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ST. TARSICIUS carrying to the mob.

They stone and beat

him resulting to serious physical injury
• Fellow Christian named Quadratus and
St. Tarsicius or Tarcisius is martyr of the early
carried back to catacombs rescued him;
Christian church.
however, he died on the way due to injuries.
• Buried in cemetery of St. Callistus
• Venerated in Catholic Church, Orthodox
• Relics are in Basilica of Saint Sylvester
Church, Anglican Church
• Canonized (Pre-Congregation)
• Shrine is located in Minor Basilica of Saint MIRACLE OF ST. TARSICIUS
Sylvester the First, Italy • Most Blessed Sacrament was not found on
• Feast day is August 15 according to Roman St. Tarcisius’s body, either on hands and
Martyrology clothing
• Host, wounds, youth are attributes • Consecrated Host became his flesh of his
• Patron of Altar Servers flesh, forming together with his body
• Patron of First Communicants • Single immaculate Host offered to God

Historical Timeline of Life of St. Tarsicius: LEGACY AND CANONIZATION

• 12 years old martyr
• reign of Emperor Valerian (253-259)
• St. Damasus I, PP wrote a poem about “boy-
• Lived during probably pontificate of St.
martyr of the Eucharist”
Cornelius, PP (251-253) and St. Lucius I, PP
• Suffered violent death at the hands of a mob
rather than give up the Sacred Body to
“raging dogs”
Life of Christians during Emperor Valerian
• Youthful courage and devotion
 Ordered all Christian clergy to perform “St. Tarcisius’ testimony and this beautiful
sacrifices to Roman gods tradition teach us the deep love and great
 Forbade Christians from holding meetings in veneration that we must have for the
cemeteries Eucharist……..
 Ordered bishops and other high-ranking …With consecration, as you know, that little
Church officials to be executed (St. Cyprian, piece of bread becomes Christ’s Body, that wine
Bishop of Carthage; Sixtus II, PP including becomes Christ’s Blood. You are lucky to be able
his deacons and St. Lawrence) to live this indescribable Mystery from close at
 Senators and equites who were Christians hand! Do your task as altar servers with love,
were to be stripped off their titles and loose devotion and faithfulness; do not enter a church
their properties for the celebration with superficiality but rather,
 Ordered St. Cyprian to be decapitated prepare yourselves inwardly for Holy Mass!
Assisting your priests in service at the altar helps
MARTYRDOM OF ST. TARSICIUS to make Jesus closer, so that people can
• Each day, from a secret meeting place in understand, can realize better: He is here.”
catacombs, a deacon would be sent to
prisons to carry the Eucharist Benedictus, XVI, PP
• He was tasked to bring Eucharist to General Audience to Altar Servers
condemned Christians in prison because no 4 August, 2010
deacon at the time
• He volunteered to the priest and said “Send
• The priest reluctant to give the task to
Tarsicius however, he said “My youth will be
the best shield for the Eucharist”. That is the Prepared by : FDGarcia 2023
last time that the priest saw Tarcisius was
• Stopped by pagan boy playmaytes with the
same age
• Noticed by pagans carrying “something”
close to his heart
• While walking to prison, he greeted by
playmates and saw the item that Tarsicius
was carrying. He refused to show what was

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