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A. Background

Corn (Zea mays L.) is commodity strategic in Indonesia which

where This plant is also an important food commodity that contains
carbohydrates after rice Corn is a strategic commodity and has a wide
market share, good in the country nor in outside country (Mulyono,
2018). Wrong one factor which determine results plant corn is content
element hara in soil. Through fertilization expected can sufficient needs
hara and increase productivity corn plant. Materials from fertilization
containing high nitrogen content that is chicken manure.
Dirt chicken have content N which enough tall, compared fertilizer
other animal manure cages, as well as a low C/N ratio. N content which
is relatively high in chicken manure can be used to meet nutrient needs
on lettuce. According to I Ketut et al stated that the dose of chicken
manure with dose of 12 tons ha-1 gave the highest yield on plant height
and observation parameters plant fresh weight. Giving urea as inorganic
fertilizer and chicken manure as organic fertilizer is an alternative to
overcome the shortage of nutrients and materials organic on soil. (I
Ketut et al. 2020). Waste dirt chicken which many found in Public namely
dirt chicken from broilers.
Production farm chicken broiler mature this develop very rapidly
along with the increasing market demand for broiler chickens. Chicken
request broiler is expected to increase 31% of total consumption in 2009
(1,575,000 head) to 2,064,000 head (Director General of Livestock
2008). High demand must always offset with repair management in
maintenance. Repair quality feed and efforts to create cheap feed from
industrial waste that has value nutrition which tall is wrong one factor
important in repair management broiler maintenance. Good feed is feed
that has a price cheap and good quality, good feed quality there must be

a balance between protein, energy, vitamins, minerals and water. Feed
requirements for chickens depend on strain, age, big chicken, activity,
temperature environment, speed grow, health and balance substance
feed. Food substances for livestock generally consist of 6 types, namely
water, carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. One of the
feed ingredients whose price has increased quite sharply is corn, which
is the main ingredient in broiler feed. On the other hand, corn is also
used as human food, resulting in competition between humans and
chickens. In addition, domestic corn production is not can meet national
needs as a result of meeting domestic corn needs also rely on imported
B. Formula Problem

1. Production farm chicken broiler mature this develop very rapidly

which causing a lot of chicken manure waste that can be used as
fertilizer organic so that with the influence of broiler manure on the
growth and production of maize plants can reduce the use fertilizer
2. One of the feed ingredients whose price has increased quite sharply
is corn, where ingredient this is the main ingredient in broiler feed.

C. Destination

1. Assess the effect of chicken manure on the growth and production of

corn local as well as knowing ability in substitute use fertilizer
2. Providing information about the advantages of local corn and using
corn local as a feed ingredient for broilers.



A. Interaction Plant Corn And Fertilizer Cage Chicken

Government mature this currently intense To do development

resource in various sectors to improve people's welfare. One of them is
the sector agriculture with high potential for economic growth. Farms are
generally identical with rural, so that effort development optimized with
empowerment the people. Pasandaran et al . (2006) stated that the
integration between livestock and plant could Becomes means
development agriculture in region rural, remember part big activity in
village still struggling on farm and match plant. Utilization of livestock
manure as organic fertilizer is an integrated livestock-plant increasingly
common in society. Waste from various types of livestock can be used
ingredient raw making fertilizer with quality which different. Fertilizer
organic from Chicken manure is known to have the best quality
compared to fertilizer from cow manure or goat. Making organic fertilizer
can reduce environmental problems and health problems that often
occur due to the accumulation of livestock manure (Mujiyo et al ., 2017
in Mujoyo et al, 2019).
Giving fertilizer cage is wrong one effort for increase soil fertility
and crop productivity. In Indonesia, the potential for manure is sufficient
big especially which originated from dirt cattle cow, that is: 35,944,757
tons, 41,690,458 tonnes, 43,631,280 tonnes and 45,272,857 tonnes in
2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively. Fertilizer cage before applied
on land agriculture need conducted process Composting either naturally
or using microbial starter (activator/decomposer) form micro organisms
local (MOL) or which available in a manner commercial in market.
Its use is capable speed up the composting time of manure only
10 days. The more doses of manure applied on agricultural land, the
fertility soil, especially nature physique, chemical, and biology soil

