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MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Table of contents
Chapter 4: Shift in seafarers’ skill requirements in
Table of contents
2030 25
Executive summary
4.1 Seafarer skill shifts in the decade of

transformation 25
Chapter 1: Introduction
4.2 Maritime transformations and their impact on
1.1 Background 5
seafarers 26
1.2 Objective 6
4.3 Challenges due to digitalization, decarbonization,
1.3 Scope 6
and other industry transformations 30
1.4 Approach 6
4.4 Summary 34
1.5 Significance 7

Chapter 5: Training & Upskilling Seafarers For 2030 35

Chapter 2: Key drivers for change in the maritime
5.1 The need for training and upskilling seafarers
industry 8
for the future 35
2.1 Key drivers of transformation in the maritime
5.2 Future technologies impacting seafarers 36

industry 8
5.3 Impact of maritime decarbonization and
2.2 Decarbonization 9
digitalization on seafarer training 37
2.3 Digitalization 11
5.4 Modern training methods 39
2.4 Summary 11
5.5 Challenges in the current seafarer training

ecosystem 40
Chapter 3: Ship management and the role of
Case study: Kongsberg K-Sim engine – advanced
seafarers in 2030 12
engine room simulator for maritime training
3.1 Impact and challenges of decarbonization to

ship management and seafarers in 2030 12

Chapter 6: Conclusions and recommendations 45
3.2 Impact and challenges of digitalization to ship
6.1 Key drivers and digitalization and
management and seafarers in 2030 15

decarbonization 46
3.3 Other challenges to ship management and
6.2 Seafarer training and development 46
seafarers in 2030 20
6.3 Retention, attraction and opportunities 50
3.4 Views of the industry and survey results 20

3.5 Summary 24
References 51

Annex A - Seafarer survey results 54

Disclaimer: This document is not meant to replace any rules,

regulations or guidelines that are in existence. It is a compilation
of experiences, practices, and information gathered from various
sources in industry. It is expected that compliance with applicable
class rules and statutory requirements will be ensured.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Executive summary
This study examines the key drivers propelling the transfor- which fits well with the thriving maritime innovation
mation of the maritime industry and assesses their impact ecosystem and increasing venture capital funding,
on ship management and seafarers leading up to 2030. particularly in Singapore.
Specifically, the study focuses on two primary transfor- • However, only 40% of seafaring officers think shore-
mative trends — decarbonization and digitalization — and based control centres, used to operate some or all func-
examines their implications for workforce preparedness in tions remotely, would make their onboard job easier.
the future.
Sustainability and technology as talent recruitment and
The research draws on a comprehensive methodology retention tools
combining a literature review, expert consultations, and • 55% of respondents (Deck and Engineering Officers
a survey of over 500 seafarers responsible for operating 50%) indicated that new developments in fuels, automa-
dry bulk, tanker, and container vessels globally. The survey tion and digitalization onboard ships could retain
respondents included seasoned professionals, with 70% existing seafarers and attract new seafarers.
having over 11 years in the industry and the majority (ap-
proximately two-thirds) holding officer ranks. Key Recommendations
Building upon the key findings, the study presents several
Key Findings recommendations to enhance seafarer training and develop-
To effectively prepare the maritime industry workforce for ment, and improve attraction and retention. The recommen-
the challenges of decarbonization and digitalization, several dations include the following:
key findings have emerged:
A collective responsibility to prepare seagoing
Training in new fuels and technology professionals for the future
• The survey results broadly expressed such needs across • Key stakeholders such as regulatory bodies, shipowners/
the ranks. operators/managers and training academies should
• Over 75% of seafarers (Deck and Engine Officers 78%) carefully assess and target skill deficits in digitalization
indicated they would require partial or complete train- and decarbonization in the current decade to ensure
ing on fuels such as LNG, batteries, or synthetic fuel. seafarers are ready for the future. Training could be
• Almost 87% of respondents (Deck and Engine Officers prioritized on LNG and batteries, as they are expected to
91%) indicated a need for partial or complete training become the most commonly used alternative options
on emerging fuels such as ammonia, methanol, and in the current decade. Recently, the number of vessels
hydrogen. with LNG and battery or battery-hybrid has significantly
• 81% of respondents (Deck and Engine Officers 85%) increased, making it critical to focus on these fuel types.
indicated that they require either partial or complete • The industry should adopt the future seafarer training
training in dealing with advanced digital technologies model whereby maritime training academies focus on
(such as further automation of equipment/systems, providing basic/generalized shipboard skills, while ship
advanced sensors, artificial intelligence, and remote operators should focus on delivering fuel-specific and
operations). Only 13% (Deck and Engine Officers 11%) vessel-specific training.
agreed they were well trained.
• 52% of seafarers (Deck and Engine Officers 53%) Leverage modern training methods to address augmented
indicated a strong preference for in-person training at training and development
a maritime training centre or academy, with 23% (Deck • The industry can fill the skills deficit and enhance sea
and Engine Officers 27%) that prefer a blend of in-per- farer development in the current decade using new
son and online training. training methods. While not all trainings may be suitable
• Almost 70% of respondents (Deck and Engine Officers for a single medium, the industry should aim to effec-
74%) have used simulators, virtual reality or other digi- tively use a range of training options to improve accessi-
tal environments when undertaking training, of which bility, speed and depth of content. This may involve a
60% (Deck and Engine Officers 65%) indicated such blend of digital and in-person training components to
training methods helped develop their skills. Only 10% optimize available resources and ensure seafarers have
(Deck and Engine Officers 9%) disagreed. access to the best training. Additionally, technologies
such as VR/AR can further enhance seafarer training.
Embracing new technology • Shipowners/operators/managers and training acade-
• Two-thirds of seafaring officers said more advanced mies should prioritize training the most suitable sea-
technology onboard would make their job easier, farers based on their position onboard, experience and

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

availability. For example, senior officers should be operational capability and attraction-retention
trained on new technologies and fuels to provide strategies. The career development opportunities that
effective mentoring and on-the-job training, followed digitalization and decarbonization present should be
by junior crew members whose onboard training can leveraged to retain and attract people to a seafaring job.
be supplemented with technology-assisted training • Shipowners/operators/managers should explore op-
such as virtual reality and simulators. portunities for seafarers to take on complementary
• Future STCW courses could introduce updated shore-based roles, such as vessel control and mon-
fire-fighting techniques and methods into the curricu- itoring facilities (shore control centres), which will likely
lum to combat the new types of fires posed by become more prevalent later in the current decade.
emerging fuels.
• Maritime training organizations and employers of Overall, this study provides a detailed discussion on the
seafarers should renew their focus on developing future of seafarers, including the challenges, impact, and
seafarers’ soft skills. training needed. We hope this study will motivate and guide
stakeholders to take appropriate action to prepare the sea-
Providing a pathway for sustainable career progression going workforce for the coming decade of transformation.
for seagoing professionals, vital for talent attraction and
• Shipowners/operators/managers should closely
manage seafarers’ progression opportunities, considering

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Chapter 1

1.1 Background
Seafarers play a critical role in the maritime industry and the remain an integral and indispensable part of the maritime
smooth functioning of global trade. They provide essential industry now and in the near future. They will have to upskill
skills and labour to keep shipping operations running, the and reskill to stay relevant as new challenges arise and the
safe and efficient operation of vessels, cargo transport, and pace of change accelerates.
onboard maintenance.
The Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF) commissioned
With advancements in decarbonization, sustainability, this study to identify and understand the key drivers of
and technology , the role of a seafarer is expected to shift changes in the maritime industry and their impact on the
dramatically. They would have to demonstrate operational future of seafarers and ship management leading up to
insight to ensure that vessels operate safely and sustainably 2030. The study aims to establish future-ready training and
during their voyage. curricula to upskill and reskill seafarers.

Although widespread use of autonomous ships is unlikely

to happen on the high seas anytime soon, seafarers will

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

1.2 Objective
The objectives of this study, with a time horizon of up to • Understand how maritime training and education can
2030, are to: be improved.
• Suggest ways to better prepare seafarers for potential
• Identify the key drivers for change and their effect on changes to their roles.
the roles of seafarers in future shipboard operations. • Provide recommendations to address learning gaps.
• Address ship management challenges directly affecting
the roles of seafarers.

1.3 Scope
This study leveraged previous DNV whitepapers “Closing online surveys with subject matter experts and seafarers to
the safety gap in an era of transformation”¹ and “Insights identify the current and future work challenges for seafarers
into seafarer training and skills needed to support a decar- and provide recommendations.
bonized shipping industry”², interviews, discussions, and

1.4 Approach
This study was conducted through a multi-faceted approach. Interviews were conducted with seven organizations,
The study started with an extensive literature review of the including five globally operating shipping companies, a
industry, including whitepapers and research studies on Singapore maritime training institute, and a technology
decarbonization, digitalization, seafarer training and the company. The interviewees included upper management
future roles of seafarers. Next, the study included reviews of employees with significant decision-making power and
key IMO and flag state regulations, policies, and initiatives oversight in their companies. Key themes related to this
related to decarbonization and digitalization, as well as study were discussed with each interviewee, and their
those that affect the training and certification of seafarers. opinions and insights were recorded.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Surveys were also conducted, including an industry survey (about 33% each). The remaining respondents comprised
of 20 technical and management staff (non-seagoing) from of 22% Deck Ratings and 12% Engine Ratings. About 77%
major shipping companies and maritime institutes. Addi- of respondents had worked on a vessel at least once in their
tionally, a seafarer survey aimed at current serving seafarers career that DNV defined as ‘modern’ (less than five years
was conducted to assess any perceived impact of digitali- old).
zation, decarbonization, shore-based operations, training,
new fuels, and other emerging topics on their careers. Six The results of these surveys and interviews are referenced
shipping companies were approached for this survey, of alongside findings, recommendations, and outcomes from
which three participated. These companies provide man- the literature review. Results from the seafarer survey are in
power to operate a range of dry bulk, tanker, and container blue, with a full copy enclosed in Annex A.
vessels globally. A total of 527 seafarers responded to the
survey, averaging 70% over 11 years in the industry. Ap- Where required, DNV approached subject matter experts
proximately 66% of respondents were from an Officer rank, within the organization and externally to develop or clarify
with equal representation of deck and engine departments results and industry activities.


Roles and Years of Experience of Seafarer Survey Respondents

Percentage by role and years worked

1.5 Significance
This study provides a comprehensive analysis of present opportunities in the short and long term. This study has
and future trends in the maritime industry, identifying identified areas requiring further investment and devel-
potential risks and opportunities for development. By opment by various stakeholders. By understanding the
anticipating changes in the industry, governments and industry’s trends and challenges, stakeholders can better
stakeholders can better plan for upcoming challenges and formulate future strategies and decisions.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Chapter 2
Key drivers for change in the maritime

This chapter explores the key drivers, inevitable changes in the maritime sector, and their
implications on seafarers in the current decade and beyond. To determine the skills for a
future-ready seafarer, it is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of the industry
landscape that lies ahead. This includes the expected transformation of the maritime indus-
try across areas such as decarbonization and sustainability, digitalization and automation.

2.1 Key drivers of transformation in the maritime industry

There are several key drivers of the transformation in the EU's Fit for 55 packages, and the Science Based
maritime industry identified by DNV experts2,19,22: Targets initiative (SBTi)'s Net-Zero Standard, all of which
have been implemented. These changes provide
• Regulations: The International Maritime Organiza- regulatory pressure on the maritime industry and force
tion (IMO) has developed the Initial IMO Greenhouse the industry to move to a future which reduces the
Gas (GHG) Strategy, and individual governments have reliance on carbon-based fuels. However, should
set targets for reducing GHG emissions23. The shipowners and managers wish to continue trading,
maritime industry is subject to these regulations. these mandatory regulations must be met.
Recent examples include Carbon Intensity Indicator
(CII), Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP),

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

• Economic incentives: As the cost of renewable energy • Increasing demand for efficiency and transparency:
sources continues to decline, it becomes increasingly As the global economy becomes more interconnected,
cost-effective for shipping companies to invest in the demand for a more efficient and transparent supply
decarbonization technologies and alternative marine chain is increasing, driving further changes in the
fuels. To attract competitive investment in these maritime industry.
environmentally friendly fuels, green financing25 can be
utilized. Green financing incentivizes emissions reduc- These key drivers will result in transformative forces
tion targets or specific technologies through more throughout the maritime industry in the current decade and
competitive financing alternatives than traditional beyond. The most imminent of these transformative forces
ones. One such framework is the Poseidon Principles. are decarbonization and digitalization2,19,22:
For instance, port fees can be reduced for ships that
are members of specific environmental programmes • Decarbonization: The maritime industry is under
and meet more ambitious decarbonization metrics than increasing pressure to reduce its environmental
Business-As-Usual. Other examples include the impact27. This includes reducing GHG emissions,
Environmental Shipping Index36 and Environmental Port minimizing waste, and protecting marine life. In addi-
Index37 as the industry standard tool. tion, changes in regulations and standards for reducing
GHG emissions are driving the industry towards more
• Environmental concerns: The maritime industry con sustainable and low-emission practices. Externally,
tributes to global GHG emissions, and there is increas- consumers are becoming more environmentally and
ing pressure from cargo owners, charterers, port states socially conscious, leading to changes in the types and
and the public to reduce environmental impact. methods of goods shipment26.

• Competitive advantage: Companies seen as • Digitalization: The use of digital technologies, such as
leaders in sustainability, technology adoption and blockchain, machine learning (ML), artificial intel-
decarbonization may have a competitive advantage in ligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), connectivity, and
the marketplace26. Customers prefer companies with computer-based simulation, optimization, and auto-
more sustainable and technology-focused environmen- mation, are transforming the maritime industry28. These
tal solutions. Maritime companies investing in decar- technologies can improve safety and efficiency, reduce
bonization may be perceived as more responsible and costs, and provide better outcomes and career op-
sustainable, thus improving their reputation and attrac- portunities for all. As a result, the maritime industry is
tiveness to customers. becoming increasingly competitive, with new entrants
and technologies disrupting traditional business models28.

