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Rahman Lindung Siregar1,*, Muhamad Lathief Ilhamy Nasution2
Perbankan Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan, Indonesia1,2
Corresponding e-mail: rahmansiddiksiregar97@gmail.com

Purpose — This study will examine the effect of the Determinants of Islamic Banking
Knowledge and Education Level on Interest in Saving at Bank Muamalat Medan Branch
Method — The type of research used in this case is quantitative research. The data in this
study are primary data in the form of questionnaires which have been distributed to 100
millennial workers. Sample The method used is purposive sampling technique. Hypothesis
testing was carried out using SPSS 20.0 for windows by testing the independent variables,
namely the Determinants of Knowledge and Level of Education and the dependent variable,
namely Interest in Saving.
Result — The results of this study indicate that the determinants of knowledge and education
level simultaneously have a significant effect on the intention to save. For the partial test,
Determinant Knowledge has a positive and significant effect on Saving Interest. The level of
education has a positive and significant effect on the interest in saving.

Keywords: Determinan Knowladge, Level Of Education, Interest In Saving

Sharia banking is a form of national banking that bases its operations on Islamic
(shariah) law. Departing from economic principles based on Islam and the principle of
partnership, sharia banking transactions must fulfill several elements, namely not containing
elements of usury, not recognizing the concept of "time-value of money", not having the
potential to be detrimental/harmful. endanger other parties or yourself, there is no element of
fraud. (gharā r) and there is no element of gambling (maisir). (Abdallah, 2019)
The presence of banking based on sharia norms has been welcomed by the public and
the government as seen from a series of legalizations from year to year which have
increasingly shown a solid foundation for Islamic banks within the framework of government
regulations and have received a positive place. banking environment in Indonesia. So a
government regulation was issued regarding Islamic banking regulated in Law no. 10 of 1998
concerning banking which is regulated in Article 1 number 12 and 13. The existence of
regulations concerning sharia banking aims to guarantee legal certainty for the relevant
stakeholders and give confidence to everyone. in using Islamic banking products and services
. (Rahmah, 2018)
The researcher chose Muamalat Syariah KCP Medan because Bank Muamalat Syariah
KCP Medan is a bank that maintains positive financial trends and has excellent customer
loyalty. Muamalat Syariah KCP Medan has a vision to become the people's preferred sharia
bank that excels in service and performance. Through this vision, Muamalat Syariah KCP
Medan wants to make a positive contribution to society and care about environmental
sustainability, provide solutions for the community for their needs for Islamic banking
services, provide optimal investment value for investors, create the best vehicle as a place of
pride to work and achieve for employees. as an embodiment of worship, as well as a
reference for trustworthy corporate governance. And with the emergence of many new
Islamic banks, Muamalat Syariah KCP Medan continues to strive to maintain its quality so
that it can be trusted by the public.
Knowledge is information that we can find in various media, for example
advertisements that we see in magazines, television, newspapers, radio and pamphlets, we
can even get it through experiences that are recorded in someone's consciousness. (Ibrahim,
2019) Choosing a strategic location is very important for companies and can influence
consumer interest in saving decisions because there are elements of proximity and ease of
access to transportation. for customers to access the bank. The closer the location of a bank to
its customers, it will affect the intensity of customer visits to the bank. (Zusrony, 2018)
Education is an individual (personal) factor that influences decision making. Education
will affect a person's way of thinking in addressing a problem. According to Dr. B. Siswanto
Sastrohadiwiryo education is the task of increasing the knowledge, understanding or attitude
of the workforce so that they can better adapt to their work environment. Education is
concerned with increasing general knowledge and understanding of the entire work
environment. Education is concerned with answering how and why. Education is usually
more concerned with work theory, whereas training is education in a rather narrow sense,
especially with instructions, special assignments and discipline. Education will indirectly
influence consumers in making decisions, highly educated consumers have different views
regarding the evaluation of a product compared to consumers with low education. (Andespa,
Several researchers have previously conducted previous research, namely research
conducted by (Fathurrahman, 2020) . In the journal Bilal (Halal Economic Business) for 2020
entitled "The Influence of Knowledge on Intentions to Save in Islamic Boarding Schools at
Islamic Banks". This research was conducted to determine "The Influence of Knowledge on
Interest in Saving in Islamic Banks (Case Study of the Ar-Raudhatul Hasanah Islamic
Boarding School Community), the results of this study indicate a simultaneous positive and
significant influence. F statistic with a significance value of 0.000 The result of the t
statistical test shows that knowledge has a positive and significant effect with a significance
level of 0.000.
The next research was conducted by (Astuti, 2018) which aims to find out and analyze
