Scenario For Assignment

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Nurse: good morning Mrs. Jacobs! You put on Therapeutic communication: giving recognition
lipstick you look good!
Mrs. Jacobs: Thank you, I do feel good. I just
wanted my look to reflect my mood.
Nurse: I’m glad! Want to talk about it? Therapeutic communication: Providing general
Mrs. Jacobs: Yes, my son whom I have not seen leads question.
for a while will be visiting with his family. I’m Caring: Being with the patient
seeing my grandson after such a long time.
Nurse: that’s good news! Would you like me to
help you with your hair?
Mrs. Jacobs: ohhhh! I would love that. Thank you!
Nurse: No problem, Ma’am.
(After fixing her hair) Teaching: restoration of health.
Mrs. Jacobs: I forgot why are you here again? Caring: knowledge
Nurse: yes, I’m here actually because I am giving
you a new medication for your blood pressure.
Mrs. Jacobs: for my blood pressure? Yes, I don’t
think my previous medicine was working. My BP
still remained a little high. Even my doctor said
Nurse: Yes, that is why Dr. Ellis is changing your
medication. The medication’s name is Micardis,
its generic name is Telmisartan. I’ll be giving you
this medication once a day. You can take this with
or without food. As I have said before this is for
your Blood Pressure. I’ll be taking your Blood
pressure now ok, before giving you the medicine.
Then we will monitor if you would respond better
to this or if the doctor need to add one more
blood pressure medication.
Mrs. Jacobs: Oh I hope so.... I hope this one
would work better.

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