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This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the

problems, research aims, research questions, and research hypotheses

significant to the current study. This also presents the significance of the study,

the scope, and limitations of the study.


Fundamental of Accountancy, Business, and Management (FABM) is a

specialized subject for senior high students who take the strand of

Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM). This subject is the head start

for ABM students who will continue their education in college. Taking ABM

subject in senior high school will introduce students to concepts of financial

management, business management, corporate operations, and accounting

(AMAOEd, 2021). ABM strand is designed to equip you with the skills and

knowledge necessary to make informed business decisions, manage financial

resources, and lead team members effectively (CIIT, 2023) It will give them basic

knowledge about accounting, managing businesses, and other types of

management. Even with the head start, its real impact to college students who

take ABM-related course is important to know. If the impact is not significant to

college students, a change in curriculum may be done to increase its significant

to them. The researchers would like to know the impact of subject (FABM) to

college students who takes ABM-related course in Tanauan City College and

gather results if changes in the (FABM) curriculum is needed.


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