Ferrous Metals-MD0486 Article

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| Wnatnapponsto those carpon atoms deter- Section 7 Ferrous metals Introduction to ferrous metallurgy IRON and the large tami of iron alloys called stool aro the most common of the ‘commercial metals. ron ts abundant (ron fore constitutes apoxt 33> ot the earth's ‘rust) and is ea8y to convert from ore to 8 ‘setulform iron mets at 2.777*F anc bois et 4 442°, Small adations of carbon reduce the molt ing paint. A commercia forms of wor and Stool contain carbon. utich is an integral part ofthe metallurgy of ion and test. Ma ‘ipulationotator-to-atornclationships be ‘ween Fon, carbon, and various alloying ole- mons estabishas the specie oroperias of ferrous metals. Az atoms transform from ‘one specie arangoment, or crystal ate tonnotner, strength, toughness, impacto sistance, hardness, ductity. and other Properties are altored. The metallurgy of ton and steei a study o! how these atomic arrangements take pleco, how thay canbe controled, and which properties are at tected. ‘A motal undergoes # “phase trans. formation" when it changas irom one ciys talarrangement to anot'or. in the ironscar- bon alloy system, an important phase \wansformation ties place oetween about 41800and 1,600 F. The oxact temperatures Getermined by the amount of carbon ane ‘thor aioying elamients 9 the metal. ran tranalorms from a face-centered cubic (CO) structure—caliod tno gamma phase, (OF austenite—at high temperature to a bbody-centered cubic (BGO) structure—al ‘pha phase, of ferrte—at a toner tempera ‘ure. Inpure ron, ths tansformation (he As transformation is marked by a distinct i. rense in length as the metal cooks below the crtea! temperature bacause the Dody- Canterad latice fe less compact than the face-conterec lattice ‘The high-temperature austen strueture, slows anough spac te aqueezo in Between tha ron atoms. ron ‘lomsmaiain thai place on te latte and ‘earbon atoms become "intersties." Inthe fow-tomparature torrie, or BOC structure, howovar, there ig no Yo0%" for carbon atoms ‘mings many of the proparties of iron and seh For example, during to siow cooking ofa tow-carbon stosl such as AIS! 1020 (0.20% carbon) through the transformation tempor- lature range, transformation begins as the metal reaches 1,555°F. The frst motal to reachthis temperature transforms toferrite, tna BCC structure, andexpels the interstitial carbon nto the remaining regions ot ausien- ite Asthemetalcoo's, nore iron transforms into terite, leaving less austenite and more regione richin expeliad carbon Finally et about 1.350°F, the lower ond of the transformation temperature range for 1020 steel, the astremaining austenite tres {0 wansform—in spite of the rich carbon Concentrations, At this point, two things 0c- ‘cur The carbon bonds with avaiable iron ‘atoms to form FexC, an intermetallic com ‘pound caied cement, orivon carbiée, and it precipitates out as a discrete structure: the remaining austenite then transforms to ferrite, ‘The structure that results from this tinal transtormation is @ lamination consisting of hternating layers of ferrite and von carbide, ‘Of course, the portions of metal hat trans- formed previously remainasiargeisiands o pure forte. The laminated structure formed atthe last moment is called pearite. The Combined structure of ferite and pearite is soft and ductile. tgenerally represents ise! Initslowest-strength condition In contrast, when ferrous alloys are cooled rapidly, or quenched, expelled car- bon atoms oo not have tine to move away from the iron as it transforms to ferie. Te stool becomes so rigid that, before the ca * The result Is & body-centered tetra92al structure In which the carbon atom is an ; sy toits distorted, stressed lattice structure ‘onsite. Naturally, martensite ina state of Lunequiibrum, butt owes much o ts high strength and hardness (and lower ductity) ‘A number of neat-treatment cycles have been developed to alter tha structure of steal For example, when martensite tern- ‘paarte,omairs as the swe C5000. ame ees acne Gosh Ap Peres (heated below As temperature) some Internal stresses ave relieved. and the ro- ‘sulting structure is more ductile than as- quenehod martensite ther heat westments change the pro- Portions of pesrito and martensite; some ‘even entrap austonke at roam temperature (thers ator or vciure We size of he grains ‘or pattern of these structures, providing im- proved stangtn or toughness. And when other alloying elemanis—inciuding boron, Pick, chremivm, manganese, slfoon, and vanacium—are ada tothe matal he Be havior of farrous aloys, as thoy transform fom one structure to snother, «8 further Complicated. But because the structure of stael—-and thus, tno mechanical properties Of steet—can be alrorad in 20 many way ferrous alicys can be coveloped to suit an fextromely wide variety of design needs, Castiron [BECAUSE of is ow cost, cast Iron is often considered 2simpie metaltaproduce and to specily, Actual, the metalurgy of east ron Is moco compiox tae that of tool and most thor moras Stoals and cast iron are both primary iron with carbon as the main alloying ole ment Steels contain lose than two and usu aly lose than one percent carbon, while al tat one contain more than two percent carbon. About two percent tthe maximurh Carbon content at which won caa soliy a | single-phase acy with atthe carbon in ‘olution in austenite. Thus the castirone, by ofintion. solcity as heterogeneous alloys land sways have more than one constituent in thelr microstructure. in addition to ear bbon, cast fons must also eontain siteon, ‘usualy rom one to thre pares thus they are achuayror-carbon-sticon alloys. The high carsen content ana the siteon in ‘cast rons make them: oxcallent casting al- loys, Thaw malting temperawres are appre clabiy lover than those of steel. Molten ron igmore iis than moltan sol andless eac- tive wh molging materia. Formation of ‘ower density raphe i the ren during 90- lestieabon raduess the change i volume of the mata as it goes tom quid to sold and, makes proguction of complex shapes pos sible. Cost irons, however, de not nave su folont ductility 19 be rolled or forged. Because size and shape ots casting con- twos solidification rata and strength, da- sign ofthe casting and tho casting process: to bo used mus! be considered when the type ofiran is selected. Whereas mostother rotsls ae specitod by a standardehemical analysis, a single analysis of cast on ean rocice several eniteaiy cMforent Bes of in, éapanding upon foundry practice and i i { | i t shape and size ofthe casting, a of which Influence cooing eats. Thus, ron is usually pected by mechanical properties. For ap- plications involving high temperatures or ro uiring spect corrosion resistence, now fever, some analysis 'aquirements also may De spectiod. “The catbon content inironis the key tots distinctive properties. The precipitation of ‘carbon (88 graphite) curing solidification Countocacts the norma! ehrinksge of tho Soliditying metal, producing sound sec tions, The presence o! graphite in the metal provides excellent. machinabiity (even at ‘woar-resiating Marcness loves), damp vr bration, and sis lubvicaton on wearing sur- feces (oven under Dorderiine lubrication conditions). When most ofthe carbon re- ‘maine combined witn te iron tas in white tron), the presence ct hace on carbides ‘provides good abrasion resistance. Insome cases, mcrostuctureoliron may be all ferrite--the same constituent that ‘makes low-carbon steo!s sot and oasty ma ‘hined. But the ferrite of iron is cifrent because t contains suticiont dissolved si leon to eliminate the charactoretie gummy nature of low-carbon stee!, Thus, east icone Containing ferrite do net require sutur or leadadditonsinordor to 0¢troe-machuning \Whtin each basic type of cast ron are 8 umber of rages with widely ditfring mo ‘chanioat properties. These variations are ‘eaused by diferences nthe microstructure ‘tthe meta thet surrounds tno graphile (or tori carbided). Tuo diferent structures can ‘@xist In the same casting. The micro- ‘s¥ucture of cast won can be controllad by hat trestment but the graphite, once formed, remains, ‘Soma cast-iron grades consist alterna ‘tg layers of got forrite ar hard iron car Dida, This laminated structure-—callad ‘eerite—is strong ard yvar resstent, but Stil qute machinabie, The ficae the tam rations. the hardor and stronger the iron. Lamination size can te controlled by heat ‘woatmant ar eoolns =" Cast irons that are fame hardened, in- uetion hardened, o° furnace: cit quenched contain a martansite structure ‘which (when tempered) provides machin. ‘bitty with maximum strength and good ‘wear resistance, Gray iron Gray ron is a supersaturated solution of ‘earbonin aniron matrix. The excess carbon precipitates out in the form of graphite fakes. Gray ron is specified by a two-cigit nation; Class 20, for exemple, speci ‘ies a minimum tense strength of 20,000 5 150 178 200 25 250 Mnmum aravess (80) si. In addition, Nowever, because the ‘trengtn of gray Ion is highly sensitive to ‘ross section (he smaller the cross section, ‘the faster the cooling rate andthe highar the strength) gray iron is also speciied by the cross section and minimum strongin of & ‘special test ar. Usually, the test-bar cross ‘section matches or is rolated to 8 particu lary cra! section ofthe casting. Impact strength of gray iron is