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Optics Communications 359 (2016) 102–108

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Energy efficiency in WDM fiber-optical links considering OADM/OXC

Aleksejs Udalcovs n, Vjaceslavs Bobrovs
Riga Technical University, Institute of Telecommunications, Azenes str. 12, Room 324, LV-1048 Riga, Latvia

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, authors discuss the energy consumption for 1 bit transmission as a function of spectral
Received 13 July 2015 efficiency (SE, bps/Hz), aggregated traffic amount (C, bps), and overall transmission distance (LP2P, km) in
Received in revised form wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems with optical add-drop multiplexer/ optical cross-
15 September 2015
connect (OADM/OXC) nodes. The choice of bitrate and modulation formats was limited to three options:
Accepted 18 September 2015
Available online 29 September 2015
10G non-return-to-zero on-off keying (NRZ-OOK), 40G NRZ differential phase-shift keying (NRZ-DPSK)
and 100 dual polarization quadrature phase-shift keying (DP-QPSK). The reasons for that is the legacy in
Keywords: transmission networks and high energy efficiency of 3R (re-amplification, re-timing, re-shaping) re-
3R regeneration generators and transponders, respectively. In addition, these formats are commonly used for 10-40-100G
Energy per bit
mixed-line rate solutions in core networks. It is found out that 100G DP-QPSK is the best solutions among
two other considered in terms of both energy consumption per bit and spectral efficiency. Finally and
Optical add-drop multiplexer
Optical cross-connect foremost, it is estimated that for the WDM channels added at the OADM/OXC node, energy consumption
Power consumption per 1 transmitted bit could growth more than two times as compared to wavelengths transmitted over
Spectral efficiency point-to-point fiber-optical links and then dropped at the receiving node.
System reach & 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Wavelength division multiplexing

1. Introduction for the set of variables. Networks' specifications and systems'

parameters serve for this purpose. In overviewed papers, it was
For the last few years, motivation about research activities (1) aggregated traffic amount; (2) modulation formats and their
concerning an energy consumption in optical networks remained transparent optical reach; (3) blocking probability and quality of
the same: (1) economical which includes the operational and ca- transmission; (4) use of coherent and non-coherent transmission
pital expenditures (OPEX and CAPEX) for telecommunication op- technologies; (5) spectral efficiency in the frequency band;
erators [1,2]; and (2) ecological which includes the carbon foot- (6) mixed-line rate (MLR) design and different schemes used for
print produced by the entire Information and Communication the allocation of wavelength channels in a transmission band, and
Technologies (ICT) sector [3,4]. The topicality of these researches is others.
becoming even higher under the traffic growth rates, scales of the Some aspects of this trade-off have been partially addressed in
networks that will be needed for its accumulation, increase of the our previous publications [10–15]. For example, existence of this
overall network's power consumption, and ecological implications trade-off has been proved in [10] where authors showed how
due to the growing emission of green-house gas (GHG). Details power consumption per bit per second changes with the length of
about these numbers and discussions could be found in [5–7]. point-to-point link for the WDM systems where spectral efficiency
Hence, in this paper we will not focus on them. They are aston- is set to the highest value accepted by the linear crosstalk and the
ishing, and optimization of networks' resources must be per- signal quality requirements at the receiving node. Hence, in this
formed for more efficient use of them [8–10]. paper authors addressed the best-case scenario in terms of spec-
Although a great number of papers has been published, some tral efficiency and the worst-case scenario in terms of energy ef-
aspects of the trade-off between energy efficiency, spectral effi- ficiency. In [11,14,15], authors present a number of schemes that
ciency, aggregated traffic and overall transmission distance are still could be used for the allocation of 10 Gbps, 40 Gbps and 100 Gbps
missing or were explored roughly. Majority of the overviewed wavelengths in a transmission band. Show their impact on the
papers published in the last 3–5 years explores energy efficiency bandwidth required for this purpose and on the energy con-
sumption per 1 bit transmitted over a MLR system assuming that
Corresponding author. wavelengths are located maximally close to each other. In [12],
E-mail address: (A. Udalcovs). comparison is given between the energy efficiency in different
0030-4018/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Udalcovs, V. Bobrovs / Optics Communications 359 (2016) 102–108 103

