

The goddess Shakti or Devi is associated with this chakra.
Shakti is the personification of feminine power and energy and is
considered the mother of the universe. She is often depicted with
multiple arms, each holding a different object that represents her

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

The third chakra is associated with Lord Vishnu, who is
considered the preserver of the universe. Lord Vishnu is often
depicted with four arms, each holding a different object that
represents his power. He is worshipped for his qualities of
compassion, protection, and preservation.

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata):

This chakra is associated with Lord Krishna, who is the
embodiment of love and compassion. Lord Krishna is one of the
most popular and revered deities in Hinduism and is worshipped
for his teachings on love, devotion, and spirituality.


5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

The fifth chakra is associated with Lord Siva, who is the
destroyer of ignorance and ego. Lord Siva is often depicted with a
third eye, which represents his power of intuition and insight. He is
worshipped for his qualities of wisdom, meditation, and self-

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):

This chakra is associated with Lord Shiva, who is the lord of
meditation and self-awareness. Lord Shiva is often depicted in a
meditative pose, with his eyes closed and his hands resting on his
knees. He is worshipped for his qualities of inner wisdom, insight,
and spiritual awakening.

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

The seventh chakra is associated with Lord Brahma, who is
the creator of the universe. Lord Brahma is often depicted with four
faces, each facing a different direction, representing his
omniscience and omnipresence. He is worshipped for his qualities
of creation, enlightenment, and transcendence.

In conclusion, the gods and goddesses of the chakras in

Hinduism represent different qualities and aspects of our physical,
emotional, and spiritual well-being. By meditating on these deities
and focusing on their qualities, we can activate and balance our
chakras, leading to a greater sense of harmony and well-being in our


Chakra and their Mantra

Chakras are centers of energy within the human body that are
believed to be responsible for physical, emotional, and spiritual
well-being. Each chakra is associated with a specific sound, or
mantra, that can help to balance and activate the energy within that
chakra. In this article, we will explore the mantras associated with
each chakra and how they can be used to improve overall health and

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara):

The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated
with the mantra "LAM." This mantra is said to help ground and
stabilize the energy of the body, promoting a sense of safety and
security. Chanting "LAM" can help to activate and balance the root
chakra, promoting feelings of stability and balance.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

The sacral chakra, located in the lower abdomen, is associated
with the mantra "VAM." This mantra is said to help balance the
emotions and promote creativity and sensuality. Chanting "VAM"
can help to activate and balance the sacral chakra, promoting
feelings of pleasure and creativity.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

The solar plexus chakra, located in the upper abdomen, is
associated with the mantra "RAM." This mantra is said to help boost
self-confidence and promote feelings of power and self-esteem.
Chanting "RAM" can help to activate and balance the solar plexus
chakra, promoting feelings of self-worth and inner strength.

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata):


The heart chakra, located in the center of the chest, is

associated with the mantra "YAM." This mantra is said to help
promote feelings of love, compassion, and emotional balance.
Chanting "YAM" can help to activate and balance the heart chakra,
promoting feelings of love and emotional connection.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

The throat chakra, located in the neck, is associated with the
mantra "HAM." This mantra is said to help promote clear
communication and self-expression. Chanting "HAM" can help to
activate and balance the throat chakra, promoting clear
communication and self-expression.

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):

The third eye chakra, located in the center of the forehead, is
associated with the mantra "OM." This mantra is said to help
promote intuition and inner wisdom. Chanting "OM" can help to
activate and balance the third eye chakra, promoting a deeper sense
of intuition and inner wisdom.

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

The crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is associated
with the mantra "OM" or "AUM." This mantra is said to help
promote spiritual connection and enlightenment. Chanting "OM"
or "AUM" can help to activate and balance the crown chakra,
promoting spiritual connection and a deeper sense of consciousness.

In conclusion, the mantras associated with each chakra can

be a powerful tool for balancing and activating the energy within the
body. By incorporating these mantras into a daily practice of
meditation or chanting, we can promote overall health and well-
being, and improve our physical, emotional, and spiritual
connection to the world around us.


Root Chakra
The Root Chakra, also known as the Muladhara, is the first of
the seven primary chakras in the human body. Located at the base
of the spine, the Root Chakra is associated with grounding, stability,
and security. In this manual, we will explore the Root Chakra in
detail, including its associated characteristics, signs of imbalance,
and practices for balancing and activating the chakra.

Associated Characteristics:
The Root Chakra is associated with various physical,
emotional, and spiritual characteristics, including:

1. Physical: The Root Chakra is associated with the physical body

parts including the spine, legs, feet, and adrenal glands.
2. Emotional: The Root Chakra is associated with feelings of safety,
security, and stability. When this chakra is balanced, individuals
feel grounded, present, and secure in their physical
3. Spiritual: The Root Chakra is associated with the element of
earth, and is believed to connect individuals to the physical
world and the energy of the earth.

Signs of Imbalance:
When the Root Chakra is imbalanced, individuals may
experience various physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms,

1. Physical: Imbalances in the Root Chakra may manifest as issues

with the legs, feet, or lower back. Additionally, individuals may
experience fatigue or a lack of energy.
2. Emotional: Imbalances in the Root Chakra may manifest as
feelings of anxiety, insecurity, or a lack of confidence.


3. Spiritual: Imbalances in the Root Chakra may manifest as

feelings of disconnection from the physical world, or a lack of
grounding and stability.

Balancing and Activating the Root Chakra:

There are various practices that can be used to balance and
activate the Root Chakra, including:

1. Grounding Exercises: Grounding exercises can help individuals

connect to the physical world and feel more rooted and secure.
Examples of grounding exercises include walking barefoot in
nature, sitting or lying on the ground, or hugging a tree.
2. Yoga: Certain yoga poses can help balance and activate the Root
Chakra, including the Mountain Pose (Tadasana), the Tree Pose
(Vrksasana), and the Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana).
3. Meditation: Meditation can help individuals connect with the
energy of the Root Chakra and promote feelings of safety,
security, and stability. Visualization exercises, such as
imagining a red ball of energy at the base of the spine, can be
particularly effective.
4. Essential Oils: Essential oils such as cedarwood, frankincense,
and patchouli are believed to have grounding and stabilizing
properties, and can be used to support the Root Chakra.
5. Crystals: Certain crystals, such as black tourmaline, red jasper,
and garnet, are believed to help balance and activate the Root
Chakra. Placing these crystals on or near the Root Chakra
during meditation or other practices can be helpful.

In summary, the Root Chakra is an important energy center

in the body that is associated with grounding, stability, and security.


Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra, also known as the Swadhisthana, is the
second of the seven primary chakras in the human body. Located in
the lower abdomen, the Sacral Chakra is associated with creativity,
sensuality, and emotional balance. In this manual, we will explore
the Sacral Chakra in detail, including its associated characteristics,
signs of imbalance, and practices for balancing and activating the

Associated Characteristics:
The Sacral Chakra is associated with various physical,
emotional, and spiritual characteristics, including:

1. Physical: The Sacral Chakra is associated with the physical body

parts including the reproductive organs, bladder, and kidneys.
2. Emotional: The Sacral Chakra is associated with feelings of
pleasure, creativity, and emotional balance. When this chakra is
balanced, individuals feel comfortable expressing their
emotions and connecting with others on an emotional level.
3. Spiritual: The Sacral Chakra is associated with the element of
water, and is believed to connect individuals to their emotional
and creative energies.

Signs of Imbalance:
When the Sacral Chakra is imbalanced, individuals may
experience various physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms,

1. Physical: Imbalances in the Sacral Chakra may manifest as

issues with the reproductive organs or bladder, or as lower back


2. Emotional: Imbalances in the Sacral Chakra may manifest as

feelings of emotional numbness or disconnection, or as
difficulty expressing emotions.
3. Spiritual: Imbalances in the Sacral Chakra may manifest as a
lack of creativity or inspiration, or as difficulty connecting with
others on an emotional level.

Balancing and Activating the Sacral Chakra:

There are various practices that can be used to balance and
activate the Sacral Chakra, including:

1. Creative Activities: Engaging in creative activities such as

painting, dancing, or writing can help individuals tap into their
creative energies and activate the Sacral Chakra.
2. Yoga: Certain yoga poses can help balance and activate the
Sacral Chakra, including the Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada
Rajakapotasana), the Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana), and the
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana).
3. Meditation: Meditation can help individuals connect with the
energy of the Sacral Chakra and promote feelings of pleasure,
creativity, and emotional balance. Visualization exercises, such
as imagining an orange ball of energy in the lower abdomen, can
be particularly effective.
4. Essential Oils: Essential oils such as ylang-ylang, orange, and
sandalwood are believed to have properties that promote
creativity and emotional balance, and can be used to support the
Sacral Chakra.
5. Crystals: Certain crystals, such as carnelian, moonstone, and
orange calcite, are believed to help balance and activate the
Sacral Chakra. Placing these crystals on or near the Sacral
Chakra during meditation or other practices can be helpful.


In summary, the Sacral Chakra is an important energy center

in the body that is associated with creativity, sensuality, and
emotional balance. By engaging in creative activities, practicing
yoga and meditation, and using tools such as essential oils and
crystals, individuals can balance and activate this chakra and
experience greater feelings of pleasure, creativity, and emotional
balance in their lives.


Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as the Manipura, is the
third chakra in the human body's energy system. Located in the
upper abdomen, the Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with personal
power, confidence, and self-esteem. In this manual, we will explore
the Solar Plexus Chakra in detail, including its associated
characteristics, signs of imbalance, and practices for balancing and
activating the chakra.

Associated Characteristics:
The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with various physical,
emotional, and spiritual characteristics, including:

1. Physical: The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the

physical body parts including the stomach, liver, gallbladder,
and pancreas.
2. Emotional: The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with feelings
of personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. When this
chakra is balanced, individuals feel confident and in control of
their lives.
3. Spiritual: The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the
element of fire, and is believed to connect individuals to their
inner strength and willpower.

Signs of Imbalance:
When the Solar Plexus Chakra is imbalanced, individuals may
experience various physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms,

1. Physical: Imbalances in the Solar Plexus Chakra may manifest

as digestive issues, or as pain or discomfort in the stomach or
upper abdomen.


2. Emotional: Imbalances in the Solar Plexus Chakra may

manifest as feelings of low self-esteem or a lack of confidence,
or as difficulty asserting oneself in social or professional
3. Spiritual: Imbalances in the Solar Plexus Chakra may manifest
as a lack of motivation or drive, or as difficulty finding one's
sense of purpose.

Balancing and Activating the Solar Plexus Chakra:

There are various practices that can be used to balance and
activate the Solar Plexus Chakra, including:

1. Exercise: Engaging in physical exercise, particularly those that

target the core muscles, can help activate and balance the Solar
Plexus Chakra.
2. Yoga: Certain yoga poses can help balance and activate the
Solar Plexus Chakra, including the Warrior III Pose
(Virabhadrasana III), the Boat Pose (Navasana), and the Plank
Pose (Phalakasana).
3. Meditation: Meditation can help individuals connect with the
energy of the Solar Plexus Chakra and promote feelings of
personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. Visualization
exercises, such as imagining a yellow ball of energy in the upper
abdomen, can be particularly effective.
4. Essential Oils: Essential oils such as lemon, grapefruit, and
peppermint are believed to have properties that promote
confidence and self-esteem, and can be used to support the
Solar Plexus Chakra.
5. Crystals: Certain crystals, such as citrine, tiger's eye, and yellow
jasper, are believed to help balance and activate the Solar Plexus
Chakra. Placing these crystals on or near the Solar Plexus
Chakra during meditation or other practices can be helpful.


In summary, the Solar Plexus Chakra is an important energy

center in the body that is associated with personal power,
confidence, and self-esteem. By engaging in physical exercise,
practicing yoga and meditation, and using tools such as essential
oils and crystals, individuals can balance and activate this chakra
and experience greater feelings of personal power, confidence, and
self-esteem in their lives.


Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra, also known as Anahata, is the fourth
chakra in the human body's energy system. Located at the center of
the chest, the Heart Chakra is associated with love, compassion, and
emotional well-being. In this manual, we will explore the Heart
Chakra in detail, including its associated characteristics, signs of
imbalance, and practices for balancing and activating the chakra.

Associated Characteristics:
The Heart Chakra is associated with various physical,
emotional, and spiritual characteristics, including:

1. Physical: The Heart Chakra is associated with the physical body

parts including the heart, lungs, chest, arms, and hands.
2. Emotional: The Heart Chakra is associated with feelings of love,
compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. When this chakra is
balanced, individuals experience an open heart and are able to
connect deeply with others.
3. Spiritual: The Heart Chakra is associated with the element of
air and is believed to connect individuals to their spiritual
essence and the universal energy of love.

Signs of Imbalance:
When the Heart Chakra is imbalanced, individuals may
experience various physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms,

1. Physical: Imbalances in the Heart Chakra may manifest as

respiratory issues, such as asthma or shortness of breath, or as
pain or tightness in the chest.
2. Emotional: Imbalances in the Heart Chakra may manifest as
feelings of isolation, loneliness, or detachment from others, or
as an inability to express emotions.


3. Spiritual: Imbalances in the Heart Chakra may manifest as a

lack of connection to one's spiritual self, or as a feeling of
disconnection from the universal energy of love.

Balancing and Activating the Heart Chakra:

There are various practices that can be used to balance and
activate the Heart Chakra, including:

1. Meditation: Meditation can help individuals connect with the

energy of the Heart Chakra and promote feelings of love,
compassion, and emotional well-being. Focusing on the breath
and visualizing the color green, which is associated with the
Heart Chakra, can be particularly effective.
2. Yoga: Certain yoga poses can help balance and activate the
Heart Chakra, including the Camel Pose (Ustrasana), the Fish
Pose (Matsyasana), and the Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana).
3. Self-care: Engaging in acts of self-care, such as spending time
in nature, practicing gratitude, or engaging in creative activities,
can help open and balance the Heart Chakra.
4. Essential Oils: Essential oils such as rose, lavender, and ylang-
ylang are believed to have properties that promote love and
emotional well-being, and can be used to support the Heart
5. Crystals: Certain crystals, such as rose quartz, green aventurine,
and emerald, are believed to help balance and activate the Heart
Chakra. Placing these crystals on or near the Heart Chakra
during meditation or other practices can be helpful.

In summary, the Heart Chakra is an important energy center

in the body that is associated with love, compassion, and emotional


Throat Chakra
The Throat Chakra, also known as Vishuddha, is the fifth
chakra in the human body's energy system. Located at the base of
the throat, the Throat Chakra is associated with communication,
self-expression, and truth. In this manual, we will explore the
Throat Chakra in detail, including its associated characteristics,
signs of imbalance, and practices for balancing and activating the

Associated Characteristics:
The Throat Chakra is associated with various physical,
emotional, and spiritual characteristics, including:

1. Physical: The Throat Chakra is associated with the physical

body parts including the throat, neck, jaw, and mouth. It is also
associated with the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism
and growth.
2. Emotional: The Throat Chakra is associated with the ability to
communicate and express oneself, as well as with creativity,
authenticity, and truthfulness.
3. Spiritual: The Throat Chakra is associated with the element of
ether and is believed to connect individuals to their higher self
and the universal energy of communication and expression.

Signs of Imbalance:
When the Throat Chakra is imbalanced, individuals may
experience various physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms,

1. Physical: Imbalances in the Throat Chakra may manifest as

respiratory issues, such as throat infections, or as tension or
pain in the neck and shoulders.


2. Emotional: Imbalances in the Throat Chakra may manifest as

difficulty expressing oneself or speaking the truth, or as feelings
of being unheard or misunderstood.
3. Spiritual: Imbalances in the Throat Chakra may manifest as a
lack of connection to one's higher self or as difficulty accessing
spiritual guidance or intuition.

Balancing and Activating the Throat Chakra:

There are various practices that can be used to balance and
activate the Throat Chakra, including:

1. Chanting and Singing: Chanting and singing can help activate

the Throat Chakra by promoting vibration and resonance in the
throat area. Chanting mantras or singing can be particularly
2. Visualization: Visualizing the color blue, which is associated
with the Throat Chakra, can help activate and balance the
chakra. Imagining a bright blue light or wearing blue clothing
can also be helpful.
3. Yoga: Certain yoga poses can help balance and activate the
Throat Chakra, including the Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana),
the Fish Pose (Matsyasana), and the Plow Pose (Halasana).
4. Self-expression: Engaging in creative activities, such as writing,
art, or music, can help activate the Throat Chakra and promote
5. Speaking Truthfully: Speaking truthfully and authentically,
even when it is difficult, can help balance the Throat Chakra and
promote clear communication.

In summary, By engaging in practices such as chanting and

singing, visualization, yoga, self-expression, and speaking truthfully,
individuals can balance and activate this chakra and experience
greater clarity, authenticity, and communication in their lives.


Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra, also known as Ajna, is the sixth chakra
in the human body's energy system. Located in the center of the
forehead, between the eyebrows, the Third Eye Chakra is associated
with intuition, perception, and spiritual awareness. In this manual,
we will explore the Third Eye Chakra in detail, including its
associated characteristics, signs of imbalance, and practices for
balancing and activating the chakra.

Associated Characteristics:
The Third Eye Chakra is associated with various physical,
emotional, and spiritual characteristics, including:

1. Physical: The Third Eye Chakra is associated with the pineal

gland, which regulates sleep patterns and circadian rhythms,
and the brain, specifically the pituitary gland.
2. Emotional: The Third Eye Chakra is associated with intuition,
perception, and imagination. It is also associated with the ability
to connect with one's inner wisdom and spiritual guidance.
3. Spiritual: The Third Eye Chakra is associated with the element
of light and is believed to connect individuals to their higher self
and the universal energy of intuition and spiritual awareness.

Signs of Imbalance:
When the Third Eye Chakra is imbalanced, individuals may
experience various physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms,

1. Physical: Imbalances in the Third Eye Chakra may manifest as

headaches or migraines, eye or vision problems, or sleep


2. Emotional: Imbalances in the Third Eye Chakra may manifest

as difficulty with intuition or imagination, or as a lack of
connection to one's inner wisdom or spiritual guidance.
3. Spiritual: Imbalances in the Third Eye Chakra may manifest as
a lack of spiritual awareness or difficulty accessing higher states
of consciousness.

Balancing and Activating the Third Eye Chakra:

There are various practices that can be used to balance and
activate the Third Eye Chakra, including:

1. Meditation: Meditation is a powerful tool for balancing and

activating the Third Eye Chakra. Focusing on the area between
the eyebrows and imagining a bright, indigo light can help
activate the chakra and promote intuition and spiritual
2. Yoga: Certain yoga poses can help balance and activate the
Third Eye Chakra, including the Downward Dog (Adho Mukha
Svanasana), the Child's Pose (Balasana), and the Eagle Pose
3. Aromatherapy: Essential oils such as lavender, rosemary, and
frankincense can be used to stimulate the Third Eye Chakra and
promote intuition and spiritual awareness.
4. Visualization: Visualizing a bright, indigo light or the image of
an eye can help activate and balance the Third Eye Chakra.
5. Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness and staying present in the
moment can help individuals connect with their inner wisdom
and intuition.

In summary, By engaging in practices such as meditation,

yoga, aromatherapy, visualization, and mindfulness, individuals
can balance and activate this chakra.


Crown Chakra
The Crown Chakra, also known as Sahasrara, is the seventh
chakra in the human body's energy system. Located at the top of the
head, the Crown Chakra is associated with spiritual awakening,
enlightenment, and connection to the divine. In this manual, we will
explore the Crown Chakra in detail, including its associated
characteristics, signs of imbalance, and practices for balancing and
activating the chakra.

Associated Characteristics:
The Crown Chakra is associated with various physical,
emotional, and spiritual characteristics, including:

1. Physical: The Crown Chakra is associated with the pineal gland

and the nervous system.
2. Emotional: The Crown Chakra is associated with spiritual
awareness, inner wisdom, and enlightenment. It is also
associated with the ability to connect with the divine and
experience a sense of oneness with all beings.
3. Spiritual: The Crown Chakra is associated with the element of
thought and is believed to connect individuals to the universal
energy of pure consciousness and spiritual awakening.

Signs of Imbalance:
When the Crown Chakra is imbalanced, individuals may
experience various physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms,

1. Physical: Imbalances in the Crown Chakra may manifest as

headaches or migraines, chronic fatigue, or neurological
2. Emotional: Imbalances in the Crown Chakra may manifest as a
lack of spiritual connection or a sense of disconnection from the


divine. It may also manifest as a lack of purpose or direction in

3. Spiritual: Imbalances in the Crown Chakra may manifest as a
lack of spiritual awareness or difficulty accessing higher states
of consciousness. It may also manifest as a sense of being
ungrounded or disconnected from the physical world.

Balancing and Activating the Crown Chakra:

There are various practices that can be used to balance and
activate the Crown Chakra, including:

1. Meditation: Meditation is a powerful tool for balancing and

activating the Crown Chakra. Focusing on the top of the head
and imagining a bright, white light can help activate the chakra
and promote spiritual awareness and enlightenment.
2. Yoga: Certain yoga poses can help balance and activate the
Crown Chakra, including the Tree Pose (Vrksasana), the
Headstand (Sirsasana), and the Lotus Pose (Padmasana).
3. Aromatherapy: Essential oils such as frankincense, myrrh, and
sandalwood can be used to stimulate the Crown Chakra and
promote spiritual awareness and enlightenment.
4. Sound Healing: Listening to chanting, singing bowls, or other
forms of sound healing can help balance and activate the Crown
5. Connection to Nature: Spending time in nature and connecting
with the natural world can help individuals feel more grounded
and connected to the physical world, which can balance the
Crown Chakra.

In summary, by engaging in practices such as meditation,

yoga, aromatherapy, sound healing, and connection to nature,
individuals can balance and activate this chakra.


Meditation for Cleansing & Balancing Chakras

Meditation is a powerful tool for cleaning and balancing all
seven chakras in the body's energy system. By engaging in regular
meditation practices, individuals can release negative energy,
restore balance to the chakras, and promote overall physical,
emotional, and spiritual health. In this manual, we will explore a
step-by-step guide for meditating to clean and balance all seven

Step 1: Prepare Your Space

Find a quiet, comfortable space where you will not be interrupted.
Light candles or incense, play calming music, or use essential oils to
create a relaxing atmosphere. Sit on a comfortable cushion or chair
with your spine straight and your hands resting on your knees or in
your lap.

Step 2: Focus on Your Breath

Begin by taking a few deep breaths and focus on the sensation of the
breath moving in and out of your body. As you inhale, imagine that
you are breathing in positive energy, and as you exhale, imagine
that you are releasing negative energy.

Step 3: Grounding and Connecting

Visualize a cord of white light extending from the base of your spine
into the earth. Imagine that you are grounding yourself to the earth,
connecting with its energy and stability. Take a moment to feel the
earth's energy flowing up into your body, nourishing and
supporting you.


Step 4: Focus on the Root Chakra

Visualize a bright red light at the base of your spine. This is the Root
Chakra, which is associated with physical grounding and survival.
Imagine the light growing brighter and stronger with each breath,
as it clears away any negative energy or blockages.

Step 5: Focus on the Sacral Chakra

Visualize a bright orange light in your lower abdomen. This is the
Sacral Chakra, which is associated with creativity, pleasure, and
emotions. Imagine the light growing brighter and stronger with
each breath, as it clears away any negative energy or blockages.

Step 6: Focus on the Solar Plexus Chakra

Visualize a bright yellow light in your upper abdomen. This is the
Solar Plexus Chakra, which is associated with personal power and
self-esteem. Imagine the light growing brighter and stronger with
each breath, as it clears away any negative energy or blockages.

Step 7: Focus on the Heart Chakra

Visualize a bright green light in the center of your chest. This is the
Heart Chakra, which is associated with love, compassion, and
forgiveness. Imagine the light growing brighter and stronger with
each breath, as it clears away any negative energy or blockages.

Step 8: Focus on the Throat Chakra

Visualize a bright blue light in your throat. This is the Throat Chakra,
which is associated with communication and self-expression.
Imagine the light growing brighter and stronger with each breath,
as it clears away any negative energy or blockages.


Step 9: Focus on the Third Eye Chakra

Visualize a bright purple light in the center of your forehead. This is
the Third Eye Chakra, which is associated with intuition and
spiritual insight. Imagine the light growing brighter and stronger
with each breath, as it clears away any negative energy or blockages.

Step 10: Focus on the Crown Chakra

Visualize a bright white light at the top of your head. This is the
Crown Chakra, which is associated with spiritual awareness and
connection to the divine. Imagine the light growing brighter and
stronger with each breath, as it clears away any negative energy or

Step 11: Closing

Take a few deep breaths and focus on the sensation of the breath
moving in and out of your body. When you are ready, slowly open
your eyes and take a moment to reflect on the experience.

By engaging in this meditation, you will be able to cleanse and

balance all seven chakras.


Meridian System
The meridian system is an ancient Chinese medical concept
used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It is a complex
network of energy pathways that run through the body, facilitating
the flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body. The meridian system
is comprised of 12 primary meridians and 8 extra meridians.

Primary Meridians:
1. Lung Meridian: The lung meridian runs from the chest to the
thumb and connects to the large intestine meridian. It governs
the respiratory system, skin, and immune system.
2. Large Intestine Meridian: The large intestine meridian runs
from the index finger to the face and connects to the lung
meridian. It governs the elimination system and helps remove
waste from the body.
3. Stomach Meridian: The stomach meridian runs from the foot to
the head and governs the digestive system.
4. Spleen Meridian: The spleen meridian runs from the foot to the
chest and governs the digestive system, lymphatic system, and
immune system.
5. Heart Meridian: The heart meridian runs from the chest to the
pinky finger and connects to the small intestine meridian. It
governs the cardiovascular system and emotional well-being.
6. Small Intestine Meridian: The small intestine meridian runs
from the pinky finger to the ear and connects to the heart
meridian. It governs the digestive system and helps with
nutrient absorption.
7. Bladder Meridian: The bladder meridian runs from the head to
the foot and governs the urinary system.
8. Kidney Meridian: The kidney meridian runs from the foot to the
chest and governs the urinary system, reproductive system, and
hormonal balance.


9. Pericardium Meridian: The pericardium meridian runs from

the chest to the middle finger and connects to the triple burner
meridian. It governs the cardiovascular system and emotional
10. Triple Burner Meridian: The triple burner meridian runs from
the hand to the face and connects to the pericardium meridian.
It governs the endocrine system and helps with the regulation
of body temperature.
11. Gallbladder Meridian: The gallbladder meridian runs from the
head to the foot and governs the digestive system and the
storage and release of bile.
12. Liver Meridian: The liver meridian runs from the foot to the
chest and governs the digestive system, detoxification, and
emotional well-being.

Extra Meridians:
1. Governing Vessel: The governing vessel meridian runs along the
spine and governs the nervous system.
2. Conception Vessel: The conception vessel meridian runs from
the pubic bone to the sternum and governs the reproductive
3. Yin Wei Meridian: The yin wei meridian runs from the chest to
the inner ankle and governs the emotional well-being and
nervous system.
4. Yang Wei Meridian: The yang wei meridian runs from the head
to the outer ankle and governs the musculoskeletal system.
5. Dai Meridian: The dai meridian runs around the waist and
governs the pelvic area and lower back.
6. Chong Meridian: The chong meridian runs from the pelvic area
to the chest and governs the reproductive system, emotional
well-being, and hormonal balance.


7. Yang Qiao Meridian: The yang qiao meridian runs along the
outer leg and governs the musculoskeletal system and balance.
8. Yin Qiao Meridian: The yin qiao meridian runs along the inner
leg and governs the emotional well-being and balance.

Meditation can be used to help balance and clear blockages in

the meridian system


Nadis, also known as energy channels, are an integral part of
the human subtle energy system in various spiritual and healing
practices. According to traditional Indian medicine and yogic
philosophy, the human body has an extensive network of nadis that
serve as pathways for the flow of prana, the vital life force energy.

There are said to be approximately 72,000 nadis in the

human body, with three primary nadis being the most significant:
Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala. Sushumna runs along the spine from
the base of the spine to the crown of the head and is believed to be
the channel for higher consciousness and spiritual awakening. Ida
and Pingala are the two channels that wrap around the Sushumna,
with Ida being the left channel and Pingala the right. These
channels are believed to regulate the flow of energy throughout the
body, with Ida controlling the cool, lunar energy and Pingala
controlling the warm, solar energy.

In addition to the primary nadis, there are several other

smaller nadis throughout the body that are believed to connect the
various chakras and energy centers. These nadis are also thought to
play a crucial role in maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual

According to yogic philosophy, blockages or imbalances in the

nadis can lead to physical, mental, and emotional health issues. By
practicing yoga, pranayama, and other energy healing practices,
individuals can work to clear and balance their nadis, promoting a
healthy flow of prana throughout the body.

There are several ways to work with nadis, including

pranayama, meditation, and asana practice. Pranayama, or breath
control exercises, are believed to be one of the most effective ways


to clear and balance the nadis. By controlling the breath, individuals

can regulate the flow of prana throughout the body, promoting a
healthy flow of energy.

Meditation is another effective way to work with the nadis. By

focusing the mind and cultivating awareness, individuals can begin
to sense and feel the flow of energy within their bodies, allowing
them to identify any blockages or imbalances.

Finally, yoga asana practice can also help to clear and balance
the nadis. By moving the body in various postures, individuals can
stimulate the flow of energy and promote the healthy functioning of
the nadis.

Overall, understanding the role of nadis in the subtle energy

system can provide a powerful tool for improving physical,
emotional, and spiritual health. By working to clear and balance
these energy channels, individuals can cultivate a deep sense of
well-being and promote overall vitality and longevity.

Image source Wiki


Ida nadi
Ida Nadi is one of the three primary energy channels in the
subtle energy system according to yogic philosophy. It is also
referred to as the moon channel or chandra nadi, as it is associated
with the qualities of the moon, such as coolness, calmness, and

The Ida Nadi is located on the left side of the spine, starting
from the Muladhara Chakra (root chakra) and ending at the Ajna
Chakra (third eye chakra). It is said to represent the feminine
energy within the body and is associated with the parasympathetic
nervous system, which governs the body's rest and digest response.

The Ida Nadi is believed to control the cool, lunar energy or

prana within the body. This energy is thought to promote calmness,
relaxation, and receptivity, making it essential for meditation and
other introspective practices. The Ida Nadi is also associated with
the left side of the brain, which governs creativity, intuition, and

In traditional yogic practices, it is believed that when the Ida

Nadi is blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to physical, emotional,
and spiritual health issues. Individuals may experience symptoms
such as anxiety, stress, insomnia, digestive problems, and hormonal

To balance and clear the Ida Nadi, there are several yogic
practices that can be employed. Pranayama, or breath control
exercises, are believed to be one of the most effective ways to
balance the Ida Nadi. Breathing techniques such as Nadi Shodhana
or alternate nostril breathing, which involves inhaling and exhaling
through each nostril in turn, can help balance the flow of prana in
both Ida and Pingala nadis.