lowsr than ‘that of most other cast ferrous mats. In ‘adaiton, gray iron does not have a distinct Typical mechanical properties of cast irons ——— ues —— wane astwasoe77) 0-90-92 a 8 rm © asmanera7 so se HO Ye sangre revs Geteinod ‘Sepensentonsachon size $y won ct wuly v0 for mpactreastance. "Special ade Nae te ‘oro ps. Seng veues app tonechestveatad maleabie won Heat eaimentscanicrease slong The five types of cast iron Ccastiron structures contain, in adation {0 $044 ron, olor carbon or graphite (2 ‘oft iow strength constituent) or ron ‘carbie (a nard, bitte materia). These ‘wo constituents, depending on thet ‘shape, amount, and distribution, form ‘he basis of the family of fvecastirons. hevng widely varying properties ‘Searing ecren merephote (250. Fact anaratCo 10. Macrina Design / Ave 17,1966 PEARLITIC ANO MARTENSITIC. asinan220 78) (an or | yotapointas ctintny cession formulas) | and should not be used wen parmanont, | plastic detormation is profersesto fracture, | Anottior important characteristic of ray {_iron—-particuiarty tor precision machin- |) ery-is ite ability to damp winraton. Damp }_ingeapactyis aaterrnines principally by the |. amount and type of graphite iekos, AS | amnountof graphite deeraasas, damping ca- fh protvaeocecoacos Gray trons have excellent wear re- sistance, Evan tho softer grades perfor wall under certain borderline hibrcation ‘conditions (es fn thie upoercyinder walls of Internal-combustion angines, fo: exarnpe). For high harcngss requiremonts of abra- sive-wear appications, hardooss of Fay Iron oan be increaced by aading atioyna ‘lament, by using spacial foundry tech ‘ques, or by heat taster. Grey ron cen Dehardened by teme or induction methods, forthe foundry can use a cilia the moKs 0 Produce harceied, "~wistewson” surfaces, “The high compressive strength of gray lron-—three to five times tenia etength— can be used to acvantage in certain situ= ‘ions. For example, placing ribs on the ‘compression side of @ plate instead ot he ‘enaion side produces a stronger. 'ghter ‘component Typical epitcations of yay iron indude automotive engine blocks, gears, fywheels, brake discs and crums, ana ma chine bases. Gray Iran serves well in ma~ ‘chinary spploations because ots goos fe tigue resistance. Ductile iron Ductile, or nodular iron contains wa‘ amounts of mageesiun: whieh, by aering “ani eid ADL anergy sng in ese Ooh Ree ass 2 s ” anger Aa Specification methods differ ASTM spoctications for iron castings aro basod on a diferent philosophy than that thine SAE. The ASTM spocifications dasignats he properties of the metal to be ‘Sbiainedin an sppropriately sized but separately cast tester, whichis poured ader the same conditions as are the castings. The SAE specifications, on the other hand, require thatthe microstructure of the casting be appropriate fr the grado of theta! speciiod and that the hardness of each casting ata designated iccation shall ‘be within tho specified range. incommercial use, the ASTM specification s more commonly used for general engineering applications where the strongtn ofthe ion necessary in the parthas Sean established. The SAE specications are usually uses for large quantities of Smaller cust components such as are typical in automobiles andin agricultural anc fategeraton equipment. n these cases, the suitably of @ particular grade otron is ‘etabiisheg not only on design coneideratons buton actual proot in operation: he purpose tthe specication is to ansure a consistent product comparable to those found, by experience, tobe satisfactory the surtace-tension mechanism, precip itates out carbon in the form of smalt spheres, This structure is the source of im proved stitinass, strength, and shock re- Sstanee of duct iron over gray ion. Ductile kon is speciied by a three-part designation syetam: The designation of a typical alley, 60-40-18, for example, speci- fies & minimum tensile strength of 60,000 psi, a minimum yield strength ct 40,000 psi, land 18% elongation nin. Ductile iron is used in applications such 1s crankshafts because ots good machin- ‘lity, fatigue strength, and high modulus ot lastly; nneavy-duty gears because cts highyield strength and wear resistance: and in automobile door hinges because of Its ‘ucility Because it contains magnesium as fan adtional alloying element, ductie irons Songer end more shook resistant than rayiton, But although ductile ron also has A higher modulus of elasticity, ts damping Capacity and thermal conductivity are lower than tose of gray ron (On a weight basis, ductile ron castings ‘ere moro expensive than gray iron but, be- ‘cause they off higher strength and provide pettor impact resistance, overall part costs ‘may be about the same. ‘Although not a new treatment for ductile iron, austempering has become, only inthe past the years, increasingly known fo the Engingering community. Austempering Soesnotprodues the same typeof structure fas It doos in steel Because ofthe high car- bon and siicon content of iron. The matrix Structure ot astempered ductile ron Sets t ‘part trom other east irons, making truly & separats clase of engineering materials. Proposed specification for four ADI grades, Tienes imac, ionmn Hardness nnotebed, os, hy math) ae oT Interms of properties, the ADI matrix most doubles the strength of conventional ‘ductile iron while retaining its excelent toughness, Like ductile iton, AD! is not & ‘single material; rather, Risa tary of mate- fials having various combinations of Sirengtn toughness, and wear resistance Unfortunately, the absence of a standard specication for the materials has restricted Its widespread acoeptance and use. Tonelp ‘liminate this problem, the Ductile Iron Soo: tty has recently proposed property speci. tations forfour grades of austempered.ouc- tie iron Most current applications for AD| are io transportation equipment—automobileo, trucks. and railroad and mitary verictes. ‘The same improved performance and cost savings are expacted to make these mater fl attractive n equipment for other indus- {res such as mining, eathmoving, agricul ture, construction, and machine tos White iron write ion ie produced by “ching” se- lected areas of a casting in the mold, which prevents graphiticearbon trom creciptating but Both gray and ductile iron can be hited to produce a surface of white ion. In cast ings that are white iron throughout, hove ver, the composition ot irons selecied ac cording to part size to ensure that the olume of metal involved can chil rapihy fencugh to produce the whiten structure “The principal disadvantage of white iron is that ts vory Bite. Britteness can be £0 duced somewhat by reducing carton con- tant oF by thoroughly sWess relieving to Spheroidizethe carbides in the matrix. How ver, these measures increade cost and duce harcness. ‘The use of chile produees castings with white-iton working surfaces and cores that bre a tougher and easily machinable gay OF Guetie on. During ching, that portion of the casting hats to resist wear is cooted by 12 metal of graphite beat sink (chil) the ‘nok, When the molten iron contacts the Chil it solidies 0 rapioly that the ror and ate fterece'ssie 11 canyon carnat become associated and £0 ‘become wnte ton. This process 5 used for raking to's o¢ wneels, for example, th white ston working surfaces. ching snouts notbe contusea wan heat ‘reat hardening. which involves an entirely ‘atferent metallurgical mechanism. White Ton 90 cad because ofits vary white tracy ture, can be formed only during sol ‘heation it wlnot sften except by extencioc tznnealing, and it cetans its hardness even ‘above 1.900" ‘Because oftheir extreme hardness, white irons ae sed primanty for applications 2 {uiring wear and abrasion resistance such fs mi liners and shotblasting nozzles, ‘ther uses include rairosd brake shoes, ‘ells. slmy-mixing and brick "yer, ard crushers and DuNve- fizers Serre, pin (unalioyed) white iron Corts cos Par ser east irons. mange Compactea graphite iron Une! reoanay, cumprcteds graphite tron {0G also known ae vormicular ron, has been primanty a laboratory conosity. Lo now a: an intermediate Between gray ec ‘ucts ron, possasses many of te favor thie properties oF each. Bacsues of 070 fess controidmeutias and re nscesity oF Neesine aly adeitions within very tight ry wre Deaan / Ape 17,1966 Typical physical properties of cast irons Denatyion Merang temperate °F) 6 e s588 Decale T4007) 68 Matleabie 70212") 59 18 Eezouateabe, etait?) 1820(0vct) iecticalresistaty 16 16(Maesb0) £8 s0(Gray duce) ae its, however, CGI has been extremely di- ult to produce successfully on a commer: ‘Gal scale. For example, if the magnesivrn ‘ition varied by as itl 25.0 005%, results ‘woul be unsatistectory {ine problem has beon solved by the int development affore of the Foote Mineral ‘Co. and the British Cast iron Research ‘Assocation with an aly adltion package that proves the essential alloying ingreci- tnts_-magnesiom, titanium, and rare farts in exacty the right proportions Strength of CGI parts approaches that of uel east iron. CGI also offers high thor- fe ron Machinabiy te and casting wkageandtoed- (oko ray kon. Superior to tat of reign becau" Ing charactersties aro ‘The combination of high strength and ‘conductivity suggests the ase engine Docks, Brana drums, and micins, OG! gear plates have replaced eh pressure gaer pumps bacatse ofthe ron's Eby (0 inaintain dimensional stabity at pressures above 1,500 ps. Maileabie iron atsable one whuta ton that has bean converted by & teo-stage heat treatment Resulting propertios are opposite from hose ofthe white con rom which fs de red Rather nen boing herd and brit is fraileable and easly machined Malieabtc iron typically contains 2:20 to 2.65% 6, 0.90 0 1.10% Mn, 1.00 0 2.109% 51,0.07100.1295, and0.05t00.12%6P. The fatoy i usualy cast rom an seidmaltofsteo! Serap. 