MLRs and single-line rate (SLR) solutions where spectral efficiency line amplifiers (OLA), optical add-drop multiplexers (OADM) and
in the band is set to the highest acceptable. However, none of optical cross-connects (OXC). TSPs' and 3Rs' power consumptions
these papers explores energy efficiency when spectral efficiency is have been explored in [10], while for other components is over-
used as a variable. This aspect is being addressed in [13] but this viewed and summarized in [19,20].
paper is on the preparation stage and focuses on such configura- Functions unit could be considered as the “brains” of this
tions specificities as the use/not use of forward error correction model. It evaluates signal quality and estimates system reach for
(FEC) and SMF span lengths (40 km, 80 km or 120 km). Hence, in the certain spectral efficiency. Both these parameters as well as
this paper these aspects are omitted to focus on such trade-off for considered configuration of the WDM link is discussed in the next
the WDM fiber-link where optical add-drop multiplexer/optical section (Section 3). Required number of different WDM compo-
cross-connect (OADM/OXC) nodes are also considered as the nents and their power consumption is also calculated in this unit.
power consumers and sources of signal quality distortions. This Finally, the output unit contains the data array which shows
makes results to be more transparent in terms of distortions from how energy per bit changes with the considered input parameters
OADM/OXC nodes and allows comparing the energy consumption and for each variables. To obtain such array, for each C, SE and LP2P
per transmitted bit for the fiber-optical links with OADM/OXC parameter, we calculated the overall power consumption of
nodes when wavelengths are added or dropped. (1) transponders (PTSP, n), (2) WDM terminals (PWDM, n), (3) OADM/
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the power OXC nodes (POADM, n), (4) 3R regenerators (P3R, n), (5) optical line
consumption model is introduced. It is used for the evaluation of amplifiers (POLA, n). These expressions are as follows:
energy consumption required for the transmission of 1 bit. Section
3 explores the impact of spectral efficiency on a system reach for PTSP, n = pTSP, 1{10, 40, 100G}⋅Nchannels{10, 40, 100G} (1)
modulation formats in WDM links with OADM/OXC nodes con-
where pTSP, 1 is the transponder's power consumption for selected
sidering a signal quality in dropped and added channels. Section 4
data rate and modulation format, Nchannels is the number of 10G,
presents and reveals the trade-off between the energy efficiency
40G and 100G wavelengths required to accumulate aggregated
(energy consumption per transmitted bit), spectral efficiency in
the frequency band, aggregated traffic amount and overall trans-
mission distance. Finally, Section 5 overviews the paper and PWDM, n = NWDM, 80ch⋅pWDM, 80ch + NWDM, 40ch⋅pWDM, 40ch (2)
summarizes the main conclusions.
where NWDM, 40/80ch is the number of WDM terminals for 40 or 80
channels required to multiplex/demultiplex and pre-amplify the
2. Short overview of the derived power consumption model required number of 10G, 40G, and 100G wavelengths; pWDM, 40/80ch
is the power consumption of 40/80-channels WDM terminals
For the evaluation of energy efficiency (so-called, Epb – Energy (including MUX/DEMUX, booster- and pre-amplifier).
per bit), we used power consumption model described in [13]. It
