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Raven Mendenueta


As an IT student my program holds immense potential for my future as a professional in

the field of technology. Through my studies, I am gaining a comprehensive understanding of

various aspects of information technology, including programming, software development,

networking, cybersecurity, and database management. I am developing the technical skills and

knowledge necessary to navigate the ever-changing landscape of technology.

I see myself at the forefront of technological advancements, as a future professional who

will contribute to the advancements and innovations in the IT industry. I envision myself

working on exciting projects, collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, and utilizing my

problem-solving skills to overcome challenges. I recognize that technology is a driving force

across industries, and I aspire to make a positive impact by leveraging my expertise. Whether it's

developing innovative software solutions, implementing cybersecurity measures, optimizing

network infrastructure, or analyzing data for informed decision-making,

I am aware that being a successful IT professional requires continuous learning and

adaptability. I am committed to staying up to date with the latest technologies and industry

trends, understanding that the field of IT is ever evolving. I embrace the opportunities for growth

and are enthusiastic about honing my skills to meet the demands of the digital age.
Furthermore, I envision myself as an asset to organizations, providing strategic insights

and technical expertise to drive efficiency, productivity, and innovation. I recognize the

importance of effective communication, teamwork, and leadership in collaborating with

colleagues and stakeholders to achieve shared goals.

In conclusion, as an IT student, I have a clear vision of my future as a professional in the

field of technology. I am motivated, passionate, and eager to contribute to the transformative

power of information technology. With dedication, continuous learning, and a proactive mindset,

I am confident in my ability to make a meaningful impact and forge a successful career in the

dynamic world of IT.

Dear Professors,

One pressing issue in the Philippines that requires our attention is the persistent problem

of inadequate access to education. In its 2023 State of Philippine Education Report, PBEd said

the declining mental health among students and teachers; lack of support for teachers; culture of

“mass promotion” of learners, and the lack of proper assessments are among the most pressing

issues that must be addressed. This lack of education hinders their opportunities for personal

growth, social mobility, and overall development. To address this issue, it is crucial to implement

comprehensive solutions. These may include increasing government funding for education,

improving infrastructure and resources in underserved areas, providing scholarships and

financial assistance to students in need, and enhancing teacher training and professional

development. Collaborative efforts between the government, educational institutions, and civil

society organizations are essential to ensure that every Filipino child has access to a quality

education, thereby empowering them and contributing to the future progress of the nation.


Malipot, M. H. G. (2023, May 29). PH education in crisis. Retrieved September 6, 2023, from

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