Yoga asanas or postures can also help to balance the Ida Nadi.
Asanas that focus on the left side of the body, such as twists, can
stimulate the Ida Nadi, promoting a healthy flow of energy.
Practicing gentle yoga asanas such as forward bends, restorative
poses, and gentle inversions can also help calm the mind and
balance the Ida Nadi.

In summary, the Ida Nadi plays an essential role in the subtle

energy system and is crucial for promoting relaxation, calmness,
and receptivity. By practicing pranayama, yoga asanas, and other
energy healing practices, individuals can work to balance and clear
the Ida Nadi, promoting overall health and well-being.


Pingala nadi
Pingala Nadi is one of the three primary energy channels in
the subtle energy system according to yogic philosophy. It is also
referred to as the sun channel or surya nadi, as it is associated with
the qualities of the sun, such as warmth, energy, and activity.

The Pingala Nadi is located on the right side of the spine,

starting from the Muladhara Chakra (root chakra) and ending at the
Ajna Chakra (third eye chakra). It is said to represent the masculine
energy within the body and is associated with the sympathetic
nervous system, which governs the body's fight or flight response.

The Pingala Nadi is believed to control the warm, solar energy

or prana within the body. This energy is thought to promote activity,
movement, and vitality, making it essential for physical activities
and external engagement. The Pingala Nadi is also associated with
the right side of the brain, which governs logical thinking, analytical
skills, and decision-making.

In traditional yogic practices, it is believed that when the

Pingala Nadi is blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to physical,
emotional, and spiritual health issues. Individuals may experience
symptoms such as lethargy, lack of motivation, and depression.

To balance and clear the Pingala Nadi, there are several yogic
practices that can be employed. Pranayama, or breath control
exercises, are believed to be one of the most effective ways to
balance the Pingala Nadi. Breathing techniques such as Surya
Bhedana or right nostril breathing, which involves inhaling and
exhaling through the right nostril, can help balance the flow of
prana in both Ida and Pingala nadis.


Yoga asanas or postures can also help to balance the Pingala

Nadi. Asanas that focus on the right side of the body, such as twists,
can stimulate the Pingala Nadi, promoting a healthy flow of energy.
Practicing dynamic yoga asanas such as backbends, standing poses,
and inversions can also help stimulate the Pingala Nadi and
promote energy flow.

In summary, the Pingala Nadi plays an essential role in the

subtle energy system and is crucial for promoting activity,
movement, and vitality. By practicing pranayama, yoga asanas, and
other energy healing practices, individuals can work to balance and
clear the Pingala Nadi, promoting overall health and well-being.


Sushumna Nadi
Sushumna Nadi is one of the three primary energy channels
in the subtle energy system according to yogic philosophy. It is the
central channel, which runs along the spinal column from the base
of the spine to the crown of the head. It is considered the most
important nadi in the human body as it connects all the chakras,
and represents the path to spiritual enlightenment and self-

In Sanskrit, Sushumna means "very gracious." It is the

channel through which Kundalini energy, the dormant spiritual
energy coiled at the base of the spine, rises up to the crown chakra.
The Sushumna Nadi is associated with the parasympathetic
nervous system, which governs the body's rest and digest response.
It is believed to represent the neutral, balanced energy within the

When the Sushumna Nadi is activated and balanced, it leads

to an overall sense of well-being, physical, emotional, and spiritual
balance. It is said to promote higher states of consciousness,
increased intuition, and enhanced spiritual growth. It is also
associated with the pineal gland, which governs the body's circadian
rhythms and sleep cycles.

To activate and balance the Sushumna Nadi, there are several

yogic practices that can be employed. Yoga asanas or postures that
focus on the spinal column, such as spinal twists, backbends, and
forward bends, can help to stimulate and balance the Sushumna
Nadi. Practicing pranayama or breath control exercises, such as
alternate nostril breathing, can also help to activate and balance the
Sushumna Nadi.


In addition to these practices, meditation is a powerful tool

for activating and balancing the Sushumna Nadi. By focusing on the
breath and the energy flow within the body, individuals can work to
quiet the mind and stimulate the flow of energy along the
Sushumna Nadi. This can lead to deep states of relaxation,
increased mental clarity, and enhanced spiritual growth.

In conclusion, the Sushumna Nadi is a crucial energy channel

in the subtle energy system, connecting all the chakras and
representing the path to spiritual enlightenment and self-
realization. By practicing yoga, pranayama, and meditation,
individuals can work to activate and balance the Sushumna Nadi,
leading to overall physical, emotional, and spiritual balance and


Cleansing Nadis
Cleansing and clearing the nadis is an important aspect of
maintaining the health and balance of the subtle energy system.
Nadis are the subtle energy channels through which prana or life
force energy flows. When the nadis become blocked or congested, it
can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. Cleansing
and clearing the nadis can help to promote the smooth flow of prana
and restore balance to the subtle energy system.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to cleanse and clear nadis:

1. Prepare a quiet and peaceful space for your practice. Sit in a
comfortable seated position with your spine straight and your
hands resting on your knees.
2. Begin with a few minutes of deep breathing to help calm the
mind and relax the body.
3. Visualize a bright white light entering the top of your head and
moving down through your body. As the light moves through
your body, imagine it cleansing and clearing any blockages or
congestion in your nadis.
4. Bring your attention to your breath and focus on the inhalation
and exhalation. As you inhale, imagine that you are drawing in
fresh prana or life force energy. As you exhale, imagine that you
are releasing any stagnant or negative energy from your body.
5. Move your attention to the base of your spine, where the
Sushumna Nadi begins. Visualize a bright red light at the base
of your spine, representing the Muladhara or root chakra.
Imagine the red light moving up your spine, cleansing and
clearing the Sushumna Nadi as it goes.
6. Once you have visualized the Sushumna Nadi being cleared,
focus on the Ida and Pingala nadis, which run parallel to the
Sushumna Nadi. Visualize a white light moving up the Ida Nadi
on the left side of your spine, and a red light moving up the


Pingala Nadi on the right side of your spine. Imagine the two
lights merging at the Ajna or third eye chakra, located at the
center of your forehead.
7. Continue to visualize the bright lights moving up and down your
spine, cleansing and clearing the nadis as they go. You may also
choose to chant or use sound vibrations to further stimulate the
flow of prana through your body.
8. Once you have completed your practice, take a few moments to
sit quietly and observe any sensations or changes in your body
and mind.

Regular practice of nadis cleansing can help to promote the

smooth flow of prana or life force energy through the body, leading
to increased physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is
important to approach this practice with patience, consistency, and
a sense of curiosity and exploration. With time and practice, you
may begin to notice a greater sense of balance, clarity, and harmony
in your life.


Other ways to Clean Nadis

Cleaning the nadis is an important practice in yoga and
Ayurveda. The nadis are energy channels that run throughout the
body, and blockages in these channels can prevent the free flow of
prana or life force energy. When the nadis are clean and clear, prana
can flow freely, promoting health and vitality. Here is a step-by-step
guide on how to cleanse the nadis:

1. Practice Pranayama: Pranayama is a breathing technique that

can help to clear the nadis. The most effective pranayama
techniques for cleansing the nadis are Nadi Shodhana
(Alternate Nostril Breathing) and Bhastrika (Bellows Breath).
These techniques help to regulate the flow of prana and clear the
2. Practice Yoga Asanas: Yoga asanas or postures can also help to
clear the nadis. Some of the most effective asanas for this
purpose include spinal twists, forward bends, and inversions.
These postures help to stimulate the flow of prana and release
any blockages in the channels.
3. Practice Meditation: Meditation is a powerful tool for cleansing
the nadis. Regular meditation can help to calm the mind and
increase awareness of the body's energy systems. A simple
meditation technique is to visualize the energy flowing through
the nadis, and visualize any blockages being cleared away.
4. Practice Ayurvedic Techniques: Ayurveda is an ancient system
of medicine that uses natural remedies to balance the body's
energy systems. Some effective Ayurvedic techniques for
cleansing the nadis include using neti pots or nasal irrigation to
clear the sinuses, and using Ayurvedic herbs such as ginger,
turmeric, and triphala to detoxify the body.
5. Practice Energy Healing: Energy healing techniques such as
Reiki or acupuncture can also help to clear the nadis. These


techniques use the body's own energy systems to promote

healing and balance, and can be very effective in clearing
blockages in the channels.
6. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Eating a healthy diet, getting
regular exercise, and reducing stress can also help to keep the
nadis clear and promote the free flow of prana. Avoiding
processed foods, alcohol, and drugs can also help to reduce
toxins in the body and promote overall health.

In conclusion, cleansing the nadis is an important practice for

promoting health and vitality. By incorporating these techniques
into your daily routine, you can help to clear blockages in the
channels and promote the free flow of prana throughout the body.


What is Aura
Aura is a subtle energy field that surrounds every living being,
including humans, animals, and plants. It is also referred to as the
human energy field, biofield, or electromagnetic field. The aura is
composed of different layers or colors of energy that correspond to
different aspects of our being, including physical, emotional, mental,
and spiritual.

The aura is believed to extend beyond the physical body and

is influenced by the thoughts, emotions, and overall health of the
individual. It can also be affected by external factors such as the
environment, other people's energy, and electromagnetic fields.

There are different theories on how the aura works and how
it can be perceived. Some people believe that it can be seen by those
who have developed their psychic abilities or through the use of
special equipment such as Kirlian photography. Others believe that
it can be felt or sensed through intuition, empathy, or other spiritual

The aura can be influenced by various factors, including stress,

illness, emotions, and energy imbalances. Maintaining a healthy
lifestyle and practicing techniques such as meditation, energy
healing, and yoga can help to keep the aura balanced and promote
overall well-being.

In conclusion, the aura is a subtle energy field that surrounds

every living being and is composed of different layers or colors of
energy that correspond to different aspects of our being. It is
influenced by internal and external factors and can be maintained
through various spiritual and holistic practices.


Role of Aura
The aura is a subtle energy field that surrounds every living
being, including humans, animals, and plants. It is composed of
different layers or colors of energy that correspond to different
aspects of our being, including physical, emotional, mental, and
spiritual. The aura plays a significant role in our overall health and

One of the primary functions of the aura is to protect us from

negative energy and influences. The aura acts as a shield, filtering
out harmful energies and allowing positive ones to enter. A healthy
and balanced aura can help to prevent physical and emotional
illnesses, as well as promote overall vitality and energy.

The aura also plays a role in our emotions and mental state.
Different colors and patterns in the aura can indicate various
emotional and mental states, such as stress, anxiety, and depression.
By understanding and working with the aura, we can gain insights
into our inner state and work to promote positive changes.

In addition to its protective and emotional functions, the aura

also plays a role in our spiritual growth and development. The aura
can be seen as a reflection of our spiritual state, with different layers
representing different levels of consciousness and spiritual
awareness. Working to balance and strengthen the aura through
spiritual practices such as meditation, energy healing, and yoga can
help to enhance our spiritual growth and connection to higher
states of consciousness.

There are various techniques for working with the aura,

including aura cleansing and balancing, energy healing, and
visualization. By working with the aura, we can improve our overall
health and well-being, gain insights into our emotions and mental


state, and enhance our spiritual growth and connection to higher

states of consciousness.

In conclusion, the aura plays a significant role in our overall

health and well-being, serving as a protective shield, reflecting our
emotional and mental state, and supporting our spiritual growth
and development. By understanding and working with the aura, we
can improve our physical and emotional health, gain insights into
our inner state, and deepen our connection to higher states of


What things can Disrupt Aura

The aura is a subtle energy field that surrounds and
permeates the human body. It can be affected by various internal
and external factors. Here are some things that can disrupt the aura:

1. Negative emotions: Emotions such as fear, anger, and sadness

can create blockages in the aura, which can disrupt the flow of
2. Unhealthy habits: Unhealthy habits such as smoking, excessive
drinking, and drug use can weaken the aura and make it more
vulnerable to disruption.
3. Environmental toxins: Exposure to environmental toxins such
as pollution, chemicals, and electromagnetic radiation can
affect the aura.
4. Trauma: Physical or emotional trauma can create blockages in
the aura, which can manifest as physical or emotional
5. Negative people: Being around negative people who drain your
energy can affect your aura and leave you feeling depleted.
6. Unbalanced chakras: The chakras are energy centers in the
body that are closely connected to the aura. If one or more
chakras are blocked or unbalanced, it can affect the aura.
7. Lack of self-care: Neglecting self-care practices such as exercise,
healthy eating, and meditation can weaken the aura and make
it more vulnerable to disruption.

It's important to note that these factors can affect the aura
differently for each individual, and some people may be more
sensitive to certain types of disruptions than others. It's important
to practice regular self-care and energy hygiene practices to
maintain a healthy and balanced aura.


How to Cleanse Aura

Cleansing the aura is a process of removing any negative or
stagnant energy that may be trapped in the subtle energy field
surrounding the body. When the aura is cleansed, it can enhance
our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, as well as improve
our overall energy and vitality. Here are some steps to follow for
cleansing the aura:

1. Prepare a quiet and calm space: Find a quiet and peaceful space
where you can relax and focus on the aura cleansing process.
You can light some candles or incense, play some soothing
music, and ensure that the space is free of any distractions.
2. Ground yourself: Grounding is an important step in any energy
work. Sit or stand with your feet firmly planted on the ground,
and take a few deep breaths. Visualize roots growing from your
feet into the ground, grounding and centering your energy.
3. Set an intention: Set an intention for the aura cleansing process.
You can use a positive affirmation or intention to guide your
energy towards cleansing and purifying the aura.
4. Visualize cleansing energy: Visualize a white or golden light
surrounding your body, penetrating the layers of the aura and
removing any negative or stagnant energy. You can imagine this
light as a shower of pure energy flowing through you, washing
away any impurities.
5. Use sound: Sound can be a powerful tool for cleansing the aura.
You can use a singing bowl, chimes, or your own voice to create
sound vibrations that can help to release any blocked or
stagnant energy.
6. Cleanse with crystals: Certain crystals are known for their
cleansing properties. You can place crystals such as clear quartz,
amethyst, or selenite around your body, or hold them in your


hands while visualizing their energy cleansing and purifying

your aura.
7. Use energy healing techniques: Energy healing techniques such
as Reiki or pranic healing can also be used to cleanse the aura.
A trained practitioner can channel healing energy towards your
aura, helping to release any negative energy and promoting
balance and harmony.
8. Take a cleansing bath: Taking a bath with sea salt, Epsom salts,
or essential oils can also help to cleanse the aura. Soak in the
bath, allowing the water to wash away any negative energy and
purify your aura.

In conclusion, cleansing the aura is a process of removing any

negative or stagnant energy from the subtle energy field
surrounding the body. There are various techniques that can be
used for aura cleansing, including visualization, sound, crystals,
energy healing, and bathing. By regularly cleansing the aura, we can
promote our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and
enhance our overall energy and vitality.


Cleaning Aura with Infinity Reiki

Cleaning the aura is an essential part of energy healing, and
Infinity Reiki is a powerful healing system that can help cleanse the
aura effectively. Aura is the energy field surrounding the body, and
it can be affected by various factors like stress, negative emotions,
and environmental factors. When the aura is clogged with negative
energy, it can cause physical and emotional imbalances, leading to
diseases and illnesses. Therefore, it is important to clean the aura
regularly to maintain overall well-being.

Infinity Reiki is a unique system of energy healing that uses

symbols and energies to heal the body, mind, and spirit. The system
has eight powerful symbols that can be used to clean the aura and
restore balance in the body. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to
clean the aura with Infinity Reiki.

Step 1: Set your intention

The first step to cleaning your aura with Infinity Reiki is to set your
intention. Before starting the healing process, it is important to
have a clear intention of what you want to achieve. You can do this
by stating your intention out loud or silently in your mind. The
intention should be focused on cleansing and balancing your aura.

Step 2: Relax and prepare

Find a quiet and comfortable place to perform the aura cleansing.
Sit or lie down in a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths
to relax your body and mind. You can also play soothing music or
burn incense to create a relaxing environment.

Step 3: Call upon Infinity Reiki energies

Infinity Reiki energies can be called upon by visualizing the Infinity
symbol in your mind's eye or drawing it with your finger in the air.


Step 4: Use the symbols

Once you have called upon Infinity Reiki energies, you can use the
eight symbols to cleanse and balance your aura. Each symbol has a
unique purpose, and you can use them in any order or combination
that feels right for you.

Here is a brief description of how each symbol can be used in aura


Infinity symbol: It represents the universal life force

energy and can be used to infuse your aura with positive

Onta symbol: It is used for grounding and can help

release negative energy from the body.

Topanda symbol: It is used for protection and can

help shield your aura from negative energies.

Tripanda symbol: It is used for spiritual healing and

can help release spiritual blockages.

Fogra symbol: It is used for physical healing and can

help release physical blockages.

Tafifa symbol: It is used for emotional healing and

can help release emotional blockages.

Si-tin-da symbol: It is used for nurturing and can

help bring in positive, nurturing energy into the aura.

Se-vin-da symbol: It is used for intellectual healing

and can help release mental blockages.


To use the symbols, you can visualize them in your mind's eye, draw
them with your finger in the air, or place your hands on the affected
area while visualizing the symbol.

Step 5: Finish the session

Once you have used the symbols to cleanse your aura, take a few
deep breaths, and visualize yourself surrounded by a bright and
clear aura. Thank the Infinity Reiki energies for their healing, and
slowly come back to the present moment. You can also drink a glass
of water to help flush out any toxins released during the healing

In conclusion, cleaning the aura with Infinity Reiki can be a

powerful tool for maintaining overall well-being. By setting your


Negative Energies in Surrounding Environment

Negative energy in the surrounding environment can affect us
and impact our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Here
are some ways to clear negative energy from your surroundings:

1. Smudging: Burning sage or palo santo wood is a traditional

Native American practice that can cleanse and purify the energy
of a space. Simply light the sage or palo santo and let the smoke
fill the room, while focusing on clearing the negative energy.
2. Salt: Placing salt around the perimeter of a room or space can
create a barrier that blocks negative energy from entering. You
can also add salt to a spray bottle with water and use it to mist
the space.
3. Crystals: Certain crystals have properties that can help absorb
and clear negative energy. Black tourmaline, selenite, and
amethyst are commonly used for this purpose. Simply place the
crystals in the space that needs clearing.
4. Sound: Using sound, such as singing bowls, bells, or chimes, can
help to clear negative energy from a space. Simply play the
sound throughout the space and focus on clearing the negative
5. Essential oils: Certain essential oils, such as lavender, lemon,
and peppermint, have properties that can help purify the air and
clear negative energy. Simply add a few drops to a diffuser or
spray bottle with water and mist the space.
6. Decluttering: Removing clutter from a space can help to
improve the flow of energy and clear negative energy. Get rid of
anything that is no longer needed or doesn't serve a purpose.
7. Positive intentions: Setting positive intentions for the space can
help to shift the energy and clear negative energy. Simply
visualize the space filled with positive, loving, and peaceful


Energy healing is a practice that involves working with the
body's energy field to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual
healing. One of the key concepts in energy healing is transmutation,
which refers to the process of changing one form of energy into

Transmutation is a fundamental principle in many different

types of energy healing, including Reiki, Pranic Healing, and
Quantum Touch. The basic idea is that by working with the body's
energy field, a healer can help to transform negative or stagnant
energy into positive, healing energy.

To understand how transmutation works, it's helpful to first

consider the nature of energy itself. According to quantum physics,
everything in the universe is made up of energy, including our
thoughts, emotions, and physical bodies. This energy vibrates at
different frequencies, and these frequencies can either be in
harmony or out of balance.

When we experience physical or emotional pain, it is often the

result of energy that is out of balance or stuck in the body. This can
manifest as blockages in our energy field, which can lead to illness,
depression, anxiety, and other issues.

By working with the body's energy field, a healer can help to

clear these blockages and restore balance to the energy system. This
is where transmutation comes in. The healer uses their own energy
field to connect with the client's energy field, and then channels
healing energy to help transmute the negative or stagnant energy
into positive, healing energy.


Transmutation can occur on different levels, including

physical, emotional, and spiritual. For example, if a client is
experiencing physical pain, the healer may focus on transmuting
the negative energy that is causing the pain into healing energy that
can help to reduce or eliminate the pain. If a client is experiencing
emotional pain or trauma, the healer may focus on transmuting the
negative emotions into positive ones, such as love, peace, and joy.

The process of transmutation requires the healer to be in a

state of deep relaxation and openness, so that they can effectively
connect with the client's energy field and channel healing energy.
This is often achieved through meditation, deep breathing, or other
relaxation techniques.

It's important to note that transmutation is not a magical or

instantaneous process. Healing is often a gradual process, and it
may take several sessions for a client to experience significant
changes. However, with regular energy healing sessions, clients can
often experience profound shifts in their physical, emotional, and
spiritual well-being.

In conclusion, transmutation is a key concept in energy

healing, and involves the process of transforming negative or
stagnant energy into positive, healing energy. By working with the
body's energy field, healers can help to clear blockages and restore
balance to the energy system, leading to improved physical,
emotional, and spiritual health.



Level 2 Symbols

Topanda Symbol
The Topanda symbol is one of the symbols used in Infinity
Reiki, a form of spiritual healing that aims to balance and align the
energy within the body. This symbol is often used in combination
with other symbols and can be used to enhance the effectiveness of
Reiki healing sessions.

The Topanda symbol is based on the number 2, which

represents duality, balance, and harmony. It is believed that this
symbol can help to balance the yin and yang energies within the
body and promote a sense of harmony between opposing forces.

The Topanda symbol is said to have several properties,

including the ability to promote peace, stability, and grounding. It
can also help to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, making it a
useful tool for those who work in spiritual or healing practices.

To use the Topanda symbol, a practitioner may draw or

visualize the symbol in the air or on the body of the person receiving
the Reiki treatment. The symbol can be used in conjunction with
other symbols or on its own, depending on the specific needs of the
person being treated.

During a Reiki session, the Topanda symbol may be used to

help bring balance to the energy centers, or chakras, within the body.
It is believed that energy blockages within the chakras can lead to
physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances, and the Topanda


symbol may be used to help clear these blockages and restore

balance to the body.

Overall, the Topanda symbol is a powerful tool in Infinity

Reiki, and its ability to promote balance and harmony within the
body makes it a valuable addition to any Reiki practitioner's toolkit.
With its grounding properties and ability to enhance intuition and
psychic abilities, the Topanda symbol can help to create a sense of
calm and balance in those who use it.

Here are some other uses of the Topanda symbol in Infinity


1. Partnership and harmony: The Topanda symbol represents the

twin philosophy of the universe, highlighting the importance of
partnerships and harmony in our lives. By drawing the symbol
over the heart chakra, practitioners can help individuals to


cultivate strong and healthy relationships, promoting balance

and harmony in all aspects of their lives.
2. Interdependence: The Topanda symbol also reminds us of our
interdependence on others. By drawing the symbol over the
solar plexus chakra, practitioners can help individuals to
recognize the value of community and the support and guidance
that can be found through working together.
3. Faith, love, and patience: The Topanda symbol is based on the
number 2, which represents the duality of life and the two
phases of day and night, happiness and sorrow, highs and lows.
By drawing the symbol over the third eye chakra, practitioners
can help individuals to cultivate faith, love, and patience in the
face of life's challenges, promoting inner strength and resilience.
4. Balanced energy: The Topanda symbol can also be used to
promote balance and harmony within the body and mind. By
drawing the symbol over the crown chakra, practitioners can
help individuals to align their energy with the twin properties of
the universe, promoting a sense of balance and harmony within
5. Healing relationships: The Topanda symbol is a powerful tool
for healing relationships. By drawing the symbol over the heart
chakra, practitioners can help individuals to release negative
emotions and patterns that may be blocking their ability to
connect with others in a meaningful and authentic way,
promoting healing and forgiveness.
6. Duality: The Topanda symbol is also based on the concept of
duality and the two phases of day and night, life and happiness,
and sorrow and low. It helps individuals to recognize that there
are two sides to every situation and to find balance and harmony
between them.
7. Faith: The Topanda symbol is also associated with faith and
patience. By drawing the symbol over the crown chakra, the


practitioner can help individuals to connect with their higher

power and trust in the universe's plan for them.
8. Harmony: The Topanda symbol can be used to promote
harmony within the body and mind. By drawing the symbol over
the third eye chakra, the practitioner can help to clear blockages
and promote clarity and insight, allowing individuals to find a
sense of balance and harmony within themselves.

Overall, the Topanda symbol can be a powerful tool for

promoting unity and harmony in relationships and recognizing the
importance of both sides of every situation. It reminds individuals
to have faith and patience and to trust in the universe's plan for


Tripanda Symbol
Tripanda is a symbol used in Infinity Reiki, a form of energy
healing that incorporates various symbols and techniques to
promote balance and healing in the body, mind, and spirit. The
symbol is based on the number three and represents balance,
harmony, and unity. It is said to help release spiritual, emotional
and mental blockages, promote mental clarity, and improve overall

The Tripanda symbol is comprised of three interconnected

circles, each representing one aspect of the self: body, mind, and
spirit. The circle on the top represents the body, the center circle
represents the mind, and the circle at the bottom represents the
spirit. The circles are interconnected, representing the
interconnectedness of these three aspects of the self.

The Tripanda symbol can be used in various ways during a

Reiki session. One common way is to visualize the symbol while
performing energy healing on the recipient. This can help to focus
the energy on balancing the three aspects of the self and promoting
overall harmony and well-being.

Another way to use the Tripanda symbol is to draw it on a

piece of paper or other material and place it under the recipient
during the Reiki session. This can help to amplify the healing energy
and promote a deeper sense of balance and harmony.

In addition to its use in Reiki sessions, the Tripanda symbol

can also be used in daily life to promote balance and harmony. Some
practitioners may choose to meditate on the symbol or place it in a
prominent location in their home or workplace as a reminder of the
importance of balancing the body, mind, and spirit.


The Tripanda symbol is a powerful tool in Infinity Reiki that

can help to promote balance and harmony in all aspects of the self.
Its focus on the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit
highlights the importance of addressing all three aspects in order to
achieve optimal health and well-being.

The Tripanda symbol also represents divine intervention,

guidance, and direction. Here are some uses and descriptions of the
Tripanda symbol in Infinity Reiki:

1. Communication: The Tripanda symbol is often used to promote

effective communication between individuals. By drawing the
symbol over the throat chakra, the practitioner can help
individuals to express themselves clearly and confidently,
promoting understanding and harmony in relationships.
2. Creativity: The Tripanda symbol is associated with creativity
and encourages the expansion of creative energy. By drawing
the symbol over the sacral chakra, the practitioner can help


individuals to tap into their creative potential and unlock their

imagination, promoting self-expression and artistic growth.
3. Sociability: The Tripanda symbol is also associated with
sociability and promotes healthy relationships and connections
between individuals. By drawing the symbol over the heart
chakra, the practitioner can help individuals to recognize the
importance of social connections and to cultivate a sense of
community and belonging.
4. Movement: The Tripanda symbol is also associated with
movement and encourages individuals to embrace change and
growth. By drawing the symbol over the solar plexus chakra, the
practitioner can help individuals to find the courage and
motivation to move forward in their lives and to overcome
obstacles and challenges.
5. Divine intervention: The Tripanda symbol represents divine
intervention, guidance, and direction. By drawing the symbol
over the crown chakra, the practitioner can help individuals to
connect with their higher power and to trust in the universe's
plan for them.
6. Relaxation: The Tripanda symbol also symbolizes the many
benefits of relaxing, taking your time, and thinking before you
speak or act. By drawing the symbol over the third eye chakra,
the practitioner can help individuals to cultivate a sense of
mindfulness and to become more present and aware in their
daily lives.
7. Movement: The Tripanda symbol is also associated with
movement, reminding individuals to keep moving forward and
trust in the flow of life. By drawing the symbol over the solar
plexus chakra, the practitioner can help to promote energy and
vitality, encouraging individuals to take action towards their


8. Wisdom: The Tripanda symbol also emphasizes the importance

of wisdom and learning, reminding individuals to take their
time and think before they speak or act. By drawing the symbol
over the third eye chakra, the practitioner can help to promote
insight and clarity, encouraging individuals to make wise
decisions and act from a place of inner knowing.

In summary, the Tripanda symbol in Infinity Reiki is a

powerful tool for promoting effective communication, creativity,
sociability, and movement. It also represents divine intervention,
guidance, and direction and encourages individuals to trust in the
universe's plan for them.



Level 3 – Transformation Level

Level 3 of the Infinity Reiki Healing System is an important

stage in energy healing as it involves integrating new, positive
energy and transforming old patterns and beliefs that no longer
serve the individual. This level of healing requires a deeper
understanding of oneself and the patterns that have been holding
one back.

The third level of Infinity Reiki involves clearing old patterns

and beliefs and creating space for new, positive energy to flow. This
process is known as integration and it is the key to unlocking our
full potential. In this level of healing, we work to overcome past
traumas and limiting beliefs that may have been holding us back
from achieving our goals and living our best lives.

One of the main focuses of level 3 healing is learning new

coping mechanisms and ways of being. This involves developing
new habits and practices that support our growth and well-being.
These practices may include things like meditation, yoga, exercise,
or therapy. The goal is to create a strong foundation of positive
energy that will help us navigate life's challenges and achieve our
highest potential.

To begin this level of healing, it is important to first

acknowledge any limiting beliefs or negative patterns that may be
holding us back. This may involve reflecting on past experiences
and identifying any beliefs or behaviors that are no longer serving
us. Once we have identified these patterns, we can begin the process
of releasing and transforming them.


The process of releasing and transforming negative energy

may involve a variety of techniques, including meditation,
visualization, and energy healing modalities such as Infinity Reiki.
It is important to work with a trained practitioner who can guide us
through this process and offer support along the way.

As we release old patterns and beliefs, we create space for new,

positive energy to flow into our lives. This may involve setting new
goals and intentions, practicing gratitude and self-care, and
embracing new ways of being. The process of integration may take
time, but with patience and persistence, we can transform our lives
and achieve our highest potential.

In conclusion, level 3 of the Infinity Reiki Healing System is

an important stage in energy healing that involves integrating new,
positive energy and transforming old patterns and beliefs that no
longer serve the individual. Through this process, we can create a
strong foundation of positive energy that will support our growth
and well-being, and help us achieve our highest potential.


