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In this Artificial Intelligence tutorial, we shall be covering Machine Learning, Deep

Learning, neural networks, real-life applications of Artificial Intelligence, Python and various
packages available in it, TensorFlow, Keras, multilayer perceptron, convolution neural
networks, recurrent neural networks, long short-term memory, OpenCV, and much more.

 Overview of Artificial Intelligence

 What are the goals of Artificial Intelligence?
 What is Artificial Intelligence?
 Applications of Artificial Intelligence
 Subsets of Artificial Intelligence
o Machine learning
o Deep Learning
 AI vs ML vs DL
 What makes Artificial Intelligence so popular?
 Popular AI Algorithms
 Frequently Asked Questions

Overview of Artificial Intelligence

Today, a few applications of Artificial Intelligence seem to bring us closer to the future. The
most convincing pieces of evidence are self-driving cars, Google Translate, and Sophia
(humanoid robots). Moreover, have you ever wondered how Cyborg technology (a technique
for creating artificial body parts for people with disabilities that enables them to function
normally) works? If yes, this Artificial Intelligence tutorial will give you an introduction to
AI right from the basics.

Watch this video on Artificial Intelligence Tutorial:

What are the goals of Artificial Intelligence?

Creativity and ideas never end as they are limitless. Likewise, there are a lot more things to
create, improve, implement, and invent in the field of Artificial Intelligence. AI is far from
reaching its saturation level of creating new things.

In short, here are the goals of Artificial Intelligence:

o Create machines that can replicate human intelligence
o Improve machine efficiency and accuracy
o Develop tools to help people solve real-world problems, e.g., robotics for
people with disabilities, auto-driving cars to avoid accidents caused by human
error, etc.

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What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence that machines demonstrate. It allows us to create
machines that can perform multiple tasks and solve real problems without error. AI can
improve efficiency and productivity by automating repetitive tasks. Additionally, it can create
an immersive and responsive experience and understand human emotions.

This Artificial Intelligence tutorial will teach you all the AI techniques that you can
implement in real life.

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Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence machines can make decisions, and when exposed to large amounts of
real-world data, they try to learn and improve themselves. To illustrate this, here are some
practical applications of Artificial Intelligence:

 Self-driving cars: Tesla’s famous self-driving cars are a magnificent real-life

application of Artificial Intelligence. These cars have built-in IoT sensors for image
recognition, forehead collision, spot monitoring, and many more complex
mechanisms that allow them to navigate and work in real life.
 Google Translate: Google Translate is another great application of Artificial
Intelligence. It helps us translate sentences formed in one language to another. It can
also translate the entire text on websites, which is possible only because of Artificial
 Amazon’s Alexa: Alexa includes a speech recognition system that listens to our voice
commands and gives answers. It recognizes our voice and interprets it as a series of
commands and then returns the results to us. It uses AVS (Alexa Voice Service),
which Amazon provides free of cost.

 Google Maps: Today, without Google Maps, it is impossible to survive in the city.
With Google Maps, we can travel from one place to another without any difficulty.
All we have to do is open Google Maps and enter our location. Then, its navigation
will lead us with the most optimized path to our destination. This is also one of the
wonderful applications of Artificial Intelligence.

Now, in this Artificial Intelligence tutorial, we will head on to learn about the subsets of
Artificial Intelligence.

Learn the top 8 facts about Artificial Intelligence here:

Subsets of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is an umbrella term. There are two subsets of Artificial Intelligence:
Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence, in which a program or machine uses

a set of algorithms to find patterns in the dataset(s). Above all, we don’t have to write
individual instructions for every action. As Machine Learning models capture more and more
data, they become smarter and self-improving.

Further, Machine Learning can be sub-categorized into three subsets:

 Supervised Machine Learning

 Unsupervised Machine Learning
 Reinforcement Learning

Now, moving ahead with this Artificial Intelligence tutorial, we will look at some
applications of Machine Learning.

Career Transition

Applications of Machine Learning

 Amazon recommendation system: Amazon’s recommendation system works on

Machine Learning algorithms. To find patterns and similarities in our searches and to
recommend similar search results, it leverages its unique design.
 Machine Learning used in fraud detection: Today, as the number of fraud cases
increases, Machine Learning plays an important role in solving this problem. Fraud
detection algorithms help distinguish between authorized and fraudulent
 Machine Learning used in social media: Facebook uses Machine Learning
algorithms to suggest friends to us with its ‘People You May Know’ feature. Also, it
uses Machine Learning for face detection, i.e., recognizing faces in a group photo.
Isn’t it a wonderful application of Machine Learning?

