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Does electronic word-of-mouth adoption
influence e-recruitment adoption?
A mediation analysis using the
PLS-SEM approach
Davinder Kaur and Rajpreet Kaur Received 28 April 2021
Revised 16 July 2021
Department of Management, IK Gujral Punjab Technical University Jalandhar, 10 January 2022
Kapurthala, India 28 January 2022
Accepted 8 March 2022

Purpose – E-recruiting has been a powerful tool for reaching the majority of job applicants around the
world. Even though, previous literature has scarcely shed light on the factors responsible for the adoption of
e-recruitment among job candidates. Originated from the technology acceptance model (TAM), this study
aims to empirically examine the influence of online word-of-mouth in shaping job-seekers’ intentions for using
e-recruitment websites.
Design/methodology/approach – A Google Docs-based online questionnaire was distributed via social
media, LinkedIn and email to 740 participants, out of which 397 final responses were received. The partial least
squares structural equation modeling using SmartPLS 3 was applied for evaluating the theoretical model.
Findings – This study empirically indicated that electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) has a significant
impact on perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU) and attitude. Whereas, PU and attitude
fully mediate the relationship between eWOM and behavioral intentions (BI) of job-seekers towards
Practical implications – This research contributes to the understanding of the relevance of eWOM in
e-recruitment adoption. eWOM provides job-related information that plays a significant role in the usage of
online recruitment systems such as LinkedIn, job portals and company websites. This study offered a
valuable contribution to the existing body of literature on e-recruitment, developers and Web-based hiring
service providers.
Originality/value – This investigation was the first attempt in the e-recruitment literature to explore the
influence of eWOM on job-seekers’ intentions to adopt online recruitment platforms, including the mediating
role of PU, PEOU and attitude in the association between eWOM and BI.
Keywords Human resource management, PLS-SEM, Technology acceptance model, Attitude,
Electronic word-of-mouth, E-recruitment, Job-seekers’ intentions
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction
Recruitment is the approach of targeting a reservoir of potential candidates for a particular
work position (Brandão et al., 2019). With the advancement in information technology in the
early 1990s, the change from traditional methods of recruiting applicants to internet
recruitment was dramatic (García-Izquierdo et al., 2010; Kashi and Zheng, 2013). Both job-
seekers and recruiters have moved toward e-recruitment platforms (Sylva and Mol, 2009).
Electronic recruitment has not only changed the point of view of job-seekers regarding
Management Research Review
The authors would like to thank the editors and anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions. © Emerald Publishing Limited
Declaration of conflicting interest: The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest. DOI 10.1108/MRR-04-2021-0322
MRR searching and applying for jobs but has also transformed the way organizations attract
new candidates toward job positions. Candidates consider Web-based recruiting as a
beneficial approach for gathering comprehensive information related to jobs and companies
(Monavarian et al., 2010; Sylva and Mol, 2009).
Today majority of recruitment activities are taken through online platforms. This trend
has become “the new recruitment frontier” in the present era (Priyadarshini et al., 2017).
Web-based recruiting is an essential source of recruitment in an ever-changing environment
(Rosoiu and Popescu, 2016) where emerging innovations are rapidly developing (Petre et al.,
2016). The number of job-seekers using this method of recruiting is steadily increasing, and
e-recruitment portals (or career websites) and social networking websites are seeing
significant growth (Ouirdi et al., 2016). Even though recent developments advocate that
Web-based recruitment platforms are becoming increasingly critical in producing the
requisite pool of applicants, little is understood on how online portals impact job-seekers’
intention to search and apply for jobs (Anderson, 2003; Brandão et al., 2019; Kashi and
Zheng, 2013).
Online recruitment remains an under-researched topic, specifically regarding the
external forces that influence the intentions of job-seekers toward the adoption of
e-recruitment systems. Applicants are highly affected by the informal information gained in
form of word-of-mouth (WOM). According to Van Hoye (2013), WOM is a powerful source of
getting career-related information. With the advent of digital technology, an increasing
number of job searchers are using the internet to research jobs, employers and
organizations. Previously, WOM communication was defined as a person-to-person
discussion between customers regarding a good or service (Chatterjee, 2001); however, with
the emergence of the internet, the widespread availability of WOM communication via
email, chatrooms, weblogs, electronic boards and social media platforms is now called
electronic WOM (eWOM) (Chung and Shin, 2010; Van Hoye and Lievens, 2007; Jalilvand and
Samiei, 2012a; Parry et al., 2012).
In recent times, various theories and constructs have been introduced from the marketing
area to the job search and recruitment field (Van Hoye et al., 2016) because of the significant
similarity between customer purchase intentions and job-seeker intentions as both aim to
attract people to a product or service or job (Van Hoye, 2013; Maurer and Liu, 2007). In
marketing literature, eWOM communication is regarded as a crucial factor that formulates
attitudes and behavioral intentions (BI) of customers toward a particular product, service
and brand (Jalilvand and Samiei, 2012a). In recruitment literature, researchers have studied
the influence of eWOM on job-seekers’ attraction towards the organization and employer,
organizational image and application decisions (Ahamad, 2019; Evertz et al., 2019; Van Hoye
et al., 2016; Van Hoye and Lievens, 2007; Sun et al., 2013). Despite the significant impact of
eWOM in the recruitment scenario, no research is conducted on the influence of eWOM on
job-seekers’ intentions toward the adoption of e-recruitment sites. The technology
acceptance model (TAM) (Davis, 1989) is used as a theoretical foundation for examining the
influence of eWOM on job-seekers’ attitudes and intentions.
This research aims to narrow the gaps raised by the existing literature to explore the role
of eWOM on job seekers’ adoption intentions toward e-recruitment. To answer this research
question, the study formulates a theoretical model that describes how eWOM shapes job
seekers’ attitudes and intentions toward electronic recruiting sites. The outcomes of the
study can aid companies and Web developers in gaining a clearer envision of how positive
eWOM can be handled to effectively draw potential job seekers to Web-based recruitment
The article is structured as follows: initially, we analyze previous research in the field of E-recruitment
e-recruitment, accompanied by the formulation of a theoretical framework and hypotheses adoption
development. The research methodology, findings and discussion of the study are
presented. Finally, the article addresses the conceptual and practical implications along with
limitations and possible future research avenues are discussed.