What are Past Traumas

Past traumas refer to experiences that an individual has gone
through that were extremely distressing, overwhelming, or even
life-threatening, and that have resulted in long-lasting emotional or
psychological effects. These can include experiences such as
physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, neglect, natural disasters,
accidents, loss of loved ones, and other traumatic events.

The effects of past traumas can vary from person to person,

and can manifest in various ways such as anxiety, depression, post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), dissociation, or a general feeling
of being stuck or unable to move forward in life. Trauma can also
have a significant impact on an individual's relationships, work, and
overall quality of life.

It's important to note that what one person considers a

traumatic event may not necessarily be experienced as traumatic by
another person. The impact of trauma is highly subjective and
dependent on individual factors such as age, developmental stage,
and personal resilience.

Treatment for past traumas typically involves a combination

of therapy, medication, and self-care practices. The goal of
treatment is to help the individual process and heal from the trauma,
develop coping strategies, and move towards a healthier and more
fulfilling life.


What are Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are beliefs that an individual holds about
themselves, others, or the world that hold them back from reaching
their full potential or achieving their goals. These beliefs are often
negative and self-defeating, and can prevent individuals from
pursuing their dreams or taking risks that could lead to personal
growth and success.

Limiting beliefs can be formed as a result of past experiences,

upbringing, societal conditioning, or personal insecurities. Some
common examples of limiting beliefs include beliefs like "I'm not
good enough," "I don't deserve success," or "I will never be able to
achieve my goals."

The problem with limiting beliefs is that they can become self-
fulfilling prophecies, leading individuals to give up on their goals or
hold themselves back from opportunities that could help them grow
and succeed. They can also create a negative feedback loop,
reinforcing the belief and making it harder for individuals to break
free from it.

Overcoming limiting beliefs involves identifying them,

challenging their validity, and replacing them with positive and
empowering beliefs. This can be done through therapy, coaching,
self-reflection, and other personal development practices. By
changing limiting beliefs, individuals can open up new possibilities
for themselves and achieve greater success and fulfillment in life.


What are Karmic Debts

Karmic debts in energy healing refer to the belief that we carry
energetic imprints or patterns from our past actions, decisions, or
experiences that create a debt that needs to be repaid. This concept
is based on the idea of karma, which is a spiritual principle in many
Eastern philosophies that states that our actions have consequences
and that we are responsible for the effects of our actions.

In energy healing, karmic debts are believed to manifest as

unresolved emotional or physical issues, recurring negative
patterns or relationships, or other challenges that individuals face
in their lives. These issues are seen as a result of past actions or
decisions that have created an imbalance in their energy system.

The goal of energy healing for karmic debts is to identify and

clear these energetic imprints, allowing individuals to release
negative patterns and move towards a state of balance and harmony.
This may involve a combination of techniques such as Reiki, chakra
balancing, guided meditations, and other practices.

It's important to note that the concept of karmic debts is

based on spiritual beliefs and is not recognized by traditional
medical or scientific communities. As such, energy healing
approaches to addressing karmic debts should be viewed as
complementary and should not replace conventional medical
treatment when necessary.


The Role of Karma

In energy healing, the concept of karma plays a significant
role in understanding the nature of the energy system and its
connection to the broader universe. Karma refers to the idea that
our actions and thoughts have consequences, and that we are
responsible for the effects of those actions and thoughts.

The belief is that our energy system is affected by the karma

we create through our actions, and that this can influence our
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Negative
karma, for example, is believed to create energetic blockages and
imbalances that can manifest as illness, emotional distress, and
other negative experiences.

Energy healing approaches to addressing karma typically

involve identifying and releasing energetic blockages associated
with negative karma. This may involve techniques such as Reiki,
chakra balancing, guided meditations, and other practices that
work to clear and balance the energy system.

The goal of addressing karma through energy healing is to

help individuals release negative patterns and move towards a state
of balance and harmony. By clearing energetic blockages associated
with negative karma, individuals can begin to heal and move
towards a more positive and fulfilling life experience.

It's important to note that the concept of karma is based on

spiritual beliefs and is not recognized by traditional medical or
scientific communities. As such, energy healing approaches to
addressing karma should be viewed as complementary and should
not replace conventional medical treatment when necessary.


The Law of Cause and Effect

The concept of "For every action, there is an equal and
opposite reaction" is a fundamental principle in physics, but it has
also been applied to our daily lives. In energy healing, this principle
is closely tied to the idea of the law of cause and effect, which states
that our thoughts, actions, and emotions have an impact on our
lives and the lives of those around us.

Energy healing practitioners believe that this principle

applies to the energy system of the body as well. Negative thoughts,
emotions, and actions are believed to create energetic blockages and
imbalances in the body, which can lead to physical and emotional
illness, while positive thoughts, emotions, and actions can lead to
balance and well-being.

Energy healing approaches to transforming our lives in a

positive way involve recognizing the impact of our thoughts and
actions and taking steps to shift them towards more positive
outcomes. This may involve practices such as mindfulness, positive
affirmations, visualization, and other techniques that promote a
positive mindset and emotional state.

One key aspect of energy healing is the recognition that we

have the power to change the energy patterns in our lives. By taking
responsibility for our thoughts and actions, and actively working to
shift them towards more positive outcomes, we can create positive
energetic patterns that lead to greater well-being and happiness.

For example, if we find ourselves stuck in negative thought

patterns or behaviors that are leading to negative outcomes in our
lives, we can work to shift our focus towards more positive thoughts
and actions. By cultivating a positive mindset and taking positive


actions, we can begin to create new patterns of energy that lead to

greater well-being and success.

Energy healing techniques such as Reiki, chakra balancing,

and other practices can also be used to help clear negative energy
patterns and promote balance and well-being in the body. These
techniques can help individuals release negative emotions, trauma,
and other energetic blockages that are holding them back from
experiencing a more positive and fulfilling life.

In conclusion, the principle of "For every action, there is an

equal and opposite reaction" applies not only to the physical world
but to our energetic lives as well. By recognizing the impact of our
thoughts and actions on our energy system, and taking steps to shift
towards more positive outcomes, we can transform our lives in
positive and meaningful ways. With energy healing techniques, we
can help clear negative energy patterns and promote balance and
well-being, leading to a happier, healthier life experience.


God help those who help themselves

The phrase "God helps those who help themselves" is a
common saying that has been used in religious and spiritual
contexts for centuries. In energy healing, this principle is closely
tied to the idea of taking personal responsibility for our health and
well-being and actively working to improve our energetic patterns.

Energy healing practitioners believe that individuals have the

power to influence their own energy patterns and well-being
through their thoughts, actions, and beliefs. While spiritual and
energetic assistance can be sought from a higher power or energy
source, it is ultimately up to the individual to take responsibility for
their own healing and transformation.

This principle is often emphasized in energy healing

approaches such as Reiki, which involves the transfer of energy
from the practitioner to the recipient to promote healing and
balance in the body. While the practitioner can facilitate the flow of
energy, it is ultimately up to the recipient to be open and receptive
to the energy and to actively work towards their own healing and

Energy healing techniques such as chakra balancing, guided

meditation, and visualization can also be used to help individuals
take personal responsibility for their health and well-being. By
actively working to clear and balance their energy system,
individuals can create a more positive and harmonious energetic
state, which can lead to improved physical, emotional, and spiritual

The principle of "God helps those who help themselves" also

emphasizes the importance of taking action towards our goals and
desires. Energy healing approaches to achieving our goals often


involve a combination of visualization, positive affirmations, and

action steps that move us towards our desired outcomes.

For example, if an individual is struggling with a health issue,

energy healing approaches may involve visualizing themselves in a
state of perfect health, affirming positive statements about their
health, and taking action steps such as improving their diet and
exercise routine or seeking medical treatment.

In conclusion, the principle of "God helps those who help

themselves" is closely tied to the concept of personal responsibility
for our health and well-being in energy healing. By taking active
steps towards our own healing and transformation, we can create
positive and harmonious energy patterns that promote physical,
emotional, and spiritual well-being. With energy healing techniques,
we can facilitate the flow of energy and support our own healing
process, ultimately leading to a more positive and fulfilling life


You will become what you will think

The idea that "you will become what you will think" is a
fundamental principle in energy healing. This concept is closely tied
to the belief that our thoughts and beliefs have a powerful impact
on our energetic state and our ability to manifest positive outcomes
in our lives.

Energy healing practitioners believe that our thoughts and

beliefs create energetic patterns in our bodies that can have a
profound impact on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-
being. Negative thoughts and beliefs are believed to create energetic
blockages and imbalances that can lead to physical and emotional
illness, while positive thoughts and beliefs can promote balance and

The principle of "you will become what you will think"

emphasizes the importance of cultivating a positive mindset and
focusing on positive outcomes in our lives. Energy healing
approaches to achieving our goals often involve visualization,
positive affirmations, and other techniques that promote a positive
mindset and emotional state.

For example, if an individual is struggling with low self-

esteem, energy healing approaches may involve visualizing
themselves as confident and successful, affirming positive
statements about their worth and abilities, and taking action steps
that build their confidence and self-esteem.

Energy healing techniques such as Reiki, chakra balancing,

and other practices can also be used to help clear negative energy
patterns and promote balance and well-being in the body. These
techniques can help individuals release negative emotions, trauma,


and other energetic blockages that are holding them back from
experiencing a more positive and fulfilling life.

The principle of "you will become what you will think" also
highlights the importance of taking responsibility for our thoughts
and beliefs. By recognizing the impact of our thoughts and beliefs
on our energetic state, we can actively work to shift towards more
positive outcomes and create new patterns of energy that promote
balance and well-being.

In conclusion, the principle of "you will become what you will

think" is a powerful concept in energy healing. By recognizing the
impact of our thoughts and beliefs on our energetic state and taking
responsibility for our own healing and transformation, we can
create positive and harmonious energy patterns that promote
physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. With energy healing
techniques, we can facilitate the flow of energy and support our own
healing process, ultimately leading to a more positive and fulfilling
life experience.


The Five Doshas

In the practice of energy healing, there are five doshas or
negative emotions that can block the flow of energy and cause
imbalances in the body. These doshas are kaam (desire), krodha
(anger), lobha (greed), moha (attachment), and ahankar (ego).

1. Kaam, or desire, is the craving or longing for something that we

believe will bring us happiness or fulfillment. This can manifest
as a desire for material possessions, relationships, or other
external factors. In energy healing, kaam can create a blockage
in the sacral chakra, which is responsible for our creative energy
and emotional well-being.

2. Krodha, or anger, is a strong emotional reaction to a perceived

threat or injustice. This can manifest as irritation, frustration,
or even rage. In energy healing, krodha can create a blockage in
the solar plexus chakra, which is responsible for our personal
power and self-esteem.

3. Lobha, or greed, is a strong desire for more than what we need

or have. This can manifest as an excessive focus on material
possessions or a reluctance to share with others. In energy
healing, lobha can create a blockage in the heart chakra, which
is responsible for our ability to give and receive love.

4. Moha, or attachment, is the attachment to people, things, or

situations that we believe bring us happiness or security. This
can manifest as a fear of change or an unwillingness to let go of
the past. In energy healing, moha can create a blockage in the
throat chakra, which is responsible for our ability to
communicate our truth and express ourselves creatively.


5. Ahankar, or ego, is a strong sense of self-importance or

superiority over others. This can manifest as arrogance, pride,
or a need for recognition or validation. In energy healing,
ahankar can create a blockage in the crown chakra, which is
responsible for our connection to our higher self and spiritual

In energy healing, it is important to check these doshas and

work to release them in order to promote balance and well-being in
the body. Techniques such as meditation, visualization, and
affirmations can be used to help individuals recognize and release
these negative emotions.

For example, if an individual is struggling with attachment or

moha, energy healing techniques may involve visualization
exercises that help them to let go of their attachment to certain
people or situations and embrace the present moment with
acceptance and gratitude.

In conclusion, the five doshas of kaam, krodha, lobha, moha,

and ahankar are important to consider in energy healing. By
recognizing these negative emotions and working to release them,
individuals can promote balance and well-being in the body, which
can lead to a more positive and fulfilling life experience. With
energy healing techniques, individuals can facilitate the flow of
energy and support their own healing process, ultimately leading to
a greater sense of harmony and inner peace.


Transformation is a fundamental concept in energy healing,
and it involves a process of change and growth that occurs at the
level of the body, mind, and spirit. At its core, transformation is
about moving from a state of imbalance or dis-ease to a state of
greater harmony and well-being. In this article, we will explore the
concept of transformation in energy healing and the various
techniques that can be used to facilitate this process.

The first step in transformation is awareness. Before we can

begin to transform ourselves, we must first become aware of the
patterns and behaviors that are creating imbalance in our lives. This
can involve looking at our thoughts, emotions, and physical
sensations, as well as our relationships and the external
circumstances of our lives. Through practices such as mindfulness
meditation and journaling, we can cultivate a deeper awareness of
our inner landscape and begin to identify the areas of our lives that
are in need of transformation.

The next step in transformation is acceptance. Once we have

become aware of the patterns and behaviors that are creating
imbalance in our lives, we must then accept them for what they are,
without judgment or resistance. This can be a challenging step, as it
requires us to face our inner demons and acknowledge our
vulnerabilities. However, it is through acceptance that we can begin
to release the emotional and energetic blocks that are preventing us
from experiencing greater well-being.

Once we have accepted the areas of our lives that are in need
of transformation, we can then begin to cultivate new patterns and
behaviors that are more aligned with our true selves. This can
involve a variety of energy healing techniques, such as meditation,
breathwork, yoga, and sound healing, among others. By


consistently practicing these techniques, we can begin to shift our

energy and create new neural pathways in the brain, ultimately
leading to a more positive and fulfilling life experience.

Transformation also involves a process of letting go. As we

release old patterns and behaviors, we may experience feelings of
loss or grief. It is important to honor these feelings and allow
ourselves the space and time to process them fully. Through
practices such as journaling, therapy, and support groups, we can
gain the tools and resources we need to move through these feelings
and continue on our path of transformation.

Ultimately, transformation in energy healing is about creating

a life that is in alignment with our true selves. It is about releasing
the patterns and behaviors that are holding us back and cultivating
new habits and practices that support our well-being. By
committing to the process of transformation and working with the
guidance of a skilled energy healer or practitioner, we can begin to
unlock our full potential and experience a greater sense of joy, peace,
and fulfillment in our lives.


Habits are actions or behaviors that we engage in regularly,
often without conscious thought or intention. Habits can be positive
or negative, and they can have a significant impact on our physical,
emotional, and spiritual well-being. In energy healing, habits play a
crucial role in our ability to maintain balance and harmony in our

Positive habits can include practices such as meditation,

exercise, healthy eating, and self-care. These habits help to support
our physical health, mental clarity, and emotional well-being, and
can have a positive impact on our energy levels and overall quality
of life. By cultivating positive habits, we create a foundation for
healing and transformation in our lives.

Negative habits, on the other hand, can include behaviors

such as overeating, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and
negative self-talk. These habits can contribute to a variety of
physical and emotional imbalances, including stress, anxiety,
depression, and chronic illness. In energy healing, negative habits
are seen as energetic blockages that can disrupt the flow of life force
energy in the body, leading to dis-ease.

One of the key principles of energy healing is the idea that all
aspects of our being are interconnected. Our thoughts, emotions,
and behaviors all influence our energy levels and the overall state of
our well-being. By becoming aware of our habits and how they are
affecting us, we can begin to make conscious choices that support
our healing and transformation.

Through practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and

journaling, we can gain a deeper understanding of our habits and
the underlying thoughts and emotions that drive them. By bringing


awareness to our habits, we can begin to break negative patterns

and cultivate positive behaviors that support our health and well-
being. In this way, habits can be powerful tools for transformation
and growth in energy healing.

In summary, habits play an essential role in energy healing,

as they can have a significant impact on our physical, emotional,
and spiritual well-being. By cultivating positive habits and releasing
negative patterns, we can support our healing and transformation
and create a life that is in alignment with our true selves.


How to get rid of Negative Habits

Getting rid of negative habits can be a challenging but
rewarding process. Here are some steps you can take to break free
from negative habits and cultivate positive ones:

1. Identify the habit: The first step in breaking a negative habit is

to become aware of it. Take some time to reflect on your
behaviors and identify the habits that are causing harm or
disruption in your life.
2. Understand the triggers: Negative habits often have triggers
that lead to the behavior. For example, stress may trigger the
habit of overeating or smoking. By understanding the triggers,
you can learn to recognize them and develop strategies to avoid
or manage them.
3. Replace the habit with a positive behavior: Simply trying to
stop a negative habit can be challenging. Instead, focus on
replacing it with a positive behavior that serves the same
purpose. For example, if you have a habit of eating junk food
when you feel stressed, try replacing it with a healthier snack or
a stress-reducing activity like meditation or yoga.
4. Make a plan: Breaking a negative habit requires commitment
and planning. Create a plan that includes specific steps you will
take to break the habit, such as setting goals, creating
accountability, and tracking your progress.
5. Seek support: Breaking a negative habit can be difficult, and it’s
important to seek support from others who can offer
encouragement and guidance. Consider enlisting the help of a
coach, therapist, or support group to help you stay motivated
and accountable.
6. Practice self-compassion: Breaking a negative habit can be a
challenging process, and it’s important to be kind and
compassionate with yourself along the way. Acknowledge that


change takes time and effort, and celebrate your successes along
the way.

In summary, breaking negative habits requires self-

awareness, planning, and support. By identifying triggers, replacing
negative habits with positive behaviors, and seeking support, you
can cultivate positive habits that support your health and well-being.
Remember to be patient and kind to yourself throughout the
process, and celebrate your progress along the way.


Challenges in Energy Healing

Energy healing, like any form of healing, can come with its
own set of challenges. Here are a few challenges that can arise in
energy healing:

1. Resistance to change: One of the biggest challenges in energy

healing is resistance to change. Many people may feel
comfortable with their current way of life and may resist making
changes, even if those changes are for the better. This resistance
can manifest as fear, doubt, or a lack of motivation to take action.
2. Lack of self-awareness: Energy healing requires a certain level
of self-awareness in order to identify energetic imbalances and
areas that need healing. Some people may struggle with this
self-awareness, and may not be able to recognize patterns or
behaviors that are causing energetic imbalances.
3. Emotional release: Energy healing can sometimes trigger
emotional release, as old wounds and traumas are brought to
the surface for healing. This emotional release can be
uncomfortable and may require support from a therapist or
other healing practitioner.
4. Belief systems: Energy healing can challenge deeply ingrained
belief systems and may require a willingness to explore new
perspectives and ways of thinking. Some people may struggle
with this, and may resist new ideas that challenge their existing
belief systems.
5. Accessibility: Energy healing may not be accessible to everyone,
as it can require financial resources and access to qualified
practitioners. This can be a barrier for some individuals who
may not have access to these resources.

Despite these challenges, energy healing can be a powerful

tool for healing and transformation. With an open mind and


willingness to explore new ideas and ways of being, individuals can

overcome these challenges and find healing and balance in their
lives. It’s important to remember that healing is a journey, and it’s
okay to take small steps and make progress at your own pace. With
patience, perseverance, and the support of qualified healing
practitioners, energy healing can be a transformative and life-
changing experience.


Power of Prayers
Prayer is a powerful tool in energy healing that can help
individuals connect with a higher power and tap into the healing
energies of the universe. Here are some ways that prayer can
support energy healing:

1. Increased awareness: Prayer can help individuals become more

aware of their own needs and desires for healing. By focusing on
their intention for healing, individuals can tap into the energy
of the universe and invite healing into their lives.
2. Positive mindset: Prayer can also help to shift a negative
mindset into a more positive one. By focusing on gratitude and
positive energy, individuals can begin to shift their perspective
and invite positive change into their lives.
3. Sense of calm: Prayer can also help to promote a sense of calm
and inner peace. By connecting with a higher power and
releasing control to the universe, individuals can find comfort
and support during challenging times.
4. Connection with others: Prayer can also create a sense of
connection and community with others. By coming together in
prayer, individuals can support each other in their healing
journeys and create a sense of unity and shared purpose.
5. Faith: Finally, prayer can help to cultivate faith and trust in the
healing process. By surrendering control to a higher power and
trusting in the universe to provide what is needed, individuals
can cultivate a sense of peace and trust in the process of healing.

In summary, prayer can be a powerful tool in energy healing

that can promote awareness, positivity, calm, connection, and faith.
By incorporating prayer into their healing practices, individuals can
tap into the healing energies of the universe and invite positive
change into their lives.


Incorporating 5 principles of Reiki in Daily Life

Reiki is a powerful energy healing modality that can help
individuals connect with their own healing energy and the universal
life force energy. The Five Principles of Reiki are guiding principles
that can help individuals live a more mindful, balanced, and
compassionate life. Here are some ways to incorporate the Five
Principles of Reiki into daily life:

1. Just for today, I will not be angry: Anger can be a powerful

emotion that can cause imbalances in the body and energy field.
To incorporate this principle, try to practice patience and
understanding when faced with challenging situations. Take a
deep breath, count to ten, or take a moment to step away and
calm down before responding.
2. Just for today, I will not worry: Worry and anxiety can create
imbalances in the body and energy field, leading to physical and
emotional symptoms. To incorporate this principle, try to focus
on the present moment and cultivate a sense of trust in the
universe. Practice mindfulness, meditation, or other relaxation
techniques to promote a sense of calm and inner peace.
3. Just for today, I will be grateful: Gratitude is a powerful tool for
promoting positive energy and attracting abundance into our
lives. To incorporate this principle, take time each day to focus
on the blessings in your life. Express gratitude for the people,
experiences, and opportunities that bring you joy and happiness.
4. Just for today, I will do my work honestly: Honesty and integrity
are essential for building trust and maintaining healthy
relationships. To incorporate this principle, strive to be honest
in your dealings with others and with yourself. Practice self-
reflection and introspection to identify areas where you may be
acting out of alignment with your values and make changes as


5. Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing: Compassion

and kindness are essential for promoting positive energy and
creating a sense of connection with others. To incorporate this
principle, practice acts of kindness and compassion toward
others, animals, and the environment. Look for opportunities to
serve others and make a positive impact in the world.

Incorporating the Five Principles of Reiki into daily life can

help individuals live a more mindful, balanced, and compassionate
life. By cultivating these principles in their thoughts, words, and
actions, individuals can tap into their own healing energy and
promote positive change in their lives and the lives of others.


Setting New Goals

Setting new goals in energy healing is an important part of
personal growth and development. Here are some steps to help you
set new goals in energy healing:

1. Reflect on your current state: Take some time to reflect on your

current state of being. What areas of your life feel imbalanced or
in need of healing? What goals do you have for yourself in terms
of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being?
2. Identify specific, achievable goals: Once you have reflected on
your current state, identify specific, achievable goals that you
would like to work towards. Make sure that these goals are
realistic, measurable, and aligned with your values and
3. Create a plan: Once you have identified your goals, create a plan
for how you will achieve them. This may involve seeking out new
healing modalities or practitioners, making changes to your
daily routine, or developing new habits and practices that
support your goals.
4. Take action: Once you have a plan in place, take action towards
achieving your goals. This may involve setting daily or weekly
intentions, tracking your progress, and making adjustments as
5. Celebrate your successes: As you work towards your goals,
celebrate your successes along the way. Take time to
acknowledge your progress and the hard work that you have put
in, and use this motivation to continue moving forward towards
your ultimate goals.

Setting new goals in energy healing can help individuals tap

into their own healing energy and promote positive change in their


Setting Positive Intentions

Setting positive intentions in energy healing is a powerful way
to harness your own healing energy and promote positive change in
your life. Here are some steps to help you set positive intentions in
energy healing:

1. Get clear on your desired outcome: Take some time to reflect

on what you want to manifest in your life. What are your goals?
What positive changes do you want to experience?
2. Focus on the positive: As you set your intentions, focus on what
you want to bring into your life, rather than what you want to
avoid or eliminate. Phrase your intentions in positive language
and focus on the feelings that you want to experience.
3. Use affirmations: Affirmations are positive statements that
help to shift your thoughts and beliefs towards your desired
outcome. Use affirmations that align with your intentions, and
repeat them daily to reinforce your positive energy.
4. Visualize your desired outcome: Visualization is a powerful tool
for manifesting your desired outcomes. Take some time each
day to visualize yourself experiencing the positive changes that
you want to manifest.
5. Stay focused and committed: As you work towards your
intentions, stay focused and committed to your desired outcome.
Trust in the universe and the power of your own healing energy,
and take action towards manifesting your intentions.

Setting positive intentions in energy healing can help

individuals harness their own healing energy and promote positive
change in their lives. By staying focused and committed to their
intentions, individuals can experience transformative healing and
personal growth.


Practicing Gratitude
Practicing gratitude is an important aspect of energy healing
that can help individuals cultivate a positive mindset and promote
healing in their lives. Here are some ways to practice gratitude in
energy healing:

1. Start a gratitude journal: Take some time each day to reflect on

the things in your life that you are grateful for. Write them down
in a journal and take time to reflect on how they have impacted
your life.
2. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being
present in the moment, without judgment. By practicing
mindfulness, individuals can cultivate a sense of gratitude for
the present moment and the beauty that surrounds them.
3. Say thank you: Take time to express gratitude to those around
you. Say thank you to your loved ones, colleagues, and anyone
else who has made a positive impact on your life.
4. Use positive affirmations: Incorporate positive affirmations
into your daily routine to help shift your mindset towards
gratitude. Repeat affirmations such as "I am grateful for all the
abundance in my life" or "I am thankful for the love and support
of those around me."
5. Give back: Giving back to others is a powerful way to cultivate
gratitude and promote healing in your life. Volunteer at a local
charity, donate to a cause that is important to you, or simply
perform random acts of kindness for those around you.

By practicing gratitude in energy healing, individuals can tap

into their own healing energy and promote positive change in their
lives. By cultivating a mindset of gratitude, individuals can
experience transformative healing and personal growth.


Bringing positivity in life

Bringing positivity into your life is an important part of
energy healing. Here are some ways to bring positivity into your life
with positive thoughts, positive people, and positive energy:

1. Focus on positive thoughts: Focus on positive thoughts and

affirmations that uplift and inspire you. This can help you shift
your mindset towards positivity and attract more positive
experiences into your life.
2. Surround yourself with positive people: Surround yourself with
people who inspire and uplift you. Spend time with friends and
family who share your values and support your goals.
3. Practice gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful tool for promoting
positivity in your life. Take time each day to reflect on the things
in your life that you are grateful for, and focus on the abundance
that surrounds you.
4. Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself is an important part
of promoting positivity in your life. Make time for activities that
bring you joy and relaxation, such as yoga, meditation, or
spending time in nature.
5. Clear negative energy: Negative energy can impact your mood
and well-being. Take steps to clear negative energy from your
life, such as decluttering your space, using aromatherapy, or
smudging with sage.

By focusing on positive thoughts, surrounding yourself with

positive people, and cultivating positive energy, you can bring more
positivity into your life and promote healing and personal growth.
With a positive mindset and a commitment to self-care and self-
improvement, you can create a life filled with joy, abundance, and


The Importance of Intention

Energy healing is a practice that involves the use of various
techniques to promote healing and balance in the body, mind, and
spirit. One of the key elements of energy healing is intention.
Intention is a conscious and deliberate thought or desire to achieve
a particular outcome. In energy healing, intention is used to direct
and focus the flow of universal energy towards a specific area of the
body or towards a specific healing goal.

The power of intention has been studied extensively in

scientific research and has been shown to have a significant impact
on physical and emotional well-being. When we set an intention, we
activate a powerful force within ourselves that can help us to achieve
our goals and overcome obstacles. This force is often referred to as
the law of attraction, which is the principle that like attracts like.
When we focus our thoughts and energy on a particular outcome,
we attract that outcome towards us.

In energy healing, intention is used to direct the flow of

universal energy towards a particular area of the body or towards a
specific healing goal. By setting an intention for healing, we create
a positive and supportive environment for the body to heal itself.
Intention can also help to shift our mindset and emotions towards
a more positive and healing state, which can further support the
healing process.

One of the key benefits of using intention in energy healing is

that it can help to activate the body's natural healing mechanisms.
The body has an innate ability to heal itself, but this ability can be
hindered by stress, negative emotions, and other factors. By setting
a positive intention for healing, we can help to activate the body's
natural healing mechanisms and support the healing process.


Another benefit of using intention in energy healing is that it

can help to create a sense of empowerment and control. When we
set an intention for healing, we take an active role in our own
healing process. This can be empowering and can help to reduce
feelings of helplessness or hopelessness that can often accompany
illness or injury.

Intention can also help to create a sense of connection and

unity between the healer and the person receiving the healing.
When the healer sets a positive intention for healing, they create a
supportive and healing environment that can help the person
receiving the healing to feel more relaxed and open to the healing

In order to use intention effectively in energy healing, it is

important to set a clear and specific intention for healing. This can
involve visualizing the desired outcome or using positive
affirmations to help focus the mind on the desired outcome. It is
also important to maintain a positive and hopeful mindset, even if
the healing process is challenging or takes longer than expected.


An optimist is someone who approaches life with a positive
outlook, expecting good things to happen and believing that
challenges can be overcome. Optimism is an important aspect of
energy healing because it can help individuals cultivate a positive
mindset and promote healing in their lives.

Opportunistic individuals are also often optimists. They are

people who see opportunities in every situation and believe that
good things can come from even the most challenging
circumstances. By maintaining a positive outlook, opportunistic
individuals are able to tap into their own healing energy and
promote positive change in their lives.

In energy healing, optimism is a powerful tool for promoting

healing and personal growth. When we approach challenges with a
positive outlook, we are more likely to find solutions and overcome
obstacles. This can help us move forward on our healing journey
and create a life filled with joy, abundance, and positivity.

Here are some ways that individuals can cultivate optimism

in energy healing:

1. Practice positive thinking: One of the key ways to cultivate

optimism is by practicing positive thinking. Focus on the good
in every situation, even if it is hard to see at first. Look for
opportunities to learn and grow, and approach challenges with
a growth mindset.
2. Surround yourself with positive people: Surrounding yourself
with positive, supportive people can help you maintain a
positive outlook. Spend time with friends and family who uplift
and inspire you, and seek out communities of like-minded
individuals who share your values and goals.


3. Take care of yourself: Taking care of yourself is an important

part of promoting optimism and healing in your life. Make time
for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as exercise,
meditation, or spending time in nature.
4. Stay connected to your spiritual practice: For many individuals,
spirituality is an important aspect of promoting optimism and
healing. Stay connected to your spiritual practice, whether that
involves meditation, prayer, or another form of spiritual
practice that resonates with you.

