Baldur's Gate

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Best Sorcerer spells and leveling

Now, let’s discuss the Baldur’s Gate 3 best Sorcerer spells.

Bear in mind that Sorcerers only have a limited number of spells that can be
Moreover, you can only replace them one at a time per level up.
This is different from the Wizard, which is able to prepare spells out of combat.

Level 1
Draconic Ancestry: Red (Fire)

Level 2
Burning Hands
Distant Spell
Twinned Spell

Level 3
Scorching Ray
Quickened Spell

Level 4
Shocking Grasp
Cloud of Daggers
Elemental Adapt: Fire

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7
Wall of Fire

Level 8
Ice Storm
War Caster

Level 9

Level 10
Extended Spell

Level 11

Level 12
Chain Lightning

Here is the best equipment for the BG3 sorcerer:

Shelter of Athkatla

You have advantage on saving throws against spells.

Alleviate the arcane burden of spellcasting with the power of this staff.
The next spell you cast doesn’t cost a spell slot.


Rogue / Paladin / Cleric / Sorcerer

For your run-of-the-mill party lineup, we have the Baldur’s Gate 3 Paladin, a
versatile class that excels in melee damage and should be built to withstand a
Next, the Baldur’s Gate 3 Rogue for dashing around the battlefield and sneaking
across checks,
though this can be swapped out for another spell caster like the Bard or Wizard
if you choose to opt for the Cleric companion, Shadowheart,
as she is proficient in trickery and deception,
and Clerics are highly effective alongside the Wizard.

Finally the Baldur’s Gate 3 Sorcerer, the best DPS spell caster in the game,
not as squishy as the Wizard, but a powerful early game class that can use Fireball
to cinder enemies.

It appears there might be a slight misunderstanding. While in Dungeons & Dragons

(D&D), the Quicken Spell metamagic allows you to cast both a spell and a cantrip in
the same turn, the rules in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) differ. Unlike D&D, BG3 doesn't
impose limits on the number of spells you can cast per turn. This means that in
BG3, you're able to cast multiple spells in a single turn, and if you acquire an
additional bonus action through various means, you can even cast three complete
spells—assuming you possess the necessary Sorcerer points.

EDIT: (1) I would still prioritize "Twin" as the first choice, since "Double Haste"
is godlike.
(2) Great video btw


Here's how the build works:

8 Levels in Monk (Way of the Open Fist), 3 Levels in Rogue (Thief), Tavern Brawler
and STR at 22 - That gives you 2 Attacks + 3 Bonus Actions

With 2 attacks being unarmed, and 3 flurry of blows (x2 hits) that's 8 instances of
21-40 DMG giving you a wopping 168-320 DMG per turn

There are 2 peices of gear specifically that are amping that unarmed DMG which I'll
mark below as spoilers:

Gloves of Soul Catching: Adds 1-10 Force DMG and +2 to CON, plus an added passive.
(Found in Act 3 for saving Hope and killing Raphael in the House of Hopes)

Boots of Uninhbited Kushigo: Adds WIS Modifier to unarmed strikes (Found at the
begining of Act 3, looted on a named Gith)

Here are some other gear that help with the build (marked as spoilers):

Vest of Soul Rejuvenations: Gives you an unarmed reaction, +2 AC and a nice passive
(Found in the Wizard shop in Act 3 lower city)

Mask of Soul Perception: Gives you +2 to attack rolls, initiative rolls and
perception checks, plus detect thought (Found in Act 3 in a locked chest upstairs
in Devil's Fee)

The Deathstalker Mantle: Gives invisible on kill (Found in Act 1, Dark Urge only)

Some early gear that I also found helpful were 2 pairs of gloves.
One added Lightning Charges on unarmed attacks the other added 1-6 Fire to unarmed
One in Act 1, the other in Act 2. The sentient amulet in act 1
The Helldusk Gloves are also good, adding 1-6 Necrotic and Bleed but they're give
right before you get the Soul Catcher Gloves.

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