education, social factors and knowledge about interest in saving in Islamic banks. The
research method used in this study is quantitative with primary data sources derived from
distributing questionnaires. The sampling technique uses the slove formula. Data analysis
methods include validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear
regression test, F test, t test and determination test. The results of the study using the t test
(partial test) show that the knowledge variable has no significant effect on the intention to
save in Islamic banks, while educational and social factors have a significant effect on the
intention to save in Islamic banks.
This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach to data collection methods
questionnaire (questionnaire), interviews and documentation. The population in this study is
the people of Simpang IV Sipin Village and the sample as research respondents will be taken
using a non-probability sampling technique with the slovin formula, namely 100 people who
save in Islamic banks. The results showed that the level of religiosity (X1) and education
level (X2) had a significant and positive effect on the intention to save. While the level of
income (X3) has no effect and is not significant on the interest in saving.
In contrast to research conducted by (Hanum, 2018) . In the 2021 Scientific Journal of
Accounting and Management (JIAM) concerning "Analysis of Level of Education and
Income on Interest in Saving" (Case study of residents 07 KB Marga Ulia Village, North
Bekasi). The purpose of this study was to measure the level of education and income received
by residents of RW 07 Kampung KB Marga Jaya - North Bekasi on the desire or interest in
saving. KB Marga Mulya Village, North Bekasi.
From several previous studies which showed inconsistencies in research results, they felt
interested in conducting research on the dependent variable, namely interest by using two
independent variables, namely Knowledge Determinants and Education Levels which would
be tested partially and simultaneously besides that this research would also use Islamic
muamalat banks as the research object is different from previous researchers who conducted
research on Islamic commercial banks. So the researchers raised the research title, namely the
influence of knowledge determinants and educational levels on the interest in saving at Bank
Muamalat Syariah Medan.
Knowladge determinants
Etymologically, knowledge comes from the English word knowledge. According to the
Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), knowledge means everything that is known, intelligence
or everything that is known about something. Knowledge is the whole of the thoughts, ideas,
and understanding that humans have about the world and everything in it, including humans
and their lives. According to Sunyoto in Aris Purwanto, knowledge is all information that
consumers have about various kinds of products and services, as well as other knowledge
related to these products and services as well as information related to their functions as
consumers. This knowledge is information stored in memory. (Sumarwan, 2011)
The dimensions and indicators used in this study adapt the theory put forward by
Yuniarsih and Suwatno which are divided into dimensions and indicators as follows:
(Djamaluddin, 2018)
1. Education,
a) Appropriate educational background of employees with jobs
b) Knowledge of employees about the procedure for carrying out tasks
c) Employee understanding of the procedures for carrying out their duties
2. Experience,
a) Employee work experience
b) Work performance owned by employees
c) Employee calmness while working
3. Interest,
a) Presence
b) Compliance with superiors
c) Attitude towards work
Level Of Education
according to dr. Siswanto Sastrohadiwiryo, education is the task of increasing the
knowledge, understanding, or attitudes of the workforce so that they can better adapt to their
work environment, education is related to increasing general knowledge and understanding of
the entire work environment. Education is concerned with answering how and why.
Education usually has more to do with job theory. (B. Siswanto, 2005)
According to Tirtarahardja, the educational level indicators consist of 3, namely as
1. Educational level
2. Department suitability
3. Competence
Interest In Saving
According to Muhibbin Shah, interest means tendency and high enthusiasm or a great
desire for something. An understanding that is not much different from that conveyed by
Slameto is that interest is a constant tendency to pay attention to and remember a number of
activities. Basically interest comes from the tendency and interest in a person to carry out the
desired activity. (Qomariah, n.d.)
Saving is an action recommended by Islam, because by saving means a Muslim
prepares himself to carry out and plan for the future and face things that are not desirable. So
with that means that in Islam commands Muslims to save to prepare for the future and things
that are sudden or unwanted.
Based on what has been described, according to Suwandari in Rizky and Yasin, buying
interest can be seen from the following indicators.
1. Attention or attention, namely the attention of potential consumers to the
products offered by manufacturers. There are messages that can attract
consumers so that they will be seen by consumers.
2. Interest or interested, the interest of potential consumers in the products offered
by manufacturers. After the message arouses consumer interest, there is
curiosity in detail within the consumer.
3. Desire or desire, the desire of potential consumers to have the product offered
by the manufacturer.
4. Action or action, that is, potential consumers make purchases of the products