By cultivating optimism in energy healing, individuals can tap

into their own healing energy and promote positive change in their
lives. With a positive outlook and a commitment to personal growth
and self-improvement, individuals can create a life filled with joy,
abundance, and optimism.



Level 3 Symbols

Fogra Symbol
The Fogra symbol is the fifth symbol in Infinity Reiki and is
based on the number four. It represents the four elements earth, air,
fire, and water; the four seasons; the four points of the compass; the
four phases of the Moon (new, half-moon waxing, full, half-moon
waning). The Four Noble Truths epitomize Buddhism. The Fogra
symbol is helpful in curing complex mental and physical diseases,
including depression, anxiety, and diabetes.

The Fogra symbol is often used in combination with other

symbols to enhance their healing powers. It is said to bring balance
and harmony to the mind, body, and spirit. It helps to clear


blockages and release negative energy, allowing positive energy to

flow freely. It can also aid in grounding and centering, promoting
feelings of stability and security.

To use the Fogra symbol in Infinity Reiki, the practitioner

draws the symbol over the area of the body that needs healing or
attention. The symbol can also be drawn over crystals, water, or
other objects to infuse them with healing energy. It can also be used
in meditation or visualization exercises to promote balance and
harmony within oneself.

Here are some uses and descriptions of the Fogra symbol in

Infinity Reiki:

1. Balance: The Fogra symbol is associated with balance and

stability, encouraging individuals to find equilibrium in their
lives. By drawing the symbol over the heart chakra, the
practitioner can help individuals to find balance between their
physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, promoting a sense of
wholeness and well-being.
2. The four elements: The Fogra symbol represents the four
elements of earth, air, fire, and water. By drawing the symbol
over the root chakra, the practitioner can help individuals to
connect with the natural world and find harmony within
3. The four seasons: The Fogra symbol is also associated with the
four seasons, reminding individuals of the cyclical nature of life
and encouraging them to embrace change. By drawing the
symbol over the sacral chakra, the practitioner can help
individuals to tap into their inner strength and adaptability,
promoting resilience and growth.
4. The four points of the compass: The Fogra symbol represents
the four points of the compass, reminding individuals to stay


grounded and centered no matter which direction they may be

facing. By drawing the symbol over the solar plexus chakra, the
practitioner can help individuals to feel rooted and empowered,
promoting confidence and inner strength.
5. The Four Noble Truths: The Fogra symbol also epitomizes the
Four Noble Truths in Buddhism, which are the foundations of
Buddhist thought. By drawing the symbol over the crown chakra,
the practitioner can help individuals to connect with their
spiritual nature and find inner peace and enlightenment.
6. Physical and mental health: The Fogra symbol is believed to be
helpful in curing complex mental and physical diseases such as
diabetes, depression, and anxiety. By drawing the symbol over
the affected area, the practitioner can help to promote healing
and restore balance to the body and mind.

Overall, the Fogra symbol can be a powerful tool for

promoting balance, stability, and inner peace. It encourages
individuals to find harmony within themselves and with the natural
world, promoting resilience, growth, and well-being. It is believed
to be helpful in healing both physical and mental ailments, making
it a valuable tool for practitioners of Infinity Reiki.


Tafifa Symbol
Tafifa is a symbol used in Infinity Reiki that represents the
number five and embodies qualities such as passion, versatility,
adaptability, energy, and shrewdness. The symbol is believed to
help individuals harness their inner power and channel it towards
achieving their goals and desires.

The Tafifa symbol is designed to enhance the aura of an

individual, making them more charismatic and influential. It is said
to help individuals gain success in their personal and professional
lives by giving them the confidence and determination needed to
pursue their dreams. Additionally, Tafifa is believed to help
individuals become more friendly and approachable, allowing them
to connect with others more easily.

One of the key benefits of using the Tafifa symbol in Infinity

Reiki is its ability to help individuals overcome depression, anxiety,
and other mental health issues. The symbol is believed to promote
a sense of positivity and optimism, helping individuals maintain a
healthy mental state even in challenging situations. This symbol can
also be used for grounding.

Physically, the Tafifa symbol is believed to help individuals

manage complex health conditions such as diabetes. It is also said
to have a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing stress and
tension in the body.

To use the Tafifa symbol in Infinity Reiki, practitioners

typically draw or visualize the symbol while focusing on its qualities
and attributes. This can be done during a Reiki session or as a daily
meditation practice to promote overall well-being and balance in
the body, mind, and spirit.


The Tafifa symbol is a powerful tool for anyone seeking to tap

into their inner power and achieve success in all areas of their life.
Its energizing and empowering properties make it a valuable
addition to any Reiki practice.

Here are some uses and descriptions of the Tafifa symbol in

Infinity Reiki:

1. Passion: The Tafifa symbol is associated with passion and

enthusiasm. By drawing the symbol over the sacral chakra, the
practitioner can help individuals to connect with their creative
energy and tap into their inner passion, encouraging them to
pursue their dreams and goals with excitement and motivation.
2. Aura: The Tafifa symbol is also related to aura, which refers to
the subtle energy field that surrounds each person. By drawing
the symbol over the aura, the practitioner can help to strengthen
and protect it, promoting a sense of well-being and harmony.
3. Success: The Tafifa symbol is believed to be helpful in attracting
success and abundance. By drawing the symbol over the solar


plexus chakra, the practitioner can help individuals to tap into

their personal power and confidence, encouraging them to take
action and achieve their goals.
4. Friendliness: The Tafifa symbol is also associated with
friendliness and sociability. By drawing the symbol over the
heart chakra, the practitioner can help individuals to connect
with others and promote harmonious relationships,
encouraging kindness and compassion.
5. Versatility: The Tafifa symbol represents versatility and
adaptability. By drawing the symbol over the throat chakra, the
practitioner can help individuals to communicate effectively
and express themselves in a variety of situations, encouraging
them to be flexible and adaptable.
6. Energy: The Tafifa symbol is also related to energy and vitality.
By drawing the symbol over the crown chakra, the practitioner
can help individuals to connect with their spiritual energy and
promote overall health and well-being.

Overall, the Tafifa symbol is a powerful tool for promoting

personal growth and development. It is associated with passion,
aura, success, friendliness, versatility, energy, and adaptability,
making it an ideal symbol for those seeking to increase their self-
confidence and personal power. By incorporating the Tafifa symbol
into their Infinity Reiki practice, individuals can tap into these
powerful energies and promote greater harmony and well-being in
their lives.



Level 4 – Growth Level

The fourth and final level of Infinity Reiki Healing is all about
maintenance and continued growth. At this stage, the individual has
already gone through the first three levels of the healing process,
and has achieved significant positive changes in their physical,
emotional, and spiritual well-being. The focus now shifts to
maintaining these changes and continuing to grow and evolve.

Maintaining the positive changes achieved in the previous

stages requires ongoing effort and commitment. This may involve
the integration of new self-care practices, spiritual practices, and
seeking support from healers or therapists as needed. It is
important to recognize that healing is not a one-time event, but an
ongoing journey. Therefore, it is essential to establish healthy habits
and routines that support ongoing growth and well-being.

At this level, the individual is encouraged to continue

practicing self-care and incorporating spiritual practices into their
daily routine. This may include regular meditation, prayer, or other
mindfulness practices that help to cultivate a sense of inner peace
and harmony. Engaging in regular physical activity and
maintaining a healthy diet are also essential for maintaining
optimal physical health.

In addition to these practices, seeking support from healers

or therapists can also be beneficial. This may involve regular Reiki
sessions, counseling, or other healing modalities that help to
address any ongoing issues or challenges that may arise. It is


important to remember that healing is a process, and seeking

support from others can help to facilitate this process.

Finally, at this stage, it is important to stay open to new

opportunities for growth and evolution. This may involve exploring
new spiritual practices or modalities, engaging in personal
development courses or workshops, or seeking out new experiences
that challenge and expand one's worldview. By remaining open and
receptive to new experiences and possibilities, the individual can
continue to grow and evolve on their healing journey.

In conclusion, the fourth and final level of Infinity Reiki

Healing is all about maintenance and continued growth. By
maintaining healthy habits and routines, seeking support from
healers or therapists as needed, and remaining open to new
experiences and possibilities, the individual can continue to thrive
and evolve on their healing journey. It is important to remember
that healing is a process, and that it requires ongoing effort and
commitment in order to achieve lasting results.


The Importance of Self-Care

Energy healing is a powerful modality that has been used for
centuries to promote physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual
well-being. It involves working with the body's energy systems to
balance and harmonize them, allowing for greater flow and vitality.
While energy healing can be incredibly transformative, it is also
important to practice self-care to ensure that you are supporting
your own health and well-being in the process.

Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take

care of our physical, emotional, and mental health. It is about
creating space for ourselves to rest, rejuvenate, and recharge our
batteries. When we engage in regular self-care practices, we are
better able to cope with stress, maintain healthy relationships, and
stay connected to our purpose and passion in life.

In the context of energy healing, self-care is particularly

important. When we work with the body's energy systems, we are
essentially facilitating a process of change and transformation. This
can be incredibly powerful and liberating, but it can also be intense
and challenging. Without proper self-care, we risk becoming
drained or overwhelmed, which can negatively impact our health
and well-being.

So, what does self-care look like in the context of energy

healing? Here are some practices to consider:

1. Rest and rejuvenation: One of the most important aspects of

self-care is getting enough rest and taking time to rejuvenate.
This can involve taking naps, practicing meditation or
mindfulness, or simply setting aside time each day to relax and


2. Movement and exercise: Moving your body is a great way to

release stress and tension, and promote physical health. This
could involve going for a walk, practicing yoga, or engaging in
any other form of exercise that feels good for you.
3. Healthy eating: Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is an
essential aspect of self-care. When we nourish our bodies with
healthy food, we feel more energized, focused, and grounded.
4. Emotional support: Energy healing can bring up a lot of
emotions, so it is important to have a support system in place to
help you process and integrate these feelings. This could involve
talking to a trusted friend or family member, seeing a therapist,
or joining a support group.
5. Creative expression: Engaging in creative activities can be a
great way to connect with your inner self and express your
emotions. This could involve writing, painting, dancing, or any
other creative pursuit that brings you joy.
6. Spiritual practices: Many people find that spiritual practices
such as meditation, prayer, or yoga are incredibly grounding
and supportive. These practices can help you connect with your
inner wisdom and cultivate a sense of peace and calm.

Ultimately, the key to effective self-care in the context of

energy healing is to listen to your body and honor your needs. Pay
attention to how you are feeling physically, emotionally, and
mentally, and take steps to support yourself in whatever way feels
right for you. By prioritizing your own health and well-being, you
will be better equipped to support others in their healing journey as


Practices that Promote Self-care and Self-love

Self-care and self-love are crucial practices that can help
individuals improve their physical, emotional, and mental well-
being. In the fast-paced world we live in, it's easy to neglect our own
needs, and this can lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout. However,
taking time to care for ourselves and show ourselves love can help
us lead healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives. In this article,
we'll explore some practices that can promote self-care and self-love.

Mindful Breathing
Mindful breathing is a powerful tool for promoting self-care
and self-love. By focusing on our breath, we can calm our mind,
reduce stress, and improve our overall well-being. One simple
technique is to take a few deep breaths, inhaling through the nose
and exhaling through the mouth. As you exhale, imagine letting go
of any negative thoughts or emotions.

Gratitude Practice
A gratitude practice involves taking time each day to focus on
the things in our lives that we are grateful for. This can help shift
our mindset to one of positivity and abundance. One way to practice
gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal and write down three things
you are grateful for each day. Alternatively, you can take a few
moments each day to simply reflect on the things you are thankful

Self-compassion involves treating ourselves with kindness
and understanding, especially in moments of difficulty or challenge.
It involves recognizing that we are human and that we are not
perfect. Self-compassion can be practiced through positive self-talk


and by reframing negative self-talk into more compassionate and

positive messages.

Meditation is a powerful tool for promoting self-care and self-
love. It involves quieting the mind and focusing on the present
moment. Meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve
focus and concentration, and promote feelings of calm and
relaxation. There are many different types of meditation, including
guided meditation, mantra meditation, and mindfulness

Physical Exercise
Physical exercise is an important practice for promoting self-
care and self-love. Exercise helps improve physical health, but it can
also improve mental health by reducing stress and anxiety,
improving mood, and boosting self-confidence. It's important to
find an exercise routine that you enjoy and that works for your body.

Time in Nature
Spending time in nature can be a powerful way to promote
self-care and self-love. Nature has a way of grounding us and
connecting us to something larger than ourselves. Taking a walk in
the park, hiking in the mountains, or simply sitting outside and
enjoying the beauty of nature can help us feel more centered, calm,
and connected.

Creative Expression
Creative expression can be a powerful tool for promoting self-
care and self-love. Engaging in creative activities such as painting,
writing, or playing music can help us express our emotions and
feelings in a healthy way. It can also help us tap into our inner
creativity and inspire us to explore new ideas and possibilities.


Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques

Mindfulness and meditation techniques are powerful tools for
cultivating awareness and promoting mental, emotional, and
physical well-being. Mindfulness refers to the practice of
intentionally paying attention to the present moment, without
judgment. Meditation is a technique for calming the mind and
cultivating inner peace.

There are many different types of meditation and

mindfulness practices, including:

1. Breath meditation: In this practice, the focus is on the breath,

either by counting breaths or simply observing the breath as it
enters and leaves the body.
2. Body scan meditation: This practice involves systematically
scanning the body from head to toe, noticing any areas of
tension or discomfort and allowing them to release.
3. Loving-kindness meditation: Also known as Metta meditation,
this practice involves directing feelings of kindness, compassion,
and well-being towards oneself and others.
4. Walking meditation: This practice involves walking slowly and
mindfully, focusing on the sensations of each step and the
environment around you.
5. Mindful eating: This practice involves paying attention to the
experience of eating, from the flavors and textures of the food to
the act of chewing and swallowing.


Research has shown that regular mindfulness and meditation

practices can have a range of benefits, including:
1. Reduced stress and anxiety: Mindfulness and meditation can
help to calm the mind and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.
2. Improved sleep: Regular meditation and mindfulness practices
have been shown to improve sleep quality and duration.
3. Increased focus and attention: Mindfulness and meditation
practices can help to improve focus, attention, and cognitive
4. Improved emotional regulation: Regular mindfulness and
meditation practices can help to improve emotional regulation
and reduce feelings of depression.
5. Improved physical health: Mindfulness and meditation
practices have been shown to have a range of physical health
benefits, including reducing blood pressure, improving immune
function, and reducing chronic pain.

In energy healing, mindfulness and meditation practices can

be used to help clients connect with their inner wisdom and
promote self-awareness. Practitioners may guide clients through
meditation practices, or encourage them to develop their own
regular meditation practice as a form of self-care. Additionally,
mindfulness practices can help clients to stay present and
connected during energy healing sessions, allowing for a deeper and
more effective healing experience.


Tips for maintaining a Healthy lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and energy balance is crucial
for overall well-being and can have a significant impact on energy
healing practices. Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy
lifestyle and energy balance:

1. Eat a balanced diet: Eating a balanced diet is essential for

maintaining energy levels and overall health. Eating a diet rich
in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can provide
the body with essential nutrients and energy.
2. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining
energy balance and overall health. Exercise can improve
circulation, boost energy levels, and reduce stress.
3. Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for
maintaining energy levels and overall health. Lack of sleep can
lead to fatigue, low energy, and reduced immune function.
4. Practice stress-reducing techniques: Stress can have a
significant impact on energy levels and overall health.
Practicing stress-reducing techniques such as mindfulness
meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga can help reduce
stress and promote relaxation.
5. Spend time in nature: Spending time in nature can help
promote a sense of calm and relaxation, reducing stress levels
and promoting overall well-being.
6. Connect with others: Connecting with others can help reduce
feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can have a significant
impact on energy levels and overall well-being.
7. Engage in self-care practices: Engaging in self-care practices
such as taking a relaxing bath, getting a massage, or practicing
yoga can help promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.
8. Set boundaries: Setting boundaries can help prevent burnout
and promote overall well-being. Setting boundaries around


work, social activities, and other commitments can help prevent

overcommitment and promote a healthy balance between work
and leisure time.
9. Practice gratitude: Practicing gratitude can help promote a
positive outlook and reduce stress levels. Practicing gratitude
can be as simple as writing down three things you are grateful
for each day.

In summary, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and energy

balance is essential for overall well-being and can have a significant
impact on energy healing practices. Incorporating these tips into
your daily routine can help promote relaxation, reduce stress, and
improve overall health and energy levels.


The Importance of Grounding

The human body is an amazing system that is composed of
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. Energy is the life
force that flows through all of these aspects, connecting them and
keeping them in balance. Energy healing is a powerful way to work
with this life force energy to promote health and well-being.

One of the most important aspects of energy healing is

grounding. Grounding is the process of connecting with the Earth's
energy and bringing it into our bodies to create a sense of stability
and balance. When we are grounded, we are able to release excess
energy, feel centered, and be present in the moment.

In today's fast-paced and often stressful world, many people

find it challenging to stay grounded. They may feel scattered,
anxious, or overwhelmed, which can lead to physical and emotional
imbalances. By taking steps to ground themselves, individuals can
improve their energy flow, increase their sense of calm, and
experience greater physical and emotional well-being.

There are many techniques that can be used to ground the

body and mind. One of the simplest is to spend time in nature.
Walking barefoot on the grass, sitting under a tree, or simply
breathing in the fresh air can help to connect us with the Earth's
energy and bring us back to a sense of balance.

Another powerful grounding technique is meditation. By

focusing on the breath and becoming present in the moment,
individuals can quiet their minds and tune into the present moment.
This can help to reduce stress, increase self-awareness, and
promote a sense of calm and well-being.


Yoga and other physical practices can also be beneficial for

grounding. These practices focus on the body and breath, helping to
release tension, promote relaxation, and create a sense of
connection between the body and mind.

In addition to these practices, there are many other ways to

promote grounding in daily life. Eating nutritious foods, staying
hydrated, getting plenty of rest, and practicing self-care are all
important for maintaining a healthy balance of energy in the body
and mind.

Ultimately, grounding is an essential aspect of energy healing.

By staying grounded, individuals can maintain a healthy flow of
energy, release excess tension and stress, and experience greater
physical and emotional well-being. By incorporating grounding
practices into their daily lives, individuals can create a foundation
of balance and stability that can support them on their journey
toward optimal health and wellness.


Techniques for Grounding

Grounding is a fundamental practice in energy healing that
involves connecting with the earth and bringing our awareness to
the present moment. It is essential to create a stable foundation for
energy work and maintain a balanced state of mind and body.

Grounding techniques can help us feel more centered,

focused, and calm while reducing anxiety and stress. They can also
help release negative energy and emotions, leaving us feeling more
energized and balanced. Here are some techniques for grounding
and connecting with the earth in energy healing:

1. Walking barefoot: Walking barefoot on the earth is an excellent

way to connect with nature and ground yourself. It helps to
promote a sense of well-being and calmness while reducing
stress and anxiety. Try walking on the grass, sand, or earth, and
pay attention to the sensations in your feet.
2. Hugging a tree: Hugging a tree is a simple yet effective
grounding technique that can help you feel more connected with
nature. Stand with your back against a tree, and embrace it with
your arms while taking deep breaths. Feel the support and
stability of the tree, and imagine yourself rooting down into the
3. Visualization: Visualization is a powerful technique that can
help you ground yourself and connect with the earth. Close your
eyes and imagine roots growing from the soles of your feet,
extending deep into the earth. As you breathe in, imagine
yourself drawing up energy from the earth, and as you exhale,
release any tension or negativity.
4. Breathwork: Breathwork is an excellent way to ground yourself
and connect with your body. Take deep, slow breaths, inhaling
through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Focus on


the sensations in your body, and imagine yourself becoming

more grounded and centered with each breath.
5. Mindful movement: Mindful movement practices like yoga, tai
chi, or qigong can help you connect with your body, breath, and
the earth. These practices help release tension and promote a
sense of calmness and well-being.

In conclusion, grounding is an essential practice in energy

healing that can help you connect with the earth, release negative
energy, and maintain a balanced state of mind and body. By
incorporating these techniques into your daily routine, you can
promote a greater sense of well-being, reduce stress and anxiety,
and improve your overall energy balance.


Energy Depletion and Psychic Attacks

In energy healing, it is important to not only focus on the
positive aspects of energy, but also to protect oneself from any
potential negative energy that may deplete one's own energy stores
or cause harm. There are various protective measures that can be
taken to prevent energy depletion and psychic attacks.

Firstly, it is important to maintain one's own energy levels

through self-care practices such as meditation, exercise, and
healthy eating habits. This ensures that one is less vulnerable to any
potential energy depletion.

Secondly, one can create a protective energy shield around

oneself. This can be done through visualization techniques, such as
imagining a white or golden light surrounding and protecting the
body. One can also use crystals or other objects that are believed to
have protective properties, such as black tourmaline or obsidian.

Thirdly, it is important to be mindful of one's own energy and

to practice grounding techniques to remain connected to the earth.
This can be done through walking barefoot on grass or sand, or
through visualization techniques such as imagining roots extending
from the feet into the earth.

Finally, it is important to set clear boundaries and intentions

when working with others in energy healing or spiritual practices.
This can include stating clearly what types of energy work one is
willing to do and what types of energy one is not willing to work with,
as well as stating clear boundaries around personal space and
energy exchange.


Psychic Attacks
Psychic attacks are a type of negative energy directed towards
an individual's energy field or aura. This can result in a range of
symptoms including anxiety, depression, feelings of being drained
or exhausted, sudden changes in mood or behavior, and even
physical illness. Psychic attacks can come from a variety of sources,
including other individuals, negative entities or spirits, and even
environmental factors.

The concept of psychic attacks is not new and has been

recognized by many cultures throughout history. In modern times,
with the increased awareness of energy healing and spirituality, the
issue of psychic attacks has become more prominent. It is important
to note that not all negative energy directed towards us is
necessarily a psychic attack. Sometimes, negative energy can simply
be the result of being in a negative environment or experiencing
stress in our daily lives.

Psychic attacks can come in many forms, including

intentional or unintentional negative thoughts or emotions, curses,
spells, or even direct energy manipulation. It is important to
understand that not all individuals are equally susceptible to
psychic attacks, and some people may have a stronger or more
resilient aura than others. However, everyone can benefit from
learning how to protect themselves from negative energies and
psychic attacks.

One of the most effective ways to protect yourself from

psychic attacks is through the use of energy healing techniques.
Techniques such as Reiki, Pranic Healing, and Chakra Balancing
can help to clear and strengthen your energy field, making it more
difficult for negative energies to penetrate. These techniques can


also help to heal any existing imbalances or blockages in your aura,

which can make you more vulnerable to psychic attacks.

In addition to energy healing techniques, there are also

several other steps you can take to protect yourself from psychic
attacks. These include:

1. Practicing mindfulness and meditation to help you stay

centered and grounded.
2. Surrounding yourself with positive energy, such as through
spending time in nature, practicing gratitude, or listening to
uplifting music.
3. Using protective crystals, such as black tourmaline, amethyst,
or obsidian, which can help to absorb and transmute negative
4. Setting clear boundaries with others, and avoiding individuals
or environments that make you feel drained or uncomfortable.
5. Regularly cleansing your energy field through techniques such
as smudging, salt baths, or sound healing.

Overall, it is important to remember that while psychic

attacks can be concerning, there are many effective ways to protect
yourself and maintain a strong and healthy aura. By practicing self-
care, energy healing techniques, and setting clear boundaries, you
can help to ensure that you remain protected from negative energies
and continue to thrive on your spiritual journey.


Protection from Psychic Attacks using Infinity

Psychic attacks can be draining and distressing experiences
that can leave us feeling drained and overwhelmed. However, with
the help of Infinity Reiki, we can protect ourselves from these
attacks and prevent them from affecting us.

One way to protect yourself from psychic attacks using

Infinity Reiki is to use the power of the symbols. Symbols such as
the Se-vin-da and Si-tin-da are particularly useful for protection, as
they can help to create a shield of positive energy around you,
keeping negative energies at bay.

To use these symbols for protection, begin by sitting in a

comfortable position and taking a few deep breaths. Visualize a
bright, protective light surrounding you, and then draw the Se-vin-
da symbol in the air in front of you. As you do so, imagine the
symbol becoming infused with the protective energy of the universe,
and then visualize this energy forming a shield around you. You can
also use the Si-tin-da symbol in a similar way, visualizing it as a
barrier between you and any negative energies that may be present.

Another way to protect yourself from psychic attacks using

Infinity Reiki is to practice grounding and centering techniques.
Grounding helps to connect us with the earth's energy and can help
to release any negative energies that may be present in our bodies.
To ground yourself, stand or sit with your feet planted firmly on the
ground and visualize roots growing from your feet deep into the
earth. Imagine the earth's energy flowing up through your roots and
into your body, cleansing and purifying you.

Centering techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing,

can also help to protect us from psychic attacks by bringing us into


a state of calm and balance. When we are centered, we are less likely
to be affected by negative energies and are better equipped to
handle any challenges that may come our way.

Finally, it's important to remember that self-care is key when

it comes to protecting yourself from psychic attacks. Make sure to
take time for yourself each day to recharge and replenish your
energy, whether that means taking a relaxing bath, going for a walk
in nature, or simply meditating quietly in a peaceful space. When
we take care of ourselves, we are better able to protect ourselves
from external energies that may try to drain us.

Here are some steps to protect yourself from psychic attacks

using Infinity Reiki:
1. Ground yourself: The first step is to ground yourself by
visualizing roots coming out of your feet and connecting to the
earth's core. This helps you stay connected to the physical world
and prevents negative energy from affecting you.
2. Invoke the Infinity Reiki symbols: Visualize the Infinity Reiki
symbols in your mind's eye, especially the Se-vin-da symbol,
which is known for protection. You can draw the symbol in front
of you or in the air around you to create a protective shield.
3. Call on your spirit guides: Ask your spirit guides or guardian
angels to protect you from any negative energy or psychic
attacks. You can visualize them surrounding you with a white
light of protection.
4. Use visualization: Visualize yourself surrounded by a bubble of
white light, which acts as a protective shield. You can also
visualize a mirror in front of you reflecting any negative energy
back to the sender.
5. Clear your energy field: Use Reiki energy to clear any negative
energy or blockages from your energy field. Visualize a violet


flame or use the Si-tin-da symbol to release any negative energy

from your aura.
6. Practice self-care: Take care of yourself by getting enough rest,
eating healthy, and practicing self-care activities like meditation
or yoga. A healthy body and mind can better handle psychic
attacks and negative energy.
7. Set boundaries: Learn to say no to people or situations that
drain your energy or make you feel uncomfortable. Setting
healthy boundaries can prevent psychic attacks from happening
in the first place.

By practicing these steps regularly, you can protect yourself

from psychic attacks and maintain a healthy energy field.
Remember to trust your intuition and seek help from a professional
if you feel overwhelmed or unable to cope with the negative energy.


How to Bounce Back Psychic Attacks

To protect oneself from psychic attacks and bounce back any
negative energy that has been sent your way.

Here are the steps:

1. Relax and center yourself: Find a quiet place where you won't
be disturbed and take a few deep breaths to relax your body and
2. Visualize the Infinity symbol: Visualize the main Infinity
symbol in front of you, glowing with a bright white light. Focus
on the symbol and let its energy fill you.
3. Set your intention: Set your intention to protect yourself from
any psychic attacks and bounce back any negative energy that
has been sent your way.
4. Call upon the symbol: Call upon the Infinity symbol and ask it
to help you in your intention.
5. Place the symbol around you: Visualize the Infinity symbol
expanding and surrounding your entire body. See it forming a
protective shield around you, like a bubble.
6. Program the symbol: Program the symbol to bounce back any
negative energy that comes your way. See it reflecting the
negative energy back to its source, like a mirror.
7. Repeat if necessary: If you feel that you need extra protection,
you can repeat the process as many times as you need to. Trust
in the power of the Infinity symbol to protect you and bounce
back any negative energy.

Remember that protection from psychic attacks is not only

about using symbols and energy work. It's also important to take
care of your physical and emotional health, practice grounding
techniques, and surround yourself with positive people and


Cord Cutting
Cord cutting and energy clearing are important techniques in
energy healing systems, as they allow individuals to release
energetic attachments and blockages that may be hindering their
well-being. These techniques are often used to clear negative
energies and attachments that may be draining one's vitality or
causing physical or emotional discomfort. In this article, we will
explore the concepts of cord cutting and energy clearing, as well as
techniques that can be used for these practices.

Cord Cutting
Cord cutting is a process in which one consciously severs
energetic cords that may have formed between themselves and
others. These cords can represent energetic attachments, whether
positive or negative, that may be draining one's energy or causing
emotional distress. These cords can be formed through any type of
interaction, from close personal relationships to chance encounters
with strangers. In order to release these cords and their associated
energies, it is important to identify and cut them consciously.

To begin the process of cord cutting, find a quiet space where

you can focus on your intentions without distraction. Take a few
deep breaths and allow yourself to relax. Visualize the cords that
you wish to cut, and take note of their color, texture, and any
emotions or sensations that may be associated with them. Once you
have a clear sense of the cords that you wish to release, imagine
yourself cutting them with a sharp, shining sword or other tool. As
you sever the cords, visualize the energies associated with them
dissipating into the ether. Finally, offer gratitude and love to those
with whom you have shared these energetic cords, and release them
with the intention of moving forward in freedom and grace.


Energy Clearing
Energy clearing is a technique used to clear negative or
stagnant energies from one's energetic field. These energies can be
accumulated through interactions with others, exposure to negative
environments or thought patterns, and even internal beliefs or self-
talk. Clearing these energies can help to restore one's natural vitality
and promote greater well-being on all levels.

One technique for energy clearing is through the use of

visualization. Begin by finding a quiet space where you can focus on
your intentions without distraction. Take a few deep breaths and
allow yourself to relax. Visualize a bright white light filling your
entire body, and imagine this light expanding outward to
encompass your entire aura. As you visualize this light, set the
intention for it to clear any negative or stagnant energies from your
being. Imagine the light washing over you like a gentle, cleansing
rain, sweeping away any darkness or heaviness that may be present.

Another technique for energy clearing involves the use of

sound. You can use a variety of tools for this, such as singing bowls,
bells, or chimes. Begin by finding a quiet space where you can focus
on your intentions without distraction. Choose a sound tool that
resonates with you, and begin to play it while focusing on your
intention to clear negative energies from your being. Allow the
sound to wash over you like a gentle wave, sweeping away any
darkness or heaviness that may be present.