Since Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning make our lives better, it is very satisfying
to learn these. This Artificial Intelligence tutorial will teach you everything you need to know
about the basics of Artificial Intelligence.

Deep Learning

Further developments in Machine Learning have led to a different sub-category, i.e., Deep
Learning. Deep Learning makes use of artificial neural networks that consist of layers of
networks working on different parameters to give the desired output.

Applications of Deep Learning

 Predicting earthquakes: This is one of the most important applications where the
field of Deep Learning is playing a key role. Unquestionably, time is an important
factor when it comes to the prediction of earthquakes. Fortunately, with Deep
Learning, we are now able to boost the computation time by almost 50,000 percent.
 Adding sounds to silent movies: This is a fascinating application for Deep Learning.
The idea behind this Deep Learning model is to produce sounds that exactly match a
silent video. The DL models are provided with thousands of videos and audio files
with which they try to learn by separating video frames for different categories of
sounds. Thus, when a new video is given to them for adding audio to it, they use this
learning for prediction. Also, they use convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural
networks, and LSTM (long short-term memory) for achieving their successful
 Netflix recommendation system: People using Netflix are familiar with its
recommendation system. It uses Deep Learning for recording the responses of
different kinds of audiences. The Deep Learning models are designed in such a way
that they record the history of watching, time of watching, and our show preferences
to recommend shows. It saves a lot of human effort.

AI vs ML vs DL
The most common doubt is AI vs ML vs DL. In simple terms, Deep Learning is a subset of
Machine Learning, which in turn is a part of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence acts
as an umbrella, under which Machine Learning and Deep Learning exist.

Although Machine Learning and Deep Learning are both a subset of Artificial Intelligence
and are focused to achieve the same goal (thinking like humans), the approach to doing so is
different for each discipline.

Have a look at our blog on Artificial Intelligence Courses Syllabus to know more about the
topics to learn in AI.

Below are the key points that differentiate between Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning,
and Deep Learning:
Machine Learning Deep Learning
AI is a set of Deep Learning uses
techniques and Machine Learning is neural networks,
processes for a subspace of AI and where a bunch of
machines to imitate is used to process nodes or artificial
human behavior. large amounts of data neurons try to solve a
Both ML and DL are and predict future problem in ways
used to develop an events. similar to that of
AI application. biological neurons.
Machine Learning
AI systems replicate Deep Learning
inherits symbolic
human behavior and provides a multi-
approaches from AI
solve problems like level abstraction,
and uses models,
missionaries and which makes it easier
statistics, and
cannibals, the Bayes to train models
probability theories
theorem, the shortest without depending on
to make data-driven
path, etc. specific algorithms.
DL requires high-end
ML can work with
systems as the
AI requires high-end smaller datasets,
performance of the
computational thereby reducing the
models highly
devices to simulate need for high-end
depends on the
the desired output. graphics and
amount of data fed
computer systems.
DL models a take
AI takes a long time
ML takes much less longer time than ML
to train a machine
time to train, ranging ones as they have so
and make it capable
from few hours to a many parameters to
enough to produce
day. take into
impeccable results.
Interpretability It is easy to interpret
depends on the final results as
In Deep Learning, it
implementation ML uses decision
is hard to interpret
methods used to trees that have rules
the final result.
solve a particular for what and how it
problem. chooses.

Thinking of doing a master’s in AI? Here is the master’s in Artificial Intelligence.

What makes Artificial Intelligence so popular?

Artificial Intelligence is about incorporating human abilities into a machine by designing
algorithms such that these algorithms involve self-learning and provide the machine with the
ability to think like the way humans do. With this, the machine would be able to solve
problems without explicit human inputs. However, a lot of creativity and computation is
required to make it successful.
Artificial Intelligence is gaining immense popularity because it has a lot of things to explore
and create around the world. The applications of Artificial Intelligence that we come across
in our day-to-day life are just a small demonstration of AI’s wonder-struck start.