Becomes increase. So also on plant productivity, which has been seen
in first growing season and the residue still found on season plant
second. Use fertilizer cage and fertilizer biodiversity is very prospective
to be developed large.
Returning soil organic matter through the application of manure is
wrong one practice which applied in field agriculture which aim for
security and health of agricultural products (FAO, 2009). Research on
the role of manure in increase productivity plant good in land ricefield
mapun in land dry already many conducted. A number of study get that
addition dose fertilizer cages can increase soybean yields (Santoso,
2018) Results of Soelaeman and Haryati (2012) found that compared to
without the application of manure, the use manure as much as 10
tons/ha on Ultisol soil can improve chemical properties and soil physics
thereby improving growth, yield components of corn and cassava in
system overlapping ( relay cropping ) (Atman, 2020).

One of the reasons for the low yield of wet cob per hectare in
Indonesia is degradation land where lack of availability element hara in
soil especially N, P, and K. Wrong one the cause is use fertilizer
inorganic in a manner Keep going continuously. The more it is
degraded, the more organic matter content becomes unavailable.
Organic matter is an important ingredient in creating soil fertility. in line
In large quantities, organic matter improves soil properties including
physical, chemical and biological properties soil. The addition of
nutrients by means of fertilization needs to be done to replace nutrients
lost due to degradation (Utomo, 2016). Need to increase production
exists system handling cultivation which good and intensive with notice
good and correct land management, choosing the right spacing, proper
irrigation well, fertilization with the right dose and time, eradication of
pests and diseases that integrated, selection of superior varieties, and
determination of the right population size is wrong one attempt to get a
range of results optimal (Risa et al, 2019).

B. Plant Corn Local

Corn (Zea mays, L.) in Indonesia is one of the main commodities

for groceries. Corn seeds as a source of carbohydrates and protein can
be processed Becomes various type food and feed. All needs the could
fulfilled through effort increase production corn, in in between with
manage Dry land is more intensive for corn cultivation because
agricultural land is increasing reduce consequence degradation and
over function land. Temporary that amount population in Indonesia
continues to increase so that the need for corn continues increase. This
matter will be fulfilled if corn production in Indonesia continues to be
increased, Communities on the land also still use local varieties of corn
because they are considered suitable for the conditions agroecological
land dry. Results which tall depends on ability genetic corn which
planted in utilise all factor grow which there is, as well as its resilience to
limitations factor grow in land dry, like temperature which tall, bulk
rain and low soil fertility. (Eduardus et al. 2019)
Substitution corn in rations commercial need consider quality and
the quantity of corn at the national level and at the regional level. NTT
local corn has protein content of 11.78% and metabolic energy of 3,801.9
kcal/kg. Furious (2012) in Bora et al , (2019) state that content proteins
corn local yellow in East Flores Regency is 10.82%. In addition, the
national corn production 2014–2017 saw an increase of 34.3% from
19.01 million tonnes to 28.92 million tonnes. Furthermore, it is projected to
increase by 3.63% in 2018 (BPS, 2018 processed). Corn production in
NTT in 2014–2017 also increased by 20.1% from 647,108 tonnes to
809,830 tonnes (BPS, 2018 processed). Availability of corn in NTT
supported by the government's Corn Planting Program (TJPS) through
the NTT Provincial Agriculture Office in 2018 with a target of 7 districts
based on dry land covering an area of 2,400 ha with projected production
of 4–5 tonnes/ha with corn HPP Rp. 3,200/kg of dry husks (Department
of Agriculture Province NTT, 2018). Based on production corn in a