In conclusion, cord cutting and energy clearing are important

techniques in energy healing systems that can help individuals to
release energetic attachments and blockages that may be hindering
their well-being. These techniques can be used to clear negative
energies and attachments that may be draining one's vitality or
causing physical or emotional discomfort.


Cord Cutting with Infinity Reiki

Cord cutting is a powerful technique in energy healing to
release negative attachments or connections to people, situations,
or emotions. It is a way to cut the energetic cords that are draining
our energy and causing emotional or physical pain. In Infinity Reiki,
cord cutting can be done using the energy of the symbols to create
a safe and supportive environment.

Here are the detailed steps for cord cutting in Infinity Reiki:
1. Ground yourself: Sit in a quiet place, take a few deep breaths,
and visualize roots growing from the soles of your feet deep into
the earth. This will help you feel grounded and centered.
2. Call upon the Infinity Reiki symbols: Visualize the Infinity
symbol in front of you, and call upon the other symbols that you
feel will help you with cord cutting. For example, you may
choose to work with the Si-tin-da symbol for truth and intuition
or the Topanda symbol for protection and grounding.
3. Visualize the person or situation: Visualize the person or
situation that you want to cut cords with. See the cords as thick
or thin lines connecting you to that person or situation.
4. Use the Infinity symbol to cut the cords: Take the Infinity
symbol in your hands and visualize it glowing with white light.
Hold the symbol over the cords and see them being cut with a
clean, swift motion. As you do this, say an affirmation such as "I
release all negative attachments and connections to this
5. Use the other symbols for healing: Once the cords are cut, use
the other symbols to heal and protect yourself. For example, you
may use the Si-tin-da symbol to bring in truth and clarity or the
Topanda symbol to protect and ground yourself.
6. Express gratitude: Finally, express gratitude to the symbols and
to yourself for taking the time to release these negative cords.


You may want to visualize a beautiful light surrounding you,

bringing in love, peace, and healing.

Cord cutting can be done as often as needed, depending on

the situation. It is important to take care of ourselves emotionally
and energetically, and cord cutting can be a powerful tool to help us
release what no longer serves us.


Other ways of Cord Cutting

There are several ways to perform cord cutting in Infinity
Reiki, depending on your personal preference and situation. Here
are some techniques you can try:

Visualization Technique:
1. Sit in a quiet and comfortable place, close your eyes and take
deep breaths to relax.
2. Visualize a cord or rope connecting you to the person, situation,
or thing you want to cut ties with.
3. Imagine holding a pair of golden scissors or a sword and cutting
the cord with intention.
4. Visualize the cord falling away from you and dissolving into the
5. Take a few deep breaths and visualize yourself surrounded by a
protective bubble of white light.

Infinity Reiki Technique:

1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes and
take deep breaths to relax.
2. Draw the Infinity symbol on your palms and visualize it glowing
with white light.
3. Place your hands on your heart chakra and affirm your intention
to cut ties with the person, situation, or thing.
4. Allow the Infinity Reiki energy to flow through your hands and
into your heart, cutting the cord and healing any wounds or
5. Take a few deep breaths and visualize yourself surrounded by a
protective bubble of white light.


Candle Technique:
1. Sit in a quiet and comfortable place, light a white candle and
take deep breaths to relax.
2. Visualize the cord or connection you want to cut and imagine it
attached to the flame of the candle.
3. Hold a pair of scissors or a knife in your hands and affirm your
intention to cut ties with the person, situation, or thing.
4. Visualize cutting the cord with intention, while focusing on the
flame of the candle.
5. Blow out the candle and visualize the cord falling away from you
and dissolving into the light.
6. Take a few deep breaths and visualize yourself surrounded by a
protective bubble of white light.

Remember, cord cutting can be a powerful tool for releasing

negative attachments and energy, but it's important to do it with
compassion and forgiveness towards yourself and others involved.


Remote Viewing and Psychic Abilities

Remote viewing and psychic abilities have long been
associated with energy healing, as they can help healers tune into a
patient's energy field and identify any imbalances or blockages that
need to be addressed. While these abilities are often seen as
mysterious or supernatural, they can be learned and developed
through regular practice.

Remote viewing is the ability to perceive and gather

information about a person, object, or location from a distance,
without using the physical senses. It involves using the mind's eye
to tune into the energy field of the subject being viewed, allowing
the remote viewer to receive impressions, images, or other sensory

Psychic abilities, on the other hand, refer to a range of

intuitive skills that go beyond the five physical senses. These can
include clairvoyance (the ability to see beyond the physical realm),
clairsentience (the ability to sense or feel energy), clairaudience (the
ability to hear beyond the physical realm), and claircognizance (the
ability to know without physical evidence).

In the context of energy healing, remote viewing and psychic

abilities can be used to gain insights into a patient's energy field,
identify blockages or imbalances, and guide the healing process. For
example, a remote viewer might tune into a patient's aura and
detect areas of energetic congestion or depletion, while a
clairvoyant healer might receive visual images or symbols that help
them understand the nature of the patient's energy blockages.

While some people may be born with strong psychic abilities,

these skills can also be developed through regular practice and
training. Meditation, visualization, and energy work are all


powerful tools for developing psychic awareness and intuition.

Many energy healing schools and programs also offer training in
remote viewing and other psychic abilities.

It's important to note that not all energy healers use remote
viewing or psychic abilities in their work, and that these skills are
not necessary for effective energy healing. However, for those who
are drawn to these modalities, they can be powerful tools for gaining
insight and accessing the deeper levels of the energy field. As with
any energy healing practice, it's important to approach remote
viewing and psychic work with an open mind and a grounded,
respectful attitude towards the patient and their environment.


Role of Spiritual Practices

Spiritual practices can play a significant role in energy healing.
Many energy healing modalities incorporate spiritual practices,
such as meditation, visualization, prayer, and energy work, to help
balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit.

One of the key aspects of spiritual practices in energy healing

is the belief that we are all connected to a universal energy source.
This energy flows through all living beings and can be harnessed
and directed to promote healing.

Through spiritual practices, individuals can tap into this

energy source and use it to heal themselves and others. For example,
meditation can help individuals quiet their minds and connect with
their inner selves, allowing them to access this energy source more

Visualizations, affirmations, and prayer can also be used to

focus the mind and channel healing energy to specific areas of the
body. Energy work, such as Reiki, involves using the hands to
channel this energy and direct it towards the recipient.

In addition to promoting healing, spiritual practices can also

help individuals develop greater awareness and understanding of
themselves and their connection to the universe. This can lead to
greater inner peace, a sense of purpose, and a deeper connection to
something greater than themselves.

Overall, spiritual practices can be a powerful tool in energy

healing, helping individuals tap into the universal energy source
and channel it to promote healing and wellbeing.


Achieving Inner Peace and Harmony

Inner peace and harmony can be achieved through energy
healing by addressing the underlying imbalances that disrupt our
natural state of equilibrium. Energy healing modalities aim to
restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit by
working with the subtle energy systems that govern our physical
and emotional wellbeing.

Some ways energy healing can help achieve inner peace and
harmony include:
1. Reducing stress and anxiety: Energy healing techniques such
as Reiki, acupuncture, and acupressure can help reduce stress
and anxiety by promoting deep relaxation and releasing tension
from the body.
2. Clearing blockages: Blocked energy in our subtle energy
systems can lead to physical and emotional imbalances. Energy
healing techniques can help clear blockages and restore the flow
of energy, promoting a sense of balance and harmony.
3. Healing emotional wounds: Energy healing can help heal
emotional wounds and traumas by releasing negative energy
and promoting feelings of love, forgiveness, and compassion.
4. Balancing chakras: Chakras are the energy centers in our
bodies that regulate the flow of energy. Energy healing
techniques can help balance and align the chakras, promoting
physical and emotional wellbeing.
5. Cultivating mindfulness: Energy healing can also help cultivate
mindfulness, allowing individuals to become more aware of
their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. This
increased awareness can help individuals make more conscious
choices and respond to challenges in a more grounded and
centered way.


Importance of Inner Peace

Inner peace is a crucial component of energy healing. Energy
healing modalities aim to restore balance and harmony to the body,
mind, and spirit, which is essential for overall health and wellbeing.
Inner peace is an essential aspect of this balance and harmony, as it
allows individuals to achieve a state of calm and contentment that
is necessary for healing.

Here are some reasons why inner peace is important in energy

1. Promotes relaxation: Inner peace helps individuals to relax,
which is essential for healing. When the mind and body are
relaxed, it is easier for energy to flow freely, and for the body to
repair and regenerate itself.
2. Reduces stress and anxiety: Inner peace can help reduce stress
and anxiety, which can have a negative impact on our physical
and emotional health. Chronic stress can lead to a range of
health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease,
and depression.
3. Supports emotional healing: Inner peace can help individuals
to process and heal emotional wounds. When we are at peace,
we are better able to regulate our emotions and respond to
challenging situations in a more grounded and centered way.
4. Increases awareness: Inner peace can help us become more
aware of our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. This
increased awareness allows us to make more conscious choices
and respond to challenges in a more mindful and
compassionate way.
5. Enhances spiritual connection: Inner peace can help
individuals feel more connected to something greater than


themselves, whether that be a higher power, the universe, or

simply a sense of purpose and meaning.

Overall, inner peace is a crucial component of energy healing,

as it allows individuals to achieve a state of balance and harmony
that is essential for healing and wellbeing. By cultivating inner
peace, individuals can support their physical, emotional, and
spiritual health, and live a more fulfilling and joyful life.


Cultivating a sense of Inner Peace and Harmony

Cultivating a sense of inner peace and harmony can be a
lifelong journey, but there are several practices and techniques that
can help. Here are some suggestions for cultivating inner peace and

1. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of paying

attention to the present moment, without judgment. This
practice can help us become more aware of our thoughts,
emotions, and physical sensations, and help us develop a sense
of inner peace and calm.
2. Cultivate gratitude: Gratitude is the practice of focusing on the
positive aspects of our lives, rather than dwelling on negative
thoughts and emotions. Cultivating gratitude can help us
develop a more positive outlook on life and foster feelings of
inner peace and contentment.
3. Connect with nature: Spending time in nature can be a powerful
way to cultivate inner peace and harmony. Nature has a way of
grounding us and connecting us to something greater than
ourselves, which can promote feelings of calm and wellbeing.
4. Practice self-care: Taking care of ourselves is essential for
cultivating inner peace and harmony. This can include practices
such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and
engaging in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment.
5. Engage in energy healing practices: Energy healing practices
such as Reiki, acupuncture, and meditation can help promote
inner peace and harmony by balancing and harmonizing our
subtle energy systems.
6. Develop a spiritual practice: Developing a spiritual practice can
help us cultivate a sense of inner peace and harmony by
connecting us to a higher power or a sense of purpose and


meaning. This can include practices such as prayer, meditation,

or attending spiritual services.

Overall, cultivating a sense of inner peace and harmony

requires a combination of practices and techniques that support our
physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. By incorporating these
practices into our daily lives, we can foster a greater sense of peace,
calm, and contentment.


Sharing is Caring
Energy healing is a powerful and transformative practice that
can have profound effects on our physical, emotional, and spiritual
wellbeing. While energy healing techniques can be practiced alone,
there are many benefits to sharing our experiences and knowledge
with other energy healers. In this article, we'll explore the concept
of sharing in energy healing and why it's important.

Sharing is caring
The saying "sharing is caring" applies to many aspects of life,
and energy healing is no exception. Sharing our experiences,
techniques, and knowledge with other energy healers can be a
valuable way to support each other and grow in our practice.

By sharing our experiences, we can learn from each other's

successes and challenges. We can gain new insights into how
different techniques work, and how they can be applied in different
situations. This can help us develop a more comprehensive
understanding of energy healing and its potential to transform lives.

Sharing our techniques and knowledge can also help us to

refine our practice. When we teach others, we are forced to clarify
our own understanding of the techniques we use, and this can help
us to refine our approach and become more effective energy healers.

The benefits of sharing

There are many benefits to sharing our knowledge and
experiences with other energy healers. Here are just a few:

1. Community support: When we share our experiences with

other energy healers, we become part of a supportive
community. We can learn from each other, support each other,
and grow together.


2. Increased understanding: By sharing our knowledge and

techniques, we can gain a deeper understanding of energy
healing and its potential to transform lives.
3. Improved effectiveness: When we share our techniques and
knowledge with other energy healers, we can refine our
approach and become more effective in our practice.
4. Improved confidence: Sharing our experiences and knowledge
can help us to feel more confident in our practice, and give us
the courage to try new techniques and approaches.

How to share in energy healing

Sharing in energy healing can take many forms. Here are a
few ideas:

1. Attend workshops and seminars: Attending workshops and

seminars is a great way to learn from other energy healers and
share your own experiences.
2. Join a community: Joining a community of energy healers can
provide a supportive environment for sharing knowledge and
3. Teach others: Teaching others is a powerful way to refine your
own understanding of energy healing and become a more
effective energy healer.
4. Collaborate with others: Collaborating with other energy
healers on projects or events can be a valuable way to share
knowledge and experiences.

Sharing is caring, and in energy healing, sharing our
experiences, techniques, and knowledge with other energy healers
can be a valuable way to support each other and grow in our practice.
By doing so, we can gain a deeper understanding of energy healing,
become more effective healers, and develop a supportive


community that can help us on our journey. So, if you're an energy

healer, consider sharing your knowledge and experiences with
others. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.


The Importance of Openness

Openness is a crucial component of energy healing. When we
approach energy healing with an open mind and heart, we create
the conditions for healing to take place. In this article, we'll explore
why openness is important in energy healing and how it can impact
our healing journey.

What is openness?
Openness refers to our ability to be receptive, accepting, and
non-judgmental. When we approach energy healing with openness,
we are willing to receive healing energy and allow it to flow through
us. We are also willing to accept whatever outcomes may arise,
without judgment or attachment.

Why is openness important in energy healing?

There are several reasons why openness is important in
energy healing:

1. It creates a receptive state: When we approach energy healing

with openness, we create a receptive state that allows healing
energy to flow through us. This can help to unblock energy
channels, balance our energy systems, and promote healing on
all levels.
2. It allows us to let go of resistance: When we approach energy
healing with openness, we let go of resistance and allow the
healing process to unfold naturally. This can help us to release
negative emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that may be blocking
our energy flow and preventing us from healing.
3. It promotes trust: When we approach energy healing with
openness, we develop trust in the healing process and in
ourselves. This can help us to overcome doubts and fears, and
allow us to fully embrace the healing journey.


4. It fosters connection: When we approach energy healing with

openness, we create a sense of connection with ourselves, with
the healer, and with the healing energy. This can help us to feel
supported, held, and nurtured throughout the healing process.

How can we cultivate openness in energy healing?

Cultivating openness in energy healing can take time and
practice, but there are several ways we can start:

1. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness can help us develop

awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and sensations, and allow
us to approach energy healing with an open and non-
judgmental mindset.
2. Let go of expectations: Letting go of expectations can help us
approach energy healing with openness and allow the healing
process to unfold naturally.
3. Trust the process: Trusting the process can help us develop
confidence in the healing journey and allow us to approach it
with openness and receptivity.
4. Be willing to receive: Being willing to receive healing energy can
help us create a receptive state that allows healing to take place.
5. Practice self-compassion: Practicing self-compassion can help
us let go of judgment and criticism and approach energy healing
with openness and acceptance.

Openness is an essential component of energy healing. When
we approach energy healing with openness, we create a receptive
state that allows healing energy to flow through us, and we foster
trust, connection, and acceptance. By cultivating openness in our
energy healing practice, we can promote healing on all levels and
embrace the journey with grace and ease.


Thanking God
Expressing gratitude and thanking the divine or energy
source is an important aspect of energy healing. It acknowledges the
role of a higher power in the healing process and helps to cultivate
a sense of connection, humility, and reverence. In this article, we'll
explore the importance of thanking God or the energy source in
energy healing.

Why is thanking God or the energy source important in energy

1. It cultivates humility: When we acknowledge the role of a
higher power in the healing process, we cultivate a sense of
humility and recognize that we are not the sole agents of healing.
This can help us to approach the healing process with a sense of
reverence and respect.
2. It promotes connection: When we thank God or the energy
source for their role in the healing process, we foster a sense of
connection and recognize that we are part of a greater whole.
This can help us to feel supported and held throughout the
healing journey.
3. It cultivates gratitude: When we express gratitude for the
healing that has taken place, we cultivate a sense of appreciation
and recognize the blessings that we have received. This can help
us to focus on the positive aspects of our lives and cultivate a
more optimistic outlook.
4. It strengthens faith: When we acknowledge the role of a higher
power in the healing process, we strengthen our faith and
develop trust in the healing journey. This can help us to
overcome doubts and fears, and allow us to fully embrace the
healing process.


How can we express gratitude and thank God or the energy

source in energy healing?
There are several ways we can express gratitude and thank
God or the energy source in energy healing:

1. Offer a prayer: A prayer is a simple and powerful way to express

gratitude and thank God or the energy source for their role in
the healing process. We can offer a prayer of thanks before and
after a healing session, or throughout the day as we cultivate a
sense of gratitude.
2. Use affirmations: Affirmations are positive statements that we
can use to cultivate a sense of gratitude and thankfulness. We
can use affirmations such as "I am grateful for the healing that
has taken place" or "I give thanks for the blessings in my life" to
express our gratitude.
3. Write a gratitude journal: A gratitude journal is a simple and
effective way to cultivate a sense of gratitude and thankfulness.
We can write down the things that we are grateful for each day,
including the healing that has taken place.
4. Express gratitude in daily life: We can express gratitude and
thankfulness in our daily lives by saying "thank you" to others,
practicing acts of kindness, and recognizing the blessings that
we have received.

Expressing gratitude and thanking God or the energy source
is an important aspect of energy healing. It cultivates a sense of
humility, connection, gratitude, and faith, and helps us to approach
the healing process with reverence and respect. By incorporating
gratitude into our energy healing practice, we can deepen our
connection with the divine and cultivate a sense of joy and
appreciation in our lives.


Enlightening your Inner Self

Energy healing is a powerful tool for transforming the mind,
body, and spirit. Through the use of various techniques, such as
Reiki, chakra balancing, and meditation, energy healing can help us
to release negative energy, balance our energy centers, and connect
with our inner selves. In this article, we'll explore how energy
healing can help to enlighten your inner self and promote personal

What is the inner self?

The inner self is the true essence of who we are. It is the part
of us that is connected to our intuition, creativity, and spiritual
nature. When we are in touch with our inner selves, we feel a sense
of purpose, direction, and joy. However, when we become
disconnected from our inner selves, we may feel lost, confused, and
stuck in negative patterns.

How can energy healing help to enlighten your inner self?

1. Releasing negative energy: Energy healing can help us to
release negative energy that may be blocking our connection to
our inner selves. Negative energy can manifest as physical pain,
emotional distress, and spiritual disconnection. Energy healing
techniques, such as Reiki, can help us to release this energy and
create space for more positive energy to flow.
2. Balancing energy centers: Energy healing can help us to
balance our energy centers, also known as chakras. When our
chakras are balanced, we feel more grounded, centered, and
connected to our inner selves. Energy healing practitioners can
use various techniques, such as crystal healing and sound
therapy, to balance the chakras and promote overall well-being.
3. Connecting with intuition: Energy healing can help us to
connect with our intuition, which is an important aspect of our


inner selves. Intuition is our inner guidance system that helps

us to make decisions and navigate our lives. Energy healing
techniques, such as meditation, can help us to quiet the mind
and connect with our intuition.
4. Promoting personal growth: Energy healing can promote
personal growth by helping us to release negative patterns and
embrace positive change. Through the use of various energy
healing techniques, we can cultivate a sense of self-awareness,
self-love, and compassion, which can help us to grow and evolve
as individuals.

How can you incorporate energy healing into your life to

enlighten your inner self?
1. Seek out a practitioner: To get started with energy healing,
consider seeking out a practitioner who specializes in the
techniques that resonate with you. A practitioner can help you
to release negative energy, balance your energy centers, and
connect with your inner self.
2. Practice self-care: Self-care is an important aspect of energy
healing. Make time for activities that nourish your mind, body,
and spirit, such as yoga, meditation, and journaling.
3. Cultivate mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being
present in the moment and fully engaged in the present
experience. Cultivate mindfulness in your daily life by paying
attention to your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations.
4. Embrace positive change: Energy healing can help us to
embrace positive change and release negative patterns. Practice
self-reflection and identify areas of your life that you would like
to change. Use energy healing techniques, such as visualization
and affirmation, to support positive change.



Enlightening your inner self with energy healing is a powerful

way to promote personal growth, release negative energy, and
connect with your true essence. By seeking out a practitioner,
practicing self-care, cultivating mindfulness, and embracing
positive change, you can transform your life and connect with your
inner self in a meaningful way. With dedication and practice, energy
healing can help you to live a more joyful, purposeful, and fulfilling


What is Enlightenment
Enlightenment is a term that is often used in spiritual and
philosophical circles, but what exactly does it mean? At its core,
enlightenment refers to a state of consciousness in which an
individual experiences a deep sense of inner peace, clarity, and
connection to the universe. In this article, we'll explore the concept
of enlightenment, how it can be achieved, and the benefits that
come with this state of being.

What is enlightenment?
Enlightenment is a state of consciousness that is
characterized by a deep sense of inner peace, clarity, and connection
to the universe. It is often described as a state of spiritual awakening
in which an individual experiences a profound shift in their
perception of reality. This shift can lead to a heightened sense of
awareness, an expanded perspective on life, and a deeper
understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

How is enlightenment achieved?

Enlightenment can be achieved through a variety of spiritual
practices, including meditation, yoga, and mindfulness. These
practices are designed to quiet the mind, cultivate inner peace, and
connect the individual with their higher self. By developing a
regular spiritual practice, individuals can create the conditions
necessary for enlightenment to occur.

In addition to spiritual practices, enlightenment can also be

achieved through self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-
improvement. By identifying and releasing negative patterns and
beliefs, individuals can open themselves up to new ways of thinking
and being. This can lead to a profound shift in their perception of
reality and a deeper connection to the universe.


What are the benefits of enlightenment?

Enlightenment has numerous benefits for individuals who
achieve this state of consciousness. Some of these benefits include:

1. Inner peace: Enlightenment is characterized by a deep sense of

inner peace and calm. Individuals who achieve this state of
consciousness are able to navigate life's challenges with grace
and ease.
2. Clarity: Enlightenment brings a heightened sense of clarity and
understanding. Individuals who achieve this state of
consciousness are able to see things from a broader perspective
and make decisions with greater clarity and wisdom.
3. Connection: Enlightenment brings a deep sense of connection
to the universe and all living beings. Individuals who achieve
this state of consciousness feel a sense of oneness with the world
around them and are able to connect with others on a deeper
4. Purpose: Enlightenment brings a sense of purpose and meaning
to life. Individuals who achieve this state of consciousness are
able to identify their true calling and pursue it with passion and

Enlightenment is a state of consciousness that is
characterized by inner peace, clarity, and connection to the universe.
It can be achieved through a variety of spiritual practices, self-
reflection, and self-improvement. The benefits of enlightenment
are numerous and can lead to a more fulfilling, meaningful, and
joyful life. By cultivating a regular spiritual practice and focusing on
personal growth and development, individuals can open themselves
up to the possibility of enlightenment and all the benefits that come
with it.


What is True Self?

The concept of the true self has been discussed in various
philosophical and spiritual traditions throughout history. At its core,
the true self refers to the most authentic, genuine, and fundamental
aspect of our being. In this article, we'll explore what the true self is,
how it can be discovered, and the benefits of living in alignment
with our true self.

What is the true self?

The true self can be thought of as the essence of our being. It
is the most authentic and genuine aspect of who we are, beyond our
external appearance or social roles. The true self is often described
as the part of us that is not influenced by societal expectations,
cultural conditioning, or past traumas. It is the part of us that
remains constant throughout our lives, despite external
circumstances or life changes.

How can we discover our true self?

Discovering our true self is a journey of self-discovery that
requires introspection, self-awareness, and a willingness to explore
our innermost thoughts and feelings. Here are some practices that
can help us connect with our true self:

1. Meditation: Meditation is a powerful tool for connecting with

our innermost self. By quieting the mind and turning our
attention inward, we can tune in to our true thoughts and
2. Self-reflection: Taking time to reflect on our beliefs, values, and
experiences can help us gain clarity on who we truly are.
Journaling, therapy, or simply taking quiet time to think can be
helpful in this process.


3. Authentic self-expression: Engaging in activities that allow us to

express ourselves authentically, such as writing, art, or music,
can help us connect with our true self and express it to the world.
4. Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness can help us become more
present and aware of our thoughts and emotions. By observing
these internal experiences without judgment, we can gain a
deeper understanding of our true self.

What are the benefits of living in alignment with our true self?
Living in alignment with our true self can bring numerous
benefits to our lives, including:

1. Authenticity: Living in alignment with our true self allows us to

live authentically and express ourselves fully, without the need
to conform to societal expectations or norms.
2. Fulfillment: When we live in alignment with our true self, we are
more likely to pursue activities and experiences that bring us
fulfillment and joy.
3. Inner peace: Living in alignment with our true self can bring a
sense of inner peace and contentment, as we are living in
accordance with our deepest values and desires.
4. Connection: When we live in alignment with our true self, we
are more likely to attract and connect with people who share
similar values and interests, leading to deeper and more
meaningful relationships.

Discovering our true self is a journey of self-discovery that
requires introspection, self-awareness, and a willingness to explore
our innermost thoughts and feelings. By connecting with our true
self, we can live authentically, pursue fulfillment and joy, and
experience inner peace and connection with others.


Meaning of life
The meaning of life has been a topic of discussion and debate
for centuries, with various philosophical, spiritual, and scientific
perspectives on the question. At its core, the question of the
meaning of life is asking what our purpose is, what makes our
existence meaningful, and what gives our lives a sense of value and
significance. Here we will explore some of the major theories on the
meaning of life.

Existentialist Perspective
Existentialists believe that life has no inherent meaning or
purpose, and it is up to each individual to create their own meaning
through their choices and actions. According to existentialist
philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, we are all free to choose our own path
in life, but with that freedom comes a great responsibility to make
choices that align with our values and beliefs. In this perspective,
the meaning of life is subjective and different for each individual.

Religious Perspective
Many religious traditions believe that the meaning of life is
tied to a divine purpose or plan. For example, in Christianity, the
purpose of life is to love and serve God and to love others as oneself.
In Hinduism, the meaning of life is to achieve moksha, or liberation
from the cycle of birth and death, through spiritual practices and
self-realization. In this perspective, the meaning of life is often tied
to a greater spiritual purpose beyond the individual.

Humanistic Perspective
Humanists believe that the meaning of life is tied to human
values, such as love, creativity, and compassion. According to
humanist psychologist Abraham Maslow, human beings have a
hierarchy of needs, with the highest need being self-actualization,


or the realization of one's full potential. In this perspective, the

meaning of life is to strive for personal growth and to contribute to
the well-being of others.

Scientific Perspective
From a scientific perspective, the meaning of life can be
viewed as a product of evolution and the search for survival and
reproduction. According to biologist Richard Dawkins, the meaning
of life is to pass on one's genes and ensure the survival of one's
species. However, many scientists also acknowledge that humans
have a unique capacity for self-awareness, consciousness, and
moral reasoning that can lead to a deeper sense of meaning and

The meaning of life is a complex and multifaceted question
that has been explored by philosophers, spiritual leaders, and
scientists throughout history. The answer to the question may
depend on one's personal beliefs, values, and experiences. Whether
it is tied to a divine purpose, personal growth, or the pursuit of
survival and reproduction, the search for meaning and purpose can
bring a sense of fulfillment and happiness to our lives. Ultimately,
the meaning of life may be found in the journey of self-discovery
and the pursuit of a life that aligns with one's values and beliefs.


Life Purpose
The search for one's life purpose is a deeply personal and
often challenging journey. It is the question of why we are here and
what we are meant to do with our lives. Some people seem to know
their life purpose from a young age, while others may struggle to
find it for years or even their entire lives. In this article, we will
explore some of the ways to discover your life purpose.

Reflect on your passions and interests

One way to uncover your life purpose is to reflect on your
passions and interests. What activities bring you joy and fulfillment?
What topics do you enjoy learning about? What hobbies do you lose
track of time doing? Your passions and interests can often provide
clues to your life purpose.

Consider your skills and talents

Another way to discover your life purpose is to think about
your skills and talents. What are you naturally good at? What do
others come to you for help with? What skills do you enjoy using?
Your skills and talents can often be used in service of your life

Explore your values and beliefs

Your values and beliefs can also be a guiding force in
discovering your life purpose. What is important to you? What do
you believe in? What do you want to stand for in the world? Your
values and beliefs can help you identify the kind of impact you want
to have in the world.

Pay attention to synchronicities and signs

Sometimes the universe sends us synchronicities and signs
that can point us towards our life purpose. Pay attention to


coincidences, dreams, and other messages that seem to be guiding

you in a certain direction. Trust your intuition and follow the signs
that resonate with you.

Experiment and try new things

If you're still unsure about your life purpose, don't be afraid
to experiment and try new things. Take on new challenges,
volunteer, explore different career paths or hobbies. The more
experiences you have, the more likely you are to discover what truly
resonates with you.

Discovering your life purpose can be a challenging and
sometimes frustrating journey, but it is ultimately one of the most
rewarding journeys you can take. By reflecting on your passions and
interests, considering your skills and talents, exploring your values
and beliefs, paying attention to synchronicities and signs, and
experimenting with new things, you can begin to uncover your life
purpose. Remember that your life purpose may evolve and change
over time, and it's never too late to start living a life that feels
purposeful and fulfilling.


5 Steps toward Enlightenment

Enlightenment is a state of being that is characterized by deep
understanding and insight into the nature of reality. It is a state that
can be achieved through a combination of spiritual and
psychological practices. There are many paths to enlightenment,
but the following five steps can help guide individuals towards this
state of being: Purity, Love, Service, Perception, and Enlightenment.

Step 1: Purity
Purity refers to the state of being free from impurities, both
physical and mental. To achieve purity, it is essential to practice
mindfulness and meditation regularly. This practice helps
individuals become aware of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors,
and identify any negative patterns that may be holding them back.
By purifying the mind and body, individuals can prepare
themselves for deeper spiritual practices.

Step 2: Love
Love is the foundation of enlightenment. To experience
enlightenment, individuals must cultivate a deep sense of love and
compassion for themselves and others. This love should be
unconditional and free from judgment. Practicing forgiveness and
gratitude can help individuals develop a more loving and
compassionate outlook towards themselves and the world around

Step 3: Service
Service refers to the act of giving back to others. Service is an
essential component of spiritual growth and can help individuals
connect with their higher selves. By helping others, individuals can
cultivate a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives, and develop
a deeper understanding of their place in the world.