2. Literature review and hypotheses development

On the grounds of the preceding rationale, the relevant literature review on TAM and
eWOM in the scenario of e-recruitment adoption and hypotheses development has been
provided in the following sections.

2.1 Technology acceptance model (TAM)

The predisposition of a proposed user toward the system is termed “user acceptance” (Lee
and Lehto, 2013). The value of a system depends upon user acceptance (Agarwal, 2000). In
information technology literature, Davis (1985) proposed TAM to address user acceptance of
the system. TAM was originated from two renowned theories of psychology literature: The
theory of reasoned actions (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980) and theory of planned behavior
(Ajzen, 1991) to predict the behavior of users in a particular circumstance. The prime motive
of TAM is to provide a grounding for detecting the influence of external forces on individual
beliefs, attitudes and BI of users toward new technology (Legris et al., 2003).
As per TAM, users’ attitudes toward modern technologies are influenced by perceived
usefulness (PU) and ease of use (Davis et al., 1992; Gavino et al., 2019). PU means the level to
which using a particular system will lead to improved results or tasks. Whereas, perceived
ease of use (PEOU) refers to the level to which a particular system is easy to handle and use
(Davis, 1989). Internal beliefs of users lead to the formulation of attitudes. “Attitude refers to
the favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior” (Ajzen, 1991). The favorable
attitude engenders users’ positive BI.
TAM is a widely quoted theory for its simplicity and parsimony. Several empirical
studies have observed that TAM explains a 40% variance in BI and actual use (Bala and
Venkatesh, 2008). TAM is considered as the prominent model out of all models for
predicting the acceptance of an individual toward technology (Lee et al., 2003). Soon after its
introduction, TAM has become the universal framework as it has been cited in more than
170 publications dealing with users’ acceptance toward systems (Lee et al., 2003;
Marangunic and Granic, 2015).
However, due to exclusion of demographic, economic and external factors, the original
TAM has limited use in explaining the attitude and BI of users toward new technology
adoption (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000). Therefore, to increase the explained variance,
external constructs in the form of antecedents, moderators and mediators should be
incorporated into the extended TAM (Marangunic and Granic, 2015; Park et al., 2019). Many
studies in electronic recruitment adoption extended TAM by introducing external
constructs, such as trust (Mahmood and Ling, 2017), performance expectancy (Tong, 2009),
perceived stress (Basri and Siam, 2018; Tong, 2009), quality of the website (Ibrahim et al.,
2006). This study has extended TAM by incorporating external constructs as eWOM.
2.1.1 Perceived usefulness (PU). PU is the state of mind of the user regarding the usage of
brand-new technology that will surpass their form (Davis, 1993). Various studies have
revealed the direct association among PU, attitude and BI to use a specified virtual system
(Kumar and Priyanka, 2014; Lin, 2010; Tong, 2009). In the e-recruitment context, the volume
of job-related information provided such as salary, location, organization’s culture and goals
directly influence the attitude and BI of applicants to use (Tong, 2009; Brahmana and
MRR Brahmana, 2013; Kashi and Zheng, 2013). The other facilities provided on online recruitment
portals such as CV generation, editing and CV parsing can improve its usefulness among the
users (Faliagka et al., 2014; Parry and Wilson, 2009). The features provided by LinkedIn
such as direct contact with the key personnel, the latest events and activities going on and
new vacancies or internships opened in of the targeted companies. Moreover, job-seekers
would intend to use the online recruitment platform if it enhances their ability to gather
information for superior decision-making toward jobs. Although, Davis et al. (1992) revealed
PEOU as the major antecedent of PU. In this regard, the following hypotheses are developed:

H1. PU has a positive influence on BI.

H2. PU has a positive influence on attitude.
H3. PEOU has a positive influence on PU.
2.1.2 Perceived ease of use (PEOU). The probability of adoption of any system depends
upon its ease of use, on the contrary, if any system is complicated to understand and use,
then there will be less adaptability of such system as more struggle and knowledge are
required to operate (Teo, 2001). In the electronic recruitment scenario, if the system is easy to
handle and use, then job-seekers would favor it over other methods of hunting the job
(Monavarian et al., 2010). Moreover, e-recruitment systems need to be easy to use as it affects
job-seekers’ attitude and BI (Lin, 2010; Tong, 2009; Mahmood and Ling, 2017; Zhang et al.,
2018). Thus, based on previous literature, the following two hypotheses are established:

H4. PEOU has a positive influence on attitude.

H5. PEOU has a positive influence on BI.
2.1.3 Attitude (AT) and behavioral intention (BI). Ajzen (1991) defined attitude toward BI as
“the degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation or appraisal of the
behavior in the question.” The positive or negative attitude of job-seekers regarding
e-recruitment is directly shaped by two attitudinal beliefs that are PEOU and PU (Lin, 2010).
Therefore, if job search portals are easy to operate and also improve the efficiency of
searching for jobs, then it will lead to a favorable attitude among job-seekers (Lin, 2010).
Further, Dutot et al. (2019) explained intentions as the impression that the individual
reflects the outcomes of their actions before engaging in a behavior. Previous studies
evidenced that attitude directly affects the BI of job-seekers toward the e-recruitment system
and also claimed that attitude mediates the relationship among PU, PEOU and BI (Chauhan
et al., 2019; Kumar and Priyanka, 2014; Lin, 2010; Moon and Kim, 2001). Thus, the study
hypothesized that:

H6. Attitude has a positive influence on BI.