0 on, anid rotrns from previous Makesbie von afters trom other cast irons inthe shape othe contained graphite, tenich exisis as tener carbon nodules (compared with grepivte fakes in gray ron fr true carbon spheroids in ductile ren. Malicabie kon. -omponents that require ts impact and fatigue resistance, twour resistanco, end good machinebility. Malleable-tron sastings generally & Sighty lass than aucne-ron castings. “Tho three bas rete, pe (Graces are more machinablo and ductile, tinerens the pearsic grades are stronger tnd harder. Gonoraly, the martensitic ‘graces are grouped! with the peafitic male fats: they might be thoughtof as extensions {atthe fegher-stvangih end ofthe ange) of pearitomalacdis cr pes of malioable iron nsherp contrast frre malienble on, mone merostveture is free from com> bined carbon, pearine malleable iten con tains from 0-40 0.9% carbon in the com bined form, Since this constituent ean be transformed rewly into te hardest form of ‘ombined carbon by a simple heating and Quenching testment, pearlitic malleable iton castings can be seloctvely hardened. ‘Dopih of hardening = controied by the rate ‘f heat input, time at tomporature, and quonching rat eat-treating can produce Shirtaee hardloess io about Rockwell C60, c ‘on sestingsareoftenusesfor heavy duty veering surfaces in auto~ nodes, ticks, ralraad roling stock, and farm and constrsction machinery. Pesviic ‘grades are highly woar resistant, with har nesses ranging row 152 to over 300 Bho, Applleations are its, nowever, 0 rela tively thin-sectioned castings because of { | } | | the high shrirkage raio and the need for rapid cooling to produce white ron The carbon in ail mallesbie irons helps retain and sore lubricants and, in extenne- woar service, the peariti: maleate ron Surface wears avay in harmioss, micron ‘sizeparicies, which aro lass damaging tian ‘other tyes of fon paricios. The porous ‘malleable-icon surface tra abracive de bri that accumulates batwoen boaring Sur faces, Gall streaks can form on maeable iron but galing does not usunty progress High-alloy irons 4, High-alioy rons are cust, gray, o° white ‘rons that contain 2 to ‘Contant. Propertio: of wes irons, which are usualy produced by specslized touncrios aro signiticantyaitierant trom those of the Lunalloyed irons. These irons are ususty Speci by chemical composition as well {a8 by mechanical proparnes, |Whito igh-lloy irons costaining nickel {and chromium dovsio 2 microstructure with @ martensite matrix around primary chromium cartices. This sivucture provioes ‘ayeryhigh harcngss with extrome wear and abrasion resistance. Kigh chromium icons Atyplally, containing about 18%), combine ‘wear and oxidation resistance with tough= oss. fons contisring trom 1410249) ‘79 austenitic; they provide excelient cor rosion resistance for nonmagnetic appt cations. The 25% nical rons hava en ex ttemelylow costicientot thermal expansion ‘and aro also normEgnetis and corrosion resistant Carbon steel ‘tay wit sma arsounts ct other olemonis tatiare insarenty present. Stosls con ba tether cast to shape oF wr ious aiforms rom nich tnished pans 270 128d, or ath: Wrought stae! is fst sitner pourad into Ingots oF is stranc-east Arter soltication thomotalisrenestes end hot road into the fished, wrought form. Hut~olled steal is jac surface and a characterized by 2 ecarourized ekin. Ho subsequently 1 shot basting to remove se Cold-drawing through a die and re Straightening foimeros vurluce oropertes landsvengtn 2” forelaser 9.28 cent! Also, hot-rolled steet may be cold finished by flements influences hardness, machin. meta-removal processes such asturningot ability, corrosion resistance, tensile grinding. Wrought steel can be sub- strangtn, deoxidation of the soliitying ‘Sequontly heat treated to improve machin- metal, and microstructure of the solid ablityorto adjust mechanical properties. meta Cast steels are pouredtonear tinal shape In sand molds. The castings are then neat lweated to specified properties and mi chined to required dimensions, Carton stesle may be specified to any of the following: chemical composition, nical properties, method of de ‘oxidation, and thermal treatment (and re- ng microstructure) Composition: Wrought steals are most chon specified by composition. Although no Single element controls the characteristics of a stool, the combined effect of several Predicting fatigue behavior Carbon is the principal harganing anc strengthening element in steel. As carbon content increases, hardness and strength increase and weldabilty and ductity de- crease. For plain carbon steels, abou 0.20 00.25% C provides the best machinabity, Above and below this level, machinabily's ‘generally lower for hot roied steels, AA series of standard wrough steel com: positions (for both carbon and acy stoeis) ts designated by an AISI or SAE four-dgt code the last wo digits of whichincicate the nominal carbon content. The carbor-stee grades ar peal Miser e A ndicate tha the endurance 40% 10 BOM at he tna poked at 1eyoies consspening io a tavcue strength 60.31 {tna aed thet preximarey pret ot ‘specttun-basod soley on the static variable 6, “Torelate ths curva fo reste design concitions, ‘ature recoctin eet te acoowrt f ad mean Sires4, corrosion sven ‘he eatin ‘quasi os thareabtte peal cine on 8, béconion, 5.~ 0.5). The foutng ia Both he raat etd apo voted yp ik-ete thown Hotmeas vena nee MateraaReterrcelenwe 13 Design refresher on smell ing, Superior'sincluded. is ‘sold through distnbutors. Its an efficient ‘way 10 operate for everyone concerned. However, tubing stocks can quickly be- ‘come complex. Wall thickness options alone make “complete stocks” virtually imy ble, This is why 80% of tubing sold is nor from warehouse stock, So ifthe tubing you need is unavailable locally, remember that the mill i as close as your phone. And we don't mean just for {xotic materials or long runs. We mean as Inte as 100 feet if need be. Ways to boost tubing strength Tensile, yield, hardness, ductility are major design considerations with small wubing They are elso potential routes to over-design Tike going to a heavier wall or different analysis fo get higher tensile. “The tensile strength of most tubing can be raised by cold working, and the strength ‘ofsome metals can also be increased by heat treatment. With Nicke! 200, for example, it jumps from 80,000 psi for soft annealed 10 100-1 30,000 pai for full hard drasin, = ey area] wes oe afe[ oF [|e ame ope] o ke ewe oF sf 7 | at hele Fig tc of heat erm on verdes (rodeo er Soper Tobe Typ propercy ot ‘om temoererre Fig. 1 examines the effects of heat treat, specifically, on several alloys available from Superior. Effects of subsequent cold draw- ing.can be stated more generally: the greater the reduction to finished size, the higher the tensile yield and hardness but the less duct Obviously then, wehave two significant ways to boos tubing strength — heat teat and cold working, Another, more sophisti= ated way — one that can increase faigue life as much as five times — isto induce compressive stessson the OD by peening Tn each instance, the design implications include savings in weight bulk and utimate Coping with extreme temperature environments “Tubing that is eminendy satisfactory at room temperature (Wo 25°F) may prove & esign ditster al elevated of cryogenic temperatures Soler review the state o the a For high-temperature service o 1200°F, the material of choices probably one ofthe austenitic stainless stels, They offer excel- lent oxidation and corrosion esisiance, alongwith adequate strength, Also app ‘able are several titanium alloys. crn ere Steere Saeaae — | = ee el = srs = = | Sees z) & | & : e | & : e | s s s | & ie 3s | flees ine| ws = ee om” | 09 Fig. Note lowar ratings for imtermivent ser. "Ws in becouse thous onder tbr do form oot {otro the same manner othe snorted mel AAs you move to higher temperatures 1200? to 1650°F — the stainless stecls go along for awhile especially in terms of oxi dation resistance (Fig. 2). But they begin to falter when it comes to such increasingly pertinent strength considerations as stress rupture. Here the high-nickel, nickel-base and cobalt-base super alloys begin to tke ‘over (Fig. 3), Request our Super Alloy Bulletin No. 72 Above 1650°R, you begin to get into ‘more exotic materials — nickel or cobalt ‘based alloys; columbium, tantalum, moly, vanadium, And in certain instances, these and other materials may requite a protec- tive atmosphere or coating. Consult Sui ‘ior who has the technology needed here lots woud rk overs endetion evan, St dove pectonmance toma of tee pre Atlow temperatures, wateh for bitte ress As you drop down into the cry- ‘ogenic range, the properties of metal change once again Teese, yield and hardness tity and love tures appronch the critical ductile-to-britde fracture range. Those phenomena —- for 304 stainless specifically -- are depicted in Fig. 4. They are shown in tabular form, for some of the other 