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FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 £1 80p to subscribers

Sarah Vine: Can the beauty industry

finally fix the one bit of your body
that’s always given your age away?

For 300 years this majestic
sycamore graced Hadrian’s
Wall... until an act of utterly
mindless vandalism felled it.
Now, as the nation reels in
disgust, a 16-year-old
boy is arrested Breathtaking: The spectacular
sycamore and, above, the sickening
scene after it was felled yesterday

A BOY of 16 suspected of cutting down By Liz Hull had been felled overnight with a chain- Hood’s Tree after it featured in the 1991
Britain’s most famous tree was being saw. Northumbria Police confirmed they blockbuster film, Robin Hood: Prince of
quizzed by police last night. 300 years. But yesterday rangers had arrested the teenager over a Thieves, starring Kevin Costner and
It had stood in the Sycamore Gap – a discovered the tree, which is among ‘deliberate act of vandalism’. Morgan Freeman. Part of the Hadrian’s
dip along Hadrian’s Wall – for around the most photographed in the world, The sycamore was nicknamed Robin Turn to Page 5
Page 2 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Labour plotting ‘inheritance

tax raid’ on family businesses
LABOUR was accused of planning a By Harriet Line considering whether to make slashing or
cash raid on family farms and busi- Deputy Political Editor abolishing inheritance tax an election
nesses yesterday after the party’s manifesto pledge.
proposals to tighten inheritance tax Neil Davy, of campaign group Family
and said they would have a ‘catastrophic’ Business UK, said: ‘Business property
rules emerged. impact on family businesses and damage relief – now known as business relief – was
In a bid to raise an extra £4 billion, farms. The farmland exemption is
Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves is final- specifically designed to facilitate the
designed to ensure small family farms can handing of a family business from one
ising plans to end a series of tax breaks. be passed intact down the generations.
Under the proposals, Labour could generation to the next without creating a
A Treasury source told the Mail: ‘This significant inheritance tax charge.
close exemptions to inheritance tax that looks like an old-school Labour tax raid
allow agricultural land to be passed on ‘It is gives business owners the confi-
on aspiration, savings, British farming and dence to invest and plan for their busi-
without paying death duties.
The party is also looking at ending busi- nesses to continue trading and providing
ness relief for inheritance tax – which can ‘Sold, liquidated employment after their death.’
He said that without BPR, many family
exempt some duties on shares, land, or broken up’ businesses would need to be ‘sold, liqui-
machinery and a business or an interest
in a business. Both measures are esti- dated or broken up in order to raise the
small businesses. Despite the Blairite trib- necessary cash to pay the charge’.
mated to raise £1.5billion a year, accord- ute act, (Keir) Starmer and Reeves are
ing to The Times. This would have clear knock-on effects
just vintage tax-and-spend old Labour.’ on jobs and investment, he added.
The newspaper also reported that Ms Another Tory source added: ‘With a war
Reeves was looking to scrap or reduce A Labour source told The Times: ‘Rachel’s
in Europe and food security at the front team has built up a war chest of money
business asset disposal relief, which of everyone’s minds, launching a tax raid
reduces capital gains tax payable on the that can be found by closing down some
on family farms is beyond stupid. loopholes in the tax system.’ A Labour
sale of certain business assets or shares. ‘Labour should park the class war and
Critics branded the proposals ‘class war’, spokesman said: ‘We will set out our final
back British farming.’ The Government is tax and spend plans at the election.’

By Connor Stringer PM: Starmer’s

class war over
RISHI SUNAK has accused
Labour of ‘punishing’ par-
ents by stoking a ‘class war’
with its pledge to charge VAT

school fees will

on private school fees.
The Prime Minister said the
party would be ‘clamping down’
on hard-working parents with
aspirations to send their chil-
dren to independent schools.

punish parents
His comments came after Labour’s
education spokesman refused to
back down from the widely criti-
cised policy, warning private schools
would have to make ‘cutbacks’.
Shadow education secretary
Bridget Phillipson told a Mumsnet
online discussion yesterday that
schools should ‘reflect on
where they could be making

Burnham reverses on Ulez

savings’ to cover the proposed
VAT hike. She said: ‘I’ve
always been focused on how
we end the tax breaks and ANDY Burnham was last night body upgrade their vehicles,’
how we then use that money
to deliver high standards in criticised for U-turning on his he told GB News. ‘As long as
our state schools.’ pledge to impose a clean air I’m there, I will not have a
Mr Sunak told BBC South zone for Greater Manchester. congestion charge scheme or
More than 1,300 clean air a clean air style scheme.’
‘Not going to help zone signs have already been Tory MP James Daly, who
any child’ put up after he announced his represents Bury North, said:
plans in 2019. But the Labour ‘Do you know why he changed
Today: ‘Labour’s approach
mayor, who paused the levy his mind? Before the last may-
illustrates that they just don’t last year, said yesterday there oral election the backlash
understand the aspiration of will be no low emissions zone against his plan was so much,
families like my parents who while he remains in power. the man of great principle
were working really hard. ‘There was meant to be that he is, he dropped the
They wanted to do something U-turn: Andy Burnham enough money... to help every- clean air zone charging plan.’
for their kids that they thought
would make a difference to
them. Labour’s approach to policy could hit families with ing VAT relief on school fees He told Times Radio: ‘Every-
that is to clamp down on it. unaffordable charges from as was ‘not going to help any one knows this isn’t really
‘They don’t understand the early as next September. child be better educated’. going to raise any money and
aspiration that people have to Labour, citing a study by the Reigate Grammar in Surrey it’s not going to solve any edu-
provide a better life for their Institute for Fiscal Studies switched from being a state to cation problems’.
kids. They want to punish them think-tank, believes changes an independent school while Last night Labour said Mr
for that as part of some class to the tax rules could raise as Sir Keir was in attendance. Sunak’s comments showed
war. I don’t think that is right.’ much as £1.5 billion per year. Mr Fenton predicted the how ‘out of touch’ the Prime
Labour has U-turned on plans B u t S h a u n Fe n t o n , added tax would drive ‘thou- Minister was. Ms Phillipson
to abolish the charitable status headteacher at Sir Keir’s sands’ of children into the said: ‘The Prime Minister’s
of private schools but insisted it former school Reigate Gram- state system as parents are words are an insult to the
would still add VAT to fees. The mar, said the policy of abolish- priced out by the hike in fees. aspiration families across Brit-
ain have for their children.

Clarifications & corrections ‘Yet again, he is out of touch

with families and out of step
with the change we need.
All our journalists observe the To report an inaccuracy, please To make a formal complaint go to
Editors’ Code of Practice and the Mail email ‘We’re ending tax breaks for
is a member of the Independent You can also write to Readers’ private schools to invest in
Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Editor, Daily Mail, 9 Derry Street, excellent state education for
We aim to correct any errors as London W8 5HY or contact IPSO everyone – it is up to private
promptly as possible. directly at schools as to whether they
pass that cost on.’


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Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 3

Beck to normal?
First Brooklyn’s bride repairs rift
with Posh, now she’s made it up
after feud with Romeo’s girlfriend
By Katie Hind
Consultant Editor Showbusiness

SHE buried the hatchet with her mother-

in-law Victoria Beckham last year.
And it seems Nicola Peltz is in a peace-
making mood, wrapping her arm around
Romeo Beckham’s girlfriend following
years of tension with the British model.
Ms Peltz, who is married to Romeo’s
brother Brooklyn, was seen posing with
Somerset-born Mia Regan at a lavish Yves
Saint Laurent party in Paris this week – in
their first ever picture together.
The women both looked chic in black
outfits. Ms Peltz, 28, wore a snakeskin
leather skirt and sheer top while Ms Regan,
21, wore a black vest top and matching
low-rise trousers with a red handbag.
Things had first turned sour when Ms
Regan was said to have taken Mrs Beck-
ham’s side amid the former Spice Girl’s fall-
out with Ms Peltz.
One source close to the women said:
‘There were tensions between Nicola and
Mia – they come from really, really differ-

‘Victoria is keen for

everyone to get on’

ent places. Nicola is from a family of billion-

aires in the US and Mia is from Somerset
and is very down to earth.
‘Then they were thrown together as part
of the Beckham family, so perhaps there
were always going to be difficulties.
While Nicola and Victoria had a tricky
relationship, Victoria and Mia are very
close and even released a clothing range
together. But time is a healer and the girls
decided to have a night out together.’
They added: ‘While Victoria has had her
own issues with Nicola in the past, she is
keen for everyone to get on.’ Ms Regan
has been dating Romeo, 21, for three years
but they split for a short time last year.
Ms Peltz and Mrs Beckham ended their
high-profile feud, prompted by the fashion
designer being unable to make her daugh-
ter-in-law a wedding dress in time for the Warm embrace:
ceremony last year. Mia Regan, left,
Having also put that battle to bed with a
with Nicola Peltz
APRIL public embrace at a fashion show, it seems
the hottest new accessory is the humble at Paris party
Happy families: With mother-in-law Victoria olive branch.

For healthiest breakfast of all, cook up a kipper

LOVERS of the full English or By Kate Pickles invented by the food industry just lish breakfast is actually not too cado or oily fish, and fibre
a plate of kippers in the Health Editor to make money because break- bad if you make it at home and it’s from vegetables, the body would
morning may have cause fasts are very profitable. not processed.’ get more steady energy and
to celebrate. taining around seven teaspoons of ‘The best breakfast is a savoury The author, whose book Glucose avoid a ‘crash’.
Apparently we should all be eat- breakfast that is based around Goddess was serialised in the Mail Food campaigner Dr Chris van
sugar per glass. protein. Protein is a very earlier this year, said sweet Tulleken, speaking at yesterday’s
ing a savoury breakfast to stay Eating savoury dishes first thing important substance to breakfasts lead to less conference at Goodwood House in
healthy – and should ditch sugary keep us full for longer, stopping eat to keep you very circulating energy. Chichester, said sugary foods
cereals, orange juice and toast. us from snacking to get the next satiated, the body People then ‘interrupt our ability to say I’m
This would avoid the daily sugary fix. No foods are off-limits needs it and we experience a full’, with breakfast cereals being
‘rollercoaster’ of sugar highs and but need eating in the right quan- don’t eat nearly sugar – or glu- some of the worst offenders.
lows, according to a leading gut tities and at the right time of day, enough of it. c o s e – l o w, It comes after landmark research
health expert. she added. ‘ Yo u can which can revealed Britain is facing ‘a tidal
Jessie Inchauspe, a French bio- She told Randox’s Cost of Poor have leftovers cause tired- wave of harm’ from ultra-proc-
chemist, said the British have Nutrition conference: ‘People have from your din- ness, hunger essed food, with millions at risk of
been duped into reaching for sug- told you for a very long time “have ner for break- and also heart problems. A study presented
ary breakfasts by ‘marketing an orange juice in a morning, it fast – so maybe increase crav- at the European Society of Cardi-
which has lied to us for decades’. will give you energy”, “breakfast you had fish, veg ings. By switch- ology Congress found those who
She said she would ‘eradicate should be sweet – it should be and fritters – have ing to something eat the most mass-produced foods
orange juice’, which has been sold pastries, cereal” but it’s all lies. that instead. with more protein, are 24 per cent more likely to suf-
as healthy, despite typically con- ‘Eating sweet breakfasts was ‘The full Eng- such as egg, fat like avo- fer a heart attack and stroke.
Page 4 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Alarming £114bn bill shows we’re paying more than EVER

Didn’t the Tories used

to be party of tax cuts?
By John-Paul Ford Rojas
Associate City Editor
TAXPAYERS are facing a bill of
£114 billion in what is on course  Total tax  Total tax take  Projected in 2024/25 if tax
to become the biggest tax- take in 2019/20 projected in 2024/25 burden had stayed the same

£744bn £996bn
raising Parliament on record, a
shock report has warned.
By next year’s election, the Govern-
ment will be raising the huge extra sum
– which amounts to £3,500 per house- Source: IFS/OBR
hold – over and above what it would
have received had the tax burden stayed
at 2019 levels, analysis by the Institute
for Fiscal Studies (IFS) shows.
Ben Zaranko, senior research fellow at
the IFS, said: ‘It is likely that this Par-
liament will mark a decisive and perma- WILL BE COMING FROM IN 2024/25
nent shift to a higher tax economy.’
The report will add to the pressure
from Tory MPs on Chancellor Jeremy
Hunt to cut taxes.
Stealth taxes – where households are  Income tax £282.2bn  Inheritance £7.2bn
dragged into higher bands – and a big
 (2019/20) (£192.4bn) TAX
 (2019/20) (£5.1bn)
increase in corporation tax are among
the key policies being blamed.
The tax burden is expected to rise to
 National
about 37 per cent of national income,
insurance £176.4bn  Stamp
up by 4.2 percentage points over the
course of the Parliament. That would
(£143.7bn) duty
be the highest increase since records  (2019/20) £
‘Some unwinding  VAT £167.9bn
 (2019/20) (£12.5bn)
of austerity’ VAT  (2019/20) (£134.7bn)
 Capital £19.5bn
began in the 1950s. The next biggest
increase, of 2.9 percentage points, was £  Corporation £90.7bn gains tax
during Tony Blair’s first term as Labour tax  (2019/20) (£9.8bn)
prime minister from 1997 to 2001.
‘The Government may decide to  (2019/20) (£48bn) Source: OBR
announce tax cuts in the run-up to the
next election,’ the report said. ‘But there
is no world in which this Parliament – or
indeed the period since Rishi Sunak
became Prime Minister – turns out to be EXAMPLES OF WHERE YOUR MONEY
anything other than a tax-raising one.’
Tory MP Sir John Redwood, a former
trade minister who has been among
those pressing for tax cuts, said: ‘We
are spending too much and getting too (AND WHAT THEY WERE IN 2019/20)
little back for it. We are taxing too
 Pension  NHS
much and we are not growing fast
enough. When you grow faster you’ll
and benefits £307bn England £165.9bn
get more tax revenues.’
Sir John argued that easing the bur-
den of tax rules that are holding back  (2019/20) (£228bn)  (2019/20) (£124bn)
self-employed workers and small busi-
nesses would help to unlock growth,
and the ‘rip-off’ of fuel taxes also
needed to be addressed as rising of GDP from 33.1 per cent in 2019/20 calculates that if the tax burden But wider measures of govern- tax-raising Parliament since at
oil prices threaten to push up – when Boris Johnson won his land- had been held constant at 2019 ment revenues, which date back least the Second World War.
motorists’ costs at the pumps. slide general election victory – to a levels, the figure for would have further, suggest the increases seen ‘It reflects decisions to increase
The IFS calculation is based on projected 37.3 per cent in 2024/25. been around £882 billion. since 2019 are unprecedented in government spending, in part
official forecasts pointing to an That is based on a total tax take Comparable records for tax peacetime. Mr Zaranko said: ‘It driven by demographic change,
increase in tax revenues as a share of £996 billion in 2024/25. The IFS receipts go back only to the 1950s. looks nailed on to be the biggest pressures on the health service,
and some unwinding of austerity.’
The analysis by the IFS suggests

Mortgage boost as five-year deals fall below 6%

that Conservative governments
will have been responsible for both
the biggest increase in the tax
burden and the biggest fall – when
THE average five-year fixed-rate mortgage up to 0.25 percentage points. The nation’s it was cut by more than 5 percent-
By Adele Cooke age points under the Churchill
has fallen below 6 per cent for the first Money Mail Reporter largest lender, Halifax, will cut the price of government of 1951-55.
time in almost three months. two and five-year deals from Monday. Over six parliaments under
In a welcome boost to homeowners, the spective buyers put off purchasing a home David Hollingworth, of broker L&C, said the Labour-led administrations since
typical deal is now 5.99 per cent, according because of the higher cost of borrowing. market ‘is looking a lot more positive for the 1950s, only one cut the tax bur-
to rate scrutineer MoneyfactsCompare. Mortgage rates have soared since the borrowers’. But those with a fixed-rate deal den. Under eight Tory-led admin-
The last time the average five-year home Bank of England began hiking its base rate expiring soon are still likely to face much istrations up to the 1990s, only two
loan was below 6 per cent was on July 3, in a bid to tame inflation, which now stands higher payments when they remortgage. increased the tax burden.
with rates down from a peak of 6.37 per at 6.7 per cent. But last week the Bank Just two years ago the average five-year A Treasury spokesman said:
cent on August 1. Two-year fixes have also voted to keep its base rate at 5.25 per cent fixed rate was at 2.63 per cent. A home- ‘Driving down inflation is the most
effective tax cut we can deliver
fallen to an average of 6.5 per cent. in a sign interest rates may have peaked. owner with a £150,000, 25-year mortgage right now, which is why we are
Falling rates will offer some relief to the Barclays reduced its two-year fixes by up would now pay £283 a month more. And sticking to our plan to halve it,
800,000 homeowners due to remortgage to 0.6 percentage points yesterday, while average standard variable rate mortgages rather than making it worse by bor-
before the end of the year, as well as pro- NatWest has lowered several fixed rates by now sit at a 16-year high of 8.09 per cent. rowing money to fund tax cuts.’
Comment – Page 14
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 5

Centuries-old icon and star of Robin Hood movie

Glowing: The glorious tree catches the evening light while in full leaf in 2020 Prince of Trees: Kevin Costner filming his 1991 Robin Hood under the sycamore

Continued from Page One

Wall UNESCO world heritage site, it has

drawn walkers and visitors from all over
the globe. And in 2016 it was named Tree
of the Year by the Woodland Trust.
Photographs yesterday showed the syc-
amore, which is in an isolated spot almost
a mile from the nearest road, on its side
with its trunk resting on the wall and sur-
rounded by blue and white police tape.
Spray paint could be seen just below the
cut in the trunk.
News of the felling provoked a furious
reaction from politicians, environmen-
talists and the public. Many said they
felt ‘appalled’ and ‘saddened’ at the loss
of such a feature of the landscape.
‘This is a heartbreaking act of mindless
vandalism of a much loved, famous land-
mark in the North East,’ said Mary Foy, Toppled: Officials inspect the severed
Labour MP for Durham. ‘A very sad day trunk lying on Hadrian’s Wall yesterday
which will upset so many people around
the country – and across the world.’
Si King, the TV cook and Hairy Biker,
posted a video online accusing the
‘warped’ culprit of ‘murdering a sentinel
of time and an elemental spirit of
Jamie Driscoll, North of Tyne mayor,
said the perpetrator must be brought to
justice: ‘People have had their ashes
scattered there.
‘People have proposed there. I’ve pic-
nicked there with my wife and kids. It’s
part of our collective soul.’
Confirming that the tree had been
deliberately felled, a spokesman for

‘Murdering a
sentinel of time’
Northumberland National Park said:
‘Sadly, the famous tree at Sycamore Gap
has come down overnight. We have rea-
son to believe it has been deliberately
felled. We are working with the relevant
agencies and partners with an interest
in this iconic North East landmark.’
Officials warned against visiting the
site, near Crag Lough, but yesterday
walkers gathered to see the destruction
for themselves. One woman laid a single
pink rose close to the stump.
Andrew Poad of the National Trust,
which jointly looks after the site with the
national park, expressed ‘deep shock’.
Matt Brown, 37, of the nearby Twice
Brewed brewery, said the tree
appeared to have been cut down

Sycamore admired by countless hikers

‘in an act of malice’ by someone
who knew how to handle a large
chainsaw. Telegraph: ‘Most broadleaf trees
‘It was quite a shock to see it lying that are cut down will sprout back
there,’ he said. ‘That tree is a real NESTLED in the dramatic dip in Hadrian’s Wall, lar route for hikers close to Milecastle 39, known up into multi-stemmed trees.’
icon. To those of us born in this the iconic sycamore is thought to have been as Castle Nick, which since 1987 has been a But gardener and broadcaster
area, it really means something. planted around 300 years ago. UNESCO world heritage site. Alan Titchmarsh said: ‘It may well
‘It looks as though it has been It was originally part of a cluster of trees, but The gap is essentially a channel, naturally re-grow but it will most likely
cut through with one stroke, over time these were removed, leaving it to chipped away by vast amounts of meltwater become multi-stemmed and not
which means the blade must have stand alone as an 118ft monument in the North- flowing beneath the ice sheets that once cov- nearly so statuesque. It would really
been about two metres long. umberland landscape. As well as appearing in ered the area during the Ice Age. be better if a new one was planted,
‘It seems to be a thought-out and carefully watched over.’
and planned act. The tree can be
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, it has been seen in The area around the tree has been excavated The sycamore is thought to have
seen from the old military road crime drama Vera and in Robson Green’s docu- twice, in 1908 and 1982, when archaeologists dis- been planted in the early 1700s.
but to access it you have to climb mentary More Tales from Northumberland. covered an ancient stone oven in the south-east Superintendent Kevin Waring of
over barbed wire and walk through The tree sits next to the Roman wall on a popu- corner and other Roman artefacts. Northumbria Police said: ‘If you
marshy ground for a mile. have seen or heard anything sus-
‘This is someone who knows how picious that may be of interest to
to fell trees and made sure it top- would have to be a disturbed indi- a part of the North East. It’s like be possible to protect the stump us, please let us know.’
pled in the right direction.’ vidual to do something that delib- cutting down the Tyne Bridge.’ so that the tree could regrow. The Alison Hawkins, a walker who
Jack Taylor of the Woodland erate and heinous.’ Since January the illegal felling organisation is looking into gath- was one of the first to see the dam-
Trust told the BBC: ‘If it’s been Photographer Ian Sproat, 42, of trees has been punishable with ering the seeds. age, said: ‘It was a proper shock.
deliberately felled, as reports sug- said he felt his ‘heart was ripped unlimited fines and prison terms. Tristan Gooley, author of How It’s the iconic picture that every-
gest, it’s totally unforgivable. It out’, adding: ‘They have destroyed The National Trust said it might To Read A Tree, told the Daily one wants to see.’
Page 6 V1 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

We’re struggling to
comprehend what
has happened to
our beautiful
daughter Elianne
Parents’ grief at 15-year-old’s murder

Tears: Elianne’s aunt Marian with Victim: Elianne Andam was murdered on her way to school
the Bishop of Croydon
By Andy Jehring
and James Fielding Family who worked so hard
THE heartbroken mother of a
girl stabbed to death going to
to pay her £20,000 school fees
school broke down in tears yes- ELIANNE Andam’s aunt told 45, is a specialist nurse in child
terday as she laid flowers at the yesterday how the teenager’s safeguarding. The couple live
spot where her daughter died. adoring Christian parents in a two-bedroom flat that cost
Dorcas Andam was consoled by worked to fund her dreams of them £62,000 in 1999.
husband Michael and dozens of rela- becoming a lawyer. Mrs Andam’s sister Marian
tives as they paid their respects to Michael and Dorcas Andam said: ‘Elianne went to private
aspiring lawyer Elianne, 15. sent their bright 15-year-old school paid for by my sister and
It is claimed the keen gymnast and daughter to Old Palace of John had a great future ahead of
cheerleader died as she stepped in to Whitgift School in Croydon, her. You just can’t comprehend
defend her friend who was attacked as
she got off a bus in Croydon, south Lon- where fees are £20,000 a year. the heartbreak of the last 24
don, at 8.30am on Wednesday. Dr Andam, 52, is a care home hours, how Elianne went to
Elianne was on her way to classes at manager who holds a doctor- school and never came home.’
Old Palace of John Whitgift private ate in Christian education and When Dr Andam set up his
school when she was killed – leaving her set up a religious youth charity charity he said: ‘I saw many
loved ones devastated. in response to the 2011 riots. people looting with energy.
Yesterday evening around 30 relatives He was born in Lewisham but ‘It’s time to channel energy
held a vigil at the city centre bus stop attended school in Ghana for the right purpose through
where she died, laying flowers as they Vigil: Elianne’s mother, circled, leads mourners at the
consoled one another.
before returning. Mrs Andam, positive youth activities.’
Bishop of Croydon, Rosemarie scene of her daughter’s death in Croydon yesterday
Mallett, read a powerful family
statement alongside Elianne’s Elianne’s dreams of becoming a they were so close. She always anne. Police arrested a 17-year-old you because she was just perfect.’
aunt Marian. lawyer ‘have now been shattered’. looked after him. He is going to be boy at New Addington tram sta- The senseless killing has reignited
‘We, as a family are struggling to The GCSE student’s senseless so heartbroken.’ tion an hour later. He was in cus- anger over the knife crime epi-
comprehend this painful tragedy stabbing has shocked the nation Witnesses said Elianne was killed tody last night. Friends paid trib- demic sweeping London with
that has happened to our beautiful with Rishi Sunak yesterday saying after intervening in a row between ute to the victim last night, with Croydon among the worst areas in
daughter and beloved sister Eli- a friend and a boy as they got off one writing: ‘Elianne died saving
the number 60 bus. her friend. She died for the people
anne,’ she said. ‘Our hearts are
broken. We are overwhelmed by ‘Died for those she The boy is said to have tried to she loved the most.
sorrow and grief but our faith in loved the most’ offer the other girl flowers and a ‘She was there for her friends and shocking’
the Lord is strengthening us.’ love letter to get back together family in a second, she made peo-
The statement described Elianne with her but was rejected. ple laugh with her annoying jokes
as ‘a beautiful person inside and he was appalled. Elianne has a six- Elianne was stabbed in the neck and was a right hand to the people the capital. Mr Sunak called for
out’ who was ‘intelligent, thought- year-old brother who she helped with a ‘sword-like’ zombie knife as she loved the most.’ longer sentences for ‘the most hei-
ful, kind and had a bright future look after. Family friend Adama she tried to stand between them. Another wrote: ‘Elianne is my sis- nous crimes’.
ahead of her’. Dumbuya, 30, said: ‘I just can’t A bus driver tried to revive her ter, no words could even describe The Prime Minister told the BBC:
Hours earlier they had told how imagine what he is going to be like. and emergency services dashed to the person she was. People who ‘It just illustrates the importance
their ‘lives have fallen apart’ while She had a little brother. I know the scene but could not save Eli- met her can’t even describe her to of clamping down on knife crime.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 7

The 15 other teens who were murdered in London this year


Tiffany Regis, 15, died in a fire Chima Osuji, 17, was fatally Tyler McDermott, 17, died after Wazabakana Elenda Jordan Renell Charles, 16, was fatally
in a block of flats in Beckton stabbed by a knife-wielding being found with a gunshot Kukabu, 18, was stabbed to knifed in an ambush near his
that police treated as arson pursuer in Chingford wound in Tottenham death in Dagenham school in Walthamstow


Khaled Saleh, 17, was found Victor Lee, 17, was found Leonardo Reid, 15, was killed Andre Salmon, 18, was fatally Rahaan Ahmed Amin, 16, was
with fatal stab wounds in stabbed to death in a canal during the shooting of a shot in the chest while riding stabbed to death in the heart
Paddington Green near Willesden Junction music video in Archway his moped in Tottenham in West Ham Park


Claudyo Jauad Lafayette, 17, Stefan Valentine Balaban, 19, Yusuf Mohamoud, 18, was Anis Omar Zen, 19 and from Max Moy Wheatley, 19, was
was killed in a street fight suffered a fatal stab wound found with fatal knife wounds Harrow, was fatally stabbed stabbed to death in Jubilee
after a party in Kilburn to his chest in Edgware near a Finchley supermarket in nearby Stanmore Country Park in Petts Wood

The idea that a girl not much older entered a room you knew she was
than my own kids would have their
life just cruelly ended in that way is
absolutely shocking.’
Transport minister Richard
there. And her friends, as you can
imagine, were sobbing. They were
so emotional.’
Detective Chief Inspector Rebecca
Boy, 15, locked up for knifing teacher
Holden said London mayor Sadiq Woodsford, who is leading the A MASKED teenager who teacher Jamie Sansom, 27, at a motive, admitted attempting
Khan must focus on knife crime. investigation, said: ‘My thoughts brought terror to a school by Tewkesbury Academy. to unlawfully wound as well as
But Mr Khan hit back, accusing and the thoughts of my team are stabbing a teacher was locked The Gloucestershire school possession of a blade.
the Tories of using the alleged mur- with Elianne’s family.’ She said up for 14 months yesterday. was put into lockdown for four He was given a 14-month
der ‘as a political football’. officers were making good progress The 15-year-old, who cannot hours with teachers barricad- detention and training order at
Elianne’s friends were said to be and were confident the attack hap- be named for legal reasons, ing pupils in classrooms. Bristol Magistrates’ Court.
sobbing and ‘so emotional’ at her pened near the bus stop rather
school yesterday, according to than on the bus. A post mortem went equipped with a snood Mr Sansom suffered a punc- ‘This is something you see on
Donna Murray-Turner, chairman was conducted yesterday. and a hooded top to cover his ture wound to the stomach and the television about America –
of the local safer neighbourhood Comment – Page 14 face with a six-inch knife from was treated at hospital. not Tewkesbury,’ district judge
board. She said: ‘Staff, teachers, Additional reporting: Sam home. He used it to stab maths The boy, who has never given Lynne Matthews told him.
talked about when Elianne Merriman and Jacob Dirnhuber
Page 8 V1 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

By Kumail Jaffer
Political Reporter
Sunak’s fightback
in war on motorists
RISHI Sunak is set to
unveil pro-motorist
measures limiting council
powers to impose 20mph
zones and levy fines from
traffic cameras.
The Prime Minister is hop-
ing to gain support from driv-
ers by announcing a ‘Plan for

He’ll curb councils’ powers to impose

Motorists’ at the Tory confer- At the time, the Daily Mail revealed
ence early next week. how the rollout of green traffic
His pledges are set to include schemes was set to be slowed or even
a restriction on the number of reversed under government plans for

20mph speed limit and issue penalties

hours a day that cars are a ‘new deal for the motorist’.
banned from bus lanes and Ministers are also considering a
curbing the use of number plate big expansion of funding to fill in
recognition cameras. potholes. A Tory source said:
Local authorities are also set to ‘Labour are vulnerable on this stuff
be limited in their ability to levy Transport source described the policies enforced by local between the Tories and Labour by because they do not understand
fines and raise revenue from traf- reported policies, which have not authorities and has already portraying the Government as how ordinary people live.
fic cameras and enforcing box yet been discussed with councils, ordered a review into low-traffic being on the side of drivers. ‘When you look at how they act in
junction infringements, accord- as ‘speculation’. neighbourhoods (LTNs). Last night Mr Sunak said he will power, whether it’s London or Wales
ing to The Guardian. Mr Sunak has already pledged It is believed to be part of a ‘probably be driving’ to Manchester or Oxford, they just want to penal-
Last night a Department for to crack down on ‘anti-motorist’ strategy to draw a dividing line for the party’s annual conference, ise drivers at every turn. We have an
which starts this Sunday, due to opportunity here to stand up for
train strikes. those people.’ In the Uxbridge by-
He also told BBC Radio Manches- election this summer, Labour were
ter that the ‘vast majority of the
journeys that people make are in
their cars. The journeys that people ‘Making lives
use in Greater Manchester and
across the North, it’s in their cars, a misery’
right now, getting to work, taking
their kids to school. punished by voters after London
‘Making sure the roads are free of
Mayor Sadiq Khan pressed on with
potholes, that’s priority number one
people raise with me,’ he added. the expansion of the capital’s Ultra
The reports come just days after Low Emission Zone (Ulez), which
the PM announced a relaxation of imposes a £12.50 daily levy on non-
Net Zero policies, including delay- compliant vehicles.
ing a ban on the sale of new petrol This week, Welsh deputy climate
and diesel cars from 2030 to 2035. change minister Lee Waters faced a
Speaking in July, Mr Sunak said: no-confidence vote after leading
‘The vast majority of people in the the introduction of a new default
country use their cars to get around 20mph speed limit, although the
and are dependent on their cars.’ bid to have him sacked failed.
He said: ‘When I’m lucky enough Bob Bull, chairman of the Alliance
to get home to North Yorkshire, it’s of British Drivers, said: ‘This would
more representative of how most be a welcome shift in attitude from
of the country is living, where cars the Government.
are important. ‘Overzealous council leaders
‘I just want to make sure people across the country have proved that
know that I’m on their side in sup- they cannot be trusted to imple-
porting them to use their cars to do ment sensible transport policy. They
all the things that matter to them.’ have made drivers’ lives a misery.’ clamping firms

saddle drivers with
30,400 fines A DAY
MOTORISTS were hit with a record By David Churchill
30,400 parking tickets every day Chief Political Correspondent
last year, figures show.
The 29 per cent surge in threatened a judicial review of
fines compared to the year the proposals, which included
before comes despite ministers slashing the maximum fines from
promising to crack down on pri- £100 to £50.
vate operators. It is believed officials may now
The shocking statistics released have found a legally watertight
yesterday show that private com- way to bring in the proposals.
panies issued a record 11.1million RAC Foundation director Steve
tickets in the year 2022-2023 – an Gooding said of the surge in park-
average of 30,410 a day or ing fines: ‘Something is seriously
21 every minute. awry, creating distress for drivers
It means ruthless parking firms and hassle for legitimate parking
issued demands for up to £1.1bil- managers alike.’
lion in fines. The fig- Jack Cousens, head of
ures apply only to roads policy for the AA,
car parks run by pri- said: ‘Private parking
vate firms, not firms are acting like
councils. sharks – attacking driv-
Ministers face ers in the hope that
renewed calls to get innocent victims simply
tough on parking pay up rather than
firms, who were last challenge the charge.’
night accused of act- Levelling Up Secre-
ing like ‘sharks’. The tary Michael Gove,
Government last year whose department has
withdrew key parts of drawn up the code,
a long-awaited code said: ‘Our new Private
of practice aimed at Parking Code of Prac-
protecting drivers. tice will [deliver] a
Ministers caved in much fairer system for
after parking firms drivers.’
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 9

Mopping f loor can give you clean bill of health

iT will come as welcome news to those By Xantha Leatham mortality risk of 44 per cent. The frequency ity being part of a person’s daily routine can
who aren’t regulars at the gym or don’t Deputy Science Editor of the activity was also found to protect make exercise seem much more accessible
like the idea of heading out for a run. against health problems, with those who to those who are unable or unwilling to take
For short bursts of everyday exercise like huffed and puffed for at least ten seconds part in sports or workouts.
mopping the floor or walking up flights of compared with the activity records. it was per minute seeing the greatest benefit. Co-lead author Dr Matthew Ahmadi said:
stairs can be enough to cut your risk of discovered that even the shortest of bouts of Prof emmanuel Stamatakis, who led the ‘The take-home message here is any type of
heart attacks and strokes, a study shows. movement – at a moderate to vigorous inten- study at Sydney University, said: ‘From activity is good for your health, but the
Researchers gave 25,000 ‘non-exercisers’ sity – were linked to a steep decrease in the walking up the stairs to speedily mopping more effort you put into those daily tasks
wrist devices which measured their daily risk of life-threatening conditions. the floors, in recent years we’ve come to and the longer you keep up that energy, the
activity, recording the length of the tasks However, the benefits do not kick in until understand it is not just structured exercise more benefits you are likely to reap.’
and how vigorously they were carried out. at least a minute of activity, with consistent that is good for our health, but we know very WATCHinG television can be good for
The majority of this activity was in bouts movement of up to three minutes shown to little about how these short bouts of inci- you, as seeing your favourite shows can
lasting less than ten minutes, it was found. cut the risk of heart attacks and strokes by dental activity translate to health benefits.’ increase happiness, a study by Radio Times
The medical records of those who took part 29 per cent compared with those doing The study, published in The Lancet Public found – with levels of anxiety also decreas-
were then followed over eight years and under a minute. it also led to a decreased Health journal, said the idea of brisk activ- ing immediately after viewing.

By Paul Revoir
Media Editor

GARY LinekeR has been

given the green light by the BBC
to carry on giving his political
views on social media, despite
the impartiality crisis sparked
by his anti-Tory tweets.
The BBC yesterday revealed how
Lineker 1 - BBC 0
Fudge by bosses leaves host free to air
political views, despite his anti-Tory
in its updated rules, stars on ‘flag-
ship programmes’ will be ‘free to
express opinions about the issues
that matter’ to them, including on
‘issues that may be the subject of

tweets that sparked impartiality row

public political debate’.
The updated guidance follows a
review ordered after the Match of the
Day host compared the language used
in the Government’s migration crack-
down to nazi Germany.
The new guidelines make clear that
top stars cannot ‘endorse or attack a
political party’ or ‘criticise the charac-
ter of individual politicians in the Uk’ HIS CONTENTIOUS WORDS
during the period in which their shows
are running on television schedules. OCT 2016 t r t s s y n suppos r u s
The new rules also state that these n C s oo o r t n 8 tw ts:
high-profile presenters cannot com- ‘T tr t nt y so tow r s t s youn r u s
ment on an issue that is ‘a matter of s ous y r st.
political debate’ during general elec-
tions and referendums. FEB 2022 Tw ts out L z Truss: ‘An r p rty w
The BBC said the specific guidance n t r on t ons ro Russ n onors?
for flagship programmes ‘recognises the
importance of freedom of expression’. AUG 2022 H r t s s Tory s t on tw t n :
But critics have accused the BBC of ‘As po t n ow ou you v r un r ny
‘empowering’ the presenter to con- r u st n s r n yours to vot or pu p n
tinue tweeting about highly-conten- s w nto our s s?
tious issues through the open-
ended and poorly defined JAN 14, 2023 H r tw ts post n Ho S r t ry
guidelines. Su Br v r n ‘utt r y vo o s ns ty t r r
And, because the rules only apply x n w t Ho o ust surv vor.
to ‘flagship programmes’, many well-
FEB 15 H posts ro rport rr v s: ‘Anot r
‘I think it probably is onst r qu u t usto s t Europ n ty n xt to
s rt n s or EU rs. T ts o Br x t.
a win for Gary’
FEB 20 S r s v o n or r nts
rr v n on s o ts to r nt t z ns p:
known BBC hosts are not covered,
including Springwatch star Chris ‘ y v t to st r n ot w t t r-R t
Packham, who has publicly defended s r n us t t ?Gv t st tus n
eco-activists breaking the law. tt on .
Former head of the corporation’s edi-
torial policy Richard Ayre said on BBC FEB 27 App rs to o R s Sun s n r EU
news: ‘The fact that Gary Lineker has Nort rn Ir n : ‘So w r tt n Br x t on ... n.
welcomed these guidelines tells you MAR 7 H s Mrs Br v r ns sur s to stop t
quite a lot about what Gary thinks
about them. i think he must believe s o ts ‘ yon w u n ‘ n sur y
that they empower him to say pretty ru po y r t tt ost vu n r p op n
much what he has already said.’ n u t t s not ss r to t t us y
He added: ‘i suspect Gary will feel G r ny n t 30s...
able to continue to say the sort of
things he said before, i think it proba- Flagship shows (and their
bly is a win for Gary Lineker.’
BBC staff working in news and cur-
Gary Lineker
presenters) under new rules...
rent affairs and factual journalism will 1 Ant qu s Ro s ow F on Bru
still have to abide by stricter
rules on impartiality than tors and pundits to boycott they are going to pay extraor- new requirements for pre- 2 The Apprentice Lord Sugar
other types of on-air stars. the corporation’s shows. dinary amounts of money to senters of our flagship pro- 3 Dr ons D n Ev n D v s
The new rules come after a BBC director-general Tim presenters, they should be grammes, is both proportion- 4 The One Show Alex Jones
review was carried out by Davie ended the crisis by politically neutral. i don’t want ate and fair and protects
former iTn chief executive reinstating Lineker and to know what their political these commitments.’ 5 M st r Jo n Toro & Gr
John Hardie into the issue. promising a review into the views are.’ Mr Ayre said that the guide- 6 Match Gary Lineker
This came in the wake of the guidelines, which he had Setting out his recommen- lines were so open to inter- of the Day & Mark Chapman
impartiality crisis sparked in admitted were affected by dations, Mr Hardie said: pretation, it was possible
March when Lineker used ‘grey areas’. ‘High-profile presenters out- that the tweet comparing a 7 Str t y Co T ss D y &
social media to compare the But for many the new rules side of journalism should be Government minister’s rhet- D n n C u n n
language used in the Govern- have done little to settle the able to express views on issues oric to nazi propaganda may
ment’s migration crackdown issue over the guidelines over and policies – including mat- well be allowed under the 8 Radio 1 Greg James (breakfast)
to ‘1930s Germany’. the social media activity of ters of political contention – new rules. 9R o2 o B ( r st
The BBC stood the Match of BBC stars, with complaints but stop well short of cam- He said: ‘i don’t see any- rnon K y ( - orn n
the Day host down from the they are still confusing. paigning in party politics or thing in the new guidelines & S ott M s ( t rnoon
show following the comment, Tory MP Peter Bone said: ‘in for activist organisations’. which will stop him from say-
ing that again.’
*Some of these presenters are already covered by guidance
which prompted other BBC my book if we are going to Mr Davie said: ‘The new for news and current affairs hosts
sport presenters, commenta- have a state broadcaster and guidance, which includes Comment – Page 14
Page 10 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Perverts’ charter
‘at risk’ over
5-day wait to
By Rebecca Camber
Crime and Security Editor
Fears over anonymity law be induced
By Shaun Wooller
A NEW anonymity law for Health Editor
suspected sex offenders
came into force in North-
ern Ireland yesterday
on sex abuse suspects that PREGNANT women are waiting
up to five days to be induced

would mean monsters like

which would have made it because of maternity staffing
illegal to call Jimmy Savile shortages, a report reveals.
a paedophile. Inspectors and managers have
The draconian legislation, identified issues at ten hospitals

Savile couldn’t be named

which introduces a blanket amid fears the delays are putting
ban on the identification of women and their babies at risk.
sex offender suspects until 25 Seven hospitals have been
years after their death if they issued with warnings by the
are not charged, was media groups and lawyers not improve confidence in the Care Quality Commission since
described as an ‘affront to
warned the prohibition on iden- criminal justice system – it will last year and three have
tifying suspects would have a have the total opposite effect.’ reported problems in board
open justice’ yesterday. disastrous impact on prosecu- Belfast media lawyer Fergal
Under the law, reporters would papers. In some cases, women
tions, preventing victims and McGoldrick said: ‘The unin- classed as ‘high risk’ waited five
have faced the prospect of a six- tended consequence may be
witnesses from coming forward. days for the inducing of labour.
month jail sentence just for that police can only obtain infor-
naming Savile, the late TV pre- The law, passed by the devolved The procedure is encouraged
Stormont Assembly in March mation from one complainant,
senter, as a notorious sexual since no other victims or wit- if babies are overdue, or if there
predator. The Bill, which came 2022, would prohibit the naming
of suspects currently under nesses would have knowledge of are risks due to conditions such
into force yesterday, will also the police investigation.’ as high blood pressure. In other
exclude the public from rape police investigation such as
It follows a review of proce- cases, women were forced to
and other sexual offence trials. dures relating to sexual offences wait more than 48 hours to be
The anonymity applies from
the point when either an allega-
‘An affront to led by retired senior judge Sir transferred to the delivery
John Gillen after a rape trial of
tion about the suspect is made open justice’ two former Ulster rugby players,
suite after the process had been
to the police, or the police take Paddy Jackson and Stuart Old- started. Carolyn Jenkinson at
steps to investigate the suspect. comedian Russell Brand. Any- ing, ended in their acquittal. the CQC said they had also found
Northern Ireland is the first one who breaks the law faces the Sir John had noted the ‘utter ‘a lack of effective monitoring
area in the UK to introduce the prospect of a six-month prison humiliation of being obliged to during periods of delay’.
restrictions. But the Law Com- sentence and/or a fine of £5,000. recite the most intimate and Birte Harlev-Lam, executive
mission, which recommends Dawn Alford, head of the Soci- distressing details of their expe- director midwife at the Royal
legal reform to Parliament, is ety of Editors, said the laws ‘are riences before, potentially, a College of Midwives, said ‘well-
consulting on similar measures not only an affront to open jus- packed courtroom’.
for England and Wales, where tice, but they will have a devas- ‘It was one of a number of fac-
known staffing and resource
there could be an ‘automatic tating effect on the reporting of tors deterring victims from issues’ mean there ‘may some-
entitlement’ for rape victims to sexual abuse allegations and the engaging in the criminal justice times be a delay, which is why
exclude members of the public willingness of victims to come process. That particular fear has effective monitoring by mid-
when giving evidence. Yesterday forward. Today’s new law will now been removed,’ he said. Notorious: Paedophile Jimmy Savile wives is so important’.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 11

Helen puts on brave face after film role row

SHE suffered a torrent of abuse By Katie Hind
for playing a role that many Consultant Editor Showbusiness
believed should have been
given to a Jewish actress. forces, led by Egypt, attacked
But last night Helen Mirren Israel during its holiest time of
was all smiles in the face of criti- the year. Ms Mirren admitted
cism as she attended a screen- that playing the role despite
ing of the much-anticipated having no connections to Juda-
Golda movie in London. ism has been met with ‘utterly
The actress, who stars as Isra- legitimate’ criticism.
el’s first female prime minister ‘It was certainly a question I
Golda Meir, wore a chic black had, before I accepted the role.
velvet suit with a white blouse. I said, “Look Guy, I’m not Jew-
Ms Mirren, 78, has been lam- ish, and if you want to think
basted for using prosthetics to about that, and decide to go in
appear like a Jewish woman. a different direction, I will abso-
She went through up to three lutely understand,”’ she said.
hours of preparation a day to ‘It was an adventure. I got so
transform herself into the used to being that person in the
chain-smoking Meir. daytime that when the make-
The biopic by Guy Nattiv takes up all came off and I saw myself
place during the 19-day Yom as I am, I’d forgotten that was
Kippur War of 1973, when Arab what I looked like.’ Backlash: Playing Golda Meir

MMR warning
to parents as jab
uptake plunges
to a 13-year low
Daily Mail Reporter
PARENTS have been urged Women ‘more likely to be
to get their children vacci-
nated against life-threatening
diseases after jabs fell to their
ill after flu shot than men’
lowest level in over a decade. WOMEN are more likely to By Victoria Allen
The number of children who had suffer reactions such as a Science Editor
received their first MMR vaccine fever, headache or a pain-
fell to 92.5 per cent in 2022/23, the ful arm after their flu jab pain or swelling. In this age
smallest proportion since 2010/11, than men. group, women were also 27
according to figures from NHS Female immune systems per cent more likely to have
England and the UK Health and may react more strongly to a ‘systemic reaction’ such
Security Agency (UKHSA). vaccinations, making side as fever or a headache.
And just 84.5 per cent of five-year-olds effects more common, sci- The study, published in the
had received their second dose of the entists believe. Journal of Epidemiology
jab, which protects against measles, and Community Health,
mumps and rubella – also the lowest Researchers analysed data
level in the same period. on more than 34,000 people found women under 65
NHS data revealed no vaccination who took part in 18 studies were also more likely to
programme in England achieved the on reactions to flu jabs. have side effects. But the
uptake recommended by the World Among over-65s, who are authors note that women
Health Organisation (WHO). the largest group to receive are generally more likely to
The WHO recommends that, nation- the flu jab in the UK, women report health problems,
ally, at least 95 per cent of children have were 43 per cent more which may mean their risk
jabs for diseases that can be stopped of reacting to flu jabs
by vaccines to prevent outbreaks. likely to have a problem in
Dr Gayatri Amirthalingam at the their injected arm, such as appears higher.
UKHSA said the downward trend is a
‘serious concern’.
He said: ‘The diseases that these They are also offered the second of the British Society for Immu-
vaccines protect against, such as pneumococcal jab and further nology, said: ‘Measles is one of
measles, polio and meningitis, can protection against meningitis B. the world’s most contagious dis-
be life-changing and even deadly. The second MMR jab is offered eases and cases are currently on
‘No parent wants this for their at three years and four months. the rise in England.
child especially when these dis- In 2022/23, 91.8 per cent of babies ‘We must ensure that vaccina-
eases are easily preventable.’ in England received the 6-in-1 vac- tion rates improve to... give our
Babies are offered immunisa- cine by their first birthday, with communities the best possible
tion against meningitis B and protection available against this
serious illness.’
rotavirus at eight-weeks-old as
well as the six-in-one jab, which
‘Cases are on Earlier this month, NHS Eng-
helps fight polio, tetanus, whoop- the rise’ land warned more than 32,000
ing cough, diphtheria, hepatitis B children in London alone are at
Take a bow: Helen and haemophilus influenzae type risk of catching measles due to
Mirren, 78, wore B (Hib) – a bacteria that can 93.7 per cent up to date with the the decline in vaccination rates.
a black velvet cause life-threatening infections. pneumococcal jab and 91 per cent A Department of Health spokes-
The doses are topped up at 12 protected against meningitis B. man said: ‘We urge parents and
trouser suit and and 16 weeks. Only 88.7 per cent were vacci- carers to check that their chil-
bow at the event One-year-olds should receive nated against rotavirus, which dren are up to date on their vac-
the first MMR jab, along with the can cause diarrhoea in infants. cines and if not they should book
Hib/MenC (meningitis C) vaccine. Dr Doug Brown, chief executive an appointment to catch up.’
Page 12 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Hospital gun rampage

Man, 32, held
after three
people killed
in Rotterdam
By Arthur Parashar

A GUNMAN wearing a bullet-

proof vest opened fire in a class-
room at a Dutch university hospi-
tal and a nearby house yesterday,
killing at least three people.
Terrified students, patients and
health workers ran for their lives out
of the Erasmus Medical Centre, affil-
iated with Erasmus University in the
port city of Rotterdam. Suspect: A man is arrested by armed police
Some patients were wheeled out Terror: Health workers and patients flee the medical centre in Rotterdam
of the building in beds. Others bar- of animal abuse in 2021. In one daughter in a house on Heiman high. My condolences go out to at the shootings. ‘My thoughts are
ricaded themselves in rooms and video posted online, those fleeing Dullaertplein in the west of the the victims – it is a black day.’ with the victims of the violence,
put hand-written signs on windows could be heard screaming after a city. It is understood he then drove Dutch King Willem-Alexander their loved ones and all those who
to show their location. loud bang, while a fire breaks out to the university, less than a mile and Queen Maxima expressed have been in great fear,’ he wrote
A 32-year- old suspect was inside the building. away. Dutch media reported that their sympathy on social media. on X, formerly Twitter.
arrested at the scene. Police said a Footage later showed a man there were fires at the house and ‘Our hearts go out to the family ‘Many thanks to the people of
39-year-old woman, her 14-year-old being arrested by armed police the university hospital. and friends of the victims of the the services for their actions and
daughter, and a 46-year-old teacher after they stormed the building. ‘We have been shocked by a hor- violence this afternoon in Rotter- assistance at the scene.’
at the university were killed. Officers said the suspect, who was rible incident,’ Rotterdam mayor dam,’ the royal couple wrote. ‘We In July, two members of the pub-
Rotterdam’s chief prosecutor reported to be a student at the uni- Ahmed Aboutaleb said. ‘Shots also think of everybody who lived in lic were injured in a shooting at a
said the suspect, who has not yet versity, was carrying a handgun. were fired in two different places fear during these terrible actions.’ summer carnival in Rotterdam.
been named, was known to law The De Telegraaf newspaper in the city. Many people witnessed Dutch prime minister Mark The gunman was shot and injured
enforcement after being convicted said a man shot the mother and it. Emotions in the city are very Rutte expressed his ‘great dismay’ by police officers.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 13

Yours for
£150, the
that’s fit
for a king
By Rebecca English
Royal Editor

IT’S the ultimate gift for royal

fans awaiting the countdown
to Christmas – but it comes
at a king’s ransom.
This year, the Royal Collection
Trust is offering an environmen-
tally friendly reusable red velvet
advent calendar at an eye-water-
ing £150.
Designed as a collector’s item to
be handed down from generation
to generation, the festive decora-
tion is inspired by the facade of
Buckingham Palace.
With distinctive gold stitching and tas-
sels, it also comes with its own special
‘palace pouch’ for storage. Festive: The lavish calendar inspired by the facade of Buckingham Palace
It’s among a special seasonal collection
about to go on sale by the RCT, a depart- a fine bone china bauble marking the King’s ‘lumps of coal’ – £6.95 chocolate-covered
ment of the Royal Household. Coronation costing £60 – hand-made and honeycomb – and a £19.95 guardsman
The organisation is a registered charity decorated in Stoke – and other decorations teddy bear.
which is responsible for the care of the including one featuring the Coronation coat Some collectors may plump for the Royal
priceless collection of art and antiques held of arms for £30, one of a Buckingham Palace Christmas tea towel – a snip at £9.95 – or
in trust by the sovereign on behalf of the fireplace for £25 and another of a Windsor the matching jute shopper at £12.95.
nation, widely considered to be one of the Castle knight, also for £25. There is also a book, entitled Monarch In
largest and most important in the world. There is also a hand-made matching red The Making Accession, about Charles’s
All of the money raised by the sale of their velvet stocking decorated with traditional path from prince to King, for £19.95.
souvenirs and collector’s items is ploughed silk embroidery by artisans in northern The cheapest items include mulled wine
back into their work. India costing £60. spices for £4.95 and ‘chocolate wreaths’ in
Their Christmas range this year includes Some are fun items including royal a matchbox for the princely price of £5.95. History: Monarch In The Making book

Sorry for demeaning you...

Fox issues an apology at last
Ofcom probe
By Paul Revoir Media Editor rules to achieve these objectives.
Contrary to some claims, these
rules remain unchanged.’ It came
LAuRENCE Fox yesterday after former prime minister Gor-
apologised for his highly
as complaints
don Brown told Sky News that
offensive comments about Fox and Wootton ‘have got to be
a female journalist on kept off the air’, while suggesting
that Ofcom needed ‘more teeth’
GB News.

into TV rant
to deal with breaches.
It came as Ofcom launched a Technology Secretary Michelle
formal investigation after Donelan described the exchange
receiving 7,300 complaints as ‘unacceptable and disgraceful’,

at journalist
about Fox’s remarks. while Caroline Nokes, the Com-
The actor-turned-Reclaim Party mons Women and Equalities Com-
leader, 45, was suspended by the mittee chairman, said the channel
broadcaster on Wednesday after should be ‘taken off air’.

reach 7,300
he made vulgar sexual remarks After the discussion aired on
about political reporter Ava Evans,
who works for news website JOE.
Amid a growing sense of crisis
‘Unfortunate lapse
Sexist attack: Laurence Fox Receiving abuse: Ava Evans
surrounding GB News, the TV in judgment’
watchdog yesterday said it would sparked outrage after he said ‘Who While he had originally stood by denied that he was a ‘misogynist’
be probing the episode of Dan would want to s**g that?’ as part his remarks, Fox apologised to Ms and accused GB News of being
of a sexist attack on Ms Evans fol- Evans in a lengthy video state- the ‘home of cancel culture’. But Tuesday night, Wootton ‘unreserv-
Wootton Tonight against rules edly’ apologised for a ‘very unfor-
governing material which may lowing her controversial remarks ment last night. He said: ‘It’s not his comments, which he described
tunate lapse in judgment’.
cause ‘offence’. Fox’s remarks are about male suicide. He also asked right, it’s demeaning to Ava, so as ‘bar-room banter’, left the Yesterday Wootton had his con-
understood to have made it the ‘what self-respecting man’ would I’m sorry for demeaning you in young channel facing its seventh tract terminated by MailOnline. A
second most complained-about ‘climb into bed’ with ‘that woman’, that way, however angry I am with investigation by the regulator, spokesman from the publication’s
moment on television this year. describing her as a ‘little woman’. you still for doing that, and it which had faced criticism over its parent company, DMG Media,
GB News, which is backed by Yesterday Ms Evans, who said demeans me because it’s not rep- delayed response. said: ‘Following events this week,
hedge fund tycoon Paul Marshall, the comments made her feel resentative of who I am. In a bullish statement last night, DMG Media can confirm that Dan
had also suspended Wootton after ‘physically sick’, told Good Morn- ‘I’m not saying any of this stuff Ofcom chief Dame Melanie Dawes Wootton’s freelance column with
Fox released messages appearing ing Britain that she had now because I know I’m going to get said: ‘Parliament sets objectives on MailOnline, which had already
to show the host laughing at his received ‘astounding’ threats in sacked tomorrow. I’m saying it to how the broadcast sector should been paused, has now been termi-
remarks. The former Lewis star direct messages on social media. clear my own conscience.’ He also be regulated. We set and enforce nated, along with his contract.’
Page 14 V1 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Do we really want
True Tories should
end such taxing times tobacconists of the
future to be obliged
GLANCE at the colossal tax burden that
Britain is labouring under and your first
instinct might be to rub your eyes in
disbelief. The second? To recoil in horror.
According to the Institute for Fiscal

to ask 60-year-olds
Studies, the share of GDP extracted by the
Government in tax has soared from 33 per
cent in 2019 to a jaw-dropping 37 per cent.
It is equivalent to hitting every household
with another bill for £3,500. This Parliament
is set to hold the ignominious distinction of

for ID before they’ll

overseeing the steepest tax rise in history.
This alarming state of affairs might be
understandable if Labour, which has never
seen a tax hike it disliked, was in power.
That it has happened under a Tory
government is especially depressing.

sell them 20 Silk Cut?

Successive prime ministers, including
Rishi Sunak, have stated their belief in a
small state and low taxes. Yet their appetite
for delivering them has been roughly zero.
Yes, the Government is up to its eyeballs
in debt, which is why the PM and his
Chancellor are trying to balance the books.
But thanks to tax thresholds being frozen

for years, stealth charges and punishing Yet with the police turning a blind eye to
new levies on companies, property, capital VERY once in a while when those who smoke it publicly, the streets in
gains and much more, the take has reached I was in my 20s, under-age my neck of South London veritably stink
an unacceptable and unsustainable level. schoolboys would accost of the stuff these days, as never before.
Individuals, including those on modest Does anyone seriously think the authori-
incomes, are clobbered ever harder. For me as I went into the tobac- ties would show greater zeal, or enjoy
firms, the outlook is equally bleak as they’re conist for my daily fix of greater success, in stamping out smoking
hit with a huge corporation tax hike. cigarettes and beg me to buy some tobacco among people born before 2009?
If our public services were top class, the for them: ‘Pssst! Mister! If you get If the Prime Minister believes that, he’ll
Treasury’s relentless plundering might be us ten Woodbines, I’ll give you believe anything.
palatable. But they’re shambolic. Which of Mind you, I have a great deal of time for
the cash!’ Mr Sunak. I like his obvious intelligence
us can look around and truly say they are This hasn’t happened to me for many and his reassuring air of unflappable
getting value for money? The NHS, handed years — partly, I suspect, because few competence. I’m also impressed by his
record funding, is collapsing. Police often under-18s can afford the prices shops decision to devote himself to public
don’t bother to investigate crime. Social

charge for gaspers these days, at well over service, despite his being rich enough to
care provision can be woeful. £14 for a packet of 20, but also because I live a life of pure self-indulgence.
The answer to these problems is reform, now look so elderly and forbidding that But if he has a fault, apart from his failure
not throwing ever greater sums at them. they don’t fancy their chances of recruit- to excite (perhaps not such a bad thing
Dispiritingly, that seems to now be the ing me as a co-conspirator. after our surfeit of excitement under Boris
Tories’ default setting. It’s not unrelated Anyway, why would they bother to hang Johnson and Liz Truss), it’s that he seems
that as taxes nudge a post-war high, around outside newsagents, pleading with (49 per cent) or ‘somewhat’ (22 per cent), to believe we could all be a lot more like
strangers to buy them cigarettes, when while only 17 per cent oppose it. him, if only we had the right guidance.
economic growth is so feeble. Mr Sunak they can get all the poison they crave from
should be bold and take an axe to them. Who can blame Mr Sunak if he calculates I’m thinking in particular of his ambition
the dirt- cheap, black-market, fruit- that by adopting the New Zealand plan, to make all children study maths up the
Slashing taxes would not only ease flavoured vapes flooding schools?
households’ pain. It would incentivise he may find himself on to a much-needed age of 18. Of course, he himself has a very
Even in those far-off days of the 1970s, vote-winner? good head for figures — and he’s far from
ambition, hard work and entrepreneurialism however, I always refused to buy cigarettes Think the policy through, however, and the only mathematical wizard who believes
and fuel job creation. for minors. I would never encourage any- you’ll soon see how strange it begins to any child can master the subject, if
The Prime Minister insists he is at heart a one, of any age, to take up smoking. It’s a look. Will tobacconists of the future be properly taught.
tax-cutting Thatcherite. When might we revolting, smelly habit — and that’s quite obliged to ask 50 and 60-year-olds for ID,
expect him to prove it? apart from its ruinous effects on our health
and our wallets.
before they can sell them 20 Silk Cut or a Humiliation
couple of ounces of Gold Leaf?
BBC’s botch of the day Indeed, my watchword where my 50-year
smoking addiction is concerned, as in so
many other areas of my life, has always
More surreal still, will our grandchildren
live to see 85-year-olds, born after 2008,
loitering outside newsagents, begging a
Well, all I can say is that at my fearfully
expensive schools, I was taught by some
of the best maths teachers money could
THE BBC review of its social media rules, been: ‘Do as I say, not as I do.’ buy. But though I’m not proud of it, I’ve
passing 86-year-old: ‘Oy, mate, be a sport
triggered by Gary Lineker’s disgraceful and buy us a packet of Marlboro Reds!’ always been utterly hopeless with numbers
post equating government policy with
Nazism, was a chance to repair damaged
Addicted All right, I grant you that if we follow — and not, I assure you, for want of trying.
Being forced to plug away at maths until I
New Zealand, it’s highly improbable that
trust in the corporation’s impartiality. To That said, I’m in two minds about the anything like this will come to pass. It’s was 18 would have killed my enjoyment of
no one’s surprise, it has flunked it. latest proposal Rishi Sunak is said to be much more likely that as the years go by, school stone dead.
Instead of a blanket ban on presenters considering in his doomed effort to make and the market for legally-sold tobacco It’s the same with my smoking addiction.
expressing political views, it has given Britain smoke-free by 2030. ages and shrinks, legitimate outlets will Mr Sunak may think it’s easy to give up,
This is the policy, pioneered by the New simply stop selling the stuff, which is since he’s never been hooked. Indeed,
those outside the news department carte Zealand government last December, under
blanche to carry on, so long as they don’t clearly what Mr Sunak wants. I’ve lost count of the number of people
which the legal age for buying cigarettes But I reckon he’s fooling himself if he who have told me over the years that I’d
‘endorse or attack a party’. will rise yearly until the last smoker in the find it a doddle to quit, if only I put my
For those on so-called ‘non-flagship’ reckons that by progressively restricting
country is dead. To be precise, the law in legal sales, he’ll ever achieve his goal of a mind to it. To them, I can only reply:
programmes, including eco-hysteric Chris New Zealand now bans the sale of tobacco ‘Speak for yourselves!’
smoke-free Britain. As for his hopes of
Packham, even this footling restriction to anyone born after January 1, 2009. stamping out smoking before 2030, by For longer than I care to remember —
doesn’t apply. What a complete cop-out. My first reaction to this news was that it which time a policy modelled on New ever since cigarettes reached the dizzying
The BBC is treating viewers – who expect seemed much fairer than an immediate Zealand’s would hardly have begun to price of £1 a packet — I’ve often tried to
presenters to be scrupulously neutral, not ban on all tobacco sales, long favoured by bite, well, that’s surely pure fantasy. kick the filthy habit. I just can’t.
political motormouths – with disdain. anti-smoking fanatics. Indeed, my latest attempt began at the
As for Lineker et al, if they want to spout
on about the issues of the day, why don’t
Like so many others, after all, I became
addicted to the evil weed at a time when it
Scarce end of last month, when I embarked on a
four-week break from work — the longest
they stop taking licence fee-payers’ money was perfectly legal to buy and smoke it. As Indeed, we’ve already seen how one of I’ve ever gone without appearing in the
and stand for election? I’ve often complained, it would be cruel the chief effects of recent Budgets, in public prints since I started in journalism
and wrong to make the law-abiding among which successive chancellors have tried to almost half a century ago.