POADM, n = NOADM, nodes⋅(NWDM, 80ch⋅pOADM, 80ch + NWDM, 40ch
consists of five units: (1) input parameters, (2) variables, (3) power
consumers, (4) output parameters, and (5) set of functions. ⋅pOADM, 40ch ) (3)
As input parameters we used aggregated traffic amount (C, bps)
and overall transmission distance (LP2P, km). LP2P values scale with where NOADM, nodes is the number of OADM/OXC nodes in the
the span length of transmission fiber. We used 80 km long spans of considered WDM link through whom optical signals are trans-
standard single-mode fiber. Fiber's parameters complies with ITU- mitted; pOADM, 40/80ch is the power consumption of such nodes.
T Recommendation G.652.D and its length is the long distance P3R, n = Nchannels{10, 40, 100G}⋅N3R, nodes⋅p3R, 1{10, 40, 100G} (4)
between two consecutive optical line amplifiers (OLA, [19]).
Modulation formats, data rates, BER (bit-error rate) thresholds where p3R, 1 is the 3R regenerator's power consumption for se-
and spectral efficiency were used as variables. In this paper, we lected data rate and modulation format; N3R, nodes is the number of
consider three different combinations of bitrates and modulation nodes where optical signals are regenerated using OEO conver-
formats: (1) 10G non-return-to-zero on-off keying (NRZ-OOK); sion.
(2) 40G NRZ differential phase-shift keying (NRZ-DPSK); and
(3) 100G dual polarization quadrature phase-shift keying (DP- POLA, n = NOLA, n⋅pOLA, 1 (5)
QPSK). The reason for choosing different modulation formats at
where pOLA, 1 is the OLA's power consumption and NOLA, n is the
different data rates is as follows. Firstly, the 10G NRZ-OOK is
total number of OLA in a WDM link from source to destination
picked due to the legacy in core networks. It is considered as a
nodes. These power consumption values allow estimation of en-
traditional modulation formats for the fiber-optical communica-
ergy per bit (Epb) which is the main focus of this paper.
tions. Secondly, coherent 100G DP-QPSK transponders secure a
lower energy consumption per transmitted bit as compared with Ptotal = PTSP, n + PWDM, n + POADM, n + P3R, n + POLA, n (6)
DPSK and OOK formats at different data rates. Situation differs for
the energy efficiency of the 3R regenerators-40G NRZ-DPSK is one Ptotal
of the best solutions in terms of energy per bit [10]. Finally, these Epb =
C (7)
modulation formats are commonly used in design of 10-40-
100Gbps mixed-line rate networks [11]. Due to the forward error In Section 4, these energy efficiency curves (depending on the
correction (FEC), the nominal bitrate in the link is set to transmission scenario) is shown and discussed.
10.709 Gbps [16], 43.018 Gbps [16] and 127.16 Gbps [17], respec-
tively. This sets the bit-error rate threshold to 2.10  3 [18]. Spectral
efficiency (SE) values are defined by the nominal bitrates and 3. Signal quality, spectral efficiency and their impact on sys-
frequency intervals used for collocating wavelengths in a band. tem reach
Their values are changed with 6.25 GHz granularity while Q-fac-
tors for the received signals are captured. In this section, we present a setup used for the evaluation of
Power consumers unit contains transponders (TSP), 3R (re- signal distortions in OADM/OXC nodes for different data formats
amplification, re-timing, and re-shaping), WDM terminals, optical and spectral efficiency values. For this purpose, firstly,
104 A. Udalcovs, V. Bobrovs / Optics Communications 359 (2016) 102–108

