Camelotville Magic

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A note about Arthurian magics.

There are several Abilities listed that should by all

rights turn a person into an NPC or effectively kill them. This is completely wrong for good
storytelling magic. There’s always a way to defeat the witch or sorcerer. Since being turned
into a mouse or a toad doesn’t mean that you no longer can roll Values and Relationships,
your character is still perfectly viable! And since talking toads and mice are hardly out of place
in a magical tale, any transformed character can still talk, and make itself understood.
Perhaps to make it more clear… if you didn’t give in when the stakes were “death or
permanent transformation” then you can’t die or be permanently transformed!

Animal Friend
The Animal Friend has a mysterious, supernatural way with wild animals of all
types. Sometimes this means being able to communicate with animals or being “one of
the pack.” They might form a close enough bond to have a creature as a constant
companion. It’s not uncommon for those bonds to be so strong that the magician and
the animal share their pain and see through each other’s eyes. Roll the Ability’s die
whenever you deal with animals or when one of your animal friends helps you. Note that
these magics never work on any intelligent animals (such as most magical animals).
Effect: ​
Descriptors: ​
Magic, Ritual, Prop
Limits: ​
Eye Contact, Pain Transference, Psychic Feedback
Special Effects: Spend ​a Plot Point to…
∙ See through an animal’s eyes in another scene.
∙ Understand and talk with animals.
∙ Summon an animal that you can control.
∙ Recover an animal’s Angry, Afraid, or Insecure Stress.
∙ Calm an animal, or cause a ​
Stressed Out​ animal to become calm.
∙ ​
Stress Out​ an animal.

Banishing is used to send something from the Other Side back there. Most
magical creatures are subject to banishment. Banishment drives a creature away
from where it is now. A very powerful Banishment may drive the creature back to the
Other Side. Roll the Ability’s die whenever you are dealing with a creature of the
Other Side as threat or punishment.
Effect: ​
Descriptors: ​
Magic, Ritual, Prop
Limits: ​
Sight, True Name, Item of Significance
Special Effects: Spend ​ a Plot Point to…
∙​Reveal​ that you have granted another character or object the
INVULNERABILITY special ability for a scene through a previously placed
charm or ward.
the Mind Control ability against one magical creature for one scene.
∙ Remove a creature of magic from the scene.

Blessings provide a benefit for one person, or for everyone in the community for
whom a blessing is made. In such a case the "community" is the village, and everyone
receives appropriate benefits. These blessings are usually general and seasonal. A
pagan blessing rite usually involves specially prepared mistletoe and an animal
sacrifice, a Christian blessing rite uses holy water and sacred relics. Roll the Ability’s die
whenever you would invoke protection or warding on a village, or play off the ability to
do same.
Effect: ​
Descriptors: ​
Magic, Ritual, Prop
Limits: ​
Sight, True Name, Item of Significance
Special Effects: Spend ​ a Plot Point to…
∙ Recover ​
​ another character’s ​Angry, Afraid, ​
or ​
Insecure ​
Stress. (pick one
∙ Give another character a d6 useful detail (Luck) to spend at some future
∙ Ensure that a creature or place will prove healthy and fertile.
∙ Remove a bad luck curse on a creature or place.

A curse is magic which inflicts harm upon a person. The exact form of the curse
depends upon the source of the curse. Roll the Ability’s die whenever you would curse
or otherwise hex a village for misfortune.
Effect: ​
Descriptors: ​
Magic, Ritual, Prop
Limits: ​
Sight, True Name, Item of Significance
Special Effects: Spend ​ a Plot Point to…
∙ ​
Add​ a d6 to the Trouble Pool whenever your target rolls.
∙ Ensure that a creature or place will prove sickly and infertile.
∙ Disfigure a given person or place in a manner specified by you.
∙ Make a given person age 10 years in appearance and health.