The Effect of Knowledge Determinants on Interest In Saving
According to Philip Kotler, there are main factors that can influence consumer behavior
in decision making, namely (1) cultural factors, (2) social factors which include reference
group factors, family, roles and status, (3) personal factors which include age and social
factors. stages of the life cycle, employment, economic conditions, lifestyle, and (4)
psychological factors which include factors of motivation, perception, knowledge, beliefs and
According to Sadono Sukirno, there are 6 determining factors that influence household
or individual savings, namely wealth, interest rates, thrift, economic conditions, income
distribution, and pension funds. From the opinion expressed by Philip Kotler regarding
consumer behavior factors, the researcher will take one of the factors, namely the knowledge
factor. Meanwhile, according to Sadono Sukirno regarding other determinants that affect
savings, one factor is taken, namely the income factor. Then there will be one of the factors
that influence the interest in saving, namely knowledge. (Triana, Nadia Neneng Nurhasanah,
Based on the test results it is known that knowledge has a positive and significant effect
on the intention to save. This shows that people's knowledge about Bank Muamalat
influences the intention to save. Test the first hypothesis which states that knowledge affects
the interest in saving is accepted, this means that the more people's knowledge about Bank
Muamalat increases, the public's interest in saving at Bank Muamalat will increase. This is in
line with research conducted by (Rahma, 2018) which tested the effect of knowledge on
interest in saving in Islamic banks.
The results of his research show that the knowledge variable partially has a significant
effect on the intention to save in Islamic banks. In contrast to the results of research
conducted by (Fajar and Tezar, 2019) which tested the effect of knowledge on the interest of
Islamic banking study program vocational students in saving at Islamic banks. The results of
his research show that knowledge influences the interest of students of the Islamic banking
study program at SMK.
H 1 = There is a positive and significant effect of the Knowladge Determinant variable on
Interest In Saving at Bank Muamalat Syariah Medan City.
The Effect of Islamic Banking Level Of Education on Interest In Saving
The level of education influences a person's decision, where the higher the education,
the more information is obtained. So that the higher the opportunity to decide to save in
Islamic banks.
The results of previous studies stated that the level of education has a positive effect.
This means that the level of education can affect customer decisions. This means that the
higher the education level of the customer, the higher the decision to choose an Islamic bank.
H 1 = There is a positive and significant effect of the Level Of Education variable on
Interest In Saving at Bank Muamalat Syariah Medan City.
Knowladge (X1)
Interest In Saving
Level Of
Education (X2)

Figure 1
Theoretical Thinking Framework

Research variable
The variables used in this study consist of independent variables and dependent
variables. The independent variable used is the determinant of knowledge and level of
education, the dependent variable used is the interest in saving.

Table 1
Variables and Indicators
No. Variable Variable Definition Variable Scale
1. Knowladge The knowledge in this study is 1. Education. Likert
determinants the knowledge possessed by 2. Experience.
(X1) the community regarding 3. Interest
Islamic Banks related to
product knowledge,
purchasing knowledge and
usage knowledge. Purchasing
knowledge, and knowledge in
using the product.
2. Level Of According to Ki Hajar 1. Educational Likert
Education Dewantara in Hasbullah level
(X2) Education is guidance in life, 2. Department
while the purpose of education suitability
is to guide all existing natural 3. Competence
forces, so that they as humans
and as members of society can
achieve the highest safety and
3. Interest In Interest in saving is a feeling 1. Internal push Likert
Saving ( Y ) or process of interest felt by factor
someone to a banking 2. Social Motives
product, and want to try, use 3. Emotional
and Factors
have these products in this
savings right.