The following sections will provide more detailed discus-

sions on decarbonization and digitalization.

2.2 Decarbonization
Decarbonization refers to the process of reducing GHG contributes to about 2.9% of total global emissions. To ad-
emissions from energy systems. The term is often used in dress this, the IMO has set ambitious targets, aligned with
association with transitioning from fossil fuels to cleaner the Paris Climate Accord, to halve GHG emissions by 2050
energy sources that produce fewer or no GHG emissions. compared to 2008 levels while reducing carbon intensity
This transition is considered necessary to mitigate the neg- by 40% by 2030 and 70% by 2050. The initial IMO GHG
ative impacts of climate change, primarily caused by human Strategy drives policy development within the shipping
activities that have increased atmospheric CO2 concen- industry. Achieving these targets will require a combination
trations. There are many approaches to decarbonization, of technological and operational improvements as well as
including increasing energy efficiency, using renewable policy changes.
energy sources such as solar and wind power, and develop-
ing/deploying low-carbon technologies such as electrifica- One fundamental approach in decarbonizing the maritime
tion, carbon capture and storage systems29. Governments industry is transitioning to low or zero-carbon fuels such as
and organizations worldwide are working to implement hydrogen, biofuels, ammonia, methanol, and electrifica-
decarbonization strategies to reduce carbon emissions and tion1. This can be achieved using modified internal com-
help address the global climate crisis. bustion engines, fuel cells, batteries, or other technologies
that enable ships to operate using these fuels. Moreover,
Decarbonizing the maritime industry is a crucial challenge multiple fuels may be used onboard depending on the
in mitigating the impacts of climate change30, as the sector costs, availability, and emission reduction goals.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Using multiple fuels onboard ships can pose challenges to Concurrently, consumers, charterers, financial institutions,
seafarers when it comes to the knowledge and understand- and customers face mounting public pressure for sustain-
ing of different fuel properties and handling requirements. able development. As a result, shipowners have started to
This is a clear deviation for an industry historically fuelled by future-proof their assets and business as stricter require-
a single fuel type. ments come into force over the coming years.

Another approach is to improve ships' energy efficiency The Poseidon Principles provide a global framework for
through more efficient engines, hull designs, and other reducing GHG emissions from ships and promoting sus-
energy recovery technologies1. In addition to technologi- tainable shipping31. First introduced in 2018 by a group
cal improvements, operational strategies can help reduce of leading banks, the Poseidon Principles has since been
emissions from the maritime industry, including optimizing widely embraced by the banking industry, with over 30
vessel routes, improving loading and unloading proce- financial institutions signed on worldwide35. The adoption
dures, and implementing slow steaming practices. of the Poseidon Principles by financial institutions is seen
as an essential step in promoting the decarbonization of
Policy changes can also play a role in decarbonizing the the maritime industry that provides a standardized method
maritime industry. Governments and international orga- for assessing and disclosing the carbon intensity of ship-
nizations can set emissions reduction targets, establish ping portfolios. In addition, the principles outline a series
incentives for adopting low-carbon technologies, and of commitments for financial institutions, including setting
regulate shipping activities to ensure compliance with these targets for reducing the carbon intensity of their shipping
goals. Three fundamental drivers are exerting pressure on portfolios and annually disclosing their progress towards
the maritime industry to decarbonize: (i) regulations and these targets32.
policies; (ii) access to investors and capital; and (iii) cargo
owner and consumer expectations30. The IMO strategy for Overall, the decarbonization of the maritime industry will re-
reducing GHG emissions has set a decarbonization trajec- quire a combination of technological innovation, operation-
tory established on a calculated baseline of 2008 emission al improvements, and policy changes to reduce emissions
levels (energy efficiency, carbon intensity etc.), with devel- and mitigate the impacts of climate change effectively while
oping national regulations likely to result in further cuts¹. ensuring that seafarers are well-equipped to operate
vessels safely and effectively.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

2.3 Digitalization
Digitalization entails converting information, processes, route optimization. This can help reduce operating
or systems into a digital format, for computers to process, costs and increase the speed and accuracy of shipping
store, and transmit33. It involves the use of technologies, processes.
such as blockchain, machine learning (ML), artificial intelli-
gence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), connectivity, and com- • Enhanced transparency: Digital platforms and tools
puter-based simulation and optimization, to automate and can provide real-time data on the location and status of
improve the efficiency of various activities and processes. vessels, cargo, and other assets, helping to increase
Digitalization has significantly impacted many industries, in- transparency and visibility throughout the supply chain,
cluding finance, healthcare, education, and transportation. including external party or regulatory reporting.
In addition, it has allowed for the creation of new products
and services and the streamlining of existing ones, leading • Greater safety: Digital tools and technologies can
to the development of new business models and the trans- help improve safety by identifying and addressing
formation of traditional industries33. potential issues before they become problems.
For example, ship design and maintenance softwares
The maritime industry is being transformed by digitaliza- can help identify and address structural issues, while
tion through the use of digital technologies and data to data analytics can optimize routes and reduce the risk
enhance shipping and logistics. It can include using digital of accidents.
platforms for vessel tracking and cargo management,
adopting digital tools for ship design and maintenance, and • Increased sustainability: Digital technologies can
using data analytics to optimize routes and supply chains34. help improve the sustainability of shipping operations
Examining digital technologies related to digitalization can by reducing fuel consumption and emissions through
provide insight into the direction the industry is headed. route optimization, enhancing condition-based
The adoption of digital technologies and tools has the po- maintenance and other measures.
tential to bring significant benefits to the maritime industry.
There are several potential benefits of digitalization for the • New business opportunities: Digitalization can also
maritime industry34: create new business opportunities by enabling the
development of new products and services, such as
• Improved efficiency: Digital tools and platforms can digital freight forwarding or cargo tracking services.
help streamline various aspects of shipping operations,
including vessel tracking, cargo management, and

2.4 Summary
This chapter identified the key drivers of transformation and A detailed discussion about these forces and their potential
the two main transformative forces in the maritime industry: impact has been provided. The next chapter will investigate
decarbonization and digitalization. the future of ship management and the change in
seafarers’ roles leading to 2030 with the shift in the
maritime industry.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Chapter 3
Ship management and the role of seafarers
in 2030

3.1 Impact and challenges of decarbonization to ship management

and seafarers in 2030
3.1.1 New fuel challenges of the future

The maritime industry has recently implemented new statu- According to the DNV Maritime Forecast 2050, published in
tory requirements to support the Initial IMO GHG Strategy. 20222, ordering larger ships with alternative fuel propulsion
These requirements, such as the Carbon Intensity Indica- is still common, with fossil LNG as the primary alternative
tor (CII), Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI), and fuel, as shown in Figure 3.1. Approximately 5.5% of the total
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) Part III1, gross tonnage of ships in operation today and 33.2% of the
entered into force on 1 January 2023. They are expected to gross tonnage on order will be able to operate on alterna-
impact all ship management, operations, and designs sig- tive fuels. DNV estimations indicate that onboard ammonia
nificantly. As a result, shipowners and operators must use and hydrogen fuel technologies will be accessible in three
new technologies and alternative fuels to meet compliance to eight years. To enable ammonia use in deep-sea and
standards. local short-sea shipping, 2-stroke and 4-stroke engine
technologies are being developed in tandem4.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation


Alternative fuel uptake in the world fleet by number of ships and the gross tonnage (as of mid 2022)

Alternative fuel uptake in the world fleet by number of ships and the gross tonnage
(as of mid 2022)

To ensure safety in the use of new fuels and relevant tech- regional energy markets and the regional industry. Fuel
nologies, all stakeholders in the maritime sector will need to flexibility is a crucial strategic component in a new ship
place a greater emphasis on creating and executing safety building to ensure that ships built now can use carbon-neu-
guidelines. This is particularly important given the high tral technology and fuels when they become accessible.
flammability of hydrogen and the toxicity of methanol and
ammonia. The choices of shipowners and ship managers on new
technologies and fuels will significantly change how future
As the maritime industry shifts towards decarbonization, marine fuels are produced and made available to the ship-
future fuel markets will become increasingly varied, with ping fleet. Therefore, cooperation and planning with energy
dependence on various energy sources integrated with suppliers and regulators is crucial to delivering future fuels.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

3.1.2 Seafaring in the era of decarbonization

The deployment of new fuels is a concern for seafarers Using alternative or multiple fuel types onboard ships can
from a health and safety standpoint. The toxicity of meth- pose challenges for seafarers, but with proper training
anol and ammonia and the high flammability of hydrogen and safety measures, these challenges can be effectively
provides significant safety challenges. International laws managed5. For example, liquefied natural gas (LNG) has
and regulations must include safe integration and effective vastly different storage and handling requirements than
deployment of onboard fuel installations. No safety reg- heavy fuel oil (HFO) or marine diesel oil (MDO). Therefore,
ulations around emerging alternative fuels such as meth- seafarers must be trained to handle such fuel types safely
anol, ammonia, or hydrogen are explicitly included in the and efficiently, minimizing any risk of accidents or spills.
International Code of Safety for Ships Using Gases or Other
Low-Flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code). We understand that the The results from the seafarer survey (Question 12) agreed
IMO has a plan to develop regulations for these fuels. with these conclusions. Approximately 42% of the respon-
dents agreed that these new and emerging fuels would be
A few classification societies, such as DNV, have published less safe than the currently available ones (such as MGO
class rules for using ammonia as a fuel3. Despite this, the and HFO). However, proper training and handling will
experience gap for ships aiming to run on ammonia or hy- reduce risks as low as reasonably practical. This conclusion
drogen is more significant than for methanol. Furthermore, was the highest among the Engine Officer group (58%),
the first ships powered on ammonia or hydrogen will likely likely to be the group most impacted by such fuel changes.
be built without the support of existing detailed statutory However, almost a quarter (21%) of all respondents were
regulations, as the timeline for creating safety standards in still unsure about the impact of new and emerging fuels on
the IMO may take a while. their safety. This highlights a lack of detailed knowledge
and understanding that seafarers have on the safety of new


Survey response on the safety of new and emerging fuels

Safety of new and emerging fuels

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Another challenge of using multiple fuel types onboard with proper training and safety measures5. Ship operators
ships is the need for separate fuel systems and storage facil- and owners should train their crew regularly on newly ad-
ities. It will increase the complexity of the ship’s fuel systems opted alternative fuel handling and emergency procedures,
and require additional maintenance and monitoring by ensuring their ships have the necessary safety equipment
seafarers. However, such challenges could be mitigated and technology.

3.2 Impact and challenges of digitalization to ship management and

seafarers in 2030
Over the past several years, various digital tools have been Having gained the attention of the maritime industry,
created that are now being utilized by the shipping sec- blockchain technology has been gradually implemented
tor, either individually or in combination with other digital in the global maritime supply chain system, providing the
technology. Blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), machine possibility for breakthrough development in the maritime
learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), connectivity, and field43,44.
platforms for computer-based modelling and optimization
have all advanced rapidly in recent years. The applications AI and ML technologies aim to imitate human deci-
of these technologies will significantly influence shipping’s sion-making by utilizing machines and processing vast
digitalization pathway. amounts of data46,49. For instance, advanced AI systems
have aided the development of autonomous ships, which
Blockchain technology can effectively promote transforma- operate independently and reduce the error rate compared
tion and upgrading in the maritime industry43,45. For exam- to human-operated ships46. Implementing AI and ML is
ple, in March 2017, Maersk announced the completion of progressively revolutionizing the traditiownal operational
the first trial of a blockchain project and successfully used processes of the maritime industry, creating new
blockchain technology to track cargo transportation43. In opportunities to enhance productivity, efficiency, and
the same year, 14 Japanese maritime companies, including sustainability47. Leveraging ship performance and naviga-
MOL and NYK, jointly announced an alliance to estab- tion systems data can help shipping companies monitor
lish a blockchain-based trade data-sharing platform43 vessel performance and implement measures to improve
together. operational efficiency49.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

The maritime industry can benefit significantly from adopt- A virtual environment will further enable the simulation and
ing IoT technologies, enabling efficient management of display of remote-controlled ships7. These ships can lower
critical services, such as vessel tracking, emissions control, emissions and energy consumption by having access to
predictive maintenance, safety and welfare48. With the sensor data, and decision-makers can respond quickly to
help of IoT technology, the industry can establish a “digital maximize fuel efficiency and the CII rating of the ships.
twin,” a simulation representing all onboard machinery, Furthermore, by creating realistic models of ship systems
equipment, networks, and control systems6. This can involve and their energy flows, it is possible to continuously
testing the digital twin in simulated circumstances, which monitor the amount of fuel used by sources like main
would be like the ones experienced onboard. From an engines, generators, boilers, fuel cells, and batteries.
environmental standpoint, the digital twin can enable the Beyond this, digital twins can provide a real-time assess-
evaluation of viable abatement techniques and help identify ment of asset conditions for predictive maintenance and
cost-effective GHG reduction options already in use. From a optimum maintenance strategies for cost efficiency.
maintenance angle, modelling the effects of operations on
critical systems can lead to enhanced safety and
operational efficiency.