Khan’s crime cop-out us suffer the agonies of withdrawal, simply

because fashions have changed and an
intolerant, non-smoking majority is now
make us quit by hugely increasing the tax
and duty on tobacco, has been to boost
cigarette-smuggling and the lucrative
My hope was that without the pressure
of having to write, I might at last summon
the willpower to break free of my enslave-
AFTER 15-year-old Elianne Andam was in the ascendant. black market, much as Prohibition in ment to tobacco. Five weeks on and here
stabbed to death on her way to school, the Say what you like about the plan now America was a godsend to Al Capone. I am miserably shelling out almost £15 a
Mail asks: What is Sadiq Khan playing at? under consideration, but at least it would Which brings me to the question of packet, enduring all the humiliation mod-
As London’s Labour mayor, one of his key answer that objection, deterring young policing a New Zealand-style scheme. ern society heaps upon us smokers — and
responsibilities is working with the police people from taking up the filthy habit While shoplifting and knife-crime grow puffing away more than ever.
to tackle crime. Yet 16 teenagers have been while leaving me and my fellow ageing ever more rife, and burglaries go Now, no doubt this would be a much
killed in the capital already this year. addicts free to carry on destroying our uninvestigated, can you really see the healthier, more productive country if only
health and impoverishing ourselves on the authorities devoting scarce resources to the population were more like Mr Sunak
While he engages in stunts about pavement outside the pub. checking the dates of birth of shoppers — God-fearing, hard-working, public-
decriminalising cannabis, virtue-signals Certainly, the Prime Minister will have emerging from the tobacconist? spirited, devoted to family, good at maths
with green schemes and bellyaches about been encouraged by the YouGov poll in The example of cannabis hardly gives and a teetotal, non-smoker to boot.
statues from the distant past, a bloodbath yesterday’s i newspaper which found that grounds for optimism. This mind-altering, But please, Prime Minister, have pity on
is happening on his watch. His priorities a huge majority supports a yearly increase psychosis-inducing drug has been banned those of us less perfect than yourself —
are warped. London deserves better. in the legal smoking age, either ‘strongly’ for recreational use in the UK since 1928. and stop trying to force us to be as good.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 15

by Jane Fryer


EIGHLEY Library —
housed in a wonderful old
stone building, smack-bang
in the middle of town — is
Grand as owt: (l-r) Bill Owen,
not usually the liveliest Brian Wilde and Peter Sallis in
of places. Last Of The Summer Wine.
There’s a gentle ‘knit and natter’ on
Above, Rod Dimbleby

Wednesdays and a chess club on Thursdays,
and it’s a lovely quiet spot to seek shelter
from the driving rain. into the social and economic
But pop in on a Friday morning and you’ll history of the area.
find it heaving with people, all ‘well chuffed’ But also because, invariably,
to have snagged a highly coveted spot on they’re written by miners, mill-
Rod Dimbleby’s Yorkshire dialect course. workers and weavers. Men usually
‘It’s all been quite a shock. Quite a shock so buttoned-up and stoic, who
indeed!’ says Rod, 80, a very neatly wrote in vivid detail about their life
presented former German teacher and down the pit, the poverty, the hun-
chairman of the Yorkshire Dialect Society. ger, the infant mortality, the death
Because Rod’s six-week Let’s Talk Tyke in childbirth. And the good bits, too
course is the first of its kind, and demand — love, beer, family. There’s even an
has been extraordinary. entire poem about an oatcake.

How a former T
‘I thought it might appeal to a few people.
I was hoping to get a handful, maybe ten if
I were lucky — a nice intimate group,’ he O MY surprise, the first
says. ‘But, well, it’s rammed. And the hour flies by. In the
media! We were on the TV last week . . . and break, over coffee and
on the Today programme. We’ve even had biscuits provided by
to start a waiting list! It turns out people

teacher’s classes
Pam (who hails from Birmingham
feel very strongly about Yorkshire dialect.’ and says she struggled to under-
They certainly do. stand Rod when she first met
When I arrive, Rod’s wife Pam is wrestling him), I chew the cud with Chris
with an unexpectedly long register of and Frank, who’d look more at
attendees at the door. ‘I’m not sure we’ll home with tankards in their huge
have enough space this week,’ she says.

in Yorkshire
fists than discussing poetry.
Inside, there’s a hubbub of people trying ‘Both my grandparents were
out their best ‘Yarkshar’ — ‘Ey up!’, ‘Ow do’ dialect-speakers, so I had it all as
— and every blue plastic chair is filled. a child,’ says Frank. ‘But school
But of course they are. Because this is knocks it out a’ you. And TV. And
Yorkshire — ‘God’s own land, with more life. And when I moved to the

dialect are
acres than words in the Bible’ — as at least bright lights of Keighley when I
four people tell me proudly. were 14, I started work and you
I am also reminded, several times, that lose the natural way of speaking in
Yorkshire is bigger than Wales and richer your villages.’
than Scotland, but for some reason is being Chris, meanwhile, has written his
starved by Westminster when it comes to own poem in dialect that he’s hop-

suddenly so
funding and infrastructure. ing to share at the end of the class.
‘Perhaps they’re jealous of us!’ says a big ‘We’ve got to protect it. We’ve
burly chap called Frank who spotted an ad got to keep it going. It’s part of
in the local paper and booked on the spot. us,’ he says.
‘We need to fight back with dialect.’ In the front row are two local
Certainly, everyone I know from England’s ladies, Carol and Jane.

popular he’s
biggest county has an extraordinarily ‘I’m here because I’m interested.
strong sense of identity. And it’s not just It’s history, it’s Yorkshire, it’s us!’
about Yorkshire pudding, cricket, the says Jane.
Brontes and Wensleydale cheese. Carol chips in. ‘I’ve always liked
There’s an annual Yorkshire Day, something that’s a little bit, well,
organised by the Yorkshire Party, a political deviant and secretive. And in a

even had to start

outfit that campaigns for a regional parlia- way, dialect is just that.’
ment. Even an official Yorkshire flag, for Rod tells me he caught the bug
goodness’ sake. And a searing pride that — when he took early retirement
unlike across the border in Lancashire — and volunteered for Age Concern
can sometimes be a teeny bit exclusive. ‘We telling stories in care homes.
do sometimes have a touch of inverted He noticed if he sprinkled his

a waiting list
snobbery,’ admits Frank, 70. stories with dialect remembered
But despite all this, the precious Yorkshire from his Bradford youth, his audi-
dialect, that long ago was recorded in a giant ence was more tuned in. Perhaps
dictionary containing 350,000 words and in the way that music does with
phrases, is fading away at an alarming rate. dementia sufferers, dialect tapped
In fact, according to one study, it’ll be into something deep inside them.
gone in a couple of decades, swamped by It opened up a whole world to
the homogenous English of the Rod, too.
Home Counties. working class — it is social history. woman next to me, who grew up English. It’s real language,’ he says Because as well as the Yorkshire

The language of folk,’ says Rod. on a farm nearby. ‘It’s like being firmly. ‘It’s poetic and musical and Dialect Society, there’s the (quite
Next, in pairs, we try to put an back at school, but I love it.’ part of our heritage. A lot of it separate) East Riding Dialect
English passage into dialect. Her neighbour, meanwhile, could well date back in linguistic Society, with its own monthly
HICH is why Rod Some, like Frank and Chris, 69, is transported. terms over 1,000 years to our publication and regular meetings.
has made it his a retired electrician, are total ‘I spoke dialect with my granny Anglo-Norse ancestors.’ Plus at least eight societies
mission to encour- naturals, sounding just like Compo and great-aunt, but I was told off For me, while the vocab is fun, convening in places like Cornwall,
a g e p e o p l e t o and Clegg chewing the fat in Last at school — they said it was slang.’ the best bit by far is the verse. the Black Country, Cumbria, the
speak, read, write, hear and, most Of The Summer Wine. Others are An outrage that Rod can get Partly because the poems — many West Country and Lancashire.
of all, protect the dialect, including more self-conscious. rather worked up about. from the mid-to-late-19th century And all with members currently
its precious glottal stops — the ‘Ooh, this is hard,’ says the ‘Dialect is not slang or sloppy — provide an extraordinary insight limbering up for the national ‘dia-
sharp breath occasionally used lect jamboree’, in Bridlington, on


instead of a consonant. the Yorkshire coast, next month.
And finally, when the room ‘There aren’t a fantastic number
couldn’t get any fuller, it’s time to of us, maybe 50,’ says Rod. ‘But
‘put wood l’ t’oile’ (shut the door) it’s a whole weekend and it’s
and begin. great fun.’
‘Now then! Ows tha been. Fair t’ It mud o’ bin war – It might have Cat hawed – Drunk With entertainment, competi-
middlin?’ cries Rod. And everyone been worse Bait – Packed lunch / food tions (Rod is one of the judges)
sits up very straight. and a much-anticipated keynote
We begin with a spot of vocab. Put wood I’ t’oile – Shut the door Maftin – Uncomfortably hot or humid speech — this year given by a chap
So ‘hullet’ means owl, ‘clammed’ Addle – To earn called Colin Speakman, who has
is cold, ‘nakt’ stands for naked Sile – Rain heavily written a super book on Yorkshire
and we learn that, in West York- Nithered – Shiver with cold Piking off – Leave without paying and is here today as a special treat
shire, few words are more than to give a poetry recital in the
two syllables because they had to Mardy – Moody, petulant Lap – To cover or wrap second half of our class.
be pithy enough to be yelled over Dog’s shelf – The floor Attercop – A spider But, of course, what the
the racket in the mills and mines.
‘This is the language of the Frame thisen – Pull yourself together Now/nah than – Hello TURN TO NEXT PAGE
Page 16 V1 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Shamed hospital trust Ephraim

is facing a new probe Hardcastle

into its maternity care
Lownie has failed in his
bid, under the Freedom of
Information Act, to find
out if Scotland Yard ever investigated
Virginia Giuffre’s allegations against
Prince Andrew. He’d asked if police had
looked into her claims of being trafficked
AN NHS trust at the centre of a By Liz Hull and been no failings when daughter, Ida, was
to the UK and, if not, who had authorised
baby- death scandal is facing Richard Marsden born and that employees tried to cover up
what happened – even after experts flagged that the probe be dropped. The Met
another inquiry into maternity care up a catalogue of concerns. replied: ‘We cannot confirm or deny
a coroner is expected to order an whether information is held in relation to
amid fears children’s lives remain ‘enhanced’ inquest into maternity care Only after they alerted the coroner them-
any allegations from this individual.’
at risk, the Mail has learned. at another of its hospitals, the Royal
selves and an inquest had been scheduled
While Andrew has always denied the
University Hospitals of Morecambe did the trust finally accept – almost four
Lancaster Infirmary. years on – that she may have lived had mis- allegations and settled her civil claim
Bay NHS Trust was criticised in the It follows a four-year fight by the parents takes not been made. with no admission of liability, Lownie
Kirkup Report eight years ago after 11 of a baby girl who died at seven days old Coroner Dr James Adeley told a pre- states: ‘I believe the public are entitled to
babies and a mother died unnecessarily because of alleged birth blunders by mid- inquest hearing in Preston this week he was
know whether the police even bothered
because of ‘cavalier’ midwives and fail- wives. Sarah Robinson and Ryan Lock say to investigate the allegations made
concerned it had been left to Ida’s parents
against the Duke of York. We need clarity.
ings at Furness General Hospital. Today, hospital staff repeatedly insisted there had to report her death to his office after hospi-
Let us hope the police do not consider
tal managers failed to do so.
He said he was worried ‘sys- the Royal Family are above the law.’
temic’ problems in maternity
care identified by Dr Bill Kirkup
in March 2015 had not been
addressed. He said he could JEFFREY Archer’s biographer Michael
‘not recall’ a single baby death Crick makes mischief over the millionaire
being reported to him since. scribbler’s latest tome, where the hero
Dr Adeley said. ‘There’s no aspires to become Met Police Commis-
indication that matters identi- sioner. He urges interviewers to ask Jef-
fied in the Kirkup Report have frey why he abandoned his own career as
been addressed before this a London bobby after five months.
case. That suggests a lack of
learning from the report con- Answering his own question, Crick claims:
tinues to exist, and continues ‘He was bluntly advised to leave after
to place lives at risk.’ constantly complaining about his police
Mr Lock, 40, a secondary trainee living conditions in Kennington.’
school teacher, accused the Move along Crick, nothing to see here!
trust of being ‘barbaric and
cruel’. ‘It is shameful the way
we’ve been treated,’ he added.
Anna Mills-Morgan, a law- ACTOR Michael
yer with Mackenzie Jones Gambon, who has
Solicitors who is representing died aged 82,
Ida’s parents, told the Mail: regretted never
‘How many other cases are managing to seduce
there where the coroner English rose Joanne
hasn’t been notified? Parents Whalley, pictured in
and families shouldn’t be the her prime in hit 1986
ones forcing action.’ TV series The Singing
The inquest will be held early Detective. Recalling
next year. his co-star, who
played Nurse Mills,
FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Gambon remarked: ‘Joanne Whalley? I
tried, but no luck. I loved Joanne
societies need most are Whalley... even [the show’s writer] Dennis
younger members. Glancing Potter whispered to me when we were
round Rod’s class, it seems talking about her. He said, “Any luck?”’
Friday morning isn’t the best
time to snag the youth. Remembering Whalley’s character having
‘They’ll all be a bed. Or look- to apply lotion on his skin in the story,
ing at t’ phones!’ says one old Gambon cheekily added: ‘The greasing
boy. ‘Most of ’em struggle to was good. We rehearsed it ten times.’
actually converse with actual
people at all, just t’ phones,’
barks the chap next to him. ‘So
they’ll be nae good, anyway.’ DISCUSSING the Laurence Fox contro-
In fact, pretty much versy, broadcaster Joan Bakewell, 90,
everyone here is retirement bluntly announces on the Times Radio air-
age or older — with the waves: ‘Laurence is a d***, isn’t he? I
exception of a dialect-poetry mean, he’s just an idiot.’ Host Aasmah Mir
enthusiast from London, and chuckles: ‘Oh dear Joan, you shouldn’t
Tyler Callum Wilson-Kerr, a use that word. But anyway, go on.’ No
parish councillor from Gar-
forth in a flat cap, who used word from Ofcom yet!
to be lead campaigner for the
Yorkshire Party.
‘I love everything Yorkshire,’
he says. ‘This is a really good HARRY and Meghan, as well as Archie
class and it’s important to and Lilibet, have been sent Coronation
get more young people in medals as the King continues the late
here and be proud. I’m doing Queen’s tradition of distributing them to
my best to spread the word.’ the wider Royal Family. If they don’t fancy
Let’s hope he does. Mainly the gong, which might be tricky for Harry
because, without the next as it includes an image of Camilla, they
generation on board, this won- could choose to sell them. As we reported
derful dialect will fade into his- in the summer, some scamps were selling
tory and take so much herit- their medal, before it had even been
age with it. But also because struck, for up to £750. Now they are
youngsters are missing out on swamping the internet at just £25 a pop.
some real joy here today —
particularly when Colin starts
reciting in his best ‘Yarkshar’.
These poems are really CHARLES Dickens boffins, delighted that ‘it
something else. Lyrical, magi- was the best of times, it was the worst of
cal, musical, full of warmth, times’ (A Tale Of Two Cities) has been voted
humour, history, desperate the most iconic novel opening, claim –
sadness and tragedy. tongue in cheek – that prior to publication
And by the time we finish,
I’d bet my Yorkshire terrier it was serialised in two local newspapers:
there isn’t a dry eye in the It was the Bicester Times, it was the
house — particularly among Worcester Times. Well suit yourself!
the big burly men. Email:
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 17

Tommy Atkins
knows how the
gun cops feel
AS ONE Met police firearms officer
appears at the Old Bailey charged with
murder, we now learn a second
copper who fired a fatal shot is facing the
sack — despite being cleared of criminal
On Tuesday, I wrote about more than
100 firearms specialists handing back
their weapons permits over the decision
to charge an officer known only as NX121
over the shooting of suspect Chris Kaba
in South London.
Even though the Army has been stood officer, known as W80, who shot and the prosecution finally decided not to well-founded suspicion that those who
down after being put on standby, killed Jermaine Baker in 2015. He proceed with the charges. pull on the King’s Uniform will not receive
armed cover in London is not back maintained that Baker was reaching for In a further twist, however, in July this support from above when they are called
to full strength. an imitation sub-machine gun, found at year a judge overturned the decision not upon to fire, with lethal effect, in the line
The latest news — that a marksman who the scene. But the independent police to prosecute. Soldier B died without of duty. Nothing much seems to have
shot dead a gangster preparing to spring watchdog, the IOPC, is going ahead with having the chance to clear his name. changed since Rudyard Kipling’s 1890
two prisoners from Wood Green Crown a disciplinary hearing which could result Whether the case should ever have got poem, Tommy, about the gratitude
Court is to face a gross misconduct in the sack. this far is highly contentious. As part soldiers (and, it seems, police firearms
hearing which could end in his We also learned this week that of the Good Friday peace deal, the amnesty officers) can expect.
dismissal — is likely to provoke a similar Soldier B, who shot and killed a teenager given to terrorists was not extended to For it’s Tommy this, and Tommy that,
level of disquiet. who approached an Army patrol during members of the Armed Forces. An’ Chuck him out, the brute.
The Crown Prosecution Service the Troubles in 1972, has died. Yes, we hold the military and the police But it’s Saviour of ’is Country,
decided not to bring charges against the He was accused of murder, but in 2021 to the highest standards. But there is the When the guns begin to shoot . . .

ver the past couple of

Oh to be in
20mph blanket speed limit as
weeks I’ve been on a mini Wales? I know I shouldn’t laugh,
but had to chuckle at the news that
Grand Tour, taking in Welsh bus timetables have had to
North Norfolk and North

be revised because buses struggle
Yorkshire, both a far cry to get up hills at 20mph.
from my usual North London It’s not funny if you’re trying to
get to work, or hospital. But at least
stomping ground. that dismal Druid Drakeford can
As the poet robert Browning almost feel good about himself.
wrote: Oh, to be in england now that Things will only get worse once
Autumn’s here. The weather was a bit Wales goes all-electric. If you

now Net
hit and miss, but the scenery was can’t afford a Tesla, you’ll have
glorious and the driving, for once, was to treat yourself to a pony and
stress-free. trap, boyo.
For the first time since I bought my (So that’s what they mean by

ULeZ-compliant hybrid, I was able to how Green Was My valley.)
drive responsibly without keeping one
eye permanently on the speedo and

Zero’s here?
one foot on the brake pedal.
Thanks to Genghis Khan’s money- he problem with the
grubbing 20mph limits, empty cycle self-righteous, Left-
lanes everywhere, Low Traffic wing metropolitan Net
Neighbourhoods, width restrictions, Zero zealots is that,
yellow boxes, red routes, speed humps, never mind North Norfolk or
absurd one-way systems and, now, North Yorks, they rarely venture
pay-by-app-only parking, owning a car,

No thanks
beyond the North Circular.
even in Outer London, is an ordeal. They should take a leaf out of my
Further afield, away from the main book and try to get out more.
centres of population, driving can be, if Then they might learn how the
not an unbridled joy, then certainly a other half live. Listen to the good
darn sight more relaxing than crawling folk in the Dabbling Duck, Great
along congested suburban streets within Massingham, not the virtue -
the M25. For now, at least, those living in signalling Guardianistas in the
rural areas are spared the attentions of Babbling Berk, Islington.
the eco-zealots and the ULeZ Yes, we all want cleaner air and
tyrants. In Norfolk, North Yorks community is going to manage licence to open up a new gas and along the windmill-pocked M8 in lower emissions, but there’s room
and elsewhere, cars aren’t luxu- when Net Zero forces them to go oil field in the North Sea. But Scotland on my way to Murray- for compromise. It doesn’t have to
ries, they’re essential. But the Net all-electric. where else do they think the power field to see Springsteen. be all-electric or nothing. hybrid

Zero nutters are closing in. even if the technology is up is going to come from, especially (As Joni Mitchell might have vehicles, like mine, are a happy
to powering heavy-duty tractors in remote rural areas? Gas and oil observed: They’ve paved paradise medium. They’re self-charging,
and combine harvesters, will will still be needed to supply 25 per and put up another bloody more economical, are happy to
there be enough electricity to cent of our energy needs, even if wind farm.) pootle along on electric power at
heN the ban on meet demand? And, more to the Net Zero targets are hit in 2050. And if plans for more offshore low speeds, and emit far, far fewer
n e w p e t r o l a n d point, where are they going to Admittedly, there’s a giant War wind turbines go ahead, vast pollutants than equivalent cars
d i e s e l v e h i c l e s be plugged in? Of The Worlds wind turbine next swathes of rural Britain, starting even ten years ago.
comes into force — Yesterday, it was reported that to Waitrose in Swaffham, which with Norfolk and essex, are Plus, you don’t have to gamble
albeit now five years later than the owners of electric cars in rural looms over the surrounding going to be scarred by hideous on finding a roadside charger
provisional wing of the polar bear- areas have to drive 13 times countryside like that statue of pylons built to carry the electric- which isn’t either permanently
huggers demanded — it will have a further than those in London Christ the redeemer in rio de ity to urban centres. occupied or out of order. On the
seriously adverse impact on to find a charging point. Janeiro. But I can’t see that being In North Yorks, there were a few way home from North Yorks, I
the countryside. Some english counties have just up to the job, particularly when Teslas knocking around. ripon had to fill up with petrol outside
Bombing around the back-roads a single charger for every ten miles the wind doesn’t blow. and harrogate are pretty wealthy, Pe t e r b o r o u g h . I t t o o k f i v e
of Norfolk and North Yorks, I didn’t of road. Not surprisingly, only North Norfolk has escaped so more folk can afford to go green minutes, tops. The charging
see many Teslas. hybrids were in two per cent of vehicles registered relatively unscathed, so far, from without going broke. even so, points were busy and there were
fairly short supply, too. In farming in these areas are plug-in evs. the turbine terror. At least, charging points are still few and long queues.
country, the internal combustion The Just Stop Oil fanatics, and onshore. (Don’t mention The far between. If I’d have bought an all-electric
engine still rules, OK. deranged metropolitan eco-freaks Wash.) But elsewhere, these bird- england’s green and pleasant ev, rather than a sensible, state-
Sitting over a splendid lunch in such as Zac Goldsmith and the shredding monstrosities blight won’t be safe from the Net Zero of-the-art hybrid, I’d still be there,
the Dabbling Duck, at Great Green Party’s Caroline ‘Looby’ some of the prettiest scenery on nutjobs for much longer. having lost the will to live.
Massingham, I couldn’t help Lucas, are howling about the earth — as I remarked a couple of how long before the rest of the Oh, to be in england now Net
wondering how Norfolk’s rural Government’s decision to grant a months back, after travelling UK is forced to accept the same Zero’s here? No thanks.
Page 18 V1 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

By David Barrett
Home Affairs Editor Migration fears Eco-zealots
found guilty
over Lord’s
at their highest
PUBLIC concern over immigra-
tion has jumped to its highest
level for six years, according to
the latest polling.
pitch invasion
A survey showed 26 per cent of
adults said it is one of the most By Sabrina Miller
important issues facing Britain

level in six years

INFAMOUS eco-radical Daniel
today. That is almost triple the level Knorr has been found guilty of
seen a year ago, when it was men- aggravated trespass after he
tioned by 9 per cent of those polled, stormed Lord’s cricket ground
Ipsos found. during an Ashes Test match.
And immigration was the number one
issue among over-65s and Conservative The Oxford biochemistry stu-
voters, with 47 per cent of those in both dent, 21, was one of three Just
groups saying it outstripped fears Stop Oil activists to run on to
over inflation and the economy. the field and throw orange
Ipsos, which polled 1,000 adults
for its monthly survey on the key
issues on the minds of UK adults,
said concern over immigration
Europe court ‘beyond reform’ powder into the air. Footage of
Knorr being hauled off by Eng-
land wicketkeeper Jonny
was at its highest since July 2017.
THE ‘arrogant’ European Court of its arrogant self-assurance... is Bairstow was subsequently
Human Rights is incapable of being capable of changing direction.’ beamed around the world.
reformed, according to one of Writing in the Spectator maga- Judit Murray, 69, and Jacob
‘Betrayal of the Britain’s leading legal minds. zine, Lord Sumption said by Bourne, 27, were also found
electorate’ Lord Sumption, an ex-Supreme expanding its remit the court had guilty of aggravated trespass
Court justice, said the ‘unwieldy’ made itself ‘a legislative and politi- during a trial at City of London
Overall, the economy still topped institution had ‘devalued the cal authority for the whole of Magistrates’ Court yesterday.
voters’ concerns – mentioned by whole concept of human rights’. Europe’. He added there is ‘no rea- All three attempted to run on
37 per cent of those polled – fol- ‘I once thought the Strasbourg son’ why UK courts ‘should not be to the field on June 28, while
lowed by inflation at 30 per cent court could be reformed from trusted to enforce human rights wearing Just Stop Oil T-shirts.
and the NHS at 28 per cent. within,’ he said. ‘But I no longer without usurping the functions of Knorr told the court: ‘It was
Mike Clemence at Ipsos said: not a surprise I was intercepted.
‘Immigration is becoming a bigger believe this unwieldy body with its democratic institutions in the way
concern, with the proportion men- Blast: Lord Sumption isolated splendour in Strasbourg, the Strasbourg court has done’. It was a bit of a surprise it was
tioning it almost doubling since one of the cricket players.’
the start of the year.’ comes after Home Secretary Suella six-fold rise in skill-related work Mehmet said: ‘The Government’s Last week the Mail revealed
It came as a campaign group Braverman delivered a provoca- visas for non-EU main applicants attempts to focus now on asylum Knorr is now leading Just Stop
attacked the Tories’ ‘appalling’ tive speech this week calling for a from 27,000 to 159,200,’ it said. will not fool the public. Allowing Oil’s student recruitment drive,
record on immigration. Migration global re-think of asylum laws. In a ‘Nearly 60 per cent of all foreign immigration to continue at any- hoping to inspire them to join
Watch UK, which lobbies for report published today, Migration workers in the UK are in jobs that thing like present levels will change illegal slow-march protests in
tougher border controls, said the Watch noted the 2019 Tory elec- are not highly-skilled – just over the nature of the country within a London in November. He has
Government had allowed too many tion manifesto pledged the immi- three million people.’ The propor- generation.’ The Home Office said
lower-skilled foreign workers to bragged about hiding the
gration system would prioritise the tion of skilled work permits being it is committed to reducing net
come to Britain, and described the ‘brightest and the best’. But the granted for below-graduate level migration, adding: ‘We will con- orange powder inside bread to
Conservatives’ immigration policy report said the pledge turned out jobs rose from 11 per cent in 2021 tinue to strike the right balance smuggle it into the cricket
as a ‘betrayal of the electorate’. to be ‘the reverse of the truth’. to 62 per cent this year, it added. between supporting the economy ground. All three will be sen-
The intervention by the group ‘Since 2019, there has been a near Migration Watch chairman Alp and protecting resident workers.’ tenced on October 24.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 19

Will AI shades see Could Haley

the hawk be
a challenger

off the tour guide?

By Jim Norton
to Trump?
Mail Foreign Service
A FORMER state governor has
emerged as a possible chal-
lenger to Donald Trump after a
strong performance in the US
Technology Editor HOW GLASSES PUT SIGHTSEERS IN THE FRAME Republican primaries.
Nikki Haley, who was South
THEY are near the top of most Carolina governor before being
travellers’ packing checklists. 1 Wearer views a sight on their holiday appointed UN ambassador, has
And now sunglasses could become received the backing of some
even more of a holiday essential thanks 4 Republican donors. But the
to a technology which will see them former president has benefited
double as an electronic tour guide. 3 the most from the debates so
Luxury brand Ray-Ban has teamed up far, despite not being there.
with Meta – the firm behind Instagram In heated exchanges Ms Haley
and Facebook – to incorporate AI tech- derided one rival, biotech mil-
nology inside the frames. With cameras, 2 lionaire Vivek Ramaswamy, say-
ing: ‘Honestly, every time I hear
‘See what you see and you, I feel a little bit dumber.’
hear what you hear’ Politicians took swipes at Mr
Trump, who is embroiled in
microphones and speakers, the glasses Cameras then record the scene and send legal cases, for ‘ducking’ a
will allow the user to ask for information 2 images and video back to an AI chatbot seven-way presidential debate.
of what they are seeing, or get help trans- But he has a 54 per cent poll
lating signs or menus. Microphones pick up any questions the lead, with nearest rival Ron
Tourists will also be able to share their 3 wearer might have and send them back DeSantis at 20 per cent.
experiences with friends and family back Republican donors have
home by streaming videos live on social Speakers on the frame just above the ears reportedly fallen out of love
media, or sending photos back instantly.
The smart glasses are among the first
4 can then provide the chatbot’s answers with Mr DeSantis. One, who
devices to use Meta’s new AI chatbots – gave his campaign $1million,
technology which aims to mimic said Ms Haley had shown her-
human conversation. instantly be able to give users feed- many times over, the latest exam- be an important platform in the self to be a foreign policy hawk,
The company says the chatbots back on what they are looking at. ple being the Google Glass model future... because soon you’ll be
the Daily Telegraph reported.
will have ‘personality’ and be tai- However, tour guides who might scrapped earlier this year. able to let your AI see what you
‘Until the first debate, I hadn’t
lored to specialise in certain sub- be fearing for their future will be Meta says it is confident that by see and hear what you hear.’
seen her force of will and her
jects, such as travel. encouraged by smart glasses’ making its sunglasses stylish and The £245 glasses, weighing not
Using real-time information chequered history. Often touted comfortable to wear, it will buck much more than an ordinary pair presence,’ they said.
cross-referenced against a library as ‘the next big thing’, they have the trend. Product manager Hind of Ray-Bans, will be available in ‘I absolutely would consider
of images and data, they will been launched unsuccessfully Hobeika said: ‘Smart glasses will Britain from next month. donating to her.’
Goodbye to the
Page 20 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

by Richard

oR those who like their screenen
heroes larger than life, Sir ir
Michael Gambon, who has as
died at the age of 82, fulfilled
an awful lot of fantasies.

From the bedridden crime writer in The he

Singing Detective whose naked body is
slathered in lotion by an alluringly beautifulful
Joanne Whalley to the all-knowing Dumble- le-
dore — be-whiskered headmaster of the he
wizarding school Hogwarts in the Harry ry

Potter franchise — and sadistic crime boss ss

eddie Temple in layer cake, his roles were as
complex and obscure as the man himself.
He was the master of the disarming one- ne-
liner, telling one interviewer who wondered d if
it was difficult to play the homosexual author or
oscar Wilde for a TV film that it was easy sy
since he used to be gay himself. After a Gambon began affair with Philippa Hart in 2000. They had two sons Anne remained married to the star for 61 years
theatrical pause he added: ‘i had to give it up
it made my eyes water.’

His unmistakably rich voice lit up a

Such light-hearted dissembling, along with
playing practical jokes on everyone from
fellow actors to his own devoutly catholic
mother — who believed his story that he once

string of classics from the Harry Potter

appeared on stage with the future Pope John
Paul ii — was all part of Gambon’s near-
obsessive preservation of his privacy.
one reason, perhaps, was the double-life he

movies to The Singing Detective. But

led. on the one hand there was Anne, his
mathematician wife of 61 years, and their son
Fergus, a ceramics expert who has appeared
on the BBc’s Antiques Roadshow, and who

behind Michael Gambon’s deliberately

were both at his hospital bedside when he
died following a bout of pneumonia.
And then there was set designer Philippa
Hart, 25 year his junior and with whom he had
two further children.

enigmatic public persona was a complex

For some, maintaining such a complicated
domestic life would be an impossible burden
— but not Sir Michael, who was knighted in
1999 for services to drama. For more than a

double life with a wife in Kent and

decade he played the dual role of lord of the
manor at the £5 million marital home he
shared with lady Gambon near Gravesend,
Kent — while also being an adoring father to

a London lover 25 years his junior

his teenage sons Tom and Will at Philippa’s

house in West london.

Y All accounts, the

arrangement — for to Dame Maggie Smith and other clocks and watches, were his pride know about you, the better. ideally often took the form of ‘corpsing’ to
Gambon, at least — was cast members on the set of his next and joy. an actor should be a blank canvas.’ test his fellow actors’ ability to
film Gosford Park, in which he indeed, his love of motoring saw in many ways, irish-born Gambon keep a straight face. in one poorly
a happy one. ‘Michael
played a philandering aristocrat. him making an appearance on Top was an accidental actor. He left attended matinee of the Russian
was never happier than when his And while his wife was initially Gear in 2002. His drive in the
boys were on the set,’ Hetty school at 15 with no qualifications, playwright Anton chekhov’s work
said to have been devastated by the famous ‘star in a reasonably priced then took up an apprenticeship as Uncle Vanya, Gambon took excep-
Baynes, who appeared opposite news, with Sir Michael moving out car’ segment saw him take the final
him in The casual Vacancy, told a toolmaker with Vickers - tion to the presence of a painter
of their village home, she seemingly corner on two wheels, completing Armstrong. By the age of 21, he and his easel in the front stalls,
the Mail in 2015. came to terms with the arrange- the then-fastest lap in wet weather.
‘They were so sweet, and you can was a fully qualified engineer but doing a portrait of his co-star Greta
ment, because he subsequently The producers were so impressed only worked for a year before giving Scacchi during the performance.
see he absolutely adores them. But moved back in. they named the corner after him.
i’m sure they run him ragged. it up to act. in one scene, Gambon’s Vanya
As his young sons grew, he divided Gambon became one of Britain’s He is said to have written to an has to pick up a heavy samovar
Having a child later in life can be an his time between the two families, most prolific actors on stage,
exhausting thing, but it brings so irish impresario including a cV filled with water and rush across
speeding between london and television and film. But of his own with an imaginary theatre career. stage with it. But Gambon unex-
much joy. But Philippa is amazing. Kent in his selection of classic cars life he was deliberately vague.
She does an awful lot of the work But with such an unusual back pectedly went off-script, feigning a
including a Ferrari, Mercedes and Asked about his wife, he once
and she’s absolutely delightful.’ story, the challenge over the years trip and emptying the samovar
Audi R8 which, along with his enigmatically replied: ‘What wife?’,
Gambon was 67 when he became passion for collecting antique guns, before adding: ‘The less people has been establishing fact from over the unfortunate artist — who
a father second time around. fiction, not least because he made fled, never to be seen again.
This was a rare insight into the up so many myths about himself. As he told the New York Times
intensely private Sir Michael’s life. He told several interviewers that critic Mel Gussow, actors have to
His affair with Ms Hart began in
2000 when they worked together
on the film longitude, in which he
‘Michael was just a magnificent he used to be a ballet dancer (in
truth, he wished he could have
been) but had to give it up after fall-
be childish because acting itself is
a childish thing, showing off, dress-
ing up and saying: ‘look at me. i
starred as the 18th-century watch-
maker John Harrison.
Within a year of their meeting, he
trickster. There was nothing like ing off stage into the orchestra pit
and landing on the kettle drum.
His mischief-making earned him
can’t think of any other reason why
people do it.’
Acting did not run in the family:
was openly introducing Philippa, an
attractive brunette, as his girlfriend him, he could do anything’ a reputation as a compulsive
theatrical prankster. on stage, this
his mother was a seamstress while
his father, a machine operator,
Great Gambon
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 21

Star of TV: Nursed by Joanne Whalley in The Singing Detective

Picture: BBC FILMS

Class act: A drink with Hayley Atwell in Brideshead Revisited

said: “Any luck?”’ One scene fea- Gosford Park and The King’s
tured Gambon’s character having Speech, in which he portrayed
lotion applied to his body by Miss George V, father of the stammering
Whalley’s nurse to ease the pain of King George VI. He also starred in
his skin condition. The actor Brideshead Revisited with Hayley
joked: ‘The greasing was good. We Atwell.
rehearsed it ten times.’ He lent his rich voice to many
There was more success as the films such as Uncle Pastuzo in
pipe-smoking French detective both Paddington movies and as
Maigret and appearances in the narrator in the George Clooney

arthouse films such as The Cook, vehicle Hail, Caesar!
The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover
with Helen Mirren, as well as the
spooky Sleepy Hollow.
In Layer Cake he starred with a E WAS nominated for
Wizard acting: Gambon as Albus Dumbledore, a role he took on after the death of Richard Harris young Daniel Craig — yet to be an Emmy for playing
unveiled as James Bond — as a President Lyndon B
moved to London after World War acting actually began with a spell mental, dangerous and immensely vicious drug dealer. But his biggest Johnson in the TV
II to find work in the building as a stage - carpenter and set powerful’. He went on to win three role was as Albus Dumbledore in series The Path To War in 2002 and
trade. Gambon always maintained builder and his first role as ‘Second Olivier awards for performances in the Harry Potter films, taking over appeared in the Kevin Costner’s
his mother never understood what Gentleman’ in a production of National Theatre productions. from Richard Harris after the western Open Range.
he did: after once telling her he Othello at Dublin’s Gate Theatre. But while the theatre was his latter’s death in 2002. But abruptly in 2015 he had to
was playing King Lear, she thought He claimed he then bluffed his first love, it was his TV and Fiona Shaw, who played Petunia give up stage work after revealing
he meant King Kong, or at least way to the attention of theatre screen roles that made him a Dursley in the films, told BBC that because of memory loss he
that’s the story he told. He also great Sir Laurence Olivier, who household name. Radio 4’s The World At One: ‘He could no longer learn his lines. For
claimed that he once faked having was recruiting for Britain’s new Decades after appearing in varied his career remarkably and a while his words were fed to him
a heart attack at the controls of national theatre company as a Dennis Potter’s The Singing never judged what he was doing, through an earpiece by a full-time
his single engine light aircraft — he spear-carrier. Detective in 1986, he confessed to he just played.’ assistant, but eventually that too
had a pilot’s licence for years — to The breakthrough that led the attempting to seduce his She said she would always think no longer worked.
wind up fellow actor Terence actor Ralph Richardson to glamorous co-star, Miss Whalley, of him ‘as a trickster, just a brilliant, Happily, his catalogue of films
Rigby, who had a fear of flying. ‘I describe him as ‘the great Gambon’ who was 24 years his junior. magnificent trickster’, adding: and TV shows means that
did the whole thing, gasping, col- came with a performance in ‘I tried it, but no luck. I loved ‘With text, there was nothing like Gambon’s unmistakeable voice
lapsing against the side, then I Brecht’s The Life Of Galileo at Joanne Whalley. I got to know her him. He could do anything.’ will remain part of our cultural
said: “Just a bit of indigestion.” He London’s National Theatre in 1980. quite well. I tried. Even Dennis His other film work included the heritage. But with his double life
was furious.’ The NT’s then-artistic director Potter whispered to me when we big-screen adaptation of Dad’s he will also remain something of
But that was in the future. His Peter Hall said he was ‘unsenti- were talking about her and he Army (he played Private Godfrey), an enigma.
Page 22 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

All I want now is to Why just 3%

of overweight
Britons get
hug my wife and kids help to slim
By Victoria Allen
Science Editor

ONLY 3 per cent of overweight

...and hear the sound of silence, says astronaut and obese people are being
referred to weight loss pro-
grammes, a study has found.
Men are 31 per cent less likely

who broke record by spending over a year in space than women to be sent to slim-
ming classes or schemes tack-
ling their diet and fitness.
Middle-class patients are less
likely to be referred than those
from deprived backgrounds.
People in rural areas are less
likely to be sent for help.
Researchers looked at about
1.8 million people recorded as
overweight or obese in Eng-
land between 2007 and 2020.
They found only 3.1 per cent
were referred by their GP or
another healthcare profes-
sional to a weight-loss scheme.
Dr Karen Coulman, who led
the study, said some health pro-
fessionals did not raise patients’
Down to Earth: Landing in Kazakhstan weight for fear of ‘stigmatising’
them. She added: ‘We need bet-
ter training so doctors and

‘We need better

other healthcare professionals
feel more confident in having
these conversations.’
The research, published in the
journal PLOS Medicine, looked
at community-based pro-
grammes such as slimming
classes and dietitian referrals.
Welcome home: He climbs out of capsule Space odyssey: Frank Rubio gives a thumbs-up after completing 371 days aboard the ISS It said men may be less likely
than women to be referred
NASA astronaut Frank By Wiliam Hunter only planned to last six months. he most likely would have said because they are reluctant to
Rubio has returned to Earth Rubio and his crewmates had ‘thank you but no thank you’. discuss their weight.
Asked what he was looking for- hoped to return to Earth in March He was selected to be an astro- And those in rural areas could
after breaking the record ward to most, father-of-four Rubio but became trapped aboard the naut in 2017 after serving 600
for the longest continuous ISS when their original Soyuz hours of combat as a UH-60 Black be missing out due to a lack of
said that ‘hugging my wife and
mission in space ever com- kids is going to be paramount, and spacecraft sprung a coolant leak Hawk helicopter pilot in Bosnia, weight management groups.
pleted by an American. I’ll probably focus on that for the after it was hit by a micrometeor- Afghanistan, and Iraq. The study found the least
After 371 days aboard the first couple of days’. ite or piece of space debris. Following post-landing medical deprived are 16 per cent less
He also said that he was excited Space junk is an increasingly checks Rubio will return to Kara- likely to be referred than the
International Space Station dangerous problem as more satel- ganda in Kazakhstan, before
at the prospect of enjoying the most deprived, possibly because
(ISS) and orbiting the Earth ‘trees and silence’ of his garden at lites are launched, leaving clouds boarding a plane back to Houston.
5,936 times, Rubio safely arrived their doctors see them less.
home after a year spent amid the of cosmic litter that risk clogging Nasa administrator Bill Nelson
in Kazakhstan alongside his up near-Earth orbits. said that the record-breaking jour-
It said doctors should not rely
constant hum of the ISS’s life-
two Russian crewmates, Sergey supporting machinery. In a press conference from ney was not just a milestone but too heavily on online diet and
Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin. However, breaking records was aboard the ISS, Rubio said that if also a ‘major contribution to our exercise programmes, which
Rubio also became the first not the original intention of he had been asked to spend a year understanding of long-duration may not work for older people
American to spend a year in orbit. Rubio’s trip, as the mission was in space before starting training, space missions’. who prefer face-to-face help.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 23

Capability Green Wonky pub

blaze: Man
and woman
are arrested
A ‘biodiverse’ By Liz Hull
A MAN and a woman have been

revamp for arrested in connection with a

fire which gutted ‘Britain’s
wonkiest pub’.

historic garden
The 260-year-old Crooked
House in the village of Himley,
near Dudley in the Midlands
was severely damaged in the
By Colin Fernandez blaze on August 5 before being
Environment Editor reduced to rubble without
local authority permission.
Staffordshire police yesterday
THE formal garden at Wimpole confirmed that a woman of 34
has been a source of beauty and and a man of 44, both from
delight for some 300 years. Leicestershire, had been
But, like so many things these days, arrested on suspicion of con-
climate change means the 1.3 acre spiracy to commit arson with
plot on a country estate in Cam- intent or being reckless as to
bridgeshire must change. whether life was endangered.
The parterre – a series of box-hedged
triangular beds planted with annual
They have been released on
bedding plants and bulbs – is now conditional police bail.
looked after by the National Trust and Three other men, aged 66, 51
is part of a property landscaped by and 33, previously arrested on
Capability Brown. suspicion of arson with intent
The Trust says the planting scheme is Ornate: The parterre at Wimpole in Cambridgeshire is getting more difficult to look after to endanger life, also remain
increasingly unsustainable on conditional bail, police said.
because it needs so much water- den that can withstand significant at Wimpole was created in the for a bold new chapter.’ Capability The pub had been sold by
ing and requires regular replace- temperature changes, where 17th century but was swept away Brown, the 18th century figure brewers Marston’s to ATE Farms
ment. The charity also said the there’s less need for watering and when fashions changed in the 18th viewed as the father of English
Ltd, owned by former nail tech-
garden is under stress from cold replacing plants and, therefore, a century. It was revived in the 19th landscape design, is said to have
nician, Carly Taylor, on July 27.
winds and drought. lower carbon footprint. century before being lost again. laid out a lake at Wimpole.
It has appointed a landscape ‘It will be less susceptible to Andy Jasper, Trust director of Biodegradable bags produce Her husband Adam is a share-
architect team to make it a more pests and disease, improve the gardens and parklands, said: ‘When more toxins than conventional holder and ex-director of Him-
sustainable, climate-resilient and condition of the soil and reduce we took on Wimpole, the parterre plastic ones when they break ley Environmental Ltd, which
biodiverse. It is not clear how or if the stress from the extreme had been lost for several decades. down, according to the Spanish runs a landfill site next to the
its distinctive layout will change. weather conditions becoming The scheme was created in the National Research Council, possi- pub. They live in a gated com-
Tom Fradd, head gardener at Wim- more prevalent in East Anglia.’ 1990s to replicate what had been bly because of chemicals used to pound between Hinckley and
pole, said: ‘We need to create a gar- The Trust said the first parterre there in the 19th century. It is time make them biodegradable. Lutterworth, Leicestershire.
Page 24 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

‘Dramatic’ ice loss sees 10% of

Swiss glaciers melt in two years
SWITZERLAND has lost 10 per cent of its By Colin Fernandez
glaciers in the past two years as hot Environment Editor
summers and a lack of snow ‘dramati-
cally’ accelerate the loss of ice. emy said: ‘The acceleration is dramatic,
A Swiss Academy of Sciences panel is with as much ice being lost in only two
reporting quicker melting speeds in the years as... between 1960 and 1990.’
country – which has the most glaciers in Matthias Huss, of the GLAMOS monitor-
Europe with an estimated 1,400. ing centre, which participated in the
It lost 4 per cent of its total glacier vol- research, said in an interview Switzer-
ume in 2023 – the second-biggest decline land has lost up to 1,000 small glaciers.
in one year – on top of a 6 per cent drop The team said the ice loss stemmed
in 2022, the academy’s commission for from a winter with very low volumes of
cryosphere observation said. The acad- snow and high summer temperatures.

Rishi hints HS2

cash could be
better spent on
fixing potholes
RISHI Sunak yester- By Jason Groves ‘betrayal’ of the North,
Take a break! Coffee cup
that turns into a biscuit
day hinted he was Political Editor pointing to his own creden-
tials as MP for Richmond, in FANCY a biscuit with your coffee
ready to scrap the North Yorkshire.
began life under the last that’s also a tasty way to save the
Manchester leg of HS2 Labour government, can no He told BBC Radio York: planet? Zero Green, an eco-friendly
– and suggested the longer be justified. ‘When I speak to people store in Bristol, is serving hot
money could be put to But the plan has triggered when I’m at home or any-
where else around, what eve-
drinks in a thick wheat and barley
better use on other a huge political backlash,
ryone tells me is that you’ve wafer cup which can be eaten after
forms of transport. and a formal decision has you’ve had your caffeine fix.
been put on hold until after got to make it easier to get
During a bruising round around all our northern The Cupffee lasts 40 minutes
of interviews with local the Conservatives hold their
annual conference in Man- towns and cities, whether before going soggy, leaving a recy-
BBC radio stations, the chester this weekend. it’s Hull, York, Leeds, Shef- clable paper sleeve. A Zero Green
Prime Minister ducked Mr Sunak said there were field, all the way over to Liv- barista said: ‘This is as close to a
more than a dozen ques- already ‘spades in the erpool. Connecting all those zero-waste cup as we can get.’
tions about whether the cities up is really important
troubled rail line would and we’re doing that.
ever reach Manchester. ‘Huge political ‘But we’re also investing in
He confirmed the project backlash’ the local transport that peo-
ple use every day, making
was under review to ensure
‘we get value for money’. sure that our potholes are
And he suggested the esti- ground’ on the first phase of filled, making sure that our
mated £35 billion saved HS2, which will run from bus services are running.’
could be better spent fund- Birmingham to Old Oak Asked to say ‘yes or no –
ing other transport projects, Common in west London. are you scrapping the HS2
such as new rail lines con- But he repeatedly refused line between Birmingham
necting northern cities, to confirm the line would be and Manchester?’, he said:
improved rural buses, or extended to Manchester, or ‘I’m not speculating about
even fixing potholes. whether it would run into future things.’
Whitehall sources con- Euston in central London Martin McTague, chairman
firmed that the Prime Min- as planned. of the Federation of Small
ister was all but convinced The PM denied that cur- Businesses, said scrapping
that the soaring cost of the tailing the high-speed line the Manchester leg would be Good enough to eat: Zero Green’s Cupffee
flagship rail scheme, which at Birmingham would be a a ‘huge letdown’.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 25

The PhD student

who built terror
drone to carry
a bomb for IS
A PHD engineering student is
facing prison after being convicted
By George Odling
and Duncan Gardham
in Coventry in January found the drone in
his bedroom along with a completed appli-
Al-Bared built
cation form for IS membership, in which he
of building a kamikaze drone for had stated he had a master’s degree in elec- this drone with
the Islamic State terror group. graduate made the wings on a 3D printer tronic engineering. the help of a
Mohamad Al-Bared, 26, whose parents and sent weekly updates to IS so his He was yesterday found guilty of preparing 3D printer
are both doctors, copied the design of a designs could be replicated. acts of terrorism by researching and devel-
The terror group was so impressed by the oping an unmanned aerial vehicle, sharing sarin gas and the poison ricin. The student’s
Tomahawk missile to build the device, student’s work that it shared one of his vid-
which was capable of delivering a bomb technical design details and registering a parents were both in court as the unani-
eos in a propaganda film on the encrypted UK company as false cover for travel abroad mous guilty verdict was returned. Al-Bared’s
or chemical weapon over a distance of messaging app Telegram. to join Islamic State. mother broke down in tears and had to be
five miles. The mechanical engineering Police who raided Al-Bared’s family home A judge told him to expect a lengthy jail helped from the courtroom.
term when he returns to Birmingham Crown Judge Paul Farrer KC told Al-Bared: ‘You
Court for sentencing in November. have been convicted of an offence of the
Al-Bared, who has a mechanical engineer- utmost gravity. A lengthy prison sentence in
ing degree from Coventry University, a mas- the inevitable consequence of it but the
ter’s from Warwick University and was stud- length and nature of the sentence is a mat-
ter for careful consideration.
‘The court will benefit from a risk assess-
‘A lengthy sentence ment from the probation service in relation
is inevitable’ to dangerousness.’
Al-Bared’s parents were born in Syria but
ying for a PhD at Birmingham University, moved to study medicine in Romania, where
they had their three children and remained for
told his IS contacts in January that he 20 years. The family settled in Britain in 2014.
wanted to leave Britain and join them. Det Chief Supt Mark Payne, head of Coun-
He registered a fake food import-export ter-Terrorism Policing West Midlands, said
firm with Companies House as cover for the Al-Bared was a ‘really, really dangerous indi-
trip and was advised by the terrorist group vidual who was quite some way towards
to travel to Turkey then on to Nigeria. helping to instigate an attack by IS’.
Al-Bared, a keen gardener who grew fruit ‘Anybody who has the qualifications and
and vegetables in an allotment, had a docu- the knowledge and the skills that he has,
ment called ‘Science of explosives’ with that gives them a dimension that they don’t
handwritten notes on the properties of seem currently to possess,’ he added.
phosgene, a poisonous gas used during the ‘He’s a prized asset and somebody who,
First World War, along with documents on I’m sure, would be very valuable to them.’

Victims in ‘limbo’ as backlog in

courts hits record 65,000 cases
THE crown court backlog has soared to By David Barrett Home Affairs Editor
a record high of nearly 65,000 cases,
new figures revealed yesterday. the Criminal Bar Association, said vic-
It means victims of crime are facing tims, witnesses and defendants were
years of delay before getting justice. being ‘held in limbo’.
Ministry of Justice (MoJ) data showed ‘If justice is not served in good time, it
English and Welsh crown courts had 64,709 is not served at all,’ she said, calling on
cases on the books at the end of June, up the Government to ensure resources
four per cent on the previous quarter. are available to help clear the backlog.
The MoJ has set a target to cut the The MoJ said it was ‘letting courts run
backlog to 53,000 by March 2025, but at full throttle’ as ‘more criminal cases
progress over recent months has gone are now reaching the crown court than
into reverse. Tana Adkin KC, chairman of at any point over the last two years’.
Page 26 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Don’t bring politics

into ITV Ripper drama Are you
The Long Shadow is a thinking
what she’s
new ITV drama about the
Yorkshire Ripper case, for
once focusing on the
victims instead of the

madman who killed them.
It is beautifully acted,
scripted and produced —
but is it my imagination or
is Margaret Thatcher
being blamed for these
terrible murders? In the
first episode, much is THE horror of the machete against stop and search, no sur-
made of the economic attack near a London bus stop prises there. Yet while it wouldn’t
situation that faced the a prostitute to buy MICK JAGGER hints that
UK in the 1970s. The tacit Christmas presents for her is absolutely chilling — but this is solve everything, it might make he might bequeath his
suggestion seems to be that kids. Yes, emily was an what happens when young men some troublemakers think twice $500 million fortune to charity
it was cruel Tory economic innocent woman who met feel free to roam the streets about leaving home with a knife. instead of leaving it to his eight
policies that forced these a terrible death, but let’s of the capital armed with knives The police need more powers to children by four different women.
women on to the streets. not turn this into a Tory- and machetes. keep the streets safe. Especially But his children have already
emily Jackson (played by bashing fairy tale. The They do so with impunity when they are dealing with won the golden lottery ticket of
Katherine Kelly, pictured) person to blame for because they know they are not youths who don’t seem to life, living the kind of gilded exist-
was Sutcliffe’s second emily’s death — and all going to get stopped and understand the consequences of ence that only nepo babies know.
victim, shown here as a the other murders — was searched. The London Mayor is their actions. Let’s put it this way, none of them
hard-up mum who became Peter Sutcliffe. No one else. is doing a shift in a factory.
Karis, 52, is a Netflix executive

Terrifying drug epidemic Braverman must stop

producer; Jade, 51, is a jewellery
designer; Elizabeth, 39, is a model;
James, 38, is an actor; Georgia, 31,
is also a model; Gabriel, 25, ‘has a
Suella Braverman shrugs and says it is horrendous opioid crisis. I hope it shocks her to something called Tranq Dope — a mix of fen- website’; Lucas, 24,
‘inevitable’ that fentanyl will soon flood the the core because opioids are wrecking america. tanyl and a veterinary drug called xylazine, travels and ‘likes
uK’s drug market. last year, almost 110,000 people died — a which is used as a sedative for cows and fashion’ while Dev-
Talk about giving up before the going gets record — most of them youths. I saw such peo- horses. It is sold on the streets for just a few eraux ‘likes petting
tough. Surely the Home Secretary should be ple staggering around los angeles when I was dollars and is popular because it maximises sheep’, but that
doing everything, everything, everything in her last there, zombies living on the streets, their the opioid hit — at a terrible cost. It literally is OK because
power to stop the horror of fentanyl from lives ruined, their deaths soon and inevitable. rots people’s skin, causing raw wounds which, he is only six
reaching these shores. For every narcotic we San Francisco, once the most beautiful of all if untreated, lead to the need for amputation. years old. Any-
have seen before — spice, heroin, crack, opium, american cities, has been ravaged, with the The Government can’t stop people coming
ketamine — is a picnic compared with the downtown area almost a no-go zone. The to Britain illegally; now they can’t stop these way, none of
devastating effects of this dead-end drug. streets of Philadelphia are ground zero for the terrifying drugs coming in illegally. We are not them is going to
at the moment, Braverman is on a u.S. trip to opioid crisis, where new and even worse strains a sovereign state any more, we are a pathetic starve, so save
see first-hand evidence of the country’s of the drug are emerging. The latest horror is free-for-all. How did this happen? your tears, dears.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 27


can write
the words
to this
love story
There was me TAYLOR SWIFT once
wrote a song called
Fifteen, urging teenage

thinking the
girls not to sweat the
small stuff.
‘In your life you’ll do
things greater than
dating the boy on the
football team,’ she

do-good dopes
sang, in her young but
oh-so-wise way.
Yet all these years
later, here she is, dating
the boy on the football
team — and it is just

of Montecito
too fabulous.
Travis Kelce (below) is
an all-American hero
who plays for the Kan-
sas City Chiefs, and

couldn’t sink
when Taylor attended
one of his matches this
week it was such big
news in the U.S. that it

any lower
ust when you seven reporters who would attend
think Meghan and HAVE you tried to get a the event, while greasily urging the
H a r r y c o u l d n’ t doctor’s appointment school to say it was a charity event
possibly sink to recently? It is a desperate task, and not something ‘promotion-ey’.
when you almost have to prove this is the kind of humdrum event
new depths, they the Royal Family in the uK take
go 20,000 fathoms deeper you are at death’s door before
you can secure a face-to-face part in any day of the week. the dif-
into the sludge. with your GP. So it is rather ference is they do this as part of
Just when I think I am done with charity work or investment in local
this couple of do-good dopes, galling to hear that two-thirds of initiatives and sundry worthy
believing myself to be indifferent GPs are opting to work part causes for the good of others rather
to any more of their conceits time. Do you know why they are than themselves. Certainly not to
a n d g h a s t l y, h o l l o w e d - o u t working reduced hours, even punt a crummy book they’ve writ-
souls, they go and exceed all during this health crisis? Because ten while pretending to be royals in
negative expectations. they can afford to, that is why. exile in a country that is a republic.
this week documents have And don’t quote the Duchess of
come to light detailing arrange- York and Budgie at me, because
ments for a visit the couple made at least when she did it, she didn’t made the national
to a primary school in New York sussexes’ son, Archie, and aimed strangle the freedoms of the poor evening bulletins.
in september 2021. to celebrate the relationship urchins corralled into listening to Travis is a tight end,
staff and the class of seven-year- between a father and a son in her deathly prose. which doesn’t mean he
old pupils involved were asked to rhyming couplets. Although, Of course, any filming involving is not going to pay for
sign a release form sent by please, no one mention the rela- children comes with complica- Taylor’s dinner, but is
Archewell that prevented them tionship between Harry and his tions, put in place to protect the


from making negative statements father, which has since gone from innocent from being exploited. his playing position.
about the event or the Duke or bad to worse to non-speaks. I can’t stop thinking about those When he drove off
Duchess of sussex; posting about Meghan dedicated her book to poor kids in Harlem, believing after the game against
it on social media; or attempting ‘the man and the boy who make that someone was taking a genu- the Chicago Bears — in
to make any money in the future my heart go pump-pump’, which ine interest in them; that this nice which he scored a
from their involvement. that was gives you an idea of the level of lady in the diamonds was coming touchdown — with

Archewell’s job, after all. literacy on display. along to read them a funny story. Taylor sitting next to
Release forms in the film indus- You’d think she’d want to keep him in the front seat of
try are nothing new, but the level the whole embarrassing project
of secrecy the sussexes insisted under wraps, but instead she his purple convertible,
upon and the gagging clauses planned a visit to this carefully IttLE did they realise it was so perfect that it
they pressed on teachers and chosen inner-city school in Har- they were merely unpaid seemed like a hit song
pupils alike is staggering. lem, which has a 91 per cent black extras in an ongoing already.
the head of the CIA could slip and Hispanic student population, production called st ‘Hey, shout out to
into the Kremlin with fewer confi- 95 per cent of whom qualify for Harry & st Meghan: the Cru- Taylor for showing up,’
dentiality clauses. Roosevelt and free or reduced-price lunches. It sader Years. And made to sit on a Travis said on his pod-
Churchill met in secret to bang was perfectly underprivileged, in nice clean cushion to boot.
out the Atlantic Charter with less It is no secret that the Duke and
cast after their date.
other words.
fuss. Not for the first time the the sussexes’ team did insist Duchess of sussex have gone to ‘That was pretty ballsy.
question has to be asked: who do upon new cushions for the children desperate lengths to protect the I sure as hell enjoyed
Harry and Meghan think they to sit on during the ‘read aloud’ in privacy of their own children. the weekend.’
are? And what is it about the the school grounds. For if poverty since Archie and Lilibet were Oh dear. He doesn’t
prospect of openness and trans- is regrettable, at least it can be born, all the public has seen are sound like the kind of
parency they fear so terribly? photogenic. Especially when the pixelated baby faces, a foot here, man who can turn a
Back then, Meghan had just sussexes’ Netflix crew was filming the back of a head there. It all moment into a monu-
published her first children’s every oh-so-casually humanitarian seems rather ridiculous, but if
book, the Bench. Do you remem- that is what they want, then fine.
mental chorus. But thank
moment for the Harry & Meghan
ber it? What a load of old toot. It documentary, which was released However, when it comes to goodness we all know a
made Budgie the Little Helicop- in December 2022. respecting the privacy of other woman who can.
ter, written by the Duchess of For what was this event, except a children, or honouring their rights
York several decades earlier, seem promotional exercise to plug the as fellow citizens of the world who
like Proust. Bench? Emails from Archewell to are free to express their own opin-
the Bench was 169 words long, the school detailed the 11 broad- ions, a very different set of rules
inspired by the birth of the cast outlets, 17 photographers and applies. typical. Pictures: DIA DIPASUPIL/GETTY IMAGES/ITV
Page 28 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Police ‘turn off

By Rebecca Camber Now decaying
concrete is
Crime and Security Editor

Police officers are switching

off their body-worn cameras
discovered at

bodycams when
and deleting footage to cover
up wrongdoing, an investiga-
tion has revealed.
There have been more than 150
Oxford college
reports of misuse of the cameras in By Sabrina Miller
england and Wales, from footage and Bintia Dennog

they use force’

being deleted to officers sharing
clips of victims on social media. OXFORD University students are
Footage which has been lost, deleted having to study in marquees
or not marked as evidence includes a and share bedrooms after
video filmed by Bedfordshire Police of a crumbling concrete was dis-
vulnerable woman alleging she had been covered at a college.
raped by an inspector. The force blamed St Catherine’s has been forced
the loss on an ‘administrative error’. to close its library, dining hall
in another instance, images of a naked
and 152 bedrooms.
person were allegedly shared
between officers. A two-year BBc The discovery of reinforced
probe found officers in seven police
forces had shared footage with
friends or colleagues, either in per-
Fatal shooting cop faces sack autoclaved aerated concrete,
or RAAC, at Oxford comes after
it was found in many schools,
son or via social media. A MET Police officer who killed a the Crown Prosecution Service said forcing around 100 to close.
There were also reports of officers gangster plotting a prison break is the officer would not face criminal St Catherine’s College, which
switching off cameras during inci- was founded in 1962, has put up
dents and facing no penalty. Two to face a gross misconduct hearing, charges. A public inquiry concluded
which could see him being sacked. Baker had been lawfully killed. marquees in its gardens to
The officer, known only as W80, The move comes a week after be used as a makeshift
‘Dark things happen shot dead Jermaine Baker in Decem- another officer, known as NX121, dining room, common room
that we don’t see’ ber 2015 as the 28-year-old was was charged with murder over the and study space.
attempting to spring two prisoners shooting of Chris Kaba in east Lon- Students have been asked to
from Wood Green Crown Court in don last year. The prosecution led volunteer to sleep on mat-
siblings accused of assaulting tresses in shared rooms to help
officers at a Black lives Matter North London. Following the death to uproar in the ranks, with around
protest in May 2020 had to fight it emerged Baker had an imitation 300 firearms officers refusing to ease accommodation pres-
for two years to obtain body-worn submachine gun in the car. In 2017, carry weapons over the weekend. sures, while others will be
video evidence showing the use of Misuse? Police bodycam moved to nearby hotels or
force against them by police. neighbouring colleges.
Both were eventually acquitted of evidence. But freedom of infor- the fact it’s a tool that would help of technology... must be lawful, One student moaned: ‘Some
and the judge said it seemed the mation requests have revealed them build trust they’d be on to proportionate and justified.’ guy in 1960 had an obsession
prosecution had deliberately failed more than 150 reports of misuse of something – instead of hiding it.’ The police ombudsman for with concrete and now Catz sec-
to disclose relevant information the cameras which have emerged Acting chief constable Jim col- Northern ireland has recom- ond years are being asked to
regarding the actions of Metro- from police sources, misconduct well, lead for body-worn video at mended that armed response sleep on the floor indefinitely.’
politan Police officers. hearings and regulator reports. the National Police chiefs’ coun- officers be provided with head-
Baroness louise casey, whose cil, said the incidents ‘go to the mounted cameras to provide bet-
RAAC, which was widely used
The roll-out of bodycams at a from the mid-1950s to the
cost of £90million over the past review into the Met was published heart of what undermines confi- ter footage of weapons discharges.
decade was intended to benefit in March, said: ‘There are too dence in policing’. He added that it follows a probe that found foot- mid-1990s, has a typical lifespan
victims and the police by protect- many dark things that go on that publication of footage should be age from the shoulder-mounted of 30 years. St Catherine’s Col-
ing officers against malicious com- we are not seeing. The sooner they the default where lawful. A Home camera of an officer who fired a lege has been contacted for
plaints and improving the quality (officers) get their heads around office spokesman said: ‘Police use Taser had been obstructed. comment.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 29

Daily Mail Reporter

AN office manager whose £37,000 payout for Just blown in!