300 grades, in Fig. 5. erin etn acai peace saae fg Note mani ann nia dang (70 forearm oreES ‘e| | wo] & 1 wf} ie] | S| om ™ 2 mt 8 Ey * ® * Fa. § tramp of ‘which eer druvobie cre thorn lubing metallurgy {FI selocting small tubing for cryogenic ser- 1 vice itis essential, thereloce than its ductle- ' to-brite transition point be well below | proposed operating temperature. For ex- | ample, 400 series and precipisation harden- > ing stzinless steels would be risky below LS, t Generally the tubing materials indicated for cryogenic environments are the 300 © setes stainless stcels, nickel allows and eer- © tain carbon and alloy steels, Applications typically involve a fiquefidl gis — say liquid nitrogen (-320°F), Additionally, in certain aeros ace app (ations the material must also remain non © magnetic and exhibit bigh etoctrival cos ‘ity at low temperatures ible still “retaining strength. Certain of se high-nickel loys (Monel, fnconel*) possess this un {sual combination of propertis, ‘esa alloy such a 316 oe 317 sans, Intergranular corrosion. Ocursin 304 and 316 sinni above 800°F hen elevated temperate ‘ue eartonto dil ts gran toundaroe Mn Sized by ation of tan and columbiom alloying constivens ot ty ing ow carbon eae Forming and machining considerations Moxt small tubing is subject to “secondary operations” Here are three of the most common, along with comments: ing. Do nt aterp o fare har materials ‘eanncaed or onceighih tard bing Also cut ‘wiv on a lathe spose, 1o.e agare cg re ef elmuate all OD aa TD buts ‘nde stempuing hr operations ending. Minima bending radia bows in Fig fo g0 tghich, we filer to avoid wall lagu or wrating é 1 7-ano exo nns “The corrosion protien _____ Bromine on ‘FAtmostevery meteors ioscmeentent, “Wome ry = Bltthereare many tubing wraiysesthatcan “Fax oo i iminate potential mechanic! Fate from cae i a : fe ear 3 i - Bios arom and aliey steels: Stamless sec are pect = iy more demanding Const eur i cesing = ing Sl ea std wed Tous ras ete actuary oo Sen 12 yd 108) id \ ‘ad Ai Soa Bee | sae ae ‘mine | 3 | k timo i re sm | oS ages About availability and i ay Solerances The most common way to 1 ‘tubing corrosion problems isto substtote a ‘hore highly alloyed maiciial Evertvall. of outed to 2 trade on ial ve feplacement cost Howser. ure are teee Specie eeerosion probes an! thes Fer corrosion, Occas hia otros ack ‘Guncdes wat stew a the pon ales Sow icine modi eee and St eving 9 erp oop 8 pe Superior offers over 100 analyses — in carbon and alloy steel, stainless, nickel and fickel alloys, copper-base, glass sealing, rwactives, refractones. Most are available from 012-in. through 1.125.in. OD. Cer- tain stainless aod nickel alloys are available fo 2.50040, OD with resriged wall thick- Standard commercial tolerances are shown in Fig. 9. When required, Superior ‘can hold to far tighter tolerances — half ‘commercial one-third up to the very lierits of the art, We can ako provide microinch surface nish levels to ASA 16 through 250. hoxein pm rt Sas Wee nant atc m0 ‘oo oe aoa = ots pe mes ae | Fig 9 Commerc tolerance for ened bing Pound Surface finishes Various surface finishes on OD and ID are available depending upon size, reductions, and in some cases, materials. Special pro cessing techniques frequently allow {6 max- imum RMS ID finishes t0 be obiained. Consult the mill with your requirements New materials on the scene Materials being evaluated by Superior as ‘candidates for small tubing markets are ‘Titanium 18.3 — shea damm alloy sernfce awit appistions Tiasivm GAL — space foc! ns Alloy 20-4C — bigh panty frit ui Comlenertbing Alloy 2206 —- a duplex sles Oil and as Fated applications ‘Alloy MA9S6-— wow ion based mechorivaly Alloyed powder meaorgy: product icra cre. Custom 485 — WELDRAWN grade of arg ing sel Comesionresan, hghsteag ‘orl appatons Alloy 16:6 PHL marine prpiaton han hing ames scl High settee Ssan apptcanom, Alley 690 — so shane strengthen thy. Scam genrton ironic $0 nitrogen sabe ait 0 [es Stengh and coon rea ‘Alloy MP3SN — the ultimate in svcr and orion resiane. For madcal $n Sra) Tubing in Coll Form — sandard suites yao. and Allo §28 and “Alloy C276 ae ssi ing ca fro wel astrametaton ene Free information and Selection Guide available ‘Our free Bulletin 46 covers materials, characteristics, ize ranges, and applications for ‘overa hundred different anal- yses. Write or call ©) Superior Tube 94,21) @9 5200 Tube: Lowangees A004 esuiturized ‘Yaxx: Resullurized and rephosphotized ‘51x: Nonresulluized, Mn ovOr 1.0% ‘Theletter"L” betwoen the second and tra digits ndicates aleadec steel, "B"incicates boron stew. ‘The cast carbon stools are usualy speci fied by grade, such a8 A, B, or C. The A {rade (also LGA, WCA, AN, AQ. ete} con- tains 0.25% @ and 0.70% Mn maximum B-grade steels contain 0.30% C and 1.00% 8 Macnnaity Range 5 5 Mn, and the C-grade steois contain 0.25% 6 ‘and 1.20% Mn. These carbon and mai ‘Ganese contents are designed to provide Good strength, toughness, and weidabiity Gast carton stools are specified in ASTM AZT, A216, A352, oF A487. Mechanical properties: Cast and wrought products Intended for strucoral ‘ppications where forming and machining isnot extensive are sometimes specified 0 ‘meet specific mechanical requirements When steels are specified by mechanical properties only, the producer's free to 2¢- steel (within its) 10 ee ‘Typical mechanical properties of free-machinining carbon steels Typical physical properties of carbon stee!s eee ‘Meriva temper 102007 ares ‘Thermal conduct ty eae?) a enaty 0" om locricaresiaite on Y anebe 77627502775 eoea a 028s 1518) ‘Typical mechanical properties of cast steuctural-grade “nate enh oe 6 ‘els poet 1 Be 2 Boapatenn2n is) | 0 Hardness, 9 wr Impact etenat ‘norpyeh ey AI7OFF ns ae a, Endurence i108) Uneatnas » 2 Need Machinabilty ratings of cold-drawn carbon steels vara 289 1997, 1198, 1199- Hot cold Hot Cold Mot Cold and rated Grown rolled crawn rolled drawn tempore cor SET a oe a eae ee we ‘Tena strong 10 9) 57 705) 5515 G76 OO7B 89.13 engation nai pri) a ieilgew sem oe Macnnabiny(1703fpmn = 100%) 136205114168 82106 oredontato vein bare Single values are minimum properties. ‘Quenched and tempe'er a 60°F ~ Oi quenenedt and tempered at 400°F, average prorarties 16 Machina Design / Apr 17, Y086, Typical mechanical properties of rolled and drawn carbon steels 1018, 100,102 ——_ ——— 1006, 1049-——— 1085, 1050 ——— 3088. ‘Quenched ‘Quonehed ‘Cold drewn, Quencheg ot ole Anneaied Wot Cold and Hal Cold and. Hot annaeied” and rolled dew yy ol niiomboying hse Wa Hovrcatogoryolteraing p3atisnad oon goatanain pe bedives a caccon ents minuto quanto of ements -~ uses than courage obtain the requsred properties. Properties ‘may vary with cross section and part siz Mechanical tests aie usuelly epeciieg under one of two conditions: mechanical {estrequicemoats and no cherie its on any element, oF mechanical tact raquire- ‘ments and chemical mis on one or more ements, provided tha! such requirements a tochnolagically compete. Method of daoxidation: Moen steolcon- tains dissolved oxygen—an important ela- ‘ment the stool-making raacion. Haw tis ‘oxygen is removed oF atone to escape as the metal soles determines some of the ‘ropertis ofthe steo!, So in many case, "method of ceoxission” is specinad in ition to AISI and SAE chamical compo- ‘tons, For “kod steals, stoments such as al mnnumand sligon my be ddd to combine hamicaiy with tho oxygen, removing most St from the iquid sige: Killed stents are hten spectied for hot forging, car>uaizing, and other processes or applications where maximum uniformity \s required. in shoet Steel, aging is controled by Kili ty Wh aluminum, Steels ictended for use in the us-castcondiion ar aivays Kies On the other nana, tr rimmed stls ‘ygen (nthe form ef car8on moncxie) ‘rhea ish ought he seston Brocess, The outer sho rimmed stools i Bact res rom c3'b20 4nd very 19, Pinas seats ao ion species tor btorming apptesions is! banal trom fe duckie, lower-carbon surtace tay Renimad stools are vsusily svaincia in 0 wih igs ti 0255 ¢ and D0 Ma. Sagragaten—e roruntorm variation (1800"F) coneemonstcatvon ened Beat In intornal characteristics and composition {hat results whan various alloying elements recistibute themselves curing sokhlica- tion —may be pronouncedin rimmed steels, soTmece stools are usualy not specified for ht forging or for applications requiring uni- form "Capped" and“som:-kiled” steals tal be- ‘ween tha rimmed and killed stoois in behav \ot, properties, and degree of oxidation and segregation. Capped steels, for exempo, | skin, For other cole-forming appii- tions, such as cold extrusion. kiled steals Microstructure: The microstructure of carbon and ally steels In the as-roled oF as-cast condition ganerally consis offer rte and pearite. This basie structure can be. ‘ahered significantly by various hoat treat. ‘ments oF by roling techniques. A spher- ‘idized annealed structure would consist of spheroids of iron and alloy carbides dis- ‘persed ina ferite matrix for low harcooss ‘and maximum ductilty, ag mightbe required {or cols-orming operations. Quenching and tempering provide the aptimum com= bination of mechanical properties and toughness obtainable from steel. Grain size ‘can also be an important aspect ofthe mi- crostructure. Toughness of fine-grained stools is generally graster than that of coarse-grained teste Free-machining