3.2.1 Shore control centre

A Shore Control Centre (SCC) is a facility that acts as the The SCC aims to facilitate safe, autonomous, and un-
onshore control and monitoring centre for remotely mon- manned shipping operations. The development and
itored, operated and autonomous vessels51. The primary implementation of SCCs have continued to advance as
function of the SCC is to monitor the operational status technology in autonomous shipping has progressed52.
of the vessel and provide the capability to take over the The increasing interest in autonomous ships has likely led
direct remote control in extraordinary situations. The SCC to further investments and research into control centres.
serves as the human interface to the autonomous vessel. Its They are critical in ensuring these vessels operate safely
design and operation must ensure that the operator always and efficiently. The current focus may be on enhancing the
remains aware of the situation, despite the physical distance capabilities of SCCs, such as improving their monitoring
between the operator and the vessel. capabilities, developing more advanced decision-making
abilities, and increasing the number of vessels that can be
monitored and controlled from a single facility51.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Developing SCCs can bring significant benefits to ship quickly to any concerns or issues that may arise onboard,
management. For example, real-time communication thereby ensuring the safety and well-being of seafarers.
between shore-based personnel and the crew onboard Also, SCCs can help seafarers maintain situational aware-
a vessel can enable the quick and efficient exchange of ness of autonomous vessels, even when physically separat-
information and decisions. By centralizing monitoring and ed from the ship53.
control functions, SCCs can improve operational efficiency
and reduce the likelihood of mistakes or miscommunica- SCC enables continuous monitoring and management by
tions. The enhanced monitoring of vessel movements and experienced nautical officers and engineers. Figure 3.3
performance provided by SCCs can enable early detection illustrates the differences in ship management between
of potential safety issues and rapid response. Additionally, traditional and Data Smart Ship Management with SCCs. In
SCCs may help reduce costs and optimize vessel opera- traditional ship management, a fleet manager must man-
tions by centralizing functions such as voyage planning and age multiple superintendents to be reported to the higher
monitoring53. management. An SCC will enable an operator to monitor
numerous vessels; for example, as proposed in the Mari-
There are also several benefits of developing SCCs for sea- time Unmanned Navigation through Intelligence in Net-
farers. For example, these systems can help improve their works (MUNIN), the centre will be able to monitor 100 ships
workflow by providing better support and communication. with six ships per operator8.
In addition, they enable shore-based personnel to respond


Traditional and Data Smart Ship Management Organization

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Besides the benefits mentioned above, there are several offer a more consistent work schedule, improved working
challenges faced by both seafarers and ship management conditions, and a safer work environment than life at sea.
when it comes to remote operations. One of the biggest Additionally, working in an SCC allows seafarers to continue
challenges is to ensure reliable and efficient communication using their maritime industry skills and knowledge while
between the SCC and the vessel. It will be crucial in emer- providing professional development and advancement
gencies where timely and accurate information is vital53. opportunities. Working in an SCC offers a unique and chal-
Another challenge is to manage the large amounts of data lenging career opportunity for non-maritime individuals.
generated by the vessel and ensure that it is transmitted The skills and experience required for these positions are
to the SCC in a timely and secure manner, which requires often transferable from other industries, such as telecom-
robust IT systems and processes to ensure data integrity53. munications, IT, and engineering51. The maritime industry
needs individuals with these skills, making it a growing and
Moreover, as the shipping industry becomes increasingly attractive career path.
digitized, the risk of cyberattacks increases. Therefore, cy-
bersecurity could be a significant concern for SCCs, which The seafarer’s survey (Question 20) reflected these oppor-
must ensure the security of their IT systems and the data tunities, with over 80% of the respondents considering a
they hold. Furthermore, the staff must have the necessary shore-based version of their onboard role as “very likely” or
training and skills to carry out their duties effectively. Addi- “likely”. Less than 10% indicated an “unlikely” response.
tionally, SCCs must be integrated with the vessel's existing
systems and processes, such as navigation systems and From these results, there is an appetite within the current
communication equipment, to ensure seamless operations. seafaring cohort to establish themselves at SCCs or a similar
shore-based control/operations centre. This outcome can
SCCs provide seafarers with a new career pathway and give shipowners and managers confidence that their highly
opportunities for non-maritime individuals51. Onshore op- skilled and trained seafarers are willing to take up a shore-
erations can offer seafarers a stable and secure alternative based role. That crucial seafaring skills will continue to be
to the traditional seafaring lifestyle. These centres typically valued as they transition to operating SCCs.


Survey response on the likeliness of shore-based version of the onboard role

Shore-based version of the onboard role

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

3.2.2 Cybersecurity

In the 2020 Safety at Sea/BIMCO survey, most respondents points set up by staff or passengers can compromise the
(77%) viewed cyber-attacks as a high or medium risk to their entire network’s security, as they are difficult to detect.
companies, but few seemed prepared for the fallout from Third, open Wi-Fi access points for entertainment and con-
such an assault9,10. 31% of respondents reported corporate trol systems can provide hackers another entry point.
cyberattacks, up from 22% the year before11. Respondents
generally reported that the level of digitalization aboard USB thumb drives or memory sticks pose another danger.
ships was increasing and highlighted this as a significant For example, if a crew member finds a stray USB memory
risk within the Maritime Transportation System (MTS). 64% device containing malicious software and connects it to an
of respondents said that their company has a business onboard computer, the software would run the moment it
continuity plan in place in case of a cyber disaster. However, was connected to the targeted computer.
24% and 15% of respondents stated that the plan was test-
ed every three months and six to twelve months, respec- To address these risks, many organizations, including DNV,
tively. Only 42% of respondents said that their firm protects the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), the Baltic and
ships against operational technology (OT) cyber risks, and International Maritime Council (BIMCO), and the Interna-
some respondents even referred to their organization’s tional Association of Classification Societies (IACS), have
stance toward OT cyber risk as “careless.” created cyber defence guidelines for ships. In addition, the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) has published
Ships now rely on wireless network connectivity for the guidelines for managing maritime cyber risk in Safety
same reasons as onshore facilities: it is convenient, easy to Management Systems (SMS) in Annex 10 to Resolution
connect, and provides high-speed access. Similarly, ship- MSC.428(98) in June 2017. The IMO recommends that
board Wi-Fi networks can be vulnerable to security breach- maritime administrations follow these rules by the first
es, like their land-based counterparts. annual audit of a company’s Document of Compliance fol-
lowing 1 January 2021. The IMO cyber-defence framework
First, unless the network employs the highest level of pro- for shipowners and operators includes hardware, software,
tection, it is susceptible to unwanted access. Second, and crew training.
unauthorized or unsecured personal or ad hoc access

3.2.3 Seafaring in the era of digitalization

Digitalization development changes industrial technical investigation into modernizing and adapting the current
norms and impacts how people and machines interact12. Maritime Education and Training (MET) systems. It is
Seafarers must be taught to use the technologies onboard essential to properly assess and establish the knowledge
and make judgments based on their expertise and assess- and skills that operators in the future marine transportation
ments of all factors. The Master or Officer-of-the-Watch system will need. Many companies still look for seafarers
(OOW) must still actively control the ship during navigation. when hiring for positions onshore because of their abilities,
expertise, and experience.
However, as a ship becomes more automated with reduced
crewing levels, the ship, through technology such as ma- Major mishaps, like the 2014 collision of two ships in the
chine learning, must learn to compensate for this change fjord of Kiel, might occur if operators depend solely on
and actively participate in navigation. The autonomous technical data presented without questioning the results.
ship navigation system must be trained to recognize and The navigating officers on both ships relied on the ECDIS
categorize objects in its environment using a predefined data and were unaware that their GPS was malfunctioning15.
algorithm13. To navigate the ship like a human operator, the Such mistakes are referred to as having an “out-of-the-loop
algorithm must be able to categorize, prioritize, and evalu- unfamiliarity” 12. Modern technology onboard ships are
ate specific information provided by electronic sensors and already causing navigating officers (or Masters) to passively
signals from the onboard system or other nearby ships14. manage operations through monitoring data provided by
The remote human operator processes data using the same the RADAR, ECDIS, AIS, or other bridge equipment. This
principles. They must be able to gather all the facts, analyze may lead to a loss of skill over time, making it more difficult
their significance, and make correct predictions. Neverthe- for the ship handler to make critical judgements in an emer-
less, the operator (onboard or onshore at an SCC) will often gency (such as a collision or grounding)12. Thus it is crucial
shift to a passive position and only monitor the autonomous to understand why and to what extent sea experience is
navigation system. required. Proper training, including simulation-based train-
ing, should be provided to seafarers to ensure they gain
As discussed earlier, the future development of autono- the necessary practice and skills to handle emergencies
mous navigation highlights the urgent need for a thorough effectively.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

3.3 Other challenges to ship management and seafarers in 2030

Other challenges to ship management in 2030 could be dif- intense competition and higher expectations of efficiency
ficulties in attracting and retaining seafarers. The shortage and reliability. Additionally, the need to navigate and com-
of qualified seafarers is expected to become more acute as ply with evolving laws and regulations related to maritime
the industry grows and older seafarers retire. The challenge security, cybersecurity and labour conditions could also be
also could be the increasing complexity and interconnec- future challenges.
tivity of global supply chains, which could lead to more

3.4 Views of the industry and survey results

The industry survey, which is part of this research project initial understanding of the impact of transformation in the
led by the DNV Centre of Excellence on Maritime De- maritime sector by 2030 on ship management and seafar-
carbonization and Autonomy and co-sponsored by the ers. Twenty organizations comprising the entire maritime
Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF), was to develop an value chain were surveyed.

The survey aimed to:

1 2
Understand key drivers for Envisage ship management
changes in the maritime and the role of seafarers

3 Identify shifts in seafarers’

skills requirements, work,
and challenges 4 Provide recommendations to
equip future-ready seafarers

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Survey results about the scope of the chapter are shown in the following:
Question 1:
Please rate the maritime transformations in terms of their impact on the industry up to 2030.

(Rating scale: 1 being least impact and 5 being most impact)


Impact of decarbonization and digitalization on shipping

Impact of Decarbonization and Digitalization on Shipping

Decarbonization Digitalization

Commenting on the results, the respondents indicated that digitalization. The effects of ongoing and upcoming emis-
decarbonization has a more significant impact than sion regulations could explain this.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Question 2:
Please rate how prevalent Shore Control Centres will be by 2030.

(Rating scale – 1 being least prevalent and 5 being most prevalent)


Prevalence by shore control centres by 2030

In Figure 3.6, the average scale number is 3.65, reflecting

the sentiment inclining toward SCCs being more prevalent
in 2030.

Prevalence of Shore Control Centres (SCC) by 2030

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Question 3:
Please rate the challenges for developing Shore Control Centres in the maritime industry. (Rating scale – 1 being least
challenging and 5 being most challenging)

(Rating scale – 1 being least challenging and 5 being most challenging)


Challenges for the development of shore control centres

Figure 3.7 shows the challenges in adopting SCCs are

primarily due to the industry’s unwillingness to change,
regulations, and investment and capital. It is less affected by
the availability of technology.

Challenges in the development of Shore Control Centres (SCC)

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation


DNV awarded Keppel Offshore & Marine an Approval in Principle for AssetCare, their digital lifecycle solution
(Image care of Keppel Offshore & Marine)

3.5 Summary
The decarbonization and digitalization of shipping are will be more prevalent in the future. Consequently, this
underway, and their impact on ship management and sea- development will reduce onboard manning levels, posing
farers cannot be overlooked. Decarbonization will primarily significant challenges to ship management and seafarers.
come from new fuel technologies, which require additional
training and skills for seafarers. Industry surveys suggest These challenges include technical and cybersecurity
that decarbonization will have a more significant impact challenges and ensuring that autonomous ships can oper-
than digitalization due to ongoing and upcoming emission ate safely in dynamic maritime environments. As the role of
regulations locally and globally. seafarers may change with the rise of autonomous ships,
they may need to be re-skilled or trained to work with the
However, the impact of digitalization should not be ig- new technology. Additionally, seafarers may need to adapt
nored. Advancements in communication technologies and to new technology and learn new skills related to remote
increased connectivity infrastructure make shore control systems.
centres more viable, and it is widely agreed upon that they

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Chapter 4
Shift in seafarers’ skill requirements in 2030

4.1 Seafarer skill shifts in the decade of transformation

Seafarers face many challenges related to regulations and cohesively with their teams and leverage the latest technol-
technology in the next decade. For example, with increas- ogies. Therefore, all leaders and their team members must
ing levels of automation, seafarers will have to adapt to possess strongly developed soft skills relevant to their role
working with and maintaining advanced digital systems. In and continue developing their competencies to remain
addition, the shipping industry’s push to reduce its environ- prepared for the next career move, whether onboard or
mental impact places an increasing emphasis on the role ashore.
of seafarers in operating greener technologies and imple-
menting environmentally friendly practices on ships. DNV’s industry survey with key shore-based staff in tech-
nical and management roles has also highlighted that
While technical skills are important, expert interviews seafarers often lack the skills required to be effective ratings
suggest that personal, organizational and management or officers onboard. The lack of these skills is more detri-
skills will be critical for the successful implementation and mental to a vessel and crew’s performance than the lack of
use of new technologies onboard. Developing these skills technical skills.
will allow seafarers to maximize their effectiveness, work

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

4.2 Maritime transformations and their impact on seafarers

Technological developments, particularly with the rise of it is only natural for future seafarers’ work requirements
new digital industrial technologies (such as automation to differ in the future from those of today. The envisioned
through the proliferation of sensors, digital tools, and auto- growth and rapid technological developments in marine
mation of systems) and the adoption of greener technolo- transportation will create the need for a new, highly-skilled,
gies for ship propulsion, are starting to reshape the mari- competent, and motivated workforce.
time industry’s future in this decade and beyond. As a result,

4.2.1 Digitalization and its impact on seafarers

The seafarer survey (Question 21) conducted among active This seafarer survey result does differ from the industry
seafarers (current sailing staff) identified digitalization to survey, where decarbonization was seen to have a more
have the most profound impact on the careers of seafarers significant impact over the next 5 to 7 years. This difference
over the next 5 to 7 years. This is due to increased automa- is likely based on the impacts of digitalization and decar-
tion through the proliferation of sensors, digital tools, and bonization on shore and sea-based roles in the maritime
automation of systems and ships. industry. For example, management-level staff within
shipping companies will likely be developing and acquiring
Better onboard connectivity was also identified as a promi- new low or zero-carbon-fuelled vessels in this decade. In
nent impact due to increased onboard internet access and contrast, seafarers will still be working on the existing fleets
technology, as shown in Figure 4.1. This is consistent with of today with only some exposure to low or zero-carbon-fu-
the predicted increase in digitalization onboard. elled vessels.


