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Prof. Asis. Sr. Juan José Molina González
University of Murcia

Eigenforms in a density matrix of wavefunction can be represented so ( ψ) of a ϕ (0)=1 in Hk ( ϕ

N,r) l that´s level 1 that in a computation by Donald-Thomas invariants operator in C+ represented an

Being Hk(SL2,r) dimen.cHk+1(SL2,r) is the form of product fg by two functions of elliptic curves in a
Siegel manifold of two degree. SL2 (intersection) SZ2 not but is a Siegel with the suboperador in a included
Donald Thomas invariants other father form of manifold in Hk+1(Sg(Z), r)).
Sk(Γ0(N), χ), with k ≥ 2 an integer and χ an arbitrary nebentypus.

The Fontaine-Mazur conjecture relates ℓ-adic ‘geometric’ Galois representations with objects from
geometry. In the 2-dimensional case over Q much progress has been achieved ([Eme11, Thm.1.2.4(2)] and
[Kis09]): Theorem 1 (Emerton, Kisin). Let ℓ > 2, let E/Qℓ be a finite extension and let ρ : Gal(Q/Q*-
transpose-) → GL2(E) {other form of Galois semejant to father other form by Donald-Thomas invariants}
be an irreducible, finitely ramified, odd Galois representation which is de Rham at ℓ with distinct Hodge-
Tate weights. Assume that the residual representation ρ satisfies certain local conditions. Then a twist of ρ is
attached to some newform. In fact, the level and the weight of the newform can be read off from ρ. The
picture for mod ℓ representations is even more complete: Serre type modularity conjectures relate 2-
dimensional Galois representations with Fℓ-coefficients with modular forms over Fℓ ( 2 Serre’s recipe for
N(ρ), k(ρ) and (ρ)ρ Rham adic at l: Gal(Q/Q*-transpose-) → GL2(E) Form Serre´s conjecture . Serre’s
original modularity conjecture has been established by Khare and Wintenberger [KW09]: Universite du
Luxembourg, Unit ´ e de Recherche en Math ´ ematiques, Maison du nombre, 6, avenue ´ de la Fonte, L-
4364 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg; e-mail:, e-mail:

In this paper we consider the following question: when does the equation
have solutions with f, g and h Hecke eigenforms with respect to ϕ (N)1, for any
level N? This question was independently considered by Duke [Duk99] and Ghate
[Gha00] for eigenforms with respect to SL(Z) (i.e., N = 1). They proved that
there are only 16 such identities. Ghate [Gha02] also proved that for N square-free (“Kengi” ,
paraelliptic functions-eupsico)and f, g ∈ G 1,2(N) eigenforms of weight greater than 2, the
product fg cannot be an (G,N eigenforms or being manifolds in the form f, g ∈ G1,2(N)
eigenform when certain conditions on f and g are satisfied (note that Ghate uses
a slightly more general definition of eigenforms than we do). Emmons [Emm05]
classified all products h = fg, with f, g, and h eigenforms with respect to G(p) away from the level
p, with p = 5 prime.

Theorem 1.2. There are only 61 tuples (N, k, l, ψ, ϕ), l = k > 1, such that there
exist Hecke eigenforms f ∈ M
(N, ψ) and g ∈ M
(N, ϕ) with fg also an eigenform.
When l > k there is one eigenform identity per tuple, and for all but four of the

Qubits eigengorms in a simplectic torus T/t* (transpose over the form of simplectic tuples (N, k,
l, ψ, ϕ), provided de Hk(SLZ(2), N) in a form which the system enconding transmit the energy in
a mode descrite in classic Mechanics by Maxwell transmission Un spectrum.
Qubits regression encoded data by series simplectic torus

Qubit regression enconded data ported data codification in form of shorts algortihm that in
system networking function over a regression data that signifie a double flux of codes in
form of 0,1 or other form of codification in superconducting system networking . The
maturity of data shart algorithm are identifying with the product by a Kähler manifold
Kähl(and, Betty)planck constant and N data form of codifying in the subproduct Levy-
Civita eijk of level 0,1,2n-1) by n-tend 0,......period. (Note the similitude by a heeger theta in
mu elliptic curve or a Hecke field by a Torus T that ported the data serie in a field of
T1,T2......Tn-1) such its modularity respond to produc correspondent to Hk( such system in
the modulate an arbitrary function
f(ϕ) and an arbitrary potential U(ϕ) for the electromagnetic field. , n)) semejant to the manifolds
created in a Böhrn-Sommerfeld quantum computing by the similar form.

the Maxwell equation of transmission the modularity is precisement the

integer incorporated to such system in the modulate an arbitrary function
f(ϕ) and an arbitrary potential U(ϕ) for the electromagnetic field.
We define the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization via T-modules for a b-symplectic toric
manifold and show that it coincides with the formal geometric quantization . In
particular, we prove that its dimension is given by a signed count of the integral points in
the moment polytope of the toric action on the manifold.

over the stereographical T/T* proyection of sphere by randon sequences

starting and of this mode :
Compùting in C+ obtained:

By Mk(G (2 N))=⨁e:(Z/NZ)*→C*Mk(N,e).

Given a Dirichlet character e belong Cn we type

ModularForms (eps, weight) to create the space of modular forms
with that character and a given integer weight. In the
descomposition by integer in a . modular form That the Dirichles cuspforms
.resultants are supportes this desagregation
e / - ( Dirichlet carácter represented the ZNZ- Cn forms resultants of such
integer of N primes
).by a Taylor field ringhadsome

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