Storm brings
mum whose boss said rarely-seen
boss regarded anyone who
called in sick as a snowflake
has won £37,000 in compen-
sation after he told her she
used the menopause as an
birds to UK

she made menopause

‘excuse for everything’. By Colin Fernandez
Karen Farquharson, 49, was Environment Editor
left hysterical after company
founder Jim Clark accused her HIGH winds have blown ultra-
of ‘strolling in’ when it suited rare songbirds across the Atlan-

‘excuse for everything’

her and said ‘just get on with it’ tic to Britain this week.
when she explained she had The arrival of more than a
been off the day before because dozen small birds, one of which
of her symptoms. has never been seen in Britain
The businessman had a ‘pet hate’ before, has been a once-in-a-
of staff not turning up to work, an lifetime event for birdwatchers.
employment tribunal heard. The Rare Bird Alert website
Mrs Farquharson, who had I see you’ve made it in!’ When she
explained why she had not been described the ‘spew of uber-
worked the firm for 27 years, was rare land birds’ on September
in, he gave her a disgusted look.
He later said she was strolling in 20 and 21 as ‘one of the most
‘He called sick and out of work whenever she memorable couple of days in
staff snowflakes’ pleased. He swore and said the British and Irish birding history’.
menopause was ‘your excuse for Species include a Tennessee
everything’. He also dismissed it warbler, a Baltimore oriole and
so upset by his remarks that she as ‘a biddy has aches and pains’.
took time off with stress and even- a Philadelphia vireo. John
She left work in tears and White, co-founder of bird-
tually quit her £38,000-a-year job. launched a grievance. She later
She sued Mr Clark’s firm for watching app Birda, said: ‘It’s
resigned and took Thistle Marine
unfair dismissal and harassment to the tribunal. been amazing for us to have
and has been awarded £37,379.56. Mr Clark suggested Mrs Farqu- seen species such as the Canada
The tribunal in Aberdeen heard harson had engineered the resig- Warbler turning up in the UK.
she joined the engineering com- nation to get money. The panel – ‘It’s an incredible opportunity
pany Thistle Marine in Peterhead chaired by Employment Judge to see them, but their presence
on the east coast of Scotland, in James Hendry – said: ‘Jim Clark is bittersweet given their sur-
1985 as an office manager. can best be described a blunt, self- vival rate is low having been
The firm – which provides serv- made man. He no doubt has many blown this far off-course.’
ices to the oil and fishing indus- admirable qualities but empathy
tries – had been founded in the
With climate change ringing
for others is not among them.’ in more extreme weather glo-
late 1970s by Mr Clark, 72. Insults: Karen Farquharson and her former boss Jim Clark His ‘deeply insulting’ remarks to
‘Over the years, Mrs Farquhar- Mrs Farquharson violated her dig- bally, many migratory birds are
son told her employers she was loss of concentration and brain in freefall. The birds are unlikely
son had observed that Jim Clark experiencing a number of ‘serious fog. In December 2022 Mrs Farqu- nity, the panel concluded.
had an issue with employees tak- symptoms’ of the menopause. The harson – then 48 – worked from Mrs Farquharson said her former to fly across the Atlantic to
ing holidays or being off ill,’ the firm paid for her to have a private home for two days. boss was a dinosaur, adding: ‘I just warmer climes unless they find
tribunal heard. ‘He would refer to assessment of her condition. The next day she went in, arriv- can’t get my head around that I enough food, meaning they will
employees off sick as snowflakes’. By the autumn of 2022, she was ing at 2pm, passing Mr Clark in a had known this company 27 years not survive unless they adapt
In August 2021, Mrs Farquhar- suffering from bleeding, anxiety, a corridor. He said sarcastically: ‘Oh and they treated me like rubbish.’ to the colder British climate.
Page 30 V1

Boy band star Ryan September 29, 2023

avoids jail over race DAY
abuse of f light crew
LEE Ryan joked that his day in By Jon Brady and Vivek Chaudhary
Joker: Lee Ryan yesterday
was also ordered to pay £2,500 compensation
SePteMBer 29, 1965
LOuD and clear the pilot’s voice came over
the radio in the air control tower at Lon-
don Airport. Flight LZ130 requesting per-
mission to land. Over and out. Roger. But
it wasn’t Roger. It was Maria Atanassova,
court was ‘terrific’ after dodging jail to Ms Gordon plus £750 to her colleague.
The boy band singer had been described the first woman to land a jet passenger
for a racially aggravated assault on was handed a four-month suspended flight at London’s Heathrow Airport.
as ‘slurring his words and staggering
a black flight attendant who he told: jail term to run concurrently. around’ after downing an entire bottle of SePteMBer 29, 1992
Asked by reporters outside Isleworth port in a lounge at Glasgow Airport before A YEAR ago, Chesney
‘I want your chocolate children.’ Crown Court, west London, how the hear- his flight to London on July 31 last year. Hawkes, 21, was the golden
The Blue singer, 40, was handed a 12- ing went, Ryan replied: ‘Oh, it was terrific, boy of pop. His hit The One
After he was refused alcohol on the plane,
month suspended prison sentence after thank you very much.’ Ryan approached Ms Gordon from behind, And Only could be heard
attacking Leah Gordon on July 31 last Passing sentence, Judge Nicholas Wood saying he needed a kiss. He then called her every day. Now the heart-
year. He had earlier pleaded guilty to told Ryan: ‘You brought shame on yourself a ‘chocolate cookie’ before grabbing her throb earns less than the PR
being drunk on an aircraft, for which he for this. I think you are aware of that.’ He wrists and adding: ‘I’m going to have your men who promote his flagging
chocolate children.’ It came career. Hawkes earned just
just months after Ryan mar- £20,000 this year, he revealed to magistrates
ried X Factor star Verity Paris. at Epping, Essex, admitting speeding.
Judge Wood added: ‘It was HAPPY BIRTHDAY
your decision and your deci- MATT GOSS, 55. The London-born singer-
sion alone to get drunk.’ songwriter found fame, alongside twin
But explaining his reasons brother Luke, with 1980s group Bros, whose
for not giving a custodial sen- hits included When Will I Be Famous?. In
tence, he said Ryan struggled their heyday, they had lunch with Princess
with autism, PTSD, dyslexia, Diana. In the 2018 documentary Bros: After
ADHD and alcohol abuse. The Screaming Stops, he came out with
Ryan, who was tearful in the one-liners including: ‘I was a rectangle and
dock, told the court that his [Luke] was a rectangle and we made a
square that became a fortress.’
‘Told court he was ALFIE BOE, 50. The car mechanic-turned-
being playful’ tenor from Lancashire has had three uK
number one albums and appeared with
the English National Opera. But he never
actions were ‘playful’ and
goes to the opera. It leaves him ‘bored
denied that using the word
stiff ’. When he appeared on Radio 4’s
‘chocolate’ was racist.
Desert Island Discs, he opted for Led
In footage of his arrest, Ryan
Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.
could be seen crying on the
floor and ‘snarling’. BORN ON THIS DAY
Ryan has four children – two BARBARA MERTZ (1927-2013). The u.S.
teenagers with former partners novelist wrote under names including Bar-
Jessica Keevil and Samantha bara Michaels and Elizabeth Peters but
Miller and two younger chil- said she was so grateful to get her first book
dren with Ms Paris, with whom published that ‘I would’ve accepted the
he is expecting another child. pen name Jack the Ripper’. Mertz was a
heavy smoker who preferred her gin neat.


2015). The u.S. model-turned-
actress and singer, born Emma
XX Matzo, starred in The Strange
Love Of Martha Ivers and
X Dead Reckoning, counting

Humphrey Bogart, Burt Lan-
caster and Elvis Presley

X among her leading men. She said of the film

camera: ‘There was something about that

lens that I adored, and it adored me back.’
X XO IN 1976, on his 41st birthday, rock ’n’ roll’
singer Jerry Lee Lewis accidentally shot his
Today’s difficulty rating ★★★ bass player Norman Owens twice in the
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Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 31

Freud family Fun and dames for

Twiggy and Emma!
battle green IT WAS Twiggy’s big
night, but another
dame appeared to be
screenwriter and
actress. Twiggy says it
was ‘very, very emo-

energy threat
in danger of stealing tional’ seeing her par-
the show. ents and ex-husband
Sixties icon Twiggy, portrayed on stage.
74, who became The musical recreates
Dame Lesley Lawson the moment she found
four years ago, is the out husband Michael

to village idyll
subject of Close-Up: Witney had collapsed
The Twiggy Musical. and died while taking
At its first night at their five-year-old
The Menier Chocolate daughter for dinner.
Factory theatre in Twiggy says said she
Southwark, South Lon- refused previous offers
don, the model was to dramatise her life

embraced enthusiasti- but was flattered when
NLY last year, will build a haulage access road cally by friend Dame Ben Elton asked and
they suffered the width of the M6,’ says Emma Thompson, 64, agreed because he
the shock of Esther, adding that, by doing the Oscar-winning was a friend.
so, the power companies will
seeing flames turn Walberswick into an
tear through ‘industrial wasteland, destroy-
their 18th-century, timber- ing the beach, wildlife and KATE GARRAWAY to take part in a trick.
ancient ecosystem’. has endured a They were all asked to
framed house. At Esther’s urging, locals traumatic time since think of a song and
The blaze was eventually
quelled by 14 fire engines and packed into the village hall at her husband Derek not tell anyone. Then
crews, but that hasn’t ended the weekend for a meeting with Draper’s near-fatal a musician played the
the pain for romantic comedy the power companies. fight with Covid in tunes on the piano.
king Richard Curtis and his ‘It galvanized the village,’ she 2020. So the Good Garraway, 56, was
partner, Emma Freud. tells me. ‘They were pretty over- Morning Britain shocked when the
The couple face further trauma whelmed by the sheer power of presenter was grateful woman played her
at Walberswick, which has been the village’s outrage,’ she adds, for a night out at number: ABC by The
a sanctuary to the Freud family explaining that the same fury is illusionist Derren Jackson 5. And the
for 90 years or more. felt in the coastal towns of Brown’s show, surprises didn’t end
The idyllic seaside village has Southwold and Aldeburgh.
The Freuds’ key ally is Fiona Unbelievable, in there. A magician
become a battleground, thanks London’s West End. announced to the
to ‘green energy’ plans to con- Gilmore, organiser of
Suffolk Energy Action And her evening took audience how much
nect offshore power to the a magical twist when change Garraway’s
national grid via a 50ft-high Solutions, who points
out that current plans she was invited to join friend, Mike, had in
substation on a 35-acre site members of the his pocket: £3.11 — the
— plans which, say locals, will require 200ft wide
cable trenches and audience on stage at exact amount.
will industrialise swathes
of the Suffolk coast. substations. the Criterion Theatre Spooky.
Emma tells me she’s Time for Richard
delighted the village’s Curtis to put
together a short LET’S hope there are until one night I came
plight is receiving no major shocks at this back to go to bed,’ he
national attention film, like his
but lets another four-minute clip year’s Labour Party recalls. ‘When I put the
f a m i l y m e m b e r, in 2010 about conference for journal- key in my door it didn’t
h e r cousin, the cutting carbon ist Stephen Pollard. The work, which was annoy-
novelist Esther emissions? former Jewish Chroni- ing, but when I turned
Freud (right), Since then, the cle editor has revealed the handle it opened.
whose books UK has reduced
them faster than he once walked into And sitting there in bed
include Hideous Tony Benn’s Blackpool in his pyjamas reading
Kinky, lead the any other country
in the G20. hotel room. ‘We were is Tony Benn. The key
charge. ‘They
Picture: GETTY staying in the same didn’t work because it
B&B. I didn’t know this, wasn’t my room.’

NOT PLACE Raducanu can Explorer’s secret
STAR’S FACE still smash it, gift to Afghan girls
Follett was invited to the banquet
president Emmanuel Macron of
says men’s ace TV EXPLORER Levison
Wood witnessed the Taliban
capture of Kabul during the
West’s bungled withdrawal
teaches girls English,’
Wood, 41, reveals at a talk
for the Chelsea History
Festival about his book,
France gave for King Charles and SINCE her fairy-tale victory at the from Afghanistan — where Escape From Kabul: The
Queen Camilla last week. US Open in 2021, she has won only he previously spent four Inside Story.
But the writer might not have 24 of 51 matches, jettisoned five years fighting with the ‘I can’t disclose the
recognised many famous faces Parachute Regiment. l o c a t i o n b e c a u s e i t’ s
at the Palace of Versailles, as he coaches and had three major
operations — but Emma Raducanu, But the former Army technically illegal,’ he adds.
proved when he collected his officer hasn’t given up on ‘The Taliban wouldn’t like
CBE from the then P rince 20, can still dominate women’s
the troubled nation. that, but these people are
Charles at Buckingham Palace tennis, insists BBC Wimbledon ‘I help fund a school in going to do it with or
in 2018. commentator Andrew Castle. northern Afghanistan that without my help.’
‘I did make a bit of a faux pas, ‘When Emma comes back in
because behind me in the queue January, she can be a force,’
there was this bloke quite a lot Castle tells me. Britain’s former KinG Charles’s around the estate to

younger than me,’ Follett says. Ayrshire mansion, seek out bat roosts.’ it
‘Eventually, I turned to him and
men’s No 1 adds: ‘Nobody believes
it any more; it’s so bizarre — Dumfries House, is adds: ‘Please note, this
said, “What did you do to get staging a ‘bat walk’. event will take place
your CBE?” He said, “I’m an she’s won the U.S. Open. She can
do great things in the game. An advert explains: after the sun has set
actor — I’m Tom Hardy.” ’
He adds of the Hollywood star’s She just needs to grow and ‘Join volunteers for the and so we will be
reaction to his gaffe: ‘He was very Bat Conservation Trust walking in the dark.’
build physically.’ on an evening walk Look out!
nice about it.’

Follow me on Twitter @richardaeden and on Instagram @edenconfidential

Page 32 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

here comes a stage in
every woman’s life when the
words of the late, great
journalist, screenwriter and
all-round sage Nora ephron
by SARAH VINE microneedling, creating minor
trauma to the skin and deeper
tissues, which in turn stimulates the
body to produce collagen and elastin
fibres for healing, helping to firm up
the area treated.
Likewise, another favourite, the
spring to mind. thread lift, in which very fine surgical
I Feel Bad About My Neck (And Other faces are lies and our necks are the truth.’ And, chin hair, not to mention a persistent and
for years, she’s been absolutely right, of course. annoyingly swarthy presence on the upper lip, threads studded with tiny hooks are
Thoughts On Being A Woman) was the title of inserted deep into the tissues of the
ephron’s 2006 collection of characteristically Necks are like hands (and feet, although feet at 56 there is nowhere to hide.
are easier to hide), blunt, honest indicators of In truth, I have always felt a bit bad about my face and then, not to put too fine a
razor-sharp observations on the trials and point on it, yanked upwards to
age. I would also include in that list jowls and, neck. even when I was a young, unwrinkled
tribulations of being a woman of a certain age; in some cases, ears and noses. As we get older thing, it was not the shape and length I wanted elevate the muscles, is also painful

the menopause, the empty nest, the aching the former sag and droop, and the latter have it to be. It was not long and elegant, it did not — albeit very effective.
joints and fading faculties; and also of the an uncanny tendency to get bigger and more in any way resemble that of a swan, which I
effort it takes — as the years creep by — to pronounced. The sharpness of youth deserts was taught early on by fairytales and films was
counter the disconnect between the crone us, and our faces and bodies slowly but — and probably still is — the optimum shape
staring back at us in the mirror, and the person unmistakably seem to melt, like Tarmac in the of a human female’s neck. G A I N, t h e i n t e r n a l
we remain in our mind’s eye. hot sun. It is not a happy experience. Mine was instead short and rather stocky trauma encourages
‘According to my dermatologist,’ she writes, For men, the issue is less pronounced. Men and solidly embedded in my wide shoulders, a the body to produce
‘the neck starts to go at 43 and that’s that. You have one huge advantage in this respect over part of my anatomy very much constructed for collagen, which in turn
can put make-up on your face and concealer women: beards. A beard is a wonderful tool of utilitarian, not aesthetic, purposes. To make improves the texture of the skin.
under your eyes and dye on your hair, you can concealment. It can hide a double chin or a slack matters worse, I’m one of those people who The effect is instantaneous — but it
shoot collagen and Botox and restylane into jawline, it can even mask a turkey neck. If I were puts weight on around their face, so the double hurts like hell, there can be bruising,
your wrinkles and creases, but short of surgery a man, that would definitely be my strategy. chin was (is) an ever-present threat. and it is imperative to have it done
there’s not a damn thing you can do about But I’m not. And although I do, as I get older, With the passing of years, matters have not by a really experienced medical
your neck. The neck is a dead giveaway. Our find myself increasingly battling the occasional necessarily improved. Granted, the situation is practitioner, otherwise you can end
not terrible. Thanks to my intense up with all sorts of complications,
dislike of the sun and sunbathing, including a wonky face.
the quality of my skin is not too bad. There are many others, too. The
But there is a heaviness, a loss of endolift (in which a laser fibre just
definition and a laxity that cannot bigger than a human hair is inserted
be denied. under the skin to tighten it and
It doesn’t help that I can’t stop remove fat); Ultherapy, an ultrasound
looking at myself. Not out of choice, treatment that many experts in the
I should add. Just because you can’t business recommend as a once-a-year
escape it these days. That little maintenance option; Ultracel, another
electronic mirror in our hands makes ultrasound-based treatment which
sure of that. also uses microneedling; and endless
God, I miss those innocent, pre- at-home gadgets, from Newa, an at-
Instagram and TikTok days, when home radiofrequency device to Lyma,
smartphones didn’t exist, when we one of a new generation of skin lasers
were not constantly snapping selfies licensed for domestic use.
with friends, or being filmed dancing In my personal quest to feel less
after too many glasses of wine, or bad about my neck I have, over the
accidentally activating some sort of course of the past few years, dabbled
FaceTime button that ambushes us with a few of these options myself.
when we’re least expecting it, jowls, I tried the Lyma, for example, but
wrinkles, bags, surly, downturned just couldn’t get into it — although I
mouth, resting bitchface and all. know people who swear by it.
There were mirrors, of course, but I was too chicken for the Morpheus
they could be easily avoided. And if 8 (I was put off by the agonising
you did find yourself in front of one, tales). But I did have a thread lift in
you took steps. My friends and I used 2019, and loved the results, even
to take the mickey out of each other though it felt like I had barbed wire
for our various ‘mirror faces’, one in my face for about a week (which in
turning her head this way or that, the essence, I did). And it lasted longer
other striking a certain pose, another that I had anticipated — they say
pouting and raising her eyebrows. 18 months to two years, but it was
Now you never know when the camera probably more like three before I
might catch you unawares. noticed the effect wearing off. I
And it’s not all selfies and self- suspect that was down to the skill of
inflicted: there’s no escaping the the doctor who did it, Dr charlotte
tyranny of the Zoom or video call. Woodward at river Aesthetics. can’t
The latter are particularly recommend her enough.
unflattering, especially for the lower But the truth is time marches on
half of the face because we tend to and, earlier this year, I noticed that
be looking down at the screen. No things were starting to head
wonder everyone is so anxious about inexorably south once more. I didn’t
their appearance. No wonder the want to have another thread lift: just
aesthetics industry is booming. too painful. Yes, I feel bad enough
There are advantages and about my neck, but not bad enough
disadvantages to this. The to go through that again. So I decided
disadvantages are the botched to go a different route: injectables.
treatments, the lack (still) of proper Injectables have had a bit of a bad
regulation, the proliferation of rap of late. Not just the over-use of
unscrupulous clinics and practitioners. Botox, resulting in frozen expressions
The advantages are that, where best and so-called ‘bowling-ball’ foreheads;
practice exists, some really innovative but also poorly administered fillers,

options are now available. resulting in that awful pillow face
you see on so many celebrities.
But I had heard about one woman
with the lightest of touches and the
Ack when ephron wrote tiniest, thinnest of needles who had
her book, she was right: developed a technique using a
the only way to improve combination of micro fillers, tiny,
the appearance of the individual threads and Botox to
neck and jowls was expensive, pain- treat the neck and jowls. I decided to
ful surgery with weeks of recovery take the plunge.
time in some remote Swiss clinic. Dr Ivy Igerc is of croatian and Italian
Almost two decades on, that is no extraction, slim, impeccably dressed
longer the case. There are now a and impossibly glamorous with 20
plethora of treatments aimed at tack- years’ experience in the business.
ling this most tiresome of problems, When not tending to her client list of
ranging from the more invasive — bashful celebrities and supermodels,
lasers, threads, microneedling, heat she is to be found lecturing on the
and radiofrequency — to the more latest techniques in aesthetic
subtle (and less painful) such as ultra- enhancement all over the world.
sound. results, of course, vary accord- She works out of the hale clinic
ing to the treatments — but the gen- ( in London. But when
eral rule (I’m afraid to say) has always we meet she has just returned from
been the more pain, the more gain. china, and is full of excitement and
One of the more popular energy about some of the new
treatments, for example, Morpheus 8 technology emanating from that part
(endorsed by the likes of kim of the world. She’s also fascinated by
kardashian, Amanda holden and the differences in beauty standards
Judy Murray, who revealed last year between cultures — did you know,
that she had undergone the for example, that in china having
treatment to ‘tighten’ her turkey ears that stick out from your face is
neck) is famously very painful. considered highly desirable?
It combines radiofrequency with She laughs: ‘Over here, everyone
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 33

Light touch: Dr Ivy gives Sarah ‘micro’ doses of filler into her neck and jawline

Can the
finally fix
the one bit of
your body that’s
always given
your AGE away?
Picture: LEZLI + ROSE; Hair & make-up: DESMOND GRUNDY
The result: Sarah
after her treatment

probably no more than three

minutes. It costs from £800. But
the effect is unmistakable.
The Botox takes a few days to
kick in; but the fillers and the mini
threads do their work instantly.
And there it is: my jawline. Hello,
old friend.
Over the course of the next few
wants their ears pinned back; her technique. Most practitioners about it, the standing up thing Then it’s time for the filler. And weeks, as the Botox in my neck and
there, it’s the opposite.’ will have you lying back on a bed. makes perfect sense. When I lie this is where the magic really
masseter starts to work, the results
But Dr Ivy is nothing if not Not Dr Ivy. After sterilising the down, all the jowls and wrinkles happens. Using tiny jabs of filler,
inventive. She uses tiny amounts skin with something that smells obligingly slide around the side of she widens my cheekbones almost get even better. And it’s exactly
of filler to reposition the ears — a like swimming pools and applying my face. If Dr Ivy can’t see the full imperceptibly just beneath my what I had hoped for: not so drastic
technique not dissimilar to that numbing cream to the face, she horror, how on earth is she temples. Again, this is all part of I look like someone’s taped my chin
used in non-surgical rhinoplasties, has you standing up, hair back, supposed to treat it? the illusion: emphasise the around the back of my neck, but
where the nose is reshaped using against a white backdrop. After Botox in the vertical frown cheekbones and you detract from noticeable enough (to me, anyway)
the cleverest of optical illusions. You are instructed to in turn lines between my eyes — not to the lower part of the face. to give me a new-found confidence.
In fact, most of what Dr Ivy does frown, smile, raise your eyebrows, erase them, just to soften them Then she goes in on the jawline, It will need maintenance, of course.
is about tricking the eye into let your jaw go slack while she slightly, I get little nips of the stuff injecting microscopic doses of filler Ephron was right: the only truly
thinking what it’s seeing is not, as, marks out the areas to be treated in my crow’s feet, and then she underneath the muscle in order to permanent solution is a surgical lift.
in my case, a slightly weary-looking with a surgical pencil. asks me to clench my jaw. lift and support it — rather like But I really don’t want that.
divorcee who honestly can’t Using the finest of needles, she Here she goes in slightly deeper, scaffolding holding up a sagging More to the point, I don’t need it.
remember the last time she had a then injects quickly and confidently, to turn off the powerful masseter roof — to create definition. I am not a supermodel or an
facial and whose skincare regime stepping back every few punctures muscle and stop me a) grinding my A final bit of filler to soften the actress, no one really cares what I
consists of shoving on whatever to observe the effects, rather like an teeth and b) reduce the volume of dreaded marionette lines at the look like.
cream happens to be lying around artist applying paint to a canvas. muscle for a slimmer silhouette. corners of my mouth, and it’s time No one except me, that is. Now I
the bathroom, but a sophisticated, It’s a bit like being attacked by a Lastly, she injects those big for the mini threads, just that little am happy to say that, when I look
well-preserved woman of small but determined swarm of vertical muscles in the neck which bit of extra support beneath the in the mirror these days, I feel quite
indeterminate middle years. little bees, only one must resist the are responsible for pulling the skin (these, by the way, don’t hurt good about my neck. And, at 56,
One of the most striking things is urge to run away. When you think mouth and jaw down over time. at all). The whole thing has taken that’s not bad going at all.
Page 34 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Follow me on Twitter @alisonboshoff

Holly’s hubby
shrewdly signs
up Gladiators to
his OWN agency
OBODY will be is a highly successful production
keener to see the company which was founded in
2014. Other shows it makes
success of the include Michael McIntyre’s Big
BBC’s reboot of Show, The Wheel and Freeze The
Gladiators than Fear With Wim Hof.
TV executive Dan Baldwin Latest accounts show that in
the year to December 2021 it had
— also known as Mr net assets of £256,000 — a sharp
Holly Willoughby. fall compared with £1.8 million
Not only is he making the show the previous year, due no doubt
for the Beeb via his company to the disruption caused by the
Hungry Bear, he has also pulled a Covid pandemic. It was said that
shrewd move by setting up a the company claimed £10,000 in
talent agency to represent all the furlough payments.
new stars he hopes it will create. Holly is said to be worth around
This ‘brand new generation of £10 million after her successful
superhumans’ (that’s according career on daytime TV.
to the Beeb) have been signed up The couple met in 2004 when
to the HB agency, which was Dan was a producer on the
quietly set up by Baldwin in June, Ministry Of Mayhem show and
just before the show was filmed. she was a presenter.
So far, Steel, Viper, Sabre, Fire, They were married in 2007 and
Bionic, Legend, Diamond, have three children.
Athena, Apollo, Dynamite, Nitro Power couple: Dan and Holly T h e y l i v e i n S o u t h -We s t
and Giant are on board — which London and have a second home
is 12 out of the total of 16. artists, whom he signed to his in Portugal.
They are athletes, bodybuilders record label. Willoughby has been
and sporting stars who will It also means Holly and Dan presenting This Morning along-
become familiar to viewers as have his ’n’ hers talent agencies. side a roster of other co-hosts
they battle members of the Holly Willoughby, a stalwart of since her ‘best friend’ Phillip
public during the show, which This Morning, left her long-time Schofield quit the show earlier
will go out later this autumn. agency YMU in August 2020 to this year. He said that he’d had
The news means that Baldwin set up her own company, Roxy an ‘unwise’ and brief relationship
can make money from successes management. She remains with a runner on the programme,
the show’s stars have outside Roxy’s sole client. and apologised for lying to
of Gladiators, if they sign There was a legal battle with conceal it.
advertising deals, appear in other her old agents, which was settled Gladiators — a UK version of
programmes, make personal finally in the summer of 2022. an American show — was made
appearances and so forth. A 25 That has left her free from the by LWT for ITV and ran from
per cent cut would be standard. ‘sunset clause’ which would have 1992 to 2000. Presenters included
In a similar way, Simon Cowell seen YMU taking a cut of her Ulrika Jonsson — who famously
made money from the successes future earnings. had a fling with Gladiator Hunter,
of the X Factor recording Baldwin’s Hungry Bear Media real name James Crossley.

TEMPLE, the Sky drama series set in the coming back.’ The hard-edged thriller, which
tunnels beneath a London Underground was based on the Norwegian series Valkyrien,
station, has been axed. Says an insider: ‘Sky felt starred Strong — agent Merlin in the Kingsman
they had taken the story of surgeon Daniel movies — as a doctor trying to save his dying
Milton, played by Mark Strong, as far as they wife, who sets up an illicit medical clinic in a
could over two series and the show won’t be bunker underneath Temple station.

BRITISH film fiction film, you try to THE premiere of the

director Gareth avoid putting in a Netflix Beckham docu-
Edwards jokes that we date. But at some point mentary will be big news
have about ‘a month’ you have to, so I picked next week — there is a
before the AI 2070. Now I feel like an
apocalypse, as idiot because I should screening in Mayfair
depicted in his film have gone for 2023.’ followed by a party at
The Creator, is upon us He added: ‘When I The Twenty Two hotel
(see review p38). started writing this it for David Beckham . . .
Edwards, who also was 2018 and it did feel and his wife Victoria and
directed Rogue One: A back then like this was their family will be front
Star Wars Story, said: 30 years away. But and centre.
‘I think the trick with when we were filming, But don’t hold your
AI is to get the timing we were in the middle breath for a Spice Girls
right — there’s a sweet of the jungle and I reunion. Neither Geri
spot where it’s before looked at my phone nor Mel B will be
the robot apocalypse and there was a there, and Mel C is also
and not after, which I whistleblower account looking ‘unlikely’.
think is in November, from one of the big tech Emma Bunton (pictured
or maybe December. companies, thinking far left with Posh) will
‘When you write a film, that the AI had become attend, though.
especially a science self-aware.’
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 35

PRESENTER Dermot O’Leary the Marathon des Sables [an

has revealed he turned down ultra-marathon in the Sahara]?
Strictly Come Dancing because She’s going through that now.’
it’s too physically demanding. He added: ‘I had a lunch a
He said: ‘It’s brutal. I’m good couple of years ago, because the
friends with (current contestant) people that work on it are good
Angela Scanlon — that poor friends. But it’s just not a
girl! You know when people do burning desire for me.’

Sandra who? After the Oscars, you’ll know!

GERMAN actress Sandra Huller, 45, is shaping up to be the premiered in Cannes this year, with Anatomy taking the
woman of the moment at the 2024 Oscars. Zone Of Inter- Palme D’Or — and Zone Of Interest, based on the Martin
est, in which she plays the wife of a Nazi camp comman- Amis novel, winning the runner-up Grand Prix.
dant, is the UK entry in the International Film category. Her dog in Anatomy Of A Fall is also in world-conquering
She is also being tipped for a Best Actress nomination form. Border collie Messi plays a pivotal role in the film
for Anatomy Of A Fall, in which she plays a novelist as family pooch Snoop and won the Palme Dog, a just-
accused of killing her husband. The two films were for-fun contest in Cannes.

DID anyone hear a starting gun? This

month’s Vogue has landed with a heavy
thud . . . and with Leonardo DiCaprio
and his Killers Of The Flower Moon
co-star Lily Gladstone gracing the
cover. Inside the pair talk about the
film, which also stars Robert De Niro,
in detail, over 11 pages.
The magazine observes that they
‘lead the season’ — the awards season,
of course. Yes, March is a long way off,
but everyone is thinking about the
Oscars already.
The two stars give interviews Contenders: De Niro, Scorsese, Lily Gladstone and Leonardo DiCaprio
conducted before the strike, and pose

And they’re off! The awards

in finery, styled by editor Edward
Enninful in a shoot also undertaken
before July. But with the publicity
being printed deep into the industrial
action, some might see it as a rather
cynical circumvention.
Meanwhile, the film’s director, Martin
Scorsese, will be in London to support
the movie when it has its UK premiere
race hots up, despite strike
conversations with their respective Fennell of Promising Young Woman
next Saturday, as part of the BFI’s films (Gerwig for Barbie and Coppola fame. The Brideshead-meets-Talented-
London Film Festival. for Priscilla). Directors are allowed to Mr-Ripley tale divided audiences at
He is going to give a talk to a selected talk, but actors not — at least not Telluride Film Festival, with one critic
audience — as are fellow film-makers until the strike is resolved. calling it laborious, puerile and empty
Greta Gerwig and Sofia Coppola. All The festival opens with Saltburn, — although the performance of its star,
three will be part of Oscars written and directed by Emerald Barry Keoghan, was generally lauded.

Phoebe’s millions saved by deal

SOME girls have all the luck! I hear stance blamed on a combination of
Phoebe Waller-Bridge was told her Covid and her ‘perfectionism’.
£60 million Amazon deal would be sus- Earlier this month, with the writers’
pended — less than a week before the strike in its fourth month, many of
writers’ strike was resolved, mean- the biggest names in telly saw their
ing she won’t be affected after all. deals put on ice, including Donald
Waller-Bridge initially signed up to Glover, her stablemate at Amazon.
develop, write — and possibly star in But happily that’s all now resolved.
— high-profile TV series in 2019, when Meanwhile, I hear that she

she was super-hot thanks to the absolutely IS engaged to film-maker

international success of Fleabag. Martin McDonagh — but absolutely
That deal was renewed in January, will not be talking about it, and has
even though she hadn’t gone into asked her friends to keep their
production on anything — a circum- mouths shut, too.

Film’s king of camp cosies up to Saudis

SURPRISE and dismay has sexuality remains a crime in the industry, and to be
greeted the announcement punishable by death in the part of the evolution of
that long-time LGBTQ+ kingdom. Cinema itself was change happening through
ally Baz Luhrmann will be banned in Saudi until 2017. cinema across the Arab
the president of the jury of A spokesperson for region, Asia and Africa.’
the Red Sea International Human Rights Watch told Earlier this month Luhr-
Film Festival — held in me: ‘For a number of years mann attended Vogue
repressive Saudi Arabia. the Saudi government has World in London on the
Luhrmann, pictured, who been using this high-profile arm of close pal Edward
is married to costume festival as a means by Enninful, the gay editor-in-
designer Catherine Martin which to draw attention chief of British Vogue.
but has declined to catego- from its egregious human Last year’s festival presi-
rize himself as ‘straight’ and rights record — and they dent was Oliver Stone. He
whose over-the-top aes- are continuing to do this. caused outrage when he
thetic has seen him reign ‘It is deeply concerning said that the imprisonment
as the king of camp cinema, that this festival is of Julian Assange was
will be in Jeddah from engaging powerful artists worse than ‘cutting some-
November 30. and performers and celeb- one up’, a reference to the
There he will undertake rities who have made use of Controversial: Saudi film 2018 murder of journalist
publicity and judging freedom of expression festival judge Luhrmann Jamal Khashoggi at the
duties for the festival, through their art and yet behest of the Saudi regime.
which is run by a founda- are participating in a human rights situation in The financing arm of the
tion chaired by the Saudi festival which is hosted Saudi Arabia.’ festival backed Johnny Depp
culture minister. by the government Luhrmann’s publicist has film Jean du Barry and his
Critics regard it as a part of which does not tolerate not returned requests for forthcoming picture Modi,
the regime’s ‘arts-washing’ that freedom.’ comment. In a statement about the artist Modigliani.
and ‘sports-washing’, in The message to Luhr- he said: ‘It’s an honour to Funds were also directed to
which glamorous interna- mann from the charity is: be presiding over this year’s the Netflix film Ferrari, star-
Leading roles: tional events are held in ‘If you must go, then use Red Sea International Film ring Adam Driver, and Guy
order to distract from your platform to raise Festival Jury, alongside Ritchie’s The Ministry Of
Sandra Huller human rights abuses. Homo- awareness about the leading and emerging lights Ungentlemanly Warfare.
and, left, Messi
Page 36 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023
It’s Friday! MUSIC
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 STH V1 Page 37

by Adrian Thrills
ED SHEERAN: Autumn Variations
(Gingerbread Man)
How Elgar
inspired Ed
Verdict: Mellow and fruitful
BEVERLEY KNIGHT: The Fifth Chapter (BMG)
Verdict: Potent return to pop

W to compose
HEN Ed Sheeran
released his last
album in May, he
admitted he was
‘jumping off the cliff’
by shunning singalong, radio-

his sweetest
friendly earworms in favour of
songs with bolder arrangements
and greater emotional heft.
After a tip from his pal Taylor Swift,
he hooked up with new producer Aaron


Dessner and surprised us all with
‘—’ (Subtract).

melodies yet
Coming in the wake of Plus, Multiply,
Divide and Equals, it was the final
instalment in his sequence of
mathematically titled albums, but it
sounded nothing like its predecessors.
Dessner, of rock band The National,
enhanced Sheeran’s acoustic strumming
with shimmering electronics, piano,
strings and mandolin.
‘We wrote and recorded non-
stop,’ says Ed. The new record was to the music here that echoes a Cats and The Drifters Girl. In disco, funky electronics and
inspired by classical composer more familiar Ed, with Dessner’s April, she won an Olivier Award orchestral ballads, all sung with
Edward Elgar’s Enigma Variations, stripped-back arrangements for her portrayal of Emmeline Pan- warmth and intensity: she’s a
in which each movement was a prompting some of the sweetest khurst in Sylvia at The Old Vic. Knight with shining ardour.
sketch about one of Elgar’s friends; melodies of his career. The Day I But success has come at a cost. The album is bookended by
although Sheeran concedes that Was Born (‘another birthday In becoming big in theatreland, barnstorming disco numbers Last
many of the 14 songs here were alone’) has a tunefulness that the Wolverhampton-born singer One On My Mind and Everything’s
penned from his own perspective. harks back to the Laurel Canyon put her original calling on hold. Gonna Be Alright, with Beverley
This isn’t Subtract Part Two. singer-songwriters of the 1970s. She crept into the Top Ten with assisted by the London Commu-
That was informed by hard-hitting When Will I Be Alright is a soul- 2015’s covers LP Soulsville, but nity Gospel Choir on the latter.
events in Sheeran’s personal life, baring bluegrass ballad. has otherwise concentrated on Kylie, Jessie Ware and Sophie
including the death of his best Not everything hits the spot. the stage. Until now . . . Ellis-Bextor have all explored
friend, Jamal Edwards, and the Page and Punchline feel Having turned 50 disco recently, but Knight isn’t
cancer diagnosis of his wife, Cherry, laboured, despite the
now mercifully behind her. latter’s weighty orches-
TRACK OF i n M a r c h , s h e merely following fashion. She
wanted to make began singing in church, and
Autumn Variations feels less raw, tration, but this is a
even if some of its songs are under- beautifully balanced
THE WEEK her own music brings a distinctive gospel edge.
again, and the The yearning is strong on Nos-
pinned by heartache. record. It climaxes
It opens optimistically. Driven by with an anthem
WINDOWS BY TAKE THAT u p s h o t i s talgia, where she complains about
T h e F i f t h a DJ playing only oldies at a party
folky guitars, Magical is a straight- that encapsulates NOW a trio of Gary Barlow, Chapter, an before admitting to being over-
up love song, while England is a E d ’ s k n a c k f o r Mark Owen and Howard Donald, a l b u m o f whelmed by her own memories.
poppy celebration of Ed’s home- expressing univer- Britain’s favourite man-band dazzling Bluesy ballad Cold World uses New direction: Ed Sheeran,
land. ‘I find this country of mine sal emotions. make a move towards Crosby, versatility. religious imagery as the basis of a top, and Beverley Knight
gets a bad reputation for being Stills & Nash on their first H e r f i r s t pep-talk. A Little More Love, with
Sung as ‘head and release in London musician Andrew
cold and grey,’ run the lyrics.’ But heels’ — but enig- song in five years, ahead orchestral ballad arranged in a
. . . ‘there’s a peace and a quiet on matically titled Head of their new This seven years, Roachford on piano, is a plea for similar style to Paloma Faith’s
this island of ours that can’t be ] Heels — the closing it’s the first on kindness from those in power. 2014 hit Only Love Can Hurt Like
Life album. which she sings But there’s escapism, too, on
mirrored by anywhere else’. track is a piano -and- This (also written by Warren).
It’s not all sweetness and light. strings ballad one can imag- songs written for funky Systematic Overload. Both are great examples of
‘Silence ain’t golden, you know ine being sung back to Sheeran her by others — a There are also two moments of Knight’s ability to shift the dial.
that it’s only blue,’ he sings on by thousands of fans when he change that has broadened musical class from Hollywood ‘My career isn’t a shiny billboard
Blue, while folky rap That’s On Me plays it live. her stylistic range. songwriter Diane Warren. The poster that gets replaced with the
is more philosophical. ‘This is not To the soul, country and R&B One I’m Gonna Love Is Me is an next star in waiting . . . it’s a novel,’
the end of our lives . . . this is just a AS ONE of the UK’s most that has defined her career to electronic dance banger. she says. Fittingly, The Fifth
bump in the ride.’ powerful female vocalists, Beverley date, we can now add belting Not Prepared For You is an Chapter is a real page-turner.
Another song, Spring, is about Knight made light work of pivoting
the pandemic, with lines about from pop to the West End. Beverley Knight starts
working from home and being Since making her debut in The MORE MUSIC REVIEWS ON MAIL+ her UK tour on October 17 at
the reading hexagon
unable to catch up with friends. Bodyguard ten years ago, she has Sign up to recieve the Mail’s digital edition at
But there’s a mellow brightness starred in Memphis The Musical, (
It’s Friday! FILM
Page 38 V1 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023


The Creator (12A, 133 mins)
Verdict: Awesome-looking A.I. blockbuster
And in this breathtaking sci-fi thriller
The Old Oak (15, 113 mins)
Verdict: Last orders for Ken Loach
the only way to save humans is by
Saw X (18, 118 mins) destroying an adorable robot child
Verdict: X-rated gore galore
by Larushka Ivan-Zadeh
bright future that A.I. promised has resulted
ROM Tom Cruise’s enemy in in humanity’s near extinction.
Mission: Impossible 7 to the After a nuclear bomb obliterates Los Angeles,
recent actors’ and writers’ instantly wiping out more than a million people,
threat is The Creator, a smart and truly ‘the West’, led by the United States, vows to
strikes, there’s one baddie spectacular looking sci-fi action thriller. The eradicate Artificial Intelligence. The East,
dominating Hollywood right year is 2070 where — according to an inspired however, refuses to follow their lead. So America
now and that’s Artificial Intelligence. opening montage of archive TV newsreels, wages an all-out war, not against ‘New Asia’ per
The latest blockbuster to tackle this timely brimming with 1950s-style optimism — the se, but the A.I. that it harbours.
Cue strong visual echoes of
Apocalypse Now, including a thrilling
sequence where Radiohead’s
Everything In Its Right Place plays
out (a la Ride Of The Valkyries) as
U.S. Army choppers swoop across
the jungle, suggesting America hasn’t
learnt much from history.
Caught in the eye of this storm
is Joshua (a solid John David
Washington), an undercover Special
Ops Sergeant tasked with seducing
a leading A.I. resistance fighter,
Maya (Gemma Chan). He does his
job so well he’s not only in love with
Maya, she’s expecting his child.
So, when his comrades brutally
attack Maya’s camp, Joshua is

left devastated.

AT T E R S u n r a v e l
further still, after
Joshua reluctantly
accepts a new mission
from his commander (an always
excellent Allison Janney): to destroy
a secret weapon A.I. has developed
before it destroys mankind.
But when Joshua finds that the
‘weapon’ is in the form of a super-cute
synthetic child he calls ‘Alphie’
(Madeleine Yuna Voyles), he can’t
bring himself to terminate her.
Instead, our embittered hero finds
himself drawn towards protecting
Alphie — redeeming his own
humanity along the way.
Story wise, there’s clearly a lot of
familiar elements at play in this
humans vs machines scenario. And While The Creator is a significant
while The Creator may not be as upgrade, it similarly grafts futuristic
visionary as The Terminator — to tech on to realistic backgrounds. The
which it owes the most obvious debt result is often breathtaking — this is
— or as cerebral (or bleak) as definitely one to catch in the cinema
Oppenheimer, it deserves respect if you can.
for being that increasingly rare The Creator may not be the defining
blockbuster phenomenon: an original A.I. movie of a generation, but I’ll
project (i.e. not based on a comic be amazed if there’s one that
book/toy/videogame). looks better.
Above all, it creates a vividly
plausible new A.I. world. With a WE’RE back to Earth with a bump
background in special effects, British with The Old Oak. And let’s just say
director Gareth Edwards first shot this self-declared final film from
to fame with Monsters (2010), a low- veteran British director Ken Loach is
budget sci-fi he created on his laptop. not gunning to break new ground.

Anderson’s perfect
HAS all our grumbling about movies
getting too long finally paid off? Hot
on the heels of last week’s 31-minute
Strange Way Of Life by Pedro perfect spoonful of sugar for those
Almodovar, welcome to The Wonder- who find a little of Anderson’s artistic
ful Story Of Henry Sugar (PG, 41 mins, genius goes a long way.
), which is short and sweet. In contrast, fellow Netflix release
Following The Fantastic Mr Fox, Wes Fair Play (18, 115 mins, ) leaves
Anderson’s second successful Roald a deliberately sour taste. Co-workers
Dahl adaptation sees Ralph Fiennes turned lovers Emily (Bridgerton’s
head an all-star cast, including Phoebe Dynevor) and Luke (Alden
Benedict Cumberbatch as the titular Ehrenreich) have just become
rich dilettante who learns about a secretly engaged. But their ever
guru (Ben Kingsley) who can see with- after starts to look decidedly less
out using his eyes and sets out to steal than happy when Emily is promoted
his skills so he can cheat at gambling. by her toxic boss (Eddie Marsan) —
Exquisitely constructed in his trade- and Luke feels emasculated.
mark style, this playful fantasy is the An unsatisfactory throwback to
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 43


EDDON Sorry, Fifa fans: this falls flat

FC 24 (PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, PC, £69.99)
Verdict: Different name, same old game
aNOTHeR year, another fifa. except, this year,
it’s not. This year, the makers of the most popular
series in football video-gaming, ea Games, have
split with those (er, my lawyer tells me) utterly
splendid chaps in the sport’s global governing
body — to go it alone. The result is fC 24.
So how is this artist formerly known as fifa? i
must admit, i had high hopes. Part of me suspected
that, after a couple of years of mostly iterative
efforts, ea had simply been keeping their best in
reserve — waiting to blow us all away with their nor much else that might add character. even the
first own-brand release. branding on the (weirdly slow) menu screens seems
Sadly, that turns out not to be the case. There more corporate, a mix of grey and fluorescent green,
have been changes: some small (the players now as though it’s been designed by a management
run in more lifelike ways); some bigger (the cash- consultancy firm trying to be cool.
grabbing Ultimate Team mode now allows for in terms of actual gameplay, this is probably the
mixed teams of men and women); all welcome. But best fifa — sorry, fC 24 — ever. But when it comes to
nothing that truly smacks of the revolutionary. everything around that, it’s less full than we might
in fact, it could even be said there’s less here have hoped. Oh well, there’s always next season …
than in previous releases. fC 24 doesn’t have the and the one after that …and the one after that …
enjoyably daft story mode of some recent fifas — PETER HOSKIN

Out of this world: John David Washington and (left) Madeleine Yuna
Voyles as robot child ‘Alphie’ in sci-fi spectacular The Creator
Written by long-term collaborator is mellowing with age? The Old Oak
Paul laverty, it’s another social can’t compete with classics like Kes.
realist fable wherein good-hearted But its hopeful, rather beautifully
working-class folk are ground down modest testament to the kindness of
by evil capitalists and the uncaring strangers is as welcome as it is
wheels of the state. it’s set a few unexpected. Say what you like about
years back, in 2016. loach, but there’s a corner of British
a busload of Syrian refugees arrive cinema that is forever his.
in a deprived, northern, former
if YOU haven’t seen any of the
mining village, to be greeted by racist
abuse hurled by locals. Conflict previous nine instalments of the
comes to a head in The Old Oak, the psycho-killer franchise, i’d steer
last pub left standing. clear of Saw X . With gore this
The angry unemployed white bigots relentless, a build-up of gastric
just about keep beleaguered land- tolerance is definitely required.
lord (Dave Turner) and his business arguably the best outing since the
propped up — but their custom 2004 original, the story travels back
comes at a cost. Can this warring in time to focus on the character of
community find a way to pull Tobin Bell’s ageing Jigsaw Killer — a
together in a village still licking the former civil engineer turned sadistic
wounds of the 1980s miners’ strike? man-trap designer — as he seeks a
a largely non-professional cast miraculous cure for his brain
often struggles to deliver laverty’s cancer . . . before descending into a
more heavy-handed lines. Yet if you fan-pleasing morass of inventively
can bear the soapboxing, the human realised torture porn.
sentiment tugs at your heart. Those The splatter is more giggle -
who’ve endured a loach film before inducingly cartoonish than of the
will be braced for tragedy and true video-nasty variety. even so, i
enraged fist-waving at the faceless felt my stomach lurching on several
‘them’ who’ve caused it. occasions. But then i guess that’s
Yet could it be that — at 87 — loach the idea.

t spoonful of Sugar Much-delayed thanks to China’s

censors, 2018 Hong Kong crime
drama Where The Wind Blows (15,
144 mins, ) belatedly gets a
release. Sumptuously realised by
director Philip Yung, it co-stars Aaron
Kwok and Tony Leung as two real-life
officers in Hong Kong’s corruption-
riddled police force.
The film hops around between the
1940s and 1970s, flicking between black
Sweet: Cumberbatch (l) and Kingsley and white and colour: an ambitious,
1990s erotic thrillers like Indecent well acted, genre-bending, sprawling
Proposal, it’s neither erotic nor epic that doesn’t always grip in the
thrilling. The characters are both right places.
unlikeable and implausible, leaving
little to root for despite the
commitment from the young actors.
Page 44
It’s Friday! THEATRE Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

by Patrick Marmion One to

Quiz (Chichester Festival Theatre)
Verdict: Judged, and found wanting Chekhov
Octopolis (Hampstead Theatre
Downstairs, London) your to
do list ...
Verdict: Octo-puzzler

ne of the best lines in
James Graham’s play
about Who Wants To Be A Vanya (Duke of York’s
Millionaire? remarks on
how the British love a pub Theatre, London)
quiz because it combines two of Verdict: Not so great Scott
their favourite things: ‘drinking and
being right’. HOW about this for a defini-
That wasn’t enough to satisfy one woman tion of mixed feelings: an
in the audience, who collared me in the hour-and-three-quarters in
interval after seeing me taking notes. She purgatory, with Andrew


demanded to know if I was the director or a Scott. On the one hand, the
critic. ‘A critic’, I bleated meekly, fearful of solo show is a chance to
what was coming next. ‘Well I’m leaving,’ spend time with Fleabag’s
she said ‘I think it’s c***.’
That’s a harsh assessment of Daniel evans’s ‘hot priest’. On the other,
genial revival of his hit 2017 production well . . . it’s purgatory.
about Major Charles Ingram and his wife, The particular flavour of
Diana. They were convicted with college this torment is a gloomy
lecturer Tecwen Whittock for their part in a Final answer: Rory Bremner, immaculate as the quiz show host Chris Tarrant drama of wasted lives and

Do YOU think
supposed coughing scam they used unrequited love, by the
to cheat their way to the ITV quiz great 19th-century Russian
show’s jackpot in 2001. writer Anton Chekhov. But
Graham sets out to re-examine Chekhov’s gorgeously pain-
the Ingrams’ conviction, offering ful and exquisitely toned
the case for the prosecution in the
first half, and for the defence in dialogue has been stripped

the Coughing
the second. The audience gives its out, flattened, and bled of all
verdict by voting at the end. colour by writer Simon
Yet the show also treats the Stephens’s new version.
whole episode as a bit of joke. The idea must have been to
nothing less should have been provide a showcase for
expected of Rory Bremner, who is Scott, in a production that
immaculate as the adenoidal, is now effectively sold out.
Gromit-grinning, arm-folding,
The Dublin-born actor plays

Major cheated?
chin-stroking host, Chris Tarrant.
But Mark Benton, as the trial
judge, turns His Honour into a
wise-cracking clown — with little
interest in the truth.
As Charles and Diana Ingram,
Lewis Reeves and Charley Webb
have precious little to play with.
Both regimentally conventional,
they are mainly suspicious for
their dress sense: he with his hide-
ous harlequin short-sleeved shirt;
she with her eternal Alice band. At the end of this retelling of the Millionaire
quiz scandal, the cast asks the audience
Daniel evans’s touring produc-
tion (co - directed with Sean
Linnen) uses video projections to
create the febrile atmosphere of
the television studio, with close- eight, nine, 16 or one? The answer investigate whether octo- anthropology. But it’s also an
ups of contestants. But at this is . . . nine! One in its head, and puses might believe in God. intriguing meditation on the
week’s final preview they were out one in each leg. That’s roughly The move follows the dis- enigma of animal consciousness.
of sync with the action, making it how many you will need to covery that groups of Luckily, Horn has taken the pre-
hard to know where to focus. keep up with Marek Horn’s f a m o u s l y h e r m i t - l i k e caution of including a more acces-
Perseverance: Andrew Scott
even so, it’s a neatly choreo- brilliant, but intellectually octopuses have been sible love story involving the two
graphed performance, including a demanding play about two found in ‘contingent eggheads, while ed Madden’s pro- all the characters, from
karaoke sequence where Marc academics and a cephalo- cohabitation in begrudg- duction — set in what feels like a woebegone Sonya to the
Antolin (playing a number of pod, starring Jemma ing communities’ — much subterranean aquarium — is country doctor obsessed
roles) sings both the Lionel Richie Redgrave (right) and like us humans. energised by the two regularly
and Diana Ross parts in endless ewan Miller. with local tree populations,
The play could almost be dancing to songs by David Bowie. with whom she is in love. The
Love in a surreal interlude. Redgrave is a a BBC podcast by Professor Redgrave fascinates as the
The TV show’s heart-thumping bereaved professor title character is Sonya’s
Brian Cox with its bold bereaved academic with a fearful,
music does add tension; and Quiz of biology who has mixture of philosophy, haunted look. And Miller brings depressed uncle, who man-
nuts may find it irresistible. been sent a hand- r e l i g i o n , s c i e n c e a n d fierce intelligence to his role as the ages their remote farm and
The rest of us may prefer to keep s o m e young young anthropologist who numbs himself with vodka.
our cash — that’s my final answer. anthropologist becomes emotionally entangled Scott impresses with his
YOUR starter for ten . . . how to work along- with Redgrave and her multi- sleight of hand and deploys
many brains does an octopus have? s i d e h e r a n d brained mollusc. subtly different accents from
his native Ireland for each

For our first trick, let’s make Derren vanish

role. But the writing lacks
the poetry of Irish idioms
and is steadfastly beige.
And yet Scott perseveres,
THe first jaw-dropper in Unbelievable is that decorating each character
the magician and mentalist Derren Brown has
himself vanished.
Unbelievable (Criterion Theatre, London) with ticks and habits — puff-
ing a herbal cigarette,
In his place he has left a team of actor-musi- Verdict: You’ll believe in magic bouncing an old tennis ball,
cians to demonstrate the point made by French twiddling his necklace and,
illusionist Robert-Houdin, that ‘a magician is chosen through so many filters (someone
an actor playing the part of a magician’. Acting catches a ball, throws it to another, then eventually, murmuring
is, after all, a game of let’s pretend. another who chooses another) so surely none Jacques Brel’s all time wrist-
In this show (a co-production with the can be a plant? Or is there some brainwashing slasher If You Go Away (aka
Mercury Theatre, Colchester, masterminded going on? But even that can’t account for one Ne Me Quitte Pas).
by Brown, Andrew O’Connor and Andy nyman) of the comperes knowing how much change a Sam Yates’s pallid produc-
they play it with astonishing skill and pace, random chap has in his back pocket. tion is a little too good at
combining the physical dexterity of jugglers Simon Lipkin bewitches as the trickster in recreating the story’s ener-
with the verbal springiness of stand-ups. Prohibition America, who turns water into vating despair — aided by
But this game is a peculiarly elaborate one in electric blue WKD and full-fat Baileys.
its determination to reveal the trickery which Samuel Creasey has a James Corden-like from the audience place their fingers on the Rosanna Vize’s stage design
makes assistants ‘disappear’ from wardrobes swagger as he uses ‘astral projection’ for a shoulders of Hannah, the pianist (above), who of a draughty school gym.
and boxes. Paradoxically, the more the piece de resistance so astounding I would love proceeds to play the tune each is thinking of. It’s a spectacle bleached of
mechanics are exposed, the more gasp-making to see how it is managed in front of a different It’s called musical telepathy and I simply all interest that sucked the
the ‘magic’ seems to be. audience every night. couldn’t believe my ears. life out of me, too. P.M.
All the acts involve audience volunteers In another awesome feat, ten people plucked GEORGINA BROWN
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 45
Page 46 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

It was

who really won


… are you reading now?

