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Meeting Name Morning Meeting VHS IDN Akhwat 2023

Date Of Meeting Wednesday, 27 Time 07.00 - 07.07
September 2023
Meeting Miss. Ratih Location Office teacher


No Name No Name
1 Miss Ratih 13
2 Miss Agisti 14
3 Ustadzah Ridha 15
4 Miss Mane 16
5 Miss Wida 17
6 Miss Elsa 18
7 Miss Salis 19
8 Ustadzah tri 20
9 Miss Tia 21
10 22
11 23

Presentasi 1: Miss Ratih

VHS IDN Akhwat TA 2023/2024

1. Miss Ratih:
a. Make LPJ
b. Chat mentor Internship
c. Make Money Request Visitation
d. Rapat ISC
e. Picket Teacher
f. Supervision Class
2. Miss Agisti:
a. Go to BSI
3. Miss Wida:
a. Morning brief
b. Notulensi
c. picket kitchen
d. picket office
e. supervise X RPL
f. supervise IDN Competition
g. prepare material
h. Make permit latter for additional class
4. Ustadzah Ridha:
a. Teach XI RPL
b. Teach X RPL and DKV
c. Input Journal
5. Miss Mane:
a. Sick
6. Mrs. Salis
a. Go to BSI
7. Mrs Elsa
a. Morning Brief
b. Input Journal
c. Teach XI Designer
d. Continue Coursera Course
e. Follow up UJIKOM
8. Ustadzah Tri
a. Supervisi X DKV
b. Teaching XI RPL
c. Teaching XI DKV
d. Prepare Material
e. Input jurnal KBM
f. Input Jurnal Teacher
g. Prepare Material For Tomorrow
9. Miss Tia
a. Go to BSI

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