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Bloodlines >

Cthonic Bloodline
Tainted by the powers that lie beyond the dark tapestry, powers of the void flow through you
like an accursed disease.

Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes)

Bonus Spells: long arm (3rd), disfiguring touch (5th), call the
void (7th), dreadscape (9th), impossible angles (11th), impart mind (13th), contact entity
IV (15th), symbol of insanity (17th), interplanetary teleport (19th).

Bonus Feats: Iron Will, IronhideΔ, Persuasive, Nerve-Racking Negotiator, Toughness, Skill
Focus (Knowledge: Planes), Spell Focus (Transmutation).
Δ Ignore the racial prerequisite for this feat.

Bloodline Arcana: Spells you cast ignore any alignment restrictions and the alignment tags of
a spell (for example a spell with the [evil] tag) are ignored. Intentions behind casting the spell
are still taken into consideration for alignment purposes.

Bloodline Powers:

Mindblight (Su): At 1st level you are constantly surrounded by the whispers of alien and
beings from beyond the void enter into the thoughts of others. Everyone within 10 feet of you
takes a -2 penalty to Will Saves and is unable to use telepathy, including your allies (but not
yourself). At 9th level this increases to a 20 foot radius for a -4 penalty, and finally at 15th
level it increases to a 30 foot radius for a -6 penalty.

Horrors of the Dreamer (Sp): At 3rd level, you can spend a standard action to target an
opponent within 30 feet to send horrific visions of non-euclidean horrors. The target must
make a Will Save (DC 10 + 1/2 Sorcerer level + Charisma modifier) and on a failure the
opponent takes 3d6 points of damage and are shaken for 1 round per point of Charisma you
possess (minimum of 1). This can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + Charisma
Unnatural Body (Ex): At 9th level you recalculate your hit points using your Charisma in place
of Constitution similar to undead. In addition to this you receive a dodge bonus to AC equal to
Charisma modifier as well.

Eyes from Beyond (Su): At 15th level your eyes pierce even the strongest veils; you have see
in darkness can also see through fog, mist, and any barrier that is less than 1 inch thick.

Non-Euclidean Form (Su): At 20th level you become immune to critical hits and sneak attacks,
as well as poisons and diseases. Once per day you can apply metamagic effects to a spell you
cast without increasing the spell’s level. This can apply any number of metamagic effects to
the spell up to half your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).

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