THE Body In The Library by Agatha Christie.

us the war...
I’d never been a particular fan of Christie,
and I realise this is sacrilege. But I
was always looking for something more
modern, more fast-paced, more
cutting edge.
Then, about a year ago, I was searching
for an audiobook to listen to while I
painted a room in our house, and my
husband recommended Christie’s
The Moving Finger, read by Richard
E. Grant.
And reader, I fell in love. Her incredible
ear for voices, combined with her twisted
BOOK OF For years he has been
painted as a naïve
crimes, simply blew me away.
She skewers the upper class, the middle
class and the working class with equal SING AS WE GO:

coward but a persuasive

delight. And her murders are truly dark. by Simon Heffer (Hutchinson
In The Body In The Library, a young Heinemann £35, 960pp)
woman’s body is found in the library of a

new history says that, in
wealthy couple’s country house.
She’s been strangled with the waistband RiTiCiSinG Sir neville
of her own dress. The couple claim never Chamberlain for failing
to have seen her before. And so the
detectives from the local force begin to
trace the woman’s last days, hunting for
a killer.
to stand up to Hitler’s
rapacious territorial
demands in September
fact, he bought Britain
Somehow Christie brings humour to this,
and I think it’s this balance of light and
dark that I love. In her hands, a grim story
1938, one cabinet minister, Sir
Thomas inksip, remarked, ‘Mr
Chamberlain descended into the
much-needed time to get
of murder is soothing to read and I look
forward to returning to it every day.
… would you take to
thieves’ kitchen as though he was
walking into the Carlton Club.’
That’s an all-too-accurate image of
our military battle-ready
what it was like when the 69-year-old
one would stop him. and that was the pity’, making it possible to pull through
a desert island? Prime Minister, a true english gentleman
who expected other men to behave like moment when the British public started to whatever life threw at you. as soon as
THE Likeness by Tana French. I’ve read it at gentlemen, flew to Munich at the end of feel a deep sense of shame about the policy P. G. Wodehouse invented the absurd
least five times and I know I’ll read it September 1938 and tried to extract a of appeasement that had thrown Czecho- character of Sir Roderick Spode, the Fas-
many more. promise from Hitler. slovakia to the wolves. cist who happened to be an underwear
This Dublin-set novel tells the story of an He believed — or desperately wanted to as Simon Heffer writes in his persuasive magnate, it punctured the pomp of Fas-
believe — that if he and Hitler were alone overview of the previous two decades, ‘the cism and Britain could never quite take it
Irish detective assigned to investigate the journey to the Second World War, begun at seriously.
murder of a woman who could be her together in a room, having a clubbable,
gent-to-gent chat, a relationship of genu- versailles, accelerated by the rise of Bol- i measured this book against a brick in
doppelganger. She goes undercover as ine trust could be established, and war shevism and sent headlong by Hitler, had our garden, and it’s precisely the same
the victim, trying to identify who killed could be averted. reached the point of no return.’ thickness. at times, i got bogged down in
her. It’s mad, twisty and beautiful, and I Hitler promised: if he was allowed to That’s what this whole sprawling 960- its seemingly unending 80-page chapters,
could live happily in its pages for years. take over the Sudetenland without Brit- page book covers: those two roller-coaster and its never-ceasing onslaught of statis-
ain and France declaring war to defend decades sandwiched between one world tics about unemployment figures and
… first gave you war and the next — a turbulent time of whether sterling was up or down.

it, that would be the end of his territorial
unrest, unemployment, anxiety, anger,
the reading bug? claims in europe.
When Chamberlain flew back to eng- denial, fun, jazz, radio-listening, cinema-
THIS is hard to say as land and announced ‘peace for our time’ going and road-building.
I’ve been a vora- to a profoundly relieved population, he its title, Sing as We Go, is inspired by UT Heffer’s knowledge and his
cious reader since I wrote to his sister Hilda, ‘i came home the 1934 Gracie Fields film of that name. deep research are impressive,
learned the alpha- nearer to a nervous breakdown than i ‘Our Gracie’, born in 1898 over her grand- and he clearly couldn’t bear to
have ever been’. But he was sure Hitler mother’s chip shop in Rochdale, summed leave anything out, as every
bet. When I was 11, I up what Heffer sees as the British detail, every cabinet meeting, every ripple
had told him the truth. ‘This time is
wo n a n a w a r d different,’ he said to her. ‘This time, he national character, which saved us from of unrest in towns across the land, adds
for reading and has made his promises to me.’ the kind of revolution that had engulfed something to the larger picture, and in
writing reports on That was pure delusion. Hitler’s prom- Russia and the Right-wing extremism order to understand (say) the General
the most books in ises meant nothing. Within five-and-a-half that would engulf Germany. Strike, you need to live through every
my school year months he had invaded the whole of That character consisted of ‘a sense of political and industrial event that led up
group. I read 151. Czechoslovakia, rightly guessing that no humour, resilience, and an absence of to it. But gosh, it can be heavy-going. Cer-

The day Ricky Gervais tried

How could I
choose just one? But the book that made
me want to be a writer was The Secret
History by Donna Tartt. It starts with the
murder of a major character and then
jumps back in time and gradually reveals

a story about beautiful, clever killers in a
avid Baddiel is ‘a her. She was summoned to a circle of boys
gorgeous wintry setting. It absolutely
knocked me flat. I still think about it all the Cambridge - educated, MEMOIR in the playground and told to lift up her
skirt and pull her pants down.
time. entitled man- child’. MY LADY PARTS She complied but felt a sense of burning
Ricky Gervais ‘landed by Doon Mackichan humiliation. Her mother complained to
… left you cold? from Planet ego and (Canongate £16.99, 256pp) the school and the boys were made to
I’VE already confessed my past difficulties tried to get us to go along with his apologise but Mackichan was the one
with Christie and I was wrong about her
books so I’m probably wrong about this,
plan for our show’. Theatre direc-
tor Max Stafford-Clark held an
NEIL ARMSTRONG tainted by the incident, thereafter never
invited to play with her peers. ‘So many
too. But I couldn’t get through Wolf Hall women have experienced so much worse
audition in a hotel bedroom and winning Smack The Pony, which she than this,’ she writes. ‘it just steals a little
by Hilary Mantel.
I sometimes use it as a sleeping aid. One ‘there was a whiff of Weinstein co-wrote. She’s done numerous straight bit of the light in your soul.’
page and I’m out like a light. It cured my about the whole set-up’. roles and won acclaim for her perform- By the time she had finished studying
Show business memoirs are usually ances on stage. But she’s angry and the drama at Manchester University, she was
chronic insomnia. complimentary about other performers short book she describes as ‘a selection of nicknamed ‘Millie Tant’ after the satirical
Honestly though, I suspect I’m simply or, at least, they refrain from being nega- stories, front and backstage, of a life so far militant feminist character in the viz
not mature enough for it yet. Ask me tive about them but doon Mackichan spanning forty years in the business’ comic. She goes on protest marches, van-
again in 20 years and it will probably be isn’t one for false compliments. explains why. Many of the chapters dalises posters and writes furious letters
my favourite book of all time. By any standard, she is a very successful contain accounts of casual sexism and to the advertising Standards authority.
THe Traitor by Ava Glass is out now actor. She’s starred in several classic she is in no mood to gloss over them. and once her career starts, her views on
(Penguin £8.99, 416pp). comedy shows including The day Today, an awful experience at school in Surrey sexism are confirmed by many of those
Toast Of london and the double-emmy when she was eight seems to still haunt she works with. Baddiel ruins her first
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 47



MUSTREADS when his marriage ended

and he became suicidal.
Out now in paperback That period began a jour-
had made it clear to him ney of self-discovery which
that Britain was not yet THE Rylan tells with a stream-
armed enough to fight a war SINGULARITIES of-consciousness candour
in 1938, so his staving-off of
war through appeasement
by John that is sometimes painful,
was perhaps a vital tactic to Banville but more often hilarious.
give the country time to (Swift Press His brilliantly unfiltered
rearm. £9.99, 320pp) riffs on his teeth (so famous,
And whose fault was it that ‘YES, he has they had their own X/Twit-
the British military was in ter account), his crumb
such a decrepit state in the come to the end of his sen-
tence, but does that mean phobia, and his mum’s habit
early 1930s, with not nearly of keeping whelks in his
enough aircraft or a large he has nothing more to say?
enough Army or Navy? No, not by a long stretch.’ fridge are pure comedy
It was Winston Churchill’s, The first sentence of gold, while his tragicomic
says Heffer. When he was Banville’s 20th novel dating stories, and his
Chancellor of the Exchequer reintroduces us to Freddie tributes to the friends and
from 1924 to 1929, he made Montgomery, the murder- family who supported him
deep cuts in defence spend- in his darkest moments, tug
i and was not (back then)
ing ous protagonist of earlier
novels. Freddie emerges the heartstrings with their
exactly Mystic Meg when it raw honesty.
came to predicting a war. from prison with a new
‘Why should there be a war name — Felix Mordaunt — EXILES
with Japan?’ he said. ‘I do not and a sports car supplied by by Jane
believe there is the slightest a former cell mate.
chance of it in my lifetime.’ Harper

Thus equipped, he heads
for Coolgrange, the estate (Pan
in County Wexford where £9.99, 422pp)
he ‘learned at a tender age AT THE Mar-
writes, ‘these that violent death is the ralee Valley
underfunded, abiding fac t of life’. Annual Food and Wine Fes-
moribund forces Renamed Arden House, it tival in South Australia, a
were an invitation for poten- was formerly home to baby is found abandoned in
tial enemies to throw their physicist Adam Godley. her pram. A name-tag on
weight around, but in the Now Adam is dead, and his her onesie identifies her as
mid-1920s no one seemed to Zoe Gillespie.
notice’. And you can hardly eccentric descendants live
there amid decaying gran- Her mother, 39-year-old
blame them for not noticing,
or not wanting to notice — deur, while his biographer, Kim, had been to the festi-
they’d only just buried their William Jaybey, goes val with husband, Rohan,
own fathers, sons and broth- through his papers. An air who left her there with the
ers, and the thought of of elegant menace suffuses infant. The only clue to Kim’s
another war was anathema. Banville’s brilliant medita- fate is a muddied trainer
Churchill’s other great mis- tion on the shifting nature found at a reservoir.
take, Heffer believes, was to go A year later, detective
back to the Gold Standard in of reality.
Aaron Falk visits Marralee
1925, which made British TEN: THE
industries less competitive and for the christening of
caused a huge rise in unem- DECADE THAT Henry, the baby son of his
ployment, later exacerbated by CHANGED MY old friend Charlie Raco.
the Wall Street Crash and the FUTURE Charlie was Kim’s partner
ensuing slump — although Hef- by Rylan Clark for two decades, and they
fer reminds us that Britain share a daughter, 17-year-
didn’t suffer nearly as badly as (Seven Dials
£9.99, 384pp) old Zara, who clings to the
America did as a result of the hope that her mother is
Crash — ‘no jumping out of ELEVEN years ago Ross Rich- still alive. In the final instal-
windows in the Square Mile’. At ard Clark, better known as
its worst, the decline in real ment of the award-winning
Rylan, made it to the X Fac- mystery trilogy, Falk’s
Promises: Neville Chamberlain and Hitler in Munich, September 1938 inco
income for Americans was 37 tor quarter-final. Since then
per cent; in Britain it only ever investigation reveals dark
tain details shine out, bringing the re-evaluate Chamberlain, whose rep- reached 0.8 per cent. his career has soared, while secrets and hidden frac-
interwar years vividly to life. Dame utation was ‘crucified’ after the failure This is a richly persuasive portrait his personal life followed a tures within an apparently
Nellie Melba did the first live broad- of Munich. Watching the agonies he of interwar Britain and its politi- more troubled trajectory. close-knit community.
cast from a studio in a disused pack- went through as he took the country cians, reminding us just how hard His memoir begins at his
ing shed in Marconi’s factory, using a utterly unwillingly towards the one it is for anyone to run a country. lowest point, in March 2021, JANE SHILLING
microphone made from a telephone thing everyone most dreaded, another Headache follows headache. It
receiver, a cigar box and a hat stand. war, is like watching a tragedy unfold seems to be the human condition. Picture: MARK DUMBLE
There were still 875,000 horses work- both for a man and for a nation. ‘Give us a moment’s peace!’ I
ing the land in 1935. George V’s final His letters to his sisters Hilda and found myself begging, when the
words were either ‘How’s the Empire?’ Ida are really touching, and show us book opens in 1919, and looters
or ‘Bugger Bognor!’ (someone sug- a man doing all he can to save his were already burning down Luton
gested he might need to go to Bognor beloved nation from destruction. Town Hall, furious about the plight
to convalesce, and he was having none That first week of September 1939, of war veterans, just months after
of that). And when Chamberlain flew Heffer writes, ‘was Chamberlain’s the end of World War I.
to Munich in 1938 it was his first-ever personal moment of confronting the But no — it was straight back into
flight, apart from one brief demon- failure he had manufactured’. strife: domestic and international
stration flight over Birmingham. Yet Heffer argues that Chamberlain fury, wrangling and protesting,
One of the most enriching aspects of could be seen to have been deft and which never stopped and perhaps
this book is that it makes us full of acute foresight. His chiefs of staff never will.

to take over my TV show ever radio recording with his ill and neither she nor her then
rudeness. When developing the husband — also an actor — can
second series of the hit sketch work, they are so hard-up that
show Smack The Pony with her they are dependent on hand-
co-stars Fiona Allen and Sally outs from friends.
Philips, Gervais shows up unin- Starring in a prestigious David
vited at the rehearsal room and
starts trying to take over. There
are several creepy auditions.
Mamet play with John Malkov-
ich, her expenses exceed her
fee. Playing the Wicked Queen
She is still angry now. One late in a pantomime, she has to wear REMEMBERING LEOPARDS
chapter describes how, a couple a huge velvet gown ‘heavy with byWildlife Photographers United
of years ago, at the age of 57, the sweat of a thousand Anita (Remembering Wildlife £49.50, 166pp)
she pitched up outside a thea- Dobsons’. It can’t be washed
tre at 6am and spray-painted and is simply sprayed with
‘LEOPARDS can take us or leave us, show themselves or
‘STOLEN’ across the posters vodka around the armpits after hide. Quite simply, they are heartbreakers’, says wildlife
advertising its new musical every show — the glamour! photographer Margot Raggett MBE. Their aloofness is
because she believes two Mackichan’s book might have depicted across these photographs as they are caught up
women writers who worked on benefited from a stricter edit —
it have been badly treated. there’s some repetition — and trees, prowling and hunting. As Dr Luke Hunter writes in
Also, anyone who thinks act- I would have liked it to be a the book, which is fundraising for leopard conservation:
ing is a cushy number will be little more detailed but it’s a ‘Don’t let Remembering Leopards become an epitaph.’
disabused of the notion by this real page-turner; raw, urgent
Award winner: Mackichan on Smack The Pony book. When her son is seriously and entertaining. LILY AMORY
Page 48 V1 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023
Priests sacrificed
SCIENCE women and children
by Clive Oppenheimer to them and they were thrown into the magma as
well. Meanwhile, some volcanoes in
the Sahara (a region so quiet, a col-
(Hodder £25, 368pp)
MARK MASON obsess scientists to league told him, that you can hear
shooting stars) were close to terror-
ist training camps. oppenheimer’s
this day. How
travel insurance, he was told, would
hroughout not cover hostage negotiations.

volcanoes are...
Some of the book’s facts are
much of Europe awe-inspiring. A volcano oppen-
and North Amer- heimer visited in Iceland was at
ica, 1816 was
that point throwing out enough
known as ‘the year lava to fill four average-sized
houses per minute.
without a summer’. the bubbles in the magma lake
temperatures plummeted of Mount Erebus in Antarctica
and crops failed. can be the size of the dome of St
In June, bricklayers in New Paul’s Cathedral; when they burst,

mouths of HELL
hampshire had to stop work they fling huge dollops of lava over
because their mortar had ice in it. the crater rim.
Farmers who had sheared their But just as fascinating as the vol-
sheep had to tie the fleeces back canoes are the people who study
on to the shivering animals. them. the American Frank Alvord
Why was the weather so freak- Perret was an obsessive Vesuvius-
ishly cold? Believe it or not, the watcher. In 1906, ‘sensing a constant
cause lay on the other side of the buzzing from below, he bit the metal
world, and had happened the pre- frame of his bed to amplify the
vious year. It was the eruption of tremors with his skull’. It told him
tambora, a volcano in Indonesia that an eruption was imminent.
on the island of Sumbawa. professor oppenheimer during his ring, denoting a year that the tree erupting in 1995. By 1997, its capital his work also included experi-
A report from the time said ‘the volcano-climbing career. grew a lot, and knew that this city, Plymouth, had been covered ments on whether caged parrots
whole mountain . . . appeared like a Actually going up the things must be 774AD when (existing by so many boulders that only the can detect imminent earthquakes
body of liquid fire . . . and soon after might seem unwise, but oppenhe- records tell us) the sun gave off a upper storeys of its buildings were (they can’t), and recordings of the
a violent whirlwind . . . blew down imer can’t resist. Volcanologists massive flare. showing: ‘You could only guess sounds coming from gas vents on
nearly every house . . . tearing up pursue their research partly to Counting out from this, where the streets had been.’ the volcano in Montserrat — ‘one
by the roots the largest trees and improve predictions about when one ring per year, he Mankind wasn’t always that roared a B flat in December
carrying them into the air, together
with men, horses, cattle’.
Some 12,000 people died
the next eruptions will occur.
these days satellites can photo-
graph volcanoes from space, but
reached the tree’s
edge and deduced
that the eruption
1000 so rational in its
approach. When 16th-
century Spanish explor-
was trilling F sharp by March’.
But the prize for strangest
behaviour goes to Sir Philip Brock-
instantly, but many tens of thou- oppenheimer says the results are took place in The number of ers reached the Nicara- lehurst, a member of the party
sands more perished in the
following months due to starvation
still not as useful as humans exam-
ining things on the ground.
Scientists some-
people killed guan volcano Masaya
— its glow so strong
that scaled Mount Erebus in 1908.
things were far from comfortable
and disease. one of his colleagues compares times use tiltmeters, by volcanoes you could read a book — the group survived on ‘hoosh’,
an Antarctic staple containing
the cloud of sulphur particles
released by the eruption spread
the outcrops on a volcano, formed
by past eruptions, to the black
such as the one which
monitored movements
every year by it at night — they
found that people believed dehydrated beef and fat, with
around the world, blocking out box recorder on a plane. of the volcano on the it to be the mouth of hell. biscuits made from dried milk.
the sun’s rays. It was this that It’s amazing how precise some Caribbean island of A priest had exorcised it, It was three men to a sleeping
gave 1816 its nickname. conclusions can be. one technique Montserrat. the instruments are planting a tall cross at the crater’s bag, and ice crystals would form
As a reminder of the terrifying is to examine the rings on trees. so sensitive they can detect the edge, and regular offerings of food when their breath froze on the
power volcanoes possess, the oppenheimer once found one that equivalent of a one-mile-long bar were left for the prophetess who bags’ reindeer-hair linings. Brock-
story of tambora is hard to beat. had been killed by an eruption of being raised by less than 2mm at was believed to dwell inside. Some- lehurt lost a big toe to frostbite.
this book presents the knowl- the North Korean volcano Paektu. one end. times these weren’t seen as Back at home, he kept it in a jar
edge accumulated by Cambridge he located a particularly large the Montserrat volcano began sufficient, so women and children on his mantlepiece.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 49

The dystopian gets a makeover


by Scholastique Mukasonga
(Daunt Books
£9.99, 152pp) WENDY HOLDEN
HErE’s how the great YOU COULD BE SO PRETTY
rwandan writer Muka- by Holly Bourne
songa describes a famine (Usborne £8.99, 400pp)
that ransacks rwanda at the start of
her new novel. IN A style reminiscent of
‘Children with great gaping eyes ate Orwell’s 1984, this brilliant,
dirt, the elderly went off to die quietly, timely, scary novel explores
columns of families wandered the The Doctrine — the pressure
paths, vainly searching for scraps.’ on young girls to conform to
Both specific and mythic, it’s entirely high-maintenance beauty
typical of her electric prose style,
which has the uncanny power of norms and the porn-fuelled
placing the reader right at the centre of patriarchy that supports it.
the story. Sound familiar?
Belle, the most beautiful girl

Illustration: CHRIS COADY

this short, shapeshifting book — part
fable, part act of testimony — follows in school, starves, works out
her excellent memoir about the and makes herself up while
rwandan genocide, and reaches back Joni, the opposite, is a rebel-
in time to the 1940s to tell a story of lious feminist. Their mothers
colonial-era culture clash pivoting on
the contested myth of Kibogo, a figure reflect the same values and
of folklore who may or may not have the the girls despise each other
power to summon the rain and thus until they’re competing for a
end the drought. scholarship to The Education, Jess has run away from a toxic reassured by the decent to the shocking fate of their
Mukasonga tells the tale of Kibogo which will get them out of boyfriend and is sleeping characters and calmed by all American father.
from various angles in this campfire- their town and into a career. rough in Wales. the painting and decorating. She describes her childhood
intimate, elegantly compressed novel, An unlikely friendship devel- One night she lets herself among a colourful crowd of
whose bewitching prose emphatically MY BLUE
ops, with Belle and Joni ques- into an empty house. Its sin- artist grandmothers, sexy
makes its own case for the suggestive
tioning ever ything they
power of storytelling. gle-man owner, when he turns by Maureen Freely cousins, mysterious Russians
thought they believed. up, is not just content to have and French grande dames.
THE BEGINNING her stay but presses her into £9.99, 242pp) Wafting through it all is her
by Jesmyn Ward helping with the refurb. We go charismatic, witty and unreli-
OF EVERYTHING THE languid, mint-
by Jackie Fraser from kitchen to carpet show- tea glamour of able mother Delphine.
£18.99, 320pp)
(Simon & room as the house takes shape 1900s Istanbul pervades this It’s as exotic and impression-
LEt Us Descend is an apt
title on several levels for Schuster — as, glacially slowly, does the complex, compelling tale. istic as a film by Swedish direc-
the hellish journey the £8.99, 400pp) odd couple’s romance. Dora explains to her daugh- tor Ingmar Bergman — no one
National Book Award A GENTLE slow- A few twists make the ending ters their roots in wealthy is quite what they seem and
winner Ward takes us on in her latest read of a novel about trust less predictable. I was enter- Ottoman society and its link, ultimately perhaps the truth
novel, which reaches deep into the and the good in humanity. tained by the lively writing, via modern sectarian politics, makes little difference.
historic abuses of slavery in the
antebellum south.
it’s narrated by Annis, a young slave
girl who learns the art of survival and CLASSIC CRIME weaves an intriguing tale, full of surprises
and misadventures while building up to a
by Agatha Christie
the importance of resilience from her
mother, but from whom she is wrench- BARRY TURNER terrific climax.
(Harper Collins
ingly separated when her white enslaver IN A LONELY PLACE £14.99, 272pp)
SUDDENLY AT HIS RESIDENCE by Dorothy B. Hughes My first reading of five Little
father forces her to walk to New Orleans
to be sold on. by Christianna Brand (Penguin Modern Classics Pigs convinced me that it is
Annis has also fallen in love with (British Library £9.99, 240pp) one of the best novels in the
another slave girl, safi, and the name of £9.99, 240pp) tHE big question is whether a Christie canon.
this lover points to the literary and A CANtANKErOUs old rogue serial killer can get away with Now, many years later, i find no reason to
mythic structure underpinning this declares he is changing his will it. from the start, we know — retract that opinion.
intensely lyrical novel which deftly to cut out his nearest and not or think we know — that Dix the story is deceptively simple. Hercule
nods to ancient Greek and italian so dearest. Big mistake. steele is not safe to have around. Poirot is called in to reassess a murder
epics while remaining rooted in When sir richard March is found dead, While putting up a plausible act of earning verdict brought in 16 years earlier.
American history. every member of his extended family of a living as a writer, his violent temper and five close observers (dubbed the five little
As Annis embarks on the great walk misfits is a suspect. periods of morbid introspection make him a pigs by Poirot) of the death by poisoning of
south, this harrowing, extravagantly Heading the list is the mercurial grand- prime suspect in a string of murders. a famous artist are persuaded to write their
beautiful novel at times seems to hover daughter, who stands to lose most under the As steele becomes increasingly erratic, his version of events that led to the victim’s
halfway between the real world and the revised will. then there is sir richard’s only protection is a close association forged widow serving a lengthy prison sentence.
spirit one. A sublime work. widow, who never quite measured up to the in wartime with a Los Angeles detective and Each character, from the arrogant,
attractions of his former wife, and a doctor his too-understanding wife. But before long, self-centred mistress to an alter ego intent
LAND OF MILK AND HONEY who can’t account for a missing quantity of even his devoted friend finds it hard to stifle on sanitising his hero’s reputation,
by C Pam Zhang strychnine — a very strong poison. their suspicions. unwittingly reveals their weakness as a
(Hutchinson Oddest of all is an indulged teenager who Crime novelist Hughes is brilliant at reliable witness. it is Poirot’s task to spot
Heinemann is convinced he is capable of unconscious portraying a deranged personality, one who the inconsistences, lies and deceit that led
£16.99, 240pp) acts of violence. is knowingly in the grip of malign forces but to a miscarriage of justice.
Enter inspector Cockrill, whose disreputa- can find no way of escape until . . . but why With Christie playing fair with the clues,
BiLLiONAirE ‘tech bros’ the attentive reader may beat Poirot at his
are a current bete noire in ble appearance belies a talent for spotting give away the nail-biting ending to one of
obscure clues. Always good value, Brand the finest noir novels of the 1940s. own game. But i wouldn’t bet on it.
literature — both deliciously easy to
satirise and to characterise as the shady
avatar of all our modern woes.
One crops up in Zhang’s new climate
change dystopia, a wealthy entrepre-
CHILDREN’S transport the daughter of a
distraught nobleman who
accepts an invitation to enter
the secretive Thieves’ Gambit
widowed scientist Dad are
back home. But when she
neur who lives on an italian mountain SALLY MORRIS refuses to accept her death
and wants to reclaim her.
competition, where the victor
has one wish granted — Ross
receives a message that Bear
has been shot, she persuades
top that remains untouched by the
blight affecting the rest of the planet, ISLAND OF Pursued by him and his magi- could save her mum. her father to fly them back to
and who has tasked various investor WHISPERS cians, Milo faces chilling, super- But all other competitors are search for him.
and scientific types to bioengineer new by Frances natural danger but must fulfil equally driven and after each In a dramatic and dangerous
crops of rare and extinct species of his task to save her spirit. task the weakest one will leave. quest, April’s spiritual connec-
plants and animals in order to sustain Hardinge
Atmospheric illustrations add Should Ross team up with tion to the wild animal over-
his Eden. Illustrated by Emily to the ghostly drama. Age 12+. someone or go it alone? Can comes all obstacles, and Bear’s
into this elite community steps our Gravett (Two Hoots you actually trust anyone? need to protect his motherless
narrator, an American chef ostensibly £14.99, 120pp) THIEVES’ GAMBIT
hired to cook up lavish meals but Terrific fun with great charac- cub mirrors April’s own
HARDINGE is an extraordinary by Kayvion Lewis ters, edge-of-the seat tension relationship with her father.
who gradually finds herself both (Simon &
falling in love with her employer’s writer for teenagers so don’t and a sequel and movie Stunningly illustrated, this
geneticist daughter and increasingly be misled by the extended Schuster planned. Age 14+. touching environmental story
embroiled in the project’s murky picture book format — this £8.99, 384pp) of surviving and thriving is both
underpinnings. powerful, multi-layered gothic STRAP in for the FINDING BEAR scientifically accurate and
Zhang’s succulent, outrageously sen- fantasy exploring death, ride with this by Hannah Gold magically inspiring. Age 8+.
sual prose, which lingers lovingly on grief, destiny and identity isn’t twisty, fast-paced heist that’s (Harper Collins
taste and bodily sensation, is ironically for toddlers. part elimination game show £12.99, 352pp)
fabulously at odds with the aridity this Milo’s father is The Ferryman IN THIS sequel to
future world is facing, and as such and part Ocean’s Eleven.
underscores this full-fat novel’s bitter- who carries souls of the dead Seventeen-year-old Rosalyn G o l d ’s a w a r d -
sweet pleasures. to Broken Tower island before Quest is a super-thief, raised by winning The Last To BUY any book reviewed
After all, our obscene appetites are the ghouls wreak havoc. her equally talented mother to Bear, a year has passed since here, visit
partly the reason why we are facing a But after his father is killed, trust no one. But when her April rescued a polar bear in books or call 020 3176 2937
climate crisis in the first place. Milo assumes the role and must mother is kidnapped, Ross the Arctic and she and her
50 TELEVISION Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Gardeners’ World, 7.30pm, BBC2
MONTY DON is very busy indeed at
Longmeadow — the end of summer
doesn’t mean he can put his feet up just
yet. He’s planting onions and garlic,
putting bulbs in pots, transplanting
foxgloves, tidying his strawberry bed NICK KNOWLES continues Herculaneum in AD 79, and hears
and adding camassias to his bog garden. his latest series of about efforts to decode the text on
Plus, we catch up with the sisters in Dorset
whose fallen-down greenhouse gave adventures with a trip charred papyrus scrolls discovered
them the chance to transform their plot, across Italy that he’s dubbed at the site, before driving a bubble
Joe Swift visits a gravel garden in the ‘Volcano Express’, car on the stunning Amalfi Coast,
Kent, and Tom Brown is in Salford to travelling by rail then crossing the sea to Sicily. The
check out RHS Garden Bridgewater. between Mount intrepid presenter also takes to the
Vesuvius and Mount skies in a gyrocopter, and it turns
MUSIC QUIZ Etna. Both are out to be a flight he’s grateful to
PopMaster TV: Grand Final, considered active, survive after the tiny aircraft
8pm, Ch4 with smoke rings encounters bad weather and gives
THE heats are over and the five spotted above him a serious fright. Nick must have
weekly winners take their places Etna as recently wished he’d stuck to the brief of his
for the chance to take the first-ever as August. Along ‘Railway Adventures’ and remained
PopMaster TV crown. This show the way, he learns with ground-based transport.
doesn’t go in for big-budget effects
and high-octane personalities; it’s been about the destruction Good thing he planned a trip to
all about the music, with Ken Bruce of Pompeii and nearby the local vineyard (pictured) . . .
(pictured) as our easy-going guide.

BB C 1 B B C 2 I TV 1 CHA N N EL 4
6.00 Breakfast (HD) 6.30 The Bidding Room (R,HD) 6.00 Good Morning Britain (HD) 6.05 Countdown (R,HD)
9.15 Morning Live (HD) Magazine show. 7.15 The Vintage French Farmhouse 9.00 Lorraine (HD) 6.45 Cheers (R,HD)
10.00 Fraud Squad (AD,HD) (R,HD) Items are bought in France 10.00 This Morning (HD) Daily magazine, 7.10 Cheers (R,HD)
10.45 Claimed and Shamed (HD) for the British marketplace. featuring a mix of celebrity chat, 7.35 Everybody Loves Raymond
11.15 Homes Under the Hammer 8.00 Gardeners’ World (BSL,R,HD) showbusiness news, lifestyle (AD,R,HD) Ray Romano stars.
(AD,R,HD) Houses in Derby and 9.00 BBC News (HD) features, topical discussion, health 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond
South and West Yorkshire. 12.15 Politics UK (HD) The week’s political and beauty advice and more. (AD,R,HD) Robert and Amy split up.
12.15 Bargain Hunt (HD) proceedings around the UK. 12.30 Loose Women (HD) Celebrity 8.25 Frasier (AD,R)
1.00 BBC News at One; Weather (HD) 1.00 Impossible (R,HD) Quiz show. interviews and topical debate 8.55 Frasier (AD,R)
1.30 BBC Regional News; Weather (HD) 1.45 Eggheads (R,HD) Quiz show, from a female perspective. 9.25 Frasier (AD,R)
1.45 Five Bedrooms (HD) The gang hosted by Jeremy Vine. 1.30 News; Weather (HD) 9.55 Chateau DIY (AD,R,HD)
camp out for Little Benny 2.15 Wanted Down Under (R,HD) 1.55 Regional News; Weather (HD) 10.55 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces
Chigwell’s birthday. A couple and their two children 2.00 James Martin’s Spanish (AD,R,HD) George looks back at
2.30 Money for Nothing (HD) A retro sample life in Melbourne for a week. Adventure (AD,HD) The chef visits his most ambitious big build.
swivel chair is rejuvenated. 3.00 Murder, Mystery and My Family an anchovy producer, sees how 11.55 Channel 4 News Summary (HD)
3.00 Escape to the Country (AD,R,HD) (AD,R,HD) The case of an 18-year-old ratafia is made, and meets an 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch (HD)
Jules Hudson heads to Suffolk. hotel employee who was accused of award-winning chocolatier. James Weekday magazine show.
3.45 The Bidding Room (HD) Nigel murdering a titled guest in 1922. also visits Celler de Can Roca. 2.10 Countdown (HD)
Havers hosts as five dealers 3.45 Great Canadian Railway Journeys 3.00 Tenable (HD) A family team of five 3.00 A Place in the Sun (R,HD)
battle each other to buy items (AD,R,HD) Michael Portillo explores from Clitheroe answer Top 10 list 4.00 A Place in the Sun (HD) A woman
brought in by the public, including the city of Calgary, Alberta. questions and attempt to top the seeks her dream holiday home in
Iranian copper bowls and a 4.15 Serengeti II (AD,R,HD) There is Tenable tower and win a big La Zenia, south-western Spain.
collection of weaving artefacts. trouble for the lions and baboons. cash prize. Quiz show hosted by 5.00 A New Life in the Sun (R,HD)
4.30 The Vintage French Farmhouse 5.15 Flog It! (R,HD) A rare Watcombe Warwick Davis; Regional Weather In France, a couple host their
(HD) Three dealers head to the clock is among the items brought 4.00 Tipping Point (HD) Quiz show, final event of the season.
wine-producing town of Vauvert to Powderham Castle in Devon. hosted by Ben Shephard. 6.00 Four in a Bed (HD) Maxine Walker
in search of antiques, curios and 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of 5.00 The Chase (HD) Bradley Walsh and Tegan Styles digest the
collectibles that they think will Games (HD) With Ken Bruce, presents as Carolen from Brixham, group’s breakfast bugbears.
appeal to the British marketplace. Alice Roberts, Perri Shakes- Angus from Keighley, Leah from 6.30 The Simpsons (AD,R) Another trio
5.15 Pointless (R,HD) Quiz, hosted by Drayton and Kiell Smith-Bynoe. Essex and Adam originally from of spirited Halloween tales, including
Alexander Armstrong. 6.30 Strictly: It Takes Two (HD) Ealing take on one of the Chasers. a mysterious fanged student
6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather (HD) Fleur East is back with more 6.00 Regional News; Weather (HD) wooing Lisa. With the guest voices
6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather (HD) exclusives and backstage gossip. 6.30 News; Weather (HD) of Daniel Radcliffe and Hugh Laurie.

7.00 The One Show (HD) Live 7.00 Beechgrove Garden (HD) Carole 7.00 Emmerdale (AD,HD) Marlon 7.00 Channel 4 News (HD)
magazine show, hosted by Baxter and George Anderson look offers reassurance to Chas.
Alex Jones and Roman Kemp. back at the 2023 growing season. 7.30 Rugby World Cup 2023 Live
7.30 Make It at Market (HD) 7.30 Gardeners’ World (HD) (HD) New Zealand v Italy (Kick-off
Dom Chinea gives three makers PICK Tom Brown travels to RHS 8pm). Mark Pougatch presents
the opportunity to make Garden Bridgewater in Salford coverage of both teams’ third
PM their crafts into day jobs. to see their plant trials. and penultimate match in Pool A,

held at OL Stadium in Lyon. New
8.00 Dragons’ Den (AD,R,HD) 8.30 Golf: Ryder Cup Highlights (HD) Zealand have won all 15 of the 8.00 PopMaster TV: Grand Final
A German brewer’s high-strength Eilidh Barbour presents action previous meetings between the PICK (R,HD) The grand final of
hooch pole-axes a Dragon, while from day one at Marco Simone nations, with the most recent the first television version of
another budding entrepreneur Golf and Country Club in Rome, of those contests coming in the radio quiz, with the winners
and her four-legged friend where Team Europe and Team November 2021, when the All of each of the previous five
present a booking service for USA contested foursomes and episodes returning for the
PM dog-friendly businesses. fourballs matches at the 44th
Blacks prevailed 47-9 in Rome,
scoring seven tries in the ultimate test. Last in series.

staging of the competition. process. However, Italy go
9.00 Would I Lie to You? (R,HD) With The Europeans are bidding to into this match ahead of their 9.00 Gogglebox (AD,HD) The armchair
Lady Leshurr, Philippa Perry, Alan recapture the trophy claimed opponents in the pool, having critics share their opinions on
Titchmarsh and Mike Wozniak. by Team USA in a 19-9 victory recorded victories over Namibia shows including The Great British
9.30 Mrs Brown’s Boys (AD,HD) two years ago, and maintain and Uruguay. With commentary Bake Off, Strictly Come Dancing,
Dermot and Maria renew their their record of having not from Martin Gillingham, Ugo Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins,
wedding vows. Last in series. lost on home soil since 1993. Sex Education and Blankety Blank.
PM Monye and Ben Kay.

10.00 BBC News at Ten (HD) 10.00 Red Dwarf (R,HD) Lister’s 10.25 News (HD) 10.00 Open House: The Great Sex
10.30 BBC Regional News (HD) hallucinations cause chaos. Sci-fi (Followed by Weather) Experiment (AD,HD) Nicolle
(Followed by Weather) comedy, starring Chris Barrie, 10.55 Regional News (HD) and Ben spice things up with
10.40 The Graham Norton Show (HD) Craig Charles and Norman Lovett. (Followed by Weather) Kiki and Sophia, while thrill-
PICK New series. The host launches 10.30 Newsnight (HD) seekers Katey and Dan pursue
his latest series with guests Kylie (Followed by Weather) a live sex show experience.
PM Minogue and Stephen Graham.

11.30 RuPaul’s Drag Race UK (R,HD) 11.05 Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond 11.10 The NFL Show (HD) Craig Doyle 11.00 Joe Lycett: I’m About to Lose
Ten new drag queens enter the Lobby (AD,R,HD) Monica presents a look ahead to the Control and I Think Joe Lycett
the werk room for the first Galetti and Rob Rinder visit weekend’s clash between (AD,R,HD) The comedian shares
time. Kristen McMenamy joins Glenapp Castle in the borders Jacksonville Jaguars and jokes, paintings and some of the
Michelle Visage and Alan Carr of Scotland, working alongside Atlanta Falcons at Wembley trolling he has been up to.
as RuPaul determines which the staff to find out how they Stadium, plus highlights of Green
PM queen is the first to go. deliver a five-star experience. Bay Packers v Detroit Lions.

12.40 Blankety Blank (R,HD) Rylan, 12.05 FILM: His House (2020) (15) (HD) 12.05 Heathrow: Britain’s Busiest 12.05 FILM: Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
Emma Willis, Desiree Burch, Sue FILM Horror thriller, starring Sope Dirisu. Airport (AD,R,HD) 12.55 All Elite FILM (15) (HD) Horror comedy,
Perkins, Anita Rani and Iain Stirling 1.30 Picasso: The Beauty and the Wrestling: Collision (R,HD) 2.35 starring Jessica Rothe. 1.45
help the contestants to fill in the Beast (AD,R,HD) 2.30 Panorama: Tipping Point (R,HD) 3.25 James Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell and Back
blanks. 1.15 Weather for the Week Downfall of the Crypto King Martin’s Spanish Adventure (R,HD) 2.30 Come Dine with Me
Ahead (HD) 1.20 BBC News (HD) (BSL,R,HD) 3.30 This Is BBC2 (HD) (AD,BSL,R,HD) 4.15 Unwind with (AD,R,HD) 4.45 Tool Club (R,HD)
MNT ITV (HD) 5.10 Tenable (BSL,R,HD) 5.35 Kirstie’s House of Craft (R,HD)
5.55 The King of Queens (AD,R,HD)
(R) Repeat. (HD) High Definition. (AD) Audio Description. (b/w) Not in colour. (BSL) British Sign Language. Family viewing Generally suitable for all Caution recommended
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023
The Graham Norton
Show, 10.40pm, BBC11 Gales and lashing waves give this
rescue service show added drama
GRAHAM is back,
and he kicks off the
new series of his chat
show with superstar
guest Kylie Minogue.
Also on the sofa are

Stephen Graham,

David Mitchell and eal-life dramas in antibes. Why? Because
Mawaan Rizwan, while Picasso took advantage of his
the UK’s 2023 Eurovision
on entrant,
entrant Mae don’t come much friends’ free love philosophy to
Muller (pictured), performs her new single. more dramatic than
Saving Lives At Sea WHITE sleep with one of their wives.
as his grandson Olivier put it
Angel Has Fallen, 9pm, E4
(BBC2). it has all the
go-go-go thrills of the other
LAST NIGHT’S TV with masterly understatement:
‘He was not a faithful man.’
FOLLOWING the fall of Olympus and Saving Lives At Sea Picasso believed from an early
rescue service shows, with age that he was better than
London, this action-heavy, rather bonkers
franchise returns for a third film following the added bonus of gale-force Picasso: The Beauty And The Beast other people, a psychoanalyst
Gerard Butler’s worn and weary Secret winds and waves lashing explained. He worked hard to
Service agent, Mike Banning. This time, against the camera lens. an interesting face. i feel we ously had a new model, and she maintain that position, but also
he’s forced to go on the run after being This is the eighth series now, and will do great things together. i knew what that meant. schemed against other artists.
framed for an attack on the President am Picasso.’ a week later, they He and Olga divorced, and in 1931 there was a big Matisse
they don’t seem to be struggling
(played by Morgan Freeman). The series is were lovers. Marie-Therese gave birth to exhibition in Paris. Picasso
for material. far from it. There was then demanded that he too
set to continue with the next film, Night a race against the clock on the Wir- He was 45 at the time, and a daughter. But that didn’t stop
Has Fallen, currently in development. married. She was 17. his wandering eye. have an exhibition — but in a
ral Peninsula, where the in-shore bigger gallery.
rescue hovercraft launched to save His wife Olga only discovered He spotted the surrealist pho-
she had competition when she tographer Dora Maar at a café in
CH A N N E L 5 a walker stuck in mudflats.
began to notice a change in Paris, but their relationship CHRISTOPHER STEVENS
With the tide coming in fast, is away.
6.00 Milkshake! Sunny Bunnies (R,HD) would they get there in time? her husband’s work: he obvi- cooled on a holiday with friends
6.05 Daisy & Ollie (R,HD) 6.10 Milkshake! especially as a high wind was blow-
Monkey (R) 6.15 Peppa Pig (R,HD) 6.20 ing. The hovercraft is ideal for
Peppa Pig (R,HD) 6.25 Oggy Oggy (R,HD) gliding over the mud, but the wind
6.35 Odo (R,HD) 6.45 Peppa Pig (AD,R,HD) slowed it down from 22 knots to a
6.50 Fireman Sam (R,HD) 7.00 Thomas & five-knot crawl.
Friends: All Engines Go! (R,HD) 7.10 Peppa it was a more conventional life-
Pig (AD,R,HD) 7.15 Peppa Pig (R) 7.25 Paw boat, from another station, that was
Patrol (R,HD) 7.35 Pip and Posy (HD) 7.50 first to reach rambler Mark. another
The Adventures of Paddington (R,HD) 8.05 five minutes, estimated one of the
Chip and Potato (R,HD) 8.20 Milo (R,HD) crew, and he’d have drowned.
8.30 Paw Patrol (R,HD) 8.45 Ben and Holly’s Most of the crews are volunteers,
Little Kingdom (R,HD) 8.55 Peppa Pig (R,HD) and it can be an emotional busi-
9.00 Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go! ness. Crew member Kelley welled
(HD) 9.05 Operation Pawsome (HD) up as she remembered bringing a
9.15 Jeremy Vine (HD) jet-skier back to life.
11.15 Storm Huntley (HD) Dan hit his head on a jet-ski in
12.40 Alexis Conran (HD) the Solent, and was effectively life-
1.40 5 News at Lunchtime (HD) less by the time he was carried to
1.45 Home and Away (AD,R,HD) shore. Kelley’s CPR didn’t seem to
2.20 My Deadly Ex (2020) (PG) (HD)
FILM An engaged couple’s lives turn into
a nightmare after they experience a
mysterious break-in at their home. STIFF UPPER LIP: The Real Crown:
Thriller, starring Vivica A. Fox. Inside The House Of Windsor
4.00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun (ITV1) recalled how a nationalist
(HD) Former policeman Rod sets bomb went off as Prince Charles
up a market at a local ex-pat club. travelled in an open coach to
5.00 5 News (HD) his 1967 investiture as Prince of
6.00 Susan Calman’s Grand Day Out Wales. ‘What was that?’ he
(R,HD) The presenter heads to asked Welsh secretary George
the lush county of Cumbria.
6.55 5 News Update (HD) Thomas. ‘Royal salute,’ said
the quick-thinking minister.
7.00 Shop Smart, Save Money (HD)
New series. Angellica Bell and
Ortis Deley help families to make be working, but as she was stand-
the best choices when buying ing clear for the defibrillator, Dan
items to make their lives better. began to breathe again.
He was in a coma for three weeks,
7.55 5 News Update (HD) and now remembers nothing of
the accident.
8.00 Live: Harvest on the Farm 2023 Crew members are remarkably
(HD) In the finale at the Essex non-judgemental. in Hartlepool,
farm, Helen Skelton and Jules lifeboats helped in the huge
search for a canoeist who disap-
Hudson present a harvest festival peared in 2002.
extravaganza. Last in series. The search was called off after 33
hours with no sign of the missing
man. That was hardly surprising. it
was John Darwin, who had disap-
9.00 Amazing Railway Adventures peared deliberately and was later
PICK with Nick Knowles (HD) The jailed for insurance fraud.
presenter travels from Mount ‘Despite all that’s happened,’ said
Vesuvius to Mount Etna on a one of that Hartlepool search
journey from Naples to Sicily. party, ‘we’re just relieved that he
was safe.’
Picasso: Beauty And The Beast
(BBC2) was a story about women
10.00 Blood Money: The Curse of and war. The Nazis and the Spanish
Brink’s-Mat Robbery (R,HD) Civil War got a mention, but it was
Nearly 40 years on from Britain’s mostly women.
biggest gold robbery, police it began with the day that the
officers and key witnesses, many artist met Marie-Therese Walter,
speaking for the first time, reveal his long-term lover. Well, one of
the inside story behind the heist. them. ‘Mademoiselle,’ he said after
spotting her in Paris, ‘you have
11.30 Ocean’s Eleven (2001) (12) (HD)
FILM A suave ex-convict assembles a WELSH TV VARIATIONS
gang of crooks to help him to BBC1: 1.30pm Wales Today; Weather. 6.30 Wales
Today; Weather. 7.30 Yarnbombers — Our Lives.
pull off the daring robbery of ITV: 10.55pm News Cymru Wales; Weather.
three casinos in Las Vegas. Crime S4C: 6.00am Cyw. 12noon Newyddion S4C a’r
comedy, with George Clooney, Tywydd. 12.05 Richard Holt: Yr Academi Felys.
12.30 Heno. 1.00 Dan Do. 1.30 Cymry ar Gynfas.
Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts. 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 2.05 Prynhawn
Da. 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 3.05 Noson
1.35 PlayOJO Live Casino Show (HD) Lawen. 4.00 Awr Fawr: Timpo. 4.10 Awr Fawr: Tomos
3.35 Friends (R,HD) 4.00 Friends a’i Ffrindiau. 4.20 Awr Fawr: Oli Wyn. 4.30 Awr Fawr:
Patrol Pawennau. 4.45 Awr Fawr: Deian a Loli. 5.00
(R,HD) 4.25 Never Teach Your Stwnsh. 6.00 Bwyd Epic Chris. 6.30 Garddio a Mwy.
Wife to Drive (BSL,R,HD) 5.20 6.57 Newyddion S4C. 7.00 Heno. 7.30 Newyddion
S4C a’r Tywydd. 8.00 Ralio+. The Ceredigion Rally.
Wildlife SOS (BSL,R,HD) 5.50 Emyr Penlan and Hana Medi present highlights of
Entertainment News on 5 (HD) the prestigious event that took place around
Aberystwyth. 8.55 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd. 9.00
Lorient 2023. Musicians Al Lewis and Mari Mathias
set out on a pilgrimage to the Lorient Intercelt-
ique Festival, a celebration of the Celtic countries
Particularly liable to offend in north-west France. 10.00 Y Gem. 10.30 Yn y Lwp.
52 DIGITAL & ON DEMAND Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Time BBC 4 E4 ITV2

FLORA AND SON, Top of the Pops Hollyoaks Sienna Ninja Warrior UK:
7.00pm Music from February fears for her Race for Glory Ben
APPLE TV+ 1995, featuring PJ and
Duncan and Bon Jovi
children’s future Shephard, Rochelle
Humes and Chris
WITH Once and Sing Street on by Carney and Top of the Pops Music 7.35 Young Sheldon Kamara host as more
his CV, writer-director John with great by Elton John, Faith No The youngster tries contenders take on
Carney has amply demonstrated performances 7.30pm More and Celine Dion to learn the violin the obstacle course
his gift for creating heartfelt, from Hewson, from March 1995
feel-good musical tales from Kinlan and Joseph
material seemingly better Gordon-Levitt (as Top of the Pops First Dates Ireland Superstore Cheyenne
suited to gritty dramas. And a washed-up LA 8.00pm With Hannah and Her
Sisters, Bizarre Inc
The final episode of
the series offers a
enlists Bo’s help to
make her birthday
with Flora And Son he manages musician who and Sabrina Johnston romantic reverie from memorable
it again. Trying to give her becomes Flora’s pre-pandemic times,
aimless son Max (Oren Kinlan) online guitar Top of the Pops Superstore It is
With Ram Jam, David revisiting memorable March 2020 and
some direction, Dublin single
mum Flora (Eve Hewson,
teacher), this is a
perfectly pitched
8.30pm Essex, the Stylistics moments from the
First Dates restaurant
the pandemic is
and Donna Summer beginning to hit
pictured with Kinlan) rescues drama that hits
a guitar from a skip. When some real high Phil Collins at the BBC Angel Has Fallen There’s Something
Max rejects her attempts to
get him to play, she takes up
notes. And it was a brave role
for Hewson to take on — she’s
talent are inevitable. Has the
star of Bad Sisters (also on
9.00pm Archive footage of the
singer’s performances
(2019,15) Secret
Service agent
About Mary
(1998,15) A lovesick
the instrument herself — with the daughter of U2 frontman Apple TV+) inherited her rock on BBC programmes, Mike Banning finds man hires a seedy
including You Can’t himself framed for detective to track
life-changing effect. Chockful Bono (aka Paul Hewson), so star dad’s musical genes? Watch Hurry Love, One More an assassination down his high-
of fantastic songs co-written comparisons of their vocal this charming film to find out.
9.30pm Night, I Missed Again
and Two Hearts
attempt on the
President. Pursued
school sweetheart
— but discovers he
CREATURE FEATURE the way, which is more than you by his own agency has many rivals for
65, 12noon, 8pm, Sky Premiere get from a ghost train at the fair. The Old Grey and the FBI, Banning her affections.
races to clear Comedy from
YOU can see this man vs dinosaurs SUPERHERO SERIES 10.00pm Whistle Test: Genesis
A Genesis concert his name and the Farrelly
action thriller coming most of the Gen V, Amazon Prime Video uncover the real brothers, starring
from 1980
time, but it’s still good Friday night terrorist threat. Cameron Diaz, Ben
fun. Adam Driver plays the pilot AMAZON’S The Boys redefined 10.40 TOTP2: Action thriller Stiller, Matt Dillon
the landscape of small-screen
who crash lands on an alien planet.
superheroics, depicting cape- 10.30pm Genesis Archive
performances by
sequel, starring
Gerard Butler
and Lee Evans.
Includes FYI Daily
GHOST HUNTERS wearing heroes as psychotic the band
Spooked Ireland, egomaniacs. This new weekly series
delves back into the same world 11.25 Mark Lawson 11.20 Naked
9pm, Really/Discovery+
THE model Vogue Williams Charleville Castle in County Offaly
but focuses on an academy for
younger heroes being run by the
11.00pm Talks to Phil
Collins The musician
Attraction A retired
divorced dentist is in
(pictured) joins American psychic — it’s the perfect creepy setting and evil Vought corporation, a breeding discusses his life and search of a sexually
Chris Fleming for a new series of seems to be home to some restless ground for dark goings-on behind work, including experimental
his success with man (To 12.30) Family Guy Stewie
spook hunts, using ‘the most up-to- spirit children. Whether you believe its shiny facade. The resulting
date science’ in their peeks beyond what happens or not, there are some show is sinister, exciting, blackly 11.30pm Genesis and as a solo attempts to combat
ageing with plastic
the veil. They start at the imposing nice history lessons to be had along funny and — beware — rather gory. artist (To 12.25)
surgery (To 12.00)


