Describing Character and Behaviour British English Teacher

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1 Warm up

Watch the video and discuss the questions below in pairs.

1. What labels did the people give the man in the video?
2. What happened when he got the label ‘loved’?
3. Why do we label people without knowing them very well?
4. What can we do to stop labelling others?

2 Focus on vocabulary 1

Complete the sentences with the adjectives below.

Part A:

arrogant friendly funny generous smart

1. Joseph is very . Everybody likes him!

2. My grandmother is very . Every time I see her, she gives me 10


3. George is so . I always laugh when I spend time with him.

4. Darrel is very . He thinks he is better than everybody else.

5. Jack is very . He can learn a new language in only one month!

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Part B:

boring cheerful honest rude shy

1. Steven is quite . When I listen to him, I want to sleep.

2. Akiko is very . She never lies.

3. Kate is really . She never says "please", "thank you" or "you’re welcome".

4. Angela is a very girl. She doesn’t speak when there are a lot of
people with her.

5. Pedro is a very guy. He likes smiling and laughing.

3 Listening comprehension

Listen to Nora talking about her friends to her father. Match the names and adjectives below to the
people in the photo.

1. shy a. Jake

2. funny b. Aurora

3. smart c. Galina

4. cheerful d. Alexei

5. rude e. Nikos

6. generous f. Marcos

7. friendly g. Milena

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4 Focus on vocabulary 2

Match the adjectives on the left with their opposite on the right.

1. generous a. modest

2. boring b. interesting

3. shy c. miserable

4. rude d. polite

5. cheerful e. confident

6. arrogant f. mean

5 Speaking practice

Part A: In pairs, choose a card below and explain the adjective underlined without using any of the
words below it.

funny mean rude honest

laugh give please lie(s)

smile share thank you truth

joke things respect cheat

serious generous polite dishonest

miserable arrogant boring shy

unhappy better sleep quiet

sad proud tired nervous

smile important exciting people

cheerful modest interesting confident

Part B: In small groups, think of four friends or relatives that your classmates don’t know (you can
show them photos if you have them on your phone). Describe their personality, giving reasons.

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6 Grammar

Read the explanation, then complete the task below.

• Some of the adjectives in this lesson can also describe a person’s behaviour. Study the
sentence below about John, a 40-year-old American tourist in Paris.

John is being funny.

• Normally, we do not use the present continuous of the verb ‘be’. However, when we talk
about somebody’s behaviour, we can use the present continuous of ‘be’. The meaning is:

John is behaving in a funny way right now. (NOT: John is generally funny.)

In pairs, look at what John said below. Describe how he is behaving using the present continuous of
‘be’ + adjectives from this lesson.

1. "I learned French in a week. I’m so wonderful."

2. "I can’t help you. I’m not from France. Please go away!"

3. "I hate this job. I do the same thing every day. I don’t want to go back to work."

4. "I’m 40 years old."

5. "I look older, but I’m only 28 years old."

6. "Thank you very much for your help."

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7 Extension activities/homework

Task A: Complete the script with one word in each gap. Then listen again and check.

Nora’s father: This is a nice photo!

Nora: Let me see... oh yes, those my friends. I took
that photo while they were a selfie.
Nora’s father: They seem nice. I don’t I know any of them...
Nora: I think you do, you just don’t remember. Starting
the left, this is Marcos.
Nora’s father: He looks confident.
Nora: Actually, he’s usually very shy! Next him, there’s
Aurora. She’s always making jokes, she’s so funny. Then behind her, with the
curly hair, is Jake.
Nora’s father: What’s he like?

Nora: He’s really smart. He’s nearly a doctor! I think he finishes his course next year.
Who else: the one taking the selfie is Galina. She’s such
good friend, always so cheerful. The tall one behind her is called Alexei. He’s the
only one I don’t like very much.
Nora’s father: Why’s that?
Nora: Well, he can be a rude sometimes. But he’s OK.
That is Milena, she’s really generous. Always helping others!
Nora’s father: I think I remember this last now. The one with
the blue T-shirt. What’s his name?
Nora: Nikos.
Nora’s father: Yes, he was here before, he? He was very friendly.
Nora: Yes, that’s him! I’m really lucky to have them

Task B: In pairs, write short dialogues to show different personality types. Do not mention the actual
adjectives. Then perform the dialogues to the class, who have to guess what adjective it is.