Population and Sample

According to Sugiyono (2013) population is a general area consisting of objects or
subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics set by researchers to be studied and
then drawn conclusions. The population used in this study is all people in the city of Medan,
totaling 14,500 people. The sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the
population if the population is large, and it is impossible for researchers to study everything
in the population, for example due to limited funds, manpower and time, this researcher uses
a sample . . For this reason, samples taken from the population must be truly representative
(representative). There are several techniques used in determining the number of samples,
one of which is by using the Slovin formula. The formula is as follows :
:n= 2
1+ N (e)
n= 2
1+14.500 (0 ,1)
n = 99.41 _
n = 100
Data analysis method
This type of research is quantitative research, meaning that statistical data is in the form
of direct numbers from the results of research or the results of qualitative data processing
(Wiyono, 2011). The types and sources of data to be used in this study are primary data.
Primary data was obtained from distributing questionnaires through the online method to
workers spread throughout Indonesia by utilizing social media. The questionnaires distributed
were in the form of a Google form which respondents could fill out directly. The objects in
this study are determinant knowledge (X1), educational level of Islamic banking (X2) and
interest in saving (Y). While the subjects in this study were the Medan City Community.
Results and Discussion
Characteristics of Respondents
Of the 100 respondents we managed to get, 60 of them were women with a percentage
of 60% and 40 male respondents with a percentage of 40%. There were 16 respondents aged
25-30 years, 20 people aged 31-40 years, 51 people aged 41-50 years and 13 people over 50
years old. The educational background was dominated by 54 undergraduate graduates, 20
Diploma III graduates, 13 vocational/high school graduates, and 13 masters graduates.
Validity and Reliability Test
The validity test is used to determine whether or not a system is feasible, a correlation
coefficient significance test is carried out at a significant level of 0.05 (Wiyono, 2011).
Statements that have a significance value below 0.05 are declared valid. The results of the
validity test can be seen in the following table:

Table 2
Validity Test Results
Variable Question Total R table Information
Items Correlation
Knowladge X1.1 0.733 _ 0.1267 Valid
determinants _
(X1) X1.2 0.810 _ 0. 1267 Valid
X1.3 0.790 _ 0. 1267 Valid
X1.4 0.549 0. 1267 Valid
X1.5 0.745 0. 1267 Valid
X2.1 0.585 0. 1267 Valid
Level Of Education X2.2 0.774 0. 1267 Valid
(X2) X2.3 0.770 0. 1267 Valid

X2.4 0.861 0. 1267 Valid

X2.5 0.710 0. 1267 Valid

Y.1 0.756 0. 1267 Valid

Interest In Saving Y.2 0.825 0. 1267 Valid
(Y) Y.3 0.686 0. 1267 Valid
Y.4 0.472 0. 1267 Valid
Y.5 0.704 0. 1267 Valid
Source: Processed data, 2023
The reliability test is used to measure whether the respondents' answers to the
statements in the questionnaire are stable and consistent from time to time. This test also aims
to ensure that each statement item in the questionnaire is reliable and trustworthy. A
questionnaire is said to be reliable if the Cronbach Alpha value is > 0.600. The results of the
reliability test can be seen in the following table:
Table 3.
Reliability Test Results
Reliability Test Reliability Cronbrach Information
Coefficient Alpha
Knowladge 5 question 0.774 _ Reliable
Determinant items
Variable Level Of 5 question 0.786 _ Reliable
Education items
Variable Interest In 5 question 0.674 _ Reliable
Saving items
Source: Processed data, 2023
Classic assumption test
Normality test
According to Ghozali (2013), the normality test is designed to test whether the
confounding or residual variables in the regression model are normally distributed. In this
study the authors conducted a normality test using the Kolmogorov Smirnov (KS) statistical
test. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with a significance level of 0.05. If the statistical profitability
is greater than the confidence level of 0.05 or 5% then the regression model is declared
normal. Table 4 shows the results of the researcher's normality test using the SPSS 20
software with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov results.
Table 4.
Normality test
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 100
Normal Parameters a,b Mean ,0000000
Std. Deviation ,98984745
Most Extreme Absolute ,068
Differences Positive ,068
Negative -,059
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z ,685
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,736
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.

Based on Table 4 above, the normality test using the Kolmogrov-Smirnov method
obtained a result of 0.736, which means it is greater than 0.05, so it can be concluded that the
normality test on the Determinant Knowladge, Level Of Education and Interest In Saving
variables can be said to be normally distributed.
Multicollinearity Test
The regression model needs to be tested, with the aim of seeing whether there is
intercorrelation or collinearity between the independent variables, where the intercorrelation
itself is to see whether or not the relationship between the independent variables and predictor
variables is strong by looking at the correlation value . coefficient, VIF value and tolerance.
Testing this model is called the Multicolonearity Test, namely testing by looking at the VIF
value of each independent variable < 10 and the tolerance value > 0.05, so that based on the
data that has been processed, the VIF value of each independent variable is < 10 and the
tolerance value is > 0.01 so that it can be it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity
problem in the regression model. The following is shown in table 5 :
Table 5
Multicollinearity Test