steele: Sovora roe-ma- chining carbon steals ae avaiabie as cast- ings and as hot-olled or cole-ravin Bar stock and plate. Machinabitty n steels is Improvedin soveral ways, including: 1. Adi lion of elamants to the stost such as tad (the “ieacea” stools such as 12113 and 12114), phosphorus and suifur (the “7e- DPhosphorized resufurized” stools such as 1211, 1212, oF 1219), sulfur (ihe "ree sulfrized only” stools Such as 1117, 1131 0F 1918), and, telurum, selenium, and be ‘muth (the super" fre-machining sieois:2 (oid tmishing: 3. Reducing the level of ra- sidual stress (usually by a stress-releving heat treatment), and 4. Adjusting moro” structure to optimize machinabity, ie sess narcomain a races amount righ snes Cas stots ao goneray Lepore lesion bees gl eaten ed reg pegs mea piie Alloy steel rchafie properice War rope tal i lech anaes: Camara apa a wake ip oan bry raped Ki gap Sane eer MECaMECouice. =, Alep jenna Goma nopea Seortceee ae a menue Gaga cecwtons nvaaianoece nine (hs michcas bn cwciginatiecse! San iano temsat ln mera Pe ieeiinr a bs chuegtc. Coreanneer wom emomin tee nn eee He er errors try Trrcorcnctonmng pranks: ch ay ngage See Va GM mc emiaec, mamaenremoarturcess: | coeabinn cnn cme eCitee econ BOLL Me cml wen Neo EO erp ema eee aie taeet recoe mt ok eas el ee oe cov mnaroutio shear, bancrtcree Beast tee cme aang oak aor och cots a dite baa boisaitot oun soos-non ws otiretg px atten te, 250 come peso kag tenprea pele pet hadnt fed tg ke mpetbrw gp lee Pap scies ae raphe tal Node pete prpeetge diego oo ouenci, — SOMINY TEST BARS OTE Te 2 ae 20 ae stance tom quenenadena ‘ony bar Bin) caine Typical mechanical properties of alloy stee!s —through-hardening grades —— 0" —auos7e0: ase: Normalized jected Qvenched uanches ‘venched Annealed Atemperect Annealed Stomperedt Annealed kiemperedt Annewiod & tamperedt aT a Tas pe aa Tae Tamale svengQh (0p) M2 MIT os asp OO DIS ag ETS LA ELE SNARE BS DT ‘ao: lea ‘These ay lets oe etter Seed or Mah ampertareapplcatons, so sreep Sata are mi ah: we, 20 Machine Design / Ap. 1988 ‘Typical mechanical properties of alloy steels—carburizing grades” 270 rae eae nee ey Annasiod Ceroureeot Annoaled Carbuizedt Anneaied 20 Te —— 2620 — avo Corpurest _ Aanesied — Curourized? mt a al deme a : Tate evenginF=0 owes Cena Ar a) ‘esi atrengin, Carty (40) a TEM RE RET Exeemnnen 0 Sen renal ° eat ie ‘Fepcie nets ts Sn ons Cap sion ce te laoreet eh en Fearne stoprentvamant tne oa ompemnann Onn app oc meas Minimum mechanical properties of cast low-alloy steels asTwOLASBIEATION — fae are Awe Me es RR Z ad Se Sees pee ia wor moat weno nee ieee tenon toes rontcined Notctced Nommatzed Nomattad QuenchedA Oveacudt Quinchedh Oienced Ninpecs_ticarees_Shopees_Simpret euoune enone ewe tno ieee et Seitooran co) ra oh ae agri ee ae oe = Seceestenei Se) @ Fc tion Rembeth. Garey At) a STEM LATTE Retpeendwance ti eaahasaeca (%E=) 2 = pti es ai. mw a“ aa ae oe seamegemanngs 3) i - my ‘are now available that are reported to dou- crease toughness: low service tempera: AISI designation systein ble or triple toot life and to provide improved ture, high loading rates, and stress concen: for alloy stee!s ‘surface finish. trations or residual stress. The general — - titers of nese tee condtions ae dus ‘oy Aroma There are few exact res for selcog ately iar, s0low-tamperatur inact fe ee Seat) ‘hrough-hardening or surtace-hardening tests (to ~ 50°F) ae useful for many ap0h- array Giedecctaioy sos. Inmostoases-eiial catorsesinacators cf tougest unde” & fox hast Sure oe fod tested to ealste the petox- vara of serves concttons an tempos FBR Seacsencomos fmanosfvrous sy tel fre Be Miewzonccowom wean Pans wih large secions—heavy for9- cee Se § oor 0025-045 ings for exampie-—are often made from ale FUlY neat ee 460% NIO.7O200: MoO 15.020 oy steels that have been vacuum degassed. baal Bible yor lack Samcieyl este 4X O91 2. Cr 0 35.0.56, aa . good combination of strength and tough- neo ion a taten sti, tose sl are Ress, orn a oom and ov Taree wx noma womon cla aparece 0; Gare must be ten in heat treament of oe eonen Rees Me neap eee. See certain alloy-steel grades, however, be- SKK CrO.70-1.15 pr cause toughness may be decreased sub- esi Conese is Stanly by tempor trenwss-—a 0:7 ot E00 Ci0b.ori 0) a Aioy steels are often specifiod when high 2h i eine nia.¥ 21018 strangtn is neoded in moderate-o-large ombrinvement developed BY sew costa BBX 940070; 079 0K 5 1s. Whether tensile or yield strengtn ew Se rinae © — uae 15 i isthe basis of design, thermally treated alloy "OldNGOr lempering inthis range. Pk“ Raaamcr04098 steais generally offer nigh strength-to- Be aehetes on ae er a edurng _Whenkaud aenenrais impacts as caer oeeoealty ahorewrniow sofurlen, ©4U860fN@ danger of racking or isorion em tae a i rary pre: 0% bacaune Ol oat, varous tv- ee 4 22 Macrina Design | Ap 7.1908 | I t Hardness ve approximate strength of alloy steo!2 —Hardnasa te mo Tora 810108 ato 94 ratte 18 Ya to BSegeeeeeER “Theva ates to secs hy narsovac blece beng Aeepereh most acca 3 sts wih O20 eaten hgher Typical physical properties of alloy steels “Decienes win rsoanng chia conan spscity minimum properties for ential ‘Structural, praseure-vesse), and nvelear2p- lations, Cast aloy steels ar clossiied by ASTM ‘pecifictions that reli the steel to the ‘mechanical proports aitained and the in- tended ervice condition. Chemical analys's 's secondary, There are ASTM spect cations for goneral ice such #5 AZ7 or A149 \whenmachanical proper are erica! For low-temperature serace, A252 of A757 lel, and for presse ‘Service, A217 oF A3E9 's rocommonced ‘shen anumber of properties are important ‘St¥other ASTM alloy siseisaroavalable for Special applications. Other specifications suchas SAE J435 aroused forcast steels in stomotive appications Tool stee! [ALTHOUGH too! steels are con thought of ‘8 belng used exclusively for tooting, the ‘tame propaties that quaity thom for tools nd dios also apply to other parts tnatre- ure resitance 10 wear, stabity curing beat westrent, strongth 21 high tempera Lures. oF toughness. Too! sieels are ine iaasingly Being spoctied for mechanical parts to reduc9 sizo or weight, oF to resist ‘wear or high-temperature shock ‘Tool steals aro metalurgicaly clean,’ highraloy steels that are meltodin eiatively ‘smal naats in electric furnaces and pro- ‘duced with careful attention to homo- ‘geneity, Thay ean be further refined by ar- ‘gon/oxygen decarburization (AOD), vacuum methods, or electrosiag refining (ESR), AB a rosult, tool steels are often specified for ential high-strength or wear resistant applications where uniform prop- erties are required from part to pert. Be {eauso of thor high alloy content, to! stesis ‘must be rolled oF forged with care to pro- duce satistactory Dar products, ‘Tool stools are sbvays heat-treated to de- woiop their Dest properties. Because the arts may distort during heat treatment, precision parts should be semitinished, heat-treated, then finished. Severe dis tortion is most thay to occur during tquic {Gueniching, £0 an alloy should be selectec ‘hat provides the needed mechanical prop erties with the least severe quench. ‘oo! steels are classified into several ‘broad groups. soma of which are further Givided Into subgroups according to aioy Composition, hardenabilty, or mechanicat simiaries. Water-nardening, or carbon, tot steels osignated Type W by AISI, rely solely on ‘cerbon content for their usetul properties. ‘Those steels are available as shallow, me- ‘ium, or deep hardening, s0 the specific ‘oy selected dapends on part cross sec ‘ion and required surtace and core hard- ‘Shock-esiating toot steels Type 8) are strong and tough, out they are not as wear fosistant as many other tool steals. These 20s are formulated to resist sudden and jopaated Woadings. Applications include ‘breumatic tooling parts, cisels, punches. hear blades, bolls, and springs subjected tomoderste Cold-work too} stoets, which include ci ‘and air-hardaning Types O, A. and D. ‘often mora eostly but can be quenched lass Grastically than water-nardening types ‘ype O steels are llhardening: Type A and D stoets are air hardening (he least severe ‘quonch), and are best suited for appl Cations auch as machine ways, brick mck liners, and fuelinjector nozzies. The air hardening types are spacifed for thin parts ‘oF parts with severe changes in cross sec: tion—parts that are prone to crack or distor. during hardening. Hardened parts trom these stools have a high surface hardness but should not be specified for service at ‘levated tomporatures. Hotwork steels (Type H) serve wel at slevated tomperatures. The tungsten ‘molybdenum high-aloy Hotwork steals are hes are subjected to service at 600 10 1.000°F [But although these alloys do not soon at these high temperatures, they should be nested Before and cooled siowiy ater Service to avord eracking. The chromium [grades of hot-work steels are less ex General characteristics of tool steels erdering “dapth Toughness ‘Woer ‘These data apply only to those toot steels vet ytd consistent and reliable \valuos: the data representa consensus ithe members of AISI Committee of “Too! Stee! Producers. Because many 1001 steels have bean developed tor ‘highly specialized appications, certain their mechanical properties exten Conaion® Seyonitecminangeoreapacty a Ampoatgteme" conventional test equipment and thus, ns € Sonnaersnjeciopesntin for yews Cre secclootsoatainan — ate Seencelpestornghiarcrane or ag era 58) Roa. ee Thon ne selec omental i es eer roen hardness test, Similarly, some tool ‘steals are so unpact-esistant that they speci mosninglese Charpy tastresults {hat cannot be reproduced. Atthis time, vaio mechanical ast data cannot be report for many tool steels pensive an the tungsten and molybdenum fprades. One ofthe chromium grades, 411, isused extensively for areratt parts such as primary ait frame structures, cargo-support [ge, catapulthooks, and alevon hinges. High-epeed tool stools —Types T (tung sten alloy and M (melyboenum alloy)— make good euting-tools because they re- Sist softening and maintain a sharp cutting f9dge at Pigh service temperatures. This Characteristic 's sometimes called "red hardness.” These deep-herdening toys are used for steady, rightoad conditions: Father than shock loads. Typical apo cations are pump vanes and parts for heavy-duty strapping machinery. Other grades, called special-purpose! 