manner national nor in NTT especially those that support quantity,
quality and economy as animal feed, then there is a need for efforts to
manipulate feed by substituting local corn in the ration broiler commercial
as much as 30%. Nutritional content.
Based on need chicken nutrition, so to support superior local
chicken meat productivity in Commercial NTT can be done by optimizing
the use of local feed to reduce production costs. One easy strategy to
reduce feed costs is with substitute corn local in feed commercial
purebred chicken broiler. The use of corn for livestock feed, especially
poultry, averages around 45-55 percent portion. This is because corn has
many advantages over raw materials others. Two between superiority
corn is content the energy which can reaching 3,350 kcal/kg (NRC
1994) and quite high xanthophil . From the side of corn amino acids seen
as a material that is quite rich in methionine (ratio) so that the
combination corn with source lysine like soybeans meal felt enough good
in drafting rations. Local corn is a popular raw material for livestock and
fish used in Indonesia Indonesia and in several countries. Corn is used
as a raw material for energy production, but not as a source of protein,
because the protein content is low (8.9 percent), even deficient to sour
essential Amino, especially lysine and tryptophan. (F Lofi et al, 2020).
According to Fitiyani, et al (2019) wrong one feed Chicken Broiler
use groats corn. Corn groats are a by-product of the corn milling process
used as a constituent of poultry rations, because it contains substances
feed is quite high and does not compete with human consumption. The
reality of corn groats has been widely used by breeders as a constituent
of chicken rations, especially for chickens broiler (broilers). Fitiyani, et al
Corn as ingredient source energy for chicken hold role main in
preparation of poultry feed, both broiler, laying hens and types of poultry
other. The weakness of corn is the low protein and amino acid lysine, for
Improving the nutritional quality of corn is an effort that can be done,

namely by To do technology fermentation. A number of results study
disclose that fermentation pile During 6 day, capable lower fiber Rough
36 percent and increase proteins Rough 48 percent (Wizna et al., 2009).
As comparison based on results study that fermentation mixture bran
paddy and blood with The best Bacillus amyloliquefaciens at a dose of 3
percent for 3 days can reduce crude fiber from 11.27 percent to 7.93
percent with a decrease in the percentage of crude fiber of 29.63
percent and increased metabolic energy from 2956 kcal to 3195 kcal
(7,48 percent). (Fitriyani, 2019).
C. Cattle Chicken Broiler

Broiler chicken is a term used to refer to chickens that are cultivated

has an economic character with the characteristics of fast growth, meat
producers with conversion feed economical and ready cut on age
relatively young. On generally chicken broilers ready to cut at the age of
35-45 days. The main goal of raising broiler chickens (broilers) is for get
increase weight body and quality carcass which tall as well as safe
consumed by humans. Optimal broiler productivity must be supported by
provision feed which enough, good quality nor the quantity, for that need
implemented appropriate ration program according to their needs. On
effort livestock, rations are important factors in addition to seeds and
In the world there are many ways to improve the performance of
chickens. One of the most common ways used is by administering
probiotics into livestock rations. Probiotics are given to chickens aims to
reduce harmful microorganisms in the tract digestion chicken. Wrong
one method which could used for increase score the use of the ration is
through the provision of feed additives (feed additives). Feed additives in
poultry consists of probiotics, antibiotics, antioxidants and other factors
such as hormones growth which is used to improve the performance of
poultry and increase nutrition local raw materials used (Fuller, 1992 in
Fitriyani, 2019).