Step 4: Perception
Perception refers to the way we view the world. To achieve
enlightenment, individuals must cultivate a new way of seeing the
world, one that is free from limiting beliefs and negative thought
patterns. Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help
individuals become more aware of their thoughts and feelings, and
cultivate a more positive and enlightened perception of the world.

Step 5: Enlightenment
Enlightenment is the final step towards achieving spiritual
awakening. This state of being is characterized by a deep
understanding of the nature of reality, a sense of inner peace, and a
connection to the divine. Enlightenment is not a destination, but a
continuous journey towards self-discovery and spiritual growth.

In conclusion, achieving enlightenment is a complex and

multi-faceted process that requires dedication and commitment. By
following these five steps: Purity, Love, Service, Perception, and
Enlightenment, individuals can develop a deeper understanding of
themselves and the world around them. With regular practice and
dedication, anyone can achieve enlightenment and experience the
profound sense of peace and joy that comes with it.


Spreading Love
Love is a powerful force that has the ability to transform
individuals and communities. Spreading infinite love is the act of
sharing love and kindness with others, without any expectations in
return. This act of selflessness can have a profound impact on the
world around us, creating a ripple effect of positivity and
compassion. Here are some ways that we can spread infinite love:

Show kindness to others

One of the simplest ways to spread infinite love is by showing
kindness to others. This can be as simple as offering a smile to a
stranger, holding the door open for someone, or saying a kind word
to a friend or loved one. Acts of kindness can create a sense of
connection and can brighten someone's day.

Practice gratitude
Gratitude is the act of acknowledging and appreciating the
good things in our lives. By practicing gratitude, we can cultivate a
sense of contentment and happiness, which can then radiate out to
others. Expressing gratitude to others, whether it be through a
simple thank you or a heartfelt note, can also help to spread infinite

Practice forgiveness
Forgiveness is an act of love that can be difficult but is
essential for spreading infinite love. Holding onto anger and
resentment can weigh us down and create negative energy. By
practicing forgiveness, we can release these negative emotions and
create space for love and compassion to enter our lives.


Volunteer and give back

Giving back to our communities is a powerful way to spread
infinite love. Volunteering at a local organization or donating to a
charity can have a profound impact on the lives of others. By giving
our time and resources, we can help make the world a better place.

Be present with others

In a world that is often rushed and busy, taking the time to be
present with others can be a powerful act of love. This means giving
our full attention to those around us, listening actively, and being
fully engaged in the moment. By being present with others, we can
create deeper connections and spread infinite love.

In conclusion, spreading infinite love is a powerful way to

make a positive impact on the world. By showing kindness,
practicing gratitude, forgiveness, volunteering, and being present
with others, we can create a ripple effect of love and compassion.
Remember, love is infinite, and the more we give, the more we



Level 4 Symbols

Si-tin-da Symbol
Si-tin-da is the seventh symbol in Infinity Reiki, and it is
based on the number six. This symbol is associated with love,
nurturing, service to others, emotional healing, and stability. It is a
powerful tool for Reiki practitioners who wish to promote healing
and balance in their clients.

The Si-tin-da symbol can be used to facilitate emotional

healing and provide comfort to those who are struggling with
difficult emotions. This symbol is particularly effective for those
who are experiencing anxiety, depression, or grief. It can also be
used to promote inner peace and a sense of calm.

In addition to its emotional healing properties, the Si-tin-da

symbol is also associated with the physical body. It can be used to
promote overall physical health and wellbeing, as well as to support
the immune system and aid in recovery from illness or injury.

The Si-tin-da symbol can also be used to balance the chakras,

particularly the heart chakra. This chakra is associated with love,
compassion, and emotional balance, and when it is blocked or
imbalanced, it can lead to a variety of physical and emotional

To use the Si-tin-da symbol in Reiki healing, practitioners

typically visualize the symbol in their minds or draw it on the body
of their client. They may also use the symbol in combination with


other Reiki symbols to promote healing and balance on multiple


In conclusion, the Si-tin-da symbol is a powerful tool for Reiki

practitioners who wish to promote emotional healing, physical
health, and overall wellbeing. Whether used alone or in
combination with other symbols, it can help to balance the energy
centers of the body, promote inner peace, and provide comfort and
support to those who are struggling with difficult emotions.

Here are some uses and descriptions of the Si-tin-da symbol

in Infinity Reiki:

1. Rise and growth: The Si-tin-da symbol represents growth and

progress. By drawing the symbol over the root chakra, the
practitioner can help individuals to connect with the earth and
cultivate a strong foundation for growth, encouraging them to
rise to their full potential.


2. Love and nurturing: The Si-tin-da symbol is associated with

love and nurturing. By drawing the symbol over the sacral
chakra, the practitioner can help individuals to tap into their
inner creativity and emotions, encouraging them to nurture
themselves and others with love and care.
3. Service to others: The Si-tin-da symbol represents service to
others. By drawing the symbol over the solar plexus chakra, the
practitioner can help individuals to cultivate a sense of purpose
and drive, encouraging them to serve others with compassion
and selflessness.
4. Unconditional love: The Si-tin-da symbol is also associated with
unconditional love. By drawing the symbol over the heart
chakra, the practitioner can help individuals to open their
hearts to love and forgiveness, encouraging them to embrace all
beings with compassion and acceptance.
5. Protection and emotional healing: The Si-tin-da symbol is
known for its ability to offer protection and emotional healing.
By drawing the symbol over the throat chakra, the practitioner
can help individuals to speak their truth and express themselves
freely, encouraging them to release emotional blockages and
find inner peace.
6. Stability: The Si-tin-da symbol represents stability and balance.
By drawing the symbol over the third eye chakra, the
practitioner can help individuals to connect with their intuition
and inner wisdom, encouraging them to cultivate a sense of
stability and balance in their lives.

Overall, the Si-tin-da symbol can be a powerful tool for

promoting growth, love, nurturing, service to others, protection,
emotional healing, and stability. It reminds individuals to tap into
their inner strength and compassion, embrace all beings with love
and acceptance, and find balance and harmony in their lives. The


symbol is also helpful in cultivating a sense of purpose and drive,

making it a valuable tool in the practice of Infinity Reiki.

Se-vin-da Symbol
Se-vin-da is the eighth and final symbol in the Infinity Reiki
system. It is a powerful symbol that represents victory,
insightfulness, intuition, truthfulness, introspection,
intellectualism, and wisdom. The number 7 is associated with this
symbol, which is considered to be a sacred number in many
spiritual traditions.

Se-vin-da is particularly useful for those seeking spiritual

growth and knowledge. It is said to enhance one's intuition and
ability to solve problems, as well as provide insight into the nature
of reality and the workings of the universe. The symbol can also help
individuals develop a deeper sense of self-awareness and


In addition to its spiritual properties, Se-vin-da is believed to

have physical healing benefits as well. It is said to promote
circulation and increase oxygen flow to the body, as well as
strengthen the immune system and improve overall physical health.

When used in Infinity Reiki treatments, Se-vin-da is typically

drawn over the affected area or the entire body. It can be used in
conjunction with other symbols to enhance their effects, or on its
own for general healing purposes. Practitioners may also use the
symbol during meditation or visualization exercises to facilitate
spiritual growth and insight.

One of the primary uses of Se-vin-da is to help people

overcome obstacles and achieve victory in their lives. Whether it is
in their personal or professional lives, this symbol can help people
to overcome challenges and achieve success. It can also help people
to develop their problem-solving skills, enabling them to find
creative solutions to difficult problems.

In addition to its problem-solving abilities, Se-vin-da is also

believed to be helpful in developing spiritual wisdom and
knowledge. People who use this symbol often report feeling a
greater sense of connection to the universe and to the spiritual
realm. They may also experience an increase in their intuitive
abilities, enabling them to better understand and navigate the world
around them.

Furthermore, Se-vin-da can also be used to help heal

emotional wounds and promote emotional stability. It is associated
with a nurturing, protective energy that can provide a sense of
emotional security and stability. By focusing on emotional healing,
this symbol can help practitioners to find greater balance and inner


The Se-vin-da symbol is a powerful tool in Infinity Reiki that

can help practitioners to achieve victory, gain insight, and develop
their intuition and wisdom. Its properties of truthfulness,
intellectualism, and problem-solving can aid practitioners on their
spiritual journey, while its nurturing and protective energy can
provide a sense of emotional security and stability.

Overall, the Se-vin-da symbol is a powerful tool in Infinity

Reiki that can help practitioners to achieve victory, gain insight, and
develop their intuition and wisdom. Its properties of truthfulness,
intellectualism, and problem-solving can aid practitioners on their
spiritual journey, while its nurturing and protective energy can
provide a sense of emotional security and stability.



Overview of attunements

Receiving attunements is an essential part of the Infinity

Reiki healing system. It is the process through which a person
becomes attuned to the energy and symbols of Infinity Reiki. Each
level of Infinity Reiki has its own unique attunement process, and it
is important to follow the guidelines carefully to ensure a smooth
and effective attunement.

Before receiving an attunement, it is important to prepare
yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. You can start by
practicing deep breathing exercises to calm your mind and release
any tension or stress in your body. Find a quiet and comfortable
space where you will not be disturbed during the attunement
process. It is also recommended to set your intention for the
attunement and visualize yourself receiving the energy with
openness and gratitude.

The Attunement Process:

The attunement process in Infinity Reiki Healing System
involves the transmission of energy from the teacher to the student.
This energy is channeled through the symbols and passed on to the
student's energy centers, allowing them to connect with the Infinite

Each level of Infinity Reiki Healing System has a specific set

of symbols and attunements. The attunement in each level is given
with two symbols. The following are the symbols and their
respective levels in Infinity Reiki Healing System:


1. Level 1: Infinity Symbol and Onta Symbol

2. Level 2: Topanda Symbol and Tripanda Symbol
3. Level 3: Fogra Symbol and Tafifa Symbol
4. Level 4: Si-tin-da Symbol and Se-vin-da Symbol

The attunements for each level should be spaced out over a

period of 3 to 7 days, allowing the student to integrate the energy
and fully experience its effects. During the attunement, the student
may experience various sensations, including heat, tingling, or a
sense of deep relaxation. These sensations are normal and indicate
that the energy is flowing through the student's energy centers.

After the Attunement:

After the attunement, it is important to rest and allow yourself
time to integrate the energy. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol
and caffeine for at least 24 hours. You may also experience a healing
crisis, which is a temporary period of discomfort or emotional
release as the energy clears blockages and balances your energy
centers. This is a normal part of the healing process, and it is
important to be gentle with yourself and seek support if needed.

Receiving attunements in Infinity Reiki Healing System is a
powerful and transformative process that can bring healing and
balance to your life. By preparing yourself and setting your
intention, you can fully receive the energy and integrate its effects
into your daily life. It is important to take care of yourself after the
attunement and seek support if needed. With the support of the
symbols and the Infinite Energy, you can continue to grow and
expand your healing abilities.



Infinity Reiki Level 1


The Level 1 attunement is the first step in the Infinity Reiki

Healing System. It is a process in which the student receives a new
energy frequency that enables them to connect to the universal life
force energy. This attunement is given by a Infinity Reiki Master
(level 4), and it can be done in person or remotely.

During the Level 1 attunement, the student is introduced to

two symbols: the Infinity Symbol and the Onta Symbol. These
symbols are sacred and are used to connect with the universal life
force energy, to cleanse and heal the body, mind, and spirit.

The following are the steps to send the Level 1 attunement

(distant by Reiki Master to one student):
Here are the detailed steps that an Infinity Reiki Master can
follow to send the Level 1 attunement to a distant student:

1. First, communicate with the student and schedule a mutually

agreed-upon time for the distant attunement.
2. Prior to the attunement, ensure that the student is well-rested
and hydrated. It is also advisable that they find a quiet and
peaceful place where they will not be disturbed during the
attunement process.
3. At the scheduled time, the Infinity Reiki Master should also find
a quiet place to perform the attunement. If the time cannot be
matched by both the parties then Infinity Reiki Master first send


the attunement and then notify the student. Then student may
receive it later at their ease.
4. It is recommended that the Reiki Master meditates for a few
minutes to quiet their mind and raise their vibration.
5. The Reiki Master should then connect with the student by
visualizing their energy field or by using a photograph or name
of the student.
6. The Reiki Master should then state their intention to send the
Infinity Reiki Level 1 attunement to the student and call upon
the energy of the universe, spirit guides, and angels to assist in
the process.
7. The Reiki Master can then draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol
and the Onta Symbol in front of them in the air three times,
setting the intention that these symbols will be activated during
the attunement.
8. Next, the Reiki Master should visualize the student surrounded
by a protective white light and set their intention for the
attunement to be received with an open heart and mind.
9. The Reiki Master can then send the energy by visualizing the
Infinity Symbol entering the student's crown chakra and then
moving down through each chakra to the root chakra. The Reiki
Master should focus on each chakra for a few moments,
allowing the energy to flow freely.
10. Similarly, the Reiki Master can then send the energy of the Onta
Symbol by visualizing it entering the student's crown chakra
and moving down through each chakra to the root chakra. The
Reiki Master should focus on each chakra for a few moments,
allowing the energy to flow freely.
11. As the energy flows, the Reiki Master may experience various
sensations such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and


12. Once the attunement is complete, the Reiki Master should

ground themselves by visualizing their feet connected to the
13. Finally, the Reiki Master should send a message to the student
to receive the attunement and also advising them to rest, drink
plenty of water, and journal about their experience.
14. The student should also be encouraged to contact the Reiki
Master with any questions or concerns they may have.

The following are the steps to send the Level 1 attunement

(distant by Reiki Master to a group of students):
Here are the detailed steps by which an Infinity Reiki master
can send the Level 1 attunement to a group of distant students:

1. The Infinity Reiki master should inform the students about the
date and time of the attunement.
2. The master should also inform the students about the
preparations they need to make before the attunement, such as
finding a quiet and comfortable space where they won't be
disturbed, and having a glass of water nearby.
3. On the day of the attunement, the master should connect with
students through visualizing their energy field or by using
photographs or names of the student. Master can also use a
group photo, or can write the name of all the students on a page.
4. The master should then call upon the energy of the universe, the
spirit guides, and angels to assist in the attunement process.
5. The master can visualize all the students in a white light Orb.
6. This can be done by visualizing all of them into that orb or by
speaking their name one by one into the orb.
7. Next, the master should draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol
and then Onta Symbol in the air in front of the orb, while


intending for the symbols to be activated for the attunement for

all the students in that orb.
8. Next, the master should visualize this Orb having 7 points that
corresponds to the 7 chakras of each of the student that are
inside this orb.
9. The master should focus their intentions on the orb from the top
to bottom and sending the symbols through these 7 points of the
orb. The top point of this orb can be regarded as Crown chakra
and the bottom point as the root chakra. The symbols will enter
through the top point of the orb that corresponds to Crown
chakra and will exit from the bottom point that will correspond
to the root chakra. The middle 5 points of this orb will
correspond to rest of the chakra in same way as human body
10. The master should then send the Infinity Reiki symbol to this
orb that will enter into the first top point or the crown chakra.
11. It will pass through all the point of this orb and will exit from
the bottom.
12. When the symbol will pass from the 7 points of the orb it will
simultaneously pass through the 7 chakras of all the students in
that orb.
13. Now, repeat this with the second symbol that is Onta.
14. During the attunement, the Master may experience sensations
such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
15. After the attunement is done the master should release that orb
into the universe with intentions that each of the student may
be able to receive the attunement through this orb.
16. Master should then disconnect the connection and ground.
17. Finally, the master should thank the universe, spirit guides, and
angels for their assistance in the attunement process, and thank
the group of students for their etheric participation.


18. After the attunement has been sent, the master should guide the
group about receiving the attunement. In short, each student
can receive the attunement at their own specific time and place.
19. They can follow the same procedures that is followed by a single
student in receiving the distant attunement.
20. The master should also offer any guidance or support that the
students may need following the attunement.

The following are the steps to receive the Level 1 attunement

(Distant by student/students):
1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down
undisturbed for about 30 minutes.
2. Make sure you are well-hydrated and have eaten a light meal
before the attunement.
3. Take a few deep breaths and center yourself.
4. You may want to meditate for a few minutes to quiet your mind.
5. Call upon the energy of the universe, your spirit guides, and
angels to assist you in receiving the attunement.
6. Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective white light, and
set your intention to receive the attunement with an open heart
and mind.
7. Connect with the Reiki Master who will be giving you the
attunement. You can do this by visualizing them or simply
setting your intention to connect with them energetically.
8. Draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol in front of you in the air
three times.
9. Now, draw or visualize the Onta Symbol in front of you in the
air three times.


10. Close your eyes and focus on your breath as you receive the
11. Visualize the whole universe on top of your crown chakra (as
you see the sky).
12. Visualize all these beautiful stars galaxies and this infinite
13. Now visualize the infinity symbol right in the middle on this
universe and on top of your crown chakra (at the same distance
as sky is)
14. Now visualize this Infinity symbol from they sky coming down
and entering in your crown chakra ang going through all the
other chakras and finally going deep into the core of this mother
15. Feel your connection to this infinite universe.
16. Feel as if you are connected to this Infinite universe through this
symbol and feel that the two lobes of infinity symbols are like
two wings that can take you anywhere in this Universe. There is
no limitation and boundaries of matter, space and time. You are
the infinite part of this infinite universe.
17. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
18. Now visualize the Onta symbol on top of your crown chakra.
19. Visualize it slowly entering in you Crown chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
20. Now, visualize it coming down to your Third eye chakra. Let it
stay there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
21. Now, visualize it coming down to your Throat chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
22. Now, visualize it coming down to your Heart Chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime


23. Now, visualize it coming down to your Solar Plexus chakra. Let
it stay there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
24. Now, visualize it coming down to your Sacral chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
25. Now, visualize it coming down to your Root chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
26. Now visualize it going deep into the core of mother earth.
27. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
28. Once the attunement is complete, take a few deep breaths and
ground yourself by visualizing your feet connected to the earth.
29. Thank the Reiki Master and the universe for the attunement and
the healing energy that you have received.

Remember to drink plenty of water and take some time to rest

and integrate the energy after the attunement. You may experience
a healing crisis or emotional release as the energy works to balance
and clear your energy field. Trust the process and allow yourself to
receive the healing energy with an open heart and mind.

The following is the script for over the phone/guided meditation

that Reiki master can speak or record for you to receive Level 1
attunement (distant by phone or recorded guided meditation):
Welcome to your Level 1 Reiki attunement. Before we begin,
find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down
undisturbed for about 30 minutes. It's important to make sure you
are well-hydrated and have eaten a light meal before the

To start, take a few deep breaths and center yourself. You may
want to meditate for a few minutes to quiet your mind. Then, call


upon the energy of the universe, your spirit guides, and angels to
assist you in receiving the attunement.

Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective white light, and

set your intention to receive the attunement with an open heart and
mind. Connect with the Reiki Master(Reiki Master Name) who will
be giving you the attunement. You can do this by visualizing them
or simply setting your intention to connect with them energetically.

Now, let's begin the attunement. Draw or visualize the Infinity

Symbol in front of you in the air three times.

Then, draw or visualize the Onta Symbol in front of you in the

air three times.

Close your eyes and focus on your breath as you receive the
energy. Visualize the whole universe on top of your crown chakra,
just as you see the sky. Visualize all these beautiful stars, galaxies,
and this infinite universe. Now visualize the infinity symbol right in
the middle of this universe and on top of your crown chakra.

Visualize this Infinity symbol from the sky coming down and
entering your crown chakra, ang going through all other chakras,
and finally going deep into the core of this mother earth. Feel your
connection to this infinite universe. Feel as if you are connected to
this infinite universe through this symbol and feel that the two lobes
of infinity symbols are like two wings that can take you anywhere in
this Universe. There is no limitation and boundaries of matter,
space, and time. You are the infinite part of this infinite universe.

Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through

you for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm. Now visualize the Onta
symbol on top of your crown chakra. Visualize it slowly entering


your Crown chakra. Let it stay there for a while. Focus on it for some

Next, visualize the Onta symbol coming down to your Third

Eye chakra, Throat chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus chakra,
Sacral chakra, and Root chakra. Let it stay at each chakra for a while
and focus on it.

Once the attunement is complete, take a few deep breaths and

ground yourself by visualizing your feet connected to the earth.
Finally, thank the Reiki Master and the universe for the attunement
and the healing energy that you have received.

Congratulations, you are now attuned to Infinity Reiki Level 1.

Steps to receive Infinity Reiki In-Person from the Infinity Reiki


Method 1 – (Non-Touch)
1. Begin by welcoming the student and inviting them to sit
comfortably in a quiet space where they won't be disturbed.
2. Take a few deep breaths together and invite the student to
center themselves and relax.
3. Explain to the student what the attunement process is and what
they can expect to experience during the attunement.
4. Call upon the energy of the universe, the student's spirit guides,
and angels to assist in the attunement process.
5. Ask the student to set their intention to receive the attunement
with an open heart and mind, and to visualize themselves
surrounded by a protective white light.
6. Begin the attunement process by connecting with the student
energetically. This can be done by placing your hands on or near


the student's shoulders, or by simply setting your intention to

connect with them.
7. Activate the Infinity Symbol by drawing or visualizing it in the
air three times. Hold the symbol in your mind's eye and allow
the energy of the symbol to flow through you and into the
8. Activate the Onta Symbol by drawing or visualizing it in the air
three times. Hold the symbol in your mind's eye and allow the
energy of the symbol to flow through you and into the student.
9. Invite the student to close their eyes and focus on their breath
as they receive the energy of the symbols.
10. Next, guide the student through a visualization exercise.
Visualize the entire universe on top of the student's crown
chakra, and then visualize the Infinity Symbol right in the
middle of this universe, on top of the student's crown chakra.
Visualize the Infinity Symbol coming down and entering the
student's crown chakra, and then moving through all the other
chakras, finally going deep into the core of the earth. Encourage
the student to feel their connection to the infinite universe
through this symbol, and to feel the freedom and limitlessness
of this connection.
11. Repeat the same visualization exercise, this time with the Onta
Symbol, moving down from the crown chakra to the other
chakras and deep into the earth. Encourage the student to focus
on the Onta Symbol and its energy, and to feel how it enhances
their intuition and inner wisdom.
12. Allow the student to relax and feel the energy flowing through
them for some time. They may experience sensations such as
warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
13. Once the attunement is complete, guide the student through a
grounding exercise. Ask them to visualize their feet connected


to the earth, and to feel the solid foundation of the earth beneath
14. Finally, thank the student and the universe for the attunement
and the healing energy that has been received.

Encourage the student to take some time to integrate the

energy and to be gentle with themselves as they adjust to the new
level of consciousness and energy that the attunement has activated
within them.

Method 2 (Involves a close contact with Person and the Chakras)

1. Begin by welcoming the student and creating a peaceful and
comfortable environment for the attunement process. Ask the
student to sit or lie down in a relaxed position and take a few
deep breaths to center themselves.
2. Next, explain to the student what the attunement process
involves and what they can expect to experience during and
after the attunement. Answer any questions they may have and
ensure that they feel comfortable and ready to receive the
3. Ask the student to close their eyes and focus on their breath.
Then, call upon the energy of the universe, your spirit guides,
and angels to assist in the attunement process.
4. Draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol in front of you in the air
three times, while setting the intention to activate the symbol
and infuse it with the universal energy.
5. Now, place your hands on the student's crown chakra and draw
the Infinity Symbol on their crown chakra three times, while
visualizing the symbol being activated and infused with the
universal energy.
6. Move your hands to the student's other chakras, drawing the
Infinity Symbol on each chakra three times and infusing each


symbol with the universal energy. As you do this, encourage the

student to focus on their breath and relax.
7. Once the Infinity Symbol has been activated and infused with
the universal energy, draw or visualize the Onta Symbol in front
of you in the air three times, while setting the intention to
activate the symbol and infuse it with the universal energy.
8. Place your hands on the student's crown chakra and draw the
Onta Symbol on their crown chakra three times, while
visualizing the symbol being activated and infused with the
universal energy.
9. Move your hands to the student's other chakras, drawing the
Onta Symbol on each chakra three times and infusing each
symbol with the universal energy. As you do this, encourage the
student to focus on their breath and relax.
10. Once both symbols have been activated and infused with the
universal energy, step back and allow the student to relax and
feel the energy flowing through them. They may experience
sensations such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and
11. When the student feels ready, ask them to take a few deep
breaths and ground themselves by visualizing their feet
connected to the earth.

Finally, thank the universe, your spirit guides, and angels for
their assistance in the attunement process and congratulate the
student on their attunement to Infinity Reiki Level 1.

Method 3 – (For group of Students)

1. Welcome! Take a few deep breaths and center yourself.
2. Let's begin by meditating for a few minutes to quiet our minds.
3. As we begin, let's call upon the energy of the universe, your spirit
guides, and angels to assist us in receiving the attunement.


4. Now, visualize yourself surrounded by a protective white light

and set your intention to receive the attunement with an open
heart and mind.
5. Let's connect with the Reiki Master who will be giving you the
attunement. You can do this by imagining them standing in
front of you or simply setting your intention to energetically
connect with them.
6. Next, draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol in front of you in the
air three times.
7. Then, draw or visualize the Onta Symbol in front of you in the
air three times.
8. Close your eyes and focus on your breath as you receive the
9. Now, visualize the entire universe on top of your crown chakra
(as if you are seeing the sky).
10. See all the beautiful stars, galaxies, and the infinite universe.
11. Next, visualize the Infinity symbol right in the middle of this
universe and on top of your crown chakra (at the same distance
as the sky).
12. Now, see the Infinity symbol from the sky coming down and
entering your crown chakra and then all the other chakras,
finally going deep into the core of the earth.
13. Feel your connection to this infinite universe.
14. Feel as if you are connected to this Infinite universe through this
symbol, and feel that the two lobes of the infinity symbols are
like two wings that can take you anywhere in this universe.
There are no limitations and boundaries of matter, space, and
time. You are a part of this infinite universe.
15. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
16. Now, visualize the Onta symbol on top of your crown chakra.


17. See it slowly entering your Crown chakra. Let it stay there for a
while. Focus on it for some time.
18. Next, see it moving down to your Third eye chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.
19. Now, see it moving down to your Throat chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
20. Next, see it moving down to your Heart Chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
21. Then, see it moving down to your Solar Plexus chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.
22. Next, see it moving down to your Sacral chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
23. Finally, see it moving down to your Root chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time. Then, see it going deep
into the core of mother earth.
24. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
25. Once the attunement is complete, take a few deep breaths and
ground yourself by visualizing your feet connected to the earth.
26. Thank the Reiki Master and the universe for the attunement and
the healing energy that you have received.



Infinity Reiki Level 2


The Level 2 attunement is the next level after Level 1 and

provides a deeper connection to the Universal Energy. In this level,
the student is taught and attuned to two new symbols: the Topanda
and Tripanda. These symbols allow the practitioner to deepen their
practice and connect more deeply with the energy of Infinity Reiki,
enhancing the healing experience for both the practitioner and the
client. It is usually recommended that practitioners wait at least 7
days after completing Level 1 before seeking Level 2 attunement.

During the attunement process, the Infinity Reiki Master will

guide the student through a meditation and visualization process to
connect them with the symbols and the energy of Reiki. The student
will also learn additional techniques and practices to deepen their
Reiki practice and provide more comprehensive healing for their
clients. Overall, the Infinity Reiki Level 2 attunement is a powerful
step in an Infinity Reiki journey and provides them with the tools to
expand their healing abilities.

The following are the steps to send the Level 2 attunement

(distant by Reiki Master to one student):
Here are the detailed steps that an Infinity Reiki Master can
follow to send the Level 2 attunement to a distant student:

1. First, communicate with the student and schedule a mutually

agreed-upon time for the distant attunement.


2. Prior to the attunement, ensure that the student is well-rested

and hydrated. It is also advisable that they find a quiet and
peaceful place where they will not be disturbed during the
attunement process.
3. At the scheduled time, the Infinity Reiki Master should also find
a quiet place to perform the attunement. If the time cannot be
matched by both the parties then Infinity Reiki Master first send
the attunement and then notify the student. Then student may
receive it later at their ease.
4. It is recommended that the Reiki Master meditates for a few
minutes to quiet their mind and raise their vibration.
5. The Reiki Master should then connect with the student by
visualizing their energy field or by using a photograph or name
of the student.
6. The Reiki Master should then state their intention to send the
Infinity Reiki Level 2 attunement to the student and call upon
the energy of the universe, spirit guides, and angels to assist in
the process.
7. The Reiki Master can then draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol
and then Topanda Symbol and then Tripanda symbol in front of
them in the air three times, setting the intention that these
symbols will be activated during the attunement.
8. Next, the Reiki Master should visualize the student surrounded
by a protective white light and set their intention for the
attunement to be received with an open heart and mind.
9. The Reiki Master can then send the energy by visualizing the
Infinity Symbol entering the student's crown chakra and then
moving down through each chakra to the root chakra. The Reiki
Master should focus on each chakra for a few moments,
allowing the energy to flow freely.
10. Similarly, the Reiki Master can then send the energy of the
Topanda Symbol by visualizing it entering the student's crown


chakra and moving down through each chakra to the root

chakra. The Reiki Master should focus on each chakra for a few
moments, allowing the energy to flow freely.
11. Similarly, the Reiki Master can send the energy of the Tripanda
Symbol by visualizing it entering the student's crown chakra
and moving down through each chakra to the root chakra. The
Reiki Master should focus on each chakra for a few moments,
allowing the energy to flow freely.
12. As the energy flows, the Reiki Master may experience various
sensations such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and
13. Once the attunement is complete, the Reiki Master should
ground themselves by visualizing their feet connected to the
14. Finally, the Reiki Master should send a message to the student
to receive the attunement and also advising them to rest, drink
plenty of water, and journal about their experience.
15. The student should also be encouraged to contact the Reiki
Master with any questions or concerns they may have.

The following are the steps to send the Level 2 attunement

(distant by Reiki Master to a group of students):
Here are the detailed steps by which an Infinity Reiki master
can send the Level 2 attunement to a group of distant students:

1. The Infinity Reiki master should inform the students about the
date and time of the attunement.
2. The master should also inform the students about the
preparations they need to make before the attunement, such as
finding a quiet and comfortable space where they won't be
disturbed, and having a glass of water nearby.


