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Write a paragraph about your neighborhood. Describe what type of neighborhood

is, what type of places are or aren’t in your área. (Unit 8 – 50 to 70 words)

I live in a very nice neighborhood, exactly in a complex, in the complex there are 2
stores and approximately 250 houses. Outside the complex there are several
bakeries, cafes, restaurants, bars, and many hairdressing salons. It is very convenient
to live in this area, it is located in a good part of the city, there is a lot of commerce
nearby and it is safe.


Imagine a friend from Canada is coming tovisit you for the first time. You and
your best friend are meeting him/her at theairport. Write and email describing
yourself and your friend. (Unit 9 - 50 to 90 words)

Dear Sophia,

Hi Sophia, I hope you are very well, I will be waiting for you at the airport with my
best friend, he is dressed in a black jacket, white basic shirt, light blue pants and
white shoes, and I am dressed in a white buso, black pants and red shoes, we also
have a sign with your name, I hope you recognize us.


Write an email to someone you haven'tseen for a long time. Include three things
you have done since you last saw this person. (Unit 10 - 70 to 100 words)

Hola Daniel,

I hope you have been very well, how is your life, tell me, well, since the last time we
saw each other many things have happened, I went for the first time to the beach
with my parents, I met many good friends and I could buy the cell phone I wanted so
much, everything went very well, I have been very happy, I hope you also have had as
good a time as me, greetings.

Answer the questions on page 152 about a restaurant. Write a review following
the example. (Unit 13 - 70 to 100 words)

Last weekend, I went to lunch with my aunt and my grandmother to a restaurant near
home, the food was very good, I recommend this restaurant, they offer excellent
service, I ate pasta bolognese with salad and drink, I took coconut lemonade, the
place was called primitive, and I liked it a lot.

I haven't been there many times, this is the fourth time I go, I went for lunch and
dinner, and I tried different dishes, the hamburger and the cherry pie were also very

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