Sky 109 Virgin 114
3.00 Alaskan Bush People. 4.00
Mystery of Egypt’s Mega Temple.
Provence Masterclass. 9.00 Bobby’s
Triple Threat. 10.00 The Hairy
12noon Frankie Drake Mysteries.
5.00 Wheeler Dealers. 6.00
Salvage Hunters. 7.00 Gold Rush.
Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain. 11.00
Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.
FM: 92.4-94.6MHZ; LW: 198KHZ
1.00 Death in Paradise. 2.00 5.30am News Briefing. 8.30PM, BBC WORLD SERVICE
9.00 Expedition Bigfoot. 10.00
Murdoch Mysteries. 4.00 Miss Expedition X. GOLD 5.43 Prayer for the Day.
Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. 5.00 Sky 110 Virgin 124 5.45 Farming Today. IS THERE any chance of us Earth remains untouched
Hudson & Rex. 6.00 Without a DRAMA (DAYTIME) 11.40am Keeping Up Appearances. 5.58 Tweet of the Day. reining in our destruction by human influence, so
Trace. 7.00 Elementary. 8.00 Death Freeview 20 Sky 143 Virgin 116 of nature, and perhaps the omens are not good.
in Paradise. 10.20 Shakespeare &
12.20pm 2point4 Children. 1.00 6.00 Today.
Hathaway: Private Investigators.
11.40am The Bill. 12.50pm Classic Dad’s Army. 1.40 Blackadder Goes 9.00 Desert Island Discs. even helping the planet’s But the programme also
EastEnders. 2.05 Pie in the Sky. 3.05 Forth. 2.20 Porridge. 3.00 Hi-de-Hi! biodiversity? That’s today’s hears from members of
11.15 Person of Interest.
Bergerac. 4.20 All Creatures Great 3.40 Last of the Summer Wine. 5.00
With horse trainer
ANIMAL PLANET and Small. 5.30 The Upper Hand. Keeping Up Appearances. 5.40 Lucinda Russell. question from a listener in the Karuk tribe, who live
6.05 ’Allo ’Allo! 6.40 Last of the Porridge. 6.20 Blackadder Goes 9.45 (LW) Daily Service. California, who’s witnessed along California’s Klamath
Sky 162 Virgin 178
12noon The Pool Master. 1.00 Life at
Summer Wine. Forth. 7.40 Dad’s Army. 9.00 The 9.45 (FM) Book of the first-hand the devastation River. They have always
Royle Family. 9.40 The Royle Family Week: Great-Uncle caused by the mining and had a close relationship
Vet University. 2.00 Wild Dubai. E4 (DAYTIME) at Christmas. 10.20 Not Going Out.
3.00 Deadliest Sharks. 4.00 My Freeview 13 Sky 135 Virgin 106 11.00 The Fast Show. 11.40 The
Harry: A Tale of War timber industries. It has with nature, and continue
Cat from Hell. 5.00 Animal and Empire. Michael been claimed that only to work at restoring the
Cops Philadelphia. 6.00 Tanked. 8.40am Melissa & Joey. 9.10 Royle Family.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine. 10.00 The Big Palin visits Mametz three per cent of land on landscape around them.
7.00 Pit Bulls & Parolees. 8.00
Bang Theory. 11.00 Modern Family. GREAT! TV Wood, where his
Legends of the Wild. 10.00 Alaska:
12noon The Big Bang Theory. 2.00 Freeview 50 Sky 157 Virgin 170 great-uncle was killed.
Surviving the Last Frontier. 11.00
Monster Hammerhead. The Goldbergs. 3.00 Modern Family. 9.00am Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye. 10.00 Woman’s Hour. 2.15 Drama: The System. 6.30 The News Quiz. Andy
4.00 Married at First Sight UK. 5.10 11.00am Castle. 1.00pm Sue Thomas: 2.45 Close Encounters. Zaltzman hosts the
BBC ALBA The Big Bang Theory. F.B.Eye. 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. 11.00 The Briefing Room.
11.30 What’s Funny About. 3.00 Gardeners’ Question comedy panel game.
5.00 Murder, She Wrote. 7.00
Sky 169 Virgin 161 EDEN M*A*S*H. 9.00 Randall and Hopkirk 12noon News; (LW) Time. From Mousehole 7.00 The Archers.
6.00am Alba Today. 5.00pm Treubh
an Tuathanais. 5.15 Na Clangers. Sky 166 Virgin 176 (Deceased). 10.00 The Persuaders! Shipping Forecast. in Cornwall. Susan attempts
5.25 Sionnach agus Maigheach. 5.35 10.00am Abandoned Engineering. 11.00 Return of the Saint. 12.04 Archive on 4: The 3.45 Short Works. something different.
“rain CBeebies. 5.40 AH-AH/No-No. 5STAR (DAYTIME) ITV2 (DAYTIME) Holy Blood. 4.00 Last Word. 7.15 Screenshot. The
5.48 ’S E Iasg a Th’Annam. 5.50 12.57 Weather. 4.30 More or Less. unsung heroes of
Stoiridh. 6.00 Aithne air Freeview 32 Sky 128 Virgin 126 Freeview 6 Sky 118 Virgin 115
Ainmhidhean. 6.25 @12. 6.30 Stri. 12noon Traffic Cops. 2.00 Police 9.00am Totally Bonkers Guinness 1.00 The World at One. 5.00 PM; (LW) Shipping cinema, stunt artists.
6.35 Ronia, Nighean a’ Mheirlich/ Interceptors. 5.00 Call the World Records. 9.35 One Tree Hill. 1.45 Uncharted with Forecast. 8.00 Any Questions?
Ronja, the Robber’s Daughter. 7.00 Bailiffs: Time to Pay Up. 6.00 10.05 Dawson’s Creek. 11.00 Dress Hannah Fry. 5.57 Weather. From One Sixth Form
An La. 7.25 Dan. 7.30 Live FOSROC Home and Away. to Impress. 12noon Dinner Date.
1.00 Family Fortunes. 2.00 Chuck. 2.00 The Archers. 6.00 Six O’Clock News. College in Ipswich.
Super6 Rugby. Boroughmuir Bears 5 ACTION
v FOSROC Future XV (Kick-off 3.05 One Tree Hill. 4.05 Dawson’s
7.35pm). 9.25 Fraochy Bay. 9.30 An Freeview 33 Sky 150 Creek. 5.00 Dinner Date. 6.00
Clo Mor. 10.00 FILM: Doineann. 11.15am Police Interceptors. 12.15pm Celebrity Catchphrase. & Kenny. 7.00 Buying and Selling. Investigation. 10.00 Inside Cocaine SKY ARTS
FILM: Dawn at Socorro. (1954) (PG) 8.00 Dinner Date. 9.00 Botched. Wars: Cartel Crackdown. 11.00 Air
(2021) (15) 11.30 Belladrum. Freeview 11 Sky 130 Virgin 123
1.55 FILM: Canyon Passage. (1946) ITV3 (DAYTIME) 11.00 Million Dollar Matchmaker. Crash Investigation.
12noon The Joy of Painting. 1.00
BBC THREE (PG) 4.00 Outback Truckers. 5.00 Freeview 10 Sky 119 Virgin 117 12midnight The Only Way Is
PBS AMERICA Tales of the Unexpected. 1.35 FILM:
Traffic Cops. 6.00 Police 8.35am Bless This House. 9.10 Essex. 12.45 Unwind with ITV.
Freeview 23 Sky 115 Virgin 107
1.00 Teleshopping. Freeview 84 Sky 174 Virgin 187 The House of Fear. (1945) (PG) 3.00
7.00pm Phoenix Rise. 8.00 Gavin & Interceptors. 9.00 Police: Night Where the Heart Is. 11.20 Agatha Thomas Hardy: Fate, Exclusion and
Shift 999. 10.00 Motorway Cops: 11.50am Frontline. 1.00pm Beautiful
Stacey. 9.00 Life and Death Row. Christie’s Poirot. 12.25pm Heartbeat. MORE4 (DAYTIME) Serengeti. 1.30 The War. 2.40
Tragedy. 4.00 Discovering: Diane
10.00 FILM: End of Watch. (2012) (15) Catching Britain’s Speeders. 11.00 1.30 ITV Racing: Live from Keaton. 5.00 Tales of the
999: Police Hour of Duty. Newmarket. 4.00 Classic Freeview 18 Sky 136 Virgin 147 Auschwitz in 33 Objects. 3.50
11.40 The Bold Type. Unexpected. 6.00 Alfred Hitchcock
Emmerdale. 5.00 Classic Coronation 8.55am Kirstie’s Handmade America’s Dangerous Trucks. 5.00 Presents. 7.00 The Joy of Painting.
COMEDY CENTRAL 5 SELECT Street. 6.00 Heartbeat. Treasures. 9.15 A Place in the Sun. Frontline. 6.10 The War. 7.20 8.00 Discovering Tommy Lee Jones.
Sky 112 Virgin 132 Freeview 46 Sky 153 Virgin 138 10.05 A New Life in the Sun. 11.05 Auschwitz in 33 Objects. 8.30 9.00 The Who: Tommy Live at the
11.00am Home Improvement. 11.00am The Yorkshire Vet. 12.55pm ITV4 (DAYTIME) Find It, Fix It, Flog It. 1.10pm Heir America’s Dangerous Trucks. Royal Albert Hall. 10.30 Maximum
1.00pm Last Man Standing. 2.00 Entertainment News on 5. 1.00 Freeview 26 Sky 120 Virgin 118 Hunters. 2.10 Four in a Bed. 4.50 Frontline investigate deadly truck R&B — The Birth of The Who. 11.30
Friends. 9.00 Lee Evans: XL Tour. World’s Most Scenic Railway 8.25am The Saint. 9.35 The Return Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It. accidents. 9.40 Frontline. Frontline Bob Dylan: No Direction Home.
10.00 Kevin Bridges: The Brand Journeys. 2.00 The Yorkshire Vet. of Sherlock Holmes. 10.40 Magnum, Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer investigates retired US general
New Tour. 11.00 Key & Peele. 3.50 Entertainment News on 5. 4.00 PI. 11.45 The Motorbike Show. help a couple in Cowbridge, Michael Flynn and how his far-right SKY ATLANTIC
The Highland Vet. 5.00 Ben Fogle: 12.45pm Snooker: British Open Wales. 5.50 The Secret Life of influence affects America. 10.50 Sky 108
DAVE (DAYTIME) New Lives in the Wild. 6.00 World’s 2023. 4.30 Hot Shots. 4.40 Minder. the Zoo. 6.55 The Dog House Auschwitz in 33 Objects. 12midnight 8.55am Six Feet Under. 10.00 Ray
Freeview 19 Sky 111 Virgin 127 Most Scenic Railway Journeys. 7.00 5.40 The Motorbike Show. 6.45 Australia. Life at Animal Welfare America’s Dangerous Trucks. 1.15 Donovan. 12.05pm Game of Thrones.
12noon Ultimate Movers. 1.00 The 1970s Supermarket. 8.00 Jimmy Snooker: British Open 2023. League NSW, a picturesque dog Beautiful Serengeti. 1.10 Quarry. 3.35 Six Feet Under.
Repair Lot. 2.00 Top Gear. 4.00 Tarbuck: 60 Years of Laughs. 10.00 sanctuary where people come in 5.45 Ray Donovan. 7.55 Game of
Building Cars: Secrets of the Britain’s Favourite Gameshows. ITVBE search of a canine soulmate. REALLY Thrones. 9.00 Billions. 10.10 Drift —
Assembly Line. 5.00 Rick Stein’s Freeview 28 Sky 131 Virgin 119 Freeview 17 Sky 142 Virgin 128 Partners in Crime.
Mediterranean Escapes. 6.00 Rick 5 USA (DAYTIME) 9.00am LittleBe. 12noon Sugar
NAT’L GEOGRAPHIC 12noon Money for Nothing. 1.00
Stein’s India. Freeview 21 Sky 141 Virgin 120 Showdown. 12.25 The Real Sky 129 Virgin 183 A Place in the Sun. 2.00 My 600lb SKY COMEDY
12noon Law & Order. 6.00 NCIS. Housewives of Beverly Hills. 1.20 9.00am Air Crash Investigation. Life. 4.00 Animal Cops Phoenix. Sky 114 Virgin 112
DISCOVERY Mummy Diaries Extra. 2.20 The 10.00 Apocalypse: The Rise of 5.00 Ambulance. 6.00 Celebrity 11.30am Looking. 12.50pm House
Sky 125 Virgin 177 FOOD NETWORK UK Only Way Is Essex. 3.05 Million Hitler. 12noon World War II: The Yorkshire Auction House. 7.00 of Lies. 1.30 The Fresh Prince of Bel-
9.00am Alaska: The Last Frontier. Freeview 43 Sky 140 Virgin 190 Dollar Listing: LA. 4.05 The Real Apocalypse. 6.00 Seconds from Antiques Road Trip. 9.00 Spooked Air. 2.20 Entourage. 3.30 The
10.00 How Do They Do It? 11.00 6.00pm James Martin’s United Housewives of Atlanta. 5.00 Disaster. 7.00 Air Crash Ireland. 10.00 Celebrity Help! Conners. 4.30 Sort Of. 5.30 Mr
Wheeler Dealers. 12noon Salvage Cakes of America. 7.00 The Great The Real Housewives of Potomac. Investigation. 8.00 Airport My House Is Haunted. 11.00 Mayor. 6.00 The Fresh Prince of
Hunters. 1.00 Deadliest Catch. British Bake Off. 8.00 Michel Roux’s 6.00 Making It Home with Kortney Security: Rome. 9.00 Air Crash Ghost Adventures. Bel-Air. 7.00 Will & Grace. 8.00
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023
10 26 18 36 12 19 20 32 21
Heartbeat Gina 6.45 Snooker: 6.55 The Dog House Star Trek: Voyager Outback Opal Richard Osman’s 7.20 Last of the GPs: Behind Closed NCIS Tony and Ziva
struggles to cope British Open 2023 Australia Life at The crew races to the Hunters The Tunnel House of Games Summer Wine Doors A woman with trace a suspected
with Phil’s death, Coverage of the Animal Welfare rescue of a ship, but Rats struggle working With Kaye Adams and Foggy tries to injuries sustained in a terrorist to a
but refuses Carol’s evening session on day League NSW discovers it is a mirror on unfamiliar ground, Mark Chapman cheer Compo up fight, on top of warehouse, where
attempts to help five from The Centaur 7.55 Grand Designs image of Voyager — while the Boulder Boys 7.40 Richard Osman’s ongoing alcoholism they find evidence
her, and Don feels at Cheltenham Kevin McCloud and ends up in danger try to keep their jobs House of Games Kate and depression, suggesting a nuclear
guilty about his Racecourse, featuring follows a couple’s of being sucked with a last-ditch hunt Williams and Tom makes a return visit attack on Washington,
colleague’s shooting the concluding project to transform into a black hole Allen compete DC, is being planned
quarter-finals. Mark a 1960s forester’s
Doc Martin In the Allen overcame the lodge into a unique Magnum P.I. Salvage Hunters 8.20 Would I Lie to Father Brown A body Million Pound NCIS An Iraq war
final episode of the challenge of Mark Japanese home, A journalist hires Drew visits a disused You? With David is discovered in a Motorhomes veteran asks Gibbs
ninth series, Martin Selby with a 5-3 win at complete with a Thomas to track down fuel shed on a former O’Doherty, Richard vineyard and Father Celebrating the Great to investigate the
rushes to Ruth’s for a this stage last year to tatami room and an anonymous source air force base in Osman, Susan Calman Brown is tasked with British obsession with killing of another
medical emergency set up a semi-final sliding paper walls who has mysteriously Suffolk, where he and Carol Kirkwood searching for the all things motorhome. former marine,
meeting with Noppon gone silent, and discovers vases carved murderer. Fifties-set Last in series who was murdered
Saengkham, who Higgins receives a new from cow bones crime drama, starring while working as a
defeated Jamie Jones assignment from MI-6 Mark Williams lorry driver
by the same score line.
Doc Martin After Presented by Rishi For Life New series. The Murderer & Me Ambulance The work QI XL Extended Father Brown The Outbreak (1995,15) NCIS Gibbs’s former
having his career Persad, with analysis Crime drama about a New series. Factual of the North West edition. Janet priest becomes An expert in mother-in-law
scrutinised by the from Stephen Hendry, tough, straight-talking crime stories Ambulance Service. Street-Porter, Sandi embroiled in an infectious diseases surfaces as a witness
General Medical Alan McManus, Ken detective. A child is beginning with mother A panicked caller Toksvig and Johnny audacious art heist races against time in a murder
Council, Martin makes Doherty and Neal found in a forest near of two Joanna needs help for a friend Vegas join regular masterminded by his to find a cure for a investigation,
efforts to overcome Foulds, and her murdered mother. Dennehy, who killed who has given birth panellist Alan Davies adversary Flambeau. rapidly fatal and it transpires the
his fear of blood commentary by David With Tone Mostraum. three men in in a hotel room Crime drama, starring airborne virus victim had ties to a
Hendon and Phil Yates In Norwegian and around Mark Williams which is wiping drug cartel
Peterborough in 2013, out the population
10.05 Endeavour All Elite Wrestling: 24 Hours in A&E then tried to murder Border Control QI XL Extended New Tricks The team of a small town, and Law & Order: Special
When the detective is Dynamite Hard- Cameras follow two dog walkers Sweden A man gets edition. Victoria Coren re-examines the case is threatening to Victims Unit A six-
called to investigate hitting action Lawrence, 26, who is aggressive when his Mitchell, Sue Perkins of a writer found dead turn into a year-old girl tests
what appears to be a from the world of rushed to St George’s bags are being and the Rev Richard in a scrapyard. Brian pandemic. Thriller, positive for a sexually
freak accident at Lady All Elite Wrestling - after being hit by a car checked. Plus, Alex Coles join Alan Davies believes the secret of with Dustin transmitted disease
Matilda’s College, he the roster features while crossing the Snapped Stories of discovers a canister and Stephen Fry the murder lies in Hoffman, Rene
uncovers a potential world-class talent road on a night apparently normal and suspects that it the man’s poetry Russo, Morgan
link between a series including Jon out in Eastbourne women who turned to might contain drugs Freeman, Kevin
of peculiar incidents Moxley, Chris Jericho, murder, investigating Spacey and Donald
across Oxford. Despite Bryan Danielson what causes such Sutherland. Includes
11.05 24 Hours in A&E dramatic changes in How Do They Do It? Taskmaster Doc 11.20 Silent Witness Entertainment News Law & Order: Special
Thursday’s scepticism, and Claudio Castagnoli, Cameras follow a Looking at how car Brown, Joe Wilkinson, Thomas performs a Victims Unit The team
he becomes and many more who behaviour
10-year-old who has windows are made Jon Richardson, post mortem on a go undercover to
convinced the bring a freshness and severed his finger at Katherine Ryan and soldier who died in expose a drug ring
accidents are the energy into school and a Richard Osman are military training
result of foul play. professional stonemason who has How I Caught the How Do They Do It? confronted with an (To 1.40) 11.45 The 11.55 Blue Bloods
Drama, starring wrestling (To 12.00) dropped a marble slab Killer Detective Mike How aircraft seats are intimidating man in Manchurian Crime drama, starring
Shaun Evans (To 12.10) on his hand (To 12.10) Southwell talks about tested (To 12.00) gold chains (To 12.05) Candidate Tom Selleck (To 12.55)
a 1981 case (To 12.30) (2004,15) (To 2.25)

BBC 6 MUSIC continues

to celebrate the bands who RADIO 2 FM: 88-90.2MHZ EUROSPORT 1 SKY FOOTBALL 1899 Hoffenheim v Borussia
Dortmund (Kick-off 7.30pm). 9.30
made shoe-gazing an art 6.30am Zoe Ball. 9.30 Vernon Kay. Sky 413 Virgin 521 Sky 403 Virgin 503
Live U.S. Open 9-Ball Pool.
form in INDIE FOREVER 12noon Jeremy Vine. 2.00pm Scott 2.00pm Live Cycling: CRO Race. 2.15pm SPFL Highlights. 2.30 EFL
(7PM, BBC 6 MUSIC). Each Mills. 3.30 Scott Mills’ Wonder 4.00 Cycling: Agostoni Cup. 5.00 Goals: Leagues 1 & 2. 3.00 Bundesliga TNT SPORTS 1
Years. 4.00 Sara Cox. 7.00 Michelle Climbing World Cup. 6.15 Olympic Weekly. 3.30 EFL Highlights. 4.30
Friday, Nathan Shepherd Games: The Power of the Olympics. Scottish Premiership Round-Up.
Sky 410 Virgin 527
hosts a four-hour indie party, Visage. 8.30 Michelle Visage’s 12.30pm Live World Rally
Handbag Hits. 9.00 The Good 6.30 The Power of Sport. 7.00 4.45 SPFL Highlights. 5.00
featuring classic tracks from Cycling: Tour of Langkawi. 8.00 Bundesliga Weekly. 5.30 EFL Cup Championship. 3.15 Sports Reload.
Groove with DJ Spoony. 11.00 The 3.45 New Signing. 4.15 Badminton
the likes of The Smiths, Sonic Rock Show with Johnnie Walker. Cycling: CRO Race. 9.00 Olympic Highlights. 6.30 WSL. 7.00 WSL
Games: The Power of the Olympics. Chelsea Special. 7.30 Live EFL. Unlimited. 4.45 Massive. 6.00
Youth and Pixies. Meanwhile, Premier League Preview. 6.30 The
Indie Forever Back To Back RADIO 3 FM: 90.2-92.4MHZ 9.15 Live Mountain Biking. 10.00 Sheffield Wednesday v Sunderland
Fantasy Show. 7.00 Deaf Away Days.
Live Mountain Biking. (Kick-off 8pm). 10.30 WSL
Sounds, on BBC Sounds, 6.30am Breakfast. 9.00 Essential Chelsea Special. 7.15 Ligue 1 Show. 7.45 Live Ligue 1.
features playlists including Classics. 12noon Composer of the SKY MAIN EVENT Strasbourg v Lens (Kick-off 8pm).
Indie Floorfillers and Britpop, Week: Anniversary Special: A Sky 401 Virgin 501 SKY CRICKET 10.00 Champions League Magazine.
Welsh Quintet. 1.00pm Radio 3 6.00am Live Ryder Cup Golf. 11.30 Sky 404 Virgin 504 10.30 Premier League Preview.
plus DJ sets from La Roux Lunchtime Concert. 2.00 Afternoon Live Ryder Cup Golf. 5.30pm Live 9.20am Live One-Day International TNT SPORTS 2
(pictured) and the Libertines’ Concert. 4.30 The Listening Ryder Cup Golf. 7.30 Live Betfred Cricket. New Zealand v Pakistan.
Carl Barat and Gary Powell. Service. 5.00 In Tune. 7.00 Classical Super League. Hull Kingston Rovers 5.30pm ICC Men’s Cricket World Sky 411 Virgin 528
Mixtape. 7.30 Radio 3 in Concert. v Leigh Leopards (Kick-off 8pm). Cup 2023: The Expert’s View. 6.30 1.00pm AFL. 3.00 WWE NXT. 4.44
Pianist Paul Lewis joins the Royal 10.15 Live U.S. Open 9-Ball Pool. Cricket World Cup. 7.30 World Cup TNT Sports Goals Reload. 5.00
Liverpool Philharmonic. 10.00 The Cricket Classics. 8.00 The Barest of The Fantasy Show. 5.30 Premier
8.50 A Point of View. 11.00 Americast. SKY PREMIER LEAGUE League — The Big Interview. 6.00
Verb. 10.45 The Essay: The Little Margins. 9.00 ICC CWC Qualifier
9.00 Archive on 4: 20 Years 11.30 ‘Whatever Next?’ Sky 402 Virgin 502 2023: The Official Film. 10.00 ICC Deaf Away Days. 6.12 TNT Sports
Secrets of Great Works. 11.00 Late
of Funny Women. with Miles Jupp. Junction. 1.00am Ultimate Calm. 12noon Total Football. 1.00 Total Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023: The Reload. 6.30 Live World Rally
Kerry Godliman looks 12midnight News and Football. 2.00 Total Football. 3.00 Expert’s View. Championship. 9.30 Badminton
at 20 Years of the Weather. RADIO 5 LIVE Total Football. 4.00 Total Football. Unlimited. 10.00 Amplified.
5.00 Premier League 100 Club. SKY MIX
Funny Women Awards. 12.30 Book of the Week: MW: 693/909KHZ
6.00 Premier League Legends. Sky 416 Virgin 510 TNT SPORTS 3
9.59 Weather. Great-Uncle Harry: 5.00am Wake Up to Money. 6.00 5 6.30 Fantasy Show. 7.00 Premier 9.20am Live One-Day International Sky 417 Virgin 529
10.00 The World Tonight. A Tale of War and Live Breakfast. 9.00 The Ryder League Preview. 7.30 Premier Cricket. Bangladesh v Sri Lanka. 9.00am Serie A. 4.00pm Vanarama
With Shaun Ley. Empire. Michael Palin Cup. 6.00pm 5 Live Drive. 7.00 5 League — The Big Interview. 8.00 5.30pm ICC Men’s Cricket World National League. 5.30 ODI Cricket
Live Sport: The Friday Football Fantasy Show. 8.30 Gary Neville’s Cup 2023: The Expert’s View. 6.30 Highlights. 6.30 MotoGP Highlights.
10.45 Book at Bedtime: visits Mametz Wood. Social. 9.00 Rugby World Cup. Soccerbox. 9.00 Premier League Women’s Super League. 7.00 My 7.30 TNT Sports Reload. 8.00 Fight
The Secret Hours. 12.48 Shipping Forecast. New Zealand v Italy. 10.00 Stephen Preview. 9.30 Premier League — The Icon: Thierry Henry. 7.15 Bundesliga Night Live. 10.00 New Signing.
By Mick Herron. 1.00 As World Service. Nolan. 1.00am Johnny I’Anson. Big Interview. Legends. 7.20 Live Bundesliga. TSG 10.30 V8 Supercars Highlights.

The Office (US). 9.00 Sex and the

City. 10.00 Breeders. 11.00 My Dad
battleship in the Atlantic Ocean.
9.00 WW2 Air Crash Detectives.
Order: Special Victims Unit. 11.00
Law & Order: Organized Crime. MOVIES
Wrote a Porno. 10.00 Air Crash: Disasters
Uncovered. 11.00 Robbie Coltrane’s W FILM4 The Rundown. (2003) (12) 9.00 Accident Man: Hitman’s Holiday.
SKY DOCUMENTARIES Critical Evidence. Freeview 25 Sky 132 Virgin 125 Freeview 14 Sky 313 Virgin 428
FILM: Homefront. (2013) (15) 11.05 (2022) (15) 5.20 Tar. (2022) (15) 8.00
Sky 121 Virgin 188 11.00am DIY SOS: The Big Build. FILM: 13. (2010) (15) 65. (2023) (12) Premiere. When an
SKY MAX 11.00am Last Train from Gun Hill. astronaut crashes on a mysterious
12noon Sergio Leone: The Italian 1.00pm Tipping Point. 4.00 My (1959) (12) 12.55pm The Furies. GREAT! CHRISTMAS
Who Invented America. 2.00 FILM: Sky 113 Virgin 111 Dream Home. 6.00 Property planet, he fights for survival amidst
(1950) (PG) 3.05 Hangman’s Knot. Freeview 52 Sky 319 Virgin 424 the deadly wildlife. Action
Against the Tides. (2019) (12) 3.50 12noon The Flash. 1.00 NCIS: Los Brothers: Forever Homes. 7.00 (1952) (PG) 4.45 Shenandoah. (1965)
My Icon: Casey Stoney. 4.00 The Angeles. 3.00 Hawaii Five-0. 4.00 MasterChef Australia. Pastry chef 10.00am Holiday Road Trip. (2013) adventure, starring Adam Driver.
(PG) 6.55 Footloose. (1984) (15) 9.00 9.50 All My Puny Sorrows. (2021) A
Directors. 5.00 Discovering: Nicolas S.W.A.T.. 5.00 DC’s Legends of Kirsten Tibballs brings in a dessert Let Him Go. (2020) (15) 11.15 Raging (PG) 12noon A Dogwalker’s
Christmas Tale. (2015) 2.00 concert pianist is obsessed with
Cage. 6.00 Rolling Stone: Stories Tomorrow. 6.00 Stargate SG-1. 8.00 pantry for today’s challenge. Bull. (1980) (18) 1.55am Blood
Enchanted Christmas. (2017) (PG) ending her life, while her sister
from the Edge. 6.55 The Movies. Strike Back: Retribution. 9.00 8.30 999 Rescue Squad. The team Simple. (1983) (18) makes profound discoveries about
7.45 Telemarketers. 9.00 FILM: I Am The Lazarus Project. 10.00 treat a lorry driver trapped 4.00 My Santa. (2013) (PG)
GREAT! ACTION 6.00 Santa’s Secret. (2014) (PG) her herself. Drama, starring Alison
Bruce Lee. (2011) (15) 10.50 Rise of Warrior. 11.10 FILM: The Way of behind his twisted steering Pill and Sarah Gadon. (15) 11.50
the Superheroes. the Dragon. (1973) (18) wheel. 9.30 24 Hours in A&E. A Freeview 42 Sky 323 Virgin 426 8.00 Christmas with a Prince.
(2018) (PG) 10.00 A Royal Christmas Swallowed. (2022) (18)
woman is airlifted to hospital after 12noon Wild West Chronicles. 1.00
SKY HISTORY SKY SCI-FI falling off her mobility scooter. FILM: They Rode West. (1954) (U) Ball. (2017) (U) TALKING PICTURES TV
Sky 123 Virgin 131 Sky 139 Virgin 122 10.30 Gavin & Stacey. 2.40 FILM: Massacre at Buffalo
9.00am Pawn Stars. 10.00 Craig 11.00am Fringe. 12noon Star Trek:
SKY DRAMA Freeview 82 Sky 328 Virgin 445
YESTERDAY Valley. (2013) (12) 5.00 FILM: 11.00am FILM: The Golden
Charles: UFO Conspiracies. 11.00 The Next Generation. 2.00 Merlin. Hanover Street. (1979) (PG) 7.10 Sky 310 Virgin 410
Madonna. (1949) (U) 12.50pm FILM:
Shipwrecks: When History 3.00 Fringe. 4.00 Stargate SG-1. 5.00 Freeview 27 Sky 155 Virgin 129 FILM: 10,000 Days. (2014) (12) 9.00 11.55am Captain Fantastic. (2016) The Flemish Farm. (1943) (PG) 2.30
Resurfaces. 1.00pm Storage Wars. Stargate Atlantis. 6.00 Star Trek: 9.00am Abandoned Engineering. FILM: Reprisal. (2018) (15) 10.55 (15) 2.00pm Big Fish. (2003) (PG) Crown Court. 3.00 In Suspicious
2.00 Ultimate Mysteries. 4.00 The Next Generation. 8.00 Star Trek: 10.00 Rise of the Nazis. 11.00 FILM: Stratton. (2017) (15) 4.10 A Monster Calls. (2016) (12) Circumstances. 4.05 FILM: The
Britain’s Most Historic Towns. 5.00 Voyager. 9.00 Westworld. World War Weird. 12noon Great 6.05 Eternal Sunshine of the Purple Heart. (1944) (PG) 6.00
Pawn Stars. 6.00 American Pickers. Indian Railway Journeys. 1.00 GREAT! MOVIES Spotless Mind. (2004) (15) 8.00 Time to Remember. 6.30 FILM:
7.00 Forged in Fire. Four smiths are SKY WITNESS Antiques Roadshow. 2.00 Bangers Freeview 34 Sky 321 Virgin 425 Coach Carter. (2005) (12) 10.25 The Sewers of Gold. (1979) (PG) 8.30
challenged to make a five-layer Sky 107 Virgin 110 & Cash. 4.00 World War Weird. 1.00pm FILM: Secrets of My Impossible. (2012) (12) Dial 999. 9.00 Cellar Club with
knife. Later, the two remaining 12noon Bull. 1.00 Caught on 5.00 Rise of the Nazis. 6.00 Great Stepdaughter. (2017) (12) 3.00 Caroline Munro. 9.05 FILM: The
smiths recreate the notorious 16th- Dashcam. 2.00 Blue Bloods. 3.00 British Railway Journeys. 7.00 FILM: An Aurora Teagarden SKY PREMIERE Revenge of Frankenstein. (1957) (15)
century Naga sword. 8.00 Caught Red Handed. 4.30 Nothing Antiques Roadshow. 8.00 Secrets of Mystery: Honeymoon, Honeymurder. Sky 301 Virgin 401 10.55 Cellar Club with Caroline
Shipwrecks: When History to Declare. 8.00 Blue Bloods. 9.00 the London Underground. 9.00 (2021) (PG) 5.00 FILM: Dying for 12noon 65. (2023) (12) 1.40 All My Munro. 11.00 FILM: Fragment Of
Resurfaces. Kevin explores a FBI: Most Wanted. 10.00 Law & Bangers & Cash. a Baby. (2019) (PG) 6.55 FILM: Puny Sorrows. (2021) (15) 3.40 Fear. (1970) (15)
Page 54 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023


kept the rules,
WITH the Moon Full, and spicing things up. The
CAINER.COM something to happen. Just because you
haven’t got the power to speed the process
we wouldn’t need forces of law and order. Venus linking with Uranus, biggest shock will be along doesn’t mean you’re powerless. The
If governments didn’t make rules, there’d surprise is on the agenda. discovering how brave right kind of effort, at the right time, will
be no rules to break: nothing would be Be prepared for unexpected we’re capable of being! have a big impact. Be patient, but start
illegal! But we need clear guidelines. We developments (particularly Self-confidence isn’t things moving in the right direction. Don’t
all need protection from people who profit miss your personal Moon-sign forecast. It’s
involving relationships). misplaced. The bolder our packed with insight. Call 0906 751 5609.
at other folk’s expense. Yet, sometimes, We’ll find ourselves hearts are now, the richer
we inadvertently impose unnecessary rules
on ourselves. They restrict our outlook and
expressing feelings and the emotional rewards. CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 WHAT’S
our potential. As the Full Moon energises on? Is there something in the air? People
your sign, gently pushing a boundary
this weekend will work in your (and
Similarly, when we’re cruising along in life,
our ability to respond to challenges and LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 THE passage of
time is relentless.
seem to be acting in inexplicable ways.
Even ‘normal’ situations are tinged with
everyone’s) favour. Take advantage of opportunities decreases. Having said that, as With each passing day we get older. No uncertainty. Which means you’re not sure
the Full Moon energy. For news that can the Full Moon highlights a smoother road in matter what we do, we can’t do anything to what to expect (or how to cope). Yet you’re
change your life. Call 0906 751 5601. your world, take it. You’ve had more than alter its steady march onwards. But we can not up against anything new or different. It’s
TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 WITH so much
information at
your share of bumps! Let the powerful Full
Moon guide you to the future you long for.
limit its effects. By staying young in spirit
and embracing life with optimism and joy,
just that the Full Moon’s highlighting aspects
of your world you’ve been unable to see.
our fingertips, the saying ‘what you don’t Call your latest forecast: 0906 751 5604. we can live it to its fullest. There’s no law to Rather than trying to understand, view these
say we have to grow serious and staid as we
know can’t harm you’ is outdated. With a click
of a button, we can source any fact. From the LEO July 24 - Aug 23 WHY only
restrict yourself to age. With the right attitude, your birthday
insights as being helpful. If you accept what
you see, you’ll be able to use this info to
latest celeb gossip to the hibernation habits of worrying about what people think of you? season can be a time of rejuvenation. Don’t instigate positive changes. The Full Moon has
hedgehogs, we can access almost anything Why don’t you also worry about what succumb to a fear or a doubt this weekend. a powerful message for you. For a spookily
we want to know. It’s the sources of our info they’d think if they knew what you thought You can find a way to shake it off. And fulfil accurate prediction, call 0906 751 5610.
that need verification. In your world, you’ve they were thinking? Confused? You’ll be your potential. Let the powerful Full Moon
been presented with a convincing storyline even more baffled if you continue with your guide you to the future you long for. Call
your latest forecast: 0906 751 5607.
AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 WHEN
we come
and have acted accordingly. But the facts current train of thought! You’re making across an old photo or bump into an old
need checking. Trust your instincts this
weekend. They’ll guide you to a liberating
unnecessary allowances. And deferring to
factors that might not exist. Just because SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 LIFE as a
human being
acquaintance, we’re deluged with
memories of the ‘good old days’. We
change of approach. Under the powerful you’re not making progress as fast as you’d on planet Earth isn’t dissimilar to being a fish forget that some of our time, in those
Full Moon your future can be revealed like, you’re doubting your decision-making in a bowl. If one fish falls out with another fish good old days, was spent feeling nostalgic
and changed. Call 0906 751 5602. skills. Stop! This weekend brings proof of and decides to create a disturbance, the about previous ‘good old days’! If life
to ancient
why you don’t need to worry. Change your
future! Be empowered by the Full Moon
effect bothers all the occupants (including the
first fish who caused the commotion). It’s
feels tough, it helps to remember that one
day we’ll look back and see the positives.
myth, planet Earth is held in place by the energy. For great advice, call 0906 751 5605. their water, too. We don’t tend to think that If you approach this weekend with an
our actions have much influence on the
Greek Titan Atlas. Let’s hope it’s only a story.
Otherwise, he must be utterly exhausted by VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 IT’S IMPOSSIBLE
to put a price on world around us. But they do. This weekend,
optimistic attitude, not only will you be
making good memories, you’ll enjoy
now! Shouldering a burden for all eternity freedom. We understand this: which is why the legacy of the Full Moon enhances your what’s going on in the present. It’s time
doesn’t sound like much fun. Which brings we campaign for people who don’t have it. impact on your environment. By being for positive change! Call your spookily
us to the responsibilities you’re carrying. Yet, in our personal lives, we’re all bound by positive, and sharing your enthusiasm, you accurate Moon-sign forecast: 0906 751 5611.
You took something on (out of kindness). financial obligations, work responsibilities and can spread waves of happiness. Big changes
But although you thought it would be quick (sometimes challenging) relationships, which are due between now and the next New
Moon. For insight, call 0906 751 5608.
PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 IF ONLY there
weren’t so
to resolve, you’re still holding a heavy load. it’s hard to extricate ourselves from. Yet these many demanding, ridiculously behaved
The Full Moon enables you to assess your
position and take action to shift this weight.
things give us a sense of security. What we
need is the freedom to decide what to SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21 YOU
people. Just look at all the trouble they cause
and the mess they make. What purpose do
Phew! A sense of freedom awaits. What does commit to (or avoid). You don’t have a have to have green fingers to know that they serve? Just think how much better it
the Full Moon reveal? For news that will lack of options. It’s just you want one that’s plants thrive when they’re watered. would be without them. Actually, it would be
make your spine tingle, call 0906 751 5603. not available . . . yet. Be patient. It’s coming. Obviously, there’s a point past which that a much less interesting place. For starters,
The Full Moon brings transformation. becomes counterproductive; the plants
CANCER June 23 - July 23 WHEN I
first started Your week-ahead forecast has news you
don’t want to miss. Call 0906 751 5606.
aren’t going to be happy if you give them
there’d be no one to criticise! For better
(or worse), other people with different
driving, I found it easier to depress the clutch too much. This weekend, you’re waiting for views and attitudes exist. This weekend,
and go into cruise-mode, rather than risk that’s just as well. The Full Moon brings an
clunking down through the gears. My unlikely encounter. . . with some surprisingly
instructor pointed out that it made the ride Calls cost 80p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. To report a phone positive consequences. The Full Moon
smoother — but also more dangerous. If the line problem, call 0800 138 9789. Go to and join the 5 Star Service for promises good times ahead! For your latest
car’s not in gear, it’s harder to control. personalised messages, audio, video, discounts on full readings, and more! week-ahead forecast, call 0906 751 5612.

To order Garfield Home Cookin’ by Jim Davis for £12.59, go to or call 020 3176 2937. Free UK delivery on orders over £25.

Odd Streak ‘Striving for Quantity’ ebook, available for £3.99. Email to purchase.

To order Chloe & Co: Has Anyone Seen My Love Life? by Gray Jolliffe for £14.39, go to or or call 020 3176 2937. Free UK delivery on orders over £25.


To order the Fred Basset Yearbook 2024 by Alex Graham for £9.99, go to or call 020 3176 2937. Free UK delivery on orders over £25.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 55
Page 56 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023


LETTERS Write to: Daily Mail Letters,
9 Derry Street, London W8 5HY

Filling the days with


Sick note disgrace Straight to the

JOHn O’cOnnell’s article about

sickness absence from work in the
public sector (mail) made me recall

dreams of my dentist
a conversation I heard in the 1980s.
my office was on the 11th floor of a
building occupied mainly by ÷ WHEN the motor car was
companies in the private sector, but introduced, they didn’t ban
on the fifth floor was the local the horse.
government rent office. Tony Wheal, laxfield, Suffolk.
Two women entered the lift at the
fifth floor and struck up a conversa- ÷ SIR Alok Sharma is stepping
Who’d have thought that love By she who gives me such tion. ‘Have you taken all your sick down from Parliament. How
could burgeon a thrill leave yet?’ asked one. will I sleep at night?
’Twixt patient and one’s As she leans over with ‘not yet,’ replied her colleague. ‘I PeTer ChaPman,
dental surgeon? that drill. still have five days left.’ Barnsley, S. yorks.
But mine is feminine — ‘Well, you’d better take them or ÷ I WAS called up at 18, when
‘In six months please see you’ll lose them,’ said the first the voting age was 21. But I
more beside me again woman. ‘It’s not long now until the
She’s very highly qualified. end of the year.’ was old enough to get shot at.
Unless before you have
My feelings yet some pain.’ I began to wonder how many days roy hodSon, Bedford.
are undeclared Stiff-upper-lipped I of sick leave they were allowed and ÷ RAISING the smoking age?
That tip-up chair still has bid goodbye
how much this all added to the local Oh dear. I’ll have to give up
me scared council tax, but I resisted the puffing my pipe when I’m 150.
Rather sadly, ever shy... temptation to ask.
And there is never much to say It might be said I’d had a. STaCkman, Calne, Wilts.
When gurgling jets get in By contrast, I was proud to know
my ‘fill’— that my 20 staff took fewer than two ÷ MANCHESTER City manager
the way Borne the treatment, paid days’ sick leave each on average; and Pep Guardiola is angry his team
And tongue’s beyond a the bill. many took none at all. couldn’t get a flight back from
merry quip Yet half a year’s too long Ian STromdale, Wokingham, Berks. a Newcastle game. Couldn’t
Perchance the probe should to wait — they have driven there in their
make a slip. THaT public employees take more
Might there be an days off than those in the private Bentleys and Rolls-Royces?
Even in that welcome pause earlier date? sector is a disgrace, as those in the B. BeST, high Wycombe, Bucks.
When one may rinse and ease Meanwhile, I shall hope public sector work only five or five-
the jaws and ponder — and-a-half days a week but the not to use ‘presumptive language’
I open wide, as is required private sector must work six or seven that might encourage customers to
I’m at a loss, for respite’s fled Would ‘abscess’ make the drink too much.
And wonder if my days a week to create the wealth to
And back once more, heart grow fonder? pay all the public sector employees. It is obvious that whoever issued
disguising dread. pluck’s admired Ian Beverley, Poynton, Cheshire.
John loWarCh, oswestry, Salop. this advice from the International
alliance for responsible drinking
Wordy Wise Rhymes for Whose oil? has never worked behind a bar. you
wouldn’t put a customer in the posi-
WE DON’T WALK ANY MORE — but a must for the gifts on as a Brexiteer, I regarded the tion of looking mean or cheap by
the tree.
it’s so funny, we got ourselves
a brand new car. LIVING DULL — I do my best to
Our Times announcement that rosebank, a big
new north sea oilfield, has been
asking if they wanted a ‘small or
large’ measure. and ‘same again?’
LOVE IT — the rhythm that gets please her but she still insists Somewhere over given the go-ahead as great news, shows they are recognised and
on living a boring life. the Channel reasoning that this should further important to the establishment,
into your heart and soul.
Skies are blue, help us to become more independ- which makes them feel appreciated.
EVIL WOMAN — the lady with SUMNER HOLIDAY — we’re going ent and in charge of our own affairs.
There are boats full Trust me, bar staff know their
long black hair is gonna where the sun shines brightly, But my joy was short-lived when I
of migrants customers and their industry.
get you! with sting. learnt that it is owned by a largely
Who want the good life too. BoB maCdonald GruTe,
THE YOUNG ODES — once in MISS YOU KNIGHTS — lay down norwegian company. are all our newquay, Cornwall.
all thoughts of your Somewhere over assets continually to be given away?
every lifetime comes a poem surrender; their aim’s not asKed if he would like a whisky, my
like this. the Channel n.P. SuTClIffe, durham.
late brother Peter would always
accurate anyway. Waves ride high,
HIRED FOR SOUND — small WIll the government insist that a reply: ‘Just a large one, please.’
BACHELOR COY — when I was 16 Migrants desperate to proportion of oil from rosebank is
speakers and tall speakers. I fell in love . . . but I was too roGer VInCe,
get here, sold to the uK? upper Brynamman, Carms.
MISTLETOE AND PINE — not so shy to tell her. Risking their lives to try. PaTrICk BeaSley, Worcester.
good for the logs on the fire, T. nichols, Basildon, essex.
The RNLI wait for boats
Catch-all concern School fee threat
Picture that! Until their motor stops and
floats towards them. VernIe and easther Bennett,
IF laBOur wins the next general
election and goes ahead with its
They pick them up then members of eternal who are involved ridiculous class war by adding VaT to
take them to in a row over the pop group’s re- private school fees, those schools will
CARROT union, are correct in asserting that have no incentive to benefit commu-
CHORUS? A hotel meant for me
and you, the gay lobby has been hijacked by nities by fundraising for charities,
Seen in the the trans community. offering bursaries and scholarships
kitchen by Then claim asylum. The term lgBTQ+ implies that all or sharing their facilities with state
Tim Parker, Somewhere this side of groups represented by a letter share schools, as they do now.
Dorset. the Channel the same views. They don’t, and it’s JaCquelIne derInG,
Skies are grey, about time the acronym was aban- Corsham, Wilts.
But one day MPs may listen, doned. lesbians have their own
Then things can go our way. views, gay men theirs, bisexuals and
transgender people likewise.
Phone takes priority
Follow-up Joke (But don’t hold your breath).
m. Tovey, Swansea.
m. SImS, Warrington, Cheshire. HaVIng read (letters) people’s
complaints about mothers on their
WHen, after the war, we
moved to the seaside, mother
On a recent run I achieved a
Pb. The next day my legs felt Limerick Drinks directive mobiles ignoring their children, I
had to pick up my grandson from
unravelled a cardigan she had like lead. THe mail’s shaun Wooller reports school. I thought this would be a
made for herself, to make russell Gamble, An end to that damned HS2? that bar staff are being encouraged good opportunity for us to do a bit of
knitted swimsuits for my Woodley, Cheshire. What on earth are we
brother and me. The fronts going to do?
Picture that!
had two long straps which
went over the shoulders, No more great diversions
crossing at the back to go And crazy excursions,
through two waist-level loops And millions more spent on
and be tied in a bow. The it too!
inevitable happened; as soon robert Ben-nathan,
as we ran into the sea the suits
sagged to our knees. my three-
denham, Bucks. MY DAUGHTER JO well as acquiring a few NVQs in
catering-related subjects.
year-old brother thought this by Isabella Dutton
was hilarious and, stepping
out of his suit, dragged it
One-line JO PASSED away far too early after
My husband Tony and his family,
who are from Yorkshire, had long
behind him as he pranced
naked up the stony beach. I
Philosophers a long battle with multiple
sclerosis. But during her first 22
despaired at my failed attempts to
make a decent Yorkshire pudding.
followed, clutching sodden I’Ve never been in a Jacuzzi years, while she was still young ‘I’m fed up with your frisbees,’
armfuls of suit to protect my before, but I thought I’d give it and healthy, she lived life to the said Jo one day. ‘I’ll teach you
six-year-old modesty. rinsed a whirl. full. She had a love of cooking, how to make proper Yorkshires.’
in tap water at home, the suits Warren Brown, which she’d inherited from a long And she did.
were unravelled. mother’s falmouth, Cornwall.
line of us — me, my mum (who At the age of 20 she left our family
replacement cardigan did end THe mind is like a
up smaller than the original TWO CHEERS: a bargain in worked as a cook in retirement home in Coventry and moved to
the Co-op in Crowthorne! parachute — no use unless Bristol. Her friends, Simon and
with a rather tufty texture! it’s used, and is open.
homes) and her mum. As a child,
W. Cho, Wokingham, Berks. Jo liked nothing better than Alan, asked her to come and work
Carola morton, hereford. rhod Tibbles, norwich, norfolk.
helping me in the kitchen, for them as a sous-chef at the
÷ SEND your contributions to Peterborough, Daily Mail Letters, 9 Derry Street, London W8 5HY prepping the vegetables. When Three Crowns pub (Simon was its
The Mail is published by ANL, 9 Derry St, London W8 5HY. Printed by Harmsworth Printing (Thurrock) Essex; Webprint, City West, Dublin;
she left school at 16 she started chef, Alan the manager). There
Associated Print (Dinnington); Newsprinters (Broxbourne) Ltd; Newsprinters (Knowsley) Ltd; KP Services (Jersey) Ltd; Bermont Impresion, working in the kitchen at the local was a large flat above the pub that
Madrid; TFPrint, SA, Tenerife; Mediterranee Offset Print SA France; Miller Newsprint Ltd, Malta; Kronos Press Distribution, Cyprus; Milkro Walsgrave Pub and Carvery, as the three of them were to share,
Hellas Publisher Services Limited, Athens. The recycled paper content of UK newspapers in 2021 was 65.7%.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 57

Don’t excuse theft


by middle classes
I WASn’T at all surprised by Sadie
WHAT is Brigitte Macron saying as Queen
Camilla plays ping-pong during the State Visit
to France? Our weekly picture feature offers
you the chance to write an amusing caption
nicholas’s article about middle-class
mums shoplifting (Mail). Where I work,
in the speech bubble in the picture. Email
on tills and self-checkout in an affluent your caption, along with your name and
small town in the South east, this address, to to arrive
behaviour is commonplace. by Thursday, October 5, 2023. The writer of
We are very familiar with the strategies the caption judged the best will win a £20
mentioned — yes, ‘Lucy’, we know book token.
you’ve got unpaid-for items under your
child’s buggy — and many others; but
THIS week’s winner of the £20 book token is
too often our hands are tied by lack of Martin Redwood, of Pontypool, Gwent, who has
staff and resources. Sir Keir Starmer saying to Emmanuel Macron
There are just as many, if not more, as they meet in Paris:
apparently respectable men stealing


alcohol and expensive cuts of meat.
But until major supermarkets take
responsibility for tightening up security
and/or employing more staff, instead of
leaving it to the police to prosecute (or
not), the pattern will continue. ‘I’m
A warning, though, to all the smug, going

Picture: ALAMY
amoral middle-class shoplifters out back by
there: we know who most of you are dinghy.
and you will eventually be stopped, It’s a
searched, made to pay for stolen items lot less
and given a letter prohibiting you from hassle.’
shopping at the store again. No sympathy: Mail article about shoplifting sparked an angry reaction
not much of a deterrent for hardened FOR permission to copy cuttings for internal management and
criminals, I know, but absolutely meat from supermarkets to sell on to it whatsoever. no amount of stress
information purposes, please contact the Newspaper Licensing
mortifying for the rest of you. restaurants. We all pay for this theft forces you to steal, no perimenopause Agency (NLA), PO Box 101, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1WX. Tel: 01892
through higher prices at the till — and contributes to you stealing. A nosedive 525273. e-mail:
g.h., Folkestone, kent.
pleading ‘baby brain’ is not a defence. in your income during maternity leave
I WAS appalled to read about the is no reason to steal. Be responsible for
k. sunderLand, huddersfield, W. yorks.
middle-class professionals shoplifting your own actions and stop blaming
for fun (Mail). Worse than that, there CAn we please call this what it is, everything else.
are even professional gangs stealing namely stealing? There is no excuse for irene heaTh, bexleyheath, se London.

bonding by having a chat.

Alas, I was beaten by the
power of his mobile phone.
set to double (Letters) is to
find a cheaper option online,
over-influenced by Star Trek
and Star Wars. I believe almost Fine by me
then phone your usual com- every planet is lifeless but even as a pensioner, I fully
Paddy Johnson Toye, pany and challenge the price. some will have very primitive agree with the suggested impo-
downpatrick, Co down. They usually go a few pounds life forms. As for intelligent life sition of a £10 fine for missed
forms, to reach earth, even
Shame shrinkers above the internet quote.
Fran CambeTTie-davies, from the centre of our own
galaxy would take at least
appointments. Both my GP
and my nHS dentist produce
monthly ‘appointments missed’
GOODS such as chocolate Carshalton, surrey.
bars keep getting smaller 26,000 years, travelling at the figures — and I’m appalled that
while the price continues to
rise. Why don’t our super-
Not as we know it speed of light. That’s one heck
of a round trip just to flash a
unless it is a real emergency, I
must often wait weeks for a
markets follow the example of AS TO the likelihood of life on few lights and create the routine appointment.
Carrefour, in France, and other planets (Letters), l think occasional corn circle. mark broadbenT,
name and shame these com- our imaginations have been d. Warner, Fleckney, Leics. barnsley, s. yorks.
panies with ‘shrinkflation
warning’ signs on their
shelves? Then we could
boycott those goods. If the
manufacturers were denied THIS week’s winners are John and Ann Langley of Newport,
shelf space in supermarkets Isle of Wight, who wrote recalling a visit to the Pantheon.
because their products They win our Letter Of The Week Magic Mug, courtesy of
weren’t selling, they would Printer Pix. These reveal our Daily Mail Letter Of The Week
soon mend their ways. design when hot. For personalised photo gifts (right), visit The Letter Of The Week is announced on
a. young, Paignton, devon.
Friday. Write to: Daily Mail, Letters, 9 Derry Street, London
Renewal trick W8 5HY or email letters@, including your
My ADvICe to the reader address and phone number.
whose insurance premium is

have you lost a relative or friend in 500-word tribute and a favourite photo

recent months whose life you’d like to to: or write
celebrate? our Friday column tells the to: extraordinary Lives, daily mail,
stories of ordinary people who lived 9 derry street, London W8 5hy. Please
extraordinary lives. email your include a contact phone number.
and Jo was excited about her illness made it difficult celebrate her life at the
her new life. for her to lift and carry. Walsgrave Pub, where
She was only there for a Finally, when she was 22, she’d begun her career.
few months when she fell she had no choice but to Many of her old
down the stairs, tearing stop work altogether. workmates and friends
ligaments in her legs, and She spent many years were there to pay tribute.
needed weeks to recover. going to and from There was lots of food and
This was the first indication hospitals, then she needed drink, live music and a
of the onset of MS, a wheelchair, and after six disco. Jo had been a real
although she wouldn’t years she was bed-bound. party girl in the good
receive the diagnosis for We looked after her at times, and she would have
several more months. home, where she wanted loved it. Throughout her
When it came, it was a to be. And she managed to life she gave us pleasure
huge shock to us all. Jo smile and even laugh and a lot of love, and we
returned home and for a through everything she miss her loads.
while worked in the had to endure. Joanne ChrisTine
kitchens at Walsgrave More than 300 people duTTon, born august 28,
Hospital. But it became attended Jo’s funeral and 1981; died February 8,
hugely missed: Joanne dutton gradually impossible as most came afterwards to 2023, aged 41.
Page 58 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Masters of pick
RECIPE: Butternut ricotta
tart with fiery rocket salad
TASTE of Italy. Serves: 4

and mix pop . . .

Compiled by Charles Legge
1 butternut squash,
peeled and cut into
QUESTION What are the
most bizarre
2cm cubes
2 tbsp olive oil
samples in songs?
Sampling is the process of incorporat- 320g sheet ready- Zest and juice of
ing a portion of an existing song, rhythm, rolled puff pastry ½ lemon
melody, speech or sound-effect into a new 250g tub ricotta 70g bag of rocket
song. it’s the foundation of hip-hop and symbol because it was native to the
has influenced many other genres of american colonies and was known for its Few sage leaves, 1 red chilli, deseeded
music, particularly electronic and pop. aggressive nature, with the rattling chopped and chopped
One group that goes out of its way to sound of its tail serving as a warning. Grating of nutmeg 25g pine nuts
sample weird sounds is gorillaz, a The gadsden flag has been adopted by
conceptual band formed by Damon left and Right-leaning movements over its Method
albarn, formerly of Blur fame. The spoken history, but today it is most often
lyric ‘press the button to begin’ at the associated with libertarian and conserva- 1 Heat oven to 220c/200c fan/gas 7. Toss squash
start of the track Saturnz Barz is taken tive movements, as well as with the in half the oil, season and spread in a layer.
from an electronic children’s educational concept of individual rights and limited Roast for 30 minutes.
toy called interactive planetarium. government interference. it has also been
Superfast Jellyfish samples an ad for adopted by various military units, 2 . Unroll pastry and lay on baking parchment.
Swanson’s great Starts Frozen Breakfast particularly the U.S. marine Corps. Score a 1cm border with tip of a knife and prick
Sandwiches. The Japanese language Mark Brinkman, Stafford. over inside with a fork. Bake for 15 minutes.
sample used in Doncamatic is taken from
3 Mix ricotta, sage, nutmeg, lemon zest and
an interview with a Korg synthesizer
executive describing a drum machine QUESTION What were
Nelson Mandela’s seasoning in a bowl. Once the pastry is cooked,
spread with ricotta mix. Then put cooked
called Donca matic. The electronic music favourite books?
and the ‘hello is anyone there!’ comes nelSOn manDela was a keen reader. squash on top. Bake for ten minutes until
from george a. Romero’s 1985 zombie as he was trying to establish a liberation pastry is golden and crisp. Mix lemon juice,
film Day Of The Dead and the yodel from army during the anti-apartheid period, rocket, chilli, pine nuts and 1 tbsp oil. Scatter
Seattle Yodel was taken from a novelty he studied military campaigns from half over tart and serve rest on side.
plastic pickle. Hits: Damon Albarn, right, and Gorillaz around the world. SUBSCRIBE to BBC Good Food
a popular sample is The magic mirror Kids, the electronic keyboard from lucky He outlined his reading materials in Magazine for just £19.99 every six
speech from Disney’s 1937 classic Snow his autobiography long Walk To issues plus receive a pizza stone and
man by the Steve miller Band and the
White and The Seven Dwarfs, which Freedom: ‘i read the report of Blas cutter worth £27.99 RRP. To receive
features in me myself and i by De la drums of the song Running Back To me
Roca, the general secretary of the Com- this offer, use link and code
Soul, Revolver by madonna, Juice by by Tom Fogerty and Ruby. The funky
guitar riff comes from a mickey mouse munist party of Cuba, about their years
lizzo and Swish Swish by Katy perry, to
name a few. disco track called it’s a Small World. as an illegal organisation during the TERMS & CONDITIONS
Mike Walsh, Malvern, Worcs. Batista regime. in Commando, by
Jay-Z’s Hard Knock life (ghetto PuzzLeS & Prizes reasonable discretion to
Deneys Reitz, i read of the unconven- competitions disqualify any entrant
anthem) samples the andrea mcardle
song it’s a Hard Knock life from the 1977
film annie. Britney Spears famously sam-
QUESTION Why is the
Gadsden flag
tional guerrilla tactics of the Boer
generals during the anglo-Boer War.’
He also read works by and about Che
(‘promotions’) open to uK
(excluding Northern
Ireland) and Channel
whose conduct is
contrary to the spirit of
the promotion; to declare
pled the Bollywood song Tere mere Beech subject to criticism?
guevara, mao Tse-tung and Fidel Castro. Islands residents aged 18 as void entries resulting
mein for her song Toxic, and Fall Out Boy THe gadsden flag is a historical U.S. flag When he was incarcerated in Robben or over, excluding from printing, production
sampled the theme song from The that features a coiled rattlesnake and the island prison, he made extensive use of employees of the and/or distribution
munsters for their song Uma Thurman. phrase Don’t Tread On me on a yellow the library. He held U.S. author John promoter, and members of errors; or to modify,
norman Cook, aka Fatboy Slim, magi- background. it is named after Christo- Steinbeck in high regard, in particular their household. By suspend or cancel the
cally weaves songs together from the pher gadsden, a U.S. general and politi- entering the promotion, promotion if there is
The grapes Of Wrath, ‘in which i found you agree to these terms fraud or any event
most disparate samples. a good example cian from South Carolina who designed it many similarities between the plight of
is his song praise You. For the vocal he (including relevant beyond the promoter’s
in 1775 during the american Revolution. the migrant workers in that novel and specific terms). reasonable control. These
used Camille Yarbrough’s song Take Yo’ The flag was intended to convey a our own labourers and farm workers’. Photocopies and terms prevail over any
praise and slightly sped it up. The main message of resistance against British He read and re-read leo Tolstoy’s War damaged or tampered materials published
piano riff came from a 1970s test record rule. it has become controversial because and peace; here it was napoleon and the newspapers will be void. elsewhere. If any of these
called JBl’s Sessions, used to demon- it has been adopted by conservative Russian court’s underestimation of the Promoter’s decision is terms are invalid or
strate basic speaker sounds. He also movements, in particular the Tea party, a Russian general Kutuzov that appealed. final. No correspondence unenforceable, the
weaved in the theme tune from the U.S. fiscally conservative political movement a copy of Shakespeare’s complete works, will be entered into. No validity of the other terms
cartoon series Fat albert and The Cosby third party entries. Prizes shall not be affected. If
within the Republican party. known as the Robben island Bible, was non-transferable. your newspaper does not
in the late colonial era, the rattlesnake smuggled in and circulated among Promoter will hold have a unique Number,
QUESTIONS became a popular emblem of resistance.
it originated with Benjamin Franklin; in
inmates, who signed their names in the
margins. mandela wrote his next to the
personal information in
line with these terms and
log in to MyMail and use
the missing numbers
1751, Franklin made the satirical sugges- lines: ‘Cowards die many times before our privacy policy system. These terms are
Q: Jim Thorpe has been described as tion that the colonies might repay the their deaths/ The valiant never taste of ( governed by english law
‘the greatest athlete of all time’. British Crown for shipping convicts to death but once.’ privacy). Promoter not and subject to the
Finally, mandela was a great admirer of responsible for technical exclusive jurisdiction of
Who was he? america by distributing rattlesnakes difficulties, unavailable the english courts.
Gloria Sutton, Bushey, Herts. around england, ‘particularly in the the works of nadine gordimer, the South network connections or Promoter: Associated
gardens of the prime ministers, the african writer who won the Booker prize postal-related issues that Newspapers Limited,
Q: Was the notion of the Higgs for The Conservationist in 1974, and the
lords of Trade and members of parlia- may limit entry and/or 9 Derry Street,
Boson ridiculed when it was ment; for to them we are most particu- nobel prize in literature in 1991. claiming of the prize and/ London W8 5HY.
first described? larly obliged’. Rosalie Connor, London NW5. or for lost or damaged Customer Services
Roger Morris, Blackpool, Lancs. later, in what may be america’s first IS THERE a question to which you want to know the entries/prize verification Helpline: 03451 222 467.
answer? Or do you know the answer to a question here? evidence. Proof of entry is Calls to this line will be
Q: Does real ale have any possible political cartoon, Franklin published the not proof of receipt by charged at local rates —
Write to: Charles Legge, Answers To Correspondents,
health benefits? ‘Join or Die’ image, depicting american Daily Mail, 9 Derry Street, London W8 5HY; or email promoter. Promoter calls from mobiles
Dan Curran, Hyde, Cheshire. colonies as segments of a snake. A selection is published, reserves the right in its may cost more.
gadsden also chose the rattlesnake as a but we’re unable to enter into individual correspondence.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 59
Property Mail
Page 60 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Online listings are now more detailed than ever – but can be used by canny burglars

Don’t make
it easy for
criminals N armchair house-
by Angela Epstein
A hunting revolution is
under way. Gone are the
days when searching for
a new home meant an
energy-sapping trudge around
various estate agents only to find
at the viewing that the property
total control of what the public gets to see
when selling your home online, no matter
what pushy estate agents might tell you.
So make sure, he says, that any
photographs that show a room’s layout
are generic views.
didn’t live up to expectations. ‘if you have a problem with any of the
and the trend continues, with most images they produce, then reject them,’
potential buyers now starting the search says mr hall. ‘it’s your house, your privacy,
for their perfect home on the internet. your security, and totally your decision.’
it’s beneficial to the vendor, too. The Property fraud expert colum Smith,
access to potential purchasers is much from law firm Taylor rose mW points out
wider. So, if you are marketing your prop- that empty homes are particularly
erty online, you’ll want to offer as much susceptible to a break-in.
visual detail and information as possible. he says: ‘i’d avoid putting pictures up
But while multi-angle photos of your online of a property which you can clearly
newly decorated sun lounge may get see is not being lived in. criminals scour
things moving, unfortunately there’s also the internet for details of empty properties
a darker side to dishing up such forensic which are on the market and then try to
detail of your home. use those details to carry out fraud.
Principally that it gifts canny criminals ‘Signing up to the Land registry’s free
with simple online tools and easy access property alert service means you will
intelligence to help plan a break-in. receive an email if anyone attempts to deal
‘This kind of information gives the with your property title.’
burglar time to plan their crime, giving he adds that 3D tours should be
them those vital minutes to get in, rob considered carefully, too.
your home, and make a clean getaway,’ ‘These can be a great tool for criminals.
says mark hall of rubbish removal it allows them to download and replay
company frames of the tour. They could also
‘and coupled with Google Street View, potentially zoom in on specific areas of
they’ve probably already got a good idea your home that might be vulnerable or of
of access points and ccTV blind spots.’ interest to them.’
a floor plan, for example, could offer
detailed directions of how a crook should

proceed once they’ve broken into the
house. a walk-through video can unwit- OWEVEr, if you do want to
tingly offer guidance as to whether the go ahead with a virtual tour,
burglar could be seen from the street. Javvad malik, lead security
Break-ins are on the increase, with new awareness advocate at
data from Statista revealing there were KnowBe4, suggests scrutinising any video
more than 279,000 burglaries in England before posting it online.
and Wales last year alone. ‘Look at what personal information is
Plus, recent analysis revealed no break- available to see and either move it or
ins were resolved in 48.2 per cent of obscure it before posting online.
neighbourhoods across England and Wales ‘many times, letters are visible that have
in the three years to march 2023. homeowner details on it. Family photos,
and since the majority of home searches location of house keys, and car registration
are now done online — either through indi- details can all provide information that
vidual agencies or dedicated websites such can be used by criminals looking to profile
as Zoopla — the prospect of rich pickings the house or occupants.’
for the resourceful robber is huge. This even means making sure that no
Of course, a burglary is a horrible and keys are photographed. ‘With high resolu-
traumatic experience since it represents a tion pictures, it is even possible to dupli-
violation of the one place you should feel cate keys from just a photo,’ he adds.
safe. But a break-in can also have a Of course, there’s nothing wrong with
catastrophic impact on the sale of the generic pictures that give a broad feel for
property, too. the dimensions of your home. But Sumier
Potential buyers may pull out as it gives Foster-Shah, product support manager of
the impression that they will be living in a locksmiths Era, says that it’s vital to keep
crime hot spot. Or the vendors may be anything worth stealing out of sight.
unable to move on to their next buy if ‘Valuables, such as electronic goods,
expensive repairs are needed after the wallets, jewellery, and other expensive
break-in. So how can you market your items should all be kept in closed
home effectively without offering its cupboards or drawers, rather than out in
contents to an opportunistic thief? the open where they can be easily seen.
remember, says mark hall, that you’re in ‘When it comes to particularly expensive
items and other important personal
possessions, a small safe is recommended
for the highest levels of security.’
The internet remains an effective way to
sell your home. Just make sure that the
invitation to view isn’t more welcoming
than you’d like it to be.