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients Correlations Collinearity Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Zero-order Partial Part Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) 7,579 1,328 5,709 ,000
X1 ,133 ,081 ,170 6,645 ,000 ,615 ,165 ,114 ,447 2,239
X2 ,533 ,092 ,598 5,797 ,000 ,725 ,507 ,400 ,447 2,239
a. Dependent Variable: Y

Heteroscedasticity Test
This test was conducted to see whether in the regression model there is an inequality of
variance from the residuals seen from the scatterplot graph (Ghozali, 2011). The results of the
research are by looking at the Scatterplot graph, where the Scatterplot graph shows the points
spread randomly, and are spread both above and below zero on the Y axis, so that it is
concluded that there is no heteroscedasticity in the regression model. The following
scatterplot graph is shown below:

Figure 2 Heteroscedasticity Test

Determination Test ( 𝐑 𝟐 )
The next step, the researcher used SPSS 20 software to find the R value with the results
shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Determinant Test
Model Summaryb

Change Statistics
Adjusted Std. Error of R Square Durbin-
Model R R Square R Square the Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change Watson
1 ,734a ,538 ,529 2,00086 ,538 56,524 2 97 ,000 1,982
a. Predictors: (Constant), X2, X1
b. Dependent Variable: Y
From the data above, it is obtained that the coefficient of determination is 53.8%, meaning
that the influence of the Determinant Knowladge (X1) and Level Of Education (X2) variables
on Interest In Saving (Y) is High.
Hypothesis testing
Simultaneous Significant Test (f-test)
This test is used to test whether the independent variables jointly have a significant
effect on the dependent variable or not. (Riduwan, 2018) says that the way to find ftable
values is by using a significant level a = 0.5. The significance test method put forward
(Riduwan, 2018) is as follows: (1) If Fcount ≥ Ftable then it is significant (2) If Fcount ≤
Ftable then it is not significant.
Table 7. Simultaneous Test Results


Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 452,578 2 226,289 56,524 ,000a
Residual 388,332 97 4,003
Total 840,910 99
a. Predictors: (Constant), X2, X1
b. Dependent Variable: Y

Based on Table 7 above, the results obtained from 𝑓 calculate the Determinant Knowladge
variable (X1), Level Of Education (X2) on Interest In Saving with a score of 35.479. then the
calculated F value is compared with the value of 𝑓 table of 2.69 which has been included in the
attachment based on db = (nk-1) = (100-3-1) = 96. With a predetermined error level of 0.05
or 5%. Based on the calculation above, it can be concluded that tcount is greater than the
value of 𝑓 table 56.524> 2.69, so 𝐻 0 is rejected and 𝐻𝑎 is accepted, so there is a significant
influence between the Determinant Knowladge variable and Level Of Education on Interest
In Saving at Bank Muamalat Syariah Medan City .
Based on the results of the questionnaires collected, it turned out that information was
obtained from respondents that they knew information about Islamic banks. Respondents
know how to open savings accounts at Islamic banks, know the locations of Islamic banks
and ATMs, and claim to be satisfied with Islamic banking services, so it is clear that student
knowledge about Islamic banks can influence students' interest in saving at Islamic banks.
Bank. This means that the more students add to their knowledge of Islamic banking, the more
students' interest in saving at Islamic banks will also increase.
This is consistent with the theory of purchasing decision making or buying interest
decision making which is assumed to be with an interest in saving which states that
knowledge is one of the psychological factors that can influence buying interest decisions or
saving interest decisions. The results of this study are also supported by research conducted
by Arifatun Nisak, Suryadi, and Sri Suryoko which states that knowledge has a positive effect
on the interest in saving in FISIP students class 2008-2009 Diponegoro. University by 37.1%.
6 In addition, the research conducted by Indra Siswanti also supports the results of this study
which states that Islamic banking knowledge possessed by PAI STAIN Salatiga students has
a significant effect on saving intentions by 19.2%.
Partial Significance Test (t-test)
Partial test (t-test) is a test that can provide information about the effect of the
independent variable on the dependent variable significantly by means of separate or separate
testing. With the provisions (Sugiyono 2023) if tcount < ttable, then Ho is accepted and Hα is
rejected. As a result, there is no significant influence of the independent variable (X) on the
dependent variable (Y). (Sugiyono, 2017) (2) If tcount > ttable, then Ho is rejected and Hα is
accepted. In order to obtain a significant influence between the independent variable (X) and
the dependent variable (Y).
Table 8. Partial Test Results