Fig. 1. Experimental setup in OptSim used for the evaluation of Q-factors for the dropped and added channels after transmission over the WDM link with a OADM/OXC node
as a function of channel spacing between collocated wavelengths.

formats. For the 100G DP-QPSK signals, accumulated chromatic

dispersion is electronically compensated at the receiver. Together
with such booster's output power it secures that quality of
transmission for the detected signals is not defined neither by fi-
ber's nonlinearities or noise at the receiver.
At the OADM/OXC node, the DROP wavelength is filtered out
using FBG filter and switched from the input port 1 to output port
2, while the same wavelength from the second WDM system is
passed from the input port 2 to output port 1. The used OADM
configuration is based on 180° optical hybrids and FBG (details see
in [23]). The crosstalk level to the leakage path between DROP and
ADD port is 60 dB. The crosstalk level in OXC is 55 dB [24]. The
ADD channel's wavelength is the same as for the DROP channel.
The added channel is connected to the OADM's ADD port, trans-
mitted through the optical amplifier, then through the 80 km of
SMF and DCM. Finally, it is filtered out and transmitted through
the OXC, where it is switched from the input port 1 to output port
2. This setup (see Fig. 1) is used to compare the Q-factor values for
the DROP and ADD channels at different spectral efficiency values.
Values for the DROP channels represents the case similar to the
Fig. 2. Q2-factor penalty between dropped and added channels as a function of
spectral efficiency after transmission over the 80 km span of standard single mode point-to-point link while Q-factors for the ADD channels give an
fiber and dispersion compensation module. insight of signal quality for a lightpath. The difference between
these two Q-factor values (or so-called Q2-factor penalty ¼Q2-factor
(DROP) – Q2-factor (ADD)) for the number of spectral efficiency
configuration of WDM fiber-optical link is overviewed. It is used to values is shown in Fig. 2. Note that we used the Q-factor in [dB]
obtain Q-factor values detected for the wavelengths transmitted and, therefore, the abbreviation “Q2-factor” is used.
through DROP and ADD ports of OADM and then trough OXC node. For the 10G NRZ-OOK and 40G NRZ-DPSK, the maximum
Secondly, we reveal the system reach curves obtained using de- penalty almost reaches 10 dB. Such huge difference is observed for
rived transmission models. Later on, these curves are used to es- low spectral efficiencies. In case of the 10G NRZ-OOK, more than
timate the distance between two consecutive 3R nodes. 8 dB penalty is observed when wavelengths are placed using
Experimental setup consists of two parallel WDM systems (see 25 GHz frequency intervals or larger. For the 40G NRZ-DPSK, more
Fig. 1). The number of channel in each system is 9. The reason for than 7 dB penalty is for the 100 GHz channel spacing and greater.
that is found in [21,22]. In each WDM system, DROP channels are Not higher than 5 dB Q2-factor penalty is observed for the 100G
transmitted through the fiber-optical link which consists of DP-QPSK if channels spacing is above 50 GHz. It should be high-
(1) booster amplifiers with þ 14 dBm output; (2) 80 km of stan- lighted that for the spectral efficiency values that are close to the
dard SMF, and (3) chromatic dispersion compensation module maximum tolerable the Q2-factor penalty become negative but
(DCM) based on fiber Bragg grating (FBG) which compensates the this improvement is not more than 2 dB and is explained by the
accumulated dispersion (1280 ps/nm). This is a typical configura- homodyne crosstalk in OADM. In further actions, these Q-factor
tion of fiber-optical link used for the evaluation of energy con- values are used for the evaluation of system reach (see Fig. 3).
sumption on the WDM optical layer. After transmission over one The system reach is evaluated using the derived transmission
80 km long SMF span, signal accumulates 1280 ps/nm (fiber's models. More details are presented in [13]. However, it must be
dispersion coefficient is 16 ps/nm/km) and attenuates by 16 dB highlighted that this is done assuming that (1) there is no other
(fiber's attenuation coefficient is 0.2 dB/km). These distortions are OADM/OXC nodes in the optical line, (2) the major source of signal
compensated by OLAs (with at least 16 dB gain) and inline DCMs. distortions is the noises from the OLAs placed after each 80 km
Inline DCMs are used only for the non-coherent modulation fiber span with gain equals to the losses in one section (80 km
A. Udalcovs, V. Bobrovs / Optics Communications 359 (2016) 102–108 105

