Portafolio A2 1

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Write a paragraph about things you used to do as a child. Use some ideas from
exercise 10, include one false statement. (Unit 1 – 50 to 70 words)

When I was a child, what I used to do the most was play with my friends in
front of our houses, we all lived on the same block, most of the time we played
hide and seek, caught, many things, and when we were very bored we went to
rob houses.


Imagine you’ve just moved to a new aparment. Write to a friend comparing your old
home to your new one. (Unit 3 – 70 to 100 word)

Dear Stefany

How has everything been? I hope very well.

I bought a new apartment, it is very nice and spacious compared to the previous
one, it has 2 more rooms than the previous one, do you remember that the
previous one only had 2? This one has a lot more windows and more light comes
in, but it doesn't have enough space in the kitchen, the one in my old apartment
was bigger, but I'm happy.

Read the recipe example. Think and write on something you know how to make. First
write the ingredients then de process. (Unit 4 – 50 to 90 words)


- Chicken breast

- Oil

- Peppers

- Bighead onion

- Onion

- Cups of water

- Cups rice

- Chicken soup

- Salt

First, place the oil in a large pot over low heat. Sauté the three chopped bell
peppers, the garlic and the stubborn onion and stir until they take on a golden

Then add the 3 cups of rice, the important thing is to stir very well.

Next, add the 5 cups of water, the diced vegetables, the chicken breasts, the
chicken bouillon cube, the seasoning packet, and salt to taste. Stir and let cook
over medium heat for approximately 15 minutes or until the rice is dry.

After that, once the rice has absorbed all the water, cover the pot and cook
over low heat for 10 to 15 more minutes until the rice is soft.

Finally, serve and enjoy.


Imagine someone is going to visit your city, town, country. Write a letter giving some
suggestions for sighseeing activities. (Unit 5 – 80 to 100 words)

I am very happy that you have come to my hometown, I hope you like Garagoa a
lot, there are too many things you should do, first you should go try the artisan
ice creams they prepare in the park, after that you should visit El Alto de Santa
Barbara, It is something similar to Monserrate but smaller, from there you can
see the whole town and see how beautiful it is, then you can play something
classic from a town, which is the Bolirana or the Tejo and finally you must have
dinner in its best restaurant, the food is delicious.

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