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I. Objectives
 EN8G-IIIa-10 EN8G-IIIb-10 EN8G-IIIc-10 EN8G-IIIg-10 EN8G-IIIh-10 EN8G-IIIi-10
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
● determine modals,
●understand function of modals,
● Use modals function in various ways in a sentence.

II. Learning Content

By: Nenita L. Estrada and Lydia dV. Linsangan

Materials : PowerPoint presentation, Laptop, Projector, Video clips

Value Focus : Appreciate the use of proper modal verbs

III. Procedure
1. Elicit
 Spring board ( Show video clips- about modal verbs conversation)
 Greetings
 Motivation & Drill ( video clips-Showing the different modal verbs)
 Presentation of the Objective

Activity 1: “Correct Me”
Directions: Change the modals from affirmative to negative. Rewrite the sentences by adding not
after the special verbs.
1. The folks will celebrate the feast through singing.

2. The young generation can contribute exciting dances.

3. The place will be decorated by bamboos.

4. The beating of the drums can be heard throughout the village.

5. The man ought to perform the energetic movement.

Activity #2 “Read Me”
Read the information below and put a check mark (√) if the information is found in the selection.
Choose five statements.

I Will Act Now

By: Og Mandino
(An Excerpt)

I will not avoid the task of today and charge them tomorrow for I know that tomorrow never comes.
Let me act now even though my actions may not bring happiness or success for it is better to act and fail
than not to act and flounder. Happiness, in truth, may not be the fruit plucked by my action yet without
action all fruit will die on the vine.

I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. Henceforth, I will repeat these words again and again,
each hour, each day, every day, until the words become as much a habit as my breathing and the actions
which follow become as much a instinctive as the blinking of my eyelids. With these words I can condition
my mind to meet every challenge which the failure avoids. I will act now.

______1. It’s better to act and fail than not to act and flounder
______2. I will not act now.
______3. I will not avoid the task of today
______4. I will act now.
______5. I will act to remove myself from evil.
______6. I can condition my mind to perform every act.
______7. Without action all fruit will die on the vine.

2. Engage “Try Me”

A. Read and study the underline words.

1. The participants will wear masks.

2. The forefathers will always be our hero, no matter what.
3. Would you mind if I ask you to give this letter to your parents?
4. You ought to know the whole story.
B. Answer briefly.
1. What does will express in sentence no.1?
2. What does will express in sentence no.2?
3. What does would express in sentence no.3?

Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

Guide Question:
a) What is the function of modals?
b) What are modals?
O Those questions will be answered as we go on our lesson!

3. Explore

* Introducing the new Lesson

Directions: Read and analyze the modals used.
 He can speak in front of the crowd.
 He can to speak in front of the crowd.
 She will not be around tonight.
 The inspector could not find the documents.
 The singer ought to perform on stage.
 The singer should to perform on the stage.

 Soliciting Ideas
 Do you have an idea what is a modal?
 Can you identify the modals in each sentence?

4. Explain
* Discussion

Activity 1: Understanding Functions of Modals in various ways.

We will be coming at exactly six o’clock in the morning.

For sure, the guest speaker will come.
I will do it for the sake of all.

Each sentence uses the same modal will.

Will is a modal that: expresses the most definite degree of certainty
It expresses personal prediction, decision, and promise
It expresses offering to do something.

You ought to read the memo from the president.

I ought to remember what happen in the court hearing.

Each sentence uses the same modal ought.

Ought is modal that has same meaning as “should” especially in an affirmative sentence in the
present form

5. Elaborate
* Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills:

 Group activity

Activity A: Read sentences and study the underline words.

can may might

must should

1. Dancers can perform with the accompaniments of either vocal and/or musical instruments.
2. The performer may focus on the manner of dancing.
3. I might be able to bring pictures of different dancers.
4. Every audience must pay for the entrance fee.
5. Should we report the incident to the head of the event?

Activity B: Answer briefly:

1. What do you call the underline words?
2. What do the following words convey:
a. Can
b. May
c. Might
d. Must
e. should

IV. Evaluation:
Directions: Complete the sentences by writing appropriate modals on the blank spaces. Choose from the
choices inside the rectangle below.

Can should


Must may

1. The team from the rural ___________dance well

2. They ___________ perform so well in the concert last Sunday.

3. __________ I ask if you will permit me to join the group?

4. The other members ___________ be in complete attendance.

5. ____________ everybody wear their costume one hour before the show?
V. Assignment
Directions: Construct sentences using the following modals and use it in a various ways.

1. May


2. Must


3. Can


4. Could


5. Should


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