2.2 Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM)

As IT innovations progress, more customers are turning to the internet for information on a
product or a firm, leading to the emergence of e-WOM (Jalilvand and Samiei, 2012b). Any
favorable or unfavorable comment made by prospective, existing or former consumers
regarding a product or organization that is made accessible to a large number of people over
the internet is referred to as eWOM communication (Cheung and Thadani, 2012; Hennig-
Thurau et al., 2004). In recent, eWOM has received momentous recognition in the
recruitment context (Lievens and Slaughter, 2016; Van Hoye, 2013; Van Hoye et al., 2016).
Theories from the marketing literature to recruitment scenarios the concept of eWOM is E-recruitment
strongly influenced job-seekers attitudes and intentions toward the job, employer and adoption
organization (Ahamad, 2019; Evertz et al., 2019). In the field of recruitment, eWOM is an
interpersonal sharing of business-independent information about a company, employer or
particular job over the internet (Van Hoye and Lievens, 2009).
In the previous literature, various studies are available on the stimulus of eWOM on
technology adoption in various areas (Jalilvand and Samiei, 2012a; Mehrad and
Mohammadi, 2017; Parry et al., 2012; Zeba and Ganguli, 2016). A study conducted on mobile
banking adoption advocated that WOM has a direct significant predictor of PU, PEOU,
attitude and intentions of banking customers (Mehrad and Mohammadi, 2017). Other
studies are found in the marketing literature, elaborated the role of eWOM in online
shopping intentions (Parry et al., 2012; Zeba and Ganguli, 2016). Although, the impact of
eWOM in the field of e-recruitment adoption among job-seekers is yet to be explored.
2.2.1 Electronic word-of-mouth and perceived usefulness. Customers may gain
knowledge about technical characteristics and the advantages that come with them (Parry
et al., 2012). Moreover, consumers may seek further understanding of innovative qualities as
a result of virtual WOM, which can improve the efficacy of marketing connectivity and
contribute to increased participation (Parry et al., 2012; Zeba and Ganguli, 2016). However,
the information acquired on job attributes, salary, job description, location, benefits, etc. via
eWOM can enhance the perspectives of technology usefulness among job-seekers. Thus, the
study hypothesized that:

H7. eWOM has a positive influence on PU.

2.2.2 Electronic word-of-mouth and perceived ease of usefulness. Job-seekers can acquire the
information and the degree of learning necessary to use an invention through online WOM
channels. With the increasing use of social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn,
Instagram, etc., users can gather enormous additional information regarding the usage of
technology (Mehrad and Mohammadi, 2017). eWOM can enable users, recruiters and
developers to gain a better understanding of the system’s strengths and advantages, which
can affect its ease of use. Thus, the following hypothesis is formed:

H8. eWOM has a positive influence on PEOU.

2.2.3 Electronic word-of-mouth and attitude and behavioral intentions. eWOM, as an
independent channel of information, may incorporate both positive and negative details
(Van Hoye and Lievens, 2007). For instance, positive eWOM evolves credence and reliance
among customers to devise favorable attitudes and intentions to adopt online shopping
(Zeba and Ganguli, 2016). Therefore, in the electronic recruitment context, credible sources
of information (i.e. eWOM) can shape the attitude and intentions of job-seekers.
Additionally, WOM can shape the attitude and BI of users (Mehrad and Mohammadi, 2017).
Thus, the following hypotheses were formulated:

H9. eWOM has a positive influence on attitude.

H10. eWOM has a positive influence on BI.

2.3 The mediating role of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and attitude
TAM constructs such as PU, PEOU and attitude play a key role as mediators in the model
to explain the BI of users (King and He, 2006; Porter and Donthu, 2006; Venkatesh and
MRR Davis, 2000). eWOM appears to be more inclined to be considered a reliable source of the
information among job-seekers (Van Hoye and Lievens, 2007). Moreover, reliable
information resources are highly convincing in shifting attitudes and attaining behavioral
cooperation (Van Hoye et al., 2016). Although, eWOM communication enhances the
usefulness, ease of use and form attitude (Mehrad and Mohammadi, 2017) among job-
seekers by gaining additional information (Evertz et al., 2019). Thus, it is essential to explore
the mediating role played by TAM constructs in e-recruitment adoption. As there has been a
dearth of literature on e-recruitment adoption, this study is the pioneer attempt to
investigate the role of eWOM on job seekers’ adoption of e-recruitment platforms. The
mediating role of PU, PEOU and attitude on the relationship between eWOM and BI is not
yet examined in any scenario. The following hypotheses are structured:

H11a. Attitude mediates the relationship between eWOM and BI.

H11b. PU mediates the relationship between eWOM and BI.
H11c. PEOU mediates the relationship between eWOM and BI.

2.4 Control variables

Control variables have a significant impact on the forecasting abilities of a research model
(Becker, 2005; Li et al., 2008). A few studies available in technology adoption discovered that
demographic factors, including gender, age, and educational qualification, had a substantial
impact on internet consumption (Chong et al., 2012; Li et al., 2017; Teo, 2001). Hence, age,
gender, mode of e-recruitment and qualification were considered as control variables in the
developed research framework depicted in Figure 1 to recognize the respondent
characteristics influencing e-recruitment adoption among job-seekers.