Dispel allows a magician to cause the magic power to go back to the Other Side
before its natural duration.
This can be used to return a target to its natural state, to cause Glamour to
disappear, to cause a shapeshifter to return to her natural shape, and so on.
It cannot remove ​ permanent​ changes which were brought about through magic,
such as healing, rapid growth of crops, and so on. Dispel also cannot destroy or banish
a creature of magic, it is only effective on magical effects. Roll the Ability’s die whenever
you would engage in a contest to negate magical effects or influence, or where magical
effects and influence are active.
Effect: ​
Control,​ ​
Descriptors: ​
Magic, Ritual, Prop
Limits: ​
Sight, True Name, Item of Significance
Special Effects: Spend ​ a Plot Point to…
∙ Return a target to its original state, provided you know what that is.
∙ Destroy an ongoing magical effect.

Divination is communicating with a deity or other higher power. This can be
done with rough accuracy by knowing certain signs, the time of the year, and
so on. Some of the methods currently popular among the druids and
enchantresses are astrology (by the stars), ornithomancy (birds flights),
haruspancy (liver­reading), and cartomancy (use of cards, typically Tarot).
Among the Saxons, rune­casting is popular. The Cymri have a class of people
called Ovates who are professional Seers and diviners. They use many of​ ​
methods mentioned above. Roll the Ability’s die whenever your knowledge of
the future would come in handy, or when you would make predictions.
Effect: ​
Descriptors: ​
Magic, Ritual, Prop
Limits: ​
Sight, True Name, Item of Significance
Special Effects: Spend ​ a Plot Point to…
∙ Learn if the outcome of a future contest will be for or against you.
∙ ​
Spend​ two plot points to have the detailed answer to a specific question.

Divine Miracle
A miracle is any direct interaction by a deity, either Pagan or Monotheist, into
the affairs of the everyday, mundane world. The main difference between the
intervention between Christian and Pagans is a matter of form. Christians pray
to God for help, and accept what they get. The Christian miracles tend to be
efficient and humble. The enemy horde at the walls of the city, for instance,
turn and retreat without a further word or shot, and later it is discovered they all
had a disease. The healer passes through the city and the sickness is gone
after his prayers over the mayor and prostitutes.
The Pagan version accomplishes the same objective, but is more colorful,
even ostentatious. The Pagans ask their god to help in a specific manner,
use ​
calling for the deity to ​ or ​
her attributes to help ​ harm in a decisive, and
dramatic, way. In the same circumstances as above, the enemy army might be
rained upon by fire and storm. The healer would be accompanied by many
beautiful singing birds that bring fresh air and light to the sick in their houses.
Roll the Ability’s die whenever you’re in desperate straits and need a call from
above to help you out.
Effect: ​Attack, Movement, Control, Defense, Enhancement
Descriptors: ​
Magic, Ritual, Prop
Limits: ​
Sight, True Name, Item of Significance, True Faith, Worthy Behavior
Special Effects: Spend ​ a Plot Point to…
∙ Gain a single d8 useful detail.
∙ ​
Spend​ two plot points to gain a single 2d8 useful detail.
∙ ​
Spend​ three plot points to gain a single 3d8 useful detail.

Emotional magic is one of the main magics within the Celtic and Bardic
tradition. It allows the magician to dictate and create emotional responses to a
given person or event. When the magic fails, it commonly backlashes on the
magician casting the spell. Roll the Ability’s die whenever you would evoke an
emotional response in others, or sway opinions through emotion.
Effect: ​
Descriptors: ​
Magic, Ritual, Prop
Limits: ​
Potions, Music, Eye Contact, Hearing
Special Effects: Give ​
a Plot Point to your target* to…
∙ ​
Create​a permanent d6 relationship with another person.
∙ ​
Spend​Two plot points and temporarily rewrite the wording of any relationship or
resource the target has.
∙ ​
Make a room full of people feel a specific emotion for a scene.
∙ ​
Make a room full of people fall asleep.
∙ Make two targets in the same scene gain a temporary d8 relationship
towards each other with the words Love or Hate in it.

