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Omito Ward, Camp +256 783 419415
David Road
Lira City West Division Email:
P.O Box 901, Lira- Uganda Reg: 80020001135004

Increasing home-based cold process bar soap making for post COVID teenage mothers for


Increasing home-based cold process bar soap making for out-of-school girls who got pregnant during the
COVID-19 lockdown is a project aimed at empowering and providing economic opportunities for young
girls who have faced challenges due to the pandemic. This project focuses on teaching these girls the
skills and knowledge needed to produce cold process bar soaps from the comfort of their homes,
allowing them to generate income and support themselves and their families. Out-of-school girls face
numerous challenges, including limited access to education, lack of economic opportunities, and
increased vulnerability to early marriage and pregnancy.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these challenges, as many schools have been closed, leaving
girls without access to education or support systems. By empowering these girls with soap-making skills,
they can gain financial independence and improve their overall well-being. Cold process bar soap making
is a traditional method that involves combining oils or fats with an alkali solution to create soap. This
method does not require heat, making it suitable for home-based production. Cold process soaps are
known for their moisturizing properties and can be customized with various scents, colors, and additives.

Home-based soap making offers several advantages for out-of-school girls who got pregnant during the
COVID-19 lockdown. Firstly, it provides a flexible income-generating opportunity that can be done from
home, allowing them to balance their responsibilities as mothers while earning money. Secondly, it
requires minimal investment in equipment and materials, making it accessible even for those with
limited resources. Lastly, soap making can be a therapeutic and creative outlet, offering a sense of
accomplishment and empowerment.

To implement this project effectively, several steps need to be taken. Firstly, comprehensive training
programs should be developed to teach the girls the art of cold process bar soap making. These programs
should cover topics such as soap formulation, ingredient selection, safety precautions, and packaging.
Additionally, business management skills should be included to enable the girls to market and sell their
products effectively. To help the girls generate income from their soap-making venture, marketing and
sales strategies should be implemented. This can include creating an online presence through social
media platforms or e-commerce websites, participating in local markets or fairs, and collaborating with
existing soap retailers. By promoting their products effectively, the girls can reach a wider customer base
and increase their sales.


Headstone Ministries Uganda was established in 2019 by a group of passionate individuals who
recognized the need for sustainable development and support in underserved communities. The
organization operates at the grassroots level, working closely with local communities to identify
their needs and develop tailored interventions. The main focus of Headstone Ministries Uganda's
work is to promote education, health, livelihoods, and social justice among vulnerable
The organization believes in a holistic approach that encompasses various aspects of human well-
being. By addressing these interconnected areas, Headstone Ministries Uganda aims to create
lasting change and empower individuals and communities to overcome poverty and inequality. In
terms of education, Headstone Ministries Uganda strives to improve access to quality education
for children and youth. This includes supporting school infrastructure development, providing
scholarships or financial assistance for school fees, and implementing educational programs that
enhance learning outcomes. Regarding health, the organization works towards improving
healthcare access and promoting preventive measures. Headstone Ministries Uganda supports
health clinics or facilities in underserved areas, conducts health awareness campaigns, provides
medical supplies or equipment, and offers training programs on hygiene and sanitation practices.

Livelihood enhancement is another key area of focus for Headstone Ministries Uganda. The
organization implements income-generating projects that empower individuals to become self-
reliant. This may involve vocational training programs, microfinance initiatives, or support for
small-scale entrepreneurship. Social justice is an integral part of Headstone Ministries Uganda's
mission. The organization advocates for the rights of marginalized groups and works towards
eliminating discrimination and gender-based violence. We provide legal aid services, conduct
awareness campaigns on human rights issues, and promote community dialogue to address social

As a grassroots community-based organization, Headstone Ministries Uganda operates at the

local level, directly engaging with communities and tailoring their interventions to meet specific
needs. We collaborate with local leaders, community-based organizations, and government
agencies to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of their programs. In conclusion,
Headstone Ministries Uganda is a grassroots community-based organization that focuses on
education, health, livelihoods, and social justice. Our mission is to empower vulnerable
individuals and communities in Uganda by addressing their diverse needs and promoting
sustainable development. Through their holistic approach, we strive to create lasting change and
improve the well-being of marginalized populations.


