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God Made the World


God created this beautiful world as a 上帝創造了這個美麗的世界來當作你的家,

home for you to live in and enjoy. 讓你居住和享用其中的一切。
Through the physical nature, the mountains, 透過大自然、群山、海洋、森林、沙
oceans, forests, deserts, plains, and waters, 漠、平原和流水,我們瞥見祂的一點
we get a glimpse of His nature: enduring, 神性:持久不變、讓人驚嘆、令人敬
awesome, fearsome, and life-giving. 畏和賦予生命。
God is the great Spirit of Love Who has 上帝是創造萬物的偉大愛之靈。身為
brought all things into being because He 人類充滿愛與父親形象的創造者,祂
loves us! 愛你!

Image 1: public domain

Image 2: Image designed by frimufilms via Freepik

Image 3: Image designed by Freepik

Image 4: public domain

Text © TFI. Used by permission.

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