Survey response on the major impact on the career of seafarers over the next 5 to 7 years

Impact to onboard seafaring career over the next 5-7 years

Response Better onboard connectivity Decarbonization and the introduction of new fuels Digitalization due to the automation of systems and ships Others

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Digital transformation has disruptive properties that offer and cargo; and reduce the presence of people in danger-
new opportunities. Digitalization is not a goal but a means ous and hostile environments. The maritime industry will
to achieve other goals. It can potentially increase the utiliza- explore the risks and opportunities connected to change
tion of assets; improve energy efficiency; enhance the con- through digitalization to see how digital transformation can
dition and performance monitoring of vessels, equipment, best contribute to safer, more sustainable operations. 22

However, the industry’s experience implementing new risk of breakdowns and other issues. This will help improve
technologies shows that focusing on technology alone is the efficiency and reliability of ship operations and reduce
too one-sided to get a complete view of all the safety-re- the risk of delays and other disruptions to the shipping
lated risks and opportunities. For digital transformation in schedule. Seafarers must build competence in operating
maritime to continue to succeed over time, its stakeholders and maintaining advanced technologies and equipment
must consider the interactions between technology, human used on ships, including automation systems. Calibration is
cognition, behaviour, and organizational influences.22 identified as a critical aspect of telemetry. Inaccurate data
can result in incorrect decisions, which can have severe
From interviews conducted with experts, telemetry, remote consequences for the ship and the safety of its crew. To ad-
measurement, and data reporting are expected to play an dress this, shipping companies and seafarers can work with
increasingly important role in the maritime industry in the equipment manufacturers and calibration service providers
current decade, particularly in improving the efficiency and to develop effective calibration procedures and ensure that
safety of ship operations. Per the expert interviews, teleme- equipment is regularly maintained and calibrated. They can
try will likely be widely adopted on ships to monitor various also use advanced telemetry systems with built-in self-cal-
ship systems and equipment. It will be used to monitor the ibration mechanisms to help maintain accuracy even in
performance of engines and other propulsion systems, challenging environments.
allowing for early detection of problems and reducing the

4.2.2 Workload changes due to digitalization

The increasing use of digital technologies and automation under the best possible conditions and will help reduce the
systems in shipping operations will streamline many tasks, risk of damage or spoilage.
make them more efficient, and help improve the safety and
efficiency of ship operations. Its usage will also impact the These systems will also likely reduce the need for manual
monitoring and management of ship cargo, with telemetry monitoring and reporting of ship systems and equipment.
systems being used to monitor the temperature, humidity, This will free up time for seafarers to focus on other tasks,
and other environmental conditions of cargo holds and such as navigation, communications, and cargo manage-
containers. This will help ensure that cargo is transported ment, and will allow them to work more efficiently and

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

From the seafarer survey (Question 4), two-thirds of respon- difficult, depending on rank and position onboard, with the
dents indicated that more advanced technology (such as highest group reported as Engine Officers. This is expected
further automation of equipment/systems, advanced sen- due to the higher prevalence of advanced technologies in
sors, artificial intelligence, and remote operations) onboard Engine Department-related equipment compared to those
would make their job easier (Figure 4.2). However, 4%-19% in the Deck Department.
of respondents thought it would make their job more


Survey response on the impact of digitalization on the seafarer’s workload

More advanced technology onboard ship will change seafarer's role

The increasing connectivity of ships and digital technolo- from cyber-attacks. Additionally, seafarers should be aware
gies also require seafarers to be knowledgeable in cyber- of network and device security encryption and report any
security measures and to stay vigilant to protect ship data known breaches.

4.2.3 Decarbonization and its impact on seafarers

As the shipping industry moves towards decarbonization, potential of future decarbonization-related technologies.
seafarers need to develop new skills and competencies Furthermore, the study highlighted that both personal and
to meet the demands of the industry. The introduction of organizational competence will be necessary to capitalize
alternative fuel technologies is expected to impact maritime on the opportunities presented by digital and other tech-
operations aboard ships significantly. It will require seafar- nologies.19 Seafarers must develop personal skills such as
ers to develop and acquire new skills and competencies to adaptability, flexibility, and a willingness to learn new skills
ensure safe and efficient operations in the decades up to to stay ahead of the game. Figure 4.3 provides an overview
2050 and beyond.19 of the skills and competencies required to successfully
implement new technologies associated with the shipping
DNV’s earlier study19 emphasized the importance of person- industry’s decarbonization efforts.
al, organizational and management skills in leveraging the

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation


Skills and competencies required for decarbonization of the shipping industry

Seafarers in leadership positions must have good manage- assessments, and drills is critical. Seafarers should be aware
ment skills to manage their teams effectively. They must of any safety challenges and potential hazards of the fuel
be able to motivate and inspire their teams and provide onboard and its impact on equipment operation and main-
guidance and direction to achieve the organization’s goals. tenance.
They must also have good decision-making skills, especially
in high-pressure situations. As shown in Figure 4.4, flammability, explosion risks, and
toxicity are significant safety challenges associated with
With the introduction of new technologies, seafarers need many alternative fuel technologies. Skills already in place in
to maintain a high level of safety awareness to identify po- the tanker/gas segment today will be relevant for ships op-
tential hazards and risks associated with new technologies erating with alternative fuel technologies. For example, the
and processes. They need to understand safety regulations skills needed to operate methanol and ammonia-powered
and compliance standards. Proficiency in emergency re- ships are similar to tanker vessels, as both methanol and am-
sponse, incident investigation, safety management systems, monia are carried as cargo today. These skills should include
the unique risks these fuels pose and their properties.19


Overview of safety challenges for traditional and alternative fuel technologies19

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

In addition to safety skills, seafarers must handle complex Seafarers must understand sustainability practices and
maritime operations, such as mastering new bunkering principles to operate ships efficiently, manage resources
methods and operating and maintaining complex hybrid effectively, and reduce energy consumption and waste.
and zero-emission machinery. Practical working knowledge Environmental awareness and knowledge of emissions
of alternative fuels such as hydrogen, biofuels, and electric monitoring and documentation, logistics and optimization
power is necessary for safe and efficient handling. methods for achieving high vessel utilization will also help
seafarers understand how to implement sustainable practic-
es onboard.

4.2.4 Workload changes due to decarbonization

As ships transition to alternative fuels and propulsion be more vigilant and attentive to energy usage and oper-
systems, the daily workload of a seafarer is expected to ate vessels more efficiently. This will necessitate additional
change. As new technologies and practices are introduced monitoring and maintenance tasks and the need to comply
to reduce emissions and improve efficiency, seafarers may with new regulations and procedures related to emissions
need to adapt to new procedures, systems, and operational and environmental protection.
demands. To operate new technologies and equipment,
seafarers may require additional training and certification, The use of new technologies and fuels may introduce new
increasing their workload and impacting their schedules. health and safety concerns for seafarers.19 As discussed in
Per DNV’s earlier report, 750,000 seafarers would require the previous section, some new fuels may be more hazard-
additional training to handle alternative fuels and technolo- ous than traditional ones, and seafarers may need to take
gies in the “Decarbonization by 2050” scenario.19 additional precautions to ensure their safety. However, with
careful planning and training, these changes can be man-
Seafarers face mounting pressure to optimize vessel per- aged to ensure the continued safe and efficient operation
formance and reduce energy consumption as the industry of vessels while reducing emissions.
looks to reduce emissions.38 As a result, seafarers will likely

4.3 Challenges due to digitalization, decarbonization, and other

industry transformations
The potential change in work and employment patterns in time to invest in the skills required to meet the changing
the maritime industry will create significant challenges. One needs of ships in the future and develop a workforce that
of the most pressing issues is the anticipated shortage of has future-proof skills.39 MET institutes must respond to
skilled seafarers worldwide. In addition, it will be difficult to new and changing training needs and ensure graduates are
accurately predict the skill requirements for the expected equipped with appropriate skills that align with the evolving
technological developments, which further complicates demands of the industry.
matters. As a result, policymakers are now in a race against

4.3.1 Attracting and retaining seafarers

Qualified and skilled seafarers play a critical role in ensuring Based on the seafarer survey, over two-thirds of respon-
the safety, security, and efficiency of shipping operations. dents are not progressing in their careers due to the
However, the maritime industry is facing significant chal- unavailability of a suitable position for promotion or ad-
lenges in attracting and retaining qualified seafarers to vancement. It was most prevalent among the Officer ranks
meet the demands of the sector. Under-represented groups (38%-39%) in Figure 4.5. More than a quarter of seafarers
include females, who constitute about 1.28% of the global responded that they are not looking for career progression
seafarer workforce and face a significant challenge in pursu- or are no longer interested in remaining in the seafaring
ing a career in the maritime industry.40 High attrition rates industry. In addition, one-third of officers (36% Deck officers
among ship officers and cadets and changing work condi- and 30% Engine officers) felt that the lack of experience
tions at sea also contribute to such shortage. and training limits career progression.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation


Survey response on the reasons limiting the career progression of seafarers

Reason limiting your career progression as a seafarer onboard


Survey response on the major factors that will influence the attraction and retention of seafarers

Two areas that would allow to attract new/retain onboard role of seafarers

Seafarer retention is a complex problem requiring a col- are some key strategies to help make seafaring a more
laborative effort between maritime stakeholders. However, attractive and sustainable career choice:
according to the seafarers surveyed by DNV, the following

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Competitive compensation and benefits: Offering exacerbate this gap if the industry begins to implement
competitive and fair salaries and benefits, such as health new fuels and technologies onboard ships in the current
insurance, retirement plans, and opportunities for career decade.
advancement, can help attract and retain seafarers. This
can also help seafarers maintain a good standard of living Improved work-life balance: Seafaring is known for its
and support their families while at sea. The seafarer survey long working hours and time away from home, so it is vital
(Question 18) confirmed that almost two-thirds of respon- to provide seafarers with a better work-life balance. This can
dents would be better attracted to a seafaring role or more include offering flexible working hours, better family sup-
likely to retain their onboard role if they received better port, and providing more time for rest and leisure during
monetary compensation (Figure 4.6). their time onboard.

Safe and comfortable working conditions: Ensuring Addressing mental health and well-being: Many seafar-
seafarers have safe and comfortable working conditions, ers face isolation and stress onboard and being away from
including adequate rest and leisure facilities, can improve their families for long periods. Therefore, addressing mental
job satisfaction and reduce turnover. This can help promote health and well-being is crucial, and this can include pro-
seafarers’ health and well-being and ensure they can per- viding mental health support and counselling and offering
form their duties effectively. training to seafarers on how to take care of their mental
health and well-being.
Training and development opportunities: Providing sea-
farers with training and development opportunities, such Utilizing technology and automation: While technology
as courses and certifications, can help them acquire new and automation are replacing some jobs, they also create
skills and advance their careers. This can also help retain new opportunities for seafarers to work in different roles,
seafarers by giving them a sense of purpose and motivation improve productivity and develop new skills. The maritime
and allowing them to stay updated with the latest industry industry should invest in technology and automation to
developments. From the seafarer survey (Question 19), the benefit seafarers, making their job safer and more efficient.
lack of training and experience for promotion comprised In the seafarer survey, 55% of respondents indicated that
36% of respondents’ main reason for lack of career progres- new developments in fuels, automation and digitalization
sion (Figure 4.9). This highlights a training gap within the onboard ships could attract new seafarers to a career at sea
current ship types and operational profiles. Furthermore, and retain existing seafarers (Figure 4.7).
the lack of training and development opportunities will


Survey response on the influence of new technologies in the attraction of new seafarers to the industry

New developments in fuels, automation and digitalization to attract seafarers

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

4.3.2 Gender Diversity

Gender diversity creates an inclusive and innovative mar- Encouraging the recruitment and retention of women in
itime industry through equal employment opportunities the maritime industry is also essential. This can be achieved
for men and women. In addition, gender diversity can help through targeted outreach and support programmes, such
address the ongoing shortage of seafarers by broadening as scholarships and mentorship programmes, encouraging
the talent pool. women to pursue maritime industry careers.

The first crucial step towards eliminating discrimination and It Is also essential to ensure that ships have appropriate
harassment in the maritime industry is to implement poli- facilities to support the needs of women seafarers. This
cies and procedures that prohibit behaviours based on gen- includes ensuring that accommodation and common areas
der. It is essential to establish clear protocols for reporting are gender-sensitive and provide appropriate privacy and
and addressing incidents of discrimination and harassment, security for women.
and to provide appropriate training to all crew members on
conduct and respect for diversity. The sub-committee on Promoting a positive and inclusive culture on ships and
Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW 8) has maritime organizations is crucial. This can be achieved
acknowledged that psychological safety, mental health, and through training and education programmes for all crew
well-being, including sexual assault and sexual harassment members that promote respect for diversity and inclusion.
(SASH), are serious issues in the maritime sector that require In addition, maritime organizations can encourage and
coordinated action by relevant organizations such as the In- support the participation of women in decision-making
ternational Labour Organization (ILO) and IMO. To address processes, ensuring that their voices are heard at all levels.
these issues effectively, the sub-committee has agreed that The Women’s International Shipping and Trading Associa-
relevant requirements for inclusion in the STCW should be tion (WISTA) is an excellent example of an organization that
developed in the first instance. These requirements could promotes a positive and inclusive culture in the maritime
be followed by other actions supported by these mandato- industry. As a networking organization for women in the
ry requirements, such as the revision of model courses.20 industry, WISTA provides a platform for women to connect,
share experiences and knowledge, and support each other.
Providing equal opportunities for career development Through its programmes and initiatives, WISTA encour-
and advancement is the next critical step. This can include ages gender diversity and advocates for the participation
targeted training programmes, mentoring opportunities, of women in decision-making processes in the maritime
and leadership development programmes that support industry. Such efforts are crucial to advancing gender di-
women in advancing their careers in the maritime industry. versity and promoting a positive and inclusive culture in the
maritime industry.21

4.3.3 Career progression

Career progression is a significant issue in the maritime as well as opportunities for promotion, can help create a
industry, with many seafarers facing limited opportunities more defined and structured career path. Question 19 of
for advancement. The seafarer survey (Figure 4.6) (Question the seafarer survey (Figure 4.5) highlighted that 36% of
18) highlighted that career progression was another area respondents felt limited in their career progression due to
that would attract and retain more seafarers (approximately a lack of suitable positions onboard. Such a lack of career
38% of respondents). Deck Ratings had career progression progression through the seafaring ranks could result in
as their number one priority (over better pay), which may seafarers switching companies to seek opportunities for
indicate a more significant career progression issue for promotion and higher positions. Therefore, employers face
seafarers in this role. The lack of clear career paths can lead a risk where knowledge and experience are lost through
to a loss of experienced and talented workers, creating a brain drain. The loss of seafarers trained in highly special-
skills gap in the industry. The industry must consider some ized areas, especially in this decade of digital transforma-
fundamental changes to address this issue in the future. tion, will significantly impact companies. Ship managers
should closely manage seafarers’ career progression needs
There needs to be a greater focus on training and devel- for operational capability.
opment for seafarers. Providing more opportunities for on-
the-job learning and formal training programmes can help Improving seafarer working conditions and quality of life
workers acquire new skills and knowledge, allowing them is also important. Higher quality onboard accommodation,
to progress in their careers. In addition, investing in employ- access to healthcare, and internet connectivity can reduce
ee development can also increase the number of qualified high levels of turnover and create a more attractive work
workers and enable them to advance into leadership roles. environment. By prioritizing the well-being of seafarers,
the industry can be in a better position to retain its existing
The industry also needs to create more structured career workforce and attract new talent.
paths for seafarers. Providing clear pathways for advancement,

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Lastly, the industry must embrace technology and inno- lization can reduce workload and increase productivity,
vation to increase efficiency and reduce the burden of enabling seafarers to focus on higher-value tasks such as
administrative tasks on seafarers. Automation and digita- problem-solving and decision-making.