3. On the day of the attunement, the master should connect with

students through visualizing their energy field or by using
photographs or names of the student. Master can also use a
group photo, or can write the name of all the students on a page.
4. The master should then call upon the energy of the universe, the
spirit guides, and angels to assist in the attunement process.
5. The master can visualize all the students in a white light Orb.
6. This can be done by visualizing all of them into that orb or by
speaking their name one by one into the orb.
7. Next, the master should draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol
and then Topanda and Tripanda Symbol in the air in front of the
orb, while intending for the symbols to be activated for the
attunement for all the students in that orb.
8. Next, the master should visualize this Orb having 7 points that
corresponds to the 7 chakras of each of the student that are
inside this orb.
9. The master should focus their intentions on the orb from the top
to bottom and sending the symbols through these 7 points of the
orb. The top point of this orb can be regarded as Crown chakra
and the bottom point as the root chakra. The symbols will enter
through the top point of the orb that corresponds to Crown
chakra and will exit from the bottom point that will correspond
to the root chakra. The middle 5 points of this orb will
correspond to rest of the chakra in same way as human body
10. The master should then send the Infinity Reiki symbol to this
orb that will enter into the first top point or the crown chakra.
11. It will pass through all the point of this orb and will exit from
the bottom.
12. When the symbol will pass from the 7 points of the orb it will
simultaneously pass through the 7 chakras of all the students in
that orb.


13. Now, repeat this with the other symbol that is Topanda and
14. During the attunement, the Master may experience sensations
such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
15. After the attunement is done the master should release that orb
into the universe with intentions that each of the student may
be able to receive the attunement through this orb.
16. Master should then disconnect the connection and ground.
17. Finally, the master should thank the universe, spirit guides, and
angels for their assistance in the attunement process, and thank
the group of students for their etheric participation.
18. After the attunement has been sent, the master should guide the
group about receiving the attunement. In short, each student
can receive the attunement at their own specific time and place.
19. They can follow the same procedures that is followed by a single
student in receiving the distant attunement.
20. The master should also offer any guidance or support that the
students may need following the attunement.

The following are the steps to receive the Level 2 attunement

(Distant by student/students):
1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down
undisturbed for about 30 minutes.
2. Make sure you are well-hydrated and have eaten a light meal
before the attunement.
3. Take a few deep breaths and center yourself.
4. You may want to meditate for a few minutes to quiet your mind.
5. Call upon the energy of the universe, your spirit guides, and
angels to assist you in receiving the attunement.


6. Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective white light, and

set your intention to receive the attunement with an open heart
and mind.
7. Connect with the Reiki Master who will be giving you the
attunement. You can do this by visualizing them or simply
setting your intention to connect with them energetically.
8. Draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol in front of you in the air
three times.
9. Now, draw or visualize the Topanda Symbol in front of you in
the air three times.
10. Now, draw or visualize the Tripanda Symbol in front of you in
the air three times.
11. Close your eyes and focus on your breath as you receive the
12. Visualize the whole universe on top of your crown chakra (as
you see the sky).
13. Visualize all these beautiful stars galaxies and this infinite
14. Now visualize the infinity symbol right in the middle on this
universe and on top of your crown chakra (at the same distance
as sky is)
15. Now visualize this Infinity symbol from the sky coming down
and entering in your crown chakra ang going through all the
other chakras and finally going deep into the core of this mother
16. Feel your connection to this infinite universe.
17. Feel as if you are connected to this Infinite universe through this
symbol and feel that the two lobes of infinity symbols are like
two wings that can take you anywhere in this Universe. There is
no limitation and boundaries of matter, space and time. You are
the infinite part of this infinite universe.


18. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
19. Now visualize the Topanda symbol on top of your crown chakra.
20. Visualize it slowly entering in you Crown chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
21. Now, visualize it coming down to your Third eye chakra. Let it
stay there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
22. Now, visualize it coming down to your Throat chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
23. Now, visualize it coming down to your Heart Chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
24. Now, visualize it coming down to your Solar Plexus chakra. Let
it stay there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
25. Now, visualize it coming down to your Sacral chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
26. Now, visualize it coming down to your Root chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
27. Now visualize it going deep into the core of mother earth.
28. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
29. Now visualize the Tripanda symbol on top of your crown chakra.
30. Visualize it slowly entering in you Crown chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
31. Now, visualize it coming down to your Third eye chakra. Let it
stay there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
32. Now, visualize it coming down to your Throat chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
33. Now, visualize it coming down to your Heart Chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime


34. Now, visualize it coming down to your Solar Plexus chakra. Let
it stay there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
35. Now, visualize it coming down to your Sacral chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
36. Now, visualize it coming down to your Root chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
37. Now visualize it going deep into the core of mother earth.
38. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
39. Once the attunement is complete, take a few deep breaths and
ground yourself by visualizing your feet connected to the earth.
40. Thank the Reiki Master and the universe for the attunement and
the healing energy that you have received.

Remember to drink plenty of water and take some time to rest

and integrate the energy after the attunement. You may experience
a healing crisis or emotional release as the energy works to balance
and clear your energy field. Trust the process and allow yourself to
receive the healing energy with an open heart and mind.

The following is the script for over the phone/guided meditation

that Reiki master can speak or record for you to receive Level 2
attunement (distant by phone or recorded guided meditation):
Welcome to your Level 2 Reiki attunement. Before we begin,
find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down
undisturbed for about 30 minutes. It's important to make sure you
are well-hydrated and have eaten a light meal before the


To start, take a few deep breaths and center yourself. You may
want to meditate for a few minutes to quiet your mind. Then, call
upon the energy of the universe, your spirit guides, and angels to
assist you in receiving the attunement.

Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective white light, and

set your intention to receive the attunement with an open heart and
mind. Connect with the Reiki Master(Reiki Master Name) who will
be giving you the attunement. You can do this by visualizing them
or simply setting your intention to connect with them energetically.

Now, let's begin the attunement. Draw or visualize the Infinity

Symbol in front of you in the air three times.

Then, draw or visualize the Topanda Symbol in front of you in

the air three times.

Now, draw or visualize the Tripanda Symbol in front of you in

the air three times.

Close your eyes and focus on your breath as you receive the
energy. Visualize the whole universe on top of your crown chakra,
just as you see the sky. Visualize all these beautiful stars, galaxies,
and this infinite universe. Now visualize the infinity symbol right in
the middle of this universe and on top of your crown chakra.

Visualize this Infinity symbol from the sky coming down and
entering your crown chakra, ang going through all other chakras,
and finally going deep into the core of this mother earth. Feel your
connection to this infinite universe. Feel as if you are connected to
this infinite universe through this symbol and feel that the two lobes
of infinity symbols are like two wings that can take you anywhere in
this Universe. There is no limitation and boundaries of matter,
space, and time. You are the infinite part of this infinite universe.


Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through

you for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.

Now visualize the Topanda symbol on top of your crown

chakra. Visualize it slowly entering your Crown chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.

Next, visualize the Topanda symbol coming down to your

Third Eye chakra, Throat chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus chakra,
Sacral chakra, and Root chakra. Let it stay at each chakra for a while
and focus on it.

Now visualize the Tripanda symbol on top of your crown

chakra. Visualize it slowly entering your Crown chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.

Next, visualize the Tripanda symbol coming down to your

Third Eye chakra, Throat chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus chakra,
Sacral chakra, and Root chakra. Let it stay at each chakra for a while
and focus on it.

Once the attunement is complete, take a few deep breaths and

ground yourself by visualizing your feet connected to the earth.
Finally, thank the Reiki Master and the universe for the attunement
and the healing energy that you have received.

Congratulations, you are now attuned to Infinity Reiki Level 2.

Steps to receive Infinity Reiki In-Person from the Infinity Reiki


Method 1 – (Non-Touch)
1. Begin by welcoming the student and inviting them to sit
comfortably in a quiet space where they won't be disturbed.


2. Take a few deep breaths together and invite the student to

center themselves and relax.
3. Explain to the student what the attunement process is and what
they can expect to experience during the attunement.
4. Call upon the energy of the universe, the student's spirit guides,
and angels to assist in the attunement process.
5. Ask the student to set their intention to receive the attunement
with an open heart and mind, and to visualize themselves
surrounded by a protective white light.
6. Begin the attunement process by connecting with the student
energetically. This can be done by placing your hands on or near
the student's shoulders, or by simply setting your intention to
connect with them.
7. Activate the Infinity Symbol by drawing or visualizing it in the
air three times. Hold the symbol in your mind's eye and allow
the energy of the symbol to flow through you and into the
8. Activate the Topanda Symbol by drawing or visualizing it in the
air three times. Hold the symbol in your mind's eye and allow
the energy of the symbol to flow through you and into the
9. Activate the Tripanda Symbol by drawing or visualizing it in the
air three times. Hold the symbol in your mind's eye and allow
the energy of the symbol to flow through you and into the
10. Invite the student to close their eyes and focus on their breath
as they receive the energy of the symbols.
11. Next, guide the student through a visualization exercise.
Visualize the entire universe on top of the student's crown
chakra, and then visualize the Infinity Symbol right in the
middle of this universe, on top of the student's crown chakra.
Visualize the Infinity Symbol coming down and entering the


student's crown chakra, and then moving through all the other
chakras, finally going deep into the core of the earth. Encourage
the student to feel their connection to the infinite universe
through this symbol, and to feel the freedom and limitlessness
of this connection.
12. Repeat the same visualization exercise, this time with the
Topanda Symbol, moving down from the crown chakra to the
other chakras and deep into the earth. Encourage the student to
focus on the Topanda Symbol and its energy.
13. Lastly repeat the same visualization exercise, this time with the
Tripanda Symbol, moving down from the crown chakra to the
other chakras and deep into the earth. Encourage the student to
focus on the Tripanda Symbol and its energy.
14. Allow the student to relax and feel the energy flowing through
them for some time. They may experience sensations such as
warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
15. Once the attunement is complete, guide the student through a
grounding exercise. Ask them to visualize their feet connected
to the earth, and to feel the solid foundation of the earth beneath
16. Finally, thank the student and the universe for the attunement
and the healing energy that has been received.

Encourage the student to take some time to integrate the

energy and to be gentle with themselves as they adjust to the new
level of consciousness and energy that the attunement has activated
within them.

Method 2 (Involves a close contact with Person and the Chakras)

1. Begin by welcoming the student and creating a peaceful and
comfortable environment for the attunement process. Ask the
student to sit or lie down in a relaxed position and take a few
deep breaths to center themselves.


2. Next, explain to the student what the attunement process

involves and what they can expect to experience during and
after the attunement. Answer any questions they may have and
ensure that they feel comfortable and ready to receive the
3. Ask the student to close their eyes and focus on their breath.
Then, call upon the energy of the universe, your spirit guides,
and angels to assist in the attunement process.
4. Draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol in front of you in the air
three times, while setting the intention to activate the symbol
and infuse it with the universal energy.
5. Now, place your hands on the student's crown chakra and draw
the Infinity Symbol on their crown chakra three times, while
visualizing the symbol being activated and infused with the
universal energy.
6. Move your hands to the student's other chakras, drawing the
Infinity Symbol on each chakra three times and infusing each
symbol with the universal energy. As you do this, encourage the
student to focus on their breath and relax.
7. Once the Infinity Symbol has been activated and infused with
the universal energy, draw or visualize the Topanda Symbol in
front of you in the air three times, while setting the intention to
activate the symbol and infuse it with the universal energy.
8. Place your hands on the student's crown chakra and draw the
Topanda Symbol on their crown chakra three times, while
visualizing the symbol being activated and infused with the
universal energy.
9. Move your hands to the student's other chakras, drawing the
Topanda Symbol on each chakra three times and infusing each
symbol with the universal energy. As you do this, encourage the
student to focus on their breath and relax.


10. Repeat with the Tripanda symbol, draw or visualize the

Tripanda Symbol in front of you in the air three times, while
setting the intention to activate the symbol and infuse it with the
universal energy.
11. Place your hands on the student's crown chakra and draw the
Tripanda Symbol on their crown chakra three times, while
visualizing the symbol being activated and infused with the
universal energy.
12. Move your hands to the student's other chakras, drawing the
Tripanda Symbol on each chakra three times and infusing each
symbol with the universal energy. As you do this, encourage the
student to focus on their breath and relax.
13. Once all the symbols have been activated and infused with the
universal energy, step back and allow the student to relax and
feel the energy flowing through them. They may experience
sensations such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and
14. When the student feels ready, ask them to take a few deep
breaths and ground themselves by visualizing their feet
connected to the earth.

Finally, thank the universe, your spirit guides, and angels for
their assistance in the attunement process and congratulate the
student on their attunement to Infinity Reiki Level 2.

Method 3 – (For group of Students)

1. Welcome! Take a few deep breaths and center yourself.
2. Let's begin by meditating for a few minutes to quiet our minds.
3. As we begin, let's call upon the energy of the universe, your spirit
guides, and angels to assist us in receiving the attunement.
4. Now, visualize yourself surrounded by a protective white light
and set your intention to receive the attunement with an open
heart and mind.


5. Let's connect with the Reiki Master who will be giving you the
attunement. You can do this by imagining them standing in
front of you or simply setting your intention to energetically
connect with them.
6. Next, draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol in front of you in the
air three times.
7. Then, draw or visualize the Topanda Symbol in front of you in
the air three times.
8. Then, draw or visualize the Tripanda Symbol in front of you in
the air three times.
9. Close your eyes and focus on your breath as you receive the
10. Now, visualize the entire universe on top of your crown chakra
(as if you are seeing the sky).
11. See all the beautiful stars, galaxies, and the infinite universe.
12. Next, visualize the Infinity symbol right in the middle of this
universe and on top of your crown chakra (at the same distance
as the sky).
13. Now, see the Infinity symbol from the sky coming down and
entering your crown chakra and then all the other chakras,
finally going deep into the core of the earth.
14. Feel your connection to this infinite universe.
15. Feel as if you are connected to this Infinite universe through this
symbol, and feel that the two lobes of the infinity symbols are
like two wings that can take you anywhere in this universe.
There are no limitations and boundaries of matter, space, and
time. You are a part of this infinite universe.
16. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
17. Now, visualize the Topanda symbol on top of your crown chakra.


18. See it slowly entering your Crown chakra. Let it stay there for a
while. Focus on it for some time.
19. Next, see it moving down to your Third eye chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.
20. Now, see it moving down to your Throat chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
21. Next, see it moving down to your Heart Chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
22. Then, see it moving down to your Solar Plexus chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.
23. Next, see it moving down to your Sacral chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
24. Finally, see it moving down to your Root chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time. Then, see it going deep
into the core of mother earth.
25. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
26. Now, visualize the Tripanda symbol on top of your crown chakra.
27. See it slowly entering your Crown chakra. Let it stay there for a
while. Focus on it for some time.
28. Next, see it moving down to your Third eye chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.
29. Now, see it moving down to your Throat chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
30. Next, see it moving down to your Heart Chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
31. Then, see it moving down to your Solar Plexus chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.
32. Next, see it moving down to your Sacral chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.


33. Finally, see it moving down to your Root chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time. Then, see it going deep
into the core of mother earth.
34. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
35. Once the attunement is complete, take a few deep breaths and
ground yourself by visualizing your feet connected to the earth.
36. Thank the Reiki Master and the universe for the attunement and
the healing energy that you have received.



Infinity Reiki Level 3


Infinity Reiki Level 3, is the third level of Infinity Reiki that a

practitioner can attain. It involves a deeper level of spiritual
development and a greater understanding of the infinite nature of
the universe.

The Level 3 attunement in Infinity Reiki is a powerful

experience that requires a great deal of dedication and commitment.
It is usually recommended that practitioners wait at least 7 days
after completing Level 2 before seeking Level 3 attunement.

The Level 3 attunement process is similar to the Level 1 and 2

attunements. During the attunement process, the Reiki Master will
activate the Infinity symbol and the two other symbols of Level 3,
that are Fogra and Tafifa.

The following are the steps to send the Level 3 attunement

(distant by Reiki Master to one student):
Here are the detailed steps that an Infinity Reiki Master can
follow to send the Level 3 attunement to a distant student:

1. First, communicate with the student and schedule a mutually

agreed-upon time for the distant attunement.
2. Prior to the attunement, ensure that the student is well-rested
and hydrated. It is also advisable that they find a quiet and
peaceful place where they will not be disturbed during the
attunement process.


3. At the scheduled time, the Infinity Reiki Master should also find
a quiet place to perform the attunement. If the time cannot be
matched by both the parties then Infinity Reiki Master first send
the attunement and then notify the student. Then student may
receive it later at their ease.
4. It is recommended that the Reiki Master meditates for a few
minutes to quiet their mind and raise their vibration.
5. The Reiki Master should then connect with the student by
visualizing their energy field or by using a photograph or name
of the student.
6. The Reiki Master should then state their intention to send the
Infinity Reiki Level 3 attunement to the student and call upon
the energy of the universe, spirit guides, and angels to assist in
the process.
7. The Reiki Master can then draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol
and then Fogra Symbol and then Tafifa symbol in front of them
in the air three times, setting the intention that these symbols
will be activated during the attunement.
8. Next, the Reiki Master should visualize the student surrounded
by a protective white light and set their intention for the
attunement to be received with an open heart and mind.
9. The Reiki Master can then send the energy by visualizing the
Infinity Symbol entering the student's crown chakra and then
moving down through each chakra to the root chakra. The Reiki
Master should focus on each chakra for a few moments,
allowing the energy to flow freely.
10. Similarly, the Reiki Master can then send the energy of the
Fogra Symbol by visualizing it entering the student's crown
chakra and moving down through each chakra to the root
chakra. The Reiki Master should focus on each chakra for a few
moments, allowing the energy to flow freely.


11. Similarly, the Reiki Master can send the energy of the Tafifa
Symbol by visualizing it entering the student's crown chakra
and moving down through each chakra to the root chakra. The
Reiki Master should focus on each chakra for a few moments,
allowing the energy to flow freely.
12. As the energy flows, the Reiki Master may experience various
sensations such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and
13. Once the attunement is complete, the Reiki Master should
ground themselves by visualizing their feet connected to the
14. Finally, the Reiki Master should send a message to the student
to receive the attunement and also advising them to rest, drink
plenty of water, and journal about their experience.
15. The student should also be encouraged to contact the Reiki
Master with any questions or concerns they may have.

The following are the steps to send the Level 3 attunement

(distant by Reiki Master to a group of students):
Here are the detailed steps by which an Infinity Reiki master
can send the Level 3 attunement to a group of distant students:

1. The Infinity Reiki master should inform the students about the
date and time of the attunement.
2. The master should also inform the students about the
preparations they need to make before the attunement, such as
finding a quiet and comfortable space where they won't be
disturbed, and having a glass of water nearby.
3. On the day of the attunement, the master should connect with
students through visualizing their energy field or by using
photographs or names of the student. Master can also use a
group photo, or can write the name of all the students on a page.


4. The master should then call upon the energy of the universe, the
spirit guides, and angels to assist in the attunement process.
5. The master can visualize all the students in a white light Orb.
6. This can be done by visualizing all of them into that orb or by
speaking their name one by one into the orb.
7. Next, the master should draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol
and then Fogra and Tafifa Symbol in the air in front of the orb,
while intending for the symbols to be activated for the
attunement for all the students in that orb.
8. Next, the master should visualize this Orb having 7 points that
corresponds to the 7 chakras of each of the student that are
inside this orb.
9. The master should focus their intentions on the orb from the top
to bottom and sending the symbols through these 7 points of the
orb. The top point of this orb can be regarded as Crown chakra
and the bottom point as the root chakra. The symbols will enter
through the top point of the orb that corresponds to Crown
chakra and will exit from the bottom point that will correspond
to the root chakra. The middle 5 points of this orb will
correspond to rest of the chakra in same way as human body
10. The master should then send the Infinity Reiki symbol to this
orb that will enter into the first top point or the crown chakra.
11. It will pass through all the point of this orb and will exit from
the bottom.
12. When the symbol will pass from the 7 points of the orb it will
simultaneously pass through the 7 chakras of all the students in
that orb.
13. Now, repeat this with the other symbol that is Fogra and Tafifa.
14. During the attunement, the Master may experience sensations
such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.


15. After the attunement is done the master should release that orb
into the universe with intentions that each of the student may
be able to receive the attunement through this orb.
16. Master should then disconnect the connection and ground.
17. Finally, the master should thank the universe, spirit guides, and
angels for their assistance in the attunement process, and thank
the group of students for their etheric participation.
18. After the attunement has been sent, the master should guide the
group about receiving the attunement. In short, each student
can receive the attunement at their own specific time and place.
19. They can follow the same procedures that is followed by a single
student in receiving the distant attunement.
20. The master should also offer any guidance or support that the
students may need following the attunement.

The following are the steps to receive the Level 3 attunement

(Distant by student/students):
1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down
undisturbed for about 30 minutes.
2. Make sure you are well-hydrated and have eaten a light meal
before the attunement.
3. Take a few deep breaths and center yourself.
4. You may want to meditate for a few minutes to quiet your mind.
5. Call upon the energy of the universe, your spirit guides, and
angels to assist you in receiving the attunement.
6. Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective white light, and
set your intention to receive the attunement with an open heart
and mind.


7. Connect with the Reiki Master who will be giving you the
attunement. You can do this by visualizing them or simply
setting your intention to connect with them energetically.
8. Draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol in front of you in the air
three times.
9. Now, draw or visualize the Fogra Symbol in front of you in the
air three times.
10. Now, draw or visualize the Tafifa Symbol in front of you in the
air three times.
11. Close your eyes and focus on your breath as you receive the
12. Visualize the whole universe on top of your crown chakra (as
you see the sky).
13. Visualize all these beautiful stars galaxies and this infinite
14. Now visualize the infinity symbol right in the middle on this
universe and on top of your crown chakra (at the same distance
as sky is)
15. Now visualize this Infinity symbol from the sky coming down
and entering in your crown chakra ang going through all the
other chakras and finally going deep into the core of this mother
16. Feel your connection to this infinite universe.
17. Feel as if you are connected to this Infinite universe through this
symbol and feel that the two lobes of infinity symbols are like
two wings that can take you anywhere in this Universe. There is
no limitation and boundaries of matter, space and time. You are
the infinite part of this infinite universe.
18. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
19. Now visualize the Fogra symbol on top of your crown chakra.


20. Visualize it slowly entering in you Crown chakra. Let it stay

there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
21. Now, visualize it coming down to your Third eye chakra. Let it
stay there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
22. Now, visualize it coming down to your Throat chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
23. Now, visualize it coming down to your Heart Chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
24. Now, visualize it coming down to your Solar Plexus chakra. Let
it stay there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
25. Now, visualize it coming down to your Sacral chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
26. Now, visualize it coming down to your Root chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
27. Now visualize it going deep into the core of mother earth.
28. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
29. Now visualize the Tafifa symbol on top of your crown chakra.
30. Visualize it slowly entering in you Crown chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
31. Now, visualize it coming down to your Third eye chakra. Let it
stay there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
32. Now, visualize it coming down to your Throat chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
33. Now, visualize it coming down to your Heart Chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
34. Now, visualize it coming down to your Solar Plexus chakra. Let
it stay there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
35. Now, visualize it coming down to your Sacral chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime


36. Now, visualize it coming down to your Root chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
37. Now visualize it going deep into the core of mother earth.
38. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
39. Once the attunement is complete, take a few deep breaths and
ground yourself by visualizing your feet connected to the earth.
40. Thank the Reiki Master and the universe for the attunement and
the healing energy that you have received.

Remember to drink plenty of water and take some time to rest

and integrate the energy after the attunement. You may experience
a healing crisis or emotional release as the energy works to balance
and clear your energy field. Trust the process and allow yourself to
receive the healing energy with an open heart and mind.

The following is the script for over the phone/guided meditation

that Reiki master can speak or record for you to receive Level 3
attunement (distant by phone or recorded guided meditation):
Welcome to your Level 3 Reiki attunement. Before we begin,
find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down
undisturbed for about 30 minutes. It's important to make sure you
are well-hydrated and have eaten a light meal before the

To start, take a few deep breaths and center yourself. You may
want to meditate for a few minutes to quiet your mind. Then, call
upon the energy of the universe, your spirit guides, and angels to
assist you in receiving the attunement.

Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective white light, and

set your intention to receive the attunement with an open heart and


mind. Connect with the Reiki Master(Reiki Master Name) who will
be giving you the attunement. You can do this by visualizing them
or simply setting your intention to connect with them energetically.

Now, let's begin the attunement. Draw or visualize the Infinity

Symbol in front of you in the air three times.

Then, draw or visualize the Fogra Symbol in front of you in

the air three times.

Now, draw or visualize the Tafifa Symbol in front of you in the

air three times.

Close your eyes and focus on your breath as you receive the
energy. Visualize the whole universe on top of your crown chakra,
just as you see the sky. Visualize all these beautiful stars, galaxies,
and this infinite universe. Now visualize the infinity symbol right in
the middle of this universe and on top of your crown chakra.

Visualize this Infinity symbol from the sky coming down and
entering your crown chakra, ang going through all other chakras,
and finally going deep into the core of this mother earth. Feel your
connection to this infinite universe. Feel as if you are connected to
this infinite universe through this symbol and feel that the two lobes
of infinity symbols are like two wings that can take you anywhere in
this Universe. There is no limitation and boundaries of matter,
space, and time. You are the infinite part of this infinite universe.

Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through

you for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.

Now visualize the Fogra symbol on top of your crown chakra.

Visualize it slowly entering your Crown chakra. Let it stay there for
a while. Focus on it for some time.


Next, visualize the Fogra symbol coming down to your Third

Eye chakra, Throat chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus chakra,
Sacral chakra, and Root chakra. Let it stay at each chakra for a while
and focus on it.

Now visualize the Tafifa symbol on top of your crown chakra.

Visualize it slowly entering your Crown chakra. Let it stay there for
a while. Focus on it for some time.

Next, visualize the Tafifa symbol coming down to your Third

Eye chakra, Throat chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus chakra,
Sacral chakra, and Root chakra. Let it stay at each chakra for a while
and focus on it.

Once the attunement is complete, take a few deep breaths and

ground yourself by visualizing your feet connected to the earth.
Finally, thank the Reiki Master and the universe for the attunement
and the healing energy that you have received.

Congratulations, you are now attuned to Infinity Reiki Level 3.

Steps to receive Infinity Reiki In-Person from the Infinity Reiki


Method 1 – (Non-Touch)
1. Begin by welcoming the student and inviting them to sit
comfortably in a quiet space where they won't be disturbed.
2. Take a few deep breaths together and invite the student to
center themselves and relax.
3. Explain to the student what the attunement process is and what
they can expect to experience during the attunement.
4. Call upon the energy of the universe, the student's spirit guides,
and angels to assist in the attunement process.


5. Ask the student to set their intention to receive the attunement

with an open heart and mind, and to visualize themselves
surrounded by a protective white light.
6. Begin the attunement process by connecting with the student
energetically. This can be done by placing your hands on or near
the student's shoulders, or by simply setting your intention to
connect with them.
7. Activate the Infinity Symbol by drawing or visualizing it in the
air three times. Hold the symbol in your mind's eye and allow
the energy of the symbol to flow through you and into the
8. Activate the Fogra Symbol by drawing or visualizing it in the air
three times. Hold the symbol in your mind's eye and allow the
energy of the symbol to flow through you and into the student.
9. Activate the Tafifa Symbol by drawing or visualizing it in the air
three times. Hold the symbol in your mind's eye and allow the
energy of the symbol to flow through you and into the student.
10. Invite the student to close their eyes and focus on their breath
as they receive the energy of the symbols.
11. Next, guide the student through a visualization exercise.
Visualize the entire universe on top of the student's crown
chakra, and then visualize the Infinity Symbol right in the
middle of this universe, on top of the student's crown chakra.
Visualize the Infinity Symbol coming down and entering the
student's crown chakra, and then moving through all the other
chakras, finally going deep into the core of the earth. Encourage
the student to feel their connection to the infinite universe
through this symbol, and to feel the freedom and limitlessness
of this connection.
12. Repeat the same visualization exercise, this time with the Fogra
Symbol, moving down from the crown chakra to the other


chakras and deep into the earth. Encourage the student to focus
on the Fogra Symbol and its energy.
13. Lastly repeat the same visualization exercise, this time with the
Tafifa Symbol, moving down from the crown chakra to the other
chakras and deep into the earth. Encourage the student to focus
on the Tafifa Symbol and its energy.
14. Allow the student to relax and feel the energy flowing through
them for some time. They may experience sensations such as
warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
15. Once the attunement is complete, guide the student through a
grounding exercise. Ask them to visualize their feet connected
to the earth, and to feel the solid foundation of the earth beneath
16. Finally, thank the student and the universe for the attunement
and the healing energy that has been received.

Encourage the student to take some time to integrate the

energy and to be gentle with themselves as they adjust to the new
level of consciousness and energy that the attunement has activated
within them.

Method 2 (Involves a close contact with Person and the Chakras)

1. Begin by welcoming the student and creating a peaceful and
comfortable environment for the attunement process. Ask the
student to sit or lie down in a relaxed position and take a few
deep breaths to center themselves.
2. Next, explain to the student what the attunement process
involves and what they can expect to experience during and
after the attunement. Answer any questions they may have and
ensure that they feel comfortable and ready to receive the


3. Ask the student to close their eyes and focus on their breath.
Then, call upon the energy of the universe, your spirit guides,
and angels to assist in the attunement process.
4. Draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol in front of you in the air
three times, while setting the intention to activate the symbol
and infuse it with the universal energy.
5. Now, place your hands on the student's crown chakra and draw
the Infinity Symbol on their crown chakra three times, while
visualizing the symbol being activated and infused with the
universal energy.
6. Move your hands to the student's other chakras, drawing the
Infinity Symbol on each chakra three times and infusing each
symbol with the universal energy. As you do this, encourage the
student to focus on their breath and relax.
7. Once the Infinity Symbol has been activated and infused with
the universal energy, draw or visualize the Fogra Symbol in
front of you in the air three times, while setting the intention to
activate the symbol and infuse it with the universal energy.
8. Place your hands on the student's crown chakra and draw the
Fogra Symbol on their crown chakra three times, while
visualizing the symbol being activated and infused with the
universal energy.
9. Move your hands to the student's other chakras, drawing the
Fogra Symbol on each chakra three times and infusing each
symbol with the universal energy. As you do this, encourage the
student to focus on their breath and relax.
10. Repeat with the Tafifa symbol, draw or visualize the Tafifa
Symbol in front of you in the air three times, while setting the
intention to activate the symbol and infuse it with the universal
11. Place your hands on the student's crown chakra and draw the
Tafifa Symbol on their crown chakra three times, while


visualizing the symbol being activated and infused with the

universal energy.
12. Move your hands to the student's other chakras, drawing the
Tafifa Symbol on each chakra three times and infusing each
symbol with the universal energy. As you do this, encourage the
student to focus on their breath and relax.
13. Once all the symbols have been activated and infused with the
universal energy, step back and allow the student to relax and
feel the energy flowing through them. They may experience
sensations such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and
14. When the student feels ready, ask them to take a few deep
breaths and ground themselves by visualizing their feet
connected to the earth.