During the COVID-19 lockdown, out-of-school girls who got pregnant faced numerous
challenges and vulnerabilities. The lockdown measures imposed to curb the spread of the virus
disrupted education systems, leading to school closures and limited access to reproductive health
services and information. This situation disproportionately affected girls, particularly those from
low-income families or marginalized communities. Out-of-school girls who got pregnant during
the COVID-19 lockdown faced increased health risks due to limited access to prenatal care and
reproductive health services. Many healthcare facilities were overwhelmed with COVID-19
cases, diverting resources away from maternal health services. This resulted in reduced antenatal
care visits, delayed or inadequate medical interventions, and increased risks for both mother and

The economic impact of the pandemic further exacerbated the situation for these girls. Many
families experienced job losses or reduced income, making it difficult for them to provide
adequate support for their pregnant daughters. This often led to increased vulnerability, as girls
were forced into early marriages or risky situations in order to secure financial stability. The
social stigma surrounding teenage pregnancy was intensified during the lockdown, as
communities became more conservative and judgmental. Girls who got pregnant faced
discrimination, ostracization, and limited support from their families and communities. This lack
of social support further hindered their access to healthcare services and educational
opportunities. In conclusion, out-of-school girls who got pregnant during the COVID-19
lockdown faced numerous challenges including limited access to healthcare services, increased
health risks, economic hardships, and intensified social stigma. Addressing these issues requires a
comprehensive approach that includes ensuring access to reproductive health services, providing
financial support for vulnerable families, promoting inclusive education, and combating social


1. Economic Empowerment: One of the primary objectives of this project is to empower out-of-
school girls who have experienced pregnancy during the COVID-19 lockdown by providing them
with a means to earn a sustainable income. By teaching them the techniques and processes
involved in cold process bar soap making, these girls can start their own small-scale soap
production businesses. This economic empowerment not only helps them become financially
independent but also boosts their self-esteem and confidence.

2. Skill Development: Another important objective is to equip these girls with valuable skills
through training in cold process bar soap making. By learning the intricacies of soap making, they
gain practical knowledge that can be applied not only in their own businesses but also in potential
future employment opportunities. These skills include understanding different soap recipes,
mastering the art of scenting and coloring soaps, and acquiring knowledge about packaging and
marketing techniques.

3. Well-being and Health Promotion: The project also aims to promote the overall well-being
and health of these young mothers by encouraging them to use natural ingredients in their soap
formulations. Cold process bar soap making allows for the incorporation of nourishing
ingredients such as essential oils, herbs, and botanical extracts that provide various benefits for
the skin. By using these natural ingredients, the girls can create soaps that are gentle on their own
skin as well as on the skin of their customers.


This initiative can provide these girls with a source of income, empower them with new skills,
promote self-sufficiency, and contribute to their overall well-being.

Income Generation: One of the key project results of increasing home-based cold process bar
soap making is the potential for income generation. By engaging in soap making, these out-of-
school girls can create a product that has a market demand and can be sold locally or even online.
This can provide them with a sustainable source of income, allowing them to support themselves
and their child financially.

Skill Development: development of new skills. Cold process bar soap making requires
knowledge of various techniques, ingredients, and safety measures. By learning these skills, the
girls can gain valuable knowledge that can be applied not only to soap making but also to other
entrepreneurial ventures or future employment opportunities. This skill development can enhance
their self-confidence and enable them to become more self-reliant.

Empowerment and Self-Sufficiency: Engaging in soap making can empower these girls by
giving them a sense of purpose and control over their lives. It provides them with an opportunity
to take charge of their own financial situation and become self-sufficient. This empowerment can
have a positive impact on their mental health and overall well-being, as they regain a sense of
agency and independence.

Improved Hygiene Practices: promotion of improved hygiene practices within the community.
Soap is an essential item for maintaining personal hygiene, especially during a pandemic. By
producing and selling cold process bar soaps, these girls can contribute to raising awareness about
the importance of proper hand washing and hygiene practices. This can have a positive impact on
public health, particularly in areas where access to hygiene products may be limited.