Enchantment (Mind Control)

You can control or influence other people’s minds (but not other magical creatures!)
without them realizing, although usually you’ll find it difficult to make them do things that
go against their deepest beliefs. Roll the Ability’s die when trying to coerce, seduce,
influence, or mislead someone. Mind Control is best when you are present in the same
scene; its effects may be overcome in later scenes by a Test, especially when your influence
is in conflict with the subject’s true convictions.
Effect: ​
Descriptors: ​ Magic, Ritual, Prop
Limits: ​Psychic Feedback, Eye Contact, Hearing
Special Effects: Give ​a Plot Point to your target* to…
∙ ​
Insert a post-hypnotic suggestion in your target to be acted upon later.
∙ ​
Erase a memory, such as a secret identity.
∙ ​
Insert false memories into a target.
∙ ​
Make a target into your stalwart defender without having to maintain control over
every action.
∙ Make a target oppose his friends without having to maintain control over
every action.
∙ Make a target gain a temporary d8 relationship with you, believing he
loves you.
*If the target successfully contests the effect before the compelled action is achieved, then no
plot point is spent or gained.

You can create images that others can see and hear and which seem very
real. This Ability’s die might help you when you’re trying to pull the wool over
somebody’s eyes, trick them with some sleight of hand, or create misdirection.
Effect: ​
Descriptors: ​ Magic, Ritual, Prop, Visual
Limits: ​Concentration, One Target
Special Effects: Spend ​ a Plot Point to…
∙ Create illusions so real that another character thinks they can be seen,
heard, smelled, and even touched.
∙ Completely change your appearance to all normal senses.
∙ Create illusions that appear for all characters in a scene.
∙ Create an illusion of a scene, changing the surroundings.
∙ Create an illusion pleasing enough to ​ Decrease ​ an Afraid or Insecure
Stress pool.
∙ Create an illusion scary enough to ​ Increase ​an Afraid or Insecure Stress
You can heal physical or mental trauma inflicted on others, sometimes with
just a touch. Curing physical wounds— Injured Stress—might end in you
getting the Stress in place of the Roll this Ability’s die in any situation that calls
upon your restorative talents.
Effect: ​Control
Descriptors: ​ Magic, Ritual, Prop
Limits: ​Emotional Trigger, Damage Transfer, Touch, Herbs, Potions, Salves
Special Effects: ​ Spend ​a Plot Point to…
∙ Recover ​
​ another character’s ​ Angry, Afraid, Exhausted, ​
or ​
Insecure ​
(pick one only)
∙ ​
Reduce​ another character’s Injured Stress to half its current value.
(round down)
∙ Spend ​ two​plot points to ​
Recover​ another character’s Injured Stress.
∙ Stave off a disease or other affliction, such as blindness, for a short
period of time.
∙ Identify and any poison or toxin in your subject’s body.
∙ Neutralize any poison or toxin that you have identified in your subject’s

Necromancy is the magic of dealing with dead spirits, ghosts, or reanimated
corpses. It is a dark power, with very little light in it. Perhaps that is the reason
why its lesser powers are respected and widespread, while its high magics are
shunned. Roll this die whenever you would deal with the dead for gain, or
know details that only the dead know.
Effect: ​ Control, Sensory
Descriptors: ​ Magic, Ritual, Prop
Limits: ​ Touch, Potions, Salves, Ritual
Special Effects: ​ Spend ​
a Plot Point to…
∙ Summon a random spirit of the dead, who will answer any one question
in full.
∙ ​
Reveal​that you have spoken with a spirit and gained information about
the current Contest.
∙ Summon and control an undead minion, as a d8 useful detail. Used on a
battlefield or graveyard, this can create undead armies.
∙ Summon a specific spirit of someone dead, and command it to answer
all questions until released. The spirit cannot answer questions it doesn’t know
the answer to.

Protection is an active defense against hostile magic. It is a barrier which
incoming magic must overcome. Roll this die whenever you are repelling or
countering the forces of magic to you or someone under your protection.
Effect: ​
Descriptors: ​ Magic, Ritual, Prop
Limits: ​
Touch, Potions, Salves, Ritual
Special Effects: ​Spend ​ a Plot Point to…
∙ ​
Give​ a plot point to your target to have the magical effect be negated.
The target may ​give​ you two plot points to negate this.
∙ ​
Give​ two plot points to your target to have the magical effect rebound
upon them. The target may ​ give​you four plot points to negate this.

