What Is Geometry (Andrei)

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It is a branch of mathematics that deals with measurements, properties, and

relation of points, lines, surfaces, solid surfaces, and higher dimensional

-history of Geometry
Beginning about the 6th century bce, the Greeks gathered and extended this
practical knowledge and from it generalized the abstract subject now known as
geometry, from the combination of the Greek words geo (“Earth”) and metron
(“measure”) for the measurement of the Earth.
Euclid was a great mathematician and often called the father of geometry

-Three types of Geometry

The most common types of geometry are plane geometry (dealing with objects
like the point, line, circle, triangle, and polygon), solid geometry (dealing with
objects like the line, sphere, and polyhedron), and spherical geometry (dealing
with objects like the spherical triangle and spherical polygon).
-polyhedron, A three-dimensional shape with flat polygonal faces, straight edges,
and sharp corners or vertices. Common examples are cubes, prisms, pyramids.

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