4.4 Summary
The implementation of new technologies in the maritime operations. This would require seafarers to be more vigilant
industry will have a significant impact on the future skill re- about onboard energy usage and to perform additional
quirements of seafarers. In addition, seafarers must adapt to monitoring and maintenance tasks to adhere to new reg-
working with advanced digital systems and play a key role ulations and compliance procedures related to emissions
in implementing environmentally friendly practices. and environmental protection. Although there is a strong
focus on the technical skills seafarers will require in the next
For a digitalized shipping industry, seafarers must build decade, these skills will be critical to successfully implement
their competence in operating and maintaining advanced and use new technologies onboard.
technologies and equipment, including automation sys-
tems. As telemetry, remote measurement, and data report- The maritime industry needs more skilled seafarers.
ing play an increasingly important role, seafarers must work Therefore, the industry must attract and retain experienced
with equipment manufacturers and service providers to and qualified professionals to take up and continue their
develop effective calibration procedures and accuracy even seafaring career. This can be ensured by offering competi-
in challenging environments. These technologies will likely tive compensation and benefits, providing safe working and
reduce the need for manual monitoring and reporting of comfortable working conditions, offering proper training
ship systems and equipment. This will free up time for sea- and development opportunities, improving the work-life
farers to focus on other tasks, such as navigation, communi- balance, promoting gender diversity, addressing mental
cations, and cargo management. health and well-being, and utilizing automation technolo-
gies to increase the efficiency of their daily tasks.
As the shipping industry moves towards decarbonization,
seafarers need to develop skills in safety, digital, automa-
tion, and sustainability to handle complex maritime

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Chapter 5
Training & upskilling seafarers for 2030

5.1 The need for training and upskilling seafarers for the future
As discussed in our previous chapters, the responsibilities However, the current education paradigms used for seafar-
of seafarers and the nature of the maritime industry are er training may prove inadequate in the face of the growing
undergoing significant changes due to decarbonization manning crisis in the shipping industry. 41 With an already
and digitalization. The MET approach follows a traditional demanding core curriculum to fulfil STCW requirements,
framework for training seafarers onboard ships. incorporating additional courses on sustainable shipping
practices may pose challenges. Nevertheless, these courses
A fundamental principle guiding METs is to ensure that all should be given equal importance to those required by
seafarers receive training per the minimum standards set STCW to address the issues arising from this industry
by the International Convention on Standards of Training, transformation. The changes brought about by the indus-
Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW).41 These STCW try’s transformation present a timely opportunity for MET
requirements establish a common baseline for seafarer institutes to review and enhance their curriculum, skill set
training. The academies responsible for delivering these requirements, and teaching methods to tackle this disrup-
programmes dedicate a significant portion of their curric- tion effectively.
ulum to meeting these requirements, enabling students
to obtain certificates of competency upon graduation. In To keep seafarer training, certification, and watchkeeping
addition to general MET programmes, providers deliver in line with developments in the shipping industry and
additional training necessary for serving on specific types of address the challenges faced by seafarers, the International
vessels or in positions requiring additional skills. Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Maritime Safety Committee
(MSC) has agreed to initiate a comprehensive review and

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

revision of the STCW Convention and Code.42 The IMO Additionally, as new technologies and ship development
has also developed a model course to prepare seafarers progress, it is recommended that information on emerg-
working onboard ships subject to the IGF Code to comply ing fuels, such as ammonia and hydrogen, be included as
with relevant regulations per STCW Convention, Chapter ship-specific training in addition to generic training by the
V/3. However, the current model course only covers LNG as IMO model course. This combined approach will help to
a fuel, and the IMO working groups are preparing to prepare future manpower to handle upcoming fuels as part
include training content related to other alternate fuels, of the decarbonization initiative.
such as ammonia and methanol, in the near future.

5.2 Future technologies impacting seafarers

This section provides an overview of the potential imple- Big Data and Predictive Analytics
mentation of technologies aboard vessels and its implica- Collecting large amounts of ship data can provide valuable
tions on seafarers. insight into ship performance and maintenance require-
ments. Predictive analytics can alert the engine crew of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) potential equipment failures and improve maintenance
The integration of AI and ML in the shipping industry has schedules, reducing downtime and increasing efficiency.
the potential to bring about significant advancements. AI
can automate various processes and tasks, such as vessel Blockchain
routing, cargo optimization, and maintenance planning. ML Blockchain technology has the potential to secure and track
can also analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns supply chains, ensuring the integrity of cargo and reducing
and predict operational parameters such as equipment fail- the risk of fraud. By providing a secure and transparent
ures and fuel consumption. As a result, these technologies record of transactions, blockchain technology can improve
can increase efficiency, reduce human error, and improve the trust and reliability of supply chain management.
safety in the shipping industry.
Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR)
Internet of Things (IoT) VR and AR applications can be used to train seafarers,
The IoT can revolutionize the way ships are monitored and simulate emergency scenarios, and enhance the navigation
maintained. By installing sensors and IoT devices on ships, experience. These technologies provide a safe and immer-
real-time data can be collected for simultaneous analysis sive learning environment, reducing the risk of accidents
and optimization of vessel performance by fleet man- and increasing the preparedness of seafarers.
agement control centres. This can lead to increased fuel
efficiency and reduced maintenance costs.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

5.3 Impact of maritime decarbonization and digitalization on seafarer

5.3.1 Training requirements for a decarbonizing shipping

As highlighted in the previous sections, shipping com- However, per DNV’s seafarer survey, only 40% of respon-
panies and training providers must ensure that seafarers dents have served on ships fuelled by LNG, batteries, or
possess the essential skills and knowledge to navigate the synthetic fuels, with most survey respondents having no
evolving landscape of a decarbonizing shipping industry. experience working with such emerging fuel types. Addi-
LNG, batteries, and biofuels will likely form part of a transi- tionally, over 75% of respondents (Question 8) (Deck and
tion between traditional fuels and emerging fuels such as Engine Officers 78%) indicated the requirement for partial
ammonia, hydrogen, and methanol. or complete training on LNG, batteries, or synthetic fuels.


Survey response on the level of training required to operate vessels with new fuels

Trained in new fuels (such as batteries, LNG and synthetic/biofuels)

Therefore, a significant skills gap exists in handling emerg- training requirements that need to be addressed for seafarers
ing fuels such as ammonia, methanol and hydrogen, em- over the decade and beyond.
phasizing the need for comprehensive training. A stagger-
ing 87% of respondents (Deck and Engine Officers 91%) Based on industry feedback, seafarer training should priori-
expressed their requirement for partial or full training. The tize using alternative fuels and propulsion systems. With the
survey results also revealed a strong preference for in-per- increasing adoption of LNG, hybrid and electric propulsion
son training at maritime training centres or academies, with systems, seafarers must be proficient in their operation and
a total of 52% (Deck and Engine Officers 53%) favouring maintenance. While most alternative fuels are transported
this option, while 23% (Deck and Engine Officers 27%) as bulk marine cargo, except for hydrogen, which has only
indicated a blend of in-person and online training would be recently been transported in packaged form, the shipping
suitable. These training deficits can be attributed to the lim- industry already possesses knowledge and experience
ited application of emerging fuels in real-world scenarios, handling these fuels.19 However, additional training is
underscoring the significant number of seafarers requiring necessary to educate seafarers about the risks associated
re-training once non-carbon fuels are introduced. with using these fuels for propulsion, ensuring their safety,
and protecting the environment and local community. This
These findings should serve as a clear indication to ship- enables them to effectively and safely use these systems
ping companies and training academies about the substantial onboard ships.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Furthermore, the training should cover environmental regu- reporting more efficient and accurate, these systems
lations and compliance, ensuring seafarers are familiar with require calibration to ensure accurate readings. Seafarers
regulations related to emissions reduction and environ- should have the knowledge and skills to troubleshoot cali-
mental protection protocols. Also, seafarers can be trained bration issues when using digital systems.
on the best practices to reduce energy consumption and
emissions and help with the overall sustainability of the Regular skills upgrading and refresher courses will be nec-
shipping industry. Onboard carbon footprint measurement essary for seafarers throughout their careers to stay updat-
is essential, and seafarers should be aware of the different ed with the latest environmental technologies and regula-
methods and tools used to accurately measure, interpret tions. By equipping seafarers with the skills and knowledge
and report carbon emissions results. Though digital systems they need to succeed, we can help ensure the long-term
can likely make carbon footprint measurement and viability and sustainability of the shipping industry.

5.3.2 Training requirements for a digitalized shipping industry

Figure 5-2 shows that over 81% of respondents (Deck and automation of equipment/systems, advanced sensors, artificial
Engine Officers 85%) require partial or complete training in intelligence, and remote operations). In comparison, only 13%
dealing with advanced digital technologies (such as further (Deck and Engine Officers 11%) agreed they were well trained.


Survey response on the level of training required to deal with advanced digital technologies

Trained to deal with more advanced technology

Training methods are likely to differ between seafarers Seafarers must also be knowledgeable about advanced
requiring additional training (58%) and those needing a full analytics and digital twins to optimize ship performance
scope of training (23%). Such conflicting needs will deter- and plan maintenance. This will help them optimize ship
mine the time necessary to complete a training curriculum, operations and make informed decisions. In addition, as
delivery (remote, in-person or hybrid) and assessment internet connectivity aboard ships become more prevalent,
methods. cybersecurity training should be mandatory to help crew
recognize and mitigate such risks. Remote and autonomous
Training providers can focus on areas to equip seafarers operations are also upcoming training areas, including
with the full ability to operate in a digitalized shipping operating and maintaining remotely controlled and autono-
industry. For example, communication technologies play a mous ships and drones.
vital role in the effective operation of ships, and seafarers
must receive training on the Internet of Things (IoT). This will EU SkillSea has launched courses on digital skills to provide
enable ship-to-shore communication, data transfer, and monitor- maritime professionals with the knowledge and skills
ing, ensuring ships operate effectively and efficiently. required to use the information infrastructure onboard
modern ships.54

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

5.4 Modern training methods

The maritime training methods that prepare seafarers for changes in regulations or technology, especially fuel-spe-
their careers are constantly evolving. Technological ad- cific technology, and is beneficial for those in areas with
vancements have created possibilities for more effective, limited access to training resources.
flexible, and engaging training methods. Current onboard
training methods, including shadowing experienced crew Virtual Reality
members and participating in drills and exercises, provide VR technology can create immersive training experiences,
hands-on experience and can be tailored to the specific including realistic simulations of shipboard scenarios such
needs of the vessel and crew. as emergencies, machinery breakdowns, and navigation in
challenging conditions. AR technologies can also overlay
The survey results revealed a strong preference for in-per- digital information onto real-world objects, providing sea-
son training at maritime training centres or academies (52% farers with contextual information during training exercises.
overall, Deck and Engine Officers 53%), while 23% (Deck This method can help seafarers prepare for real-life scenar-
and Engine Officers 27%) indicated a blend of in-person ios and provide a more engaging and interactive learning
and online training. experience.

In addition, almost 70% (Deck and Engine Officers 74%) of Blended Learning
respondents have used simulators, virtual reality or oth- Blended learning combines traditional classroom methods
er digital environments for training, and 60% (Deck and with e-learning and simulation-based training. With this
Engine Officers 65%) mentioned training methods helped approach, training providers can offer a more flexible and
with their skills development. In contrast, only 10% (Deck personalized learning experience to help seafarers retain
and Engine Officers 9%) of the respondents disagreed that information better.
such training methods helped.
Gamification and Adaptive Learning
As such, the industry is ready to embrace modern training Gamification uses game-based learning to make training
methods as follows: more engaging and interactive. In contrast, adaptive learn-
ing uses technology to adapt training content and delivery
Simulation-Based Training based on the trainee’s performance, learning style and
In this method, simulators replicate real-life conditions and feedback. This method can be used to enhance existing
equipment on ships, allowing seafarers to practice in a con- training modules or to create entirely new training experi-
trolled environment and learn difficult or impossible skills ences.
to replicate in real life. This includes high-risk or complex
emergency response, navigation, or cargo handling tasks. Micro-Learning
Micro-learning uses short, focused training sessions to
e-Learning provide a targeted, bite-size approach that can easily fit
Online platforms and digital materials create access to into busy schedules. Micro-learning modules can include
training resources for seafarers, allowing them to learn at videos, infographics, or quizzes and are designed to be ac-
their own pace. E-learning modules can include interactive cessible and engaging for seafarers. This method benefits
features like simulations, quizzes, and videos to enhance training on topics requiring frequent updates or refresher
the learning experience. E-learning is helpful for training on trainings with on-demand access.
technical topics and can be updated easily to reflect

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

5.5 Challenges in the current seafarer training ecosystem

Lack of regulations slows down investments in seafarer coming technologies and implementing new systems and
training machinery on vessels in the next 5 to 8 years.
Implementing alternative fuel solutions in the maritime
industry brings forth the need for new equipment and As shown in Figure 5.3, 81% of respondents (Deck and En-
machinery, leading to significant variation. However, a lack gine Officers 84%) indicated that the STCW curriculum has
of regulations exists to address these variations adequately. either not trained or partially trained seafarers to work on
This lack of regulatory clarity poses a challenge in planning ships of the future operating with new and emerging fuels
for the maritime workforce’s future training and attracting (Question 13). Furthermore, only 11% (Deck and Engine
investment in skills programmes aligned with the industry’s Officers 10%) indicated that their STCW training would
evolving needs.19 Uncertainties surrounding the viability, sufficiently prepare them.
adoption and decarbonization trajectories of alternative
fuel technologies, coupled with regulatory developments This highlights a potential regulatory gap where the IMO,
and financing, further complicates the situation. This issue Flags and maritime academies should work together to
becomes particularly critical as we anticipate adopting up- develop a curriculum and prepare seafarers to work on
modern fleets.