Interested in learning Artificial Intelligence? Learn more from this Artificial Intelligence
Course in New York!

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Recommended Audience

This Artificial Intelligence tutorial has been prepared to help you learn Artificial Intelligence
the right way, and it is meant for beginners and professionals to help them understand basic-
to-advanced concepts related to AI. This Artificial Intelligence tutorial will help you master
AI, with which you will be able to take yourself to a higher level of expertise for
implementing Artificial Intelligence concepts in real life.


Before going through this Artificial Intelligence tutorial, you should have a fundamental
knowledge of the field of information technology, be familiar with computers and the
Internet, and have a basic working knowledge of data. Such basics will help you understand
the AI concepts better and will let you move faster on your learning path.

This AI tutorial further covers an introduction to AI, its history and goals, applications of AI,
AI vs ML vs DL, various Data Science packages, artificial neural networks, backpropagation
algorithm, multilayer perceptron, problems of overfitting and underfitting, convolutional
neural networks, recurrent neural networks, long short-term memory, various Machine
Learning concepts, and OpenCV.

Learn from this Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence course full online

Popular AI Algorithms
Backpropagation Algorithm

It is a supervised learning algorithm used to train multi-layered perceptrons. The

backpropagation algorithm uses a technique called the gradient descent or delta rule to find
out the minimum values of the error function in the weights, random variables, or any
random values for the fact.
The algorithm finds out the weights that minimize the error function and considers them to be
the solution to the learning problem. Unlike the direct computation of the gradient with
individual weights, backpropagation computes the gradient of loss function concerning the
gradient of the network for better performance.

Willing to master AI algorithms? Enroll for this Aritificial Intelligence Course in Chennai

Naive Bayes Classification

It is a classification algorithm that utilizes the Bayes’ theorem to check whether an input
belongs to the given list of classes or not. For each class, there is a set of probabilities, which
the algorithm updates after the data is fed in. Then, it forms a posterior probability and tells if
the given input belongs to a class or not.

Once the data is fed in, the algorithm converts that into a frequency table and calculates the
likelihood table by finding the probabilities. From there, the Bayesian equation is used to
calculate the posterior probability for each class. The outcome of the prediction will be the
class with the highest posterior probability.

Decision Trees

Decision trees fall under the category of supervised learning and can be used to solve
classification and regression problems. A decision tree has a root node, decision node, and
leaf nodes. Decision nodes have multiple branches and are used to make decisions based on
some conditions.

The algorithm divides a complex problem into simple questions assigned to every single
node. On each node, a decision is made, and the tree gets divided into more branches. If there
is a dead-end on a leaf node, the algorithm performs backtracking and starts from the point
where it made the right decision.

If you are preparing for an Artificial Intelligence job interview, go through these top
Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions and Answers!

KNN Algorithm

The k-near neighbor algorithm is used on both regression and classification models. Based on
supervised learning, it is a simple Machine Learning algorithm that assumes similar data
points near each other.

After loading data and initializing the chosen number of neighbors (k), the algorithm
calculates the distance between the current neighbors and the query neighbors from the data.
Distance between each neighbor is indexed to the ordered collection and sorted in ascending
order. These sorted collections are then picked and labeled to either find the mean for
regression or the mode for classification.

Linear Regression
It is a Machine Learning algorithm generally used to find the relationship between variables
and forecasting. It predicts the value of a dependent variable based on the value of an
independent variable.

A regression line has a straight line equation in the form of Y=a+bX, where Y is the
dependent variable and X is an independent or explanatory variable. The intercept of the line
is a, and the slope of the line is b.

If you have any technical doubts or queries related to AI, post the same on
Intellipaat’s AI Community!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the basics of AI?

AI is the study of computer science that focuses on devising machines or developing software
that exhibits human behavior. The primary goals of Artificial Intelligence include reasoning,
deduction, knowledge representation, planning, learning, Natural Language Processing
(NLP), and the ability to manipulate objects.

What are AI techniques?

Where can I learn AI from?

How do I start learning AI?

How is Python used in AI?

What is AI coded in?

Is Artificial Intelligence a good career?

Are Data Scientists in demand?


Course Schedule

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Data Science Course 12 Aug 2023(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch View Details
Data Science Course 19 Aug 2023(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch View Details
Data Science Course 26 Aug 2023(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch View Details



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