There are various kinds of manure that can be used as a fertilizer
substitute inorganic, among them fertilizer cage cow, goat and chicken.
Content element hara Manure varies depending on the type of livestock,
food, age and health cattle). Fertilizer cage cow more many available,
easy found and used. Superiority fertilizer cage goat that is sized more
big so that could improve soil porosity and aeration. Nutrient N
contained in manure chicken is relatively high compared to other
manure because solid manure is mixed with fertilizer liquid (urine).
(Rahman et al ., 2020) ( in Silfareda et al., 2021).
Dirt chicken have content N which enough tall, compared fertilizer
other animal manure cages, as well as a low C/N ratio. N content which
is relatively high in chicken manure can be used to meet nutrient needs
on lettuce (Banner, 2012). laude and Tamber (2010) state that dose
fertilizer cage chicken with dose 12 tons ha-1 give results highest on
parameter observation plant height and plant fresh weight. ( in Journal I
Ketut, 2020).
Muljoni et al . (2018) shows the results of an analysis of organic
fertilizer samples from SMEs Plant ornamental “BEJO AGROFARM” in
Regency Karanganyar. UKM this integrate Among cattle chicken cut
with decorative plants. Fertilizer organic which produced is used for the
cultivation of various kinds of ornamental plants. Moisture content
25.14%, N total 2.3%, P2O5 1.48%, K2O 2.68, C-organic 27.24% and
PH 8.22, which all have meet the standards, temporary that is only The
C/N ratio is 11.79%. still below standard. Results sample analysis it
shows that fertilizer organic from UKM decorative plants It has the best
fertilizer quality among the 3 partners. Total N amount + P2O5 + K2O of
6.47% has met the standard, and is the highest compared to fertilizer
another. This is presumably due to the basic ingredients of fertilizer in
the form of chicken manure containing element N, P and K are higher
than dirt goats and cows.
High nutrient content in chicken manure organic fertilizer due to

livestock solid manure mixed with liquid manure. Cow and goat manure
has the texture is denser than chicken manure so it has a sufficient
decomposition period slow. Slow decomposition also results in slower
nutrient availability content NPK low. To make it happen production
clean this, one efforts to handling the chicken manure released by the
chicken farm is to treat it become fertilizer. Organic fertilizer from chicken
manure is reported to be of poor quality lost to manure sold by traders.
In addition, the processing of chicken manure broiler into fertilizer is an
alternative choice for managing livestock waste chicken (Bayu et al,
According to Komariyati and goddess (2017), if issue dirt chicken
this no handled with good, so will raises problem and even could bring
risk bankruptcy. Cleaner production is a strategy to reduce pollution
altogether push use source power, which in inside involve efficiency use
resources and cycles waste recycling (ILO, 2013). In order to realize
this clean production, one of the efforts to deal with chicken droppings
released by chicken farms is to process it into fertilizer.
According to Sumarno (2017), organic fertilizer from Chicken
manure is reported to have quality that is not inferior to manure for sale
by trader. Besides that, processing dirt chicken broiler Becomes fertilizer
is an alternative choice for managing chicken farm waste, which at the
same time can increase the income of chicken farmers (Komariyati and
Dewi, 2017). Nevertheless, needed studies for identify cost processing
dirt the Becomes fertilizer and the benefits that can be obtained when
compared with the management that has been going on until now this.
Study this conducted for explain management waste farm chicken which
already walk and analyze profit processing dirt chicken Becomes
compost as effort realize production clean farm chicken broiler in Village
Besuki, Subdistrict ampel, Province Java Middle. ( in Bayu et al, 2021).



A. Research methods

1. Management of corn crops

 Seed used that's a seed local corn.
 Land preparation and preparation of 2 x 3.2 m trial plots. Pukan
plus given three days before planting, inorganic fertilizer TSP and
KCl at a dose of 150 kg/ha was applied at planting, and ZA
fertilizer (200 kg N/ha) was applied 7 days after plant regularly
tugal on each hole fits treatment.
 Planting is done by immersing two corn seeds in each hole with a
distance of 40 x 40 cm (population of 40 plants/plot).
Observations were made on four existing sample plants in the
middle of the square. beds.
 Caring for corn plants is done by watering every morning and
evening as well conducted hoarding. Control pest conducted with
gift insecticide, whereas control weeds conducted in a manner
physique (repeal). Harvest carried out when the plant enters the
age of 72 HST.
 Fertilizer cage Dosage used each fertilizer cage i.e. 20 tons/ha.
2. Management of broiler livestock
 The material used was 200 broiler chickens aged 21 days, With
weight flat start - flat 770 grams
 The feed given to livestock is in the form of rations from
fermented corn. With Dosage Concentrate 54 percent + corn
fermentation with Bacillus probiotics sp. 46 percent.
 Corn is ground and then weighed, making fermented corn with
using bacillus sp , namely corn ground as much as 50 kg, liquid
probiotics namely bacillus sp 50 ml, 10 liters of water and 50