Usefulness H2

Electronic H9

H8 H3 Behavioral
H4 Intenons

Perceived H5
ease of use
H11c Variables
• Gender
• Age
Figure 1. • Mode of
Proposed structural e-recruitment
model • Qualificaon
3. Research methodology E-recruitment
3.1 Participants and data collection adoption
The target participants for this study were graduate and postgraduate students who were
using electronic recruitment platforms for searching for jobs, i.e. fresh job-seekers. A
purposive sampling technique was preferred to collect data from various universities in
India. Purposive sampling commences once the researcher recognizes the research question
and the target delivers the relevant information (Raza et al., 2020). An online questionnaire
using Google Docs was prepared. In recent times, an online survey is considered useful and
accurate for collecting data due to lower cost and vast area coverage (Dutot et al., 2019;
Vehovar and Manfreda, 2015). The questionnaires were sent to 740 participants via social
media, LinkedIn and email. Voluntary participation was preferred in this study. Out of 740
questionnaires, 397 responses were received, with a response rate of 53.65%. As the survey
was conducted online, missing value issue was not there in the data. Data was collected over
the period from October 2020 to January 2021. Table 1 represents the sample profile of
respondents. In total, 53.1% (211) were male, and 46.9% (186) were female respondents. The
majority of respondents fall in the age group of 21–35 years (49.9%); hence, the young were
pronto use the internet for job searching. Moreover, the majority of respondents’
qualifications were 189 graduates (47.6%) and 173 postgraduates (43.6%). Although, more
than 41% (163) of the job-seekers preferred LinkedIn as a mode of e-recruitment for
searching for jobs. Other, 29.2% (116) used third-party job portals like, monster.
com, etc., 96 (24.2%) job-seekers choose the company’s website, whereas only 5.5% (22)
selected other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc.

3.2 Measurement instrument

A five-point Likert scale ranging from 5 = “strongly agree” to 1 = “strongly disagree” was
used. There were two sections of the survey questionnaire, the first of which dealt with

Characteristic (n = 397) (%)

Male 211 53.1
Female 186 46.9
Less than 20 103 25.9
21–35 years 198 49.9
Above 35 96 24.2
Graduate 189 47.6
Postgraduate 173 43.6
PhD 35 8.8
Mode of e-recruitment
Job portals 116 29.2
Company’s website 96 24.2
LinkedIn 163 41.1
Table 1.
Other social media sites 22 5.5 Demographic
characteristics of job-
Source: The authors seekers
MRR demographic information, and the second section represented the statements covering the
job-seekers’ attitudes and BI. The survey relied on a questionnaire constructed from the
statements verified in previous studies. PU was measured using six items by Davis (1989)
and Lin (2010), and PEOU (six items) was based on Davis et al. (1989) and Tong (2009). The
attitude was tested by using four items from Lin (2010). Respondents were asked regarding
their BI to adopt e-recruitment with four items extracted from Lin (2010) and Brahmana and
Brahmana (2013). The four-item scale was used to measure eWOM, adopted and adapted
from Schumann et al. (2010) in the context of e-recruitment.

3.3 Power analysis

Hair et al. (2014) recommended carrying out a priori power analysis for the ascertainment of
the required minimum sample for the study using G*Power software (Faul et al., 2009). The
observations indicated that for this linear multiple regression model analysis, the required
minimum sample size is 262 for minimum effect size (f2 = 0.05, a error probability = 0.05,
power = 0.95). Therefore, to validate the hypothesized model, the current data set of 397
respondents was deemed appropriate.

3.4 Multivariate normality test

A normality test should be conducted before selecting the appropriate statistical tool for
analyzing the data (Hair et al., 2013). “Mardia’s multivariate skewness and kurtosis”
(Mardia, 1974) were tested using the “web power” software (Cain et al., 2017). As the
p-values of kurtosis and skewness were reported as less than 0.05, it indicates the non-
normality of collected data due to heterogeneity of responses (Singh and Srivastava, 2021).

3.5 Common method bias (CMB)

As the data is collected via online sources, common method bias can be a possible source of
bias (Podsakoff et al., 2003). A few measures have been used to reduce such bias, as advised
by previous research proposals (Podsakoff et al., 2003; Reio, 2010). Primarily, during the
data collection process, the cover letter of our research instrument explicitly confirmed that
participation is completely voluntary, and all responses will be kept confidential.
Additionally, the investigators assured that all statements must be clear and
understandable. Apart from these qualitative measures, the researchers have conducted
Harman’s single-factor test performing an exploratory factor analysis on SPSS 25 (Harman,
1967). The findings accounted for 42.621% variance being explained by the single factor,
Hence, no issue of common method bias was present in the collected data as the total
variance measured was less than 50% (Chen and Hung, 2016; Memon et al., 2019).

4. Results
4.1 Selection of statistical analysis
Partial least square structural equational modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze the
conceptual model. PLS-SEM was deemed to be more feasible than covariance-based (CB)
SEM; first, the nature of this study is the prediction of job-seekers’ BI to adopt e-recruitment,
and also there is the absence of normality in the distribution of the sample (Hair et al., 2013;
Sanchez-Prieto et al., 2017). Second, the most recent recommendations for using PLS-SEM
have demonstrated its advantage in evaluating mediation analysis over PROCESS (Hair
et al., 2019; Raza et al., 2020; Sarstedt et al., 2020). Hence, PLS-SEM should be appropriate for
this study as three mediators are evaluated. Finally, in comparison to CB-SEM, PLS-SEM
offers a higher level of statistical power (Hair et al., 2019). The existing study used
SmartPLS version 3.3.3. The two-stage analysis approach proposed by Anderson and E-recruitment
Gerbing (1988) was adopted for the assessment of the model. Initially, the reliability and adoption
validity of the measurement model were carried out using the PLS algorithm, and in the
subsequent stage, hypotheses and control variables were tested using the bootstrapping

4.2 Assessment of measurement model

The reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity are calculated for a reflective
measurement model by applying PLS-SEM (Choi and Chung, 2013). SmartPLS provides two
measures for establishing the internal consistency (reliability) of the constructs:
(1) Cronbach’s a; and
(2) rho_A ( r A) (Hair et al., 2019).

