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The to infinitive and -ing Niece RCTS Shades evra LAUT aol Coad ee Socom Cos Ered aah meancom ey tet ta cd Bl You are going to hear a TV chef telling a group of people how to cook something. Look at the picture, which shows the things he uses, Can you guess what he is going to make? DAE (323) Listen and check if you were right. fl (523) Listen again and fill in the gaps. Stop the recording when you need to. 1. Continue __4cing_ this until the mixture begins to look pale and fluffy. 2 Avoid ___ the eggs all at the same time. 3. Keep, — all the time. 4 Don't forget __ the baking powder. 5 Irecommend____sultanas and apricots. 6 Ifyou prefer_ dates or raisins, that’ fine. 7 Some people like____ some nuts too. 8 Ifyou decide __ nuts, chop them up small. 9 Remember _— ifthe fruit cake is ready after about an hour. 10 Isuggest___allittle lemon juice as well. 41. Don't try __ the cake until i's completely cold. 12, Don't expect__ mutch fruit cake left after a couple of hours. [ZB what do you notice about the forms of the verbs you have filled in? The to infinitive and ne 18 ‘When one verb follows another, the second verb is always either an -ing form or an infinitive, with or without to. The form of the second verb depends on the first verb. Al the verbs in this unit marked * can also normally be followed by a that clause with the same meaning (> seeB7). Verb + to infinitive Sma If you decide to add nuts | hope to see you later Notice how the negative is formed: Ifyou decide not to ice it The following verbs + to infinitive always have an object before the to infinitive: Her father taught her to play tennis The teacher reminded the children to bring their swimming things. The schoo! allows students to wear jeans. Advise, allow, encourage, forbid and permit can also be followed by -ing when there is no object: | advise you to add nuts. or | advise adding nuts The following verbs + to infinitive sometimes have an object: ee Se ae We expected to be late. or We expected Tom to be late. ‘We wanted to stay longer. ot We wanted them to stay longer. A Would like, would love, would prefer, etc. are also followed by the to infinitive (> see 84), Verb + infinitive without to ‘Modal verbs (can, could, may, might, must, needn't, shal, should, will, would), had better and would rather are followed by the infinitive without to (> see also Units 11, 13 and 14): You should add the eggs slowly. You needn't include nuts Help can be followed by the infinitive with or without to: We helped them (to) start their car ‘Make and let (always with an object) are followed by the infinitive without to: Let the cake cool for half an hour. | made my sister help with the cooking. (= | forced or obliged her to help) 129 1 8 The to infinitive and -ing EE verb + -ing ‘admit ave dislike eo ene a eee) ee COC aC me cg Comes Pt ee ee CD my See cea ee ee ae | enjoy making it ‘Avoid adding the eggs all at the same time. Keep beating the eggs { suggest adding alittle lemon juice. Notice how the negative is formed: Ifyou dont leave immediately, you risk not catching your plane. Can you imagine not having a car nowadays? EZ Verb + to infinitive or -ing (with no difference i meaning) begin cantbear continue hate dislike like love _prefe eet Continue adding the flour. oF Continue to add the flour. | prefer using apricots, OF | prefer to use apricots. I love making cakes. OF | love to make cakes. ‘Two -ing forms do not usually follow each other: | was starting to make a cake when the phone rang. (not twas starting-making) ‘A Like, prefer, hate and love can be followed by the to infinitive or-ing, but would like, would prefer, would hate ‘and would love are always followed by the to infinitive: ‘She would like to go out but we would prefer to stay in. A Like + to infinitive has a slightly different meaning from like + -ing: I like to catch the early bus on Mondays. (= this is a good thing to do or it's a habit, but not necessarily something | enjoy) ‘ike swimming. (=| enjoy it) [Ell Verb + to infinitive or -ing (with a difference in meaning) The following verbs have two different meanings depending on the verb form that follows: ‘Verb + to infinitive ‘Verb + -ing Remember to check whether the cake is ready. (= remember an action you need to do) | remember checking that | had my keys when | left the house, (= have a memory of a past action) Don't forget to add the baking powder. (= fal to remember something you need to do) ‘inever forget going to school on my own for the first time, (= lose the memory of something you did) regret to inform you that your application was unsuccessful. = 1am sorry to tell you ..) We regret sending our daughter to that school (= we wish we hadn't) She stopped to have a rest (=in order to havea rest) Stop beating when the mixture is pale and flufy. (= finish doing it) 130 They don't mean to upset you. Ifyou go by train, that means taking a taxito the | (= they don't intend to) station, (= tinvolves) | He went on to tell us how to make a diferent | They went on cycling until they reached the farm. cake, (= the next ching he did was to tellus...) | (= they continued) | Try to ice the cake quickly. (= attempt todo it | Try adding nuts as it will improve the flavour. quickly if you can) [El Verb + -ing oF infinitive without to (with a difference in meaning) The following verbs connected with the senses may be followed by an object and either -ing or the infinitive without to: feel hi Notice the difference in meaning between verb + -ing and verb + infinitive without to: | watched the boys playing football. (= an activity continuing over a period of time) | watched the boy kiek the football into the road. (= a short completed action) She heard her mother singing as she came downstairs (= a continuing action) She heard the doorbell ring (= short completed action) Verb + that clause Al the verbs marked * in this unit can also be followed by a that clause with the same meaning: She admitted taking the money. = She admitted (that) she had taken the money Imagine sitting on a tropical beach with a cool drink. = Imagine (that) you're sitting on a tropical beach | suggest adding some lemon juice. =| suggest (that) you add some lemon juice. [recommend using sultanas and apricots. = | recommend (that) you use sultanas and apricots. They agreed to leave