Page 62
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 61
Page 62 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Even if you can’t afford a pool like the ex-PM, water features can be a welcome addition

up with the
Johnsons e may be used to decorative fountains. But, as our
Deep pockets: A country home with outdoor swimming pool

algae growth build-up caused by wildlife, adding a touch of nature

Picture: CHRIS ROSE/

cause structural issues, too.

H making a splash experts point out, it’s important the warm conditions.’ When the to your surroundings.’ ‘Fountains may become damaged
to weigh up the pros and cons temperatures drop, drain off water andrew landers, director at through wear and tear or have
in politics. But before splashing out … before the winter to protect your Property rescue, a home-buying cracks caused by water freezing
now it seems that feature from frost. you’ll also need service, says, ‘The post-covid over,’ she adds.
Boris Johnson FREQUENT ATTENTION to clean the pump to remove any world has seen the importance of
will be able to do that closer InTrOducIng any kind of water limescale build-up. outside space massively increase, BEWARE RISKS
feature to your garden requires and any enhancements that make In summer, having a water
to home, too. some upkeep. WILL IT ADD VALUE? this space more enjoyable is going feature will make you a magnet for
This week, it was revealed that during the spring and summer, I n s Ta l l I n g f e a t u r e s l i k e to have a positive impact on the friends and family who want to pop
the former prime minister has you’ll need to top up your water fountains can add to the kerb value of a home.’ around and cool down. all of which,
been given permission to build a feature regularly to replenish appeal of your home, says Tabitha says anna giles, an associate at
swimming pool in the garden of water loss caused by evaporation. cumming, a property expert at HIDDEN COSTS law firm Wedlake Bell, could
his £3.78 million Oxfordshire and there’s also the task of The lease extension company, FacTOr additional costs into increase scope for accidents
country home. a move which will removing branches and leaves as ‘This means that it will make a your budget, too, since water ‘Homeowners should bear in
doubtless provide a restful place well as pruning bushes nearby. better first impression and poten- features rarely boil down to a mind that they could be subject to
to unwind, exercise and relax as ‘It’s also a good idea to give your tially add value to your home.’ single, one-off payment. a claim for compensation if
he navigates post-political life. water feature a thorough clean amer siddiq, founder and ceO ‘For example if any of your water someone injures themselves at
But even if you don’t have deep and add a wildlife -friendly at landlord Vision, believes that features have fish, these can incur their property, so reasonable care
pockets for such deep -water algaecide or uV steriliser after water features such as fountains additional costs from the food and needs to be taken to ensure that
projects, it’s still possible to create cleaning,’ says Will Haxby, home can have other benefits, too. care that they will require, and visitors and/or occupiers of the
the tranquil benefits of waterside and garden sales director at ‘They can help mask unwanted you will also need to be vigilant to property will be safe.’
living. Whether it’s through Haddonstone, which specialises in noises from roads or neighbours. keep them safe from predators,’
installing a hot tub, pond, or even stonework ‘as this will prevent They can also attract birds and says cumming. some features can HUGH GORDON
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 63
Page 64 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 XB Page 65
City Finance
Page 66 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

City Editor: Alex Brummer Group Business Editor: Ruth Sunderland


THE new French owner of UK satellite By John-Paul Ford Rojas ary listing in London too. OneWeb, a tionary orbit (GEO) satellites – used for
firm OneWeb is set to list on Britain’s rival to Elon Musk’s Starlink network, decades for tasks such as weather fore-
stock market as soon as today. bust. The UK will retain a ‘golden share’ operates low-earth orbit (LEO) satel- casting or TV broadcasting.
Eutelsat, whose shares trade in Paris, under the Eutelsat takeover. lites, aimed at providing access to high- Shares rose 2pc in Paris as the comple-
has been targeting a secondary listing Its secondary listing in London is likely speed internet where traditional ground tion of the deal was announced yester-
in London as part of the deal agreed last to be seen as a boost for the City at a infrastructure is hard to reach. day. But they have fallen by around half
year. Its main listing and headquarters time when a number of firms, most Applications include broadband on since the merger was revealed in July
will remain in France. notably Cambridge-based chip designer aeroplanes and parts of the Third World last year.
OneWeb had been rescued by the Gov- Arm Holdings, have deserted the UK as well as the farthest-flung reaches of Eutelsat said revenues at the new com-
ernment in 2020 – a move championed market. Arm opted for a blockbuster the UK. pany are expected to see double-digit
by then Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s float on Wall Street earlier this month The tie-up brings it together with growth over the medium to long term,
adviser Dominic Cummings – after going but has left the door open to a second- Eutelsat’s more conventional geosta- reaching around £1.7bn.

‘One of the worst Inflation

fears push

cases we’ve seen’

up global
bond yields
By Hugo Duncan
GOVERNMENT borrowing costs
By Emily Hawkins
A ‘dISHONeST’ financial FCA blasts soared around the world
yesterday as mounting concerns
over the global economy wreaked

adviser at the heart of the havoc on the bond markets.
British Steel pension scandal As investors fretted over persist-
was yesterday fined and banned ent inflation and ‘higher for

adviser after
from working in the industry. longer’ interest rates, bond yields
darren reynolds was fined £2.2m rose in the United States, Britain
by the Financial Conduct Authority and across Europe.
after he ‘duped’ savers into leaving That threatens to push up bor-
gold-plated retirement schemes
and placing their money in ‘high-
risk investments’.
British Steel rowing costs for households
and businesses – further denting
the economy.

The regulator said he ‘dishonestly’ The yield on ten-year US treasur-
advised more than 670 people – includ- ies hit 4.688pc – its highest level
ing 150 in the British Steel Pension since 2007 – while the yield on
Scheme – with 511 losing £42.3m while

he picked up more than £1m in fees.
ten-year German bunds rose to a
Announcing the fine and ban, the FCA 12-year high of 2.98pc. French
said reynolds ‘had a clear disregard for bond yields were also at a 12-year
customers’ interests in favour of his high while Italian yields rose to
own personal gain’. levels not seen for a decade.
Therese Chambers, joint execu- Target: Port Talbot steelworks UK ten-year gilt yields hovered
tive director for enforcement and
market oversight at the FCA, ‘DISHONEST’ DARREN REYNOLDS tomer’. The FCA said £19.8m
around 4.5pc, though this was
below the 15-year high of over
said: ‘This is one of the worst has been paid out to 511 former
4.7pc reached last month.
Fees he
cases we have seen.’ Active Wealth customers by the
Campaigners for steelworkers
who lost out in what has been
described as ‘the biggest pension
670 Customers
‘dishonestly’ received Financial Services Compensa-
tion Scheme. But at least 270
lost more than the compensa-
Borrowing costs have been ris-
ing in recent days on warnings
that the US Federal Reserve may
scandal in a generation’ wel-
comed the ruling but warned it
advised, including...
£42.3m tion limit of £50,000.
Chambers said: ‘Mr reynolds,
need to raise interest rates once
again to control inflation.
was ‘a pyrrhic victory’ given rey- Lost by customers who allowed evidence to be And while inflation has eased
nolds – who has appealed – leaves
‘many ruined lives in his wake’. 150 Members of
British Steel Fine from
destroyed and who has consist-
ently sought to evade accounta-
across the West in recent months,

The scandal dates to 2017 when bility, and Mr deeney, lied and
the rising oil price has sparked
Pensions Scheme fears the battle is far from over.
members of the British Steel FCA lied again. First, to dupe people
Oil hit a fresh ten-month high
Pension Scheme – including into leaving safe pension schemes
many workers at Port Talbot – and placing money meant for above $97 a barrel yesterday with
were given the choice of leaving pot. A total of 8,000 steelworkers £397,400 having scooped £200,000 their retirement in unsuitable, many analysts now expecting it to
their savings in the old scheme or were convinced to transfer out a in commission payments offering high-risk investments. top $100 once again.
joining a new, less generous one. combined £2.8bn – some by finan- dodgy advice. ‘Then to try and hide their mis- ‘A wall of worry is hitting the
With the old scheme likely to cial advisers such as reynolds The FCA said reynolds ‘dis- conduct from us. Such people bond market, and the latest trig-
fall into the Pension Protection and his firm Active Wealth. honestly established, main- have no place in our industry.’ ger is the oil price,’ said Jim Leav-
Fund, resulting in a 10pc ‘haircut’ reynolds, 53, was not the only tained and concealed a business Financial adviser Al rush, who
for savers, and the new offer also financial adviser involved in the model which incentivised rec- has helped British Steel pension iss, a fund manager at M&G Invest-
leaving members with less, many scandal and did not just target ommending products which holders recover their finances, ments. He said the rise in the
workers were encouraged to take steelworkers. Another, Andrew produced the highest commis- said: ‘For these steelworkers and price of crude was leading inves-
their money out completely and deeney, 57, was also banned by sion for the adviser rather than their families, his [reynolds’s] tors to wonder: ‘What if inflation
move it into a private retirement the FCA yesterday and fined the best outcome for the cus- actions can never be atoned for.’ is not dead?’
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 67

Keeping predators at bay

rue grit is a missing qual- invoke the National Security and Invest- ings to Wall Street, London is in second place

ity when it comes to flaccid ment Act. Much is made of the premium only to New York, and gaining ground.
offered in bids of this kind. Nearest european competitor Geneva is
directors of uK companies evaluated against a shrunken share price, in tenth place and will not be helped by the
faced with overseas or pub- the 40pc Danaher premium becomes mean- Credit Suisse debacle.
lic-to-private takeovers. ingless. The current London discount has In spite of posturing by president

Fighting the good fight is not made made the FTSe and its exiles too happy a emmanuel Macron, Paris is stuck in 15th
any easier by uK long investors who hunting ground for predators. place behind Frankfurt. A senior uS banker
have evacuated equity investment in Aussie vampire Macquarie is back on the recently let it be known that he enjoyed
London, leaving the field open to Amer- prowl. It has been told to get lost by waste stylish French entertainment, but the oper-
ican asset managers and an assortment management group renewi after making a ation it had set up in Paris was simply a
hostile £636m cash offer for the firm. skinny duplicate in case things became
of activists, hedge funds, private equity CITY EDITOR It is going over the board’s head by seek- rough post-Brexit.
ghouls and get-rich-quick merchants. ing shareholder support. Macquarie has a Amid the turmoil in China, the uK’s larg-
It is enormously encouraging that contentious record in the uK and renewi’s est bank HSBC, veteran of the 19th century
Jonathan Milner, founder and 6.1pc share- ogy, which is why the eu wanted Britain board is right to resist. ‘Opium Wars’ and much else, is doubling
holder in Cambridge-based life sciences back in Horizon and why the latest Times regulators on both sides of the Atlantic down, buying Citigroup’s consumer wealth
pioneer Abcam, is taking to the barricades Higher education league table has three are currently agitated by exaggerated pri- operations in the People’s republic with
and building a head of steam against the British campuses in the world’s top ten. vate market valuations in a world where £2.5bn of assets. Politically dodgy maybe,
£4.5bn takeover by uS behemoth Danaher. Oxford is top, Cambridge fifth and Impe- higher borrowing costs are a new reality, but displays brave long-term thinking.
It is unhelpful that current management, rial College eighth. No european universi- greatly changing financing models.
headed by Alan Hirzel, ran up the white flag
so easily, and was responsible for switching
ties make the top ten.
uK broker Peel Hunt has been engaged to
The public-to-private bandwagon, with Gas threat
pitfalls for disclosure and tax avoidance, THere is no quenching of Saudi supreme
Abcam’s share listing from Aim (where it fight the Danaher deal for Abcam, and has must be firmly resisted. leader Mohammed bin Salman’s vaunting
had been nestled since 2005) to Nasdaq in written to shareholders urging a vote against
ambition. Not content with squeezing the
2020. It dropped the uK quote last year.
New York is not proving the money spin-
the deal. As founder, Milner wants to dis-
place Hirzel as boss and return to the fray. Leader board pips of Western oil consumers, the quoted
ner for uK firms, as is demonstrated by the Milner cannot ask the uK’s deal referee, ON THe subject of league tables, it is worth state controlled oil colossus Aramco has
vast discount in Abcam’s shares before the the Takeover Panel, to set the rules. It has noting that in spite of dire warnings about acquired a strategic stake in uS natural gas
firm put itself up for sale. My concern is that no jurisdiction because the London listing the threat to the City from Brexit, it remains extractor MidOcean energy for $500m.
eventually science and skilled uK-trained has gone. As a vital uK cancer-fighting bio- as firmly entrenched as ever as a financial A small but critical step in what is a drive to
researchers will be sucked overseas. tech firm is at stake, Business Secretary centre. The Global Financial Centres index become a leading Liquefied Natural Gas
The uK is brilliant at science and technol- Kemi Badenoch has a powerful case to shows that, in spite of losing a handful of list- (LNG) player. Beware.


THE boss of Guinness maker
Diageo struck an upbeat note
in the face of ‘ongoing cost
pressure’ as well as economic £636m swoop
on waste firm
and geopolitical uncertainty.
In one of her first public
statements since her prede-
cessor Sir Ivan Menezes died
aged 63 in June, Debra Crew
– who was appointed on July
1 – said that the company is
‘well-positioned’ to deliver
sales growth of 5pc to 7pc A BrITISH waste manage- By Jessica Clark such an environment on the
between now and 2025. ment firm has rejected a value of the company.’
‘borderline hostile’ £636m London, although most of its It said the recycling firm’s
Crew, 52, ( pictured) said business is in the Netherlands ambitions are currently ‘con-
Diageo was resilient and can takeover bid from Austral-
and Belgium. strained’ under its existing
navigate the headwinds ian predator Macquarie. The company, which has capital structure.
caused by the economy. London-listed renewi turned 6,000 employees and 174 sites renewi said it had considered
‘As I take the helm, I am down the 775p per share offer across europe, turns waste the proposal in detail but felt it
yesterday morning, saying it into paper, metal, plastic, undervalued the company. A
excited to lead our teams ‘fundamentally undervalues’
around the world and by the building materials, compost spokesman said: ‘The board
the company. and energy. strongly urges shareholders to
many growth opportunities But Macquarie – which has Macquarie approached take no action at this time.’
we see in front of us,’ Crew been dubbed the ‘Vampire renewi with the offer on Mon- Macquarie, which manages
said ahead of Diageo’s Kangaroo’ in the past – pub- day before it was rejected yes- assets worth almost half a
annual meeting. lished its proposal anyway, terday. Going public with the trillion pounds, has until
‘While we expect operating and urged the renewi board October 26 to announce
environment challenges to to ‘engage constructively’ whether it will make an offi-
persist, with ongoing cost about a deal. ‘Not going down cial bid for the company.
pressure and geopolitical Analysts branded the move
‘borderline hostile’ and said it
without a fight’ Sophie Lund-Yates, an equity
analyst at Hargreaves
and macroeconomic uncer- shows Macquarie ‘won’t be Lansdown, said Macquarie’s
tainty, we will move with going down without a fight’. details after the rejection, the ‘bold moves suggest it won’t be
speed and agility and con- Shares in renewi, which is Australian group said: ‘Mac- going down without a fight’.
tinue to invest in marketing based in Milton Keynes, soared quarie invites the board to She said: ‘This takeover bid
and innovation. 38.7pc, or 197p, to 706p. engage constructively to agree was borderline hostile, but the
‘I am confident in the resil- The swoop will fuel fears that the terms of a recommended market reaction has been very
ience of our business and our overseas suitors are looking to transaction to be put forward positive. Despite renewi
ability to navigate these snap up British companies on to renewi’s shareholders. rejecting the deal, there’s a
headwinds.’ the cheap. ‘Macquarie notes the difficult great deal of excitement swirl-
renewi provides waste man- macroeconomic environment, ing, and a large portion of that
Diageo shares rose 0.5pc. which is impacting different will be excitement that other,
agement services to six uK
local authorities, including sectors including waste man- more lucrative, deals could be
Doncaster, Cumbria, and east agement, and the impact of on the way.’

White goods deal warning Abcam founder slams £4.5bn sale

THE founder of a UK life sciences giant has research products, including antibodies. Mil-
THE tie-up between the owners of launch a full scale in-depth probe urged investors to reject a £4.5bn takeover ner, who is trying to oust boss Alan Hirzel as
Hotpoint and Beko could harm com- into the deal. The CMA said the by US conglomerate Danaher. part of his campaign to defeat the takeover
petition, watchdogs warned. merged company would be the big- Jonathan Milner, who co-founded Abcam in deal, said the decision to leave London to list
The Competition and Markets gest supplier of washing machines, 1998 and retains a 6.1pc stake, blasted the ‘low in New York last year was ‘misguided’.
Authority (CMA) said it found compe- tumble dryers, dishwashers and ball’ offer for the Cambridge-based company, ‘I left a ship that was in really good shape
tition concerns surrounding Turkish cooking appliances in the UK, a mar- which is one of the most successful British and it got navigated into choppy waters,’
white goods giant Arcelik’s takeover ket worth over £3.8bn. biotech firms. He has written to sharehold- Milner, who stepped down as deputy chair-
of rival Whirlpool’s European domes- Whirlpool makes household appli- ers asking them to vote against the deal. man in 2020, told Bloomberg.
tic appliances business. ances, including the Hotpoint and Abcam, which is listed on New York’s Nas- ‘New York is not the panacea that every-
The regulator said that unless Arce- Indesit brands, while Arcelik supplies daq exchange, is a supplier of medical body thinks it is.’
lik can address its worries, it will the Beko and Grundig brands.
Page 68 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

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Babcock shares fired STOCK

up to a three-year high
ShareS in defence group pany, which is sitting on £1.3bn of its ‘highly accurate’ prostate can-


Babcock hit their highest level for
more than three years after a bull- MARKET REPORT debt, slumped 39.5pc, or 21.9p, to
33.5p after it clocked up half year
cer test in the UK and the US. But
after two storming sessions, shares 200
ish update to investors. losses of £57.4m having made a plunged 7.2pc, or 2.2p, to 28.5p.
In a statement ahead of its aGM,
the company said ‘trading has
been encouraging’ since the start
By Hugo profit of £27.4m in the same period
last year.
HSBC was said to be in talks
all Bar One owner Mitchells &
Butlers is cashing in as customers
pop out for drinks and food
of the new financial year in april.
The company, which maintains
Duncan about acquiring Citigroup’s con-
sumer wealth management busi-
despite rising prices.
The group, which also owns 0
Britain’s fleet of nuclear subma- ness in China, which looks after chains including Toby Carvery Mar 2021 Sep 2023
rines and is building the royal more than £2.5bn of assets. Shares and harvester, posted a 9.7pc rise
Navy’s Type 31 frigates, pointed damning report from Boatman gained 0.8pc, or 5p, to 644.9p. in sales in its fourth quarter to DELIVEROO shares shot up
to ‘good’ revenue growth and Capital research. and despite the British life insurer Phoenix September 23. yesterday after it announced
‘improved operational perform- recent rally – which has been Group posted a marginal rise in It said cost pressures were ‘abat-
driven in part by increased defence
plans to return up to £250m
ance’ as well as higher cash flow profits amid a steady demand for ing’ for the firm after a year that to shareholders.
than a year ago. spending following russia’s inva- its corporate pensions scheme has seen hospitality firms hit hard
‘Babcock International looks sion of Ukraine – the shares insurance. But shares dropped by soaring inflation, supply chain The food delivery group said
well placed to deliver solid profit remain well below their 2014 peak 7pc, or 35.4p, to 472.4p. woes and rising staff wages. it will buy up to 217.4m
growth over the medium term,’ of close to 1300p. It was another good day for Sales growth has also been existing ordinary shares for
said analysts at Peel hunt. amid ongoing concerns over the investors in Ithaca Energy. Shares strong despite the ongoing cost- between 115p and 135p each.
Shares rose 5.5pc, or 21.2p, to state of the global economy – from rose nearly 9pc on Wednesday of-living crisis, with fourth quarter Shares in the company rose
409.6p, the highest level since high interest rates in the US to a after the rosebank oilfield in the food sales up 11.6pc while drinks 8.8pc, or 9.7p, to 120p.
June 2020. property crisis in China – the North Sea – which it operates with were up 6.4pc. Shares rose 4.3pc, The surge took gains for the
The rally in the share price, from FTSE 100 rose 0.1pc, or 8.63 points, Norway’s equinor – received the or 9.2p, to 223.8p.
to 7601.85 while the FTSE 250 lost
year so far to 35.1pc. The firm
lows of below 200p in early 2021, is green light. The stock rose another hydrogen fuel cell maker Ceres
a welcome boost for investors 0.7pc, or 121.55, to 18098.68. 3.4pc, or 6p, to 183.6p yesterday. Power said half-year losses wid- is valued at nearly £2.1bn.
after a decidedly rocky patch. The biggest faller on the mid- But there was some profit-tak- ened from £22.6m in 2022 to The stock remains well below
The company, which also main- cap index was Digital 9 Infrastruc- ing at Oxford BioDynamics after £26.3m this time around. Shares the 390p it floated at in 2021 in
tains the Challenger 2 tanks pro- ture, which invests in everything an 184pc rise in its share price in in the firm, which was recently a listing that valued the com-
vided by the UK to Ukraine, was from underwater fibre cables to the past two sessions. The surge promoted to the FTSe 250 index, pany at £7.6bn.
left reeling five years ago by a data centres. Shares in the com- came after the company launched slipped 0.8pc, or 2.6p, to 326.8p.
52-week High Low 52-week High Low
Aerospace & Defence
Bunzl.......................2908 +45 3225 2664
CLOSING DAILY CLOSING DAILY DCC ........................4597 +44 5024 4030
Aston Martin ...........261 -258 39538 8958
BAE Systems..........101812+412 1059 714 PRICE CHANGE REASON PRICE CHANGE REASON Diploma ..................3002 +48 3308 2314
Chemring Gp ..........275 -1 323 25512 Essentra .................15858xd+134 252 14438
QinetiQ ...................31814 -114 37934 29714 Babcock 409.6p +5.46% Encouraging trading Digital 9 33.5p -39.53% Dividend disappointment Experian .................2670 +9 3160 2568
Rolls-Royce ............22112 +234 22738 6614 Mitchells & Butlers 223.8p +4.29% Strong demand 888 97.7p -11.58% Profit warning Hays .......................10734 -34 13034 9858
Senior .....................162 +58 18114 11614
TI Fluid Systems .....11734 +158 150 9234 Hill & Smith 1732p +3.96% Chairman investment Crest Nicholson 169.5p -7.98% Housing gloom Intertek Gp ..............4039xd-11 4528 3619

Banks Ithaca Energy 183.6p +3.38% Oilfield approval Barratt Developments 432.7p -7.62% Zoopla warning IWG ........................141 -358 19734 11538
Mitie Group .............10214 +114 106 6258
Banco Santander ....31512 +17 34112 21134 Mobico 86.6p +3.34% Passenger boost Hunting 305p -7.15% Profit taking
Network Int .............39014 +14 400 23834
Bank of Georgia......3660 +90 3730 1944
Barclays ..................15918 +1 18934 13378 52-week High Low 52-week High Low 52-week High Low 52-week High Low 52-week High Low Pagegroup ..............41114xd-114 49158 36934
HSBC Hldgs ...........64478 +5 65478 44214 BH Macro................35612 +4 4815 33912 Schroder Asia .........483 -1 551 446 Temple Bar .............237xd -12 249 19734 ITV ..........................7012 +18 90 5714 Hammerson ............2358xd -18 3012 1758 Rentokil Initial .........600 +1438 65514 46518
Lloyds Banking .......4414 - 14 54 3918 BlackRock Smlr ......1254 +2 1450 1170 Schroder Oriental ...248 +1 281 23112 TP ICAP..................168 -314 20438 141 ..23958 +1 28038 17238 Land Securities .......57434xd-438 74314 48878 RS Group................728 +258 1035 69658
BlkRckWldMining ....580xd -4 771 559 Scot American Inv...500 + 12 542 452 Pearson ..................868 4 +6 4 99514 754 LondonMetric Prop .16778xd -3 207 16134
NatWest Group .......23438 -234 30978 21238 Health Care Equipment & Services
1 1
Serco ......................14714xd+218 17258 13678
Stan Chartered .......756 4xd+658 79034
51958 Bluefield Solar ........11738 -34 142 10758 Scottish Mortgage ...661 +358 83334 61214 RELX ......................2764 +23 2828 2157 Primary Hlth Prop ...9178 -214 12018 8834
BR Greater Eur .......492 -2 563 427 Convatec ................219 4xd+1 8 248 8 196 4 Rightmove Group....551 -1158 61538 Safestore Hldgs ......715 -2012 1074 715 Sthree .....................367 2 +4 2 374 4 300
1 1 3

TBC Bank ...............2995xd+10306212 1668 Sequoia Econ Infra .8218 + 14 9178 71 1 5 5 3

Caledonia Inv..........3340 +15 4055 3110 Smithson Inv ...........1287 -7 1485 1151 Smith & Neph .........101512 +7 131412 98458 WPP .......................72434 -34 105112 72134 Savills .....................841xd -5 1055 78812 Travis Perkins .........82258 -1 108212 755
Virgin Money UK .....16614 -118 198 11838
City of London IT ....39512 43112 372 Syncona..................10614 - 38 197 10614 Spire Health ............23514 +414 250 203 SEGRO...................70334 -934 92014 69538 W.A.G .....................9238 +14 103 6934
Beverages Digital 9...................3312 -2178 9458 3338 Mining
Templeton Em ........14538 -2 16458 13058 Housebuilders Shaftesbury ............11134 -138 13114 9512
Barr (AG) ................486 -1 561 432 Edin Inv Trust .........664 -1 690 553 Twentyfour ..............9858 - 58 10414 94 Anglo American ......2267xd+71367212 1970 Sirius Real Estate ...8434 -1 9134 6658 Technology Hardware & Equipment
Britvic ......................87212 -312 936 713 Edin Wwide.............13858 -158 191 13614 Barratt Devel...........43234 -3534 50638 32538 Antofagasta ..............141712xd+35121805 107412
Vietnam Enter .........587 -4 654 500 Supermarket Inc .....7418 -412 10812 7014 discoverIE Gp .........671 +12 938 626
C&C Group .............139 -138 18334 12338 Euro Sml Co. ..........147 172 126 Bellway ...................2264 -36 2500 1620 Centamin ................8318xd -18 12512 83
VinaCapital Vietna ..43112 -212 47412 392 Target Healthcare ...73 8 -118 9112 6612 Spirent Comms .......13514 -212 28614 135

Coca-Cola HBC ......2235 -13 2565 1840 European Opp ........792 +1 818 629 Berkeley Grp...........4054 -69 4504 3190 Endeavour Mining ...1576xd -9 2184 1461
Witan Invest ............222 -112 236 20412 TR Property IT ........27312 -112 347 257
Crest Nicholson ......16912xd-1434 27214 16912 Ferrexpo .................75 8 -3 175 7414
Diageo .....................3038xd+16 3847 2997 F&C Inv Trust .........882 +6 992 831 Wwide Healthcare...312 +2 338 301 Tritax Big Box .........13612 -312 16814 12358 Telecoms

Fidelity China ..........20912 -3 302 17858 Persimmon .............1052 -3012 1531 96858 Fresnillo ..................547 -214 968 50914 Tritax Eurobox ........5018 -1 7134 2758
Chemicals Fidelity Emg ............60214+1034 651 55518 Food Producers Redrow ...................49058xd-1178 545 37258 Glencore .................461 +712 57818 41112 UK Comm Prop.......5278 -14 6612 4838
Airtel Africa .............12534 +114 13814 10334
Croda Intnal ............4712xd+21 7218 464412 Fidelity Eur..............333xd -112 360 267 Assoc Brit Foods ....2058 -16 2114 1249 Taylor Wimpey ........115 8 -3 2 128 4 8638 Rio Tinto .................5186 +112 6377 4486 Unite Group ............883xd -8 1053 79112 BT Gp .....................116 -1 8 160 8 112
1 1 1 3 3

Elementis ................120 -114 129 89 Fidelity Spec Val .....27012 +12 29212 23612 Bakkavor.................94xd +1 121 8878 Vistry Group............892 -19 946 51912
Urban Logistics .......10714 -238 15312 10714 Helios Towers .........7258 -314 12512 7258
Johnson Matt ..........1594 -27 2373 1543 Finsbury G&I Tst .....849 +2 920 783 Cranswick ...............3500 -30 3642 2586 Industrial Transportation
Nonlife Insurance
Admiral Gp..............2372xd -7 2490 188112 Workspace Gp ........48514 -1438 537 34338 Telecom Plus ..........1450 -36 2500 1449
Victrex.....................1397 +28 1913 1338 Foresight Solar .......92 - 14 11934 8834 Hilton Food Gp .......711 -30 791 500
Construction & Materials GCP Infra Inv ..........6734 - 12 10358 6734 Premier Foods ........11538 -3 13438 9234
Clarkson .................2660 -85 3375 2630 Beazley ...................554 +7 68712 503 Retailers Vodafone Gp ..........7734 -158 10614 70
Intl Dist Serv ...........25818 -514 27238 18412 Direct Line Ins.........17478 -218 23514 13378 B&M ........................58114 +138 59058 29678
Balfour Beatty .........31434 -334 39338 29458
Global Smaller ........141 - 38 16214 12514 Tate & Lyle .............68412 +2 83112 65938
Redde Northgate ....336 -3 43712 28912 Hiscox .....................1007xd -7 1193 842 Burberry Gp ............191012+2512 2641 1808
Greencoat UK .........14012 -114 165 13338 Unilever ..................403412+212 444312 3838
Breedon ..................329 - 12 385 250 Lancashire Hldgs ....58812 -2 664 46134 Currys .....................4818 +18 8538 Br Am Tob ..............257012 -54 3465 248412
CRH ........................4624 +130 4674 285812
Harbourvest ............2290 -80 2435 1930
Forestry & Paper Industrials 48
Imperial Brands ........168012xd+14122185 163912
Genuit Group ..........320xd +1 349 25212
Henderson Sml Co .700xd -9 902 680
Mondi ......................136412xd+10121601 1180
Bodycote.................649 -312 715 46234 Oil & Gas Producers Dr. Martens .............14014 +114 29238 11518
Herald Inv Trust ......1702 -10 1950 1634 Dunelm Gp .............1038 -1 1275 730
Grafton Gp ..............90112xd+378 98834 63058 HG Capital Trust .....384 -6 41612 32012
Hill & Smith .............1732 +66 1810 911 BP ...........................54118 +258 56758 43318 Travel & Leisure
Ibstock ....................13912 +58 178 13534 HICL Infr .................12114xd -2 17234 121
General Financial IMI...........................1572 -3 1680 1119 Diversified Energy ..81xd -1 13614 81 Frasers Group ........804 899 621
888 Holdings...........9734 -1234 13018 5158
Keller Group ...........756 +2 856 591 3i Group ..................2066 +29 2085 1062 Melrose Ind .............474 8xd +1 543 4 286 8
7 1 5
Energean ................1158xd+10 1569 995 Greggs ....................2404xd 3 29041 1712
Hipgnosis Songs .....8212 -114 9478 74 Howden Joinery ......729 + 4 759 4 481 Carnival ..................104812 +15 135612 50138
Marshalls ................245 -4 36658 22538 ICG Enterprise ........1190 -2 1204 966 Ashmore Gp ...........18678 +78 28638 18078 RHI Magnesita ........2796 -4 3060 1584 Harbour Energy ......26138xd-214 45338 219
Rotork .....................307 +2 342 234 Ithaca Energy .........18358xd +6 210 13858 Inchcape .................75872 -91 941 68212 Compass Gp...........2006 +1312 2235 178812
Tyman.....................28912 +212 318 18458 Impax Enviro Mkts ..365 -1 457 358 BR Throgmorton .....562 -2 668 490 2
4 5
8 1
4 1

Bridgepoint Group ..19138 +2 256 16678 Smith (DS) ..............282 4xd+1 4 368 2 241 4 Shell........................266012 +31 2665 220012 JD Sports Fashion ..14258 -132 18618 89 4
5 1
Volution...................35134 -834 448 29312 JPM American ........799xd +1 829 660
3 3 1 3
Dominos Pizza ........37314 -3 42458 21514
Kingfisher................219 8 - 4 291 2 203
CAB Payments .......23312 -14 308 23214 Smiths Gp ...............1622 +52 1797 2 1492 2 Oil Equipment & Services
1 1
easyJet ...................41818 -12 528 28518
Electricity JPM Emerg Mkt ......101 4 -158 3
11934 9214
Capital Gearing.......4560 -40 5030 4460 Smurfit Kappa Gp ...2730 +6 3596 2452
Marks & Spencer ....235 4 -1 8 240 2 9314
1 5 1

JPM Euro Disc. .......36512 -2 448 34912 Wood Gp(J) ............15714 -34 226 10412 Moonpig ..................163 -1 18058 10318 Entain .....................925 -15 158712 918
Ceres Power ...........32634 -258 38434 27614 Close Brothers ........89912 +7 1131 79612 Spirax-Sarco ...........9418 +122 12350 9242
Drax Gp ..................42934xd +2 70812 42734 JPM Indian IT .........864 -2 902 435 Next ........................7282 -106 7424 4383 FirstGroup...............15034 +14 15958 9312
Coats Group ...........7118 +12 8034 5078 Vesuvius .................435 +5 454 4 309 8 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology
1 3

SSE ........................1602 -1612 1900 1428 JPM Japan IT .........466 -9 516 420 Ocado Gp ...............581 -34 97638 34338 Flutter Ent ...............13555 -90 16725 9694
Foresight Group......444 -27 491 336 Weir Gp ..................1889 2 +16 2021 1406 2
1 1

Jupiter Fund............96 + 78 151 8378 AstraZeneca ...........11006-112 12294 9656 Pets at Home Gp ....32858 -238 39758 26034 Intercontl Htls..........6114xd+1046298 4329
Electronic & Electrical Equipment Law Debenture .......805 +3 860 656 Hargrvs Lansdwn ....78938 -3 94958 736 Leisure Goods Dechra Pharma.......3796 3889 2520 Sainsbury(J) ...........25014 -214 28958 170
LXI REIT .................8838xd -158 12638 8234 IG Gp ......................644xd -10 83612 63212 Genus .....................2032 -4 3272 2016 SSP Group .............20358 +234 28114 18434 Intl Cons Airl ...........14758 -1 17358 9358
Halma .....................1914 -2 2498 189634 Games Workshp .....10460 +50 11700 5795
Morgan Advanced...246 32312 227 M&G .......................19612 -612 21914 163 Integrafin.................23838 -558 33034 20714 GSK ........................1494 -2458 153534 130534 Tesco ......................26458 -34 28458 19918 Mitchells & Butlers ..22334 +914 23614 102
ME Group ...............15738 -234 171 8358
Oxford Instruments .2155xd-30 2855 1720 Mercantile IT ...........19134 -114 222 164 Intermediate Cap ....1371 +2 151112 976 Haleon ....................33318xd+158 35312 267 WH Smith ...............1330 -11 1714 113212 Mobico Group .........8658 +234 18158 7538
Watches of Switz ....521 -2012 1037 52034
Renishaw ................3514 +14 4232 3342 Merchants Trust ......539 604 483 Intl Public Prtnshps .122 4xd-3 8 159 8 120 4
3 3 3 3
Hikma Pharma ........2079 -14 2205 119012 Trainline ..................27058 +414 345 21638
Spectris...................3343 +6 3841 2712 Monks Inv Tst .........935 +4 1063 92612 Investec ..................479 -558 54638 36318 Life Insurance Indivior ....................1763 +3 1998 1367 Software & Computer Services TUI AG....................45434 +538 1895 43634
Morgan Sindall........2055 -40 2115 1392 IP Group .................5214 -2 7538 52 abrdn ......................15378xd -14 23634 133 Puretech .................182 -13 29412 182 Auction Tech...........640 -7 982 571
Equity Investment Instruments Murray Inc Tst.........825 +5 884 723 JTC .........................73812xd -12 820 633 Aviva .......................39014xd-212 46238 36914 PZ Cussons ............14658 -438 221 14614 Baltic Classifieds ....19458xd -34 216 13258 Wetherspoon (JD)...68612 +9 78312 38934
3i Infrastructure.......305 - 12 34212 27812 Murray Intl Tst.........23812 +1 27358 23038 London Stock Ex ....8240 -24 8774 7104 Just Group ..............7014xd -14 9514 56 Reckitt Benckiser ....5752 +14 6570 5556 Bytes Technology ...492 -738 54112 35914 Whitbread ...............3484 -12 3678 2302
Aberforth Smlr Cos .1220 1422 1068 NB Private Equity ...1632 -18 1735 1400 Man Group..............22018 +334 28634 202 Legal & General......22134xd-114 26534 20418 Computacenter .......2530 2584 1810 Wizz Air Hldgs ........1876 -4312 3158 135712
abrdn Private ..........447xd +5 494 368 Next Energy Solar...8678xd -58 11534 85 Nth Atlantic Smlr .....3600 +40 4030 3140 Phoenix Gp .............47238 -3538 647 47238 Real Estate Darktrace ................40338 -15 420 21014
AJ Bell ....................279 +314 390 26914 Ninety One..............17158 +138 220 16038 OSB Group .............32238 -314 56812 32014 Prudential ...............882xd -8 137112 79758 Assura ....................4138xd -158 5858 4138 FDM Group .............506xd +1 870 504 Utilities
Alliance Trust ..........1028xd -4 1070 904 Octopus Renew ......9012 10934 8414 Paragon ..................48834 -514 608 366 St James Place.......81558 +1 130412 81458 Balanced Comm .....6558xd -114 9738 6434 Kainos Gp ...............1125 -36 1740 1115 Centrica ..................15458 -318 17212 6738
Allianz Tech ............259 274 20312 Pacific Horizon........544 -4 693 523 Petershill Partners ..14814 -214 20112 142 Big Yellow Gp .........91312 -2512 1290 91312 Playtech ..................454 -458 63412 44158
Plus500...................1380xd -5 1951 1365 Media
National Grid...........96638 -1638 1162 85838
Apax Global ............16438xd+114 19238 152 Pantheon Intl ..........292 -4 300 231 British Land.............30834 -718 47138 29714 Sage Group ............97934 -12 1039 67934
AVI Global Trust .....201 -1 20512 17458 Pershing Square .....2970 -12 3055 2605 Quilter .....................8534 +12 10714 7114 4imprint ...................5130 +50 5350 3280 CLS Hldgs ..............11758 -238 16434 11758 Softcat ....................1436 +36 1534 1071 Pennon ...................551 -4112 1000 551
Baillie Giff Japan.....704 -9 827 699 Personal Assets Tr .461xd -2 486 45912 Rathbone Grp .........1756xd-24 2220 1570 Ascential .................19734 +138 281 17614 Derwent London .....1838xd -7 2726 1812 Severn Trent ...........2265 -45 2975 2213
Bankers InvTst........9612 - 18 10634 93 Polar Cap Tech.......2190 2330 1708 Ruffer Investment ...270 +112 316 26312 Auto Trader Gp .......61158 -834 66058 48614 Empiric Student Prp 8934 -58 9438 84 Support Services United Utilities.........911 -3438 110212 82778
BBGI Global............133xd -2 168 12634 Renewables Infra ....10734xd -14 138 10334 Schroders ...............404 +138 50634 35834 Future .....................71412 -18 1749 643 Grainger..................229 -534 27134 20538 Ashtead Gp.............5062 +52 5874 4086 *Ex-Dividend
Bellevue Hlthcare ...13734 177 13558 RIT Cap Partners ....1918 -18 2380 1798 SDCL Energy..........6912xd -112 11034 69 Informa ...................746 +658 776 51714 Grt Portland Est ......737 737 737 Babcock Intl ............40958+2114 41934 26858 Source: The Press Association
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 69

London closes in on New

York as top global hotspot
By Hugo Duncan
London is closing in on new
York as the world’s leading
financial centre while European
rivals such as Frankfurt and Paris
do not even make the top ten.
The Big Apple was ranked the top
global financial hub for a fifth year
in a row – but its lead over the City
has shrunk.
But while London is looking to reclaim
top spot – having been overtaken by
new York in 2018 – it faces stiff competi-
tion from Singapore in third and Hong
Kong in fourth.
San Francisco makes up the top five.
But Frankfurt and Paris – which hoped
Brexit would offer them a chance to
eclipse London – are languishing in 14th 1 New York 6 Los Angeles 11 Seoul
and 15th respectively.
The only other European city in the 2 London 7 Shanghai 12 Shenzhen
top ten is Geneva, in Switzer-
land – which, like Britain, is not new York. ‘it must never be came top with 763 points, up
part of the EU. forgotten that London is the three, while London gained 13 to 3 Singapore 8 Washington DC 13 Beijing
The findings – in the latest edi- centre of the time zone, with score 744.
tion of The Global Financial the best lawyers and account- Singapore, however, is now 4 Hong Kong 9 Chicago 14 Frankfurt
Centres index published by ants in the world,’ he said. only 2 points behind London at
think-tank Z/Yen and the China ‘Though iPo business has 742, itself only a point ahead of 5 San Francisco
development institute – make a been very disappointing this Hong Kong in fourth place, sig- 10 Geneva 15 Paris
mockery of claims that London year due to a dearth of deals, as nalling an intensifying battle for
has lost its lustre since Brexit. has been the case relatively in the second spot. 112 46h
And it comes as a vote of confi- new York, London’s prowess in The report noted that the
dence amid concerns over the foreign exchange and deriva- vast majority of financial cen-
City’s standing after a wave of tives is all but peerless. tres improved their ratings in
foreign takeovers and decisions ‘London’s real competition the past year, despite economic
by companies – such as British and political turmoil rocking
chip designer Arm – to list in
new York rather than London.
‘London’s prowess global markets.
‘Confidence in international
david Schwimmer, chief execu- is all but peerless’ financial centres remains strong,’
tive of the London Stock said economist Professor
Exchange Group, last week said comes from new York and the michael mainelli, chairman of Z/
the doom and gloom about the Far East. Without being disre- Yen. ‘Skills and talent develop-
City was ‘overplayed’. spectful, European centres must ment is vital for financial cen-
‘Anything that is seen as nega- continue to satisfy themselves in tres, increasingly so with new
tive commentary about London the role of spear carriers in the skills required in areas such as
as a financial centre has become financial services arena.’ Ai and ethics.
kind of clickbait,’ he said. The survey ranks cities globally ‘Combining continuing pro-
Reacting to the latest rank- on everything from regulation fessional development with
ings yesterday, david Buik, a and the rule of law to the tax formal tertiary education is a
consultant to Aquis Exchange, burden and transport links as key strategy to ensure that the
said it was ‘no surprise’ that well as the economy and the financial sector workforce is fit
London was second only to availability of capital. new York for the future.’

Gambling clampdown
takes toll on 888 profits
By Jessica Clark a significant impact, having
restricted online customer activ-
WiLLiAm Hill owner 888 became ity, although its physical betting
the latest betting firm to warn shops continue to perform well.
that profits have been hit by ‘The William Hill owner’s profit
tighter gambling restrictions and warning also reflects the impact
punter-friendly sports results. of regulation as it is forced to do
days after Entain, which owns more compliance work, slowing
Ladbrokes and Coral, sent down customer acquisition,’
shares across the sector tum- Russ mould, investment direc-
bling, 888 said revenues in the tor at AJ Bell, said.
third quarter fell 10pc. ‘Combined with the warning
That sparked another sell-off, from Entain, it’s clear the sector
with the three biggest listed is coming under ever greater
gambling firms seeing £1.7bn regulatory pressure as countries
wiped off their value so far this look to reduce the social harm
week. 888 shares fell another caused by gambling.’
11.6pc yesterday, taking losses 888, which also owns online
since monday to 18pc. sports betting site mr Green,
Entain has shed 12.5pc of its Safe bet: Striker Erling Haaland said customer-friendly sporting
value this week while Betfair is a top scorer for Man City results – where the favourite
and Paddy Power parent Flutter tomers, including marketing wins – put pressure on win mar-
is down more than 3pc. and bonus restrictions which gins in September, echoing
888 yesterday said revenue in have slowed the number of punt- Entain’s announcement.
the third quarter would be down ers signing up to betting sites. Entain said on monday that
10pc to around £400m, in part meanwhile, the Government online gaming revenue in the
due to regulatory crackdowns has announced rules for online third quarter would be impacted
on online gambling firms, and bookies, including stake limits by stricter regulations, as well as
warned that earnings will come and tougher checks on players, more punters winning bets on
in below expectations. which are expected to be imple- football matches. many custom-
The Gambling Commission mented over the next few years. ers had successfully bet on man-
has brought in stricter rules over 888 said regulations in the UK chester City to win and their
the last few years to protect cus- and other markets were having striker Erling Haaland to score.
70 Racemail IN ASSOCIATION WITH SLIP Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023


2.15 Mofasa 2.15
Grand Roi
SPANISH LGE: Celta Vigo 1 Alaves 1,
Granada 1 Real Betis 1.
E Peronnin (F); S Kibsgaard Nielsen
(Den); R Meekers (Hol); N Iturrioz
6-11 14-12 11-9; L Beecroft (Eng) bt
M Tomlinson (Eng) 11-5 11-7 11-2.
wide draw for Hukum in
Sunday’s Prix de l’Arc de 1
2.15 —NOVICES’ CHASE (3) £12,000 added (£6,535)
2m 7f (5)
U11- BROADWAY BOY 163 N Twiston-Davies 5-11-2
Chess Player
Our Scholar
Chess Player
Flying Fortune
Young Merlin
ITALIAN LGE: Frosinone 1 Fioren- (Sp); C Alonso (Sp); E Arvidsson 4.30 Blue Sans 4.30 Ma Belle Noire
tina 1, Monza 0 Bologna 0, Genoa (Swe); C Angurasaranee (Tha). ÷TENNIS Triomphe. Paddy Power S Twiston-Davies
2 2B-P COCONUT SPLASH 146 E Williams 8-11-2 ........... A Wedge 5.05 Getaway Tom 5.05 Walkinthewoods
4 Roma 1.
÷SNOOKER ATP CHINA OPEN (Beijing) — 1st eased the odds of the 3 0-5L GRAND ROI 11 (B) James Owen 7-11-2 ................ S Bowen
rnd: A de Minaur (A) bt A Murray
(GB) 6-3 5-7 7-6 (8-6). Owen Burrows-trained 4 L3L- MOFASA 168 (T) P Nicholls 7-11-2 ....................... H Cobden
5 927- AIMEE DE SIVOLA 154 Mrs J Williams 9-10-9 .... D Noonan 4.00 —NOVICES’ HANDICAP HURDLE (2) £70,000
added (£36,421) 2m 4f (16)
WOMEN’S EURO TOUR (Deauville)— — 3rd rnd: D Gilbert (Eng) bt I King George VI & Queen Probable SP: 2 Mofasa 9-4 Grand Roi 5-2 Broadway Boy 1 112 AJP KINGDOM 41 (CBF) F O Brien 6-12-0 .............. C Brace
1st rnd (GB & Ire unless stated): 65 Chadha (Ind) 4-1; B Hawkins (Eng) ÷TODAY’S ACTION 6 Coconut Splash. 2 1L-2 IKARAK 144 (P) M Harris 5-11-13 ....................... B Harris (5)
bt K Wilson (Eng) 4-1; S Donaldson Elizabeth Stakes winner 3 2L-2 HUELGOAT 135 (T) (BF) P Nicholls 6-11-10........ H Cobden
— E Young; L Fuenfstueck (G); A
Dimmock; 66 — J Gustavsson (Swe);
M MacLaren; 67 — M Folke (Swe); S
(Sco) bt R Williams (Eng) 4-1; X
Guodong (Chn) bt S Lam (Eng) 4-1;
Sheff Wed v Sunderland ...........(8.0)
to 6-1 from 4-1 after he 2.50 —HANDICAP CHASE (4)
(£4,859) 2m 110yds (9)
£9,200 added 4
111 OUR SCHOLAR F23 Jack Jones 4-11-10..............T Bellamy
111 YOUNG MERLIN 34 (S) Miss A Murphy 7-11-10 .. J Quinlan
Kouskova (Cz); P Marfa (Sp); M M Selby (Eng) bt S Jiahui (Chn) 4-1; Live on Sky Sports Football landed stall 14 of 15. 1 321 CHESS PLAYER 29 (P) (C&DD) B Pauling 8-12-0
Beau Morgan (5)
6 221 IKE SPORT 81 (PT) (C&D) (S) N Mulholland 5-11-9
J Lisowski (Eng) bt M Selt (Eng) S Twiston-Davies
Skarpnord (Nor); 68 — S Soenderby
(Den); L May Humphreys; E Grechi 4-2; T Ford (Eng) bt J Robertson CINCH SCOTTISH LEAGUE ONE But Crowley said: ‘It’s just 2 P-L3 MASTER MALACHY 30 (T) (D2) (G) D McCain 7-12-0 T Gillard 7 121 ALLIHIES 71 (T) (C&D) D Skelton 4-11-6 .............. H Skelton
3 3LP VINNIE THE HODDIE 17 (D) (S) Miss G Haywood 9-11-9
(F); E Givens; H Burke; K Rudgeley (Eng) 4-0; F Zhengyi (Chn) bt R
Lawler (Eng) 4-2.
Hamilton v Annan Athletic ..... (7.45) a number and I am on a B Ffrench-Davis (7)
212 MANIMOLE 7 (CBF) N Twiston-Davies 6-11-5 Mr J Turner (10)
123 THE GALAHAD KID 18 F O Brien 7-11-5 .............P Brennan
(A); R Hjelle Grimstad (Nor); L RUGBY LEAGUE — Betfred Super
Osala (Fin); E Nummenpaeae (Fin); League Play-offs, 1st rnd: Hull K R very uncomplicated 4
L73 DR T J ECKLEBURG 38 E Williams 5-11-9 ........... A Wedge
U-22 CHESTNUT PETE 138 (T) Mrs S Leech 8-11-7
10 1LL HOBIE 22 (C) David Dennis 6-11-1 ......................G Sheehan
69 — P Schmidt (G); G Cowley; ÷SPEEDWAY v Leigh (8.0). horse. It’s been won from S Twiston-Davies
11 U11 EN AVANT 28 (T) (C) (S) O Murphy 7-10-13 D Johnston (7)
L Beveridge; K Metraux (Swi); V RUGBY UNION — World Cup Pool 12 102 GAIUS 31 (C) O Murphy 4-10-12 ............................. S Bowen
Elena Carta (It); S Schober (Aut);
PLAY-OFF — Semi-final, 2nd leg: A: New Zealand v Italy (8.0). out there before. I am on 6
91-2 IRON HEART 17 (BT) P Bowen 6-11-7.......... NON RUNNER
53L MIX OF CLOVER 17 (P) (D) A Ralph 9-11-6 ....... A Edwards
13 21P FADED FANTASY 89 (D) Christian Williams 4-10-11 N Scholfield
14 331 PAINLESS POTTER 17 (C&D) (S) O Greenall & J Guerriero
J Melichova (Cz); N Komulainen
(Fin); E Spitz (Aut); V Knecht (Swi);
Sheffield 39 Wolverhampton 21. P W D L B F A Pts the right horse to 8 7-FP HERECOMESHOGAN 30 (P) M Keighley 6-11-4 ........J Best 5-10-10 Craig Nichol
Abandoned, result stands. Sheffield 9 612 MUTUAL RESPECT 17 (PT) (D) (S) Billy Aprahamian 7-11-0
A Taylor; 70 — S Lee Bregman (SA); win 89-61 on aggregate.
France . . . . . . 3 3 0 0 1 150 25 13
Italy . . . . . . . . 2 2 0 0 2 90 25 10
overcome it if he is good H Bannister
15 213 WOODIE FLASH 31 (B) (C) O Murphy 5-10-10 L Stones (3)
16 781 BAIKAL 22 (T) (C) A West 4-10-6 ........................ L Edwards
C Boutier (F); K Napoleaova (Cz);
U Wikstroem (Fin); N Garcia (SA); New Zealand 2 1 0 1 1 84 30 5 enough. You always need Probable SP: 6-5 Chess Player 5 Mutual Respect Probable SP: 6 Young Merlin 7 Allihies 8 Our Scholar En
÷SQUASH 11-2 Chestnut Pete 6 Herecomeshogan 12 Master Malachy.
R Davies; S Witt (G); F Johnson; K Uruguay. . . . . 3 1 0 2 1 65 91 5 a bit of luck. You can’t Avant 10 Ike Sport Gaius Ikarak 12 Huelgoat A p Kingdom.
Henry; C Fuschelberger (Aut); A
Foersterling (G); S Kjellker (Swe);
Women’s 1st rnd: G Adderley (Sco)
Namibia . . . . . 4 0 0 4 0 37 255 0
Premiership Cup (7.30): Don- change the draw, you just 3.25 —MAIDEN HURDLE
(£4,357) 2m 4f (9)
(4) £8,000 added

1 410- BEACHCOMBER 198 Jon o O Neill 5-11-4........R McLernon

4.30 —MARES’ HANDICAP HURDLE (4) £8,000
added (£4,225) 2m 7f (8)
S Nuutinen (Fin); B Morgan; V
Kapoor (Ind); 71 — L Landgraf (F);
bt J Shiha (Egy) 8-11 12-10 11-6 11-7; Z
Mickawy (Egy) bt G Gear (Eng) 11-9
caster v Bristol, Hartpury RFC v
Gloucester (7.45).
make the best of it.’ 2 1 36- CARRIGMOORNA ROWAN 172 (H) H Fry 6-11-4 J J Burke
111 BLUE SANS 22 (C) F O Brien 8-12-0 ..... Mr T Broughton (7)
352 ARTEMIS ANGEL 30 (H) C O Keeffe (IRE) 6-11-13 B Bromley (5)
3 440- CLASSIC LORD 173 T Vaughan 5-11-4 .................. A Johns 3 131 MA BELLE NOIRE 26 (BT) (C&D) H Fry 6-11-9 ... J J Burke
4 3LP- HARJO 230 C Longsdon 6-11-4 ................... Lilly Pinchin (3) 4 P37 SHEILA NASH 59 (C&D2) R Phillips 8-10-12 ......... A Wedge
1.50 Tarawa 1.50 Silver Lady
5 0-3L ISMAEL 26 (P) K Frost 5-11-4 .............................. L Edwards
6 222- MYLESFROMWICKLOW 180 (BF3) D Skelton 6-11-4 H Skelton
7 351- PUSH THE BUTTON 160 N Twiston-Davies 4-11-1
5P2 PENNSYLVANIE 19 Alexandra Dunn 4-10-9..... N Scholfield
4P3 MAROOCHI 38 K Burke 6-10-7.............................. H Cobden

2.25 Novakai 2.25 Sea Theme S Twiston-Davies
(FILLIES’ & MARES’ LISTED) (1) £50,000 (£28,355) 1m (12) 8 4L2 STAMINA CHOPE 11 Dave Roberts 7-10-3 ........ L Edwards
3.00 Ylang Ylang 3.00 SHUWARI (nap) 8 6L SIDE STEPPER 11 Christian Williams 4-11-1 .... N Scholfield Probable SP: 2 Ma Belle Noire 5-2 Blue Sans 7 Stamina
101 (9) 21-1334 ASTRAL BEAU 77 (C2D) (S) Mrs P Sly 4-9-7..........................S W Kelly 3.35 Mutasaabeq 3.35 Epictetus 9 41-1 FLYING FORTUNE 139 P Bowen 4-10-8................ S Bowen
4.10 Zain Blue Chope Maroochi Artemis Angel 8 Pennsylvanie.
102 (1) 1112-L9 AMANZOE 20 (B) (D2) (GS) W Haggas 4-9-4......................T Marquand 4.10 Symbol Of Power Probable SP: 15-8 Mylesfromwicklow 9-2 Flying Fortune
103 (8) 2 16-47 AMEYNAH 44 (C) R Varian 4-9-4 ...........................................David Egan
104 (11) 130-54L CRYSTAL CAPRICE 100 (D3) (GS) Sir M Stoute 4-9-4 ..... R Kingscote
4.45 Broadway Act
5.20 Candleford
5.55 Real Gain
4.45 Markoon
5.20 Lion’s Pride (nb)
5.55 Real Gain
5 Beachcomber 6 Push The Button 13-2 Classic Lord.
(4) £8,000 added (£4,225) 2m (8)
222 GETAWAY TOM 27 (PT) (DBF) T Lacey 5-12-0 ...C Iles (10)
105 (6) 112L66 LIGHTSHIP 82 (D2) K P De Foy 4-9-4 .....................................D Muscutt TRACK FACTS: L-H course. GOING: Good-good
106 (5) 14-P553 POTAPOVA 27 (D) Sir M Stoute 5-9-4.................................... R L Moore NEWMARKET – 4.10 Accumulate (nb); 5.20 LION’S PRIDE (nap). to soft in places.Top jockey: Sam Twiston-Davies. 2 3F2 GLOBAL FAMENGLORY 121 (P) D Skelton 7-11-13 T Durrell (3)
107 (10) 771382 QUICK CHANGE 29 (D2) (G) K R Burke 4-9-4 .............................. C Lee Top trainer: F O Brien. Headgear first time: 2.15 3 6FL GERARD MENTOR 56 (TV) (D2) (S) K Bailey 7-11-10 K Lenihan (8)
108 (7) 1-01159 COPPICE 27 (D2) (G) J & T Gosden 3-9-0 ................................ L Dettori Mofasa 4.00 Ikarak Woodie Flash 5.05 Getaway 4 461 UP FOR APPEAL 36 (D) Christian Williams 5-11-10 E Collier (8)

109 (3) 1-0513 NAOMI LAPAGLIA 36 (H) (D) (S) R Spencer 3-9-0................ O Murphy —AL BASTI EQUIWORLD, DUBAI BRITISH EBF ‘CONFINED’ MAIDEN Tom. Longest travellers: Artemis Angel (4.30) Ire- 5 804 CARDANO F15 (T) B Brookhouse 7-11-8 ...... NON RUNNER
110 (2) 12552 QUEEN FOR YOU 27 (P) (D) J & T Gosden 3-9-0.....................R Havlin (C & G) (DIV 2) (4) (2-Y-O) £10,000 (£5,400) 7f (9) 6 2L-1 WALKINTHEWOODS 143 (D) (S) E Williams 6-11-6I Williams
land Flying Fortune (3.25) 176 miles. Drop in Class: 7 P11 EMANATE 17 (P) (C&D2) (S) N Mulholland 5-10-12 .T Eyston (8)
111 (4) 13 SILVER LADY 133 (H) (C&DBF) (S) C Appleby 3-9-0............... W Buick 601 (9) 22 BROADWAY ACT 35 (BF) C Appleby 9-2.................................. W Buick 2.15 Mofasa is down 5 grades on last run (Grade 1
112 (12) 242325 TARAWA 20 (P) (S) D K Weld (IRE) 3-9-0 ............................ C D Hayes 8 9-P1 SWIFT TUTTLE 24 (HT) O Greenall & J Guerriero 4-10-12
Probable SP: 7-2 Coppice 9-2 Potapova 5 Queen For You 8 Silver Lady 602 (8) EZRA CEE P Chapple-Hyam 9-2................................................ J F Egan to Class 3) 3.25 Beachcomber (6). First run since Toby Wynne (3)
Ameynah 10 Astral Beau Tarawa 14 Lightship 16 Amanzoe 20 Crystal 603 (4) LAVENDER HILL MOB M Bell 9-2 ...................................... James Doyle wind surgery: 2.50 Master Malachy 4.30 Sheila Probable SP: 11-4 Getaway Tom 3 Up For Appeal Global
Caprice Naomi Lapaglia Quick Change. 604 (1) MARKOON W Haggas 9-2 ........................................................ J Crowley Nash 5.05 Gerard Mentor. Famenglory 5 Walkinthewoods 6 Emanate.
FAVOURITES: 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 AGES: 3 3 4 3 5 3 4 3 3 3 605 (2) 4 PLACO 17 J & T Gosden 9-2 ................................................ K Shoemark
2022: Zanbaq 3 9 0 (Jim Crowley) 10-3 R Varian drawn (5) 10 ran. 606 (3) PSALM A P O Brien (IRE) 9-2................................................. R L Moore
(FILLIES’ & MARES’ GROUP 3) (1) £80,000 (£45,368) 1m 4f (11)
ITV4 607 (6) SIR GALAHAD J Ferguson 9-2 ................................................D Muscutt 4.55 Denis Anthony 4.55 Unplugged

608 (7) 45 TEN BOB TONY 21 E Walker 9-2 .........................................T Marquand —HANDICAP (5) £7,400 added (£3,873) 5.30 Moon Flight 5.30 Solray
201 (3) 124-165 PERIPATETIC 55 (D2) (G) R Varian 4-9-5.......................... James Doyle 609 (5) WHIP CRACKER R Hughes 9-2 ............................................... O Murphy 1m 4f 98yds (10) 6.00 Roaring Ralph 6.00 First Of May
202 (11) 2-24431 TIME LOCK 27 (C&DD) (GS) H & R Charlton 4-9-5 .............. R L Moore Probable SP: 2 Broadway Act 11-4 Psalm 4 Placo 6 Markoon 10 Ten Bob 1 (5) 229 DARK ISLAND 22 H Main 4-10-2 ......................K O’Neill 6.30 Sea Girt 6.30 Merry Secret
203 (2) 157-531 VOODOO QUEEN 96 (CD) (G) R Varian 4-9-5 .....................David Egan Tony 16 Lavender Hill Mob. 2 (6) LL7 SENSE OF WORTH 18 S Spencer 7-10-2 ..... Dale Swift 7.00 Bernie The Bear 7.00 Bernie The Bear
204 (10) 2-31272 AZAZAT 47 (P) (DBF) D K Weld (IRE) 3-8-12....................... C D Hayes FAVOURITES & 2022: See Div 1. 3 (2) 153 GENESIUS 65 (D4) Sir M Prescott 6-10-1 7.30 Mawada 7.30 Zapphire
205 (4) 5-44211 ELEGANCIA 20 (H) (GS) H & R Charlton 3-8-12 ......................... K Stott 8.00 Eldrickjones (nb) 8.00 Dreamrocker
206 (7) 22-2017 NOVAKAI 36 (D) (G) K R Burke 3-8-12 .......................................... C Lee
207 (9) 11-11L2 RUNNING LION 44 (CBF) (S) J & T Gosden 3-8-12............... O Murphy 5.20 —AL BASTI EQUIWORLD, DUBAI GODOLPHIN STAKES (LISTED)
(1) £50,000 added (£28,355) 1m 4f (6)
Morgan Cole (5)
4 (9) 525 ADAMARIS J22 (V) A Keatley 6-10-0............. D Costello
5 (1) 0-L3 KHILWAFY 18 (C2) D Thompson 7-9-13 ..... S B Kirrane
8.30 Blackcurrent 8.30 John Kirkup
208 (6) 6-22134 SCARLETT O’HARA 47 (P) (D) J Harrington (IRE) 3-8-12 N M Crosse 1 (3) 33-3312 CANDLEFORD 20 (D2) (G) W Haggas 5-9-10 .....................T Marquand 6 (4) 342 UNPLUGGED 22 (D) M & D Easterby 7-9-13
209 (8)
210 (1)
311 SEA THEME 36 (D2) (GS) W Haggas 3-8-12.......................T Marquand
4-11 SWEET MEMORIES 55 (D) (S) J & T Gosden 3-8-12 .............. L Dettori
211 (5) 13L22 VEIL OF SHADOWS 22 C Appleby 3-8-12 ................................. W Buick
(2) 2112-35 NEW LONDON 47 (T) (C2D) (GS) C Appleby 4-9-7 .................. W Buick
(5) 11-4833 TREGONY 36 (GS) C Cox 5-9-2.............................................. S Osborne
Joanna Mason
7 (8) 314 SILVER NIGHTFALL 16 (C2D) G Kelleway 3-9-11 H Doyle 7.00 —HANDICAP (DIV 2)
(£3,245) 7f 14yds (9)
(6) £6,200 added

1 (1) 3L4 SEE MY BABY JIVE 24 (B) D Whillans 7-9-9 . H Russell

4 (1) 6212-8 BLANCHLAND 163 J Chapple-Hyam 3-9-0 ........................... R L Moore 8 (10) 2P4 KING OF THE PLAINS 35 C Johnston 3-9-11 .. C Fallon
Probable SP: 3 Running Lion 9-2 Novakai 5 Sweet Memories 6 Time Lock 5 (6) 213 LION’S PRIDE 34 J & T Gosden 3-9-0....................................... L Dettori 9 (7) 324 DENIS ANTHONY 23 (P) (DBF2) J Fanshawe 3-9-4 2 (4) 606 MAKALU 16 (D) R Carr 4-9-6........................ JP Sullivan
8 Sea Theme 10 Veil Of Shadows Azazat 12 Voodoo Queen. R Scott 3 (3) 644 MALINHEADSEAROVERS 45 (P) (BF) J Wainwright
FAVOURITES: 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 2 1 AGES: 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 6 (4) 51 IMPERIAL QUARTER 22 (H) (G) R Varian 3-8-9 ..................David Egan
10 (3) 3-7L EASTER ISLAND 55 J Camacho 4-9-3 Ryan Sexton (3) 3-9-6 P Mulrennan
2022: Eternal Pearl 3 9 1 (William Buick) 6-4 Fav C Appleby drawn (3) 8 ran. Probable SP: 2 New London 11-4 Candleford 3 Lion s Pride 11-2 Blanchland 4 (8) 405 TEES GEORGE 21 Adrian Nicholls 3-9-4 .......C Murtagh
Probable SP: 10-3 Denis Anthony 7-2 Dark Island

3.00 —AL BASTI EQUIWORLD, DUBAI ROCKFEL STAKES (FILLIES’ ITV4 12 Tregony 20 Imperial Quarter. 5 (7) 500 RUM RUNNER 11 (CD5) G Harker 8-9-3 ............. S Gray
4 Unplugged 11-2 Genesius 8 Silver Nightfall 10 Adamaris.
GROUP 2) (1) (2-Y-O) £107,000 added (£60,680) 7f (8) FAVOURITES: 2 2 – 1 1 1 3 0 2 2 AGES: 3 5 – 3 4 3 5 6 4 4 6 (5) 53L CLIMATE CHANGE 50 (P) J Camacho 3-9-2 Ryan Sexton (3)
301 (8) 113 ALSHINFARAH 22 (D2) K P De Foy 9-2 ................................. J Crowley 2022: Siskany 4 9 7 (William Buick) 11-4 C Appleby drawn (4) 6 ran.
5.30 —NOVICE
6f (8)
STAKES (5) £7,600 added (£4,104) 7 (9) 421 BERNIE THE BEAR 46 (D) R Fahey 3-9-1 ...... Oisin Orr
8 (6) LLL GALTON 27 (P) A Brittain 4-9-0 .........................A Mullen
302 (1)

304 (3)
182 CARLA’S WAY 34 (T) (D) S & E Crisford 9-2..................... James Doyle
303 (4) 46151 CAROLINA REAPER 30 (D2) (S) C Johnston 9-2 ................... J Mitchell
015 MARCELLA 20 (D) (S) A Balding 9-2.......................................... W Buick
5.55 —AL BASTI EQUIWORLD, DUBAI HANDICAP (3) £25,000 added
(£13,500) 1m 1f (9)
(3) 224 CROWN DREAMS 43 R Cowell 3-9-7 ...... P J McDonald
(4) 42 MOON FLIGHT 30 Sir M Prescott 3-9-7 ............ L Morris
(1) 6 PRIDE OF SPAIN 11 A Watson 3-9-7................. H Doyle
9 (2) 74L SECRET JOY 24 (B) M & D Easterby 3-8-11 Joanna Mason
Probable SP: 2 Bernie The Bear 7-2 Malinheadsearovers.