001 90s, include low-cost, Type L. lw-al- loy steals, often speci for machine parts when wear-resistance combined with toughness is important. Carbon-tungsten aiioys (ype F) are shallow-hardening and ‘weer resistant, Dut not suited for high ter peratures or for shock service. Type P mold sigels are designed specif caly for plasticnmolding and zine die-cast ing dies. Those steels are seldom used for ‘antooling components Many steel mits have formulated their ‘own special-purpose tool-stea alloys. Such ‘shoys may not match a specific AIS! desig rahon and mustbe specified by rade name. Speciarpurpose too! stgels may be sup rior to the standard gredes when used as Intended, but they should be specified oniy aitor careful evaluation of mechanical prop: rues, neat-treatbehavier andavalablityin ‘comparigon with the standare grades, 20 sthliontelal) tase oF tae "chaz Wich (ib) SSngnronpar ob auren wes erwin ‘Sogn spacers etamal ros sacorabe sac 1 atenerea rate rt ppc aryl tas so SSE Stainless siee! STAINLESS stools are iron-chromium al loys hat contain, by definition. aminimum ot 10.5% etwomium. Four major eategories of ‘wrought stainless steel, based on meta lurgieal structure, are austenitic, ferric, martensitic, and preciptation-nardening Cast stainless stoel grades are ganeraly ‘dosignated as ether heat-resistant or cor rosion-rosistant. ‘Austenitic wrought stainiess stoe! are classified in three groups: 1. The AIS! 200 ries essentially, alloys of ron-chromium: ‘ickal-manganese), 2. The AIS! $00 series {alloys of ron-chromium-nickal, and 8. Nr trogen-strengthened alloys. Carbon con~ ntfs usually fow (0.15% of less), and the ‘loys contain a minimum of 16% chromium ‘with sufficient nickel and manganese to pro- ‘ide an austonitc structure at al tamer {ures from the cryogenic region to tne mel Ing pointot the alloy. Nirogen-strengthened austenitic stain. tess steels are alloys of chromium-man anese-nitrogen: some grades also contain Fickel. Yield strengths of these alloys (an ‘healed are typically 50% higher than those Of the non-niirogen-bearing grades. They fre nonmagnetic and remain $0, even aftor severe cold working, Nitroger strength ot ike carbon, increases the too! But unine carbon, ito ‘combine sigraficantiy with ‘This com- bination, whion forms chromium carbide, Typical mechanical properties of tac! steels ort can secede cme or ee oi ac ee ae Pare is, | ee eae i ° reduces the strength and corrosion re- ‘otanceol analy. ntl eocanny, otaturgisis had dificulty ‘acing controled amounts ef nitrogen to an ‘iloy. The dovelopmant ofthe argon-oxygen Secarvurizaion (AOD) method nas made sible strength levels formerly un: less ays, ‘Tho austenitic stanioss steals are gener aly used where corrosion resistance and, toughness are primary requirements. Typ, ‘cal applicaione include sats, pumps. fos: terers, and piping in sea water and equip. ‘ment for processing chemicals, 100d, and dairy prods Fenritlc wrought alloye (the AIS! 400 80, as) contain hom 10.5 19 27% chromium. I ‘2ddtion, th uso of argon oxygen decars burization and vacuum induction melting has produced several now ferrite grader Including 18 Cr-2Mo, 18SA, 26Cr-1Mo, 29Cr-4Mo, and 28Cr-dMo-2NL Low in car! ben content, but ganeraly higher in chro, mourn than the eartensiic grades, these Steels cennot be harconed by heat tat, ‘ant ancl are oniy moderately hardened Oy ‘oid working, Fernie stainless stools an, magnetic snd retain their basic micro structure up to the reeting point if suticien, Gr ang Mo aro prasent. fp the annealed onaition, strength ofthese grades te ap, proximately 508% highor than thet cf carbo steels i ‘Te tortie sainioss stals are typical used whe maderete earrosion rsistanat Toquired and where toughness is not major need. They se also used where che ‘Typical properties of cast stainless steels ConnOsION RESISTANT GRADES (ci DESIGNATION) ————_— case coe Cea" Ora cHao! | CO F “- NEAT-RESISTANT GRADES (ACI DESIGNATION ———————— royce beret aa aaa TE gQUIVALENT AISIGRADES? Groep song 0001 110 Pires, 1400°F ‘coils wroughtgeades are gen ft comoaritan oy tha ACI designations, gary Treuduain ATLA? ond AOS around aspect ne eat stresses Motes Retrence aeue rs CARPENTER TECHNOLOGY CARPENTER STEEL DIVISION + READING. PA 19509 (Check tis listing for atlays that may be most pertinent to your needs. Then use the reader response nurivers to snd for additional information ‘and technical details. Or, ask us about our othar specialty metals, tool steal. Olfes superior wear resistance to @axecH} anny eee Extrusion of brass, eopper, steel and stainless ‘ vl otk ens Inrowed wear restonce | ste pats Thermowear” | ions long exr runs efor too dressing is 61 Alloy | Seeded: Can hip ore beter contol of pat dimen | eer temmaent Pyrowear” | is soniy did catwing soy sed | Gee pein in emp aris Alloy 53 4 properties in high temperature applications. It provides: ments, such 2s gear boxes for aircraft turbo 62 Noy high inpactsiength end fracture toughness. charged engines, icating esa Snot coving | De cxig vu | Wis Eanbls esteme toughness and god re 883 PLUS™ | farness Clee impcoved slope properties fr 63 Moy frente: vntrmiy and better strctral neg fi be Leried fo ADH Speciation 01 83.020 f dnd to Ciyser Corporation NP2OD. pecscmmmamnncns nnn © ‘Anicket:molybdenum-iron alloy. Capable of being heat Toroids in the manufacture of core components. on fated chow very hil permesbes, mas 64 rs arte cv ae ew Pa 3 ti fx deste, =| Z hcp aoe cae SS Hiperco” ttn miatanond tie Say spy Hipucn S08" far tanlomer laminations pee oe a tape toraidsHipereo "0B" Tor hat | © 4 508" loys Speed pier machines oi ian sty, Has been used for solenoid | Solenoid cares that are machined to shape 8 fc eae component incor on CS wor ‘camer Goats coroson om atosphete sh 66 a ae, aes, como Oevetagt, ay pods ‘Ss 1 sonmagnetc, ickel-enbalt-chromium-molybdenum y. Has unique bend of properties: strength to 300 Fastener stock and components in medical marine oil and gas wel, chemical, foo pro 2 sapagnet | teres duchy, toughoes, exelent caroson | —esng and nonmagnetic electical produ a. gine as esa ed temperatures up 1 7507 a (Aon the mov ordened plus aged cain. staged Inde ot 3 eng a - sudatonandcorsin etal precpitatin hard Sou gas andl wel application and otter ce sa eet hacker an unset combeaton ot | demanding tuations, induding hardware is c corrogon resistance and strength to temperature 2s ‘coal gasification units. 68 i high as 1500°F (616°C). Has shown good resistance to = Stu eno such stove encountered in d2ep 5 Sout psandol wel A high suena, precitationhardenate superatoy | _Applicabons such as gs turbine engine compo : 1 ey fotaen ol thermal exganson win | nei, ol work de appear, orsnace tes ee amperes to OOF (0°) Hos | hardare seam tre Dade ene BOCs. | GQ b high tint hardness and good thermal fatigue resistance. ings, rocket thrust chambers and die-casting a Cla ores 0 Ppt CTCL, Bt has 2 ae = cts eanigtieingior bat sty | Gas tne vols, mie aphaen vies, Ae yest temperatures Pres | sping. one dl bs, and eat aves 70 food resistance to oxidation and eorosion faragetic in the work hardened condition ais og high temperature Bearing st iWeat resistant. Has high nts high Rarcness levels at variety of bearing applications anc seaming n ep SPECIALTY METALS. They're only HERE ARE 22 CARPENTER GRADES DESIGNED TO ‘The crasssection of Carpenter grades described below are typical exam- theyre just part of our selection. You ean choose from over 450 grades of? ples of aur special application products. They were developed in response Carpenter specialty steels, e2ch one offering distinct performance advan | {o specific customer requirements..perhaps very similar to yours. And tages fora particular application, i Dae Lau SUL} 2, cables, chains, boat superior to conventional chromium-manganese stain Tess for many cil and gas wll diling applications. Stainless This nitrogen-strengthened, austenitic atte ay Pumps, valves and fi C-I3Ni- | rovies Deter consi restance than Type 316, shafing a pte eget tough, corsion esistant alo. texts good lon ‘ave pat, iting, cold headed and rachined PH 13.8Moe | fia and rarsrese popes in ae Scions, Fasteners, staf, lending gear pars, arrtt lus good toughness. Has good fabrication characteris ana clear reactor componenis, and pete | SY Stainless tics Can be agefardened by a low temperature Chemical appicetions requing resistance