The values of all measures should be above 0.7 and below 0.95 (Chin, 2010; Hair et al., 2017).
As provided in Table 2, all constructs are reliable as they have satisfied the threshold limits.
The convergent validity is assessed based on three conditions:
(1) The outer/factor loadings for all items must be above 0.5 (Bagozzi and Yi, 1988) or
0.7 (Hair et al., 2013) (ranged from 0.668 to 0.875).
(2) Average variance extracted (AVE) of each construct should be higher than 0.5
(Hair et al., 2019) (ranged from 0.546 to 0.707).
(3) Composite reliability of all the constructs must be greater than 0.7 (Fornell and
Larcker, 1981; Hair et al., 2019) (ranged from 0.878 to 0.906); see Table 2.

Discriminant validity checks whether all constructs specifically differentiate from each
other (Wu et al., 2016). In PLS-SEM, for establishing discriminant validity, Henseler et al.
(2015) recommended the heterotrait-monotrait (HTMT) ratio criterion instead of Fornell–
Larcker criterion and cross-loadings as these criteria are ineffective at detecting
discriminant validity issues. The threshold value for the HTMT ratio in a more conservative
manner should be lower than 0.85, but it may also acceptable if it is below 0.90 (Hair et al.,
2019; Henseler et al., 2015). All constructs are satisfied with the HTMT criterion for
discriminant validity (Table 3).

4.3 Assessment of structural model

Once the measurement model assessment is valid and reliable, the next step is to evaluate
the structural model. To analyze both, the variation in the dependent variable and the
magnitude of the direct and indirect effects of latent variables, we conducted a structural
model analysis. The PLS algorithm is used for obtaining the inner VIF values
(multicollinearity testing), R2 values (coefficient of determination), f2 (effect size) and path
coefficients (hypotheses relationships). The blindfolding process was used to measure Q2
(predicting accuracy of the model). Moreover, the bootstrapping technique with 10,000
bootstrap sub-samples (Chin, 2010; Vinzi et al., 2010) was run to explore the t-values, the
significance of path coefficients and indirect relationships among constructs. Finally, the
approximate model fit was evaluated using standardized root mean square residual (SRMR)
(Henseler et al., 2014; Henseler et al., 2016). The SRMR value should be less than 0.08 (Hu and
Bentler, 1999). The results of the present study showed the SRMR value of 0.076, hence
depicting a good model fit (Ali and Ali, 2022). The values of R2, f2 and Q2 are significant for
measuring the model fit in PLS-SEM; the values of these metrics should be higher than zero
(Berki-Kiss and Menrad, 2022).
MRR Construct Items Outer loading a rA CR AVE

AT Using e-recruitment platform is a good idea 0.834 0.891 0.893 0.920 0.698
I like the idea of using e-recruitment platform 0.836
for finding an appropriate job
Using e-recruitment platform would be a 0.779
pleasant experience
I think using an e-recruitment platform for job 0.849
search is beneficial to me
In my opinion, it is desirable to use e- 0.875
recruitment platform for job searches
BI I intend to use an e-recruitment platform to 0.835 0.854 0.855 0.901 0.696
find a job
I intend to get myself registered to become a 0.837
member of the e-recruitment platform
In the near future, I will send/upload a resume 0.819
to the e-recruitment platform
In the near future, I would consider using the 0.845
e-recruitment platform for job search
PEOU Learning to operate an e-recruitment platform 0.668 0.833 0.836 0.878 0.546
is easy for me
I find e-recruitment platforms to be flexible to 0.749
interact with
I find it easy to fill my job application on an e- 0.794
recruitment platform
My interaction with an e-recruitment platform 0.749
is clear and understandable
I find e-recruitment platform contents are user- 0.771
friendly and easy to use
It would be easy for me to become skillful at 0.697
using an e-recruitment platform
PU Using e-recruitment platform enables me to 0.688 0.854 0.862 0.892 0.579
look for jobs quickly
Using e-recruitment platform improved my 0.729
job searches
Using e-recruitment platform helps me to get 0.795
current career information
Using e-recruitment platform increases my 0.775
chances of finding an appropriate job
Using an e-recruitment platform would 0.756
enhance my effectiveness in applying for jobs
Overall, using an e-recruitment platform is a 0.814
useful way to look for a job
eWOM I regularly read online reviews to determine 0.859 0.862 0.864 0.906 0.707
which e-recruitment site makes a good
impression on job-seekers
I refer to online reviews to choose an attractive 0.868
e-recruitment platform
I collect information using online reviews 0.828
before choosing an e-recruitment platform
The information obtained from an online site 0.806
is very important to me when choosing an e-
recruitment platform

Notes: AT = attitude; BI – behavioral intentions; PEOU – perceived ease of use; PU – perceived usefulness;
Table 2. eWOM – electronic word-of-mouth; a – Cronbach’s alpha; r A – rho_A; CR – composite reliability; AVE –
Measurement model average variance extracted
indicators Source: The authors
4.3.1 Multicollinearity testing. Before examining structural relationships, it is vital to E-recruitment
measure for collinearity to ensure that it does not affect the regression conclusions (Hair adoption
et al., 2019). The existence of correlation among two or more independent variables leads to
the issue of multicollinearity, which may be redundant conclusions. The collinearity testing
was carried out for the inner model. The variance inflation factor (VIF) values should be
below 3 (Hair et al., 2019) or < 3.33 (Kock and Lynn, 2012). In this study, the inner model VIF
values range from 1.00 to 3.227, showing no issue of collinearity.
4.3.2 Coefficient of determination (R2). As collinearity is not an issue in this study, the
next step in structural model testing is examining the exploratory magnitude of the PLS
model and path coefficients’ significance. R2 values are calculated for determining the
explanatory power of the model (Hair et al., 2019). R2 is a measure of explanatory power that
varies from 0 to 1, with higher values reflecting better explanatory power; 0.75 as large, 0.50
as moderate and 0.25 as considered weak (Hair et al., 2019; Vinzi et al., 2010). As shown in
Table 4, the R2 value of BI is 0.673, stating 67.3% of the variation in the BI of the job-seekers
can be explained by the proposed model. Additionally, the model explains that 69% of
the variation in attitude is represented by PEOU, PU and eWOM. PU shows more than 48%
of the variance due to PEOU and eWOM and, nearly 30% of the variation in PEOU is
explained by eWOM.
4.3.3 Hypotheses testing. The path coefficients state the size and significance of
relationships among constructs (Table 5 and Figure 2). The structural model results disclose
positive relationship between PU and BI ( b = 0.247, t = 2.105, p = 0.035). Moreover, PU is
a strong predictor of the attitude of job-seekers toward e-recruitment ( b = 0.559, t = 7.319,
p = 0.001). As H3, PEOU is a major antecedent of PU ( b = 0.503, t = 7.319, p = 0.001). Hence,
H1, H2 and H3 of this conceptual model are supported. H4 and H5 stating the relationship
between PEOU-AT and PEOU-BI to use e-recruitment are not supported.


