Act Week8

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Medrano, Hazel S. September 22, 2023

BSEd-English 1102 Activity _

This section aims to assess your understanding of some of the
topics covered in Week 8 through the activity below.
A. Reflect on the presented article “The Sexual Self” in Week
8, answer the question. Limit your answers in 5 sentences each only.

1. Describe your own Sexual Selfhood.

A very special and highly intimate part of who I am is my sexual selfhood. My sentiments,
desires, and attractions are all a part of this process of self-discovery, which is all weaved into how
I interpret my own sexuality. This knowledge is dynamic; it is influenced by a blend of factors
including biology, psychology, and societal norms. Understanding my sexual selfhood has
involved a lot of introspection and self-examination for me. It's about realizing my sexual
preferences, boundaries, and orientation, which have changed throughout time. It's essential to
completely comprehend, respect, and embrace this aspect of myself. It involves respecting my
sexual preferences while also appreciating the value of consent, communication, and engaging in
safe and healthy sexual behaviors. Understanding that sexual selfhood is immensely diverse and
differs from person to person is important. The same as it is for everyone else, my journey in this
regard is particular to me.
2. What are the changes in your body that lead to your discovery of sexual self?
Exploring my own sexual self has been a deeply personal adventure, filled with
adjustments and insights. It all started with a growing feeling of self-awareness as I grew more
conscious of my inclinations and draws over time. I've had the chance to intimately examine my
body through a combination of self-discovery and intimate experiences, which has helped me gain
a better awareness of my physical reactions and preferences. These insights have greatly
influenced my developing sense of confidence and contentment in my own flesh as I've grown
older and continued on this journey. In the end, this journey of self-discovery has shown to be

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