7.30 —FILLIES’
305 (6) 11 SHUWARI 64 (D2) (GS) Ollie Sangster 9-2 ............................. O Murphy 1 (2) 11-07L8 TURNTABLE 15 (C&D2C2) (GS) Harry Eustace 7-9-12 Kaiya Fraser (5) HANDICAP (5) £7,400 added
2 (6) 800130 BALTIMORE BOY 16 (V) (BF) M Bell 4-9-11 ..................... James Doyle 4 (7) 32 SOLRAY 25 J Chapple-Hyam 3-9-7................J Peate (3)
306 (5) 1 SPIRITUAL 17 (H) (D) (S) J & T Gosden 9-2....................... K Shoemark 5 (6) 73L SUNFYRE 127 B Ellison 3-9-7...................... B Robinson (£3,873) 7f 14yds (9)
307 (2) 11L YLANG YLANG 19 (D2BF) (S) A P O Brien (IRE) 9-2.......... R L Moore 3 (7) 1-13 REAL GAIN 19 (BF) R Hughes 3-9-10........................................ F Marsh 1 (8) 521 ZAPPHIRE 48 (D) J Camacho 3-9-10 ... Ryan Sexton (3)
6 (2) 63 NO AW THERE 12 I Jardine 3-9-2 .....................A Mullen
308 (7) 311 ZENJABEELA 27 (D2) R Varian 9-2 ......................................David Egan 4 (5) 8-L1417 ISLAND BANDIT 31 (B) (G) H Main 4-9-7 .................... Gina Mangan (3) 7 (8) L SHOUT TO THE TOP 11 J J Quinn 3-9-2 ....G Sanna (5) 2 (6) LL0 MISTY BLUES 36 (PT) T Easterby 3-9-9 ............ D Allan
Probable SP: 7-4 Shuwari 4 Carla s Way Ylang Ylang 6 Spiritual 5 (4) 137728 MAYSONG 21 (P) (GS) Alice Haynes 6-9-6 ...................... C Howarth (5) 8 (5) 03 WILLOW BABY 11 J Ward 3-9-2 .................... C Beasley 3 (4) 332- MAWADA 374 R Fahey 3-9-7 ........................... Oisin Orr
10 Alshinfarah 12 Zen abeela 16 Carolina Reaper. 6 (1) 91251 CRACK SHOT 31 (G) E Walker 3-9-6 ...................................T Marquand Probable SP: 15-8 Solray 11-4 Moon Flight 7-2 Crown 4 (7) 33L CONCON CANDY 32 (P) A Watson 3-9-7......... L Morris
FAVOURITES: 2 1 3 0 0 2 1 2 0 2 7 (8) 51612L SUDDEN AMBUSH 33 (T) (G) A Balding 3-9-5 ....................... O Murphy Dreams 12 Sunfyre Willow Baby 14 No Aw There. 5 (3) 865 JUST JANET 10 (D) D O Meara 3-9-7..... Jason Watson
2022: Commissioning 2 9 2 (Robert Havlin) 7-2 J & T Gosden drawn (1) 6 (1) 241 ABBEY’S DREAM 28 (P) (C&D2D) A Watson 3-9-6 . H Doyle
8 (9) 31-5763 BODORGAN 48 (C) (S) C Hills 3-9-4 .......................................... W Buick (5) £7,400 added (£3,873)
14 ran. 7 (5) 351 TURQUOISE DIAMOND 18 (D) W Haggas 3-9-4 ..C Fallon
9 (3) 742L84 IN THESE SHOES 43 (GS) C Johnston 3-8-13 ....................... J Fanning 6f (11)
3.35 —AL BASTI EQUIWORLD, DUBAI JOEL STAKES (GROUP 2) ITV4 8 (2) 3L-5 ALEXA’S PRINCESS 16 (D) K R Burke 3-9-4 ..... S Gray
Probable SP: 11-4 Crack Shot 4 Real Gain 9-2 Bodorgan 6 Baltimore Boy 1 (7) 580 BELLAGIO MAN 7 (P) (C&DD) A Brittain 5-10-0 . H Russell 9 (9) 755 CARLTON AND CO 14 (C&D) M & D Easterby 4-9-0
(1) £125,000 added (£70,888) 1m (6) 7 Sudden Ambush 10 In These Shoes 12 Maysong 14 Island Bandit. 2 (11) 421 SUN POWER (5lbex) 10 (V) (CD2) A Brown 6-9-13 R Scott
401 (2) 41-1507 MUTASAABEQ 34 (B) (C&D2C2) (S) C Hills 5-9-9 ................ J Crowley Lewis Chalkley (7)
FAVOURITES: – – – – – – – 2 0 0 (W 9-9). AGES: – – – – – – – 5 5 6 3 (3) 165 FIRST OF MAY 49 (C&DD) J Fanshawe 3-9-12 Oisin Orr Probable SP: 2 Turquoise Diamond 4 Mawada
402 (6) 126311 CHINDIT 9 (D5) (GS) R Hannon 5-9-6 ....................................... P Dobbs 4 (4) 317 ROARING RALPH 42 (B) M Dods 3-9-10 ...... C Beasley
403 (1) 1114- MALJOOM 472 (D2) W Haggas 4-9-6................................... T Marquand 2022: Turntable 6 9 3 (Kaiya Fraser) 11-1 C Wall drawn (6) 9 ran. 11-2 Abbey s Dream 6 Zapphire 10 Concon Candy.
5 (2) 468 GOLDEN DUKE 10 (D3) N Tinkler 4-9-8 .F McManoman
404 (4) 2515-51 MIGHTY ULYSSES 43 (P) (C&DD3) (G) J & T Gosden 4-9-6 . O Murphy
405 (3) 15-4133 REGAL REALITY 20 (D2) (GS) Sir M Stoute 8-9-6................ R L Moore
406 (5) 155015 EPICTETUS 34 (DBF) (GS) J & T Gosden 3-9-2 ...................... L Dettori TRACK FACTS: JACKPOT & PRINCIPAL MEETING. R-H
6 (5) 7L0 HOUGOUMONT 37 (H) (C&DD) J Camacho 3-9-7
Ryan Sexton (3) 8.00 —HANDICAP
1m 5yds (14)
(5) £7,400 added (£3,873)

1 (6) 991 ELDRICKJONES (5lbex) 10 (C) R Fell & S Murray

7 (10) 640 ASADJUMEIRAH 7 (TV) (C&D2D2) A Brittain 5-9-6 . C Hardie
Probable SP: 3 Chindit 7-2 Mutasaabeq 4 Mal oom 9-2 Mighty Ulysses course. GOING: Good to firm-good in places. STALLS: Far side 8 (8) 260 CAPTAIN VALLO 10 (B) (C&DD2) Phillip Makin 5-9-5 4-10-3 J Peate (3)
5 Epictetus 8 Regal Reality. 2 (1) 131 BUSHFIRE 23 (D2) Gemma Tutty 4-9-11 C Hutchinson (3)
FAVOURITES: 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 AGES: 4 5 3 5 3 5 5 3 7 4
course 1m4f centre remainder far side. DRAW ADVANTAGE: S Gray
9 (1) 334 ROSHAMBO 28 (E) (C&DBF) J Camacho 4-9-5 C Fallon 3 (14) 569 KING TRITON 19 (D) G Tuer 5-9-11........... O Stammers
None. Top jockey: William Buick. Top trainer: C Appleby. 4 (5) L62 IRISH FLAME 21 (P) (C&D) M Dods 4-9-11 .. C Beasley
2022: Mutasaabeq 4 9 6 (Jim Crowley) 5-2 C Hills drawn (2) 6 ran. 10 (6) 7-LL UNSUNG HERO 29 (B) H Main 4-9-4....... P J McDonald
Placed in the race last year: 1.50 Crystal Caprice (3rd) 2.25
4.10 —AL BASTI EQUIWORLD, DUBAI BRITISH EBF ‘CONFINED’ MAIDEN 11 (9) 066 POCKET THE PACKET 14 (H) (C&D2D) N Tinkler 3-9-2 5 (13) L61 SHOWMEDEMONEY 28 (PT) (C&DD) I Jardine 4-9-10
STAKES (C & G) (DIV 1) (4) (2-Y-O) £10,000 (£5,400) 7f (9) Peripatetic (2nd) 3.35 Mutasaabeq (1st) 5.55 Turntable (1st). A Jary (7) A Mullen
Probable SP: 5-2 Sun Power 9-2 First Of May 5 Roshambo 6 (12) 61 DREAMROCKER 43 E Walker 3-9-10...... P J McDonald
501 (6) 2 ACCUMULATE 21 R Varian 9-2 .............................................. R L Moore Headgear first time: 1.50 Amanzoe Silver Lady Tarawa 2.25 7 (4) 608 STAR ZINC 16 (D) R Menzies 4-9-9 ...................... G Lee
502 (1) 3 AL SHABAB STORM 17 A Balding 9-2 ............................... R Kingscote 15-2 Asad umeirah 8 Roaring Ralph 12 Pocket The Packet.
Azazat. Longest travellers: Tarawa (1.50) Scarlett O Hara 8 (9) 8L4 TUSCAN 7 (V) D O Meara 4-9-8 .............. Jason Watson
503 (2)
504 (7)
505 (5)
05 BRADMAN 14 C Fellowes 9-2 ................................................... J Mitchell
HONRADO M Bell 9-2 ............................................................... O Murphy
0 KING OF FRANCE 25 G Boughey 9-2..................................... J Crowley
(2.25) Azazat (2.25) Ylang Ylang (3.00) Psalm (4.45) Ireland
Carolina Reaper (3.00) & In These Shoes (5.55) 200 miles. Drop 1
6.30 —HANDICAP (DIV 1)
(£3,245) 7f 14yds (9)
(6) £6,200 added

(8) 690 BLAME THE FARRIER 34 D Thompson 6-9-10 S B Kirrane

9 (3) 151
10 (2) P9L
LADY WORMSLEY 23 (P) (D2) J Fanshawe 3-9-8 P Mulrennan
RISE HALL 23 (V) (D) G Oldroyd 8-9-8 ........... H Russell
11 (7) 613 PLAYUPSKYBLUES 28 (T) (D2) Alice Haynes 3-9-6.. K O’Neill
506 (3) MILETUS C Hills 9-2 ....................................................................... K Stott in Class: 1.50 Astral Beau is down 3 grades on last run (Group 1 2 (1) 880 ANGEL AMADEA 91 (T) R Menzies 5-9-9 . P Mulrennan 12 (10) 807 NATZOR 28 (PT) A Watson 3-9-5 ....................... H Doyle
507 (8) NATIVE WARRIOR K R Burke 9-2 ......................................... D Tudhope 3 (2) 2L0 CORAL REEF 15 (P) A Watson 3-9-6 ................ H Doyle
to Listed) Tarawa (2) 2.25 Novakai (2) 4.10 Zain Blue (2). First 13 (8) 3L1 CUSACK (5lbex) 10 (P) (C&DC2D) D Thompson 5-9-4
508 (9) SYMBOL OF POWER C Appleby 9-2 ......................................... W Buick 4 (5) L8L SEA GIRT 98 (H) I Jardine 3-9-6 ........................A Mullen S B Kirrane
509 (4) 22 ZAIN BLUE 35 J Butler 9-2 .....................................................David Egan run since wind surgery: None today. 5 (9) 410 ELETTARIA 22 (P) (D) J Wainwright 4-9-4 Ryan Sexton (3) 14 (11) 353 CONCERT BOY 23 (P) (C) D O Meara 3-9-3 . B Robinson
Probable SP: 13-8 Accumulate 7-2 Symbol Of Power 4 Zain Blue 6 (7) 735 MERRY SECRET 22 (T) (CD3) A Brittain 5-9-2 C Hardie Probable SP: 9-2 Bushfire 11-2 Eldrick ones 6 Dreamrocker
5 Al Shabab Storm 10 Native Warrior 20 Miletus Honrado. 7 (3) 026 HIGHLAND QUEEN 30 B Smart 4-9-2 .................. G Lee 13-2 Lady Wormsley 8 Showmedemoney Playupskyblues.
FAVOURITES: 0 0 3 0 2 0 1 3 2 1 8 (4) 547 FINAL FRONTIER 32 (D) R Carr 10-9-0 ...... JP Sullivan
2022: Kolsai 2 9 2 (David Egan) 10-11 Fav R Varian drawn (7) 10 ran. 9 (6) 979 PINK SKY AT NIGHT 24 J Coward 4-9-0 Joanna Mason
8.30 —HANDICAP (6) £6,200 added (£3,245)

HOTSPOTS Probable SP: 3 Merry Secret 7-2 Highland Queen 5f (14)

6 Elettaria 13-2 Coral Reef 8 Final Frontier Sea Girt. 1 (9) 701 PHOENIX STAR 18 (P) (C&D2D3) Jessica Macey 7-9-9
Tommie Jakes (7)
TRACK FACTS: L-H Tapeta course. GOING:
Standard. STALLS: Straight centre 1m4f outside.
2 (4) 684 GOWANBUSTER 13 (T) (C&DC2D2) S Corbett 8-9-8 G Lee
3 (11) 816 BASHOLO 34 (D2) Mrs Stella Barclay 4-9-8 Z Wheatley (5)
(Newmarket, 2.25)
CAPTAIN HEATH TRIO DRAW ADVANTAGE: High. Top jockey: Paul Mul- 4 (6) 475 NELLIE FRENCH 176 (T) (C&D2D3) K Scott 6-9-7
rennan. Top trainer: R Fahey. Headgear first time: Ryan Sexton (3)
UK/IRISH COMMENTARY AND RESULTS WEIGHTING GAME NOVAKAI (nap) 4.55 Adamaris Denis Anthony 6.00 Captain Vallo 5 (2) 652 MUMCAT 18 (BF2) J Coward 4-9-7 .........Joanna Mason

09016 09 29 39
6 (13) 424 JOHN KIRKUP 27 (B) (D6BF) D Thompson 8-9-6.. J Peate (3)
ASADJUMEIRAH (Newmarket, 2.25) Unsung Hero 7.00 Climate Change Galton Secret 7 (10) 88L CLASH OF THE ASH 35 T Davidson 3-9-6 ......A Mullen
Joy 7.30 Misty Blues 8.00 Natzor 8.30 Kasino.
(Newcastle, 6.00) MALJOOM (nb) Longest travellers: Pride Of Spain (5.30) Coral
8 (8) 93-0 DALGLISH 32 (H) A Brittain 4-9-4......................C Hardie
FOR RACING TIPS CALL Down 13lb from last (Newmarket, 3.35) Reef (6.30) Abbey s Dream (7.30) Concon Candy
9 (7) 321 BLACKCURRENT 18 (P) (C&D4C2D3) A Brown 7-9-3

09016 09 53 39
Paula Muir (3)
winning mark. (7.30) Dreamrocker (8.00) Natzor (8.00) 284 miles. 10 (3) 847 JOSHUA R 100 (C&D2D) Helen Cuthbert 6-9-3 .JP Sullivan
BURNT FINGERS YLANG YLANG Drop in Class: 4.55 Dark Island is down 2 grades on 11 (12) 027 BIRDIE BOWERS 22 (D2) D Thompson 6-9-3.... D Allan
(Newmarket, 3.00) last run (Class 3 to Class 5) King Of The Plains (3) 12 (5) 027 THE GREY LASS 10 (D) M & D Easterby 4-9-2. L Chalkley (7)
Calls cost 65p per min plus your telephone company’s network access charge. HERECOMESHOGAN 6.00 Bellagio Man (3) Asad umeirah (3) 7.30 Misty 13 (14) L03 TURBO TIGER 66 (B) A Brittain 3-9-1 ............. H Russell
Tipster information updated at 10am daily. SP: Spoke. Help: 0808 272 0808 (Worcester, 2.50) Blues (3) 8.30 Clash Of The Ash (4). First run since 14 (1) 607 KASINO 11 (B) (C) B Smart 3-8-13 ............ A Breslin (3)
wind surgery: 4.55 Easter Island 7.30 Mawada. Probable SP: 4 John Kirkup 9-2 Blackcurrent 5 Mumcat.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 v1
Cricket 71


Division I
Northants v Essex
NORTHAMPTON: Northants (22pts)
beat Essex (3) by inns and 39 runs.
NORTHANTS First Innings 369
KENT First Innings
(Overnight: 345-4)
J Denly lbw b Balderson ............ 136
H Finch b Balderson .................. 44
J Evison b Hartley ....................... 12
A Nijjar c Blatherwick b Bailey ..... 42
N Gilchrist b Balderson ................. 0
M Quinn c Bell b Bailey ................ 22
Y Chahal not out ............................ 5
HE MAY be 36 but the ESSEX First Innings Extras (b16 lb11 nb28) ............ 55
fire burns as fiercely Break point: (Overnight: 125-4)
T Westley c McManus b Procter. 49 Total (135.1 overs) .................. 494
as ever inside Andy Murray loses his P Walter b Taylor ......................... 41 Bowling: Bailey 31.1-6-97-2
A Rossington c Procter b White 19 Williams 17-3-37-0 Blatherwick
Murray. The Scot
obliterated his cool in Beijing S Harmer lbw b Procter .................. 4
U Yadav c Zaib b Keogh .............. 24
10.5-1-62-1 Balderson 21-2-69-4
Morley 30-4-117-2 Wells 8.1-0-47-0
racket in the second EPA S Cook not out ............................. 12
J Porter b Taylor ............................ 0
Hartley 17-6-38-1.
Extras (b2 lb7 w1 nb4) ........... 14 Nottinghamshire
set as he lost to Alex v Middlesex
de Minaur in a Total (74.2 overs) .................... 211
Bowling: Sanderson 19-10-17-3 TRENT BRIDGE: Middlesex with
nailbiting first round White 18-6-55-1 Taylor 18.2-0-82-2 all 2nd-innings wkts in hand are
trailing Notts by 8 runs.
at the China Open. L Procter 18-5-47-3 Keogh 1-0-1-1.
Second Innings MIDDLESEX First Innings 366
The near-three-hour N Browne b Sanderson.................. 0 Second Innings
A Cook c McManus b Sanderson .. 6
epic came down to a T Westley c Broad b White ........... 1
M Stoneman not out ...................... 2
S Robson not out ........................... 8
third-set tiebreak D Lawrence c Gay b Sanderson .... 4
M Critchley c Gay b White ............. 1
Extras ......................................... 0
and the Scot had a P Walter c Zaib b White ............... 73 Total (0 wkts 3 overs) ................ 10
A Rossington b Taylor ................ 4
match point at 6-5. S Harmer b White........................... 6
Bowling: Hutton 2-0-8-0 Ball 1-0-2-0.
NOTTS First Innings
But his Australian U Yadav not out ........................... 11
S Cook c Nair b Keogh................... 0 (Overnight: 92-2)
opponent won three J Porter b White ........................... 11 B Slater c Yadav b Helm ............ 140
Extras (lb2) .................................. 2
points in a row to J Clarke lbw b Yadav ................... 70
M Montgomery st Simpson
complete a 6-3, 5-7, Total (27 overs) ....................... 119
Bowling: Sanderson 7-1-14-3
b De Caires. 52
T Moores c Simpson b Helm........ 0
7-6 win and leave White 11-2-57-5 Taylor 5-1-20-1 L James b Yadav ......................... 19
Murray simmering Keogh 4-0-26-1. C Harrison c Simpson
b Roland-Jones ... 27
(Day 3 of 4 today 10.30am)
with rage. B Hutton c Roland-Jones
Hampshire v Surrey b De Caires......... 26
AGEAS BOWL: Surrey with four J Ball c Robson b De Caires ........ 11
2nd-innings wkts in hand require D Paterson not out ......................... 4
73 runs to beat Hampshire. Extras (lb6 w5 nb16) ............... 27
HAMPSHIRE First Innings 219 Total (107.4 overs) .................. 384
Second Innings Bowling: Bamber 18-4-61-2
(Overnight: 1-0) Roland-Jones 21-2-63-1 Helm 20-2-
T Albert lbw b Worrall .................... 3 64-2 J Yadav 30-5-111-2 De Caires
F Middleton c & b Jacks ................ 9 14.4-1-56-3 Robson 4-0-23-0.
N Gubbins st Foakes b Steel ....... 30
J Vince c Overton b Steel ........... 56 Warwickshire v Somerset
T Prest lbw b Jacks ........................ 9 EDGBASTON: Somerset with
L Dawson c Overton b Steel ........ 34 eight 2nd-innings wkts in hand are
B Brown lbw b Jacks ................... 6 leading Warwickshire by 32 runs.
I Holland c Worrall b Jacks ............ 0
J Fuller b Steel............................... 0 SOMERSET First Innings 215
K Abbott lbw b Jacks ................... 12 Second Innings
Mohammad Abbas not out ............ 0 T Lammonby c Mousley b Barnard 22
Extras (b7 lb2 nb4) .................. 13 S Dickson not out ........................ 36
L Goldsworthy c Burgess b Barnard 8

Surrey go back to back

Total (62.3 overs) .................... 172 A Umeed not out .......................... 20
Bowling: Roach 7-3-7-0 Worrall Extras (nb4) ................................. 4
6-1-10-1 Jacks 25-3-87-5 J Clark 6-
1-19-0 Steel 18.3-3-40-4. Total (2 wkts 31 overs) .............. 90
SURREY First Innings 207 Bowling: Hannon-Dalby 8-1-18-0
Second Innings Rushworth 5-1-8-0 Barnard 7-1-27-2
R Burns b Prest .......................... 27 Miles 6-0-27-0 Briggs 5-2-10-0.
D Sibley c Brown b Dawson........... 2 WARWICKSHIRE First Innings
J Smith lbw b Abbott ...................... 7 (Overnight: 112-3)
B Sudharsan not out.................... 31 A Davies lbw b Brooks ................. 44
B Foakes c Brown b Prest ........... 8 D Mousley c Umeed b Davey ........ 6
W Jacks c Dawson b Fuller.......... 24 E Barnard c Goldsworthy b Davey73
C Steel c Holland b Dawson........... 1
Alec StewArt saw Surrey wrap up By PAUL NEWMAN year. It’s certainly not a question of two J Clark not out................................ 4 M Burgess c Rew b Wagner ........ 3
D Briggs c Lammonby b Wagner. 38
another championship title yesterday titles and that’s it.’ Extras (b5 lb1 nb2) .................... 8
C Miles c Rew b Wagner................ 5
before being given a little family reminder Cricket Correspondent Surrey should be able to dominate for Total (6 wkts 30 overs) ............ 112 O Hannon-Dalby b Gregory........... 5
of how far they still have to go to match some time yet, with their strength in Bowling: Abbas 5-1-11-0 Dawson C Rushworth not out ..................... 8
15-4-46-2 Abbott 3-0-11-1 Prest Extras (b8 lb3 w1 nb14) ......... 26
the greatest of all county sides. victory today, but that will not matter to depth emphasised by them using 19 6-0-32-2 Fuller 1-0-6-1.
Surrey’s second successive title, and Surrey and their director of cricket, players across 14 games having lost so Total (84.1 overs) .................... 273
their third in the last six years, was con- Stewart. the Oval and england legend many to england and the IPl. they will Kent v Lancashire Bowling: Gregory 19.1-5-50-2
CANTERBURY: Lancashire with Davey 17-4-62-3 Wagner 21-7-67-3
firmed when essex were bowled out for is well placed to judge how good this only add to that strength next year when all 2nd-innings wkts in hand are Brooks 13-4-33-2 Goldsworthy
10-1-34-0 Abell 4-0-16-0.
211 by Northants in their forlorn pursuit modern powerhouse of a side are com- Dan lawrence joins from essex. trailing Kent by 41 runs.
of a score of 400 that might have taken pared with the very best teams in their lawrence bid a miserable goodbye to LANCASHIRE First Innings 327 Division II
Second Innings
this one-sided title race to a final day. illustrious history. essex when they were beaten by an L Wells not out ............................. 69
RIVERSIDE: Durham 457-8 dec
Leicestershire 143 and 13-0.
In truth it had been all but decided ‘Dad still goes on about being part of innings yesterday by relegated North- K Jennings not out ..................... 52 CARDIFF: Derbyshire 450-8 dec and
when essex were defeated by Hampshire the team who won it seven times on the ants, while there was also no fitting fare- Extras (b1 lb2 nb2) .................... 5 68-0 Glamorgan 301-5 dec (81.5 overs
Ingram 82 Thomson 4-97).
last week, with Surrey not needing to be trot,’ smiled Stewart of his father Micky’s well for Alastair cook. england’s record Total (0 wkts 37 overs) ............ 126 HOVE: Sussex 202 and 505-7 dec
at anywhere near their best at the Ageas role in the all-conquering Surrey side of runscorer and former captain was dis- Bowling: Quinn 12-6-28-0 Gilchrist
6-2-16-0 Evison 6-1-25-0 Ni ar
(Coles 128) Gloucs 195 and 113-5.
Bowl against the same opponents. the 1950s. ‘we have now won it back to missed for just six in what seems certain 5-0-28-0 Chahal 7-0-26-0 Leaning HEADINGLEY: Worcestershire 389
and 18-2 Yorkshire 262-6 dec.
Hampshire are favourites to wrap up back and we will try to do it again next to be his last innings before retirement. 1-1-0-0.


2.00 Fascinating Lips 2.00
(Josephine Gordon) 33-1 1 Amroon

2.00 —CAVANI.CO.UK THE SARTORIAL SPRINT APPRENTICE 2.35 Stop The Cavalry 2.35 Estelle (O Murphy) 11-2 1 Inisherin 50-1 2 5.50 2.20 1.60. Ex: 15.40. Tf: 5-2F 2 Elliott 11-1 3. 12 ran. (J J
HANDICAP (5) £10,000 added (£5,234) 1m 2f 42yds (6) 3.10 Global Skies 3.10 Avoria Ortelius 7-4F 3. 17 ran. (A Balding). 44.10. CSF: 14.64. Quinn). 11 4 1 2. Tote: 35.30 4.30
3.45 Say Hello 3.45 Due For Luck 31 4. Tote: 7.30 1.80 11.30 Jackpot Not won pool of 5 562.97 1.50 3.20. Ex: 257.80. Tc: 1046.31.
1 (4) L11315 DOGGED 22 (P) (D2) (S) R Menzies 6-10-3 .................Archie Young (3) 1
carried over.
2 (6) 5LLL23 WESTERN STARS 15 J Boyle 4-10-2...........................................M Tabti 4.20 Urban Outlook 4.20 Maxident 1.30. Ex: 355.40. Tf: 1228.00. CSF: Tf: 3307.60. CSF: 119.04. NR: Quiet
4.50 Billy No Mates 4.50 Zillion 274.88. NRs: Brave Call Normandy Placepot 543.10. Q’pot 85.60. Affair.
3 (1) 123-785 FASCINATING LIPS 24 (P) (D2) G L Moore 6-9-13 .... Anna Gibson (3)
4 (5) 244021 BARNEY’S ANGEL 25 (H) (D) (G) I Williams 4-9-11 .............J Leavy (3) 5.25 PEARL EYE (nap) 5.25 Pearl Eye Legend. PONTEFRACT 6.00 SIR TERENCE HADLEY
2.25 STORMY WAVES 2.10 GRANNY B (Laura (G Downing) 18-1 1 Marie Laveau
5 (2) 934 MISTRESS LIGHT 25 W Haggas 3-9-7.............................NON RUNNER NORTHERNER – 4.50 Billy No Mates (nb)
(W Buick) 4-1 1 The Camden Colt Coughlan) 16-1 1 Bla ing Hot 12- 5-4F 2 Knights Affair 18-1 3.
6 (3) 894614 KELLS (5lbex) 5 (PT) (BF) (S) I Jardine 6-9-1 ............................. W Pyle Sonnet Star 8-1 3. 10 ran. (E J-
14-1 2 Lambert 5-2(2ndFav) 3. 8 1 2 Autumn Flight 4-1JtFav 3.
Probable SP: 9-4 Barney s Angel 4 Western Stars 5 Kells 6 Fascinating JOCKEY AND JACKET LIVE HANDICAP (3) Houghton). ns 21 2 dht. Tote: Sir
Lips 7 Dogged. ran. (C Appleby). hd 11 4. Tote: 13 ran. (M Mullineaux). shd nk.
(3-Y-O) £30,000 added (£15,462) 1m 6f (5) 5.00 1.50 3.70 1.30. Ex: 52.00. Tc: Tote: 17.80 4.40 4.30 1.60. Ex: Terence Hadley 19.10 Sir Terence
FAVOURITES: 0 3 0 3 0 0 – 1 2 1 (W 9-9). AGES: 5 5 5 3 3 4 – 3 3 3 1 (4) 13L1 CIRCUIT BREAKER 20 (S) R Beckett 9-9 ................................ H Crouch 275.20. Tc: 965.50. Tf: 2520.80. Hadley 3.60 Marie Laveau 1.20
2022: Cumulonimbus 3 9 13 (M Winn) 11-8 Fav C Fellowes drawn (5) 6 ran. 166.90. Tf: 177.30. CSF: 56.86. NR:
2 (1) 312433 FLOWER OF DUBAI 14 S & E Crisford 9-6............................... H Davies I m Puzzled. CSF: 195.56. NR: Secret Equity. Knights Affair 1.40. Ex: Sir Terence

FILLIES’ STAKES (4) (2-Y-O) £10,000 added (£5,400) 6f (8)
DARK SUN W Haggas 9-2 ................................................... Greg Cheyne
(5) 143 MAXIDENT 35 (S) D F Davis 9-5 ...........................................Rossa Ryan
(3) 4-46451 MILLER SPIRIT (6lbex) 9 (P) (S) G L Moore 9-4 ..................T P Queally
(2) 45141 URBAN OUTLOOK 13 (D) (S) A Balding 9-1 ........................... D Probert
3.00 KINTA (W Buick) 13-2
1 Frankness 5-2F 2 Minnetonka
15-2 2 10 ran. (G Boughey). 1 2
2.45 SALA DA BALLO (Rossa
Ryan) 6-1 1 Kings Merchant 11-1 2
Goldingreatstore 4-1 3. 13 ran. (G
Hadley Marie Laveau 55.50. Tf:
Sir Terence Hadley Marie Laveau
Knights Affair 218.10 Sir Terence
2 (3) 83 DRAMATIC EFFECT 42 E J-Houghton 9-2 .............................. C Bishop Probable SP: 13-8 Circuit Breaker 10-3 Miller Spirit 4 Urban Outlook dht. Tote: Kinta 7.70 Kinta 2.40 Boughey). 21 2 1l. Tote: 7.00 2.20 Hadley Marie Laveau Sonnet Star
3 (8) ESTELLE Miss A Murphy 9-2..................................................... D Probert 5 Flower Of Dubai 7 Maxident. Frankness 1.40 Minnetonka 2.10. 3.40 1.90. Ex: 73.90. Tf: 331.60. 168.30. CSF: Sir Terence Hadley
4 (2) LORDSBRIDGE FLYER J Chapple-Hyam 9-2 .......................... M Ghiani FAVOURITES: 0 1 0 3 2 1 – 1 2 3 (W 8-13). Ex: Kinta Frankness 14.20 Kinta CSF: 69.65. NR: Treasure Time. Marie Laveau 42.12. NR: Lucky
5 (6) 25 MARIE ELLEN 14 M Botti 9-2 ..................................................... H Davies 2022: Double Cherry 3 9 5 (Sean Levey) 6-1 T Ward drawn (9) 10 ran. Minnetonka 29.00. Tc: Kinta 3.20 MAGICO (Rossa Ryan) Protector.
Frankness Minnetonka 63.46 Kinta 2-1(2ndFav) 1 Zayina 6-5F 2 6.30 THE PUG (P J McDonald)
6 (5) SHARROW GRAY J J Quinn 9-2..................................................... J Hart THE FLAT CAP FURLONG HANDICAP (5) £10,000
7 (1) 0 STAR JAMEELA 21 K Ryan 9-2 ...........................................Rossa Ryan Minnetonka Frankness 78.29. Tf: Empire Of Art 3-1 3. 7 ran. (M Botti). 4-1 1 Savvy Brilliance 40-1 2
added (£5,234) 1m 6f (7) Kinta Frankness Minnetonka 86.70
2 4l. Tote: 3.00 1.40 1.30. Ex: 5.00. Bay Of Naples 7-1 3. 13 ran.
8 (4) STOP THE CAVALRY R Beckett 9-2 ........................................ H Crouch 1 (3) 3-74032 BILLY NO MATES 55 (C&D2BF) (S) M Dods 7-9-9 ........... C Rodrigue Kinta Minnetonka Frankness 96.90. Tf: 8.00. CSF: 4.61. NR: Triple Force. (S Kirk). 1l 3 4. Tote: 5.00 1.90
Probable SP: 11-4 Dramatic Effect 3 Marie Ellen 4 Dark Sun 11-2 Stop The 2 (4) 4412-52 BLACK KALANISI 35 (P) (G) I Williams 10-9-8 ......................... B Curtis 3.55 CHRISZOFF (Rossa
Cavalry 10 Sharrow Gray Lordsbridge Flyer 12 Estelle. CSF: Kinta Frankness 11.29 Kinta 13.00 2.10. Ex: 178.00. Tc:
3 (6) 23L-56L CALDWELL 21 (PT) L Russell 6-9-4 ............................................... J Hart Minnetonka 26.53. NR: Executive Ryan) 5-1 1 Baryshnikov 20-1 2 1109.02. Tf: 1185.30. CSF: 164.28.
FAVOURITES: 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 4 (1) 21-0445 V TWELVE 90 (S) M Todhunter 4-9-2 ..........................................D Nolan Theoryofeverything 4-1(2ndFav) 3.
Decision. NR: Hashtagmetoo.
2022: Couplet 2 9 2 (Pat Cosgrave) 12-1 Harry Eustace drawn (12) 13 ran. 5 (5) 4 32464 LUCKY’S DREAM 29 (T) (G) B Brookhouse 8-8-13 ............Rossa Ryan 7 ran. (A Watson). nk 3 4. Tote: 6.20
3.35 ALYANAABI (J Crowley) 7.00 SNIPER’S EYE (J P

3.10 —LEE
£9,999 added (£5,399) 6f (9)
293 APPELLANT 21 (P) C Fellowes 9-2 ...................................... C Shepherd
(2) 537133 DAARIS 30 (B) (D) K Frost 4-8-10..........................................L Edmunds
(7) 6-74112 ZILLION 13 (S) Mrs S Gardner 9-8-8............................... Mia Nicholls (7)
Probable SP: 9-4 Billy No Mates 4 Lucky s Dream 9-2 Zillion 5 Daaris
4-1 1 Boiling Point 12-1 2
Eben Shaddad 10-3(2ndFav) 3.
12 ran. (Owen Burrows). shd 21 4.
3.10 7.20. Ex: 82.40. Tf: 524.30.
CSF: 90.71.
Spencer) 8-11F 1 Raqeebb
3-1(2ndFav) 2 Running Star 22-1 3.
10 ran. (D M Simcock). 3 4 13 4. Tote:
2 (4) 42 AVORIAZ 28 A Balding 9-2 ........................................................ D Probert 8 V Twelve Black Kalanisi 14 Caldwell. Tote: 5.00 1.80 3.10 1.70. Ex: Gray) 2-1F 1 Invincible Aura 7-2 1.73 1.10 1.20 4.00. Ex: 3.70.
3 (9) 05 BURY LANE 21 E Bethell 9-2 ............................................... C Rodrigue FAVOURITES: – – – – – – – – – 1 (W 9-4). AGES: – – – – – – – – – 7 57.80. Tc: 183.13. Tf: 232.50. CSF: 2 Free Nation 11-1 3. 8 ran. (K R Tf: 27.80. CSF: 3.04. NR: Roman
4 (2) 97 DARK DREAMER 10 R Cowell 9-2 ............................................ M Ghiani 2022: Pentland Hills 7 9 4 (Sean Levey) 11-4 Fav N Henderson drawn (1) 14 ran. 50.62. NRs: Soldier s Gold Who Burke). 2 3l. Tote: 3.00 1.20 1.50
Said Go. 2.90. Ex: 10.60. Tc: 62.03. Tf: 75.60. 7.30 WAR DEFENDER
5 (1) 220223 FUSTERLANDIA 7 (V) D F Davis 9-2 ...................................Rossa Ryan MAJESTIC MENSWEAR MILE HANDICAP (3)
6 (5) 43 GLOBAL SKIES 9 (H) B Brookhouse 9-2 .................................. H Davies 4.10 TRAWLERMAN (L Dettori) CSF: 9.90. NR: Whoop Whoop. (D Allan) 10-3JtFav 1 Enola Grey
£25,000 added (£12,885) 7f 212yds (8) 1-5F 1 Island Brave 25-1 2 3 ran. 5.05 BALTIC (C Rodriguez) 5-1 11-1 2 Meng Tian 20-1 3. 12 ran.
7 (6) KING STREET D Loughnane 9-2 ..................................... Laura Pearson 1 (5) 162405 LIAMARTY DREAMS 27 (CD) (G) K R Burke 4-10-0 ............... S James 1 Dashing Panther 2-1F 2 Rogue
8 (8) 532407 LAND LOVER 14 (P) Craig Lidster 9-2 ...................................... S James (J & T Gosden). 18l. Tote: 1.20 (T Easterby). 1 2 3l. Tote: 4.34 1.60
2 (4) 057-L29 RHYTHM N ROCK 20 (D) (S) J Butler 5-9-13..................... Dylan Hogan Ex: 4.20. Tf: 3.90. CSF: 5.57. NR: Tornado 11-4(2ndFav) 3. 10 ran. 3.40 5.00. Ex: 42.60. Tc: 649.41. Tf:
9 (3) MOSWAAT R Varian 9-2 ....................................................NON RUNNER 3 (3) 1-36324 SHAHBAZ 50 (V) (S) C Fellowes 3-9-9................................. C Shepherd (H & R Charlton). nk shd. Tote:
Probable SP: 9-4 Fusterlandia 7-2 Avoriaz 4 Global Skies 6 Others. Enemy. 606.30. CSF: 41.89.
4 (2) 781655 YOUNG FIRE 3 (V) (C&DC3D3) (S) D O Meara 8-9-8 ................D Nolan 4.45 DIVINA GRACE 6.10 1.90 1.40 1.40. Ex: 20.40. Tc: 8.00 LIGHT UP OUR STARS (K
FAVOURITES: 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 2 2 5 (1) 810700 HARSWELL DUKE 16 (D3) (S) R Fell & S Murray 5-9-8............... J Hart 33.81. Tf: 79.20. CSF: 15.70.
2022: Kerdos 2 9 2 (John Fahy) 16-5 C Cox drawn (6) 12 ran. (C Shepherd) 18-1 1 Crystal Delight O Neill) 7-2(2ndFav) 1 One For The
6 (8) 15-82L3 CONSERVATIONIST 54 (C&D) (S) C Cox 3-9-7 ..........................J Fahy 8-1 2 Splendent 14-1 3. 9 ran. 5.40 MILBANKE (Ryan Sexton) Frog 16-1 2 Masterpainter 18-1

£20,000 added (£10,800) 5f (5)
(2) 174455 HALA EMARAATY 20 (D2) (GS) Alice Haynes 9-9 ............ C Rodrigue
(6) 213112 PEARL EYE 14 (P) (C&D3D) (GS) Darryll Holland 3-9-7........... B Curtis
(7) 3-8L431 BECCARA ROSE 21 (D) C Fellowes 3-9-0 ............................... H Davies
Probable SP: 4 Beccara Rose 9-2 Pearl Eye 5 Liamarty Dreams 11-2 Young
(R Guest). 1l 2 2. Tote: 22.10 4.40

2.50 3.10. Ex: 211.80. Tc: 2078.11.

Tf: 2936.20. CSF: 152.58.
5-2F 1 Emily Post 4-1 2 King’s
Crown 14-1 3. 8 ran. (J Camacho).
shd 11 2. Tote: 3.50 1.20 1.60
3. 10 ran. (S Dixon). nk 23 4. Tote:
4.50 1.60 4.00 4.80. Ex: 58.90.
Tc: 894.62. Tf: 829.20. CSF: 58.76.
2 (3) 30612L SAY HELLO 24 (B) (S) R Beckett 9-3 ...................................Rossa Ryan Fire 6 Shahbaz Conservationist 7 Rhythm N Rock 20 Harswell Duke. 5.18 RANGER THUNDERBOLT 4.30. Ex: 12.90. Tc: 119.41. Tf: NRs: Al Tarfa Mr Trick.
3 (5) 112 DUE FOR LUCK 13 (D2BF) J J Quinn 9-1 ..................................... J Hart FAVOURITES: 0 0 1 0 1 3 – 0 2 0 (W 9-4). AGES: 4 6 3 4 3 5 – 4 3 4 (K Stott) 5-1 1 Victoria Falls 13-2 148.50. CSF: 13.51. NR: Shandy 8.30 DANCE TIME (Laura
4 (1) 94511 HEDGE FUND 15 (D) W Muir & C Grassick 8-10 ..................L Edmunds 2022: Helm Rock 4 9 10 (D E Hogan) 8-1 D & C Kubler drawn (3) 14 ran. 2 Double Time 4-1F 3. 12 ran. Star.
Placepot 195.60. Q’pot 11.10. Pearson) 33-1 1 Turner Girl 7-1
5 (4) 3212 CURIOUS ROVER 24 (DBF) K Scott 8-7 ................................. W Pyle (5) (R Brisland). 1 2 1 2. Tote: 6.00 2.30 2 Eloped 11-5(2ndFav) 3. 6 ran.
Probable SP: 2 Due For Luck 5-2 Hedge Fund 4 Curious Rover 5 Say Hello DRAW ADVANTAGE: High in sprints. Top jockey: Hector Crouch. 2.30 1.90. Ex: 41.80. Tc: 147.26. SOUTHWELL (D Loughnane). 3 4 2l. Tote: 34.00
7 Hala Emaraaty. Top trainer: W Haggas. Headgear first time: 2.00 Fascinating Lips Tf: 148.20. CSF: 37.45. NRs: Trais 5.00 PAPA RICCO (D Keenan) 10.70 3.00. Ex: 167.30. Tf: 466.50.
FAVOURITES: 1 0 1 0 0 3 – 3 3 1 (W 9-1). 3.10 Appellant Fusterlandia Land Lover. Longest traveller: Caldwell Fluors Ventura Rascal. 14-1 1 Lord Torranaga 11-4F 2 CSF: 228.21. NR: Glencalvie.
2022: Rogue Spirit 2 9 0 (Connor Planas) 7-4 Fav Tom Clover drawn (3) 7 ran. (4.50) 239 miles. Drop in Class: 2.35 Marie Ellen is down 2 grades on 5.53 FIRST OFFICER (David Vienna Girl 9-1 3. 12 ran. (S P C Placepot 170.50. Q’pot 11.20.
Egan) 9-2 1 The City’s Phantom Woods). shd 2l. Tote: 16.70 4.60
TRACK FACTS: L-H course. GOING: Soft-heavy in places. last run (Class 2 to Class 4) Star Jameela (2) 3.45 Hala Emaraaty (2) 9-4JtFav 2 Promoter 9-2 3. 5 ran. 1.40 3.30. Ex: 72.50. Tc: 381.03. Tf: PERTH: Abandoned due
STALLS: 5f 6f & 1m2f centre 1m & 1m6f inside. 4.50 Zillion (3). First run since wind surgery: None today. (J Chapple-Hyam). 1 2 13 4. Tote: 823.20. CSF: 51.52. to Unsafe ground
72 Rugby Union V1 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Wallaby woe is no
laughing matter

I AM really enjoying this
World Cup. There have ENGLAND qualified for the

I’m serious... rivals may enjoy demise

already been plenty of highs World Cup quarter-finals last
and lows — and it’s only going night, with Japan’s victory
to get better. Here are my here meaning Steve

but rugby needs a strong Aussie team

tournament talking points from Borthwick’s side will finish
the action we’ve seen so far… top of Pool D.
Michael Leitch scored two
NO TRUE RUGBY FAN tries for the rejuvenated
SHOULD BE CELEBRATING Brave Blossoms, who now
face a showdown with
AUSTRALIA STRUGGLES Argentina in Nantes a week
IT HAS been alarming to see a
great rugby country like Australia Humiliation: on Sunday to decide which
struggle so badly, even while Australia of them reaches the last
acknowledging how brilliant Fiji lock Pone eight along with England,
and Wales were in confirming who take on Samoa the
their obvious decline. Fa’amausili previous night in Lille.
The Wallabies are two-time after the The Pacific islanders will be
winners and have never been thrashing by without wing Ben Lam, who
knocked out before the was sent off for an ugly
quarter-finals. But after two Wales and
losses, eddie Jones’s men are set (below) the head-on-head tackle.
On this evidence, an English
to go out at the pool stage this underfire clean sweep in the first
weekend. If Fiji beat Georgia,
their exit will be confirmed. Many Eddie Jones stage is all but assured.
english supporters might revel GETTY IMAGES Samoa have plenty of
in one of their rivals being in physicality, a solid scrum
disarray, but not me. For rugby to and the dexterous brilliance
thrive as a global sport, it needs a of Theo McFarland in their
strong Australia.
Going out in the pool stage
armoury, but they should
should not happen to leading eading not have sufficient
countries. It seems clear Austral- creativity, pace and kicking
ian rugby has a lot of structural pedigree to upset England.
problems. I couldn’t believe ieve In contrast, Japan appear
their boss Hamish McLennan nan to be regaining lost fluency
said after the Wales loss thatat as they chase a likely
Australia can and will still ll quarter-final clash with
attract players from rugby y Wales in Marseille.
league. I’m not sure that’s
the answer. CHRIS FOY
Jason robinson is the
only player I can think
of who has had global
success transferring from SUBSCRIBER
league to union. Thatt
includes all the Australian n
converts. did they really lly
make a difference?
Bringing players in from league Jonathan McEvoy’s Pole
is not the best way to fix
tralia. In fact, the opposite
x Aus-
site is
Position column go to...
needed. They should be looking
at their own pathway systems
and how they develop players of
their own to get back to being World Cup, we would have more
one of rugby’s leading nations. games like that.
television could be another huge IS IT TIME WE HAD A chances to progress, but I’m not Teams such as england and
TERRESTRIAL TV IS own goal. It would be another sure how much they learned from Ireland should still play against
nail in the game’s coffin. TWO-TIER WORLD CUP? losing 96-0 and 71-0 to France and so - called weaker nations to
CRUCIAL TO SUCCESS When you work in rugby day in, I’Ve seen lots of people say rugby england respectively. grow the sport overall, but I’m
OF WORLD CUP day out, you can think it’s the should be looking to expand the We want competitive games not sure doing it at a World Cup is
I APPreCIATe I’m biased biggest sport in the world. In World Cup from 20 to 24 teams at the highest level and, if you beneficial to them.
because I’m working for ITV reality, it’s not. Having the World to grow the game in developing speak to more casual rugby fans, In my view, england should
at this World Cup, but I was Cup on ITV widens the game’s nations. Of course, it is vital the they don’t understand why such have an ‘A’ side who play far more
surprised to hear comments from audience and makes it accessible sport does that. one-sided games are happening. regularly against the likes of Chile
the senior leadership at World to as many people as possible. But I’m not sure putting more In football, it’s different. Upsets in autumn and summer Tests and
rugby that they would consider It’s the same with the Six teams into the World Cup is the do happen. Teams can win 1-0 not just every four years.
taking their biggest tournament Nations. I’m not privy to answer, not unless you split the against all the odds. Crowds are turning up in
to paid-for television. the finances, but sometimes tournament in two. You could I have been impressed with big numbers to watch these
Why say that in the middle decisions have to be about more have an ‘A’ World Cup and a ‘B’ Georgia, Portugal and Uruguay mismatches, which is a great
of the competition? Why not than the money. This is one of World Cup — call it whatever at this tournament. Georgia’s credit to the French fans. But
wait until the end? World rugby them. Maybe a joint bid from ITV you will. draw with Portugal was a fantas- that will just not happen four
should be very careful. Taking the and the BBC would work to keep It’s crucial that teams such tic game. So too was Uruguay years from now in Australia,
World Cup away from terrestrial it away from pay-to-view. as Namibia and Chile are given against Namibia. In a two-tier where rugby is not as popular.


THe Premier League may move THE need for closer
MATT HUGHES their lucrative pre-season
tournament back to Asia next year
cooperation between the
Premier League and Women’s
despite hosting a successful Summer
Series in the United States ahead of
this campaign. The top flight’s US
Super League is illustrated by
Brighton’s fixtures next
JeSSe LINGArd’S unsuccessful weekend, with the club’s women’s
trial at West Ham cost the club rights holders NBC are understood
thousands of pounds as they covered to have expressed concerns about a and men’s teams kicking off at
his living and travel expenses while clash between the Summer Series noon and 2pm respectively on
he was training with the squad. and the Olympics, which the October 8. While both games are
As well as putting Lingard up in a THE Saudi Pro League are broadcaster regard as their priority. at home, the 20-mile journey
hotel for several weeks, West Ham offering tax-free salaries of The clash could see the Premier between Broadfield Stadium in
are understood to have arranged £330,000 to European referees, League revive the Asia Trophy, Crawley and the Amex means it
transport for the former england more than three times higher than which was held on a biennial basis
from 2003 to 2019, when it took place will be impossible for fans of the
winger, as he was given a six-month the wages paid to top officials in club to attend both fixtures. The
driving ban earlier this summer after in Shanghai. China are unlikely to be
the Premier League. Polish considered as hosts due to FA want the Premier League to
pleading guilty to failing to name the referee Szymon Marciniak and
driver of his car when it was caught worsening diplomatic relations in run the WSL from next season,
speeding last year. Spain’s Antonio Mateu Lahoz (left) recent years, leaving the Premier which should improve matters.
Lingard spent around six weeks are both understood to have League with limited options, while But, as Mail Sport revealed this
training with West Ham before flying rejected offers to move this year, their plans for 2025 are also up in month, the clubs are yet to agree
to Saudi Arabia for trials with Steve but more approaches are the air due to a clash with the to pay the competition’s
Gerrard’s club Al ettifaq. expected before next season. Club World Cup in the US.
£25million running costs.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023
Football 73

Hayes collects
the WSL trophy have to learn about the differ-
by KATHRYN again after ences in the women’s game. As
Chelsea’s win at
BATTE Reading in May
women, we’re not small men.’
Hayes surrounds herself with
Women’s Football GETTY IMAGES people she can trust. Reddy and

Green have been imperative to
her success. Hayes says she and
Green are ‘wired differently’. ‘I’ll
MMA HAYES tell him I want to get to the
knew some- moon, he’ll tell me the rocket
thing was not isn’t built yet.’
right. The Chel- Reddy has been with
Chelsea since 2020 but her
sea manager relationship with Hayes dates
had learned to cope but back to their days at Chicago
she could not hide her Red Stars in 2010. In Kill the
pain any longer. Her body Unicorn, Hayes reveals she
was fired in a Starbucks. She
had stopped fighting. called Reddy, her assistant, to
As she stood in the tunnel at break the news and told her
Prenton Park ahead of her team’s she must take the manager’s job
first game of last season against if she was offered it. A few hours
Liverpool, Hayes confessed to later, Reddy picked Hayes up, her
opposite number Matt Beard: car full of stuff. She had quit on
‘I don’t want to go out there.’ the spot and cleared her desk in
Beard organised for a bed to be what Hayes describes as ‘an act
put in a private room so Hayes of profound loyalty’.
could rest. Somehow, she found When you are wanted by Hayes,
the strength to manage her team it is hard to say no. ‘You immedi-
through that match. ately fall in love with her and her
In her own words, Hayes, 46, mentality,’ new signing Catarina
spent the entire second half Macario tells Mail Sport.
knowing Chelsea needed a goal ‘She’s a very passionate individ-
but doing nothing about it. ‘All I ual. She has tough love with her
could think was, “I’m going to players which is something that
lose more than this game if I’m brings out the best in you. But
not careful”.’