Attitude (AT) –
BI 0.888 –
PEOU 0.721 0.699 –
PU 0.881 0.832 0.766 –
Table 3.
eWOM 0.744 0.697 0.637 0.633 – HTMT ratio
Source: The authors validity)

Construct R2 Consideration of R2 Q2 Predictive relevance of Q2

AT 0.690 Moderate 0.475 Large predictive relevance

BI 0.673 Moderate 0.458 Large predictive relevance
PU 0.482 Moderate 0.272 Medium predictive relevance
PEOU 0.297 Moderate 0.154 Small predictive relevance

Notes: AT – attitude; BI – behavioral intentions; PU – perceived usefulness; PEOU – perceived ease of use Table 4.
Source: The authors R2 and Q2 results
MRR Hypothesis Path relationship Path coefficient ( b ) t-statistics p-values Results

H1 PU ! BI 0.247 2.105 0.035 Supported

H2 PU ! AT 0.559 7.319 0.001 Supported
H3 PEOU ! PU 0.503 7.063 0.001 Supported
H4 PEOU ! AT 0.104 1.639 0.101 Not supported
H5 PEOU ! BI 0.079 1.051 0.293 Not supported
H6 AT ! BI 0.453 4.273 0.001 Supported
H7 eWOM ! PU 0.277 3.896 0.001 Supported
H8 eWOM ! PEOU 0.545 7.225 0.001 Supported
H9 eWOM ! AT 0.287 4.361 0.001 Supported
Table 5. H10 eWOM ! BI 0.126 1.845 0.065 Not supported
Summary of
hypotheses testing Source: The authors

Figure 2.
Path coefficients of
the structural model

Further, attitude has a direct significant alliance with BI ( b = 0.453, t = 4.273, p = 0.001)
revealing that attitude has a major impact on BI of job-seekers compared to PU, PEOU and
eWOM for using electronic recruitment platforms. eWOM directly influences PU ( b = 0.277,
t = 3.896, p = 0.001), PEOU ( b = 0.545, t = 7.225, p = 0.001) and attitude ( b = 0.287, t =
4.361, p = 0.001). Thus, H7, H8 and H9 are supported. Whereas, there is no direct significant
relationship is found in eWOM and BI. Finally, the proposed model incorporated gender,
age, mode of e-recruitment and qualification as control factors. The results indicated that
only gender has a significant influence on BI ( b = 0.138, t = 3.390, p = 0.001) out of all other
control variable. Hence, showing that male applicants had stronger intentions to adopt
e-recruitment compared to female job-seekers.
4.3.4 Effect size (f2). The f 2 value assesses the effect size of each exogenous construct on E-recruitment
predicting endogenous construct in terms of R2. Small, medium and high f 2 impact sizes are adoption
represented by values greater than 0.02, 0.15 and 0.35, respectively (Cohen, 1988). The
analysis depicts that attitude has a medium effect on predicting BI (f 2 = 0.206), whereas, PU
and eWOM have a small effect with f 2 values of 0.06 and 0.025. Moreover, while estimating
the attitude of job-seekers, PU has a large effect (f 2 = 0.522), and WOM has a medium effect
(f 2 = 0.169). PEOU and eWOM have a large and small effect on PU with values of f 2 = 0.353
and f 2 = 0.104, respectively. eWOM (f 2 = 0.423) has a large effect on predicting the PEOU of
job-seekers toward online recruitment.
4.3.5 Prediction accuracy (Q2). The Q2 value is used to determine the predictive accuracy
of the PLS path model (Geisser, 1974). The blindfolding process is used to determine the Q2
values for the endogenous variable, where values greater than 0, 0.25 and 0.50 represent
small, medium and large predictive power, respectively (Hair et al., 2019). As shown in
Table 4, the values obtained from construct cross-validated redundancy for attitude and BI
to use have a large predicting power in this PLS model, medium for PU and small for PEOU.

4.4 Mediation analysis

The mediating role of attitude, PU and PEOU have also been examined to understand why
there is no direct association between job-seekers’ BI and eWOM in the context of e-
recruitment adoption. To investigate the mediating effect of attitude, PEOU and PU on the
relationship between eWOM and BI, the three-step approach given by Nitzl et al. (2016) is
applied. In the beginning, the specific indirect effect is calculated (Table 6). Following, the
significance of indirect effects is determined using the bootstrapping process was used
through PLS. Finally, the type and size of mediation are analyzed. The direct effect of
eWOM on BI in the absence of mediators is significant, whereas in the presence of
mediators, this relationship becomes non-significant. In the absence of all other constructs,
eWOM directly explains more than 60% of the variance in BI. Hence, the result quantifies
that if other factors remained constant, eWOM has a strong predictive power in explaining
the intentions of job-seekers toward e-recruitment. Moreover, the findings advise that
attitude and PU work as significant mediators between the relationship of eWOM and BI of
job-seekers (H11a and H11b are supported). However, H11c is not supported as PEOU has a
non-significant indirect effect based on 95% bias-corrected confidence intervals. The
variance accounted for (VAF) is used to measure the size of total indirect effects on the total
effect (Hair et al., 2014; Zhao et al., 2010).
According to Hair et al. (2013), there is no mediation if VAF is less than 0.20; if it is
between 0.20 and 0.8, there is partial mediation; and if it is greater than 0.80, there is full
mediation. VAF is calculated as the ratio of total indirect effect/total effect. In this study, the