to | treatment tegstee Tademaholten stresscorgson cracking i ‘A macerstic precipitation hardening stainless stel Purp impels, shafts, vale bodies, fitings, sp | Hasa coasionresstancecomparble to that of Type ‘oe and eer process equipment components Custom 450® | 304. Can have a yield strength of 100,000 psi in the 52 Stainless ¥mesiesconiton. roger Heat reatment develops © ie strength of 175.000 pin one stp, Can be ma hind, Pot worked cold formed and welded af |Our ighest strength, highest harness martensite Valve stems, sas components cetaring rings ainless anca Wesdly machin ged Ga word | il ecactunmasmicmtcins | mech erases 3 200-3° | lotartearodens ncuing at sun soa Vie | pling equpner, pons sats tots we | gal Tl Stainless ally immune to stiess-corosion cracking. Weldabe, Stems, fitings and fastene's. | e sachin ancl orale | ae | 2 An austenitic staness see designed for harsh acid Heat exchangers. piping, mining tars, pcg 2 ervironments with 2 moderate level ot cries that bhasphoric te Moe Gan lend fe iting 9n6 crevice eoranon. Viral 55 st Stainless ‘immune to chlotide stress-cortosion cracking, Available = in tubing, pipe, sheet and plat. else = a A hardenale martensitic stainiess seek. Provides a Sel ling fatness, fod processing eauip- “ TrimRite” ‘moderately high level of corrosion resistance, with po: ‘ment, valve parts, gauges, guides, shaftin, | Stainless tential for hardness upto Re 51, good cold fomabiity conser chin instruments a6 ooting mails. and ease of heat eatrent : combining sess corrosion caching resistance, high SCF-19® Serpe tal lod eae par oeiy ass any 57, Alloy tests and intial onto tess indicate ths ally to be i j ‘ | A ule sais ante ay wth suet et | Hea xoryer ptm rn, pete 5 | acetointeranlr conor, ptingeMonde sess | chum chemi, pup and paper, a ae 7-Mo PLUS? | Soros ekg and mines afk on welded | pos 58, Stainless Seams. Has moe than twice the annealed yield | Sten of pia este stainless sels | ue Conbnes Meh sven ond tugmes ovr a wide | Yes and pus rate ites ad fst ' ickel temperature rang. with exalt resstance to many |e. chameal pressing equipment, eaalie | gal SPP Nickel.Coppery core conden partly m marine and cher ium sits, | SS ES oy 400 | lone nnn ey ee : festwater | sa Strengthened 18 woking Equal to "Monel 400 feats, ee i Sa (registered trademark of Huntington Alloy) i Nickel-Copper| tree mchicing grade wth characteristics denial to Miloy 405, ‘alloy 400. 6t ‘ide stress-corrosion cracking may bo a problem because thoy have nigh resistance to this type of corrosion failure. in heavy sections, achieving sufficient toughness I= dificult with the nigher-alloyed territic ‘graces. Typical appications include auto- ‘motive trim and exhaust systoms anc hea transter equipment for the chemical and petrochemical industries ‘Martensitc stools are alsointhe iS! 400 series, These wrought, higher-carbon ‘steels contain from 1145 to 189% chromium and may havo sma quantives of addtional toying elements. They are magnetic, ean be hardoned by heat treatment, and have high strengin ang mocecate toughness in the hardenod-and-tempered concition, Typical properties of wrought stainless steels Yield Terao Elon Impact strength Crocpsty Thermaleond Coat suengm strength gation 0000 Se2i2F thermalexp ——pesianarion—— “Torr ore tee Torr Tor anor Gu eat Aisierce. uns (pay 10%) * ew) (ps) MEF) nF) TusTENTC GARDES 32 s PSR 92 SOARS ad NITROGEN STRENGTHENED GRades ‘SARIN ICR SEO 10 2 Sc 21C-e avn ico oe 7 Z2ce Rasa Nore i306) 8 ce SSSR SMe ae 2 ro RN SO at ss ts aera « “ue, seas00 40 ° ‘sci aur Sia 7540, RMR 1 : Sen Cue coe) 7s S RaRESRORNRE MR TS “6 ‘41600 . 4160 i caer ale, NE ARBRE TIATORS =. woe ‘se004 IS ee coe ‘Shupy Voth or 1? cyoos,consion 0 FT AGAIN? Fer WPycos aged “For 15% 0c, condition OED. Sabired lw oleratal eee, stp) Preemectining bse ‘Note: Unies hari cca, ata are for annealed ought bar Properties of eran my ary cmt 28 Mactine Design / Ap. 1988 ] Feiming shoe be done inthe srnssied The marten staiees sto reused srucu'al pens, and wronecomponents | Sootn Martens sores sols we wore ang andor arches are ieee ressanttocovoocn thn the assur. aryooncemand where bt ereonmertis eciptalin-terdening states srs | Wear tonic grades Tus iypes--416 snd rtay mad rom a corosion slandpait develop very Ngh srengihivough «ow | ‘S20e nme beendovsioosaspectinly tor These loys retypcalyusedtorbeerngs, tamperaure heat Westra fut dors nt | gonlmachnabay. Imes, cuerymedealieuments,arratsigicanly ston pres prt Conca. sitions of most precipitation-hardening stainless steels are balanced to produce hardening By an aging treatment tages pons 10 palo cd cipitates hard, intermetalic eompounds and Mar caer Lewd Nawonic simultaneously tempers the martensi Galling resistance of stainless-steel pairs (unlubricated) autem ~ — asi yp0———_— ese ThebeginnngmerostructureotPHai0;= 6 yee ___ "Banat _aser_sr ence aos" awh _ateh Team" ooh__ austenite or martensite, The ase Te a EE SEE Taw lys muse thermally tested wo tenstorm 38 og @ 28 sp_tustontetomarenstebelore precptaion fie dete teaethactemntonelbcamses heroening canbe accompaned ets ar scares GOTREHETATIA? Those alloys are used where high Bo Poa 22 5 strength, maderale corrosion resistance, eR RENT BE and good favicabiy are required. Typical eae Sppicatons include shaféng. hgh-eres eee tae sure pumps, aireraft components, high temper springs, and fasteners. eee ee joavenaiumertlenian SSavoetione tna poveran, owes peinnsunieeenae Ss Sere aS eae ee Same escapee erates remewroreeee TT} | omnia Casig res ty os ‘the designation of simitar wrought alloys. 3211532100) a sit Frnib o e109] [Aciatnction, based on service empera- eae ‘ures made between heat-resistant ad | | | inh en % corrosion resin cast rae, The € oe Jets bonged nase ian ais ‘eect ACigradesdelgnatestne corrosion. eaiimatjontra con ease (seae [| ‘esitant stele eras designtos te TL sieesree0 heat-resistant steels, which cane used for en ae = | srt apptcatons a service tonper: ectes {ures peteeen 1200 and 2200°7 Cweon | Bes] anc nici conn ofthe trans stoys eon | Ese conser tiger en tose tne C mee $ series. H-series steels are not immune to Sek comrolon, bt By corrode sony ores So } | sen exposed to tel combuston procs eee Gr armonpneree prepared f° areneng = ad aiveing, Ceres grades ace sed moe 5) ‘eves.pumpa ond ing Vtemras grades sea reused tor timace pert and tubing sore "302 Se (S90323) pore ~ i 36s i er ee Se area |) stosis because these meters sor in soos ar wae |] manynarshonviconments. They oer opsr- aor eee aio, for example, at high temperatures. in 129 (80 fooa-contact applications, ano were ac 22054200) [| cassis ited Suchrestictons pewntihe rene [ -] uso ot icant, leading to motate~netal Shae t ontact—a eanditon tat promotes gating ones anconananee: 249 g4ea00) In asting wear situation, a galling faliure mode occur fst, fofowed by dimensional 1095 due to woar, which is, in turn, usually followed by corrosion. Gali is a severe form otachesive wear that shows up as tor ‘areas ofthe metal surface. Gating can be rninimized by decreasing contact stresses MaterasFaterenceissie 29 (oF by the use of protective surface layers ‘such as ubcicants (where acceptable) wold overlays, platings, and nitided oF carbu- ‘ize6 surtace treatments, Results of tests on stainless-stoo! cou- les (table) indicate the relatively poor gal- fing resistance of austenitic grades and ‘ven alloy 17-4 PH, despite its high hard ess. Among the standard grades, only AISI 418 and 440C performed wel. Good to ex- nents, The 9% Ni, 4% Co-alleys were designed to Provide high strength and toughness at oom temperature as wall a at moderately loveted tomporatures — to about B00°F Wolgabiity and fracture toughness aro 900d, but the alloys are susceptibie to hy. ‘drogen embritioment. These steels are Used in airrames, goars, and large acral pans. res HSLA steel THE FAMILY of steel alloys known a6 high- ‘strength fow-alloy (HSLA) steel was devel: (ped to improve strength-to-weight ratios ‘over thea of conventional low-carbon, stools. Gocause HSLA alloys are stronger, thay can be used in thinner sections, thus reducing weight of transportation equip. ‘ant. Genoraly, tho stronger a mater more it costs. and HSLA etaels are 10 ox. ‘option. Butthey provide considerably more strength than iow-carton stools with ony 8 ‘modest price pramium. They ere genaraly avaiable in all standara wrought forms al shapes, bar 1apes, and special shapos. HSLA stoels are typically low-carbon steels with up 1.8% manganese that are Typical mechanical properties of HSLA steeis ae Bnae Tian —— Semitecor contrat itec—improved Improved ‘corrosion Semvkiled ——_tommebany, reslotance —orklag ales ‘a0 020% onimun) Guts HSLA soon rors fesstnce dcarbon ste “Reduce by 50 “asiceow 4 Seeatarrot a (eapratay) cn zs SLA stems have mach higher trenath fontod as way Eo oon: ‘shapes such , Bulracertyoare eve re aeee ha ff somns of the Deut eet ghana sheetie au 0 reco ad arene Taaiocs winger ee oo tart with FF] concentionst roming P Vevaiy soot Deoiener ‘Seat Corp. rand Steet. LTY Steet Cor. 3. Steel Cor. Carlene aregeiedincure US Seal ontena Pa fai ha, es Tsim Aso pagsa ght ert tht — ASTw gPeciFICATION (rennet eng) xu AST sao sOKs) 270K) TOSS) Harovengh® —MgnSvenghG Hen sheng este Manganase Viele “ara Thiet racstele en xen Mayo 50 cocten pune 60 “slr sca cmpanis ae teaneodoprodion The Serves orblee ivan ssananre Bae Semaog ‘rhe Chander pee raveeaiha 2+ een icin Fartanawesaserang.cssvlues Wea Subtract Dor tckness O09 otows. strengthened by smal adations of alloying ‘elements, such as columbium, copper. va duo ttanium and somatimes by ¢90=81 rolling and cooling techniques. Improves: formabiity HSLA stasis contain additions Such @8 zirconium, calcium, oF rare-earth laments for sulide inclusion shape coo: trol, Because parts made trom HSLA stoeis cannnave thinner eros sections than equiv alent parts made from low-carbon sie corrosion ito the surface of an HSLA stee! can significantly reduce strength by de: creasing the toad-bearing cfoss section While adatone of elements suchas coppe'. silicon, nickel, chromium, and phosphorus can improve atmospheric corrosion re- sistance of these alloys, hey also increaso ‘cost. Galvanizing, zincrich coatings, and ‘other rust-preventve finishes can help o- tect HSLA-stee! parts from corrosion, ‘The grades known as “improve:-form- ablity” HSLA steols (sheet-stee! graces esignates ASTM A715, and plates 2es- nated ASTM A656) have yield strengths up 10 80,000 ps, yet cost only about 24% more ‘than atypia! 