US-Net topology [25]. In Fig. 5, the energy per bit values are color
coded (colors showed in a colorbar contain the information about
specific values of the energy efficiency parameter). Note that the
scale of Z-axis marked with colors (in colorbar) is the same for all
sub-figures. This makes difference between the considered sce-
narios to be more evident. In the same way, in Fig. 5, the spectral
efficiency is the variable assigned to the X-axis and the aggregated
traffic amount is assigned to the Y-axis while the Z-axis is the color
coded. It shows the ratio between these two energy per bit values.
The first one is for the DROP channel and the second is for the ADD
channel. In both cases, system reach and overall power con-
sumption are calculated assuming that there are no other OADM/
OXC nodes in the line and it consists only of 80 km SSMF spans,
DCMs and OLAs.
Having analyzed the energy efficiency that could be gained by
the considered modulation formats – 10G NRZ-OOK (Fig. 4(a)),
40G NRZ-DPSK (Fig. 4(b)), and 100G DP-QPSK (Fig. 4(c)) – some
important conclusions were made. In all three cases, energy con-
sumption per bit does not exceed 10 nJ/bit for the certain combi-
nation of spectral efficiency and aggregated traffic values. For the
Fig. 3. Transmission reach for the considered WDM system with/without OADM/
10G NRZ-OOK, Epb is limited to 10 nJ/bit if C is above 200 Gbps and
OXC node.
SE is below 0.55 bps/Hz. For the 40 Gbps NRZ-DPSK, energy per bit
required for data transmission over 2600 km long link is below
10 nJ/bit if C4 400 Gbps while SEo0.65 bps/Hz. And, finally, for
SSMF þDCM) of fiber-optical link. Later on, data shown in Fig. 2 are
the 100G DP-QPSK – C 4300 Gbps while SEo2.80 bps/Hz. In ad-
used to compute the number of 3R regenerator nodes needed to
dition, it should be highlighted that the highest jump in energy
fulfill a BER requirement. Fig. 3 shows that the maximum accep-
consumption growth is observed for the 10G NRZ-OOK when the
table transmission distance without 3R regeneration (i.e., system
spectral efficiency value is approaching to the maximum tolerable
reach) for the ADD channels is sufficiently lower than for the DROP
value. For example, this jump is from the 20 nJ/bit to more than
channels. Therefore, number of 3R regenerators that should be
60 nJ/bit if SE is increased from 0.20 bps/Hz (corresponds to the
used in a lightpath with OADM/OXC nodes is higher than it might
50 GHz channel spacing) to 0.80 bps/Hz (corresponds to the
be needed for a point-to-point configuration. This means that an
12.5 GHz channel spacing) when aggregated traffic amount is
extra optical-to-electrical-to-optical (OEO) equipment must be above 200 Gbps. For the 40G NRZ-DPSK, in this parameter range
used. This leads to extra power consumption, and hence, to higher Epb would change from 20 nJ/bit to 40 nJ/bit, while for the 100G
energy per bit (i.e., lower energy efficiency). In next section (Sec- DP-QPSK it stays 20 nJ/bit. For the last case, increase of Epb is
tion 4), we will explore the energy per bit as a function of spectral observed only when SE is increased above 2.50 bps/Hz. Therefore,
efficiency, aggregated traffic amount, and overall transmission it must be concluded that 100G DP-QPSK modulation format is the
distance. best solution from both parameters – energy per bit and spectral
Energy efficiency changes significantly when we include
4. Energy per bit versus spectral efficiency, aggregated traffic OADM/OXC node in considered scenario. The reason is transparent
and transmission length optical reach which reduces sufficiently due to in-band and in-
coherent crosstalk at the OADM/OXC node. For the cascade of
To reveal the considered trade-off between these four para- OADM/OXC nodes, an extra signal distortions could occur due to
meters, we will use the figures shown below (see Figs. 4–6). In the bandwidth narrowing. Optical bandpass filters are used in
Figs. 4 and 5, the aggregated traffic amount and spectral efficiency OADM structure. The effective bandwidth of cascaded filters could
in the band are used as variables that were changed, while the link significantly differ from the full width half maximum (FWHM)
length was fixed to 2600 km. This is the maximum link length in bandwidth of one filter [26]. This reduction depends on the

Fig. 4. Energy per bit as a function of spectral efficiency and aggregated traffic for the dropped (a) 10 Gbps NRZ-OOK, (b) 40 Gbps NRZ-DPSK, (c) 100 Gbps DP-QPSK
wavelengths after transmission over a 2600 km long WDM link without OADM/OXC.
106 A. Udalcovs, V. Bobrovs / Optics Communications 359 (2016) 102–108

Fig. 5. Ratio between the energy per bit required for the data transmission of added and dropped wavelengths (a) 10 Gbps NRZ-OOK, (b) 40 Gbps NRZ-DPSK, (c) 100 Gbps
DP-QPSK) over 2600 km long WDM link without OADM/OXC nodes as a function of spectral efficiency and aggregated traffic.