Mediation path Indirect effect LLCI ULCI t-value p-values Results

eWOM !AT ! BI 0.443 0.353 0.553 8.805 0.001 Supported

eWOM !PU ! BI 0.140 0.02 0.295 1.979 0.048 Supported
eWOM !PEOU ! BI 0.043 0.034 0.135 1.036 0.300 Not supported
Total indirect effect 0.626
Total effect (0.626 þ 0.122) = 0.748

Notes: eWOM – electronic word-of-mouth; AT – attitude; BI – behavioral intentions; PU – perceived Table 6.

usefulness; PEOU – perceived ease of use; LLCI – lower-level confidence intervals; ULCI – upper-level Specific indirect
confidence intervals effects (mediation
Source: The authors analysis)
MRR VAF value (0.626/0.748) is 0.836. Hence, PU and attitude fully mediate the relationship
between eWOM and job-seekers’ BI to adopt online recruitment.

5. Discussion and conclusion

The current research aimed to explore the impact of eWOM on e-recruitment adoption
among job-seekers. Even though some previous studies have also mentioned that eWOM
may influence the attractiveness of potential candidates toward organizations’ Web-based
recruitment (Van Hoye and Lievens, 2007). Moreover, this study is the pioneer study that
empirically examines how eWOM influences e-recruitment adoption among job applicants.
The current study was carried out in two parts: primarily, the whole structural model is
tested to identify the influence of eWOM on PU, PEOU, attitude and BI toward
e-recruitment. Further, the role of PEOU, PU and attitude as mediators in the alliance
between eWOM and BI is checked. Additionally, this research has provided empirical
evidence on the applicability of TAM and eWOM to the scenario of online recruitment
adoption (Kashi and Zheng, 2013; Mehrad and Mohammadi, 2017; Monavarian et al., 2010;
Tong, 2009).
The present observations provide initial evidence that eWOM has a direct impact on PU,
PEOU and attitude formation of job-seekers regarding online recruitment. The outcomes
indicate that job-seekers’ perception of the e-recruitment platforms is enhanced by
positive eWOM. The information gathered via eWOM helps job-seekers to form an
attitude concerning the e-recruitment system along with effective usage of the system.
These findings are aligned with the previous studies carried out in different areas of mobile
banking and marketing (Mehrad and Mohammadi, 2017; Parry et al., 2012). eWOM aids the
job-seekers to learn the e-recruitment services, gain benefits in job searching and drafting a
favorable perception. When job-seekers hear positive things about e-recruitment platforms,
they intend to use the technology (Mehrad and Mohammadi, 2017). Whereas, eWOM does
not have a direct influence on job-seekers’ intentions in the presence of other variables
concerning the acceptance of e-recruitment. This finding is consistent with previous
research conducted by Joo (2014) in the area of social commerce usage among college
students. But, as per the results of this present study, eWOM has a significant influence on
the intentions of job-seekers in the absence of other constructs. This result is supported
by the conclusions of Jalilvand and Samiei (2012a). Hence, eWOM referrals directly
stimulate the intentions of job-seekers regarding the Web-based recruitment mechanism.
Furthermore, PU has a strong impact on the determination of job-seekers’ attitudes and
BI. The usefulness of e-recruitment platforms enhances the ability of job-seekers to find an
appropriate job, which results in the development of a positive attitude toward using the
Web-based system for job hunting (Lin, 2010). Similarly, a positive attitude generates
favorable intentions among job-seekers to use internet recruitment. The empirical evidence
of this study suggests attitude is the key factor that influences the job-seekers intentions to
adopt the e-recruitment system. These solutions are in line with the recommendations of
Kashi and Zheng (2013), Kumar and Priyanka (2014), Lin, (2010), Tong, (2009). TAM with
eWOM is valid in terms of explaining the user adoption of e-recruitment.
Finally, the conclusions of this study showed that eWOM has an indirect impression on
job-seekers intentions to adopt e-recruitment. Thus, the indirect effect of eWOM through the
mediating role of PU, PEOU and attitude is examined. The study indicates PU and attitude
are the significant mediators in the relationship between eWOM and job-seekers’ BI,
whereas PEOU is not a significant mediator in this relationship. This study depicts that
attitude is the strongest mediator in the indirect relationship of eWOM and BI. Thus,
positive eWOM influences the users to form a favorable perception of the use of
e-recruitment systems. The answers stated that the mediation model with PU, PEOU and E-recruitment
attitude explains more than 65% of the variation in the job-seekers’ intentions. adoption
6. Implications and future research
6.1 Theoretical implications
This research is the initial investigation in the context of the influence of eWOM in
e-recruitment adoption. The answers reported here contribute to the theoretical
comprehending of the association between eWOM and Web-based recruitment usage in
several ways. Initially, the empirical figures show that eWOM directly influences PU, PEOU
the attitude of job-seekers and, indirectly affects BI. These findings add to the existing body
of literature on online recruitment by providing a more comprehensive perspective on the
effect of company-independent information on e-recruitment adoption among job-seekers.
The credible and reliable information obtained via eWOM helps job-seekers to obtain
insight information regarding the benefits that job-seekers may derive from using
e-recruitment platforms in form of job and career-related information. Moreover, prospective
job-seekers can get additional information on the knowledge and learning required to
operate online recruitment platforms that lead to improvement in their PEOU. Both PU and
PEOU along with eWOM support to generate favorable attitudes and intentions among job-
seekers to accept virtual recruitment.
Further, eWOM inspires positive or negative attitudes in job-seekers as they are directly
affected by the information gained from reliable and credible sources. eWOM was found to
have a direct influence on job-seekers’ BI in the absence of other variables such as PU, PEOU
and attitude. Whereas, in the presence of other constructs, this relationship becomes
insignificant. One possible explanation for this outcome is that job-seekers may believe the
information gathered via eWOM helps them to understand the advantages (PU) and
usability (PEOU) of e-recruitment sites that formulate favorable or unfavorable attitudes
rather than intentions. The conclusions of the study indicate job-related information
provided via eWOM plays a credible role in the adoption of the e-recruitment platforms such
as LinkedIn, job portals and companies’ websites.
Additionally, many studies in the context of marketing (Chung and Shin, 2010; Jalilvand
and Samiei, 2012a; Joo, 2014; Parry et al., 2012) and mobile banking (Mehrad and
Mohammadi, 2017) have tested the direct influence of eWOM on the intentions of the users.
Whereas, the present study is also an attempt to empirically explain the mediating effect of
PU, PEOU and attitude on the alliance between eWOM and users’ intentions. The mediation
analysis contributed that PU and attitude indirectly influence the relationship in eWOM on
BI of job-seekers. Thus, eWOM aids the knowledge of users regarding the benefits that
might be driven from the usage of e-recruitment systems and ultimately generate a positive
perspective among job-seekers.