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients Correlations Collinearity Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Zero-order Partial Part Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) 7,579 1,328 5,709 ,000
X1 ,133 ,081 ,170 6,645 ,000 ,615 ,165 ,114 ,447 2,239
X2 ,533 ,092 ,598 5,797 ,000 ,725 ,507 ,400 ,447 2,239
a. Dependent Variable: Y

1. Knowladge determinants affect Interest In Saving

Based on Table 8 above, it is known that 𝑡 calculates the Determinant Knowladge
variable (X1) on Interest In Saving (Y), which is equal to 6,645. with a fixed error rate of
0.05 or 5% using the formula db = (n-1) according to Riduwan (2018: 234), db = 100-2 =
98 then the value obtained from 𝑡 table is 1.674. Based on the calculation above, it can be
concluded that the 𝑡 count is greater than the 𝑡 table value 5,986 > 1,674 then 𝐻 0 is rejected and
𝐻 1 is accepted, so there is a positive and significant influence between the Knowladge
Determinant variable on Interest In Saving at Bank Muamalat Syariah Medan City.
Knowledge is information that is owned by someone about various kinds of products
or services, knowledge can influence one's intention to save. Based on the test results it is
known that knowledge has a positive and significant effect on the intention to save. This
shows that people's knowledge about Bank Muamalat influences the intention to save.
Test the first hypothesis which states that knowledge affects the interest in saving is
accepted, this means that the more people's knowledge about Bank Muamalat increases,
the public's interest in saving at Bank Muamalat will increase. This is in line with
research conducted by (Rahma, 2018) which tested the effect of knowledge on interest in
saving in Islamic banks. The results of his research show that the knowledge variable
partially has a significant effect on the intention to save in Islamic banks. In contrast to
the results of research conducted by (Fajar and Tezar, 2019) which tested the effect of
knowledge on the interest of Islamic banking study program vocational students in
saving at Islamic banks. The results of his research show that knowledge has no effect on
the interest of students of the SMK sharia banking study program .
2. Level Of Education affects Interest In Saving
Based on Table 8 above, it is known that 𝑡 calculates the variable Level Of Education
(X2) to Interest In Saving (Y) which is equal to 5,797. with a fixed error rate of 0.05 or
5% using the formula db = (n-1) according to Riduwan (2018: 234), db = 100-2 = 98
then the value obtained from the 𝑡 table is 1,674. Based on the calculation above, it can be
concluded that the 𝑡 count is greater than the 𝑡 table value 2,846 > 1,674 then 𝐻 0 is rejected and
𝐻 1 is accepted, so there is a positive and significant influence between the Level Of
Education Interest In Saving variables at Bank Muamalat Syariah Medan City.
Hypothesis testing can be proven that the level of education has a positive and
significant effect on the intention to save. Education is the driving force behind public
interest in using Islamic banking services. In other words, the higher a person's level of
education, the wider the insight to absorb information about Islamic banking. So it is
concluded in this study shows that the level of education has a very important role in
using banking services.

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Regression analysis in this study was carried out with two models. The first model is to
test the effect of the Determinant Knowladge and Level Of Education variables on Interest In
Table 9 Regression Analysis Results

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients Correlations Collinearity Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Zero-order Partial Part Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) 7,579 1,328 5,709 ,000
X1 ,133 ,081 ,170 6,645 ,000 ,615 ,165 ,114 ,447 2,239
X2 ,533 ,092 ,598 5,797 ,000 ,725 ,507 ,400 ,447 2,239
a. Dependent Variable: Y

Based on the results of the regression analysis above, the regression equation is
obtained as follows:
Y = 0.133X1 + 0.533X2
The results of the regression analysis in the first model show that the Determinant
Knowledge and Level Of Education variables have a positive and significant effect on
Interest In Saving. The Knowledge Determinant variable has a coefficient value of 0.133 and
the Level Of Education variable has a coefficient value of 0.533. Both variables have a
calculated t value that is greater than the t table value (t table value = 1.674) with a
significance value <0.05. This means that the hypothesis is accepted and the independent
variable is a significant explanation of the dependent variable.

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