Survey response on the role of STCW training courses in shipping decarbonization

Role of STCW training courses for new and emerging fuels

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Based on the relevant IMO model courses related to the As a result, future STCW courses should introduce updated
ships subject to IGF code, the existing training courses may fire-fighting techniques and methods into the curriculum
need refinement to align with the industry’s evolving needs to combat new types of fire related to different types of
to adopt different types of alternative fuels. However, devel- alternative fuels.
oping new training courses can be expensive and should
be initiated in response to specific requirements from the Shortage of competent trainers & experienced seafarers
regulators or the industry.19 Seafaring has long been an industry where skills from
more technically proficient individuals (Chief Engineers)
Considering the projected increase in alternatively fuelled are handed down to less experienced members through
vessels throughout this decade, there is a need to ensure on-the-job training (such as Fourth Engineers and Cadets).
that shipboard fire-fighting techniques and methods are This includes imparting operational knowledge of machine
appropriate to these new fuel types. For example, challeng- handling, maintenance and repair of a ship’s engine and
es have emerged in effectively combating fires on vessels associated equipment. Globally, seafarers utilize a system
carrying electric vehicles equipped with lithium-ion bat- whereby theoretical knowledge is first covered during
teries, highlighting the potential difficulties fire-fighting on the education phase. For example, in Figure 5.4, 95% of
battery-powered vessels. Similarly, other new and emerging respondents (Deck and Engine Officers 95%) suggest that
fuels will also have unique fire-fighting requirements, which onboard mentoring (from senior crew members) and on-
may not be well covered in the current STCW curriculum. the-job training would be essential in up-skilling seafarers
for new technologies and fuels.


Survey response on the role of onboard mentoring/training for new technologies & fuels

Role of onboard mentoring/training for new technologies and fuels

Although on onboard mentoring and training is well es- For example, in Figure 5.5, 55% of respondents (Deck and
tablished, survey respondents were less confident of their Engine Officers 62%) indicated that senior crew members
superiors’ ability on new fuels and technologies training. are either partially or insufficiently equipped to train and
mentor seafaring staff onboard.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation


Survey response on the knowledge level of senior crew members to provide onboard mentoring/training

Knowledge of senior crew members to provide onboard mentoring/training

Only 28% of Deck and Engine Officers thought their su- A need to change the seafarer training model
periors had the necessary skills and knowledge to mentor The skill requirements relating to decarbonization, digitali-
their staff. The response to this question is important for the zation and automation will be necessary to strengthen the
industry to ensure that the best-placed seafarers are trained basic education of seafarers. The basic curriculum in METs
at the right time to mentor and ensure continuity of opera- should cover general skills focusing on digital and emerg-
tions, knowledge and skill transfer. Based on this approach, ing technologies, fuel handling/management, automation,
Chief Engineers and Chief Officers should be trained first and management/organizational behaviour for officers on
on new technologies and fuels to mentor and provide on- the deck and engine departments. Additionally, ship opera-
the-job training of junior crew members. tors and training institutes with access to new technologies
can help establish specialized training. A study conducted
Limited funding and resources for seafarer training by Menon Economics echoed that basic education should
State-of-the-art facilities are required to train and prepare cover broad, general competencies. At the same time,
seafarers for the challenges ahead while attracting and curricula at training centres can be more tailored to ship
retaining young people in the industry. Currently, limited operator needs and specialized skills when required.50
funding and resources make maintaining and upgrading
equipment and facilities difficult. Access to simulation cen- The seafarer survey included questions regarding how
tres or VR/AR equipment may be limited to more well-to-do companies have engaged with their employees regarding
countries. Therefore, the available funding in each country future technologies (Figure 5.6). The results showed that
will impact the quantity and quality of training worldwide. 43% of respondents reported direct engagement from their
companies. This engagement typically involved providing
One solution to address such funding and resource gaps information on future technologies through various means
can be achieved through establishing partnerships be- such as meetings, workshops, and mentoring programmes.
tween shipping companies, governments, and training Additionally, 42% of respondents reported being engaged
institutions. Such an arrangement can help with resource through company-wide communication channels such as
pooling, reducing duplication of efforts, and improving the emails and newsletters.
quality of training programmes.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation


Survey response on the shipping company’s engagement with seafarers on future technologies

Companies engagement of seafarers when discussing future technologies

This indicates that many seafarers have experienced some involvement, motivation, and preparedness among seafar-
form of engagement from their companies on future tech- ers as they navigate the challenges and opportunities in the
nologies. Such engagement initiatives can foster a sense of next decade.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Case Study:
Kongsberg K-Sim Engine – Advanced Engine Room Simulator for Maritime Training

An advanced engine room simulator (AERS) is a powerful technology company. The K-Sim Engine simulator is
training tool utilized in the maritime industry to replicate designed to provide realistic training for marine engineers
and simulate the intricate functions and operations of a and engine room crew in a simulated environment repli-
ship’s engine room. Its purpose is to create a realistic and cating the machinery, systems, and operations of a ship’s
immersive environment for marine engineers to develop engine room. The simulator features a high-fidelity, 3D
and enhance their skills, knowledge, and understanding of virtual engine room that provides an immersive experi-
the engine room operations, machinery, and systems. ence for trainees, accurately replicating the behaviour and
performance of engines, generators, turbines, pumps, and
AERS technology uses computer software and hardware other actual systems. The simulator also provides a range of
to construct a virtual environment that simulates a ship’s scenarios, including normal operations, emergencies, and
engine room. This technology empowers marine engineers fault-finding exercises.
to practice various scenarios and emergencies in a safe
and controlled environment, such as engine failures, fires, The K-Sim Engine simulator can also simulate modern
floods, and power outages. The simulator also provides engines and their associated systems, such as fuel supply
real-time feedback and performance metrics to evaluate the and control systems. As a result, trainees can practice op-
engineers’ performance and identify areas for improvement. erating the engines in various scenarios and emergencies,
such as engine failures and fuel system malfunctions, in a
The Kongsberg K-Sim Engine is an advanced engine room safe and controlled environment.
simulator developed by Kongsberg Digital, a Norwegian


K-Sim Maritime Simulation (Source – Kongsberg)

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Chapter 6
Conclusions and recommendations

This study has identified the key drivers for change and decade and beyond. The research identifies these
their implications on the maritime industry in the current challenges and establishes a connection between them and
decade. The research methodology involved reviewing the need for improvements in maritime training and cur-
literature and analyzing existing knowledge across relevant ricula. Consequently, the study offers recommendations to
topics. Additionally, interviews and surveys were conducted prepare seafarers for future responsibilities while address-
with global shipping companies and seafarers to gather ing relevant stakeholders.
valuable insights.
It is important to note that, unless specified otherwise, the
The study sheds light on the challenges facing ship man- recommendations in this study primarily target seafarers
agement and the evolving role of seafarers in the current serving at the Officer ranks onboard vessels.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

6.1 Key drivers and digitalization and decarbonization

It has been concluded that several drivers will reshape the range from battery-powered short-range vessels to
shipping industry in this decade and beyond. These key hydrogen, ammonia and other non-carbon liquid or
drivers come in the form of the following: gaseous fuels powering deep-water, long-range
shipping. Low-carbon alternatives will likely be used
• IMO, Flag and Port States Regulations include stricter to transition away from traditional fuels.
vessel environmental compliance. • Digitalization will change how ships are operated
• Environmental concerns of the shipping industry’s through increased automation of components and
impact on climate change by shipowners, operators, systems onboard to fully autonomous ships supervised
cargo owners and the public. by a shore control centre.
• Economic incentives include attractive finance and
lower costs of using low or non-carbon fuels and The influence of these transformative forces will vary signifi-
technologies. cantly during this decade. As previously mentioned, early
adopters will be at the forefront of decarbonization and
The key drivers will bring about transformative forces that digitalization and are motivated by one or more of the key
will alter how the industry uses and operates its ships. The drivers. At the opposite end of the spectrum, observers will
two most potent forces in this decade are digitalization and witness the transformation of others in the hope of learning
decarbonization. from the early adopters. This two-speed transformation will
prevail throughout the current decade.
• Decarbonization will introduce new fuels and
technologies to the shipping industry. These will


To permit the evolution of digitalization and decarbonization in the current decade, key stakeholders such as
the IMO, Flag States and the financial industry should consider allowing early adopters to accelerate digital and
decarbonized pathways, encouraging innovation and experimentation without increasing unnecessary risk.

6.2 Seafarer training and development

Irrespective of the paths to a more digitalized or decarbon- Furthermore, this training deficit rose to 87% of survey re-
ized future, seafarers will play a crucial role in transforming spondents for emerging fuels such as ammonia, hydrogen,
the maritime industry. and methanol.

The seafarer survey results underscore the urgent need for These findings highlight the substantial training gap in the
training in digital competence, with over 81% of respon- digitalization and decarbonization skills seafarers require to
dents expressing a requirement for partial or complete work onboard future ships. While these training gaps may
training to effectively work with the advanced technology not immediately impact current operations, measures need
that will be present on future ships. Similarly, over 75% of to be put in place within this decade to bridge training
the survey respondents indicated they would require partial gaps. This proactive approach ensures a skills shortage
or complete training on new fuel types such as LNG, batter- does not arise when the next generation of ships enters
ies, or synthetic fuels. Since electrification (battery) and LNG service.
are projected to power approximately 35% of the global
fleet by 2030, training in these areas should be prioritized.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation


It is recommended that key stakeholders, including the IMO, Flag States, shipowners/operators/managers, and
training academies, actively evaluate and address the skill gaps in digitalization and decarbonization within the
maritime industry during the current decade. In doing so, they can ensure that seafarers possess the essential
skills required for the future demands of the industry, with prioritization on LNG as a fuel and the use of batteries.

Introducing new fuels and technologies highlights the inherent and unmitigated risk to the safety of human lives,
crucial need for effective training to address the associated property, and the environment.
risks. Without professionally trained seafarers, there is an


The industry could use the future seafarer training model where maritime training academies focus on delivering
basic/generalized shipboard skills while ship operators focus on delivering fuel and vessel-specific training.

Seafarers preferred in-person training at maritime training and 60% indicated that such training methods helped
centres or academies (52%), with 23% preferring a blend of develop their skills. Only 10% of the respondents indicated
in-person and online training. that these training methods were ineffective for their skills
Additionally, almost 70% of respondents have used simula-
tors, virtual reality or other digital environments for training,

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation


The maritime industry is in a favourable position to embrace modern training methods that can address the skills
deficit and enhance the professional development of seafarers in the current decade. Recognizing that a one-size-
fits-all approach may not be suitable, it is essential to encourage effectively utilizing a diverse range of training
options. This will ensure training is universally accessible, prompt, and comprehensive. To achieve this, a blended
training course approach may be used, combining both digital and in-person components.

By leveraging available training resources, this approach maximizes accessibility to seafarers, and may incorporate
technologies such as VR/AR in enhancing seafarer training experiences.

While on onboard mentoring and training is well estab- senior crew members are either partially or insufficiently
lished, survey respondents are not confident that their equipped to train and mentor seafarers onboard. This high-
superiors are well equipped to train them on new fuels and lights a significant risk in the reliance on onboard
technologies. 55% of survey respondents indicated that mentoring and training.


Shipowners/operators/managers and training academies must ensure that the best-placed seafarers (based on
position onboard, experience, and availability) are trained at the right time to ensure continuity of operations,
knowledge and skills transfer. This may result in Senior Officers being trained on new technologies and fuels first
to provide effective mentoring and on-the-job training onboard subsequently. Junior crew members could
supplement onboard training with virtual reality and simulators.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Adopting new and emerging fuels will also impact a challenges to existing shipboard safety and fire-fighting
seafarer’s basic training. New fuels are already producing philosophies.


Future STCW courses (for both Officers and Ratings) could introduce updated fire-fighting techniques and
methods into the curriculum to combat the new types of fire posed by the adoption of emerging fuels.

Outside of technical training, the industry interviews high- by decarbonization or digitalization. However, technologi-
lighted the importance of seafarers having adequate soft cal changes, procedures and operations are more likely to
skills for their role both now and into the decade. This issue be successfully implemented if seafarers manage them with
persists irrespective of the new technologies brought about a strong foundation in soft skills.


A renewed focus is recommended on developing the soft skills of seafarers, particularly those at the Officer rank, by
employers and maritime training organizations.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

6.3 Retention, attraction, and opportunities

Retention and attraction are crucial in the maritime industry, a career path and poor compensation can lead to a loss
with many seafarers facing limited opportunities for career of experienced and talented workers, creating a skills gap
advancement and development. in the industry which is already under strain in the current
decade. This is likely to be more impactful if seafarers are
The seafarer survey highlighted that better pay and ca- trained in highly specialized areas, likely to prevail in the
reer progression would attract and retain more seafarers decade of transformation when digitalization and new tech-
(approximately 38% of respondents). However, this lack of nologies emerge.