Guardiola of the
she’ll also give you praise, the
Two days later, Hayes told her little things when it’s needed.’
players she needed an emergency There have been challenges. In
hysterectomy and would require March last year, Chelsea’s owner
time off. Roman Abramovich was sanc-
After the five-and-a-half-hour tioned by the UK Government as
operation, Hayes was told she part of the response to Russia’s
would probably have had a heart invasion of Ukraine. Hayes’s team

women’s game
attack, fuelled by stress, within had to play West Ham live on Sky
five years if she had continued to Sports later that day.
struggle on in ‘survival mode’. Her book explains: ‘The players’
Hayes missed six matches. response as they assembled
General manager Paul Green and
assistant Denise Reddy took the
reins and won every game. In 11
years as Chelsea boss, Hayes SUNDAY’S WSL
has built a machine that keeps
running, no matter who is at

Emma Hayes is the trailblazing

the wheel. A VILLA v MAN UTD (12.30pm)
The story of her emergency
hysterectomy — complicated by
chronic endometriosis — is one

manager who’s turned Chelsea ARSENAL v LIVERPOOL (2pm)

of many details in Hayes’s
audiobook, Kill the Unicorn,
which gives a fascinating insight BRISTOL C v LEICESTER (2pm)
into her management and
leadership style.
The title is derived from the
concept of a head coach
being seen as a ‘magical
h or leader
al creature
into a trophy-winning machine WEST HAM v MAN CITY (3pm)
CHELSEA v SPURS (5.30pm)
able to solve any for that night’s game was
problem’. ‘She knew I’d lost my mum dur- understandably direct, “What the
Hayes says: ‘We’ve iing the time I was with her, she f*** is going on?”
got to kill the unicorn. llooked after me,’ Telford says. ‘My message to the squad was,
All leaders make poor ‘It’s a winning environment but “I know this is a s*** situation.
decisions at some point iit’s very human. The girls have Stand tall. Don’t be ashamed.
in their careers because h
huge respect for her.’ You have a fanbase, families, a
they are human. None Hayes shows her team motiva- badge to play for”.’ Chelsea
of us have a crystal ball. ttional videos and gives them won 4-1.
Perhaps it’s best not to b
books to read. There are psycho- When Chelsea co-owner Todd
believe the hype.’ llogical methods, too. Hayes Boehly visited Hayes at her home,
There is hype around rrecalls making her players wear she was impressed by his vision,
Hayes because of how w A
Arsenal shirts in training — she but he was not going to get an
successful she has been n h
had to do something ‘stark’ to
— a tally of 14 trophies easy ride. Boehly stayed for three
eradicate the inferiority complex hours and left with four separate
since 2012 has drawn n after the Gunners had won their
comparisons with seriall presentations on his laptop.
ninth successive title in 2012. The question Hayes has become
winner Pep Guardiola,, Sir Alex Ferguson is one source
manager of Manchesterr tired of answering is whether she
of inspiration and has become a will work in the men’s game.
City. On Sunday Hayes’ss sounding board for advice. Yet
team begin the defence e tthere are some things she cannot ‘Could I do it? Without a shadow
of their Women’s Superr p
pick his brains about. ‘As a of a doubt,’ Hayes says. ‘Would I
League title for a fifth h w
woman, I have different chal- do it? That depends on the nature
season running. She e llenges,’ Hayes says. ‘I can’t ring of the opportunity.’
is one of the greatestt Sir Alex up and ask him how he She has had offers, a Champion-
managers this country y deals with his players’ periods.’ ship club and a lower league side.
has ever produced. Blue is the colour: Eriksson and Bright (second from right) lift the WSL Hayes’s passion for developing Neither were right.
What makes Hayes trophy beside their Chelsea team-mates and club staff GETTY IMAGES expertise around women’s bodies The day will come when Hayes
tick? Family is one com- led Chelsea to become the first moves on, whether it be to a new
ponent. In 2017, Hayes became a part of her football journey and it was thinking, “This is going to club to use a specialist tracking role in the women’s game, the
mother to Harry, who she says will be an emotional moment be cool to be a part of”... except app to tailor training around men’s game or retirement — but
has made her a better coach. But when she steps out at Stamford I was one of those players players’ menstrual cycles while it is hard to imagine. Chelsea is
her early managerial traits were Bridge on Sunday for her first she released (in December 2013). monitoring the links between Emma Hayes as much as Emma
developed during childhood. Her game without him. That was my first taste of hormonal changes and injury. Hayes is Chelsea.
upbringing was built around When Hayes arrived at Chelsea Emma’s brutality.’ It is no coincidence none of their ‘You’ll find me tomorrow in
hard work. in 2012, players were part-time Telford, 36, now the club’s com- players has suffered an ACL north London on a park bench
When Hayes had finished her and Carly Telford was captain. mercial player and relationships injury since 2017. Speaking at a with a bottle of gin,’ Hayes said
A-levels she worked for her father, They were only allowed into the manager, returned to Chelsea FIFA convention this summer, after her side had clinched last
Sid, and would get up at 5am men’s training ground before 7am four years later and went on to Hayes explained that members of season’s WSL title.
each day to make 500 baguettes and after 7pm. win nine trophies with Hayes. staff who come from the men’s She can understand why people
and sausage rolls for his business ‘She came in with all these ‘We always stayed on good game do not have any interaction find her relatable. ‘I’ve never tried
in Covent Garden. She was taught amazing ideas and grand plans,’ terms. She took me under her with her players until at least six to be anything or anyone I’m not,’
to never take anything for Telford tells Mail Sport. ‘She said, wing and developed me as a weeks, until they have ‘removed Hayes says. ‘At heart, I’m still the
granted. Hayes’s father died “We’re going to release a lot of player and a person.’ But Hayes their own biases’. ‘They need to girl from the Curnock Street
earlier this month. He was a huge players. Change up, shake up”. I sees her players as people first. learn about women’s bodies, they estate in Camden.’
74 Football Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

FA ban may
delay James

ReeCe JAMes’s return from
injury is set to be delayed by an
FA ban. The Chelsea captain
and england defender, 23, who
is nearing full fitness following a

hamstring issue, has been

accused of confronting referee
Jarred Gillett in the stamford
Bridge tunnel after sunday’s 1-0
defeat by Aston Villa.
Chelsea’s legal department will
today finalise their response to
the FA ahead of this afternoon’s
deadline, but James is expected
to accept the charge.
The case is considered
‘non-standard’ by the governing

Iconic West Ham crest body, meaning there is no

pre-determined sanction
offered with the charge. Instead,

back at Upton Park after 3

a regulatory commission
hearing will convene, regardless
of how James responds, to

fans recover lost emblem 2

determine any punishment. It is
unlikely the commission will
meet before the Blues’ trip to

Fulham on Monday.
hose entering the EXCLUSIVE It would suit Chelsea for the
Bobby Moore stand case to be heard as soon as
By KIERAN GILL possible, because that raises
at Upton Park used the prospect of James serving
to peer up at their any ban while he is still injured.
new home, the London stadium.
marvellous emblem supporters are being invited to James has been out since
as they clanked through come and indulge in some nostal- Chelsea’s opening-day draw
turnstiles 52 to 56. Now gia if they can navigate their way NOW: ON FITNESS with Liverpool but there is
growing hope he will be able to
they can marvel at it again, there amid the train strike.
CLUB OPPOSITE THE rejoin full training within the
after the old West ham club Tony Carr — West ham’s former next 10 days.
academy director who helped Rio
crest was rescued, restored Ferdinand, Joe Cole, Frank Lam- OLD UPTON PARK SAMI MOKBEL
and returned to e13. pard, Declan Rice and many more
Sign up: the emblem on the
The 10ft by 8ft crest was feared
lost after the demolition of Upton
find their feet in football — will be
among those present. old Bobby Moore Stand (1); FSG SELL LIVERPOOL
Park in 2016 until, by chance, it
was discovered gathering dust in
supporters’ group hammers
United, who boast a 20,000 mem-
being touched up (2); and at
its new fitness club home (3) STAKE TO USA FIRM
a storage unit in Greenhithe, bership, led the fight to reclaim LIVERPOOL’S owners Fenway
Dartford, Kent in 2021. It cost the crest, but their chair Paul
£8,750 to prise from its owner, refurbished the crest. Garry Jewell made a friend on that
Sports Group have agreed to
Colborne stresses this was only
with the money raised by fans achieved by the fanbase coming hutchinson processed planning cruise and was later invited to sell a minority stake in the
who wanted to keep it in the West together as one. It took countless applications. Ben and Jason of come and see what they had in club to American investors
ham family amid interest from an volunteers, not least sean Burke, Durrant Removals collected it. storage. how it came into this Dynasty Equity.
overseas buyer. who restored the badge to its sanjai Patel initially stored it and person’s ownership instead of the The New York-based firm’s
It will now adorn the side of the former glory without charge at steve Lowley has produced com- club’s is not known. stake is understood to be
old supporters’ Club in Castle his workshop. memorative T-shirts. All in their ‘We wrote to the club explaining worth in the region of
street — currently occupied by ‘It was the West ham fans who own time and free of charge. an important part of West ham £80-£160million and does not
UK Fitness Club and opposite put their hands in their pockets ‘We have to thank the WhU had been found and asked did
where the Bobby Moore stand they want it? We hoped they
give Dynasty any say in the
and made this happen,’ says supporters’ Club for their
once stood — after an additional support, too. And, of course, none would buy it,’ Colborne says. day-to-day running of the club.
Colborne, a hammers supporter
cost of £164 for planning permis- of more than 50 years who used of it would have happened but for ‘They replied saying it wasn’t The deal has been struck to
sion and £1,860 for installation. to have a season ticket in the Terry Jewell and a chance encoun- possible. so the fans raised the pay down debts accumulated
Beneath the badge will be a Bobby Moore stand. ter on a cruise!’ money instead. since the pandemic, such as
plaque which reads: ‘The Boleyn ‘Many gave their services and That is how the crest was ‘Now, it’s going to stand about building a new training facility
Ground may be gone but this gen- time. sean and his team fully discovered. As Colborne explains, 40 yards from where it originally in Kirkby, Anfield’s renovation
eration will never forget and future was. You could fall out of the and covering the last transfer
generations will always know that supporters’ Club and straight

this was once the beloved home The big debate: Is Szoboszlai into the turnstiles of Upton Park,
window. ‘Our long-term
of West ham United.’ that’s how close it now is to its commitment to Liverpool
the new Gerrard at Anfield?
An official unveiling is set for spiritual home. We must look to remains as strong as ever,’ said
noon tomorrow before West ham FSG president Mike Gordon.
take on sheffield United at their MAILPLUS.CO.UK the future now, but also never
forget our past.’ DOMINIC KING
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023
The host of our IT’S ALL KICKING OFF podcast...



T Winning is a
WHEN I was a young
HE best thing reporter on the
about going for a Nottingham Evening Post, I
run is that you was tasked with developing
can’t lose. You a relationship with Notts

habit so why do
always feel better County manager Colin
at the end than you did at Murphy. Murphy was one of
the start. It’s one of the few football’s most idiosyncratic
things it has going for it. characters. He used to write
Football is not like that, though. his own programme notes —
It is results-driven. No matter which didn’t always make
what they tell us, winning and sense — and gave me the run

clubs write off

losing is what it’s about. And around in my early days in
when you come out on the wrong this profession.
side, it makes you want to hide But Murphy was a deep and
under the bed. innovative thinker about
Which makes me wonder why, in football and left his indelible
weeks like this, some managers
seem to sacrifice their teams’ mark across our landscape

cups so readily?
chances so willingly. at clubs such as Lincoln,
Rob Edwards won’t admit this, Derby, Hull, Stockport and
of course. The Luton manager Southend.
said after his team lost at Exeter After he left Notts County, he
City of League One in the wrote to me and wished me
Carabao Cup on Tuesday that well in my career. Such
he had wanted to ‘go deep’ in kindness is rare and I still
the competition.
But he made 10 changes for the have the note.
game. He played his second string Murphy died aged 79 earlier
and they lost. Go deep? Really?
Back in business: Dominic this month. His was a life in
Not that this is the point. Not Calvert-Lewin scores again football well-lived.
this time. No, the point today is for Everton at Villa REUTERS
about winning and what it does
and how it makes you feel ahead attached. He is a bright bloke, in his first book that the sheer
of the next game which, for Luton, Edwards, and has earned the weight of games at the back
is against Everton at Goodison right to live or die by his own end of their 1999 Treble season
Park tomorrow. decision. But even so, 10 changes? actually helped Manchester
Everton have also struggled That seems excessive. United over the line.
this season in the Premier League Everton manager Sean dyche His players simply forgot how to
and haven’t picked up a point or made five of his own for the lose, he said.
scored a goal at home. So this game at Villa. But dyche has There will be examples to the
game could well be close. a deeper squad and in key contrary, of course. Certainly I
But Everton, having won positions — like in goal and across wonder whether qualification for
in the league at Brentford the back four — Everton were the Europa League — as deserved
last Saturday evening, have just about unchanged. as it is — will help Brighton in
subsequently won at Aston Villa This is a conversation we have the Premier League this season.
in the cup. There is a video of every year. So many clubs do it. Going from Thursday to Sunday
their supporters celebrating in They are prepared to write off so many times is never easy.
the away section at Villa Park. the Carabao Cup and indeed the But Luton’s need is more real
They are, frankly, going wild. FA Cup in exchange for improved and it’s here and now. If they
So those fans will take that prospects in their respective don’t start winning in the Premier
feeling and that sense of recovery leagues. Whether there is League soon it will be too late.
and momentum into tomorrow’s statistical evidence that it works They will be cut adrift. So they
game. So will Everton’s players is another point entirely. need victories — they need a lift
and in particular forward dominic Anecdotally, I have heard — and they need it soon.
Calvert-Lewin, who has now Luton — one goal in open zone’ where overload threatens managers testify to the opposite. Burnley are down with the dead
scored two in two. Premier League play all season — to turn into injuries. Edwards has When Nigel Clough’s Sheffield men, too. They won 4-0 at Salford
He will feel as though he is on a will feel flat. And Edwards, in a small squad and cannot afford United were progressing to the on Tuesday having made 11
roll and so will his team. It’s only part, will be to blame. that. semi-final of the FA Cup in 2014, changes. So Vincent Kompany is
two games but that doesn’t There is mitigation, for sure. He will also have his own years his team managed to climb from on the same page as Edwards. So
matter. Sometimes it doesn’t take Edwards will have a team of in the game telling him players the League One relegation places are many others.
much to transform a mood and sports scientists at Kenilworth need rest and need to be kept up to 11th. But the detail is that Edwards
lift a season. Road who would have been fresh, and that any game against Clough stated that the feeling of is the one who has been caught
I don’t know about you but I telling him his first-team players a lower-league team looking to winning in cup games rubbed out and who knows what the
fancy Everton tomorrow. They needed a rest, that some of them make a point and leave its mark off on his players in the league. ramifications may be tomorrow
will be feeling good whereas are in danger of entering the ‘red comes with a risk of injury Equally, Sir Alex Ferguson wrote afternoon and beyond.


Manchester City out of the Carabao Cup
on Wednesday night but a snippet of the play
AARON RAMSdALE’S the 1980s. But there is an dURING his time at Tottenham Antonio Conte
selection for Arsenal’s Carabao important distinction here. told a truer story. banned tomato ketchup from the training
Cup tie at Brentford on Greenwood made his decision Chased across the pitch and then subjected to ground and it was hailed as a masterstroke as his
Wednesday confirmed his new out of weakness. He couldn’t a thumping but fair tackle by Anthony Gordon, team won some early games. Too much sugar,
and diminished status as the decide between two world-class City midfielder Mateo Kovacic climbed back to you see.
club’s No 2 goalkeeper. david goalkeepers so he fudged it, his feet with a smile on his face. Under Ange Postecoglou, we hear it’s back on
Raya will continue in the confusing England’s defence Kovacic — hardly a dancefloor wallflower — the table in the players’ canteen. This version of
Premier League. and jeopardising his team’s knew what everybody else knew, namely that Tottenham are also winning games.
I have seen it discussed chances of success. City were in a game. So what this tells us is that some of the fine
elsewhere that Arsenal manager Arteta, on the other hand, has margins our modern coaches talk about don’t
Mikel Arteta may alternate made his decision to demote If more clubs approached City matches with really matter at all. What really matters is the
Ramsdale and Raya the way last season’s No 1 and that has the attitude Newcastle showed, they may not coaching and the football.
England manager Ron taken great strength. What he stroll to the Premier League title quite so Tottenham are on the march and on the sauce.
Greenwood did with Peter has not been strong enough to comfortably this year. Look back through time and you will find we
Shilton and Ray Clemence in do just yet is admit it. have been here before.

Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023


Captain Sensible versus

Luke and Zach ditch the THREE
Seve-style emotion and KEY HOLES
put faith in ‘nerd herd’

L 9
uke DonalD
and Zach Johnson, RYDER CUP
the respective
europe and Oliver
uSa Ryder Cup Holt PAR 5
captains, have spoken often
this week without saying Chief Sports Writer 587
much. That is not a in Rome
criticism. In fact, it is meant
Sutton’s captaincy went downhill
as a compliment. from there.
It is just their style. Johnson has Sutton — nickname Halimony —

the air of a man terrified that he
spent the weekend riding around
might say something interesting
in public. Donald exudes the in his golf buggy wearing a cowboy
contentment of a man who knows hat. His decision to pair Tiger
that will never happen. Woods with Phil Mickelson, for
They are determined this Ryder both the morning and afternoon
sessions on the first day, has gone
Cup will not be about them but
their players. Centre stage is not down as one of the worst moves in
Ryder Cup history. europe romped
their natural habitat. ‘I don’t think
you need loud voices,’ Donald said to a record away victory.
Four years later, nick Faldo
on Tuesday morning. ‘Sometimes,
words don’t need to be said.’ proved that great players do not
necessarily make great captains.
at a competition where the
preamble is dedicated to shows of once again, the die seemed to be
conspicuous consumption and cast at the opening Ceremony
meretricious wealth and where when Faldo made a speech that 13
the motto ought to be ‘More is betrayed a lack of thought and
More’, Donald’s dedication to preparation. Big hit:
minimalism of expression makes He referred to Soren Hansen as Rahm gets
for a welcome contrast. Soren Stenson, got confused
about whether Graeme McDowell to grips
and amid the excess, Johnson’s
relentless Iowan modesty feels came from northern Ireland or the with the
like a beautiful antidote to the Republic and cracked a series of course
loudness that is all around. awkward jokes that fell flat. yesterday PA
‘even I have never heard of me,’ When his projected pairings were
Johnson said after he won the captured on his notebook by a
Masters in 2007. ‘My boring, mun- photographer, earlier in the
dane, diligent kind of golf works build-up, Faldo claimed they were
sometimes. Boring works. I like to a sandwich order.
Soren Hansen’s name wrong,

TIED Margin of victory A GOOD start is key. Since
Corey Pavin went one better by
forgetting to introduce Stewart 1 2002 3 pts 1979, only four of the 21
Cink altogether ahead of the uSa’s 2004 9 Ryder Cups have seen a

team overturn a deficit going
defeat at Celtic Manor in 2010.
Tom Watson, the uS captain in USA EUROPE 2006
5 into the final-day singles.
2014, was ripped to shreds by
9 PLAYED 11 2010 1
victory to a Mickelson at the post-competition

2012 1 USA have only won two
press conference at Gleneagles as 21 2014 5 foursome sessions in the
they sat on the same dais.
manic degree and if there was one captain who
inspired by force of personality,
it was Seve Ballesteros, who
2021 10
last seven Ryder Cups in
Europe (2002 and 2010).
micro-managed europe’s famous
30 ........... Average age .............30

play what I call a-motional golf. 4 ................Debutants .................4 US win Europe win THE visiting team
emotion doesn’t grab me much.’ victory at Valderrama to a manic
13 ... Average world ranking....30
So this will be the Ryder Cup
where the Quiet american and his
english counterpart take the reins.
degree and gave the impression
that he was perilously close to
seizing a club from his players at
15 ............. Majors won................9
17 ........Ryder Cups played ....... 21
PS USA haven’t won back-
to-back Cups since 1993,
also their last away win. 11 of
includes six of the world’s
top 10 and no players
ranked over 25th. Five
Their captaincies, their distrust of any given moment and taking a 69 ......Ryder Cup matches .......87 the 24 players competing in members of Team Europe are
the spotlight, their obsessive shot himself. 68 .......RC average win % ........40 Italy weren’t even born then! ranked 33rd or lower.
attention to detail and their It is interesting that the image of
shared reserve will be a fascinat- Ballesteros, the epitome of pas-
ing alternative to the obligatory sion and charisma, is everywhere

abandon that has become such a in the european team room at the Sutton’s meticulous nemesis at
feature of the event. Marco Simone Golf and Country oakland Hills. It was no surprise
There have been previous edi- Club. His image will be the last that both Johnson, who has
tions of the Ryder Cup dominated thing the players see before they spoken often of how he is bolstered
by the character of the captains walk out to play, next to a sign by his religious faith, and Donald
but this is not going to be another saying ‘Forever in our hearts’. delivered humble, considered, THE RYDER CUP is giving every
one. at some Ryder Cups, the ‘Seve is our ultimate symbol of intelligent opening Ceremony impression of loving Italy — but
captains have been the leading what makes a european player speeches yesterday. no gaffes and whether that feeling is
men, not necessarily to the benefit great,’ Donald said in his video no premonitions of impending reciprocated is far more open
of their teams. tour of the team room that was doom for one side or the other. to question.
at the 2004 event at oakland released on social media earlier in Johnson even strayed from that
a-motional approach briefly when For the host nation, not unlike
Hills, just outside Detroit, many the week. ‘His spirit and his enthu-
were convinced the uSa were siasm and his soul will be with us he seemed to be on the brink of Paris five years ago, it is a case
walking into a disaster even before all the way. Forever in our hearts.’ tears as he paid tribute to his of playing host to other
a ball had been struck, as soon as But if Ballesteros is revered by childhood golf coach, who is here nationalities, and to walk the
they heard Hal Sutton Jnr’s Donald as a player, he and John- in Italy. course is to be struck by the
speech at the opening Ceremony. son will take a very different Donald scored an early win for conspicuous lack of locals.
The uS captain thanked his approach to the Spaniard as cap- diplomacy by delivering the The DP Tour were being distinctly
fourth wife, ashley, who was tains. Their leadership will be less opening lines of his speech in coy this week about the exact
sitting nearby, for bearing him about emotion and more about Italian and thanking his caddies.
three children. ashley managed the ‘nerd herd’ of analysts that now, at least, the talking can Making his point: a USA fan breakdown of fans at the Marco
a rictus smile and held up four help to inform their decisions. stop, the action can begin and the enjoys himself in Rome — Simone Club, but well-informed
fingers, to remind him of the Their style will be less Balles- two quiet men of the 44th Ryder where American spectators sources have told Mail Sport
number of kids they actually had. teros, more Bernhard langer, Hal Cup can vacate centre stage. outnumber the locals AFP the percentage of tickets sold
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023


the Quiet American

Risky Safe

The second longest hole on the course but it mamay

9 well feel like the toughest, thanks to a gradu
uph ill climb. Boomers may try to make it in two, althoug
uphill although
i bunkers will need to be avoided. A well-protected
green may encourage some to lay up with their secon second
and pick their spot with a wedge.


The prettiest hole on a beauty pageant of a course may only be a short par
three, but it could well end in heartache thanks to a beast of a green. A large
knoll features in the middle of the dancefloor and there is little room for error.
Expect three putts for those who hit the wrong part of the green.

16 352
Risk and reward. Do you lay up on a
generous fairway or do you take
on a pond and three bunkers and
go for the green, 66 feet below the
tee? Expect plenty of the latter in
the four-balls, where you would
expect half of those
involved to go for 16 In the
it. One of the swing:
beauties of Koepka
team golf.
tees off in


while the locals appear more of the three highest-placed Federation (FIG) are footballers here, and not as
RYDER CUP like reserved onlookers. Italians in the men’s rankings, nonetheless hoping that the recognisable as the top tennis
The problem for the host nation although these days Francesco event will create enough of a players, for example,’ said an
Mike Dickson in Rome — although clearly not leads the way with the modest buzz to increase their figure of FIG spokesperson. ‘Francesco
perceived as an issue in winning listing of 185. 94,000 registered golfers. did become very popular after
the bid — is that golf is around At least the mistake of Paris in They are trying to combat the what he achieved in 2018
within Italy has amounted to the 15th most popular sport in 2018 has not been repeated, perception of the sport being (winning the Open at Carnoustie
barely 10 per cent. The only this country. when nobody from France was elitist. Italy would also like to be and five points at the Ryder
official word is that the five Moreover, the strongholds of involved with Team Europe. The seen more as a golf destination Cup), while Costantino Rocca
nations most highly represented the game are much further Molinaris are both vice-captains to help grow the number of (1995 Open runner-up) was big
in spectator numbers are the north, around Turin and Milan. here but, strangely, have kept a courses although, as one because he was the first.
UK, the US, Ireland, Germany These cities have a far higher low profile this week. industry figure pointed out, in ‘We are trying very hard to
and Italy, and it is probably in concentration of Italy’s 229 Neither Francesco nor stats this they are up against the change the image of golf in Italy
that order. A bumper turnout 18-hole courses, and certainly guru Edoardo have been front hugely developed southern and we are currently running a
from the US sees their fans more than Rome. and centre, which will not have Europe markets of Spain and large project of putting golf in
contriving any which way to Turin is home to the Molinari done much to entice quizzical Portugal. ‘Golfers are obviously schools, which we think will
exhibit the Stars and Stripes, brothers, who still make up two locals to tune in. The Italian Golf not as recognisable as make a long-term difference.’
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

HOW IT ALL 6.35am 6.50am
THERE are 28 points available
over the next three days,
one for each match.
As holders, the USA only
need a tie to retain the
trophy. Europe need 14.5
points to win outright and
regain the Ryder Cup.

FOURSOMES (from 6.35am)
Four matches. Each team has
one ball and pairs play JON RAHM & VIKTOR HOVLAND
alternate shots. The lowest TYRRELL HATTON & LUDVIG ABERG
score wins the hole. If they
tie, the hole is halved. Match
winners take one point. If it
is drawn they take half each.
FOURBALLS (from 11.25am)
Four matches. Each player
has their own ball and the SCOTTIE MAX HOMA
lowest score counts. The SCHEFFLER & & BRIAN
lowest score wins the hole. SAM BURNS HARMAN
If they tie, the hole is halved.
Match winners take one
point. If it is drawn they take
half each.

MATCHES (from 6.35am)
(from 11.25am)

(from 10.35am)
All 12 players from each side
feature. Match winners take
one point. If it is drawn they BRILLIANT match-up. Scheffler is world No 1, Burns DONALD has gone with an all-Scandinavian pair,
take half each. is the reigning champion of the WGC Match Play and unleashing fearless prodigy Aberg alongside
TV: LIVE on Sky Sports from they are close friends. Up against them are the Hovland, the world No 3. Harman, the Open
6am today and tomorrow, most fiery men on either side. Rahm and Hatton champion, is a monstrously good putter, which is
9am Sunday. Highlights: have played together only once before in the Cup worth its weight in gold, but Hovland and Aberg is
BBC2 at 8.30pm today and but are likely to thrive in this environment. the most exciting partnership of the session.
tomorrow, 7.30pm on Sunday

Syrup, singing and
schmaltz... now it’s
in Rome

FTER all the

time for the swinging

pomp, all the
ceremony, all the
syrup, speeches,
schmaltz and
singing, finally we get to
the swinging.
The 44th Ryder Cup will com-
mence at Marco Simone Golf and
Country Club this morning, bring-
ing an end to the preamble of fluff job in the previous hour up on the before they hit the balls is bo****ks. Jon Rahm and Tyrrell Hatton, two Scheffler, the world No 1, and his
and guff and heralding a start to stage. He had mostly said the right What counts is what comes now, men who could burn down a closest friend on the team, Sam
what matters — the actual sport. things, mostly thanked the right when the meaningful examina- rainforest with their tempers and Burns, the winner of the WGC
Glorious, wonderful sport. people, wobbled with emotion in tions begin. language. If we are to evoke the Match Play in March.
For Zach Johnson, that cannot mostly the right places and then It is truly a fascinating show- film Gladiator, and to borrow from No one strikes a ball like Schef-
come a moment too soon, because he got away from the mic as fast as down, enlivened by a compelling a superb headline this week, fler; no one among the game’s elite
it is hard to imagine a chap less his legs would carry him. set of match-ups for the opening Donald has made a call to ‘Unleash has blown so many putts, either,
fond of the glare and silliness of It was fine, if we care for such foursomes and the broader f****** hell’. which will possibly favour Europe
these occasions. business. context of US travel sickness — No environment rewards passion if Hatton and Rahm gel.
By 5.30pm local time yesterday But Luke Donald was smoother, they have not won away since 1993 quite like the Ryder Cup, but of They have played together only
evening, so after he had endured more assured. He had remem- but they are marginal favourites course that can go either way. once before — a half point against
the formalities of a stage-mounted bered to thank the caddies — the against a European team in Will they thrive or fall when they Scheffler and Bryson DeCham-
address to a large audience, bridesmaids? — and Johnson transition. step on to that first tee, sur- beau two years ago — but Rahm is
Johnson was shuffling around with had not. In response, Donald — never the rounded by a towering and spec- an all-round magician, the
his tie loosened and lopsided, his He also spoke in Italian, which most cavalier in an excellent play- tacular ‘Coliseum’ stand that will Masters champion, and Hatton is
face flushed with fatigue. He car- drew local approval, and Johnson ing career — has rolled the dice rock with 4,000 screaming fans? a very fine iron player and putter.
ried the look of a groom staggering had not done that either. The easy with his four pairings and the A tough question to answer, and In this alternate-shot format,
towards the end of a particularly gag is that Europe are one up, but order of their deployment. tougher still when you consider there is technical logic to go with
stressful wedding. that would fit with the truism of a The first of those is utterly com- who Johnson has sent out to get the tub-thumping.
He had done a reasonable enough Ryder Cup week — everything pelling, for Donald has gone with red on the board early: Scottie Donald said: ‘I think Jon feeds
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

Diar y
7.05am 7.20am


WHILE the threads may have cost a

fortune, the reds did not.
On Wednesday night, WAGs in their
finest dresses and their
suited-and-booted other halves
RORY McILROY headed to a rooftop terrace at
SHANE LOWRY & TOMMY Terme di Caracalla for the
glamourous Ryder Cup Gala Dinner.
& SEPP STRAKA FLEETWOOD However, a menu obtained by
Diary (below) reveals Europe and
the United States’ stars and their
partners were served £12.99 bottles
of wine at the swanky shindig.
Diners were offered a choice of a
Villa Antinori Tuscan red or white of
RICKIE XANDER 2020 vintage, along with a
FOWLER SCHAUFFELE similarly priced 2022 Puglia rose.
& COLLIN & PATRICK All retail at around £12.99 online.
MORIKAWA CANTLAY Moet & Chandon was also available
for the
For dinner,
guests were
treated to a
calamari and
starter with
olives, capers
and a red
before a main off bbeeff fill
with Barolo reduction and
snow peas. Vegetarian options
were available.
Desserts were from the Federico
FOLK have doubted Lowry, who is fired up here CANTLAY and Schauffele are a brilliant team. Prodon Patisserie.
with a point to prove. Alongside him, Straka is a They won both their foursomes matches in 2021, An exclusive show from Georgia
superb driver, which will help greatly on this including the demolition of McIlroy and Ian Poulter. singer-songwriter Phillip Phillips
capped off the night before
course. Fowler has had a great season of McIlroy and Fleetwood will mesh well — the driving coaches transported those
restoration and partners one of the best iron distances of McIlroy and Fleetwood’s approaches is involved back to their hotels.
players in golf — a tough match. rich with potential.
MORE organisational issues. For the
PREDICTION: USA PREDICTION: USA first time yesterday serious crowd
numbers descended on the Marco
Simone Golf & Country Club,
arriving on buses — only to then

Fearless dozen will write

off a playing partner with similar session. Of course, most eyeballs endure a walk of around a mile to
kind of fire and passion — he wants might be on the group behind, enter the venue.
to feel like he’s out there with a because that brings with it the Officials have designed a somewhat
team-mate that’s really engaged question of Rory McIlroy. convoluted route, and a number of
angry punters confronted staff in

own history, says Donald

with him. Tyrrell really fits He cried at Whistling Straits
that bill.’ after bombing with one point from yellow bibs to ask the entirely
Donald’s second gamble is also four, but he has been a ball of rational question of why they
his most exciting — he has gone intense energy this week. He goes could not just walk in a straight
line to the entrance.
with the kid. At 23, Ludvig Aberg out with Tommy Fleetwood, the
With temperatures of 30°C expected
is a phenomenon. Amid all the ‘flusher’ as Donald calls him, and Donald has sat out Justin Rose,
hype, it is worth remembering less they are an extremely good fit. From Back Page throughout the weekend and a large
than four months have passed But they face the understated Matt Fitzpatrick, Robert number of elderly spectators, it is to
deployed Rory McIlroy and MacIntyre and Nicolai be hoped common sense prevails.
since he was an amateur, but here monsters of the US — Patrick Can-
he is, alongside the world No 4, tlay and Xander Schauffele. If the Tommy Fleetwood in the Hojgaard, though later
Viktor Hovland, and taking on road to success in the Cup is built anchor slot against Patrick confirmed they would each THE choice of Europe captain at the
Max Homa and the Open cham- on proven pairings, then there are Cantlay and Xander Schauffele, feature in today’s fourballs. next Ryder Cup is already causing
pion, Brian Harman. few opponents more intimidating said: ‘Jon feeds off a playing Asked if he was deploying 12 head-scratching. The emergence of
The latter, the ‘Butcher of — they won both their foursomes partner with similar fire and ‘gladiators’ in Rome, Donald LIV has narrowed the pool
Hoylake’, is possibly the best matches at Whistling Straits, passion — he wants to feel he’s said: ‘They’re very fearless. considerably, with the likes of Ian
putter in the field, but Hovland’s including the hiding given to out there with a team-mate The atmosphere in the team Poulter, Lee Westwood and Sergio
game, supplemented by his vastly McIlroy and Ian Poulter. that’s really engaged with Garcia out of contention having
improved play around the greens It would be a brave soul who bets
room is fantastic. I couldn’t be
him. Tyrrell fits that bill.’ more excited and happy for signed up for the breakaway
this year, is arguably the most against them, but it would also be
complete of the 24 in Rome. an immense statement if McIlroy Donald has also taken an these 12 guys to go out and competition.
It is a great duel and Aberg’s and Fleetwood take them down. exciting punt on 23-year-old write their own history.’ Insiders believe that, should
presence is a key component — he McIlroy said: ‘I feel like this is as Swedish phenomenon Ludvig If there was a surprise from he oversee victory here, Luke
has a tee-to-green game that is excited and as ready a group as Aberg, pairing him with Viktor Zach Johnson’s selections, it Donald will be a very strong
perfect for these pinched I’ve been a part of. Hovland in the second match came from his decision not to candidate to retain the position at
fairways. ‘We know the task at hand. It’s a just four months after he use the successful pairing of Bethpage Black in New York two
Europe might be considered really strong American team, and turned professional. They face Jordan Spieth and Justin years from now.
slight favourites for each of those they have a lot of really tough Max Homa and the Open Thomas in the first session.
two opening matches, but Rickie partnerships. We’re going up WHILE there may well be a mood
Fowler and Collin Morikawa — the against one of them tomorrow in champion Brian Harman, with He has also benched Brooks
change when the serious action
former a picture of resurgence, the Xander and Patrick.’ Aberg’s fellow rookie Sepp Koepka, whose name was starts this morning, it has been
latter a two-time major winner After all the pageantry and filler Straka going out alongside booed by parts of a typically all smiles so far on the chipping and
with laser accuracy from the fair- of the past week, it is the sort of Shane Lowry against Rickie partisan crowd at the opening putting greens at Marco Simone.
way — would seem to have a theo- clash on which the Cup has built Fowler and Collin Morikawa. ceremony yesterday evening. Both sides have happily shared the
retical edge on Shane Lowry and its reputation. practice areas, swapping jokes and
the rookie, Sepp Straka. Lowry’s The sort that might make all good wishes.
form has at least picked up follow-
ing the difficulties of this year and
those public speaking engage-
ments worthwhile for Johnson. SUBSCRIBER For our brilliant retro
Ryder Cup pictures go to
At one point Jon Rahm walked in
front of a Scottie Scheffler chip, with

Straka is excellent off the tee, but The sort Donald might well need the ball rebounding off the
that is a tough draw. The point
they contest could well swing the
to win if Europe are to avoid being
reduced to ruins in Rome. MAILPLUS.CO.UK Spaniard’s basket. ‘That was going
in!’ laughed the American.
80 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

It’s All
f !
LISTEN NOW to our unmissable new podcast

wants cap of

60 games to
cut injuries
PAGES 76-79

Europe eye explosive VINCENT KOMPANY has
proposed a radical plan to

start as volcanic duo tackle injuries in football by

capping the number of games
a player can play in a season.

lead the charge Almost 100 Premier League

stars are either out of the
weekend’s fixtures or battling
to prove their fitness and
top-flight managers are
exasperated by the constantly
expanding schedule.
Kompany, whose final years
as Manchester City’s captain
were plagued by muscle
problems, believes players
should have an upper limit of
appearances per season to
curb the issues.
‘For the players at the top,
who have to play for their
national teams and in all of
these other competitions, it
By RIATH AL-SAMARRAI in Rome should be capped within a
season,’ the Burnley boss
LUKE DONALD will unleash ‘fire’ on said. ‘Put a number on it… 60
the USA this morning by sending out the or 65 games.
hot-tempered pairing of Jon Rahm and ‘They still have to work hard,
but 60 games takes a little bit
Tyrrell Hatton to get the 44th Ryder Cup away. It would put the
underway in Rome. pressure more on coaches
The European captain has gambled on putting
two of golf’s most volcanic temperaments together and national teams to
in the opening foursomes clash against world No 1 come to a common-sense

Scottie Scheffler and Sam Burns. Donald, who has calendar.’
No player worldwide
TURN TO PAGE 79, COL 3 featured more for club and
country last season than
Manchester United’s Bruno
Suited and booted: Team Europe, led by Tommy Fleetwood (second from right), look sharp at yesterday’s opening ceremony GETTY IMAGES Fernandes, who appeared a
staggering 70 times. Thirteen

Premier League and EFL agree joint TV deal

players made 65 or more
appearances, while 55 hit the
60-game mark.
Kompany’s former City boss
THE Premier League are set to
reach a historic deal with the EFL
EXCLUSIVE rights to begin in 2028. The
landmark deal ends a protracted
excludes parachute payments.
The agreement to sell overseas
Pep Guardiola has repeatedly
claimed that the authorities
to sell their television rights By MATT HUGHES stand-off with the Premier League TV rights collectively should are ‘killing’ players.
together for the first time. over funding. The 14.75 per cent ensure the funding of EFL clubs The Champions League is
In a proposal from the Premier pooled media rights from next share is expected to more than rises in line with that of the
League presented to clubs season and an £88million bonus double the £130m solidarity Premier League. The agreement expanding next year, while
yesterday, the EFL will also payment this season, with payments the Premier League could be extended to include there will be a larger Club
receive 14.75 per cent of their collective selling of overseas provide to the EFL, a figure which domestic TV deals in the future. World Cup from 2025.



ACROSS 20 With difficulty (2,1,4) 6 Writing desk (6)

1 Baking utensil (4,3) 21 Cashier (6) 11 Ensnare or
9 770307 757457

7 Something heard 22 Underground enmesh (8)

or overheard (6) cell (7) 12 Attack with
8 Advance showing vigour and
of a film (7) DOWN persistence (7)
9 Snooker rods (4) 1 Turn turtle (7) 13 Cooperate or
10 Skye, say (4) 2 Prepare to contribute (5,2)
12 Rear (5,2) pray (5) 15 Muffle (6)
14 Issue (7) 3 Group of three (4) 17 A bright blue
16 Small pointed 4 Recently brought colour (5)
missile (4) into the world (7) 19 Gain for the reward
18 Brother of Abel (4) 5 Scorpion, say (8) of hard work (4)
THURSDAY’S SOLUTION (NO 9,593) – ACROSS: 1 Red squirrel. 7 Eden. 8 Enliven. When you have
finished with
9 Gnu. 10 Trope. 11 Athens. 13 Assist. 16 Cloth. 18 Lea. 19 Atlanta. 20 Raid. this newspaper
21 Comfortable. DOWN: 1 Redact. 2 Dangle. 3 Queues. 4 Inlet. 5 Ravioli. please recycle it
6 Lenient. 11 Archaic. 12 Hoodlum. 13 At last. 14 Scarab. 15 Supine. 17 Hen do.
SOLUTION TOMORROW Tel: 0044 (0)330 100 0601
© Associated Newspapers Ltd. 2023
The Mail is published by ANL, 9 Derry Street, London W8 5HY No. 39,618

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Number is missing sign into
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details to help.
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 V1 Page 39


FILL in all the squares in the grid so that each row, column and each of the
3x3 squares contains all the digits from 1 to 9. SOLUTIONS ON MONDAY

REVEAL the three shaded
squares for your chance
to win £500. HOW TO
ENTER: Call 0901 292
5009 and leave today’s
three-number answer
(reading left to right)
and your details. Or text
SUDOKU to 65700 with
your answer and name.
Texts and calls cost £1
plus standard network
charges. One weekly
winner chosen from all
correct entries received
between 00.01 Monday
and 23.59 Friday.
Answers change daily at
00.01. UK residents aged
18+, excl NI. Full terms
Difficulty rating Difficulty rating apply, see Page 58.


1 2
3 DOWN 4 5
YOU have ten minutes

6 7 8
6 A sans-serif typeface
with a contemporary
1 Prestwick and Campbeltown are
examples of these in Scotland (8)
to find as many
words as possible G L
using the letters
look designed in 1982 (5)
7 To undo the fastenings
2 Edward, Elizabethan
theatre actor who in the wheel. B N
from a garment (8) founded Dulwich College (6) Each word must E
10 11 10 Michael, composer
noted for his oratorio
A Child Of Our Time (7)
3 Nationality of Ange Postecoglou
appointed Tottenham Hotspur
FC manager in 2023 (10)
use the hub
letter and at least I U
12 13
11 Younger canteen
worker played
4 To assist someone to
commit a crime (4)
three others, and
letters may be used I G
by Maxine Peake 5 An edible, burrowing mollusc only once. You can’t
in Dinnerladies (7) with a strong ribbed shell (6) use plurals, foreign words or proper
12 A small moon of 6 Season in which the nouns. Verbs ending in ‘s’ permitted.
Uranus that is noted Christian festival of
14 15 16 for its canyons (7) Michaelmas is celebrated (6)
Clue for today’s nine-letter word: Sneaky
13 A room in a college 8 A washing machine Ben caught Luigi weirdly by Gateshead.
17 18 where food is kept and with two separate RATING: 15 words, average; 20, good;
sold to students (7) top-loading drums (4-3) 25, very good; 30 or more, excellent.
19 20 21 22 14 Country in the 9 ____ Hennessey, lead character SOLUTION TOMORROW
Middle East whose played by Polly James in the
de facto ruler is Crown sitcom The Liver Birds (5)

23 24 25
Prince Mohammed
bin Salman (5,6)
19 ____ Water, utility
13 Character played by Melissa
Rauch who married Howard
in The Big Bang Theory (10)
company set up in 15 A mythical animal represented
1989 and headquartered as a horse with a single horn
in Huntingdon (7) in its forehead (7)
26 27 21 An alloy of mercury with
another metal used for
16 Roman emperor played by
Brian Blessed in I, Claudius (8)
dental fillings (7) 17 ____ and Joan, proverbial phrase
23 Arthur, the British
prime minister who
for a married couple living
in mutual devotion (5)
6 4
PLAY our accumulator game! For your chance to win a Cross ballpoint succeeded his uncle 18 ____ Middleditch, one of
pen, solve the crossword to reveal the letter in the pink circle. If you have Lord Salisbury in 1902 (7) the teddy bear experts
been playing since Monday, you should now have a five-letter word. To 25 Ralph, writer noted for on The Repair Shop (6)
enter, call 0901 133 4423 and leave your answer and details. Or text 65700
with the word FIVE and your answer and name.
his novel Invisible Man
published in 1952 (7)
20 Ravi, villain played by Aaron
Thiara in EastEnders (6) 5 2
TEXTS and calls cost 50p plus standard network charges. One winner chosen 26 Informal term for 22 To claim or assert something
from all correct entries received between 00.01 today and 23.59 this Sunday.
UK residents aged 18+ excl NI. Full terms apply, see Page 58.
exceptionally good (5-3)
27 A sweet, creamy, yellow
without proof (6)
24 A number that, when 3
cow’s milk cheese from multiplied by itself, gives
WRITE YOUR LETTERS The Netherlands (5) a specified number (4) PUT 1-6 once in each row, column, diagonal
(highlighted to form an X) and horizontal
Page 40 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

11 10 17
17 4 31 7

ALL the solutions read 12 A FILL in the blank

squares of the grid

clockwise around their
numbers. The solution using only the 7 17 4
numbers 1 to 9,
to clue number 1 starts
7 4
from the given letter. without repeating any 7 7
number in any line of 7 32 20
1. Adjusts blank squares. The 12 4 9
2. Aimless lines must be filled in
9 3
3. Polecat with numbers which 11 12 16
4. Plaster add up to the total in 4
5. Determine the shaded box at the 8 3 17
6. Frozen spike
top or beginning of 12
7. Maggots
8. Revs 8 each line. A number
23 16
in the bottom half
9. Even
10. Sluggish 7 of a shaded box gives

a downwards total;
11. Decree 16 24
12. Standing in the top half, it’s
a horizontal total. 11 11

MASTERQUIZ 4. Two adults and six children
were recently saved from
a stranded cable car after
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Pitcherwits — the
exciting puzzle where PITCHERWITS
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Gerardus Mercator live? solutions to the visual
5. Who is currently featured or call 020 3176 2937.
2. What Sanskrit word, on the obverse of the U.S. clues fit into the shaded

Free UK delivery on

literally meaning ‘seat’, ten-dollar bill? spaces on the grid. 6

orders over £25.



refers to the posture that SOLUTION ON MONDAY


6. Which German composer


is adopted by a yogi or yogini? wrote the operas Cardillac 1a. Not a Copernican 8a. Elect ones of an
view to get the overt disposition (4,3) 1 2 3 4 5
3. The Bank of England is and Mathis Der Maler? cornice repaired! (10)
informally known as the


LAY tracks to 14a. Parishioner maybe who 18a. Mistakenly, we enrolled

8 9 10
enable the rose out of a bend? (7) a full time bad guy! (4-2-4)
train to travel
from village A 11 12
to village B.
The numbers
indicate how
many sections of
rail go in each 13
row and column.
There are only 3d. Cuts into sections the 5d. Carriages to rob
spa built on a curve (6,2) Castile of its culture (10) 14 15
straight rails and
curved rails. The
track cannot 16 17
cross itself.

6d. Shattering way to 9d. Newts on a mission 18

3. Which TV cook might
take out the bends (10) to find the cutter (5,3)
1. The number of visitors to 4. Which is the odd one out:
Javanese Jungle, Chilean ACROSS 13 Zealous, but not as DOWN 9 Picture Clue
the railway museum on 1 Picture Clue perhaps, a blackbird 2 Drain that’s pebble- 10 ‘Champagne’ that’s
consecutive days was 107, Desert, Russian Blue,
Tanzanian Red Claw? 7 Swollen root lookalike (5) dashed (3) all fizzled out (4)
227, 311 and 278. If, after the resulting from 14 Picture Clue 3 Picture Clue 12 Bit naive to hold
fifth day, the average number 5. Rearrange the letter brute force (5) 16 Garment in which to 4 Breathe easily in, you back against (4)
of visitors per day was 235, groups to make three 8 Picture Clue avoid the issue? (5) ancient one! (4) 15 Lion-speak, right in
how many people visited the ballet terms: QUE REC 11 Quickly, it could be 18 Picture Clue 5 Picture Clue front of the rower (4)
museum on the fifth day? OUE BES ENT ARA TTE HAT PIR.
just one step (5) 6 Picture Clue 17 Chilled out, but unwell (3)
2. What connects wire,
lane and lets? SOLUTION: PULLOUT BACK PAGE YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION — ACROSS: 1 Refutations. 5 Grant. 7 Tonga. 9 Car seat. 11 Ash. 12 Ace. 13 Weed out. 16 As yet. 17 Tidal.
18 Nobel Prizes. DOWN: 1 Right as rain. 2 Tutor. 3 Title. 4 Stag beetles. 6 Archway. 8 Notated. 10 Sad. 14 Extol. 15 Outer.

KILLER 14 7 9 14 8 7

2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9

FILL in squares in the
8 15 14
1 Zygotes
5 Unsociable
34 Chunks
36 European river
37 Lecherous


16 17
1. What name is given
to a Greek wine that is
flavoured with pine resin?
7 11 11 12 person look 2. What is the surname of
grid so each row, column
and each 3x3 square 10 African 38 Monarchs 18 19 20 21 Eric, author and illustrator
contains all digits from nation 39 Rind of the children’s book The
10 24 5 21 11 Verification 22 23 24 25
1 to 9. Each set of cells Very Hungry Caterpillar?
12 Mild oath DOWN
joined by dotted lines 14 Illumination 1 Decorate 26 27 28 3. Which Dutch football
must add up to the 20 10 5 17 15 Elderly 2 Sailing ship team beat Rangers
number in the top-left 16 North 3 Flirtatious 29 30
7-3 on aggregate in
corner. Numbers can’t American lake glance a recent Champions
10 13 11 31 32 33 34 35
be repeated within 18 Behold 4 Bro’s League play-off?
each set of cells. 19 Slackens counterpart 36 37
22 Salty dressing 5 Leguminous 4. Which band had 1980s
SOLUTION ON MONDAY 7 18 13 14 23 Drink like a cat food hits with Relax and The
38 39
NEED A CLUE? Call 0901 293 24 Furious 6 Star sign Power Of Love?
6238 or text KILLER to 65700 26 Lie 7 Labrador,
and receive four clues to 6 8 17 7 comfortably for example 21 Biblical story 32 21st Greek letter 5. What was the name
today’s puzzle. Calls and texts 28 Underwear 8 Musical note 25 Maiden 33 --- Perlman, of David Duchovny’s
cost £1 plus your standard item 9 Frequently 27 Catapult actor character in The X-Files?
network charges. Today’s 13 14 5 29 Tibetan priest 13 Gossips 31 Noah’s vessel 35 Sever
clues available between 30 Barge 17 Kingdom SOLUTION: PULLOUT
00.01 today and 23.30 only. 31 Spring month 20 Displeasure SOLUTION ON MONDAY BACK PAGE
Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023 Page 41


EACH row and
column should
contain 1 to 6
FILL each
square with a
number, 1 to 9.
without repeats. Horizontal
Numbers in cages
D Y 1. Politician of the 1 2 3 squares add
must combine left (abbr) (3) up to totals on

By Linus Maurer ©2015 King Features Inc.

to produce the 4. Complex dwelling (4) right. Vertical
target number T E E squares add
shown at start of
6. Remorse (archaic) (4) 4 5 up to totals
that cage using, C U TA N E O U S 7. The ground (poetic) (3) on bottom.
in any order, the
sign given. Single-
1. Above (Fr) (3)
2. Responsibility (4)
6 squares
through centre
add up to totals
box cages can be FIT the scrambled letters
filled with the of the given word into the 3. (L) quickly (4) in top and
number given. grid to form six five-letter 5. Doctor of 7 bottom right.
SOLUTION ON words across and down. Theology (abbr) (3) Today’s challenge time: Your working time: SOLUTION ON

EACH number in our Codeword grid represents a different
letter of the alphabet. Today 23 represents H, so fill in H every
time the figure 23 appears. You have two letters in the control
grid to start you off. Enter them in the appropriate squares in
the main grid, then use your knowledge of words to work out
which letters should go in the missing squares. SOLUTION TOMORROW
COMPLETE Codeword to reveal the word in the shaded boxes.
HOW TO ENTER: Call 0901 293 6232 and leave your answer and your details or
text 65700 with the word CODE, your answer and then your name. Texts and calls
cost £1 plus standard network charges. One weekly winner chosen from all
correct daily entries received between 00.01 Monday and 23.59 Saturday. Answers
change daily at 00.01. UK residents aged 18+, excl NI. Terms apply, see Page 58.


THE listed words can all be
Z J U M Q C O B M found in the grid — running

forwards, backwards, up,
down and diagonally —
EXCEPT ONE. For a chance to
Z H N K O O L K R win, discover which word from
the list can’t be found in the Word Search.
HOW TO ENTER: Call 0901 293 6234 and leave your
I O K A B U I S R answer and details or text 65700 with the word
WORD, your answer and your name. Texts and calls
cost £1 plus standard network charges. One winner
NEED A CLUE? Text the word CODEWORD to 65700 to receive FOUR clues to
N M S D F R T N N chosen from all correct daily entries received
between 00.01 Monday and 23.59 Friday. Answers
today’s puzzle or call 0901 293 6200. Texts and calls cost £1 plus your standard
network charges. Today’s clues available between 00.01 today and 23.30 only. E I G E N H A R P change daily at 00.01. UK residents aged 18+, excl NI.
Terms apply, see Page 58. SOLUTION ON MONDAY

NAME GAME HIDDEN in the grid is the name of a fashion model. Answer
the questions, then rearrange the letters corresponding
to your answers to fill in the name. SOLUTION ON MONDAY
BOX 1: Gigi Hadid (pictured)
has a daughter with which
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CLAMP R F B J D
of these British singers? ENOUGH
Tom Fletcher (L)
Zayn Malik (K)
Lewis Capaldi (G)
BOX 2: The 1970s children’s TV
drama Follyfoot was based on
UK No. 1 hit, released in 1953, BOX 8: Which of the JET M C X O N
the works of which author?
which topped the chart in 1955? Hollywood Ten was not MISQUOTED
Blue Velvet (F) given full screenwriting NOW
Helen Cresswell (H)
Monica Dickens (E)
Stranger In Paradise (M)
Here In My Heart (C)
credits for 1953’s Roman
Holiday until 2011? VICAR P I S U G
Anna Sewell (D) Dalton Trumbo (T)
BOX 6: By what name are birds
BOX 3: What is the smallest big
cat in the Panthera genus?
in the order Strigiformes
commonly known?
Lester Cole (U)
Herbert Biberman (G) Y K V Q H
Leopard (S) Lion (V) Jaguar (U) Cassowaries (P)
BOX 4: Which rock band Flamingos (T) Yester
Yesterday’s answer:


that all the numbers, 1 to
90, connect consecutively — horizontally,
recorded the 2021 album
Blue Weekend?
Shark Annie (W)
Croc Abigail (N)
Owls (A)
BOX 7: Jilly Goolden wass
once renowned on TV for
2 3A, 4Y,
(1P, 2R,
6K 7E, 8T).
5E, 6K,
INSERT letters to form listed words, moving
between adjacent cells horizontally,
vertically or diagonally. Hint: you don’t at?
her descriptions of what? vertically or diagonally in any direction.
Wolf Alice (O) Wine tasting (S)
have to begin with 1 or 90. Working on Insert all remaining letters of the alphabet
the mid-numbers might give you a BOX 5: What was American Political rallies (I)
singer Tony Bennett’s only Horoscopes (B) Picture: PA
(except Z) in the grid so all listed words
better start. SOLUTION ON MONDAY are spelt out. SOLUTION ON MONDAY
Page 42 Daily Mail, Friday, September 29, 2023

1 Formally admits elected
Democrat facing
1 Momentum shown by
politician staying in
No 17,196
awkward cuts (7) fancy suite (7)
West East 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 Be in charge of 2 Optimist’s panned sadly
actors without revealing regrets (15)
♠AQJ543 ♠K9 8 intervening factors? (6) 3 Credit associated with
♥– ♥K765 9 Standpoint from parking posh vineyard (3)
♦7642 ♦3 9 10 by varied routes (7) 4 Old type of wheat is written
10 One pressing for down in proper order (5)
♣AQ3 ♣ K J 10 7 4 2 a living? (7) 5 Greatly astonish pair
11 Ram in time in a endlessly with doctor
11 12
higher position (3) given nothing in kitty (9)
12 Where one might take 6 Actress Rene has to make
How would you play the west hand in 4♠ after a snooker ball, having haste shortly in this way (5)
South had opened 1♥, and North leads ♥3? lost money? (3,2,6) 7 Building superintendent
During the week, i’ve been preaching the 13 First sign of substandard damaged locker following
importance of making safety plays as declarer.
13 14 15 wine produces full range of options (5,2,3,5)
indignation (5) 8 Some secret anniversary
And i must finish by putting this topic in 14 Painkiller in pub for for a Mediterranean
perspective. if you’re playing high-stakes rubber eccentric infused with island resident (6)
bridge, or an important teams match, you do not 16 17 18 little energy (9) 12 Old ropes acceptable
(or should not) jeopardise a 100 per cent contract 16 Made light of note around a dump
for the sake of a couple of overtricks, which may introducing current essentially (5)
have only a 75 per cent chance of success. That’s second edition (9) 14 Nicer post devised for a
just bad bridge. But, if you always adopt the same 17 Chinese city starts to police force member (9)
19 20 21 22
safety line at pairs, your results are likely to suffer welcome umpteen 15 Agricultural employee
because safety generally involves catering for the holidaymakers heading off is one in
as normal (5) four, maybe (5)
most adverse lie of the cards, which will often be 19 A helper, temp, upset one 16 Gloomy Maureen has
very much against the odds. 23 24 25 writing booklets? (11) impatient expression (6)
Pairs events are great fun, but the strategy is very 22 Greatly excite circle among 18 Three directions over
different from other forms of bridge; it is generally Welsh repeatedly (3) harbour in Isle of
wisest to follow the rule of ‘playing with the field’. 23 Dispatch noted Wight town (7)
26 27 U.S. novel (4,3) 20 Limited covering over
in the above illustration, everyone is likely to ruff 24 Experience in accordance clubhouse offering inferior
the lead, draw trumps and cash six clubs to claim 11 with indoor game (7) alcoholic drink (5)
tricks. This will succeed 95 per cent of the time, but FOR your chance to win, solve the crossword to reveal the word reading down the 26 Woman here wandering 21 Show elation in spandex,
you go down when north holds all the outstanding shaded boxes. HOW TO ENTER: Call 0901 293 6233 and leave today’s answer and your around street (6) ultimately (5)
trumps. Making the safety play of finessing ♠9 at details, or TEXT 65700 with the word CRYPTIC, your answer and your name. Texts and 27 Kind ready to work in 25 Diana and Penny have
trick two to cater for this 5 per cent chance would calls cost £1 plus standard network charges. Or enter by post by sending completed the print industry? (7) hummus, perhaps (3)
crossword to Daily Mail Prize Crossword 17,196, PO Box 28, Colchester, Essex CO2 8GF.
almost certainly earn you a ‘bottom’! Please include your name and address. One weekly winner chosen from all correct NEED A CLUE? Text TIP to 65700 to receive FOUR answers to
daily entries received between 00.01 Monday and 23.59 Friday. Postal entries must be today’s crossword, or call 0901 293 6236. Texts and calls
date-stamped no later than the following day to qualify. Calls/texts must be received by
cost £1 plus standard network charges. Today’s clues
PETER DONOVAN 23.59; answers change at 00.01. UK residents aged 18+, excl NI. Terms apply, see Page 58.
available between 00.01 today and 23.30 only.


START on left with number given and follow instructions as you go across. In 30 seconds, beginners have to
complete their own challenge; intermediates have to complete their own challenge and the beginner’s; YOUR
advanced players have to complete their own challenge and the intermediate’s. SOLUTION BELOW ANSWERS
Beginner 28 ÷14 ×80 -6 ÷11 ×5 +2 ÷6 ×7 ¼
4/19 5% TIMES 4/7 75%
Intermediate 70 -13 OF IT ×15 OF IT ITSELF -39 OF IT ×8 OF IT
Missing: CUARON
9 7
1 8 6
3 9 8
7 Advanced 15 ITSELF 20% 30% +17 OF IT +8 ×4 33 1/3% OF IT
G G 6 8 9 7 7 5
V 9 7 8 9 7 5 1 3
6 9 1 3 2 3 4 6 5 1 ACROSS: 6 Three-point turn. 6 Nox. 7 Slew. DOWN: 2 Idol. 3 Saxe. 4 SW. 6 Ns.
7 3 1 2 4 3
1 5 6 4 3 2 9 Angora. 10 Fiendish. 11 Sinkhole.
9 5 7 3 1
1 3
2 7
5 8 9
7 6 1 3 5 2 4
13 Atwood. 15 Thatch. 17 Adopts.
19 Berate. 20 Kohlrabi. 22 Cagliari.
G P S 3 2 1 9 7 6 8 9 5 4 2 1 6 3
S 1 4 2 8 9 6 8
24 Niggle. 26 Sleeping tablet. QUICK QUIZ: KUROSU:
3 6 1 2 4 5 DOWN: 1 Sting in the tail. 2 Arno. 1 Retsina. 2 Carle. 3 PSV
NINE TO FIVE CROSS NUMBER TRAIN TRACKS 4 2 5 3 1 6 3 Pedalo. 4 In demand. 5 Stud. Eindhoven. 4 Frankie Goes
7 Offset. 8 Responsibility. 12 Koala. to Hollywood. 5 Fox Mulder.
T R P KILLER SUDOKU GOGEN 14 Wiper. 16 Clematis. 18 Skiing.
S H O U T 1
J L W H B 21 Hangar. 23 Lies. 25 Gull.
1 252 people. 2 They all form OOXXOX
P E S T O 3 4 7 8 6 2 5 9 1 M A C O N new words with the prefix
7 1 4 3 2 8 6 5 9 MAILWORD trip. 3 Delia Smith. 4 Russian
O M I T S 8 3 9 4 5 6 1 7 2 Q V P R F ACROSS: 1 Test. 5 Marc. 9 Swear. Blue, a cat; the others are
Y U E I G 10 Esau. 11 Chilli. 12 Limb. 13 Hot.
14 Across. 16 Arc. 17 Deed.
scorpions. 5 Arabesque,
pirouette, entrechat. XOXXOO
MOUTHIEST 4 5 6 1 3 9 8 2 7 K S D X T 18 Rehab. 20 Lying. 24 Magi.
26 Moo. 27 Toerag. 29 Pin.
MASTERQUIZ: 1 16th. 2 Asana.
3 Threadneedle Street. OOXOXX
WORD WHEEL: amen, lame, GENERAL KNOWLEDGE DOWN: 1 Magic 30 Gown. 31 Misuse. 33 Aged. 4 Pakistan. 5 Alexander
lames, lams, male, mall, mane, CROSSWORD — ACROSS: Roundabout. 2 Kinetic. 34 Moire. 35 Gods. 36 Ante. Hamilton. 6 Paul Hindemith.
manless, mans, manse, mase, 1 Mikhail Bulgakov. 8 Genetic. 3 Anthology. 4 Lycra. DOWN: 1 Twitch. 2 Eel. 3 Salad bar. HONEYCOMB:
mases, mass, masse, masses, 9 Fielder. 10 Cutto. 11 Al Jarreau. 5 Greer. 6 Kidneys. 4 Trice. 5 Melody. 6 As is. 7 Rams. 1 Adapts. 2 Adrift. 3 Ferret. 30-SECOND CHALLENGE:
meal, mean, mesa, mess, 12 Crochet. 14 Basil. 15 Nighy. 7 Virtual Insanity. 9 Fajitas. 8 Cub. 9 Shore. 11 Char. 15 Religion. Beginner: 21.
4 Render. 5 Decide. 6 Icicle.
name, names, same, seam, 17 Wastrel. 19 Abseiling. 22 Onana. 13 Hawkins. 14 Bardolino. 19 Amends. 21 Impure. 22 Noise. 7 Larvae. 8 Vrooms. 9 Smooth. Intermediate: 144.
seams, slam, slams, small, 23 Orleans. 24 Origami. 16 Giselle. 18 Leakage. 23 Gone. 25 Gamma. 27 Togo. 10 Torpid. 11 Diktat. 12 Status. Advanced: 66.
smallness, smell, smells. 25 The King Of Comedy. 20 Iraqi. 21 Groff. 28 Owed. 30 Gag. 32 Sit.*

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