Body Self

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BSED - 1102

ACTIVITY # 6: MY BODY, MY LIFE (20 points)

This section aims to assess your understanding of some of the topics covered in Week 6 through the
activity below.

A. Reflect on the presented article “The Physical Self” in Week 6, answer the question. Express your
thoughts in 5-10 sentences.


1. On what perspective of Understanding the Physical Self do you think is most influential to your life?
Give concrete examples .
 The behavioral cognitive perspective focuses on how our thoughts and beliefs influence our
behavior and how we can change our behavior by changing our thoughts. This perspective has been
the most influential to me because it has helped me understand the power of our thoughts and how
they can shaped our actions. One concrete example of behavioral cognitive perspective is the
concept of self - efficacy. Self - efficacy refers to the belief in our abilities to succeed in specific
situations or accomplish a certain task. Our level of self - efficacy can greatly impact our behavior
and motivation. For example, I am a student mom who face unique challenges as I strive to balance
my responsibilities as a parent and pursuing my education. As a woman I am struggling to meet the
demands of both roles, feeling overwhelmed and self doubting on my own abilities. However, the
self-efficacy plays a crucial role in my ability to persevere through difficult times. When I facing the
challenges of juggling childcare, household responsibilities, and academic commitments, a strong
sense of self - efficacy provide me a motivation and determination needed to push though. By
believing in my own abilities, I can develop effective strategies to manage time and positive
mindset. I am a woman who also more likely to set challenging goals and persist in the face of
setbacks. Self- efficacy is also enhance my ability to problem - solve and it enhances my learning

2. Which of factors that affect perception of the Physical Self would you say is mostly used by teenagers
in your age nowadays?
 The factors that affect the perception of Physical Self that is mostly used by teenagers nowadays is
Social Factors. . In today’s society social factors play a significant role in shaping the perception of
physical self. The influence of peers, media and societal expectations can greatly impact how
young individuals view their own bodies. Firstly, teenagers are highly susceptible to the opinions
and judgments of their peers. Adolescence is the time of heightened self - conscious, and teenagers
often seek seek validation and acceptance from their friends. The desire for be the one member of a
group can lead to distorted of perception of physical self, as teenagers may compare themselves to
their peers and feel pressure to conform to certain beauty standards. Secondly, the media plays a
significant role in shaping teenager’s perception of physical self. With the rise of social media,
young individuals compared their body to their idealized bodies that they can see on media. Lastly,
the societal expectations also contribute to the perception of physical self among teenagers. Society
often places a strong emphasis on physical appearance, equating with success and happiness. This
pressure can lead to body dissatisfaction and low self - esteem among teenagers.

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