US Opportunities & Threats

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Domain Opportunities Threats

Mil Geography Vulnerability of bases to Mil bases of US across
long range precision the globe incl the bases in
munition Indo Pacific Region
Feasibility of alliances incl Mill alliances of US in
bases in nations where Indo-Pacific Region
US presence/influence
limited (Solomon Island &
Papua New Guinea)
US capability in Space &
Cyber domain
Doctrine Availability of mil Well defined & articulated
doctrines in open domain strategies
Evolved & refined Mil
Doctrines meeting
evolving mil challenges
Org Challenges in Well Evolved & est
jointmanship with mil Combatant Command
allies during ops
Dominant presence in
Space & Cyber domain
Evolved and advanced
C2 & comn sys
Trg Low exposure to low Jointness in trg with msn
intensity conflict focus in realistic envt
Stagnated PME and lacks Interactive learning with
skill devp in independent extensive use of
combat sit simulation devices and
practical fd application
Jt trg exercises with allies/
other nations
Trg focus on
interoperability with other
Mtrl Extract technology from US as most powerful
US for own indigenous military in the world
Vulnerability of mil assets US mil budgetary sp
placed at bases
Chinese military larger Technology advantage for
than US military (2Mn vs US mil
1.4 Mn personnel)
US military hardware with Superior Cyber and
Pakistan can be exploited space capb
for R&D
Domain Opportunities Threats
Leadership Changing focus area with Well evolved higher mil
change in supreme leadership
Representation of mil
leadership in mil matters
People Racial divide in US Strong moral values
75 percent of America's Public support and
17- to 24-year-olds were respect for the military
ineligible for military
service due to lack of
education, obesity, and
other physical problems
Facilities Mil bases in Indo Pacific Global military presence
Region vulnerable to (750 US foreign military
precision strike bases spread across 80
Capability of US
Transportation Command
to project mil force across
the globe
global leader in science
and technology with
largest R&D budget
Strong military
infrastructure both
inhouse and at global

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