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3. Listening comprehension

Nora’s father: This is a nice photo!

Nora: Let me see... oh yes, those are my friends. I took that photo while they were taking a

Nora’s father: They seem nice. I don’t think I know any of them...

Nora: I think you do, you just don’t remember. Starting from the left, this is Marcos.

Nora’s father: He looks confident.

Nora: Actually, he’s usually very shy! Next to him, there’s Aurora. She’s always making jokes,
she’s so funny. Then behind her, with the curly hair, is Jake.

Nora’s father: What’s he like?

Nora: He’s really smart. He’s nearly a doctor! I think he finishes his course next year. Who
else: the one taking the selfie is Galina. She’s such a good friend, always so cheerful.
The tall one behind her is called Alexei. He’s the only one I don’t like very much.

Nora’s father: Why’s that?

Nora: Well, he can be a bit rude sometimes. But he’s OK. That is Milena, she’s really
generous. Always helping others!

Nora’s father: I think I remember this last one now. The one with the blue T-shirt. What’s his name?

Nora: Nikos.

Nora’s father: Yes, he was here before, wasn’t he? He was very friendly.

Nora: Yes, that’s him! I’m really lucky to have them as friends!

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1. Warm up

10 mins.
Write the word ‘label’ on the board and elicit its meaning. Give examples of things with labels in the classroom.
Ask students if sometimes we give labels to people. Then play the video and ask students to discuss the questions

2. Focus on vocabulary 1

10 mins.
Ask students to complete the sentences with the adjectives. If they are struggling, ask them to do the ones they
can, then find another student who can explain the words they don’t know. Correct as a whole class, drilling the
correct pronunciation.
Part A:

1. friendly 2. generous 3. funny 4. arrogant 5. smart

Part B:

1. boring 2. honest 3. rude 4. shy 5. cheerful

3. Listening comprehension

5 mins.
Students listen to the conversation and match the names and adjectives to the people in the photo. Ask students
to compare answers in pairs, then play the recording again, pausing after each person to elicit the correct answer.

Names a-g as in the photo

adjective matching

1. → f. 2. → b. 3. → a. 4. → c. 5. → d. 6. → g. 7. → e.

4. Focus on vocabulary 2

5 mins.

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Students match the opposites. Correct as a whole class, drilling pronunciation and eliciting example sentences
with the new words. After correction, practise further by saying a sentence using one of the adjectives on the left
(e.g. Pedro is a really cheerful guy) and students have to say the opposite (Pedro is a really miserable guy).

1. → f. 2. → b. 3. → e. 4. → d. 5. → c. 6. → a.

5. Speaking practice

Part A:
10 mins.
Explain how to play the game Taboo: in pairs, Student A chooses one of the eight underlined adjectives and has
to describe it to Student B without saying the word itself or any other in the box. Demonstrate yourself, then tell
students to play the game. Monitor and help when necessary.

Part B:
10 mins.
In small groups, students describe four friends or relatives to their classmates. Remind them to explain why they
have that opinion about them. Elicit some descriptions from each group, not from the person themselves, but
from another member of the group (i.e. Lucia said her cousin Alvaro is funny because he always tells jokes).

6. Grammar

10 mins.
Students read the grammar explanation and then write sentences to describe John’s behaviour. Tell students
that there are different possible answers. Elicit answers as a whole class, and challenge students to explain their

1. He is being arrogant. 2. He is being rude. 3. He is being miserable.

4. He is being honest. 5. He is being dishonest. 6. He is being polite.

7. Extension activities/homework

Task A:
15 mins.
Students complete the sentences with one word in each gap, based on what they remember or what fits grammatically.
Ask them to compare their answers in pairs, then play the recording again for them to check. After correction,
students roleplay the dialogue in pairs.

1. are 2. taking 3. think 4. from 5. to

6. a 7. bit 8. one 9. wasn’t 10. as
Task B:
15 mins.
In pairs, students write dialogues to demonstrate two of the personality adjectives (one for each person in the
conversation). Students then perform their dialogues to the class. When eliciting the correct adjectives, encourage
them to use the verb to be in the continuous form (e.g. Alexei is being arrogant!).

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