grams of urea. All ingredients are mixed and stirred in a manner
equally. Corn which has mixed with probiotics the put into a
plastic bag that has been marked, then tied to agar no air enters
or is anaerobic and is stored at room temperature and is not
caught ray direct sun and left for 4 day.
 As for for processing Fertilizer Cage
Materials needed and how to make manure; according to
(Widhartono et al., 2011) is as follows:
Composition manure:
1. Stool chicken 45 % : 45 kgs
2. Husk 7.5% : 7.5 kg
3. Ash husk 7.5% : 7.5 kg
4. Rubbish organic from market 38% : 38 kg
5. Lime/Calcium 2% : 3 kgs
Supplement Composition :
1. SOT (Supplement organic Plant) : 50 ml
2. Sugar sand : 200 g
3. Drops sugar cane : 50 ml
4. Water : 1 liter
Method make it: Activate SOT
1. The procedure: mix 50 ml SOT with 200 g sugar, 50 ml
molasses and 1 liter of water, stir until smooth and let stand for
at least 24 hours anaerobic.
2. Mix all ingredient bocation.
3. Mix SOT is active with whole mixture waste.
4. All ingredient fermented in a manner anaerobic .
5. Fermentation minimum 3X24 o'clock, for results which
6. Fermentation is carried out 14 days or more.

7. If you don't get SOT, fermentation can be carried out using EM4
with long fermentation minimum 2 months.

B. Research result
1. Yields on maize plants
Significant interaction on the yield of the local hill variety and
the population of 285,714 plant ha- 1, namely the weight of ca12%
cobs-1 seeds (137.77 g) and the weight of oven-dried seeds cobs-1
(121.23 g). The population of 285,714 tan.ha-1 is the optimum
population which gives the highest yield for all local maize varieties.
The Bukit Local Variety alone gives results with dry seed weight
ovens 90,20 g tan. -1 and dry seed weight ovens 5.13 t ha-1.
Application of chicken manure (20 tonnes/ha) was able to
increase the average height 86.52 cm plants on corn plants. This
shows that the dose is 20 tons/ha. Fertilizer chicken coop is enough to
provide the nutrients that plants need to absorb by the corn crop to
the maximum. Based on the results of laboratory analysis, content
elements hara fertilizer cage chicken which used that is N (1.26%),
P (1.18%), K (1.26%), Ca (2.80%), Mg (1.16%), Na (2.25%) and Fe
(0.082 ppm). According to Melati, et al. (2008) in Atman. (2020)
chicken manure residue of 20 t/ha can be used for Fulfill nutrient
needs ground on plant soya bean.
2. Results in broiler livestock
Use corn fermentation with probiotics Bacillus sp, increase
broiler chicken body weight gain of 17.85 percent. It is suspected of
use probiotics Bacillus sp could increase quality feed. Increase weight
body influenced by the amount of ration consumed and the quality of
the ration. Increase weight body influenced by amount consumption
rations which consumed by broilers. Body weight gain is a
manifestation of the growth achieved during study. In accordance with
the opinion of Soeharsono (1976) in Fitriyani, (2019), that increase

body weight is an easier benchmark to give a clear picture regarding
growth. Broiler growth is very fast and growth starts since hatch up to
age 7 week, after that growth speed will decrease.

A. Conclusion
1. Giving fertilizer cage chicken (20 tons/ha) capable increase
average tall 86.52 cm plants on corn plants. This shows that the
dose is 20 tons/ha. Chicken manure is enough to provide the
nutrients needed by plants for absorbed by the corn plant to the

2. To get weight gain tall body, it is recommended to add corn groats

by 10 percent in finished feed so that the need for protein and
energy permanent fulfilled. Giving corn which fermented with use
probiotics Bacillus sp. significant effect on body weight gain and
feed conversion. Use probiotics Bacillus sp .
B. Suggestion
Constructive criticism and suggestions from readers are highly
expected as evaluation material for the future. So that the writer can
continue to produce research and writing that is useful for many


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