Community Engagement and Support: Increasing home-based soap making for out-of-school
girls can also foster community engagement and support. This initiative can create opportunities
for collaboration with local organizations, businesses, or government agencies that may provide
resources, training, or marketing support. By involving the community in the project, it can help
build a network of support for these girls and increase their chances of success.


Project Description:

The project aims to support out-of-school girls who became pregnant during the COVID-19
lockdown by providing them with the skills and resources necessary to engage in home-based
cold process bar soap making. This initiative seeks to empower these young girls by equipping
them with a sustainable income-generating activity that they can pursue from the comfort of their

Action Plan:

1. Needs Assessment:

- Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to understand the specific challenges faced by out-
of-school girls who got pregnant during the COVID-19 lockdown.
- Identify the target group's existing knowledge and skills related to soap making.
- Assess the availability of resources and infrastructure required for home-based soap making.

2. Training and Skill Development:

- Develop a comprehensive training curriculum on cold process bar soap making, including safety
precautions, ingredient selection, formulation, and packaging.
- Organize training sessions for the target group, ensuring that they have access to necessary
equipment and materials.
- Provide hands-on practical training to enhance their understanding and proficiency in soap
making techniques.

3. Access to Resources:

- Establish partnerships with local suppliers or organizations to ensure a steady supply of high-
quality raw materials at affordable prices.
- Facilitate access to necessary equipment such as molds, mixing tools, and packaging materials.
- Provide guidance on sourcing sustainable ingredients, promoting eco-friendly practices.
4. Product Development and Quality Control:

- Encourage participants to experiment with different ingredients, scents, colors, and designs to
create unique soap products.
- Implement quality control measures to ensure that the produced soaps meet industry standards.
- Provide feedback and guidance on improving product quality and marketability.

5. Marketing and Sales Support:

- Assist participants in developing branding strategies and packaging designs that appeal to their
target market.
- Facilitate access to online platforms or local markets where they can showcase and sell their
- Provide training on basic marketing techniques, customer service, and financial management.

7. Networking and Peer Support:

- Encourage participants to form support networks and share experiences with other young
mothers engaged in similar activities.
- Organize regular meetings or online forums where participants can exchange knowledge, seek
advice, and provide emotional support.


Monitoring and evaluating is crucial to ensure its effectiveness and impact. The following steps
can be taken to monitor and evaluate the project:
1. Data collection: Establish a system to collect relevant data on the participants, including their
demographics, soap production progress, and personal development. This can be done through
surveys, interviews, and regular check-ins.
2. Performance indicators: Define key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of
the project. These may include the number of soap bars produced, improvement in participants'
skills, income generated from soap sales, and changes in participants' knowledge and attitudes
towards reproductive health.
3. Regular monitoring: Conduct regular visits or virtual meetings with the participants to assess
their progress, address any challenges they may face, and provide guidance and support. This will
help ensure that they are actively engaged in soap making and are benefiting from the project.

4. Evaluation tools: Develop evaluation tools such as questionnaires or focus group discussions to
gather feedback from participants about their experiences, challenges faced, and suggestions for
improvement. This qualitative data will provide valuable insights into the project's impact on the
girls' lives.
5. Impact assessment: Assess the long-term impact of the project by tracking outcomes such as
reduced rates of teenage pregnancy, increased economic empowerment of participants through
soap sales, improved self-esteem and confidence, and enhanced knowledge about reproductive
6. Collaboration with stakeholders: Engage with relevant stakeholders such as local authorities,
NGOs, and community leaders to gather their perspectives on the project's effectiveness and
identify areas for improvement.
7. Documentation: Maintain detailed records of all monitoring and evaluation activities,
including data collected, observations made, and lessons learned. This documentation will serve
as a valuable resource for future projects and program improvements.

1. Preparation Phase: Dec 2023

- Conduct a needs assessment: Before initiating the project, it is crucial to assess the needs and
requirements of the target group. This can involve conducting surveys, interviews, or focus group
discussions to understand the specific challenges faced by out-of-school girls who got pregnant
during the COVID-19 lockdown.