36,000-ps! piain-carbon stce! Because these alloys must compete with ‘other structural metals such as AIS! 1010 steel and aluminum. they must be a8 ne pensive as possible. However, formulating and roling a steel that meets this cost ro- quirement is not easy, and the finished product presents oftracectis. For ‘example. the increase in strength trom 35,000 10 80,000 psi may be accompanied by 2 80 to 40% loss in ductility in some graces, Improved-formabilty HSLA stools were evoloped primary for the automotive n> ‘ustry 0 replace low-carbon steel wth ner cross sections for reduced weight wt ‘utsacrifieing strength and dentresistance. ‘Typeal passenger-car applications inciude Ccoor-ntrusion beams, chassis members, ‘reinforcing and mounting brackets, steering ‘and suspension parts, bumpers, anc wheels. ‘Trucks, construction equipment, f-nigh- way vehicies, mining equipment, and other heavy-duty vehicles use HSLA sheets or plates for chassis components, buckets {grader biados, and structural members out- Side the body. For these applications sheets oF light-gage plates are species Structural forms (alloys from the famiy of 45,000 to $0,000-psi minimum yield strength HSLA stees) are speciied'n app cations such af off-shore of ang gas #35, ‘single-pole power-transmission towers, ‘airoad cars, and ship construction. SLA boar, wih minimum ylla strengths ranging rom 50,000 10 70.000 psi, are uses ‘n such equipment as powereranes, coment miners, fam machinery tucks, tae, 390 power-ransmission towers. Forming, i Nntsiseterenoelesve 31 ing, sawing, and other machining oper- favons on HSLA steels usualy equite 25 to 30% more power than do structural carbon ‘steels Most HSLA alloys are inherently airec- onally sensitive. For some grades, me- ial properties, especially formatiity 1d impact strongt, vary significantly de pencing on whether the materia is tested longitudinally oF tranavereely to the roiled direction. For example, bends paralieito the longitudinal direction are more apt to cause ‘racking around the outside, tonsion-bear- ‘ng surtaoe ofthe bend. This effect is more ronouncedin thick sheets. This directional ‘characteristic is substantially raduced in HSLA steals that have boon treated for sul ‘ice shape control. Ferrous P/M MOST metals can be fabricatod into fin- ished parts by the powder metallurgy (P/M) process, But those most commonly fabri- cated are iron-based alloys. Low-density iron P/M pants (5.8 to 6.0 gmcm, wit a typical tania strength of 16,000 psi, usually used in bearing applications. Cop er is commonly added to improve both ‘strength and besring properties. Alloy-stee! powders are often hotforged t0 high or nearly theocetical density o form parts with improved mechanical properties which, when heat-treated, may have tensile ‘angins to 170,000 ps ‘Strength of ron P/M or sintorediron-cop- or alloys may be varied by adjusting den- ‘sty, carbon content, copper content (up to 15%), o all rae to satisty specific design requiromonts. Each variable can be sd usta by the vendor to eatsy tolerances, ‘mechanical properties, and other require: ‘ments the part being made, Low-density PIM parts are used in bear- ing apoleations because they provide po: ‘osity for oll storage. Imoregnating sin- tered-metal bearings with oll usually liminates the need tor rlubrication. For increased strength, alloyed (tr ‘quently pre-alioyed Ny/MojFo) Iron, com. ppacted to a highar density, is used. Whon ‘carbonor other alloying elements are mixed ‘wath tho ron powders anc densities «xcoed {6.2 gmjom’, the parts are considered to be stool rather tan iron. As carbon contort is increased up to 1%, the strength ct ste! P/M parts increases, ust asthe stzength of wrought steel increases with highar carbon content ‘Seating of the potas in iron P/M parts ‘opens up adcitional applications, The seat ing materials used are copper, polyesters and anaerobics; each requires a citierent processing system toimpragnata the part, Impregnation of sintorod P/M parts 6 one for any of severatreasons: ‘© To sorve in press: ations '© To Improve surtace finish. (mpreg- ‘nated pars are patabie,) tight appil- Aithough high precision has ben ‘achieved in P/M parts for many years, their Typical properties of representative ferrous P/M compacts ‘anal arent =) eee =a FRLOBOA SELF rou ‘hose niady oy investments iacraie 90 ng. AN ‘ma teacs cp ona tai ‘hin- waved sections. Underbut nore ont anata ar AG Prodeed. ite Holding, 0, Au tine sevin srs eneray sa procogh | ‘evelopret hase wel tcegralPifycsu cata sais mace tseenines 6 ts vere canal of a as setes sovroutiag te sity. ior soa ‘woys good i ‘Spang otal Parts MeD-CARBON 2% MISTEEL ‘ld anc toni erangth ate aparoeimate th sara ora vente mates Fagan eng PA 2 Much Desgn / Ap 17.1385 plication was once restricted because of ‘mechanical property limitations. Now, how ver, mechanical properties can be in- _reasedin steel P/M parts by not forging in dosed cies. Properties of P/M parts forged 10 100% theoretical density in production conditions are claimed to be equal, and sometimes superior, to those of wrought steels of similar composttn. eal cancigates tor P/M forgings are rel- atively complex carbon o- fow-aliy staat ans required in large quantities. Avio- makers haw been among the first to use Imese ful-dense, precision-forged compo- en's in transmissions, acoessory mech. fansms, and engines, rbon enables stool P/M parts to be est-treated to increase hardness, tough 1088, wear resistance, and strength. The Aacsition af alloying elements in the krone powder mix further enhances the propertios theat-treated steel P/M parts, Ferrous P/M parts containing 0.3% or higher combined carbon can be quench hardened for nereesed strength and weer The P/M coding system ‘The Metal Powder industries Federation (MPIF)has established auniform ‘coding system for ferrous ane Nonferrous metas. The code begins with a prefix fettarsincleating major atoying constituents, followed by four ‘igi corresponding to chemical content, and ending with a two- igi ode thatindicates minimum yield strength for a6-sintared material ora two-sigitcode followed by “HT” inclcating minimum uiimate tensile. strength for heat-treated matorial. in ‘ertousaloys, the prefix begins with an F (oriron)fovlowed by the letter that designates the next major noncerbon alloying element. Unaioyed carbon steels and cons have only an Fin the reli Tha percentage ofthe major loying olementis designated the ‘irsttwo digits, and the percentage ot ‘etaiurgically combinedearzon is designated tha last two digits ‘8ccording othe following: Croom content code o eT eT 03008 % a greens: 00 i Stans stelis the excepton othe coding system. These aloys begin with the prefix 8, followed by standard Ait Stanest: steel designations inftrated soys begin wth anFX peti 34 Machine Dewar / Ast 17, 1966 ‘esistanea, Surtace hardnees values of 500 10 650 Knoop, which are tle hard, can bo ‘oblainad by quenching, Forrous pans also can be carburized by standard means other than liquid saa Low-density parts carburize throughout hile high-density parts devolop a cistinct carburized case. Very high sensity parts re ‘spond avorably to fused salt carbonitriging, Dut density must be high enough to prevent ‘sltebsorption into the pore structure. Ter pring for stress relief after quenching is also possibie, altiough ci! vapors gene ‘ates By quench olin the pore structure of P/M parts mustbe vented or dsperoed lron-based superalloys SUPERALLOYS are used primarily for ek vated-temperature applications. The iroa- Dased grades, which are lasa expensive ‘than cobeltor nickel-based superaioys, can A typict ow carbon, unaloyed PIM won 's designated F.£000 flowed by the strength code; for example, a2%-nchol ‘medium-cartion seals FN 0205 (pus stengtn cove), eng an ASI 410 ‘martensitic. high-density stainless stee would designated 88-410, Prefixietter code ‘Aluminum Cooper Bronze Nicks! siver Brase Motybsenurn Iron’ Copper iron or stot Nickeliren cr steet Infitcated iron or ste Prealloyes ferrous material except stants steel Prealloyed ferrous materia! lus elemental additions: Free graphite Manganese ‘Noval Lead Sticon Stainless stosl(preatloyes) Tn ‘Tanium Suttur Phosphorous Zine N

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