Writing Essay - Aakash

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Writing Essay

Essay structure:
1. Introduction
 Hook sentence (Optional)
 Paraphrase
 Your stand (Fix statement)
2. Body Paragraph 1
 Topic sentence 1 (partial fix statement)
 Reason (why)
 Example ( support your argument by tour experience or any research or study
 Topic sentence brief
3. Body Paragraph 2
 Topic sentence (partial fix statement)
 Reason (why)
 Example ( support your argument by tour experience or any research or study
4. Conclusion (Fix statement)
Essay format with few fix statements:
Introduction 1:
Hook Statement. Paraphrase your question. (Your stand)In my opinion, the former/latter
proposition appears to be more rational. This essay will further elaborate both the point of
views before reaching to a logical conclusion.
Introduction 2:
The importance of (topic), which was debatable, has now become more controversial. It has
both positive and negative effects on (related context). In my opinion, the former proposition
appears to be more rational. This essay will further elaborate both sides of the argument before
reaching to an appropriate conclusion.
Body paragraph 1:
There are myriad reasons to support this argument but the most preponderant/ conspicuous/
important one is stems to the fact that (topic sentence). (Reason by answering why is so). For
example, the recent survey from Management/science/Art/Engineering institute has revealed
that (Give example in some percentage). Moreover, (Provide another topic sentence without
any reason or example).
Body paragraph 2:
There are, however, some pitfalls to negate this trend/argument but the most alarming/
concerning one is rooted to the fact that (topic sentence). (Reason by answering why is so).
For example, the most profound research by Oxford publication has analyzed that (Give
example in some percentage).
According the argument aforementioned above, it can be concluded that (supported elements).
The impact of (not supported elements) is/are prominent. Although, it has a number of
drawbacks that should be well handled.
Total Green words count: 122
If you are going to write remaining sentences with simplest grammar and good topic related
content, you will definitely score kind of 90 score in essay for sure.
Sample essay:
Hosting sporting events such as the Olympics and the World Cup can bring benefits to the host
countries. How far do you agree with this statement? Use your own examples to support.
The importance of hosting Major sports title events such as Olympics and World cup, which was
debatable, has now become more controversial. It has both positive and negative effects on
citizens, especially city dwellers where the event is going to be hosted. In my opinion, the
former proposition appears to be more rational. This essay will further elaborate both sides of
the argument before reaching to an appropriate conclusion.
There are myriad reasons to support this argument but the most conspicuous one is stems to
the fact that such major events bring employments to many native people. Many occupations
such as electricians, architects and many others are required to create such a big event. For
example, last year's event organizer report said that local businesses had seen a rise of 25% in
the months of Olympic 2018 event held at Delhi, India.
There are, however, some pitfalls to negate this trend/argument but the most alarming/
concerning one is rooted to the fact that big events create chaos in the routine lives of citizens.
Road diversions to navigate traffic create hassles to many individuals. Moreover, this event
requires a large number of natural resources such as water and fuels. For example, Mumbai has
suffered from a drought last year during a time of the hosting of IPL event. So that becomes a
controversial issue during that time.
According to the arguments aforementioned above, I can reach a conclusion that the positive
impact of hosting gigantic events can bring prosperity to the city. Although, it has a number of
drawbacks that should be well handled.
Total words: 260
Below are the free style essays which were similar to the format given above but with some
modification when required according to topics. Just go through it for reference.
Essay 2:

Space travel is fantastic these days, but there are many issues, such as environmental
problems, that we should be focusing on. What are your views on the allocation of public
Technological advancement is perpetually changing world's living standards. Space exploration
is highly regarded as a means to find new civilization to human kind to accommodate
burgeoning population as well as provides future environmental phenomenon. On the other
hand, opponents say it will have detrimental effects on atmosphere and contend that it is wise
to allocate more revenue to basic contemporary issues. This essay will elaborate both the view
points and will state other needful allocation of public funding.
There are myriad reasons to support space travel discoveries for it can bring more accurate
forecasting to the earth dwellers such as drought, floods, volcano eruptions and many other
climate disasters. Space satellites are powerful space equipment that rotate around the orbit of
the earth and can be programed to do many things. It will help to explore other earth-like
planets in the universe to find option for future accommodation of humans. For example,
recent Chandrayan-2 mission of ISRO of India was to explore far-end of the moon to examine
particles and related discoveries that can help in future experiments.
There are, though, several pitfalls about it but the most alarming one is rooted to the fact that
due to a massive number of space travel by many countries, the debris and the space waste
increase and float into infinite space. According to recent survey, most debris of satellites were
from India, China and the US.
On the other hand, instead allocating vast amount of research and development funds to space
programs, it is wise to manage recent issues such as global warming and depleting layers of
natural resources.
In conclusion, Space travel facilitates more to the human kind but several contemporary issues
need to be given priorities as well.
Total word count: 288
Essay 3:
It is important for children to take extra classes or play after school? Discuss both and give your
Better education is the key to success for children in their prospective careers. It is often argued
whether students should continue to enroll into separate tuition classes after school hours or it
is wise for them to relax and indulge into extracurricular activities like playing sports. According
to me, letter proposition appears to be more rational. This essay will elaborate both the point
of views before reaching to a logical conclusion.
There are myriad reasons to support that playing different sports will provide them enough
time to relax and rejuvenation after a lot of burden from schools learning. Incessant study
degrades their fantasy towards education. For example, according to a survey by health
institute revealed that about 65% students manage to get good score in their respective studies
while they were given enough time to relax by playing games after schools. Moreover, private
tuition classes eventually gain more focus while school learning, on the other hand, loses their
importance if students are enrolling into extra classes.
There are some pitfalls to negate this argument but the most preponderant one is rooted to the
fact that schools nowadays admit more students to gain their profit and in doing so, schools
cannot provide in-depth attention to all the students of different capabilities. To exemplify, the
case in point where research from education sector stated that more number of students took
help of extra tuition classes for different subjects to cope with the fierce study competition.
To conclude, both the arguments hold onto their relevance and importance but the benefits of
playing sports after school such as determination and focus far outweigh the other argument.
Total count: 272
Essay 4:
Business whether big or small is to maximize profit. Do you agree with that? Give your opinion.
Organizations generally aim to grow financially. Their primary motto is to flourish economically.
However, there are some businesses which work toward the goal of social empowerment and
have ethics in the profession. In my opinion, though, the former proposition appears to be
more rational. This essay will further elaborate both the sides before reaching to an appropriate
There are myriad reasons to support the argument but the most conspicuous one stems from
the fact that companies invest large money to grow their business horizons. In a cut-throat
competition, it is indispensable to focus more on profit-based factors. For example, the
research from Business analyst conference has revealed that the organization which is sound in
a fruitful analysis of income generation has grown more swiftly than those which are not
capable of doing so. Moreover, even small organizations are impelled by globalization effect
nowadays. They have to horn their skills to rise in the industries.
However, there are some pitfalls that negate this argument but the most alarming one is rooted
to the fact that many industries, in the race to achieve golden height, often deviate from their
ethics toward humanity. To exemplify this, a case in point where many chemical industries
generate perilous gasses and liquids that amalgamate into natural resources such as air and
river. This can affect dangerously to all living species.
In conclusion, the goal of gaining profit in business is an obvious reason to business. Although, it
has a few drawbacks such as pollution that should be well handled.
Total count: 254
Essay 5:
Some people think that younger employees often have more skills, knowledge and motivation
than the old employees. To what extent do you agree with it? Use your experience.
The importance of younger employees at work, which was debatable, has now become more
controversial. Many assert that it is more beneficial to recruit young workers as they have good
abilities, information and dedications. However, others simply reject this notion. In my opinion,
the former proposition appears to be more rational. This essay will further elaborate both the
point of views before reaching to an appropriate conclusion.
There are manifold reasons to support young employment. First and foremost, novices are
more adaptive to the change in organization policies and work methods. They tend to take new
challenges more positively than those of senior employees. For example, recent survey of
organization audit has revealed that most successful businessmen and CEOs of the companies
have agreed upon the fact that young workers bring more fruitful results and are very obedient
in nature.
There are some pitfalls to reject this notion as well. The fact that newly employed workers
consume more time to understand the methodologies of the industries they work for. And as
soon as they learn the process, they simply wish to jump to new career opportunities. This
trend causes many organizations to waste their useful time on training of those candidates.
Rather beneficial view is to employ seniors who are well versed in their area of expertise.
In conclusion, although senior employees are more experienced, the positive learning attitude
and obedient nature the younger employees bring, outweigh the negatives of the argument in
Total count: 244

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