Shipowners/operators/managers should closely manage the progression opportunities of seafarers from both a
retention/attraction and operational capability standpoint. Career development opportunities brought about by
digitalization and decarbonization should be leveraged to retain and attract people to seafaring jobs.

The survey indicated that most seafarers would perform such as Shore Control Centres. In addition, shore-based
their current onboard role if it could be shore-based. This jobs will remove many negative connotations associated
brings new opportunities for seafarers using their existing with a seafaring career, bringing about significant benefits
skill sets in shore-based control and monitoring facilities to seafarers and their families.


Shipowners/operators/managers should harness the unique and desirable skill sets of seafarers and provide them
with opportunities for complementary shore-based roles such as vessel control and monitoring facilities (shore
control centres), which will likely become more prevalent later in the current decade and beyond.

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

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MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Annex A - Seafarer survey results


1. What is your usual role and department onboard?

Total (N = 527) 32.6% 33.4% 22.0% 12.0%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 100.0%

Officer, deck
Officer, engine (N = 176) 100.0%
Officer, engine
Rating, deck
Rating, engine
Rating, deck (N = 116) 100.0%

Rating, engine (N = 63) 100.0%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Officer, deck Officer, engine Rating, deck Rating, engine
Total (N = 527) 32.6% 33.4% 22.0% 12.0% 527.00
Officer, deck (N = 172) 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 63.00

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 2.13 1.00 2.00
Officer, deck 172.00 1.00 0.00 1.00
Officer, engine 176.00 2.00 0.00 2.00
Rating, deck 116.00 3.00 0.00 3.00
Rating, engine 63.00 4.00 0.00 4.00

2. How many years have you spent working as a seafarer?

Total (N = 527) 4.6% 6.8% 18.0% 70.6%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 7.0%

0 - 2 years
Officer, engine (N = 176) 4.0%
3 - 5 years
6 - 10 years
11+ years
Rating, deck (N = 116) 27.6%

Rating, engine (N = 63) 76.2%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

0 - 2 years 3 - 5 years 6 - 10 years 11+ years
Total (N = 527) 4.6% 6.8% 18.0% 70.6% 527
Officer, deck (N = 172) 7.0% 8.7% 14.5% 69.8% 172
Officer, engine (N = 176) 2.8% 4.0% 18.2% 75.0% 176
Rating, deck (N = 116) 2.6% 7.8% 27.6% 62.1% 116
Rating, engine (N = 63) 6.3% 7.9% 9.5% 76.2% 63

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 3.55 0.81 4.00
Officer, deck 172.00 3.47 0.92 4.00
Officer, engine 176.00 3.65 0.69 4.00
Rating, deck 116.00 3.49 0.75 4.00
Rating, engine 63.00 3.56 0.89 4.00

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

3. How often have you worked on a vessel which was less than 5 years old?

Total (N = 527) 23.0% 40.4% 19.5% 17.1%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 20.3%

Officer, engine (N = 176) 37.5%
1 - 3 times
3 - 6 times
7+ times
Rating, deck (N = 116) 25.9%

Rating, engine (N = 63) 17.5%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Never 1 - 3 times 3 - 6 times 7+ times
Total (N = 527) 23.0% 40.4% 19.5% 17.1% 527
Officer, deck (N = 172) 20.3% 46.5% 18.0% 15.1% 172
Officer, engine (N = 176) 25.0% 37.5% 19.9% 17.6% 176
Rating, deck (N = 116) 21.6% 33.6% 25.9% 19.0% 116
Rating, engine (N = 63) 27.0% 44.4% 11.1% 17.5% 63

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 2.31 1.01 2.00
Officer, deck 172.00 2.28 0.95 2.00
Officer, engine 176.00 2.30 1.03 2.00
Rating, deck 116.00 2.42 1.03 2.00
Rating, engine 63.00 2.19 1.02 2.00

4. Do you think that more advanced technology (such as further automation of equipment/systems, advanced sensors,
artificial intelligence, remote operations etc) onboard your ship will change your role onboard in the next 5-7 years?

Total (N = 527) 66.2% 12.1% 12.5% 9.1%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 70.9%

Yes, it will make my job onboard easier

Officer, engine (N = 176) 19.3%
Yes, it will make my job harder
No, it will not change my job
Rating, deck (N = 116) 14.7%

Rating, engine (N = 63) 17.5%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Yes, it will make my Yes, it will make my No, it will not change N
job onboard easier job harder my job
Total (N = 527) 66.2% 12.1% 12.5% 9.1% 527
Officer, deck (N = 172) 70.9% 11.6% 11.6% 5.8% 172

Officer, engine (N = 176) 63.6% 19.3% 9.7% 7.4% 176

Rating, deck (N = 116) 69.0% 4.3% 14.7% 12.1% 116

Rating, engine (N = 63) 55.6% 7.9% 19.0% 17.5% 63

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 1.65 1.01 1.00
Officer, deck 172.00 1.52 0.91 1.00
Officer, engine 176.00 1.61 0.94 1.00
Rating, deck 116.00 1.70 1.11 1.00
Rating, engine 63.00 1.98 1.20 1.00

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

5. How well trained are you to deal with more advanced technology (such as further automation of equipment/systems,
advanced sensors, artificial intelligence, remote operations etc) onboard your ship?

Total (N = 527) 13.1% 58.4% 23.1% 5.3%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 13.4%

Well trained – no additional training or courses are


Officer, engine (N = 176) 63.1% Partially trained – some additional short or online
courses required
Not sufficiently trained – full scope of training is
Rating, deck (N = 116) 22.4% Unsure

Rating, engine (N = 63) 14.3%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Well trained – no Partially trained – Not sufficiently
additional training or some additional short trained – full scope of Unsure
courses are required or online courses training is required
Total (N = 527) 13.1% 58.4% 23.1% 5.3% 527
Officer, deck (N = 172) 13.4% 58.1% 24.4% 4.1% 172
Officer, engine (N = 176) 9.1% 63.1% 25.6% 2.3% 176
Rating, deck (N = 116) 16.4% 54.3% 22.4% 6.9% 116
Rating, engine (N = 63) 17.5% 54.0% 14.3% 14.3% 63

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 2.21 0.73 2.00
Officer, deck 172.00 2.19 0.71 2.00
Officer, engine 176.00 2.21 0.63 2.00
Rating, deck 116.00 2.20 0.79 2.00
Rating, engine 63.00 2.25 0.91 2.00

6. Do you think that shore control centres, which can remotely operate some or all functions onboard your ship, will change your
role onboard?

Total (N = 527) 38.9% 21.1% 23.5% 16.5%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 39.5%

Yes, it will make my job onboard easier

Officer, engine (N = 176) 24.4%
Yes, it will make my job harder
No, it will not change my job
Rating, deck (N = 116) 35.3%

Rating, engine (N = 63) 20.6%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Yes, it will make my Yes, it will make my No, it will not change N
job onboard easier job harder my job
Total (N = 527) 38.9% 21.1% 23.5% 16.5% 527
Officer, deck (N = 172) 39.5% 27.3% 17.4% 15.7% 172
Officer, engine (N = 176) 40.9% 24.4% 19.9% 14.8% 176
Rating, deck (N = 116) 40.5% 6.0% 35.3% 18.1% 116
Rating, engine (N = 63) 28.6% 22.2% 28.6% 20.6% 63

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 2.18 1.12 2.00
Officer, deck 172.00 2.09 1.09 2.00
Officer, engine 176.00 2.09 1.09 2.00
Rating, deck 116.00 2.31 1.18 3.00
Rating, engine 63.00 2.41 1.11 2.00

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Decarbonisation - New Fuels

7. Have you ever worked on a ship which used one or more of these new fuels such as batteries, LNG and synthetic/biofuels?

Total (N = 527) 60.7% 10.1% 7.8% 3.2%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 51.2%

Officer, engine (N = 176) 7.4% Yes, 1 ship
Yes, 2-3 ships
Yes, 4-5 ships
Rating, deck (N = 116) 6.0% Yes, 6+ ships

Rating, engine (N = 63) 3.2%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

No Yes, 1 ship Yes, 2-3 ships Yes, 4-5 ships Yes, 6+ ships
Total (N = 527) 60.7% 10.1% 7.8% 3.2% 18.2% 527.00
Officer, deck (N = 172) 51.2% 10.5% 10.5% 3.5% 24.4% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 60.8% 7.4% 6.3% 4.5% 21.0% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 71.6% 13.8% 6.0% 0.9% 7.8% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 66.7% 9.5% 7.9% 3.2% 12.7% 63.00

N Mean Median
Total 527.00 2.08 1.56 1.00
Officer, deck 172.00 2.40 1.67 1.00
Officer, engine 176.00 2.18 1.65 1.00
Rating, deck 116.00 1.59 1.16 1.00
Rating, engine 63.00 1.86 1.41 1.00

8. When it comes to new fuels such as batteries, LNG and synthetic/biofuels, how well trained are you to work with these new fuels?

Total (N = 527) 13.1% 39.3% 38.3% 9.3%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 15.7%

Well trained – no additional training or courses are


Officer, engine (N = 176) 36.9% Partially trained – some additional short or online
courses required
Not sufficiently trained – full scope of training is
Rating, deck (N = 116) 30.2% Unsure

Rating, engine (N = 63) 20.6%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Partially trained –
Well trained – no Not sufficiently trained
some additional short N
additional training or – full scope of training Unsure
or online courses
courses are required is required
Total (N = 527) 13.1% 39.3% 38.3% 9.3% 527.00
Officer, deck (N = 172) 15.7% 35.5% 40.1% 8.7% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 12.5% 36.9% 44.3% 6.3% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 10.3% 50.9% 30.2% 8.6% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 12.7% 34.9% 31.7% 20.6% 63.00

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 2.44 0.83 2.00
Officer, deck 172.00 2.42 0.86 2.00
Officer, engine 176.00 2.44 0.79 3.00
Rating, deck 116.00 2.37 0.78 2.00
Rating, engine 63.00 2.60 0.95 3.00

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

9. If you need more training to work with batteries, LNG or synthetic/biofuels, how would you like the training to be delivered?

Total (N = 527) 15.4% 8.7% 50.7% 21.6%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 18.0%

Online course (presented by a live trainer)

Officer, engine (N = 176) 6.3% Online course (recorded)
In-person at a training centre/maritime academy
A blend of online and in-person training
Rating, deck (N = 116) 50.0% Unsure

Rating, engine (N = 63) 17.5%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

In-person at a
Online course A blend of online
Online course training N
(presented by a and in-person Unsure
(recorded) centre/maritime
live trainer) training
Total (N = 527) 15.4% 8.7% 50.7% 21.6% 3.6% 527.00
Officer, deck (N = 172) 18.0% 8.1% 48.3% 24.4% 1.2% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 11.9% 6.3% 55.1% 25.6% 1.1% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 18.1% 12.1% 50.0% 13.8% 6.0% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 12.7% 11.1% 46.0% 17.5% 12.7% 63.00

N Mean Median
Total 527.00 2.89 1.03 3.00
Officer, deck 172.00 2.83 1.03 3.00
Officer, engine 176.00 2.98 0.92 3.00
Rating, deck 116.00 2.78 1.08 3.00
Rating, engine 63.00 3.06 1.14 3.00

Safety of New and Emerging Fuels

10. When it comes to emerging fuels such as ammonia, methanol and hydrogen, how well trained are you to work with these new

Total (N = 527) 4.6% 20.9% 66.0% 8.5%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 1.7%

Well trained – no additional training or courses are


Officer, engine (N = 176) 14.8% Partially trained – some additional short or online
courses required
Not sufficiently trained – full scope of training is
Rating, deck (N = 116) 45.7% Unsure

Rating, engine (N = 63) 15.9%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Well trained – no Partially trained – Not sufficiently trained
additional training or some additional short – full scope of training Unsure
courses are required or online courses is required
Total (N = 527) 4.6% 20.9% 66.0% 8.5% 527.00
Officer, deck (N = 172) 1.7% 16.3% 72.7% 9.3% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 3.4% 14.8% 77.8% 4.0% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 11.2% 32.8% 45.7% 10.3% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 3.2% 28.6% 52.4% 15.9% 63.00

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 2.79 0.66 3.00
Officer, deck 172.00 2.90 0.56 3.00
Officer, engine 176.00 2.82 0.54 3.00
Rating, deck 116.00 2.55 0.82 3.00
Rating, engine 63.00 2.81 0.73 3.00

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

11. If you need more training to work with ammonia, methanol and hydrogen, how would you like the training to be delivered?

Total (N = 527) 12.9% 8.3% 51.6% 22.6%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 12.2%

Online course (presented by a live trainer)

Officer, engine (N = 176) 4.5% Online course (recorded)
In-person at a training centre/maritime academy
A blend of online and in-person training
Rating, deck (N = 116) 48.3% Unsure

Rating, engine (N = 63) 14.3%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

In-person at a
Online course A blend of online
Online course training N
(presented by a and in-person Unsure
(recorded) centre/maritime
live trainer) training
Total (N = 527) 12.9% 8.3% 51.6% 22.6% 4.6% 527.00
Officer, deck (N = 172) 12.2% 7.0% 50.0% 26.7% 4.1% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 10.8% 4.5% 56.3% 26.7% 1.7% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 18.1% 12.9% 48.3% 14.7% 6.0% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 11.1% 14.3% 49.2% 14.3% 11.1% 63.00

N Mean Median
Total 527.00 2.98 1.00 3.00
Officer, deck 172.00 3.03 0.99 3.00
Officer, engine 176.00 3.04 0.90 3.00
Rating, deck 116.00 2.78 1.09 3.00
Rating, engine 63.00 3.00 1.08 3.00

Safety of New and Emerging Fuels

12. Based on your own awareness and understanding, how concerned are you about the safety in the bunkering, maintenance and usage of equipment that uses both
new (LNG, synthetic/biofuels) and emerging fuels (ammonia, methanol and hydrogen)?