Finally, thank the universe, your spirit guides, and angels for
their assistance in the attunement process and congratulate the
student on their attunement to Infinity Reiki Level 3.

Method 3 – (For group of Students)

1. Welcome! Take a few deep breaths and center yourself.
2. Let's begin by meditating for a few minutes to quiet our minds.
3. As we begin, let's call upon the energy of the universe, your spirit
guides, and angels to assist us in receiving the attunement.
4. Now, visualize yourself surrounded by a protective white light
and set your intention to receive the attunement with an open
heart and mind.
5. Let's connect with the Reiki Master who will be giving you the
attunement. You can do this by imagining them standing in
front of you or simply setting your intention to energetically
connect with them.
6. Next, draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol in front of you in the
air three times.


7. Then, draw or visualize the Fogra Symbol in front of you in the

air three times.
8. Then, draw or visualize the Tafifa Symbol in front of you in the
air three times.
9. Close your eyes and focus on your breath as you receive the
10. Now, visualize the entire universe on top of your crown chakra
(as if you are seeing the sky).
11. See all the beautiful stars, galaxies, and the infinite universe.
12. Next, visualize the Infinity symbol right in the middle of this
universe and on top of your crown chakra (at the same distance
as the sky).
13. Now, see the Infinity symbol from the sky coming down and
entering your crown chakra and then all the other chakras,
finally going deep into the core of the earth.
14. Feel your connection to this infinite universe.
15. Feel as if you are connected to this Infinite universe through this
symbol, and feel that the two lobes of the infinity symbols are
like two wings that can take you anywhere in this universe.
There are no limitations and boundaries of matter, space, and
time. You are a part of this infinite universe.
16. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
17. Now, visualize the Fogra symbol on top of your crown chakra.
18. See it slowly entering your Crown chakra. Let it stay there for a
while. Focus on it for some time.
19. Next, see it moving down to your Third eye chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.
20. Now, see it moving down to your Throat chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.


21. Next, see it moving down to your Heart Chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
22. Then, see it moving down to your Solar Plexus chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.
23. Next, see it moving down to your Sacral chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
24. Finally, see it moving down to your Root chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time. Then, see it going deep
into the core of mother earth.
25. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
26. Now, visualize the Tafifa symbol on top of your crown chakra.
27. See it slowly entering your Crown chakra. Let it stay there for a
while. Focus on it for some time.
28. Next, see it moving down to your Third eye chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.
29. Now, see it moving down to your Throat chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
30. Next, see it moving down to your Heart Chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
31. Then, see it moving down to your Solar Plexus chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.
32. Next, see it moving down to your Sacral chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
33. Finally, see it moving down to your Root chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time. Then, see it going deep
into the core of mother earth.
34. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.


35. Once the attunement is complete, take a few deep breaths and
ground yourself by visualizing your feet connected to the earth.
36. Thank the Reiki Master and the universe for the attunement and
the healing energy that you have received.



Infinity Reiki Level 4


Infinity Reiki Level 4 is the highest level of Infinity Reiki, also

known as the Master Level. In this level, the practitioner is attuned
to two new symbols, Si-tin-da and Se-vin-da. These symbols are
said to be very powerful and have the ability to enhance and amplify
the healing energy of Reiki.

In addition to learning these new symbols, practitioners at

this level also learn advanced techniques for healing and spiritual
growth, as well as how to attune and teach others at all levels of
Infinity Reiki. This level is considered to be the culmination of the
practitioner's Reiki journey, and it represents a deep commitment
to the practice of Reiki and to helping others through their own
healing and growth processes.

*Please maintain the minimum 7 days gap after level 3.

The following are the steps to send the Level 4 attunement

(distant by Reiki Master to one student):
Here are the detailed steps that an Infinity Reiki Master can
follow to send the Level 4 attunement to a distant student:

1. First, communicate with the student and schedule a mutually

agreed-upon time for the distant attunement.
2. Prior to the attunement, ensure that the student is well-rested
and hydrated. It is also advisable that they find a quiet and
peaceful place where they will not be disturbed during the
attunement process.


3. At the scheduled time, the Infinity Reiki Master should also find
a quiet place to perform the attunement. If the time cannot be
matched by both the parties then Infinity Reiki Master first send
the attunement and then notify the student. Then student may
receive it later at their ease.
4. It is recommended that the Reiki Master meditates for a few
minutes to quiet their mind and raise their vibration.
5. The Reiki Master should then connect with the student by
visualizing their energy field or by using a photograph or name
of the student.
6. The Reiki Master should then state their intention to send the
Infinity Reiki Level 4 attunement to the student and call upon
the energy of the universe, spirit guides, and angels to assist in
the process.
7. The Reiki Master can then draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol
and then Si-tin-da Symbol and then Se-vin-da symbol in front
of them in the air three times, setting the intention that these
symbols will be activated during the attunement.
8. Next, the Reiki Master should visualize the student surrounded
by a protective white light and set their intention for the
attunement to be received with an open heart and mind.
9. The Reiki Master can then send the energy by visualizing the
Infinity Symbol entering the student's crown chakra and then
moving down through each chakra to the root chakra. The Reiki
Master should focus on each chakra for a few moments,
allowing the energy to flow freely.
10. Similarly, the Reiki Master can then send the energy of the Si-
tin-da Symbol by visualizing it entering the student's crown
chakra and moving down through each chakra to the root
chakra. The Reiki Master should focus on each chakra for a few
moments, allowing the energy to flow freely.


11. Similarly, the Reiki Master can send the energy of the Se-vin-da
Symbol by visualizing it entering the student's crown chakra
and moving down through each chakra to the root chakra. The
Reiki Master should focus on each chakra for a few moments,
allowing the energy to flow freely.
12. As the energy flows, the Reiki Master may experience various
sensations such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and
13. Once the attunement is complete, the Reiki Master should
ground themselves by visualizing their feet connected to the
14. Finally, the Reiki Master should send a message to the student
to receive the attunement and also advising them to rest, drink
plenty of water, and journal about their experience.
15. The student should also be encouraged to contact the Reiki
Master with any questions or concerns they may have.

The following are the steps to send the Level 4 attunement

(distant by Reiki Master to a group of students):
Here are the detailed steps by which an Infinity Reiki master
can send the Level 4 attunement to a group of distant students:

1. The Infinity Reiki master should inform the students about the
date and time of the attunement.
2. The master should also inform the students about the
preparations they need to make before the attunement, such as
finding a quiet and comfortable space where they won't be
disturbed, and having a glass of water nearby.
3. On the day of the attunement, the master should connect with
students through visualizing their energy field or by using


photographs or names of the student. Master can also use a

group photo, or can write the name of all the students on a page.
4. The master should then call upon the energy of the universe, the
spirit guides, and angels to assist in the attunement process.
5. The master can visualize all the students in a white light Orb.
6. This can be done by visualizing all of them into that orb or by
speaking their name one by one into the orb.
7. Next, the master should draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol
and then Si-tin-da and Se-vin-da Symbol in the air in front of
the orb, while intending for the symbols to be activated for the
attunement for all the students in that orb.
8. Next, the master should visualize this Orb having 7 points that
corresponds to the 7 chakras of each of the student that are
inside this orb.
9. The master should focus their intentions on the orb from the top
to bottom and sending the symbols through these 7 points of the
orb. The top point of this orb can be regarded as Crown chakra
and the bottom point as the root chakra. The symbols will enter
through the top point of the orb that corresponds to Crown
chakra and will exit from the bottom point that will correspond
to the root chakra. The middle 5 points of this orb will
correspond to rest of the chakra in same way as human body
10. The master should then send the Infinity Reiki symbol to this
orb that will enter into the first top point or the crown chakra.
11. It will pass through all the point of this orb and will exit from
the bottom.
12. When the symbol will pass from the 7 points of the orb it will
simultaneously pass through the 7 chakras of all the students in
that orb.
13. Now, repeat this with the other symbol that is Si-tin-da and Se-


14. During the attunement, the Master may experience sensations

such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
15. After the attunement is done the master should release that orb
into the universe with intentions that each of the student may
be able to receive the attunement through this orb.
16. Master should then disconnect the connection and ground.
17. Finally, the master should thank the universe, spirit guides, and
angels for their assistance in the attunement process, and thank
the group of students for their etheric participation.
18. After the attunement has been sent, the master should guide the
group about receiving the attunement. In short, each student
can receive the attunement at their own specific time and place.
19. They can follow the same procedures that is followed by a single
student in receiving the distant attunement.
20. The master should also offer any guidance or support that the
students may need following the attunement.

The following are the steps to receive the Level 4 attunement

(Distant by student/students):
1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down
undisturbed for about 30 minutes.
2. Make sure you are well-hydrated and have eaten a light meal
before the attunement.
3. Take a few deep breaths and center yourself.
4. You may want to meditate for a few minutes to quiet your mind.
5. Call upon the energy of the universe, your spirit guides, and
angels to assist you in receiving the attunement.


6. Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective white light, and

set your intention to receive the attunement with an open heart
and mind.
7. Connect with the Reiki Master who will be giving you the
attunement. You can do this by visualizing them or simply
setting your intention to connect with them energetically.
8. Draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol in front of you in the air
three times.
9. Now, draw or visualize the Si-tin-da Symbol in front of you in
the air three times.
10. Now, draw or visualize the Se-vin-da Symbol in front of you in
the air three times.
11. Close your eyes and focus on your breath as you receive the
12. Visualize the whole universe on top of your crown chakra (as
you see the sky).
13. Visualize all these beautiful stars galaxies and this infinite
14. Now visualize the infinity symbol right in the middle on this
universe and on top of your crown chakra (at the same distance
as sky is)
15. Now visualize this Infinity symbol from the sky coming down
and entering in your crown chakra ang going through all the
other chakras and finally going deep into the core of this mother
16. Feel your connection to this infinite universe.
17. Feel as if you are connected to this Infinite universe through this
symbol and feel that the two lobes of infinity symbols are like
two wings that can take you anywhere in this Universe. There is
no limitation and boundaries of matter, space and time. You are
the infinite part of this infinite universe.


18. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
19. Now visualize the Si-tin-da symbol on top of your crown chakra.
20. Visualize it slowly entering in you Crown chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
21. Now, visualize it coming down to your Third eye chakra. Let it
stay there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
22. Now, visualize it coming down to your Throat chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
23. Now, visualize it coming down to your Heart Chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
24. Now, visualize it coming down to your Solar Plexus chakra. Let
it stay there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
25. Now, visualize it coming down to your Sacral chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
26. Now, visualize it coming down to your Root chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
27. Now visualize it going deep into the core of mother earth.
28. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
29. Now visualize the Se-vin-da symbol on top of your crown chakra.
30. Visualize it slowly entering in you Crown chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
31. Now, visualize it coming down to your Third eye chakra. Let it
stay there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
32. Now, visualize it coming down to your Throat chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
33. Now, visualize it coming down to your Heart Chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime


34. Now, visualize it coming down to your Solar Plexus chakra. Let
it stay there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
35. Now, visualize it coming down to your Sacral chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
36. Now, visualize it coming down to your Root chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for sometime
37. Now visualize it going deep into the core of mother earth.
38. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
39. Once the attunement is complete, take a few deep breaths and
ground yourself by visualizing your feet connected to the earth.
40. Thank the Reiki Master and the universe for the attunement and
the healing energy that you have received.

Remember to drink plenty of water and take some time to rest

and integrate the energy after the attunement. You may experience
a healing crisis or emotional release as the energy works to balance
and clear your energy field. Trust the process and allow yourself to
receive the healing energy with an open heart and mind.

The following is the script for over the phone/guided meditation

that Reiki master can speak or record for you to receive Level 4
attunement (distant by phone or recorded guided meditation):
Welcome to your Level 4 Reiki attunement. Before we begin,
find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down
undisturbed for about 30 minutes. It's important to make sure you
are well-hydrated and have eaten a light meal before the

To start, take a few deep breaths and center yourself. You may
want to meditate for a few minutes to quiet your mind. Then, call


upon the energy of the universe, your spirit guides, and angels to
assist you in receiving the attunement.

Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective white light, and

set your intention to receive the attunement with an open heart and
mind. Connect with the Reiki Master(Reiki Master Name) who will
be giving you the attunement. You can do this by visualizing them
or simply setting your intention to connect with them energetically.

Now, let's begin the attunement. Draw or visualize the Infinity

Symbol in front of you in the air three times.

Then, draw or visualize the Si-tin-da Symbol in front of you

in the air three times.

Now, draw or visualize the Se-vin-da Symbol in front of you

in the air three times.

Close your eyes and focus on your breath as you receive the
energy. Visualize the whole universe on top of your crown chakra,
just as you see the sky. Visualize all these beautiful stars, galaxies,
and this infinite universe. Now visualize the infinity symbol right in
the middle of this universe and on top of your crown chakra.

Visualize this Infinity symbol from the sky coming down and
entering your crown chakra, ang going through all other chakras,
and finally going deep into the core of this mother earth. Feel your
connection to this infinite universe. Feel as if you are connected to
this infinite universe through this symbol and feel that the two lobes
of infinity symbols are like two wings that can take you anywhere in
this Universe. There is no limitation and boundaries of matter,
space, and time. You are the infinite part of this infinite universe.


Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through

you for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.

Now visualize the Si-tin-da symbol on top of your crown

chakra. Visualize it slowly entering your Crown chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.

Next, visualize the Si-tin-da symbol coming down to your

Third Eye chakra, Throat chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus chakra,
Sacral chakra, and Root chakra. Let it stay at each chakra for a while
and focus on it.

Now visualize the Si-tin-da symbol on top of your crown

chakra. Visualize it slowly entering your Crown chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.

Next, visualize the Si-tin-da symbol coming down to your

Third Eye chakra, Throat chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus chakra,
Sacral chakra, and Root chakra. Let it stay at each chakra for a while
and focus on it.

Once the attunement is complete, take a few deep breaths and

ground yourself by visualizing your feet connected to the earth.
Finally, thank the Reiki Master and the universe for the attunement
and the healing energy that you have received.

Congratulations, you are now attuned to Infinity Reiki Level 4.

Steps to receive Infinity Reiki In-Person from the Infinity Reiki


Method 1 – (Non-Touch)
1. Begin by welcoming the student and inviting them to sit
comfortably in a quiet space where they won't be disturbed.


2. Take a few deep breaths together and invite the student to

center themselves and relax.
3. Explain to the student what the attunement process is and what
they can expect to experience during the attunement.
4. Call upon the energy of the universe, the student's spirit guides,
and angels to assist in the attunement process.
5. Ask the student to set their intention to receive the attunement
with an open heart and mind, and to visualize themselves
surrounded by a protective white light.
6. Begin the attunement process by connecting with the student
energetically. This can be done by placing your hands on or near
the student's shoulders, or by simply setting your intention to
connect with them.
7. Activate the Infinity Symbol by drawing or visualizing it in the
air three times. Hold the symbol in your mind's eye and allow
the energy of the symbol to flow through you and into the
8. Activate the Si-tin-da Symbol by drawing or visualizing it in the
air three times. Hold the symbol in your mind's eye and allow
the energy of the symbol to flow through you and into the
9. Activate the Se-vin-da Symbol by drawing or visualizing it in the
air three times. Hold the symbol in your mind's eye and allow
the energy of the symbol to flow through you and into the
10. Invite the student to close their eyes and focus on their breath
as they receive the energy of the symbols.
11. Next, guide the student through a visualization exercise.
Visualize the entire universe on top of the student's crown
chakra, and then visualize the Infinity Symbol right in the
middle of this universe, on top of the student's crown chakra.
Visualize the Infinity Symbol coming down and entering the


student's crown chakra, and then moving through all the other
chakras, finally going deep into the core of the earth. Encourage
the student to feel their connection to the infinite universe
through this symbol, and to feel the freedom and limitlessness
of this connection.
12. Repeat the same visualization exercise, this time with the Si-tin-
da Symbol, moving down from the crown chakra to the other
chakras and deep into the earth. Encourage the student to focus
on the Si-tin-da Symbol and its energy.
13. Lastly repeat the same visualization exercise, this time with the
Se-vin-da Symbol, moving down from the crown chakra to the
other chakras and deep into the earth. Encourage the student to
focus on the Se-vin-da Symbol and its energy.
14. Allow the student to relax and feel the energy flowing through
them for some time. They may experience sensations such as
warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
15. Once the attunement is complete, guide the student through a
grounding exercise. Ask them to visualize their feet connected
to the earth, and to feel the solid foundation of the earth beneath
16. Finally, thank the student and the universe for the attunement
and the healing energy that has been received.

Encourage the student to take some time to integrate the

energy and to be gentle with themselves as they adjust to the new
level of consciousness and energy that the attunement has activated
within them.

Method 2 (Involves a close contact with Person and the Chakras)

1. Begin by welcoming the student and creating a peaceful and
comfortable environment for the attunement process. Ask the
student to sit or lie down in a relaxed position and take a few
deep breaths to center themselves.


2. Next, explain to the student what the attunement process

involves and what they can expect to experience during and
after the attunement. Answer any questions they may have and
ensure that they feel comfortable and ready to receive the
3. Ask the student to close their eyes and focus on their breath.
Then, call upon the energy of the universe, your spirit guides,
and angels to assist in the attunement process.
4. Draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol in front of you in the air
three times, while setting the intention to activate the symbol
and infuse it with the universal energy.
5. Now, place your hands on the student's crown chakra and draw
the Infinity Symbol on their crown chakra three times, while
visualizing the symbol being activated and infused with the
universal energy.
6. Move your hands to the student's other chakras, drawing the
Infinity Symbol on each chakra three times and infusing each
symbol with the universal energy. As you do this, encourage the
student to focus on their breath and relax.
7. Once the Infinity Symbol has been activated and infused with
the universal energy, draw or visualize the Si-tin-da Symbol in
front of you in the air three times, while setting the intention to
activate the symbol and infuse it with the universal energy.
8. Place your hands on the student's crown chakra and draw the
Si-tin-da Symbol on their crown chakra three times, while
visualizing the symbol being activated and infused with the
universal energy.
9. Move your hands to the student's other chakras, drawing the Si-
tin-da Symbol on each chakra three times and infusing each
symbol with the universal energy. As you do this, encourage the
student to focus on their breath and relax.


10. Repeat with the Se-vin-da symbol, draw or visualize the Se-vin-
da Symbol in front of you in the air three times, while setting the
intention to activate the symbol and infuse it with the universal
11. Place your hands on the student's crown chakra and draw the
Se-vin-da Symbol on their crown chakra three times, while
visualizing the symbol being activated and infused with the
universal energy.
12. Move your hands to the student's other chakras, drawing the Se-
vin-da Symbol on each chakra three times and infusing each
symbol with the universal energy. As you do this, encourage the
student to focus on their breath and relax.
13. Once all the symbols have been activated and infused with the
universal energy, step back and allow the student to relax and
feel the energy flowing through them. They may experience
sensations such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of peace and
14. When the student feels ready, ask them to take a few deep
breaths and ground themselves by visualizing their feet
connected to the earth.

Finally, thank the universe, your spirit guides, and angels for
their assistance in the attunement process and congratulate the
student on their attunement to Infinity Reiki Level 4.

Method 3 – (For group of Students)

1. Welcome! Take a few deep breaths and center yourself.
2. Let's begin by meditating for a few minutes to quiet our minds.
3. As we begin, let's call upon the energy of the universe, your spirit
guides, and angels to assist us in receiving the attunement.
4. Now, visualize yourself surrounded by a protective white light
and set your intention to receive the attunement with an open
heart and mind.


5. Let's connect with the Reiki Master who will be giving you the
attunement. You can do this by imagining them standing in
front of you or simply setting your intention to energetically
connect with them.
6. Next, draw or visualize the Infinity Symbol in front of you in the
air three times.
7. Then, draw or visualize the Si-tin-da Symbol in front of you in
the air three times.
8. Then, draw or visualize the Se-vin-da Symbol in front of you in
the air three times.
9. Close your eyes and focus on your breath as you receive the
10. Now, visualize the entire universe on top of your crown chakra
(as if you are seeing the sky).
11. See all the beautiful stars, galaxies, and the infinite universe.
12. Next, visualize the Infinity symbol right in the middle of this
universe and on top of your crown chakra (at the same distance
as the sky).
13. Now, see the Infinity symbol from the sky coming down and
entering your crown chakra and then all the other chakras,
finally going deep into the core of the earth.
14. Feel your connection to this infinite universe.
15. Feel as if you are connected to this Infinite universe through this
symbol, and feel that the two lobes of the infinity symbols are
like two wings that can take you anywhere in this universe.
There are no limitations and boundaries of matter, space, and
time. You are a part of this infinite universe.
16. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
17. Now, visualize the Si-tin-da symbol on top of your crown chakra.


18. See it slowly entering your Crown chakra. Let it stay there for a
while. Focus on it for some time.
19. Next, see it moving down to your Third eye chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.
20. Now, see it moving down to your Throat chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
21. Next, see it moving down to your Heart Chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
22. Then, see it moving down to your Solar Plexus chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.
23. Next, see it moving down to your Sacral chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
24. Finally, see it moving down to your Root chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time. Then, see it going deep
into the core of mother earth.
25. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
26. Now, visualize the Se-vin-da symbol on top of your crown
27. See it slowly entering your Crown chakra. Let it stay there for a
while. Focus on it for some time.
28. Next, see it moving down to your Third eye chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.
29. Now, see it moving down to your Throat chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
30. Next, see it moving down to your Heart Chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.
31. Then, see it moving down to your Solar Plexus chakra. Let it stay
there for a while. Focus on it for some time.
32. Next, see it moving down to your Sacral chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time.


33. Finally, see it moving down to your Root chakra. Let it stay there
for a while. Focus on it for some time. Then, see it going deep
into the core of mother earth.
34. Allow yourself to relax and feel the energy flowing through you
for some time. You may experience sensations such as warmth,
tingling, or a sense of peace and calm.
35. Once the attunement is complete, take a few deep breaths and
ground yourself by visualizing your feet connected to the earth.
36. Thank the Reiki Master and the universe for the attunement and
the healing energy that you have received.


Original Symbols








Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Infinity Reiki?

A: Infinity Reiki is a type of energy healing system that utilizes

symbols and techniques to channel universal life force energy to
promote healing and balance on physical, emotional, and spiritual

Q: How is Infinity Reiki different from traditional Reiki?

A: Infinity Reiki incorporates unique symbols and techniques.

It also emphasizes the use of intention and visualization to enhance
the healing process.

Q: How many symbols are there in Infinity Reiki?

A: There are eight symbols in Infinity Reiki, each with its

unique properties and uses.

Q: What is the main Infinity symbol, and what does it do?

A: The main Infinity symbol represents the infinite nature of

the universe and the limitless potential of universal life force energy.
It can be used for healing, protection, manifestation, and amplifying
the power of other symbols.

Q: How do I activate the Infinity Reiki symbols?

A: The symbols are activated through visualization and

intention. You can draw the symbol in the air or on a surface while
focusing your attention on its energy and purpose.


Q: How do I use Infinity Reiki for healing?

A: To use Infinity Reiki for healing, you can channel the

energy through your hands by placing them on or near the
recipient's body while visualizing the energy flowing through you
and into them. You can also use the symbols to enhance the healing
process by visualizing them while you work.

Q: Can I use Infinity Reiki on myself?

A: Yes, you can use Infinity Reiki on yourself by placing your

hands on or near your body while channeling the energy and
visualizing the healing process. You can also use the symbols to
enhance self-healing.

Q: How can I protect myself from negative energy with

Infinity Reiki?

A: You can protect yourself from negative energy by

visualizing a protective shield or bubble around you while using the
Infinity symbols for protection.

Q: Can I use Infinity Reiki for manifestation?

A: Yes, you can use the Infinity symbols to manifest your

desires by visualizing them while channeling the energy and setting
your intention for what you want to create.

Q: How can I learn Infinity Reiki?

A: You can learn Infinity Reiki through online courses,

workshops, or by finding a certified Infinity Reiki practitioner or
teacher. It is recommended that you receive an attunement from a
teacher before practicing on others.


Q: Is Infinity Reiki safe?

A: Yes, Infinity Reiki is generally considered safe and non-

invasive. However, it is important to always practice with respect,
integrity, and compassion and to seek medical advice when

Q: How can Infinity Reiki help with spiritual growth?

A: Infinity Reiki can help with spiritual growth by clearing

blockages in the energy field and promoting balance and harmony
in the body and mind. It can also help to awaken and activate the
Kundalini energy, leading to deeper levels of awareness and
spiritual connection.

Q: Can Infinity Reiki be used in conjunction with other

healing modalities?

A: Yes, Infinity Reiki can be used in conjunction with other

healing modalities, such as acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic
care. It can also be used alongside traditional medical treatments to
enhance the body's natural healing abilities.

Q: Is Infinity Reiki safe?

A: Yes, Infinity Reiki is safe and gentle. It is a non-invasive

form of energy healing that works with the body's natural healing
abilities to promote balance and well-being. However, if you have
any concerns or underlying health conditions, it is always best to
consult with a qualified healthcare professional before beginning
any new healing modality.

Q: Who can learn Infinity Reiki?


A: Anyone can learn Infinity Reiki, regardless of their

background or experience. It is open to all who have a desire to learn
and grow spiritually.

Q: How do I use the symbols in Infinity Reiki?

A: The symbols can be used in various ways, such as in

meditation, during a healing session, or for protection.

Q: Can Infinity Reiki be used for distance healing?

A: Yes, Infinity Reiki can be used for distance healing. The

energy can be sent to anyone, anywhere in the world, regardless of
their physical location.

Q: How do I protect myself from psychic attacks with Infinity


A: Infinity Reiki can be used to create a protective bubble

around yourself or to send healing energy to the source of the attack.

Q: How do I cut cords with Infinity Reiki?

A: Cords can be cut using a variety of methods, including

visualization, intention, and the use of symbols.

Q: Can Infinity Reiki be used to activate the Kundalini?

A: Yes, Infinity Reiki can be used to activate the Kundalini

energy, although it should be done with caution and under the
guidance of a qualified teacher.

These are some of the frequently asked questions regarding

Infinity Reiki and its symbols and uses. If you have more specific
questions or concerns, it is recommended that you consult with a
certified Infinity Reiki practitioner or teacher.

About the Author

Rishi Rohit Sharma is

a very popular person for
his fabulous Astrological,
Occult, and Reiki activities.
He is described as the living
legend and king of the
occult. Rishi Rohit Sharma
is known as one of the best
astrologers in the world. He
has expertise in Astrology,
Vastu, Reiki, and other
occult branches. He is born into a
reputed Brahmin family in the lineage of Maharishi Sankhyana.

Educational background
Rishi Rohit Sharma is a highly educated person. He studied
engineering in Technology, Computers, and Electronics. He has
obtained not only one but also two master’s degrees in engineering
and is also Doctor of Metaphysics. He is an Indian by birth and is
currently a Citizen of Australia. He completed his Bachelor’s degree
in Information and Technology from a reputed engineering
university in India and after completing this he joined Victoria
University Australia for his Master's degree in Electronics and
Computer Engineering. He also has a keen interest in Physics and


Founder of Nazm E Jyotish

Rishi Rohit Sharma is the founder of “Nazm E Jyotish”. This
book is about astrological predictions and it's written in beautiful
rhyming couplets. The book is written on the theme that love
teaches poetry to humans. As love signifies the unification of two
souls similarly, the two rhyming lines make an idea or a prediction
complete. This book is so much hit that it has changed the thinking
and working of astrologers. Many astrologers have started copying
his work or have started writing predictions in his style. He ignited
the passion of many writers to write in the form of “Nazm” in the
field of astrology. He has also decoded and simplified lots of
mystical texts and turned them into thousands of beautiful couplets
which are known as “Nazm”. His whole book is covered with lots of
jaw-dropping stunning predictions.

Founder of many Reiki Systems

Rishi Rohit Sharma has channeled many reiki systems out of
which Orb of Om, Holy Ganga, and Angel Wings are very popular.
He has amazing feedback about his systems from his students and
users. Many people were easily able to feel white light while using
his systems. His manuals and systems are unique and the way he
designs them is very impressive. Some people have reported that
they can even feel the flow of energy through their bodies by just
reading or looking at the manuals.

He is the mentor of lots of Online Courses

He also teaches different types of online free courses to people
who are eager to learn through electronic media like YouTube,
Facebook, and

WhatsApp. The name of his YouTube channel is Rishi Rohit

Sharma and his organization's name is VAYOM. He uses VAYOM as


an umbrella for all the fields related to Vastu, Astrology, Yoga,

Occult, and Meditation.

We can easily find some interesting books and articles

authored by him online. But the most popular and best seller are
his two books named “Nazam-e-Jyotish and “Grahon ki
Nishaniyan”. In these writings, he explains everything smoothly
and nicely that leaves a permanent mark on the reader’s mind. His
other book named “How to Meditate” is also life-changing.

How can the knowledge of Rishi Rohit Sharma help you in life?
Rishi Rohit Sharma believes that as every product comes with
a manual and specification so do humans take birth with a manual-
like thing that is called a horoscope. A horoscope is just like a
manual that tells us what gifts, specifications, or characteristics we
have brought into this life. This manual or horoscope will help us in
understanding ourselves and our true potential. We can focus on
the best things we have been blessed with and can choose our future
and destiny in the best possible way. The stars and our inherited
hidden talents and capabilities will support us when we understand
this manual or horoscope.

He also believes that everyone has a guardian angel and has

the right to connect to white light or God. When we connect to white
light or listen to our guardian angels, we choose the best path and
are always guided for our highest good.

Rishi Rohit Sharma is so accurate in his predictions that many

renowned astrologers use his style and techniques in predicting the
future of their clients.


Contacting information
If you are fond of our great astrologer Rishi Rohit Sharma and
if you need any help from him, you can call him at (+61) 466 999
296. You can also email him at or can join
his Facebook page at You can also
visit the website at

Rishi Rohit Sharma will be always by your side whenever you
need him. He wants to help everyone to achieve their best. To know
about his free courses follow him on YouTube and Facebook.



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