number of filters in cascade and their type defined by the shape of minimum, average and maximum link lengths in COST 239 and
an amplitude square transfer function. All these induce the signal US-Net topologies. Finally, the aggregated traffic amount was fixed
quality loss and as the result the reduction of transparent optical to C ¼1 Tbps. Results are plotted in Fig. 6 where the first sub-plot
reach of considered modulation formats. (Fig. 6(a)) corresponds to scenario when WDM link is connected to
This leads to extra 3Rs which must be used to fulfill the signal the ADD port of OADM and the second sub-plot (Fig. 6(b)) is for
quality requirements but the additional OEO equipment means a the link connected to the DROP port.
higher energy consumption. However, the difference in energy Energy per bit curves for the added channels show that the
efficiency between these two scenarios (dropped and added wa- lowest energy consumption per bit could be ensured with the
velengths) disappears with the increase of spectral efficiency. For 100G DP-QPSK and 200 GHz channel spacing regardless to the
the 10G NRZ-OOK and 40G NRZ-DPSK, these two scenarios be- overall transmission distance. As mentioned in Section 3, in this
come equivalent in terms of energy efficiency when spectral effi- case system reach is much higher than the SMF span length. In
ciency exceeds 0.60 bps/Hz and 0.70 bps/Hz, respectively (see turn, the highest energy consumption per transmitted bit has the
Fig. 5(a) and (b)). For the 100G DP-QPSK, energy consumption per 40G NRZ-DPSK in case of the minimum channel spacing (50 GHz).
transmitted bit for the added and dropped channels becomes Having analyzed the energy per bit curves for the 200 GHz chan-
equaled in case of the maximum spectral efficiency in the band nel spacing, it must be highlighted that the 40G NRZ-DPSK is more
(see Fig. 5(c)). Maximum spectral efficiency forces to place 3R energy efficient than the 10G NRZ-OOK if the transmission dis-
regenerators almost after each 80 km long SMF span. tance is below 500 km. For the longer transmissions, the 10G NRZ-
Previously, the overall transmission distance was fixed to the OOK solution becomes more appealing. However, if the minimum
maximum link length in the US-Net topology (i.e., 2600 km). To channel spacing values are used in both cases, there is no differ-
evaluate how the energy consumption per bit changes with the ence which non-coherent modulation format to use unless trans-
distance, we fixed the spectral efficiency and aggregated traffic mission distance is below 190 km. In this case, the 40 G NRZ-DPSK
amount. Spectral efficiency was fixed by selecting two different ensures lower energy consumption per bit.
frequency intervals between co-located wavelengths: (1) 200 GHz Situation differs for the second scenario when the DROP port is
and (2) the minimum acceptable for each considered combination considered. Firstly, difference among these energy efficiency
of bitrate and modulation format. This allows exploring the sce- curves are more significant. This could be concluded comparing
narios where system reach is sufficiently higher than the SMF span the energy per bit curves for the 10G NRZ-OOK and 40G NRZ-DPSK
length and is equal to it. In last case, power consumption of 3R when 200 GHz and the minimum acceptable frequency intervals
regenerators will define mainly the overall energy efficiency are used. For the ADD ports, these two curves almost overlap.
[10,13]. The selected transmission distances are equal to the Secondly, for the 200 GHz channel spacing, 40G NRZ-DPSK secures

Fig. 6. Energy per bit required to transmit 1 Tbps of aggregated traffic over a WDM link which is connected to the (a) ADD and (b) DROP ports of the OADM/OXC node while
channel spacing is set either to 200 GHz or the minimum acceptable due to the linear crosstalk and the BER threshold of 2.10  3.
A. Udalcovs, V. Bobrovs / Optics Communications 359 (2016) 102–108 107

the lower energy consumption per bit than the 10G NRZ-OOK in the band if the aggregated traffic is large enough (e.g., 1 Tbps).
unless the overall transmission distance is above 2600 km. Hence, In contrast, for the dropped channels (corresponds to the point-to-
Fig. 6 contains several crossing points. All of them are explained point configuration) the 40G NRZ-DPSK ensured the lowest energy
with the contribution of different WDM components (such as consumption per bit in WDM links where optical signals are 3R
transponders, OLAs, WDM terminals) on the overall energy con- regenerated in each intermediate node that are placed every
sumption required. Their contribution changes with the trans- 40 km (the medium span lengths between two consecutive OLAs),
mission distance due to the different performance in terms of details see in [10]. Therefore, for the further improvement of en-
energy efficiency. For example, the 100G DP-QPSK transponders ergy efficiency and better understanding of this trade-off, SSMF
have the lowest energy consumption if an aggregated traffic is span length and usage of FEC must be considered as additional
above 80 Gbps. However, 3Rs for the 40G NRZ-DPSK formats are variables.
more energy efficient than for the 100G DP-QPSK. As it was re-
ported in [10], energy efficiency is mainly defined by the power
consumption of the 3R regenerators in WDM links with the Acknowledgment
maximum spectral efficiency in the band. In this case, 3Rs con-
tribution to the overall energy consumption required for data This work has been supported by the European Social Fund
transmission is the highest as compared to the contribution of within the project no. 2013/0012/1DP/
other components (such as transponders, WDM terminals, and
OLAs). Even for the relatively short transmission distance as
200 km, the 3Rs contribution to overall energy consumption is References
more than 70%.
Therefore, with the increase of transmission distance and/or
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