6.2 Practical implications

The vital observations of this study indicate the relevance of eWOM in the acceptance of
online recruitment portals. The current study’s outcomes have significant implications for
Web developers, managers and internet recruiters. First, eWOM is an effective factor in
enhancing the perceptions of job-seekers regarding the ease of use and advantages that can
be driven from e-recruitment sites. Thus, to improve the usage rate of e-recruitment
platforms, existing job-seekers should be encouraged to share their usage experience with
prospective seekers. Thus, feedback links must be provided on the e-recruitment platforms
for sharing their experiences (Zeba and Ganguli, 2016). This will benefit the online
recruitment platforms to attract more applicants as PU and PEOU are integral components
MRR to develop a favorable attitude among job-seekers. Further, a positive attitude leads to
instigating job-seekers’ intentions to adopt e-recruitment. This analysis is critical for
website designers and managers because it helps them to create recruiting web pages that
take these parameters into account, which will facilitate them in stimulating job applicants
to their platforms.
Second, job-seekers are attracted to e-recruitment platforms when they receive
information from trustworthy company-independent sources, i.e. e-WOM than other sources
such as employee testimonials or company websites (Van Hoye and Lievens, 2007). They are
more likely to rely on the information supplied by credible sources. As a result, managers
should concentrate on increasing the trustworthiness of all communication sources.
Websites, blogs and reviews are highly crucial because managers or Web portals have
substantial influence over the information and may influence communication results by
instilling a sense of confidence in such resources (Baber et al., 2016).
Finally, according to Park and Kim (2008), “measurability and controllability” are the
major aspects in exploring eWOM that enable marketers to effectively formulate their
strategies. If performed appropriately, this information accessibility on digital blogs and
websites may be managed and enhanced for the benefit of the organization. Thus, HR
managers can use the available information for crafting recruitment strategies for
enhancing the rate of applicant attraction. Virtual recruitment platforms may also manage
the content and quality of information shared on their websites to spread positive WOM
among the existing and new adopters.

6.3 Limitations and future research

The above-stated conclusions should be verified in many aspects. In the first place, the
observations are emphasized on data acquired at a particular point in time, making it
impossible to determine statistical associations between variables. Second, as the outcomes
are obtained from the majority of information gathered from an internet survey, the
respondents might be more probable than the general population to use the internet to find
jobs. Hence, the first direction for future research is to verify the findings of the current
investigation in a controlled experimental environment.
Third, the conclusions of this current study are completely reliant on the information
obtained from the Indian candidates. Hence, future studies should look at the relevance of
these outcomes to countries with more individualistic social structures than India. Fourth,
the detection of parameters that could moderate the interaction between eWOM and
e-recruitment acceptance among job seekers should be the focus of future study such as
gender, age, usage experience. Additionally, other external variables as the level of trust
might influence eWOM among users (Chung and Shin, 2010). In recent times pandemic, the
impact of the COVID-19 on online recruitment scenarios should be explored in future
studies. Finally, the source and content of eWOM (Ahamad, 2019) can be concentrated in
future research.

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Further reading
Parikh, A., Patel, J.D. and Jaiswal, A.K. (2021), “Managing job applications online: integrating website
informativeness and compatibility in theory of planned behaviour and technology acceptance
model”, DECISION, Vol. 48 No. 1, pp. 97-113.

About the authors

Davinder Kaur is working as a full-time Research Scholar in the area of Human Resource
Management at I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University, Main Campus Kapurthala. She has teaching
experience of 3.5 years. She has presented her publication at international and national conferences.
She has published her papers in different conference proceedings. She has published a few research
articles in Scopus-indexed journals. Davinder Kaur is the corresponding author and can be contacted
Dr Rajpreet Kaur is presently working as an Assistant Professor at I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical
University, Main Campus, Kapurthala. She has been teaching since 2007. Her teaching interests
include, but are not limited to, human resource management, organizational behavior, labor laws, and
industrial relations. Her research outcome has been published in various reputed journals listed
and indexed in Scopus and Web of Sciences and presented her research papers at various national
and international conferences. Her international visits and exposures for research work include the
University of Toronto, University of Calgary, York University, Bow Valley College of Sheridan
Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, Brampton.

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