Many shapeshifters are born with the ability to turn into another creature. Usually,
only one creature is possible. While in that animal form, the beast is recognizable as
being especially beautiful, elegant, fierce, or whatever trait is most appropriate for the
animal form worn.
While in animal shape, no clothing, equipment, etc. are transformed. Whenever a
shapeshifter returns to human shape, she is always naked. If her clothing is stolen and
hidden, it is the custom that she must marry the man who hid them and remain with him
until she finds her original clothing, whereupon she can escape if she wishes. The
shapeshifter has all the normal abilities of the animal she turns into. Roll this Ability die
when you’re trying to pass off your assumed shape or appearance as your own,
engaged in a fight where changing shape might help you out, or retaining your shape
while fatigued or hurt.
Effect: ​Enhancement, Movement
Descriptors: ​ Magic,​ ​
Potion, Imitation, Animal
Limits: ​Concentration, Scent, X­Rays
Special Effects: Spend ​ a Plot Point to…
∙ Change shape into an animal you know of. (In Arthurian legend,
shapeshifters know only one or two animal forms.) Common forms include:
Bear, Swan, Raven, Owl, Snake, Dragon, Lion, Panther, White Deer, and Dog.
∙ Evoke an emotional response (Awe, Wonder, or Fear ) in an onlooker
seeing your form as per the Emotion Ability listed above.
∙ Change into an animal of your choice for a scene.
∙ Change another into an animal form. Commonly mice or toads. Note,
those transformed into these forms can still talk and think!!

Summon Magical Creature


By making the right signs on the ground, calling upon the right deities and
powers, and preparing the right protections, it is possible to summon a
creature of the Other Side with this Ability. Roll this die in any contest dealing
with a creature of the Other Side.
Effect:​Attack, Defense, Movement
Descriptors: ​ Magic, Ritual, Prop
Limits: ​
Touch, Potions, Salves, Ritual
Special Effects: ​ Spend ​
a Plot Point to…
∙ Summon any type of magical creature into the ritual ground you have
prepared for it. The creature can be of any type, and may come from the Other
Side, or from the world around. This does not connote ​ control​of the creature.
For that, you must engage in a Contest to bargain with the creature or attempt
to control it with the Enchantment Ability listed above.

Transportation magic allows a person to move to another location unusually
fast, open ley lines, and even move from one place to another without going
through the space between! You can roll this Ability’s die into Tests and
Contests where teleporting and jaunting around might directly affect the
Effect: ​
Descriptors: ​ Portal, Magic, Mental, Quickness, Kinetic, Hypersonic
Limits: ​
Concentration, Slow, Mental, Unstoppable, Sonic Boom, Out of Touch
Special Effects: Spend ​ a Plot Point to…
∙ Join a scene or switch to a new scene regardless of distance.
∙ Quickly teleport away to escape from a scene.
∙ Take another character with you.
∙ Create a small portal capable of teleporting objects.
∙ Join a scene or switch to a new scene regardless of distance.
∙ Open a Ley Line to travel over otherwise impassable terrain — over
mountains, across water and steep gorges, and so forth, as long her path lies
along a ley line.

Weather Control
The Weather Control talent affects an area of sky covering a village or a field
of crops. It allows the magician to give an area fair weather, control winds and
rain, and make an almighty mess of things if the locals get ugly. Roll this
Ability’s die to use whirlwinds and gusts of air to tilt a Test or Contest in your
Effect: ​Control
Descriptors: ​ Wind, Air, Storm
Limits: ​ Grounded, Dirt, Vacuum
Special Effects: Spend ​ a Plot Point to…
∙ Change the weather for a scene.
∙ Give the area fair weather for a season. (This does not prevent rain.)
∙ Call up major rainstorm or blizzard.
∙ Call down lightning strikes.
∙ Create a powerful wind as a sweep effect inflicting Exhausted or
Insecure Stress.

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