Total (N = 527) 15.9% 15.9% 4.2% 42.5%

It will be safer than the current available fuels (ie MGO, HFO)

Officer, deck (N = 172) 17.4%

It will be as safe as the current available fuels (ie MGO, HFO)

Officer, engine (N = 176) 14.2%

It will always be less safe than the current available fuels (ie MGO, HFO)

It will be less safe than the current available fuels (ie MGO, HFO) but
Rating, deck (N = 116) 0.9% training and proper procedures will reduce risks to as low as reasonably

Rating, engine (N = 63) 33.3%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

It will always be less It will be less safe than the current available
It will be safer than It will be as safe as
safe than the current fuels (ie MGO, HFO) but training and proper N
the current available the current available Unsure
available fuels (ie procedures will reduce risks to as low as
fuels (ie MGO, HFO) fuels (ie MGO, HFO)
MGO, HFO) reasonably practical.
Total (N = 527) 15.9% 15.9% 4.2% 42.5% 21.4% 527.00
Officer, deck (N = 172) 17.4% 18.0% 2.9% 39.0% 22.7% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 10.2% 14.2% 8.0% 58.0% 9.7% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 22.4% 15.5% 0.9% 29.3% 31.9% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 15.9% 15.9% 3.2% 33.3% 31.7% 63.00

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 3.38 1.39 4.00

Officer, deck 172.00 3.31 1.44 4.00
Officer, engine 176.00 3.43 1.16 4.00
Rating, deck 116.00 3.33 1.59 4.00
Rating, engine 63.00 3.49 1.47 4.00

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation


13. Based on your own awareness and understanding, how well do the current or existing STCW training courses prepare
you for these new (batteries, LNG, synthetic/biofuels) and emerging fuels (ammonia and hydrogen)?

Total (N = 527) 11.0% 38.1% 43.3% 7.6%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 8.1%

Well trained – no additional training or courses are


Officer, engine (N = 176) 32.4% Partially trained – some additional short or online
courses required
Not sufficiently trained – full scope of training is
Rating, deck (N = 116) 30.2% Unsure

Rating, engine (N = 63) 11.1%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Partially trained – some
Well trained – no Not sufficiently trained
additional short or N
additional training or – full scope of training Unsure
online courses
courses are required is required
Total (N = 527) 11.0% 38.1% 43.3% 7.6% 527.00
Officer, deck (N = 172) 8.1% 33.1% 50.0% 8.7% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 11.4% 32.4% 51.7% 4.5% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 17.2% 44.0% 30.2% 8.6% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 6.3% 57.1% 25.4% 11.1% 63.00

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 2.47 0.79 3.00
Officer, deck 172.00 2.59 0.76 3.00
Officer, engine 176.00 2.49 0.75 3.00
Rating, deck 116.00 2.30 0.85 2.00
Rating, engine 63.00 2.41 0.77 2.00

14. Have you experienced using simulators, virtual reality (VR) and other virtual environments (eg virtual bridge or engine room
simulators) when undertaking training and were these useful in developing your skills?

Total (N = 527) 59.6% 9.3% 31.1%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 65.7%

Officer, engine (N = 176) 11.4% Yes, it was useful in developing my skills

Yes, but it was not useful in developing my skills
Rating, deck (N = 116) 39.7%

Rating, engine (N = 63)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Yes, it was useful in Yes, but it was not useful in N

developing my skills developing my skills

Total (N = 527) 59.6% 9.3% 31.1% 527.00

Officer, deck (N = 172) 65.7% 7.0% 27.3% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 63.6% 11.4% 25.0% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 50.9% 9.5% 39.7% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 47.6% 9.5% 42.9% 63.00

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 1.72 0.91 1.00
Officer, deck 172.00 1.62 0.88 1.00
Officer, engine 176.00 1.61 0.86 1.00
Rating, deck 116.00 1.89 0.94 1.00
Rating, engine 63.00 1.95 0.95 2.00

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

15. To what extent will onboard mentoring (from senior crew members) and on-the-job training play a role in up-skilling seafarers
for these new technologies and fuels?

Total (N = 527) 79.9% 15.6% 3.4%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 76.7%

Very important
Officer, engine (N = 176) 14.8%
Somewhat important
No significance
Rating, deck (N = 116) 3.4%

Rating, engine (N = 63)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Very important Somewhat important No significance Unimportant
Total (N = 527) 79.9% 15.6% 3.4% 1.1% 527.00
Officer, deck (N = 172) 76.7% 17.4% 5.2% 0.6% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 81.3% 14.8% 2.8% 1.1% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 79.3% 16.4% 3.4% 0.9% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 85.7% 11.1% 0.0% 3.2% 63.00

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 1.26 0.57 1.00
Officer, deck 172.00 1.30 0.59 1.00
Officer, engine 176.00 1.24 0.55 1.00
Rating, deck 116.00 1.26 0.56 1.00
Rating, engine 63.00 1.21 0.60 1.00

16. Do senior crew members have the knowledge and training to be able to provide this onboard mentoring and on-the-job training?

Total (N = 527) 35.7% 36.2% 18.8%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 30.8%

They are well trained

Officer, engine (N = 176) 38.1%
They are partially trained
They are not sufficiently trained
Rating, deck (N = 116) 8.6%

Rating, engine (N = 63)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

They are partially They are not N
They are well trained Unsure
trained sufficiently trained
Total (N = 527) 35.7% 36.2% 18.8% 9.3% 527.00
Officer, deck (N = 172) 30.8% 37.2% 19.8% 12.2% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 25.6% 38.1% 29.5% 6.8% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 50.9% 31.0% 8.6% 9.5% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 49.2% 38.1% 4.8% 7.9% 63.00

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 2.02 0.96 2.00

Officer, deck 172.00 2.13 0.99 2.00
Officer, engine 176.00 2.18 0.89 2.00
Rating, deck 116.00 1.77 0.96 1.00
Rating, engine 63.00 1.71 0.88 2.00

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

Retention and Attraction

17. Do you think that new developments in fuels, automation and digitalization are able to attract new seafarers to a career at
sea or retain existing seafarers?

Total 55.4% 18.4% 26.2%

Officer, deck 49.4%

Officer, engine 20.5% Yes

Rating, deck 25.0%

Rating, engine

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Yes No Unsure
Total 55.4% 18.4% 26.2% 527.00
Officer, deck 49.4% 25.6% 25.0% 172.00
Officer, engine 51.1% 20.5% 28.4% 176.00
Rating, deck 67.2% 7.8% 25.0% 116.00
Rating, engine 61.9% 12.7% 25.4% 63.00

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 1.71 0.85 1.00
Officer, deck 172.00 1.76 0.83 2.00
Officer, engine 176.00 1.77 0.86 1.00
Rating, deck 116.00 1.58 0.86 1.00
Rating, engine 63.00 1.63 0.86 1.00

18. Which two areas would allow seafarers to be better attracted to and retained in their onboard roles?

Better career progression 38.5% 35.5% 36.9%

Better pay 62.0%

Total (N = 527)
Better onboard connectivity to family and friends 32.0% Officer, deck (N = 172)
Officer, engine (N = 176)
Rating, deck (N = 116)
More flexible contracts 18.8% Rating, engine (N = 63)

Newer and more advanced systems to work with/use onboard (eg

new fuels, digital tools and systems etc)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Better onboard Newer and more advanced
Better career connectivity to More flexible systems to work with/use N
Better pay
progression family and contracts onboard (eg new fuels, digital
friends tools and systems etc)
Total (N = 527) 38.5% 62.0% 29.8% 21.4% 21.4% 527.00
Officer, deck (N = 172) 35.5% 70.3% 32.0% 27.3% 16.3% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 36.9% 71.6% 31.8% 18.8% 21.0% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 49.1% 40.5% 28.4% 15.5% 27.6% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 31.7% 52.4% 20.6% 23.8% 25.4% 63.00

N Mean Median
Total 527.00 2.57 1.30 2.00
Officer, deck 172.00 2.55 1.22 2.00
Officer, engine 176.00 2.53 1.25 2.00
Rating, deck 116.00 2.58 1.44 2.00
Rating, engine 63.00 2.73 1.38 2.00

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

19. What is limiting your career progression as a seafarer onboard?

Total (N = 527) 18.8% 18.4% 35.9%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 16.3%

Lack of training for the next position

Officer, engine (N = 176) 13.1% Lack of experience for the next position
Lack of a suitable position available
Lack of interest in remaining in the seafaring industry
Rating, deck (N = 116) 28.4% No limit. I am not looking for career progression

Rating, engine (N = 63)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Lack of training Lack of Lack of interest in No limit. I am not

Lack of a suitable N
for the next experience for remaining in the looking for career
position available
position the next position seafaring industry progression

Total (N = 527) 18.8% 18.4% 35.9% 9.9% 17.1% 527.00

Officer, deck (N = 172) 16.3% 20.3% 38.4% 9.9% 15.1% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 17.0% 13.1% 39.2% 11.9% 18.8% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 19.0% 26.7% 28.4% 8.6% 17.2% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 30.2% 12.7% 33.3% 6.3% 17.5% 63.00

N Mean Median
Total 527.00 2.88 1.30 3.00
Officer, deck 172.00 2.87 1.24 3.00
Officer, engine 176.00 3.02 1.30 3.00
Rating, deck 116.00 2.78 1.32 3.00
Rating, engine 63.00 2.68 1.41 3.00

20. If you were able to perform your shipboard role at an onshore facility, such as a shore control centre, how likely would you take
up this shore-based role?

Total (N = 527) 49.9% 32.1% 9.7%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 48.3%

Very likely
Officer, engine (N = 176) 29.5%
Not likely
Rating, deck (N = 116) 0.9%

Rating, engine (N = 63)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Percentage N
Very likely Likely Not likely Unsure
Total (N = 527) 49.9% 32.1% 9.7% 8.3% 527.00
Officer, deck (N = 172) 48.3% 30.8% 15.1% 5.8% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 53.4% 29.5% 10.2% 6.8%
Rating, deck (N = 116) 51.7% 37.1% 0.9% 10.3% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 41.3% 33.3% 9.5% 15.9% 63.00

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 1.76 0.94 2.00

Officer, deck 172.00 1.78 0.91 2.00
Officer, engine 176.00 1.70 0.91 1.00
Rating, deck 116.00 1.70 0.92 1.00
Rating, engine 63.00 2.00 1.07 2.00

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

21. What will cause the biggest impact to your onboard seafaring career over the next 5-7 years?

Total (N = 527) 22.6% 50.1% 22.6%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 15.7% Decarbonization and the introduction of new fuels (eg LNG,
ammonia, hydrogen, batteries)

Digitalization due to the automation of systems and ships (eg

Officer, engine (N = 176) 51.1% the use of advanced sensors, shore-based control centres and
automated diagnostics of machinery)
Better onboard connectivity (eg internet, streaming services,
Rating, deck (N = 116) 32.8%
Other, please specify

Rating, engine (N = 63)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Decarbonization and the Digitalization due to the automation of Better onboard

introduction of new fuels systems and ships (eg the use of advanced connectivity (eg internet, Other, please N
(eg LNG, ammonia, sensors, shore-based control centres and streaming services, specify
hydrogen, batteries) automated diagnostics of machinery) telephone)

Total (N = 527) 22.6% 50.1% 22.6% 4.7% 527.00

Officer, deck (N = 172) 15.7% 57.6% 23.3% 3.5% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 30.1% 51.1% 14.8% 4.0% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 19.8% 39.7% 32.8% 7.8% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 25.4% 46.0% 23.8% 4.8% 63.00

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 2.09 0.80 2.00
Officer, deck 172.00 2.15 0.71 2.00
Officer, engine 176.00 1.93 0.78 2.00
Rating, deck 116.00 2.28 0.87 2.00
Rating, engine 63.00 2.08 0.82 2.00

23. Are you aware of the efforts that the IMO, Flags and shipping companies are making in the fields of decarbonization (zero or
low carbon fuels) and digitalization (onboard automation, digital tools and remote monitoring) of shipping operations?

Total (N = 527) 62.4% 34.3% 3.2%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 61.0%

Officer, engine (N = 176) 34.1% Yes, very aware

Yes, somewhat aware
No, not aware
Rating, deck (N = 116) 2.6%

Rating, engine (N = 63)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Yes, very aware Yes, somewhat aware No, not aware
Total (N = 527) 62.4% 34.3% 3.2% 527.00
Officer, deck (N = 172) 61.0% 36.6% 2.3% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 61.9% 34.1% 4.0% 176.00
Rating, deck (N = 116) 64.7% 32.8% 2.6% 116.00
Rating, engine (N = 63) 63.5% 31.7% 4.8% 63.00

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 1.41 0.55 1.00
Officer, deck 172.00 1.41 0.54 1.00
Officer, engine 176.00 1.42 0.57 1.00
Rating, deck 116.00 1.38 0.54 1.00
Rating, engine 63.00 1.41 0.58 1.00

MARITIME The Future of Seafarers 2030: A decade of transformation

24. Has your company engaged with you when discussing future technologies (such as batteries, LNG, ammonia, hydrogen, digital tools,
remote operation etc) for their current or future fleets?

Total (N = 527) 42.5% 42.3% 15.2%

Officer, deck (N = 172) 36.6%

Yes – directly during meetings, workshops, mentoring

programs etc
Officer, engine (N = 176) 42.0%
Yes – indirectly by company emails, newsletters etc.

Rating, deck (N = 116) 4.3%

Rating, engine (N = 63)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Yes – directly during
Yes – indirectly by company N
meetings, workshops, No
emails, newsletters etc.
mentoring programs etc
Total (N = 527) 42.5% 42.3% 15.2% 527.00
Officer, deck (N = 172) 36.6% 45.3% 18.0% 172.00
Officer, engine (N = 176) 38.6% 42.0% 19.3% 176.00

Rating, deck (N = 116) 54.3% 41.4% 4.3% 116.00

Rating, engine (N = 63) 47.6% 36.5% 15.9% 63.00

N Mean Standard deviation Median

Total 527.00 1.73 0.71 2.00
Officer, deck 172.00 1.81 0.72 2.00
Officer, engine 176.00 1.81 0.74 2.00
Rating, deck 116.00 1.50 0.58 1.00
Rating, engine 63.00 1.68 0.73 2.00

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