2. Training and Capacity Building Phase: JAN to FEB 2024

- Identify trainers: Recruit experienced trainers or experts in cold process bar soap making who
can effectively train and mentor the out-of-school girls.
- Develop training materials: Create comprehensive training materials that cover all aspects of
cold process bar soap making, including safety precautions, ingredient selection, formulation
techniques, packaging, and marketing.
- Conduct training sessions: Organize training sessions for the out-of-school girls, ensuring that
they receive hands-on experience in soap making. These sessions should also include modules on
entrepreneurship skills and business management to empower them economically.
- Provide ongoing support: Establish mechanisms for providing continuous support to the girls
throughout their soap-making journey. This can include regular follow-up sessions, mentoring
programs, and access to additional resources.

3. Production and Marketing Phase: MAR to AUG 2024

- Set up home-based soap-making units: Assist the girls in setting up their own home-based
soap-making units by providing them with the necessary equipment, raw materials, and guidance.
- Ensure quality control: Implement quality control measures to ensure that the soap products
meet the required standards. This can involve regular testing, feedback sessions, and continuous
- Develop marketing strategies: Help the girls develop effective marketing strategies to promote
their soap products. This can include branding, packaging design, pricing strategies, and
identifying potential sales channels such as local markets, online platforms, or collaborations with
existing retailers.
- Monitor and evaluate progress: Continuously monitor the progress of the project by tracking
key performance indicators (KPIs) such as production volume, sales revenue, customer feedback,
and social impact. Evaluate the effectiveness of the project in achieving its objectives and make
necessary adjustments if needed.

4. Sustainability and Expansion Phase: JUN to NOV 2024

- Foster entrepreneurship skills: Provide ongoing support to the girls in developing their
entrepreneurial skills, including financial management, market research, and business planning.
This will enable them to sustain their soap-making businesses in the long run.
- Facilitate access to resources: Establish partnerships with relevant stakeholders such as
microfinance institutions or government agencies to facilitate access to financial resources, raw
materials, and market linkages for the girls.
- Scale up the project: Once the initial phase of the project is successful, we shall consider
expanding it to reach a larger number of out-of-school girls who can benefit from home-based
cold process bar soap making. This can involve replicating the project in other communities or

SN Description of Activity Cost / Unit Quantity Amount
(US$) (US$)
1. Safety Equipment:
1 - Safety goggles: Protect the eyes from any 8 50 400
potential splashes or spills.
2 - Rubber gloves: Prevent skin irritation and 10 50 500
protect hands from lye and other chemicals.
3 - Apron or protective clothing: Shield clothing 15 50 750
from potential stains or spills.
2. Soap Making Ingredients:
4 - Oils and fats: Choose a variety of oils such as 14 200kg 2,800
olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, shea butter, or
cocoa butter.
5 - Lye (sodium hydroxide): Essential for the 10 200kg 2,000
saponification process
6 - Distilled Water: Used to dissolve the lye and 2 200lts 400
mix with oils.
7 - Essential oils or fragrance oils: Choosen 150 5kg 750
from a wide range of options such as lavender,
citrus, eucalyptus, or vanilla.
8 - Botanicals or exfoliants: Optional ingredients 7 500kg 3,500
to add texture or visual interest to the soap.
3. Soap Making Equipment:
9 - Stainless steel or heat-resistant plastic 30 50 1,500
10 - Stick blender or hand whisk: 5 50 250
11 - Thermometer: Essential for monitoring the 8 50 400
temperature of the lye and oil mixture.
12 - Soap molds: Choose from a variety of shapes 100 20 2,000
and sizes to create unique soap bars.
13 - Plastic wrap or silicone liners: Used to line 300 5 1,500
the soap molds for easy removal.
14 - Scale: Accurate weighing of ingredients is 35 50 1,750
crucial for successful soap making.
15 - Spatulas or spoons: Used for stirring and 2,5 50 125
mixing ingredients.
16 - PH testing strips: checking the pH level of 500 Assorted 500
the finished soap.
17 Startup kits for teenage mothers 9,000 1 9,000
Total 28,125

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