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Raven Mendenueta


Communities all over the world face various challenges that require urgent attention from

local and national governments. These challenges range from infrastructural deficiencies to

environmental degradation, health crises, and social inequality. However, in this essay, I will

focus on one of the most pressing issues in my community that requires immediate attention

from authorities. The issue I have chosen is the poor transportation system in my community,

which is inadequate, causing significant problems for residents.

The community where I live suffers from a poor transportation system. The roads are

crowded, and the public transportation system is inadequate, leading to traffic jams and long

commute times. I live in a subdivision, and I always commute whenever I go to school. In

normal travel time, it will only take me about 20 minutes, but because of the lack of proper

transportation system, it doubles. Sometimes, it will even take me almost an hour because of the

waiting time, and I must walk about 10 minutes because jeepneys in my area are hard to find.

When going home, I need to wait for the jeepneys at SM, and since jeepneys going to my place

are not that many I must wait there for almost an hour because there are a lot of people waiting

there like me especially during rush hours.

The lack of proper transportation infrastructure has resulted in frustration and

inconvenience for residents, particularly those who rely on public transportation to travel to work

or school. The poor transportation system in our community is primarily caused by the following

immediate factors: The public transportation system is inadequate, with limited routes and

frequency, resulting in long wait times and overcrowded vehicles. The roads in our community
are crowded, leading to traffic jams and long commute times. There is a shortage of parking

spaces, forcing drivers to park illegally or on the street, contributing to traffic congestion.

The poor transportation system in our community is also influenced by the following

remote factors: The local government has not invested enough in transportation infrastructure,

such as building new roads, expanding public transportation routes, and improving parking

facilities. The rapid growth of the population in our community has led to an increase in the

number of vehicles on the road. Limited availability of affordable transportation options, such as

public transportation and bike lanes, forces many residents to rely on cars, contributing to traffic

congestion and air pollution.

To address the problem of poor transportation system in our community, I propose the

following solution: Invest in expanding public transportation routes and increasing the frequency

of jeepneys to reduce congestion and long wait times. Improve road infrastructure: Invest in

building new roads and improving existing ones to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow.

Provide affordable transportation options: The local government should provide affordable

transportation options, such as bike lanes and carpooling programs, or at least provide safe and

accessible infrastructure, such as bike lanes and pedestrian paths.

The proposed solution addresses the immediate and remote causes of the poor

transportation system in our community. Investing in public transportation will reduce

congestion and long wait times, improving road infrastructure will improve traffic flow, and

encouraging alternative modes of transportation will reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.

The solution is viable because it considers the current state of the transportation system in our

community and proposes concrete actions that can be implemented to improve the situation.

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