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Activity # 2
Statistical Analysis

Name: _____________________________________ Section: ________ Date: _______

A group of business students in the College of Business and Accountancy at the National University main campus
conducted a study on consumer satisfaction of the new brand of modem for internet surfing being introduced in the
market by a group of new start up. A sample of 40 respondents was included in the study. The table below shows the
summary of feedbacks from the respondents in the survey.

Very Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Totally

How satisfied are you with; Satisfied Dissatisfied Weighted Level of
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) Mean Satisfaction
1. The quality of the brand 20 16 4 0 0
2. The prices we offer 10 15 5 6 4
3. The design of the modem 15 15 8 0 2
4. The speed of service we provide 8 10 12 7 3
5. The customer support services 12 8 10 4 6
Overall mean
1. Construct the table of mean scores and write the corresponding level of satisfaction.

2. Compute the weighted mean for each item being asked and indicate the level of satisfaction.

3. Calculate the overall mean of the summary table and indicate the overall satisfaction of the respondents on
the new brand of modem being introduced in the market.

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