early. = They agreed (that) they would leave early. [El Adjective + to infinitive ‘Many adjectives can be followed by the to infinitive. These are some common ones: Seem eee et ae [im surprised to see you here The book was hard to understand and at times | found it almost impossible to read. The adjectives marked * can sometimes also be followed by -ing with the same meani It nice meeting friends after school. or It's nice to meet friends after school » See also Unit 21, B1 for adjectives followed by a preposition + -ing or a noun. 131 The to infinitive and -ing 1 8 1 8 The to infinitive and -ing Gmc ‘Complete this conversation using the verbs in brackets. Andy: I've decided (1) to leave ___(eave) my job next month, Sally: But I thought you enjoyed (2) _ (work) in an architect’ office. ‘Andy: Oh, do. But feel like (3) _(do) something different for a while Sally: Didn't you promise (4) (stay) there at least wo years? ‘Andy: Yes, did but | just can stand (5) _ (work) with those people. One of them refuses (6) (stop) talking while she works, another one keeps (7) (sing) to himself, And then there’sa man who ____ (tell) awful jokes ll the time, which he always gets wrong, | detest (9) (work) with all that noise around me. Sally: Itsounds quite a cheerful place to me. Can‘t you manage (10)__(ignore) them and get on with your work? ‘Andy: No, | cant. just can't carry on (11) —— (g0) abroad for abit. Sally: Well, good luck. (go) there every day. 'm hoping. Choose the correct form of the verb. Inoticed the man drop / dropping / to drop his ticket so | picked it up for him. The tour guide advised the tourists not take / taking to take too much money out of the hotel with them I heard the horses come / coming / to come down the lane so | waited for them to pass before driving on, The old man said he would love have / having / to have the chance to fly in an aeroplane again Don't make the children come / coming /to come with us to the shops if they don't want to. | saw the boy jump / jumping to jump into the lake before anyone could stop him. I recommend phone / phoning / to phone the restaurant before you set of ‘We were so pleased hear / hearing / to hear that Josh can come to the wedding after al The school only allows students eat / eating /to eatin the dining room. 10 It was my drama teacher who encouraged me become / becoming / to become an actor. 132 The tointnteand ng 18 EBT Fillin the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in the box. IF! go to my friend’s wedding it will mean__buuina_a new dress. Please try ____ to the airport in good time ~ Ill be nervous if| don't see you when | come into the arrivals hall Will you stop____ that noise? 'm trying ___ this book before I go to bed. forgot____atable at the restaurant and it was full when we got there, so we had to wait for ages. The children went on ______ their ball against the wall although they had been told several times to stop. We regret_______ you that the course you applied for is now full. Tommy says he doesn't know where my jacket is, but | clearly remember ___it to him. ‘When you go out of the hotel, remember. the room key with reception because we've only got one between us. Why don't you try____ sunglasses? Then you might not get so many headaches. | saw Philip when | was in the park so I stopped _______to him. Imeant____ you text when I got to the hotel but | didn't have time. I regret not___ to Egypt with my sister because she says it was a really great trip. ‘After getting a degree in biology, my son went on__ a book about monkeys. i never forget___the sun come up over the mountains when | was in the Himalayas. © some of these sentences by Cambridge First candidates have mistakes. Ifa sentence is correct, mark it with a tick (7). Ifit 1 a 3 4 5 6 10 1 2 correct, mark it with a cross (X) and correct it. Not all ofthe students can afford geing abroad on the trip. alg hope to visit the museum the next time | visit you. ——t He pretended knowing nothing about it, but | knew he did. “The guard refused to sell me a half-price ticket for the journey. | didn't feel well, but | managed getting downstairs. Famous people deserve to have a private life without journalists following, them everywhere. He wrote the letter because he wanted to avoid to be found out. | don't know why the teachers delayed to tell us the results. | don't feel like going camping because | lke holidays where I can relax. | think that a lot of women dislike going shopping. |e put off writing you this leter for months, but finally here itis. They suggested to take the trip to Williamstown on the first day. 133 134 Exam practice Reading and Use of English Part 1 For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap, ‘There is an example at the beginning (0). Balloon adventure Brian Jones and Bertrand Piccard were the first team to go (0) A __ the word in a balloon Nobody (1) _______them to finish their astonishing 19-day expedition, especially as they had to (2) with poisonous fumes and temperatures of -50°C. Brian had run a business, but he got tired of it and (3) __ to buy a balloon. Before long he was one of the country's (4) ______ balloon instructors and pilots. Why did he risk everything for Cone trip? He says he was not a very confident child: ‘When | was seven a friend (5) __me go down a water slide with him. I stl (6) __ being absolutely terrified. I've never learnt to swim property.’ He thinks everyone should face their greatest (7) and that is one reason why he ‘went up in the balloon, Six of the 19 days were spent over the Pacific Ocean. Brian says he won't ® to do it again because there are so many other things he wants to do. 0 A) round B. through © across D above 1A expected B hoped © intended D admitted 2 A doaway B get along © keep up D putup 3A. thought B considered © afforded D. decided 4A unique B preferable © leading D suitable 5 A demanded B_ made © encouraged D persuaded 6 A forget B remind © remember D regret 7 A fears B suspicions © disturbances D frights BA delay B imagine © attempt D_ suggest Grammar focus task ‘These are some verbs from the exam task. Without looking back, put them into the table below. ‘Three of the verbs can go in two columns. creas ed eee Bree Verb + to infinitive Verb + -ing | Nabonenn afford admit, encourage encourage

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